Moving a little slow, even this afternoon, as my wife and I celebrated her passing her guild exams, and being eligible to practice physical therapy assistant stuff under license of the State of Florida. I’m especially proud for her and impressed by the fact that she got the call that her father was in critical condition and at the ICU only 15 minutes before leaving to take the exam. I’m not sure everyone could put aside their fears and uncertainties to focus on the test and pass. She’s one tough chick, and we know her father would be proud and happy for her as well.
Florida Man level: Grandmaster
I’m not saying that Florida Man was right, but you can understand that a man might need a drink at the strip club
This is a weird fucking story. I’ll withhold judgement, sometimes dingoes do eat babies, but it seems… too move?
Federal BLM employees being driven from Washington DC. Sounds like a good start — and honestly, what better group to move West where the vast majority of the actual land they manage is?
Here’s a fun song, just as good acoustic.
Congrats to the missus!
I knew she was going to pass when we met. She had the Eye of the Tiger!
You’ve been to Florida????
Way to go!
I’ll be over for my therapeutic massage later.
This is a weird fucking story. I’ll withhold judgement, sometimes dingoes do eat babies, but it seems… too move?-
I’m pretty skeptical of this story. Reads too much like a movie she saw.
An “experienced” hiker who got lost in Bishop, which has little to no trees, after running at for a few minutes.
You just go to the nearest high point and look around. Home base is no more than a mile in any direction.
“Joe Powell said that he and his wife will continue to camp, but that they are going to arm themselves in the future to protect from an attack.”
Oh, that should be interesting. Boy Scout knife? Pepper spray?
Rain sticks and no deodorant
Liberal amounts of patchouli
Harsh words…
Maybe a cease & desist letter…
Yep. She was off on a romantic jaunt with STEVE SMITH and doesn’t want her husband to know.
I feel like there is no way to hide the … physical evidence of Steve smith.
Steve Smith leave gaping hole in your soul too big to hide.
Leave other gaping holes too
It’s the dumbest story I’ve ever heard. She and hubby had a fight and she stomped off, vowing to make him sorry.
He’s bummed, I promise you.
She should have just blinded herself. Then he’d be sorry.
“He said the first thing his wife wanted after being found was “a cold kombucha.””
As Pelosi’s remarks turned personal, Georgia Republican Rep. Doug Collins rose to challenge her and demand that her words be “taken down.” The extraordinary rebuke, the first of its kind by a member of Congress and a speaker of the House in decades, theoretically could result in Pelosi being barred from speaking on the floor for the remainder of the day.
“There is no place anywhere for the president’s words, which are not only divisive, but dangerous — and have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said. “It’s so sad because you would think that there would be a given that we would universally, in this body, just say, ‘Of course. Of course.'”
Pelosi continued, her voice rising: “There’s no excuse for any response to those words but a swift and strong unified condemnation. Every single member of this institution, Democratic and Republican, should join us in condemning the president’s racist tweets. To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values, and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people. I urge a unanimous vote, and yield back the balance of my time.”
Collins then stood and asked if Pelosi wanted to “rephrase that comment.”
“I have cleared my remarks with the parliamentarian before I read them,” Pelosi said, before walking away to applause.
“Can I ask the words be taken down? I make a point of order that the gentlewoman’s words are unparliamentary and be taken down,” Collins said.
“The chair will remind all members, please, please, do not make personality-based comments,” the chair, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., said.
Collins then repeated his request to strike Pelosi’s comments. Determining whether Pelosi’s comments were out of order could require a vote of the House.
How, exactly, were Trump’s twats racist?
So if I say anything negative about a non-white po-po it’s racist? just checking.
How about a upper middle class white woman calling a younger woman of color a homophobe?
Man the US Women’s Soccer Team must have hired Nancy Kerrigan as their PR consultant. They really have worked hard to alienate any casual fans.
Watched one of their matches at work because they offered free beer and pretzels. A woman was very vocal about how brave the blue haired woman was for protesting the national anthem. I asked what, specifically, she was protesting. She said if I didn’t know then I should educate myself.
Which I thought I was trying to do…..
She said if I didn’t know then I should educate myself.
I take this to mean “I have no clue, but I have FEELZ. Bow down to muh FEELZ.”.
It doesn’t have to be about non-whites or even people. All you have to do is disagree with a pinko about anything at all and BAM “Racist!” to which the response should be laughter.
As soon as I hear the word ‘racist’ I instantly stop hearing anything else the speaker has to say.
Actually, racist has lost all meaning and they know it. So now you’re a nazi if you disagree with them.
I no longer care what the American political class considers “racist.” Yawn is my only response.
Pretty much. It lost all its lustre and relevance now.
If we’re all racist then there’s no racism.
I should have scrolled down but was too racist
Practically Hitler.
If there’s anything the classic tale of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” teaches us, it’s that the more frequent and louder you yell something, the more people will believe you.
Trump has done a fine job of stopping the Team Blue self-immolation.
All he had to do is keep a low profile, aka do the impossible.
Nah. He thrives in the mud slinging environment.
That is yet to be seen. They will be back at each other’s throats in short order. The radical leftists don’t know anything else.
The Team Blue self-immolation. LOL.
Which one of the VA governors has resigned so far? The one in blackface or the one in a KKK robe? Trump said nothing about that controversy.
It was getting far less attention than the internecine congressional war. FAR less. And like a moth to a flame, the moron just couldn’t resist jumping in.
Napoleon had some words about this sort of thing…
“Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever?”
Really? Was Stephen Colbert discussing whether Pelosi is truly racist or the Squad this time really went too far with racist accusations? Trump doesn’t have media henchmen who would drive the national conversation in the direction he prefers. He cannot stay above it all. It’s very important for the country to call Ayanna Pressley a racist bitch. But nobody will do it other than Trump.
Napoleon had some words about this sort of thing
Some say he wanted to just to make them all double down on their far-left wing takeover.
I heard he is hoping no one notices that the big ICE raids never happened. Tweet fighting some commies, keeps his base from noticing there’s still no wall and illegal immigration is more or less business as usual.
Ah so typical Republican…
Trump has done a fine job of stopping the Team Blue self-immolation.
Not so sure. He has stopped the internal fighting (for now) by getting the entire party to support some of their worst members. If the game is being played over the 20% of voters who are generally uncommitted, tying the whole party to AQ apologists, serial fabulists, anti-semites, etc. may be a good plan
Assuming that’s what he meant to do.
It could also be a distraction from yet another failure to follow through on promised immigration enforcement. At this point, I think the biggest problem Trump is likely to have in getting his base to the polls is his demonstrable lack of effectiveness on his signature issue. Some inside-DC palace intrigue about who said mean things about who pales in comparison, IMO.
Or… it could be that his obsessive attention-whoring overrode common sense.
I’ll go with Occam’s Razor here.
I’m not ruling it out.
I can’t help but notice, though, that people who go against Trump tend to wind up with sore asses. I think he’s impulsive, but I don’t think he’s stupid.
His tweets basically made it impossible for the Dems to find any middle ground. He left them two options:
(1) Take some kind of action against the Squad, which would be what he urged Pelosi to do. Agreeing with Trump would be disastrous for the retaining the support of the hardcore Trump-haters, who are legion.
(2) Close ranks and defend the Squad, allowing the Four Morons to continue to define the party to the country as a whole. Which is probably not going to help any Democrat running in a district that isn’t Deep Blue.
Did he coldly calculate this? I doubt it. Is this purely a happy accident? I doubt that, too.
So run of the mill Republican?
Also, making the Dems support the Squad emphasizes to his core supporters that if they don’t get out and vote for him, those yahoos will be in charge of the border.
In other words, the Hillary Boogaloo Part 2.
Too lazy to research this; does anyone know to which part of Pelosi’s statement Collins’s was referring?
House rules do not allow attacking the President’s character from the floor.
Calling the President’s words racist.
Of course, the matter at hand was a bill that did exactly that, so it seems like a corner case to me. How can you debate the bill if reading its very title is a violation of the rules?
OK, thanks.
I have never heard of anyone dealing with the BLM without them coming away cursing them to burn in hell.
They should let me pick where they relocate.
Death Valley?
I was thinking the top of a volcano about to erupt or the bottom of the Marianas trench.
The volcano is doable, but I don’t think FedGov owns any Marianas Trench property.
Duterte would probably lease it to us for that purpose.
Federal BLM employees being driven from Washington DC. Sounds like a good start — and honestly, what better group to move West where the vast majority of the actual land they manage is?-
Wouldn’t it be better just to close these agencies?
Why do hate Gaia?
You think too small. I hate the entire Laniakea Supercluster.
baby steps, I would call this. I think there will be some swamp creatures who will abandon post when it moves to somewhere west of the Mississippi.
I bet most couldn’t handle being west of the Appallachians
Yup. Most of these people would rather throw themselves off a cliff than leave DC.
Either choice will do.
Why not both?
“You’ve been relocated to Cumberland, MD”
(unaware of better cliffs not-too-far from DC)
Florida man was arrested Saturday after leaving his naked wife at the side of a highway following a beach trip—then setting her car on fire, police say.
I didn’t see any mention of what may have motivated him to do this.
That’s because you haven’t seen her naked.
After what she did to his car seats by sitting naked on them, he figured torching her car was an eye for an eye revenge.
It’s so hot and humid there, makes everyone crazy!
Women are never at fault. HTH.
Good for her Brett. That takes some focus and courage.
Congrats to Mrs. L! You gonna be a kept man now? ?
Celebration at Brett’s house. BYOB and make it big and quality.
/From a guy that always drank the cheapest/
Titty Tuesday squeezes you in all the right places.
If you take requests, how about Ass Wednesday every week?
Planned Parenthood aborts its leader.
I plan to watch ‘Unplanned’.
Rotten Tomatoes continues to be a joke of a place:
The woke critics give it 45% (as they do all conservative films. But they sure love left-wing hackery like Michael Moore though!) while 91% of the audience liked it.
I’ve noticed that about rotten tomatoes. Maybe they’re fine on non political movies, but letting your ideology get in the way of your job kills all credibility.
While there is truth to this the audience score is almost guaranteed to be off as well because a movie that is unabashedly nothing more than propaganda for a given political viewpoint will have an audience that is heavily biased towards those who already hold that viewpoint.
In otherwords 91% of the people who saw it didn’t like it because it was a great movie, they liked it because it confirmed their biases and told them they they were the good people in the culture war. The number of pro choice people who went and saw it, likely right around that 9% number.
This isn’t to say that it was not or could not be a good movie, merely that this audience score is just as biased as the critics score
That’s a good point. I mostly go on friends recommendations.
Maybe they’re fine on non political movies,
To the wokesters, every movie is political.
Quality headline from PBR
Alternates: “Dr. Wen prematurely terminated from role at Planned Parenthood” or “Our CEO, Our Choice”
Trust Corporate Boards!
I’m curious to know what the dispute was over.
They caught her eating parts they were supposed to sell? I think there was a TV show about a zombie girl that got a job in a morgue to keep herself in brains. Maybe that’s where they got the idea.
[golf clap] for PeeBee
I think we may need to test PeeBee before we give him any awards. He may be hitting the caffeine hard and getting a performance boost.
Didn’t anyone else notice this?
Alanna Vagianos
Women’s Reporter, HuffPost
Come on people. STEP UP YOUR GAME.
You expect me to follow a huffpo link?
No need to follow the link, I think he just wants a little namefreaking.
Ms. Alleged Vagina-Anus?
Good one, Rufus. I’m seeing Pledgemaster in your future.
Can it be called Pastrami if it’s made from Turkey? The flavor’s good, and it’s relatively inexpensive, but I’m not sure it’s Pastrami.
As long as it says Turkey Pastrami, it is a type of pastrami*.
*just not one I’m willing to buy.
I don’t know what the word pastrami means. Is it the name of a method of cooking/preserving or spicing?
*Does quick search*
As I suspected: “Pastrami is a meat product usually made from beef, and sometimes from pork, mutton, or turkey. The raw meat is brined, partially dried, seasoned with herbs and spices, then smoked and steamed. Beef plate is the traditional cut of meat for making pastrami, although it is now common in the United States to see it made from beef brisket, beef round, and turkey. Like corned beef, pastrami was originally created as a way to preserve meat before refrigeration.”
OT: I am getting back into an old hobby, MW DX.
Any radio guys and/or fellow audiophools here?
Never did the short wave/medium wave ham radio stuff, but I understand it pretty well. Is Grundig even around anymore?
I listened to short-wave before almost all of the stations left for the internet or closed up shop altogether.
The QSL cards were nice, and there was some rather odd swag.
Former. I used to work CW, especially at the bottom of the 40 meter band.
Had a brief fling with QRP, and managed to score a QSO with a guy in Montana (2500 miles away) on 10 meters with 1 watt.
Audio is a different matter. I am highly serious about it.
If you ever want to chat HiFi you can email me, OMWC. 8ight at overclocked dot net
I have been collecting and restoring equipment for over a decade. High end Sony from the 80s is my AOE.
This morning, Debbie Dingell was on my teevee. Is “traumatic brain injury” a job requirement for Congress? That blithering ninny can’t string three words together.
It was probably a requirement to put up with John for any period of time.
Can it be called Pastrami if it’s made from Turkey?
Is it a martini if it has chocolate milk in it?
*dramatic pause*
I bet you don’t like Appletinis either.
You don’t like the Mocha Martini?
Gin. Vermouth. Olive or caper.
No cocktail onion?
That’s for a Gibson. Which is a Martini-adjacent cocktail, but not an actual Martini because Vodka not Gin. I have a friend who believes that there is such a thing as a Vodka Martini. I humor him because he’s a good friend.
Lol. Poor little lamb.
I like vodka martinis. Stoli, Belvedere or Absolut. Dirty. With big ol’ fat olives.
Dirty. With big ol’ fat olives.
These euphemisms are getting positively tipsy.
I like my martinis just like you, Tonio. Tanqueray no.10 and a spritz of any decent vermouth is my current go to.
There is no such thing as a vodka martini. Nonsense.
Martinis are the last step before pure alcohol ism, IMHO.
2 are not enough
3 is too many
Based on homemade sizes not jigger pours
Don’t ask me how I know. I quit them years ago.
My house-size Negronis say “hi”.
“party pours”
house-size Negronis
Rhywun’s Negronis so fat, when he drinks around the house, he drinks AROUND the house.
Lemme explain how racist you are, you racist
When President Trump tweeted on Sunday that “‘Progressive’ Democratic Congresswomen” — an apparent reference to Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, who are all women of color — should “go back” to their countries, the backlash was swift. It also sparked another conversation: What makes something racist?
Ibram Kendi, a professor and director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University, joined “CBS This Morning” to address that question from a historical perspective and discuss whether racist actions or words make someone a racist.
Kendi explained the important historical context behind telling a person of color to go back to where they came from.
“In the 19th century, there were many, many reformers, racial reformers who thought the way to solve the race problem, the Negro problem, was to essentially send back all free blacks [to Africa]. And that started with Thomas Jefferson, his Notes to the State of Virginia which was published in 1787, and went up to Abraham Lincoln,” Kendi said.
He also pointed out that this language is aimed almost exclusively at people of color — because America is assumed to be a place for white people. “So where would they go back to? But people of color, it’s assumed that this is not their country,” Kendi said.
“Shut yore mouth, cracker,” he explained.
Antiracist Research and Policy Center
Yeah, okay….
And that idea persisted into the Twentieth Century and was embraced by black nationalists and like Marcus Garvey
“What makes something racist?”
Making value judgements about people based on their race. Y’know, like saying that white people are racists.
Alternative answer: disagreeing with a prog.
If you weren’t racist you’d agree with them.
When he said that Mexicans are rapists. When he said that a trait of blacks is laziness.
When did he say these things? Oh, that’s right, these are taken out of context.
this language is aimed almost exclusively at people of color
I bet it isn’t.
“First, I’d say there’s no such thing as not racist. There’s racist and anti-racist,” Kendi said.
No. Racism is casting judgement based on skin pigment. It can be malicious or benign. The end.
First, I’d say there’s no such thing as not racist. There’s racist and anti-racist
Their world is one of eternal conflict, driven only by hatred of an “Other”. You either hate other races, or you hate people who do. There is no middle ground, no compromise, no tolerance, no living with each other, only endless wars of mutual extermination.
You know who else…
I can’t stand those four making all kinds of false accusations with impunity against people but the second they get some come-uppence play the victim card and act all sad. Look at Rashida’s posture in that picture.
They’re something else.
Thomas Jefferson didn’t found Liberia…
Most of these people would rather throw themselves off a cliff than leave DC.
Too bad there are no volcanoes in DC.
I would gladly sacrifice Hirono to the Volcano God. It would even be culturally appropriate.
Why do you hate Gaia?
Okay, if The online archives for property sales doesn’t go back far enough to see the last transaction on a property, where would I look to find the public records in paper or microfilm form?
Clerk of Court’s office. It’s an exciting place to be.
Damn all of you with nimble fingers!
A few weeks back I remarked about finding the ruined foundations on an empty lot at the edge of the river. I was curious about what stood there, so I went to look up the property. It’s still privately held, but the records online are for the vacant lot.
The accessor’s office will have all of the. maps and names of owners. The Clerk will have all of the records of transactions the property was involved in and in those you can usually find lots of info about families and companies and individuals.
Hall of Records?
Registrar of Deeds or County Recorder
Ask the county clerk’s office?
Wrong type of records, Tonio.
Made you look.
In Texas, if you don’t like the deeds as recorded (eg: stinking Mexicans own the place where you think your oil well should go), just burn down the courthouse and file the new papers at your earliest convenience.
/ 1920
I missed part of the discussion on the deceased thread and I wanted to comment on it, so please excuse the OT
People pointed out that the socialists always turn on one another, that no matter who you are, you’ll eventually be the target. This is mostly true. But, it’s not really complete. There are a few souls who do wind up coming out on top in socialism. The thing is, they’re the absolute worst people. In socialism, the extent to which you’re decent or honest or fair is the extent to which you’re in danger. The way to be safe in socialism is to be the most vicious, conniving, ruthless sociopath you can possibly be. The starry-eyed idealists who man the barricades are the second lined up against the wall after the enemies of the revolution. It’s the Stalins, the Maos and the Berias who thrive.
I believe the TV show “Survivor” was created to show people how to come out on top in a future socialist USA.
Wasn’t it originally Swedish?
OK, Wankapedia says created by a Brit, but first went to air in Sweden.
I hated that. The strongest and smartest got voted off by the rest and the biggest rat survived. I much prefer Alone. No sabotage.
Same with Big Brother.
It would be great to do either of those shows as a competition between the biggest tyrants of all time.
SCTV in its prime could have pulled it off.
This is accurate. I heard a radio interview once with a survivor of The Holomodor and that was her main complaint. She said Ukraine is a shitty place today because only the worst kinds of people survived it. All of the good ones were murdered and eaten.
It’s not really deceased so much as pining for the fjords.
It’s not enough to just be ruthless, a lot of ruthless people died at the hands of other ruthless people, or due to bad timing, or simply because the same things that were killing the non-ruthless were not particularly choosy.
You also have to be lucky.
It’s a system that requires you to be ruthless and lucky to succeed.
Why, doesn’t this sound familiar?
no matter who you are, you’ll eventually be the target.
It is truly depressing how many dictators and even top level apparatchiks die in wealth and comfort.
See the Clintons
Suthen, how are you healing up?
Impatiently. Thanks for asking. I am a little concerned about a nerve that was cut in my left leg. There is no sensation in my ankle half-way up to my knee. I hope it doesn’t cause any atrophy. It probably wont. The loss of sensation is only in my skin, I can still feel the muscle.
I don’t know what it means about my psychological make-up but as usual during the crisis I am clear as a bell. No panic, no fear, no confusion. I become very single-minded. Later (like now) I start having nightmares and a fearful feeling that lingers. I am not too worried about it. I know what it is and from past experience I know it will pass.
I don’t think it means anything unusual about your psychology; what you’re experiencing seems pretty normal. I think it’s a lot like a soldier who is hyper-focused in battle and then deals with all the fallout later. Seems like mild PTSD (which is understandable after being attacked by an animal).
^This, unfortunately. /degreeinthatshiznat
Sounds like you’re on the mend, physically and mentally. Glad to hear it.
Thumbs up, buddy!
You went above and beyond the call for here, Suthen. Hoping for a good outcome on the loss of sensation.
“Unbreakable” !
Glad you are mending.
Were the other dogs at all weird toward you?
After my knee replacement surgery in late 2016 I had no feeling in the skin over my kneecap. 2 1/2 years later the numb spot has been reduced to about the size of a quarter. Hopefully yours will recover.
FWIW, I have/had nerve damage on my left ankle from surgery in an Army hospital. Only problem is I limp just a little ’cause I don’t know how high my foot is. Hardly noticeable and I could run fine, actually no bother other than no feeling in that part of my leg.
I hope you recover with no problem, other than the lack of sensation.
I had no idea you were injured. Sorry to hear that.
I’ve had three surgeries on my right knee and half my shin is numb.
I suspect Suthen may be too modest to link to the incident.
He’s really going the extra mile to win the title of “most hardcore Glib”.
Holy Shiite Muslim.
I’m going to roundhouse kick the next dog I see in your name, Suthen.
I once had a similar experience Suthern. No nearly so in scale though.
I was living with a long term girlfriend in the country. Her 20 something daughter had dropped off her pit bull because she chose to move where she could no longer keep it.
One afternoon I was in the shower when I heard a blood curdling scream from her.
I ran from the shower butt neekid and wet.
I came upon a scene where this pit was standing over my 12 year old golden with it’s jaws clamped down on my beloved golden’s throat.
Naked and wet I dove into the fray without a thought. I grabbed the pit by the lower lip and nostrils and pulled as hard as I could to break the death grip. As soon as that was accomplished I stuck my right had underneath the pit’s heavy leather collar and twisted with all my strenght fearing that the dog would turn on me. I twisted and twisted seemingly forever. After an won my hand and forearm began to cramp but the damn thing wouldn’t die.
I grabbed my right forearm with my left ha and to add strength and time. I began to try and figure out how to extradite myself out of this situation without going through what you did.
I got to my feet and ( I am butt naked and covered in mud and grass) and drug that fucker over to a ditch on the other side of the cattle guard and found it as far as I could and hauled ass.
By this tie the golden has recovered. She, the women, and I ran for the house. I grabbed a shotgun.
The pit was semi unconscious and didn’t move for a while
( didn’t know this at the time)
Later that day the dog ran away from home and joined the circus, never to be seen again.
I came upon a scene where this pit was standing over my 12 year old golden with it’s jaws clamped down on my beloved golden’s throat.
I had a similar experience with someone else’s giant AmStaff (who we were keeping temporarily) and the neighbor’s golden. The pit bit the golden on the side of the neck. The golden froze, and the neighbor somehow got his hands on a 5 or six foot wooden closet rod within a couple of nanoseconds. I was going to use it to beat the pit until he let go, but the neighbor used it to lever his jaws open. He didn’t try to go after the golden again or show the least bit of aggression after.
I was glad to give him back. He was well over 100 pounds.
I am always very careful with my pits around other dogs until I am sure they will get along. Its the one flaw pits have – they can be hot around other dogs.
I guess by extension, Germans shouldn’t be asked to condemn Nazis.
Why should white people be asked to condemn racists then?
“The important thing is to keep them pledging,” he explained to his cohorts. “It doesn’t matter whether they mean it or not. That’s why they make little kids pledge allegiance even before they know what ‘pledge’ and ‘allegiance’ means.” – Catch-22
“That’s different…”
Also, racist.
“Omar said she doesn’t expect white Americans to condemn white people who commit crimes such as mass shootings.”
To be fair she might blame Republicans and the NRA for mass shooting rather than white people.
Or White Men specifically…
And as an American wipipo, I shouldn’t be asked to condemn the Indian Wars either. Not sure about slavery.
Meh, she has a point, every time a short ugly fat white dude commits a crime I don’t think I should have to explicitly condemn it, and in the general sense how often do you have to condemn terrorism or murder or Jimmy Buffet? I can see how a Muslim may be annoyed that every time some other Muslim commits a heinous act he’s required to specifically condemn it.
Out of all the stupid shit and antics she pulls, this is the least problematic.
Either way, her and AOC have diction and voices that is akin to nails scratching a chalkboard. Same with Michelle.
I do tend to agree with you on this; this is just the same rhetorical trap that gets played all the time.
“As a German, do you condemn the behavior of the Nazis?”
“What does my being German have to do with the Nazi party?”
I’m never forgiving any of you honkies for Margaritaville. So don’t bother.
I think you need to take part of the blame.
Fair enough.
I thought a woman was to blame?
You know it’s your own damned fault.
Indeed, she doesn’t have to condemn terrorism, even Islamic terrorism, just because she’s a Muslim. But she also can’t pretend they don’t exist just because she’s a Muslim, either.
Aren’t white cis shitlords required to condemn skinheads ?
I don’t know why no one seems to be saying what we all know. She hates us, this country, the ideas it is founded on and she is sympathetic to islamist terrorists. There is no point in pulling punches here.
You don’t listen to talk radio do you?
Not often.
Ah well, rest assured there are plenty of people saying exactly that.
Well, I have nothing in common with some white dude who shoots up a school except skin color. There is no reason to think that our shared skin color implies any support or tolerance.
The Jihadis are a sect of the Muslim religion, one that gets material support from some Muslim governments. Just how much support or tolerance they get from their co-religionists is a non-trivial question.
Throw into that mix Omar’s connections with people who do, in fact, provide cover for (and may still provide support for) the jihadis, and its a legitimate question. Her rerfusal to provide even the most anodyne condemnation of the 9/11 attacks doesn’t help. And her seemingly principled position that Muslims s aren’t some monolothic collective is 180 degrees opposite from her willingness to engage in identity politics on every other issue.
She is a two-bit grifter that has zero credibility with me. As for the ‘all muslims are X or not X’ it is a silly argument. I keep seeing accusations of people of making that argument who have not made it. It is a very dishonest approach, one reason Omar has no credibility.
No credibility with you nor I.
Some others ?
Quite a bit.
Interesting article out the other day about her Twitter feed actually being her chair of staff die to the differences between her spoken word and her Twitter words.
She is ignorant but her chair of staff who formed the organization that got her elected, the Justice Democrats, is an evil communist genius.
Her rerfusal to provide even the most anodyne condemnation of the 9/11 attacks doesn’t help.
Condemning violence, political or otherwise, should be easy for anyone. It suggests she is, at very least, willing to overlook it for some reason*.
*I may be giving her too much credit, but I try to refrain from conspiracy theory.
I don’t care what she does. Either way she’s a piece of shit.
Re: California Camping Woman who went missing for days
When they didn’t find the gal by Saturday night, the cops sat the husband down and told him that he should prepare for the worst.
Sunday morning the husband – taking their advice – went to Goodwill to get her things back.
I was thinking the cops showed up at the brothel to let him know they found her.
L.O fucking L
The same paper asking when Britain lost its senses. That’s the thing about crazy and dead. Everyone else knows you are but you cant see it.
Take home message: men really are better at everything.
Hey Mad Scientist!
Get out your checkbook, brother!
My wife wants an FD desperately. I’m not sure she’ll go for right hand drive.
She’ll walk and she’ll drive like an Ace, now.
She’ll make the Indy 500 look like the Roman chariot race, now.
She’s going the distance
She’s going for speed
He’s all alone (all alone)
All alone in his time of need
Sometimes your linx are more pr0n than Q’s.
Thanks! I’ve got some good ones upcoming.
My neighbor the street over has a low mileage one that he just pulled out of storage.
I like the blatant double standard in the quote.
The internet has shined a very bright light on just how much crazy is out there….and bigotry.
Yeah, but Sun Ra was a god.
Interestingly, I can only think of one song that was written in that era about the moon landing, and that was from a British band, not Americans. Something that momentous, you’d think it would be inspiring. Guess not.
Fly me to the Moon?
Um, because the scarce medical/pharmaceutical resources are probably being directed to deadly and debilitating diseases, not the ones that amount a few days of slight discomfort in 99% of cases…?
They lost their senses when Diana Spencer died.
This is basically what John Cleese said and he got called a racist because of it (even though he said nothing about race).
Also, I would like to posit that we don’t understand mental health exponentially better than we used to. In fact, I’d say in many ways our pop cultural and professional understanding is worse. The solution to every problem today is a pill, but the side effects of those “medications” are basically ignored. We also paradoxically vilify taking pills outside of the medical-legal complex. The state is expected to raise severely mentally ill children until they’re 21 and then grant them meaningless pieces of paper that are supposed to say they know how to read and write but are really just certifications that “you didn’t commit any felonies we couldn’t ignore or cover up” while their parents get to live in fantasyland. These same individuals thereafter get dumped into a world that they’re not equipped to handle and isn’t equipped to handle them, while everybody congratulates themselves on how caring and thoughtful modern society is. Then there’s the whole mess of telling mostly stable or at least stable-capable people that they should indulge their flights of fancy because happiness is more important than outmoded patriarichal notions like keeping a family together or working a job for more than a couple months or paying your bills or ….
“When did our country lose grip of its senses?”
When y ou decided that demoralization was the best path to a Marxist utopia. See, that is the whole purpose of demoralization.
Are we headed for Brooks 2.0?
Setting aside the kidding porn, is owning porn in general illegal for a sex offender?
Are you asking for a friend?
It’s probably not illegal in the strict sense, but likely gets imposed as a condition of probation and parole.
Drunken Scottish man sleeps hanging from a fence by his fly:
Step it up Florida men before those haggis eaters steal your thunder.
That’s just standard booze shenanigans. Get back to me when the Scottish mix in dangerous reptiles.
Scottish man devoured by sheep…
Man bites dog story. The sheep was just helping him over the fence.
Ewetoo? Revenge!
The farm bag has sour cherries in it. I’m supposed to put these in a mason jar with sugar and booze, right?
Maybe add cinnamon, rosemary and star anise
Holy crap, these things are like SweeTarts. Where have these been all my life?
No sugar. Just Luxardo maraschino liqueur. Put the cherries in a saucepan, cover with liqueur, heat slowly to a simmer, let cool, put in the mason jar.
You can throw a stick or two of cinnamon in, if you simply must.
And rosemary.
Ooh, or serranos.
That would involve a trip to the store.
I wound up using Jim Beam Vanilla.
It’s already pretty freaking delicious.
That sounds . . . not bad, actually.
I have not been able to intercept the relatively rare fresh sour cherries at the store. Did you pit them first?
So this happened earlier today, and much fun was had. ?
Utv trail riding, with some scenery pics.
Those look like fun toys!
They are. They are also dangerous as hell. They are so fun and nimble and. you can cover so much ground it is easy to get more and more accustomed to speed.
We have Mudfest here. Hundreds show up in a huge mud pit with those things and during that week the Med-Flight helicopter goes over my house four or five times. Of course it. doesn’t help that alcohol is involved as well.
Two of my neighbors crashed down a hillside in one of those a few months ago and the had to call in the helicopter to rescue one of them.
I prefer walking, thank you very much.
These guys weren’t so lucky
What a blast! Looks like you are making the most of vacation!
*continues counting down until Saturday *
Hey Mock-star, the Jean Bennet Tavern was fantastic. Good recommendation.
Glad you liked it! Seriously though, make sure you stop at Bad Boyz Bistro and heckle/throw rotten fruit* at our disgraced former D.A., Bill Higgins.
*Dont really do this though.
Here’s a fun song
I’ve sat down with a few tune that weren’t officially part of my acoustic repertoire yet:
Croce: Time in a Bottle
Pure Prairie League: Aimee
Gilmour: Smile
Here’s a fun song . . . acoustic
I’ve sat down with a few tunes that weren’t officially part of my acoustic repertoire before:
Croce: Time in a Bottle
Pure Prairie League: Aimee
Gilmour: Smile
Post with suitable linx is in moderation . . . ugh
Q for Suthen, Animal, or any of the other gun(smithing) glibs:
On the always excellent advice of Beelzeboner and EvilSheldon, I’m going to be picking up a “Trigger Job in a Bag” The thing is, to keep the gun “stock,” I can’t replace the hammer.
So my question is: Will the stock/non-skeletonized hammer work properly with the lighter hammer springs?
That is a good question. I think you are going to have to try it to find out. My grandfather filed the spur off of the hammer on a J-frame smith and I occasionally had failures to fire with it. The hammer is too light so I did put a stronger spring in it. Just looking at it you wouldn’t think that small of a weight difference would matter, but it did.
True. I can always put the stock spring back in.
I did the springs on my GP100 and didn’t have any reliability issues. I did the springs in my sp101 22 and had lots of failure to fire. Moral of the story: keep the original springs.
Trumps Master Plan Worked: AOC and Ilhan Omar are the Face of the Democrats – Styx
He has an interesting position. It is definitely plausible/possible*.
*For whatever that’s worth.
I can only imagine how much the old guard pinkos are stewing in their own juices. Their party is falling apart right before their eyes and they are the ones who let it get away from them. I bet Pelosi is near insane with anger. I think is going to make one hell of a difference come Election Day. Their supporters are hoisting foreign flags, masked leftist goons are beating people in the street and the new face gang is openly deriding the country and spewing racist shit. I’m thinking the election wont even be close.
Speaking of which, which ones of those genius’ thought importing foreign voters sympathetic to collectivism was a good idea? They thought all of those new voters were not going to toss out the old guard and elect their own brand of pinko? The plan has failure built right into it.
Ted Kennedy? Libertarians Party?
Rush said the same thing.
I figure this could have played out one of two ways:
1) The infighting continues and the Pelosi wing discredits the crazy kids for business as usual.
– This had a short term benefit to Team Red in that it looks like the Dems are in chaos until Pelosi reigns them in. Long term it’s better for the Dems since it allows them to keep the party from being overtly socialistic and retain a chance of winning moderates and blue collar Dems.
2) Things play out like Styx says and the crazy kids become the face of the Dems.
– Looks better short term for Dems since they look unified, but very bad long term as it essentially pushes aside the old guard in to make room for the Dems’ new identity as a Euro Socialist party.
I don’t know that Trump 34DD chess’ed it, but I do know that as soon as Pelosi let the crazy kids off the leash, nothing good could come of it (for Team Blue). If she were really as smart/politically savvy as people think she is, she would have exiled them to the back bench so they couldn’t make any noise. Instead she elevated them to try and make the extra-chromosome parts of the base happy but lost control of them.
I’ve got a crap ton of pics from Old Bedford Village I’ll post up in the next couple days.
In the mean time, this is a thing:
we should get these kids together
Gotdang. That’s a tough lady you married, Brett.
***SIGH!!!*** I’m so eff-ing proud to be a product of the Dayton Pubic Schools!
I wonder how many “state takeovers” need to happen before people notice that they don’t work.
Morning. Every time you see the word “racist” tomorrow, replace it with the word “stinky” just so you realize how absurd the whole thing is getting.
Here’s some headlines from RCP you can try that with:
Pelosi Defends AOC Squad: “Racist” Trump Doesn’t Share American Values
It’s Beyond Debate That Trump’s Sunday Tweets Were Racist
Tapper: The History Of Trump’s “Racist Attack” Of “Go Back Where You Came From”
I’m going be honest. Anyone with a 70 or above IQ could’ve told you these tweets would come off racist.
Trump’s version of edging.
They are in a panic. Like a mad bull they keep charging Trump and he just keeps sticking more banderillas in them. All they have left is to repeatedly scream ‘racist! racist! racist!’, or in English ‘shut up! shut up! shut up!’
It is all they have and it is pathetic really.
I don’t think they’re panicked. They think this will work.
It never does.
Trump is about 5 times more popular than the women he twitter attacked though so I don’t much get the point. Polls reveal no one in America actually likes the group of Democrats. Why even say anything?
To make them froth. I think he thinks this will make them double down and keeps their views front and center.
4D chutes and ladders?
I suspect Conway is behind it. She’s smart
Shit like this is why I very rarely pay much attention to the palace intrigue in DC.
By next week, this will all be way back in the rearview, everybody will by OUTRAGED eleventy by something else, nobody will have learned anything, nobody will have changed their mind about anything.
Bread. And. Circuses.
As mentioned above its all distraction Trump benefits from the nasty give and take, If his base realizes that there is no wall and Illegal immigration is business as usual and the debt is skyrocketing he might lose a few of them, and he needs every last one, so attack some commie congresswomen, the base loves them that shit.
I feel like you’re giving too much credit to the man, but he did make it this far.
I agree, but change “stinky” to “stupid”
Change it to any derogatory word besides “racist”. That “racist” is considered the worst thing you can call someone tells you something.
“Smelly Hippie” is far worse.
Nah, we should strive for accuracy, just like Goldilocks, “racist” is too hard, “stinky” is too soft, “stupid” is just right,
I’ll compromise and go with “stupid stinky”.
Whatever the merits of McCarthy’s platform I fear that libertarians are making the same mistakes that 19th century liberals did: digging their heads in the sand and proclaiming the End or Inevitability of history.
It is clear that that NAFTA, internet, new technology, prosperity, urbanization, weed, Mexicans, Ass-Sex etc. Has not brought about the libertarian moment. Why is that? Don’t see much of explanation beyond Inevitability.
The state always accrues power to itself. Always. The internet will not change that, in fact, it will probably accelerate it.
This is literally the exact opposite of 1990s techno-libertarianism…
Oh boo hoo.
We just keep fighting anyway.
Who is referring to and to what?
I mean who is this we and how and why are they fighting?
It’s me and you man. Me and you.
Speaks for itself
“We shouldn’t relinquish science to those who would depoliticize it or use it to prop up the ruling class. We should it for emancipatory, transformative ends.”
Save this link for the article on Thursday.
The irony of today’s House “Gotcha” Resolution is that the wars continue on, with casualties, the debt grows and grows, the immigration fiasco is not being addressed and the most serious problem we have is for the House to say “Shame, Shame” on the President.
I realize that max derp is unattainable but damn, it sure seems like we’re closing in on it. If all of Congress went AWOL we’d be no worse off than we are now. Soon, those Gentle People will be off for a vacation ’til after Labor Day. A blessing for the people, at least, unfortunately they’re going to come back and give the people the business, oops, I mean, do the people’s business.
Cuz that would require work and goring someone’s ox…
I congratulate the house on accomplishing its second thing. Its first thing was censuring Trump for something else, right?
Eight days without TV or internet access.
I come back to Trump insulting the odd squad. I guess nothing important happened while I was gone.
Well that first gig didn’t work out. I got paid but also got out as I was being squared around to get proper ass-fucked. NTTAWWT.
Doing freelance and have my second interview (hopefully) later this week. I have enough rent money live and see me through, but the lack of constant funds is sucking. I am debt free, however. I’m making 30-50 euros/week so I can tread but I can’t float yet. I love living this way. It’s so stupid and yet so fun.
I feel like my parents growing up in Bluefield, WV. Pretty much making $40 a day. Luckily I live somewhere cheap.
Have a drink lads. Wish me luck.