Well, in the continuing Mom Saga, she arrives tonight. SP has put large-print signs all over the house to let her know where things are (except the firearms). To keep things under control, she has a TV, a laptop with solitaire loaded on it, and a supply of thorazine. The fridge is stocked (uncharacteristically for us) with substitute chicken. My sister is also joining us for a few days to get Mom settled and to see if she (my sister) can actually do her daily 10 mile run when it’s 113 degrees out. They will both be horrified at the dinner table conversation this weekend when Grand Moff Serious Man and Kibby join us.
Birthdays include a guy who made an art out of boundaries; a short, sharp, and energetic actor who excelled in every genre (and spoke a pretty decent Yiddish); someone who said the darndest things; the spirit animal of Pat Buchanan; and my favorite actor in The Dirty Dozen and M*A*S*H.
On to the news.
Someone is teeing up a lawsuit against the City of New York.
Hasn’t he done this many times before? This wouldn’t be pointless political posturing, right? Well, it keeps getting him re-elected, so he knows his constituency.
Wait, the news media all got a story completely wrong? Where is my fainting couch?
Next time you hear about Planned Parenthood needing money, remember this. And speaking of Planned Parenthood, their president has been aborted. Apparently they were upset that she thought that a uterus was required.
So, the California drought is over, but clearly that can’t be good news.
Slaver goes to the Cabin in the Sky.Lest you think I’m being inappropriately snarky, remember that this is the guy who wrote Kelo. Join me in pissing on his grave when they stick him in the ground.
Humungus or Flashman? It’s one of you. CONFESS.
Old Guy Music today is another band I loved as a teenager, with hints of medieval ballads, Dave Brubeck, and Sandy Denny. Just delightful, and what great players Renbourn and Jansch were! Jacqui McShee’s voice is… magical.
I LOVE Sutherland in The Eagle Has Landed as well.
He’s still alive too? which surprised me.
My favorite D. Southerland character is Oddball in Kelly’s Heroes. Brilliant.
How dare you reference a movie I’ve actually seen!
Do I win something?!
No, but if you turn that turret around and blow open the doors of the bank, you can have a share of the gold.
So I’m Clint Eastwood and you’re Karl Otto Alberty? Sounds about right.
How long has it been since you’ve seen the movie?
*thinks “why would he ask that?”*
Ah shit. Yeah, never mind.
And it’s been a while.
And I still want to be Clint.
See, I always liked him as an actor but a stoner-hippy tanker in 1945 just wasn’t believable. I was pretty OCD about WWII movie realism when I was a kid so I’d probably enjoy it more now just for the story alone.
I hate to break it to you, but that wasn’t the only unbelievable thing about that f’n excellent movie.
That was my point. I was a WWII completist and movies would get ruined for me if they used the wrong equipment or played with established facts. I was a weird little kid. As noted, I would enjoy the film, now.
Like the tanks in the movie Patton being wrong?
*retreats to corner and covers head with both hands, starts rocking back and forth*
And the Battle of the Bulge being fought on open plains?
Ugh – I remember the first time I watched BotB and was like WTF IS THIS?!
Stop it with the negative waves, Festus!
I loved Sutherland in Klute and the remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Yes and YES.
Before I watched Klute, I used to think “what’s the big deal about Jane Fonda?” Oh, now I get it.
Same with Julie Christie after I saw “Don’t Look Now”.
Don’t Look Now – that’s a messed up little psychological horror movie – and agreed about J. Christie.
Joss Whedon was very unhappy with his performance in the original Buffy movie.
Green also said he was citing Trump’s past comments and actions on race and immigration that included calling asylum speakers “invaders” and saying there were “very fine people on both sides” after the 2017 white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia.
To my surprise there is no correction by CNN regarding the context of said statements…
I understand this is the third time Green has filed. What’s the saying? Third time is a charm.
*grabs popcorn*
Maybe its time to take Al Green to the river.
He needs to put a little love in his heart.
Whatever you want to do is all right with me.
“saying there were “very fine people on both sides” ”
They need their narrative about this to be true
Am I the only one who thinks Al Green looks like the comic strip character Alley Oop?
Hello again from the land of little mobile internet. I forgot my post dropped yesterday and was not there in the comments, although i did notice not one of you wished me happy birthday. I now have an hour to kill before my next tour. After 3 gorgeous sunny days Scotland began to Scotland and today was a constant drizzle with bursts of rain
Happy belated birthday ?
Whereabouts are you in Scotland?
*turns green with envy*
#metoo. Went to Skye last year. Love the landscapes and people.
Late but enjoy
How many now, Pie?
How many what ?
Years old? Scotches tasted? Either works.
Too many. Not enough.
Nice little birthday present to yourself, then. Happy BD, anyways!
Happy birthday, Pie!
So when Mnuchin came out and told Congress that the estimated release date was 2028, he was actually moving the deadline up by two years from what Obama’s own people were saying at the time. And the reason he gave (“counterfeiting issues”) was precisely the same reason that Treasury gave during Barack Obama’s tenure.
Yea, but Orange Man Bad.
So the guy ‘cuts’ his competition but leaves the prize alone? I’d a thought a cheap divorce and a drink with the new guy for showing him the truth might have been a better solution. What do I know?
What heinous atrocity has Public Enemy Number One perpetrated, since last I looked?
Stolen candy from a baby? Let a door swing shut in the face of an elderly black lady? Torn a age from a public telephone book instead of copying the phone number he needed?
Tore the tag from a pillow / mattress?
The mainstream media are all breathlessly talking about his racist tweets without ever explaining what he said was even slightly racist.
We all know it is self-evidently racist because reasons.
I would giggle if the Reps introduced a motion condemning Tlalib’s antisemitic comments and Dems smacked them with violating decorum.
The ‘R’ after his (and others’) name stands for Racist.
Look we all know that challenging any minority for any reason is racist because those poor minorities don’t have the capability to defend themselves or take part in a high level wipipo debate.
Fenced off Protected Species status, where they never get to fully participate like everyone else because they’re Special
I mean it’s not like he told a bunch of brown people to go back to where they came from…
And then come back?
“Torn a age from a public telephone book instead of copying the phone number he needed?”
You know how I know you are an old fart?
I was gonna go with that but I didn’t want to appear as an ageist
“it’s your nickel”
There will just be more gators, they all come in from Indiana.
Gators with guns, awesome!
METH Gators with guns.
Gators on meth using guns to set off fireworks.
Floriana? Indiada?
Funny, that’s exactly what Brett and I keep getting stuck on when we have our meetings.
Brought to you by the director of Sharknado.
Planned Parenthood kills baby alligators?
Not very well obviously.
If they’ve got the money, absolutely.
No, I think they feed babies to alligators.
They use the baby alligators as support animals.
They use the baby alligators as
support animalsadorable and stylish baby shoes.OK, I have never been to any pool in Macomb county!
I like to poop in a ditch, preferably one that has been filled with orphans who died working in my salt mine.
I hope you have an alibi. But I bet you don’t.
The world is not enough
The presidential candidate then elaborated, saying she supports Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) commission to study reparations.
“We need to address how we’re going to do it… because back to the point I was making about home ownership…back to the point I was making about disparities around education… you can look at health outcomes when you know that black women are three to four times more likely to die in connection with child birth,” Harris said. “So there’s a lot that has to be about looking at this in a way that is about structural and systemic investment in communities.”
Harris said she was “reluctant” to give a simple answer on the issue because she fears Americans will not want to talk about structural and systemic inequalities that reparations advocates have argued have been compounding if the government just writes checks to the descendants of slaves.
“So that’s why I’m reluctant to have a simple answer to it because frankly I don’t believe that writing a check is gonna be enough,” Harris told Hill. “I really don’t… And the worst thing that I think could happen is that checks get written and then everybody says ‘ok, stop talking about this now’ without addressing the systemic inequities that are deep and require investment.”
But, seriously, they are playing with fire with this racial politicking.
Is this true, black women are 3-4X more likely to die in connection with childbirth than presumably, because she doesn’t say, white women?
You are completely ignoring men who die in childbirth, shitlord.
Don’t a lot of black women have a lot more babies than white women ?
Are these women giving birth at home and not in the same hospitald as white women ?
Is this true, black women are 3-4X more likely to die in connection with childbirth
Without consulting an iota of data, I can confidently say “no”.
“I don’t believe that writing a check is gonna be enough”
OK. I guess the only possible way to do this is for white people to be enslaved for a couple hundred years, then we have to fight a Civil War in hundreds of thousands of (mostly black) people die liberating them.f
“I don’t believe that writing a check is gonna be enough”
Of course it won’t. Race hustling aint got no end.
Look if we give them a check, those knuckleheads will blow it in a month and then what will we do?
No, I need to be put in charge of a giant pool of reparations money and I will decide who gets what when. I swear I will be totes honest and wise with that money and in no way will be corrupted by it. Just look at my track record so far. That should prove to you what a great job I will do.
You’ll need an assistant and well, I’m currently making a career change and good with other peoples’ money.
Outstanding Old Guy Music today, OMWC! I’ll have to seek out more because I love that jazz-infused traditional stuff from back then but sadly I’m only really familiar with early J.T.
You can definitely see who influenced Anderson when he went into his pseudo-troubadour phase.
My favorite Tull album is “Stand Up” but that might be mere nostalgia because it fit a certain time of my life so perfectly (if that makes any sense). Which one is yours?
Benefit. Sooooo underrated. This Was would be close- I loved the Bluesy Mick Abrahams sound.
I played in a couple bands in the early ’70s who did JT covers. I can still manage to play Nothing Is Easy.
Love that tune! It’s on my work rotation. So cool that your bands covered that stuff. All of my musician friends were trying their best to either out-weird each other or playing pretty rote Punk stylings. We all grew up listening to lots of prog rock and fusion and the guys didn’t really have the chops.
Yeah, we did Nothing Is Easy, My Sunday Feeling, Serenade to a Cuckoo (not a JT tune, but they covered it), and Teacher out of the Early Tull Catalog. I always wanted to cover Sossity, but the acoustic guitar part was a bit too much for me to handle. OK, more than a bit.
I’ve put up vids of LJ Slavin in Old Guy Music before. He cooks through a 20 minute version of Thick as a Brick solo in his live sets. The guy is insanely talented.
Some kid is thinking, “If I’m done at the pool, everyone is done at the pool.” Then proceeds to drop the deuce.
“The weirdest thing is I did all this hiking three weeks ago, and, I kid you not, it’s like night and day because of all the snow melt,” says Virdee, who lives on the east shore. “A beautiful little beach for 25 is now a beach for four. I was stunned. These are micro-beaches, they might even be nano-beaches.”
*Michael J Caboose voice*
You mean water levels go up and then down, all based on the amount of rain and snow? Wow, I never knew that!
You can’t explain that!
From the sidebar of the salami slicing article:
“Photo shows Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump at 1992 party”
Christ these people are mendacious. So Slick Willy and his dozens of trips to orgy island are going to be airbrushed out, but because Trump met the guy a few times at parties, we’re gonna have to hear that not only is Trump a Nazi, he’s also a pedophile.
Well, Trump IS literally Hitler. And the worst ever. And bad.
Selective guilt by association. I mean, he met the guy at a party once. He’s definitely guilty of something.
They’re worse than mendacious.
Absolute enemies of the people. While we’re at it, ‘The Squad’ (I call them The Twats) are anti-American. Just like Michelle (and possibly Barry) was.
There. I said it.
There. I said it.
The Sqwats
While ignoring the “rumor” that Trump had Epstein banned from Mar-a-Lago later on.
*pisses on Stevens’ grave*
Let it also be noted that he wanted the 2nd Amendment repealed.
Yeah. Fuck that guy.
Hm. And to think I just heard on the morning news that he was “committed to justice”.
“Bonilla was charged with two counts of cruelty toward a child, and a count each of burglary, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, false imprisonment, and use of a firearm”
C’mon man, just once I wanna see someone charged with mayhem!
I looked up a criminal history recently where the dude had “criminal mayhem” as a charge – where else -in Florida.
“So there’s a lot that has to be about looking at this in a way that is about structural and systemic investment in communities.”
What she really means-
“We can’t just give money directly to those fools. They’ll spend it on dope and floozies, and high living. They need guidance and constant supervision.”
Does anyone think that so-called reparations will actually end up in the pockets of the descendants of slaves?
Of course.
Can’t wait for his money to get redistributed to Kaepernick.Like Frank Zappa said at one of his shows, “Everyone here is wearing a uniform, don’t kid yourselves…”
Great minds think alike (your mind was faster though)
Someone took Shitlord 101 at Glibertarian University:
Couple fall from ninth floor window while having sex
From the comments:
“Wow, i bet he didn’t know if he was coming or going.”
Now that’s dedication.
Did he go back to rejoin the party, or to attack the window for cock-blocking him?
attack the window for cock-blocking him
“YOU COCKBLOCKING MOTHERFUCKER!!!” *charges open window with obvious results*
Reminds me of seeing someone puke at a punk rock house party, then minutes later, go back to drinking.
You’ve only seen that once? You’ve lived a sheltered life, little Elspeth!
Boot and rally!
It’s why I insist upon being on top.
Doggy would work too; you just have to jump on her back as you’re starting to fall. It’s like the ultimate Donkey Punch.
Birth control was successful.
Witnesses told local media that the partially clothed man then got up and went back to rejoin the party.
She’s right there, man! And you couldn’t finish what you started? What a beta.
But did he finish?
Thank you OMWC, I particularly enjoyed your musical choice this morning.
“I have seen this movie”
But have you seen Jaws? The greatest ‘Man against Nature’ ever made.
“Man Against Rubber Fish and Shit Dialog.”
By request of Any Random Variation, today will feature ladies with pulchritudinous posteriors.
I’m still bummed the Harriet Tubman bill won’t be the badass one that has her with a revolver.
I’m just sick of Christian, gun wielding Republicans being on our money.
Well done!
The Dems were having some infighting and Trump could have left it alone, but… he has now made the 3 (or 4?) morons the face of the DNC. It seemed like they would be able to resist his bait, but nope.
Even though she is a moronic commie, I’m not saying I wouldn’t take the opportunity to have anal sex with Omar given the opportunity.
#no butt stuff
She’s the one you’d pick out of those four? You’re nuts.
Uh. No. She’s clearly the hottest, plus you could bang her in her hijab head cover thing on, which is hot.
Who would you pick instead? That uggo Tlaib? Crazy eyes?
Cortez, no doubt…plus I like Puerto Rican food and maybe she’d cook for me if I performed well enough.
Yeah put me me in the Crazy Eyes column.
I suppose you prefer pineapple on your deep dish too?
Maybe it’s just the pantsuits, but Cortez lacks the curves that would otherwise make the craziness of Latin women bearable.
Cortez because of that dancing video.
I bet that pussy is the bomb.
Her brother agrees.
Vagina Dentata. No wonders about the ass craving.
She’d might really dig someone degrading her by making her take her headscarf off
I figure the reason she’s such a bitch is because she’s been circumcised.
I saw a bit of that presser that Ryan S. posted. It was hilarious.
Don’t kid yourself, the Dems are still going to have infighting. People are who are pure evil and driven by hatred and hunger for absolute power are always going to treat anyone between them and that power as enemies, team be damned. First rule of Sith school.
TW: Vox
I was a fast-food worker. Let me tell you about burnout.
As technology ratchets up the stress, low-wage jobs have become some of the hardest in America.
Boo hoo.
The workers’ lives will be so much easier once the fight for 15 crowd gets their way and those jobs are replaced by robots.
You want to live in a busy congested city, this is what you get.
I always get to where I’m working that day an hour early. Go to nearby coffee shop and relax. Others looked haggard from sprinting from the station.
Exactly. I’d consider this standard for any job whether minimum wage or 100k/year. Before working from home, I always gave my commute extra time in case traffic accidents jammed up the interstate. I still do for the occasional office visit.
I came to resent how much time this ate up
Move closer to your job, find a job closer to you, or find a job that lets you work from home. I don’t get the bitching.
But I’m sure it’ll get better when the labor cost is even higher, there’s no way that would impact management to find more ways to reduce waste there.
Ah, the Quick Serve Restaurant industry. You know in the old days Billy, owners actually overstaffed their stores in the hopes that one of you louts might get bored and actually do the job you were hired for. But because of the overstaffing, there was all sorts of time to “chill” at work. Owners did this because it was the cheapest way to get things done.
What happened?
Minimum wage. All the advocates for the poor got the minimum wage raised and raised again (and they are not going to stop at $15/hr). This meant that instead of throwing more cheap labor at the problem, the owners of those stores started paying me and other developers to instrument everything in the store and report back on efficiency.
So now the owner is getting an automated report on who clocked in late. No one has to look at them manually. The fryers are being monitored to make sure you punks actually filter them like you are supposed to. The drive through is monitored to make sure quotas are met.
The owners finally hit the point, where it was cheaper to hire me to give them the tools to squeeze as much efficiency out of you as possible. The next step is to replace many functions with robots, so this still isn’t ending.
This is incorrect. The original proponents of the minimum wage were explicit and open in their intention to improve american society by making it difficult for the poor and disabled to have and raise children by depriving them of income. The wage floor was intended to render them unemployable, and without work they would be deprived of income and given plenty of free time to exercise vices that would put them in an early grave.
And yes, this is actually what they said, and not hyperbole.
If you can’t succeed in fast food it’s because you don’t really want to try. The whole thing is set up for promotions for the productive. Look at Herman Cain
Fucking whinger! Try being a short-order cook in a greasy spoon restaurant that promises all-day breakfast when the hungry horde arrives. No computer assist, just seat of the pants cookery and believe me, being scolded by a manager will be the least of your worries if you fuck up. I used to watch that ferry approach the dock and would literally start shaking. Push-button pussies!
Ahh yes, the guy who works fast food is going to tell us about how terrible it is and it’s totally harder than any other job because you’re expected to 1 show up, 2. On time 3. With a good attitude.
Look you little bitch, that’s all you are being asked. If you can’t do that then you are not skilled enough to succeed in a no skill job.
“Fast food is intense! And it’s stressful! You’re always feeling rushed, you’re on a time crunch for literally eight hours straight, you’re never allowed to have one moment just to chill.”
From my brief experience working in fast food a decade ago, I doubt this very much. Lunch and dinner were crazy hectic, but there was plenty of time to chill between the two. I guess there could be a location where people eat constantly, but I’d say this is the exception, not the rule.
When I used to do service work, we still mostly used paper time cards; you could make your case to the manager if you were late, or maybe stay a few minutes beyond your shift to make up for it. At many modern service jobs, the digital time-clock system will automatically penalize you for clocking in a minute after the start of your shift or after a break. After getting yelled at for this twice early in the month I spent working at a McDonald’s in downtown San Francisco, I started imitating my coworkers and aiming to arrive 20 minutes before my shift just in case the train was running weird that day.
I got a lecture for being a few minutes late (once) while working at a place with paper time cards. This is not a new thing.
I’ve noticed something about managers – if you’re usually on-time and do your work, being late once in a blue moon is brushed off.
But if you’re late multiple times in your first month you get a reputation as someone with attendance issues who needs to be monitored and corrected.
Being on time is so hard.
Definitely the worst part of adulting.
Well, umm…
I’ll take “Fictional Eccounting Error” for 6,626 Groats, Alex.
Parts of Dug’s crew on the less favorable contract (just shares instead of daily rate plus shares) opted to borrow spending money to partake of the same entertainments as those who got a daily rate. By the time they stop borrowing, they owe the expedition over 6500 groats in total (split among twenty four people). My math, however, does not seem to properly account for the funds, and it’s as if Dug divvies up the shares, then collects the repayment and just pockets it. Since half a groat a day is the established pay for common laborers, that’s no mean sum of money I’ve misplaced in this ledger.
Fight for 5 groats!
I’ll pay you that rate, but you sacrifice your share.
Don’t want any goat scroats anyways.
At 5 Grt/day, you’d make… 2,680 Grt.
Standard crew shares are… between 18,000 and 80,000 Grt depending on certain variables that will be settled as the book is written.
Like a 19th century whaling vessel crew, eh?
Pretty much.
Many a greenhorn whaler screwed themselves by insisting on a larger number as their share as denoted by the denominator in their fractional share.
1/100th was bargained up/down into 1/150th share
as an example by those schrewed negotiators.
The crew share on Dug’s voyage is 1/120th per person.
*slaps forehead*
I see where the error is.
To calculate the accurate shares for the people who didn’t take out a loan from the expedition, I added in the value of the repayment garnishments before the garnishments were made, then subtracted the value of the repayments from the shares of those who took out the loan. I was comparing the sum of all shares (actual dsbursed value) to the value of the expedition plus the expected repayments, which had to come from that first valuation. So I was double counting the repayments when trying to determine if the shares added up.
Worst. Pirate accountant. Ever.
*pushes Not Adahn over the rail*
Everyone’s shares just got bigger!
Isn’t that how the claimed Obamacare was paid for?
*they* not the
During a sit-down interview with MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden responded to President Donald Trump’s handling of the United States-Mexico border.
Biden said Trump’s policy of holding asylum seekers is an “attempt to scare the living hell out of the American people” by making asylum-seekers look like criminals.
“A pure, total attempt to scare the living hell out of the American people, to make them into what he calls them criminals and terrorists and they’re drug dealers and they’re all bad, and just to appeal to his base, his base which says, ‘Not in my house. Not in my backyard,’” Biden told Brzezinski in the interview which aired Tuesday.
“These are people that have resilience, they have optimism, they have absolute determination,” he added. “They believe. That’s why we should immediately make sure every DREAMer is here and try to direct pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented.”
Mamma always said dishonest is as dishonest does.
Come! Come to the warm embrace of our Plantation! All is well. All is well.
Damn spics ruining our economy!
Dey took ‘er houses!
I am most eager for anyone to took muh house, when it comes time for me to get the @#$% out of Illinois!
Illinois? Anyone wanting to live under communism, could have stayed in Cuba.
Can’t see the full story, but I’ll be that guy. I’m a homeowner, but I don’t want the price of my house to increase. In what other market do we see price increases as a good thing?
Especially when it comes to basic necessities I would prefer that prices are low so anyone can afford a home and life it’s easier for future generations. Population growth is likely antithetical to that goal. I’m not advocating any policy here, just saying that increasing housing costs is a bad thing for the country as a whole, just like high food or electricity prices make life more difficult. There’s nothing to celebrate in a costly housing market.
” In what other market do we see price increases as a good thing?”
The stock market?
That is also backwards thinking, unless there is a concomitant increase in earnings.
No. it is all about if you own whatever increased in price or not. You list another example, labor. You certainly want the price of your labor to increase (given an equal ability to sell it).
So you certainly want the prices of stock you own to go up, and the price of your house to go up too (especially if you bought it on margin)
Maybe I don’t care only about myself. 😉
It’d be cold comfort to sell my house for a profit only to find my kids can’t afford a home themselves. Plus, I’ll always need somewhere to live, so a general increase in housing costs doesn’t really do much for me, even though I own.
Due to my age, ideally stock prices would plummet so I can get some deals. Everyday they go up is a sad day as even though I own some, I hope to acquire more.
“unless there is a concomitant increase in earnings.”
unless there is a concomitant increase in production that is reflected in earnings
A Dominican Jewish couple bought the house next to ours. Nice people and I think I kept a neutral facial expression while my brain digested “Dominican Jews”. Maybe some Japanese Zoroastrians will buy the house on the other side.
My mother’s side of the family are Pentecostal Italians.
So the flyers and weekly visits do bear fruit on occasion?
Maybe they’ll invite you over for kosher bandas?
Wait until you get som Pakistani Latter-Day Saints.
So Trump wants to run against something scarier than he is, which is why he has been trying so hard for months to paint Democrats as radical socialists — or worse. You think tariffs are bad? How would you like five-year plans?
Without evidence.
Democrats are being played here. They can’t ignore Trump’s attacks and hang the Squad out to dry. But if they become the party of socialism lite, they open the door to another four years of Trump and, potentially, a return to complete GOP control of Congress.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) has worked hard to remind her caucus and the nation that Democrats are a broad, mainstream party, not just a wish-fulfillment fantasy of the left. As they try to move forward, working on such crucial issues as healthcare affordability and the surge in migrant families, they’ll need to find a way to put the heart of the party on display. Not just the four faces that Trump wants the public to see.
How can somebody so dumb be so smart? Trump makes those Democrats look like a bunch of wild-eyed radicals, when they’re really just a group of sensible moderates who only want what’s best for the country.
>>that Democrats are a broad, mainstream party, not just a wish-fulfillment fantasy of the left.
“We’re socialists but just don’t say it.”
Unless you’re Bernie Sanders…
I guess somebody didn’t watch the debates.
“As they try to move forward, working on such crucial issues as healthcare affordability…”
Uh, I think they’ve already done enough work in that area. They fixed it. Nice job.
How The Liberty Movement Died
Then stop doing it, dummy.
Hence the Red / Black pilled Alt-Right.
The neocons retained their principles? Citation fucking needed.
What are their principles beyond Forever War?
OK, their purported principles.
Purple thumbs for everyone?
Look at all that beautiful democracy.
but it’s the Justin Amashs and Bill Kristols that stood firm
Is this the same Justin Amash that supported an actual banana republic style coup led by socialists against a sitting president?
Bill Kristol stood firm? What? Since when has Bill Kristol not been a big-government guy?
Update from the Amazon strike in Shakopee. Unfortunately for the woke brigade only 15 Amazon workers went on strike (out of 1500). Not too good when you consider that 3 of those were the actual organizers.
The strikers blamed it on the evil Amazon overlords who ramped up security at the gates. It totally intimidated all those poor workers inside and kept them from participating.
If you stick with that story all the way to the bottom, you can see how Amazon’s PR dept found some wrong thinking workers to spout the company line about what a great company it is.
“…they could not understand why some workers were choosing to strike.”
Clearly they have no experience with unions.
You mean to tell me that they have competitive pay and a culture of team-building to promote productivity? Those monsters.
I worked in a warehouse during college. It was fine, but not what I wanted to do long-term obviously. The work was not difficult at all and the quota/incentive system was easily attainable.
Turnover was still incredibly high.
“We’re socialists but just don’t say it.”
“Ix-nay on the otten-ray.”
Yeah, I think that ship has already left the station.
SJWednesday: 007, Hallowed Be Thy Number
>>James Bond is a mask that anyone can wear.
uh… have you ever read the books?
It’s like saying a 98 lb woman could play Hercules. I’m sure she could “play” the role but no one (sane) would believe it.
It turns out I do like movies about gladiators.
Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
Go fuck yourself.
First link about ‘remember this’ PP is about that feisty gator.
If planned parenthood started aborting animals then progressives would start turning on them.
I made an observation where the left care more to protect and save new born animals than they do humans.
Sutherland was a huge Expos fan and was often at games.
That was his body double.
Hater. The Expos were the cutest and quirkiest thing to happen to MLB.
We had Raines in Denver. Awesome player even in AAA.
Max Von Sydow?
Socialist Majority Proposes Ban on Studying Communist Crimes in WWII
A Portent of Things To Come…here?
An unofficial ban is already in place at a lot of schools.
Yeah, they need hardly ban it. None of the kids read and none of them care.
History is what the party says it is.
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
Good old Orwell, it never gets old.
“In Soviet Union we don’t wonder about the future, we know what it will be. It is the past that is always changing.”
Just shoot the fuckers already and be done with it.
SJWednesday: EEOC ❤ AOC Edition
But all the anti-semtic shit those idiots say is okay?
Free speech and all that it’s claimed. But Trump utters a phrase and all of a sudden this crap?
I’m really starting to be concerned here.
the anti-semtic shit those idiots say is okay?
it’s all indecent for the same reason
They do not work in the same workplace…
My immediate thought as well.
This is not a workplace issue.
EEOC only has domain over employer / employee relationships? This would not apply as Trump and the executive branch is not the employer of the legislative branch.
HuffPo readers say “Nuh uh!”
Who needs an AR? Other than this guys who fought off a 4-man home invasion.
What a fine looking bunch of fellows.
He should have just called the cops then sit there like a good boi so the cops can get there an hour later and find his corpse. Jeez, don’t you know how to rely on THE MAN for your immediate self-defense?
Did the homeowner shoot the invader in his pajamas ?
No, from the story it looks like they were in the living room.
Ugh. So much furniture to be replaced, and insurance never covers it.
What would you do to an invader in your pajamas?
I like a story with a happy ending.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission cites the phrase President Trump recently used against four congresswomen as workplace harassment.
I’m reasonably certain the EEOC would say telling an employee to “Get busy and do your goddam job, you goldbricker,” is workplace harassment.
Utah boy selling ‘ice cold beer’ appears to be a savvy marketer
This kid is going places. I hope his parents taught him how to deal with the cops.
Who would call the cops for this sign?
I don’t get it.
Someone who wanted the kid shot for running an unlicensed establishment selling alcohol.
A busybody pearl clutching asshole. There are a lot of them out there.
Doesn’t matter — those people probably would have pearls shoved up their asses.
Busy bodies who have no good reason to live.
It is Utah. They already have some strange laws about alcohol.
This- though the kids was just selling root beer.
Yeah, but doesn’t Utah root beer have like half the sugar of the normal root beer?
Obligatory Man Show skit…
This is CNN.
The segment, which aired on Tuesday night on “Anderson Cooper 360°,” featured a group of eight Trump supporters in Dallas, Texas.
One supporter, Sharon Bolan, said, “I’m a brown-skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with him.”
Another supporter, Gina O’Briant, said, “I’m glad that the president said what he said because all they are doing is inciting hatred and division. He didn’t say anything about color.”
Not satisfied with their answers, Kaye said, “Let me just share with you the definition of ‘racism’ from Merriam Webster dictionary: ‘a belief that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.’”
“Based on that definition, do you not think that what the president has been saying—” Kaye continued.
Kaye couldn’t even ask the question before the group of women fired back saying no.
“Do you think it’s just a coincidence that these four congresswomen that the president is going after none of them are white?” Kaye asked.
“I don’t think it matters,” Peaches McGuire Coates responded. “It’s idiotic, what they’re saying, so it doesn’t matter if they’re black or white.”
“Why haven’t they befriended one of their white female congresswoman colleagues and let her join the group?” Dena Miller asked. “They don’t like white people. C’mon, they’re racist.”
CNN. smh.
What a dumb, inconsequential chapter in an unbearably stupid era.
Reality is overrated, man
Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) campaign aides are questioning the polls and venting frustration with the news media, arguing that a biased political press is writing him off or blackballing him from coverage of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.
Sanders is in second or third place in many national and early-state polls, but his campaign has struggled to overcome the emerging narrative that his moment has passed.
After electrifying the liberal base as the lone serious challenger to Hillary Clinton in 2016, Sanders has at times been overshadowed in his second presidential run by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who have generated buzz and excitement as they’ve risen in the polls.
Sanders campaign aides have taken notice, arguing that public opinion surveys don’t capture their young, enthusiastic base of supporters or the new voters they say they’re bringing into the fold.
And the campaign is turning its allegations of unfair media coverage into a rallying cry, telling supporters that the news media’s inherent bias, obsession with horse-race politics about who is rising and falling, and the propensity to give outsize coverage to new candidates has led to a Sanders blackout that gives a false impression about the state of the race.
Do those morons seriously believe Bernie has a shot at winning the Presidency?
Bernie has people running to the left of him, he’s old hat.
“Sanders is in second or third place” still gets 0 delegates
Sanders “success” in 2016 was people on the left saying they didn’t like Clinton.
I have no idea who this is:
But her curves are famous – it’s right there in the title.
I would like to sign up for her newsletter.
When everything is racist…
Chris Pratt is facing criticism over a T-shirt he was pictured wearing featuring a controversial symbol.
The Marvel star’s top shows the American flag with a coiled snake over the top and a message underneath which reads “Don’t Tread On Me.”
The writing and snake combo on its own is depicted on the Gadsden flag; a symbol created by Christopher Gadsden, a Charleston-born brigadier general in the Continental Army.
It came to prominence during the Revolutionary War of the US by colonists who wanted independence from Great Britain.
IOW it is literally not racist.
Although it is one of the symbols and flags used by the U.S. Men’s Soccer Team, Metallica, as well as some libertarian groups, over the years the flag has been adopted by Far Right political groups like the Tea Party, as well as gun-toting supporters of the Second Amendment.
It has therefore become a symbol of more conservative and far right individuals and, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US, it also is “sometimes interpreted to convey racially-tinged messages in some contexts.”
Asserted without evidence…and wtf does the EEOC have to do with this?
Tea party is far right?
“Everyone who disagrees with me on any particular thing is far-right and is therefor a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, bigot.”
Along with all of the gun-toting supporters of the Second Amendment, around here. Nazi savages!!!11!
I spoke to a couple millennials about that back in the day – they all said so.
I wonder where they got that idea?
Some far-right groups have used the flag, so it’s racist.
Some far-right groups have used the OK hand signal, so it’s racist.
This reminds me of the “You know who else…” jokes we have around her.
Treading on the Gadsen flag.
“Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US,”
Two mentions in one day? Sounds like a ramp up on censorship.
EEOC is the SPLC of government bureaucracies.
I’m sure this has been said here but how long before the racists start taking over things like Jeans or innocuous hand signals like the ok sign? It’s a scary future.
Appeal to authority.
Sanders’s allies argue that in 2016, pollsters routinely underestimated his base of support and failed to account for young or new voters who supported him.
They say they have an unparalleled network of volunteers and point to the fact that they’ve raised more money than any other candidate in the first two quarters of the year from about 2 million individual small-dollar donors.
Polls are bullshit, especially this far out, but I refuse to believe there is broad support in this country for a ranting old crackpot who wants to destroy the economy.
All of that support has gravitated toward ranting younger crackpots who want to destroy the economy.
Since we’ve had quite a few dog attack issues come up (glad you’re ok suthen). I thought I’d mention that when I worked at a pet store in highschool, they taught us if there was ever a dog fight or attack to throw a blanket or towel over the dog’s face. The theory being that the dog will immediately shift to trying to be able to see again. Thankfully I’ve never had to test this method.
I know a blanket or towel might not be around when or if you need it. But it’s probably a good thing to know if one is available.
All the hoopy froods know that you should always carry a towel around.
That is good advice.
I had a blanket. He took it away from me.
Have you ever seen a Ridgeback up close?
Note weight, size and build.
He was full of dope and completely crazed. I suspect his fears were greatly amplified and he was probably hallucinating.
One hundred pounds! Did not realize they were that big.
No wonder it was a life or death struggle.
Nice looking dogs, but I would not want to get in a fight with one.
Especially one out of his mind like yours was.
“Birthdays include a guy who made an art out of boundaries”
Here’s another guy making art out of boundaries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIMrCSDZ49E
Glibs bonus is his name.
I feel oddly empty now that the World Cup is over.
I’m still down about the way the final ended. Not just rooting for NZ, but my permanent position, in any sport, of #notEngland
Yeah, I was going for NZ too (they’re my favourite of the “usually good” teams. “My” teams are Sri Lanka and West Indies, so… gotta have a backup for the knockouts.) But the tiebreak rule was just awful. What a profoundly stupid way to decide the World fucking Cup.
That, and the fluke overthrows in the final over.
Which might have been screwed up by the officials.
True. Although TBF, it’s a pretty obscure rule and it would have been hard for them to tell for sure when the batsmen crossed.
I don’t blame the officials… except for LETTING ENGLAND WIN! Ahem.
Utah boy selling ‘ice cold beer’ appears to be a savvy marketer
This kid is going places.
Bait and switch! Somebody call Elizabeth Warren. She’ll know how to handle this swindler.
Shut up, Roger.
That’s a 404 on that link good buddy.
Roger that, good buddy.
Good morning Old Man and the rest of You People®!
The gator story made me laugh, especially this part:
Good for him. He’ll probably end up with a TV show.
The Pentangle song was really cool. I’ve noticed that the drummers in your selections all seem to have wildly different styles. Having two percussionists in the house has made me pay more attention to them and the old joke – what do you call a guy who hangs out with musicians? A drummer! – is supidly inaccurate.
Have a great day, y’all!
SP says that Rule 1 from her pro musician days was, “Never let a drummer get near a microphone. They might sing.”
Yes. God forbid something like this would happen!
I didn’t click, but if it’s Phil Collins, I forgive you for snubbing us.
Trick of the Tail and Wind and Wuthering are both great albums.
I was hoping it would be Levon.
+1 Arkansas delta
Here’s another for you.
From the same show. Watch how happy he is.
Excellent. Another version of The Weight. Levon sings here too but I think he’s a little upstaged by some of the other vocalists:
I love, love, love that!
In fairness to Levon, I think almost everyone gets upstaged by the Staple Singers 😉
The Staples and the Mannings are from the same town in the Delta (Drew).
I’m going to embarrass myself with my ignorance here, but who’s that playing the harp?
Phil Collins and Joey Ramone were perfectly good singers. Ringo wasn’t bad, he just wasn’t Paul.
If your drummer is Dale Crover, you let him do whatever he wants.
Some people said some things
Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia led the GOP effort to have her words stricken from the record with a rare procedural rebuke. Then Cleaver spoke, gaveled and walked off, leaving colleagues familiar with his style stunned.
“I’m watching this, my jaw dropped. I’ve never seen that, ever,” said six-term Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va. “What my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have to appreciate is how hurtful, what deep wounds this resurrects, these racist words.”
Emanuel Cleaver “abandons the chair” in a stunning procedural move, walks out in a snit.
Guess whose fault it is.
It’s unclear to me why a minority party even attends some debates.
BREAKING: Some Muslims Do Not Love Jews
“WATCH: The ‘Holocaust-Denying’ Video Al Jazeera Produced They Don’t Want You To See”
I’m shocked.
Well, not that shocked.
Some of them are in Congress.
RE: Planned Parenthood CEO:
In other words, she wasn’t crazy enough for the political end of PP.
“Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US,”
Two mentions in one day? Sounds like a ramp up on censorship.
America must know how vitally necessary they are. The EEOC is our last defense against slavery.
Surveillance Cameras Debunk the Bystander Effect
A new study uses camera footage to track the frequency of bystander intervention in heated incidents in Amsterdam; Cape Town; and Lancaster, England
Be careful setting up street attack studies ’round these parts: somebody’s mammaw will blow somebody’s head off.
Regarding the California drought, dude, don’t you know the sky is always falling and it’s all the white mans fault???
Cycle of weather in California:
Rainy Season
Lots of forest growth
Rainy Season
White women. Don’t try to weasel out.
White women are the white men of women.
If only there was a way to capture and retain some of that water during rainy seasons instead of just letting it all run out to the sea…
You monster! Think of the Delta Smelt!
They’re not very tasty.
This Article Won’t Change Your Mind
The facts on why facts alone can’t fight false beliefs.
file that in the “well, duh” cabinet.
His examples are totes unbiased.
Or “If you like your plan, you can keep it”?
“It’s easier for a child to get a gun than a book.”
Yeah, funny how the only examples are from the lunatic right, and zero (zero) from the administration.
“It was a video what caused the Benghazi attack.”
Ah yes, Farhad Manjoo, the fella who just the other day wrote an impassioned plea for everyone to use “they” as a singular pronoun instead of “he” and “she”
I love the golden oldies, like Barack Obama the super-ration Vulcan intellectual.
“…a person who was super rational, and believed in science,”
I stopped reading right there.
I was actually constantly irritated at the fact that Americans refused to give up their beliefs on Obama’s heritage just because it allowed Democrats to keep harping on being the party of truth.
San Diego Glibs!
We have the rare honor of dbleagle among us this week and wish for a Glibbening
Who else would be in? My handle at protonmail will be a start
That guy is gearing up for a presidential run.
A politician with an eye-patch? yESS!
Ford Bronco Pickup Coming to Battle Jeep Gladiator!
Unlike the 1960s Bronco, which for a time was available as a small, two-door single-cab pickup alongside with the better-known SUV version, the new Bronco-based pickup will certainly come exclusively as a four-door double cab, and among our sources has evoked memories of the Explorer SportTrac models. That means we might expect a shorter bed behind the cab than the one fitted to the Gladiator. We can also probably expect to see some of the other Bronco SUV features that have been uncovered/confirmed appear on the pickup, including this available engine, an available hybrid powertrain, this reconfigurable top, and these removable doors. Like the Wrangler, the new Bronco SUV will also be available as a two-door version.
Ah, more useless truck beds.
Useless? I’m pretty sure you could fit a pony keg in the back of that thing.
Elon still thinks Tesla’s are appreciating assets.
Ted’S making his list
and checking it twice
Ummm. I don’t have the math, but I’m sure he’s assuming constant returns for each marginal hour of use.
any such Tesla should be worth $100k to $200k
I don’t think he is doing math.
“Oh my gosh. Looks like THIS is why Planned Parenthood just fired @DrLeanaWen: she wasn’t pushing ABORTION enough. “The new board leadership has determined that the priority of Planned Parenthood moving forward is to double down on abortion rights advocacy.””
I had a feeling the issue was that one side or the other wasn’t extreme enough.
Guess who CNN has on to talk shit about Trump’s tweets? If you guessed Richard Spencer you win a free MAGA hat:
I thought giving these people a platform amounted to tacit agreement (not that I believe this but that’s the narrative CNN has been pushing).
Spencer is a proven moron who they know can be easily exploited.
“We can’t give a platform to racists like Richard Spencer!!!……well, except for when we find it convenient to tie him to Trump”
I can’t be the only one who finds it very disturbing that Richard Spencer gave CNN a platform.
“He gives us nothing outside of racist tweets, and by racist tweets, I mean tweets that are meaningless and cheap and express the kind of sentiments you might hear from your drunk uncle while he’s watching Hannity,” Spencer snarked.
Interesting angle. “Even the racist white-nationalist Richard Spencer admits they are racist tweets!”
Ah, more useless truck beds.
If you can’t lay a sheet of plywood in it and close the tailgate, it’s not a truck.
+ 1 Toyota Sienna ?
Brooksie has this correct.
Unless, of course, you never load plywood. Mine has the 6.5′ bed which is completely adequate for hauling the stuff I do.
Sheesh, you guys sound like proggies!
^ this ^
Also, you can haul plywood by just leaving the tailgate down. Instant 8′ bed.
Even better, you can have the lumber yard deliver the plywood with the 16′ sticks!
Even super better, you can hire someone to build something and they will deal with getting the plywood delivered.
You win.
Let’s go fishing.
I’ll bring the beer!
…and send the bill to Jimbo
Yeah but then when you are out of the house fishing he’s there plying your wife with his wood
Well, when he comes home tired from a day of fishing, that’s one less domestic chore he’ll have to worry about.
His smooth veneer will quickly wear off.
You guys are underestimating my game!
Me: Well, I’m done cleaning fish. We might as well have sex now since my hands already smell like fish.
I love my 8′ bed.
Honestly I don’t need the extra length very often, but sometimes it comes in handy. IYKWIMAITYD
That’s what she said.
I’m 6.5 as well, but everyone should buy what he needs. Of course, sheets fit fine with the tailgate down.
As for me and my house, 32 lugnuts or GTFO
muh fainting couch! I need it!
I’m too old for sheet goods. No more plywood or drywall projects for me, thank you very much.
^This is a guy I can go fishing with^
My single cab Ranger cannot do this 🙁
Leave the tailgate open.
I just need a beater truck that can haul a bit of mulch or tree branches, etc. from time to time. I’ve been considering getting one and not paying more than like $1500.
SUV with a hitch and 5 by 10 flat bed trailer. Who needs a truck?
I’m gonna fess up, this is actually what I roll with (stirring the pot earlier). It’s fantastic. I can have an SUV (was a minivan earlier) for hauling all the kids around and then hook up the trailer when I need to haul materials.
The trailer also has the rear gate that pivots down as a ramp. I made plywood sides for it when hauling loose cargo as well. Lower height when lifting things into the bed. I borrow it out to family and its well used.
Lol. That was my solution before the truck.
I would love this but have no place to store a trailer when I’m not using it. (Stupid subdivision)
The British Labour Party’s own peers in the House of Lords took out an ad in the Guardian calling out Corbyn for antisemitism
“The Labour Party welcomes everyone* irrespective of race, creed, age, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
(* Except, it seems, Jews)”
(don’t read the comments to the tweet)
El Chapo sentenced to life + 30 years
Will be interesting to see how they move him to Florence.
So do they keep his body in the cell for 30 years after he dies?
That’s going to really stink for a few years.
So Chapo got less time than the Charlottesville guy?
The Charlottesville guy is a racist, which is the worst thing you can be.
The terrorist who mowed down 8 pedestrians in Manhattan a while back goes on trial soon. I’m interested to see what he gets.
And every single one of these pales in comparison to the treatment of Ross Ulbrecht. He may as well be a political prisoner.
He is absolutely a political prisoner.
Hi, Preet!
Fuck Preet. Another anti American immigrant. And a scum sucking POS.
And Ulbrecht continues to be held in high security prisons, as if somehow he’s a threat or his convictions are for violent crimes.
Madoff, whose financial crimes dwarf that, is in a lesser prison.
It seems pretty clear that Ulbrecht was sentenced for the crimes they couldn’t prove he committed.
But people might have gotten LSD or a blowjob. Don’t you understand that? a BLOWJOB!
Like OJ’s robbery sentence.
OT: St. Kilda sacked their coach this week.
That is a team I never see on Fox. Shame as I like them.
Just imagine what they would have sentenced him to if he had killed a wobblie.
Unless, of course, you never load plywood. Mine has the 6.5′ bed which is completely adequate for hauling the stuff I do.
I did not say you shouldn’t be allowed to have such a thing, I just think words should have meanings. An El Camino can be quite handy, and do a lot of things, but it’s not a truck.
Sue me.
I’m going to sue you for the amount of time I spend figuring out what you’re replying to due to your refusal to use threaded comments. That’s a lot over a few years, y’know.
Can we start a non-threading class suit?
– 1 Peterbilt
Words do have meanings. And pick-up trucks generally have two options 6.5′ beds and 8′ beds.
Oh you.
5.5 and smaller have been rolling around for awhile now.
Right. And those are not trucks.
Ranchero, please
But remember, Trump is the anti-Semite.
Where does this end? It’s obvious that the victim/oppressor thing is playing out exactly as the commie fuckos had planned. I don’t see a way to shut it down (or even slow it down) without some pretty nasty consequences.
It’s almost like everything they say about their opponents is projection. Did anyone talk about zionism at CPAC? pretty sure we would have heard about it. I would guess that there were probably people at CPAC talking about going to war with Iran or Venezuela so it’s not totally strange to talk about ending a country.
“Marc Lamont Hill
This is not what I said, nor what I believe. The idea of “Jewish controlled media” is an anti-Semitic narrative that I wholly and unequivocally reject. My instinct is to ignore this, but I care too much about the subject to do so.”
Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying ears?!?
When I said that I didn’t think you would call me an anti-semite
Also: I get that many/most Reform Jews (and, increasingly, Conservative Jews) have replaced Judaism with progressive politics as their religion, but what does it take? Does the DNC need to re-release The Protocols of the Elders of Zion before they start reconsidering their obsessive allegiance to a party that wants to destroy them?
This. I don’t get it. ‘Keep your enemies close’ or ‘ Stockholm syndrome’?
Police lineup video of Michigan pool pooper suspects
I’ll let LH and Flashy confess as to who is who.
It’s the Swiss mix!
You forget the little girl.
If HM were a horse
These guys seem nice.
See gun control is working!
since become a bogeyman for President Donald Trump
And, presumably, the people they murdered.
C’mon man, they only cut someone’s heart out. They’re just misunderstood!
I figured you were exaggerating, but it really says just that in the article.
Coming soon courtesy of the modern media:
“MS-13 do charitable work for the poor”.
Mario Removed From ‘Smash Bros.’ Roster After Anti-Goomba Tweets Surface
Guessed the link correctly!
I think BB is slipping, its too easy any more.
Yeah, that one is a bit of a layup.
From the headline alone, it’s totally believable.
Muh lottery!
Months after federal jurors dealt a huge blow to Monsanto, saying its Roundup weedkiller contributed to a man’s cancer, a judge decided to soften that blow by $55 million.
Federal jurors in California sided with Hardeman and awarded him $80.27 million in March — about $5.27 million in compensatory damages for his pain and suffering, and $75 million in punitive damages to punish Monsanto.
It’s that $75 million punitive award that Judge Vince Chhabria said was too high.
“The jury’s decision to award punitive damages is reasonable … but the size of the award — $75 million — is constitutionally impermissible,” Chhabria wrote in court order Monday.
“This will be reduced to $20 million, for a total award of $25,267,634.10.”
“Here, the jury’s punitive damages award was approximately 15 times the size of the compensatory damages award,” Chhabria wrote.
“Monsanto’s conduct, while reprehensible, does not warrant a ratio of that magnitude, particularly in the absence of evidence showing intentional concealment of a known or obvious safety risk.”
I’m not convinced Roundup causes cancer.
If you drink the shit, I’m sure it does.
Farmers are notorious for ignoring any and all safety warnings on chemicals. No gloves, no respirators, no concern for their own well-being. Then they wonder why they get cancer.
Yep. We use Roundup a little around the house but it’s gloves, breathing mask, and safety glasses, just in case.
I use it all the time.
Protective gear is overrated.
I feel just fi lk anvaoi;eiru avnnid i;aidr;a nv ie a;ni c . . lk c
I’m surprised this wasn’t thrown out, given there is no absolute proof that Roundup causes cancer.
Wait, wut?
How is:
proven by:
Forget it Jake, it’s CNN/California.
Technically,doesn’t life cause cancer? You stick around long enough, you’ll get one form or another.
Life is a terminal illness.
I’m suing G-d.
Cancer is caused by a genetic fuckup that is created by irritated tissue repeatedly trying to heal. Recopying DNA over and over eventually results in mistakes. Some people are more susceptible than others.
Has anyone shown that casual exposure to Roundup irritates tissue?
I am not convinced either because….it doesn’t.
It’s poison, of course it causes cancer. Was the guy bathing in it?
My wife was freaking out about me using RoundUp. I basically use it 2x a year a little around yard killing grass underneath the fence so I don’t have to trim around the god damn fence every week.
I’m reminded of the recent kerfuffle over the “9/11 victim’s fund” or whatever it’s called.
How do you prove a link? When does it end?
If I die of cancer in 30 years can I blame it on 9/11 since I worked next door? Who knows, pay up!
Mortality rate: 100%
Nobody gets out of here alive.
Fuck you buddy. You can’t tell me what to do.
How is:
Monsanto’s conduct, while reprehensible
proven by:
the absence of evidence showing intentional concealment of a known or obvious safety risk
Listen, you deplorable ignoramus. Making everything from agriculture to lawn maintenance is a crime against Nature.
[insert “more efficient” somewhere]
SUV with a hitch and 5 by 10 flat bed trailer. Who needs a truck?
An excellent solution. Utility and flexibility, FTW!
It’s called a crew cab.
There’s something about being able to throw a muddy pair of boots or some other mess into the bed without worrying if it will spill or get on the carpeting.
“It’s called a crew cab.”
I’m the dummy who has 3 dogs and 2 kids and one dog who has to travel in a crate so I need the SUV for all that shit if I am going anywhere longer-term and don’t want to kennel the dogs.
My wife was freaking out about me using RoundUp. I basically use it 2x a year a little around yard killing grass underneath the fence so I don’t have to trim around the god damn fence every week.
Who uses large quantities of Roundup on a regular basis? it’s not selective. It kills everything.
Every farmer that plants Roundup Ready™ crops.
Every landscaping and grounds-keeping crew.
Well, grasses and such. Not great against woody stuff. That’s what triclopyr is for.