I’ve learned a lesson- never unpack and get the house set up. That’s a portent of bad luck. In my case, the bad luck is getting canned only six months after taking the new gig (long story, but basically the company owner has decided that he doesn’t want to do any new product development or continuous improvement of his current products). So I’m googling bread lines and soup kitchens, and am considering using Wonder Dog to shake down old ladies for whatever money they have in their change purses. SP will now qualify for the free lunch program at our local elementary school. And if any of you know someone in need of a hands-on technical/engineering manager with a sales orientation who can put together an English sentence and not step on his own dick in front of customers…
That aside, the news can still amuse, and I’ll do my best to make it so. Starting with birthdays, of course, including the guy who showed us what peas can do, and in the process, revolutionized science; the guy who came in second to a Sherpa; the woman who redefined hotness in leather; an astonishingly mediocre writer who is unaccountably rich and famous from wordy superficiality; and a guitarist who made his name covering Peter Green.
On to the news!
Well, if they should be able to vote at 16… besides, we may need them for our next Forever War.
Never say “rope” in the house of a hanged man.
Well, I guess working at McDonalds is out for me.
This one-ups the great old Annie Ross song Twisted.
“Does this mean my crib notes aren’t good any more?”
I’m sure some of you care about this shit. I don’t.
Andrew Yang, on the big issues.
Now THIS is a Trump initiative I can endorse.
Old Guy Music has perhaps my favorite band line-up kicking ass in sixteen different ways. And check out the circular breathing casually dropped in…
That’s unfortunate.
I think.
Who knows?
Oddly I was re-running the numbers for retirement just yesterday, checking on where we stand.
Morning OMWC, hopefully the next job will be closer and not have to start the process of moving again. We could use more glibs in MN so there is always that. Not hot here, bring a snow shovel and a bucket of Deep Woods OFF and you’ll in with some fine people. Good luck with your seach.
Jeepers! Sorry to hear about the job. I do love this morning’s musical selection, thanks for turning me on to it.
The entire Rip, Rig, and Panic album is wonderful. I just happened to have that song in my head this morning.
Oh, FFS. Sorry to hear that your lives have been so disrupted – including your mother.
This week has truly been a week of suckage.
I saw that you mentioned a rough week in an earlier thread. I hope your weekend is wonderful and helps alleviate whatever troubles came your way.
Everything I0b0t said, including booze. I hope it includes booze.
Yeah. Stay strong and good luck.
It’s hard when you don’t get end things on your own terms.
the guy who came in second to a Sherpa;
I was under the impression that they stepped onto the summit together to avoid the question of who was first.
basically the company owner has decided that he doesn’t want to do any new product development or continuous improvement of his current products.
Doesn’t sound like a good fit.
This is hardly the first time Trump has tried transform such an issue into a partisan wedge, and has especially taken glee time and time again in mocking environmental initiatives, such as the Green New Deal, or has cast doubt on the reality of climate change. And it could also be his way of trying to distract from yet another rough week politically in the wake of his racist attacks on four Democratic freshmen congresswomen of color.
Good job not editorializing, NPR. *rolls eyes*
Also, that really sucks, OMWC. It sounds like you have the right skillset to bounce right back into a new position, but in your shoes, I’d be spitting venom.
Let me see if I have this; George Zimmerman is white and AOC is “of color”.
*scratches head*
“Does this mean my crib notes aren’t good any more?”
Just say “slavery”.
Paper straws are worse than nothing. Ban bans on products as interference in interstate commerce – and make it against the law for congress to ban things either.
Ban Congress?
Naw, they have a role, that role is just much smaller than what they’ve been doing.
I’d be happy if they’d just do their effing job instead of being a bunch of grandstanding assholes.
“Naw, they have a role, that role is just much smaller than what they’ve been doing”
Naw, they have a role, that role is just much smarter than they are capable of doing.
Actually, it’s much bigger than what they’ve been doing, since they’ve given most of their regulatory power to the executive.
Meh, Straws are for children, If you are over thirteen and using a straw you look like an idiot.
You enjoy being wrong, don’t you?
“There can only be One!”
Dollar bills are so unsanitary.
That’s no shit. In micro one time we did cultures. You don’t even want to know what we found.
I thought that was why those tiny necklace spoons were made.
Snorting cartel coke with a Trump straw…truly the best timeline
Please post video of you drinking a nice, thick milkshake without a straw.
The burn! It feels so burny!
Does he have to be naked?
I’d really rather he not be, though if it’s as hot where he is as it is here, I wouldn’t blame him.
Milkshakes are also for children.
Au contraire! A Steak ‘N Shake shake is a work of art!
And fascists.
I start with a spoon and finish with a straw. Twice the waste!
I have seen more than a few college age women who absolutely did not look like an idiot using a straw but they sure did make the guys around them look like idiots
From the citizenship test article:
Really? What’s the crackdown on legal immigration?
I heard a local immigration attorney on the radio state that in years of practice, he has never seen a false claim of asylum. So I think they are claiming that once an illegal is caught, and they then ask for asylum, they are now legal status and we are being mean for even questioning that. Never mind not going to a port to request asylum.
Wat? Something like 80% of the claims are turned down.
Yeah, it was a laughably one-sided interview. But this is where they draw their righteousness from. I wonder why people don’t believe the media.
This 10 year test thing, that’s not an on going thing, is it? Like, everyone needs to be tested and/or counted every 10 years? If one fails the test you have to go back where you came from, something like that? Need a citizenship license to vote, maybe…
Are you fucking kidding? After all that effort to relocate home and family they pull this shit? I smell lawsuit if you didn’t sign an agreement with those butt-fuckers.
“At will.”
Honestly, I’d rather just direct my energy to the next thing. But thank you (and the other commenters for their kind thoughts).
Good luck.
It’s about all I can do, since I don’t know enough to be more than a hindrance.
Ugh. Reminds of the time we got undercut on a contract that left our asses hanging in the breeze. Nine years of faithful work flushed away by an over-zealous bean counter. To be honest, I might be facing the same dilemma, shortly.
Really sorry to hear about the job OMWC. Good luck in the job search.
You’re welcome. May the next opportunity turn out to be at least three times as good.
Let’s see, three times zero is… HEY!!!!!
I’m starting to think somebody put a hex on me. Weird stupid things keep happening.
I blame Trump.
Weird stupid things keep happening.
You mean you actually threaded properly for once?
Maybe is was a spell ?
Blame Mercury Gatorade.
OMWC that is really shitty of your company. I’ll look into some open positions I know exist in your area.
Thanks! I’m… versatile when it comes to location, though clearly we’d rather not move again. But I’m imagining your conversation “…so there’s this Jew with his own version of the Lolita Express who posts weird shit on the internet. He’d be PERFECT for you!”
omwc at this domain.
I’ll send you some leads.
Omwc@glibertarians.com ?
Yep!Not anymore!Sorry OMWC!
I’d be pissed after the relocation too.
Back in old Romania… the damn plane was late last night and I goot to bet at around 3 AM and slept till 11. I don’t think I slept past 10 in years…
“old Romania”
Must be nice to be back in the your own coffin in your own crypt, eh?
the thing about these jokes is they never get old
Jokes never get old? Kinda like you then?
Damn your nimble fingers.
Neither do vampires.
And Pie gives me my first belly laugh of the day
“Ahh, Vermy number one, you look just the same! Vermy number two, have you lost weight?”
And earlier on Friday, Trump himself weighed in on the issue during a gaggle with reporters, saying “I do think we have bigger problems than plastic straws
Saints preserve us- will no one rid us of this foul fiend?
You’re gonna be fine, Old Man. With Glibs helping out and rooting for you, how can you fail? Here’s to a strong bounce back
Sorry, about your job loss.
That sucks, OMWC.
Some days I don’t like my job, but then I remember how much job security I have and find it very comforting.
Now that did read the post, sorry about that seems kinda shitty thing for a company to do after 6 months… they should have known in advance
I’ve actually seen companies do it in less than 6 months – you can never really trust an employer.
this is why we need government …
If we all “worked” for the govt, we’d all starve.
To be fair to them, it was a complicated and difficult situation, which involved unexpected factors outside of the company’s control.
Jeebus OM. They had you relocate from Chicago to Phenix and then let. you go? WTF?
ugh. Phoenix. It is Saturday and I have already had a sip, what do you want?
Well, there is a Phenix (City). But I seriously doubt OMWC would be found dead there.
On second thought, that’s how he’d probably be found there – I don’t think the residents would like (((him))) much. They are a backwards sort…
The Phenix City Story
We want you to sip more and be happy!
I am. Today is a good day. Just for fun check these chicks out.
Even better
Thanks for that. That one just went in my folk/bluegrass mix.
I wish the VA would get off their collective asses so I can get hearing aids and enjoy the music.
My grandfather went to get new ones at the VA. After his first visit and learning how long it would take to actually get them he just went and bought them somewhere else.
Sorry you are having issues with them My dad got his through the VA in Fargo. He’s been extremely pleased with the entire process.
Thinking about it more; he’s also a very patient man. Maybe he also had to wait a long time and he just didn’t mention it to me.
I get tested in Sep. I really can get by without them, since I learned to say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what you said”
This is particularly true with hi-freqs, women’s voices, music. There are worse problems in the world.
I won’t say I’m enjoying losing my hearing as I near 47, but I take advantage of the situation by ignoring people regularly.
Dagger to the heart! Fuckin’ Suthen… You were the one that turned me on to Mandolin Orange, weren’t you? Fess up.
I dunno, maybe. I can’t remember if someone else posted them before I did.
No matter. I’ll always blame you (blood libel and all).
Ok, fine. Take this
Knew it!
It was either Suthen or the Old Man. That day was a flurry of talented chicks.
Definitely remember Sarah Jarosz name coming through Pandora when my first kid was a baby and trying to get him to sleep. Good stuff
The food truck conflict reminds me of the Edinburgh Ice-Cream War episode of Mad Lads. https://youtu.be/6TJf9J09SiU
Relevant for OMWC, I suppose.
Wow, sorry. That’s pretty shitty.
Drinking Yuzu (Citron?) highballs tonight. Highly recommend.
830 am here. Making a batch of Strip and go Naked for the beach. 12 beers, 5th of vodka, 1 can of lemonade concentrate.
Holy fuck. Have fun. Get naked!
They love the highball in Japan. I’m a fan.
You’re a fan of whiskey. I’d never challenge you and I’m not weak.
I might be back before the end of the year. I’ll let you know.
I owe you some. Hope to see you.
Sounds like good stuff, my dude. I’ll just be here drinking up this White Horse canned highball I was given.
I used to get the Suntory highballs from the vending machines.
I was at a bar that made Johnny Walker and other single malt highballs.
I’m no purist. I like a bit of water I’m most of my whiskey or ice.
The other day, I went out for breakfast. As I was eating a “couple” and a little girl came in. One of the set was a quite manly woman (I say this with a fairly high degree of confidence). The other… who the fuck knows? Possibly a woman transitioning to male, maybe? Obviously, it’s none of my goddam business, and it’s not like I got up and moved to a different part of the restaurant, but I started thinking about all this gender dysphoria stuff, and it occurred to me- the people who obsess about this gender fluidity crap would probably be among the first to say a belief in the transubstantation of the eucharist is evidence of a primitive superstition and a person whose grip on reality is tenuous at best.
In other words, everybody is crazy but me.
Everyone is crazy to some extent. Pick who you want to spend your time with, you just have to decide how much and what kind you can put up with.
Just shrug your shoulders and accept that you are living in the best possible timeline. If you have the means to crack wise on an internet forum with like-minded individuals instead of grubbing about in the forest looking for small mammals to kill and consume I’d say that you’ve got a pretty sweet deal.
Amen, Festus! My maternal grandparents were sharecroppers (picking cotton in Georgia/Alabama) until grandpa got wise and joined the brand new Army Air Corps.
You mean you actually threaded properly for once?
I endeavor to persevere.
So I bought a couple of 200 ml bottles of whiskey. One of them is a 6 year old Bunnahabhain @59%. Young and cask strength. Damn it need some water. Rough otherwise. Opened a bit after.
I bought some strange whiskeys which I may regret. I should have gone for solely 200 ml bottles but bought a 500 ml as well.
bourbon cask, first fill
Funny that. They started inculcating the metric system on us in 1974 but 200 ml still sounds Greek to me. I still use miles and acres. We actually grew up knowing what a “peck” was.
200mL is a fictitious measure. I means he didn’t buy any booze.
0.00061102569 hogsheads
Sounds like a single serving bottle to me.
Did anything besides pickled peppers ever come in peck quantities?
I love you,
A bushel and a peck,
Bushel and a peck,
Aw it beats me all to heck.
i did the math on how much money I spent and damn I need another drink
Or need to get Lei-ed
So ghosts have moved in while you were out?
I thought he just forgot the “ze” and was referring to his spirits.
That’s messed up OMWC, but I hope you can get another gig soon.
Sorry about the (un)employment news. Are you guys going to take the opportunity to escape the heat or are you gonna just sit tight for while?
If he moves, the old jew will have to find something new to complain about, and that’s such a bother.
*actual chuckle*
40 years in the desert – Oy!
Blackness as performance art
Perhaps this is why one day in New Haven, staring into the semicircle of oak trees in my backyard, I wondered what it would mean to ask random white men how they understood their privilege. I imagined myself — a middle-aged black woman — walking up to strangers and doing so. Would they react as the police captain in Plainfield, Ind., did when his female colleague told him during a diversity-training session that he benefited from “white male privilege”? He became angry and accused her of using a racialized slur against him. (She was placed on paid administrative leave, and a reprimand was placed permanently in her file.) Would I, too, be accused? Would I hear myself asking about white male privilege and then watch white man after white man walk away as if I were mute? Would they think I worked for Trevor Noah or Stephen Colbert and just forgot my camera crew? The running comment in our current political climate is that we all need to converse with people we don’t normally speak to, and though my husband is white, I found myself falling into easy banter with all kinds of strangers except white men. They rarely sought me out to shoot the breeze, and I did not seek them out. Maybe it was time to engage, even if my fantasies of these encounters seemed outlandish. I wanted to try.
Weeks later, it occurred to me that I tend to be surrounded by white men I don’t know when I’m traveling, caught in places that are essentially nowhere: in between, en route, up in the air. As I crisscrossed the United States, Europe and Africa giving talks about my work, I found myself considering these white men who passed hours with me in airport lounges, at gates, on planes. They seemed to me to make up the largest percentage of business travelers in the liminal spaces where we waited. That I was among them in airport lounges and in first-class cabins spoke in part to my own relative economic privilege, but the price of my ticket, of course, does not translate into social capital. I was always aware that my value in our culture’s eyes is determined by my skin color first and foremost. Maybe these other male travelers could answer my questions about white privilege. I felt certain that as a black woman, there had to be something I didn’t understand.
“Didn’t you hear me? I said fuck off.”
“I wondered what it would mean to ask random white men how they understood their privilege.”
That’s a recipe for disaster if I’ve ever seen one. I’m as laid back as they come and I wouldn’t be thrilled at all to be subjected to that bullshit.
“I don’t speak woke” would be my reply.
Yeah, complete strangers walking up to me in public, asking philosophical questions is not at the top of my enjoyment list.
So she intends to make assumptions about people based on their skin color. Not racist in any way!
And if you don’t enter a discussion with her after she asks you that, you’re the racist.
“Christ, what an asshole!”
*falls off chair*
My boss did that in an actual business meeting with clients.
Sorry about the job thing, Old Man. Reminds me of when I worked at the steel mill, and the IT dept hired a guy in (I nicknamed him Shitler, but thats another story). He relocated from St. Louis to N. Ky, bought a home, moved family in, and in the space of about 3 months, they canned him.
Never really liked the guy, but I felt bad for him.
Reminds me of the “coordinator” that my mid-sized manufacturing company brought in. She had a vision for the future! Unfortunately that vision entailed a disastrous expansion and the company shutting down in three years. They kicked me aside like so much duff when she joined the team. Gave me a hefty buy-out, though. I warned them. I fucking warned them. Now that thriving business that employed upward of 250 people is a rotting shell. Detroit in BC.
On the plane, I wanted to enact a new narrative that included the whiteness of the man who had stepped in front of me. I felt his whiteness should be a component of what we both understood about him, even as his whiteness would not be the entirety of who he is. His unconscious understanding of whiteness meant the space I inhabited should have been only his. The old script would have left his whiteness unacknowledged in my consideration of his slight. But a rude man and a rude white man have different presumptions. Just as when a white person confronted by an actual black human being needs to negotiate stereotypes of blackness so that he can arrive at the person standing before him, I hoped to give the man the same courtesy but in the reverse. Seeing his whiteness meant I understood my presence as an unexpected demotion for him. It was too bad if he felt that way. Still, I wondered, what is this “stuckness” inside racial hierarchies that refuses the neutrality of the skies? I hoped to find a way to have this conversation.
My washing machine is a portal to a planet in another galaxy.
Oh, I get it now…she’s mentally ill with simultaneous delusions of inadequacy and grandeur. She needs a shrink.
“I have a dream…” but then I woked up.
If I were this woman’s husband, I”‘d be seeking out a good divorce attorney ASAP.
What makes you think she has a husband?
From his first article quote above
But with her disconnect from reality, I can’t trust her witness.
Also, there was too much stupid for me to read it in detail.
She likes recreating the lovemaking scene from the 1999 movie classic, The Breaks.
Woman wins design award for designing an antimanspreading chair, AKA a torture device:
Sorry, I’m not going to crush my testicles to play to your sensibilities, those things need room.
I will say that I hate manspreaders on public transportation just as much as the ladies. For I, too, have testicles. Pisses me off when I have to squish them because the asshole next to me thinks his are more important.
Its just as bad as the ladies who put their bag on the seat next to them So no one can sit there.
I have noticed that “manspreading” is as much – if not more – a personality trait than an issue of comfort.
That said,
Methinks she relishes the “backlash” and it is in fact the whole point with these types.
I think you are absolutely right; on both points.
Are you paid by the Daily Fail, or by Ms Rose?
Or “he” is Ms. Rose.
That was one of my previous theories a few weeks ago.
my pulse did not change. I call clickbait
To be fair… you started from zero.
Other than having a big ass what’s this woman famous for?
Being 2 degrees from a Kardashian
She’s gorgeous, no brain required.
Woman wins design award for designing an antimanspreading chair, AKA a torture device:
They already have those. They’re called “airplane seats”.
It may sound silly but Trump taking on straws is a good thing.
The anti-science hysterical bleeding has to be plugged.
Really sorry to hear about the job, OMWC. Are you amenable to contract work involving travel? If so, I may have a contact or two for you.
Absolutely, yes. And thanks!
Good deal. I have SP’s email. I’ll send you something today or tomorrow.
Sorry about the job thing OMWC 🙁
Sorry to hear OMWC.
Bah. Sorry to hear it, Old Man.
Luckily you are fucking awesome, which of course means that the next thing will be amazing!
MSNBC business channel wants you to know
It’s been 10 years since Congress set the current federal minimum wage at $7.25. In recent years, some cities and states have taken steps to increase local minimum wage statutes, but there are still 21 states where the minimum wage remains frozen at $7.25.
Yet wages simply are not keeping up as day-to-day costs continue to soar. Pew Research found that the average paycheck has the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. A worker making the federal minimum wage cannot afford to rent an affordable two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the U.S., according to research from the National Low Income Housing Coalition.
Roughly 36% of U.S. workers earn less than $15 an hour, according to estimates from the EPI. Research shows women and minorities are disproportionately affected by the minimum wage issue.
Although the path to a $15 national minimum wage is far from over, proponents vowed to keep fighting on Thursday.
“We’re celebrating the House vote today, but tomorrow, we’ll turn right back to the fight. Our eyes will be on the Senate and on President Trump,” says Fran Marion, a McDonald’s worker in Kansas City and a member of the “Fight for $15 and a Union” campaign.
“wages simply are not keeping up as day-to-day costs continue to soar”
Really? somebody should tell the Federal Reserve. They keep saying there is no inflation.
Unions made this country great, and don’t you forget it.
Unionized McDonald’s workers? Say hello to kiosks then.
Well you have to have Netflix and Amazon prime and eat out twice a week and you need two car payments plus the better l newest cell phone, high speed internet so I can stream. I’m just getting started. It’s all required for a living wage.
I was working minimum wage when those laws came into effect and I can say that it actually annoyed me because I had gotten a raise only for me to be then paid the same as everyone else again.
What about a studio apartment? Minimum wage isn’t something you should make for long. It’s just a start.
If they want to raise workers’ take-home pay, get rid of FICA on anything less than $15/he full time, as well as set that as the standard deduction.
But, no, they want to inflict the cost on the private sector and take credit for it.
my pulse did not change.
[insert undead reference]
Sorry about the job Old Man. Been there. And thanks for continuing to be there for the weekend linkage. As to the links, I got nothing, except three head baby kind of grossed me out.
“Deadly heatwave to leave DC as hot as DEATH VALLEY this weekend as 200M brace for temperatures in excess of 100F sparking NYC to declare an emergency and roads to buckle”
Roads up that way can’t handle 100F? Now that’s just poor design.
In Looseeana we call that ‘July’.
Same there too. And where I am in North Baltimore County.
It hits 100 a few days almost ever summer since forever but this time it’s different!
Our NYC forecast is 96 today, 98 tomorrow.
It sucks balls but yes, it happens every single summer.
I’m sure many here will be unsurprised but some data indicate that there are fewer heat waves in the last few decades than is typical over last 100 years.
Let’s hope some of the old geezers in Congress can’t handle it.
Just like I have to sit down and think about temps in C, apparently Daily Fail doesn’t understand the difference between 100F and 119F.
At the bar a couple days ago I saw a longform ‘news’ story about UPS drivers needing A/C in their trucks or they will literally die! I wonder what all the people who work in the sun and don’t get benefit of moving air think of such things?
AC…in a truck with one side hanging open.
Sure, go for it.
Coffee without the beans and the bitterness…isn’t coffee. I doubt this will catch on.
I was always taught* to break an uncooked egg into your grounds like the Swedes do.
*I read it somewhere
I don’t know what it is but you are b some kinda Phobe.
Mmmm… chicory coffee…
Something tells me the “Frankenfood!! ?” lobby will love this.
Coffee without the bitterness is Starbucks’ milk-based drinks.
News you can use
Google is closing a loophole that revealed when people were browsing in “incognito” mode, but the fix will leave some publishers defenseless against a certain breed of freeloading readers who can now jump their paywalls.
By the end of July, Google says it will patch the glitch in its Chrome web browser, which allowed websites to detect when a person was browsing incognito. “This will affect some publishers who have used the loophole to deter metered paywall circumvention,” said Barb Palser, Google’s partner development manager for news and web partnerships, in a blog post about the change.
While a small tweak, this latest move by Google is just another in a long line of updates that provide more anonymity to users but also impact the way publishers do business.
Now do adblocker blockers.
I checked out the link to the 3girlsfolksy songs above and YouTube had to tout their new “YouTube web viewer app for desktop”.
For a while now I’ve been annoyed by the 99% of apps that do nothing more than present content that a webpage could do just as well using any browser a user prefers. Well, this is why that bullshit exists. Try blocking the adds in OUR app, now go rate our app and tell us how much you love it!
Sorry about the job OMWC. I’ve seen this happen before. The last company I worked with would go on a hiring spree, hire 10 or 12 people because we were growing and then 6 months later the CEO would see it hit the bottom line and fire 10 people.
16 year olds in the army is truly a terrible idea. And how do we twist around not saying we employ child soldiers like an African Warlord?
Truly there are many departments in the government that have bad ideas, and of then the DoD seems to produce the worst, and in my experience, the Army produces the worst ideas in the DoD.
” the Army produces the worst ideas in the DoD.”
Yeah, but they make up for it by doing it consistently and following through on those bad ideas to the bitter end.
“Yeah, but they make it up in volume.”
We already allow 17 year old high school kids to join, with parental permission. They don’t fight, they aren’t *really* in the military until they graduate high school, but they get a uniform, can train, and work to prepare for the physical requirements. Many still drop out for various reasons.
“Well, if they should be able to vote at 16…”
We should actually raise the voting age to 40, with a prerequisite proof that you are living outside your mum’s basement.
I will second that. Add in having children and a job.
I was actually thinking of adding in another prerequisite of ‘you will never procreate, humanity already has enough stupid’.
And maybe pass the same test required of immigrants wishing to become citizens.
Those people are dinosaurs. In the new utopia, once the Twat Squad have assumed control, you just promise to vote democrat, forever, and walk right on in, easy peasy.
Anyone should be able to vote, but the ballots should be blank, you have to write in the candidates name and the office he’s running for, or the initiatives name and number etc, from memory. Spelling counts, no crib notes.
And it looks like Baruk H Obaama has won the office of precedent.
*convention applause*
Of course, no proof of actually being here legally required, tourist visa should do, or not, China, Mexico, and CA applaud this move.
Guess I should have been clearer, any citizen of the state holding the election should be allowed to vote…etc…etc.
I guess I forgot this /sarcasm. Well, I really was serious about not letting 16 year olds vote.
Should’ve read just a few more comments. This is brilliant, actually.
Why do you hate NOVA? Only place in America where shopping malls and restaurants are packed with people at 11pm on week days. If you use those weapons, you can keep your weapons.
Today, in everyone is literally Hitler,
“Miss Michigan of the Miss World America pageant was stripped of her title for blatantly racist social media posts. The Daily Caller, historic home of DC’s predominant white nationalist political reporters, is defending her”
“The tolerant left.”
She seems to be getting reamed. Unfortunately there is no attempt by any Democrat in power to lessen the rhetoric that anyone who disagrees with them is a white nationalist. I’m afraid it will cost them the election.
“The strange phenomenon of young people licking ice cream and spitting in mouthwash may be more political than you think
A lot of these incidents are happening in large retail chain stores like Walmart.
Whether a subconscious effect or an explicitly thought out choice, these pranks could be read as anti-capitalist protest raging against big corporations.
Many social media users drew contrasts on punitive attitudes towards white and non-white transgressors.
They noted that in comparison, Oxford University student Lavinia Woodward famously stabbed her boyfriend and was spared prison, which some argue was a result of white privilege.
The black teenager who licked ice cream was immediately met with a barrage of abusive comments. Bameron Nicole Smith, a trans person who spit into mouthwash, was inundated with transphobic comments. Gay Youtuber Larz was the target of homophobic abuse after he scooped out some ice cream with his hand.
Lenise Martin III, who was said to have copied the original ice cream licker, spent two nights in jail despite having CCTV proof he had purchased the items.
Would accused white people have faced the same severe response?
By virtue of existing as a minority and daring to transgress, these figures become political, even if they don’t intend to.”
“these pranks could be read as anti-capitalist protest raging against big corporations”
Or you know… Stupid kids just going to Walmart to do stupid shit.
“They noted that in comparison, Oxford University student Lavinia Woodward famously stabbed her boyfriend and was spared prison, which some argue was a result of white privilege.”
You know who else was spared prison? All those kids who vandalized store property. What they did is wrong. They should be shamed for it. But it’s nice t know that you will dig up some random case to “show” how much worse x group has it.
And anonymous online commenters behaving like five-year-olds.
So dumb I can’t even. I literally can’t even.
Never change, NPR.
Guessing we’re going to see how much more destructive paper straws are than plastic. And nobody will care because virtue was signaled.
No, they’ll care. And ban those too. Good luck getting a takeaway drink anymore. As with gun control, any failure means the ratchet needs to be turned more to compensate. It’s just one more brick in tearing down existing society and demoralizing people.
Something something business model is fraud
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren took aim Thursday morning at the private equity industry, proposing new regulations for an industry that some have blamed for the spate of retail bankruptcies over the past few years.
The attack was the latest shot at Big Business and its supporters since candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Donald Trump whipped up populist fervor during the 2016 presidential campaign.
For politicians seeking broad support, private equity has become an easy target. The investment firms that do business by buying up companies and loading them with debt have been criticized for rewarding themselves with dividends while the businesses they own go under. Private equity firms were at the forefront of the so-called “retail apocalypse,” which saw the destruction of many of the country’s beloved retailers.
In regulations outlined Thursday, Warren proposed a number of stipulations seemingly aimed directly at private equity’s unhappy marriage with retail. The proposals include making private equity firms responsible for debts and pension obligations of companies they buy and banning dividends for two years follow a firm’s acquisition of the company.
“For far too long, Washington has looked the other way while private equity firms take over companies, load them with debt, strip them of their wealth, and walk away scot-free — leaving workers, consumers, and whole communities to pick up the pieces,” Warren said in a statement.
It’s like Ghengis Khan in a hand tailored suit.
With enough cheap money and regulation, we can keep zombie companies shambling along forever.
“and walk away scot-free ”
Because liquidating your assets as you see fit is a Crime?
Q: “Why do you rob banks?”
A: “Because that’s where the money is.”
“which saw the destruction of many of the country’s beloved retailers”
Literally the same chain and big box retailers the progs have been ranting against for as long as I can remember. Now they’re national treasures that need to be saved?
“If you have just logged on, welcome. Today’s topic of discussion is sex with Alan Dershowitz”
Because liquidating your assets as you see fit is a Crime?
Don’t you get it? If you hire somebody for a day, you’re obligated to support that person for the rest of his life.
Your company convinces you to relocate and then dumps you six months in? What a load of shit. Not sure my industry fits what you’re looking for, but you can send me a resume if you like.
An Old Man with Candy in the boob industry? Just go ahead and invite that fox right into the henhouse.
I thought girls with boobs were too old for him.
It seems to be fake boobs on otherwise flat girls, so maybe not?
“The Declaration of Independence is America’s mission statement; part of our problem is that our generation has failed to emotionally and psychologically bond with it. Its principles are dead if they’re not alive in our hearts. Read it and reread it. It will change you.”
New Age Libertarian Moment?
But I’m feeling afraid and unsafe, and it’s your fault, you and your document.
Whoa. Hippy lady said something on the money
It’s 10:30am and I just grabbed a cold beer from the fridge. Am I a bad person?
Yes, but not because of that.
Well, I already knew besides that. Like I told the wife, nice and right are not mutually exclusive.
Let us know when you grab #2 and we’ll let you know.
Now you have me trying to decide if I should “outdo” you and have one at 10am…
I’ve been told that I get a little too competitive at times.
It’s on, brah, I’m a switch to bourbon after a couple more, good luck.
What is this “too early” of which you speak?
I’m starting to assume that I’m awake, so it’s not too early.
*sips vodka*
Welcome brother.
Okay, that’s it.
*cracks beer*
*looks at third cup of Irish cream spiked coffee*
I am really sorry to hear about your job situation, OMWC. I guess it happens to the best of us. I hope you soon transition to something that makes this rough spot seem worth it.
Dog bites man.
The illustration is interesting.
“He was under acute depression and was under treatment. ”
So what we know about the story at this point, is that English is not their primary language.
I don’t think it will stick.
Sorry to hear about the job. Wasn’t there a glib (Playa?) who was moving to Seattle and looking for workers?
Good luck, we’re all counting on you.
We just want to know, why would anyone move to Seattle? And I live in MD, so…
some people like seeing this on the way to work
Can you just move the buildings out of the way?
Vox voxsplains Warren’s plan
This week, the Massachusetts Democrat unveiled the latest plank of her “economic patriotism” proposal to push American companies to operate in a fairer way and focus more on the interests of workers and consumers, this time with a focus on Wall Street. In a Medium post, she laid out various ideas for ways to end Wall Street’s “stranglehold” on the economy. “To raise wages, help small businesses, and spur economic growth, we need to shut down the Wall Street giveaways and rein in the financial industry so it stops sucking money out of the rest of the economy,” she wrote.
Warren also unveiled new legislation — the Stop Wall Street Looting Act of 2019 — which takes aim at a very specific corner of the financial industry: private equity, firms and investment funds that make money by buying and selling companies. The bill would overhaul the way private equity is governed and require the industry to change some of its most lucrative business practices. It would also offer more protections for workers when their private equity-owned employers go south.
Would it kill the private equity industry entirely? Probably not. But it would change a lot of the incentives around the way firms do business, require them to have more skin in the game, and make it a lot harder for them to make money if the businesses they buy fail. It would mean that to make a lot of money, they’d have to make really good bets.
The proposal is also another way to shine a spotlight on economic inequality and the ways workers often lose out to moneyed interests on Wall Street.
Essentially, Warren’s proposal sets out to accomplish a lot of things — she wants to require private equity firms to be more on the hook for the risks they take than they are now, stop them from making money off bad bets, and make sure workers, consumers, and investors don’t get shortchanged.
“The [firms] that face a problem are the ones that really bought the companies not to run them as a going concern so much as to make sure they got their money out and made lots of money for themselves and for their investors,” Appelbaum said.
Sounds legit.
“the Stop Wall Street Looting Act of 2019”
I don’t think this means what they think it means.
Sucks about the job, OMWC. Did you at least get to keep the stapler?
“So I’m googling bread lines and soup kitchens”
But comrade Bernie assured us that bread lines are a good thing. OMWC is just getting a good headstart on the new more left, more cool, more Eurofag like utopia. Because healthcare and reasons…
“the company owner has decided that he doesn’t want to do any new product development or continuous improvement of his current products).”
Dude, I’ve got it… can you make the desert bloom? Some Gatorade like concoction, it’s what plants crave. JK, I’m sure you will be OK, good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Such busty. So tits.
Eh… none of them look like they would stab me and then steal my wallet.
I know why the guy on the chip bag in 33 is so happy
“So I’ve discovered the sector of melanin Twitter that thinks Hitler was a woke black ally. It’s some wild shit”
Well, it’s Twatter, so we already assumed as much.
I’ve seen no reason to change my willful ignorance of how to even open a twitter link.
In her Medium post, beyond private equity reforms, Warren also lays out a number of other proposals, including enacting a modern-day Glass-Steagall (which puts a wall between commercial and investment banking), bringing about postal banking, and reversing the weakening of certain rules surrounding big banks under President Donald Trump.
And, of course, it’s not clear how much of a chance this private equity legislation has of becoming law, at least not until 2021.
But this proposal, and specifically the private equity plank, gives Warren a new way to hammer home her message on economic inequality and creating a system that is fairer for everyone. She has already laid out multiple proposals along those lines, including the Accountable Capitalism Act, a plan for economic patriotism, and a proposal to jail CEOs if their companies behave badly. This is another step.
I’d say the chances of that becoming law are crystal clear.
And- keep beating that Glass-Steagall drum. That’s a sure fire winner.
Let’s do a test-run and apply these rules to Harvard’s 40 billion dollar endowment.
Oh, they’ve been eyeing those endowments for a while
Is that the one that literally installs fascism?
Warren is a textbook fascist. Mussolini is rolling over in his grave.
Beer #2. Am I a bad person, yet? I mean because of that.
I’m heading out in a few to drive 40 minutes to pick up a case of beer instead of waiting until the stores open here. I have to mow the lawn this morning and only a degenerate would do so without a cold beer afterwards.
40 minutes? So you don’t have Drizly there? Probably cheaper to drive, no doubt.
Today in “How’d They Do That?!” we feature Liz Katz.
Liz has established herself as a successful cosplayer and generated quite a following.
The “How’d They Do That?!” aspect of this is that she used to be a porn actress by the name of Risi Simms. It take quite a bit of digging to find this. Many people try to transition from porn into a “respectable” career; how’d she do that?
This is that Jewish sarcasm thing?
Just sharing the knowledge.
Also, I question her nerd cred.
Oh, the pro cosplaying thing is filled with fake nerds, and all sorts of fakery.
Some additional research shows she likes women. A lot.
There was a girl who used to be in my office who may have been an ex-porn star or at least her identical twin. Same build, face, skin color, hair style and hair color. I never asked because I figured it was none of my business. She did her job and didn’t cause any issues. I mean, I used to work for McDonald, you tell me who had a worse job.
“Belle Delphine is banned on Instagram. She was mass reported by incels for “nudity or pornography” (she posted neither on IG).”
Now where am I supposed to buy weeaboo urine?
Wait… wut? Now we’ve went so far down the rabbit hole that we have guys who are offended by naked women? WTF? I want off this rock already.
The standard argument is “why shouldn’t they have to go thru the standard licensing that everyone else has to go thru?”
The proper response is, “No, everyone else should go thru the same non-existent licensing that they do.”
This was a reply to lemonade stand below. Or maybe it fits here too.
I wouldn’t assume that’s true.
The FDR monument takes longer than his administration to walk thru.
The episode was on TV this morning. Skip to 11:00 to see FDR’s handiwork.
“Students came to the Capitol to testify that government shouldn’t prevent them from selling lemonade. We agreed!!! It is now law that kids can sell lemonade at stands in Texas. Capitalism for kids!”
There’s kids with lemonade stands here on a lot of street corners, all summer long. And this is MD. How commie do you have to be to try to ban that?
“It is now law that kids can sell lemonade at stands in Texas. Capitalism for kids!”
It’s beyond sad that we need laws like that. I
In honor of Neil Armstrong’s mailbox, I raise this glass to sheer ingenuity and gumption of the human race.
Ohio State fans are worse than Nikki.
I think he went to Purdue.
No, the certain glib that destroyed the mailbox.
Repeatedly destroyed his mailbox.
I wonder what loathsome screed the NYT has in store for us on the big day itself.
On call: This is an accurate representation of my morning
Fuck that shit. I only test on the dev server, it’s up to the clients to test in staging and then it’s gets to prod if you sign off on it. If you missed something, let me know later and I’ll fix it.
Its my job when on call to make sure prod jobs run. If someone got thru, I have to make prod run.
Well, if it worked in staging, I’m assuming the patch to prod worked. Like I said, it it doesn’t, then it’s my job to fix it when I know about it.
Our QA team got layed off on May 22 (my, and most of the rest of IT’s, last day is Sept 30), so some things aren’t getting done correctly anymore.
I’m not saying Jared Bernstein is a mendacious twat
And it’s not the only economic “iron law” that we need to revisit. In the spirit of Powell’s act, I’d like to dig deeper into some assumptions that have defined economic policymaking these past few decades, assumptions that have needlessly caused a lot of economic pain.
The natural rate of unemployment that AOC questioned is one such idea (more on that below). There are three others worth singling out:
that globalization is a win-win proposition for all, an idea that has deservedly taken a battering in recent years;
that federal budget deficits “crowd out” private investments; and
that the minimum wage will only have negative effects on jobs and workers.
No, wait- yes, I am.
Slay those straw men, Jared.
Sorry to hear about the involuntary vacation OMWC. Good thing you have mad skills and SP is still young enough to work the streets. I find that things like this always do work out for the best. I know that sounds cliche but it’s been my experience.
Some flowers blooming outside our front door.
You’re always posting photos of your pistils.
That’s quite a stamen.
In my case, the bad luck is getting canned only six months after taking the new gig
Unfortunately, she did “get a job”