Pebble Beach, home of teh awesome when it comes to golf courses.


OrangeManBad is totes, a racist.


St. Andrews is a mandatory admission to any montage of links.


“Are you going to eat your fat?”


“The Challenge” at Manele Bay on Lanai. Except for this hole, where I put a five wood across the ocean within 10′ of the pin, this course ate my lunch.


“Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio”


“The Experience” at Koele, also on Lanai but at 2,000′ instead of by the water. Completely different environment. Lunch, eaten.


Nigerian channels Florida Man.


“The Plantation” at Kapalua. Constant wind, everything drains towards the ocean. My breakfast, lunch, and dinner relished by this golf course. I think I shot 120.


This isn’t San Francisco where you can do whatever you want on the streets.


I played a tournament at the Olympic Club when I was on the high school golf team. I was an 8 handicap. Yep, it dined on my midday meal as well as the others.


Oh, FFS. My own state has become infected.

