Evenin’ ZARDOZ
Sure, but it is evening in the only timezone that matters.
Did everyone move to Europe or something while I wasn’t looking?
It isn’t evening yet anywhere in ‘Murica.
East coast. So I suppose it is technically still afternoon.
I’m home from work – it’s evening
I would think that Florida is fertile ground for finding new Brutal Exterminators.
More like the ground itself does the ‘sterminatin’…
Is that where Florida Man goes to mourn the loss of his parents ala Batman?
Yes. It would be more sympathetic of it hadn’t been him who ran them over for Meth Money.
Alligator Alley is about 80 miles of flat, straight road between western Broward County and Naples. Most of it is Seminole Indian land so you don’t see any cops until you get close to Naples. Unless the road is closed by a wildfire, which happens all the time.
It is also a great place to take the kids fishing. You can pull up just about anywhere and drop a bobber and worm into the water and pull in just about every native and non-native species right from the bank. I take a vanload of the rugrats out to the first boat ramp west of the toll plaza several times a year. They always have a great time. We usually see several alligators, a few snakes, lizards, all sorts of weird grasshoppers and loads of different species of fish.
We’ve hooked up alligators a couple of times as well. One was well over 10 feet. I have a great video of a couple of elementary school boys screaming with delight as they attempt to reel it in on a cheap zebco 202. In the background you can hear a much less excited Cyto telling them that we are going to have to cut the line as the enormous predator gets closer…
I have often looked out over the glades from there and thought “this is the perfect place to dispose of body.”
“Woman Dies from Flesh-eating Disease on Coquina Beach”
Sounds like they should have taken her somewhere for treatment.
Who on here had the brilliant idea for the “florida-meth-gator-nado”?
I’d totally watch that.
As long as Q and I get to cast it.
Hairy guys with huge boobs?
The last good thing to come out of Austria
I thought it was going to be Hedy Lamarr.
That’s Hedley!
What the hell are you worried about? This is 1874. You’ll be able to sue her!
Falco. The answer is always Falco.
The python’s nest was lodged within the outdoor structure underneath a home. Some of the eggs hatched upon the conservationist’s arrival.
“The Burmese Python poses a significant threat to the Florida Everglades by disrupting the natural food chain,” said Bergeron. “With good fortune, we were able to find a large female, and remove her and an entire nest of up to 50 baby snakes which would have continued killing off our precious habitat.”
Um wut?
50 baby snakes?
:: shudders ::
Pythons are in a class by themselves. Our natives snakes are nowhere that big and we don’t have any predators that eat snakes that big, minus the occasional alligator or panther.
“Baby Snakes.”
Damn you!
Baby Snakes.
There was a report released about five years ago that showed most of the python’s prey were actually increasing in population. The report was still framed as the sky is falling from giant pythons.
The sky is always falling.
I miss the days when sex sold more than fear.
Pythons falling from the sky?
This sounds like a python flying circus.
I sure hope so. I’m generally skeptical of the sky is falling predictions.
It’s unfortunate. Like most similar things, it accompanied crackdown by the government. The federal government, pushed by some animal advocacy groups that want to ban pet ownership, outlawed interstate commerce of several snake species through amendments to the Lacey Act. This destroyed many small businesses that breed and sell constrictors. There’s some corollaries to this with gun control. Start with the scary guns/animals and advance. That’s what these groups are trying and largely succeeding as more pet ownership is restricted. Virginia underwent massive regulations several years ago on the restriction of all of sorts of animals. Private, unaccredited zoos are heading towards extinction.
You can also see the agenda in the media reports about the cause of the epidemic. My understanding is that most of the original Burmese were released into the wild when Hurricane Andrew destroyed some small zoos and one private breeding facility. However, the blame has been continuously directed at irresponsible owners who aren’t under enough regulation. I’m sure there’s some irresponsible owners who released their snakes, but we have the same overtones here of the average gun owner being responsible for mass shooting. There’s been some great articles written about the overlap in tactics used by the left to take down anything not approved of.
*overlap in tactics specifically by the anti-gun crowd and the anti-pet ownership groups though I imagine it applies to most Left groups.
That would make a great article.
That’s a good idea. I think Glibertarians might be the only non-interest group on the planet who would be against banning the ownership of 25 foot constrictors out of principle alone.
Of you decide to write up the article, let me know. I have a paragraph or two worth of anger against the Lacey act for banning interstate shipments of certain “invasive” aquatic plants.
in contrast, you can’t just kill these invasive animals. You have to have a special license that is really tough to get.
Closer to home, we have a plague of iguanas. Also tough to kill until recently. Now we are allowed to dispatch them ourselves, as long as it is done by one of a list of humane methods. 4-10 with #4 shot is not on the list.
It’s time to play another round of everyone’s favorite evening links game, Fit Lady* Friday! This is where we all post links of our most favorite, fittest gals doing fit gal things.
Katee Sackhoff climbing a rope.
*Feel free to sub in a male or trans or other if that’s your thing – all are welcome on Fit Lady Friday!
Wait, it’s Friday?! Shit, I’m supposed to be at work!
(and it’s Thursday)
The Man herself Becky Lynch’s conditioning workout!
uhhhhhhh alternating her dumbbell snatches *IN MID AIR* is a bad idea.
This is quite the bromance you two have going on here.
Jealousy is a stinky cologne.
Not at all jealous. Other sites are lucky to have one resident poster of tit links. Now we have TWO!
Well, they come in pairs.
lol I’m not some woke libtard – I play by my own rules.
But you don’t go Full Brooks and refuse to thread. So you’re not a feral juggler.
Heidi Moneymaker doing incredible things!
The UFC’s Michelle Waterson doing a wall handstand! Bonus content for you Epstein fans out there.
Katie Crewe doing a full body workout!
That Aussie wonder Chontel Duncan with her superhuman bod
Hafthor Bjornsson lifting and carrying heavy things.
Internet sensation, famous juggalo, and worldwide sensation SuperHumman doing a front flip on to thumbtacks and cut soda cans
Christmas Abbot crossfitting!
We steal the best aspects of black culture. Goodness gracious.
I mean her whole page. This one starts out hot and then is also hot but also distracting but also hot.
Uh… damn!
I would say “oh, to be young again”, but I ain’t fooling’ anyone…
“Feel free to sub in a male or trans or other if that’s your thing”. With a name like Sackhoff, I figured she was transgender.
Now I know I could never possibly have the worst post here.
Most excellent, Jaime.
This one hurt to watch. Also, that jiggle…
Did you bang the divorcee?
A lady never tells…
Allison Brie doing whatever this is
I miss Annie’s boobs.
Ashley Graham doing a boobs to mouth exercise which is an absolute delight
Hillary Swank
Is she attractive I say yes, but I also say no.
Then I say yes again.
Wonder Woman cosplay.
Based on her instagram page, she also likes to shoot guns.
Kid still in surgery. Been too stressed to be stressed.
Guess that they haven’t come and told us anything has gone wrong is good.
You’ve got to burst into the OR and cause a scene. That always motivates the doctors.
Things I learned from TV.
(on a more serious note, I wish you and your daughter well)
Hold the place hostage for some unknown reason until the unknown situation is resolved or you have to pee.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. No news is indeed good news at this point.
Good luck.
Hang in there, we’re all pulling for her and you.
Hoping for nothing but good news.
I’d be losing my mind. The frontal cortex knows it will be fine. The hindbrain, not so much.
Best to your family. Hoping for an excellent outcome!
Listen to Chet, he’s pre-med.
Praying for your kid.
Aren’t you glad this isn’t the NHS where you’d still be waiting for approval of the paperwork to get the paperwork for the admissions board to review your case for scheduling?
Best wishes.
Climate change; is there nothing it can’t do!?
“On the Rise” => DO NOT READ
Or alarming new tends
Also, “some point to”.
“Bacteria Pounce”
If BBC news is to be believed, it will only do it for 18 more months – their headline:
“Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months”
Someone needs to point out that if you’re gonna make statements that can be observed to be false, 18 months is way too short a timeline.
that can be observed to be false
They can’t be, that’s the point.
You’re not suggesting that they would make highly urgent but eventually unverifiable claims? That wouldn’t be “scientific”.
If we don’t do anything now, we’ll be dead by morning!
“Climate change; is there nothing it can’t do!?”
I have been assured that there indeed, is not anything it cannot do. Want to start that new career in research? Pick a topic, conclude that it’s tied to climate change. Profit!
16 ft is a big freaking snake for FL.
Sixteen feet is a big freaking snake anywhere.
There’s good eatin’ on a python.
But you need a really long loaf pan.
I’m a capitalist, but…
For decades, we proved that rules are good for business. We generated tremendous wealth while protecting consumers, strengthening the middle class, and lifting workers.
Then something changed in the 1980s. Our rules weakened, some disappeared. Our leaders (from both the left and the right) changed our economic philosophy from moderated capitalism to unchecked trickle-down. We eviscerated our safety net. Our middle class began shrinking, workers’ wages stagnated, and more and more wealth became concentrated in the hands of a very few.
The referees were taken off the field, and one team has been running up the score while the average American is made to believe “This is capitalism. Love it or leave it.”
So far only Elizabeth Warren has a plan to put the vast sums of wealth that have been hoarded by the ultra-rich and taken out of our economy back into play – this is money that will be spent by consumers and will strengthen businesses. She will help balance the scales on college debt and lower tuition so our workforce can focus on building their lives. She understands the role financial institutions play in shaping the wealth of our country, but also understands the need to bolster safety nets through consumer protections. And that doesn’t even scratch the surface of what she’s planning on doing. She’s got viable plans to fix it and isn’t afraid to get it done.
Only Warren has vision. She knows what “Capitalism 2.0” looks like and how to get our country there. She has not lost faith in us, in our democracy, or in American capitalism. Other candidates need to catch up if they want to convince voters they can make this country start working for everyone again.
Todd Carmichael is the cofounder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee.
To be sure, to be sure. Plans. She haz.
I wonder if the Warren campaign will report a dollar value for this kkkorporate kkkampaign kkkontribution.
Who here doesn’t wish for a return to the 1970’s?
Damn Scrooge McDucks!
. . . vast sums of wealth that have been hoarded by the ultra-rich and taken out of our economy . . .
Wealth — what is it? How does it work?
“We eviscerated our safety net”
:Looks at growing list of federal programs:
Where is this universe progressives live in and how can I get into it?
Rules weakened? This is so far from reality it’s ridiculous. Do a little research on any product you might want to buy and you’ll find an ungodly amount of rules that have to be followed, most of which have been implemented in the last 30 years.
“So far only Elizabeth Warren has a plan to put the vast sums of wealth that have been hoarded by the ultra-rich and taken out of our economy back into play”
So like they keep it in their mattresses? How fucking stupid do you have to e not to realize they invest it. Oh, I get it. Lizzy will invest it better.
Yes, the lion’s share of the wealth held by the ‘uber-rich’ is the value of their stock in active businesses. It’s the opposite of ‘hoarded’.
Which also goes to show how stupid Warren’s ‘wealth tax’ would be. Let’s say for easy figuring Jeff Bezos owns 20% of Amazon’s stock, which makes up almost the entirety of his great wealth. If he had to pay a 3% ‘wealth tax’ under Warren’s plan, that would mean he’d need to sell 0.6% of Amazon’s stock just to pay the tax. But that would probably have a big effect on Amazon’s share price. So which 3% would he have to pay it on, the share price before or after? And stock market fluctuations can cause such individuals’ worth to fluctuate by millions of dollars per day. Would her plan ‘pick a day’ as the tax target? And if so, wouldn’t the mega-wealthy try to drive down stock prices just before that day, to save themselves a ton on taxes — and what might that do to everyone else in the economy?
Yes, she’s so smart! She worked at Harvard.
Yes, she’s so smart! She worked at Harvard.
One of these things is not like the….
My sarcasm detector must be on the fritz.
You know who else had plans?
Me before kids?
Me before
kidsmarriage?Frank Lloyd Wright?
Artoo Detoo?
*bleep bloop*
A man, a canal, Panama?
For decades, we proved that rules are good for business.
Well, some are, sure. But not every single freakin’ rule anybody can dream up, like this implies.
Then something changed in the 1980s. Our rules weakened, some disappeared.
Then why is every municipal code, state and federal statute book, state and federal regulatory code, and state and federal regulatory apparatus, vastly expanded since the 1980s?
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
“Then something changed in the 1980s”
Ah, I see you’re speaking about increased government interference in our free markets. And of course, you conclude that the only cure is more government interference. Brilliant.
I think she means the 70’s, when Carter did his deregulation thing. And then there’s the phone company. Yeah, cheap airfares to everywhere and a phone in my pocket that can navigate me to anywhere while I watch HD movies and talk to any place on the planet, all for $50 bucks…that’s a dystopian future alright. Oh, and allowing companies to reverse engineer the IBM BIOS… that really killed the economy.
What a coincidence this is. Here I am in my first visit to the greatest nation on Earth’s capitol (AKA the Swamp), and I was about to visit this dude’s coffee shop. I’m glad I didn’t because it was too hot outside.
Capitalism 2.0?
There’s something about pricey coffee shops that makes them compete to out-woke each other. Hell, just browsing the coffee aisle at the supermarket is a political exercise.
Pythons are in a class by themselves. Our natives snakes are nowhere that big and we don’t have any predators that eat snakes that big, minus the occasional alligator or panther.
It’s the “killing off our precious habitat” that got me. Are the pythons building condos and shopping malls in the Everglades?
I think the concern is eating all the natives mammals and birds. I’m sure they will eat baby turtles and alligators too. With 50 to a clutch, their population is going to explode. Only time will tell.
Anyone else have Comcast internet? Their mobile service just announced they are now allowing android users to bring their own phones over. I’ve been waiting for this to switch over so thought I’d mention it in case anyone else was too.
Comcast is the second worst business I have ever dealt with.
Same here, but AT&T is the worst, and since my choices are Xfinity or UVerse…
I haven’t had a problem with my Comcast internet, fwiw, except that they haven’t run speeds higher than 150mpbs out to where I live.
What do you need those speeds for?
Oh, look at Mister “I don’t have to stream my midget tranny porn” over here. Check your privilege!
I bitterly hate Comcast. They’re my only realistic internet choice though. If you have their Internet, then you can enroll in the accompanying mobile service which is the only good thing. It’s ridiculously cheap and runs on Verizon’s network. My bill for 2 phones will drop from $75/month to either $3 or $15/month depending on how much data I use.
Whoa. That is a good deal.
I see alot of Comcast hate around the internet. But I previously had Atlantic Broadband, and I really LOVE Comcast compared to them.
Their internet service has been pretty good, and that’s all I get from them since i cut the cord a couple years ago. They are just too damn expensive.
“Comcast is the second worst business I have ever dealt with.”
What? You’ve dealt with government? That’s officially, not a business. Otherwise, no, your claim has to be false.
I’ve actually never had trouble with Comcast except their website site is garbage.
I only use them for Internet. No phone or cable TV.
I had nothing but trouble with Verizon landline service in the past which is why the landline for my house is not hooked up. I chuckled when Verizon sold their NH landline business to Fairpoint, and then chuckled again when Fairpoint declared bankruptcy.
So today I saw a Pete (Buttgieg?) 2020 sticker on a nondescript mini-suv with one of those thin blue line (don’t ticket me, bro) tribal stickers. WTF?
They support a politician that admits he is completely unable to control his own police department ?
Statists gonna state. If they are going to be wrong on most issues, why not go ahead and be wrong on all of them?
Also, I find that more consistent that to white trash in WV that like to put both the thin-blue-line sticker and the Gadsden flag in their back window.
We have those in regular Virginia, too, Bob. Most annoying.
I saw a “thin green stripe” flag today for the first time. No idea which branch of government dick it’s supposed to be sucking.
Game Warden?
Park Ranger?
Gaia worshipperclimate scientist?Red is Firefighter. Blue is Emergency Medical Services.
“No idea which branch of government dick it’s supposed to be sucking.”
[golf clap]
I thought blue was the cops, what with the fat blue line stuff.
Oops, should have said dark blue is po-po. Light blue (often with EMS sigil) is EMS. Also, a lot of professional Fire/EMS folk default to red since most professionals (govt) EMS work for combined Fire/EMS bureau.
Here you go, all the American flag colored stripe related information you can stand:
What a shitty day. Manager decreed that no work will be done via email, all must go through the ticketing/tracking system. Except that most of the other work groups I interface with don’t use or have access to that ticketing system. And self generated tickets are verboten. Oh, to to top it off, guess who doesn’t use the ticketing system to pass on work but instead forwards emails or via phone?
*cue Downfall parody*
I hate managers who try to make proclamations and then immediately break the rules themselves, while putting more work on their subordinates.
I have a strict rule for my peeps (Legal, Compliance, Risk Management):
We. Do. Not. Violate. Policy. I call it the Caesar’s Wife rule.
Hell, every year I send letters to our law firms reminding them that under our code of ethics I cannot accept any Christmas gifts, including bottles of wine, food baskets, etc.
And then you meet the aforementioned law firms in a dimly lit parking lot so that you can receive the gift baskets of not kickbacks in the form of cash, right?
Worked for Iran and Obama.
But you remind them your wife likes those things?
Not exactly, but apparently staying on my good side isn’t worth buying her an AMG, and nothing less would satisfy her, so . . . .
I’m reminded of the rules I’m stuck with.
Law says $70.
Agency says $0.
That means even in events where lunch is served to everyone in attendance, we’re not permitted to have any because it would violate the rules, even though A: EMC’s boxed lunches are not enough to sway my recommendation, and B: I don’t actually have that much ability to sway the people who make purchase decisions.
I think he’s nut flexing in a feud with some of his counterparts, rather than trying to establish a principle.
The higher I climb the company ladder, the more sympathy I have for moves like that. It’s probably a response to someone questioning the productivity of the department. People start putting your department in the cross hairs (usually to deflect from their own incompetence), then you have to take measures to make sure you can prove how much work is getting done, even though that itself is a questionable use of scarce resources.
But if you can’t actually follow through with the directive for added documentation, that doesn’t help anything.
That’s true. I’m not saying it’s right, only that I have sympathy. I understand where the half-assed attempt to track productivity more closely comes from. I find myself trying to balance between demonstrating things that I shouldn’t need to demonstrate and devoting resources to actual productive endeavors… and feeling like blood is going to shoot out of my eyes.
then you have to take measures to make sure you can prove how much work is getting done, even though that itself is a questionable use of scarce resources.
This is why I’m working at 8:30 on a Thursday night. Meaningless deadline next week, but there will be hell to pay if we don’t make it.
I’m working at 8:30 on a thursday night because we’re migrating production servers to the Enterprise AD domain from the agency one.
This always breaks something.
I often stay late to meet tax filing deadlines when I’m 99% certain that nobody ever actually reads the returns.
I think that would be more frustrating than this. I’m writing patent applications, and we have an arbitrary deadline of July 31 to get to a certain number of filed applications. Not because it matters, but because that’s how the GC measures our productivity, and we need to hit our Q3 goal.
At least the work is valuable, if not the most exciting.
I’m not doing anything as important or interesting as either of those.
(I’m not a windows admin, I’m wrangling the application testers)
Not really a TV person, but might be worth a look.
They’ll wreck it. Guaranteed.
I was thinking that as well
I think I will pass on Star Woke.
Today’s writers are obsessed with jamming virtue signals at every possible point in the script. It’s annoying and distracting from the lack of plot.
This will prolly be fun though.
Not TV. Streaming.
He looks more senile than Robert Mueller.
Here’s Every Democratic Presidential Candidate’s Plan to Solve Student Loan Debt
To the comments! Check out this dumbass:
Except your “plan” is bullshit that demonstrably doesn’t work at all, and just more typical Boomer pull-the-ladder-up horseshit. I came from an impoverished family that lived on AFDC for most of the 80s. My mom finally got a job, as a public school teacher in a remote rural district in northern Wisconsin, in 1989. When I went to school (at a public Ivy) in 1994, the vast riches she accumulated on her (probably 30. I didn’t even have a fucking car for most of the time, and when I got one, it was a clapped-out ‘86 Civic hatchback that I bought for $800, and which was frankly alarming to drive at freeway speeds. After graduating, I “upgraded” to an ‘88 Celica, which quickly fell apart and which I couldn’t afford to fix, so for most of my first six years in Chicago after school, I was strictly CTA. At one point I realized I hadn’t set foot outside the city in more than 18 mos. I never even dreamed of being able to afford a kid, and always took the appropriate precautions accordingly, and find your casual references to them hilarious in their presumption. Didn’t buy a house until last Dec, at 43 years of age. It’s 1000 sq ft.
Yet, despite paying my loans for decades now, they’re still in the six-figure range, and have completely circumscribed the course of my life. Do you believe that having millions and millions of renters, instead of stakeholding property owners, is in any way good for any local community? Do you believe that poverty-class children should be made to pay a lifelong jizya as punishment for the circumstances of their birth? Do you believe that three individuals holding more wealth than ~165M other Americans combined is in any way good, right or fair? Do you believe that any society can actually long withstand such pathological disparities in wealth? Can you point to a single historical instance where such disparities did not eventually result in the destruction of said society due to class warfare and/or revolution?
No offense, but fuck your mindset, and fuck into the ground. Forcing millions of people into indentured servitude because you were such a badass back in the day when tuition was $500/semester or whatever is idiotic, and I do not find your accomplishments in any way relevant or even impressive.
Good, good. Let The Hate Flow Through You.
Womp Womp.
“Paying for decades” and still that large of a balance?
Horse shit.
Also BS, his childhood story. His mom went from welfare to teaching position… without a degree? A degree she didn’t use during those welfare years? Or she was going to school and receiving welfare?
^THis. Shiznat don’t add up.
Whoops, html fucked up part of the first paragraph. The very hard to believe part:
I worked the entire time, probably more than you; having torn apart and rebuilt my PC in ‘93 in order to play Doom, I quickly became a PC hardware wiz and was hired as a student sys admin at the university’s IT department, as well as at the Dept. of Biostatistics and Med Informatics. Worked a baseline of 20 hrs/wk throughout school, and very often less than 30.
Universities often outnumber their student employees’ hours, because they expect them to be students first. Also, if he was such a whiz, graduating in 1998, he would have had stellar opportunities in those pre-bust years. Even in Chicago.
Oh, he’s trying to say he worked more than anyone. 20 hours a week is nothing. Many people work full time or hold down multiple jobs while going to school. Or did.
At one time I had 4 jobs and a full course load of engineering school.
Did it suck? Fuck yeah it did.
Did it pay off in the end? Fuck yeah it did.
Outnumber? Wtf autocorrect? *often limit
^This (as corrected).
Yeah, no. If he had decent sysadmin skills then he shouldn’t have taken until age 43 to be able to scrape up enough for a starter house, even if he was paying off an overpriced, useless degree in post-colonial grievance studies.
Didn’t buy a house until last Dec, at 43 years of age.
Bought my first house at 48.
It’s 1000 sq ft.
Live somewhere cheaper. Like, maybe, Iowa.
My first house was a post-WWII bungalow that was 900 sq. ft. My wife and I loved that place, and still have fond memories of it and the street it was situated on. Good neighbours, and teenagers that weren’t a pestilence on humanity.
In 1987 I inherited my house for absolutely free. Hell of a break. Well, except when I had to buy half of it back when I got divorced. Which reminds mr of the question and answer:
Why is divorce so expensive?
Because t’s worth it.
“Do you believe that poverty-class children should be made to pay a lifelong jizya as punishment for the circumstances of their birth?”
No that’s why I’m against paying for college for kids fortunate enough to go.
” jizya”
WTF? Got to be trolling, and badly at that.
Hmm. I remember all the guys I was in the National Guard with who didn’t pay a dime of tuition at Rutgers, Monclair State, or Rowan. All smarter than this jackass from Cornell. On behalf of them, please accept this Nelson laugh.
Or student loan repayment plan…
A public Ivy? I know Cornell is a land-grant school, but I don’t think any of them are public.
By public Ivy, I assumed he was talking about a school like Berkeley, UVA, Michigan, UNC. Those schools are commonly referred to as “public Ivys”
we called UVA the ugly-girl school.
Eh….it’s not Arizona State or anything, but there are plenty of attractive girls there. It’s not Vippy Sue for crissakes.
Yeah, there are plenty of attractive women at UVA. It’s not like it’s Penn State or Columbia or Colgate.
“Vippy Sue” LOL
I cleared my browser out and lost my kinja troll account unfortunately (fortunately?) or else I would have some follow up questions.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s just break this one down here.He went to a “public Ivy in 1994”. No shit? So did I. How in the holy living fuck do you still have “six-figure range” outstanding loans two decades later????? College simply wasn’t that expensive back then. I went to a private school my freshman year, Pepperdine, and a public school after that, Virginia. For the 1994-95 year, Pepperdine tuition+room and board was somewhere around $30K. 1995-99, my UVA tuition was about $8K a year.
OK, but that was in-state. What if this guy were paying out of state? Well, UVA’s out of state tuition was around double in-state, $16K or so. So then…..how exactly have you been paying your loans for two decades and owe six figures?
Don’t pay, accumulate interest and penalties
Which would disprove the “paying for two decades” bit
And working 20 hours a week as an IT whiz who couldn’t get such a job after graduating.
In 1998 when anyone with a heartbeat could get IT jobs, some dropping out of college for opportunities.
You’re not suggesting that he might have made the story up…
Truly the saddest story ever told.
Somebody call the WAAAAAAAAAAAAHmbulance.
No mention of what in demand degree was obtained.
Let’s take a guess.
“Here’s Every Democratic Presidential Candidate’s Plan to Solve Student Loan Debt”
Let me take a stab without reading any of that. Tax the fuck out of you and I to pay for it?
“Free” college?
You get what you pay for.
Well, I may be changing my handle soon to Bob Escaped WV. Looking at a potential move back to WA state. Since I left they passed alll sorts of heinous gun laws. Any WA Glibs out there know how many times over I’ll be a felon once my arsenal crosses the state line?
You just need to “lose” everything in a boating accident.
There are a lot of lakes between WV and WA.
If I ever fight my way out to a free state, I’m never leaving.
WA was great when I lived there. Over the counter CCW purchase, no ban on anything related to a rifle, no handgun registry. I don’t know what they have now but I heard its bad.
Yes. By a vote of the People.
I grew up in MA back when it was relatively free. Still have family there but I’ll never live there again.
Go to Alaska. Same as WA, just a little colder and with a whole bunch more liberty.
None of you move back to Republic
flesh -eating bacteria…warm and salty
I guess I need to move somewhere cooler and safer. I hear Vermont is nice.
But is it Minnesota nice?
The weather may not be the best in the nation, but we have the smartest and best looking Glibs around.
Where’s Yufus? I got a HVAC question. Jugsy’s 2nd car needs some work, so I was gonna evacuate/leak-check/fill the ac
My gauges are for residential a/c- R410, R404, and R22. The car, obvs, uses 134a.
How much pressure variance will I see if Im too cheap to go get a set of automotive gauges from Harbor Freight ?
Did you check the thermostat?
I dont know where it is on a GMC Envoy.
It don’t even matter. However, if you evacuate 134 into your tank, it’ll be contaminated. It’s easier to just pay someone 75 bucks to do it all for you.
Theoretically, you evacuate, hold a test vacuum for 10 or so minutes and then charge with the prescribed amount. Unless there a problem, you don’t even need gauges.
Tank? Dude…..I do air pollution testing for a living. You really think I have an issue letting maybe 12 oz of refrigerant loose ?
OT: I don’t really get what everyone’s (media, political elite) problem is with Boris Johnson. He has a lot of policies that the left would love, his cabinet is diverse (Chancellor of the Exchequer is of Pakistani descent and a woman of Indian descent is Home Secretary), and is well educated according to their standards. But yet everyone thinks that he will be the end of the UK simply because he wants to leave the EU.
I don’t get it at all.
Trump’s somewhere between Clinton and Bush politically but people think he’s the anti-Christ.
A) He favors Brexit
B) He’s a Tory.
Pro Brexit.
So anything he does is evil.
Not the right kind of Pakistani and Indian woman, though.
Obviously not! They’re working for Boris! /ewwwwwwww!
He has dumb hair.
It’s just another version of Trump’s “Make America Great Again == racist”. Or: you know who else who wanted to put their country first?
Louis XIV?
Yeah, a friend who should know better called him an idiot. He may be a clown and a showman; but the man is not an idiot.
Also, WTF is it with US citizens getting exercised over Brexit. These are the same people who wailed long and loud about “muh russha,” “co-lusion,” and “teh interferez.”
The number of Americans upset that Brexit ain’t Brexit-ing fast enough puzzles me as well.
Because I hope my very very very distant cousins will get a sniff of freedom.
Meh, they are just swapping one master for another, nothing I’ve seen from the UK makes me think they are more liberty oriented than the EU.
Better the Tyrant in Westminster than the Tyrants in Burssels.
Not necessarily, would people in California be freer under the commie rule of Sacramento without the freedoms guaranteed by the federal government?
In this case, the Totalitarian Bureaucrats in Brussels are still worse than their local counterparts.
I remember I stayed up all night watching the live Brexit response. It was just a taste of the deliciousness of the left’s sorrow Election Night 2016.
And besides, it’s what Trump wants. That’s reason enough to be opposed.
Another reason policy makers at the Fed and ECB are poised to push ahead is their confidence that lower rates will not lead to an outbreak of unwanted inflation. Indeed, they’ve signaled that they’d welcome a rise in price pressures to help lift inflation rates they reckon are too low. The ECB meets Thursday and the Fed next week.
Powell himself has suggested that the last two U.S. economic expansions ended not because inflation got too high, but because asset markets got too bubbly. In 2000, it was stock prices, especially those of high technology companies. In 2007, it was house prices.
With U.S. stock prices already flirting with record highs and about $13 trillion of bonds yielding negative rates, there’s a concern that history may repeat itself.
“Certainly in a period where asset prices are elevated, you should be a little concerned about actually heating up those asset prices,’’ Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren said in a July 19 CNBC television interview in which he signaled his likely opposition to a widely-expected rate cut.
I don’t believe for an instant that Bloomberg is making an argument based on principles.
Right answer, wrong reason.
Trump desperately wants the economy to last until the election is over. Democrats are praying for havoc before then.
Sills was charged with grand theft of a vehicle, fleeing and eluding police with injury or damage and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill as well engaging in prostitution, according to St. Lucie County jail records.
Would not.
Kid out of surgery. Everything apparently went well. Still under sedation.
Good news
glad to hear it.
Great to hear!
Ask for some sedation for yourself, now that you can try to relax.
Good news!!
Great news. But to warn you – some kids get angry or upset when they come out of sedation. My niece cried for a half hour and then was fine. My daughter was angry and upset for about an hour, and she was fine. It’s heartbreaking but it does happen, and thankfully it’s over fast.
Oh my god, do they ever. My daughter had a cyst removed from her tongue a few years ago – apparently, there was a slight chance it might become cancerous eventually – and she was inconsolably angry for a few hours afterwards. Kept trying to pull the stitches out.
“Still under sedation.” You or the kid?
Seriously though, good luck. I can’t imagine having to go through something like that.
They couldn’t use local anesthetic?
I thought it was some form of heart surgery.
I put this in the wrong spot. Was supposed to bee asking chip wooder regarding good kid’s cyst.
His kid’s *
I’m rolling.
Nuh mouph sugury
Great! Thanks for the update.
“Exxxxxxcellent, Smithers!”
Good news man. I’m glad for you.
Glad to hear it.
Fantastic! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Good good! Time to calm down for when she wakes up and sees her confident smiling dad.
Hooray! Hoping for an uneventful recovery.
Great! This site was down for a while when I wanted to check how your kid was doing.
Great to hear!
Thot Thursday bringin’ da tits.
Snopes fact checks The Babylon Bee… AGAIN.
Can’t make fun of lying leftists.
And the Bee got back at Snopes.
Legit LOL.
Damn, they are still killing it.
Has snopes picked up all the rakes lying around their offices? Or are they still constantly stepping on them and smashing their faces?
Uffda. You’d think that they would learn from past offensives against BB that things won’t go well. I think even the Chicoms have learned to stop using The Onion as a news source.
Meet the genius fact checker behind this one:
i luled at pocket sand. it’s the little details that set them apart.
“Snopes Needs Your Help
We’d rather be focused exclusively on fact-checking and investigative reporting right now, but a legal battle has forced Snopes to fight for its very survival.”
Lemme sign this check for $1 million dollars signed by Paul Likmyas.
Tulsi files a
pantlawsuitRepresentative Tulsi Gabbard, the long-shot presidential candidate from Hawaii, said in a federal lawsuit that Google infringed on her free speech when it briefly suspended her campaign’s advertising account after the first Democratic debate in June….
Tulsi Now Inc., the campaign committee for Ms. Gabbard, said Google suspended the campaign’s advertising account for six hours on June 27 and June 28, obstructing its ability to raise money and spread her message to potential voters.
After the first Democratic debate, Ms. Gabbard was briefly the most searched-for candidate on Google. Her campaign wanted to capitalize on the attention she was receiving by buying ads that would have placed its website at the top of search results for her name.
The lawsuit also said the Gabbard campaign believed its emails were being placed in spam folders on Gmail at “a disproportionately high rate” when compared with emails from other Democratic candidates.
“Google’s arbitrary and capricious treatment of Gabbard’s campaign should raise concerns for policymakers everywhere about the company’s ability to use its dominance to impact political discourse, in a way that interferes with the upcoming 2020 presidential election,” the lawsuit said.
Ms. Gabbard and her campaign are seeking an injunction against Google from further meddling in the election and damages of at least $50 million.
Might be interesting, but will probably go nowhere
One call from a lobbyist and that disappears.
I’d be interested to hear what Glibs think and who they would vote for if 2020 was Gabbard Vs Trump? I’m not sure I’d like that choice; an anti-war (in a very principled way that I respect) prog or a quasi-anti war populist. She gets lots of love from libertarians but she’s no friend of liberty…….then again neither is Trump in many aspects.
That’s an imaginary contest. She won’t make it through the Primary.
Of course, this is purely hypothetical.
Trump. Any day of the week. Dude is legitimately funny. “Bolton, is Ireland one of the countries you want to invade?”
Commit raptio on all the hot gingers.
How are they going to be distributed? That’s important before I support or oppose your policy.
“Hot gingers.”
I’m in. [Sheds single manly tear remembering when I had a soul before the first of a long series of gingers got to me.]
The gun grabbing and socialism of Tulsi make her a non-starter for me.
The gun grabbing might be enough for me to say, “yeah, fuck her.” As evil as foreign interventionism is I’d rather we continue with the status quo and retain our arms than the other way around.
Maybe I’m overthinking this but the President can’t grab any guns, but they can end endless wars.
Tell that to the bump stock owners.
“but they can end endless wars”
But they don’t because they defer to their experts. I think Obama was reflexively anti-war and he couldn’t do much about it. Yes, he followed the Iraq timetable but he let others advise him to deal with Libya.
Maybe I’m overthinking this but the President can’t grab any guns
But she can support and sign legislation that does, and, of course, direct her multitudinous agencies to clamp down on gun owners and the gun industry.
#Metoo. Will never vote for a gungrabber no matter what their other platforms look like. Socialism is a very close second thumbs down. Foreign intervention isn’t even a blip on my radar compared to those two items.
If she would actually pull troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, and everywhere else we are fighting terrorism it would probably be Tulsi.
“I’d be interested to hear what Glibs think and who they would vote for if 2020 was Gabbard Vs Trump?”
I’m a vote for the commie twat. Yeah, right.
Not sure what her actual legal claim might be.
The gun grabbing and socialism of Tulsi make her a non-starter for me.
Same here. She may be the best of a bad lot, but she still part of a bad lot.
Yeah, I can respect her principled fight against the
deep stateentrenched bureaucracy andindustrial-military complexother interests, but the socialism…I would vote for Williamson for the lulz.
Fox just announced a poll that has Biden at 33% among Dem primary voters.
So Biden vs Trump. Forced to pick I would go with Trump just because I want to see the media melt down again.
Gabbard’s excellent on foreign policy and downright terrible on just about everything else, especially guns. Trump it is I guess.
Kid out of surgery. Everything apparently went well. Still under sedation.
Glad to hear it. Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.
Keeping the world in context
Hughley said that “you could worship the devil and be a better human being than if you worshiped Donald Trump.” He then told his audience to “look up the tenets of the Church of Satan… and then go to a Trump rally and you’ll feel safer around Beelzebub than this dude.”
Throughout the panel discussion, the group debated if a person could still be considered “good” and also be a Trump supporter. Co-host Jasmine Sanders said, “I don’t think you can do that. That’s like saying ‘I’m going to eat a burnt piece of toast but scrape the burnt off.’ It still tastes burnt.”
Hughley argued that “you can’t be a little Trump supporter” and that “it’s not because of his vocal supporters that he’s in power. It’s because of his benign ones.”
I mean, you shouldn’t “worship” any human, especially politicians.
Keep it up and what comes after Trump will make you wish for him back.
Totally NOT a secular religion!
These people are a pamphlet away from being a political version of Jack Chick.
‘I’m going to eat a burnt piece of toast but scrape the burnt off.’ It still tastes burnt.”
No, it doesn’t.
the group debated if a person could still be considered “good” and also be a Trump supporter.
You want death squads disappearing political undesirables, this is a good start on it.
They’re Millenarians. They want a final showdown between Good and Evil, like ISIS. I think the explicit desire for Civil War is becoming more and more prevalent among progs.
Lol, cuz the last one was so much fun.
“you are a vacant human being”
Or Untermensch, if you will.
that’s not unhinged in any way whatsoever.
it’s not because of his vocal supporters that he’s in power. It’s because of his benign ones.
Someone doesn’t know what “benign” means. Sad.
Tacit supporters. Silent majority, even.
You know who else had plans?
Albert Speer?
Outer Space?
Architects ?
Anybody have a reco for what to do with a spare Friday afternoon in/near Asheville?
We’re getting there mid-day Friday (me, Mrs. Tree and 5 spawn 10-18). Sat am is a Spartan race, then Chimney Rock for very casual hike Sat pm. Sun am church and Sun pm at Biltmore.
Brewery tour. I can’t remember the name, but it was a blast.
Hier. Recommended.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Alternately go east from the Blue Ridge Visitors Center for some great views. If you can make it to Mt Mitchell, you’ll be at highest point east of the Mississippi I believe. Quite beautiful. Walk from parking lot to top is short but quite steep.
Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center
So pretty part of Pisgah Forest around here. Looking Glass Falls is nice. 276 will take you right up to the the Parkway. You can head back towards Asheville on the Parkway, but I would go the other direction for a couple of miles first for some some really nice Vistas.
Pisgah Ranger Station/Visitor Center
They have have a Bus Tour that’s quite fun as well. We got on it at the Heywood. There is a pinball museum in town if your into that. I didn’t have a change to but it looks like you could blow through it in 5 minutes.
There’s a parking garage next to this cool little taco place. Be careful with Google maps or you may end up in Biltmore Village instead. Right by the Taco Shop is an Ice Cream place and around the corner is French Broad Chocolate which a very popular desert place.
White Duck Taco Shop Downtown
12 Biltmore Ave, Asheville, NC 28803
Thx for all the feedback.
Location where the (actual) whitewater scenes in “Deliverance” were filmed.
Throughout the panel discussion, the group debated if a person could still be considered “good” and also be a Trump supporter.
Bless their hearts.
Of only we could take all those people and concentrate them somewhere, y’know so we can keep an eye on them. Like a camp or something.
And who doesn’t like camp? Wedgies, pranks, hazing…
In local news: Our gas tax went up but N.J.’s roads still stink, poll says, surprising no one
Kinda like in PA.
On my Thomas Massie Facebook feed:
He sounds surprisingly reasonable for a politician.
Good for him. I’m tired of them slipping in unrelated bullshit knowing the MSM won’t bother to mention it.
Story on upcoming Richmond/’Pies clash.
Yay, Fox Sports is showing it at 5:30am. I’m going to need to need some hard liquor before I sit down and watch that tomorrow evening. Which Collingwood will show up? Place your bets!
Amash/Massie 2020
“But we’re different. And special.” /Israel lobby which really doesn’t exist anyway
I missed going outside to watch the SpaceX launch, but heard the sonic boom a few minutes ago.
Do any of y’all use an antenna for local stations? I’m trying to find one that will pick up my local stations (all located 27-28 miles away) without breaking the bank. Ideally, I’d mount it in the attic and run it through an existing patch panel to distribute signal to multiple rooms. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Get a ?. More interesting than broadcast TV.
Yes, I have an HDTV unamplified antenna which I use as an emergency backup. Antenna placement, particularly elevation is important. Highly recommend amplified antenna given 30 mile distance between you and transmitters. Or change out patch panel for amplified splitter.
I have one of these, which works well when the satellite is down. However, I also am closer to the TV stations and live in a generally flat part of the US.
I used to have many and found it fun to experiment with them. Then I had a 10′ satellite dish. I loved that thing and messing around with it. That was the peak of TV. Then came cable and TV has sucked donkey ballz since then.
I have in the past. I recommend not splitting the signal if you’re 30 miles away. Get an amplifier and situate it close to the antenna.
There are options for recording broadcast tv on your computer that will allow you to share it out to multiple TV’s.
Also check this site for recommendations on a setup based on your location.
The Leaf ones aren’t bad and have a fairly small footprint, I’ve got the internal ones and they work for all but two channels.
I ended up breaking the bank and getting one of these. Depending on the “line of sight” to the antenna (how many trees and buildings are in the way), you can probably get away with something much cheaper. Amp is definitely worth it at 30 miles out. You can get one where it sends the power back up the line (so you don’t need to install a plug in the attic) for $20 or so.
That is an awesome antenna. I love antenna theory and design. I was born a couple of decades too late — hardly anybody uses ’em any more . . .
Antenna theory is one of the few classes I regret not taking in engr school. I took a class on compilers instead. More useful for the career, less interesting than antennas.
I have an Amazon basics one. Works ok. Not so good at the low end of the channel spectrum. Cheap though.
Speaking off hypothetical match ups, has anyone actually placed a bet on an election? Which site did you use and would you use them again?
Huh. Online odds have K. Harris as the dem to beat, but still have trump beating her.
My (figurative) money has been on her for a while.
I have an idea I’ve toyed with. In an event with only two outcomes, one of which you prefer, you should bet on the outcome you don’t want, that way you’re happy either way. You get what you want or money to soften the blow.
That only works if there’s an outcome which has net happiness.
I was thinking something simple like a sports game. You want hometown to win, so you bet $20 on out of town. If your teams wins, yay team. If they lose you shrugs and go out to eat.
Isn’t Biden still the leader right now?
Not according to the bookies. They have Harris & Warren ahead of Biden.
“They have Harris & Warren ahead of Biden.”
Both would lose to Trump in a historic landslide. Biden is probably the dems only hope.
I trust bookies more than polls. People have actually put their money where their mouth is.
So, you trust the bookies who said Trump had no chance in 2016 more than the polls who said Trump had no chance?
I think the reasoning there is that if one drops out, the other will pick up her votes. However, I think Biden is still ahead. Biden’s strategy should be to keep as much of the clown car in the race as possible. His goal should be to keep any one of the hard-line progressives from unifying their base behind them. So far as I can tell, Biden’s got a lock on the moderate vote. If he can keep the progs split, he can probably build the momentum to win the primaries.
Dem Primaries are not about who gets more votes.
The bookies must be placing odds with their hearts and not their heads.
It’s my understanding that bookies don’t set the odds. The odds are set by people placing bets and the odds change as more money/bets are placed.
That makes sense then, I’d expect highly motivated partisans to disproportionally place bets. Biden might be the frontrunner but no one’s thrilled about voting for him.
Exactly. The line is meant to divide bets 50/50 in a 2-way contest. The odds give the bookies a 3-6% vig.
Of course, you could get accounts with multiple bookies and look for differential odds as an opportunity to arbitrage.
Thinking of doing some time travel, FM?
I’ve almost cracked it. I lose days at a time but always end up in the future. Disoriented and unaware of events. I just have to figure out how to go back!
The Ohio polls that came out today were interesting. They have Trump sitting ok or better than every Democrat candidate. Except Biden.
Biden is somehow beating Trump by 8%.
Biden has already had a terrible debate and it hasn’t really done much except a slight temporary bump. Is he the Democrats Teflon candidate?
I’m thinking those polls are cooked. If Uncle Joe is the nom and I get odds on Trump, I might make a bet on Donny 2 Scoops.
Biden already said he wants to fight Donny. I for one welcome the sight of two old men flailing at each other on the debate stage. Secret Service should have a stand-down order in the case of said event.
LOL Donald would use every dirty trick in the book. Poke his eyes out, groin stuff, whatever works.
Folding chair. Duh.
“Look, an unaccompanied minor!”
*Biden turns*
*clobbers him with a metal chair*
? this guy gets it.
So he’s not interested in making the office of the president dignified either.
Had not heard this.
Why? It’s been Oct 31 for how long?
So it’s always on a Saturday.
No. I hate these floating holidays thjat don’t stay put on a set date. New Year’s, Independance Day, Veterans’ Day, Christmas, these are reliable holidays that I know when they’re going to fall. It’s the fuzzy ones that are always “X Monday of Y” that drive me mad by sneaking up on me.
“The first Tuesday following the first Monday.”
*apoplectic tirade*
I recall AR some point locally them wanting not have beggars night on the weekend due to more drunk drivers.
How will I remember the correct day for my blood sacrifices?
Asking for a friend. An eldritch friend.
I just let the voices in my head keep track of blood sacrifice days.
But he’s terrible with keeping appointments!
I’ve decided that we live in a simulation.
I just saw a guy in a red baseball cap driving a Wrangler Unlimited with no roof or windows. Mounted behind the front seats was a flagpole. From it a huge American flag waved bigly as he drove down the road with the stereo blasting…
… Moonchild by King Crimson. WTF? Really? Greg Lake singing sappy ballads to own the libs? That’s a programming error, like that cat in the Matrix. Many such cases.
Are you tripping, cause that’s the kind of thing that always happens to me when I’m tripping balls.
Nope, I was totally sober.
The only problem is that there are not enough of those sweet glitches in the realitysphere. I promise when I get the source code and get elected Supreme Overlord, I will double the glitches, Hyperion for Supreme Overlord / Moar Glitches, Feature not Bug.
Could I get the glitch that keeps me young, handsome and virile forever? Now that’s what I call a feature.
*glares concernedly*
While seeking inspiration, I was browsing images of Ancient egyptian treasures, and in the high res images, I noticed that a number of them are not actually that good in terms of execution. Absent the knowledge of the limitations of tools and time available for the ancient artists, when you compare them to the mass-produced egyptian themed silver in my collection, the modern schlock looks better.
It’s one of those “Say it ain’t so” moments.
In the off chance that any of you want to become Florida Man, my family home of 46 years is being listed soon. It’s in Dunedin, right on the Gulf of Mexico west of Tampa. Something like eight microbreweries in the little downtown, a couple of very good restaurants, an annual Highland Games festival, a rails-to-trails project through the town, a Donald Ross golf course. It’s a pretty nice place to live, if you can stand the summer heat.
To the likely horror of my agent, I’ll knock a few grand off the price for any Glibs.
(Aside to The Other Kevin — my wheelchair-using mother lived here from early 1973 until her passing in late 2017. If you want to change hockey teams, I’ll knock an extra couple grand off for you.)
Email me at pjshpip_at_gmail if you want more info.
Does it come with pythons?
My sister is just across the bay in Bradenton. Florida is too humid for me though.
Is that why your sister lives there?
Moved there for a boy many moons ago. Still with him.
Not a Bob Ross golf course?
Created a happy little divot while driving the ball into a happy little tree by the happy little sand trap…
“The Burmese Python poses a significant threat to the Florida Everglades by disrupting the natural food chain,” said Bergeron. “With good fortune, we were able to find a large female, and remove her and an entire nest of up to 50 baby snakes which would have continued killing off our precious habitat.”
Nuke it from orbit.
Facebook and Instagram to restrict content related to alcohol and tobacco.
High tech puritanism, what more could we ask for!?