- SEA SMITH LAUGH. THEN CRY. THEN PUKE. WHAT IS “broadcasting impartiality rules”? HOW BBC NOT PAY 100,000,000,000,000 POUND?
THIS HOOMAN GET SEA SMITH RESPECT, WHEN HIM TRY SEA SMITH A WHALE…BUT NOW HE SOUND CRAZY – “The CIA has attempted to collect us. We are at sea now and will report more soon. I will continue to be dark for the next few days,” BUT SEA SMITH HOPE THIS TRUE – “John has secreted data with individuals across the world. I know neither their identities or locations. They will release their payloads if John goes missing.” SEA SMITH RELEASE PAYLOAD, MISSING OR NO!
I go in, water fine!!
Woot!! Water is indeed fine
Excellent! Healing up OK?
Yeah, here and there. Unfortunately split my tongue open again today. That was a pretty bad one; gonna take some time
Ouch. Sorry. Hopefully, that doesn’t happen again and you keep getting better.
OW! That sounds awful and painful. Get well soon.
I’m glad to hear you’re healing up. And I’m sorry you don’t feel better, because you set one up on a tee, right there.
Yeah yeah. I’m useless from all angles tonight. 🙁
No, no, no. You’re doing fine. You’re on the mend and you’re providing material at the same time. Can’t ask for much more than that in the interwebs. I mean, other than tentacle porn, that is.
Glad to hear that water therapy is helping you.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks. Definitely progress, although there are some disappointing setbacks here and there.
Sounds scary. I hope you get better soon
It’s like going long on an investment or losing weight, don’t fret over the ups and downs each day, look towards the future. Some things take time.
HAIL……atlantis ? Aquarius ?
I got nuthin’.
Well the sun is dawning in the land of the rising sun, so I’d go with Aquarius.
Is Jupiter aligning with Mars?
Not Adahn will let us know over the weekend.
Minor update on my future job plans. The Newport News Apprentice School is looking a lot better. Previously noted that the cost of living there is less than all the other shipyards and pay is higher….but dang…just on a whim, drove through some neighborhoods down there and checked out zillow. If I’m planning to be in one place (same town) for at least 4 years (for the first time since college 20 years ago) – why not actually buy something for a change. I was looking at rentals in the $750 range…but I could actually buy a reasonable place for a significantly smaller monthly payment (and a LOT more options) – even less than I was paying for a rental apt in college. (actually drove by a neighborhood south of Williamsburg with brand new townhomes for $150k – a little far from the job site though). Wow. I’m suddenly really excited about that conceptually. Still can’t really apply for a position until Feb due to their hiring process and my existing lease – but this is really cool.
well, good luck.
I miss my time in the maritime world. I’ve visited their shipyard, cool stuff. What are you going to be doing there?
I plan to apply for the welding program but I’m flexible if it’s a productive skill I can take with me. (but yeah…can’t really formally apply till early next year).
Best wishes.
Definitely do the math, and look at the housing market. If they are $150K, there is only so much you can lose if the price goes down, but after 4 years you are not going to have paid much of the principal.
Gonna live in Bad News? Good luck to ya
Good luck and sounds pretty solid. Hope it works well for you, my dude.
Will Boris start sporting a MABA hat? Would that be proof this is the best time line? What will happen in the next episode of Soap?
MEGA hat. *sigh*
How did that happen?
Whew. I don’t want anyone to Make America Britain Again.
Sad part is, I don’t know whether to blame me or the Kindle.
It’s been a rough week. (And I’ve been drinkin’ ?)
I have a great idea for a sotry, but I’m uncertain of how to start it. It can set up three different plot arcs for the second anthology, and still be cohesive.
I’m debating which characters to start with. Because several need to be established.
Do your sotry, sounds like it would a great one.
I didn’t even talk about the story idea.
Thebasic premise is thus – The legal owners of a plot of land wants to open it up for mining, but find that a family of eldrich hillbillies have moved in and are living in the woods. Having magic, the squatters have been driving off the agents of the owner and the sheriffs. So the heroes get called in to serve the eviction notice. (the reasonable time frame is over by the time the story starts). In the same woods is the abandoned building where one of the retired supervillains stashed an old project, and sends one of the newer generation to recover the most valuable pieces to be reused. He gets there ate the same time as the costumed heroes, and gets mistaken for one of the squatters. The Eldrich hillbilly joins in to try to drive off both sets.
Young villain activates the project to further escalate, using the distraction to set up harvesting the right parts and skedaddling. Starts his arc of collecting parts for the other project.
The eldrich hillbilly gets captured and argues he was just defending his home. His story spins off into other stories where he goes into the Junior Redemptioner program.
One of the costumed heroes begs out of waiting for the sheriffs and leaves alone. When out of sight, their transformation talisman runs out of power and goes idle. The character turns from a well-built guy into a pudgy girl. That character’s arc deals a lot with the mental problems that the dissociation between the powered and real forms causes.
In the end of the last plot arc, I’m not sure if she survives, and whether or not she keeps the transformation talisman. I guess it depends on how dark the tale goes.
I wanted to be clear that I wasn’t going intersectional on y’all.
I need to name the eldrich hillbilly, and both forms of the transforming hero. The rest of the characters already exist.
you can’t own land.
I can, but that’s because I’m not a penniless hippie.
I had the day off today and mostly went internet free.
Read in the dead thread things seemed to go well for your daughter.
Great news!
“I don’t know how much money I have, but I know how many pounds of money I have.”
The character turns from a well-built guy into a pudgy girl.
These type scenes always involve masturbation.
Just because you’re weird doesn’t mean it can’t be used seriously.
Are you a NYT best selling author like Lena Dunham?
God, I hope not. That would he horrifying.
NYT best selling author, or being like Lena Dunham?
Either. Though the approbation of the NYT editorial board would merely fill me with shame.
Making a marginalized person your hero is inspiring. The transition is brave and courage.
Just for that, I’m keeping the Junior Redemptioners straight, white, and male.
Eldritch Hillbillies would be a great band name.
They play Cthulugrass.
“It was a dark and stormy night”.
“It was a dark and stormy night.”
“It was a dark, and stormy night.”
It was a Dark, and Stormy Knight was not accustomed to fighting the shadowy beasts.
Go on…
When Bulwer-Lytton used it, it wasn’t the end of the sentence, which is why I put the period outside the quote marks.
You’re… actually correct.
He’s not The Hyperbole.
Lucky fucker.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” is also followed by a semicolon, and about a page of similar contrasting pairs.
Fun fact – Dickens was paid by the word.
I couldn’t make it past page 1 of that turgid thing – soooo boring.
Loved Great Expectations, though.
Yea, some of his works are much more of a slog than others. If you thought A Tale of Two Cities was turgid, you’d fucking hate Bleak House (I almost put that one back on the shelf, and I have a compulsion about finishing books that I start).
But yes, Great Expectations was a hit. My favorite of his is definitely David Copperfield.
Well, yeah – he saws a chick in half, and makes the Statue of Liberty disappear. What’s *not* to like?
Yeah, https://southpark.cc.com/clips/152038/ancient-bitch was pretty good.
Damn it.
That was supposed to say Great Expectations was pretty good.
Who cares about that guy. This is the proper usage.
“It was nine black guys and Stormy that night.”
There’s a “doggerel” joke in there somewhere.
So, during vacation, the gf and I talked about missing a big part of these resorts we go to by not golfing. Well, her new clubs arrived today and we are going to start taking lessons together and start playing together. It’s her first set and she’s pretty excited. Of course the promised mandatory shoe shopping helped sell the whole thing. She chose this as her b’day present. Should be fun. ?
So you think cursing and raging brings a couple closer?
You read my mind.
I find myself low on bourbon, and I’m taking my little girl out tomorrow to the museum and Lowes. I’d like to make a pit-stop at the friendly government-owned liquor store. Is that strange to bring a 4 year old in tow?
I didn’t think so, but my wife shot it down and I realized that I’ve never seen anyone bring their kids in with them. They have signs posted that say no one under 21, but I always figured that was for teenagers. How the hell do single parents buy alcohol?
I see it once in a while at the liquor stores here in NYC. Nobody cares.
Yeah, I think it all just depends if the cashier feels like being a dick or not.
Not strange. Make her push the shopping cart and it will seem more normal.
Just make sure you loudly proclaim;
“No rum tonight unless you are good for the rest of the day. Now do you want captain or Sailor Jerry?”
I remember my mom taking me into a PA state liquor store when I was a kid. I might have been eight or so? I can’t remember clearly. But I can remember no one gave a shit about it.
But that was also then. Now we have shriekier panicky fools.
Meh, I take my kid all the time.
Yep. It’s not like you’re buying heroin.
Is that wrong? I did that as a kid. ( mom’s dead and statute of limitations expired.)
At least you weren’t threatened with eternal gnashing of teeth for listening to the debil’s music. Good parenting is somewhere between your parents and mine.
I played Priest for my mom once. Well, not “for” her, exactly. Just popped it into the living room stereo one night after she had returned from work. She didn’t bat an eye.
Really? We had to turn the channel when this came on.
Kids today don’t even know what they are missing. Even the commercials suck nowadays.
No doubt. Draw this turtle.
Really? We had to turn the channel when this came on.
I actually liked that commercial.
Nice. There were so many commercials exactly like that, once upon a time.
Good enough for me. Field trip to the liquor it is.
Typically lock the child in the trunk and go shopping. Duh.
We are in California so they sell booze where it should be, two aisles over from the produce section in the supermarket. About the only thing, aside from legal dope, that this damn state gets right. But I’ve brought my kid into BevMo before and no one batted an eye.
Now if the kid is pushing a second cart of booze, you might get looks.
Look, just because your kid has poor taste in alcohols…
If he can train her to say, “dad, don’t cheap out on me with that bottom shelf swill. You said if I was good I could get the good stuff,” then that would make the trip a worthwhile story.
Pay a wino to watch her in the parking lot while you shop. That is good parenting.
In my experience at the old ABC store, enforcement of the under-21 rule depends on the seriousness of the clerk. Usually they don’t seem to give a shit. I was just there earlier today to pick up some gin, distilled for the eradication of seemingly incurable sadness.
Parental and spousal exception here, but it’s limited. I remember going to the liquor store with my stepmom’s dad (stepgrandpa?) when he visited and waiting in the car for him to pick up his Bloody Mary fixings. Fighter pilot in the Korean War and introduced me to Robert Ludlum via leaving the one he was reading behind when he finished it.
Everyplace here is allowed to sell liquor. The local bait shop was called Bait and Booze when I was kid. I remember going there a lot with my dad, but I don’t remember fishing that much with him.
Totally a C&W song. Work is starting to affect you.
People shouldn’t try to “blast it with a nuke,” Duffy said.
Britain’s media regulator Ofcom said on Friday it had fined RT 200,000 pounds ($248,740) for breaching impartiality rules in broadcasts over the poisoning, the conflict in Syria, and Ukraine’s polices on Nazism and gypsies.
“Impartiality rules”. Fuck.
it’s gettin’ on past time to start killin’ revenooers agin.
Hickory Stick Stout is a good beer.
Is the 4th link missing a link or am I stupid, or why can’t it be both?
It is missing…. and then the Edit Fairy will come along and make us all look crazy…. errr…. normal. Yeah… yeah.
Also, that hooman has already surfaced in the Dominican Republic. And I was looking forward to his payload ?
Colorado driver replaces tail light with red sports drink
This guy is going places…
I thought that was shear genius.
Either one.
Well, it has electrolights in it.
Mega yacht hit and destroyed berthed sailing yacht
An abortion of a headline.
Worst one I ever saw was when I lived in Oklahoma and a huge dairy-carrying semi jacknifed into a bunch of other cars on Interstate 40
Headline was “‘Margarine Clogs Major Artery”
I wasn’t sure whether to golf clap or run him out of town on a rail.
Probably written by a former NY Post writer.
Pure golf clap.
Worst? That’s brilliant.
Decided to do some derp mining:
I could only skim, to much for me. Pretty sure this wasn’t written by an actual man…….
Between this and other links, I’m now convinced that EF is a satire site.
Oh fuck me. I got two paragraphs in and it’s blatant parody.
For example, during the years with my ex, when I was feeling particularly hurt or vulnerable, it was not uncommon to unleash a fury of punching directed at the nearest wall, windshield, or sometimes myself – leaving me with dents in bedroom walls, cracked skin and windshields, headaches – and a very scared partner.
So, you have no self control.
A therapist I once worked with – one whom I sought out because of my inability to access my emotions – taught me that those fits were a consequence of masculinity. My emotions would spill out as rage because I, as a cis man, was trained to suppress them until they consumed me.
It’s not a consequence of masculinity.
According to her, I was a victim of masculinity. Liking that narrative, I wrote that interpretation in ink for many years.
OOOO! Everyone gets to be a victim!
I stopped here.
Bull. Shit.
Sorry, buddy, you’re still an asshole.
Unfortunately, stoicism gets a short shrift these days. We could use more of it.
True enough, but “not being an asshole” was not something I recall having to be “trained” for.
IOW his problem is not that he’s a “cis man” – his problem is that he’s an asshole.
Absolutely, my comment had no relation to the op link which I didn’t read.
Reminds me of my favorite Justified quote: “you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”
I know a life of toxic masculinity has led me to this sorry fate. And yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am.
Lighten up, Francis.
Headed To The Billy Joel Concert At Camden Yards? Here’s What You Need To Know
Suicide is another option?
Bill, I believe this is killing me.
in the early ’70s, Billy Joel “Piano Man” and Steely Dan “Aja” were the two primary albums that got me into music.
Billy Joel’s music hasn’t aged especially well, but there is no denying his success.
I’ll take him over NJ hometown hero Springsteen any day.
For example, “Turnstiles” still holds up.
Summer, Highland Falls
He pumped out a LOT of songs, so yeah, there is plenty of dream, but the guy knew how to write a catchy song. Many of them are quite good – Miami 2017, Moving Out, The Angry Young Man, Scenes From an Italian Restaurant, Say Goodbye to Hollywood, etc.
Plenty of dreck…..fucking autocorrect
Scenes from an Italian Restaurant is great. I was a senior in high school when that album came out, and already could peg who would be the “Brenda and Eddie” from our class.
Speaking of “phrasing”….
People are more interested in avoiding pain than pursuing pleasure. “We didn’t start the fire” caused more ear pain than any pleasure his other songs may have created.
You have a problem with that as opposed to fucking “Piano Man”?
What can I say? Bob at the bar is a friend of mine.
I’m picking up what Straff is laying down.
You have a problem with “Piano Man”? I will reach right through the internet and cut you bitch.
Fuck you Straff, He healed the God Damn nation!!!
forgot the link
I feel you. Storm Front came out right around the time the family first got a CD player. Consequently, it was one of the first few CDs my parents ever bought and was frequently the dinner music in our house. I daresay I’ve had to listen to that song more than any of you.
So you are saying he was a neo-nazi?
You’ve got to be much more selective when you get the back half of the 1980s with most of his catalog.
Seems to happen with lots of bands – they run out of material in the form that made them successful and try something new. Sometimes it works, however often not so much.
For example:
Chicago – 25 Or 6 To 4 (HD)
Hard Habit To Break
Sure next your going to say One Step Closer isn’t the best Doobies album.
The Doobies before they got rich on Disco weren’t half bad.
The Doobie’s were nothing until Michael McDonald came on board.
*Spud ducks to avoid the flurry of glass bongs flying at his head*
25 or 6 to 4 was a really good song literally about having trouble writing a song. (I thought for a long time it was about a mediocre acid trip). I could sympathize with either.
Also, Terry Kath was a really good guitarist
Yeah, but it was a solid lesson plan for American History teachers across the country. Break ’em into groups, give each group a stanza, and you have a week to give a final presentation with supporting evidence.
I’ll take him over NJ hometown hero Springsteen any day.
I’ll take [Billy Joel] over NJ hometown hero Springsteen any day.
Second. With the exceptions of “Rosalita” and his GF’s song “Because the Night”.
Plus Little Steven is a better second fiddle than anyone Billy ever had.
Springsteen was great in concert back in the day.
52nd Street and The Royal Scam. Jesus it’s like you people don’t know anything.
Let’s see… suicide, or witnessing 60 year old women throwing their panties on stage.
followed by suicide?
Considering the size of those women, it would be murder by suffocation.
ok, LOLed.
Of course Billy Joel gets to go home and watch his hot 37 year old wife throw her panties at him so the gig can’t be all that bad if it helped him get her.
And he gets to leave Baltimore.
Well, being 55, it would have to depend on the 60 women in question.
I think there will be more than 60 women at a Billy Joel concert.
None of whom will appeal to OMWC
There won’t be more than 60 that you want to see throw their panties at the stage.
I’m 47 and I will withhold judgement until seeing said women, as well. You know why?
Older women were younger then
35 here I picked 60 because that’s probably the age where odds are I’m gonna say not for me. Of course I’m married so every woman is not for me.
Christie Brinkley and he are still friends, maybe she is the 60 year old in question.
Being from Long Island originally, I am biologically compelled to like Billy Joel. In 1968 he played my dad’s junior prom while in a band called the Hassles.
This is another reason to like him:
Billy Joel on staying out of politics: ‘We’re more like court jesters than court philosophers’
But the waitress is practicing politics….
And I’m going to be the “Achually” guy. Billy needs to read King Lear or Hamlet.
Akshully, it’s spelled “akshully”.
And I don’t have pizza face. I shouldn’t have even tried.
“”It’s the kind of thing where you learn about something that you didn’t know about, like things flying close by us, and your inclination is to be scared,” she said. “But just like sharks in the ocean, they’re really not going to hurt you and they’re really fascinating to look at.””
I don’t think this person knows that much about sharks.
My PC at home is on the fritz so I couldn’t finish that article. Hopefully I have it done next week and send it to you.
OK, I’ll take a look at it, proof read it before Ted’S sees it and send it on to SP
No problemo.
What if it’s a baby shark?
I read that somewhere a building owner is broadcasting that song outside the building all night long to keep homeless from camping there. Worked against Noriega, right?
Ok Hyperbole, since you have declared it funk and soul Friday this is a link to my favorite internet radio station, 24/7 commercial free music. I love their soul , 7 Inch Soul, everything off original 45’s. Their Secret Agent Radio channel is also all kinds of awesome.
Today in yelling at clouds.
Wait for the follow up article titled, “Millennials Are Killing Theme Parks”
I’ve never been to anything Disney but don’t they have some great rides? Or is it really all geared toward kids as implied there?
Disney Sea serves beer. Makes it slightly more tolerable than Disneyland.
Disney Sea is fantastic. I love Mysterious Island/Vulcania Island over there.
I took the wife there about 10 years ago. Was clean and orderly. Other than that, no thanks. Go to Fuji Q.
Oh yeah, there’s Fuji-Q. Fuh, I haven’t had a chance to go there yet.
They still got some good fun rides. I usually went to the one in Florida that’s bigger and has a bunch of rides and park themes. Epcot (one of the parks there) has an international food and wine festival too.
I think there is plenty to keep an adult interested.
I’ve also been curious about Tokyo Disney, but can’t justify it when it is 1.5 hours to FL and so much more I’d rather do in Japan.
I just never liked anything Disney. Wasn’t raised on it, don’t get the fascination.
I luv rides, though. I was just curious if the main reason to go to Disney was crap like Mickey Mouse or actual fun. Sounds like a mix of both.
Indiana Jones The Ride, The Haunted Mansion, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Peter Pan are all fun. (As was the original Pirates of the Caribbean, they movieized and sanitized it since I was there so don’t know anymore)
IDK, how much of the “fun” is really just nostalgia?
I mean, I like Haunted Mansion and Pirates and Mr. Toad, but I’ve been going on those rides since I was a little kid, and now I’m taking my own kids on them, so it’s hard for me to judge what an adult going on them for the first time would think of them.
Even though I went to Disney World in 2nd grade, I didn’t go on the Peter Pan ride there. Didn’t go on that one until I went at 18, and it was still fun.
Go stoned. Makes the park fun at any age.
For sure. Disney understands how to make each ride an experience.
In FL, The Magic Kingdom is going to be mostly focused on Mickey and young children. But you’ve got other parts of Disney like Epcot and with the “park hopper” Universal Studios.
The janitors do funny things.
Some friends and I went on a weekend trip to Disneyland freshman year of college. It was great. Then we went back to the hotel and got drunk.
Eh, back in the late 90s, when me and all my friends were in our 20s and none of us had kids, we all had annual passes to Disneyland and went all the time, so this isn’t exactly some sort of new phenomenon.
Financial question:
I’m looking at business financing options. One option would be to borrow against my 401k. The rate is currently 4.23%. One downside is that 5 years is the longest term available. Any other downside to this that I am not seeing? It seems like it would be far easier than messing with a business loan through the bank.
Related; has anyone heard any more about the Fed and the interest rate? Last I heard the thinking was they’d be lowering it in “late July”.
“The biggest fear that surrounds borrowing from a 401k is what will happen if you leave the job either voluntarily or involuntarily. If it happens, you are required to pay back the loan in full within 60 days.”
Or it becomes subject to penalty and taxes, I believe.
Go talk to an accountant.
I plan to talk to an accountant and my small business advisor about it. Just thought I’d like to hear from some of the smart Glibs as well.
That’s good.
I don’t have credit cards and have utilized 401k loans several times for my borrowing needs. I’ve never borrowed more from the 401k than I had in the emergency fund. I’ve always been happy with the outcome financially (meaning haven’t missed any big market run ups) and have never defaulted on a loan subjecting me to tax penalty. The most recent loan has enabled me to take advantage of an outside of retirement investment in a storage facility.
WSJ is reporting a quarter point cut is likely to be announced at the July 30-31 meeting.
Lol. What happened to the dual mandate?
Top. Men. Have decided the economy is doing too well, need to bring in some inflation to keep it under control. (Their real logic)
Then they should raise not cut.
Obviously, you are not a Top. Man.
Yummmy unicorn jizz.
I don’t know how you can wade through Twitter to bring us these gems.
WTF is dragonfruit? I tried some dragonfruit vape juice and it tasted like the shit bubblegum that use to come with baseball cards.
Snapple Elements Fire used Dragon Fruit, it was really the best fucking stuff on earth. Everything else that I’ve had with Dragon Fruit has been meh.
Sobe had a good one to, don’t remember what it was called.
First HM trashes “Piano Man”, and then you trash baseball card bubblegum. I just, I can’t even.
Diabetes in a cup.
The perfect accompaniment to heart attack on a plate.
Heart attacks come in bowls, too.
Reminds me of the hillbilly “shepherd’s pie” my mom used to make and therefore I still make, with mash and hamburger and gravy.
KFC Cheetos Sandwich…what the fuck?
Make that into a Double Down and I’m in!
My goodness that looks disgusting.
I was going to link to ジュジュ’s cover of Never Stop, but it seems the Internet is letting me down tonight.
No thank you. Just give me a regular black coffee or an cafe au lait and we’re good.
Same. After 6pm and before 6pm.
What sauce is on those wings?
Sesame cold wings. They were tasty.
Deserved that.
Ah man, looks great, dude. Could use some of dem wings.
Yakitori center. Across the street from Hooters.
*takes notes*
The tsukune in one of the pics there looked thicc though.
A good thicc if I may add.
If you go later in the evening, you can get invites for massages on the sidewalk outside!
That reminds me of my (native speaker) Japanese teacher trying to say thick last night. She said it several times trying to get it out and all I could hear was thicc. And she’s far from thicc.
Did she have something thicc in her throat?
She did live up to stereotypes though. Temperature was in the 90’s and she was wearing a sweater.
Each about 600 empty calories.
Feminist art exhibit:
No no no no no no no no
How to guarantee life-long conservative voters 101.
And those aren’t even the worst pictures. I saw one close up of the extremely lifelike models on the table with what was obviously supposed to be semen all over them. I’m not sure if it’s a special, um, ‘action feature’ of the display or a performance with them or what, but good grief, it’s porn. let the kids search out porn if they want it, but as “art”? eh, no. That’s more #feminism trash tha I hate. It mistakes exhibitionism and narcissism and honestly some authoritarianism “we can make you watch this and you can’t refuse, even if we would adamantly refuse if it was all reversed..
Now reverse the sexes and see how fast this gets shut down.
As silly as the Men’s Rights crowd can be, at least they aren’t doing the male version of this shit. Showing off your fat, naked middle aged ass is somehow fighting patriarchy. Crazy.
Listen to this Christian Conservative here. Obviously, since the rest of are libertarians we want to the first image every child remember seeing is a jizz covered table, otherwise we’d want it outlawed.
Is it just me, or is most Leftist “art” nothing more than juvenile attempts at shock value and meaningless vulgarity?
It’s not just you. Been that way for ~100 years now.
And SugarFree isn’t?
Jesus Fucking Christ, does that first link contain a cat’s head shoved up a woman’s snatch? Good God do I hate modern art or whatever the hell that is.
I’m ready to join Rhywun’s team.
*envisions gay-man fat-acceptance theater, retches*
“Snopes Rolls Out New Opinion Check Feature”
the folks at the BB are having way too much fun,
Ha ha ha. “Got your nose, got your nose.” Ha ha ha ha ha.
Teens Push Woman’s Car 5 Miles Back Home
Those Canadians are still producing some pretty good kids, aye.
Toxic masculinity.
She must have been a looker.
From the sidebar. SMDH
That kid is goin places!
I have some questions of my own.
Fake news. They claim it happened in Canada but there isn’t a single Tim Hortons reference.
My younger brother stumbled across some documents my grandfather kept from WWII. Appears to be a training exercise to prepare them for operation Husky(invasion of Sicily). I’m a history nerd so this kind of stuff is exciting to me. My Grandfather was a Lt. on a Higgins (LCVP) he usually manned the 30 Cal. Digging around on the I internet I also found his yearbook from Mid Shipman school at Notre Dame. Some pretty interesting artwork in it. Heads up the link is to a PDF of the year book don’t click if you don’t want to download it.
My grandfather was exempted from service for being a business owner with a young family or some such, but he was in the Civil Air Defense. I’m currently trying to figure out what to do with some of his stuff from that. I think I’m going to try and donate it to a local historical society.
Thanks a bunch.I love looking through things like this and getting a glimpse of another world.
That’s pretty neat, I’ll be looking through it over the next couple days. Thanks for sharing this neat time capsule.
I was doing deep research on something, and ran across Congressional testimony from someone I strongly suspect was a great great uncle or some thing close. My grandpa’s uncle, maybe? He was an Union soldier in the only POW camp indicted for war crimes in the civil war. Apparently, he was involved in many schemes to get others escaped, installed discipline in a chaotic situation where the captured officers weren’t enforcing discipline, etc. The record also accuses him of running numbers, smuggling, etc.
Maybe someday I’ll do the rest of the research.
My father has a newspaper clipping of my great-great-grandfather’s obituary. He did not fight in the Civil War, but was arrested and detained by Union troops on the suspicion that he sold whiskey to the rebels shortly before Gettysburg.
What’s up my Glibs?!?! Also, you know who else…? And Fuck Off Slavers. This completes my mandatory commenting so as to not get ungliberated, but in no way idemnifies me from cat butts or narrowed gays.
Could you post a list of current intoxicants that may, or may not be in your system? I think that I may, or may not be interested.
I’m pretty sure that I have not smoked PCP. Anything else, well, who knows?
Good on you. Self restraint is a characteristic to be admired.
Yes, Stoicism has always been my creed.
Dang, you were just this close.
Also, fried chicken.
^Gustave gets it
Well, I went and asked for a refund for Mechwarrior 5.
I will not install Chinese Spyware on my computer. I will not validate selling preorders as one thing (Steam or GoG keys) and then switching last minute to another (Epic keys).
You showed them!
Fifty dollars is fifty dollars. If I’m not getting the product I paid for, I want my money back.
*does Billy Bob Thornton impression* You can imagine how badly I wanted my fifty dollars back.
Oh yeah, sadly I was asleep and couldn’t make it to the Reading Thread on time, but I did recently finish Economics in One Lesson and The Big Lie. Currently shifting to some philosophy and checking out Critique of Pure Reason.
Heavy lifting. Years ago, I got half way through what’s his ass pendulum, gave up, started reading Red Dog, Yellow Dog, instead. Haven’t finished it yet, but have a good feeling.
Red Dog, that’s my jam!
Ain’t nothing wrong with that, enjoy your reads.
Economics in One Lesson is excellent. I’m giving it to my oldest as she heads off to college. Hopefully it will ward off some derp.
Easy read with axiomatic truths that don’t involve MAGIC! My kid loved How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes. At 6 years old, no less.
Can’t recommend it enough. I only wish I read it earlier.
You ARE well-read!
::kicks copy of Starship Troopers under couch::
/just kidding—it’s the Kindle version
Thank ZARDOZ it is the weekend. I’m wiped out.
I am so drunk and nave nothing to do, that really needs done / first world problems….
“Needs done.”
I know people from Ohio and Indiana who use that weird construction.
I’m workin for the weekend (sorry for the shit music, perils of the job).
Well, that is what we do…
But no, I actually am working for this weekend. The price I pay to live the life just above a hobo.
You let the hobo have the top bunk?
OK, maybe that’s the smart play…not quite sure.
*didn’t let the hobo have the top bunk?
Not bad. Country has grown on me over the years. Same with Enka. Gimme some kind of story.
Suddenly I appreciate the genius of Loverboy.
“the genius of Loverboy.“
I understand each of those words….but, that sentence makes no sense!
Indeed. It was my last week on first shift. On Monday I start on second shift – waking up at 10 AM, jogging in the daytime, drinking coffee at midnight, and staying up till 4 – FUCK YEA!
(I’m not being sarcastic; I seriously hate first shift and love second)
You’re going to be Sir Digby’s new best friend.
Wait…where you going???
“According to The Times, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has told friends she believes No Deal could create an Iron Curtain-style divide between the EU and UK.”
Leave it to an east german to talk about resurrecting the iron curtain.
She should have called it an Atlantic Wall instead. Oh wait, that was also a Kraut project.
Let me guess, she doesn’t even know which side she’s playing in her fantasy.
Aaargh! My Aunt won’t leave me alone about the scattering of my Father’s ashes. No, I’m not willing to drive 500 miles and ride the ferry,drive another fifty more and then rent a motel room. That’s gonna cost me upwards of a thousand dollars not even considering the pay I’d lose. There is nobody to fill in for me at work, Joan. No, I don’t give a shit what you do with his ashes. Flush them down the goddamn toilet so far as I’m concerned. Just because you think I’m the next of kin doesn’t mean that I give two twitches of a rat’s tail about what you do with the remains. Stop pestering me! Your idea of “Family” is much different than the one I grew up in.
Sorry folks, venting…
No problem, brah. You can do that here; it’s one of the many great things about this site.
Thankful “Indeed!”
::buys Festus a beer::
Rough night, huh?
Just pisses me off. My family isn’t merely estranged but more or less ‘splodey. When Dad died last Fall it kind of hurt for a bit but my Aunt keeps trying to draw me back into the fold (and she’s part of the “good” side of the family). I’ve made it quite clear that Festus wishes to be left the fuck alone.
I hear ya. Kinda that way, myself. Or, at least getting there.
Maybe tell her that in a nicer way then. She’s his brother and you’re her nephew, maybe she assumes you want to be a part of it or at least wishes you to be.
I’m taking the passive-aggressive approach. Wifey deals with it on Facebook. They came through town a few weeks ago and wanted to meet but I couldn’t do it. Judi went in my stead. She’s just curious about me. My brother and I were the first grandchildren born to the eldest children from both families so we were showered with attention. The “Golden Boys”, if you will. What a disappointment we both turned out to be. Older brother is living on disability and quite happy to do so and I became a janitor. She just needs to find a different hobby.
Don’t sell yourself short Festus.
^This. And, if they can’t cope, piss on ‘m. Or, forgive and move on (my recommend). But, yeah—ditch toxic.
Thanks, Stinky. It’s just that my Father’s side of the family is pretty wealthy and I haven’t really had anything to do with them for thirty-odd years. Dredging up the past is not a great look for me so please forgive my emotional outburst.
Sure man and don’t sweat it.
CS, burst as needed. We’re all good around here—safe spaces and all that jazz.
In that case I want Salma Hayek to be my emotional support animal. Is that too much to ask?
Hmmmm……I’ll allow it.
But can you provide it?
I’m good if I can provide for myself. Admittedly, my tastes run more “girl next door, American Heartland”, but, yeah…no.
*looks at crude macaroni, glitter and paste rendering of Salma and wipes a single tear away* “It’s the thought that counts”!
Aawwww….Festus! Buddy—I hope you like it.
I saved a ladybug fridge magnet just for this sort of occasion! You guys really are the best.
I’ve got a spaghetti rendering of Nina Agdal you can have.
I hesitate to ask what you used for glue but I’m thankful, nonetheless.
Both hands were on the table when I made it. I swear.
Well that’s not really an inspiring development.
“Nina Agdal“
Who’s this, then?
::fires up google box::
Ilhan Omar Introduces Resolution Condemning Racism, White Men, And The Jews
I suspect she would have proposed that but got talked out of it.
I saw Spamalot tonight and… eugh.
I mean, I get it. It’s musical theater. They’re not doing Holy Grail live. They’re doing a rendition. A cheesy, terrible rendition that left me with blue balls for all the comedy hits that makes Holy Grail one of the greatest bits of absurdist humor ever conceived. In a protracted, clumsy effort that had me mostly rolling my eyes.
Oh, Lancelot is gay. He’s gay for the swamp castle prince. Here’s a big gay musical number in honor of their being gay. ISN’T IT FUNNY? Well, no, not really. It’s just gay for the sake of being gay, I guess. The swamp castle bit was funny because it’s absurd through and through. And the funniest scene of the bit, one of the funniest in the movie, couldn’t be replicated on stage: Lancelot charging the castle/running in place for like thirty seconds spliced with shots of the two bored sentries standing at the gate.
And because everything’s mashed together for the sake of shoehorning in endless songs, all of the knights are recruited from the most memorable bit parts of the film. The anarcho-syndicalist guy? He gets knighted. I can’t remember which, and don’t care anyway. We’ll call him Lancelot, too. The plague cart guy? He gets knighted. So does the guy bringing out not-dead-yet guy. They’re both Sir Lancelot within two minutes. Why not? ISN’T IT FUNNY? Well, no, it’s lazy and makes no sense.
And the songs. They butchered the Camelot song. Made it way too long and elaborate. A whole production, if you will. They shoehorned Bright Side of Life for some reason, twice, closing with it in an attempt to get the audience to sing along. Few of us did. One song was Monty Python by way of Mel Brooks, amping of the Jewishness of Broadway musicals because it’s breaking the fourth wall and ISN’T IT FUNNY?
No, god damn it, it’s not funny. It’s just not funny. It’s tedious schlock and a bastardization of an authentic and timeless comedy.
Your first mistake was attending a “Musical Theatre” performance. Your second mistake was believing that it might be good. Mistake #3 was that you didn’t feign an illness right before curtain call.
FWIW, I liked Avenue Q. But that didn’t have a genius movie to fail living up to.
Oh, and Arthur marries the Lady of the Lake at the end, who turns out to be Guenevere. What? You heard me. The watery tart, the moistened bint, was Guenevere the whole time. Maybe she gets railed by the whole JV squad of Sir Lancelots recruited from all the one-off peasant roles, like in the legend. Who knows. So, no cops showing up to arrest the lead character and shut down filming. They had a modern historian narrator introduce the acts, but he doesn’t get his head cut off.
The performances were solid, so it had that. And loads of cute college chicks doing high kicks.
Just like Dumb and Dumberer, a knockoff of perfection is always going to be disappointing.
Thanks for the review – I’d never actually seen or read word one about that show. Maybe I was afraid it would be exactly what you described.
I find it hard to believe Eric Idle would write that…crap. I know it was a group effort (movie),and maybe Idle is different than I imagine. But, no….just, no.
Also, cs went to the theater….
I don’t know any of the backstory to the production, much like I know nothing about musicals. But if Eric Idle cashed in on this, well, good for him.
My problem with it is that it didn’t feel like an earnest tribute to Holy Grail (as if such a thing is necessary). It felt like when Lego does a figurine set based on another franchise. The magic of Lego isn’t that you get to build someone else’s vision, and the tragedy of Lego is that nothing envisioned in Legos compares to whatever it is you’re instructed to build. This felt like one franchise, Generic Broadway Musical (admittedly, as I imagine it) emulating Holy Grail and making it Generic Broadway Musical, but with Holy Grail specialty bricks and Lego heads.
::quietly slides Star Wars legos out of camera frame::
Uhhh….yeah. I totally…umm….excellent point!
I could see if you get amped up about musicals how it’d be fun, like Rocky Horror Picture Show screenings. I don’t get that either, but I get that people like it. And there were funny, sometimes clever bits. And again, I keep having to remind myself that it’s musical theater, not Shakespeare. But god, it just felt cheap and lazy. Here’s a patina of something you like spread thing over a bunch of schlock that has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, not me at all (sorry to burst another stereotype).
When I mentioned Avenue Q – that is actually the only show I’ve seen in 22 years of living in NYC. And that only because me & my squeeze at the time got free tickets.
You couldn’t find a good drama? In NYC? In the last 22 years?
Assumes I was looking.
TBF, I have nothing against theater, in the large. Just not something I seek out.
I get that. It’s not the first thing I want to do. I’m not a fan of musicals but a good drama is a joy.
I went to New York to help my authentic fag hag friend move home*, and she and I went to see if we could win tickets to the Mormon show at whatever theater that was. I got ripped off taking a cab there but didn’t want to argue with the off-brand cabbie.
*my last memory of New York is my friend sobbing on her gay friend’s shoulder as I stood awkwardly next to the cab holding her luggage
My friend told her roommate not to sleep with me, which made me think I might have a chance, but no, it turns out New York chicks have higher standards.
That was a lonesome week in New York. We saw Jersey Boys. That was fun. I haven’t heard Four Seasons since going, but, you know.
I get the sense there is much more to this story.
Article! Article! Article!
There’s me realizing that some blacks really hate whites like whites think that other, not woke whites hate blacks, but only some of us do. Turns out blacks do that same thing, but in reverse. If you can believe that.
That was a realization.
Lived experience. Color-blind is just a nice way of saying “I’m not gonna kill you. Yet.”
CS, did you grow up in the burbs/rural?
I love a happy ending.
My guess is the reporter only repeated the charges the cops mentioned. I’ll bet they all get charged with murder under the felony murder rule.
Aaahhhh….that’s robust self-D, right there!
I read stories like this and remain amazed people will claim guns aren’t used in self-defense or defense of others.
I will not be a stereotype. I will not be a stereotype. I will not be a stereotype. *steps on rake*
Nah, by jetting to these various events where they cut the balls off of the polluters they save carbon tenfold. Think of it as buying absolution and your most of the way there.
The Klimate Krisis is like 31st out of 32 issues that Americans give a crap about. But do please go ahead with this most important theater!
Shhhh. They might hear you.
I’m going to assume this poll didn’t have a representative sample. We’re dumb but not that dumb.
“music icon”
You’re so Wypipo!
Guilty as charged.
Until the recent kerfuffle I’d never heard of such a thing. Mind you, I am “Middle-Aged Man” in the flesh.
A$AP Rocky ASAP?
Nothing could go wrong with this plan.
Someone listened to “End of the Innocence” too many times, and thought that the line about the “tired, old man that we elected King” was a good thing worth aspiring to.
Also, has Gojira made an appearance any time recently?
Yes. I’m sure I saw him post within the last week or two.
Powers that be/SP/anyone in comms with him—would you please pass my contact info on to him, and let him know I’d like to talk to him?
Oh, yes—protonmail
What a dumb fuck. He’s everything the Dem base purport to hate, and would among the first against the wall if his wet dreams were implemented.
Absolutely. I’m enjoying his hubris on full display. Let’s hope he spends a considerable part of his fortune on his quixotic lust for power.
I’m starting to wonder if Steyer is a GOP plant. Because all the other clowns are now gonna have to double-down on their own economy-destroying plans.
That plan is all feature; no bug.
George Soros steeples his palsied fingers, sips from his urine tube and hisses, “Yesss. Yesss!”
“Palsied fingers”
Total band name…
I know, Right?
Well, that , and, “Urine tube”. That’s a masterpiece, Festus,
Palsied Fingers and the Apoplectic’s new hit single “Where The Fuck Is The TV Guide?”
Heheheh…I’d listen to it.
I doubt he’ll get enough traction to force their hands. See Jay Inslee.
But if I’m wrong then it’s going to separate out the skilled politicians, if any, on Team Blue. The price tag is staggering. The skilled ones have to find a way to agree the goal but not the plan.
Asinine: “I’d give her face a 6, but her asinine. “
Yeah, Renee Zellweger is kinda funny-lookin’…
This checks out.
Yesterday my wife was asking me if I’m making so much money, how come so little is making it to our bank account. So I went through line by line all the shit I pay for without her ever thinking about it (extra taxes because she doesn’t withhold enough, health insurance for the family, dental, etc. )
When I got to the social security line item:
Her: “what a rip off”
I’ll ‘ll make her a proper American yet.
Thank God we have principled libertarians to run interference for brother fucking statists: https://reason.com/2019/07/25/ilhan-omar-video-fear-white-men
Robby gets it in the comments; sad when that cesspool is better than your article.
Wow! I was a daily user of H&R for a good 15 years and I only recognize 5 or 6 handles in the article’s comments. Needs more Hercule and Agile.
Well, yeah, agile cyborg was amazing. To be sure, I didn’t say the comments were good, just better than the article.
I was just amazed by how many handles I did not recognize. I think I’ve only been back a few times since this place was created.
15! Daaaamn!
It was once such a great place. The print magazine is still good. I guess I’m just old and curmudgeonly though because the Reason graphic design always reminded me of Scholastic’s Dynamite magazine. I was always a bigger fan of Liberty.
Late to the party – just home from work, sippin’ a Bourbon drink, prepping pancakes for the kids when they arise. Man, some of y’all are fuckin’ Philistines! Musical theater in the Western tradition is the BESTEST theater (special exception given for Japanese styles and Cantonese Operas)! That said, Spamalot was fun but not fantastic. The Book Of Mormon was funny but quite honestly, it made me uncomfortable as every single Mormon I’ve ever met has been a genuinely good-hearted human being and the show came off kinda-sorta mean spirited. Well, maybe not quite mean-spirited but it was picking on folk who seem to bend over backwards to be nice to everybody else and it made me feel uncomfortableYoung Frankenstein however, was simply amazing.
” The Book Of Mormon was funny but quite honestly, it made me uncomfortable as every single Mormon I’ve ever met has been a genuinely good-hearted human being and the show came off kinda-sorta mean spirited. Well, maybe not quite mean-spirited but it was picking on folk who seem to bend over backwards to be nice to everybody else and it made me feel uncomfortable”
Yup. I’ve never seen the show, but I think I’ve got the gist of it. My experience of Mormons has been the same, plus they have lots of kids, which I think it’s a good thing. I don’t understand Mormon hate. Yeah, they believe some silly stuff but the result seems good. . .
My Cree Great-Grandmother was Mormon for some reason or other. Mom grew up with an abiding hatred of Christians, farmers and blonde girls. All of my high school dalliances were mostly with blonde girls. What can I say? They liked tall, dark, dorky, damaged and handsome…
Well, maybe I should pass on dropping by your family reunion…
No worries, Good Sirrah! They’re dead. All dead. Now it’s a fight between my brother and I because we all know that there can only be one.
Well, just realize that, when your African friend comes to visit, the end is nigh. So, delay that shit for as long as possible, no matter what people all you.
Heh, is that like the Klan member’s daughter dating black guys?
Nope. I went to school in a heavily German and Ukranian infused district but now that you mention it, yeah, maybe a little.
I played the role of Big Daddy in a Venice Little Theater production of Sweet Charity and it was fabulous. Fight me!
Look! A Fag! Gittem!
Good evening, folks, and welcome to the Late-night Anti-Gay Hour. Brought to you by Tucks medicated pads, and Florida Orange Juice.
Mmm… Anita Bryant.
She was quite the firecracker back in the way behind. The kinda gal that got stenciled on the noses of B-29’s!
She ain’t purdy she just looks that way – https://youtu.be/UG3ExHB133k
A very young l0b0t did have a yearning to be the filling in an Anita Bryant, Dinah Shore sammich.
That is (was) some bread, indeed!
If y’all have never seen them, the Armistead Maupin books adapted by Showtime and Canal 4 – Tales Of The City, More Tales Of The City, and Further Tales Of The City are worth a watch. There is a storyline where a character is fretting about coming out to his parents who are 1970s Florida orange growers.
Why do mosquitos have to ruin the most comfortable time of day? Just more proof summer isn’t all its cracked up to be.
You, and your anti-mosquito prejudice….
/I. Omar
^ Perfect. How can so much hatred be condensed into such a tiny thing?
I would say our country should be more fearful of Florida man across our country because they are actually causing most of the bites within this country. and so if fear was the driving force of policies to keep America safe from bites, inside of this country we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the propagation of Florida man.
My niece is 15, and claims to be interested in economics. Should I give her a copy of ‘economics in one lesson?’
Well, I don’t know your niece, but….yes.
If she doesn’t want it, give it to your soon-to-be-48-years-old neighbor….
The one about the pencil (I, Pencil?) is quite good as well.
Give her a copy of The Female Eunuch, instead. If she’s a crafty girl she’ll be set for life.
Uhh, I don’t follow.
Merely a jest. If she pursues radical SJW studies she need never leave the academy. Mother had a copy and she was insufferable.
Yeah the synopsis is terrible.
Maybe point her in the direction of EconTalk with Russ Roberts. He has interesting guests and can make very dry subjects listenable.
I’m not familiar with that. any particular episode to start her on?
They vary so wildly that I would be hard pressed to recommend a single point of departure. I tend to really like any of Mike Munger’s appearances, and the episodes about food/restaurants/farming but YMMV.