We’ve entered the time of year when the heat is joined by its partner, humidity, and the desert becomes a steam table. Dry heat my ass. I’m destroying anything I wear when out hiking, just from the Jew Sweat. But before I head outside to face this, I’ll amuse you all (at least me, anyway) with some crazy shit floating around the news media.

Birthdays today include The Lip; a guy who shot a Coke machine; the guy who took nerdery to unheard-of levels; candidate for Most Tedious TV Producer; and someone who still objects.

On to the news.



OK, this is the one that may drive me from the same general dislike that I have for any president to full-blown TDS. Fuck you, Donnie.


And on that theme, “Fuck off, slaver!”


We need to make sure we get our stories straight and not talk to anyone like that Judith Curry moron.” The dishonesty of politicized “science” on full display.


Jews to Sicilians: “Hey, y’all, hold mah matzo!”


This is CNN.


$10 trillion dollars seems like a nice, round number. Not HER money of course, just you tax cattle.


“Dear Penthouse Letters…”


A familiar script. “I feel morally obligated to come forward.”


ACLU loses a suit having nothing to do with civil liberties. “This is not over,” said Dror Ladin, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security Project. Dude, you just lost at the Supreme Court.


“Wiretap, what’s a good recipe for blueberry pancakes?”



Old Guy Music is a video from one of the dinosaur tours. Back in the mid-80s, I saw TFT play at Magic Mountain to a crowd of nearly zero (recalling the air force base gig in Spinal Tap) and regardless, they were wonderfully fun. And they still are.