Is it me? Or is the color really unnecessary for this little gem.
Have you started learning Mandarin yet?
How could the Top Men not have seen this coming? It’s effin’ Florida.
Maybe Bozo was just pining for the fjords? I’m disappointed in the lack of pictures.
I would have made a lousy cop. People would have been beaten with sticks.
I did not, I repeat, did NOT think of Mexican sharpshooter when I read this headline.
Hey, if Gallo can call that jug swill Chablis and Burgundy…
We haven’t heard from our buddy Puddles in a while, so here’s an homage to our resident cryptids.
Yeeeeaaahhh… everyone knows trannies are conservative…
Seems like a great study
The editor’s note at the bottom is a nice touch.
Lol I hadn’t read that far. Nice.
What did it say, the site apparently doesn’t want me to read it.
They didn’t remove the image.
I see.
Thank you.
“I see,” said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer….and saw.
I had to acknowledge the effort, but had nothing to add.
“Balls!” yelled the Queen and the King smiled because he had to.
“Shit”, said the king, and in those days, the kings word was law. 10,000 peasant assholes opened up. Shit flew at random, but Random ducked.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Trump won the transgender vote?
That would be hilarious. No way would that get reported
We need key insight into .01% of the population obviously.
Swing vote?
Yeah, that was my thought. I get they have different thoughts about life than most of us, but they’re not some alien creature.
I guess you have to justify grant funds somehow.
Well if vegans are now for free speech….
Au contraire. The color is entire story.
WWF wrestling buddies were better anyway
Raggedy Andy would kick all their asses.
Dude that was just Raggedy Ann in drag
#metoo is how she justifies the violence.
Put a little MAGA hat on the dolls and watch the fun
Now I want to make MAGA ragdolls
Those patties in the “meat” article look appetizing.
First you take the straw-embedded road apples left by horses, flatten and cut into 3″×5″ rectangles. Fry at medium heat until crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside.
I do wonder if this was a gang initiation or something. I read one of ’em was already wanted for another crime. His nickname was The Brain*.
*I made that up.
Trump throws out the Baltimore Sucks bait, everyone who bites is going to have to defend Democrat run Baltimore.
Done and done
Somebody tell Bernie:
He’s right, you know.
And if anyone’s seen “The Wire,” Scruffy’s edit to “vibrant American shithole” certainly rings true.
“completely unacceptable for the political leader of our country to denigrate a vibrant American City like Baltimore”
I’d be willing to accept “vibrant American shithole”
Well, there goes all those Baltimore votes.
Yuk yuk yuk. As if.
Digging the Puddles!!
I will admit he has a great voice, but gawd damn I hate clowns.
We saw him live last fall in Boise. Tremendous show.
Now that I know how you feel about clowns, I promise that I won’t do a clown themed post…as far as you know.
Were you on a UK Cruise recently? Hmmmmm?
I have an official NFL penalty flag and a achallenge flag.
I deployed the penalty flag last week in a meeting. It was a glorious moment.
What was the punishment?
Did you hit anyone in the eye and tear their retina?
How’s your back? I find back injuries right up there with migraines in the hard to ignore category.
Not to take away from Hi-X’s troubles but your migraine comment jarred this loose:
My wife occasionally gets them. A friend who is a CBD dealer gave me some powder for her to try. She just had occasion to try it the other day and she said it helped a fair ammount. Didn’t stop it, but “took the edge off”. FYI.
I’ve only had one since I got my wisdom teeth out. And, I’ve only had ear infections when I was taking swimming lessons (3times, so I quit). The oral surgeon said ‘i bet you get a lot of ear infections and you won’t anymore, and you’ll get fewer migraines.’ He was right. I wish I had known that years earlier. I sent him a Xmas gift basket for years. Who knew getting my wisdom teeth out would make such a difference in my quality of life. I am kind of an evangelist on the subject.
Wow! Duly noted. I’ll definitely share that with my wife.
Nobody ever suggested it would make a difference. I had bad, bad migraines for years, and got ear infections every spring and fall. Ear infections are incredibly painful. I know why toddlers scream. The difference has been life changing. Like I said, one migraine in over 20years when I used to get them monthly. So bad, that I would end up in the emergency room, and sometimes admitted to the hospital. If your wife still has her wisdom teeth, make an appointment with an oral surgeon for a consultation. Seriously!
Will do. Well, I will tell her. Getting her to do it is another thing entirely! But I will certainly tell her about your experience.
I get it, but people told me it was hormones, and told me it was diet, etc. Changing those things didn’t help. Removing my wisdom teeth, worked. Mine never came in, so I thought I didn’t need to get them removed, but one dentist said they were pushing on other teeth and I really needed to get them out. So, so glad I listened.
He didn’t promise to cure the migraines, just the ear infections, but it did. Talk to an oral surgeon.
MikeS, re: epilepsy and migraines. There is a connection.
Both my sis and bro get migraines but never seizures. I’ve never had a migraine. That seems to be the typical pattern: siblings get one or the other, not both.
My sister described a pre migraine transcendental experience once though that sounded a helluvalot like an aura
That’s interesting. There is no epilepsy in her family that I know of, but I will definitely let her know. Thanks! And I really, really hope you get better soon!
Back is still killing. Trying to space my Vicodin pills further out…
I was going to Hawaii aug 6-8; now I’m not sure I can!!
Because of the flight? After I was hospitalized, and had a vacation planned, my doctor said it would be good for me and wrote me a note just in case. But it was only to the Bahamas, and a relatively short flight. What’s the concern? Relaxation should be good for you. (Fuck work, do what’s right for your health!)
Take Tulip’s advice. Time on a tropical beach can only help your back. If you layover on Oahu, the first drink is on me.
Now you’re talking…:)
Don’t listen to him. I’m typing this from HNL, and he didn’t buy me shit. OTOH, I didn’t tell him I was coming, and I’ll only be here for a couple hours before flying to Lanai City.
Enjoy Lanai! Next time let me know.
HE- we’ll go to the last old style Tiki bar on the island. You can get get a Long Island Ice Tea but I recommend a rum drink with an umbrella.
Koele, or Manele Bay?
. . . I recommend a rum drink with an umbrella.
Boat drinks are always the best.
Five nights at Manele, then back to Oahu for four nights on the North Shore (with a stop at La Mariana Sailing Club — thanks dbleagle), then four more on Waikiki.
I figure that 25th anniversaries don’t come around all that often, so we’re doing Hawaii right.
Maanele Bay may very well ruin you. You’ve been warned.
Time on a tropical beach can only help your back.
I think time on a tropical beach with rum drinks will cure all ills.
Congrats on your 25th! La Marianna is the place. The North Shore can be fun. Let ,me know if you want any ideas for less “touristy” places.
Now I want a penalty flag
I threw it and declared “Illegal shift of goal posts!”
Heh. Well done.
The Hyperbole fucks goats. It’s a fact. I have sources who will anonymously confirm.
Damn. Way to shred the NAP.
Any particular breed of goat, or he just generally likes to bang goats?
He likes them all, but one source confirms that he favors the fainting goats. Some sort of Cosby thing.
You could say the same thing about Tulpa.
Hey, wait a second…
“Some sort of Cosby thing.”
OK, I think my life is aaaaalmost complete, now.
::standing ovation for MikeS::
20 bucks is 20 bucks.
The male goat is called a “buck” or “billy.”
Surely you kid.
Ewe are disgusting.
And now you know what The Hyperbole meant when he said he “sports a goatee”.
Eww. Or should I say ewe
A ewe is a sheep
Clearly, he didn’t have a nanny.
A deer? A female deer?
Someone pulled the wool over his eyes.
Every time I’m scanning Amazon Prime or Netflix for a movie for my wife and I to watch, invariably they’ll be an Uwe Boll film. I always think of ewe when I read his first name.
Whatever gets your goat.
Boo hiss! Narrows gaze
*grins sheepishly*
You’re just goading him on.
Wait…..shouldn’t that be “narrow graze”?
/ducks, runs
You’re missing “off”.
That’s an exaggeration. It was oral sex onlyand never in this country, only Mexico. You could say a chupa-cabra.
“20 bucks is 20 bucks.”
Where does a goat get $20?
From Hyp, of course.
So Hype is the customer. So confusing. You’d think he would just buy a couple of goats.
then you gotta feed ’em and the upkeep, and goats are just real dirty creatures, kinda like philistines.
Yoga instruction.
We did the golf shoe shopping for my gf today. She found a pair she liked, but not in stock in her size. They’ve already shipped them and she is happy. #winning
Tuesdays with Derpy, part 3
part 2 at comment 27 here:
The old man and the college kid slouched on the couch and drank bottles of Tolerance Lager. The holoprojector was playing NPR news.
The announcer was breathless: this morning’s mass shooting was the worst in history. With us a now is a spokesman from the National Ray Gun Association.
My first question sir, is why does anybody need a plasma rifle in the 40 watt range?
The holoprojector displayed the rifle, with its gleaming chrome body and graceful curves. It was an elegant weapon from a more civilized era.
I’d buy that for a dollar, said the old man.
Yeah, me too said the college kid.
I think a better question, said the spokesman, is why are you making this about the weapon rather than the shooter?
Because your organization is the reason these murder machines are available, screeched the announcer.
Ooh, Madame Vocal Fry is getting that righteous anger, said the old man.
I think I know why they haven’t said anything about the shooter, said the college kid as he scrolled his Eye Phone for more news.
Oh? Who did it, asked the old man.
It appears that the shooter was a member of a certain community…the college kid trailed off.
Xenomorphs? Yeah, that’s been happening a lot lately, said the old man.
The college kid gave him the stink eye and nudged him in the ribs.
Oh, right. The old man counted down from 3 with his fingers, then they both got up and shouted in unison:
We totally respect the Xenomorph community. Xenomorphophobia is hate speech!
There, that should keep the damn Thought Police happy, muttered the old man.
Our next guest a is a spokesman from the Council of American-Xenomorph Relations, said the announcer.
Special thanks to Amazon, who built a special purpose Alexa to translate, the announcer added.
It was a lobster-like creature. For a few moments, it growled, buzzed, and hissed as its antenna swayed and its mandibles fidgeted.
Great to be here, said the bubbly female voice emanating from the Alexa.
Sir, remind us again about the purpose of your organization, asked the announcer.
More growls, hisses, and buzzes. Then the voice of Alexa again.
The Council of American-Xenomorph relations works to build respect and understanding among all the sentient life forms of this planet.
It is part of the larger effort to build the Greater Galactic Co-Prosperity Sector. I am proud to represent it. It fills my abdominal and thoracic hearts with joy.
Ah, how nice, said the announcer. Forgive me, but I must ask if you have a comment on today’s tragedy, asked the announcer.
Even more growls, hisses, and buzzes. It sounded like someone threw a beehive in a fire and then doused it with water. Then Alexa again:
Of course, it is terrible and it saddens us greatly that the shooter was one of our own.
But what about the National Ray Gun Association and white males? Surely they share some of the blame.
We must be careful not to demonize an entire community, especially one as committed to peace and unity as ours.
Wise words. Thank you so much for being here, said the announcer.
My pleasure, the creature gargled in nearly intelligible English.
And now we turn to world news, specifically the ongoing turmoil in Nee-kah-rrrawg-wah, said the host.
Ugh, enough already, groaned the old man as he turned off the holoprojector.
Lets go feed tofu to the ducks, said the college kid.
Great idea. At least the ducks won’t give me some half-baked sermon said the old man.
SugarFree’s Subaru Horror stories make me want to write perfume ad murder mysteries. They are the perfect set up, but I couldn’t match SugarFree.
The don’t try. Write with your own voice
Or the voice of the perfume ad characters. I bet that’d work.
“Then …”
Any particular reason the lobster-like creature wasn’t swimming in a pot of boiling water and Old Bay?
Do an image search for Lobster Girl. The Old Place made her famous.
You shan’t be disappointed.
Oh, what the hell. I’ll enact the labor:
Waiter, I’d like to order the special, and give me a side of lobster.
Yeah, there’s just SOMETHING about that picture.
something funny I found while researching this:
I live alone in a shack at the end of the internet.
It’s a good life.
In the PEEPIL ARE DUM category:
Christ on a stick, people! Stop allowing technology to constantly surveil you!
What you did there…
Saw Ezra Brooks Rye the other day in the booze store. The price is damn good ($21). Anyone ever tired it?
It gets a decent review at the Whiskey Jug. I suppose for ~$20 it’s hard to go wrong…
Let me know if you see Solveig gin. I love it, but can’t buy it here. I’d be happy to pay for you to send it to me. Pay a premium.
I live only ~30 miles from Far North! They have a tasting room and mix the best cocktails.
Anyway, absolutely I will. Pretty sure Happy Harry’s has it. If not I can get .350ml bottles right at Far North. How much do you want?
Umm, a lot. I can’t buy it here. I paid my sister ~$100 for a standard bottle.
email me at my handle followed by “_jm” at outlook
So, 3 or 4 standard bottles.
Email sent
why links look weird, see no links drunk Yusef has a sad……..
website keeps changing from normal to stupid at random,
When it goes stupid, refreshing seems to fix it.
true, it’s just weird….
Can confirm.
Hasn’t worked yet for me.
God fucking dammit.
It worked that time.
I need another drink.
Hoo boy.
E.U. labor laws v. Youtube? I want to take delight in the wreckage, but it just seems like there is no possible way this will have a good outcome.
Just gave the dog her Saturday night bone. Happy, happy dog.
Bella said, screw the heat, and went sleep in the G-sons bed, happy dog,
These euphemisms are getting less subtle all the time.
I’m lonely, do they have dial a friend? not hooker’s, that’s easy…
We’re not good enough for you any more?
You are my link to Life, and insanity, Why do you think I ask you nuts?
Good enough for me. I’m sitting on the couch, waiting for 1000s of music files to transfer from one micro SD card to a larger micro SD card, so I have lots to listening choices on the flight to the Philippines later this week (wife’s taking me to meet the rest of her family).
While I wait, I’m enjoying a Stone Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale, homemade cheesecake (thanks, honey!), and reading through the comments. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve hit this site, mostly due to work the past few months (we aired the Women’s World Cup, the US Open, along with our usual daily shows on FS1, some Pro Boxing, and the MLB All Star Game).
Anyway, I’m enjoying the commentariat company, and hope you’ve all been doing well!
Why did I cook dinner? Now the house is too hot. I should have bought cold food.
Yes, it is Summer after all, 115 here, Microwave pulled Beef here I come…
Again with the euphemisms….
Sick minds, etc.
“Always leave ;em wanting more”, ehh?
I’ve got kalbi marinated country ribs on the grill right now. Gonna roast some baby potatoes in the toaster oven and quick saute some sugar snap peas. Minimal effort and kitchen heat.
I don’t have any outside land to run a grill on.
Front porch and Charcoal? C’mon, get creative
No porch.
Fine, I bought an 11×11 electric grille for 20$ at Walmart, and grille on that, what do you want? Emiril go cook for you?
I’d rather improve the AC in this house.
But I can’t afford it.
Toaster oven costs less than upgrading ac
I grill on my driveway because I don’t want to grill on potentially fire susceptible backyard. It works just fine
No driveway.
My plot is literally the corner of a block with no lawn, no driveway, and the house taking the entirety of the land.
It was cheap.
Toaster oven. Seriously
At least get a toaster oven. I have o e. It heats up much faster, heats a smaller space, and doesn’t heat the whole house. That’s my advice, one single person to another
this, something, at least for me, that Cooks food and is portable, and at 20 bucks is well worth it.
Teriyaki chicken, cheeseburgers, Burritos, boiled eggs, the list goes on,
I like to cook
I finally got one a few months ago. Love it but I bought the wrong one. Too small, and it doesn’t heat evenly. But I think I’m going to put some tater tots in there soon.
the Electric skillet rocks, even, adjustable heat, ceramic coating for easy cleaning,
motel Living again……..
Don’t be jelly
Oh that was a link. I couldn’t see it.
Are toaster oven’s good for cooking frozen pizzas? I mean, all those bar pizza ovens are is a toaster oven set to one temp, right?
I couldn’t tell you, I don’t buy frozen pizzas. Buying the parts and making even mediocre home pizza gets better results.
I really need to try that one day. Until then, a pre-made, quick meal for $6 will have to do.
I do dinner parties, so I bought one big enough to act as a second oven. You could get something smaller
21 Oz bread flour
365g lukewarm water
2 tbsp pure olive oil
2 heaping tsp kosher salt (2 scant tsp table salt)
1 scant tsp sugar
2.25tsp yeast
-Mix until pulls together into a ball
-Knead until it passes the windowpane test
-Put in large bowl “greased” with olive oil and cover with saran wrap.
-let rise at least 6 hours, can go up to a week in the fridge
-roll out, top, and cook in a really hot oven, preferably with a pizza stone
-enjoy 3 delicious pizzas
It’s my go to recipe, and with a stand mixer it’s 10 minutes of dough prep and another 10 minutes to roll out and top the pizza.
Regarding toaster ovens, we got one when our toaster quit. It’s essentially a mini oven. Anything you can do in the big one, you can do in the little one (as long as it fits inside)
Replace half the olive oil with sesame oil. You’re welcome.
Try an Instapot.
Very versatile for different dishes.
It doesn’t do grilling but can definitely add to your cooking range without taking up much space.
I have an instantpot. Putting that much humidity into the house atmosphere when venting wouldn’t do much for the primary complaint of “I heated the house up cooking dinner”.
Depends on size. Mine is too small for a frozen pie, except the smallest from Trader Joe’s. But is perfect for veggies for four, or a chicken breast or thigh.
Let me put it this way, after my dad died, I got one for my mom. She loves it!
Mrs Fourscore cooks most things countertop, pizzas included in the toaster oven. I call her many appliances counter top decoration. She just got a countertop grill that advertised smoke-less grilling. Note that it wasn’t smokeless but smoke-less.
I got many laughs and bad looks as I explained the difference in English to her. It does work well and she uses it a lot. I think $60 at Fleet Farm.
I miss fleet farm and Macs.
Depends, a “real” pizza oven will get to 600+ degrees ‘murican. Most toaster ovens can’t get there. Do some bars use inferior ovens for frozen pizza? sure but if you want a bubbly cheesy crispy yet chewy crust masterpiece you’ll need a oven capable of achieving those temps.
If I might; a toaster oven and an air fryer. I have been a disciple of the Great Toaster Oven (Peace Be Upon Black & Decker) for many years. Then, spent minimal $ on an AS Seen on TV air fryer…HOLY SHIT!
Does it ever cook fast and effectively. Browns things much more quickly and evenly than the toaster oven. Neither puts out much heat, and my particular toaster oven has a ‘no preheat’ function, to boot.
They make grills for boats that bolt into the rails. You must at least have a hand rail somewhere. Screw the neighbors.
Not bad here tonight. Eyeing some freezer-samosas for a deep fry.
Another heat wave coming tomorrow.
If gorgeous here
I did a big tri tip on the grill.
We’re both exhausted from the house tribulations. I’m going to pull some homemade bolognese sauce out of the freezer and make spaghetti. It’s also 13° Celsius (around 55° Fahrenheit) and thunderstormy. We need comfort food. And wine. LOTS of wine.
Tomorrow, Imma gonna rent a steam cleaner from Home Depot merely for its amazing vacuum ability and give all the rugs a once-over. This air-drying crap (even with industrial blowers and dehumidifiers) is too slow for me. Daddy demands suction.
Yeah, it was 102 in Santa Clarita today.
Reminds me of when my brother lived in Phoenix in the mid 1980s and I visited him in July. Hot as balls!
Although, we did catch an awesome airshow at Luke AFB.
I’m getting wasted, but when I awake at 3 in the morning, I can take Bella to a nice park with Grass! she has been burning he pads on the concrete, Daddy no like,
so I found a nice place, and at 3 am it will only be 90 degrees, Desert living……
I can’t convince my dog to wear booties in winter or summer. Sigh.
In the summer, I try to walk her where there is shade or at least grass for her to walk on. They are so stoic, they could be in pain, but still want to walk with you.
That’s Bella, she just wants to be with me and sniff stuff, no matter how hot, I find myself taking her in for her own good,
Poor Bella.
At least it’s cool here right now. But stormy! Puppy no like. Quivers lots. Needs hugs. Her humans need hugs, too.
Hugs from here, Bella knows…
I’m lucky, mine doesn’t care about Thunder storms or fireworks. But bees, she’s terrified. Poor thing
My dogs think bees and wasps are treats on the wing. They’ll go after them like a bass after a minnow. Every now and then, they’ll get nailed. They sneeze and shake their heads for a couple of minutes, then it’s right back to the hunt.
Ah yes. Delicious Sky Raisins and (for that extra treat!) Jalapeño Sky Raisins!
Cheers, Yusef!
Hope the late night walk with the dog is comfortable.
[upbeat country jingle]
Derp: It’s What’s for Dinner
“Grab your bandanas and lace up your hiking boots – YDSA is heading to summer camp!” the website for the online camp reads. “Join us around the virtual campfire every Tuesday evening all summer for a new organizing training each week. From talking about socialism with potential members to running and winning a transformative campaign, attendees will gain the skills they need to take their YDSA chapters to the next level this Fall.”
One of the trainings allegedly detailed suggested YDSA recruiting practices.
“You are not going to use the word ‘socialism,’ or ‘capitalism’ or ‘Marx’ or any of that, you are just going to talk about common issues you both care about, you’re going to find a way to make it about socialism and talk about class struggle with them and why they should be socialists, even if you are not using that word,” YDSA organizer Anna Bonomo said during one of the video trainings, according to The College Fix.
[RELATED: VIDEO: Students support socialism…but not when it comes to their GPAs]
Apparently, Bonomo clarified that it is okay to use the word “socialism” and to identify as a socialist, but to avoid using the word during recruiting.
Even the DSA knows Socialism is bad, it’s in the slogan!
Socialism is not the CrossFit of economic theories.
Heh. But, it is the Axe brand of economic theories.
Just call it Young Pioneers and be done with it.
Some Advanced Derp for those wanting extra credit:
Democratic 2020 strategy must be gloves off and abandon all subtlety: ‘Trump will kill your dog!’
When he’s finished putting down your dog, Trump is going to take away your health care, raise your taxes, eliminate your job, take away your right to an abortion, limit your right to vote, turn your air and water brown, cut your Social Security and Medicare, and tell you if you don’t like it, you can leave.
It doesn’t matter who’s the nominee. This is the message Democrats have to carry to the country in 2020. Is it an exaggeration? A scare tactic? Are you kidding? We already know all this stuff is true, and we don’t need “facts” to surmise that if given half a chance Trump and his minions will find some way to make euthanizing shelter animals easier and more profitable. For Donald Trump and the Republican Party he leads, money and cruelty is who they are. It’s what they do.
Folks, don’t read Alternet if you don’t have to.
I don’t know how you can swim in that cesspool. There’s a lot of very disturbed people out there.
The rays of Earth’s yellow sun imbued me with derp endurance far in excess of a normal human.
Speaking of that, there’s a youtube channel called Society of Virtue that has some pretty good comic book parodies:
Good old self loathing Lucian, he never fails to bring his A derp game.
I wonder what his grandfather would think of him…
Spinning at about 2400 RPM
Paywalled. Oh noes!
Second episode of The Boys watched.
Good stuff. God, I hope they don’t screw this up.
I’m going to check this out tonight. If I don’t like it I will blame you.
I’ve never seen so many tv warnings on an episode before. You’re welcome to blame me, though I doubt you will.
Dark, intriguing, and captivating.
Ha…just watched the first episode here and was going to mention it. Looking forward to the rest! Love being able to bing watch these things instead of waiting a week until the next episode is out.
I just went to the local Beer store,115 degrees and 300 yards, thought I was gonna die, but BEER!
That’s like five football fields. Glad you made. *Cheers*
No sacrifice, no victory.
I don’t use these words very often, but you sir, are an American hero.
Fun fact: in Medieval times (the era, not the restaurant) it was normal to drink a gallon of ale a day. Wiki sez:
Ale was an important source of nutrition in the medieval world. It was one of three main sources of grains in the medieval diet, along with pottage and breads. Scholars believe grains accounted for around 80% of the calorie intake of agricultural workers and 75% for soldiers.
Records from the Middle Ages show that ale was consumed in huge quantities. In 1272 a husband and wife who retired at Selby Abbey were given 2 gallons of ale per day with two loaves of white bread and one loaf of brown bread. Monks at Westminster Abbey consumed 1 gallon of ale each day.
Oh how I wish I could live in Medieval Times instead of being asked to leave them…
I don’t, women were badly treated then
Everyone was treated badly then.
Depends which society you were part off. Norse society was probably the most equal in the treatment of the sexes. Women could own property, initiate marriage and divorce, were expected to defend themselves and family like males, testify in legal proceedings. go on expeditions, and were warriors.
Of course when the Christians took over women’s status declined to the status in the rest of Europe.
10-11 bottles of beer a day? In the old days (in my 20s-30s) that was not an unusual amount. Maybe not every day but several times a week. Most often not top shelf and craft beer was waiting to be invented.
Came close to that last night. And a shot of Jager for stupid reason. Now I have to go to an open campus for my kid’s potential junior high school this morning. Ugh.
The alcohol content was also lower than modern beer.
From what I know, they drank ‘small’ beer, aka neer beer mostly. It was safer than water as it had been boiled for the mash.
I think this is touched on in the documentary “How Beer Saved the World.”
Online dating update. There are a lot of guys that lie about their age (and height). I don’t care so much about height, but if you show up much older than your pictures,I care. My pictures are a month old. I could understand from someone who wants to chat for a while, but these guys are all get off-line and meet. Do they really think I won’t notice? Glibbies, help me out here.
Tough one. No idea what to tell you since I’m 4 feet tall and 98 years old.
So average Japanese?
I’ve been doing online dating for close to 10 years. My most recent profile pic is from 3 years ago. I look pretty much the same.
As a woman you have the advantage – men will come to you. Go on lots of dates and you’re bound to find someone acceptable.
“I don’t care so much about height…”
[Maury Povich voice]
That is a lie!
With care that they show up much greyer and paunchier. My pictures are accurate.
I’m old and chubby. Just be honest
I start from the handicap of being fat, then have the handicap of my personality – I take forever to get a read on the other person and what sort of topics would work and what the range of their sense of humor is. So for the first X to Y minutes I’m just a fat lump on the other chair who doesn’t say a whole lot.
Just get rich and throw the bling around – I hear that helps.
I never really get past that phase.
Well, if I get a good read on a person, I can become more voluble.
So experienced and thicc?
I can’t speak for anyone else but I think older guys believe, some how, that their charm/personality will make the younger ladies not care. Obviously as soon as you pick up the first lie the charm wears pretty thin rather quickly.
I asked my son, back when he was busy looking if he perhaps overcompensated on his income, etc. He said never, truth was his friend, take it or leave it. He said honesty was the best. Don’t trust the BS guys.
I’m honest in my profile. Just be honest with me
A good operating premises comes from a former dirtbag coworker. Ask 100 women if they want to have sex, and one of them is going to say “yes”. Proceed accordingly.
Doesn’t swoon me. I can control myself, plus,most of these guys aren’t the a attractive
Besides my licence the newest picture of me is 5yrs old. I don’t take selfies and it seems no one else likes taking pictures of me either.
I get angry when people try to take my picture.
Then good thing I didn’t tell you about my
spy camera the NSA outfitted me wither nothing. I said nothing.I wanted a picture of UCS and me but didn’t ask, since some people don’t want their pictures taken. I think he was embarrassed to have his friends see him with an old guy from the woods. I like pictures of the group and events, to remember the day and the friends that were together. At least he’s not angry with me or at least not because of a picture.
I don’t enjoy being photographed myself, though I wouldn’t say it makes me angry. If I’m out with friends or something and having fun, snap away.
But often I just find it fake. I won’t smile for no reason, for example.
That’s me, too. I’m not a toothy smiler, so in posed photographs I just look like I’m grimacing, like the person in front of me is standing on my toes but I just want to get it over with. Impromptu pictures don’t bother me, but my wife and all the women in her family are big on the “Oh, we need a picture!” bit. The only real reason that bugs me is because I’ll have to stop whatever I was doing, e.g. chatting with someone over a beer, fixing a plate of barbecue, walking through a museum, and stand in a pose while she and her family take seven pictures each.
There is no one left to develop that 20yr old disposable camera that says it still has has 5 pictures left anyway.
There are a lot of guys that lie about their age (and height).
They are doing you a favor: They are telling you, “I am not someone you want to date.”
Call them out on that. Tell them “listen you fat grey haired fuck why does your picture not look like you do now? That makes you a liar so why would I want to pursue a relationship with you? Say we get married how do I know you are not taking the mortgage payment and paying off gambling debts? are you a gambling addict? I think you are a gambling addict! I think there is nothing you will not lie about!” and then throw your drink in their face and walk out.
Don’t know what to tell you. I think you can sniff out some of the BS in the profile descriptions.
Also, it’s not at all out of line to ask if their pics are recent. You typically can tell from the way they answer if they’re being honest.
FWIW, I met my wife on Zoosk in 2011. We wed in August 2013. Best damn thing that ever happened to me.
Styx got married to a little hottie. Good for him.
He’s sailing away?
Domo arigato.
With the Queen of Spades, who was Miss America for a time.
Not bad for a blue collar man.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Some videos.
I wonder if he wore a shirt.
A completely useless, glorious day. What did I accomplish? I drove to lunch and back, and I fixed dinner. That’s it. I even took an hour long nap, with blanket in my recliner. I’ve had a nice little buzz since noon, and now I’m back in my recliner with a glass of Blanton’s sitting next to me. I think I can get through a few more days.
I am so ready for retirement
For me, Saturday is my battery recharge day. Nothing on the schedule, and the wife needs minimal monitoring as a result. I wasn’t even showered and dressed until 11:30.
Look at the early bird bragging.
I miss those days before kids. I don’t think I’ll survive to see when they’re out of the house.
So, somehow for the last 26 years or so I have been aware of, but never seen In The Mouth of Madness. Finally I feel like others know what it’s like to collaborate with SF.
That looks good. Sam may not have been the best actor, but he is fun to watch.
It was enjoyable, hunt down a copy and let your mind wilt away…
Check him out in the Reilly spy series. He was also great in the third Omen movie, THE FINAL CONFLICT.
Carpenter was still firing on all cylinders with MADNESS. It was written by Michael De Luca, head of New Line Cinema at the time, as is a love letter to H.P. Lovecraft. The covers of the Sutter Cane novels are even similar to some of the Lovecraft paperbacks from the 1980s.
I love that movie!
My fashion sucks, so I can’t tell if this is a joke.
My dad owned many shirts like the second to last…Otherwise, those look like chick clothes. I don’t give a shit about fashion I own 7 identical black t-shirts. That is the extent of my wardrobe.
So you’re a roadie?
Nothing so glamorous.
I used to work as a radio producer.
Ask Gilmore?
I was trying to remember whose signal straff just lit. I think there are several but that is one.
I’m a clothes horse, and I agree with a lot of what he says. The key thing is fit. Portly men in particular often make the mistake of wearing baggy clothes to try to hide the fat, which backfires. The last thing you want is to wear clothing that looks ill-fitted, especially if you’re not in the best shape of your life, because it will emphasize your weight. John Goodman has always been a good example of someone who gets this. Even when he was really heavy he still wore clothes that fit, tucked in his shirts, etc., and it makes him look big but put together, instead of like his tailor is Omar the Tentmaker.
Then it’s basically about silhouette, color, and formality. There are a lot of “rules” for men’s fashion but really it’s pretty easy to build up a wardrobe that will serve you well and not require too much work or break the bank if you go with some basic guidelines.
I get a back ache when I dress that way, so I don’t. I wear what makes me feel good, fuck everyone else, I’m the one living my life.
You’re right and I should spend more time on my wardrobe. Women here mock the salary men for their shitty style sense. They wear black socks and dress shoes with shorts on the weekend for example. They work 60, 70 hour weeks and have no energy for shopping on the weekend. Kind of pisses me off when they mock the guys. They work for their families well being. If you don’t like the way your husband looks, buy him a few shirts.
Well I think a lot of men in particular think there’s a dichotomy of fashionable and comfortable, or reasonably-priced and good quality, but it’s not like that at all. Like I say, the basics are just wearing clothes that fit, that aren’t too trendy, and that are appropriate for the event. I mean, my go-to in the summer when I’m not at work is a pair of Dockers or Dickies shorts and either a t-shirt or a polo shirt, likely from Old Navy, and boat shoes or canvas drivers. Strangers don’t ask for my autograph, but I look like a grown man who can dress well without help.
Those wives sound like they should thank their lucky stars there’s a guy willing to work that hard so they can have a roof over their head. I’ll bet they’re at least passing familiar with stores in the area, and it probably wouldn’t kill them to pick their poor husbands up a pair of chinos or some flip flops or something. Although, I will say that, in my experience, women are absolute shit at getting clothes for men.
It’s fun when the guys punch back. The mother in law was making fun of the father in law for his clothes one day. He fires back with, “Shut up, Funashi. I had to stifle a laugh because she does have the same body type.
I despise chinos. I’ll wear cargo shorts until I die.
I mean, you know, the 90 or so days when it’s warm enough here.
Yes. Chinos are gay.
I fought chinos for years, then I buckled and I’ve never looked back. They’re like jeans, but thinner, so they’re not hot in the summer. They’re soft enough to wear as pajamas. You can wear them with flip flops and a metal t-shirt or with derbies and a sports coat.
It’s kinda weird how cargo shorts became the pariahs of the fashion world seemingly overnight. I mean, shit, big jeans were the bell bottoms of my generation and they kind of just faded away. I think you can still buy JNCO jeans even now.
It’s something about the look of them…I can’t really put my finger on it…
I guess they look (to me) like the shorts version of skinny jeans.
Uploaded the WWII docs my brother found in my grandpa’s navy chest. Interesting stuff. I suspect this was a training exercise leading up to the invasion of Sicily. My grandfather was a Lt. on a Higgins at Sicily, Saipan, Leyte, Luzon and Iwo Jima.
Sorry about the quality my brother needs to work on his photo taking skills.
No problem at all with the quality. Amazing what those simple pieces of paper represent.
It’s amazing to contemplate the thoughts and feeling one would experience reading that and knowing it’s about you invading a beach full of Nazis. I have no problem with the “greatest generation” designation.
Like many my grandpa never talked about the war with anyone until about 3 years before his death. After the landings at Sicily he came ashore to help with supplies. There was a guy driving a tractor clearing beach obstacles. Several soldiers warned him to stop at a marked sign because of a sniper. The driver told them to piss off and continued on past. My grandfather stopped the story before saying if anything happened to the driver. I always wanted to know what happened but never wanted to ask.
Combine this with Notre Dame Midshipmen’s school year book from last night and it creates quite a story.
Here’s hundreds (thouands?) of guys in their teens and twenties praciticing a highly choegrapahed landing. They’ll get a few practices in and then they’ll do it with organized groups trying to kill them. Looking at the plans I can see even the practices being real shit shows.
Two years before this these guys were college students, carpenters, farmers, accountants, whatever. Now there practicing an open water invasion. The equipment they’ll be packing and most of the ships/boats that will be carrying them didn’t exist two or three years before.
And that’s just Sicily.
That is cool, thanks for sharing!
That is really neat. Thanks for sharing them with us!
When I was about 12, I would wear: jeans, t-shirt, flannel and sometimes a sweatshirt. Either boots or Vans. I’ve continued to wear that all the way until now. It sometimes actually is in fashion. If you wear it long enough, it’ll be cool again. That’s the extent of my fashion tips.
Supposed to be a response to Straff, up above.
Just ask Run-D.M.C. about their Adidas.
There’s also a lot of truth to the saying that some things never go out of style. It’s not totally bulletproof, but stuff like straight cut jeans, crew neck sweaters, polo shirts, i.e. the basics, looked good twenty years ago and will look good twenty years from now.
Pastel sweaters, sleeves tied and draped over shoulders.
Flashback to Germany, 1986….
Izod polos were the rage when I was in high school. One of my friends wore a different color one every day until I noticed something odd. In front of a group of girls, I ripped the alligator off his shirt and hand it to him. Turns out his mom would buy off brand polos and then sew on the alligator she had removed from polos she bought at the second hand shop.
I bet you wore a Members Only Jacket and Thought it Was Cool.
Those would be a step up. Unless you consider Sears above Members Only.
Wow, that was bad. Butch Walker has really improved as a songwriter/singer.
Best part is I was watching a tennis match from Germany this morning, and some teen in the crowd had, you guessed it, the sweater tied around his neck.
Yeah, it was Lacoste and Fred Perry when I was a little kid. Grunge broke out by the time I hit middle school and then nobody I knew would be caught dead in a polo shirt, but then by high school the skins had broken the Fred Perrys’ back out again.
And you can have my Harrington jacket when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
Our 17 year old son wears much the same, tshirt, sweatshirt, Vans. Add in gym shorts and tall colored socks and you are what he says is cutting edge contemporary fashion.
AHA! That’s why all those young chicks keep hitting on me!
I thought they were just gold-diggers.
They want a free lube job.
Jacqueline Novak Chews Over the Blow Job in Her One-Woman Show “Get on Your Knees”
onsider the penis: the cock, the anaconda, the boner. There is a case to be made—the comedian Jacqueline Novak makes it with the thoroughness of a champion debater in her new one-woman show, “Get on Your Knees”—that the descriptive language we use for the male member is not really descriptive at all. The phrase “rock hard,” for instance: “No geologist would say ‘This quartz is penis hard.’ ”
Keep sucking until you find something funny.
Cock-blocked. Oh noes!
I see what you did there.
Try squishing it with a geology book and get back to me on how hard it is..
“Trannies for Trump.”
Access denied.
Works for me.
FWC did not cite any specific incidents that made officials feel that the update was necessary, but earlier this month, a pool maintenance technician was accidentally shot with a pellet gun by an “iguana hunter” in Boca Raton, NBC Miami reported.
Passengers aboard a P&O Britannia cruise ship purportedly used furniture and weapons after a brawl broke out on the last day of a week-long trip to Norway’s fjords.
According to reports, a passenger dressed in clown attire sparked the massive brawl in a buffet area, which left six people – including three women and one staff member – with “significant bruising and cuts,” police said.
They think he was It?
The New York City Police Department has arrested a fourth person in connection with a string of water dousing incidents against uniformed officers in the Bronx earlier in the week.
I’m still surprised the cops haven’t shot anyone over this yet.
During my two year stint working in PNG the guys would go out after dark when we where in certain locals that were the preferred habitat for the Cane Toad which some how made it there from Australia. The story was the toad was introduced to Australia for some reason or another that I could google to sound like I know what the fuck I am talking about but I don’t care that much. Point is, they would go out with golf clubs and “drive” the reptiles as hard as they could. Perhaps all Florida Men need to equip their children with golf clubs. A fast death is a “humane” death.
Or is a toad an amphibian? Whatever.
Cane toads were introduced to both Australia and Florida as biological insect pest control. This had a few deleterious effects on both ecosystems, as the beasts had no predators in either locale.
You’d think our antepodean brethren would know better, considering the problems they had with stoats (New Zealand) and rabbits (Aussie).
OTOH, brown trout were introduced to the western US, and peacock bass are quite a game fish success story in south Florida, so introduction of certain species isn’t always bad.
“This president, whether you like him or love him, has done more to secure the southern border and protect our sovereignty than any president in my lifetime.”
Just overheard that on Fox and gave me a chuckle.
Apparently on CNN, they’re all weeping for Baltimore.
They should try driving through it at night. Or in the daytime, for that matter. I have a lead on a job doing web things for UMB and my decision on whether or not to take the gig will depend on how often they actually expect me to drive into Baltimore to be in the office. If they double my current salary I wouldn’t do it more than twice a week, and even then I might turn it down.
The city’s fucked. Completely and totally fucked. And it’s because of a culture of epidemic corruption of which Elijah Cummings is a part.
Which brainiac said it?
A little White Rye from these fine folks to wrap up the night.
I’ve never been able to figure out unaged ryes. Do you treat it like a white spirit, i.e. a vodka / gin / light rum for cocktails, or do you treat it like a whiskey?
It’s just fancy moonshine that was done in a regular distillery instead of in the backwoods. Treat it like moonshine.
I’m drinking it straight.
It’s…. a bit spicy.
Medieval torture device.
Slammer said he was getting three teeth pulled. His dentist?
I don’t get it.
You wouldn’t, mr. Driving gloves.
It looks like a post hole digger.
First rule of digging a hole…
Make sure the hooker fits in it?
Mike S. did some Very Bad Things.
That was on tv a couple nights ago. I watched the last hour or so. Probably been 15 years since I had seen that.
Ah, Kobi Tai…
…is to call Digger’s Hotline like a good little bot…
Dig a few holes the manual way, today?
Yes, and ouch.
My mini review of NieR:Automata – Well, that’s annoying.
It was the chorus that ran through my head each time it changed camera angles and emulated a different genre poorly. When I was calling the beats of what was about to happen next well before they dropped the next change, I was rather bored. Didn’t figure out how toi dodge the excavators on the bridge, didn’t care to learn, uninstalled and refunded.
Steam refunds are genius. Until you take “too many” and get a sternly-worded email from them.
Some games take so long to reach the opening credits that it was too late to get a refund when I realized the combat mechanics were so unfun that I was actively avoiding any quest that might involve a fight. *Glares at Kingdom Come: Deliverance*
Yeah, I had a mixed experience with that game. There are people who would name their children after that game, but I found it pretty solidly mediocre. I just had a hard time giving a shit about it, honestly.
I can’t even say I ragequit, because it was more of a mehquit.
Same here. I got to this one boss I was having a little trouble with, and, mostly out of boredom, I looked online for some guides. Turns out that was the end of the game for that particular character, and in order to experience the entire game, you have to play it through multiple times with different endings in order to unlock other characters or whatever. Well, twenty years ago I might’ve thought that was some deep metagame shit, but I don’t have time for that crap any more. I’ve got to really, really love a game to play it twice.
Greetings from Vacationland!
I am pleasantly full of lobster and drinking some pet-nat while my wife attempts to get some sleep before getting up at 01:15 to go hike up Cadillac Mountain to see the sunrise.
I nope’d out of that plan, but she did convince a friend to join her.
A pleasant 63 degrees and the sky full of stars. Cheers, glibs!
People by the fire pit are taking politics and the girl sounds attractive but annoying (nobody is interrupting her rambling, so I have to think she must be attractive)
On the other hand, there drinking tequila.
I should probably just have another glass of wine.
Fuck that. Pour a shot and get in there.
I just headed inside (I was on the screened-in porch). 50/50 chance that ends up as a MMF 3-way, or something cuckold-y
♫ What is derp? Baby don’t herp me… don’t herp me… no more…
Here’s my counterpoint: throwing food and drinks on people advocating for far-right policies is actually one of the best possible ways to deal with them. It is non-violent, with minimal collateral damage to innocent bystanders.
It creates media coverage and, if captured on video, can bring mockery down on the receiver. And most importantly of all, it sends a message: you are ridiculous, and I will treat you with ridicule.
Throwing food and drinks on these people suddenly shakes the frame— for a moment, the far-right figure is no longer serious. They are a baby in a suit. They are a figure of fun. They are pathetic. It also puts the receiver in an awkward position: if they retreat to try and clean themselves up, it delays and weakens their campaign; if they try and carry on, people will laugh at them; and if they make a fuss, they will look pathetic.
How about if they get up and beat your ass?
This. It’s not non-violent. It’s petty violence. It’s the kind of thing that gets your teeth knocked loose when you do it to a stranger.
Nope, it’s violence by any meaningful definition of the word. IANAL, but I believe that anywhere in the US it is assault. It’s also the kind of thing that reflects poorly on the person doing the throwing, because it says that they’re unable to defeat the person’s argument or they’re unwilling to extend even a modicum of civility or respect towards someone they disagree with. You know who throws food at people? Hecklers, clowns, chimpanzees and children. It’s also a way of easing acceptance of physical confrontation to make it easier to throw things other than food in the future, as well as a way of signalling to the victim that they cannot protect themselves from being assaulted in public.
a way of signalling to the victim that they cannot protect themselves from being assaulted in public.
It’s all about this. It’s an intimidation tactic, and a not particularly subtle one. It’s a step or two down from finding a horse head in your bed.
Socialism is cool
and yours for only $19.95!
And now for the follow-up:
To me, violence is never satisfying. It’s always ugly and disturbing and feels wrong. There are circumstances, of course, where violence can become “morally necessary,” but I think those circumstances are few and far between, that violence should truly be a “last resort” deployed once all other means of conflict resolution have been tried and exhausted.
The attack on Andy Ngo does not, to me, meet the criteria for justified violence. A Quillette writer with a GoPro is a nuisance. Punching him might be satisfying (to some, not me). But it is gratuitous and unjustified. It’s wrong. It does nothing helpful, and actually harms the cause of the left.
He could win the Tour de France in reverse with all that back pedaling.
Did they not prove in that whole Andy Ngo incident that they are not beyond throwing caustic substances on people? They are a step short of the acid throwing made famous in the UK and other places by other zealots. Fuck that. These people are nuts.
Pim Fortuyn was hit with a pie a few weeks before he was assassinated.
wiki sez:
Pim Fortuyn, a Dutch politician, was assassinated by Volkert van der Graaf in Hilversum, North Holland on 6 May 2002, nine days before the Dutch general election of 2002.[1][2]
On a few occasions, Fortuyn had expressed his fear of being murdered: after being pied at the official release of his book De puinhopen van acht jaar Paars[3] and, most notably, on the talk show Jensen!.[4]
In court at his trial, van der Graaf, an environmental and animal rights activist,[5][6] said he murdered Fortuyn to stop him from exploiting Muslims as “scapegoats” and targeting “the weak members of society” in seeking political power.[7][8][9]
Van der Graaf purchased his weapons illegally; a semi-automatic Star Firestar M43 pistol in a café in Ede and 9mm cartridges in The Hague.
Leftist assassinates with black market gun and ammo purchased in the same town as the International Court of Justice.
It could be an Onion article.
I was wiki’ing him when you posted that. That is a bit scary.
Leftist vegan, please.
Meat is murder!
Actual murder? Eh, depends on the situation, you see…
he was convicted of assassinating Fortuyn and sentenced to 18 years in prison.[21] He was released on parole in May 2014 after serving two thirds of his sentence, the standard procedure under the Dutch penal system.[22]
Good job everyone.
Well, presumably he hasn’t murdered anyone else since then so yeah. Lesson learned.
Black clad mask wearing commies doing typical revolutionary work.
Fuck them. There is a reason they pull their bullshit in liberal strongholds. I’d shoot one of them fuckers in a heartbeat if they tried that shit around these parts.
Make sure you spit some beech nut in that dude’s eyes first.
Baby lachowsky really started with the walking today. The girls is 9 1/2 months old and damn does she need a helmet…
Needz moar helmet
Cute! The wobbly stage is one of my favorites!
Toy Story 4 – for somebody who grew up square in the middle of the age demographic for the original, it wasn’t too bad. A good mix of nostalgia, decent plot, and humor.
I haven’t seen it, but I took the 7 year old to see the lion king live action reboot this week. It wasnt bad.
I’ve been curious about it. It may be worth another trip to the theater because youre not the first to say that they enjoyed it.
square in the middle of the age demographic for the original
So you are the same age as my kid who never finds the time to call his old man. I could not even tell you how many times we watched that vcr tape.
Makes note call mom
After I typed that I had to check the year of release. It came out a year after the kid was born so we were watching it late. I am sure I watched it with him when he was eating dry cheerios out of a cup which I am now convinced is a form of child abuse.
Born in 1994, yeah? Right around that age where you’re too busy to remember to call home every week.
I think I had come out of it by 25, but that was only because my wife was so close with her family and I was embarrassed how distant my family was.
Now we do weekly video calls because my dad is my 2yo daughter’s favorite grandparent. They each grab a pack of fruit snacks and pretend to to feed them to one another through the screen.
I haven’t seen any of them. ??♂️
Me neither.
::thinks of Bachelor Party::
I can’t even….
I loved Bachelor Party. What I can’t take about him is after that he has played the same character over and over.
Hmmm…..analysis: True
-sully sullenburger
-Mr rogers
-Walt disney
-Jim lovell
-captain miller
-Robert langdon
-Forrest gump
Besides “leading role” I don’t see too much similarity between those roles and the way he played them. Maybe that he tends to be the heroic character? That tends to come with being the lead.
Why not? Its not like my pool is blue at the moment,
You didn’t let OMWC swim in it did you? I assume all the candy in the pockets of his swim trunks would throw the PH off.
Swim trunks? You think OMWC owns a pair of swim trunks?
Does he swim in cargo shorts like Mike S? Many more pockets for even more candy.
And I look damn good.
That is exactly what the lesbians think. You are all wrong.
How do I put this gently?
I was going to go with UDT shorts, but I didn’t aim low enough apparently.
Oh palease. After work today I topped off my pool after reinflating the inflatable ring at the top. I will be in it tomorrow wearing nothing but sunscreen and a cowboy hat. One must fight tan lines while doing freedom.
The fuck weird Star Trek species is ballsack girl?
I went to see the band my daughter is in tonight. Perfect temperature. Outside venue. The sound was good. not too loud. I spent most of the time watching the braless ladies dancing to the music.
Am I a pervert?
I prefer patriot.
I went to see the band my daughter is in tonight. Perfect temperature. Outside venue. The sound was good. not too loud. I spent most of the time watching the braless ladies dancing to the music.Am I a pervert?‘
Random fact: one of the oldest pieces of evidence for human existence isn’t a bone or a cave painting.
In one of the most provocative anthropological findings in recent years, a team of researchers has discovered that 400,000 to 700,000 years ago hominids who were the immediate precursors of modern man killed 90 giant baboons at a butchering ground on the plains of Kenya.
I’d bet my last dollar that the first man-made object was a weapon of some kind.
Regular baboons are scary enough. Dinopithecus (the name means “terrifying ape”) was the 6 ft tall at the shoulder when it walked on all fours.
Imagine a grizzly bear, but smart.
+1 really big BBQ
There goes Martin Prince and half the cast of Duck Tales. RIP.
/has a sad
Üter is much more relevant to me. RIP.
Oh I meant vs. Duck Tales which I know nothing about.
Martin Prince is relevant too
I think you were just a little too old and in the heart of the Reich when it came out.
The first Duck Tales cartoon I can remember had a giant submarine in the shape of a whale. Internet says that episode came out in 1987.
“A sea monster ate my ice cream!”
Does. Playa know? I figure someone’s gonna have to break the news to him?
This inspired the creature in today’s episode of Tuesdays with Derpy:
I forgot to write in the skull-topped staff. Oh, fiddlesticks.
There’s always next time.
Well…until there isn’t.
Wifey suggested we see the Art of Self Defense tonight. If you like absurdist movies then you might like this one. Otherwise save your money and time.
I think Drumpf calling out congresscritters that are from shitholes is good. Just like we can call out the occupant of the WH.
The media and left are overplaying their racist card I think
Yup. They are preaching to the choir. They aren’t going to bring the unconverted into their tent with that schtick.
Jesus. Newsweek has become a parody of itself.