This week has powerful elements of change, chaos, disorder, mutation, et. al. Our first alignment has the Sun (power) linking up with the Moon (transformation) and MERCURY RETROGRADE (higgledy-piggledy). If that weren’t enough, both of those planets are likewise is houses of instability, with the moon being in Gemini (duality, deception, transition) and MERCURY RETROGRADE being in Cancer (things hidden, shellfish). Unrelated to the above, we have an additional alignment where Saturn retrograde shares the sun with Venus, so expect new beginnings in your love life.
Welcome Leo! In addition to the Sun, you’re playing host to Mars, so enjoy throwing your weight around and crushing your enemies underpaw. Cancer also doubles up on the planets, with the aforementioned MERCURY RETROGRADE and Venus. Which gives us: mistake – veneris – crab. Be careful out there this week.
Unusual draw this week. Usually the glibs are heavy on swords and trumps, with coins in the minority by a good sight. This week, coins dominates. So be on the lookout for moneymaking opportunities, but be careful because that suit also signifies slowness.
Leo: The High Priestess – Secrets, mystery, silence, wisdom, tenacity, science.
Virgo: The Star reversed – Arrogance, impotence, haughtiness
Libra: 4 of Cups – Weariness, disgust, aversion
Scorpio: 3 of Cups – The conclusion of a matter, perfection, happiness, plenty,happiness, victory, solace, healing
Sagittarius: 7 of Coins – Money, business, barter
Capricorn: Wheel of Fortune reversed – Bad Luck
Aquarius: 5 of Coins reversed – Discord, chaos, ruin, profligacy
Pisces: Knight of Coins – Utility, responsibility, interest, rectitude
Ares: 6 of Swords – Journey by water, envoy, expediency
Taurus: 2 of Cups: Love, friendship, passion, union, that which nature has sanctified, concord
Gemini: Queen of Swords – Absence, sterility, sadness, embarrassment
Cancer: 6 of Coins – Gifts, gratification, attention, “now is the time”
Damn, sounds like adulting. I think I’d rather have the reversed death card back.
Trade you, Virgo’s received like 8 shitty horoscopes in a row.
Tarot, dude.
Same thing
Totally scientific.
In other words, I just drink more.
I should just drink more.
No wonder it’s not working out for him. He doesn’t even understand the science behind it!
Are you sure it’s not you?
I thought Prudence was David, or Andrew, or something like that now?
The camera adds ten pounds, it is known.
Everyone I know seems to do that to me, I always look fatter in their pictures than I do in my head!
Is you think you’re a fat head?
I don’t like shellfish.
Fine. No bearded clams for you.
“Silence of the Clams”
I Am Not Arrogant!
On vacation from day job and wrapping up online fiction writing course, which includes submitting a story for publication somewhere. Possible acceptance of said story??
Also, first?
Damn all your nimble fingers!
Welcome Leo! In addition to the Sun, you’re playing host to Mars, so enjoy throwing your weight around and crushing your enemies underpaw.
“…Cancer (things hidden, shellfish).
Shellfish? WTF? Seriously, Not Adahn do you make this shit up? Nevermind, I don’t want to know where this comes from. I’m fine just enjoying it.
Really? You don’t think the sign of the Crab represents those things chitinous and tasty with butter? What’s next, The Archer not governing archery?
“Virgo: The Star reversed – Arrogance, impotence, haughtiness”
No comment on the first two, but I am feeling a little haughty this week.
Ha! I was just there listening to the beautiful music. Great job!
Beautiful indeed. I’ve been struggling to start it for months and getting real down about it.
In frustration I grabbed the distributor and twisted it as far as I could. It fired and purred instantly. My rebuilder has a terrible case of ADHD and he connected the plug wires to the cap one cylender off.
Lol. Almost always something simple.
I asked over at DT, but did you rebuild the SUs yourself or did you send them out?
That was it’s own story. I’ll put it on DT later today.
Right now it’s off to pull the trans to see why the OD is making any oil pressure.
Good luck!
I look forward to it.
I had a customer with a ’59 Rolls with sticking floats on the old SU carbs “we’ll never be able to find these”. Amazingly, you can buy anything you need for SU’s from merry old England new. It’s incredible. For as evil as capitalism is, it sure works nicely.
IT pretty amazing. you can literally build a Healey from new parts if you have a rear end and a transmission. That includes a new frame. An outfit in Oz acutally makes Al engine blocks.
Nice job on the engine by the way. I don’t do them for customers, but I’ve built several for my self, and I don’t think there is a more satisfying feeling in the world than starting with a bare block and ending with the roar of first firing it up when completed. The distributor cap thing is par for the course. Seems like there is always something (did I remember to put the pistons in this thing?)
I hate those things. I used to do light restos on MGs back in the eighties. Hate oem SU carbs. I was happy when I got to switch them out for webers.
Virgo: The Star reversed – Arrogance, IMPOTENCE, haughtiness
/gets out 3-piece suit
Well, if Im gonna BE impotent, may as well look impotant
Not in the context I used. You just remember it as a racist joke.
This cracked me up far more than it should have
It’s the Vicodin talking.
7 of coins
I like money.
So be on the lookout for moneymaking opportunities, but be careful because that suit also signifies slowness.
20 bucks is 20 bucks?
I’m not saying I’m gay or anything, but…
It’s not gay if you’re drunk.
It’s only gay if you touch tips
20 bucks is 20 bucks?
A male goat is called a “buck” or a “billy”.
“Responsibility”? “Rectitude”?!? Man, Pisces *always* gets screwed.
OT: I didn’t see this coming.
…and she will get a slap on the wrist
“Five of those initially arrested had been released last Thursday, but seven had remained in custody until the sudden about-turn in the investigation. None had ever been charged.”
How damn long can they hold you in Cyprus without charging you?
That’s one of those things we take for granted in the US. But some countries just disappear an inconvenient person without ever filing a claim or making an accusation
You know who else disappeared inconvenient persons?
Social Security?
Taurus: 2 of Cups: Love, friendship, passion, union, that which nature has sanctified, concord
Jelly, juice, fruit, city or airplane?
Ares: 6 of Swords – Journey by water, envoy, expediency
Well, my journey isn’t by water but it’s over water. Hoping to fly out to Hawaii soon if my doc gives me the all-clear
The government is testing devices to make volcanoes erupt?!
Close! Barking Sands Missile Range.
And an engineering conference. I am supposed to give a paper but I just don’t know if I can fly with a broken back
Make them upgrade you to one of those “lie flat” seats. Claim your lawyer threatens to sic the ADA on them f they don’t.
Or else.
I say go for it.
I am going out on a boat several times this week. I hope this card means I come back each time, instead of you know- “expediency”.
If I make it out to Hawaii I will contact you and see if we can visit.
Well if you do, I’ll make sure to lei you.
Heal well enough so you can partake in sand and rum therapy.
Get to Hawaii! You’re sure to get leid!
…if my doc gives me the all-clear
What did I miss?
I had a couple of grand mal (generalized tonic-clonic) seizures last week (the 19th?) and managed to break two vertebrae and chew up my tongue pretty thoroughly.
Second seizure was at the hospital ER, and it’s a good thing because they had to stop it with an injection
Holy Crap Hayek! How’s recovery going?
Slowly of course. Taking Vicodin and naproxen. Sleeping.
The pool is helpful.
Dang. I hope you get better quickly. I’ll even say a prayer for you 😉
You mean like this ?
No; like this.
More like this.
Also, that was uncalled for, Ted.
You’re not even close, Tundra.
You can’t breathe or something?
God, I forgot about that stupid song.
“Forget the glass Woodhouse, just give me the pitcher. For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry god. Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now, at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon.”
Take care of yourself and don’t overdo it.
Remember to take just enough Vike to keep the pain bearable, not to make it go away. Vike delivers the double whammy of liver damage and opioid dependency.
Damn that’s rough. Are you feeling better? Anymore issues?
I think in CA this involves some well grade gin and a hose.
I’ve got plenty of limes ripe!
Is this a one-time event or something you’ve had before?
Christ, that’s scary as hell! Have you had them before?
Yeah I was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy in 2006, started taking meds, and never had another issue.
Until now. No idea what changed. Could just be hormonal changes with age, could be stress and sleep deprivation.
Hope it’s over!
Yeah feel better. Gotta be scary.
Good God! I’d gotten the impression that something was wrong, but I didn’t know that grand mal seizures could do that to you.
I’m so sorry. My SIL takes a medication (can’t remember it by name) that seems to keep her seizures under control. Is something like that available/useful for you?
In a way I got lucky. I was standing apparently and fell straight back. Could easily have hit my head on the desk. I don’t want to wear a helmet 🙁
Helmet with a face guard. And a bite guard as well.
Holy shit, woman.
This wouldn’t be so bad.
Fuck that. I say something like this:
I like were your head’s at.
However, since Hi-X is into ren-fairs, I think this is what she needs.
I hope you get to go Hawaii.
Pepperidge Farm ‘members.
This is clear evidence we need more Democrats running these cities. Imagine how bad it’d be if were a Republican!
Ironically, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who was mayor when the “Freddie Gray” Riots* occurred, was actually a halfway decent mayor, especially compared to her predecessor and successor. Unfortunately, she did not know how to respond to the riots at first, and then got castigated by race hustlers when she belatedly tried to rebuke the bad actors (apparently calling people who loot and torch drug stores “thugs” is racist, even when a black woman says it). Yet Dixon (her predecessor) and Pugh (her successor) got more votes every time they ran. Baltimore gets the government its voters elect, good and hard.
* = I put Gray’s name in scare quotes because the riots had nothing to do with his death.
Footnote: My above comment assumes there are actual elections in Baltimore and not merely mock elections run by party hacks.
It’s not really haughtiness when you really are right all the time and better than everyone else.
I Am Not Arrogant, just better than you!
I’ll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul ’cause I think I’m better than you.
Somebody needs to synchronize his carburettors.
Yeah. That’s next. For now I’m just glad it’s running.
Went to the hardware for the classic SU synching tool – a couple feet of rubber fule line. One end is stuck in your ear and the other acoss the front of the carb.
*ponders statement*
Pull my finger.
OT: Accepted job offer. Lady also has a job there.
I’m an alcoholic with many problems. I can’t sleep and I have to wake up at 6am to commute.
This week I go on abstains. Lady will help me. A formal job and formal work. Should kick me into shape.
I am terrified, but am happy that Lady is there to help me through. Onwards. Upwards. Thanks, chaps.
Lady? who/what is Lady?
His knight in shining armor.
Good luck Evan!
Good luck. Get the health stuff squared away now, because it’s a fuck-ton harder when you get old.
Good luck!
Good luck in the new gig! Where are you headed to this time?
I will echo what others have said – get fit and stay that way while you’re young. It makes a huge difference on your quality of life down the road.
Good luck in the new gig! Where are you headed to this time?
I will echo what others have said – get fit and stay that way while you’re young. It makes a huge difference on your quality of life down the road.
Onwards. Upwards. Thanks, chaps.
Endeavour to persevere.
*declares war on the Union*
Let us go forward together in our united strength
It’s not for eatin’, it’s just for .. lookin’ through.
the classic SU synching tool- a couple feet of rubber fule line.
You can’t own a Limey shitbox without a Uni-syn in your toolbox. Turn in your stringback gloves.
You guys remind me of an song by Queen…some something my car
I’m In Love With My Car
It’s about a big triumph, I’m pretty sure.
Fancy schmancy. The rubber hose is the factory=rcommend tooL Good enough for me.
String back gloves are for MG and Triumph drivers..Healey owners are way too cool for that prissy stuff.
Easy there, pal. Some of us don’t even own gloves.
-Lives in MN
-Plays hockey
-Claims to not own gloves
Yeah, I’mm calling bullshit on that one, chieftain.
The question was prissy string backs, not manly choppers or sweet CCMs!
I love these article, btw. How the fuck did you ever come up with the idea?
Sloopy (I think) asked for ideas for regular features, and someone else (whom I have completely forgotten) suggested a horoscope column.
So you are terrible at seeing the past, but excellent at seeing the future?
Yeah it tends to be an either/or thing.
*pokes nose out to check Capricorn horoscope*
Nope, not going outside yet again.
“Libra: 4 of Cups – Weariness, disgust, aversion”
So, a normal week.
Capricorn: Wheel of Fortune reversed – Bad Luck
Sorry, but this is bad luck.
So is this.
I feel sorry for the impeccably-dressed rat.
Also relevant.
Errr…..I actually meant for THIS regarding bad luck.
Dimanche Apres-midi, is appropriate, too.
But Ill throw in the special bonus un-lucky track.
So I watched the Soho Forum post modernism thing mentioned in the morning. That stuff makes my head spin. My take is Russel is arguing knowledge and opinion/science is constantly changing so there is no real truth and Hicks says ya ok, but that is not postmodernism. I may not have a large enough noggin to give a damn.
I’m not sure which is worse, postmodernism or the religious zeal and absolute conviction of the carbon cult. It doesn’t help that most people who call themselves “skeptics” are not the least bit skeptical.
Hmmm…I’m not sure that is accurate.
I assume you mean the bit about skeptics. You’re probably right, my statement is an unfair generalization. But I’ve seen a lot of people who are only skeptical of things that don’t confirm their biases.
I was being skeptical. ?
It didn’t seem that way to me.
On the Skeptic front, I listened to the Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast while running errands today.
Holy crap – they took a hard turn into postmodernism this week. In covering the controversy about building a telescope on Mauna Kea they went full racist: “We can’t tell “them” what is true or right, we must respect their beliefs. “We” can’t just put stuff on their land against their will…. it is imperialism. (this is a state in the United States of America folks, not a foreign country. The land is owned by the state, not these 73 activists.
Any way… they went far afield. Full racist, even though they have no idea. They are fully for reparations. Not just to descendants of slaves, but to everyone in every place who has ever been harmed by white people, ever. Not one clue in the world how racist it is to say that some guy from Idaho who has never even met anyone who has ever met anyone who owned a slave is responsible for slavery. No clue that it is racist to say that you inherit a harm visited upon other people who looked like you, generations before you were born. And people who look like the people who were responsible for the harm should pay for it.
They bump up against the stupidity of their progressive politics every so often, but this is the worst I’ve ever heard.
Amazing coincidence that we just did the postmodern thing and then they have one of the panel that is full-on postmodernist in the worst possible way.
So, I’m trying to pull the trans out of the Healey. A jack under the engine and my new tranny lift (no euphmism) from HF under the trans. No matter how much I try to align them so the tranny shaft isn’t binding (there I go again) they won’t come apart. Wait. What’s that in this dark corner under the starter? It’s an effin bolt holding the trans and block together that I’d not removed. The friggin factory manual even tells you how many bolts you have to remove. Maybe I should read it and learn to count.
This is probably not a hobby for someone with ADD.
At least you don’t have to take it out from inside the car!
We did the same thing with a VW engine back in ’80 or so. We were replacing the engine in a super beetle with a bigger one – with the plan to rebuild it, bore it out, bolt on dual Webber 4 barrel carbs, new exhaust, etc.
So we drop the engine out of the junker we bought and onto a wood palate. 4 of us carry the body out of the garage and get to work on cracking the block. Important to note: this is a bunch of kids, aged 14-17. We take all the bolts out and try to pry the block apart. Nope… ain’t budging. Not even a little bit.
Well, the thing is pretty gunked up. Probably just glued together by tarred up oil and stuff. So we get a couple of really big flatheads and a prybar and start working it open. We make very little progress. Then the oldest of the bunch (and owner of the vehicle) checks the Chilton’s diagram again.
Yep. We missed a bolt that was buried deep, deep in the center of the block. Actually needed to get a new extension to the ratchet to get down to it and take it apart. BOlt removed, the thing popped apart easy as you please.
Fast forward to a couple of months later. Everything cleaned and assembled. We go to start it up on the bench.
It turns over a couple of times and catches! Yes! The whirr and thump of the engine coming to life is accompanied by the splash of a gallon of motor oil hitting the ground.
You guessed it… we buggered up the seal trying to get the thing apart. Oil drained right out as soon as it had any pressure behind it.
So, we took it back apart and took the pieces to a shop to get it machined back to shape. Another month and we were back in business. It was a really nice ride. And a great story for the dumbest thing we’d ever done – if it weren’t for the stories that involve explosives.
I tried bear meat for the first time today. First, in pelmeni (dumplings) and then as Stroganoff. It was in Tallinn, Estonia. Allegedly, the bear was hunted on Saaremaa, an Estonian island in the Baltic Sea. I would have never guessed that one could hunt bears on such an island. The meat was interesting to try.
Was it gag-worthy? Gag-alicious? Gag me with a spoon? Gag me with a Launch Vehicle Assembly Building?
I’ve had all of the above reactions to bear meat. Though I’ve never had a sausage version.
A bit gamey, huh?
Mine sure was. When most people say “this tastes like shit,” I’ve always assumed it was hyperbole. Until I had bear meat, which tasted like shit smells. I’m told beaver (no euphemism) is also like that.
No, it wasn’t that bad. It was almost as good as low-quality beef.
I’ve heard it was good. Or maybe it was just the fat?
Interesting. I’ve always heard that all predator meat is kinda nasty. Well, among the mammals anyway.
So, I’m trying to pull the trans out of the Healey. A jack under the engine and my new tranny lift (no euphmism) from HF under the trans. No matter how much I try to align them so the tranny shaft isn’t binding (there I go again) they won’t come apart. Wait. What’s that in this dark corner under the starter? It’s an effin bolt holding the trans and block together that I’d not removed.
If it won’t go together (or come apart) it’s hardly ever because *you’re just not hitting it hard enough*.
I just got my vtec donor car running again. It has been sitting untouched since last fall, and did not want to fire, for some reason. I’m thinking maybe the injectors were stuck. Two of the plugs were bone dry when I pulled them out, and the other two just barely showed any evidence of fresh fuel, so I just kept bumping it over, and it finally hit. “It was running when we shut it off,” as A J Watson used to say.
PSA- Remember, boys and girls, use anti-seize on your spark plug threads. Some dummy put the plugs in that Honda dry, and it felt like the threads were going to come out of the head with the pugs.
it felt like the threads were going to come out of the head with the pugs
Reminds me of the last time I changed the brakes on my wife’s car. They recommended a 24″ breaker bar to get the bolt loose, but I only had an 18″ bar. I was pulling and pushing and hitting it with a mallet, but it wouldn’t break loose. It was late enough at night that I wasn’t sure if HF was gonna be open by the time I got there, so I looked it up and no dice. Then I went online and tried to find videos to see whether anybody had a trick to get it loose. That’s when I noticed something funny. I was turning it lefty loosey, but the bolt was facing away from me. I went back out to the car, turned the ratchet to the right, and it immediately broke loose. Twas quite embarrassing.
Love it!
Those stories are the best. (see mine above for even dumber)
At least you don’t have to take it out from inside the car!
After removing the cardboard transmission tunnel.
Cardboard? That’s for Triumphs. Mine is all of the finest British steel.
Actually, the trans come out from the top. No interior to disassemble yet. Fell right out with that last bolt removed.
How old is she?
Daily issue in Hawaii. That was pretty good.
My mis-identification episode in Hawaii – I was there for training and on the rare day off I was taking a bus to dinner because I didn’t want to drive afterwards. This big dude sat down next to me on the bus – I figured “Samoan”, not too unusual. After a few minutes he pulls out a map – it’s in Japanese! Dafuq? One big Japanese dude. So I figured I would repay the surprise and start talking to him in his native language.
Here’s a great example of how journalists suck:
Omg $15k fine for sharing memes online!!!
Of course, the article is laden with quotes from EFF, a reflexively anti-IP foundation. The article also doesn’t bother to mention Fair Use, which is the elephant in the room when it comes to copyright infringement, especially for memes.
Absolute garbage reporting.
A bit one sided, IP is a tricky one for me in some cases, like fair use
“Welcome Leo! In addition to the Sun, you’re playing host to Mars, so enjoy throwing your weight around and crushing your enemies underpaw. ”
So, another week looting and pillaging my way through the health care marketplace in Arizona.
Actually, the trans come out from the top. No interior to disassemble yet. Fell right out with that last bolt removed.
My only Healey was a bugeye. I always pulled motor and transmission out together.
With bugeyes and spits that’s the easiest. R&R of the engine and trans of a big Healey is a real PITA The assembly is almost 6 feet long and there’s very little clearance in any direction.
Beer thirty, Remember, it’s a dry Heat,
So is an oven
Good Lord. That’s almost 46° Celsius in God’s Preferred Measuring System. ?
Wrong, God ain’t a Commie, Eurofag…..
No, He’s just French. ;-)
People in France worship my ass.
Well, there are a lot of North Africans there . . .
God doesn’t like the decimal system. He vastly prefers multiples of seven and twelve.
I thought that was Hammurabi.
I’m pretty sure the Committee for Public Safety (weights and measures subcommittee) would disagree with your characterization.
But they are Fags and their Shit is Fucked up…
Once it hits a certain temp, shouldn’t they just put “Hell” in the feels like field.
I had a POS viewsonic display conk-out, so Im performing a capacitor-ectomy on the power board. Anyone got a 10v 2200 µF cap laying around ?
(trying to this done before beer o’clock)
Yeah, but it’s in Escondido!!
Yeah, but it’s in my recently-flooded and now hopefully-drying-out basement. In Canada.
I have the other 4 I need, compliments of boards from TVs and other appliances Ive peeled.
Never fails that there always just 1….
And no more Radio Shack…..
Yes but it’s in Ontario
I actually looked around (slow day), didn’t find any 10v.
35v would work just fine,
Although if space is tight on the board, it might not fit.
Do you want one mailed to you?
Most kind, but Im sure if I look through some other boards I have stockpiled, I can find it.
That I had.
The Bengals just can’t catch a break this year. First there number one draft pick gets injured and is out for the year. Now maybe their best player, AJ Green gets injured on the first day of practice and is out for 6-8 weeks.
Oh, man. They got nothing without AJ
Giants lost a couple on first day of practice too. Eagles, so far, are healthy but Carson Wentz is sure to get his thumb smashed in a car door or something weird like that.
Taurus: 2 of Cups: Love, friendship, passion, union, that which nature has sanctified, concord
How appropriate; we’re spending a week with nerdy friends at a cabin out at Big Sky. Lots of gaming, drinking, smoking, eating, and hot tubbing.
They’ve got it wrong. The internet assures me that you only need one cup.
Randomly turned on the teevee. Indycars at Mid-Ohio. Won’t get much done for a while.
Great track for them,
This week has powerful elements of change, chaos, disorder, mutation, et. al.
Ahh… this explains the site formatting.
See? SEE?!?
So Its not just me
Sometimes things are fine. Sometimes they aren’t. I see no rhyme or reason. Definitely no correlation to my drinking.
Me too. But only the last few days. Well, the most recent time has been the last few days. The last time was weeks ago.
That is an awesome site! Thank You Sir
I can’t take credit for it… someone else posted it here some time ago and I bookmarked it.
I’m watching the EAA airshow on YouTube, live feed, yippeee!
It seems like my hooror scope calls for bad luck, but…
Gun Jesus visits the Cody Firearms Museum.
it’s not even three, buzzy and content, Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon,
Why does this weird format plague me so? refresh is OK but does nothing to resolve the underlying issue,
I just Suck?
I’m having the same problem. Sometimes refresh works, sometimes it doesn’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Don’t worry, you both suck. /no issues
The problem has resolved itself for me, so I’m better than both of you.
Gun Jesus visits the Cody Firearms Museum.
One of these days, I’ll make a run down there.
I was there when I was a kid. My memory of what it was compared to what I see today on their website is that it has changed but is still just as great of a place as it ever was.
+1 for people liking The Boys
Only one episode in, and it’s this generation’s Watchmen Hopefully the final Big Bad doesn’t turn out to be ORANGEMAN.
Loving it.
I loved Watchmen (2009). There is an HBO series:
Smoking ribs and chicken tonight. Cutting out a larger hole in the trailer for the AC unit. Wanting school to start back up again to get rid of the kids.
How do I gently criticize my wife for putting Montreal Steak Seasoning on ribs that I had marinating in apple cider vinegar infused with honey?
Point out the relevant passage of the Geneva Convention?
Which do you prefer? Sex or the couch?
Plus you know that shit needed salt anyway.
Sex on the couch?
This is why leather furniture is superior.
You grab the ribs, walk over to the sink and rinse them off while giving her a direct stink eye. No words need to be spoken.
They came out great. I did manage to brush off some of the seasoning unseen when removing from the oven prior to the grill.
There wasn’t enough to overpower everything I put on/in them.
Dinner, except I think I will grill the scallops and use a can of chopped clams in the sauce.
You mean on a flattop? Bay scallops are tiny.
Nice – FoodWishes is always a winner. My friends still rave about the ropa vieja (Cuban braised beef) that I made from his recipe.
Our doggies,
Wait just a minute, I saw a cat in there.
My Sister. got a reprieve Mom’s Cat
That’s a lot of puppers.
Glib dogs my Man, the best pups in all the Land!
I mean Glib Doggies!
Terminal heat, 116, I’m hiding, this is fucked