Oh, boy. Unfortunately, I did not find several million dollars on vacation, so I am back to work. Womp, womp. At least I still have you guys to make my work life a little less boring.
Florida Man excited about the idea of his brain swelling to normal size.
Huh. It looks like the cyberpunk future is finally arriving.
Oh man, look. My wife and I were woke before it was cool: The Ultimate Luxury Vacation: Doing Nothing in the Middle of Nowhere
The AEI has a bold prediction: Not even China can make socialism work. For the sake of millions or Chinese citizens, I hope they don’t try very hard.
Don’t worry, they’ll kill another hundred million before they stop trying.
China wouldn’t notice that.
That’s 100 million less that are contributing to global warming.
Praise Gaia.
The return of lobster girl!!
She hasn’t cooked that lobster yet?
They’re obviously in a long-term relationship.
Would. Though only once she ditched the sea bug.
Lobster Girl! Yippee!!!
You know what would be funny? Tom Arnold and Ilhan Omar beaten by a neighbor until their organs rupture.
Can we get True Lies 2 first? Because I’m still holding out hope for it to happen.
Maybe after Avatars 2 and 3, and the Aliens remake.
Tom Arnold could be replaced
Imagining being Rand Paul’s neighbor sounds more pleasant than imagining marrying Roseanne.
Why does anyone think the CCP would any better?
The Great Leap Forward is at the back of the room, waving its hands.
With Googles help, they’ll get it right this time
Lobster Girl. Q, this is how you do it.
That doesn’t look like much of a rave.
That’s because you haven’t taken any mind-altering substances yet.
That’s what it will take for me to call that dancing.
When talking about “even the Chinese” can’t make socialism work, it seems like a good opportunity to show this Nazi button from 1934 with a hammer and cycle prominently displayed.
At least it’s an ethos…
I see the hammer, but where’s the bicycle?
(I keed, I keed . . . hope you’re feeling a little better every day.)
Summit Prairie, a vacation home atop a tower deep in the Oregon wilderness, doesn’t have many amenities. There’s no Wi-Fi, no TV, no clock. It’s about an hour from gas and groceries. The nearest bathroom is an outhouse down four flights of outdoor stairs, unless visitors want to make use of a funnel attached to the edge of the deck. And it’s closed the entire month of August because it might burn down in a wildfire.
The only part I could read of the link.
Anyway, nothing like snapping me out of the idea that I would like remote living like shitting in an outdoor box.
I like indoor plumbing.
That and electricity are two things I don’t want to give up.
Yep, air conditioning too.
Greenies have other ideas…
Mrs. TOK have watched a few of those “Building off the grid” shows. The lack of sanitation is a deal breaker for us. No way we are going to shit in a bucket. We don’t even like the pit toilets when we go camping.
I shat in a bucket this morning. Doctor Rx’ed Cologuard.
Something in my brain triggered constipation about having to shit in a bucket though, so it took a while before my bowels would let go. Still, there’s something humorous about seriously sending a loaf of one’s own ordure to someone else via common carrier.
“You wouldn’t believe the shit I get in the mail!”
The guy at the UPS store wouldn’t make eye contact once he saw the box.
“What can Brown do for you?”
Ah, the just “shit it off to the lab” commercial.
I don’t mind being plugged in, I just want to avoid work.
We had a lazy, rainy day on Wednesday, so I did take care of a few production issues so I wouldn’t have to this week. But I do love not having signal up in the mountains.
That site is cancer.
But in gonna have to disagree with you otherwise. I love getting out in the woods. Can’t beat it for relaxation.
deep in the Oregon wilderness
It’s 160acres surrounded by Umpqua National Forest. 160acres is coincidentally the amount of land in a homestead claim, which is what I’d guess it probably is, a former homestead. And that cabin is hardly barebones. Rent out a USFS lookout tower or cabin for a more barebones place.
If I could find a place, with full amenities — power, indoor plumbing, plenty of water, internet, electricity… —, an hour away from everybody that would be perfect.
Was hoping the future would mean less dancing, more scouring the wasteland for women, ammunition, and mutated bug meat.
At least the dancing part. Barbaric sport.
It’s also barbaric politics.
Nice choice. I didn’t see that coming.
Lobster girl!
What a way to start the week!
Google “Fishing with Luiza” & “lobster”, if you have some free time.
You escaped becoming Count Vodka?
The chick is morbidly obese.
5’2″ 130lbs is morbidly obese?
EAP is under the mistaken impression that she’s human. For a cow, she’s almost skinny
In her case, yes.
*goes to melt some butter*
Strange euphamisim
slighty obtuse “Last Tango in Paris” reference?
^Tundra gets it.
The butter wouldn’t melt, so I put it in a pie.
Typical English d00d. ”Use a freakin’ saucepan and some heat, dumbass!”
Last week: Kid’s surgery. Already went through here. All good. Yay!
This week: Same day, wake up to my wife’s car not starting and a nice big puddle of oil under my car. So that’s a new battery and a new drain plug/oil pan.
Next week: ???
Awesome to hear the important thing went well.
Next week, your customized pillow from WaifuLabs arrives!
Saw it, waiting for Mein Waifu is the STAVKA.
I’ve seen weird enough shit (like a waifu pillow of a character who’s 6 years old (but she’s actually like 75 but never ages!!!!!)) at cons to know that the possibility of a customizable one is frightening.
It actually is interesting if it does what it claims to do (computer-generated Waifus based on set of initial designs and multiple user iterations). If it does that, that’s cool. The fact that these people thought of combining it with printed pillow made me grateful they are weebs because the same talent turned to politics would result in world domination.
The pan should be cheap and easy to replace, if that’s where the leak is.
Unless the engine mounts pass through the pan.
What kind of mad man would design that?
Any auto engineer who has been employed in the last 40 years?
I changed the pan in my Tacoma and the wife’s RAV4 and it was easy peasy.
2012 Fiat 500 called and begs to disagree. Step 1) Remove engine and transmission as an assembly.
they have 2 bolts that thread from the transmission side to the oil pan and are only accessible with the trans removed. They changed it on some of the newer ones, but yeah, dirty pool.
Ah, that’s wonderful, JB! Glad to hear the little one did well.
…nice big puddle of oil under my car.
That’s British rustproofing, dude.
Good to hear the surgery went well. Sorry to hear about the cars.
“PICTURED: Gilroy Garlic festival shooter, 19, who quoted white supremacist book on Instagram moments before opening fire on terrified crowds with a legally bought AK-47, killing three including a six-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl”
At least we now know it wasn’t UCS.
What kind of dirtbag shoots little kids? WIsh he’d lived so he could get beaten senseless in prison.
A cop?
“legally bought AK-47”
We all know where this is headed next.
Unless he holds the right NFA license for fully automatic weapons, that’s either not an AK-47, or he didn’t buy it legally.
That Instagram post:
Kinda like how that New Zealand mass shooter was a radical environmentalist, but was really a “white supremacist”?
Silicon Valley white turks? Terns? Twits?
First of all, is twats the bleeped word? Second, notice the modifier before that word.
That editor is going to lose his job for that. Should have been “w**** twats”.
in the heading, they edit his words. take out the “white” qualifier. no shit.
It also complained about ‘Silicon Valley t****’ and posted photographs from the festival itself
HONK HONK fucking clown world
they didn’t even bother to replace “white” with an ellipsis to show an intentional edit.
White trash?
No it can’t be that. A white supremacist wouldn’t say “white trash”.
A crazy person can say anything.
More excuses for Gun control and censorship. Great
4-D Chess.
Does he have a checklist of crazy stuff the Democrats have said and is just working down that list?
“That’s different because orangemanbad.” /progs
Why are Democrats racist against people of orange color?
“One-third of those infected with EEEV die, while survivors typically have “mild to severe brain damage.”
Luckily Florida man is basically immune to brain damage. Kind of a reverse zombie.
You guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times and I’m out of here!
You know it’s the only way they know of expressing affection… or malice.
“The ‘sex goddess’ who DOESN’T age: Retired Hong Kong actress who rose to fame in 1987 looks almost as young as her 18-year-old debutante daughter”
Well, it is correlated the the aging process in Asian Females
+1 threesome
“Ancient Chinese secret…”
Couldn’t they program in better ‘dancing’?
Note to Bronx cops: if you’re going to assault and illegally arrest someone affiliated with Copwatch, they’re probably going to have you on tape
Then again, the taxpayers paid out $900k and the cops haven’t been punished, so it’s not like they give a shit.
The Keystone Cops were really a documentary.
He’s using Lobster Girl to hide the weak links!
*drops gloves to go find more links for bacon*
But, won’t you need your link finding gloves?
He’s a pro, he can do it.
There are links?
You’re not wrong, bacon.
Always look for the weak link.
The AEI has a bold prediction: Not even China can make socialism work.
They are giving fascism a good go, however.
No, seriously, if you want to have fun with a Marxist, ask them which country has an increasing industrial working class living in poverty, huge disparities of wealth, poor worker safety regulation, non-existant enforcement of any pro-worker clauses in a contract, chronic shortages of affordable housing for the workers, vast migration from rural to urban regions, increases in corporate profits that do not result in rise of wages and fierce barriers erected by political and industrial classes to keep the proletariat from levers of power, especially unionization. If existing trends continue, China will soon be ripe for a Marxist revolution, comrades!
I can only imagine what a proletarian revolution in a nominally Communist plutocracy would look like.
That’s two AEI articles I’ve read in the last week that seriously need a good look-over by an editor and/or spell-checker. I appreciate the work they’re doing but it ain’t hard to be professional.
Yep. But then people like this tell me that there are “new rules for language” because online:
Welcome back, Brett! I feel your pain. First day back from vacay is particularly difficult as your give-a-fuck meter is pegged hard left, but there are always plenty of issues that others set aside for you. Damn nice of them.
The vacation article is almost unbearably precious.
I propose that future use the word ‘curated’ be punished by dropping the offender, naked and armed only with a knife, fishhook and a sex toy, somewhere appropriately desolate. I have grown to hate that fucking word.
It’s not particularly difficult or expensive to do a vacation off the grid.
Seconded! Same for anyone using “gaslighting”
Agreed with both of you.
My wife explained where that term came from. Possibly even stupider than the people who like to use it.
The overused word I see everywhere lately, usually inappropriately, is “iconic”.
That’s ironic.
It’s like a no smoking sign on your cigarette break.
What? Laconic?
That gaslighting term drives me crazy, I think?
You don’t even have to leave your house. Turn off your modem and router, turn off your phone and if you must, turn off the electricity and water.
Come stay at my cabin and I’ll pull the meter out. You’ll be off the grid and learn where bears do their daily business. Won’t cost you a cent.
“I’ll pull the meter out.” metric euphemism?
I propose that future use the word ‘curated’ be punished by dropping the offender, naked and armed only with a knife, fishhook and a sex toy
I imagined the rest of the sentence involved some sort of horrific bungee jumping death.
No, just a suburu.
Runs away screaming
Curated is a bad one. I also cringe when I see any restaurant with the word “cuisine” on the sign.
That just makes me thin of penguins. (or whatever that’s supposed to be)
No. When a menu uses ” reduction” and ” protien” why the fuck would you not say ” rib eye steak” in favor of ” protien”?
At the end of the day, I agree with you guys.
From the Bureau of Tautology Department:
I’m beginning to see “carefully curated”
rump on Sharpton (occasioned by Rev. Al’s visit to Baltimore):
A couple of thoughts.
(1) He is the poster boy for poor impulse control.
(2) Just his next move in welding the Dems to their most reprehensible public figures. I do like the way he goes straight from Rev. Al “loved Trump” to “Rev. Al Hate Whites”. I think he’s due to trot out a reprehensible white Dem, though. Shouldn’t be hard to find.
His poor impulse control still seems mild compared to any of the Dems carefully planned actions which, no matter how much they backfire, they can’t ever let go of so as not to discard any planning effort.
He sends very few of his own tweets. Dan Scavino is behind most of them. And they all have a purpose.
I always did picture Donald yelling tweet suggestions to some flunkie while he’s on the shitter.
Hat and Hair is a documentary, people!
Imahine being this guy:
“Drugs: ban it
Sex work: ban it
Euthanasia: ban it
Automation: What can ya do!”
I can’t do it, sorry
A Michigan sanctuary city.
I was wondering what Dan Brown was up to lately.
Send it to Netflix, it’s probably in the top 10% of the pitches the receive.
More like No-puss Boy-yes, am I right?
I’ve read that Chick Tract.
The church with the photoshopped darker clouds overhead adds a nice touch to the article.
*dark clouds… Stupid phone deciding what words go next.
Not all suggestive:
“Stripped of their collars and cassocks, they went unnoticed in the small town of Dryden as they were escorted into a dingy warehouse across from an elementary school playground”
“Still, since 2002, Opus Bono has played a little-known role among conservative Catholic groups that portray the abuse scandal as a media and legal feeding frenzy. These groups contend the scandal maligns the priesthood and harms the faith.”
Isn’t this essentially correct though?
I remember reading a few studies that purported that protestant religious leaders were actually more likely to be convicted or accused of rape.
Protestants didn’t have a multi billion dollar power house to shuffle them around the world or silence their accusers.
That’s what the Republicans and Big Business used to be for…
Is Opus Bono the 5th member of U2 we never hear about ?
He played the tuba for them.
What you did there- I saw that.
Considering how the left thinks “Englishness” is an inherently racist concept I’m not surprised.
Look, just because flying the Cross of St George flag was an equivalent of flying a swastika for some thrity-odd years doesn’t mean all people who call themselves “English” aren’t filthy racists who need to die of some opioid overdose already. Also, Vote Labour, you oiks.
My suggestions for the new lobster girl:
Brooke Thomas
Tasha Rossi
Brooke Thomas again
This broad
This gash
Ooh look, the itty bitty titty club, NTTAWWT.
Oh, I’m sorry you hate women that have weak chins and no lower back issues. Must be nice.
Have to agree with Lack in this. A major qualification to be Lobster Girl is to be able to rock the sideboob.
Sharif don’t like it
Oberlin: We aren’t paying that settlement.
Court: Oh yes you are.
I was going to say it sounds like Jane Sanders has been running things, but they do still have some money left.
“To make matters worse for Oberlin, they are currently $190 million in debt. ”
College whose primary missions is to virtue signal and teach kids to be social activists is bad at paying its bills. Stunning.
$70k a year to house, feed, and provide some indoctrination classes. At least half that tuition should be net profit.
Each student needs at least three diversity coordinators.
You’d think, but when you have more six-figure Diversity Officers than students, it’s hard to balance the budget.
They couldn’t outsource it to fanatical upperclassmen? That’s how Mao did it.
Isn’t part of preserving democracy accepting verdicts, referendum and election results?
Not to the woke it is! Oberlin, Brexit and Trump. They didn’t accept the results of any of these.
Stop getting my hopes up Guardian!
Did you see the cartoon where Trump gives Boris a Comb?
Hey, at least Corbyn is still waiting in the wings. Chin up, Guardian, you’ll get your Marxism soon.
The solution to prostitution is free shit obviously…
Apple’s Siri routinely records you having sex
Switch to button flys, people. Sure you can’t ever drink a little too much again, but you will never get recorded have bang times.
I get off on making siri listen in.
The near future:
*sound of bedsprings rhythmically moving*
*ding ding*
“Siri would like to suggest that you may require more lubrication. Your last lubrication order was received on May first. Do you still have sufficient lubricant?”
“OH! Oh!”
“No? OK, would you like me to order more?”
“Yes! Yes!”
“okay, would you like expedited shipping?”
” yes! Oh, yes! ”
“your 55 gallon drum of lube will be here tomorrow.”
“oh, baby! That was so good!”
“did you hear my phone? I thought I heard something.”
More like “John Spartan, you have been fined..”
Anyway speaking of Nazis this brings me to an issue I’ve been thinking about: How do we deal with dissent? If Nazism is beyond the pale then doesn’t that mean that there are in fact limits to what people can say or do? And who gets to decide what views are unacceptable? And what about the fact that this almost always becomes an excuse to crush dissent? Don’t forget that there are intellectuals out there that think that individualism is “white supremacy”.
And how in libertopia the fringes of society will be filled with Nazis and Communists. And there will always be dissenters are the outskirts of whatever society believes at the time.
Joey Ryan Details the Origin of His Penis Flip and How it Went Viral, Talks Treating It Seriously in the Ring
The penis flip.
What’s better than low level professional wrestling? Well, lots of things…
Nothing straighter than a bunch of oiled up guys in their undies grabbing each other.
I know, right?
*grabs oil, calls buddies*
I will crush you.
“”Journalist” Andy Ngo went on Fox & Friends to agree that Antifa, which is not even an organization, should be designated a terrorist organization.”
“If your first rebuttal against Antifa being a terrorist organization isn’t that they’re not terrorists, but that they’re not ACKSHULLY an organization, you may want to check your priorities.”
No, it’s a conglomeration of numerous ackshual organizations, most of them with “Communist” in their name. You can see a representative list on one of their FB protest pages.
Saw a Cassidy tweet pointing out that since Rose City Antifa was able to get numerous other antifa orgs across the country to coordinate their tweets and such, they ARE, in fact, organized. lol hoist on your own tweeting, dumbasses.
also I’m sure once they start looking at books, there’s going to be plenty to find. Money always talks, and these antifa fuckers are stupid.
Who’s gonna look, or admit it in a court? That’s the problem.
RICO is awfully broad if anyone does look.
Just for fun…
“When Epstein Was Cosmo’s Bachelor of the Month
In July 1980, the predatory financier was featured as the magazine’s “Bachelor of the Month” seeking a “cute Texas girl.”
That’s a greasy looking dude
It was the style at the time.
“If you’re a cute Texas girl, write this New York dynamo…”
Letters written in crayon will be accepted.
Aggie co-Ed’s are fine women. I mean, they can’t be cheerleaders, but they’re great arm decorations.
They once lead many of my cheers.
Today in Tundra’s car pr0n:
1953 Jaguar XK120 Drop Head Coupe
Wood wood wood.
There are some terrific pics of the restoration. I love the uptight fucks in the comments, too.
That’s a lot of avocado green
That bid is going to quadruple.
Yeah, there are still 4 days left, but that seems a little aggressive. I’m gonna guess no more than $100K.
A friend of mine in Denver has one of those. He lovingly restored it over 30 years. He had custom cloth wiring loom sheaths made in the correct color pattern. He learned how to use an English wheel to replace one of the headlight surrounds that had rusted out. He hand stitched a new leather pouch for the tool bag in the boot. It’s a work of art. The XK120 is a stunningly beautiful car.
I totally agree with you – the lines are nearly perfect.
Have you ever driven your buddy’s? I got to drive an E-type recently and it was a revelation. I get why they bring such huge money.
I haven’t driven it. The closest I got was when I helped him install the windshield one afternoon, and he decided we should take it for a spin. He was backing it out of the garage for the first time in years….with the driver’s door open. Many gods were cursed and tears were shed, and it immediately went back into the garage for more body work and more paint.
Dead sexy
Let my dad talk me out of one when I was in high school. $150. It ran. $150 was about my net worth. He told me how expensive and hard to work on they were. He was right, of course, but I never should have listened to him. It would have been a disaster probably, but damn!
Sir Williams Lyons and his designer did a full mock up of the design in 14 days.
“. I love the uptight fucks in the comments, too.”
It’s always like that. People claiming how Lambos suck and Ferraris rule (or the reverse) and they’ve probably never even seen the cars let alone owned one.
That’s a pretty ride with the same rear as my MGA, but I would be getting a paint job 10 minutes after the sale closed.
De Niro: Mueller didn’t play me playing him on SNL. That’s good.
This is real and in the Washington Post.
Best timeline
All the Dems wanted out of this were some good sound bytes, so he’s not wrong.
I like the presumption that Mueller is just trying to nail Trump no matter the cost.
Well, his underlings most certainly were trying.
Mcmaken broke the rule:
Capitalism broke the excuses that people gave themselves for why they didn’t succeed.
So why is that those that did succeed are the ones who loath capitalism so much?
Signaling and lies they tell themselves.
“The ones who loath capitalism so much” are the ones the media likes to shower attention on. I’m certain they are a small minority.
People who complain that advertising MAKES them do things are revealing much more about themselves than they realize.
More fun with Leap’s rep:
Omar: The ‘Blame Is on Us’ for ‘Acceleration’ of Suffering in Iran, Venezuela
Time for this silly bitch to go away. Does she spend a single second on her actual job?
If she’s not, she’s doing us all a favor.
She isn’t entirely wrong. The sanctions hurt the everyday person more than the shitty government.
Sure, but our sanctions are a small part of the problem. Especially when other countries are more than
Socialism accelerated the suffering, period.
And either way, it’s not her fucking job.
Are US sanctions voted on or are they purely at the discretion of the executive?
Good question. According to this site:
They are all bullshit, of course.
I think as a federal Rep it is part of her job. If she was at the state level, she can have an opinion but it should carry no more weight than any other citizen.
That CD is beyond effed up. Can a sane American ever win it again?
I thought Keiff. Ellison was rock bottom but clearly that was optimistic
While you dorks are out here desperately trying out libertarian each other and fighting the libs, there are real heroes out there doing the Lord’s work:
All 180 Rush Songs, Ranked
Keep reading Mises and looking up silly photos of pretty women on the internet losers, Jordan Hoffman the winner here.
I spoke too soon. Recess it is, nerd.
“Jack — relax.
Get busy with the facts.
No zodiacs or almanacs,
No maniacs in polyester slacks.
Just the facts.
Gonna kick some gluteus max.
It’s a parallax — you dig?
You move around
The small gets big. It’s a rig
It’s action — reaction —
Random interaction.
So who’s afraid
Of a little abstraction?
Can’t get no satisfaction
From the facts?
You better run, homeboy —
A fact’s a fact
From Nome to Rome, boy.”
If that’s not terrible I don’t know what is.
Bullshit, I loved them both
It’s not the words, it’s Geddy Lee’s amazing voice. It’s like listening to a cat in heat scratching a chalkboard.
Take Off, Eh!
Working Man is at 71?
I watched Ferrari: race to immortality and although it is a good documentary, I’ll warn you there are some graphic scenes that are not censored at all.
It is a terrific movie. I remain shocked that those guys could fit their giant balls in those small cars.
As you sa, watching a dude burn to death in his car was painful. I also came away feeling pretty hostile toward Enzo.
His attitude about the test track crash was pretty revealing.
My suggestion to replace that lame-assed song as our national anthem.
I dare you to kneel during this one, traitors. I fucking dare you.
I vote for this as the national anthem.
If the U.S. ever adopted “Living in America” as the national anthem, I’d move there.
“Hit me!”
I figured this would be the consensus…
They like to use this because it is very effective:
That sounds like Rousseau and Heidegger.
But also Dostevsky, if you want to chase bigger, more dangerous game.
They’ve now branched out into blaming capitalism for a host of other social, ecological, and psychological ills.
Only now? Because I remember being taught about capitalism bringing forth ecological destruction, race and class conflict, alienation, crime and violence within so-called “developed” societies more decades ago than I care to admit.
This is true: these arguments have been around since at least Industrial Revolution.
And we saw in the late 19th century how weak laissez-faire was despite its success.
There is also the fact it is a lot easier to argue that things suck and we need change instead of things don’t suck and if things do suck that means the same economic system is basically good.
The Most Disturbing Details From The New Yorker’s Alan Dershowitz Story
Summary: The Dersh is kind of icky, a very good defense lawyer, and he isn’t wrong* about the age of consent.
*He isn’t right either.
One good thing about getting older:
I can now look at an attractive woman well into her 50’s and think “would” (I’m 44 in a couple of weeks).
18-year-olds are still hot.
As long as they don’t talk
50= XP, 18, not so much
“8 to 80, blind, crippled, or crazy. If they can’t walk, drag ‘em.”
/not Spud’s words
And yet not a single complaint of misconduct during his time at Harvard.
I listened to a long interview with Dershowitz last week. He’s either being targeted, or he is the finest bald faced liar since P.T. Barnum.
There’s a trial coming up, I’ll be interested to see if the evidence he says he has is as absolute as he makes it sound.
“Teachers Are Signing Up to Sugar Daddy Sites by the Thousands”
“10 percent of teachers on ‘sugar daddy’ site are from Florida
Struggling teachers across the country are seeking extra income on a popular sugar daddy site, and nearly 10 percent of them come from Florida.
SeekingArrangement, the self-proclaimed largest sugar daddy site in the world, said more than 10,000 American teachers use sugar daddies due to their low teaching salaries.
And 999 of them come from Florida, the site’s data team confirmed Wednesday.
Florida ranks fourth in the nation in terms of teacher sugar babies. At the top of the list is California with 1,672. New York was right behind with 1,489, and Texas was third with 1,302. The breakdown has 87 in Orlando. As for other large metropolitan areas, there were 159 sugar babies in Fort Lauderdale and 180 in Miami, according to Brieanne Christian, the site’s public relations specialist.
Averaging $48,168 a year from 2017-2018, Florida is one of the states with the lowest teaching salaries. The average nationwide teaching salary is $60,477 annually for the same period, according to the association.
Florida is among 10 states that have had the largest reductions in education funding since 2008. Nationwide, the average teaching salary has declined 4.5 percent over the last decade, according to a study from the National Education Association.
The sugar daddy relationship offers perks such as nice dinners and gifts, but the sugar daddy site claims such arrangements also offer “non-monetary things like mentorship, networking expansion, and professional development opportunities.””
What they don’t mention are the population percentages of those states, and whether or not there are any anomalies from *that* perspective. Math is hard…
No surprise they sign up for Sugar Daddy after signing up for a career with Uncle Sugar.
“City teachers flood sugar-daddy site for extra income
It’s reading, writing and writhing.
Hundreds of city teachers are boosting their incomes through lucrative liaisons with sugar daddies, according to the dating website SeekingArrangement.com, which pairs attractive young people with rich, typically older romantic partners.
“Sugar babies who want to live their lives and better their careers can’t, especially when they are working multiple jobs,” said the site’s CEO, Brandon Wade.
“Having a mentor or partner who exceeds what they already bring to the table can allow them to focus on their goals and achieve the lifestyle they strive for.”
A total of 451 Big Apple teachers, mainly women, are engaged in extracurriculars with SA’s well-heeled “daddies,” according to the site.”
Hopefully they’ll stop diddling the kids
That’s a hobby, this is for cash. Remember, women are superior multitaskers.
The kid in picture 8:
“Miss, what’s this word? And this one? And this one? And this one?”
My favorite Babylon Bee article ever. Does someone here write for them?
Wow, that’s spot on. We’ve got lurkers.
Jesus Christ, that’s not even an article, it’s a fucking transcript!
Needs more HM links,
“Libertarians nothing but sasquatch-obsessed sex pests, study shows.”
I love the way they close the pieces. Almost every one is just exceptional.
That was flat out Racism! He can’t tell the truth like that and still be called Satire! Hate Crime eleventy!11!!11
Someone get Snopes on the line!
faith in our government institutions crumble
Elections are about collectivism and identity politics, not managerial efficiency or philosophical suitability. We know this from this cycle:
10/ A runs on set of principles B
20/ A is elected
30/ A does not follow/initiates policy/agitates for/or even jawbone Congress for legislation consistent with B; B and the B-faithful are wholly taken for granted
40/ B-faithful turn out and re-elect A despite zero progress on B
Don still hasn’t gotten over the word problems in middle school
Elementary, good Sir!
/when did you go to School?
It’s really my life now, word problems. I am lazy about proofreading because this site runs so fast and I don’t want to slow down a thread.
In the rest of my life I’m the slowest reader you know: I read to understand and never skim; I do skip, but I never skim.
The pictured dude is way too young, skinny, healthy, good-looking and smiley, but other than that it’s a perfect caricature of you old fat sickly ugly misanthropic fucks.
Hey! I’m not fat!
And I’m not THAT old!
What you see in the mirror doesn’t mean we all look like that.
Hey, I may be old, fat, sickly, ugly, and misanthropic, but … what was that other thing you said?
Hard of hearing?
“Hmmm. Never mind.”
Manchester, NH?
Gotta be HM.
Snopes is retarded. How do you open any bee story and not have parody shoved in your face.
Real news would never shout “fake news you can trust”
At this point they have a defamation case for being called news
Just looking for the MAN vote, Would with pleasure,
Imagine being one of her soldiers.
I’d Follow her IyKWIMAIKYD
I turned the audio on, and now my dogs are in here looking for a toy.
I binge watched The Boys and enjoyed it, but am afraid that it will be like Heroes or Lost and the writers will never figure out what to do.
At least I only wasted a year and a half on Heroes.
The spousal unit and I didn’t even get that far. The Sylar character managed to piss us both off, and the beginning of season two mi amore looks over at me and says “This is gonna totally go Twin Peaks on us. Continue?” ”Nope.” ”Right, let’s drink some champagne and tell each other lies instead.”
That was actually a pretty good evening.
Yup, turning it into The Sylar Hour totally ruined it. He should have been killed off at the end of S01.
I liked Heroes. I wasn’t expecting anything deep.
I watched an hour and some change of the new Netflix series Another Life.
It is the biggest POS SciFi show I’ve seen this century.
Bad plot, derivative, poor acting, woke BS, holes in plot, and the technology made no sense.
Katiee Sackhoff couldn’t save it for me.
Will check out Another Life.
I was drunk and sleep deprived and just needed something to watch, so I ended up watching the whole season, only gets more woke, the plot didn’t really get much better; but I was too out of it to bothered to find anything else.
The Boys or Another Life?
The Boys is rocking it.
It’s dark though.
I’ve always thought Karl Urban’s best work was on the dark side. He’s just got that “look” about him, somehow.
Another Life
I couldn’t get thru one episode. How in the hell did you watch all of it?
It was moving pictures with noise, that’s all I was looking for yesterday, I was kind of out of it.
I thought the wokeness was done tongue in cheek, but even that wouldn’t save the show for me.
Yea the physics was pretty bad. Faster than light travel with instantaneous communication. Not even Star Trek had instantaneous communication across light years.
I did nothing beyond the minimum this weekend. It was awesome, a mini vacation. But now I have lots that needs to be done. Taking tonight off as well. It’ll all be there tomorrow.
I watched seven movies off the DVR. I put several others on.
Sir Williams Lyons
I’ve proposed this before: Americans should ignore all titles. We don’t assign them or dole them out. I’m okay with bowing in lieu of hand-shaking only if that is reciprocal in a culture, but never deference to station: an American is a full and top notch person who meets everyone in the world on a level playing field subject to the market’s opinion of his mettle and effort. Mr Office is okay . . . until he’s out of office whereupon he’s just Mr Neighbor again.
The idea that somehow Elton John outranks every American ever born is utterly indefensible. Also: a pox on any American who watches marriages, births, and gossip regarding the ruling houses of foreign countries.
Former office holders don’t get to keep the title.
I hope it’s obvious I agree from the line I wrote, but I’m proposing a model of behavior because I believe a majority of Americans do not agree: most people do not behave this way.
I saw Nick Faldo Thursday morning and all I could think of was the sir business, not his greatness as a golfer. . . made my blood boil on a pretty, cool morning.
Fun fact- the shirt I wore to church yesterday was a Nicky Faldo design
Well…had his name on it
I owned a Stricker once simply as a value proposition.
At this point, a full half of my typical wear is FedEx St Jude tournament logo polos from years gone by.
What american wrote Crocodile Rock?
I had that 45.
You sound like a libertarian
I hope so
I don’t think British titles mean anything here.
Elton John outranks every American musician ever born. Elvis didn’t write or produce his music, and wasn’t much of a guitar player. Micheal Jackson never mastered an instrument, and Madonna could barely sing.
What about Jimmy Buffet?
Ummm.. the Doors, David Byrne, Brian Wilson, etc…
Are you trying to make The Count’s case for him?
Personally, I can’t stand Elton John anymore. His music is boring.
Take ‘Tiny Dancer’ and ‘Levon’ off Madman Across the Water throw in the entirety of Tumbleweed Connection and all the songs off Honky Chateau and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road that never get played on the radio and you have a pretty solid discography.
None of those sold anywhere as near as many records as Elton John.
PT Barnum or Mark Twain or Will Rodgers or HL Mencken was right about underestimating the public.
Bennie and the Jets refutes that 1x10E365
It is in a fist fight with Loving You as the worst POS to ever infect the airwaves.
Even mentioning them has them in my mind and I want to claw my brains out to get rid of them.
Now do Prince
I don’t like the pretense when they demand to be called “Doctor” or ‘Judge’ or ‘Father, but fuck if I care it they add some initials to their name, plus I’ve always liked the old British movies where the street kids called everyone “Gov’nor”, we should bring that back. Anybody 15 years younger than you should have to call you ‘Guvn’r’ or maybe ‘M’lord’.
I can’t relate to this comment at all.
Heh, I’ve got a witch of a neighbor that demands her husband be referred to as Dr. Married to Witch.
He’s a business professor.
You’re damn right Don. Addressing people with titles like that is for serfs, not free men.
logged into Netflix and they’re pimpin’ the new season of Orange is the New Black, 7 seasons?…91 episodes? And you fucks could only be arsed to watched enough Hap and Leonard to get 3-6 episode seasons, PT Barnum or Mark Twain or Will Rodgers or HL Mencken was right about underestimating the public.
You know who else was right about underestimating the public?
Online dispatch: there are a lot of controlling men out there. For example: ‘Now that you’re talking to me, you should take your profile down’. No. Next!
Example: After he hadn’t responded to a text in thirty minutes, I took the dog for a walk. Him: ‘Why by didn’t you respond? Are you ghosting me?’ Me: ‘I took the dog for a walk.’ Him: ‘You need to tell me before you do that’s. No. Next!
Good lord.
*doesn’t revise current preference to remain single*
On the plus side, you get to find out they’re zeros in hurry.
I’m glad that you know that behavior is a HUGE red flag. All abusive people are controlling.
Well, that’s just it. I would like someone in my life to share things with. But, I don’t find being single so bad, and, thus, the bar is relatively high. It has to be better than being single. So, I’m being picky.
Obviously, those guys were a no even if I was relatively desperate. Potential abusers (and being that controlling at this stage signals potential abuser) is a clear NO!
Half an hour and he wonders if he being ghosted? Phew…..talk about some self-esteem issues.
Oh, it was less than that. HE didn’t respond, then I walked dog, and he responded while I was out. And freaked out. Nope. noooope, NO!
Once, a newly single Tres met a woman (he’d met online) at a local bar after work for a beer. We settled in to chat, and almost immediately she talked about her jealousy issues- like violent ones. Having had a beer or two, I said “excuse me, I need I pee”. She kissed me on the cheek and said, “you are coming back, right?”
I would’ve run so fast people watching would’ve thought Einstein was wrong about the speed of light.
Get to the part where you came back.
I did.
Since its online at this time.
Could you have said….I waited for your response for 30 minutes and thought something had come up for you so I took my dog for a walk.
What happened that you didnt respond to my text for 30 minutes.
(And then…are you OK ? )
It would have made for laughs or exposed a serial killer
What kind of dog?
Retired racing greyhound. She’s about 70 pounds and loves people, but not non-greyhound dogs. She’s my baby.
Pointy, yet cuddly.
Her elbows are sharp. She insists she is a lap dog
Heh. Even my 15-pound Shih-Tzu/Bichon Frise cross has sharp elbows. She likes to dig in when she settles down in your lap.
My downstairs, cheap but comfy couch, is deep enough that my feet don’t touch the floor. Then she sprawls across my lap and I have no leverage to get up.
OMG. That’s real?
I’m not that imaginative. No need to make shit up when online dating.
Wow, assholes abound
Well, we already knew that, right?
At least they’re obvious
You should tell him to take his profile down first.
I should not engage the crazy
Also, plenty of men that are just dicks. They ask what you’re interested in, then rudely crap all over it. Maybe it’s PUA culture, but it doesn’t work on me. NEXT!
Tulip I’m happily married to a beautiful woman for 8 years now.
But one never knows what curves one’s life throws.
If you and I are ever on a date will you make sure the dog that pins you to the couch gets invited ?
Milkbones for her are a given.
Tulip it works both ways.
After my last seperation I tried online with my on age group women. At the time early 50s.
It was a disaster
Everydate was with a seriously bitter woman.
The last date I met at a nice restaurant. Within 15 minutes I was listening to he bitch and complain about her ex and her kids and her job and her boss who didn’t appreciate I e but wanted to sleep with her.
I sat there in amazement and finally told her……I met you here tonight wanting to have a good time. You met me here looking to dump all your problems on me and eat and drink for free.
I played for the wine and left.
Tulip….from my readings of your post here you need to find a younger. less bitter old man like I did with women.
My wife is 30 years younger than me.
8 years of happiness.
There is no reason why you can’t do the same in this day and age.
Fuck old and bitter people
Why pulling the teeth of the individual mandate wasn’t enough
Author is a high quality individual. We went to law school together.
First day full-time at the new job, and it was… dreadfully slow. Both my supervisor and his boss are out on vacation until tomorrow, so after badgering the engineers for work and going over benefits with HR, I settled in and dicked around for almost half the day. Good news: four and a half day weeks. Bad news: nine hour days are extra painful when they’re slow.