Previously, we examined whether the culture war has been lost. Yes, yes it has, as the commanding heights of our culture have been captured by collectivist/tribalist crypto-Marxists of the Left, who have expanded their reach into the administrative state and into the business world.
As an aside, I think we can safely count the major Christian denominations (with the possible exception of the Baptists) as having also having been captured by the Left. With the election of the Commie Pope, even the Catholic Church has fallen. The Long March through the Catholic Church would be an interesting article in and of itself, if anyone wants to volunteer.
Leftism requires coercion, which is generally the province of the government. They cannot complete the desired destruction of America as we know it without capturing the dominant American institution, the government, by taking the elected branches of government.
Trump was elected as a backlash candidate against the Left, and there are a number of Republicans (and possibly even a few Democrats) who are still opposed to the Leftists to some degree . Could Congress and the Presidency keep Leftism in at least some semblance of control?
First, you could hardly find a weaker reed than elected politicians for, well, just about anything other than the preservation of the perks and opportunities for enrichment of elected politicians. That aside, elected officialdom as a bulwark against Leftism only works if Leftists don’t win. So its really a question of when, not if, the Left recaptures Congress and the Presidency. Which will happen the next time the Democrats win the Presidency and control of both houses of Congress. Such as, next year.
At the moment, there is a fair amount of optimism that Trump will win re-election, that the Repubs will hold onto the Senate, and even rumblings that they have a fair chance of winning the House, on the belief that the Democrats, currently fronted by their nutbar Presidential candidates and the odious “Squad”, have gone too far to the Left, too fast. I’m thinking that optimism is unwarranted.
The Presidency. Don’t discount the importance the Leftist major media. Trump, despite presiding over no new wars and a healthy economy, has yet to break 50% in his approval ratings. I think you can credit the relentless spew of Trump hatred for that. And a drag on approval is a drag on votes.
But, you protest, the last time the Dems ran lefty candidates (McGovern, maybe Mondale), they lost in historic landslides. That was a generation or more ago, before the Left captured the cultural institutions, many businesses, and had the opportunity to indoctrinate a generation. I see little reason to believe that past performance in 1972 and 1984 will predict future results in 2020.
Trump won by swinging a largely uncontested Rust Belt by a narrow margin. I cannot believe the Dems will make that mistake twice, so in 2020 the Rust Belt will be fought over like the swing states they are. The voters that will ultimately matter are in the suburban “purple” districts. You know, the ones that gave Congress back to the Dems last year.
Congress. The Repubs lost the House in 2018, and while the Democrats’ ardent embrace of Leftism may be the underlying change in the political dynamic that needed for the Repubs to win it back, the events preceding their loss of the House (the Kavanaugh hearings, the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ) had the ugly side of the Left on full display. Maybe the optics have gotten somewhat worse, so there may be some chance that the Repubs win the House despite what will certainly be a full court press by the Leftist media and Big Tech.
The Repubs hold the Senate by a mere two seats, and have nine more seats on the table than the Dems do in 2020. I have not bothered to prognosticate how many Repub Senators are “at risk”, but on the most basic calculation, the odds don’t seem to favor the Repubs.
The real danger, though, comes from two places: the assault by the Left on the machinery of voting, and the determination of the Leftist Big Tech monopolies to push the Left over the finish line.
The Machinery of Voting. While this is probably a topic for a post of its own, I suggest you consider the following:
The Dems absolutely believe its not the votes that count, its who counts the votes. In most states, elections are run by the Secretary of State, and the Dems have set their sights on capturing this seemingly nondescript office. And, of course, there is the astonishing win/loss record of the Dems in recounts, often accompanied by the discovery of previously unknown ballots. You can count on any sufficiently close contest being “won” by the Dems.
There are over a million more registered voters in California than there are actual eligible voters. While California is likely the worst on this front, the voter rolls nationwide are notoriously, well, garbage. There’s a reason why Democrat states are refusing to go along with any attempt to clean up the voter rolls. I’m not saying its because every “excess” registered voter is an opportunity for fraud . . . well, actually, yes I am saying that.
Wherever they can, the Dems run “ballot harvesting” operations (for which those excess registered voters come in very handy). I seriously doubt they have declined to take advantage of the open door these create for fraud. While Martha McSally ran a pretty nondescript campaign in 2018 for Jeff Flake’s Senate seat, I believe her loss in what had been a pretty safe Red state to the explicitly pro-Left and anti-Arizona Krysten Sinema is due at least in part to the Dems’ ballot harvesting machine in Phoenix. Mind you, that’s in a state nominally controlled by the Repubs, so its not just Dem-controlled states that are vulnerable to election fraud.
In short, there is less reason all the time to believe that the preferences of voters for candidates who are not anti-American Leftists will necessarily determine who actually wins elections. The margin of fraud has been getting wider and wider over time, and Trump’s margins in key Rust Belt swing states are well within that margin.
Big Tech. The power of Big Tech to control the information that is readily available to the voting public is immense, and these quasi-monopolies are overtly Leftist. Beyond the various deplatforming pogroms of Twitter and Facebook, and Google’s manipulation of search results, there should be no doubt they are planning to put their thumb on the scales as hard as they can. The information most Americans get is heavily mediated by the Big Tech monopolies via search results, ad placements, and simple visibility and ranking. As they de-platform, de-monetize, de-rank, and even refuse ads from, anyone not a Leftist, their impact on the election will likely outstrip even the DemOp Media.
I don’t think any political movement in American history has ever had that kind of backing, and I can’t believe it won’t affect the outcome.
The Courts. Ah, you say, but Trump and the Republican Senate are stuffing the federal judiciary full of non-Leftist judges. Can the courts, which have certainly been expanding their ambit so that any federal district judge can set national policy, stand as some kind of limitation on the Leftist program?
One reason not to pin too much hope on the federal judiciary is that its jurisdiction is almost completely up to Congress. While Article III of the Constitution has a seemingly healthy list of cases to which the “judicial power shall extend”, it also states that:
“In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.”
The lower federal courts, I should point out, are creations of statute, and thus their jurisdiction is also subject to Congressional . . . revision. If the newly Trumpist courts have the temerity to mount any kind of effective resistance to Leftism, a Leftist Congress and President can simply strip them of their power to interfere with the fundamental transformation of the country. Recall, as well, that judicial review of the Constitutionality of statutes and government action is a creation of the courts and not the Constitution, and if push came to shove I see no reason why Congress could not strip this power from both the Supreme Court and the inferior courts.
Next Up: Apres les Deluge, or, what happens when the TWANLOC Left succeeds in their mission of destroying, err, fundamentally transforming, America.
Anyway I thing most things are almost lost, not fully. I am saying there’s a chance, a one in a million shot. Then again it is the way of the world. I just hope I will still afford decent scotch and air conditioning in my lifetime. I am not on the interwebs much and generally keep a low profile unless i am doxxed as a glib.
I predict there will be (more) blood. What comes after the fighting depends on the fighting.
That is what I predict as well, eventually the far left is going to reach the point people will want them stopped, and won’t care who does it, which will lead to conflict between the groups no one wants in power.
That’s what’s scary. They think there are neo-Nazis running the country now? Wait till actual neo-Nazis come into power. It’s going to be fucking ugly.
Anyway I thing most things are almost lost, not fully. </em
Things were lost 50 years before I was born. The original progressives pulled the e-brake. The only question these days is how hard to kill the lever. However, like all trains (metaphorical or otherwise), it takes a long long time to come to a complete stop.
What are you people a bunch of silent partner? Where is everyone?
Reading the article.
since when? be more like Nick Gillespie and chill all this politics is boring maan…
Was it you?
Thanks to whoever posted Nick Gillespie and Dave Smith on YouTube yesterday. Here it is, if anyone’s interested.
I listened to 45 minutes on the drive to work this morning.
Listening to Nick makes the downfall of TOS not surprising at all.
Him admitting to not being interested in foundational principles, harping on Ron Paul being a racist, and claiming the NAP was not a part of original libertarian theory are my favorites so far.
i did not post it.
Gillespie, Sarwark…..never pay attention to a man named Nick
What about pistoffnick?
They both seemed to have learned all they know about libertarianism from non-libertarians.
“never pay attention to a man named Nick”
People named Nick are generally full of shit.
appropriate OT for this pessimistic post
The 10 Best Rye Whiskey Brands to Drink Right Now
Pikesville’s good stuff. Before ryes became the new IPAs, Pikesville was going for $12 a bottle. Now it’s like $40. Same stuff, but the label’s much nicer.
Interesting. I’m extremely fond of Sazerac Rye, and not the specialty aged stuff.
Old Overholt never appealed.
Overviews are always appreciated. You never know what you might discover. Thanks!
Sazerac 18 was probably the best rye I ever had
I’ve been drinking the Rittenhouse this week. I like it.
No angels envy, Bulliet’s or sagamore, so FALSE! They do at least list whistle pig. Overholt is good for budget and rittenhouse for mixing.
I can’t find any of the “budget” ones around me – pisses me off.
Shift your dollars budgeted for healthcare to the whiskey column. What are the odds you’ll ever need a liver transplant? Wait…I may not have thought this through.
I’m not sure if its a value, but Basil Haydens dark rye is fucking delicious.
It is very good. I like the bourbon too
Yes. Here in CA, there are many, many non leftists. They either don’t vote because it seems hopeless, or they get out scammed by the various harvesting schemes. Everyone here bitches about the taxes and regulations. Even the obvious lefty types. Somehow , the votes always favor more of this shit.
I almost didn’t vote in SoCal last year for that very reason. But then thought it would be awesome to vote for a GOP rep who’d actually win!! So that’s what I did.
This is a parody, right?
If we’re lucky. I think Dean overstates the case for Big Tech controlling information. He is right that they are one-sided and will tilt the scales, but there are limits to what they can do with that, and if they push too hard, the backlash could be immense.
If they push well… who will know?
why does neither of you have an avatar?
Self respect?
i find that unlikely
Do you not watch the news?
They make the same mistakes every day.
Or their attempts at campaigning in the rust belt will amount to tone deaf appeals on the order of “you horrible uneducated racists are awful, and you should vote for us”.
“Do you not watch the news?”
No sane person watches the news. The one glimmer of hope I see is that TV news ratings are continually dropping, newspaper circulation AND web site hits are dropping, Facebook is seeing time spent on the site decreasing. As the Left ups the dosage, the law of diminishing returns begins to have an effect.
Ultimately, people vote with their feet. Illinois loses Congressional seats because of it. And while gerrymandering forces the remaining seats to go left, the result is still fewer electoral college votes for the left.
Keep an eye on the shitstorm of the 2020 census. The Dems may sacrifice the short game (the 2020 election) for the long game (turning the census into an even bigger fraud that favors them).
Thanks R C, I was having a good day.
I don’t even think it matters now. We are screwed no matter who wins.
The bureaucracy keeps expanding to meet the needs of an expanding bureaucracy.
One team is heading of the cliff at the speed limit. The other is doing so at warp factor 10.
They would not be so bold, partly because they are still feckless politicians and partly because it’s wholly unnecessary. Rewriting the Supreme Court’s remit, even if it might be within Congress’s authority, would be much more difficult than simply adding members to the Court. They’ve talked about packing the Court recently, not to mention in the past, and so that is the most likely course they’d take. The only real hurdle would be to overcome a filibuster in the Senate, but at this point the filibuster is on its last legs. With histrionics and caterwauling, they’ll brush it aside completely.
The next target will be the Senate itself and it’s “undemocratic” nature. The only real question would be if they get the national popular vote before or after.
I think it’ll be the Electoral College. People don’t understand it and on a visceral level it *feels* undemocratic. Plus, it cost Herself the election, and that can never be forgiven.
I don’t think they’ll be able to do it. At least at the federal level. You’d need a constitutional amendment. And I don’t think there are enough states willing to sign away their franchise to CA, NY and a handful of other states.
Your lips to God’s ears.
Most of the Dems are looking really hard at court-packing. If that happens, and that Dem President get’s re-elected, you know the game is over and they have won.
So, is now the time to invest heavily into a “Kill Dozer” start up?
“The next target will be the Senate itself and it’s “undemocratic” nature.”
Almost impossible. The Constitution gaurentees equal representation for every state and it cannot be removed without consent of that state.
Not that impossible. 14A (which was used to gut geographic representation at less that statewide, will be interpreted to have also amended that clause.
Except the clause is immune from amendment
They would not be so bold
What do you think “By Any Means Necessary” is about, anyway? If the Leftist agenda is being blocked in the courts, I think their righteousness and will to power would be more than sufficient to pass a law removing that barrier.
I don’t think you can underestimate their rage and frustration at having the brakes put on the fundamental transformation of America by Trump. Do you really think they will draw the line anywhere to ensure that can’t happen again?
They would not be so bold-
I hear fear will keep the local governments in line.
Well, I don’t think there could be more political ads then there were during the last presidential election without compression.
*squeaky chipmunk voice due to sped up audio*Orangemanbadvotefash2020
/Ad spot
More seriously, how many people in these contested areas are employed/better paid now than 2016? That will make quite an impression, even if it’s just voters who know people who have gotten jobs in the interim.
Maybe. A strong economy usually favors the incumbent, but we’ve still got 17 months to go.
“More seriously, how many people in these contested areas are employed/better paid now than 2016?”
I find that somewhat difficult yo believe. What’s the source of that data?
” What’s the source of that data?”
But really, it’s not like manufacturing jobs have magically appeared in Ohio or Wisconsin.
Do you have a link for reality, or…
Nope. Feel free to prove me wrong.
Well, we already have one data point more than you do that says different, so, you’re wrong.
Crusty Juggler:
Does this help:
(Linked downthread, Labor Force Participation rates for Ohio over the past 5 years).
But even better, go find the numbers yourself.
Couldn’t link the generated tables, unfortunately, so you’ll have to enact your own labor. But both Ohio and Wisconsin show job growth in Manufacturing from 2016 to 2019.
/raises hand
I am, about 30% more now then I was making in 2016.
I’m doing 158% of what I did in MN in 2016
The AP found that 35.4 percent of Trump counties have shed jobs in the past year, compared with just 19.2 percent of Clinton counties.
As more money pools in such corporate hubs as Houston, San Francisco or Seattle, prosperity spills over less and less to smaller towns and cities in America’s interior.
Yet the lack of transformative job growth in Trump areas hasn’t seemed to erode his support among Republicans, while hiring in Democratic areas have done little to improve his standing with those voters.
Doesn’t matter where the jobs are, it matters where the jobholders live. People drive from Trump country where they vote, to the Democrat cesspool where the work and don’t vote. Been that way for 70 years.
This is exactly correct.
I think I read here that 70k votes in the right places made for a red enough map in 2016. Take a look at how many jobs came back from China to the districts that swung WI, MI, and OH. I’m pretty sure it’s a net loss that a lot of yapping about the Wall doesn’t make up for. I don’t know that this dominates the equation, but it’s a real good question.
Looking over the labor force participation rate for Ohio for the last five years, it looks like there’s an upswing. But I’m not sure what the majority of those jobs are.
Usually I start noticing the economy is on an upswing when I start getting shitty customer service, because they will hire anyone.
From food and beverage industry to commercial truck drivers. If they suck, the economy is looking up.
For me it’s trying to get any projects done I’m trying to pay someone a lot of money to do a yard drainage project and dudes aren’t even returning calls.
Ohio is most likely a solid red for 2020. PA, Mich, and Wisc are the more important states.
I know this is anecdotal, but the biggest Trump supporters I know were, and continue to be, blue-collar union guys who normally vote straight Democratic. You currently have all the Democratic hopefuls raising their hands in support of open borders and free health care for illegal immigrant. That’s not sitting well with the blue collar guys, and it’s going to be hard as hell to walk back. Is the Dem nominee going to say, “Well, I didn’t mean any of the things I said during the debates”?
I’m in a suburb of Cleveland that was once dominated by auto manufacturing jobs (there’s a Ford and GM plant around the corner from my house). There’s lots of union building around as well (Teamsters and UAW both have halls around here, and I’m sure there’s more I don’t remember off the top of my head). Last election, about the only Hillary signs I saw were Hillary for Prison. Trump signs were everywhere; hell, there’s a truck I’ve seen driving around that has two flags mounted in the bed: a US flag, and a Trump 2020 flag.
The pivotal question is whether 2016 was a personality driven fluke or a shift in blue collar party affiliation.
It started as a personality driven shift.
Whether events since have continued to alienate workers from the frothing Democrat frontpieces to the point that the known establishment locals have been impacted is unknown.
Whether events since have continued to alienate workers from the frothing Democrat frontpieces to the point that the known establishment locals have been impacted is unknown.
Without doing a deep dive into last year’s Congressional races, I would say that the Dems retaking the House indicates that workers are not alienated from the Dems. Granted, many of the Dem pickups were superficially “moderate”, but those are still votes for the members of the party that has frothing frontpieces.
With the Squad and all, have the optics changed enough? Don’t know. Kind of doubt it. The only thing that has changed since last year is more air time for Leftist lunatics.
Midterm elections are always kind of odd, low-turnout beasts.
I play baseball with a lot of police. Every one of them talks like a GOP voter, but at the local level they vote for whoever the report to (a Democrat). As long as they’re working, they’re voting D for every office except POTUS. When they retire, they are straight R.
RC, you know more doctors than I do. The ones I know seem like they have to market themselves as D’s (because many of them work in University health systems and the left dominates those institutions), but they vote R if they know how to handle money.
I suspect its a mixed bag. A shocking number of doctors are in favor of “single payor” out of frustration with the current health care finance system. And, of course, they are members of Polite Society, where any expression of opinion that doesn’t conform to Squishy Leftism is frowned upon. How many talk a Lefty game and vote otherwise, I have no idea.
Forward them the NHS pay scale.
Like the Reagan Democrats type of thing? I kind of wonder how long the Dems are going to be the party of blue collar workers. Both parties seem to have undergone cultural shifts over the past forty years or so that seem to be affecting their strategies. I doubt you’ll see unions pulling for a Republican any time soon but there’s got to be some friction between the 47 genders Women’s Studies wing of the party and the working class heroes.
Exactly. Party affiliation and voting habits aren’t always 100% aligned. Plenty of self-identified democrats voted for Trump in 2016. The question is whether their like of Trump will override their identity as democrats now that Trump is old news.
My sister’s FIL was a lifelong democrat. Crossed parties for the first time in his life to vote for Trump. He didn’t like Trump, but he loathed Hillary and couldn’t vote for her. I think he’s now been warming up to Trump since then. His wife is still a rabid Dem supporter.
It’s caused some friction between them, to put mildly. I like to joke about giving him a red MAGA hat the next time I see them both and watch the ensuing fireworks. My sister is not amused.
One of the guys I work with is getting divorced. No idea what all the problems might have been, but I know he’s a conservatish guy, and his wife seems to have gone full MSNBTDS. I suspect that played a role.
My f-i-l is a big union guy, a retired welder. Same thing – been a Democrat his entire life, hated Hillary, voted Trump.
It’s put a strain on my marriage. Funny, when Obama was president it was because I wasn’t adequately enamored with the man. Now that Trump’s president, it’s because I don’t do my required Two Minutes Hate every time he tweets something stupid. I haven’t changed at all since we first met, politically-speaking, so I’m not sure what she was expecting.
Luckily, and frustratingly, we get along really, really well in every other regard, so naturally she can’t help but talk about politics. What’s interesting to me is that when Obama was president we could have lively political discussions that mostly stayed civil and could end with agreeing to disagree. Now that Trump is president, if I express anything other than furious outrage at something she says Trump did, has done, will do, or might think, I’m a bad person. TDS, and I mean like a clinical diagnosis, not like shorthand for not liking Trump. The election affected her mental processes in a bad way.
Who feels another “the parties switched” narrative. They already call all the white workers racists.
“Trump, despite presiding over no new wars and a healthy economy, has yet to break 50% ”
new wars have historically boosted a presidents approval rating.
Bomb Andorra. No one would see it coming. And it would be a short war, just enough to boost ratings.
CaptureLiberate Canada.This beer sucks!
Well, they do need regime change.
Liberate Canada from Trudeau.
Damn Andorrans and their stupid rabbits and their sweaters!
/I keed, I keed
i just remembered a time when onion was somewhat funny
The andoran people are to blame. They know exactly where they are and they should have told us.
I was under the impression that we were going to bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.
I don’t think the 2020 election will change much of anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if 2024 kicks off a civil war.
I think the Republicans will lose the Senate.
Dems in control of the Senate and House… hold on to your hats and start buying popcorn futures. The peach train would be hard to stop.
I don’t.
Looking over which seats are up for vote in 2020, it doesn’t look like a very flippy set either way.
Alabama will flip back unless they do something stupid again.
Yeah, based on district inclinations it doesn’t look like much will change.
The Bama stand-in might get tossed; an upstart might challenge Collins. But it’s probably just rounding errors on the status quo.
You know, you could have at least linked this.
lol knew it
*grumbles* shoulda gone with “Wild Thing”…
I’ve been thinking about the leftist capture of higher ed and specifically the made up pronoun nonsense. How can you pass mandatory freshman comp when the instructor fails you for using normal pronouns and not made up shit like xe/xir/xyr/whatever? How long can you hold out saying there are four lights when there are clearly fyve cislights?
Was at a college orientation in South Carolina a few weeks ago. At one point some current students introduced themselves on stage and announced which gender they identified by and which pronouns they used. There was an audible exasperated groan from the audience every time.
One of my colleagues-who is a person of the left-told me that if we were ever forced to put pronouns on our correspondence/e-mails, etc. they would opt for “it.” I think this is a splendid idea.
I would simply say “no.”
Ok Bartleby.
Please tell me someone used the pronoun “High Patriarch.”
Everyone used the exact pronouns you would have expected.
High Patriarch
Interestingly enough, this is exactly how I identify.
The Masons are back at it.
I identify as royalty, and thus my pronoun is Your Majesty.
Yes, Your Majesty. ::bows and scapes the floor in supplication::
From parents or the future students? Because I’d put money on the future students either embracing that or ratholing their objections in a year or two of seeing what gets beaten down.
From the parents. My son was in a different session – he rolled his eyes and made up the pronouns he preferred.
Here is why we are screwed: Obama made it through 4 years of a terrible economy, didn’t end any wars while starting new ones without authorization and while murdering american citizens abroad without so much as a wink and a nod to the courts. And he easily won re-election.
It is always about the economy….
Now we have Trump with an unprecedented steady run of low unemployment, particularly among minorities. It should be a no-brainer for him to win re-election.
Therefore one can only conclude that this is a win for Trump. Which means, of course, the Dems are going to win. Because they already did the big reveal that this is a simulation and not reality when Trump got the nomination. And it is time for another twist in the plot.
Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe too?
Yes, but it’s printed on an old mimeograph and you have to pick it up from the dumpster behind the library. Watch out for the needles.
The question is, where to move?
I think you can credit the relentless spew of Trump hatred for that.
24-7 TDS, indeed. Though I do appreciate that Trump has gotten the msm to completely remove their masks. That said, many people are incapable or unwilling to see it.
Yep. People still believe the falsity of some golden age of “impartial” media. If they’re attacking Trump, he must be unprecedentedly bad.
Do we have any information on how many?
Come to think of it, news ratings are in the gutter. Nobody’s watching their ranting.
Throw out a few black swans: Trump’s health fails, big terror attack, another economic crisis, massive street violence, natural disaster, aliens, the rapture, Dances with Wolves remake, beer shortage, STEVE SMITH…
Avatar 2 is coming out?
It couldn’t come out past 2016. The whole cast was mono-chromatic.
It’ll be short, just a few minutes of establishing shots, then the humans redirecting an asteroid into Pandora and establishing mining operations in the lifeless ruins.
Zombie apocalypse or return of the Elder Gods.
Do zombies get Medicare?
No, but they vote Democrat.
Not sure but go ahead and fuck with Social Security and see how fast the Elder Gods smack your ass down with fire and brimstone.
Oooh, ooh, dogs learn to talk!
They can’t already?
Then why the fuck have I been listening to mine?
Put the .44 down, Scruffy.
Are his lips moving? Because if not, you should call someone, but if they are, just give him the steak already.
Stake. Don’t ever talk to ball sniffers.
Female Thor?
“Women Are Thrilled Natalie Portman Will Be Female Thor In The New Movie”
And I’m sure the 3,000 or so women who show up and pay to go see it will love it.
It’s fun to watch as they nose down and hit the afterburners.
At last women can enjoy movies now that there are women in them!
At least they could have gotten a fitness model
How unwoke.
I’m not feeling good about the next phase of the MCU at this point.
Technically correct – she was fucking Thor.
Chris Hemsworth is going to be Thor in Love and Thunder as well.
So like the SNL short?
Will they turn her into an object for men to oogle, at like with Chris Hemsworth? (My guess is yes, because Hollywood is woke in word only)
I bet there will be a scene where some dude makes fun of a “little lady” with such a “big hammer”, and she shows him.
Don’t forget to smile.
DCCC Executive Director Forced to Resign Because She’s White
Democrats are going full French Revolution and eating their own.
Do they have a time machine?
Oh, for fucks sake…..
Is she at least going to wear Hapshetsut’s prosthetic beard?
You know, Queens who reigned as Queens get recorded in history, Queens who reign as Kings get Damnatio Memorae (It’s only happenstance someone pieced together who Hapshetsut was, she’d been so thoroughly erased)
Gee, I wonder why there were never queens (or kings) ruling with same sex spouses in history. Nothing to do with can’t produce legitimate offspring, leaving aside cultural norms.
Didn’t stop Alexander… Nevermind
Which Alexander? The first that sprang to mind, mr “The Great” had three wives and one or two sons.
Yeah, his dad, Philip, wasn’t particular about his dance partners himself.
That seems like a silly casting choice. Natalie Portman is what, maybe 5’2″ and a buck fifteen? Wonder Woman worked well partially because Gal Gadot is a tall, athletic woman who looks like she can kick some ass in addition to being gorgeous.
But this way Moby can claim he dated Thor.
It’s still a relatively normal name in scandanavia.
I know it’s comics and all, and beyond that it’s Woke Marvel, but according to Norse mythology Mjolnir didn’t make Thor strong, Thor was able to lift Mjolnir because he was already the strongest of the gods, and because he had a magic belt and gloves that made him stronger still. He’s a big, dumb, argumentative galoot. Natalie Portman, although I personally find her delectable, is not a Thor type.
another economic crisis – that is always around the corner
Throw out a few black swans
Sure, events can always change the calculus, but we don’t know what might happen between now and November 2020, so I didn’t bother to speculate. This is pretty much about the status quo, which favors the Left more heavily over time.
Dogs and cats, living together – MASS HYSTERIA!
I think libertarians are putting too much emphasis on how much Democrats will reject leadership due to the “Great Leap Leftward”. For now it is still “those crazy people” who are on the left fringe, but the moderate Republicans who flipped to Democrat still have faith in the establishment.
RC — serious question after all of your analysis: Do you really believe there’s any chance we’re talking about slow burn/fast burn? Until the “there oughta be a law” and spending are curtailed, what hope can a liberty-minded individual have? The only real hope I have is that Trump’s reflexive attacks on the regulatory state (because the common man hates the regulators but loves the law) causes enough chaos to slow the march to Progressive Utopia.
Do you really believe there’s any chance we’re talking about slow burn/fast burn?
If I understand the question, we are talking about how fast the Left will complete their takeover and fundamental transformation of America, not whether they will succeed.
I’m saying there’s a good chance it will happen next year. If not next year, then in 2024.
And once they have all the levers of power and the cultural institutions, the Left, having arrived at its stop, will get off the election train as much as it can. We’ll still have Potemkin elections, but like most countries controlled by the Left, the Left will never lose.
Of course, the fundamental transformation imagined by the Left may well be overtaken by another one – the collapse of the dollar, the world economy, and much of society. Before you get too optimistic, though, those kinds of collapses have always produced fertile fields for the Left to plow.
Sure. We could hope for Pinochet instead of Castro, but the only way out of that alley is a lot of innocent deaths.
What about the oft-discussed national divorce? Can you ever envision a state or two trying to bail out?
As part of the post-collapse transformation, maybe. Absent a disastrous collapse, no.
Good article.
I’ve been thinking about doing an article about what I think the post-collapse government should look like. Short version – the only voting involves whether or not politicians get helicopter rides at the end of their terms.
They’ve already done this in California.
How much will the knives come out against a initiative to end the jungle primary system in Commiefornia?
All the way.
What’s the legality of us place bets on the 2020 election? $20 a head, losers pay to Glibs, Glibs cover server cost and sends the extra to charity. Everybody wins. Winners gloat, losers fund Glibs/charity.
Look at Florida Man worried about legalities.
I’m sure no Mr Lizard. That dood stayed in character no matter what.
Has anyone seen him lately?
I heard the new Iguana hunting laws were passed to get the dude….
+1 Dealing Meth at 7/11
Early: How’d a hog, what ain’t got no money, get money to buy damn drugs, Lil!
Can I place my bet on Romanian elections?
Sure. It’s a free country. Oh, wait..,
I don’t even know what Romans are running in your elections. How can we set the odds?
Always bet on Caesar.
Don’t bet, bribe the Praetorian guard.
Biggus Dickus.
He has a wife, you know…
To this day, every time that scene comes on I laugh until I cry.
I hate to keep linking videos, but this is StyxHH on 2020.
A new challenger has entered the race.
…and he’s already lost.
Actually if you read the linked articles, he is running as a member of the Independence Party of Minnesota not as an independent. The Independence Party here was the one that Jesse Ventura helped found. It isn’t great, but it is a big step up from running as a vanilla independent.
Deeze Nutz?
Double Barrel Joe
Joe Biden
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This violence is not normal. How many more families will have to lose a loved one before we fix our broken gun laws? We must take action, starting with real reform.
Our thoughts are with everyone in Gilroy this evening. Enough is enough.
I don’t know, Joe. There are over 20,000 gun laws and regulations. How many more do you need? Real reform would be to remove unconstitutional restrictions on firearms ownership allowing people to defend themselves.
You’re right, Joe, Enough is enough, California’s ban on self defense has to go – along with all the others in this country.
Such strong words from a coward hiding behind armed security. As good of firearms advice as his warning shots bs.
This violence is not normal.
Umm, statistically, it actually is.
Statistically, I thought we were at near record lows.
Statistically, statistics only matter if they are manipulated to support my worldview. ///prog
I’d have to check, but I think there was a spike in mass shootings over the past year or two but for just about any range of years you want to look at violence is trending steadily downward, including gun-related violence.
We’d have to pick a definition which was meant to represent the event type rather than push an agenda.
Yeah, that’s a good point, because even the mass shooting data is mainly gang-related violence, supposedly. Scarborough’s talking about white or white-ish young men doing ambush shootings not in the ghetto, and that’s a tough scenario to pull out of the existing dataset.
How about: Biden wins nomination, the left-wing base gets riled up again about the Dem establishment fixing the primaries, and stays home. I don’t know who would win a Trump/Biden contest under these circumstances, as Biden would probably more than offset the defection of the hard left (who are a smaller faction than their outsized national megaphone indicates) by drawing in suburban normals tired of the Trump show.
I will predict that, if Trump somehow wins in 2020, the hard left will reenact the Days of Rage, with police precinct bombings, etc.
I don’t think the Dems can resist the urge to meddle long enough to hold an honest primary. I do’t think Joe wins at the convention. They might even slide in a surprise ‘compromise’ candidate.
I thought “sliding in a surprise” was Joe’s move?
Eh, the Left hates Trump more than they love or hate anything else. I think they will turn out to vote against him regardless of who the nominee is.
But the game isn’t about the Leftist base, which resides mostly in Deep Blue states. The game is, as always, about the swing states. Its possible that the Left staying home could matter in a couple of those states. But they aren’t staying home on election day.
Eh,the Left hates. Period.
Seriously, the left so far has not come up with any candidate less toxic than Hilary. Besides, economically Trump IS a leftist and I’d say 85% of the voters do not give a flying fuck about the culture war bullshit the left’s leaders can’t let go of. The Left pushed a lot of its former supporters to stay home last election, and they have done nothing to garner real support – media supports only a veneer that is increasingly ignored. Some of those people that sat out may just vote R this time because they see the culture war shit for the clown show it is.
Trump/Biden debates would be fun. Trump won’t let Biden get away with the shit that he did against Paul Ryan.
OT: I’m working on the next chapter in the Bronzed Man Collapse, but damn is it hard to not exposit over the whole thing.
The best thing Donald Trump has working for him in 2020 is that he won’t be running against “generic Democrat”. He’ll be running against an actual Democrat. And I don’t think it would really be too hard for him to play most of the ones running.
Harris: All he’s got to do is find excuses to keep mentioning Willie Brown.
Warren: She makes Hillary Clinton look fun and inviting.
Sanders: Play him as a caviar communist.
This really is great material to work in his favor.
I was speaking with a lefty acquaintance the other day, and talk turned to the DNC clown car. I asked him WTF is wrong with the Dems that they could field such a crop of losers, and why they were basically hiding Gabbard (or, to a lesser degree, Buttigeig), who, as an anti-war vet, female “of color”, and standard lefty economics, actually has features the purple and blue voters could find appealing. He agreed, but just shook his head sadly.
You mean like the anti-war Obama?
I don’t know if she saw combat, but (IIRC), she did at least see the effects of combat on soldiers. It’s also been one of her biggest planks. Obviously, I couldn’t say she’d hold on to those views after the ‘neolibs’ got to her and told her about 2/3 of them having some General Dynamics plant in their district. But it’s telling that none of the others are making this an issue.
In the end the deep state won’t want her so she really either has to acquiesce to them if she wants the office or she won’t get the office. All the Trump hate is because he owes the federal bureaucracy nothing and therefore isn’t threatened by them. I honestly don’t think Gabbard has the guts because at root she wants a public office career whereas Trump does not.
If she wasn’t a socialist I’d happily support her.
Angry young men continue to be America’s greatest threat
real mystery, ain’t it?
I’m curious why they don’t also cite the usual gun violence on any random weekend in Detroit or Chicago. It would seem to bolster their case, would it not?
because that’s racist!
Focussing on the dead white people and ignoring the dead black
peoplebodies does seem kinda racist, now that you mention it.It’s not unusual for 50 or even 100 people to be shot over a weekend in Chicago. But these random nutters are the real danger.
And I’m sure the fact that the media and the left turns every shooting into a cause célèbre for gun grabbing has nothing to do with making mass shootings attractive for infamy seekers.
“first-person shooter games”
Pick on the nerds because they don’t tie the line. Also hasn’t this been thoroughly debunked?
Several times, since before Columbine.
Gee, you don’t suppose growing up in a society and schools that relentlessly scorn and denigrate men and masculinity might have anything to do with that?
Long before the 9/11 tech bubble? I don’t remember frequent mass shootings. They made news because they were infrequent.
They probably weren’t as frequent but neither were they unheard of – the San Ysidro McDonalds in 1984, the elementary school in Stockton CA in 1989, Luby’s in Killeen TX in 199, various post office shootings (hence the phrase “going postal”)
And, naturally, the inevitable progjection:
I thought rage was the go to strategy now. People have the right to rage against systematic racism.
You can’t be racist against white people
/fuckton of progs.
Whuh? Sandy Hook shooter, Charleston driver (*shrug*), and the Virginia Beach shooter have what in common? Having dicks? Don’t you think that’s kind of a stretch, there, chief?
You know who else had a dick?
Pat Nixon?
“…the STEM school shooting in Colorado…”
Er, that particular shooting involved a female who identifies as male bullying xir (supposedly mentally unstable) male friend into stealing guns from a parent. Get an editor.
Both were men!!!!
Rat photo bombs live report on Baltimore.
Must be a racist russian rat.
Snopes rates: False. That was not a rattus norvegicus, or brown rat but a Bandicota, or Bandicoot
Fact checking the Fact Checkers – Bandicoots are not endemic to the Baltimore area, while Norway Rats are.
Bandicoot? Possums finally have marsupial competition in North America.
I late, but here goes.
The factory floor is populated by people 30 to 60 years old, predominately white. The union is very strong. There are photos all over the place of sons and daughters in uniform.
There are late model vehicles in the parking lot with Obama 08 stickers. I have no fucking idea where they find the stickers, but they continue to put them on new cars when they buy them.
This union was silent during the 2016 election. There were 100 Trump signs for every 1 Clinton sign in 2016 around all of Iowa that I drove through.
The union was pretty quiet during the 2018 election, and there is nothing to indicate they are excited about any of the fuckwads running for president in 2020. The millenials are still wound up about Sanders, but they don’t actually vote.
My prediction. Unless the economy tanks in 2020, Trump takes the rust belt again. And that’s all that matters.
I still see “WELLSTONE!” bumper stickers around here. He died in a plane crash 17 years ago.
Doesn’t that make him a great libertarian candidate?
Boy this one was an uplifting read. *jumps out window
*snags bacon and tosses him into the frying pan*
We’re not wasting good bacon.
*catches bacon*
Your people need you, man.
The motherfuckers are certainly feeling their oats lately, aren’t they?
“and the research has consistently found that places with more guns have more gun deaths.”
No shit Sherlock. Guess what Americans also do with their guns, far more often than commit violent crimes. They prevent violent crimes with them. So you, slaver, can fuck off.
Research shows people fall down stairs more in houses with stairs.
*faints and falls down stairs*
When will we have a conversation about this stair related violence!!!
Well, we still haven’t resolved the pool ownership/increased likelihood of drowning crisis, so the stair thing will have to wait.
Of course you’d focus on that. It really only affects the young. Stairs are murdering our elderly. #OldPeopleMatter
But internet, NAFTA, Weed, Mexicans and Ass-Sex?
Other issues we should investigate: Why are urban cosmopolitans so statist? The theory was that they would be the uber-libertarians.
And why is a free society so vulnerable to economic downturns? The Panics of 1873 and 1893 along wit the Great Depression were devastating to freedom.
Everyone’s a statist. The rural farmers, the urban cosmopolitans.
My point is that the classical liberals and modern libertarians seriously underestimated the statism of the urbanites considering how supportive they are of urbanization and how it is the way of the future. The assumption was that rural society is backwards and statist and urban society is modern and libertarian. These assumptions were mistaken and the fact that they made such a mistake and continue to is a serious flaw don’t you think?
No, because those aren’t libertarians or classical liberals. Just because they identify as such doesn’t mean shit.
Statists are statists. Urban or rural.
Well I would say that rural areas are “backwards” I live in one. Nothing wrong with it inherently, just different tastes. And cities can be modern, though we see otherwise in cases like Baltimore.
But getting to your point. Yes I disagree with the premise that there is something fundamentaly libertarian about modernity or the future. It’s Hegelian, and it was silly when Marx said it and it’s silly when the jacket says it.
I do think, though, that there is a case for optimism. Which can often be confused with putting faith in the future March of technology
What is your case then? Interesting to see a rebuttal to this pessimism…
I think that institutions that have made the leftward leap have done so at the expense of legitimacy. You see this in the rise of the New Right. The old establishment right would play by the ‘rules’ because they had some interest in maintaining them. I think a lot of people now are seeing how thoroughly some institutions have been co-opted and they are starting to push back and question the previously unquestionable.
I suppose you could say we are being hoisted on our own petard since classical liberals loved to state the glories of change and modernity and Current Year.
Could it be that the classical liberals were looking at landed rural elite, vs. the middle class that was then starting to flex its muscle in the cities? The dynamic was very different at the time, and trying to assume the values of rural vs. urban today are identical to the values at the time of the early classical liberals is a fundamental mistake.
I agree with this and we should recognize this. This is not to say that I think that rural areas are not statist but the assumptions of the inherent libertarianism of urbanites is no longer the case.
I would also argue that this inability to get over that dynamic had some pretty disastrous results. Once it became clear that the rich merchants were more powerful than the aristocracy that gave the socialists an opening.
Also once the wealthy merchants became the ruling class an ideology that the government should leave everyone alone and not tax or spend lost its luster to them…
You know one catch-line I truly detest? “Change”. It’s not that I hate change, per se. It’s that I hate its use as some sort of cultural totem. Change as a term is absolutely meaningless. Making me a multi-billionaire with a harem of supermodels would be a change. So would turning me homeless and diseased. And, yet, idiots seem bound and determined to talk about it as one thing you can make a judgement about. I hear them prattle, “Change can be scary.”, like they’re talking to damned kindergartners when people make specific observations or raise specific concerns about proposed policies or courses of action. It’s a braindead term people throw out to avoid substantive discussion.
Thanks for tolerating my rant.
It’s a good one and I agree with you. Funny how you never hear ‘Liberty’ as a slogan, huh?
Funny how you never hear ‘Liberty’ as a slogan
I had a similar thought after the last round of Dem debates: How many times was the word “free” used compared to the word “freedom”?
It is easy to argue that the status quo is bad and needs to be changed. Saying that things are basically alright and don’t need that much change is harder.
Also classical liberals and libertarians are very guilty of this same behavior so in many ways this is us being hoisted on our own petard.
Not just in politics. In the business world too.
If I hear “bleeding edge” one more time…
Also legal system, the arts and academia:
Judges are appointed by politicians and need to get their legal theories from somewhere. Bit of a problem
Academics have a privileged status is society and mold the youth. Expecting them to be libertarian is a bit of a problem.
Arty types have always had a rebellious streak and hatred of the masses. Another problem….
Sort of a bright spot, we do have the Babylon Bee against the left.
Oh, here:
Did they get unpersoned? I’m getting a Bad Gateway error from
I got on fine. Try this one.
Musta been a glitch, I was able to get in after a few minutes.
Snopes rates: False. We might have written it up already but we do not pre-release fact checks.
LOL glad they’re still hitting back
Wow, that is really vicious. And hilarious.
Ouch. That’s gonna leave a mark.
Over/under on number of months before Snopes files defamation and/or libel suit against the Bee?
Way OT: anyone else have Vitality stuff offered through your work insurance? I just suffered through their HealthFYI webcast. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a punchable accent before, but now I know I have.
Yes. I ignored all of it.
I didn’t think they made that stuff any more.
Thanks a bunch RC. Made my day.
Actually a well-written summation of how I’ve come to see the world.
The election fraud will tip the scales. As I recall Maxine Waters likely won her first race using fraudulent, non-citizen votes.
At least I’m old enough and living in an isolated enugh patch of Delploralandia that I’m thinking I can be a not too affected observer of the decline.
Posters in local businesses here still show who’s won the monthly gun raffle.
Oops meant that for the Afternoon links…