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Go Marianne Williamson!!!
Is that what they are calling bike locks now?
Love AND hugs.
And some blow kisses.
Let me sum it up. Orange Man Bad, free shit good.
That CNN intro was Iron Chef America.
But what will the mystery ingredient be?
I would say shit, but that’s not a mystery.
Soylent green..
I’m going to watch WWE Smackdown, instead. Better actors. Real characters.
^^^Objectively pro-Buttigieg^^^
I’m watching the first episode of The Boys. Holy shit this is a good show.
It gets better. And darker. And funnier.
The first spy was pretty dark so that’s disturbing.
Episode not spy.
Ep 4. Just Sayin’
I binged the whole thing by Sunday.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many content warnings as was on episode one. ? ?
Really? None of them are brave enough to kneel?
They all lost my vote.
“I can’t believe they’re making us do this stupid fucking anthem shit.”
/every one of them on stage
You’re just guessing, right? I’m going to say you aren’t even watching the derp, and are still 100% correct.
I did watch that part, and that’s exactly what it looked like.
Massacred the anthem. And lots of people sitting.
Biden would invite them to stand, but it didn’t work out well for him last time.
Whoops he isn’t on stage, I can’t watch it right now.
I won’t watch it. I’m looking forward to Glib highlights.
Did you get the info. I posted after the thread was dead.
Check out SCBN.org and see if it helps.
That was for OMWC.
Yes, thank you. Our income precludes this solution, since everything is based on annual figures.
Sure that is great optics for the General Election.
I never stand for the anthem. It’s a foolish, anti-American tradition.
I won’t pledge allegiance to the flag. My version:
“I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States; and to the republic which it creates, one nation , fifty States, with liberty and justice for all.”
I also like Calvin’s version.
Meh, I go along to get along. I’m never gonna be “that person”. I don’t like attention.
^ this ^
Besides the “no attention” thing, it’s unnecessarily antagonistic. The irony is that your reasoning for not doing it probably resonates more with the people that are going to be pissed at you for not doing it. But good luck trying to explain your reasons to a pissed of patriot who thinks you’re a Kaepernick supporter.
I hate that crap. Next least favorite stunt: military flyovers.
One of the white guys is holding his genitals rather than his heart.
Not all species keep their genitals in the same place, so who knows where hearts can end up.
They need hovering name tags.
To be fair, he thinks the line is “and red rockets laid bare”
Kind of cruel having an Alzheimer’s commercial on Bernie night.
Alzheimers for all!
Maybe they forgot he was going to be there.
Steve Bullock…? Now they’re just making shit up. Was whoever that is even at the last one?
I’ll just keep refreshing this post to see y’alls commentary, because I’ll be watching *turns on TV* …LivePD?
I don’t know how anyone could sit through three hours of this.
I’ll probably do what I did last time and flip over more frequently as the drinks go down.
Hopefully you don’t miss the moment when the lights go out and Hillary hits him with a chair before they come back on and her theme music plays.
I’d post the actual link but it’s gone. Like Hillary’s enemies.
You mean this one?
Beats watching hours of videos on regulations like I am stuck doing.
Heavy doses of narcotics?
Drinking game.
Me neither…seriously would rather watch Live PD
I can sit through three hours of a White Sox game almost every night and the are the most inept organization in sports. The only way they could be worse is if any of the Democrat candidates took over the team.
Did you see the livestream of the EAA show? Pretty cool
I occasionally watch them but missed their Oshkosh coverage. I should follow them on the social medias, because right now I only follow Live Air Show TV for air show coverage.
I also have a jar of pennies I’ve been meaning to sort through
I do this for my art.
I started watching this Youtube channel about hunting coins and it appealed to my Aspie tendencies in a big way. So now I’m all about “enders” and “key dates” and “double dies”.
(I tend to go whole hog on new interests until I burn out)
Oh, I just thought you were making a joke.
I go through my pennies as well because my work wife is a fiend for Penny Crusher machines and wants the copper ones.
I have quite a collection.
I probably 30 or 40 pounds worth of coins of all denominations that I’m too lazy to deal with. I’ve been tossing all my change in jars for a couple decades now.
Did you see Dbl Eagle’s recent post?
No! Gotta go looksee…
Quickest to go through the Contributing Writers link at the bottom of the page.
Found it! A colleague and I are discussing buying boxes of 1/2s just to see. Seems like it’s very hit-or-miss with the silvers.
I have sorted through a bunch of pennies, and pulled aside ones with key dates, but I need a magnifying glass to see if they have the proper markings.
I read that as a ‘jar of penises’.
/makes appointment with eye doctor. And psychiatrist.
Well, you know…
Where’s that article from the other day about the morgue with the jar of penises?
Beto looks a little like a rabbit.
A wabbit?
Just took Zzquil because I’m out of the mary joo wana
Come to me… I have ganja and cookies!
The CNN shitfest will be over by the time I get there!
Be well girl!
Not even halfway through the first round and we’ve already had nutty, evil, and drunk.
Yes…enough about you, what about the candidates?
Warren wants to bite your dick off.
*starts rewriting ep 2 of secret zombie presidential candidate *
Something about crazy, and where not to put you’re dick….
She must give the most unconvincing and inauthentic blow jobs.
Warren wouldn’t even go through the hassle. It’s all about her.
She’d stop sucking short, AMIRITE?
“Awhuhaw, honey don’t stop, don’t stop… don’t….why are you stopping?”
“My cheekbones hurt.”
“But you have such high cheekbones…”
Warren would lie back and whisper in your ear “Think of the Cherokee nation…”
I’m gonna do a rain dance on you you’ll never forget.
He learned at the Liz Warren Tomahawk School.
Bernie in peak form with his delivery. Shrill authoritarian hectoring of his audience. He knows what gets progressives off, that’s for sure.
Maybe a pan to the audience will reveal a lot of submissives.
Is there an audience? Or did they just add stock sound effects?
Anand my daughter just bailed, leaving me with the 3 kids, goody….
I love em, but cant wait to give em back
Feed them lots of sugar, and also put on scary movies.
That’s tuff Yuseph.
Like you don’t already have enough on your plate.
My bet is that you will find a way to get through it though.
Duct tape.
And pink pills.
Shit, I missed the first 25 minutes posting on a new post that was already dead.
We’re very well organized.
Delaney looks disturbingly like Will Ferrell.
Sanders and Warren tag-teaming Delaney.
And Warren shaming the audience for laughing.
Laughing or vomiting in their mouths?
She’s nailing the “I wanna screw a Harpy School Marm” demographic
Don’t act like you’re not in that group.
*kicks pebble and looks away*
I missed the Poll Thread! 🙁 I was in the “realist” libertarian camp even though i actually think that Google should be able to do what it want’s with it’s property. I actually felt like the other response was to technical to really represent what i think. Google seems like a terrible company. They should respect other peoples freedom of expression, but they don’t have to, and no one has any right to force them to.
It also expresses my feelings on morality. I think there are a lot of things people ought to do. But i don’t thing anyone has any right to force them to do so.
Oh shut up Leon…..
That’s a man, man. Transgender wins women’s weightlifting comp. We may have to change it from the Clean and Jerk to the Clean and….?
What are we looking at here? Eating their own? Full circle? When reality slaps activism in the ward balls?
waxed balls.
/beats up auto spell.
I mean….band name. Duh.
Bill Ward owns the copyright.
?? Chafed FTW.
John Delaney actually sounds like someone sane. His candidacy is over.
It never started.
Moderate Democrats who refused to cave on a public option in just 2010 have been dragged that far to the left still.
And I wonder how many fact checks there will be on claims that taxes won’t be raised on the middle class to pay for their healthcare schemes.
Well it depends on how you define the middle class. While what may traditonally be considered the Middle class would have their taxes raised, if we compare our middle class to the middle class to other OECD countries they are actually the rich. We can assume [insert candidate here] was speaking in a more inclusive manner. We rate this as True/ Snopes
Delaney wants involuntary servitude to the government. Fuck him.
Saw someone on twitter mess with a campaign ad of his that went “Believe in something better: Delaney” .. they added a strategically-placed “than” in there.
Democrats clearly don’t care about the economy. Why else would they plan a debate on a Tuesday Night when they know everyone is gonna get too drunk for work tomorrow.
Warren always lives down to her humorless hag reputation.
I loved when she tried to cynically jump on the #metoo retard bus of opportunist by accusing a dead former colleague of sexually assaulting her as he chased her around an office desk. You know, like Yosemite Sam to Granny.
Dedicated to the Democrats, Liberals and all progressive out there.
Bullock has heads in the freezer.
Sandra Bullock is running?
Jm J. Bullock.
Circle gets the square.
+1 Paul Lynde
I think of Stan Smith’s boss from American Dad, when I read his name.
I think not watching the debates is the wise choice.
I blame SugarFree for this. I didn’t watch the previous ones until he came to visit and forced us to. Now I treat it like a good excuse to drink. (Not that I need an excuse the way our lives are going.)
No drinking for me until the weekend.
That’s so sad. Seriously, I couldn’t do that.
Drinking is how I can keep going back to work all week long.
I drank last Thursday. I probably won’t drink again for several weeks, at least.
It has to be done.
I have my countdown-to-retention-bonus to keep me going at work. Sometimes it doesn’t help.
O couldn’t make it to the weekend without drinking.
Weekends ate for sobering and resting up to do it all over again.
It’s not nearly as fun as the first set of debates.
We just need Sanders to rip of his shirt and start wrestling one of the other guys.
Nope. Whip ’em out, Bernie.
+ 1 Tattoo of Marx on his left breast
When he jumps up and down it looks like Karl is talking.
Can someone please write a song based on this demand?
Someone needs to give Beto a lollipop and tell him to go sit in the corner.
He’s itching to stand on the podium. You can see his deep struggle to keep himself from doing it.
I went out of town overnight for a business trip. I forgot to take my keys. I’m locked out of my apartment. At least there’s a bar on my block.
Drinking a Smog City Anarilla Gorilla IPA. Watching the Dodgers pregame. Waiting for my wife to get home from work.
You don’t carry around a set of lockpicks?
Not a very good Libertarian…
1 in my wallet. 1 in my truck.
No one has spoken in Spanish yet, so they all must like children in concentration camps.
Dude. They are in Detroit. They should be speaking French for all the Quebecois that are crossing illegally into Michigan
Not that the Quebecois would understand french if someone spoke it to them / French Snob
Warren and Sanders both do this thing where they lean in at their podium all the time. They’re just chomping at the bit to yell at people some more.
Tapper has no control over this shit show.
Why did they make the women wear a uniform?
Need more Marianne Williamson for comic relief.
And there she is!
She’s GOLD
Yes, Lizzie, there will be no paperwork at all when the government runs all of your healthcare.
I mean. If you aren’t actually providing care do you need paperwork?
There is always paperwork.
There will be no paperwork, there will be 90 min lines at the eligibility window, where a union worker with a Journey-esque mullet with peck with two fingers for 30 mins on a keyboard asking you probing questions….just like at the VA!
In effect, this guy fills out the paperwork for you.
Buttercup is the only one of these clowns who seems “presidential”. His ideas are terrible, of course, but the kid is probably going places.
No. He’s a shrimp.
*descends from high chair, slowly runs away sobbing*
Booty-gag speaks very well and says absolutely nothing. A true politician.
Yeah, the moderator is absolutely ineffective.
Oh fucking good lord. Is there really another debate with these commie fucks? They can all go fuck themselves with a rusty chainsaw, greased up with creosote.
I was reading an article today, don’t have much time, need to release some new software and I put in 15 hours last Friday. OK, I’m old. But the parking garage attendant told me today that I’m a handsome young man. I think I told her I love her. Anyway, WTF shit hell? I read an article today about a 79 year old cat lady in St. Louis getting thrown in jail for feeding feral cats, which were apparently not so feral but abandoned, but is apparently illegal in that part of St. Louis. And there were several people on there blaming Trump for it. Seriously, WTF? I can’t even take you people seriously anymore, not that I ever did, but you’ve now made complete imbeciles of yourself.
Bernie is going to have a stroke.
Fingers crossed.
Shawshank is on! Score!
Trapped in a madhouse populated with rapists and murderers and you have to crawl through 500 yards of shit to escape? ……yeah, I’d say that sums up the Democrat debates pretty well.
You guys are actually going to watch that dreck?
I’ll be watching some Deadliest Catch on PVR.
I’m watching American Pickers. I never watch TV, but my wifey is still in Berlin until next weekend. There is not amount of money that can make me watch that gang of retards for even 5 minutes. Well, maybe a billion, but I’m still not really going to watch it, just give it here.
Already seen every episode ever aired. I could revisit season 3 – the one with the Time Bandit rescue.
Love the show. The Time Bandit is apparently up for sale!
I heard – kind of sad the Hillstrands don’t have someone to carry on. But they deserve a nice retirement.
I didn’t think I’d enjoy the show after they left, but I quite enjoy Sean Dwyer (Brenna A) and Mandy Hansen.
I agree the Sean/Jake dynamic is interesting.
Mandy has a looonnnnggggg way to learn.
Do you like Keith?
That should be. I agree. I think the Sean/Jake blah, blah.
Keith is so-so for me. He seems like a whiny baby sometimes.
I do like Wild Bill.
I hate the new guy.
I love that Mandy has a long way to go – it’s really cool watching her learn, and very cool watching Sig teach her.
Like Josh Harris learned on the job.
Wild Bill is one old school motherfucker. Watching the relationship with Zach and Nick is also interesting.
I don’t like the way Keith treats Monte. He was way out of line a couple of times if you ask me.
He seems to get into fights with everyone too.
Yeah, Keith seems fairly…immature? Like a drama queen and a bully sometimes. Other times a normal sea captain.
Keith is meh. Wild Bill reminds me of Captains I’ve worked with in the fire service and he is not my cup of tea. If Jake can keep from having a stroke until he’s got a few more years under his belt, he could end up being a legendary Captain.
Did you hear about Edgar Hansen?
I think Sean is going to be EPIC in his career. He is mature way beyond his years.
What about Edgar????
Yeh Jake is quite the fiery character.
And I wonder if Sig is gonna survive his heart.
That guy has to retire soon.
“In July 2018, Edgar pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl. According to court documents obtained by the Seattle Times, the reality television fisherman reached a plea deal, in which he would not face any jail time and was ordered to pay court fines and fees. ”
That’s why he wasn’t featured this season.
Disgusting. Pig.
The old school captains are all like ‘whaddya mean I can’t demean, bully, chastise and beat down greenhorns?”
Them adapting to new generation workers is gonna be interesting.
It’s like old school hockey coaches who still think old style methods are gonna work with modern athletes. Babcock won’t win with the Leafs in my view unless he learns to adapt to the new game.
Only one coach can get away with that and it’s Belichick.
I would ask everyone to cull our money and buy the boat. $2.8 million. But then I realized I’m not a man and more importantly if not troubling….WHO WOULD BE CAPTAIN?
Don’t we have any old salts around here?
I hate the water, so I’ll just stay behind and not pine for anyone.
Oh heavens I can’t be a fisherman. Not with two torn ACLs. I wouldn’t last half a day with Wild Bill.
Torn and repaired ACL’s.
Puppets have ACLs?
Believe it or not. Not made of ligament of course.
Im an old salt.
I volunteer.
Well wait….
.not really volunteer but I will take the high paying job.
We could just turn the TB into an open-water shooting range. I mean, it kind of was before anyway…
You’re not a man anymore ?
I’m not. I’m listening to some lawyer reading lawsuit motions regarding a case that in no way impacts me.
No, I’m not high, why do you ask?
“I have seen cages of babies.”
The obvious solution is to give all comers free health care.
Not to mention free college.
Nahh just 4th Term Abortions.
but enough about their pal Jeffy Epstein.
So the Democrat candidates were all put into a cage? Pictures, or it didn’t happen.
So basically most of the people on stage right now want to decriminalize crossing the border but somehow they’re still for border security.
No Democrat would have gone that far even four years ago. Trump has really gotten to them.
So they are libertarian after all…
Nick Gillespie told me so
AOC: Best libertarian or greatest libertarian?
The Libertarian Case for Gulags
You need somewhere to put the deplorables…
I’ll give you credit for that one. :Golf Clap:
Father In Law brought a bunch of blackberries over today from his garden. They are fantastic.
Klobuchar’s voice sounds like sweet, sweet nothings after listening to Warren.
The debates are way better if you mute the speakers and throw on some music in the background.
i recommend:
Meanwhile, Rick james, Cake
Sweater Song, Weezer
Brain Damage, Pink Floyd
Aint no rest for the wicked, Cage The Elephant
Don’t forget Dare To Be Stupid, Weird Al
Elizabeth Warren saying you can’t ignore the law because the law matters. While railing about Trump enforcing the current law.
The Law = stuff we like
She’s supposed to be a lawyer? Does she know what jury nullification is?
And she’s in the Senate, so how could she possibly change the law?
I caught that as well.
Man, now I’m low on vodka. That shit evaporates way too fast.
I’m 30 minutes in, and I’m about ready to tap out. What a stage full of buffoons. I’m mean, even the ones that sound sane are hard lefties.
I missed the sane ones.
About 120 years too late…
It’s all just a ridiculous prelude meant to force Shillary to run because she must vanquish OrangemanBad
She’s already running, with one shoe off, all the way.
I don’t trust these open threads. With all of us here at the same time, somebody could take us all out at once with a bomb or something.
Look at this, just place it on the ground and push that red button right before it, nothing will happen, trust me.
“What are you going to do about gun violence?”
“Not a federal issue. NEXT.”
*votes for Rhywun*
This is why we need Swalwell in the debates:
“I’d nuke the gun owners”
Took this long to get to the Kochtopus!
That type of punning cod get you a narrowed gaze.
Damn your powers…….It said ‘ling’ a second ago!!!
Well, it’s not like I have an edit button to fix my phone typing.
There are actually people watching this that are sober. I find that disturbing.
I’ll just continue to let y’all enact my labor and watch this stuff for me.
In the meantime Donny has ’em singing the praises of Al Fucking Sharpton!
Look The Algorithim is simple. Adding more depth would be needless complexity for simple NPCs
Bullock: has not idea what a tie is for, probably should stick to a bolo or just wrap a lariat around his neck
Hickenlooper: a white shirt would make the blue tie pop which is great with the navy suit but doesn’t work with his pastel shirt . . . hues too different
Sanders: pulls off the triple blue because someone picked a shirt that was the right hue (needless risk, but they pulled it off); tie is acceptable
Buttigieg: gets the white shirt right; no dimple; middle of the road lapels
O’Rourke: still can’t manage to sport a dimple in his tie, but the Nixonion shadow seems under control
Mulaney: solid dimple . . . A- . . . it’s not that hard He’s lucky not to be distracted by hair.
Warren: amazing skin tone . . . who can show that much chest and neck and get away with it?
Warren’s neck looks like a turkey’s labia.
Now that’s an image I didn’t need in my head
I have a speciial partition in my head for SugarFree-provided images. The partitio is secured and I don’t have the password.
Hmmm…surely he means wattle
::thinks about SF:;
No…no, he didn’t
Pack that shit in a Subaru and drive it away.
If a turkey could manipulate it’s labia the way Warren works her neck, I would…..never mind.
I’d ask why you know what a turkey’s labia looks like, but I’m afraid you’d answer me.
Bernie used to walk around downtown Burlington clad entirely in denim.
The Canadian Tuxedo is the height of Vermont fashion.
Canadian Tuxedo
Oh, man, navy suit and a white shirt every time. If you’ve got balls of solid steel you can go with like an ivory or a very light cream. I’ve heard of pastel shirts that look right with a navy suit but I’ve never seen it in person, not unless the person has mistaken dark or medium blue for navy. I don’t know if I’d go blue tie with real navy, either. A yellow’s classic, or you go red, maybe a grey.
Navy suits are like grey suits or khaki slacks; when people say they go with everything, that’s more a figure of speech.
I like patterned shirts on dudes, of a suit-look is necessary. Navy blue + orange & white checks would look nice.
*if not of
I’m trying to describe how much I don’t think that color combination would work without sounding like I’m attacking you.
No, just no.
I love blue & orange together.
Our new political appointee head honcho at work was wearing a similar como the other day. Quite the snappy dresser, that guy!
No? Like a dark orange, or a mid orange? That’s a popular combination, the blue in the navy makes the orange pop and the orange brings the blue tones forward and lightens the suit up a little.
My “Ugliest Tie” is dark metallic orange on near-navy blue. I haven’t found an occassion where the spite of wearing it is warrented.
Gold, yellow, and red can each be made to work weith that shade of blue, but not orange.
Auburn or Florida
blue and orange are compliments: they make each other look darker; voters run older, and most of them will think Gulf oil
You would probably really fucking hate the way I dress
I only ever see you in the snow bunny outfit in the avatar.
Do your worst LOL
(my colorblind boss makes fun of my clothes almost daily. It’s OK – I make him look good with our customers almost daily)
Is that a velveteen jacket?
Ayup – I have a couple of them (errr…4, actually) in different colors.
TBF, most of the time I look like this https://imgur.com/a/5g7MVX1.
I do dress “up” a little when I go to the range because it’s a…target-rich environment (David Caruso sunglasses)
My glasses look great on you.
You posted the same link… Intentional?
Oh for shit’s sake
The fish and the hat complete the outfit.
That’s a stretch.
I don’t know why, but the thought of fishing in sweat pants sends chills down my spine. Like somehow jersey fabric gets wetter and stays wetter than anything else. Like that’s the choice of someone who is damn sure they’re not getting wet.
In other words, a professional.
/fires off crisp salute
LOL NB – you’re reading too much into it. They were probably on top of the suitcase.
Yeah, orange is a good one, too, especially with a pattern to liven it up a little. The nice thing about navy is that it’s a color that acts like black, so you get the formality without losing the complimentary color options.
Damn. An Ancestry.com commercial during the Warren debate?!? BOOM!
Sorry for double post:
Today is the last day before I start the new gig. Haven’t had to work at an office in 7 months. Thankfully it’s just a week of orientation before the kids even show up, and next-next weekend is a 3-day one. Might do something special for that one.
I’m gonna have to be social and friendly and exuberant again. But again, money. Money is good. I also have a shitload of Lorazepam to help me sleep early (Lady has to wake up at the same time for extra support).
It’ll be my first time as an adult working first shift. Even earlier than that. Commute and then work from 730-4. Having two incomes will be greatly helpful for us. We need to treat ourselves a little bit. We will probably go to Phuket for the 3-day weekend. Excited. Scared. Nervous. Time to start a new-ish chapter in life.
Good luck dude!!
Buttigieg should die his hair gray or thin it way down. No one has ever been elected President with puppy hair.
Good luck! You’ll do fine!
Aw…..just Phuket.
Don’t be worried.
When in Phucket, do as the Phuckers do!
OK, going in for another couple handfuls of pennies…
Are you quoting Warren on how easy it is to fund Medicare for all?
Meanwhile, In Canada…
They’ve all turned into Charlie Brown’s teacher.
Sounds like an improvement.
We’re onto the climate crisis.
In case the D debates haven’t got your blood up enough:
Nationalism is stupid except my kind of nationalism of course…
Also didn’t how is this different from 19th century Republicans?
Needs Dalmia TW.
It looks like the new commenters hate her just as much as the old commenters. They have to be keeping her around for the rage clicks.
The new commenters suck as bad as wading into comments in Disqus. I’m very happy I started lurking when I did, I’d never had stuck around, or ended sphere, if I’d gotten into it a year later.
wow…thanks for the help, Mac.
So you’re saying you’d have been a square?
I’m already, and have been, a square.
I am glad that some of you came and rescued us lost sheep. I posted (under a different username) a little at Reason during the waning times. All of the sudden the good folk were gone.
Yeah, I did a couple years at Reason when it didn’t suck. Maybe it’s me, but once it started to go, it went in a hurry.
Dalmia is my vote for Worst Reason Writer. No contest.
At first I thought everyone was being too hard on her. Didn’t take long for that feeling to go away.
She’s made it abundantly clear that she is a leftist who is willing to say that libertarians are right on some things. But She is not a proponent of freedom let alone a libertarian. She’s fully on board with the SJW message and liberty be damned.
Good job Reason Foundation.
IDK…its a hard fought battle for that prize…Chapman, while not technically their writer, was pretty good at mental gymnastics to make the boilerplate Team Blue position the most ‘libertarian’ position. And ENB was great for being just a generally awful person if not a somewhat talented writer…..and Robbo was good at inducing many eye rolls……but you’re probably correct.
Mistakes were made in staffing, to be sure.
Robbie is the adult in that bunch, TBH.
Why is ENB a terrible person?
Reason has also chosen David French as the ‘go to’ conservative guy.
Exhibit A: Sandwich Doxxing
Seriously just scroll through her Twitter sometime.
Also, like Dalmia, she’s a prog in libertarian clothing. I forget who but someone found some of her pre-reason writing which I understood was standard feminist-statist dreck
ENB is a leftist who supports sex workers, apparently her only libertarian stance.
I don’t know why Reason publishes her screeds.
Because they wouldn’t be Reason if they weren’t constantly reminding us that Progs are misguided but it’s the icky conservatives that are truly awful.
After watch Nick on Unregistered, I kinda get it.
She’s the “immigration uber alles” writer.
Delaney wants a magic machine!
Warren wants us to be more like China.
Mercantilist, homogenous, and harvesting muslim organs?
Ryan looks like he’s been goosed by a goat ejaculator.
And he wants magic soil!
Bernie is a little tired.
The new Corvette is a Ferrari.
Nice. Only Vette since the original Sting Ray that’s appealed to me.
Meh, for the same money, I’ll take a ’66 L-79 air conditioned 4 speed coupe.
For a fraction of the price.
My dad sold his Roush ‘Stang to a middle aged single dude who lives in Maine. Guy paid cash money.
Motherfucker didn’t invite me when the guy picked up the car.
This post wins the internet for the year, not the day, not the week nor month.
Kristam are you familiar with vinwiki ?
It’s a website, app, with a bunch of YouTube videos about supercars and the experience a around them.
Roush is highly respected as you know.
They tell many stories about supercars ownership experiences.
Yours would hot the charts no doubt.
I’m going to put them in touch with you if I may.
In the meantime search YouTube for vinwiki videos please.
Ed Bollins is the main man
Oh my favorite tennis player Nick Kyrgios is on.
PS. In case you missed it, I was joking.
He is the most loathsome POS disrespectful garbage person on the tour. He is a fucking embarrassment to the game. And boy is he giving it tonight.
I have no idea what ya’ll are watching. I just found out Buddy Guy is playing at the Hollywood bowl and I trying to find tickets. Not only that, but he’s playing with Jimmie Vaughn and Charlie Musslewhite. I’ll be busy that night for sure.
Saw Buddy once in Concord, NH. A huge, dark and dingy auditorium with no character at all. Just he and his guitar filled the entire space and made it seem like a small club. Incredible.
I’m stoked on the whole idea. All three of them are legends. It’s getting hard to find real old school blues shows anymore and this might be one of the last for Buddy. He’s like 82 or so.
I’ve seen Charlie play. He’s fantastic. Enjoy the show!
I like how the number of years we have to address the climate crisis changes in the same debate. It’s 12 years. No, it’s 10 years, Beto says! By 2040!
I like the BBC estimate that in 18 months it will be too late anyway. Why bother?
This is so much better than actually watching!
_Neck like turkey labia._ *giggles and shudders simultaneously*
Still drinking though. I mean, how could it hurt?
Wow. We took a hard turn into lead in the water is racism.
Brought to you by the party of racisim…
Wicked Politician https://youtu.be/MTPNkEOMRe4
“Dark psychic force.” We are living in the best timeline.
I can feel your finger rising within you.
The dark psychic force of Donald Trump.
I love you, Marianne.
Marianne laments that Democrats don’t call out racism.
Well, they’d be calling themselves out, so I can see why they avoid baring those lesions.
Isn’t she somethin’? Fuck it, let’s have her be President. I mean, why not?
Oh goodie, now we’re on white supremacy.
Thinking we were ever off white supremacy is a sign of the luxury afforded you by white privilege.
So’s butter on popcorn, that’s white privilege, too.
Marianne is killing it. In the perfect timeline, she would be in the next round of debates, too.
We finally got to “Trump is Hitler” portion of the evening. And, you white people are all racists, so how are you white racists going to combat your white privilege racism if you become President?
Sure to play fantastic in Detroit. Wouldn’t it be hillarious if Trump purposely trolled them on issues that would force them to take stances liable to make them look poor in whatever area they are debating?
I truly hope Americans see what we see.
My half-finished story and the Glibs web page?
/not watching the ‘debates’.
They’ll start by getting on their knees, confessing begging forgiveness and promising to “Do Better”.
Bobby O’Rourque has already started his re-education process.
Woooooooohhhhhhhhh national conversation!!!
Is that a ‘Chug’ phrase for the drinking game?
Depends on the drinking game. There are many to choose from.
No idea. I’m just drinking at my own pace.
The healthy Choice
I’m still waiting on the National Conversation for Stair control
Donald touches himself and giggles every time they support reparations.
Hat & Hair Preview?
I’m not sure what I’m going to do for tomorrow. There’s just too much.
It is an embarrassment of riches. That’s why the writers at The Onion just stare at the walls from their cubicles and drink.
Koowell y I I better get busy.
We don’t want some half assed effort you know.
This is not about Donald, dammit. This is their time.
Oh come on, how could you reject the idea of spending a few billion to study the issue?! Studying is good, right?
I’ll do it for half the price.
I’ll do with 90% less psychically traumatic imagery.
$20B is $20B.
Dammit, you were never cut out for government budgeting.
Same as downtown?
Damn straight.
I’ll run that study. Give me the cash in used, nonsequential bills, and I’ll write up a report.
Pfft. Amateur. Give it to me. I have experience running such studies.
Look, I think there’s enough funding to go around. Lets form a think tank consultancy group and write one combined report.
You cut me in I’ll write a report claiming the opposite, ensuring we get more funding in the future.
environmental industrial site study approach
Level 1 result: recommend Level 2 study
Level 2 result: recommend Level 3 study
Level 3 result: cash check and skip town
Hey, no big deal or anything, but I’m just saying I’ve done a few projects in D3.js and everybody loves a good data visualization. Say it’s dynamic, they love that shit.
1790 or 2019, which time was more racist? Mrs. Warren?
I was watching an episode of Finding Your Roots and the African American, highly-educated, highly-successful, extremely rich woman, when speaking about some tragedy that befell her ancestors as a result of enslavement, said, without irony, something like “not much has changed”
I can only chalk it up to success guilt? No idea. Like, did she even think about the fact that her ancestors would have never been able to even dream of what she’s done and what she has?
She would have had moar if not for racism.
Kentucky meth heads had their shacks built by literal slaves.
Liz wants a crowded table.
If you replace every time Warren says “hooge corporations” with “Jews” she is basically reading from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
We’ve been Found out, Burn the evidence!
The Asbestos paper isn’t catching!
John Titor likes to mention the times he swapped “Jews” with “capitalists” in Mein Kampf quotes and got approval from Communists in college…
I didn’t realize communists hated jews so much…
Don’t they teach you about the Doctors’ Plot in schools?
I give up. Can’t take anymore. Going swimming and look forward to reading your comments later.
A few more miles up the canal?
*snorting laugh*
I’ve been hanging out in the Glibs poll post. Couldn’t someone have told me you all came over here?
*kicks pebble, has sad
I didn’t know you were over there.
I got there late.
It is my fault. There was a scheduling snafu.
Translation: SugarFree is stoned.
Aw, man. I forgot to get my Hot Pockets out of the microwave. They’re all crunchy now.
No. Microwaved. Hot. Pockets. EVER!!!
Lava. The insides literally turn into lava.
Heh…why do you think we served them in the jail?
/OK-other than cost and laziness…
C’mon, the crisper sleeves are magical!
Pot Pockets!
Back to reading the first volume of The Expanse series. Think it’s event better that the shows.
I’m looking forward to those some day. Haven’t decided if I want to do them concurrently or not. I luv the show.
Watch then read.
My wife started reading then watching. Spends to whole complaining this or that character is wrong. Not uncommon with any book/movie.
I watched first and the Book gets it right. Backwards I quess, but there’s no disconnect for me between the two. Also the book gets to fill in a lot of detail and background that a show can’t.
I’ve read the synopses of the first 3 books on wikipedia and the shows and books seem remarkably close. But yeah, I’d rather be pleased that the books are better than disappointed that the shows are worse.
Warren rubbed her hands in glee at the idea of taxing John Delany’s $65 million in wealth.
When that happened, SP almost screamed, “Did she actually just do that????”
I mean, you just watched the veil drop. If you’re wondering whether or not taxation really is theft, look at the reaction of someone who’d be on the receiving end of the dough.
That is going to be in some ads.
I had to bail. I’m watching Josh Gates get all emotional in an Expeditions Unknown rerun.
America Unearthed. Scott Wolter is closing in on the location of the Templar treasure.
Yes, Bernie. No one at all ever talks about income inequity. The first any of us has heard of it.
And the working class has been destroyed……
Isn’t unemployment at record lows? Isn’t buying power at record highs?
I haz confuse.
If you fuckers don’t push Marianne to the next round, I swear I’ll buy “Harris/Warren 2020” badge and donate to the campaign. America needs its angel to spread the wings of love over it!
^^^foreign interference confirmed!
She reminds me of Doug Henning.
She reminds me of doped-up Montgomery Burns
Don’t be afraid
I want her in that office. I need her in that office!
She’s off tonight, it seems.
Being lectured how horrible the US is for three hours sure is inspiring.
Here’s a pick me up
They talk as though America is so profoundly broken, it can’t really be fixed. Yet, they’re going to somehow fix it?
One lady is talking about LOVE as the answer.
They’re certifiable.
America is a terrible, racist, backwards, horrible country and i wan’t to be in charge of it.
I dont.
It is kind of interesting to compare the tone of your average Democratic primary debate with that of your average Republican primary debate. Without touching on the relative merits of either party or their candidates, it sure as hell seems like the Republicans are much more positive on the country. Or, maybe Democrats see the country as flawed and in need of guidance and change, where Republicans see the country as inherently good but in need of rescue. American exceptionalism is a good litmus test of the two attitudes, I think.
I don’t think I’ve ever watched a GOP debate but it’s pretty goddamn clear to me how much these people hate the place & a large chunk of its inhabitants.
Can always read RC Deans morning post for a little pick me up.
Fuckin A! Buddy guy tickets in hand! I am jazzed! 2nd section up at the Hollywood Bowl! Damn right I’m seeing some blues!
Nice. I’ve seen him once. Excellent.
Good for you dude. I’m jealous as hell.
Just watched a brief clip of that Cincy-Shitsburgh brawl. Why can’t every baseball game be like that?
Goodnight, Glibs!
Knight Krispy.
Did you see my answer to your post about your Dad’s Roush ?
Just got home from a long long day and I gotta hit the sack.
Let me know if tulsi said anything memorable because I bet I can guess what the rest of the morons said. Thanks…
“Confiscate guns, free college, free medical care, free 3 month maternity leave, and no more wars.”
“She’s anti-war! Isn’t she dreamy?”
* That wasn’t intended to be a direct attack on Lach’.
But that shoe does seem to fit a few around here.
I thought the Dreamy folk were just talking about how attractive she is.
I’ll say though -> Being Anti-War makes here better than any other candidate on the Dem Board. And I don’t get why people think she’s so much worse than Trump when he has failed to end any wars he promised, is lousy on guns, and appointed John Bolton.
She is dreamy. Like. Seriously. Like…
*searches internet for surfing pics*
*heads to bunk*
Also, she wasn’t there tonight.
For half a second I was embarrassed that I didn’t know that, and then reality hit me…
“She’s anti-war! Isn’t she
dreamya Democratic Primary 10?”Well, who won?
Winning is such a western patriarchal concept.
The talk shows.
Liquor companies.
I did. I’m going to see Buddy Guy. With Jimmie Vaughn and Charlie Musslewhite. Definitely won.
^ This is the no-shit truth. We’re looking at a winning mofo here. ^
Trump, again.
I only saw the last two closing arguments – Warren and Sanders.
Holy crap!
Sanders was terrible and so, so, so very wrong. And he was miles better and more honest than Warren. That was an abomination! If she is where their heartbeat lies, they are done.
Also heard a little of the CNN followup. They had the whole thing scripted. Really crazy… the narrative of having the strong progressives standing up for big ideas against the onslaught of the moderates… and they framed it as “who will survive to continue the fight with Warren and Sanders”.
Random selection my aunt’s fanny.
This was just the warm-up for the Harris & Biden (& The Rest) show tomorrow night.
More than a warmup. This was intentionally a separate debate – CNN let the mask slip in their analysis.
They wanted to prog it up tonight, crowning Warren and Sanders as the leading lights and framing the debate as “who will carry the torch for the moderates while these two carry forth the progressive (socialist) flame”.
Now we’ll see a completely different frame for Biden V. Harris.
They also talked a lot about winnowing down the field. So expect CNN to narrow focus and begin pushing just a few candidates. Since this was the same message delivered by the DNC reps as well, expect candidates to start dropping out in bigger numbers soon. I’m sure they’d like to get it down to a half-dozen or less before Halloween.
And as additional support for my cynicism, I’ll offer up the conduct of the republican debates in 2016 – the DNC wanted Trump as the candidate, so half of the air time went to Trump.
Watch and see who gets the air time. Then you’ll know what is what.
Not America, that’s for sure.
I didn’t watch.
Did they all step up to defend the city of Baltimore and the sacred honor of the citizens of that fine city, or is that whole thing over already?
Keep up, man.
No one tell Pan about Montana
Our governor is running for president.? Who knew?
Montana has a governor?
Wait, when did Joe Montana enter politics?