Image source: Wikipedia Image
Let’s start this particular post with the summary of the premise:
Four girls enjoying a school life witness their lives take a turn for the unexpected when they are suddenly stranded on a deserted island. Fortunately, Homare Onishima has experience in surviving in the wild and teaches the other girls on how to make the best of their current situation but it will take true teamwork if the girls are to survive and return home.
Source: Wikipedia
Hard pass on this one. Pretty much everything that is wrong with recent anime. Why the girls are stranded has yet to be explained and the characters continue to most of the time wear their full school uniforms that never get dirty. That would make things too difficult to animate in way the industry currently operates. The show mostly shows the girls overcoming their revulsion of eating insects, various creatures and the like in semi-humorous ways along with obligatory fan service. The punchline to most of the gags in the anime usually ends with “sou nan desu ka?”
Japanese: ソウナンですか?
Romanized: sou nan desu ka?
English: Are You Lost?
The title is intentionally written in katakana. Katakana is usually used for foreign words, but also may be used similar to they way we use italics in English. Here it is done to obfuscate the meaning. Written in hiragana そうなんですか? it is used like “really?” in English. However, written in kanji (Chinese derived characters) 遭難ですか? it means “is it a disaster(or shipwreck or accident)?” It’s essentially a rather untranslatable play on words.
What I wanted to show with this anime was the practice of “active listening” used in Japanese. During a conversation the listener uses a variety of expressions while the other person is speaking. In English the amount of interruptions used by the listener in a Japanese conversation would be considered rude. However in Japanese it’s the reverse and not actively listening shows disinterest and is considered rude. For a more comprehensive look at this I’d point interested readers to this webpage – The Art of Aizuchi: Active Listening in Japanese Conversation.
What I wanted to highlight from this anime title was the word “sou”. There are a myriad of meanings for this word, but the usage used here is “so, really or seeming”. Recall the stereotypical pre-woke Hollywood portrayal of Japanese people saying things like, “Ah So, Smith-san!” for “That’s right Mr. Smith”. It shows agreement and an active participation in the conversation.
For me personally, it took about four years of study before I unconsciously started to begin using the various active listening expressions. The most common for me are the many variations of “sou”, “hai, hai,hai” (yes, yes, yes) and “un… un… un…” essentially a grunting sound in English that is casual “yes” in English. I just about fell off the chair when I suddenly realized I was using that one.
The one that I’ve resisted using, but now actually do use is “heeeeeeeeeeee” (sounds like “hey” in English) said with a rising intonation. It’s always sounded ridiculous to me, but it’s incredibly common in Japanese. It expresses surprise. You’ll hear Japanese all say it in unison on TV variety shows and the like.
I’ll leave you with 12 seconds of video that actually uses all the expressions I’ve discussed in active listening as spoken by the woman on the left, Saori Oonishi. The video will start at 25:25.
25:28 – hai, hai, hai
25:30 – honto ni (really, truly)
25:36 – heeeeeeee
25:38 – un,un,un
25:40 – sou desu ne
None of these really add any information to the conversation. They just demonstrate her interest in what the speaker is saying.
Anime titties? Yay.
Well there quality oppai and medicore oppai!
Anime titties? Yay.
This isn’t the first time I misread the title in exactly that way.
The correct word is “tiddies” anyway. There shouldn’t be any confusion.
Isn’t that trademarked?
It’s not normally “tid”, unless we are only talking a bit of.
Well, since HM isn’t around right now, and because it just wouldn’t be the same without it…
(relax, Frankie–it’s only the 15 second version)
I actually noticed this phenomenon in one of my Indian coworkers – he would bob his head go “uh-huh” after every sentence. Made me feel as if I wasn’t being “active” enough because I tend not to do that at all.
I have no idea in what other languages this is done. Maybe HM will add his thoughts in at some point. I can’t begin to tell you how odd it was when I realized I was doing it.
Yeah, it feels weird when you catch yourself doing that “head nod during conversation” with somebody you are talking to – on the phone.
At this point I nod my head frequently on the usual suspects, thank you, you’re welcome, nice to meet you, I’m sorry and the like.
People often think I’m not listening because I get up and walk away in the middle of their sentence.
Huh. Small world.
Was Florida Man saying something?
It wasn’t about commas, carbonation or milk, so you wouldn’t have been interested.
commas, carbonation or Casein Cooler
It’s all about the apostrophes man.
It isn’t to the apostates.
That’s right: Apostrophe Apostates. I went there.
Ted S must be asleep.
Dock Ted S a days pay for nappin’ on the job!
One of my high school teachers, and a life-long friend of mom’s, so I’ve spent time with him many times since, has an obnoxious habit of being too affirmative during conversations. Makes it seem like he’s not really listening.
I was amused to discover that in German, “ach so” – spoken rapidly enough that the ‘ch’ sound is almost lost – is used exactly this way.
いいえ、私は “shitlord”を話します。
いいえ、私は “shitlord”を話します。
How does one post Japanese without the site automatically “disposing” of the comment? I’ve tried twice and my comment simply disappears into the æther.
I’ve never had an issue… Let me confirm with another all Japanese reply.
Just use the same black magic you conjured that weird a-e thing with.
I wish.
I’ve had this happen to a post before. It ended up in the spam.
Ewwwwww! I like my spam without any extraneous language pollution. Unless it’s the infamous Monty Python skit. Then it’s okay.
You have to say domo arrigato mister robot before posting. Works every time.
So “desu ka” is always written in hiragana?
Yes, “desu” is a unique Japanese word, specifically the copula and “ka” is a grammar particle.
Maybe it’s a Midwestern thing, but this seems very normal to me. “Sure” “Yeah” “Uh-huh” ” I Know” “Right” are all sprinkled in by the listener during conversations around here. Also repeating the last couple words the speaker said is common.
Thinking about that I think you’re right compared to east coasters.
As a native of the mid-Atlantic I was always raised to not interrupt someone while they’re speaking. Like ever. Like if they’re on fire, or if there’s a leopard sneaking up behind them, it’s permissible to look awkward and kind of make a gesture as if you’re about to raise your hand to point to something but are really embarrassed about it until they stop talking to let you jump in, at which point you must immediately apologize and discretely mention the impending leopard.
Same here.
ahem. um. *raises hand as if still in school, waves it twice* excuse me? I’msosorry to interrupt but there .. might be – I think – a leopard behind you?
Didn’t realize Boomhauer was Japanese, too.
私は “shitlord”を話します。
Yep, ignored the following when I tried to post it by itself:
私は “shitlord”を話します。
And it was meant to be a reply to:
Maybe the English mixed in the middle of the Japanese tripped a spam filter.
Welcome to Japanese! If you want say say you are called a shitlord you use “iu” i.e it is said I’m a shitlord. If you call yourself a shitlord you use “yobu”. I call myself a shitlord.
None of the verbs match up the way you’d expect.
Like this?:
So, something like the following (which I’ll precede with LOTS and LOTS of English stuff to try and actually get it to post, because the last time I tried it, it simply barfed again and didn’t do anything):
Well, that time worked. FARG!
I need more rye.
Yeah you do!
(I hope that works.)
That is a great question. I have no idea how to say “shitlord” in Japanese.
Hey Sensei, I was messaging some girl a couple months ago who was into cosplay. She sent me a picture of her dressed up as your avatar.
Is your bicyclist getting a blood transfusion?
Its supposed to be Lance Armstrong.
Ah So, VI-san.
It’s tougher than I expected finding sensei characters. The current one is:
There’s the Lego one.
An interesting Chinese/Japanese hybrid.
I’m not sure if that is incredibly woke or cultural appropriation.
Of course I’m not sure I’m actually allowed to learn an Asian language.
Why not? You’ve already outed yourself as a shitlord.
So Sensei is a girl into cosplay.
When does he get her and make her moan? I watched that entire video and while it looked like the girl told the dude he was gonna have to jerk himself off from the hand signals, ,there was no action….
Thinking up a appropriate reply I just discovered she did do the voice for this character.
I have no idea what the hell game it is however…
Great googly-moogly.
Whatever the hell “Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation” is.
Dead or Alive was/is a vs fighting game. I believe they branched out into volleyball (really?) using the female characters.
Fan service ensued.
OT: Steve Smith returns:
I already blew my “sticky wicket” joke last time. I don’t know anything about the game that would allow me to come up with another one.
So, this morning I wondered at some length about what the DNC/media agenda would be following the debates. I speculated about why coverage of Tulsi eviscerating Harris was so muted.
Well, now we know.
The next debate ratchets up the requirements. So far there are only 7 qualifiers. Yang should be qualified, but the DNC says they won’t accept one of his poll results. Because reasons.
Gabbard isn’t really that close. She has 1 poll above 2% and is almost well short of the number of donors required.
So, keeping her out of the highlights keeps her off of the next debate stage.
It seems like they are desperate to cut the fat (and anything that threatens the party power structure). So Biden, Warren, Harris and Sanders are slotted in, and they are hoping to chop off anyone else as quickly as possible.
Who are the other 2 qualifiers?
Okay, I’m just gonna be a chauvinist about it:
Your politics suck as bad as ours do, just in different ways. Tulsi may be the closest thing to sane they’ve got in the race, and yet the Dems wanna get rid of her.
Four more years of Trump it is.
You’re not chauvinisting hard enough. Insult our crazy guns laws and lack of healthcare.
The base may swoon over Marxist claptrap but the DNC is all about establishment. Tulsi is just some hick from the sticks to them.
I prefer a more malevolent explanation. The DNC is either controlled by, or working with, neo-libs. There are also numerous congressional districts that would stand to lose lots of jobs.
This article talks about that.
Tulsi was just on with that other Russian stooge, Tucker.
How are Harris’ numbers not tanking? She’s grating as hell and I’ve even heard Dems say she says whatever is convenient.
Rigged. Media and Big Tech are doing their damnedest to protect her.
I don’t want to believe that but I can’t disprove it.
C’mon, surely you’ve noticed that she is a colored woman.
*falls on top of Rhywun*
Get. A. Room.
Never knew you to be jealous Spud.
Well then, you obviously just don’t know me.
Spuds are always jealous. They have eyes all over.
My post above might have been a bit too tinfoil-y, but I think it’s fair to say that straffin is correct – the DNC, the big media, and tech are pushing down on Gabbard and upping Harris. Tim Pool (who likes Gabbard and Yang) did a video that included a list of Twitter interest, and his two led the list by a lot, yet nevertheless disappeared for a while on the platform.
They gave us fucking Hillary Clinton last time. You’re not in tin-foil territory at all.
you could see it on Twitter at least, that someone was curating the Trends very carefully. The Twitter “moment” is about that slur of Tulsi being Assad’s whore, and the trend topic was Assad, despite it being obvious Tulsi should be trending if Assad is. It’s all a sham. And that’s not even counting what Google pulled with her ad revenue that she’s suing over. Nope ,Big Tech wants Kamala (I think because they see the choice being Kamala vs Warren, and warren’s already threatened to regulate them. Plus Black-ish Woman beats White and Ambiguously Ethnic Tulsi fo that crowd).
Are they all that worried about regulation, though? Seems like they’ve back tons of regulation, and those lobbyists aren’t cheap.
They want to pick and choose the regulations. For example, net neutrality would have been great for Netflix so they supported it.
Of course. That’s why I don’t think a lot these SV big hitters are too worried about increasing regulation.
Hell, Zuck-man was asking for it! And, as long as they can afford it, they’ll go after the ears of any willing politician to crony that shit up.
Their more worried about the MIC.
I’m not social media savvy enough to know if he proved his point. I do think he showed just how much district social media companies and the DNC have engendered.
In meatspace nihongo, so leaving this here
pressed send too quickly, in meatspce nihongo class
That’s awesome!
Good luck in class.
That could have been a so much better link.
Jeebus… I have two kids in grade school and my youngest watches every episode of that show.
I have to wonder… what would parents in the US say about a cartoon where the main character has a human butt for a head and apprehends every culprit by letting loose a big load of flatulence?
It’s fine, he speaks teineigo (polite language)!
Yeah, that’s about the only positive thing about that show – good for brushing up on one’s Keigo.
That almost sounds like Despicable Me (which was brilliant, BTW . . . )
JR is using that character for some campaign now. Never seen the show. We are a Sazae san, Doraemon and Shinchan house.
My boys watch all those other programs too. Maybe this Butt-head detective is a boy thing?
Thank you, Gustave! You’re always on point.
The Chinese equivalent to “umm” sounds an awful lot like “nigga”
I didn’t learn a lot of Chinese while I was there but the words I did learn were either cuss words or female anatomy. The Chinese brick layers thought it was hilarious to hear a “meigo” swear in Chinese.
I’ve heard Japanese is even harder to learn.
Category V PLUS an asterisk!
Can confirm – it sucks to learn.
Heh, I like the placement of German in a class by itself. Deceptively close to English, but the grammar is a bitch.
When you consider the entirety of spoken fluency plus reading and writing correctly I say that Chinese is about as difficult as English. Both require boatloads of rote memorization to write (realize that there are no spelling bee contests in German nor in Spanish).
Japanese is at least one rung higher in complexity over Chinese in that the characters have more than one way to pronounce them – sometimes more than a dozen – and often the pronunciation used is arbitrary. In fact, there are a number of character pairs that are pronounced differently – with one pronunciation non-standard.
Example; Two characters 明 (Myo, Mei, Min, Aka(rui)) and 日 (Nichi, Hi, Ka, Chi) when written as the pair can either be pronounced “Myonichi” or “Ashita” – the latter having no relation to how the individual characters are pronounced. And when to use either pronunciation is contextual.
The grammar is also easier in Mandarin. My teacher called it caveman grammar because of the relative clunky simplicity when rendered directly into English. The biggest obstacles, imo, are the tones and characters.
One similar point of difficulty for English speakers learning either Japanese or Chinese is the level of context. Both of these languages are much higher context than English is. “High context” means that much of the word content is left out – for instance, in a conversation once the subject (last night’s dinner) is mentioned you don’t hear that stated again. In fact, during conversation you rarely hear people refer to first or second person – while in English these are mentioned in almost every sentence.
I have some experience with Mandarin, and zero (practical experience) with Japanese – but I find Mandarin refreshingly free of much of the “situational” stuff that trips up anyone learning Japanese. There’s a formal “you” – “nin” instead of “ni” – and that’s about it grammar-wise.
I got to conversational level in Mandarin once upon a time. I’ve also traveled in China and Taiwan. I started learning it when I was in my early 20’s so I guess it was easier to pick up the tones for me than it might have been had I started later. My teacher was a smoking hot Taiwanese grad student with a Barbie doll figure so that helped too.
I live in 国立。Is that building こくりつ building or くにたち building?
Worse to me – “Is that the Daiwa building or the Yamato building?”
So wasai-eigo is always written in katakana? Or have some of the words had enough usage that they were “moved” to hirigana?
Tejicano may know of some counter examples, but as far as I’m aware it is always in katakana.
One of the most annoying thing some foreigners do here is to over rely on aizuchi. Etooooooh, ahnoooooo, watashi wa anooooo. It’s usually beginners that do it and sounds absolutely terrible.
That’s technically filler words and not aizuchi I suppose. Get the point though.
Sheepishly raises hand. Was initially guilty of this too.
Now I’ve got full phrases that I can use while I try to formulate my response. Odds are still 50/50 I’ll make a grammar mistake on any sentence over 10 words, however.
When I started, I learned from my drinking buddies and a text book from 1960. Made for some interesting sentences. “Pardon me, sir. Would you be so kind to direct me to the nearest shitter? Much obliged.”
I want to know if the mythical feminine Japanese speaking gaijin who learned Japanese from his girlfriend actually exists.
That said I do try to take care how I use the “no” particle at the end of a casual sentence.
They definitely exist. The funniest examples are the big, strapping young Marines – they only talk with Japanese females and have very little interaction with Japanese males.
That’s got to be funny!
I’m off to bed. Enjoy your day on the other side of the world.
Donald Duck, DI.
Learn Japanese Through Anime Titties.
I’m starting to think you have your own super secret porn search engine.
This is….hmmm……band name? Book Title?
Proof reading something I wrote and can’t tell if this phrasing is weird or not. “~~~are ripe with opportunities to ~~~”. I’ve heard “rife with opportunities” before, but is “ripe with opportunities” too similar in sound to use?
I think it’s “rife”.
Bonus akshully: It’s “champing” not “chomping” at the bit.
I know you’re right but never understood it. Where does champing come from?
Sorry that this is so scolding.
That was mildly scolding. The first comment, however, goes all, in: “Actually, this is completely wrong. Its Champing the bit. Lose the “at” and you would be correct.”
Never read the comments.
I…uh…unless you’re at !
Of course
I come forcthe articles but stay for the comments.
I happily come for both the articles AND the comments.
Same place apparently
I like that explanation better.
It’s the original English word.
We’re gonna end up in ‘thing/think’ territory pretty soon.
Good idea if you axe me.
I don’t recall asking.
I just figured out how you knew
It’s probably been mentioned here before, but have you seen the big black dude that speaks multiple languages on YouTube.
This is a better one.
Kinda funny that he’s (obviously) trying to say “the grammar IS difficult” but keeps saying “not difficult”.
Paging Derpetologist:
Or not.
You must be a terf.
So be it.
Hey everybody, Rhywun digs vajayjay!
The handle on the hockey stick won’t build itself
The hottest summer I’ve ever experienced was the first summer after I moved to NYC in the late 90s. IFLS.
A picture that does my redneck heart good.
Stop the world, I want off.
I’ll take the bacon. And guns.
Look, I like a good trolling as much as the next shitlord, but this is sliding into asshole territory IMHO.
I could agree, but the assholish-ness of the intersectional left has rendered me very unsympathetic. They have insulted anyone and everyone who refuses to accept even their most batshit ideas. They defame people at the drop of a hat. They are insane, and deserve to be mocked relentlessly.
You’re both right. A reasonable could find an implied threat or at least a callous disregard in the ad. The Squad are unreasonable defining everyone who disagrees with them as racist, misogynist, Islamaphobic, or some combination of the three. Did the gun store owner go to far? Probably. Did they have it coming? Probably.
Would the implication be drawn from the fact that he sells guns? I don’t see anything written or graphically that (to me) approaches “threat”, other than the fact it was put up by a gun store. If that is the case, it seems to me that gun store owners/employees are at a disadvantage, rights-wise, if their speech is understood to carry with it an implied threat.
If that is not it, what have I not picked up on?
You got it right. It is unfair. Same as if cops or DEA put up the sign.
Same? I guess it probably is in some people’s minds. I think you know I easily draw a distinction between the government and private businesses, but…yeah, people are stupid.
I think, maybe, that the guy should have rented a double billboard: one side for advertisement, and the other for the message that wouldn’t reference it/him. Just a statement of contempt.
Exactly. Same billboard without the business on it and the squad has nothing.
Make it veggie bacon and I’m in.
I think that would be found in the produce section, and, well….
Nibble at your own risk. Just remember that, while I’m not exactly Pro-Veg, I am your glib-buddy, and not some Wal-Mart pisser.
FWIW, I get two kinds of veghie bacon at Walmart.
P.S. The day we IRL I’m getting you a Beyond Burger and a beer.
Prepare to be underwhelmed. I, of course, look forward to the day, but…just be prepared.
Pffft. I read your bio. You’re ten feet tall, impossibly handsome, and fly under your own power. It’s all good.
A long time ago, I was a vegetarian for a short while. I can say that this company makes good products. Or, at least, they used to.
Chafed, I am, of course, referring to my palate. You think UCS catches hell?
I have to deflect with bad humor, lest I be discov….
BP their products used to have fairly wide distribution. Not so much anymore. Through the miracle of capitalism theyvhave largely been displaced.
SD if you want to put ketchup on your steak, have at it.
That is (not) all.
I guess we do live in the best timeline!
I’m starting to reconsider my opposition to the death penalty.
But, you don’t want to eat bacon? I mean, you could get a free bumper sticker.
If I saw that happening in mine I’d go ballistic.
They should make them wipe it all up with their own shirts, underwear, and socks. Them make them wear those clothes all the way home. Punishment fit to the crime.
Just bring in R. Kelly.
The female suspect who reportedly urinated on a bin of potatoes at a Pennsylvania Walmart has turned herself in.
The bin of potatoes was at ground level.
Actual journalism for a change. That’s literally the only thing I wanted to know about this lady relieving herself on potatoes. I’m not being facetious, the only reason I clicked on the story was to find out whether she clamored up onto a display case to piss on potatoes.
That said, I’m a little disappointed now.
They say you should never meet your heroes. I presume the same principle is at work here, too.
I must be subconsciously writing the world. When I was in HS I worked at a grocery store. To spite me my manager fired me on a bullshit claim 2 days before he knew I was putting in my two week notice. The claim was that I swore at a customer, which never happened. But I figured if I was being fired for swearing I was going to swear. So as I left I stood by the registers and yelled every profanity that came to mind. The only thing I remember for sure saying was “…and they piss on your lettuce!”
Soooo….you’re saying you WEREN’T involved in these?
I’m saying I saw this coming 20yrs ago! I’m like Nostrodamus over here.
TMWST scared the hell out of me when I was just a lad.
That sheik in blue robes looks badass.
Well, he IS the Anti-Christ, so…
Yeah, that says 79, but I’m sure they showed it again later in the 80s because it looks familiar to me. Or quite possibly the History Channel showed it when they were obsessed with Nostradamus.
It was on HBO, which I had from end of ’82 to ’84. So, ballpark it in ’83. I have always been under the impression it was made for HBO, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. In any event, I somewhat remember History having that obsession not that long ago. I don’t remember ever hearing that it was going to be on, but, it being there makes the most sense to me, concerning your seeing any of it.
I know I’ve linked to some segment of it here, in the long-ago.
Well, we did have HBO in that time, but I would have been young, maybe they kept playing it though.
Works for me. We can go with that.
I mean that is a cheap way to get pee than buying it on the internet
While that is true, you really have to have great timing in these instances. Can really throw everything into chaos, and then you…….
Great way to meet women. Or, fat guys.
Maybe try a flyer?
cs, you magnificent bastard! Give yourself an extra portion of hooch, just for that.
/shoulda added more veins…
There’s nothing in this video that I don’t like
I just can’t believe that no glib posted this at all, until just this very moment….
Cuz you suck! Sup.
Sup! I have a new request for you in your email.
/purdy pleeez
I saw it, got crazy busy and as you know had weird hours the last few days, I’ll take a look today.
Yep. Figured I’d wait ’til I knew you were on for more than just a minute or two to mention it.
we do not share nazi channels around here
How about just straight-up Italian Fascism videos?
I was gonna comment on Anime titties but it seems I was beaten to the punch in the first goddamn comment.
Good morning glibsters. It is work from home day yet again so my commute was short this morning.
It’s spelled tiddies.
that looks so wrong
You don’t like animated, ambiguous, possibly child born?
Porn dammit. Porn.
It kinda worked….
Don’t matter, homes. Still spelled tiddies.
Alternate of the correct spelling, it would seem.
Unless we’re talking flip-flops.
And nobody tripped him. I used to respect New York.
Maybe Ghostbusters II actually had an effect on the population?
Yeah, nobody buys toasters anymore.
Possibly due to his likely armed NYPD security detail.
What a dick. Sitting at the back of the plane because he’s just a man of the people and then fucking them over because of his seat choice. Asshat should do the world a favor and put a plastic bag over his head and pull tightly.
I’ll allow it!
I don’t think they get to fly armed. Even if they did, we were one drunk guido away from having a new hero.
If they are LEOs, they do/can. There’s a whole procedure for doing so. Might as well make them jump through some hoops, you know?
No shit? I didn’t know that. I thought only air marshals could.
There used to be instructions/a form dispatchers could access for getting an officer “set up” if the need arose. It doesn’t seem to be available on our current NLETS software, so I don’t know if the procedure changed (seems like it did), or if our software is lacking (I say it is).
In addition to the above requirements, municipal, county, state, tribal, or territorial officers must present an operational need to have the weapon accessible from the time he or she would otherwise check the weapon, until the time it would be claimed after deplaning. The need to have the weapon accessible aboard the aircraft must be determined by the employing agency and based on one of the following:
Assigned to a protective duty as a principal or advance team, or on travel required to be prepared to engage in a protective function.
Some long term projects that would be fun: Hiring someone to impersonate Trump and doing audio book versions of SF’s stories. Also, The Hat and The Hair doing audio book versions of classic public domain stories. But seeing as I only average 100 people watching I don’t think I’ll ever amass the support to do these projects.
I like, and approve of, both of these ideas. I will contribute when possible.
What, beyond money, will these require?
Money is the only object.
Do you have a DJT voice guy? Girl? I think you do a smash -up job with your voicing, but I don’t know if you do so, or, have someone….
Or, have we discussed this before?
I don’t have anyone, that’s where the money comes in, as I’d want THE BEST MOST CLASSIEST!
Ah. Well, if I could do a decent DJT voice, I would send you an audition tape. As it is, I’ll see what coinage I can pass along.
This guy gets it
He looks like Urkel traveled through a wormhole and shriveled.
Was it SNL or In Living Color that had him eating all the time?
One thing that kind of ticks me off is when people ‘help’ you by doing something you never asked them to do. Like when they come clean and then just throw your shit away or misplace it.
Case in point, I have a ceramic statue that needs to be fixed, but I didn’t have a tweezers or super glue. Then I found my tweezers and put it with the ceramic statue, then my brother and his wife came and cleaned while I was gone. When I got home and my asked me about me about the ceramic statue I explained I never had it, tweezers and super glue at the same time. He said ‘well I found your tweezers’, well no shit I put it with the statue, but that’s not where it is anymore…
There is something creepy/irritating/insulting about random unrequested cleaning.
I don’t turn people down when they offer to clean, that’s one thing I’m not good at. No matter wheat I do I can never get things clean, but then those people always assume cleaning means just throwing my shit away. I’m not a hoarder, but I do save some weird shit, but that really doesn’t excuse some of things people have discarded over they years. And their obsession is to always to clear off every flat surface, well excuse me if I want to use my counter and table tops for things.
I probably need to work on this. Something about it bothers me. Well, it’s more the idea of someone doing it without authorization. If we’ve discussed it and reached an agreement, no problem.
Then again, this hasn’t really happened to me. My issue to getting wifey fully involved in cleaning/not just giving up once started. I imagine that the ‘others’ scenario may come into play down the line.
Yeah, I don’t have a wife to do the cleaning. That being said, I’d rock it as a stay at home dad except cleaning and dishes. Raising kids, grocery shopping, yard work all that I can take care of, but I just suck at cleaning.
Bruce Lee is a bitch?
He’s been built up so much over the years who knows the truth anymore.
“He was so fast he had to slow down because he was too fast for the cameras” -Probably bullshit
He was a B-Movie star when he died, and is now a legend larger than life. Truth is probably somewhere in-between.
Who is calling him “arrogant”?
There’s 4.7 billion people, so I don’t doubt some have said it.
I’ll take “Things that Never Happened” for 400, Alex.
She heard it somewhere… Apparently, multiple times. And, apparently, all from racists.
Who knew???
I can quote myself from above: “the assholish-ness of the intersectional left has rendered me very unsympathetic. They have insulted anyone and everyone who refuses to accept even their most batshit ideas. They defame people at the drop of a hat. They are insane, and deserve to be mocked relentlessly.”
The fictions they build in their minds are breathtaking.
No qualifiers this time. You are right.
Like C says above, chances are someone has said it somewhere. I still remain skeptical that she encountered it, and is psyker enough to determine the secret reason(s) for saying it.
Then again, twatting is for posting silly shit for others to read, and for the airing of animosity and grievances in an echo chamber.
Thank Zod it’s the only place online that engages in it!
Well said, BP. They feed off being criticized. “See the way people react to us? Proves the country is more racist than ever!
Meh, we engage in the same. A link to Everyday Feminism or The Root seen as representative of the evils of all leftists. People like drama and search it out. Me, I like Red Dog beer and search that out.
Bullshit, CPRM. Calling something out isn’t the same as engaging in it. Pointing out the stupidity in someone’s stupid argument isn’t the same as making a stupid argument yourself. There’s a huge difference (in my mind, anyway) between fabricating utter bullshit based on FEELZ and pointing the hypocrisy, deceit and stupidity of opposing arguments by mocking them.
I was a fan of his movies and was starting in martial arts when Bruce Lee was still alive. I was also in the military shortly after he died – when there were still a lot of outright, unrestrained racists (FMJ almost does it justice). In that time I never heard any such thing about him being arrogant or even cocky. Even though it was known that he had a reputation for cruising rough bars just to find bigots to kick the shyte out of – I never heard anybody voice disrespect about him.
As above where I stated the rumor that as Kato ‘He was too fast for the cameras and had to slow down’, for that rumor to exist even though it is all most certainly untrue does lend to a bit of arrogance.
I don’t think he was so much “too fast” for the cameras to catch his movements as it simply didn’t look realistic for fight scenes broadcast on TV at the time. Look at any TV show or movie from the 1960’s – his speed would have been beyond any expectations for unarmed combat.
But, that’s not how the legend grew, the legend was he was too fast for the cameras, which is bullshit, and he let that legend grow.
As I mentioned, I was into martial arts from high school and have long had many friends in that sphere. I even had a subscription to “Black Belt” magazine back in the day. I never heard that “faster than the cameras” until the internet came along. I’m not saying nobody said it back then but I don’t believe it was common knowledge.
Te, what arts/style did you study, and, for how long?
I started in Tae Kwon Do, changed to Okinawan style before the Marines, kept up with that while on Okinawa (duh), and until I got out. Then studied Aikido while in college. Maybe 9 years total(?).
Yeah… Jackie Chan had the same problem. That’s why his career took 20 years to catch on in the US.
Fight scenes from US films and TV featured really big, open swinging, long punches, with each guy taking turns.
Draw back… Hold… swing… pow!
The movies Bruce Lee was making featured short, rapid punches and blocks in close quarters. US film makers didn’t think US audiences could follow that action.
Jackie Chan talks about it at length in his early commentaries. How they had to change their style of choreography, taking what would be a 10 or 15 punch sequence and making it into a 3 punch sequence.
It doesn’t look so weird now, since it has been about 30 years since Chan brought his style to America, but back then the quick back and forth and multi-punch combos were very alien and didn’t look “powerful” enough.
“the quick back and forth and multi-punch combos were very alien and didn’t look “powerful” enough.”
Only to people who grew up watching the Lone Ranger and hadn’t actually been in a fight themselves.
And now all I can think of is that fine 1980s television show – The Master, with Lee Van Cleef and Timothy Van Patten as good ninjas versus Sho Kosugi as evil ninja.
We loved him when I was kid. Magic, MJ, Barry Sanders etc. If someone had called Bruce or any of those guys “arrogant” (let alone racial slur) we’d be amazed. The only times I saw overt racism was when both sides in a fight were flinging slurs at each other.
The first time I saw overt racism not from old person was when I moved to Vegas, and it the racism was from the black folk I knew.
The first time I saw overt racism not from old person was when I moved to Vegas, and it the racism was from the black folk I knew.
Yeah, my ex and I were together for 15 years, from 1985 to 2000. In all that time only one white person ever said anything around us – and that was a drunk frat boy yelling “salt and pepper… woooohooo!” out a car window, so he might have been making a positive comment.
We lived across the south and frequented redneck hangouts, country bars, mountain community festivals, etc. Never had anyone look at us crosseyed.
Black folk… well, that’s a different story. Black dudes in particular felt empowered to say just about anything they wanted. Mostly about how they wished she was with them. And her mom called me “That f***ing white boy” for several years.
So yeah, my experience comports with yours.
The very first actual racially discriminatory acts I witnessed were in the Army. I was shocked and appalled at the way black soldiers treated mulatto soldiers. It was positively venomous.
“…a legend larger than life…”
This is true. Probably no one knows anymore the truth of it. Lee died in 1973. That is less than 50 years ago and easily within many of our living memories and yet we don’t and cant know the truth of it. Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn’t it. Think about that the next time someone starts talking about George Washington, Napoleon, Henry the 8th, Jesus Christ Or Aristotle.
Somewhere I think I have a book entitled “Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin he built with his own hands”. Maybe that wasn’t the title but the book explored those kinds of claims and why we really know very little about history.
We have social media, cameras everywhere and a massive surveillance state logging our every move today and still have bullshit like Covington spreading like wildfire. Not any closer to cracking the epistemological nut.
That is because we haven’t changed one bit in…we don’t even know how long. 100,000 years…a number I just pulled out of my ass.
So true.
Very related:
Here is one with a lot more quotes:
I know you know this Suthen, but there’s a huge difference between 1973 and 2019. That Tweet suggested to me that she was talking about now. I have no doubt that Lee faced racism during his lifetime. I seriously doubt there’s a plethora of racists calling him “arrogant” – or anything else – today.
Sorry, but I need more proof than some rando saying she heard it.
White. Privilege.
I was not referring to th e Lee case, but all cases in general. As for that case the difference I see between now and Lee’s lifetime is that there were plenty of no-shit racists around then and I am sure he did face it. Now the racists are mainly in the heads of lefties…booger men that get talked about a lot but rarely seen. So yeah, I am thinking she is full of shit.
Besides, the guy was an actor. His on-screen persona was an on-screen persona. I saw an interesting case of this just the other day. My wife likes a show called…uh..Phryne Fisher Mysteries, I think. The protagonist is a rich woman who solves murders because she has nothing else to do. She is a very saucy extrovert and sexually aggressive. She snarks constantly and revels in a certain level of irreverence. I saw the actress in an interview and she came across as very respectful, subdued, somewhat shy and very soft spoken – the exact opposite of her on-screen persona. I guess that is why the call them actors.
Suthen, after re-reading your post, my reply was too sharp, and off the point you were making.
In my defense, I was coming in a bit hot. Also, I think you should watch that show with your wife. Just sayin’.
I don’t think we should expect anything less from BakedPenguin.
℉325 for 40 minutes will do that to a bird.
Oh, I didn’t take offense. Your point about the difference between ’73 and now is a good one. Things are veery different. Pre-’08 racism had nearly disappeared, at least in the form we had always known it.
Now the pinkos are desperate to bring it back. It is too effective a tool for dismantling society to let go of. Evil bastards.
Well put. “It is too effective a tool for dismantling society to let go of.” Well put.
Amen. When I was wee, Ring-&Run/Ding-Dong-Ditch had a much different name that I am quite happy my children have never heard. I remember college parties in mid-’90s Tallahassee where boys would gather in discreet groups to share racialist jokes that were so titillating and risque BECAUSE they were already universally excised from polite conversation and it was such a transgressive act of rebellion to say them.
If you listen to the debate with the post-modernist you’ll get an inkling that this conspiratorial idea that the racist boogie man is a tool for dismantling society is perhaps not so crazy after all. It kinda seems right in their wheelhouse, actually.
It is right in their wheelhouse. The whole Utopian/totalitarian mindset seems like it is genetic for those people. Where do they learn all of that shit? Hell I was over 40 before I started finding it out and even then I was puzzled bout who came up with it and how it was disseminated.
We are talking about a party here that has presidential candidates that want to:
Pay for trannies abortions and Pap smears – too late on global warming we must evacuate to higher ground (he must have his sights on a career in real estate) – get rid of all fossil fuels and airplanes – magically pay for everything for everyone, cradle to grave – abolish the borders – and the list goes on. This stuff is indistinguishable from clinical insanity.
Damn and I forgot to add the pussy crystals and psychic healing powers. How could I forget that one….
If we are going all in, and to be fair, I’m morning buzzed after a trying shift at work, I’ve read that the word “racist” itself is of Trotskyite coinage as a pejorative for Stalinists who preferred the doctrine of Socialism in one country as opposed to continuous worldwide revolution. Anyone have any thoughts on the veracity of this? Bircher agitprop?
There’s a great story recorded sometime back in the 80’s… I think it was James Coburn telling it. He was hanging out on his front porch working a heavy bag. He had hired Bruce Lee as his coach and was proud of his work at the time. Bruce said he didn’t have power in his kicks… so James – who is massive compared to Bruce – steps aside and says “Ok, you show me how it’s done”.. The bag was filled with old clothes and hanging from a beam on his front porch. So Bruce steps up cold and hits it with a roundhouse. The thing explodes and clothes go flying into the front yard.
Dude had quiet confidence. A confidence rarely matched. But I doubt many confused it with cockiness. But he was apparently the real deal.
Wait! Hold on….
I think I figured this out.