All hail Zardoz!
It’ll be interesting to see what happens in Hong Kong.
At this point I’m leaning less “interesting” and more “heartbreaking”.
That’s a given. That Hong Kong is China’s ATM will be the only thing to slow them down. It’s still very possible China gives them the “Tibet” treatment.
Yeah, I would love for there to be a positive outcome here, but I’m afraid it’s a matter of time before the mainland squashes this and brings Hong Kong to heel. Again, this is one of those situations where I think the best thing the US could do is make a blanket offer of asylum to anyone from Hong Kong who wants to get out while they still can.
Oh, man I was still following a few threads in the previous post.
But it’s cool to have a fresh one.
Robby on Tucker. Again.
Fruit sushi will get a full time Fox gig at some point soon.
There go the cocktail party invitations.
I wonder if he’s learned how to change a tire?
He was on Andrew Wilcow’s radio show on Sirius XM radio yesterday. Really getting around. Wonder if the book is selling?
Robby wrote a book? Car repair?
Hair care.
Zardoz noticed?
I am bidding on some gun and ammo auctions. I need to stop this buying spree and do more shooting instead.
“The demonstration has gone far beyond the nature of a peaceful demonstration, it’s really turning out to be chaotic and violent and we should no longer allow them to continue this reprehensible behavior,” Zhang said. “We do not think that it’s in the long term interest of anyone.”
How long until the tanks roll in?
An African elephant was caught on camera trying to cop a feel of bikini-clad Playboy model Francia James, who was visiting the Myrtle Beach Safari petting zoo in South Carolina.
She looks a little too….. fake.
” I need to stop this buying spree and do more shooting instead.”
I’ve been through this. You have to think long term It’ll balance out.
A little while ago I realized that if I hadn’t acquired so many old guns, I could have had a TR-6 long ago. Instead, I’m still saving up for a TR-6. I could sell some stock for it, but I’m not.
There are a couple of C&R guns I’m looking at. Nothing super fancy, just a Yugoslavian Tokarev, a CZ-82 and a CZ-50. Still, it’s hard to justify buying new guns when I’ve got three that I haven’t even shot yet…but I’ll find a way.
Correct number of guns to own?
n + 1
Where n = number of guns currenly owned.
I just put a bid on a 1942 Winchester Model 12 Black Diamond trap gun.
We’ll see.
I have bids out on a 1898 dated US Krag Model 1898, a Lee-Speed, a 1897 dated RIC Lee-Enfield Carbine, and a couple lots of 7.5mm Swiss ammo.
I’m losing some of the 7.5mm Swiss ammo and the RIC carbine. I have a few days to decide if I want to go higher. I might on the RIC carbine.
Pikeland Pils is a good pilsner.
I’m currently trying the Schofferhofer Pomegranate, which is a nice change of pace from the grapefruit. Reading the reviews is entertaining as there are people trying to review it as a hefeweizen.
Hmm… I’m not sure about that. Pomegranate in a Hefeweizen? I don’t know.
For the best taste enjoy ice-cold
Right up there with “She has a great personality”
It’s more shandy, the only thing that is close to a hefe on it is the sediment.
Belches loudly
Smiling politely.
Pikeland Pils, brought to you by the same branding company that named Riceland Rice.
Lul. Not my imgur pic, but one of PGI’s flimsy excuses for Epic Exclusivity was “Improved Discoverability”.
How’s that working out?
The Epic store is getting more annoying as it snatches up games I’m interested in.
I just regard those titles as having been cancelled. It’s a shame.
I just consider it more time for me to work on the Steam backlog. Recently picked up Dishonored 2 (and the stand alone-DLC) and Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is… disappointing to say the least. Dishonored 2 at least has some fun in the first hour or so.
I’ve got such a backlog of games that half the time I get overwhelmed and just go watch TV or do a Hunt-a-Killer or something. Humble Bundle does not help, but at least I’ve stopped buying everything as soon as it goes on sale. Now I wait until it either shows up in a bundle or goes on deep discount. Also, GOG is starting to figure a little more prominently.
I’ve been a Fallout fan since the original. I kept hearing people rave about 4… I should have realized they hadn’t played any of the earlier ones. FFS, how do you get rid of skills in Fallout?
I picked up FO4GOTY for $15, and the Dishonored 2 bundle for $12, so I’m not out that much. My Steam library currently has over 675 games in it, so it’s not like I’m hurting for games to play. I’ve picked up some retro games on GOG just because it’s easier then trying to get my old copies to run on modern hardware. I’m more likely then not going to pick up Cyberpunk on GOG just to help give them more support.
My review of Fallout4 – I feel I got my money’s worth. I’m not going to rave, nor rant regarding it.
Right now I’m playing through Valkyria Chronicles 4. It’s easier to think of it as not playing a wargame, but playing a war anime. My main complaint is that they grade the battles based upon speed of completion, but I find systematically dismantling the defense to be more fun than rushing to the objective like a reckless idiot.
Is that the original UT featured slightly more prominently than whatever’s circled?
Looks like it.
How can you argue with Computer Gaming World Magazine’s 1999 GOTY?
Shit, I didn’t even have a computer in 1999.
I remember when Unreal came out the joke was that the title described the hardware requirements.
Epic does make the Unreal Engine.
The point is, the new game is lower on the list than the older title that isn’t much of a draw.
Because I’m willing to wager the price of a new game that the one and only reason to go Epic exclusive is the payout from Epic. The fact that some Devs who used Kickstarter to raise funds deciding to make that change (after promising Steam keys) is the part that’s really starting to irk me.
Oh, it pisses me right off. Compete on the merits of your offerings rather than trying to hold the games hostage.
The MechWarrior 5 PreOrder was advertized as being for Steam keys, including three days after they secretly signed the deal with Epic. A deal that they didn’t openly announce or address until some web developer ‘accidentally’ updated the FAQ on their web site early. They still haven’t made an announcement in a manner that would reach the customers, trying to avoid the refund deluge. There is such a backlog of refund requests that the poor schlubs on the helpdesk are waaay behind. The company has been utterly silent since.
The snaking out releases from Steam is where I think Epic crossed a line. I think the first was the latest Metro game, which had pre-sales on Steam, then went Epic exclusive. For a decent write-up about the reasons that Steam can’t just match Epic’s dev cut, check this out.
(And thanks to whichever Glib first linked that site, I’ve read way too many words there)
If a game is announced as an exclusive when first announced, I’m not bothered.
If it’s snatched away during/after the preorders, that’s unacceptable.
I guess I don’t mind digital storefronts competing. I just want everything parked in one widget.
I don’t care if they’re competing.
I care if they say one thing, then dump a “Surprise, we’re actually using this shitty platform because they dumped a million in our back pocket” at the last minute.
Huh. I haven’t followed this at all. I’m not a “hardcore” gamer but competition with Steam seems OK, ja?
Checking out their website reveals zero information about their purported Mac support. I mean, I know 75% of the games won’t work but at least tell me which ones will.
commodious: I agree with UCS here. It’s one thing for competing platforms to exist; FFS, I’ve got Origin, Uplay, Epic Game Store, GOG Galaxy, and Steam all installed on my machine. It’s another to allow a game to do presales on Steam, and then less then a month before release announce it’s releasing on the Epic store exclusively for a year.
Rhywun: To my knowledge there is zero Mac/Linux support on the Epic Game Store, this is currently a fight over the Windows market.
The wikipedia page claims macOS support. Oh well.
Sure, that’s scummy.
I read that someone reputable is talking about putting together a storefront aggregator to facilitate parking all your games in one place. I can’t remember who, though.
(Useful as always.)
Rhywun: I believe that’s for the store itself, which is also the launcher for Fortnite, which has been ported to everything with a processor at this point. Not for the games they sell.
Heh I’m not going to download a store with one game that I have no interest in playing.
Will continue to observe from the sidelines.
Good, because there’s more than a little evidence that the launcher software goes crawling your system and harvesting data, even when you try to tell it not to (got caught reading Steam files from the harddrive instead of talking to the APIs)
That’s uncool.
Went to make a g&t and found I’m out of t. Club soda isn’t the same.
Ever since I discovered Negronis (and developed an appreciation of Martinis) I don’t waste my time on G&T any more.
I had no vermouth so I used cognac instead for my martini. I rate it “drinkable”
Ha I tried something similar with the bottom finger of cognac I had once. It didn’t rise to the level of “drinkable”.
Well, to be fair, anything that doesn’t make me go blind, gets at least drinkable.
*on serious note, I can’t stand sweet drinks. I had a cousin serve me some sickly sweet coffee moonshine and it was terrible.
Mixing what’s left over is generally not a good way to try to invent a new cocktail. There are definite times for not running out of alcohol.
Yeah, you pointed that out to me once and ain’t that the truth.
Sometimes needs must but I’ve learned my lesson.
Of course, there’s the other side of the coin.
/looks at his liquor and beer cellar
I really need to start drinking more…
HA! I was out of Bourbon and ginger ale last week for my Bourbon/ginger/cherry/peach juice yummyness. I tried substituting Everclear and seltzer… not good; not good at all.
If you have the empty bottle of vermouth just pour some gin in it.
And proceed from there.
I usually just threaten the gin with the vermouth anyway so it works out the same for me for the last one.
Or it did. I’ve given up Martin’s.
They are the last step on the ladder towards pure alcoholism for a serious drinker.
If one can handle just one or two fine for them but I can’t.
OK, I’ll be honest – I don’t get the “wave a bottle of vermouth over the glass of gin” thing. Straight gin is not appealing. It needs something more than vapors to become an actual cocktail.
Old fashioned mister. One spray of vermouth over the gin.
Get better gin.
Not a Campari fan.
Dead to me.
Churchill’s idea of a good Martini was the best:
I just can’t stomach dry vermouth.
Got any juice? Get laid back.
+1 $ on my mind
At least you are out of T.
Being out of G would be much worse.
Proof that elephants are smart.
She was lucky it was a female elephant
For fans of The Babylon Bee, here’s an interview of the Bee’s editor-in-chief on The Tom Woods Show:
Was looking forward to that. Thx for the reminder.
The Genius of The Last Jedi
Good lord, read a book, take up macrame, perfect the gravy in your pot pie. Sure, to each there own but this is bordering on mental illness. Not quite thinking you’re a boy but your mother won’t admit it crazy, but devoting this much time and thought to a Sci-fi movie should be setting off ‘I need help’ bells.
Be interested in what I’m interested in or GTFO.
Never said GTFO, “Seek help and try to be a better person” is not a judgmental statement…well it is but it’s meant in the best possible way.
I said it. Never said you said it. Seriously though, who cares if someone spends their free time deeply interested in something? Personally, I enjoy looking at stuff people are enthusiastic about. You know, things like handmade gaming tables. 😉
It’s the vindictive criticism, the tearing down of what someone else built because it doesn’t’ fit with how you want it to be. As I said to each there (sic) own. I would however suggest a less soul crippling pastime.
I only watched for a couple minutes. Not my cup-o-tea. Star Wars, Star Trek? Don’t care. But, that video got a few chuckles. “Proving that you can get a haircut from a vending machine.” That’s funny.
He is just ragging on the (bad, no good, pos) film. He does it for a lot of things and it is hilarious. Lighten up.
Meh, It’s facile. Overplayed ‘Hot takes’ as edgy commentary. Gimme something worth chewing on if you’re going to criticize, “Herp Derp, stupid SJW character, herp derp” is not a worthwhile insight.
I don’t think it is facile. It is commentary directed at the flaws of the story. As meticulous as you often are I am surprised you do not take the art of storytelling under more serious consideration.
I’m guessing “meticulous” was an accidental autocorrect.
It was somehow derived from “tedious”, probably.
But I’ve been drinking. And I’m a nice drunk.
Mendacious isn’t even close to meticuolus.
I admire your restraint.
Yet somehow you knew. You’re a gamer, Hype.
No one hates TLJ more than I do, but what more can be said after 2 fucking years of this shit? It was self-indulgent fart-sniffing. Next!
You know who else hates fart sniffing?
Better that than my dog who gets angry when she sees me naked. I don’t know what fucked up shit her previous owners did, but it goes into feral rage if you change in front of her.
“When I bring it from the buttocks, it is just the behavior”
“Previous owners”. Yeah, right.
It’s a Maltese, not a Shiba, bro.
I pity the man that tries to fuck a shiba. Nasty, mean little bastards.
I assume you’ve seen the Plinkett review?
Yes, Plinket is funny as hell.
Hmmm, Zardoz hauls grain and gives the gift of the gun, must be a native of Indiana.
Holy fuck Trump is a racist. What he was really saying in that tweet was that he is equating A$AP to Rocky who was a garlic stench ridden wop who should have gone back to his home country back when it was ok to hate wops. He obviously wants A$AP to go back to Africa where most of the residents of Harlem are from.
(I am going to pitch that to Don Lemon)
I don’t get it. What does, “As money as possible” mean?
Dude flew home on his own plane so maybe that is what “As Money as possible” means.
I’m glad the guy got out, the furriners they gave a whompin to had it coming like few people I’ve ever seen.
Sure, but if this part is true, he got off easy.
He said: “We have three people who throw out punches and kicks against a person who is lying down.
Footage leading up to the beating:
They may have gotten carried away but treating people like these guys were doing is a recipe for disaster.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t show the part where the dude is already on the ground and still taking the beating. That’ll get you in trouble with Mr Law in most countries.
Should it get in trouble with Mr Law though? Two assholes harassing a group of people not wanting any trouble and then one of the no trouble group being assaulted (head phones over the head). The two idiots deserved an ass kicking and they got it.
Sometimes as asskicking is both deserved and needs to punished legally. There has to be some legal limit to how badly you can beat someone even when they totally started it.
While NAP allows for self defense it doesn’t allow for retributive or vindictive violence. I.e. kicking him when he’s down or beating a guy because his buddy aggressed you.
it doesn’t allow for retributive or vindictive violence
Oh? My copy of the NAP says no such thing. In fact, it seems to frown on initiative violence only. Perhaps vindictive violence could be considered initiative, but retributive violence seems to be per se outside the purview of the NAP, at least in my view.
There has to be some legal limit to how badly you can beat someone even when they totally started it.
IMHO that limit is beating them to death and is sometimes called unintentional homicide which will land your ass in prison. Pull back before that……..they deserved it.
The NAP’s a bitch, If someone straight cold sucker punches you and then backs off in a ‘hands up’ defenseless posture as much as you may want to paste him one you can’t (well you can but you’re violating the NAP) It would be the same as if you see a guy who kicked your ass seven years ago and you walk up out of the blue and knee cap him.
Really? As long as I you don’t kill the guy? I put it at: stop when the threat is mostly gone.
“Measured force response” is a thing at the personal level and beyond.
How do you know the threat is gone? Knock him down so he later chases after you and hits you or one of your friends in the head? Fuck that, cripple the fucker. What are we talking about here? A street fight or something else where this violator of the NAP will just say, “oh sorry my bad have a nice night I didn’t mean to fuck with you for the past hour.”
Why just cripple him, best kill the fucker. In fact I’m going to look up that asshole Aaron Robins who kicked my ass in sixth grade he might still be a threat.
Back to ASAP’s case to avoid confusion. Giant guy and his crew vs two scrawny twerps. Once they had beaten the shit out them and had them bleeding and fucked up on the ground, they continued wailing on the guys. That’s according to the prosecutor. True or not, I dunno. If true, I’d say they exceeded necessary force for self defense by a mile.
So that’s “according to the prosecutor”. Is there video of this like there is video of the whole entire rest of this idiotic saga? Was the Swedish version of Kamala Harris the prosecutor in this case?
And Hyp, what happened in sixth grade and what may happen in the same evening is two totally different things and is why you are always wrong.
That’s why I said “If true”. I don’t trust the fucking prosecutor more than I trust ASAP and his crew.
Okay, so if someone kicks my ass at 5:30pm I only have til midnight to hunt them down? what if I see them at 4am the next morning? where exactly is the line. Like I said NAP is a bitch, once someone stops aggressing against you you can no longer aggress against them even if they deserve it. aggress.
As much as I like arguing over a story I don’t even care about other than it is funny because some guys from Harlem USA!!!! threw a beat down on some assholes who deserved it (imho) I have to go to bed. Work tomorrow for me. Also, in that video why would you visit there? It looks like New Jersey.
How long you have to beat someones ass after a beating all revolves around what Not Adahn has said the previous Sunday.
I haven’t seen anything beyond the posted link – i.e. the actual alleged beat-down. If what I’m hearing is true – he beat a man while he was down – that’s absolutely going to get him in trouble.
Fuck ’em. Seriously.
Tweet of the year candidate.
If Kamala had nuts, they would have just been punched.
Why Do Backwards Wings Exist?
I watched that the other day. Good stuff! I had a poster of the X29 in my room growing up.
I also discovered EverydayAstronaut on YouTube as well. The guy is a bit of a goof, but he gets into the nitty gritty of spaceflight if that’s your thing.
I started reading your contribution this evening but got overwhelmed. Something I am interested in but I may have be too deep in the cups. I will definitely revisit. Thanks for the seasons recap.
Necessary reminder to check out previous posts. Will definitely read. I’d also love to see a post on the top ten SCOTUS opinions off all time from a libertarian’s perspective.
Positive, negative, or both?
Impact for good or ill.
It’s definitely not something to read while a few drinks in. Im glad everybody appreciates it!
That’s an awful lot of watching. Can’t you just tell me what I’m supposed to be angry about?
Bernoulli’s Principle?
Darn shower curtain keeps blowing inwards.
“Code of Fair Competition for the Picture Moulding and Picture Frame Industry.”
Yes indeed, without FDR we would never have survived the Great Depression.
Ayn Rand didn’t write fiction.
No Laws or Rules – The Backwoods of Early South Carolina
So Trevor Bauer was recently traded, and this video came out. I approve of this, and wish him well in the future.
I bought this barleywine called Chicken Killer from Nee Mexico. Do I drink it now?
Is the barleywine at the proper drinking temperature (~45-50F)? If so, drink it. If not, cellar it for a while.
I don’t have a cellar…it was 108 today.
Man, I had to suffer through a scorching 83 today, with a nice light wind blowing.
I’m finding as I get older, I’m moving in the opposite direction of every other New Yorker. I hate heat and humidity more than ever. I ran the AC all day today even though it was on the cusp of being tolerable without. Well, until I went outside and returned covered in buckets of sweat.
Anyway… Florida? GTFO. I’m retiring to Maine or some shit.
Wyoming is looking appealing, but I haven’t visited it yet to get a good view from ground level.
Wyoming, Montana and Idaho all suck. I hear Minnisoda and North Dadota are great.
NoDak is too flat. Minne has the Twin Cities.
I don’t think either works.
He’s been literally 1 mile into North Dakota and he’s an expert now.
He’s been literally 1 mile into North Dakota and he’s an expert now.
I wasn’t going to take his comments seriously, but since you’re saying he’s an expert, I guess I’ll listen.
mikey is dead on. Go the Dakotas, or Minnesoda. Everything west of that sucks balls.
I wouldn’t take my comment too seriously, either.
“He’s been literally 1 mile into North Dakota and he’s an expert now.”
Don’t lie. I saw “Fargo”.
Shack up with this guy.
I hear the neighbors running their AC when it’s in the 70’s here. I don’t blame them, I’m just not willing to pay for it.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. Of course I’m in a big apartment building so I get all types. Including people who run their AC all year. I think someone might want to do a welfare check.
That may not be the best idea.
Heh, I hadn’t read that HP before but yeah I’ve suspected something similar going on in those apartments.
I’m with Rhywun on this one.
Dig a 10 foot deep hole in the back yard and bury it. Also an excuse to tell the wife why you need a back hoe.
It’s late night and I’m here for your pleasure so hit that theme music.
Miss me with that gay shit, fam.
Miss me with that gay shit
Are you sure?
Milton Friedman – The Clutch Plague Myth
Best addon ever.
Ram Ranch as an instrumental sounds like an anime opening theme.
You say no gay and then say “Ram Ranch”….
This was also stolen from Japan.
I didn’t know that KoRn was doing a Tool-esque thing these days.
Late night glib checking in. Coming off a VERY successful date IYKWIMAITYD.
Is she awake yet?
/starts writing tasteless joke
/deletes it
I deleted two.
Trust, my intent was tasteless.
There’s a joke in there somewhere about Cacciatore’s date.
It’s almost like I need to force feed people the punchline.
Good luck getting your meat down a tube.
There’s a joke in there somewhere about Cacciatore’s date.
Does it involve chicken?
How are healing? The two hurricanes out here are nothing-burgers. It should be a good week with the waves from the north.
Hey, dbleagle! Unfortunately there’s no way I can fly that long. Two broken vertebrae, just not happening.
Another time, I hope!!
Ouch. I broke one vertebrae with a bad parachute landing in Grafenwoehr and it took me a long time to back to near normal.
You might not want to joust this year.
She was having a 50% off sale?
re Straff: She’s watching “The Boys” and is distracted enough for me to post.
Already binge watched it all meself since so many jolly miscreants recommended it here.
I’m not jolly, but aim to misbehave, is that cool?
If it’s not cool you should check the tstat.
You have lurked well grasshopper
I’ve been around since TOS had open comments (no registration).
Then you lose points for not getting your ass here sooner,
Make sure to clean the blood out tonight. It’s much easier before it dries.
Greetings from Victorville! My scope of work changed 3 times in 2 days, and I’m stuck here till a room opens up down the hill in Ontario, on Sunday. I get to see the wife after 3 weeks, recovering in the hospital, but the outlook is great, and after a week in LA its north to Shittypa!
Greetings fellow contractor.
Actually lost that gig, now I’m an hourly Master God Thing my company keeps fed for ultimate Eternal domination…..
I am but a lowly subcontractor.
*lowers head, kicks pebble*
No such thing, bill for every minute, and you too will be Road Puppet, kept well and damned to drive….FOREVER
I am forever damned to perform miracles as an electrician working under pipe fitters. It’s a cruel world.
What do you mean under fitters? You got order backward, and you are selling yourself short just by our chat here. An electrician is just below HVAC in the food chain, this is a good thing
Life as an industrial sparky that only works water treatment plants is different. GCs do pipe fitting and concrete work, generally.
And Bella, the Destroyer
Wait a minute. I was about to invite you to come over tomorrow and fix the ac, I mean, have dinner. (Hi to Wendy!)
Floating an idea here…
Any chance You Dastardly Lot would publish a cooking article? An original recipe and snarky guide on preparing it?
I’d be up to writing it and taking photos; would be a welcome break from my normal coursework.
We have an extensive collection, all are welcome. Maybe look around the the site a biit mate….
Sure. [REDACTED] did one for his delicious [REDACTED]. I thought it was really [REDACTED]. Go for [REDACTED]!
Nope, no way
And hell no
It appears the resident bachelor needs some competition.
What is the submission process?
(Yes, phrasing…)
Not sure if it’s still the way
I don’t know. Maybe we can convince the powers that be to perhaps put some links at the top of all the articles.
It was hard enough reading trashys article, now you want us to click?
Nah, they’d never post something like that.
A recipe here?! That’s a [REDACTED] idea!
Sweet! I’m always up for learning new ways to cook meth.
How did you know I was a Floridian!?
Florida Man cleanup on aisle3!
That’s a great idea for TV show. Get Paula Dean to host it.
I’m holding out for a PBS version, so I can be smug while I cook it.
Smug no teeth smile? Not seeing it….
How can you be smug while showing teeth?
/Covington smirk
And thanks to viewers like you. Not those worthless deplorables.
I don’t know where my mom got her ‘recipe’ for chicken caccitore, but it’s just dump a jar of mild salsa on some chicken and rice. #Midwest living.
I thought his handle was a reference to Going After Cacciato. Good book, BTW. O’Brien has some kooky views, but he’s one helluva writer.
Who’s handle? Where am I? Who are you?
I’m the non closer of tags.
Axe handle, USA, some guy on the intertubes, what did I win?
I like to cook and thought it would make for a cacci handle
Oh, well you still may enjoy the book. It’s on audible.
I’m not certain that I’ve learned enough Japanese from anime titles yet.
I’m not switching browsers because of xenophobes.
What about xenomorphs? Their history is very convoluted now with Prometheus and Covenant and the PVA movies…PVA, I bet that’s an STD in Japan.
kvetchy handle, amirite?
The Overlords publish me, just say’n
I enjoy your travelogues.
I used to travel regularly as a locksmith for the GSA and I miss it…but I don’t miss working for the federales.
Doomco does locksmithing, hit him up for tales and such….
Is there any way to contact individual glibs beyond esnail?
Preet confirmed
+1 Scandal Free Administration ™
First time I’ve accessed this site on a PC and found the menu bar at the top. My ancient phone (Galaxy S4 on 4.4.2 Android release) shows no such thing.
/accepts beating
I feel stupid.
Welcome to the real internet!
Ha-ha. No shit, right? Doing internet stuff on a phone is like watching a silent movie without the dialog cards.
I won’t deny that.
And thanks! I’m working on my next one, but Im going to get more material before I submit it, this is the ulti.ate place to publish silly articles, history ,food,beer, guns, submit dammit!
Guys, don’t tell that CIA snitch Caccitore, but next week we execute Plan 9 and take over the world.
Sadly applicable to Hayeksplosives the last 2 weeks.
There was a typo in the lyrics. Should be:
True, true.
Does work better than “for a Tesla M3” but that is the car I’m reduced to staring at in the garage and polishing the fenders while I wait for my broken back to heal and for my 6 months license revocation (for medical reasons, for those who don’t know already) to run out the clock.
Damn. That is the shits. There’s nothing to be done that can shorten that time? I suppose not.
You oughtta know…
Don’t have a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack.
Notice that the pronunciation of is user name is CATCH-a-TORIE. He is obviously a bot for the UK Labour Party.
Could be a thing…:
The same thing we do every night, Pinky.
I fink so, Bwain, but how do we get the nylons on the chicken?
But rubber pants chafe me so…..
For some reason, telling y’all I had sex with my wife last night wouldn’t come across as bragging, does it.
What about if I said it?
Pics or… Hey!
“Wouldn’t” paired with “does it”? I can’t believe any woman would have sex with a man who so badly mismatched verbs.
That’s why I married her. No speaky engrish.
That’s a total kink in Japan.
I’ve found being very clever with my English is not especially attractive to women, or anyone.
I very recently paired “Bloody-minded” with “sanguine,” and there’s been no movement on that. I’m disappointed in her, and in myself.
This sentence hurt my brain. I demand reparations.
I can’t close tags or tag questions.
How are you with putting the toilet seat down?
It’s totally anti-trans to put the seat down.
+1 woman’s penis
This makes me picture a southern gentleman slapping a man with his glove and saying “I demand satisfaction, suh”
Customs officer: “Have you anything to declare?”
Me: “I do declare I had a great time!”
Satisfaction? Just give him a pair of tix to the Daytona infield and a turkey fryer.
I’ve submitted my request to the overlords.
You won’t be hazing me once you’ve tried my cooking, smart asses.
I, for one, will not taste your ass.
Nice Freudian slip
Probably gamey anyway.
Don’t be shitty
You just gave them your SS# and credit card info, you are so screwed. ..
I don’t have any credit cards, thankfully.
Volleyball > soccer
In the interest of international goodwill, I’d like to volunteer to console the Kazakhstanis. Perhaps bring together both teams for emotional healing.
Kazakhstan has superior potassium
Hosting the Women’s World Curling Championship in our little burgh next year. Rowrrrrrhhhh.
Less woke, but they don’t have Alex Morgan.
Hot lesbian action.
Ok, where are the Lesbian elephants smart guy?
How is that lesbian? It’s a hot naked chick. No other implications.
They look real though; nice find!
Just cause the elephant was female.
Joke -> falling flat.
I think he meant the elephant on human action
Who works ?
Me fuck off
Me too Yusef
All you’ve got are big titted whores. For love’s sake, give me a lady I want to respect.
And by respect, I want to treat like a whore.
But, like, my whore.
Shit. I may have a Gawain situation on my hands.
Lady on the street, chef in the kitchen, whore in the bedroom?
Also, here’s a lady who clearly has culture and breeding.
I particularly appreciate that she doesn’t have a daft expression on her face, with a finger stuck to her bottom lip like a toddler.
Her expression reads like she might actually be able to tell a man exactly what she wants.
Excellent usage of “daft”. That doesn’t get enough play.
she might actually be able to tell a man exactly what she wants
Like that’s ever happened.
Clearly we’ve never met
And Mr. Splosives has what, exactly, to complain about?
I once witnessed her tell the waiter exactly what beverage she would like.
Not yet, sounds like.
Give him time; he’ll think of something.
And he does have to be my chauffeur for 6 months so I am a bit of a burden that way.
Her face is better than the usual but she’s so… glistening.
Yeah, they get carried away with the Crisco application
Zed’s dead, baby. Zed’s dead.
Zeddies dead?
/ that’s what I said,
Better dead than Zed. MAGA!
50 laps around Sol. Huh. What’s my prize?
Happy birfday to yooooo!!
Woot! Happy b-day!
Shorter of breath,
And one day closer to death,
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
Mid-life crisis, if my recent quinquagenary is anything to go by.
I’m going for 100, really, almost 56 and killing it, or myself..
Not quite your age and if I stopped smoking and drinking I could go another forty-fifty years but why?
Happy Joy-Joy to you Denver! The good news is that it’s all downhill from 50 and the bad news is that it’s all downhill from 50. Drink up!
Larger liquor glasses and more frequent trips to the bathroom. Happy birthday!
Happy day!
Happy birthday! ?? ?
Doctor sticks his finger up your butt every year looking for cells reproducing too much?
This thread is almost certainly dead by now, but Happy Birthday, DJ!
Submitted without comment.
First he begs for mercy and then says he is going to appeal.
“He wasn’t circumcised. It was big, and it was like a hook…It was humongous and it curved,”
I mean… worth it?
25 years in jail vs. having your giant cock confirmed in court records.
“Thank you so much for coming forward and speaking YOUR TRUTH”
I really disdain that sort of language.
Second. It’s either THE truth, or it’s not. I can believe her statement was THE truth, but that’s all that needs to be said.
#methree. That was uncalled for. She’s an Officer of the Court not Oprah fucking Winfrey.
Anyone here know a good way to track down a font? I’m wondering if there is a font that matches the Schmidt Beer logo. Jacob, not Christian.
I assume it is stand alone artwork and not an actual font, but if I could find something close I’d be tickled.
I won’t tickle you, sorry Mike
Even if I ask nicely?
Well, if you ask nice, but no reach arounds, OK?
Just the feet.
It’s rather Celtic
You think so? Other than sans serif, I can’t think of any good descriptors to help narrow down the search. I’ve been scrolling through fonts at DaFont.com and I’m getting cross eyed trying to find something.
Looks like they had a couple other fonts in their advertising. One that’s essentially the same as Schlitz as well as a more traditional Germanic font. Germanic is easy, there are a ton of them if you DuckDuckGo “Germanic fonts”.
If you need to match up with the logo you linked, I’d suggest asking SugarFree.
The second link is from the “other” Schmidt brewery, but yes, there were a few different fonts over the years. I’ll run it by SF tomorrow if he’s around. Thanks!
Oooh, right. Didn’t check the locations. And I forgot that pre-prohibition, there were a ton of breweries in this country.
Thanks, ladies. By which I mean thanks for that promise, because Jeebus…
“ask Sugarfree”*
*begins to shudder
Looks close to a rounded Gothic/Blackletter font.
Here’s a somewhat similar modern version
That is close. I kinda like it. I’d like to match the logo, but if not, this could work. Thanks!
There are websites that guide you through it – easy to find, tho I don’t remember the exact URL.
/been there many times
PS it can be a pain if you only have a few letters to work with
“Easy! Barely an inconvenience!”
It’s literally as easy as doing a search for something like “find font” or “identify font”.
*grumps to the corner* “Nobody got my joke. Assholes…”
I got it, Festus.
And Rhy, I tried WhatTheFont but wasn’t having any luck. I found a few others, am trying now.
HELLO! Look at my comment! Sheesh.
I suspected a reference I didn’t get so decided to be an asshole about it. You’re welcome.
Much obliged!
Font Squirrel
They have a font identifier as well.
Thanks, SP. No luck with the squirrel. Gonna try some different sites.
Yeah, just looked at it. That’s hand drawn. Know any calligraphers? They could easily match it. Then if you needed more than for a logo, you can map it and create a digital font easily.
Damn. OK, well maybe that’s good as I probably don’t want to completely copy it. I’ll just keep looking for something close.
Being a Godlike kept monkey, it sucks being on hiatus till the next stupid decision requires resolution, but at least I am a God
Agile is that you?
Hello from Elder worlds….
Galactic skank smells the same, but asshole never deviate from the anus,
Food for thought, or dinner assmunch
Celestial Hep A?
I’m like STEVE SMITH immune to ass munch disease
Maybe he has hooked, smelly, horse-cock like the fellow from the story linked above.
No one read my post, going to Shitypatown, where am I headed?
Are you…ok?
Better, but the influx of work has me doing more drugs than necessary, so I’m in Cali to grab my wife and a shitload of weed, already purchased, then up to ShiPaTown,
San fran, not looking forward to SF
Watch your step and don’t bother to curb your dog. Best of luck, Yusef, sounds like you’re due for a winning streak!
I hope it’s “just” weed.
/your school-marm
OT: Rhywun – I don’t know if you’ve heard this band, but definitely underrated – The Organ. Kind of Souixsie meets Morrisey and steals The Cure’s bassist in 2004.
Their big breakthrough hit was “Razor Blades and Long Sleeves”. The B-side is “I Wonder Who Will Attend My Funeral”.
No, it was Steven Smith.
Not joking.
I’ll be damned! Synchronicity!
Dig both links – thx!
Shi Tpa Town
The blue hair is a dead giveaway.
Poor Colton. Sounds like he didn’t even get any peanut butter.
“horrific abuse”
Eating poon is horrific abuse? Who knew…
You saw the picture. Horrific abuse.
Bella won’t eat peanut butter, love a jelly though
But she looks like the girl next door.
You live next to a clown college or loony bin?
Insane Clown Posse fan club HQ.
I thought newspapers didn’t print the names or photos of sex crime victims.
Colton is lucky she didn’t eat him.
Oh no you di-int!
Actually, awesome burn.
To be fair, Colton is dressed like a little slut in that photo.
Literally dressed as a klansmen.
Literally dressed as a klansmen.
Squirrel? Tulpa? Tulpa? Squirrel? Which one to shoot?
all squirrels are tulpa.
To be fair, the dog did have a white hood on.
I have an announcement. Donald Trump is a fucking incel and deserves to perish. He fucked my wife. He took his small, skinny penis out and fucked her bare. That’s right. He thought he was entitled to my wife’s pussy from her saying thank you when he picked up change. He came in her and now she’s pregnant and we have to abort it. Im pro-life so this decision is hard as hell. I wish I could fucking split his guts out. Yknow what? I’m gonna fucking hurt him back. I’m gonna fuck his asshole till it’s the size of a fucking quarter. That’s right. His asshole is gonna be raw as shit. I’ll even piss in his fucking mouth. That’s right, all my piss, right in his fucking mouth! You hear that Donald? Get a mouth full of this STD infected PISS
This is how you bring unwanted attention to Glibs.
We’re gonna get downgraded to “Manson Family Friendly” at this rate.
Family friendly!!
CBS cares!! (As a certain Scottish American comedian would say…)
Family Friendly ?
Check the homepage. It’s been a running joke since the site launched.
+1 woodchipper
What the fuck did you just say about me, you little statist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class from the Cato Institute, and I’ve been involved in numerous ballot access petitions, and I have over 300 confirmed electoral defeats. I am trained in gorilla politics and I’m the top debater in the entire US Libertarian Party. You are nothing to me but just another authoritarian. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of anarcho-capitalists across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, duopolist. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your two-party system. You’re fucking liberated, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can spoil your election in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my grassroots organizing. Not only am I extensively trained in non aggression, but I have access to the entire Ron Paul Congressional Library and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable federal reserve off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re going to have to pay taxes you goddamm idiot
*opera applause*
Yeah, I just scanned it the first time but that was really good.
Hanging out, waiting in line to get seats for the Ichikawa-Edogawa fireworks. This is an annual, traditional Japanese fireworks display.
I am the advance party for my family – here to secure seats for my wife and boys. Of course I have a cooler with beer and a small flask of scotch in case I sweat out the alcohol faster than beer can deliver it.
Nice. Get of my lawn, er, I mean tarp!
We got a set of contributor tickets. Folding chairs.
Beaucoup nubile, Japanese females and MILFs. With the sun going down, a gentle breeze, and a nice buzz going (and the family not here yet) it’s pretty close to heaven.
For anybody who showed up later and wants to know WTF I’m talking about…
Heh. Shy Asian girl at work that helped me rescue a cat finally said my name last week. It has two R’s and an L. It was pletty adolable.
My full name has five “L”s and an “R”. And most Japanese believe it means something totally unrelated.
If HM is holding you hostage blink twice.
Looks like Q took the night off. Here, I’ll help.
Look upstairs. That’s where Q hid the nudie pics.
I forgot to refresh after scrolling.
Iron Law #513 – Always refresh and never apologize. Yeesh! Do we need to print a pamphlet? Or a newsletter of some kind?
Well, better late than…..whatever. Wait—no, no….I’ll figure it out.
Also, I’m diggin’ the new guy, er….tulpa. Welcome, Cacciatore, if I’ve never said so, which is pretty likely.
Good morning all. Lousy night at work. Have some fine Maryland Oi music from the early ’80s – Iron Cross with Crucified.
And then covered by The Business.
I have to say, I like that cover!
Here’s 15 year-old Festus, flailing around in the basement – https://youtu.be/SI6UuwQtcUE?list=PLTJGu9lx29IKlbd_9a-qvRCVXu0FdSfJT
OMG! That’s fabulous. Awesome artwork as well.
Later he listens to this – https://youtu.be/JZXj20MjNek?list=PLjEH7tvbymvHFxlI3yUyqFPG2s8-EedvP
Later on he settles down with what becomes his theme song for the rest of his life – https://youtu.be/hJeGrLJ6dOI
A couple years ago, I went through a few months listening to Zeppelin exclusively. I came away with a renewed appreciation for this, and this.
Solid choices. John Paul Jones knew a bass groove even though it is buried in most of their tunes.
I was just thinking about Max Webster the other day.
Another great tune – https://youtu.be/WFTF4qpJAv4
Sorry about the shitty work.
Thanks. It’s the backend of retail grocery so, par for the course. One boss is trying to order lots of merch and push it out, other boss is bending over backwards to cut hours and save on payroll which leaves me with not enough people or time to fully stock the store. Eh, la, la… as far as the rest of the world goes, I likely have it pretty easy so mustn’t grumble.
We live for grumble. Rock on, Iobot!
What Festus says
Good Lord. I have been reading Spiked for a while, which I do now and then, and I am reminded how even free speech advocates outside the US are anything but. That is not counting the non-US Glibs we have here.
I use the term ‘pinko’ now and then inappropriately. I know what it means. Pink, not fully red. We have no shortage of them here (or full-on reds either) but the rest of the Anglosphere is infested with them. Except for some small minority humans really are just herd animals.
I will go to my grave never being able understand why some folk fear speech to such a degree as to ban it.
I once had someone tell me “I cant refute a single argument you have made. I know they are all correct but I cant accept the conclusion they lead to. It doesn’t matter what you say I won’t change my mind.”
I don’t know for sure if he knew what he was saying but at least he was honest. Most people just scream “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”
Fear. Fear is the root of it.
That poor creature that attacked me and landed me in surgery was mentally ill. Yep. Crazy isn’t just for people. I don’t know what was going on in his head but I could see fear in his eyes. All he had to do was lay on the couch in the air conditioning, eat gravy laced food and get scratched on the head. We never hit him, never yelled at him, never did anything to him but coddle him. Someone had abused him and he had some kind of deep irrational fear of people. The result was violence. (Whoever is responsible better hope to God I never find out who they are)
People aren’t all that different. If they feel threatened they lash out. Shutting down speech you disagree with definitely falls into that category.
Well put Suthern. I have that same talk about fear and knee jerk reactions with my dad. He became a hard authoritarian after 9-11 out of fear.
I still like75% of what I read on Spiked. There is an active commentariot there that calls them out on the progressive creep.
Yeah, Brendan O’Neill has been regularly lambasted by the commentariat lately. Brutally. I think the guy has decided that being a professional troll will get him into the right cocktail parties.