There is a meme going around depicting Monopoly, the classic Parker Brother’s game from the 1930s, if the board was designed in a manner to suit Kamala Harris. I found it funny, but I also thought it was missing a couple spaces for taxes and began thought experiments on some of the other candidates and how Monopoly would look for them. Warren for example would be nothing but spaces for Income Tax and Luxury Tax. Sanders would alternate between tax spaces, communal housing, players wouldn’t be able to purchase any of the properties, nor would they be able to land on Boardwalk and Park place as they are both Dachas, nobody gets to be the racecar, and of course Sanders himself is the banker and only pays in black bread. Wiliamson would be a bunch of pot dispensaries, yoga studios, hipster eateries, the railroads are electric and the pieces are all different colored crystals. Booker has the distinction of simultaneously having or not having a version of Monopoly with his name as being racist.
The racecar token is not an option in any of these versions…
Then I got to Yang…more tax spaces and you get $1000 when you pass go?
This is my review of Santa Fe Brewing Co. Chicken Killer Barleywine.
Yang’s campaign is focused on the idea of a “freedom dividend” that in a sense sounds like a UBI of $1000 per person over 18 per month. That’s the about all anybody focuses on in the media, so I decided to look up the proposal itself and it is straightforward enough.
This is independent of one’s work status or any other factor. This would enable all Americans to pay their bills, educate themselves, start businesses, be more creative, stay healthy, relocate for work, spend time with their children, take care of loved ones, and have a real stake in the future.
Other than regular increases to keep up the cost of living, any change to the Freedom Dividend would require a constitutional amendment.
It will be illegal to lend or borrow against one’s Dividend.
A Universal Basic Income at this level would permanently grow the economy by 12.56 to 13.10 percent—or about $2.5 trillion by 2025—and it would increase the labor force by 4.5 to 4.7 million people. Putting money into people’s hands and keeping it there would be a perpetual boost and support to job growth and the economy.
Yang’s FAQ page states his plan does not take the place of other social programs like Veteran’s benefits or Social Security since both are either paid into or earned. This is in contrast with Milton Friedman’s Negative Income Tax; while often portrayed as a UBI scheme it is better described as way Friedman balanced his Chicago School philosophy, Minarchism, and everyone else’s desire for welfare programs. Not paying income taxes is a way to give low wage earners extra money without the disincentive to work. The same FAQ page quotes Friedman out of context as a way to convince the voter UBI is not a new idea. He even quotes Thomas Payne.

Welcome to Alaska…here’s $1000
Yang also goes on to compare this scheme to the dividend from the Alaska Permanent Fund (APF) given to residents of Alaska as an example of how this might work on the national level. The APF however functions much differently and is not funded through a tax, it is a state owned wealth fund and the dividend paid is based on the overall performance of the investments in that fund. The amount paid therefore varies, and it is also subject to strict definitions of “resident”.
There is also the part where there are what, 100 people living in Alaska?

“Foolish Irishman, stop this at once! I’m white! Can’t you see I’m white?”
Interestingly enough, there are not many recent arguments out there discussing the merits or demerits of the idea, other than this article from FEE that is mostly making the argument that once a government program starts it never dies and gets bigger. While true, I was hoping for something a little more in depth and FEE to their credit does deliver in an older article. I expect this to change as the primary election rolls along since unlike nearly all of that field, Yang is actually likeable.
As far as a barleywine goes this one is a bit unusual since you can almost serve it ice cold and chug it. Not recommended for a barleywine since it should be served at the almost universal optimum temperature (50F) for beer and there it starts to feel more like what one expects from this style. Its deep red and a bit of a sweet aftertaste but overall, a nice complex brew but I’ve had better. Santa Fe Brewing Co. Chicken Killer Barleywine 3.5/5.
Barleywine – that is a lie. wine is made of grapes
barley based alcohol should be under 7% or over 45%. in between is bullshit.
This is why you lot deserved communism
Off the top rope!
I disagree.
But, look on the bright side, more Samichlaus and other high alcohol beers for me.
And that’s why in the US you can’t call a beer a barleywine. Instead they’re all called Barleywine style ales (or beers). Because the Federal Government thinks people would be confused and think there were grapes involved.
A Universal Basic Income at this level would permanently grow the economy by 12.56 to 13.10 percent—or about $2.5 trillion by 2025—and it would increase the labor force by 4.5 to 4.7 million people. Putting money into people’s hands and keeping it there would be a perpetual boost and support to job growth and the economy. – this is just making shit up
Yeah, that’s hilarious.
Take a bunch of money from everyone and then give some of it back to everyone. That’ll grow the economy by trillions!!
(in the same argumentum ad absurdum as the minimum wage – if a grand nets you $2.5 trillion, why not go ahead and push for $10 grand per month for everyone. The economic growth based on yacht sales alone would pay for the thing…..
It’s reminiscent of that old example of the shopkeeper who makes a $20 sale, uses the $20 to pay off a debt, and the same $20 bill then gets passed around the neighborhood paying debts until it’s returned to the same shopkeeper by someone who owed him $20 — and then the first customer comes back in, returns his purchase and gets the original $20 refunded. Economic activity for all at zero cost!
Take this job and shove it, I ain’t working here no more. My time is way too valuable when I get paid for watching TV.
There is also the part where there are what, 100 people living in Alaska? – and they all have big tits given that Q wants to buy land there
Big tits? Sure, if all the residents are Sarah Palin and her kids and grandkids.
Kamala Harris, needs a few Take a Pass from your boss make 200$
Biden’s should have a sniff the community chest and take a chance that no one is looking spaces.
I just picked up some summer brews for today. A great variety pack from Troges, a six of Eat A Peach Weise by Susquehanna, and a four pack of tall cans of a local NE IPA.
Troges makes good stuff. I’ve had some good beer from Susquehanna.
And both of us spelled Troegs wrong….
It’s a great brewery to visit. They have a state of the art brewing setup. They contract brew many of the local and regional micros.
Beer Fridge
Yuengling! Yes!
It’s heavy on the PA beers.
That’s my fridge right now. I bought a lot of PA beers while I was passing through on my road trip. Mostly Sly Fox.
All beverages should be icy cold or piping hot.
I don’t get it… Why do you keep reviewing beer when the perfect drink already exists: Rum & Coke.
Don’t you mean Johnnie Walker Black Label?
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we are Libertarians. We all have strong preferences but we are not going to force compliance from others.
Bernie Sanders would be all “Nobody needs more than one type of cocktail.” eff you, Bernie.
No no no. The best drink is determined by completely objective criteria.
The other night I had a few Negronis. That’s a pretty objectively perfect summer cocktail.
It’s science.
I had a few too many negronis last night.
My vote is for a Moscow Mule…or even more perfect; A Mule Named Barb. (swap rhubarb juice for the lime juice)
*starts a new batch of rhubarb juice*
It’s 109° outside. The sun is beating down. Our air conditioning is dead. There is one and one only “best” for this circumstance: Bugey de Cerdon.
Maybe mixed with 7-Up on ice.
I’m sure you know this, but put big trays of ice in front of fans set to blow on you. Like, buyout the convenience store big trays.
Why not mix your whiskey with other whiskey, and have a rusty nail?
One malt at a time, please. Oh, and the brewer better be wearing a skirt and golfing afterwards (Meaning after he was done, 18 years ago) .
Oh, we have that chain here! The Tilted Kilt, right?
Rum & Coke
Cy eats deep dish. I guarantee it.
He’s probably circumcised too.
Is this a round about way of you asking for a dick pic?
I actually despise deep dish! I think Chicago style is too damn doughy.
Run is for sipping, putting in daquiris, or Dark n Stormies.
Liking the taste of rye, but only wanting to drink good rye straight or in Manhattans, I’ve found you can make an inexpensive alternative to rum and coke in Canadian Club and Diet Coke. Tasty and zero carbs too.
Alcohol and caffeine living together!? Are you crazy? Needs some type of law there.
You can have my Irish Coffee or my Bailey’s and Coffee when you can pry them out of my cold, dead hands.
*Raises cup of coffee into the air*
Utter horseshit.
“Utter horseshit.”
I think there’s a pattern developing here.
Yeap. I did back of envelope on UBI a while back. I think I calculated that if you balanced the budget and eliminated Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security (but still collected the same amount of money for them), you could give everyone 18 and over 15K a year and be neutral. That 15K will of course now have to cover health care and retirement savings. Of course as has been said, every presidential candidate going forward will promise to raise that amount. Not to mention, we should be cutting spending and taxes, not remaining neutral.
Oh I also eliminated all welfare spending as well in those calcs.
“Foolish Irishman, stop this at once! I’m white! Can’t you see I’m white?”
Stupid laws apply to everyone, even rich white people.
Instead of Free Parking for Warren it should be a Big Wampum space where you get shell beads. She would also need a Chance card that gets you a cushy grant at Harvard.
Printing Press to print another trillion with each turn
Bernie version should have all the properties as Baltic Ave except for the dachas on Broadway and Park Place that couldn’t be bought or sold, and were awarded at the beginning of the game.
And if you land on Broadway or Park Place you are
executedsent to Siberia for annoying the nomenklatura.“This is independent of one’s work status or any other factor. This would enable all Americans to pay their bills, educate themselves, start businesses, be more creative, stay healthy, relocate for work, spend time with their children, take care of loved ones, and have a real stake in the future.”
Or buy guns and ammo. In other words, convert it into something you are gonna need when the money runs out.
and it would increase the labor force by 4.5 to 4.7 million people
How, pray tell, does paying people to *not* work increase the labor force?
They assume that people spending more money would spur increased production and sales of demanded goods. what they don’t account for is where the money will come from or the increase in wages required to incentivize people to go to work. They have a zero sum mentality. The economy is completely 2 dimensional for them. They simply cant grasp how the economy rights itself no matter what you do to it and they cant imaging getting the fuck out of the way and letting productive people do what productive people do.
He didn’t say ‘voluntarily’ increase the work force
Headed to liquor store later in quest for Campari. Recommendations on Bourbons and Rums (thinking dark but open mind to light)?
Four Roses small batch.
you’re welcome.
I already have that along with Woodford Double Oaked:) good call though.
I’ll second the four roses recommendation.
I was planning on looking for some Old Ezra 7-year-old Barrel Strength or maybe some Blanton’s, Buffalo Trace, or Booker’s. Anyone have have any opinions on those as far as bourbon goes?
I wasn’t very impressed with Buffalo Trace. I’d got for Bulleit over that.
Thanks. Yeah, Bulleit is good.
Gosling’s for rum. Black Seal or their Old Rum.
Cool thanks!
Hopefully they’ll have the Black Seal. Have you tried El Dorado? I’ve heard that was pretty good too.
I haven’t had El Dorado.
Gosling’s Black Seal is pretty common. Their Old Rum is not as common, and more expensive.
Cool. Out liquor store selection isn’t very good around here. I’m going to a specialty shop that’s supposed to have a better selection to I’m hopefully. If not, there are some good bars around there so still win.
Go to the local dive bar and pick up the lady behind on her bills/hooker.
They’re always train wrecks. Just not worth it.
Met this chick at the bar tonight. She cracked me up for a couple of hours. Hot enough body and face. I’m married, though, and of course made my way home alone as usual. Wife is splayed out on the couch in her work clothes. “Oh, you’re home. O’Kaeri”. Scoop her up and plop her in bed. I don’t follow my own advice because it’S TERRIBLE.
Regarding Harris and sending people to jail for marijuana, was she just enforcing the law as written? If so, isn’t that what someone in the Executive Branch is supposed to do? i don’t particularly like when the Executive Branch picks and chooses which laws to enforce. It makes a mockery of the law. Don’t like the law? Get the legislature to change it.
Blocking the release of exculpatory DNA evidence is pretty messed up though.
Out of one side of their mouth is ‘prosecutorial discretion!’ and out of the other ‘I have no choice but to enforce the law as written!’.
I am not buying it. She is a sociopathic, power hungry, evil bitch.
There was a ballot measure about a decade back that would have decriminalized prostitution and she came out strongly against it, claiming the usual “sex trafficking would increase” canard. Now I see she has done a 180 on that. You would think that someone who got her leg up into politics based on a sexual transaction would either have a consistent position or largely keep her mouth shut about that subject.
Leg up indeed.
A clear case of her pulling up the ladder behind her.
Sure. But smoking it at the same time she was throwing people in cages for the same thing is what’s pissing people off.
I posted there before I finished. All politicians pander to some degree or another. Kamala lies on the extreme of that. The woman is quite willing to say anything she thinks her current audience wants to hear that day. She really is among the worst of the Dem lot. I’ve been saying for a couple years now that she is gonna lock up the VP nod for the Dems. I don’t think the DNC are stupid enough to let her get the top billing. It’ll be Warren-Harris or Biden-Harris.
OT: Rex Murphy, Canada’s national treasure, lays a sick burn on the latest pack of mega-stars and mega-rich navel-gazing about climate change.
I always thought Mark Steyn was Canada’s national treasure but this Rex guy was pretty good.
Fortunately, we have more than one “national treasure.” Unfortunately, we also have this idiot, supposedly one of Canada’s world-class “public intellectuals.”
Steyn has left Canada. He lives in New Hampshire now.
Yes, but he is still a Canuck citizen and is very active in trying to keep Canada “human rights tribunal” from muzzling the likes of him and others who enjoy free speech
It’s an uphill battle — we not only have a Federal “human rights tribunal” but there’s a bunch of provincial ones as well. In some ways fighting them all is like playing “whack-a-mole” across ten million square kilometres.
It’s an uphill battle
From what little I’ve heard, that’s an understatement.
People are most honest when they vote with their feet.
That was very good.
Reposting this from the previous thread because it angers me and I don’t want to be alone with my anger. Share in my anger. Share it. ’He’s done nothing wrong’ — Police union chief blasts recommendation to fire officer over the chokehold death of Eric Garner
Wait for it…
Lynch accused the judge of ignoring the evidence and trampling Pantaleo’s due process rights. He said the decision tells officers that they’re expendable.
“A police officer has no other choice but to enforce that law,” Lynch said. “We can’t just walk away. It’s not called de-escalation it’s called doing your job.
Can it get worse? Oh, it can.
I wonder if Sir Digby has any special insight into how the Dallas/Arlington/Ft Worth local mood is, in the law enforcement world as well as the local community and the news coverage
As a local… It’s concerning to say the least. Apparently dogs and women laying on the grass are “draw your weapon and dump the mag” kind of scary these days.
What’s it going to take for these assholes to change?
They will never change. If you pin a hall monitor badge on someone, they will find a violator. Then, they will find more and more. When they’ve finished with all the people lacking passes, they will lobby for more authority. EVERY.SINGLE. TIME.
The only hope is to restrain them via laws, but those are under the purview of politicians and we all know they work.
That monopoly board is great. I’d like to see the game of Life version.
Where would you put the aborted pegs?
Like DUH, you sell them to Chinese research labs.
Haven’t played in a while. They added an abortion offramp?
It’s the Robot Chicken edition (NSFW).
The question is, given that society demands some sort of economic safety net (or hammock), how do you mitigate the disincentive to work that you have with current welfare programs. Negative Income Tax and UBI are intended to address that but a cheaper solution would be preferable. Like maybe allowing a certain amount of income without losing benefits and then beyond that reduce benefits by 50 cents for each additional dollar earned or something along those lines until your off the dole. Of course a better option is to eliminate all the licensing, regulations, fees, etc that prevent the poor from going into business as week as ending prohibitions on drugs, gambling, and prostitution but too many nannies to contend with.
Pretty much that. I think if we MUST have some kind of welfare system, the least destructive one would be a cash stipend that tapers off as you earn more. The tricky part would be setting the stipend at a level that is not too comfortable so that people are actually incentivized to move into actual work at some point.
Speaking of metrosexual hipsters- yesterday, a guy at the other end of the bar ordered some sort of fruity beer with a shot of vanilla vodka in it.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
There was a time not so long ago when doing something like that in Montana would get you lynched.
You should have ordered him a Fuzzy Navel.
I tried a negroni tonight because everyone here was raving about them. Or least some people were. No. I switched back to beer quickly.
Really? I thought they were great!
But I was outside on a patio with my wife and our best friends, so I was feeling pretty mellow anyway.
900 yen and I got a glass of lava lamp juice with a lemon in it. I’d take a martini any day.
That’s not a negroni.
Context is important.
“Speaking of metrosexual hipsters”
Check out 2002 reference guy over here.
That guy NEVER had lunch money when he was in school.
Not a big barleywine fan. If I’m going to have something with that much alcohol, I’d rather just drink actual wine… or liquor. I think I’m biased because several years ago I had Dogfish Head 120 minute IPA, which is classified as a barleywine. It’s something like 20% abv and with so much hops it’s like chewing on lawn clippings. You could make a decent approximation by taking plastic bottle vodka and watering it down, adding a tiny touch of maple syrup, dumping as much hops as you can fit and then putting it in the blender.
My other more recent barleywine experiences were not nearly so bad but they were in the same ballpark.
Not a fan either. My beer expert peeps assure me good ones exist, but I’m still waiting.
The Happy Gnome in St Paul usually has a good barley wine on tap
Thanks, but you know I hate crossing the River!
Yeah, I always avoided rush hour. Also from Fridley it wasn’t so far.
I’m telling ya…Killer Penguin.
Mwahahaha… Oh, you meant this.
Look for the Killer Penguin (as mentioned above), or if you can find it, try out Thomas Hardy Ale.
I had some 120 Minute IPA at the Dogfish Head Brewery back in June. I usually don’t go for American IPAs but I liked it.
The 120-Minute IPA is in my top 5 all time best beers. I love it and drink a couple every week.
But smoking it at the same time she was throwing people in cages for the same thing is what’s pissing people off.
That was covered in Moby Dick, right? Some whales are more equal than others, or something like that.
Tell me Queequeg didn’t toke.
Giving $1k to everybody every month will totally not have any effect on the prices of things.
Like housing?
Service members stationed in Europe often find the locals ask for their rank rather than negotiate on the rent, because the locals know the schedule for the housing allowance and price it accordingly for full amount.
I’ve heard arguments for amending the constitution to deal with abuse of executive power, but this is a new one.
Why I sleep 10 to 12 hours a day.
That’s a pretty tame video by your standards. It did open up with testicles, but still, kinda tame.
Bigger testicles? Meh. If it had opened with “bigger schlong,” that would’ve been worth listening to.
Yep. I already have trouble with mine getting the witch’s kiss. I don’t need bigger ones.
The punchline is that Trump frequently boasts about only needing 4 hours of sleep a night.
“So, you’re saying that Donald Trump’s balls are already YUUUUGE?” /Cathy Newman
It’s part of his physical and mental health regimen.
Funny stuff but I am not watching that through. What is he selling?
I think Pie posted a photo yesterday of some panhandler with a sign that said ‘If you have a small dick, smile. If you have a large dick toss in a coin’ or something to that effect. Is this the same guy?
His book on sleeping, I guess.
Giving $1k to everybody every month will totally not have any effect on the prices of things.
“I could have sworn Victory Gin came in a bigger bottle.”
“Naah, you’re wrong. They’ve always been that size. Pay up. People are waiting.”
Barley wine? Strange.
*opens Blue Moon Belgian White*
A little KBS from 2018. Yummy.
People of Walmart
Texas police officers responded to an active shooter report near a local Walmart in El Paso on Saturday morning. There were no immediate reports of injuries or fatalities.
El Paso police said on Twitter the scene in the Cielo Vista Mall area was still active and asked people to stay clear of the active scene.
The shooter was reported shortly before 11 a.m. local time. Additional details were not immediately available.
El Fuckin’ Paso.
*Pro tip: Never be in EP without firepower within easy reach.
And stay out of Rose’s Cantina.
Information is still unreliable, but…
KTSM reported that at least 18 people were shot inside the Walmart; however, the extent of their injuries was not immediately known.
No bueno.
Two nice looking strips with protection.
Salted them up and stashed them in the fridge to sit overnight.
Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian Bot | The Serious and Official Kamala Campaign Debate Reaction
How is Trump withdrawing half our troops from Afghanistan barely even a news mention? Seems to me like it should be a bigger deal.
He’s only finishing what Obama started.
Who’dathunk that personality disorders could rise to the level of an epidemic?
Orangemanbad is no exaggeration. I wish C Anacreon were around about now.
About to do the drive back from San Diego to SF. 9 hours in the car with little kids. Lord give me strength. At least I have plenty of beer in the fridge at home waiting for me.
That’s a shitty 9 hours too. Have fun on I-5 through LA!
Are you contemplating Highway 1 or just leaving after 7pm?
Drug them with CBD oil.
Strap them kids in, give ’em a little bit of Benadryl and a Cherry Coke.
Why’s the beer in the fridge? It won’t do you any good there. You need it in a cooler next to the driver’s seat.
So you can throw it at people texting and driving?
OT: Conservatives Are Hiding Their ‘Loathing’ Behind Our Flag
Sounds about right.
TL;DR: Submit to everything the left demands or you’re a racist.
2020 should be fun.
Is It Possible to Be Funny and Also a Christian? Snopes Investigates
Critical thinking is a quaint, outdated, process.
Anyway, let’s list the conspiracy theory we most believe in, or want to believe in.
The MLK assassination! James Earl Ray was a patsy! Who was behind it? We can only speculate…
“…Snopes fact-checks the stories that people are asking about.”
Now who is trying to be funny?
Why I Want to Start a Free Speech Trade Union
England’s weird.
There is a reason that we ran them off.
How to Impress Your Sugar Daddy by Reading an Analog Clock
Good advice, imo
My wife worked with a kid (early 20’s) who literally did not know how to read an analog clock.
I had a gym teacher who couldn’t, but he had a watch anyway. Everyone would say, “Hey, Mr. Hurdle, what time is it?” and he’d look at his watch and say, “It’s… uhhhh… it’s… uhhhh…. it’s… uhhhh…. WHATSA MATTAH YOU AIN’T GOT Y’OWN WATCH ON?!?!?”
Man, that never got old.
When asked for the time I usually look at my watch and say something like, “it’s a quarter to three, unless Mickey has a boner.”
You know, to keep it humorous.
I clicked expecting The Babylon Bee.
I’m confused. The young guy pictured with the porn ‘stache is supposed to be a sugar daddy…?
Yeaaaah… isn’t just his age.
It is not uncommon for women, especially young ones, to have an imaginary ideal man that is too young to be mature and not straight. I never understood that. I think it is the princess/white picket fence mentality they have been indoctrinated with in their formative years. That photo is an exaggerated example.
It sure sets them up for a lifetime of disappointment, frustration and unhappiness.
You don’t want a young John Stossel as your sugar daddy?
Or is that a young John Oates?
My initial though was that he might was the sugar baby.
proof read fail
Some former coworkers of mine and I had dinner at a local place for dinner. It turns into a nightclub after about 10 PM. We got a late start on dinner, and lingered after the DJ started belting out tunes.
Some hot 20-something chick sits next to me, the youngest of the group of guys, and says, “Are you guys rich? Do any of you want to be my sugar daddy?”
There was a 20-something guy hanging around her. We asked her if she was there with him. She said no. She’s out with her friends and trying to get over her recent breakup.
It sure seemed to us like she was there with that guy and trying to use us to make him jealous.
None of us became her sugar daddy. I think we’re better off.
Or he was her pimp.
None of us had thought of that.
lol what a bunch of squares.
Sounds like a starter pistol to me.
How is Trump withdrawing half our troops from Afghanistan barely even a news mention? Seems to me like it should be a bigger deal.
Happy now?
It Was the Week Trade Wars Went From Uncomfortable to Scary
I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.
Uh huh. And who are they going to sell all of their shit to? Look…look at my boots…I am literally quacking in them.
So filling out the medical forms as an otherkin turned you into a duck! :-p
Cassettes Are Back, and It’s Not About the Music
I mean Polaroid pictures are still the shit.
In unrelated news, hipsters exist.
I mean Polaroid pictures are still the shit.
When I first moved in, I found some polaroids in box in the back of a deep closet. The box had a date of 1987 on it. It was of a young lady . . ummm . . .checking to see if something was in her naughty area.
Powerline’s pictures of the week are good this week.
LOL @ Ferris Mueller
Best of the lot: “If I see one more person texting and driving I am going to roll down my window and throw my beer at them!”
The Al Sharpton picture and the last picture are the best.
On Set With Louise Linton: Inside Her “Homicidal Sociopath” Character, Three-Way Sex Scene in New Film
A true hero for our time.
80s aerobic workouts >>>>> any silly yoga or instagram squatters
I prefer the real thing.
Travolta is way sexier.
I knew and yet I could not resist.
*searches for eye bleach site*
Oh my God.
I don’t know about that.
Bourbon Barrel Aged Troegenator is good.
Ooooohhh that looks really good.
This kid has used of 8 of his 9 lives.
Brooklyn woman, 20, is charged after she is ‘caught on nanny cam forcing her housemate’s dog to perform oral sex on her’
I too often smear peanut butter around my genitals before climbing to my roommates bed…
I don’t know about “forcing”.
Dogs eat their own shit. Like they care.
My grandfather: “See that dog licking his owner in the mouth? You know what he has been eating if he has been out where he can get it.”
Oh, and he also said his dog thought cat turds are tootsie rolls.
My dog likes nothing better than a cat turd or two before bed.
If you get three or four cats, you’ll never have to remember to feed the dog again.
Did you see the pic? Yeah, poor dog was obviously forced or very drunk.
It was woofied.
A bizarre accident. That is all it was. Who among us hasn’t fallen back pantless with our legs spread with a dog tongue firmly in our crotch…for five minutes? C’mon, give the chick a break.
I’m glad someone understands. And to think that people didn’t believe me when I told them this was a common occurrence.
Your avatar plus your comment is the funniest thing ever. It as if your dog is speaking, particularly since it looks like he has a 1,000 yard stare in that picture.
Then, in a bizarre plot twist, she licks the peanut butter off the dog!
What I don’t get is why they need to waste taxpayers dollars punishing her. Her picture is all over the internet next to that story. That seems adequate.
Rule 34 man. When she gets out she will have no shortage of requests for dates.
Isn’t the real crime here that she was using peanut butter in her roommates bed? That stuff sticks to everything and I doubt she washed the sheets afterward.
We really need IP reform.
He says the things people believe are afraid to say!
Many women nag men for 50 years straight about patriarchy and oppression and rape culture.
Man makes suggestion to women based on biology.
The con is over ladies.
Men will now speak.
Private contact information for over 2,000 journalists and popular YouTube creators was leaked on a popular gaming conference’s website
GamerGate will never end!
Geez, talk about a tempest in a teacup. Actually I suppose all of the leftist causes are just that.
Dozens Storm The Gates At Lollapalooza, Cops Only Manage To Stop Kid With One Leg
Are we sure they weren’t desperate to get out?
Like the “superglue” protestors at the Congressional building who were able to stop a woman in a wheelchair.
Texas Man Facing Six Months in Jail for Sending Chocolate Penis to Sheriff’s Department Worker
Was the chocolate penis filled with cream?
The video footage of him receiving the package is hilarious, though.
Cheap Cruises Have ‘So Much Cocaine And Group Sex’, Former Worker Shares
So… what you’re saying is is that I vacation in the wrong places?
I don’t think I would book a cruise on the good ship HMS Herpes.
This does explain the wildfire spread of cruise ship sickness.
Everyone wanted to bed an officer because they had better cabins
Yeah, bigger cabin is the reason.
It’s the epaulets. Chicks can’t resist them. Which is why Member’s Only jackets sold so well.
CORRECTION: Kamala Locked Up More People for Weed Than We Thought
The law is the law, and she was just doing her job enforcing the laws – isn’t that what we want out of our prosecutors?
Review of the 2011 Tata Nano.
I’m a U.S. Marine, and this Isn’t the Freedom of Speech I Served to Protect
One of the stupidest things I have ever read.
Grow up, loser. Maybe buy a pair of ear-plugs to protect your tender sensibilities.
“It was meant so you could be an individual, choose to offer a disciplined opinion and contribute towards the well being of a democracy without fear of retaliation.”
I will decide what that is and isn’t.
If you don’t pass muster then shut the fuck up. That is what free speech is.
Free? What the fuck does that mean?
Bring back America, democracy and freedom — Make China tariffs permanent
That’s quite the headline.
lol okay
We have people who are scared of garbage disposals because they don’t know what they are wanting to rearrange the entire country’s economy. Talk about Dunning/Krueger. Seems to be a lot of that going around.
Back when America was great.
Yeah I’m late, but I had Chicken killer in Las Cruces, too easy to drink!
Sharon Tate Photographed by Jack Garofalo in Cannes, May 1968
Goodness gracious.
I wish I could go back in time and have a stab at her.
That’s the kind of joke for a man, son!
*Portal opens beneath MikeS’ feet and he falls straight into hell*
I laughed. Save me a spot please.
Me too.
Might as well put this here too
Ha! That was funny stuff.
I hope you’re proud of yourself.
Better dress sharp.
TW Expletive Laden Rant:
Fuck the Supreme Court, Fuck the State of South Dakota. For those who don’t know I’ve been working on a side project, and am getting to programming a payment system in so i can rake in some sweet sweet cash. But before i go my partner asked me to look at the taxes. This is where my frustrations begin. South Dakota v Wayfair is an absolutely atrocious ruling. Fuck the conservatives in the court for making this terrible decision. To make things even worse my product is not a tangible item so i have to dig even deeper into rules or pay some other service that only exists because of this horrendous ruling. Nothing but a pure cash grab.
That’s fucked……
A government cash grab? That cant be right.
You <——— "We are going to tax the hell out of the rich!"
*envious morons flock to polls to pull the lever on their own guillotine*
I had a friend who worked as a programmer on the product that calculated all the state and local taxes for each location. It was in 2000. Yes, businesses were supposed to pay those taxes even before 9/11.
This is a satire site, right?
I’ve always been under that impression, yes.
It’s also the most literate and reasonable discussion of the topic I’ve read.
The funny thing is that the “generational wealth” thing is actually a reasonable argument in favor of reparations – if one I don’t support – until you remember that the same people tend to argue against passing your wealth to your kids in every other circumstance.
This. Rhywun wins.
It isn’t about reparations. It’s about looting, plain and simple. They are thieves and the argument changes at their convenience to keep the cash flowing in one direction only.
Is the reparations uncle named Tom?
From their “About Us”:
The first and only satirical women’s magazine, Reductress was founded in 2013 by Beth Newell and Sarah Pappalardo. The mission of Reductress is to take on the outdated perspectives and condescending tone of popular women’s media, through the eyes of the funniest women in comedy today. Also, we want people to think we’re pretty.
Maybe you should ask Snopes to fact check that for you.
Back from the shooting match. I think I did much better this time, but the competition was also a lot better. Except for the one U.S. Marshal that was cop-typical.
One dude was rocking a Colt Python. Crap times, but he looked good doing it.
Finally took my python out the other day. Fun gun to shoot.
Finally took my python out the other day.
Oh wait we’re talking about revolvers?
I swear I have mentioned this before when asked how I did in comps.
“There is always that one guy. You practice and practice and the next time you think you have it in the bag only to find out he has been practicing too.”
That is ok. I never thought of it as competition against others but with myself. It was always an effort to do better each time no matter who won the competition. Plus, win or lose it is just fun.
With each new mass shooting, I cringe, awaiting the moment when somebody decides to make me a felon.
I fully expect the 2a to be a dead paper within my lifetime.
Yup we have some crazy fuckers in this world. When they ban it the crazies will still be here and get more creative.
I do wonder what causes this sort of thing more often than in the past. I have my theories, but the reality is that this is becoming a new normal, even though the grabbers have the exactly wrong set of solutions to the problem.
Trump. Duh!
I subscribe to the theory that it’s the modern media. Quit splashing these assholes names across every screen in America. It won’t stop it completely, but I think it’ll help a lot.
Add in social media too.
I actually think the social media mentions/retweets/(whatever) are the dominant driving force here.
I think it’s either video games, Dungeons and Dragons, or Heavy Metal music.