So after several hours of yard work in 90+ heat, we headed over to our local watering hole for just rewards. I glance at my phone and think, “holy crap! I didn’t get the links finished”. So because I care so much about you reprobates, I’m doing the links on my phone, and that sucks balls.
What the fuck is happening at Walmart?
Geppetto is gone. Who’s going to tug the strings now?
Now that’s a hot tub.
Wokeness does a number on the land of the rising sun.
Certainly, nothing bad could come from this.
Thinking of you, Texas.
Paraphrased from the last post:
I don’t know what is causing it, but this active shooter shit is becoming a new normal. The grabbers have the exactly wrong solutions to the issue, but the issue is there.
Crimes, like every other activity, go in and out of fashion.
One way to make it go out of fashion real fast is to torture this asshole to death on live TV and hang his body in a very public place.
/not serious, but it would feel quite emotionally satisfying.
What made the bombing craze passe?
Poor engineering leading to ‘own goal’ bombs.
The way I see it there are only two possible options
1. Accept that a free society is a dangerous one and every so often some nut is going to kill a bunch of people.
2. Start preemptively locking up weirdos.
In other words there is no solution. Totalitarian state that kills a bunch of people or a free society that kills a bunch of people. I guess one just has to decide whether one wants the killings done by the state or individual assholes.
Individual wierdos allow for the possibility of some panache.
I guess the crux of it is that I’m not 100% convinced that this is just some random thing where no matter what we do, some deranged nut is going to pick up the most devastating weapon they can get their hands on and point it at complete strangers.
In the most secure of environments possible it still happens. Behind the iron curtain there serial/mass killers. In prison, you can become a heroin addict or kill a bunch of people. In “gun free” asian countries there are serial/mass killers. There’s no amount of enslaving people that’s gonna stop these suicidal nutjobs.
There’s no amount of enslaving people that’s gonna stop these suicidal nutjobs.
I agree, but I also think that there are broader factors encouraging these nut jobs to go out in a blaze of glory.
If we were able to identify a (liberty friendly) way to get the nutjovs to off themselves in their living rooms and leave the rest of us alone, that’d be a huge win.
In some ways, I think many of us have too reflexive of a response to these mass shooting. “Random nutter, can’t fix it” strikes me as a bit too dismissive.
Press coverage doesn’t help. If you’re suicidal, full of hate and angry at the world you *know* you’ll go down in history if you pull something like this.
There is an informal agreement that the media won’t cover garden variety suicides because it’s known that it’s contagious. I think the same thing is true with these shootings, but the media has the exact opposite motivation: cover it as much as possible to try and create more of them because that fits the narrative. Obviously they want the eyeballs too and if it bleeds, it leads, but they sure as shit don’t care about copycats.
Is that really true or just the MSM spin?
Mass shootings have actually decreased dramatically. But the instant, every single avenue at once coverage allows for an immediate onslaught of propaganda.
So much for the internet and new communications technology leading us to the libertarian moment.
There’s mass shootings every weekend in Baltimore and Chicago. No one in the media seems to care much.
That was one of Jesse Jackson’s stunningly clear thoughts – that *everyone* in this society is willing to turn a blind eye to black people killing other black people.
And it gives a “hero” for other disturbed people to emulate. At the very least they need to stop plastering every screen in America with their photo and name. Remember Rolling Stone’s cover of the Boston Marathon bomber? WTF people?
Agreed. Don’t the Brits have a rule that crime reporting be held to the bare facts and the accused isn’t named until trial/conviction?
I think it depends on how you define mass shooting. The stats are probably flat, but to me, gunning down your family isn’t a mass shooting. To me its:
1) an attempt to kill as many people as possible
2) in a public place
3) where innocents/strangers are targets; and
4) doing it with a gun
Not so much spin as just the nature of the 24hr news cycle.
Verbatim fro the last post:
Trump. Duh!
Don’t have the link right now but theres an essay from a few years ago about the copycat phenomenon in conjunction with the mass media hype. Filled in a lot of gaps.
Whatever the cause or solution, it doesn’t make me feel like disarming.
Gun grabbers will be getting their ban boner out.
Growing human-monkey chimeras to harvest their organs… This calls for stealing InstaPundit’s “the 21st century is not turning out as I’d hoped”.
Some nice chimeras:
Yeah, you might have wanted to be a titch clearer there.
Supposedly the shooter has a manifesto complaining about the “Hispanic invasion”. Big win for the gun grabbers…
48 hours is over already?
Fair point but you never get your hopes up too high…
Libs pounce!
A friend just shared this (hope the link works). Yep, good ol’ USA, 249x as violent as Brazil.
I’m sold. It’s on Instagram!
The bias against Tommy Robinson supporters is fairly obvious in media reports. I wonder if folks there feel the way a lot of us do about “fake news” and the pro-establishment slant and such. I suppose the gauche working class / lefty prog social division there is probably not all that different than what we have here.
I suspect London has a large share of lefty progs.
Funny non-sequitir: I saw a flag in the pro-Tommy crowd that looked like something written in Arabic. A clearer pic showed it was the old “three lions” flag, which made more sense.
This was no conventional wedding to join two people in matrimony. Instead, a group of nearly 30 friends gathered in a banquet room in one of Tokyo’s most fashionable districts last year to witness Sanae Hanaoka, 31, as she performed a public declaration of her love — for her single self.
Narcissistic much?
Old news.
And methinks it is like the rainbow parties and butt chugging stories here. Not actually a real thing at all.
If you invite people to a ceremony where you marry yourself, you might be on the narcissistic personality disorder spectrum.
If I were single I’d travel to Japan and take advantage of the liberated feelings of the young ladies there. But I think they’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater, sort of literally. Most women are happier having kids and being a “dog mom” or having 4 cats is no substitute.
/person who thinks he actually understands women
From the last post:
If the culture at large, the academics, the media, the elites, the judges, the political class, etc. think that it is then it will be. You can’t exercise rights if no one will let or you are unable to learn that you have those rights in the first place.
Agreed, but shitloads of people still enthusiastically support those rights, so the culture hasn’t been lost fully.
Fuck you, Puddles!
Creepy bastard.
*checks front page photo*
Ha-ha! I like you spud. I’ll turn you into hash browns last.
You’re just lucky I forgot about the links. I had a doozy lined up just for you.
I was kind of surprised there was no clown link. ???
A new arms race has begun and most of you roundeyes don’t even know.
Arms, and many other parts besides.
Uh huh…
…wait what now?
Cops. Cops done it.
They collected a lot of good responses. But the best might have been “No one needs The Onion any more.”
My trailblazer SS is black on black. That’s a form of violence, I hear.
Black is black, I want my baby back.
From this morning, this pic sums up today’s plastic panic pretty nicely.
Ha-ha. That is excellent.
They can’t have plastic straws so they have paper straws, that come wrapped in plastic.
I live in paper straw hell.
It isn’t the worst form of hell, but paper straws sure are damned stupid.
True. One of my lunch spots switched to paper and they flat suck. Pun inadvertent, this time.
Thrifty’s (regional grocery store chain in British Columbia) does that shit already. Since I’ve found that most paper bags are weak-assed, I stopped shopping there years before I moved away from the Lower Rainland™.
Yeah, paper bags are just great in the rain.
Assholes. I wish everyone involved would use a plastic on themselves and save the planet.
Get with the times. At least in my area, banning plastic will mean bring your own bags.
Round here, they just have thicker, better bags and charge 10c apiece for them. My buddy at the liqour store calls them “dimebags.” First time he asked if I wanted one, I said” wait, you guys do that here?”
“Liquor World, for all your ‘high’ requirements! We’re not just about booze anymore! Ask about our cocaine BOGO special!”
Already do that (mostly at the behest of my spousal unit, whom I love very much, God help me). Although I have detected a greater and greater sense of exasperation from her over all the recycling crap we’ve had shoved down our throats in recent years. Kinda reminds me of how my cousins in France and The Netherlands are starting to react to all the green coercion they’ve been exposed to. I wouldn’t say they’re in open rebellion, but there’s a lot of passive-aggressiveness towards their recycling “duties” that’s probably making recycling increasingly awkward and difficult for TPTB.
I’m going to be very angry when this goes into effect. Unlike the pols and their chauffeurs, I don’t have a car to toss some cloth bags in so instead I will get to carry them around with me everywhere I go if I feel like picking up some groceries after work or whatnot.
Have a tailor create some accordion-pleated cargo pants?
San Francisco, which has banned virtually everything not explicitly mandated, is the ultimate end point of all this.
Where you can’t use Juul to quit smoking but you can openly shoot up, and shoot out, on the street.
Sounds like Utopia.
Why, it’s almost Somalia.
No bags, just shit
Yeah, the law up here charges 5 cents for each paper bag. It’s a fucking money grab, and nothing to do with the environment.
We have Aldi’s, a grocery chain that doesn’t provide bags. Totally as a cost savings measure. You can buy a bag or bring your own.
I invariably forget to bring bags into the store when the wife sends me on an errand, so I pick up on of the cardboard boxes that the groceries are delivered in and use that.
They also have a quarter thing on the shopping carts. You put in a quarter in order to get your cart, and you get your quarter back when you return it. Ingenious, really. They never have to pay people to go collect carts, and you never see their carts heading down the street.
This development I am 100% behind. Because it is a market solution. Want cheaper prices… here ya go. Deal with a little inconvenience. Some of you idiots can go shop at Whole Foods and pay a premium for fancy service. Others of us will save a few bucks. Most will probably stay with the normal stores.
Much better than our city’s idiotic mandate about plastic straws, because I can’t just go across the street to 5 Guys if I don’t like Burger Fi’s policy on paper straws.
I first saw the grocery cart deposit in the Netherlands back in 1989. We couldn’t figure out why the store would charge people to use the carts — until we saw people get the coin back.
The Yellow Rose of Texas was reputed to be a very light skinned mullato beauty who was entertaining General Santa Anna during siesta when the Texicans attacked on the day of The Battle of San Jacinto where the Texicans routed the Mexican army and won their independence.
I married mine, met her in El Paso a long time ago.
Anyway this shooting does bring to mind an issue I have thinking about for a while: why is a free society so weak? Unlike Nazism, Fascism, Communism or socialism laissez faire liberalism does pretty much achieve its utopian goals. Yet one economic downturn, war or savvy statist in power then the system can’t survive.
Jeff Tucker thinks a big problem is snobbery. The elites loathe a free society since it weakens them and will do anything to undermine a system and bring themselves power even the economic system is how they made their money. Would this make the “fuck you I’ve got mine” attack on libertarianism an example of progjection?
Anyone who has ever met a progressive knows this to be true.
Yet one economic downturn, war or savvy statist in power then the system can’t survive.
What’s more to fear? The uncontrolled collective actions of every individual in society, or the excesses of a TOP MAN?
Most people fear the former more.
The Street Fighter movie is a masterpiece and I will duel to the death anyone who says otherwise.
Of course!
Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well!
I was just thinking the same thing about Hudson Hawk. For slightly different reasons, of course.
Kylie Minogue and Ming-na, how can I disagree? Also JCVD and Raul Julia.
Happier shooting news:
Last month’s match I was 12/31. This month I was 7/24. Plus, my score would have won literally any other division had I been in it. Which means I should buy a 1911 and start taking home some trophies.
Speaking of matches
Been trying to invite this guy here for a while. He’s got some great history posts.
This really couldn’t have come at a worst time for the Democrats. With the debates turning into a “do you even socialism, brah?” contest, it’s highly likely they can’t avoid really pissing off almost every gun owner and the NRA.
They’re not going to win any votes out of this, but they could lose a lot, and they probably will.
I admire your optimism (honest!). But we got Trump in charge too you know..
Democrats have already proven themselves stupid enough to die trying to take this bill.
I think Trump is actually smart enough to figure this one out.
Brian? Did Winston create a sock to argue with?
Hey, it’s his life, let’s just follow him around and see what he says.
A new Tulpa?
I think it might be the dog from Family Guy.
Oh gosh, I hope not. That Brian is a smug prick. You know, just like Seth MacFarlane.
Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authorities, and Law Enforcement. Spoke to Governor to pledge total support of Federal Government. God be with you all!
I wonder how this will be twisted into “orange man bad”.
Heard some El Paso Town council rep speaking on the incident on fnc. For some reason a question about the event turned into a ‘muh diversity’ spiel.
For some reason a question about the event turned into a ‘muh diversity’ spiel.
Well of course it did!
If, as mentioned above, there was an anti-Hispanic manifesto, blaming this one on OrangeManBad will be a layup compared to some of the connections they’ve tried to make.
Apparently the perp used an AK, not that I really trust the ability of the “news” media to identify firearms (and not that the weapon matters in and of itself…) Does anyone know a motive yet?
Bat-shit insanity.
He had posted an anti Hispanic invasion screed online, so unfortunately he will be portrayed as a perfect example of a Trump supporter.
Some are reporting the manifesto is a hoax.
The hoax report is a false flag put out by Russian bots.
The Russian bot report is a Trojan Horse operation by the RNC
Caught a quick mention on the news earlier that this brainsick chunk of feces referred to the massacre in Christchurch. Maybe he did this with the same motivation of starting a race war?
He was anti-immigrant. He said he was using a civilian model AK.
So Trump and Putin!
“He offers thoughts and prayers but he won’t do anything.”
We’ve already heard this one.
Yeah, that’s great.
Offer sympathies and get attacked for standing on the bodies of the dead – as the progressives rush to shout about gun control and banning the alt-right (which includes everyone not in the “very woke” category)
Jeff Tucker thinks that television allocation rules is a major for the nuttiness of the Democratic debates. Also takes a shot at how the TOP MEN At the DNC can’t run a primary properly yet want run our lives.
I do find the implication that the media is driving the political culture to be less libertarian rather than more rather interesting.
This is like catnip for me…
I fear Tucker is being too optimistic here.
Also the cynic in me wonders if the Dems strategists are more concerned with the political inexpediency of openly stating their statist goals rather then their goals themselves.
I am cynical because Constitutionality is never a question regarding grandiose, big-government plans that presidential candidates have these days.
Hell, it wasn’t even a question regarding confirmation to the Supreme Court. Ms. “Sure, you could be forced to buy broccoli” got confirmed without much resistance at all.
Anyone who would vote to confirm someone who offered that opinion should not just be kicked out of government, they should probably be placed under psychiatric observation.
Yet here we are….
You guys are pretty tough on that Elon Musk character. But it at least seems like most of the recent interesting space exploration developments have originated from his organization (SLD still applies).
I am an Elon Musk fan (though I’d never want to work for him), mainly because he is at least shaking things up and showing they can be done w/o multi bazillion dollar multi decade government programs.
Here’s a guy who is a legal immigrant to the US, who had a crazy notion to put humans on Mars. So he went to Russia to buy old Soviet mussels and rockets. Found out they were ridiculously expensive, and single use, so he decided to make his own. It literally was rocket science, but he and his brother and some eager thinkers joined up and fricken figured it out, including those beautiful booster reentry landings.
Even Tesla is just something he did as a side project geared toward advancing transportation technology. Tesla bought Maxwell Ultracapacitor division earlier this year. Something is happening..:
And all made in the USA, in LA for Pete’s sake!!
So he went to Russia to buy old Soviet mussels and rockets. Found out they were ridiculously expensive
Wanted too many clams, eh?
Lol. Autocorrect can’t imagine a mere peon typing Missile on purpose
You are not a mere peon. With all the data Google and Apple collect, you’d think it would work for you.
I have no hate regarding the subsidies. This is the world he lives in
I feel the same way. Do I think it’s fair that I get to take my mortgage interest as a tax deduction? No.
Do it Take the deduction? Damned skippy I do.
Yep, foolish not to, and for him, foolish not to lobby for deals
I think the main Tesla plant is in Fremont.
Correct. In the former NUMMI plant.
I wouldn’t say I’m a fan, but he’s an interesting guy. I think he should focus on either Tesla or Space X. He seems distracted by running both. Tesla has definitely pushed the legacy automakers into new ways of thinking (over the air updates comes to mind) and that’s the kind of stuff I like about free markets, a strong competitor makes everyone better.
He’s also been working on the high speed long distance transit system based on a similar idea as pneumatic tubes.
It’s 112 outside. It’s 95 inside.
I’m writing a manifesto.
Get a motel room, you and SP can relive the courtship.
That happened at Chuck E. Cheese.
*golf clap*
I posted this as the last thread was dying. But out the convenience store of ice. Put in in plastic tubs and set fans to blow across the ice onto you. You may already be doing that, but if not, sitting in the path of the fan will help.
I would have bought a few window or portable backup units by now.
I have a portable for my upstairs bedroom. Really, really helps
Actually, air conditioning is bad and causes health problems, which is why it should be illegal.
Fuck off is the only appropriate response to that statement, trolling or not.
I would have went with “chill out dude” but that’s jes me.
Lesson: do not fuck with the Flower.
Use big plastic tubs (go get some at target) because as you know, water takes energy to hear, so big tubs of ice, even without the fans, will help lower the indoor temperature.
Swamp cooler FTW (check out Amazon).
Might as well dump a box of salt into the tubs as well.
If it’s a dry heat try wearing a wet t-shirt.
+2 waggling eyebrows
The most onioney of sticky, damp, summer sagging stinky onion balls. Your poor thighs, maple bar, and every surface you sit on.
My God.
English, mf’er, do you speak it?
I can’t usually get raclette ’cause my girlfriend’s a vegetarian, which pretty much makes me a vegetarian.
His testicles must not smell good.
CJ’s mantra? Or, personal truth?
Third time through, I understood it. That concerns me.
Do they not teach how to take pk’s in MLS? Low and to the corner, bro. Just pass it in.
Which one are you watching?
My team is on later and the ESPN blackout + Yankees means I don’t know when it will actually start.
NY v Toronto. Switching to the NE v LAFC. Just watching to watch. Waiting for the DC game tomorrow.
If you have a VPN you can get around the ESPN blackout.
I don’t, and it’s ESPN+ actually. I get all games except the NYC ones which appear on regional cable.
PS. I hope the NJ Red Bulls are losing.
There is no soccer in North America.
You’re a Kaiserslautern fan?
/Thinks about the big difference between FCK and FKK
Huh. Then what’s that boring ass sport they show in the hipster bars?
Ha-ha. Kidding. Curling is way more exciting than soccer.
“Cricket “
Hey now!
I didn’t know hipsters were into baseball now.
Thanks for reminding me. Orlando vs. Dallas is on a local station.
The El Paso shooter was anti-corporate, anti-immigrant, advocates for UBI in the coming automated world, and universal healthcare in his manifesto. Also, he says he hates both major political parties, but says Repulicans at least differ on immigration so they aren’t as bad as Democrats. So yes, the media is painting him as a Trump supporter.
He could’ve been wearing a Beto for President shirt and the media would still claim him as right-wing.
That’s not exaggeration.
Just go ask anyone about Jarred Loughner’s politics – particularly anyone of the left. I seriously doubt that 10% would get that right. Heck, probably more people would tell you that it was Sarah Palin’s fault than identify him as a lefty fanboy with an obsession about Gifford.
Odds that the shooting locations had 30.06 signs out front?
It’s better to have a .30-06
I have three. Two Garands and a M1917.
Would be interesting to know. I live in TX, but don’t shop at Wally World, so I don’t know if they have them posted there or not. I was at a school event this morning and saw I was in a “weapon free zone” and commented how safe I felt. This was probably about the same time as the shooting.
Never seen gun-free zone signs at any walmart I’ve been in. I do see the occasional open carry here in VA though.
Sounds like a possible TheBern supporter when TheBern was against unfettered immigration. But yes, all leftist positions held by the shooter will be overlooked because “muh racism”.
I’m glad we have already assessed his motives and assigned blame to the proper political party.
I like to read the manifesto before it gets disappeared before the lies start.
Go buy an avatar, ffs.
lol no
Some people’s children.
Huh so J.J. Abrams helped write Armaggedon. Is that his best project?
And he wrote Regarding Henry so he worked with Harrison Ford a long time before the Force Awakens…
Alias was a pretty good show. Mission Impossible 3 is a pretty good movie – also, how great is that franchise? Suck a dick lame Bond franchise. The first Star Trek he did was good. The Force Awakens was also pretty good, although not the most creative but it was still good.
Alias was a good show. Agreed.
MI: open the door Benji
Fringe was J. J. Abrams best show. It’s one of the few shows that I’ve been able to get the girlfriend to watch by showing her the first episode, and then offering to never mention it again.
Did everyone forget Lost? That show was pretty awesome it’s first few seasons.
I liked Fringe too, except for the last season.
The problem with Fringe S5 was that they didn’t know if there was going to be a S5 until after they’d shot pretty much all of S4. So they tacked on a stupid 30 second scene at the end of the last ep if S4 and made it the intro to S5.
The first Star Trek he did was good. The Force Awakens was also pretty good
*marks crusty down as easy to please*
“Both sides of political aisle overwhelmingly agree that the media needs to stop giving these murderers the infamy they clearly seek.
Instead, elevate the heroes and victims.”
Let’s start with this one. Black guy with a permit pulls his piece while taking children out of Walmart.
Good on him!!
Last you are ever gonna hear of him. No way CNN, NBC et. al. are gonna cover his sorry ass.
Man with more courage than we might imagine. Lucky he didn’t get his ass capped by the cops. All they would see is a black guy brandishing a fire arm.
Anyone up for a 5-hour tirade about how much The Last Jedi sucks?
I’d rather have another dental implant & sinus lift combo.
You know who else had their sinuses lifted?
Tony Montana?
Does a bag of drugs fall out of its ass?
We need to keep that one alive for years.
Someone linked the Mr Plinkett review last night, so I doubt you’ll have many takers.
Dude knows how to do a takedown.
5 seconds. The Last Jedi sucks! done.
i’m sorry, but that’s some creepy obsession thing with these people. Don’t like it? Whatever. Move the fuck on, it was two years ago! A mediocre movie should not have the power to RUIN YOUR LIVE FOREVER OMG!!! and if it does, well, honestly, the problem is you, not the movie.
On first watching I thought it was pretty good.
Because I had my kindergartener climbing all over me and I missed at least a third of the movie. We went to the bathroom during the entire casino scene. So the bits and pieces seemed kinda OK.
Then I saw the whole thing. Oh.
Suddenly everyone’s reaction made a lot more sense.
It’s in the upper 70s here and pretty breezy. Just a nice, comfortable night. However, I think I am going to close all the windows and crank up down the AC to a cool 68, just so I can be really comfortable. You know, where it gets cold enough where you have to wear a sweater. That is the most ideal condition to sleep and eat in.
A cool, comfortable, air conditioned 68 degrees.
I prefer 70 personally. But, you do you.
70 is pretty good, but I like it when its so cool I feel the need to slip on a light cardigan and socks, you know, it makes me feel cozy at night.
Split the difference and make it a pleasant 69?
So they both can enjoy it?
Everyone’s a winner!
We don’t live together, but if we did there is no way I would let some lady tell me the temp had to be 70 and not 68. No way. I’m way too alpha.
That is some good shitlording. It just dropped into the 70s here but the humidity keeps climbing, so yup. AC it is.
It’s so cold in here that my gf puts on her turtle slippers and grabs a throw blanket.
Is it a turtle throw blanket?
But here’s the slippers:
I see.
Can we see her feet?
I’m not in the mood to explain that request. And I’m primed to be asleep before her…
I started drinking well ahead of her.
So, not tonight.
Can we see your feet?
I think I now understand why CJ said “socks”….
Must be quite messy if you need multiple.
Dog goes back to get Monday for xrays to check for cancer. In the meantime, I am increasing her pain meds in case it is just worsening arthritis. Fingers crossed it is just worsening arthritis. Oh, sweetie, do you want treats, have more treats.
Goes back to vet.
Paws crossed!
I feel for you. There’s nothing worse (well maybe not NOTHING) than seeing your pet suffer. Get well soon doggy!
When my two Shih-Tzus died early 2010s, I did everything in my power (financial and otherwise) to stave off the Grim Reaper w/o causing them pain. In the case of one of them, it didn’t work, ’cause the pain he was experiencing was neuropathic (i.e., opioids and other painkillers were essentially useless for the poor little guy).
Help your little buddy out, but don’t let your love blind you to the (hopefully distant) possibility that you may not be able to do enough.
^This.^ I kept mine around several weeks too long because I wanted to believe his issues were vestibular disease (easily cured/runs it’s course) when in reality he was dealing with something very wrong neurologically. I had a lot of guilt in the immediate aftermath. That being said, I truly hope the best for you pup Tulip!!!
Yeah, I’m steeling myself to make the decision. I’m hopeful that it’s just arthritis getting worse, and increased meds make her ok, but if she’s in pain, well. I can’t allow that.
Good luck.
Sorry. Hoping for the best.
After we got back from the vet, I drove to a park and we had a good walk. She doesn’t want to go to the dog park anymore, and for a while, I would take her to various parks on weekends. Because of work etc. I haven’t done that for a while. If she is ok, I’ll be taking her to parks again.
It looks like this is going to get bumped off the air tonight
These mass shooting get way too much media attention.
Who is this Emily Jashinsky and why haven’t I seen more of her?
She and co-star Kat Timpf can come to my house after the show, we can hot tub and they can take turns rubbing my back while we chat about the minimum wage.
“The Ben & Jerry’s founders created a new ice cream flavor in honor of Bernie Sanders
CNN)Ever wondered what wealth inequality tastes like?
The founders of Ben & Jerry’s claim to have the answer, and they’ve put it inside a new flavor called “Bernie’s Back.” The hot cinnamon ice cream includes “one very large chocolate disc on top and a (very stiff) butter toffee backbone going down the middle,” according to Sanders’ campaign website.
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, longtime supporters of US Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, created the flavor in honor of the presidential contender’s 2020 campaign.
“The chocolate disc represents all the wealth that has risen to the top 1%,” the website said. “The backbone represents Bernie’s steadfast determination to un-rig our economy. And the hot cinnamon is our political revolution holding politicians’ feet to the fire to make America work for working people of all races and genders.””
Bernie’s Back? ewwwwwwww
I wonder if Unilever is reporting this as a in-kind political donation?
And my money is something you fucksticks will never see.
I don’t get the appeal of Ben & Jerry’s anyway, I’ve never thought it was superior to another brand of ice cream.
Competently made, way overpriced. Any of the other premium brands taste just as fine and are usually much cheaper.
Yep, and I’ve never seen Haagen Das do any virtue signaling.
Making your own at home isn’t difficult, it just requires some planning ahead of time.
Haagen Dazs is actually more expensive around here.
I didn’t even know Haagen-Dazs was still available, haven’t seen it around here in a long time.
Where I am, it costs about as much as the ben and jerry’s, but their selection is oddly small.
What more do you need other than strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla?
I could eat no other ice cream that strawberry for the rest of my life and be happy.
But yeah, sometimes I want cookie dough or cheesecake or cookies ‘n’ cream.
*remembers tub of Juneberry ice cream in freezer*
Funny you would mention that. We were recently on vacation. My kids wanted ice cream and we passed a Ben & Jerry’s. They asked if I was getting ice-cream. I explained I wouldn’t give those socialists another cent.
Hopefully all the profits will go to a children’s hospital. They can start un-rigging without waiting for Bernie’s nudge
Misery and death tastes like cinnamon?
Fireball Whiskey?
Funny part is, the Ice cream is crazy expensive with a massive profit margin. Those guys live in mansions and want for nothing.
Nobody needs 40 flavors of ice cream.
Seriously, fuck these commie twats.
Watching “The World’s End” again tonight. I’t replaced “Shawn of the Dead” as my favorite movie in the trilogy. I still put the penultimate scene as one of the most libertarian messages in modern film.
Wait, Shawn of the Dead was pat of a trilogy? Are the other two zombie movies, also?
So, no, not a trilogy.
Wikipedia begs to differ and its never wrong.
Negative. One is a cop movie (Hot Fuzz), and the other is an apocalyptic comedy (The World’s End). Hot Fuzz is my favorite of the trilogy, if for nothing else then the fact it has a cop drop kicking a grandma in the face, and you’ll be cheering for the cop in the scene.
There is actually a lot of themes challenging collectivism in them. I like how all the killers in Hot Fuzz’s mantra is “The greater good”
The strange intonation is how I read “The Greater Good” whenever I read it now. It also helps that Angel is the mythological good cop as well.
It’s nice to see collectivism portrayed as an evil force for a change. Spock’s “The needs of the many” message is poison.
Kirk turning it backwards on him was classic, though.
But yeah, the politics in Trek are mostly dreadful.
I adore Hot Fuzz
I like Hot Fuzz and Shawn of the Dead. I didn’t care for World’s End.
I didn’t think I did at first but as I revisit it I appreciate it more.
The Trumps have the golden touch!
Colby is a great fighter who has fully embraced his heel role. He may be the best heel in pro sports.
Cool link, bro.
What’s the best way to deal with a neighbor that leaves their barking dog out all night and doesn’t answer the door when I go over to politely ask them to shut their damn dog up?
Mow your grass at the crack of dawn.
Before if you have a riding mower. They have headlights for a reason, no?
Best way that doesn’t involve committing a felony.
I was joking, of course. But it is a felony to kill someone’s pet? The cops do it all the time.
Some animals can be kill more equally than others.
-A tale of Two Cities
damn it *can kill*
True. Along the lines of making unwanted noise, if he has a boat or pwc he could dry-start it at the asscrack of dawn. It is good practice to do so before leaving the house on one’s maritime adventure.
Hell, buy a set of bagpipes and play your best sunrise version of “Ena Gada Da Vida”
In the Garden of Eden.
If you’re like most of humanity, a passive-agressive post on the social media platform of your choice is the standard response.
That’s what the NextDoor app was made for!
That’s for sure. Our local NextDoor is more than half of people bitching that their neighbors are assholes.
It’s always entertaining, though, when the neighbor in question shows up in the replies, and the whole thread turns upside down when it’s revealed that the original poster was the true asshole.
This is a recurring problem? If so you may have to borrow some serious wattage and speaker power and as soon as the dog starts at it blast them with “Baby Shark” until they can’t take it.
You could call Animal Control. There’s a decent chance they’ll end the problem, permanently.
Call the cops for a welfare check?
RE: El Paso.
*dons large tinfoil hat*
Here is how low my opinion of the FBI is: this incident checks off so many boxes on the grabbers/press/permanent bureaucracy’s wish list that it wouldn’t surprise me if they knew about this guy and let him do his thing. Sure it’s very unlikely, but I’m saying I wouldn’t be shocked in the slightest if that were the case.
*removes tinfoil hat*
“Knew about”……highly probable
“let”……ehhhh, only in the sense of good old reliable government ineptitude and bureaucratic malaise.
Occam’s razor and all. Evil and stupid/lazy are not mutually exclusive.
Given their history none of that requires a tinfoil hat.
Given the first report I heard about the incident the ‘reporter’ was bringing up gun control in Texas, it doesn’t matter how it happened, just how they are willing to spin it.
*Sees Q’s post*
*Opts to lighten the mood*
LOL! In many instances I’m fairly certain the voice over is exactly what Trump said anyway.
You’ll be begging these ladies to grab your gun.
7, 23, 24
Rock, country, rap, meh…this is the best shit.
And well, damn
Damn man… I needed to play this as a palate cleanser.
C’mon it wasn’t that bad, was it? Your link was alright…here’s a semipunk link cause why not?
That’s semi-punk? Damn.
Classic song that.
Another beer. I think this will be the last for tonight.
That looks interesting, I’m going to need to try that when I’m out there in December.
I have only been to their Pottstown location. Bockfest is a good festival but you will be there at the wrong time for Bockfest.
Phoenixville, where they got their start, used to be a dump but has become gentrified and has some good places. Iron Hill, Stable 12, and Root Down are all good.
Hamburg Steak recipe by the BBQ Pit Boys
Maxim’s prototype machine gun
Finally spurs d so.ethi g more depressing g than going to a class reunion. Going to someone else’s class reunion.
Not enough booze at this bar to make it tolerable.
And if someone else tries to say that music of the eighties didn’t suck, I may need to punch them.
Fuck. I would rather be at a SMITH family reunion.
Um, 1980s.
More 1980s
And 1980s again
Why’d you go in the first place? Is it at least an open bar?
How to give a regressive a heart attack
Bigots are people, too.
Some Pink Floyd courtesy of Q.
I’m feeling CoLd tonight.
Of course you are; what, with you norther temperatures, and your refrigerated ales…
Is Red Dog an Ale? It says it’s a Premium Beer, not a damn ale! I demand reparations!
Did you pay a premium for it? I know I had RD back in the day, but, that was a long time ago.
/probably pilsner
Heh, ‘premium’ beer at a bargain price, gets me where it matters.
Current mood.
Yeah I’m sad y’all
Why sad? I spent the day dealing with hordes of the public who seem to be utter slobs and pigs with no regard for anyone but themselves. My job makes me despise people. But I stop being pissed when I leave. I will again feel that way when I go back Monday. And I will get over it again. and again, and again.
You work at Golden Corral?
Or any of the 5 hotels I’ve worked in?
We could just combine the two ideas, and bring back HoJo’s.
Ugh I worked in a restaurant-only HoJo’s – amusingly enough located on a corner between two of my hotel jobs – and what a joke that was. As in, their salads were shipped in from HoJo central and preparing them consisted of unwrapping the plastic from the plate. I worked the seat-yourself counter which meant dishing out kick-ass sundaes to my friends and getting 20 cent tips from the oldtimers.
Still better than the hotels.
And those ‘old timers’ were probably younger than you are now, one of life’s jokes.
Nope. I’d still be a spring chicken there, 25 years later.
I might as well, same clientele but this gig pays more.
And totally gay, apparently.
What’ve you got against the darkness? absolutely excellent.
I suppose it could be go good if you were into shitty music.
They’re good fun. Why do you ate fun?
I don’t hate fun, what you linked, that ain’t fun.
Don’t fret, cs—I’ll stand in solidarity witcha.
Shitty music and all!
/sorry-couldn’t resist. Also, what’s wrong?
Wood not
I’m old and lonely. Is she a nice lady who is amicable to cohabitation?
Well, they’re gonna throw her under the prison, it looks like. I suppose, if you’re open to a prison marriage…
/Woo-hoo! Conjugal visits!!!
First time might as well be under guarded supervision.
Are you….planning “something”?
Something something celibate…something something getting old…something something Pon Farr…
NOW you’re talkin’!
Fun fact: There is a TON of herpes and other nasties going around in women’s prisons. It’s not 100%, but it’s high enough that I would never even think about touching a woman who had been to prison. Even those who are only there for a few months tend to get lonely and strike up an affair with one of the butch lifers.
And that story is supposed to not turn me on?
Akira, women in prison in Texas have been known to sequester 5 pounds of gov’t cheese about their person.
Five. Pounds.
You only scratched the surface. Be sure to use some Purell.
Orange is the new black cheese? I don’t even know if that is relevant I have never watched an episode.
No excuse to hit a woman.
Who’s going to tug the strings now?
I find that upcoming staff change hilarious. I fully expect AOC to be herself more often now which should be good for laughs.
“Tug the strings”
/Insert tampon joke?
Something light. Rhywun may enjoy his Welsh.
One of the many times I had a layover at Heathrow I was drinking in a bar next to a table of Scottish folk. Shit they talked may have as well been Dinka. Funny youtube though.
Layovers in Heathrow used to suck. Herded like cattle in a holding pen for 4 hours with guards with rifles at the exits. Maybe different now, but it was a shittier airport than O’Hare back in the day.
My layovers there all happened between 2006 and 2013’ish. Luckily I have never experienced O’Hare. Both Kennedy and LaGuardia are up there for sucky airports on my list. Hell, the airport in Addis Ababa is better than both.
I’m semi-drunk and flipping between two live sportsball events. Is there a text version?
A text version to standup comedy? I am not sure that is how that works.
Ask the Internet Comic:
/just go with it
“I gotta get my gram a prezi. It’s er birthday. She’s thirty.”
Did he get her a gram?
I’m tapping out. ‘Night all!
Canadian Club > Seven Crown for drinking neat, barely. Both work quite well for mixed drinks. And by mixed drinks, mean “and coke”.
I have to stick with “Bourbon Pecan” coffee. For both sides of that equation.
Praline pecan liquor + Woodford + chicory coffee?
No…I’ve found I can’t do chicory.
Normally I don’t do flavored coffees, but chicory is my cutter for work coffee. Drink it all the way up to quitting time if the thermos doesn’t run out.
My best friend has always been a chicory fan. I suspect my FIL is, too (CW re-enactor/chuckwagon cook). I just never developed a taste for it.
Since I can’t do most soft drinks any more, finding coffee and creamer flavors to take their place is what I do now.
When I was VERY young we used to dink Gibson’s Finest straight from the neck. We’d sneer at anything less than ten year-old Wiser’s. CC and the other’s were for mixin’. I still have a photo from my high school grad party and it’s four of us holding forty ouncers of Gibby. We could do that back then, now it would put me into a coma.
Some generous soul, up afraid of the copyright police or YT strikes, has graciously made the entire run of Blake’s 7 available
They all die at the end.
I have linked this before but it needs linked again I use it as therapy.
I find this oddly soothing.
I listened to a few minutes of that and it made me think of this. Which always made me happy but I was really drunk every time I got on one of their flights.
Did commodius ever give an answer about his mood? Ya can’t just waltz in and be a mood tease.
Challenge accepted –
That’s some good Moody, boys.
Better Tuesday
I would call it even, personally. Maybe gander at Tuesday, and listen to MB.
Just my take.
And not a wrong one.
Also, Tuesday > Bill
Speaking of which, DIAF LP
I see the twitter-verse is still full of shit.
And, by shit, I do mean peoples’ opinions about hpw my life should be ruled.
Do fuck off, folks. We’re all stocked up on crazy as it is.
Up here we’re relegated to brandishing pointed sticks at one another –
Totally NOT where I thought that was going, Festus.
Still, can slam-dance to it, so, thumbs up.
Where all my late night Glibs at?? Just got back from a nice 4-mile run in the dead of night – a pleasant summer breeze to keep me cool, and totally deserted streets and sidewalks. Lovin’ this glorious second shift life.
I’m here. I love working nights but Wifey not so much. I see troubled times and stormy seas ahead for old Festus…
Late nite howdy. Just returned from an almost 12 hour car journey back from San Diego. There was the general LA insane traffic and a grass fire on the Grapevine due to a car fire. 3 hours to go 25 miles. It’s almost 1 here but I am too wound up from the driving to crash just yet.
Ugh. Did you at least have an empty milk jug to relieve yourself? That’s my biggest problem on long drives now that I’ve reached a “certain age”.
Did it with the wife and three young kids. They all were awesome. It could have been way worse. Thank god for electronics, the kids were mostly happy to watch cartoons and play some games. I drove about seven of it and my wife took a few long stretches. Went down to see a childhood friend and his family for a week. Good times down there. I was reminded why I flew the last couple times.
Do all/most CA glibs live in SD? Where my Lone Star glibs at??
Also, combine that with Akira’s question.
Ferry lineups are the worst. (former island denizen).
Every car/ferry trip I have ever taken, and it hasn’t been many, but it’s been on several continents has been a different shade of difficult. Crossing borders is usually the same way, a giant pain in the ass.
The further North that you are seems to correlate with how tight-assed the passengers and crew act. Vancouver to Victoria rates neutron star level. Vancouver to Nanaimo is a whistling sphincter. Prince Rupert to the Queen Charlottes is Caligula-orgy level. The ship that I traveled on dozens of times struck some rocks and sank because the crew on watch were getting busy with each other rather than steering the vessel. It would have been funny except for the fact that they killed two passengers.
Friggin’ in the riggins? Really? I mean, I guess I can imagine finding a booty call working on a ferry. But, actually going at it on the damned boat???
What happened to them—they get a sternly worded letter put in their files?
I think we need an article on that Festus. Get on it.
Google “Queen of the North”. The dude did some time, the chick got away scot-free.,
Preach! Hell, just the need to get out and walk, for feet, knees, and ass’ sake.
If someone catches you doing it you’re supposed to hold up the jug, swish it around and pretend to take a sip.
OK—you invoked it.
Better –
Im well familiar with the jug from driving around the city all day and doing jobs where there is no toilet. Most places lock their bathrooms here. I guess there is always Starbucks.
Hey: Don’t oppress anyone when you’re there!
One of the few places I had a guaranteed toilet had to stop customers from using their bathrooms. The city inspector came by last year and told them only employees could use them because they were not ADA compliant. Even though this is an old parts warehouse, and the toilets are up two flights of stairs, they had to be locked. Bastards.
Wait….So, he inspector doesn’t care about ADAA, er…ADA compliance for the employees?
I get that Texas weather doesn’t even come close to that Cali feel, but, I wish I could get you lot to relocate here…::sigh::
SP, you gettin’ in on this?
Also, if you do see this, I think I can have my next article ready for proofing/posting tomorrow night.
On second thought; maybe quite so soon… But, close
Yer a solid feller, Digby! I can tell that without even meeting you.
Yeah, I’m fat. You’ll get a partial view when I post this next go-round.
Ooohh…you meant that as a compliment! Well, I’m much more droll and amusing in real life; I just pretend to be a clueless prick when I’m here.
/much thanks, my good man.
Huh. So your Mom bought you Sears-brand Toughskins from the “husky” section too? *collapses in tears*
Oh, Dear Lord…”Toughskins”. Well, if we’re confessing: Yes.
If not, Touché on getting me to divulge that. Man, I thought I had forgotten that piece of my past.
:dry heaves and sobs::
I wasn’t even a fat kid.
See: Here I was thinking we were bonding!
::storms off in a huffskin::
/THAT’S RIGHT—I punned on “Toughskins:
I wasn’t cut like my elder brother. I just looked like a regular kid but he was really muscular. I think she was trying to shame me. No wonder that I never shed a single tear when she shuffled off this mortal coil.
Well, that kinda turned dark. Muscular kids are scary on multiple levels.
Yes. Yes they are. It’s like a dwarfish chick with big bazongas. They just want to talk about their tits all the time.
Well, now…let’s not discourage them from discussing important matters. Also, I’m 6’5”, so, what passes for “dwarfish”?
/would like to devote more time to studying this subject
Mom was 4’11” and Dad was 6’5″. I ended up 5’11” and bro 5’7″. When he was twelve he looked like Joe fucking Weider and me , being younger, looked like a normal boy. It took a few years but I finally kicked his ass at the age of fifteen. It took a few more times before he quit messing with me. The last fist that I threw in anger knocked his block off about twenty years ago. He was messing with my step-daughter.
Oh, HELL NAW! Who does that—causing problems with younger generation family, enough that you need a shot to the face?
Was he like that because he was swole? Some guys like that are certainly peaceful. Others, not so much.
Chucked him out in the snow and called him a cab (Xmas eve and all). Caught him groping my eleven year-old and went a little crazy. Had to work with him for a few years after that which was awkward.
Awkward doesn’t even come close, in my book.
11 years old? Just….uh-uh.
He had encephilitis and pancreatitis when he was 13. Scrambled his brain. This is a guy with a 160 IQ. He never grew up. He still looks at the world from the disgruntled point of view of a man-child. We haven’t spoken since 2005 except for once over the phone when he called me a Nazi for laughing about the 2016 election.
Er….. getting in on…what, exactly?
It’d be nice to see your next article, but I won’t be holding my breath. 😉
Why, getting in on the late-night…ness. I have forgotten you’re around at this time of night, in the past. Don’t want to do that again.
Also; I gotta get pics for said article! I’m nothing without accompanying pictures for y story.
Hmm. Pics or it didn’t happen?
And, yes, forget SP at your peril.
Well, let’s go with that explanation…
“She sees you when you’re sleeping, She knows when you masturbate…”
Wait…. SP is Ceiling Cat?
I love that meme and yes, SP IS ceiling cat.
Um. Just no. Ewwwww. /nothing personal
Better than Grandma, SP!
So Wifey just bought an “Australian saddle” for her horse. I didn’t even bother to ask how much it cost, just went to the fridge and grabbed another beer.
Part of me really wants to explore the idea of “Australian saddle” possibly being a fun, new position….
Be that as it may…Cheers, Festus.
Not that “interesting”, I’ll assure you. Just a mix between British and American roping saddles. She’s mostly happy and I keep my fool mouth shut.
That would mean that Aussie horse girls are a hybrid. Kinda like Africanized killer bees.
They’re all Africanized killer bees, Sir Digby. All.
That’s what I hear.
Styx fired up. He seems to have testoronied up since tying the knot with his Dutch sweetie. –
Dang—thought I was gonna see Tommy Shaw.
*Hangs head in shame* Iiii’mmmm saaaaiillling aaaaaawwwwaaaay….
Was thinking more this:
One continuous shot
Good Lord…
And to think someone was just saying that 80’s music was no good.