It’s approaching 100° in the house, which puts me in an extremely ill humor. On the bright side, I’ve lost six pounds. Maybe the ineffective A/C guy will come today, maybe he won’t. And trust me, SP is in an even worse mood, so walk softly. Wonder Dog just lays on the floor and pants. Mom just sits in her chair, looks confused, and asks, “Is this Hell? Did I get here from raising you?”
As usual, there’s an eclectic bunch of birthdays today, including one of my favorite contemporary comic actors; a corrupt statist piece of shit who just won’t fucking go away; his statist piece of shit buddy who mainstreamed Judenhass into Team Blue; a wonderfully bad Santa; the snugglebunny for Sandra Day O’Connor; the guy who redefined jazz trumpet; and a delightful guitarist whom I can personally attest was a delightful person as well.
On to the news.
I’ll leave out the latest OMG GUNS BAD GUNS BAD!!!! freakouts from Texas since the 48 hour rule is in effect. But the reliable dolts are reliable.
Wait, Team Red has the same kind of assholes as Team Blue? I am shocked, SHOCKED.
Never change, San Francisco, never change.
Wow, another opportunity for graft!
If you look hard enough for racism, it’s there, even if you have to enhance it un peu.
Old Guy Music features the birthday boy. And really, don’t bother playing blues after this, he used up all the licks.
Christ, that sucks.
I’m afraid I laughed pretty hard at Mom’s reaction…
I thought Hell was Christian doctrine. I’m not sure if there is a Jewish equivalent. Aside from AZ with no AC of course…
I thought it was when they run out of chickens at Publix.
Hotels aren’t that expensive!
Unemployed, dude.
And they never called me, and was in Az at the time……
If it were our house and our choice, things would be different.
I still would have come by and trouble shot it properly, free, then you have ammo for dealing with parts changers, landlords suck.
Here’s my logic:
Inside: Thermostat kicks on the inside blower reliably. Control board produces a 24V signal when it kicks on. This tells me that the thermostat and control board are fine.
Outside: The compressor fan doesn’t kick on. No voltage at the contactor coil. When I manually depress the contactor, the compressor and blower start as long as I hold it in. This tells me that the compressor and blower aren’t the issue, there’s 240V running, and the caps are fine.
So I come to a wiring fault for the 24V signal line as the logical answer.
Did I miss anything?
If the thing blows cold when the compressor and blower start when held down I would be fashioning a device to hold the contactor down. Sharp sticks aren’t only for poking eyes out.
Do you have a portable power supply that you can use to energize the contactor?
Bad relay to the compressor contact? Do you have control voltage (24v) at that relay?
There’s 24V at the control board output. So its relay is fine (and the A/C guys replaced the board anyway to no effect). It’s just not reaching the contactor outside at the compressor.
The danger of doing a DIY fix is that the landlord says “Your problem now” and stops paying for the HVAC crew to do a real fix.
Bingo. But I am tempted to put three 9V batteries in series and attach them to the contactor coil with clip leads. That will likely not leave traces.
Uh, how does ‘fuck no’ grab you?
I’m sure there will be no noise either.
Oh, lots of people will just bend over and grab their ankles. It’s the “If you’ve done nothing wrong you should have nothing to hide” bullshit.
(Note how the cops always want to hide their actions.)
Those aren’t ‘privacy minded citizens’, though.
It’s because they did something wrong.
Yeah, cops will release body/dashcam footage when they think it makes them look good. (And of course, local TV news unthinkingly regurgitates the propaganda.) When they think it’ll make them look bad, they claim they can’t release it because it’s an ongoing investigation.
A cop procedural was on at the Gym the other day and I found myself disappointed that the cops won the shootout…
Wow, another opportunity for graft!
My town doesn’t have any battlefields.
Well, maybe one….
I just knowed that’s what it was a-gonna be.
Wait. There are three girls here at Ridgemont who have cultivated the look
Would you say the’ve Been groomed?
They’ve got the look
Ted never (?) disappoints.
Was this chick on your battlefield?
I watched that entire video for what a believe is the first time ever. SMDH.
The question is, will privacy-minded citizens accept it?
Appeal to their innate racism, and tell them it will only be used against the darkies.
You mean like gun control?
And hey- we made the news here in SW Ohio ! Since Trump was in Cincinnati Thursday, Im sure it will get pinned on him somehow.
I hadn’t heard the Riggins/O’connor story before, funny stuff.
Me either. That’s hilarious.
Not wanting to miss out on all the attention, my hometown gets its own moment in the spotlight. Dem mayor will call for more gun control in three…two…one…
Yep. Here we go, again.
For awhile I was feeling pretty good about gun rights, but I fully expect to be made a felon within 5 years.
Meh – I don’ see it. Every time there is a mass shooting, the usual talking heads go off on gun control. And there was the bump stock ban – done by Trump … and this and that against scary assault weapons and it never goes anywhere. If Trump moves too heavily against guns, he riles up the base against him. If the Dems do, they rile up their enemies against them.
Heck the Dems had the presidency, the senate, and the house and didn’t – as far as I remember – do anything major about guns.
If I put my tinfoil hat on, they like it that way to get donations from their base.
The typical people can’t climb those dead bodies fast enough to spew forth their gun grabbing dogma. Not a single thing about the root cause of the violence itself is said. Is it social media, public education, or the media helping to foster such hatred and violence?
Root cause is not addressed because it’s not addressable. In a country of 330MM people, there’s inevitably going to be some violent nuts.
I disagree. Get rid of ‘gun free zones’ and you’ll see improvement.
Private citizens should be free to set up gun free zones. Weather or not they should be held liable for failure to provide protection for people who show up…
Private Citizens, yes. Corporations, especially publicly traded ones, no.
“Corporations, especially publicly traded ones, no.”
Letting people buy and sell stock in secondary markets should not take your rights away.
Soft Monopolies across the midwest and in most neighborhoods (walmart) shouldn’t take anyone’s rights away.
for people who show up……is no, no they shouldn’t.
finished that for you.
True, you show up, you know the risks. Schools certainly could be as they are mandatory for children to show up at.
Related is the free rider problem of businesses outsourcing their security to police. This is why you get Starbucks calling cops to expell loiterers rather than kicking them out themselves.
That is generally how I viewed it, but I’m open to looking at root causes.
That Cruz kid fell through the cracks of a broken system, and was probably preventable for example.
That’s certainly the rational view.
I’m not sure of the figures, but the order of magnitude has to be something like this: chances you would be
a/ shot and killed by someone you don’t know, 3,300 out of 330kk, so 1:100,000 per year
b/ killed by a car driver you don’t know, 9,900 out of 330kk, so 3:100,000 per year
and no one is running for president based on senseless and preventable car murders.
Well, there’s a bunch of Dems supporting the green new deal, but they think car murders come from the tail pipe rather than the 4000 pounds of steel and glass ramming into another 4000 pounds of steel and glass at high speeds.
“Not a single thing about the root cause of the violence itself is said.”
I thought it was clearly Trump and his racist army of bigoted gun nuts. Get rid of them, and paradise awaits.
Comic Book, D&D, Rock Music, and video games.
Oh and pornography let us not forget pornography.
First they came for the guns, and I said nothing because I had no guns. Then they came for the Porn, and I realized what fool I was.
+1 Suicide Solution
Shots fired on 5th street…..Party in the Oregon !
Guess he just couldn’t wait ’til Halloween.
The mural was painted in 1936 by Victor Arnautoff, a devout leftist who at one point was investigated by the FBI for his ties to communism. His grandson says the artist included Native and African Americans to provoke a conversation about the real history of the United States.
He could troll in 10 characters or less.
I like how you force me to use Google’s image search on well over 50% of your avatars.
No one is forcing you to anything… or are they?
Just google “Swalwell Swallows”.
Woke people combat racism by whitewashing mural.
Vote for me
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., one of nearly two-dozen Democrats hoping to block Trump’s bid for a second term in the White House, made her remarks at a labor forum event in Las Vegas.
“The individuals who do the shootings are responsible,” Klobuchar said, referring to mass shootings such as the one in El Paso that left 20 dead and 26 injured, “but I do think Trump’s rhetoric has fueled more hate in this country.”
Klobuchar also pushed for gun reform legislation on Twitter.
“Today innocent people—families—went to that mall in El Paso,” she wrote. “Some of them never came home. The U.S. House has passed common sense gun safety legislation. It is long past time to pass it in the Senate. The question to ask: Whose side are you on? The NRA’s or the people’s.”
I’ll put a stop to this senseless freedom.
These people want a hot Civil War as much as some of these shooters
I’ll channel my alt-right inner-Nazi: Perhaps forced diversity and balkanization has thoroughly expected side-effects; such as increased isolation and anger for white males, seeing massive cultural shifts happening before their eyes. They don’t know how to react, even after voting for a president who promises to close the border, so, in desperation, lash out. This is culture war collateral damage.
/not sure who much of this I believe
I think it’s a decent argument. And add in the speed of the forced diversity.
And the oppression of wrong-thought.
Sounds about right.
*or even how
::grabs second cup of coffee::
You could a little more to that and say these white losers shooting up places are just worried that they won’t be getting any of the sweet booty from a future govt. Free shit is a powerful anger both ways. Those who get more than others and those that pay or are left in the cold.
Throw in, not just forced diversity, but active and ongoing discrimination, denigration and contempt for whites, men, and masculinity.
Not just seeing cultural shifts. There’s a breakdown in traditional morality and social ties that has left many rudderless and unafraid of the consequences of their actions.
Saw the LGov Patrick (TX-R) on TV, this morning, ranting/raving, “Its the video games”
Just now Trey Gowdy, “More laws aren’t going to stop crazy people from doing crazy things” Paraphrased
Buttigeig says, Hold my beer, Amy.
60 K of my generation went to VN and came home in a body bag, courtesy of LBJ mostly but JFK, DDE and RMN are not exonerated either. The Middle East isn’t forgotten either.
Fake news. We didn’t declare war in any of those places.
And then she threw staplers and binders at her staff.
Former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke also placed some blame on the president for the shooting while speaking in El Paso, which he represented when he was in Congress.
“He is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country,” O’Rourke told reporters. “We’ve had a rise in hate crimes every single one of the last three years. During an administration where you’ve had the president call Mexicans rapists and criminals.”
Beto? Is he still out there?
Mayor of town with high murder rate offers opinion on national stage
Shit, that’s the other guy…
Don’t worry, Beto, he wasn’t talking about you.
I missed the beginning of your AC problems. I’ve had a couple of rounds here. I have a buddy who does AC. The last time I had some guys come out and they quoted me $500+ just for the parts. “Because this one is really old, it is hard to get the parts”. They wanted me to buy a new unit.
It was a fan. An effing fan.
So I called my buddy to find out where to go for parts. The part was less than a hundred bucks, and there were lots of choices. It took me all of 15 minutes to do the fix once I had the part.
So the next time I just called him. He asked a couple of questions and said it sounded like I needed a “hard start kit”, which is a replacement startup capacitor to give it a little more umph to get the older compressor turning. Cost was minimal and the fix easy again.
There are only so many parts on an AC. You have two fans, a compressor, some capacitors, a controller board and the copper coils. Really the only thing you don’t service is the coils and the compressor. The rest is an easy fix. Leaves me wondering why the AC guy gets so much cash.
So if one of the fans doesn’t work… you just replace it.
If the compressor won’t start up, you replace the capacitors for the compressor. If it runs fine but doesn’t get cold… then you call the guy because the compressor isn’t compressing or the coolant has leaked out.
The only caveat to this is if you have a modern unit – but not too modern. They went to all computerized there for a while and apparently they weren’t very reliable. The simpler controller boards apparently work better and more reliably, so the manufacturers switched back to older technology. So if you have one of those, the computer might be the problem.
1. This isn’t our house, we rent. So the landlord’s A/C guys are the ones we’re stuck with. If this were our house, we would have already fixed it ourselves.
2. The A/C guys don’t really seem to get the logic of troubleshooting. Their approach is more of, “When things don’t work, Part X is the most common culprit. Replace Part X. If that doesn’t work, Part Y is the next most common fail.”
So they’ve replaced the motor, replaced the capacitors, replaced the control board, replaced the contactor, recharged the coolant… none of which are the actual problem. And my suggestion on what IS the actual problem would be significantly more labor, but many less easy parts sales.
you should be able not to pay rent if the inside temp is over 80
No, his landlord should have put them up in a hotel until the a.c. Is fixed.
Or thrown in a window unit or two.
Renting or not I think I’d have run a wire by now, AC with a slightly ajar door has got to be better than no AC at all.
So….they’re at the part of just changing the whole unit now.
The wiring harness, seriously the blower door warps the moles causing intermittent shorts
Yeah, there’s been no doubt in my mind since this started that it’s a wiring issue. But apparently that’s tougher than willy-nilly replacing parts until things work again.
break out the audio testing gear!
Diagnosis was easy. Getting into the walls where the wiring is… not as easy.
BTW, I have an APx555B for a few more weeks. Some of the stuff it does is absolutely amazing.
Any way to put jumper in place to keep the unit running continuously? At least you’ve be able too col of the place.
there is an epic rain going on around here. Damn. That’s a lot of water
but the temps did get down to 22
Lol wut? 22 water is frozen
You’re supposed to get down to two by two’s.
Do they measure rainfall in Romania by liters/m^2 or some ridiculous stuff like that as opposed to just mm or cm?
crucially mm but some news stations occasionally use l/min
l/m^2 i meant
Half a galosh.
actually șoșon in Romania
also why do people forget ow to drive n the rain. There were some puddles somewhere and everyone was behaving as if they were driving an Oltcit
That’s 295 K
I’ll leave out the latest OMG GUNS BAD GUNS BAD!!!! freakouts from Texas since the 48 hour rule is in effect. But the reliable dolts are reliable. -Pie you say, come visit the US you say… You people are a bunch of maniacs with guns.
“You people are a bunch of maniacs with guns.”
but enough about the Glibs…
Speaking of coming to America; if you ever do make it over here, you’re welcome to crash on my sofa.
You people are a bunch of maniacs with guns.
Huh. And here I thought that was one of the attractions of visiting the U.S.
Until you’ve performed Flashdance while armed, you haven’t really lived.
Land of the free
A city in Ohio has decided it will no longer hire employees who use nicotine or tobacco in a bid to create a healthier environment for its workers.
The new policy requires employees hired after July 15 to be tobacco and nicotine-free for as long as they work for the city of Dayton, according to the Dayton Daily News. The new standard defines the use of either product as “inhaling, exhaling, burning, vaping any lighted cigar, cigarette, an e-cigarette or pipe, chewing or any other type of tobacco use.”
New applicants will now be tested for both nicotine and tobacco during the pre-employment screening process as well as when it receives “reliable” information that an employee is engaging in the dangerous habit.
We may have a motive for the Dayton shooter.
“Public Health” types never talk about the quality of life benefits of being left the hell alone.
What? Just to get hired? That’s nuts
SOP in the hospital biz for years now.
One of my hospital clients built a smoking pavilion behind the main building in the 90’s – on the books it showed up as the “Butt Hut”. Times have changed.
The hospital I’m at hasn’t outright banned tobacco users, but if you fail a nicotine test, the “disincentive” on your bi-weekly insurance premiums is like $50. Note that they don’t care where the nicotine comes from, smokes, chew, patch or vape.
That popout thing on the left edge of the page is really starting to piss me off.
Pie you say, come visit the US you say… You people are a bunch of maniacs with guns.
Just stay away from Yosemite.
Oh, I almost forgot. How rude of me. Mornin’ Banjos!
Her tits are significantly larger than mine.
Pics or gtfo
Which ones?
We wouldn’t want to be sexist around here.
Compromise. Let’s do one of each.
Why not both?
Meanwhile, in Chicago.
Those are inner city blacks. No one on the gun control team cares
Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.
Since this has been going on for some time I am beginning to suspect they are not truthful bout being committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market.
Probably because under the GDPR there are no options that support the full range of digital offerings to the EU market.
Sundays are the highest for shootings? Is it the hangovers?
Chicago’s had 22 people shot today, between midnight and 8 am.
If a mass shooting is counted as 5 or more people shot, then Chicago has already had 2 mass shootings today.
Dark money is destroying democracy
The Feds are looking into possible campaign finance misdeeds by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff and lead rainmaker, who suddenly resigned Friday, federal sources told The Post.
The inquiry centers on two political action committees founded by Saikat Chakrabarti, the top aide who quit along with Ocasio-Cortez spokesman Corbin Trent,the sources said. Trent left to join the congresswoman’s 2020 re-election campaign.
The two PACs being probed, Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats, were both set up by Chakrabarti to support progressive candidates across the country.
But they funneled more than $1 million in political donations into two private companies that Chakrabarti also incorporated and controlled, according to Federal Election Commission filings and a complaint filed in March with the regulatory agency.
In 2016 and 2017, the PACs raised about $3.3 million, mostly from small donors. A third of the cash was transferred to two private companies whose names are similar to one of the PACs — Brand New Congress LLC and Brand New Campaign LLC — federal campaign filings show.
While PACs must follow stringent federal rules on disclosure of spending and fundraising, private companies are not subject to the same transparency.
The complaint filed by the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group based in Virginia, alleged that the LLCs appeared to have been set up to obscure those federal reporting requirements.
Oh, wait, never mind. Obviously just a slight misunderstanding.
I always think of “Dark money” being sung to the tune of Cher’s “Dark Lady”.
What made Chakabacala think he could funnel one million and get away with it?
He’s not Hilary.
I mean maybe he would have if he hadn’t tried with a full third of the value of the PACs.
“This mural is not appropriate,” said Francee Covington, an African American woman, one of the few people of color in the crowd examining the paintings Thursday.”
Go. Fuck. Your. Self.
You know who else thought some artwork was inappropriate…
Maude Flanders?
Helen Lovejoy?
Shannon Walkley?
Jesse Helms?
Vienna Art School Admissions board?
John Ashcroft?
Tipper Gore?
Ed Meese?
The mural was a piece of leftist propaganda. Take it down, I don’t give a shit.
It’s public art, so the public gets to decide.
There’s certainly a lot of modern sculpture that I’d like to see removed.
Leaving artistic decisions to the public. What can go wrong?
Pretty much all of the 1% for “art” on public projects.
The funny part is that it may as well be Howard Zinn approved. It’s a happy George Washington trampling minorities.
Maybe the painter should have shown an enraged George instead. People can’t seem to get satire anymore.
SCIENCE, motherfucker!
Americans are divided along party lines when it comes to confidence in scientists and their role in making policy, according to a survey released Friday by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.
Overall, trust in scientists is increasing in the United States, with 86% of Americans saying they have at least “a fair amount” of confidence that scientists are acting in the public interest, up from 76% three years ago. Today, more people have confidence in scientists than in religious leaders, business heavyweights and even public-school principals.
But just 27% of Republicans have “a great deal” of confidence in scientists, the survey found. Among Democrats, it’s 43%.
A majority of Republicans also believe scientists’ judgments are just as likely to be biased as other people’s, whereas most Democrats say that scientists make judgments based solely on the facts.
Democrats are credulous ninnies. Film at eleven.
scientists make judgments based solely on the facts- bunch of fuckin angles they are
“Americans are divided along party lines when it comes to confidence in scientists and their role in making policy”
I actually had this conversation the other day with a friend. I trust a lot of scientists. If they were to say “know what, we made a mistake big bang ain’t real” id probably believe them, because it has no bearing on me. It’s the “role in making policy” part that gets me. You start making judgement calls and saying the only way to stop x is to give more power to government, I get skeptical.
Scientists know more about science than the average guy. Scientists know no more about policy than the average guy.
“But just 27% of Republicans have “a great deal” of confidence in scientists, the survey found. Among Democrats, it’s 43%.”
As a follow-up, it’s strange how this gets spun as Republicans being stupid/anti-science when skepticism is key to science.
Look man, all science is to be 100% accepted and followed without any question. Why are you making that face when I tell you the sun revolves around the earth?
Heard about the El Paso shooting, but hell there are so many different motives/theories flying right now thank glob for the 48 hour rule. Hell, Imma just go for a 1-week rule at this rate. May the souls of the people at El Paso and Dayton rest in peace and may the killers burn.
Off-topic, but finally moved out of my place and am chilling down in Tokyo. Loving me some tonkatsu and kebabs. To straff and tejicano: my phone service got cut off so all I got are wifi at the place I’m staying and hotspots just as a heads up. Also, if y’all are still down for the shindig at Iseya this Friday, I was thinking of being there at 19:00. Please let me know if that’s good for y’all.
Sounds great. Don’t even know if they take reservations, but it’ll be crowded. Usually about a 15-30 minute wait.
Not too bad, it’ll give us some more time to chill and shoot the breeze so that’s okay. I’ll be the obvious looking gaijin wearing a cap with an eagle.
shindig at Iseya – slang for brothel?
I plead the 5th.
chilling down in Tokyo
80F at 87% humidity at midnight.
meanwhile at the dsa
Whiny Bitches of America
Shit like this reassures me they’ll never achieve national dominance. They’ll be too busy tripping each other up to get anywhere.
It must be really frustrating to the actual bloodthirsty revolutionaries.
Why do your think the bloodthirsty revolutionaries have purges once they get power? It’s to kill the idiotically earnest ones among them.
“Thank you comrade”
Said with no consideration or knowledge of the suffering that came with that word.
Some of them Do know and don’t give a fuck.
That guy is going to have trouble doing the murdering necessary.
He’ll be happy to sign the necessary paperwork.
Most accurate comment: This is essentially a giant adult daycare and career advancement vehicle for left-wing college grads.
These precious navel-gazing fucks need to stop appropriating the culture of the working class.
So this is where you end up going when you allow your 10 year old daughter to find an activity for your first day of vacation. At least the resort we’re staying at is all-you-can-drink and eat. Leaving tomorrow and will be back in time for Friday night with the boys.
It’s like they’re staring at you, preparing to attack.
They all look alike to me. So do the flowers.
That’s a Hella lot of sunflowers. Hope the family had a good time and hell yeah, my dude.
So, did you back petal on letting her choose?
Uh oh. Pun pollination incoming…
He’s a real pistil, isn’t he?
if Swiss is stalking around here, expect a narrow gaze
I’m going to leaf before then.
Wait, those weren’t “pun flowers?”
A sunflower field is a tourist destination? Not being snarky, legit question.
Japanese like simple stuff like that. It’s a tourist area because of the mountains surrounding the area. Lots of nature.
It does look like a beautiful setting. I suppose the large number of city dwellers has something to do with it as well? Connect with nature…open spaces…that sort of thing?
That and it’s a 2 hour drive from Tokyo, so it’s far enough out of the city to see nature but not too far for an overnight or two stay. It’s where we usually go camping.
Last year a local farmer had a large field of sunflowers. There were cars lined up there every morning for photo ops for weeks.
Having probably a dozen or more within 5 miles of me, I sometimes forget that it’s not a common sight for the majority of people.
+1 Stickey Wicket
Lamborghinis, Burkas, Sex Party Invites And ‘Chop Chop Square’: A New York Lawyer’s 15 Years In The Middle East
“There’s an Arabic phrase, ‘marble on the outside, shit on the inside.’ That is the best description of Qatar itself,” Shaykhoun, 47, said. It’s a country where image is everything, and usually misleading, she said.
Where do I sign up?
Speaking of rambling nonsense
At least 20 people are dead in El Paso, Texas, and once again some ghoul with a rifle has reignited the moronic inferno of online commentary that follows such events. Was this an act of terrorism? If the gunman’s alleged manifesto proves genuine, does that mean the so-called alt-right or online white nationalism shares blame for this atrocity? Should zealots have access to deadly weapons? Is Donald Trump—recently seen on Twitter gloating about the burglary of a congressman’s home in Baltimore—capable of a statesmanlike response that acknowledges and repudiates his support from those who openly or tacitly celebrate the crime? (A second mass shooting, in Dayton, Ohio, in the early hours of Sunday morning left at least nine dead; the motive there remains unclear, but that has not restrained similar speculation.) If you are spending any time at all litigating the perfectly obvious answers to these questions, you should stop, drop, and roll, because the flames are consuming you, and pretty soon nothing will be left but a pile of soot and a charred iPhone.
A four-page statement appeared online minutes before the shooting yesterday. Police are investigating whether the gunman wrote it. It is, unlike the Christchurch, New Zealand, manifesto, straightforward and written in language comprehensible to normal people, rather than in allusive, wink-laden online jargon. One benefit of that straightforwardness is that, if police confirm the strongly suspected link between the gunman and the manifesto, no debate will be necessary about what motivated the killer, or what fountains of ideas he drank from.
As we learn more about the perpetrator, we will doubtless discover that he said vile and alarming things, online and off, long before he started killing. In retrospect, all these statements will feel like tragic missed opportunities to straitjacket a young man and save both his life (he will soon face Texas justice, after all) and the lives of at least 20 others. But keep in mind how commonplace, on a sentence-by-sentence level, portions of that manifesto are. Just how many straitjackets can our society afford?
Atlantic writer pukes up inchoate outrage. We all know who is to blame for these atrocities. Straitjackets for everybody.
Everybody who doesn’t think like me, that is.
You should only be able to purchase a gun if you are wearing a straitjacket. It’s common sense.
Man, that guy is so far up his own ass I’m sure he’s popping out of his own mouth.
As we learn more about the perpetrator, we will doubtless discover that he said vile and alarming things, online and off, long before he started killing. In retrospect, all these statements will feel like tragic missed opportunities to straitjacket a young man and save both his life (he will soon face Texas justice, after all) and the lives of at least 20 others.
Soon an algorithm will emerge, based on science on who will become a mass shooter.
if (subject == white && subject == male):
gun_purchase = False
“SFUSD officials said it may cost as much as $600,000 to paint over the mural, which includes legal costs.”
I should have been a lawyer. No matter what the situation is, the lawyers always make bank.
Gimme $500,000.00 (USD, natch) and I’ll go get a coupla cans of Benjamin Moore and a roller and have it painted over by this afternoon.
“whoops I fell several times against the mural, accidentally spilling the open can of paint I happened to be holding in my hand.”
No good on the A/C Old Man. I don’t run A/C in the summers and often go to bed when it is above 90 in the house. I would tell you it is no problem, you will get used to it, but we get no where as hot as AZ. Especially this summer which has been uncharacteristically cool and wet.
s no problem, you will get used to it – i did not have ac until I turned 18 and i did not get used to it i always had trouble sleeping as a kid on hot summers
luckily i spends most summer holiday at grandma so not in Bucharest, in a remote hill village which generally cooled down at night. no UHI
Our doctor told us to use the a/c all night on hot nights. You don’t enter into the deep sleep stage very easily when it’s too hot.
Chuck Todd is ashamed of you, America.
Oh jeez, I better change my ways. The last thing I want is to disappoint talking head propagandists.
Slutty Sunday is heating it up even more.
5,11,44,52. Wowza, bless the summer heat and the glorious gift that is the bikini.
So, I’m thinking of a kickstarter for a website “MILFs Demand Action” gun-themed porn site.
Any takers?
just milfs or are there barely legal (to purchase firearms) babysitters involved?
You can be our European talent scout.
Milf teaches babysitter.
Every time something happens, the headlines would be ” MILFDAs pounce!”
I saw a Mom’s Demand Action bumper sticker and that’s how I read it out loud. I think it’s a great idea.
So this fitness YouTube popped up in my recommendations
I always wonder if women dress like this at the gym just because they are comfortable and in now way do they want the male gaze or…
All (straight) women want the male gaze, some are just more conflicted about it.
i have seen women a my gym dressed just like that, with nipples poking out of vaguely transparent sports bras
Motivation Pie, motivation.
see Q that is a perfectly good pair of tits right there. There is no reason to go larger than that.
Correct on the first point, incorrect on the second.
Pie is wise.
Only reason to go to a gym really.
I love the Buff Dudes. They have some funny gym vids. Also they don’t seem to care to much about making slightly inappropriate jokes.
The ass slap in the beginning was surprising.
Pretty sure she’s his wife.
no the other guy is married
Ahhh that’s right. I get them confused. It took me a while to realize they were brothers.
We have a HATE epidemic in this country.
Round up the haters.
PSA: If anyone, ANYONE, needs AC help, contact me first. Tres knows, we solve problems via comment or text, so remember, Yusef is here!
I need help with my AOC, it’s on the fritz. It keeps blowing hot air all day, then suddenly turns frigid when I go to bed.
That’s the new style Socialist AC, next up, chocolate!
*golf clap*
The external monitor I connect to my laptop is branded as AOC. Luckily the little “A” decal fell off. I took a black Sharpie to the logo on the neoprene case.
Yeah, this one we’re dealing with sucks because it takes actual skill to fix (even though a moron like me could figure the problem out quickly).
sick. Betting it’s the harness in the furnace, they plug in at right angles to the card, and can bend against the door, and then fails, this has happened, very rare.
Oh, goody. Booker has a plan to end gun violence and white hatred.
When you mention Booker and “white hatred” in the same sentence, I assume it’s the hatred towards white people that Booker and his ilk have.
Unless you’re a dumbass like Zuckerberg that gives his city $100M for him to disappear.
Apparently, impeachment will solve this problem.
It’s elegant in its simplicity. Or something.
Alyssa Milano, Piers Morgan, and Michael Avenatti. The axis of asshole.
I do my best to not pay attention, but I thought Piers Morgan occasionally says something smart?
Even if that’s true, he probably says it in a pompous asshole tone. I can’t stand that guy.
Oh, no, don’t get me wrong. I completely agree with you on that point.
What happens when they walk in a bar?
Everyone else walks out?
A Rabbi, a priest, and lawyer all point and laugh?
Pretty sure Avennati is the only one who will be disbarred…
Avenatti and Morgan spitroast Milano.
Your bars are better than mine.
It can be the first scene in my gun-themed porn site above.
From the Bill Maher story: all I can say is; that asshole is still
Strict federal gun laws are our only hope.
When the grabbers finally ram their agenda through and shit like this continues to happen, what will the propagandists say? They’ll put themselves out of business!
Hahahahahahahaha hahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha
A Statist work is never done.
and the more laws – enforced at the end of a gun – will equal more deaths at the hands of the police. Yay laws!
“The Mayor reported that the police were already in the vicinity and the shooter was dead in “less than a minute” after the shooting began.”
It’s not about politics. It’s about painting the President as a racist who enables and instigates white supremacy.
Poor HKG, try as they might the Mainland’s not gonna let them go without bloodshed.
From the comments at instapundit: “Fortunately for China they have an ally in Google, which will help China do their best to keep as much of this hidden as possible from people in China.”
Dog bites man.
At what point is this considered an in-kind campaign contribution? If the FEC weren’t also anti-Trump I’d say they should look into it.
What is officially “Glibtime”? Eastern?
Wherever SP is. So, Arizona time (neither Mountain nor Pacific due to AZ’s awesome rejection of DST).
Really? SP time. That’s awesome and sounds pre Galileo.
Ahem. Mountain Standard Time year round. Although until the site gets retimed, Glibtime(*) is still CT.
*any time is time to be Glib. Or drinking.
I thought it was The Central time because the server resides there.
Central time because the Foundation is incorporated in Texas.
It’s EST. The official time zone of the universe.
Only 3/10-11/3
*shakes fist at GWB*
If Trump found a way to poleax DST by executive order, he would have my vote forever.
Throw in incandescent bulb bans, and I’m in.
And low flow toilets.
All I can say is the morning links drop at 3PM and the second post of the day at 7PM and the evening links at 11 PM
Gustave is right. Guess that wasn’t as big a mystery as I thought.
Gustave is right. – no I am right. it is 6 30 PM and in 30 minutes the horoscope will drop
…maybe. I didn’t get it finished until Friday evening.
Things I usually don’t hear irl.
She will fix it!
…YOU go to prison!… and YOU go to prison!… and YOU go to prison!…
I liked this reply:)
No, Williamson has a plan. She’s gonna fix it.
Economics is broken
They might look less good if the assumptions on which the equilibrium models that got us here were more widely known. The idea of perfect markets under perfect competition, for example, asks us to believe in a world where everybody knows everything, there are an infinite number of companies, no barriers to setting up a business, where any product can stand in for any other (say, a banana for a tractor) and, crucially, there are no “externalities” (economic speak for “consequences”) from production or consumption.
All models use a few simplifying assumptions, but those underpinning mainstream economics more often distort and detach from reality. It’s one of the reasons why students have rebelled, forming groups to demand that universities take a more pluralistic approach to teaching economics. Katie Kedward left a banking job in the City for ethical reasons and sought a degree that would make sense of economics. Despairing at the unreality of mainstream courses, she found a rare exception: a master’s in ecological economics at the University of Leeds. The course, though, isn’t even taught in the economics department but the School of Earth and Environment. That’s why new groups are emerging to promote heterodox economics, which draws on the insights of the study of complexity, neuro and behavioural science, ecology, feminism and the core economy of family, mutualism and community.
Yeah, that’ll fix it.
The idea of perfect markets under perfect competition, for example, asks us to believe in a world where everybody knows everything, there are an infinite number of companies, no barriers to setting up a business, where any product can stand in for any other (say, a banana for a tractor) and, crucially, there are no “externalities” (economic speak for “consequences”) from production or consumption. – which branch of economics assume s that?
those underpinning mainstream economics more often distort and detach from reality. It’s one of the reasons why students have rebelled, forming groups to demand that universities take a more pluralistic approach to teaching economics
“Wah! Make reality conform with my childish beliefs!”
Math is hard!
Neither dirty nor a secret.
Ya, but extra points for the author using the term “meat sword”.
“If you look hard enough for racism, it’s there, even if you have to enhance it un peu.”
You don’t have to look very hard to find it in France, to be honest. In fact, I’ve had almost exactly the same experience described from French employees, where they were very rude and gave the cold shoulder to a black lady, then were very nice to me and fulfilled the same request quickly (not knowing I was actually asking on her behalf). I have a family member who was stationed in Paris as a diplomat, and she says casual and overt racism is very typical. It’s especially bad for black Africans, regardless of religion.
Plenty of casual racism in spain; strong anti-roma sentiment is common as well, along with some related general prejudice among northerners against southerners (i.e. andalucians).