DOOM! All is lost, woe is us. Wait, actually, its not that bad. But the first link reveals why the idea of a libertarian society is a pipe-dream, albeit one that keeps most of us from publishing manifestos and shooting random people just trying to do school shopping. Wait, actually, I think not being crazy does that.
The headline here pretty much shows why libertarianism will never be popular: Ohio shooting: Gov. Mike DeWine urged to ‘Do something’ at vigil. Okay. What should he do? Hand out the names of people who teach concealed-carry courses? Put everyone in camps so they can’t murder each other with guns?
Fucking bath-dodgers
Oh look, another new trend I was unwittingly on the bleeding edge of.
I assume it was the erection that gave him away.
My Youtube started working, so I’ll post a free-speech anthem that is… does math… wait… 25 years old? Fuck me. This is contemporary with my teens. It cannot have been that long ago.
DeWine really needs to shut-up. And this woman doesnt seem helpful:
While Im here- turn it up!
Bet she’s a lot of fun at parties.
She certainly looks like what you would expect. Wonder what she has to say about heavy drinkers?
I guess you can put lipstick on a pig after all.
W. T. F.
My father in law blamed the shootings on the Illuminati, new world order and taking religion out of the schools.
It was MK Ultra.
Not Michelob Ultra?
Lol. I can’t prove him wrong.
Even though it was an Ohio Man, I blame it on YOUUUUU!
“DeWine really needs to shut-up”
Yeah, I’ve been saying that forever. I hate that nanny prick.
Start a movement called
Spiil DeWine !
No accompanying music.
So, so disappointed, doc…
Damn I haven’t heard that song forever
DeWine was a worthless shitweasel in the Senate. Imagine my excitement when the Rs nominated him for Governor.
How about ten million percent inflation?
Venezuela of course.,……
David Whitlock has not showered or bathed for 15 years, yet he does not have body odour. “It was kind of strange for the first few months, but after that I stopped missing it,” he says. “If I get a specific part of my body dirty, then I’ll wash that specific part” – but never with soap.
I hope he is using a power washer then.
He’s probably fine if he avoids hospitals, clinics, and the gym. Otherwise enjoy your MRSA infection.
This. I might over do the handwashing thing having been a cook and EMT, but it does prevent colds and flu.
Whitlock had hoped that he would naturally acquire this type of bacteria simply by stopping washing. He didn’t – and grew quite pongy. So, he harvested bacteria from the soil at a local farm and fed them with ammonia and minerals. When they turned the ammonia into nitrate, he knew he had what he wanted and started narrowing them down to a single strain that seemed happiest on human skin. After he applied the bacteria he had cultured – the stuff the horses were apparently after – he stopped smelling.
Why do horses smell then?
Just seems easier to wash than do an elaborate science experiment.
Why do horses smell
To alert themselves to any predators who might be upwind of them?
Please god don’t let this become a fad, the last thing we need is a bunch of people walking around smelling like goats.
You know it will be. Gaia worship. Atonement for technology. Conspicuous virtue. “Natural.”
Gambolin’ man …
Ah I used to raise goats. They don’t smell bad. Humans who don’t shower do. Don’t insult our future bachian rulers.
I think there might be something too this. We know that taking antibiotics can harm the natural flora in our bodies to detrimental effects, why not covering our bodies in antibiotics soap? I am skeptical about eating “Love cultures food”. How does it survive the digestive enzymes/acid?
I think you mean antiseptic. Antibiotics kill bacteria inside the body. Antiseptics are used to kill bacteria on skin and other surfaces. Not all soaps are antiseptic. Yes, we over-sanitize as a society, but that doesn’t mean we have to walk around smelling like goats.
Soaps and shampoos are surfactants – they break down oils and float dirt particles off. That also washes off a lot of bacteria and things bacteria like, so a basic terrain denial strategy.
I enjoyed this show. My kids hated it.
I’m sure there is a middle ground between over sanitized & smelling like goats.
Smelling like sheep?
Good enough
You would like that.
So would ewe.
thats just baaaaaaaad
It’s important to practice good hygiene
If you want to run with my team
Since you invoked Del……Mr Dobalina
Back gardening will get you a fine around here…….
That’s why I want to go rural so I can do what the fuck I want with my property.
and no state income tax
Wish it wasn’t so damn humid.
Wow! I’m 98 % back gardened without doing a thing. The mosquitoes, gnats and deer flies love it. Cutting edge landscaping.
“A growing number of people are eschewing soap and trusting bacteria to do the job instead”
My problem is I’m a greasy Italian so I need soap.
Lemarck was right. All those Romans bathing in Olive oil left a mark on their descendants.
They had the oil rubbed on them, then scraped off with a wooden blade. Not completely ineffective. But they also had public baths.
*monotone*that’s the joke*/monotone*
This should be perfect for you then.
Mmmm, Greco-Roman Athletics…
I grew up with a couple dago hippies that were convinced patchouli oil was a deodorant. It’s… it’s not a good look man.
Hell with that. I’m not giving up my bar of Ivory soap in the shower.
Ivory soap doesn’t feel like it’s cleaning anything.
Works great for me. Even after elk season when the shower water runs off me gray.
Love me some Ivory. Which is strange given the number of times my grandmother had to shove a bar in my mouth as a child.
Not bathing is disgusting. I hope you give sex partners a heads up.
Nothing like a little bit of cheese under the foreskin to turn on the ladies, amirite?
Bathing is disgusting. Blast that shit off in a shower; don’t wallow around in it.
I shower but anything beats getting crusty.
But what if you juggle while getting crusty?
So you are saying selling your bath water is a bear market?
I probably could, but wouldn’t want to. Eeeeewww.
Bath = Human Bouillabaisse
“Blast that shit off in a shower”
I have a nearly 100-year-old house. I have replaced all of the water pipes and use an old antique shower-head. Four fucking gallons a minute. Man do I fucking love it!
I’m sorry. Every time I catch a whiff of patchouli I try to locate the source and move as far away as possible. Because it’s always a harbinger for unwashed hippie and when you get really close you smell what they are trying to cover up…
^This was supposed to be in reply to ALATW.
Those water-saving shower heads generally use an easily-removed plastic disc to regulate water flow. Remove that and you will get much better flow and cleaning power.
Yes, very easy to remove the governor and it makes an incredible difference in water flow. Like changing dribbles to jets.
+1 stanky vagina
*clears throat*.
“Stanky Vagina and her All-Girl Orchestra”
Smell like Old Spice not Old Mice!
Ohio shooting: Gov. Mike DeWine urged to ‘Do something’ at vigil.
Politicians’ Logic
long-haired hippy dude organized a west Baltimore cleanup. he got a few hundred people to help. i could make jokes about how the junkies won’t recognize their crack houses without the distinct garbage patterns but this really is a feelgood story..
I give it a week before it returns to normal.
Or the government stops them.
Didn’t Philly arrest people for giving food to the poor?
Nah, they just firebomb them in Philly.
It wouldn’t surprise me, philly sucks enough to do that, but in defense of my personal shithole city plenty of other places do that as well. It is typically a violation of city health ordinances to hand out food without proper licensing.
After doing some searching, ot actually looks like the Philadelphia city government did something halfway decent for once and actually loosened the regulations a while back. I’m shocked.
What? You can put the homeless feeders anywhere?
I’m pretty sure that NYC banned feeding the homeless because the food didn’t have the proper nutritional labeling.
Crabs in a bucket
Geographic gustatory irony is most specific kind of irony.
You know who else organized a cleanup…
He seems nice.
Typical. Not even from Baltimore and he’d rather nobody do anything than the wrong side get positive attention.
Wow, actually got a little dusty in here reading about that.
Looks at the before and afters.
“It’s still shitty.”
“Ungardening” aka “Xeriscaping” aka “People who hate mowing their lawns.”
I’d replace my lawn with astroturf if the HOA allowed it.
So, replace the HOA with astroturf instead.
Tucson has encouraged front yards be xeriscaped since the 1980’s. I liked it when I was living there. I wanted my yard to look like the Sonoran Desert, and it was almost no work. I did rip out African daisies with a vengeance, but brittle bush was welcome.
If I learned anything from “life after people” it’s that Maintenance is key to civilization.
Xeriscaping our yard was the best damn thing we ever did with our house. I gave the lawnmower away. What little yard care needs done, maybe twice a year, is done by a little Vietnamese guy we hire. My involvement in yard work involves writing a check.
I hate yard work.
So cloudflare dropped 8chan (site motto: We exist because 4chan didn’t have enough kiddy porn). Can’t say I really care. See the results of the Glib poll on Google.
And Professional Trump dick sucker Bill Mitchell’s been spending the day calling for gun control, because up is down, left is right, black is white and whatever other bullshit is going on. Can’t wait to see what gun control measures the NRA starts pushing after this.
So are they calling for a trade? Wall for guns?
Seems to be what Trump’s doing. Wall for universal background checks and a universal red flag law.
(both the Dayton and El Paso shooters acquired their guns legally, passing background checks)
What’s your point?
That the modern GOP truly doesn’t give a shit about gun rights and will sell them out for political expediency.
Well, I for one am shocked and flabbergasted.
Nothing has happened yet. I’m not going to get myself worked up.
I’m being sarcastic. I’m certain a lot of them are pleased at the opportunity to give ground as they believe it will shut up the gungrabbers for a while.
Trump flat-out said he’s willing to do it. That’s enough for me.
Goodbye presidency then…
I’d rather have a wall of guns.
The governor’s house in Williamsburg has walls of guns.
If I were a bachelor, I would have walls of guns.
There isn’t a snowballs chance in hell where the Dems willingly cave to Trump on the Wall and immigration control. It’s him dangling the carrot in front of them, yet again, to appease moderate voters without actually doing anything. If Trump actually wanted to pass universal background checks and universal red flag, he would just announce his support without tying it to the one thing that the Dems will never, ever bargain on.
I’d much rather see a complete defense of 2nd A, but I also wouldn’t take this seriously. It’s Lucy and the football.
This is where I’m at.
yep, the sad part is I don’t think it is intentional on his part. It’s just the left can’t pretend to not be assholes long enough to get what they want.
The ole Mr. Magoo theory, eh?
We’d be living in a different world if the Dems had taken up a strategy along the lines of: “Donald, you are so smart! Just a great leader! The classiest! Here are some policies we’d like you to put in place.”
It is quite amazing that Rand is the only politico that seems to have learned that lesson.
The problem is that it shifts the Overton window and legitimizes the gun grabbers’ fantasies. It’s laying the groundwork for someone else to cave and give away the store, a la Mitt Romney.
Most people want to do something after another mass shooting. How can a successful politician tell the majority of the country that they are too emotional, their proposals are stupid and we’re better off doing nothing?
Babylon Bee offering ruthless takes:
Only if the GOP is your political opponent. Snopes rates this mostly false.
Did they put him back in GP with his girl costume still on?
I center click all the links and then read them all. So I can’t recall if “Oh look, another new trend I was unwittingly on the bleeding edge of.” means that you had an unkempt yard, or if you don’t bath. Given where you live, I’m not sure if “swamp encroachment” or “swam ass” is worse.
She’s actually petite for my tastes.
For you, buddy..
This makes me sad.
I hope she gets better soon.
I’ll give her credit for monetizing her MS.
My mom has MS. Wouldn’t wish that shit on my own worst enemy.
My aunt as well.
Me neither. One of the reasons we moved back to Alberta was to be close to an old, dear friend who’s been battling adult-onset MS for the last 18 years. He’s approaching the “wheelchair-bound-for-life” stage now, and we’ll be around to offer as much help and support as we can.
Better? Doesn’t she have MS?
Not everyone progresses rapidly. A friend from med school who’s an orthopedic surgeon was diagnosed with MS 15 years ago, and last I heard he’s still in practice.
Five years ago Mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and was given five years to live. She’s in better shape today than she was at the onset.
Gung-ho for First World medicine.
I’ve often wondered if people in the past who didn’t bathe regularly smelled, and if other people just got used to it. So I think this “not bathing” think is interesting as an experiment. But now that we know, take a shower hippie.
Someone had strong enough BO this morning in McDonald they tainted the air and surfaces well after they left. Beyond BO or BBO.
Obvious link:
The past was terrible. People were smelly, lice infested, worm-ridden. Infant mortality was high, as was death in childbirth. It was dark, stinky and filthy. Scarcity abounded (SWIDT?).
And there are fucking hippies who want to return us to this condition.
There’s an interesting argument that parasitic worms help prevent allergies by suppressing/redirecting the human immune system. I’m not highly motivated to try it out myself, but I can see where you might want to if you had life-threatening allergies.
Only for the unwashed masses.
This weekend I did yard work in shorts without a shirt on *wiggles eyebrows*
I smelled like rotting onions set on fire. I can only imagine how bad I would smell in wool pants and a long sleeve shirt.
It aint just hippies. It is the progressive agenda.
This right here, kill the hippies, they smell up the joint
OK, I laughed
That’s pretty good:)
What the fuck is that thing in the background?
I’m assuming it’s pedobear.
It looks like the Buc-ee’s beaver statue to me.
Yup, that’s definitely ol’ Buc-ee.
That was good,
My neighbor has a sticker on the back of his diesel F350 that says, “I identify as a Prius.”
That’s brilliant!
Shikha has an article up about how Tulsi is an American Firster for not kotowing to the military industrial complex.
“Shikha… ”
Aaaaand I’m out.
I might go read the comments just to enjoy the hate.
Trump the sell-out traitor. Again. And he is probably one of the better ones. Great…
“Mexico’s government said it considers a shooting at a crowded department store in El Paso, Texas that left seven of its citizens dead an “act of terrorism” against Mexicans and hopes it will lead to changes in U.S. gun laws.”
“”There could be a change to their laws because it is stunning what is happening, unfortunate and very powerful,” López Obrador said. “I don’t rule out that they could change their constitution and laws. These are new times; you have to always be adjusting the legal framework to the new reality.””
“Ebrard said Mexico would take legal action against the business that sold the shooter the gun and that its Attorney General’s Office would declare it an act of terrorism against Mexican citizens. This would give Mexican prosecutors access to information about the case, Ebrard said. Then the Attorney General would decide whether to pursue the shooter’s extradition to Mexico.”
If we just change our constitution we can become as peaceful as Mexico.
“Then the Attorney General would decide whether to pursue the shooter’s extradition to Mexico.”
I do like the thought of the shitbag murderer being sent to a Mexican prison.
Mehico doesn’t have the death penalty. I like the idea of him in Texas better. Put the guy incommunicado so he cant see any of the news coverage and top him in a cold, grey cinderblock room with a needle in his arm. Try to fuck it up if you can so it takes a long time.
I think the “hey, that’s the gringo who hates Mexicans and shot a bunch of them” factor would take the place of the death penalty.
Fine, I assume you’re going to hand over all your corrupt cops that extort money out of US citizens?
Fuck off you corrupt shitbags.
I’m down. Any government official known to have sent arms across the border for use by the cartels should be extradited.
Now we’re talking.
Shouldn’t they be a bit more occupied with the thousand or so murders in Juarez?
Do you even grandstand, bruh?
Wow. That’s rich.
I think it says a lot that the only guy willing to stand up to the Deep State in any fashion is Donald Trump. And none of that is good…
Yep. Trump should figure out that even the things that he really cares about (China) cannot be done as long as the Deep State is not defeated.
So should Amash and the cosmos.
It pains me to write this, but Winston is right here.
Mammary Monday has ladies that promise to “do something.”
Its just another Mammary Monday
Wish it were Sunday.
Cause that’s my fun day.
Just for fun…
Grant Parish Louisiana has the highest gun ownership in the country. Grant Parish Louisiana also is ranked as having the lowest crime rate in the country. We get a dozen arrests in a busy month and it is always the same people doing the same crap: petty burglary, DUI, domestic violence and of course dope. We have a murder maybe once or twice every ten years.
They can stick their gun confiscation up their ass. If they need some help with that…
the answer to everything is grandmas
but cops will take credit for it anyway
The end of the article is funny. Doesn’t sound like Johnny Law did shit but have this drop in their lap.
Grandma for president
I find interesting that less violence makes us more afraid than ever.
Also this is in thanks part to modern communication beloved by libertarians…
I blame Stephen Pinker.
“Also this is in thanks part to modern communication beloved by libertarians…”
Don’t see how that tracks. Without modern communications, you wouldn’t have contrary opinions, including articles like this one, that were easily accessed by anybody.
It’s more about how technology isn’t the panacea libertarians hoped for. It wasn’t 200 years ago and isn’t now.
Also the fact that social media could be used against them is not something libertarians seemed to think about.
Modern media is a big part of the reason war is in decline and that we all know how completely full of shit the media is.
It’s benefits outweigh its negatives.
Care to elaborate?
No, it’s not a panacea. Yet it’s never been easier than it is now to spread libertarian ideas.
But is it influencing enough people and are any of those powerful people?
It’s Winston. He has a bugaboo about libertarian optimism.
Is there an *IT’S NOT HAPPENING!* gif?
Just look at a pic of Kamala Harris. Then provide your own mental animation.
This needs to be a thing
Hah, True.
Part of it has to do with the fact that libertarian optimism seems to be a combination of Victorian ideas of Whig Theory of History and 1990s internet utopianism.
And the fact that it was very obvious in 1890s that a free society is a lot more fragile than its supporters would like to admit and yet 120 years later we are making the same mistakes,
Beloved by some libertarians, and by some Progressives, some conservatives, some totalitarians, some anarchists…
I find interesting that less violence makes us more afraid than ever.
I think it is not just less violence but more generally that people are less well acquainted with premature death, so it has become more exotic and frightening. Also, in getting more control over the world than in the past, people have begun to believe that they can attain full control. So many premature deaths have become preventable (and prevented) that people mistakenly believe this can be extended ad infinitum until all such deaths are prevented, and so it is seen as an even greater tragedy when this is shown not to be the case.
Stoicism is not a virtue anymore.
Is stoicism toxic masculinity?
Also it is now a virtue to “try to change the world”.
*Isn’t stoicism…*
Anyway this is a phenomenon that has been around for a while: Socialism didn’t take off until after a massive rise in living standards. WWI happened after living standard increases and Free Trade.
Our current DSA moment happened after the internet, NAFTA, reductions in violence, smartphones, gay marriage, increases in living standards.
People are disconnected from where wealth comes from. They don’t understand it. They think there is a massive amount of wealth flowing out of a magic well somewhere.
I think this about nails it. For a Ruskin or a modern “social media influencer”, the very idea that wealth is the exception, rather than the rule, is just not something that enters their mind. It’s the natural state of things and the injustice is that it’s not allocated in accordance with their particular aesthetics. The notion that trying to “allocate” wealth might affect its level isn’t something even in their realm of possibility.
Early 70’s….my father is driving my brother and I across Southern California. We are looking at zillions of tract houses sprouting up in the desert and he says “Most people will grow up in cities and suburbs now. In the past most people grew up on farms. It is going to change the character of the country.”
I didn’t know what he meant then but I sure as hell do now.
But, at least for a while, even most people in the suburbs dealt with things, either making them or distributing them, for a living. There’s a certain absoluteness to it that provides a grounding in objective reality. Wealth is something that comes from getting things right. For a lot of people anymore, especially the more influential, success comes from manipulating ideas. And for a lot of these roles, getting things right is less important than getting them clever. Because there’s only a secondary or tertiary tie to physical reality.
Hardware > Software
There’s a certain reality enforced upon you when you make a physical product.
An interesting theory I read on this site (I believe it was Q…) was that modern urban living is extremely detached from how the economy actually works. You know food comes from stores, electrical power from the wall so that makes central planning very tempting.
I think that’s part of it. But, I also think there’s a dynamic of people not understanding just how amazingly well off they are. “Want” consists, for a lot of people, of not getting the latest update to the iPhone. Because they have virtually everything, they have no conception about how fragile all of it really is. They think they can engineer it to the last detail to suit their every whim. Because the system has delivered to them on such an unprecedented scale that the system breaking down isn’t catastrophe, but holding off on a new car for a couple of years.
Socialists always come in to raid and pillage prosperity built by productive people after the fact. It’s why they’re parasites.
A big problem is that libertarianism is a nice ideology if you are not in power. Once you are the ruling elite an ideology of “Leave people alone and let them become as rich as possible” is not going to look good.
That isn’t surprising once living standards increase things that were once rightly considered luxuries are now considered “human rights”, for instance, cell phones.
I find the case of John Ruskin interesting. Mises called him one of the gravediggers of English freedom yet Ruskin was a Londoner from a merchant family, went to an elite university, was an art critic and liked to travel and published his writings in the popular press of the day.
Wasn’t he a bit of a Luddite and an elitist to boot, against modernization of construction techniques because poor working class people were happier carving stones by hand or some other such nonsense.
Also in favor of gun control:
“In health of mind and body, men should see with their own eyes, hear and speak without trumpets, walk on their feet, not on wheels, and work and war with their arms, not with engine-beams, nor rifles warranted to kill twenty men at a shot before you can see them.”
Freedom creates a wealthy society.
A wealthy society eventually ceases to feel the need to consider the source of its wealth.
A society that no longer considers the need to consider the source of its wealth eventually decides to degrade the source of that wealth.
A society that degrades the source of its wealth eventually grows poor.
TMZ thinks that it is ok to (further) violate 2A because 1A is already violated.
Isn’t TMZ the outfit that chases celebrities around for pictures?
Yeah, other than Donny Two-Scoops being involved, isn’t this way, way out of their beat?
Founder is a lefty lawyer. What a shock.
“Teen gets life in prison for killing sister over Wi-Fi password
A Georgia teen who choked his sister to death during a squabble over the family’s Wi-Fi password has been sentenced to life behind bars, a judge ruled.
Kevon Lamar Watkins, who was just 16 at the time of the fatal February 2018 attack on his 19-year-old sister Alexus Breanna Watkins, was found guilty Friday of felony murder and aggravated assault, the Macon Telegraph reported.
On the evening of the attack, Kevon had reportedly been playing an Xbox game and changed the family’s Wi-Fi password once the connection in the home started to lag because of the number of people using it.
Alexus had been arguing with her brother after he confronted their mother — who was trying to remove the gaming system from his room, according to 911 calls and testimony at Kevon’s bench trial.”
For the record, that was a different Kevon.
See? Video games lead to violence.
Sad story, though.
Prison isn’t going to do much for his poor impulse control. Not sure about life. Where were the adults for the 3-5 years before this happened?
Yeah, this is like blaming shower curtains for Norman Bates type of thing. A hundred years before WiFi and video games and this guy kills someone during a card game or because he looked at him funny.
Blaming shower curtains for Norman Bates – I’m stealing that.
Have your people call my people, we’ll do lunch.
No, it will make it worse and god help anyone around him when they inevitably let him out.
Where are the adults in the criminal justice system?
I know this one isn’t gonna be popular, but you don’t go around charging 16 year old kids as adults and giving them life in prison. They are incomplete and their brains don’t work right. That’s why we don’t give them the same rights and responsibilities as adults.
Dude might never have turned into a productive member of society – but putting him in lockup for the next 70 years isn’t justice either.
Plus… life for a first offense of a non-premeditated murder? Don’t those things usually go for around 8-15 years or something?
Nah… I’m not on board with this whole thing at all.
I kind of agree. They do it to “set an example” and to advance their careers.
“I will be live with Jessica Yaniv @trustednerd in *one* hour.
Here’s the link: ”
I don’t know who either of those people are.
Jessica Yaniv is that Canadian #waxtheballs alleged pedo.
They’re men who pretend to be women, one just put a lot more effort in looking the part.
And the other one barely goes through the motions because his only goal is to harass girls in bathrooms and locker rooms.
He’s not a man but a deviant piece of shit.
I subscribe to the base biological/genetic definition.
So, he’s shit, but technically qualifies.
No. I mean he’s not a man. He’s a degenerate.
I know what you’re saying, you’re using a moral definition. I’m not.
Ah. But it’s pretty clear based on his own words and actions he’s a waste.
So it can be objective.
Blaire isn’t pretending anything.
Couldn’t get passed 2 minutes of that.
Something odd is going on here:
I’m guessing it’s a publicity stunt.
I notice that the people in that article, at least the ones whose location is given, are all in cold climates. Go down to, say, Alabama in the summer and tell me you don’t smell like a barnyard animal.
I don’t believe them in any case. I’m gonna hazard a guess that these people are the types that think that human odor is a natural thing and that believing that people smell terrible is a conspiracy of Western bourgeois types. Hell, I went through Parris Island in the summer, where we sweated like pigs day in and day out and often didn’t get more than a PT shower – aka, a quick rinse. We smelled fucking AWFUL. You don’t really notice it as a recruit, though, because we all smelled like that. When I had to stick around PI as a grad hold due to a leg injury, though, I very quickly noticed that you often could smell a recruit platoon coming from far away.
My sister and I canoe the Boundary Waters and while we are there even after a few days of hard paddling and portaging we do not smell bad. Our theory is that the wood smoke from our campfires clings to our clothing and masks the stench.
I did Outward Bound a few times in high school. We were all fucking rank by the end of an expedition – though after a few days, you didn’t actively notice it. (Similarly, the iodine-treated water tasted just right after a couple of days – “normal” water actually tasted a little odd at first after we got back to civilisation.)
You get conditioned to the smell of people, too. Like locker room smells but also specific people. If you’re doing the same stuff, eating the same things, all that sort of thing with the same people, especially in an environment where you’re expecting people to smell a little, uh, rustic, it doesn’t stand out. If you’re in the waiting room of a dentist’s office and some bike messenger coming off a curry bender walks in on an August afternoon, it’s a different story.
This guy was once an NFL head coach:
I’ve spent more time in Montana in the past couple of months than I have in many decades. So, I’ve done things that I’ve never been able to do and I’ve just been loving it man. I put a new fence up, then I had to rebuild the fence because a truck took it out then I redid an outside table I thought I did a brilliant job and then all of a sudden three days later it didn’t look as good so I had to redo it and I tracked Bigfoot and thought I had him cornered for a little while. I had a couple of surgeries and I flew in here every time to do some rehab and I worked some golf into it. ”
Marty Mornhinweg, the guy who won the coin toss in overtime and….chose to kick off.
OT: Gathering photos and sarcasm for what will hopefully be a great cooking guide. Stay tuned.
Pollo alla cacciatore?
Bratwurst with beer sauce over sour mash
Bratwurst with beer sauce over sour mash
The squirrels liked my idea enough to post it here twice.
“New research suggests that some men avoid “green” behavior —like using a reusable shopping bag at the grocery store— because they don’t want to be perceived as gay.”
I don’t use them because I don’t care about the environment.
I smoke plants, does that count as a tree killer?
Do you smoke trees?
Only very small trees
I’ll go for the stereotype: men are more rational and don’t respond to emotional appeals for actions that have no practical effect
I’ll take all the above.
Reusable shopping bags are gay, emotional appeals, requiring me to not be lazy; plus I don’t care about the environment.
When I become Supreme Overlord of Gaia I’ll spare you, invisible digit.
I don’t use them because it’s partaking in anti-science behaviour.
I gladly pay the nickel or dime or whatever the frick they charge for a bag or two or many.
What is anti-science about not being wasteful?
Sounds about right.
Hard to argue that.
My wife crochets. Our plastic bags get reused in lots of ways.
My mom has made welcome mats by crocheting them
A handful of Becky Homecky types come up with stupid ways to kill time and use plastic baggies, how does that make saying maybe the other 99% of the people who just throw them away might want to consider a less wasteful option anti-science?
Also if these bag are so useful do you try and maximize the number you bring home each trip to the store? Do you put each item in it’s own bag, double bag the heavy items then put every couple of those individually bagged items into a bag or double bag and so on and so on, you could probably get twenty thirty bags every time you buy seven or eight items. Think of the savings!
There is a specific rate of the small bags that I need, so getting too many would be the wasteful option, but I do reuse the ones I get.
“A handful of Becky Homecky types come up with stupid ways to kill time and use plastic baggies, ”
That’s a douchebag way to talk about his wife’s past time, especially since I don’t see him making the “anti-science” claim.
I get where your coming from, but if your going to do that I’d recommend channeling you’re snark towards the right person.
He responded to my question so I assume he was defending the claim that asking people to not be wasteful is anti-science. Thus he and his crafty wife are fair game, in the context of this argument.
Sounds about right.
*removes grocery bags from lining all of the house’s trashcans*
*buys giant roll of small trashbags*
*confusedly celebrates not being wasteful*
I don’t waste my bags. Try again.
And the reason for banning plastic is specious ergo anti-science.
You pick on the weirdest things and then zero in on it. Kinda tedious.
Who said anything about banning plastic? Also Glibs must be the most resourceful people on the planet, apparently not a single one of you has ever thrown away a grocery bag,
My point was about the banning. Not the waste. You chose to make it about that.
I tend to keep them and use them for other stuff.
Tee. Dee. Yis.
“One use” (which aren’t) take fewer resources than a “reusable” one over the course of their lifetimes? Even more so for organic cotton ones?
We don’t use them because it’s hard to pick up dog poop with a reusable bag. It also turns it into a single use bag.
Oof. The comments.
No, I don’t use them because I would have to buy my own bags, and it isn’t like the stores give a discount for using your own bags.
Men don’t like being hectored by their wives or society. Who figured.
Do you know who else…
Odysseus? Just guessing.
I always get plastic bags because I reuse every one of them at least one time (if not more) for other purposes. At the minimum, using them greatly reduces the number of PLASTIC garbage bags I would have bought.
They’re the right size for certain cans.
They actually make cans now specifically for plastic grocery store bags.
I use them for cleaning the litter box.
Yup. It’s like they were made with the litter box in mind.
I use plastic bags because they are the most useful both from a reuse/cost and a cleanliness point of view.
Reusable shopping bags are generally gross.
Not if you wash them every week. Save the planet!
But then we’re wasting water! All the time growing up, we were told not to waste water because it hurts the environment!
Exactly. I remember TOS going on about how cloth bags are not going to heal the earth.
I don’t social signal because I don’t give a fuck what. you think of me.
I don’t remember who it was here but I have stolen it and used it more than once already: “I like my family. I like children and dogs. The rest of you motherfuckers just get on my nerves.”
I like love a few persons and like a bit larger number of them. People I can not stand.
since when are gay people known for their reusable bags? I really wouldn’t call that an identifying characteristic.
I’ll use reusable bags to cut down on the number of plastic bags laying around the house, but there’s a sweet spot that I usually hit as long as I put raw meat and frozen stuff in plastic. I use them to pick up dog shit and to clean the litter box, and it’s handy having what amount to one-gallon plastic bags on hand.
I don’t do “green” shit, but I don’t like wasting things, either. I don’t generally avoid doing things I would normally do out of spite, so at least in my case I don’t drive a Prius or carry cutlery around with me because I don’t want people to think I’m a sissy; I don’t do it because it’s inconvenient, or unhygienic, or pointless, or annoying, or a poor substitute for something more useful. I’ll leave the signalling to others.
^^ cosigned.
We do reusable at Aldi and Lidl, and plastic at Walmart and Target. With the frequencies we visit each store, it works out about perfect.
Oh, and I own a hybrid, not because I think that co2 is killing Gaia, but because I did the math and the breakeven point was less than 5 years.
Conservationism (stewardship) is good. Environmentalism (worship) is evil.
Ungardening? Pullleaze! We’ve been doing that here in Minnesoda for years. We just call it “restoring the natural prairie grassland”.
And we are doing it so much better. We have govt bureaus set up to hand out grants to people to restore the prairie.
Mice happiest
Speaking of Ruskin:
So, it required a constant supply of other people’s money, and collapsed due to infighting.
Sounds like socialism all right.
This guy is obviously a creep, at minimum. But I’m not sure how I feel about charging him with this one:
R. Kelly faces sex crime charges in Minnesota
Freeman is the guy who took months and months to finally charge shit heel cop Noor for killing Justine Damond. So I guess 18 years is about the right pace for him.
Also, she was 17.
I’ve never heard of the “he left the state” statute of limitations waiver.
We have something similar in Louisiana. The theory being that if the DA cant find you the statute of limitations doesn’t apply. With some exceptions we have a universal SL of two years, unless you move or appear to be avoiding law enforcement.
And as we all know… R. Kelly has been really hard to find for the last 20 years….
What the heck is going on in today’s pic? To me it looks like some veterinary company used affirmative action to hire a handicapable guy to go collect semen from a stud horse.
I’m not sure if I applaud the kid’s attitude that he can do anything he wants or to cringe at what I know is coming up in the next few pics.
It’s a robotic arm attached to the kids wheelchair. He’s feeding the horse a treat.
I thought it was an endoscopic exam of the horse’s upper digestive tract.
Some adviser pulled him aside and told him that it would be political suicide if he did.
Thank god someone around him has some sense at least.
I didn’t spend all day listening to news, but heard snippets now and then. It seems “stricter background checks” is what our pols will settle on, but a couple of interviews gave me the impression there is a growing demand to “identify these potential threats and take them off the streets, involuntarily if necessary.” I suppose, because we don’t have crystal balls, is that friends, family, etc. will have to identify these potential nutjobs to the authorities who will then take them into “protective custody.” That’s surprisingly like how the several Nazi “Gestapo bills” operated: denounced, taken into custody, shipped to a concentration camp indefinitely. How far toward identifying and restraining “potential threats” do you think this will go? Will those who spout off on the internet about “Orange Hitler” or “Crazy Eyes AOC” have to worry?
Next up: Facebook has determined you to be a shit-posting hater. Time to forfeit your weapons.
“Will those who spout off on the internet about “Orange Hitler” or “Crazy Eyes AOC” have to worry?”
Yes and yes, it’s something the authoritarians on both sides of the aisle can get behind.
People are basically shit. It’s important to remember that, I think.
I’ve posted this before but there are plenty of people willing to drop dime on you.
Psst, EPA – this guy Tundra has some car parts that violate emission standards.
*slams garage door*
He’s lying! He’s got marijuana!!
Oh, that’s a $500,000 for not having an emissions permit for the marijuana smoke.
“This chyron is not news. This is propaganda by @CNN. They know it. They don’t care. And Chyron Boy is trying really hard to get laid.”
“More #FakeNews from @CNN designed to make people crazy”
“Report: CNN Falsely Claims Trump Ended Rule to Keep Guns from ‘Mentally Ill’”
Obama wanted to label old people who paid someone to do their finances as “mentally ill”?! Holy shit that man’s evil knows no bounds.
The list of horrible vindictive shit he did is endless. Everything he did was a great big ‘fuck you’ to this country. It is unbelievable really but I think his base was fully onboard with it.
That’s the really horrible part.
Its not that there are psychopaths/sociopaths but that they garner support. Who are those people?
Linky? or did you just here that on talk radio?
Count provided the link – did you read it?
if we have information that the beneficiary has a mental or physical impairment that prevents him or her from managing or directing the management of benefits, we will develop the issue of capability
has a mental or physical impairment does not equal paid some one to do their finances.
But no worries; I’m sure they’ll make the right decision.
That’s the Breitbart commentary not part of the regs, the regs say no such thing.
I wonder how they get that “information”.
Never change, dude.
I’ve explained this before, it’s all Trashy’s fault, I use monocle and the new post go right to the top of the window and I don’t always realize they were responding to a earlier comment.
Linky? or did you just here that on talk radio?
That was monocle’s fault? C’mon, no need to be snotty with people here.
My wife is also a professional piss-taker (in the British slang sense, not the German “art film” sense) so I’m kind of used to it. If Hyperbole kept changing the station to NPR and talking to me about Trump’s twitter account I’d swear we were married.
Movin’ on up
I’m skirting just below the dark blue area… 🙁
I once lived out of a ’77 Gran Prix with leaky T-Tops and cleaned up in gas station bathrooms. So everything above that seems pretty good.
I used to be poor, which is why I’m disappointed I haven’t gotten that last iota.
Need to work that sugga mama harder:)
According to this I’m now high, but I’ll be honest. Once you get past a certain range and are able to pay your bills each month it feels all basically the same with more stuff.
There’s that special range where you don’t even think about money and I predict I will never see that.
Didn’t notice your stash being used up?
That was some awkward phrasing and I recognized it immediately.
But now it reads better.
that depends on your lifestyle. I don’t have to worry about bills but mostly because I figured out a long time ago I don’t need more stuff. If you spend more because you have more there will never be enough.
There will never be enough for me, and I will go to my grave blaming Tundra for posting all those car auctions. SO MUCH WANT!
Oh, man. I’ve got some coming up that might give you a coronary…
It’s funny, though. I love those beautiful cars, and maybe someday will have a few of them, but I’m pretty damn content with what Urthona posted. Nobody on your ass is nice!
That said, check this out!
I love this.
Seeeeet! Was that one of the ones in Swordfish?.
Nah, that was a Tuscan. Big difference. I just remembered there was a sweet TVR in that movie.
Red one for sale
Here’s a link to some cars I liked in Edinburgh.
The Tuscan is at the end. Gorgeous.
Excellent. I really like McClarens.
I don’t get it. If they cant figure out which side to put the steering wheel on why would I think they got anything else right?
Have you ever driven a right drive manual? It’s not hard, but it does take you brain a bit to figure out where the fucking shifter went.
It’s quite simple. The rules of the road were set hundreds of years ago.
The lights on a boat are red port and green starboard.
Why is that?
It’s to show that passing on the red side is bad and passing on the green side is good.
Look at any old cowboy movie. The driver of the stagecoach sits on the right. So that his right (presumably stronger) hand can work the brake.
I’ll willing to concede the proper navigation position if They will drop the stupid comma for decimal point.
I wonder if some day I will move from gun auctions to car auctions.
Guns and cars are both important symbols of freedom.
Why not both?
Guns and cars are both important symbols of freedom.
Why not both?
That’s a possibility too.
Not original, but still nice.
Yeah, I liked that drop-top from the other day better, but this is a really nice car.
Oh my
Suck it Google, they’re still going to come for you even though you pander to them.
“Dear fascists,
Go fuck yourself.
All left wing Democrats and the Google brass is still going to support them without question.
Fans of boring science fiction hardest hit:
My wife said she tried to watch season 2 but it sucked.
I forced myself thru all of season 1. My reaction to the ending was “You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m such an asshole for sticking with this.”
I was pissed. Then I watched season 2 and it was interesting.
Then the ending came and it was even dumber. Fuck. I got duped.
The “movements” were such a shitty concept. I would have been less annoyed by meditation or crystals. I’m a hard sci-fi fan so magic is magic.
That was my wife’s take. I watched the first season and got a little into it, corny tai chi and all, but defeating the stereotypical school shooter via interpretive dance was like a big fat middle finger to me. I wasn’t even in the room when my wife finished the second season and I heard, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I think she’d fight that one chick now if she saw her in public.
Morning and greetings from the mountain cabin. Rented a cabin and it looked like a dump from the outside. Pleasantly surprised with the inside. Even came with a kid serving tea.
That last feature must cost more.
Just a few gray hairs.
Very nice!
Is that a sauna?
It’s an outdoor bath. Open the top. Looks like a box, doesn’t it?
Satellite exhibitionism is a common fetish in Japan?
NSA has nude pics of all of us.
The two chairs side by side across a table from a loveseat and pushed against the wall on one side is one of those things that screams Japanese. The wide leg pants that fall just above the ankles that girls wear is another, although I’ve seen other Asians wear them.
“JUST IN: Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man who mailed more than a dozen pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and CNN, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison”
They weren’t pipe bombs. It was a hoax, they were fake bombs.
They get to call em bombs because there was explosive stuff in them or something/.
No cancer for Babs, but stumbled once on walk tonight. If it gets worse, I’ll take her to neurologist.
Babs is?
I hope she is feeling better.
My dog
What type? How long have you had her?
Greyhound, retired racer. I have had her almost 5 years.
I’ve never had one, but I hear they’re nice dogs.
I hope it was just a bout of clumsiness.
Hope for the best for old Babs. Dogs should live 80 or 90 years. Who designed them?!
One of God’s interns
Aw, Tulip, maybe she’s just clumsy?
Glad to hear it’s not cancer. I hope she’ll keep jamming that sharp nose up people’s butts for many years to come!
It’s a new thing, so probably not. But, we’ll up her pain meds and just watch.
What are you feeding her? Any joint supplements?
She’s on Natural Balance,Olewo carrots, and a joint supplement, plus rimadol.
Cool. My GSD was taking low doses of Deramaxx for the last chunk of her life. I know it’s hard on them, but it worked well.
She has arthritis in front legs. The rimadol has made her a whole new dog, until now. Blood tests to make sure it isn’t hurting her , so we’ll increase the dose and see.
Has she had x-rays? Does she have spinal stenosis?
We did x-days today. No stenosis. That’s why neurologist is next
Good. I had a lab with stenosis who had grown “bridges” between her vertebrae. One day, one of those bridges broke and she was put down within 20 minutes of getting to the vet.
No cancer is a good thing. Hopefully things don’t get worse.
I have had a number of dogs that lived out their entire lives with me. When they start getting into their upper years I spoil the hell out of them. Treats, special food, comfy beds, let them do whatever they want etc.
*Curls up a Suthen’s feet*
I hope she’s okay.
“The Socialist Rifle Association, an antifa militia similar to the John Brown Gun Club that the Tacoma ICE firebomber belonged to, seemingly gave gun advice to the Ohio mass shooter back in December 2018.”
He is back to using words as violence I see.
BTW, sorry to submit the piece before you had a chance to proof read it. It’s a short, silly piece anyways, so I just edited myself. I’m sure it’s still mistake riddled.
No problemo.
Ugh. I lost ten IQ points trying to read the replies.
That’s pretty innocuous advice they gave him, I don’t see the big deal.
“U.S. Treasury Designates China as a Currency Manipulator”
Ohhhh. Harsh.
In a sternly worded letter?
I’ve been called many things in my life, but never something so low.
They would know.
I’m sorry, but that currency was asking for it.
It’s different when they do it.
“Mexico has strict gun laws. There is only one gun store in all of Mexico.
Also, “Mexico’s homicide rate continued to skyrocket last year, making 2018 the deadliest on record for the country with an average of 91 deaths a day.”
“Mexico Reports Highest Ever Homicide Rate In 2018, Tops 33,000 Investigations”
The entire country has only one gun store?
All of their guns come from Indiana.
The rest they get from Eric Holder.
“JUST IN: Mexico’s president calls for US to revisit gun laws after El Paso shooting”
If anything is sure to influence laws in the US it is having foreign officials make demands about our laws.
Because their laws work so well. I mean, duh.
I can’t stand shit hole countries telling other countries to join them in their shittiness.
I swear if you Americans move an inch on the 2A….
Those is bullet riddled, cartel owned glass houses with corpses hanging on the porch…
Apparently so:
I think we should agree to it if Mexico agrees to shutdown all illegal immigration and also provides free queso to us for the next 100 years.
Rotel hardest hit.
“The Directorate of Commercialization of Arms and Munitions (Dirección de Comercialización de Armamento y Municiones – DCAM) located in Mexico City is the only legally authorized firearms store in the country.”
Mexcian Mormon War
A bit dated, but there is a bit about half-way through about how the Mormons get their guns.
I actually think we’ve got a good handle on the suicide rate.
Women attempt suicide as often as men, but succeed much less frequently because they choose less violent and effective means.
Ergo, we just need to turn men into women — a thing the Democratic Party is already accomplishing.
This thing will work itself out.
A retired cop buddy made a comment something like that a few months ago. Women don’t commit suicide with guns because of the physical damage to their appearance. Lop of dicks and gun violence will go down.
Smash the glass ceiling! And the patriarchy!
Well, this is not likely to help!
Inside the 20th Gathering of the Juggalos: A Weekend of Drunk Clowns, Public Nudity, and Total Mayhem
One of the last bastions of non-corporate freedom in America.
Related: The perfect Taylor Schilling is in a movie about the Juggalos! FAMILY! FAMILY!
Good for them
And the dark carnival moves on.
Fago’s Up in the air.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
In other words, it’s a lower class Burning Man.
The Gathering is far more violent, has far more fecal play, and is not exactly a welcoming corporate atmosphere.
My GOD! Where will it end?!?!
God bless Juggalos, furries, and all other freaks who get their freak on and leave me the fuck alone.
My 12-Year-Old Keeps Listening When My Husband and I Have Sex
Make her watch – that will teach her. Also, if any of you have friends with an oldest child near the age of 12 please send this to them and tell them their kid is probably listening. Do your duty.
Thank you.
I imagine that Laura Ingalls could hear the bumping and grinding from her parents that produced her younger siblings. That was a pretty little house, after all.
We asked our son what he wanted for his 12th birthday. He said he wanted a watch. So we let him.
How’s counseling going?
Anyone listen to Thaddeus Russell interview Michael Malice about the “New Right”? It’s, uh, interesting. I can get behind militant anti-Progressivism. Less so the antisemitism, “race realism,” and (occasional) neoomarchism.
List your forty-seven best highlights of the episode. Go.
Or, summarize in under three-hundred words. Go.
It’s entertaining looking into a world I neither inhabit nor have any interest in visiting, like A New Delhi suburb. Malice makes for an interesting tour guide. I don’t know his politics any more than I do Russell’s, though I suspect he’s marginally to the right of Russell, and Russell is somewhere to the right of Stalin, which makes them both goosestepping Nazis.
The book is great. I think a driving point is to show there are more than just Nazis in the New Right
Oh, and Moynihan interviewed Jon Ronson about internet shaming on the latest Fifth Column. I like Ronson, even if he’s a lefty. He’s at least interesting, and he finds the left’s tedious reactionary dogpiles distasteful.
I’ve read and enjoyed one of Ronson’ s old books, Them, about conspiracy theorists. It was the first I had ever heard of Alex Jones.
Man who was circumcised in hospital mix-up awarded $24,000 compensation
England hates helmets!
So, did they do the cytoscopy on the poor guy who was there to be mutilated?
“They turned me into a Jew!”
“…I got better.”
Can a person be re-flapped? Curious about this.
Only cosmetically, the nerve endings are still gone.
Good. I’ve always hated those things.
There’s nothing an American woman likes more than to…”break a soft-boiled egg…” before lovemaking.
Only $24K? That’s a lousy tip.
What you did there, it was noticed.
Man, you’re quite the skinflint!
“Terry Brazier, aged 70,”
He made it so far, but eventually they caught him.
Hawley Is Asking the Right Questions About the Dollar
Our next president!
Who were you thinking of?
Please, devalue my retirement accounts. It’s the right thing to do.
What, you don’t think making it more expensive for foreign countries to buy our debt while continuing to run trillion dollar deficits is a great idea? You hate America, don’t you?
Josh Hawley is starting to make Tom Cotton look good in comparison, and that is very hard to do.
Shinzo Abe making a speech in front of the dome church in Hiroshima. They all know the historical relevance of August 6th, but very few know about Dec 7th. Sigh.
Death of Cicero?
I think that’s the worst political cartoon I’ve ever seen.
Meanwhile, at HM’s house
LSD is a helluva drug.
Horace Greeley is an interesting fellow:
Also abolitionist, helped found the Republican party, possible even thinking up the name and hired Karl Marx.