Another week goes by as if nothing. I go to sleep and I wake up. We have the same questions and still no answers. The planets circle the sun, the Moon circles the Earth, and when I flush the toilet, the water circles down the drain. It’s all circles. Orange Hitler still lives in people’s heads, I’m still a Nazi because my extensive criticisms of him don’t include racism, sexism, homophobia, and refusing to tip waiters, and I still think a guy wearing a dress is a guy wearing a dress, even after the magic of a scalpel removes the impediments.
I swear, I’m not high. Or heat-stroked: our A/C is finally working again.
And just to prove it, I’ll trot out some birthdays, including a guy who has our number; a guy who was in one of the worst movies of all time; one of the few people to outpoint Ali; a guy who was in one of the greatest movies of all time; someone who sinks ships; and a guy wearing a dress.
On to the news.
Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. T/W: Twatter
“So the pot fell out of his asshole, then he shot himself in the balls…” or something.
Speaking of which… fuck you, Miranda.
Asshole arrested for… being an asshole, apparently.
Don’t know about you, but my productivity get killed by too many boners.
Low-level Obama holdover quits, then whines about Trump. Well, that’s newsworthy.
My apologies for another Twatter link, but this is a wonderful story. Ignore the asshats in the comments, because some people are just asshats and can’t help it.
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get….URRRRRRP.”
There’s an old joke whose punchline is, “How about you cut the prices and put more asses on the seats?” And while you’re at it, get rid of the TSA bullshit you’re now making people go through. This is a big reason SP and I go to minor league games instead of MLB.
Old Guy Music today seems weirdly appropriate. And it’s a wonderful song.
Guns during any orgy? This is ‘Murica, there’s no other proper way to have an orgy!
Yeah, and I also bet she lives in Canada…
Everything, including the request, must be on video and secured in a remote facility. Because you are going to regret that decision, I guarantee it.
Sounds like Janice and Ritchie from The Sopranos.
I’m pretty sure the gun was loaded with Janice and Richie, though.
“He has tremendous moxie for his size.” -Junior
There is no such thing as an unloaded gun, all guns are loaded at all times, even 1 second after you personally removed the magazine and cleared the chamber it is still loaded and you do not point that gun at any living thing which you are not willing to kill if necessary.
“The host estimated that 20 guests visited his home during the sex party, and that he “only knew five or six personally.””
Not by the time you were done!!!
I would assume they were not aware of the biblical term for “know”
On the MLB, the removal of paper tickets is also a pain. Now you have to install another app on your phone in order to get in the gate. FFS, I’m getting a $15 standing room only ticket (with a $5 concession credit), you’re making your money off me when I buy anything inside.
Any business which expects me to install their software to my system when I’m not explicitly buying a piece of software can go fuck themselves.
Why do you hate app developers?
Because I’ve met them.
Best reason ever, man.
The part that really annoys me is that there’s at least two different apps for the MLB (AtBat and Ballpark). While I understand keeping functions separate, both apps have a ticket purchase area, they both use the same account for logins, but they don’t save the favorite team info to the account.
These apps are designed to let the people that own them to collect your fucking data and then sell it off to people looking for marks. Not to make things more convenient for you as the user. Sheesh.
Exactly. You got all I want you to know about me when I bought the tickets. If that’s not enough for you, then I’ll stop buying tickets.
Sort of off topic, but MLB is building a stadium in the Iowa corn field where they filmed Field of Dreams. The Yankees and White Sox are going to play a game there next year. It’s an 8,000 seat stadium. I’m expecting tickets to be a shit ton of money, but my mom wants to go because it’s one of her favorite films
Techncially, Field of Dreams was filmed on two adjacent fields, with the boundary line going right through the infield.
You misspelled ackshually.
You think what you like, you’re free to be wrong.
Can’t wait to see the Draft Kings billboards.
Such Tolerance, much inclusion.
On Wednesday, Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee posted a lengthy social media diatribe attacking conservatives…
“You ‘Trumpsters’ better pray that liberals never gain control of the [White House] again because we are going to pay you back so f***ing hard for all this s***,” the musician posted on an Instagram story.
“Planned Parenthoods on every damn corner. We’re going to repaint Air Force One p**** hat pink and fly it over your beloved Bible Belt 6 days a week, tossing birth control pills, condoms & atheist literature from the cockpit,” he spewed.
“We’re going to tax your mega churches so bad that Joel [Osteen] will need to get a job at [Chick-fil-A] to pay his light bill. Speaking of [Chick-fil-A], we’re buying all those and giving them to any LGBTQ person your sick cult leaders tortured with conversion therapy.”
Lee then targeted Vice President Mike Pence: “Try the McPence. It’s a boiled unseasoned chicken breast that you have to eat in the closet with your mother.”
Guns were never on the agenda: “We’re going to gather up ALL your guns, melt them down and turn them into a gargantuan metal mountain emblazoned with the face of Hillary Clinton.”
“ALL parks will be renamed Rosa Parks asap. We’re replacing Confederate statues with [Black Lives Matter] Leaders & Mexican immigrants. Every single public school will be renamed after a child that was kidnapped by this regime. And after we fumigate the [White House], we’re repainting the whole thing rainbow.”
“Fox News will be taken over and turned into a family refugee shelter,” the drummer continued. “We’re turning [Fox News host Sean] Hannity’s office into a giant unisex bathroom with changing tables & free tampons.”
Lee ended the post: “And every single time a ‘Trumpster’ complains about any of the changes, we’re adding an openly gay character to a Disney movie.”
Maybe I’ll just assume this is a result of excessive drug use.
Or silicone exposure.
Hep C?
A demon titty fucking him.
He just misses Pam
Getting a distinct “expert in gorilla warfare” vibe from that diatribe. Maybe he should just go sit somewhere quiet and peaceful while his liver deteriorates.
Watching gorillas battle it out is unreal, man.
He copy pasted a 2 year old Reddit post.
How very fucking brave
This is what happens to people who get all of their opinions and news from their groupies.
When Tommy wants an opinion from a groupie he beats it out of her.
Related to Tommy Lee and the crazy media activism.
Stephen Ross’s Planned Trump Fundraiser Draws Calls for Boycotts
The Left (which includes the media) has reached the point of intolerance where publicly admitting you support Trump or any Republican is grounds for loss of livelihood. If Maximilien Robespierre was running for the Democratic nomination, he’d win easily.
Every single public school will be renamed after a child that was kidnapped by this regime.
Aiden Braxxton Elementary.
Sounds like he might need to be the first guy rounded up under the coming “Red Flag” legislation?
“The man was not at home when an ARLnow reporter visited his house on Tuesday, but a bottle could be seen on the ground inside the house.”
That made me laugh. At least they went to the house and tried to get all the information they could. shrug.
The “ground” inside the house?
Don’t sod shame the poor man.
“At least they went to the house and tried to get all the
informationdirt they could.”I hang my head in shame for missing that opportunity.
Asked why he chose to highlight his resignation “in such a public way,” Park said, “I meant the piece more as allocution than a call to action or challenge to people in a similar situation, though most have read it as the latter.”
“Though we are keeping the metaphorical lights on, we are not the heroes that some make us out to be. The real ‘resistance’ must come from American voters in 2020,” he said.
We believe you, Spartacus.
If thousands of career bureaucrats resigned because of Trump…. Well, he’d get my vote.
They’re planning on it, right after they move to Canada.
Most definitely
and by #resistance, we mean a massive bureaucratic state that protects its own and fuck the voters.
we are not the heroes that some make us out to be.
If your hero is a bureaucrat you don’t understand the word.
Debasement of the term “hero” is one of my pet peeves. A hero is someone who has done something heroic, not just anyone who you admire for various reasons.
That’s fantastic.
Biden is on a roll. This is the best timeline.
People are calling his “truth over facts” as a gaffe.
But it’s really not. They mean that bs explicitly.
Of course. ‘Their’ version of the ‘truth’ matters above all.
See the Charlottesville Lie that Biden is despicably pimping.
They’ve staked their reps on it.
Well, in their world poor white kids are the product of whites who have remained poor despite their massive leg up so they must be stupid, thus the ethnic qualifiers. Either that or Biden just misspoke, he is a none too bright and showing early signs of dementia oldster you know.
The concept of racial privilege is the idiotic premise that the son of poor white coal miners in Appalachia is more privileged than the daughter of wealthy black opthamologists in Manhattan.
I think he meant to say wealthy, and the error was tripping all over himself to try and hide the mistake .. should instead have followed up with “oh god, what are people gonna make of that?”, with a big shit-eating biden grin. But he didn’t, and instead just confirmed that even he knows exactly why he said what he did.
Last time the youngest Altar Boy and I went to the St. Paul Saints game, we got wanded by a couple security guys before we got in. It was a playoff game the the K.C. T-Bones so maybe it was heightened security?
They just thought you had stolen someone’s kid and were trying to cross the border into the game illegally is my guess.
We have never experienced that in a minor or independent league park. But hey, isn’t that Omar’s district?
No, it is way over in Betty McCollum’s district. It isn’t even on the right side of the river to be in Omar’s district. Sheesh! Learn some basic geography.
Minnesotans all look alike to me. I think it’s the casseroles and lutefisk.
You already stole my bike. Now this? Is there no end to your cruelty?
Hot dish?
Euphemism overload.
I got it to get into the Tampa Bay Rowdies (minor league soccer) game. I had a pocket knife, too. Because, why in the FUCK would they care at a minor league soccer game (in America)? So I shoved it down in my shoe and went on in. So maybe wands are just to keep idiots who are too drunk or stupid to hide their weapons well from bringing them in?
I remember them from the NASL. Even went to see them play against the Montreal Manic.
No wands at Richmond Flying Squirrels games, but they do use a stick to poke through my wife’s purse.
now that’s how you do a euphemism
*Princess Mononoke Nods*
How do you feel about the future stadium the Mayor is building for a team that doesn’t and probably won’t even exist. Absolutely hilarious. I put the over and under at 4 for number of people indicted on corruption charges over that future fiasco.
Oh yeah. It’s going to be a typically Richmond shitstorm of incompetence and corruption.
I mean, look – the coliseum is a dump. No argument there. The fuck are we going to do with an 18000 seat arena with no teams to play in it, though?
Were you referring to Frogs when you mentioned Sam Elliot starring in one of the greatest films of all time?
He definitely meant The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.
*nod vigorously*
Saw the poster for Frogs when I was little and wanted to see it soooo bad! A giant frog with a human hand hanging out of its maw? Oh fuck yeah! W#asn’t allowed. Saw it few years later. Sorely disappointed.
Not the greatest, but far better than that stupid rubber fish movie.
Finding Nemo?
CGI is horrible, but still better than rubber.
Why do you hate on Jimmy hats?
Because his chosen sex partners are low risk for pregnancy.
Reading the bio of Shaw I forgot how damn young he was when he died. That was a rough 48 when he was filming that movie.
So that means he was only 46 in The Sting? Good lord, that’s only a few years older than me. Hard to believe.
Also in one of my ackchyual favorite movies.
And 1972 Joan Van Ark.
“someone who sinks ships”
*narrows gaze*
While Ted Kennedy was referred to as the “U-Boat Commander” for his picadillos, I think claiming he sunk ships instead of just an Oldsmobile, is kind of nutty. Wait. We are talking about Ted Kennedy here, right?
I can’t decide if that is a knock against SEA SMITH or a selling point (unless you like dirty talk during the action)
Sounds like SEA SMITH just needs someone to cuttle
“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
“And many of them are mainstream African-Americans who are articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guys. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Good ole “Delaware Joe”! I’m half convinced that Michelle made Barack choose him as his running mate just so that he would have to play Steppin’ Fetchit for eight years as payback for that quip.
>>Speaking of which… fuck you, Miranda.
Man every time I get baked, murderous rage takes over my body.
And then I want to listen to some Pink Floyd and eat some cookies.
“And then I want to listen to some Pink Floyd and eat some cookies.”
After your murder spree, right?
The murder spree happens after he realizes he has no cookies to eat.
And someone scratched up all his vinyl.
Every time I hear Roger Waters I’m filled with rage.
Also, Red Hot Chili Peppers. I hate them so much
I was a fan of their early stuff and then discovered that Kiedas doesn’t help write any of the songs. He just bullshits over the laid down complete tracks. “Mother’s Milk” is still a great album.
The most enraging video you’ll see today.
Fuck you for wanting to make money instead of letting us virtue signal!
I don’t know if I would be able to restrain myself from either burning the place to the ground or violently murdering everyone in that city council chamber responsible for giving me that much of a rodgering on something they neither own or have a stake in.
They all deserve a bullet including that selfish twat who puts consistency in her daily viewing experience over the livelihood of someone else.
That smile on her face while being interviewed was chilling
That’s an ugly woman finally feeling social justice was served cause she got to stick it to a guy that would not pay attention to her otherwise…
She won. That was the culmination of her degree in political science right there. Her life is fulfilled.
Who knew the a movement which was started in order to “save” a few actual landmarks would morph into the gargantuan clusterfuck of graft and pettiness that it has become today?
(I know, everyone.)
ha ..
>>My apologies for another Twatter link, but this is a wonderful story.
I’ve got something in my eye…. office is dusty today… and maybe people aren’t as shitty as I think they are.
okay scratch out that last part.
The link between pot and mass shootings may be closer than we think
Yea, sure. Next you are going to tell me that JAWS is a good movie.
My Bro goes ballistic when he doesn’t get his manna once an hour but he’s an outlier. This is a stupid idea advanced by stupid people.
The DH? I know I hate it too. The American League is an abomination.
They keep calling him “electable”.
While Biden was campaigning at the “Political Soapbox” at the Iowa State Fair, Breitbart’s Joel Pollak confronted him over his repeated false claim that Trump called neo-Nazis and white nationalists “very fine people” in response to Charlottesville.
“Mr. Vice President are you aware that you are misquoting Donald Trump in Charlottesville?” Pollack asked Biden. “He never called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people.'”
“No, he called all those folks who walked out of that — they were neo-Nazis,” Biden said as he became visibly angry. “Shouting hate, their veins bulging.”
“But he said specifically that he was condemning them,” Pollak asserted.
“No, he did not. He said, he walked out, and he said — let’s get this straight,” Biden falsely claimed. “He said there were ‘very fine people’ in both groups. They’re chanting antisemitic slogans, carrying flags.”
The big lie must persist.
It’s the only thing they can win on, maybe.
I just don’t see Gropin’ Joe winning the nom.
People WANT him to be their shining knight, but the guy was a total joke as a candidate standing on his own (as opposed to being hitched to Obama) for a reason. He’s not particularly bright and he says a lot of really stupid things.
In my experiences every liberal pol says a ton of real stupid things. The reason it is less well know they are absolutely stupid fucks is that that media covers for them. As I have repeatedly pointed out, if democrat politicians were given the same kind of scrutiny and downright negative coverage the dnc operatives with bylines reserved for people like Dan Quayle, GWB, or Sarah Palin, every single one of them would be revealed as people inflicted by record level stupidity.
Maybe, but Biden says such idiotic things more often than virtually anyone else from either party.
Wait, Saudi Arabia has it’s own military? I thought they just paid us to do the dirty work.
They have a military to deal with the locals.
Not to keep the indentured servants in line?
Locals, indentured servants… Potato, poth-ay-to…
Women, apostates, ….
Oh no, you misunderstand.
The purpose of their military is not ti fight wars or defend the country, it is a jobs program for politically connected elites, it really only exists as a way of funneling graft to the right cronies and giving said cronies the power to crack some heads among the peasantry as a reward for loyalty.
Any actual fighting that need to happen is up to the US.
Will they be performing The Nutcracker Ballet next year?
Friday Funbags will have to hold you over on titposts for the weekend since I’m going to shoot an antelope.
You will have to actually go to yourself. I know it is super difficult and we all deeply appreciate Q being willing to take the whole seconds it tales to link to Chive for us, but there is softcore fishlip and silicone porn after Q.
Yeah but then I’d have to actually visit the site and that’s not near as much fun. It’s like if Dad gave you fifty bucks on Xmas morning.
Is being nuked on the opera applause side of things or the skinny cow side of things?
Two headed cow side of things.
Brahmin, the source for Jet.
If you can’t tell that you’ve been nuked then you’ve probably been nuked, Compadre.
Totally unbiased reporting
It now takes not one but two or more mass shootings to jar the country into new calls for action on gun control. And the political pressure begins almost the moment a shooting ends.
Most Democratic presidential candidates are calling Trump some version of white supremacist or a racist after the El Paso shooter published a racist manifesto with language similar to Trump’s. The President read a condemnation of hate from a teleprompter, but on Twitter he was his same old aggrieved self.
There’s some suggestion the White House had sidelined the domestic terror threat in favor of a focus on the international one in an official threat assessment.
Will no one rid us of this pestilence of Trumpism?
They really really really want civil strife.
They think they do, anyway. Deterioration into a hot civil war is unlikely to go they way they hope.
They really think it’ll go down like these Marvel movies with a strong heroine kicking ass.
When they see body parts of kindergarteners strewn out on the streets, then they might come to the realization that this is not what they wanted, but by then it’ll be way too late.
They also underestimate how long it would take to recover from a hot Civil War
There would be no recovery. In the unlikely event that it actually did happen, I think the country would break up and we’d be left with multiple factions/warlord states.
I, for one, approve of this plan.
Sure thing, Muscles…
No guzzoline for you
Well, of course YOU would, you have dogs of war. I have no dogs of war.
unlikely to go they way they hope.
I hear people on our side say this, hell I have said it, but the thing is it is just as unlikely to go the way that we want. The chances of us coming out of a hot civil war as a constitutional republic with individual liberty prioritized and protected are slim to none. The outcomes range from Marxist dictatorship to Fascist dictatorship to Theocracy, and they all have one thing in common. Libertarians will be seen as an enemy of the new Holy State.
People who have watched their friends, neighbors, and relatives killed brutally, by their other friends, relatives, and neighbors have a strong tendency to prioritize security and stability over liberty. Revolutions seldom produce liberty.
Exactly this.
Oh, I have no illusions about what would likely result. I just can’t believe the left is so fucking irrational they think it’s a good idea to keep pushing in that direction.
They just chase the headline of the day, no matter the repercussions. Russians, white supremacists, domestic terror… whatever it is, they all lay into it at the same time until they figure out it’s not working and then shift to the next thing.
Just wait, we’ll have a hurricane and they’ll all switch to climate change instantly.
I’m talking about the constant intolerance, demonization, and attacks against half the country simply for disagreeing with the left. It’s gotten to the point that even expressing support for the president is seen as grounds to attack and destroy people’s lives including trying to deprive people of their livelihoods.
Nah. Manufactured financial crisis in about one year’s time. They’ve thrown almost all of the shit against the wall thus far, why not bring the country to its knees if maintaining power is so fucking important to these nihilists? I DON’T GO IN FOR CONSPIRACY THEORIES!
I don’t disagree. They’ve relied on “racism” as an argumentative tactic for the last 15 years. It got them Trump. If they persist, the divide will only grow.
They fully expect to have disarmed their opposition by the time they get to this thing stage in the game…
Yep. Liberty would be the loser no matter who comes out on top in an actual armed conflict.
new calls for action on gun control
I, too, call for gun control. Always use both hands.
No, always one hand, sideways, while holding your body at a 90 degree angle to the target.
And don’t forget the held tilt
head tilt
The “head tilt” is so the other guy misses.
Once again a fine set of links, Old Man! I’ve been a Prine guy for a few years now. It’s a shame that the cancer ruined his voice.
We’re both big fans of his. And how delightful that the expressiveness still comes through.
I’ve still got “Paradise” and “Fish and Whistle” on my work rotation. They’ve been there for about six years now and I can still stand a weekly listen.
Would be remiss to forget this duet with Bonnie – That one’s on there too.
You lose one inch of useable penis length for every 20 pounds overweight you are.
John Holmes was built like a beanpole. This explains some things.
Tommy Lee, too.
I don’t think the relationship is quite that linear. Fat dudes still have children.
If that were true it would literally give me a 20 inch dick
Thaaaaats why my wife is so insistent I lose some weight.
A Crashed Israeli Lunar Lander Spilled Tardigrades on the Moon
Another (((plot)))
“Awww. There so cuyute! Lookit them little hands and he’s rolly-polly too! He’s just the sweetest thing ever and OMIGOD! IT HAS AN ANUS FOR A MOUTH!!!!
They really really really want civil strife.
Don’t be silly. It’s called “pacification” when you go door to door, rounding up your political enemies.
Ridding the world of wreckers and kulaks!
This is why they desperately need to take away everyone’s guns.
The unlikely origins of clear cola
I had some East German cola in the 80’s. It was god-awful.
RE Elliott. You mean ‘Roadhouse?”
The Hulk?
“There’s the devil to pay”
I loved the first Ali / Norton fight – Ali left in blessed absolute silence because his jaw was busted. The Ken fought Foreman and got knocked out. There’s a reason Ali had trilogies with Fraiser and Norton, but only fought Foreman once, then spent the rest of the 70’s dodging a rematch.
This. Foreman was a beast, and Ali was a loudmouth.
My Grandpa hated him so I hated him too. Nobody liked a braggart, back then.
After Fraiser supported him and refused to participate in the match-ups for the abandoned title – Ali called him an Uncle Tom and mocked him relentlessly. Nothing better than watching Fraiser beat him in the first fight. Ali was a piece of shit.
Letters to the Local Rag: Well, You’re an Idiot
You have to get a really high concentration of rodents before they’ll attack a human-sized mammal. Their real threat is pestilence.
Enjoy your bubonic plague.
I like how they need to tell the world how irrational they are.
How many children have to die before these people will pick up a gun to defend them?
Very well put
That is all
I’m not really gripped with fear of either..
my house of worship
Something only an atheist would write.
“Faith tradition facility”
Funny Hat Repository.
Nice catch.
Or a Unitarian
He already said atheist.
My life in sex: The man who has severe premature ejaculation
Old Joke: How do you make a woman come? Answer: Who cares!
Is this a recap of that movie “American Pie”?
a bit of trivia from that movie, which is “set” in the suburb I live in:
So did you date any girls with band camp stories?
Or “Exchange Students”?
We still stop by Yesterdog when we head out that way. And I’m convinced the GRCC chick in the movie that humiliates the Sherminator is a girl I dated at WMU.
First time I ever hung out with EF (in the company of an ex-GF of mine and another friend of hers), we ate at Yesterdog.
Or Something About Mary?
To quote the late, great Bernie Mac:
“If you don’t bust a nut when I bust a nut…then you fresh outta fuckin’ luck with me!”
“How do you make a woman come?”
How do you make her leave? That’s the real prolem
Trump’s war on Mother Nature
Wildlife and environment agencies in America have reacted with disappointment to the decision to reauthorise the use of the M-44 devices.
“Cyanide traps can’t be used safely by anyone, anywhere,” says Collette Adkins, carnivore conservation director at the Centre for Biological Diversity.
“While the EPA added some restrictions, these deadly devices have caused too much harm to remain in use. We need a permanent nationwide ban to protect people, pets and imperiled wildlife from this poison.”
Government pest control on behalf of ranchers is bad. Experts agree.
The ranchers should be responsible for their own pest control and liable if they hurt someone.
Wildlife and environment agencies in America
The Endangered Sex Scene
My God.
“Crusty Juggler”
THE Crusty Juggler? No, shut up, Tulpa.
lol no I am not Crusty or Tulpa – I’m Nikki.
We’re all Nikki, because we’re all the worst.
“lol no I am not Crusty or Tulpa – I’m Nikki.”
Oh for fuck’s sake, it’s worse than I thought.
If you send me yours I’ll send you mine.
You know, I might believe you’re Crusty if you would have said ‘would’ at least one time by now.
No one has linked Ann Coulter
“No one has linked Ann Coulter”
Surely, there has to be one guy with a giraffe neck fetish around here.
Punchable CNNer:
“Punchable CNNer:”
If anyone could guess which one it might be without clicking the link, they win one internets. I mean it would sort of be like guessing which fish in the ocean has fins.
I’m not clicking the link because I’m having a great day so far and I don’t want to fuck it up, but my money’s on Don Lemon. That’s usually a safe bet. Even if it’s not him, he ought to be punched once a day on principle anyway.
It does get the blood boiling.
I always bet on Bag O’ Dicks.
Speaking of woke. The last couple of nights I’ve got pretty far into Snow Crash. My question is, is Neal Stephenson a girl? Or is he just one of those quasi-feminist woke dudes? Good read, but the gender/every guy is a sexist obsession thing sort of gets on my nerves and ruins it a little.
I would think just your averege lefty
I think it’s just that when he wrote Snow Crash in ’92 the whole “riot grrrrl” thing was fresh. Now it reads as dated and woke, but I think that’s a function of our current cultural milieu juxtaposed with the cliches he was working with at the time. His other stuff isn’t like that, or at least I didn’t find it to be.
Yeah, that makes sense. I remember back then when grrrrrl power wasn’t nearly as annoying as it is today, well that’s an understatement.
Seveneves was pretty bad and that was much more recent. The male protagonist was a stand-in for Neil Degrasse Tyson. I read a shit-load of his work over the last few years and came to the conclusion that he’s just pissing me off. He’s got no finish in him.
Yeah, but the joke’s on Neil. He didn’t get to fuck any of the women, not even the Hillary Clinton bitch, when he was literally the
If you think of it in the context of Tank Girl or stuff like that it’s less obnoxious, but it does feel a little bit like those Twilight Zone episodes where there’s a black dude doing regular things and it was supposed to be a really big important statement.
a rambling article with a bunch of stolen bases:
What Ails the Right Isn’t (Just) Racism
An authoritarian fear of difference best explains the intolerance sweeping the Republican Party.
and one more
Fuck off, Friedersdork
the conservative movement was catastrophically wrong on matters as consequential as Jim Crow and apartheid
I like how he lays the policies of Democrats at the feet of “conservatives”
He’s got a job at the Atlantic to keep.
We all know authoritarians are always right wing.
Friesdorf has kind of always been such a mealy mouth disappointment. He should know better. Does anybody think for a second Donald Trump wouldn’t love to be passing bills with the democrats? the guy isn’t an idealogue at all. He more than anyone else in decades is probably the most likely to work along partisan lines for even the appearance of wins. Donald Trump is probably the least authoritarian president we’ve ever had in a while it’s absolutely comical all he does is mock the establishment top men in this country. Honestly name one issue you couldn’t get him to compromise on I’ll wait?
Friesdorf has kind of always been such a mealy mouth disappointment.
Yes. He’s like Robbie’s more annoying older brother. He will write a few sentences of genuine insight, and then bury them in a pile of “to be sure” virtue signalling.
Donald Trump is a bunch of things but an authoritarian is not one. He’s not nearly coherent or organized enough to be one even if he wanted.
Bah! Anyone who beats the democrats in an election is a far right Nazi planet hating racist xenophobe who throws babies into cages.
I’ve said it many times, Donald Trump is not the target. The left could just as easily paint Jeb Bush into the same Orange Hitler. The only difference is that Jeb would be apologizing and groveling 24 hours a day.
Yeah I kind of agree with this assessment. Also Trump loves rolling around in the muck with these people as much as they love calling him a nazi. They absolutely can’t stand that. This is what happens when an independent wins an election. I think a ton of what your’re seeing is the collective butthurt of a ton of people at the top feeling like they are vulnerable and losing influence over the narrative for the first time in long time Trump is the physical manifestation of their fears of a changing media enviroment.
That’s just it. He’s supposed to stand at the podium with First Lady in camera shot, straighten his tie and abjectly apologize. Trump doesn’t play by their rules and they are apoplectic.
100% agree. They said many of the same things about Mitt Romney for crissakes, as milquetoast a politician as there is.
And explicitly center left too.
He’s a cruder version of Bill Clinton. And his greatest joy in life is literally making a deal. Doesn’t matter what deal, or with whom, he just wants to make a deal.
Interesting position considering Trump is running on general dissemination of power in DC and all Dems are running on increasing power in DC with some literally and explicitly running on “pen-and-phone” legislation by the executive.
Also the existence of President Trump is actively stripping away any reverence or respect anyone will ever have for the office. The democrats and medias reaction has seen to that. The irony here is impact and effect will resonant for at least a decade as there is no going back as turnabout is fair play. Facism and authoritarianism will more than likely come from the left in this country as that’s the side that currently has the majority of the propaganda and cultural influencers in their corner.
Meh. The next D in office will see the ‘return to Camelot’ adoration of the press. A gentler time after the hell of Trump.
Yeah but the entire right side and a ton of independents have been redpilled. Even lefties while they hate trump know they are consuming propaganda. The news media has totally discredited itself the last 8 years.
Talking about it as a monolith is a mistake, especially given Stenner’s finding of sharp distinctions between authoritarians and ideological conservatives that suggest a way to weaken Trump with a key constituency in 2020.
This is an astute observation, but one that the Ds are striving mightily to ignore. You’re not going to split people off while running hard left and demonizing any who disagree. A lot of people have voted and will vote for Trump simply because “at least he doesn’t hate me”.
NBC Universal Pictures still plans to release The Hunt about ‘liberal elites’ kidnapping ‘deplorables’ from red states and killing them for sport despite backlash in the wake of mass shootings
This is what the left wants. The left wants to kill us! IT’S A WAR!!!
Actually, the publicity is just what NBC Universal wanted.
Honestly the should releade the thing. Just do the same of the politics are reversed
Are the liberal elites depicted as the good guys?
Probably not one would think
I don’t believe so, no. It’s just another updating of The Most Dangerous Game. There have been at least a dozen adaptations of the story before, and they’re always about the arrogant hunters getting outwitted eventually by their intended prey.
People aren’t tired of all this shit yet? I find the fever-pitch of the culture war exhausting, personally. I deeply wish everyone would put their big boy pants on, chill the fuck out, and take it down to a “4” or so. Who’s got the time, patience, or energy to be this pissed off all the time? Who can be bothered to be involved in other people’s business so deeply and so fervently? Don’t these people have hobbies?
“Who’s got the time, patience, or energy to be this pissed off all the time?”
A fuckton of people.
“Who can be bothered to be involved in other people’s business so deeply and so fervently?”
The voting public?
“Don’t these people have hobbies?”
Fighting their enemy on social media?
It’s so weird that they don’t think it’s weird. I guess this is why people wander off into the mountains and become recluses.
Or shoot up Walmarts or schools.
No, no, you see that’s Grand Theft Auto. Video games are why millions of swarthy Italian children grew up to be short, hirsute plumbers/gymnasts/fire-breathers with a hard-on for turtles.
We used to have fist-fights to settle differences. Can you honestly believe that any of those Profa cunts has ever faced off one-on-one in an actual physical brawl? No. They probably grew up without siblings and have been spoon fed “gentle, gentle” by an adoring Mother for their entire life. I’m no Navy seal but God help you if you fuck with me.
Honestly I think the lessons they most lack coming from LOSING a fist fight, rather than winning. Getting beat up teaches you:
1. actual violence is different from insults
2. a broken nose hurts worse, and longer, than a fat lip
3. pain can be overcome.
Learning some perspective helps with life.
Also bruised knuckles. And blows to the face hurt for hours later.
I once made the stupid mistake of trying to break up a fight between to drunk punkers I knew. One of ’em missed his target and managed to sock me right in the cheek. He apologized but dammm that hurt.
And afterwards you have to learn to get along with them because unless one of you moves, you going to see them everyday in school.
…and some don’t need mountains…
I’ll take a hill and a creek. Or just some woods, really, I’m pretty easy.
I like the way you think. Let’s start a newsletter.
We’re a wealthy society with a lot of free time.
I don’t think this will well.
They really really hate you. They aren’t kidding. They would love a Cultural Revolution and Reign of Terror that purges the world of anyone who isn’t all in with communism.
This is the dumbest and most obvious marketing campaign I’ve seen in a while. Does anybody actually believe any of these people breathlessly trying to make this a culture war thing happen?
“The link between pot and mass shootings may be closer than we think”
Give me that sweet grant money and I’ll prove it.
[Second Chances] ‘The Wicker Man’ Remake: Misunderstood Gem or Just Plain Bad?
Not the bees!
Someone takes their shitty horror movies a little too seriously.
I couldn’t even make it to the end of original without reaching for the remote for some scanning ahead.
But it did have Britt Ekland… and Ingrid Pitt…
Mmmmmm, Britt Ekland!
…pre-meme Nicolas Cage!
But post-Face-Off Nick Cage, so a cinephile should have known what could happen.
Don’t you dare sully face off. It’s an amazing triumph of cinema that that ridiculously awesome film was ever greenlit. What a genius plot. I would have loved to see the story board on that sale to the studio. Although I’m almost positive they came up with the name of the movie and started shooting before actually writing a single plot line for the movie.
Don’t get me wrong, Face-Off is definitely on the guilty pleasures list of films. But one cannot feign ignorance of Cage crazy in a post-Face-Off world.
Only saw that movie once and I wasn’t paying much attention.
Are Trump-supporters the new Jews?
Someone must of lost a bet to use that title
*must have*
You rube.
They certainly like to pretend they are.
If you support this (white supremacist) president, you are, by association, a white supremacist.
This tactic will likely create more Trump voters.
Maybe. A ton of people in this country have no problem caving into a childs tantrum to just to get them to fucking shut up.
Lib idiot trying to prove the evil of gun totting America finds out the talking points he believes in are plain bullshit.
I wonder what his reaction would be if someone were to remove the tires and the fuel injectors from his truck to ensure that it would never kill anyone.
“I’m a long time gun violence prevention activist…”
Oh, you’re a moron, that explains things.
IASIP did this one already.
Not one of the better episodes, but some fun lines.
Was this covered?
The old the drugs in my vagiana are not mine strategy
Only twice in links, about 25 times in comments.
Assume any news story involving drugs and vaginas or rectums will have been beaten to death here.
That’s why this site exists, doesn’t it?
Not everyone can shoot themselves in the balls
Well not with that defeatist attitude they can’t, mister!
How Police Used Antifa to Investigate Far-Right Proud Boys
If I were a wee bit more paranoid and cynical, I might think Antifa is serving a purpose beyond getting hipsters out into the fresh air.
I read that whole article about the chick from Harvard. That is weird. Also, a few dumb guys for how over the top she was.
They’re functional morons. It must take a complete lack of common sense to not sniff out her bullshit from the start.
Yet, these are the guys that form the pool of TOP MEN that the nation draws on.
The Hay guy isn’t even functional I honestly don’t know based on the story if he could even live on his own without his wife taking care of him.
I’ve met people with downs more independent and street smart than he is.
That story should be put in the brochure for every Ivy league school competing with Harvard for applicants. It’s a total indictment on the school that they allowed someone as dumb as Hay teach anything there more advanced than how to sharpen pencils 101.
I’m talking about the constant intolerance, demonization, and attacks against half the country simply for disagreeing with the left. It’s gotten to the point that even expressing support for the president is seen as grounds to attack and destroy people’s lives including trying to deprive people of their livelihoods.
I have been thinking about this, lately. There was a time when I could never have believed this country could be torn apart by fanaticism (political, religious, whatever), but in Trump’s America, it’s starting to take on a felling of inevitability.
This bullshit with Soul Cycle (whatever the fuck that is) is crazy. You join a gym to work out and get healthy, but you’re so eaten up with hatred of that other TEAM that you can’t bear the thought of the owner disagreeing with you? That’s some serious derangement.
Will businesses be forced to display a checklist of political beliefs and affiliations on their front door, to appease the mob?
It plays to the absolute worst in human nature.
Yes. Social media does a few terrible things.
1) It takes away any sense of nuance or gray area. You either like something or hate something, and you do so instantly.
2) It rewards loud, extreme, and obnoxious people for being loud, extreme, and obnoxious.
3) It makes it easy for a loud, extreme, and obnoxious mob to control a conversation.
4) It allows people with lots of unproductive time on their hands to have a big influence on culture.
“This bullshit with Soul Cycle (whatever the fuck that is)”
How ignorant.
Film review in today’s WSJ. Paywalled unfortunately.
‘One Child Nation’ Review: Ghost Generations
How do you people use this site on phones? New applicant doing a skills test on my machine and browsing globs on the phone. So much scrolling.
I don’t browse globs on a phone.
Or this site for that matter.
With my fingers, you silly mug.
Skills test!? Ewww!
Listen, if you can’t save a file where I need you to and with a certain name. I don’t want within a quarter mile of my CAD system. #clusterfuck
Not asking people to design a engine here, just make a part with some basic features and a drawing.
The Siruis XM Marky Ramone’s Punk Rock Blitzkrieg station has brought back some great memories.
Like The Zero Boys
Warrior Princess?
Ex-Xenia High School employee who had sex with student to be sentenced next month
No pictures of the monster? You are hereby banned from posting teacher/student sex stories.
seriously it should be a ban worthy offense.
internet search how does it work?
boo. I’m loud and proud free ryder I don’t have time for no internet search.
Can’t find her on the Internet, either. She’s like the Jason Bourne of faculty sex offenders.
10:1 she’s not attractive.
pretty sure it is just Shame! Shame! Shame!
Good call:
Shocked her husband waited several months to file for divorce. He’s not losing something special.
Probably trying to wait until he can get out with as little damage as possible.
She ain’t no Stacy’s mom, that’s for sure.
He was doing us a favor, maybe not you, but definitely us.
RELATED: Xenia school employee on leave; police probe sex complaint
I still feel bad because I first decide whether the teacher is hot before forming an opinion, but it seems I am not alone
Her husband filed for divorce on July 12.
There is one sane person in this situation.
Pics or it didn’t happen! Niiiiiiice.
When she reaches the promised land is there a lot of whoowhoowhoowhoowhoowhoo?
The CBD Thing Is Fully Embarrassing Now
I like CBD as much as the next hip fella, but CBD pizza…
When it’s all said in done CBD is going to go down in history as the updated modern version of snake oil.
I bet CBD oil cures disbelief in CBD oil.
It does relax me.
I have no problem with people using the placebo affect to their advantage;)
I disagree. I am all in on letting them use the placebo effect. But there is way to much affectation these days.
I’m an borderline illiterate.
It does relax me.
And snake oil generally had strong alcohol, cocaine, or opium in it, so I’d imagine it could do the same.
A lot of people seem to get various kinds of relief from it. Personally, I don’t care why. If its works for them, it works for them. Good enough.
Maybe it can help with my recurring headaches that seem to hit about an hour after I nod off. Like writhing in pain, groaning headaches. Wifey seems to think that essential oils will help but I think it’s the dust from my work. Or a tumor. Yeah, it’s probably a brain tumor forcing my right eye out of his socket…
Give it a try. Worst case scenario, you’re out $50 and you learned it doesn’t help you.
to Big Tech: Trump Won’t Brook Bias at Summit
Big White Daddy vs Big Tech for our freedom!
Maybe the roof will collapse.
Like Samson with the Philistines.
That’s from that one book….”The Trial”?
retarded twitter account of the day
But I feel this already has been covered before
Ben Norton
Verified account
21h21 hours ago
More Ben Norton Retweeted Sarah Zheng 鄭雅儒
In addition to often waving the British colonial flag, the US-backed Hong Kong protesters are also handing out boarding passes to tourists that use the alt-right symbol Pepe the frog
Is it Irony that people who would describe themselves as anti-facists oppose Hong Kong protesters in favor of ChiComs?
No because the anti-fascists are the actual fascists.
The original fascists were a reaction against the communists – so it makes sense that Antifa is a communist organization.
Yup – in pre-war Germany, the fascists were the brownshirts, the commies were the blackshirts.
‘Hobbs & Shaw’ Fails To Live Up To Its Potential As The Next ‘Tango & Cash’
Everything was better in the 80s.
except dental medicine in Romania
How did you pick dentistry as your one example? Wasn’t Romania in the 80s pretty much hell on Earth?
It was mostly random, although my parent had a bunch of dental trouble post 90 and were very grateful of the timing
Someone hasn’t watched much Comrade Detective.
If Hobbs and Shaw aren’t banging each others’ daughters, then it’s no Tango and Cash.
Was this covered?
ULA and its launch industry competitors in pitched fight over regulations
“I don’t blame ULA,” Eric Stallmer, the president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation, told SpaceNews. The revised rules the FAA proposed favor large companies that have bureaucracies in place to comply with onerous requirements, he said. “But for new entrants, small launch companies, reusable launch companies, the rules are backbreaking. It’s a tremendous barrier to entry. It’s almost as if the Russians and the Chinese wrote these rules.”
Yes I am some days behind for some reason
I may have actually worked last couple of days
ULA? I’m familiar with the European ULA.
Regulations always do. That’s what they are there for.
Religion of inclusion
A guest on MSNBC called for “pitchforks and torches” outside the Hamptons residence of Equinox and SoulCycle chairman Stephen Ross after it became known that he was hosting a fundraiser for President Trump.
Above The Law executive editor Elie Mystal said he had “no problem” with putting a spotlight on billionaire donors like Ross “who fund this kind of racialized hate” since people of color are “already targets” under the Trump administration. He told the panel that he was willing to “go further.”
“I want pitchforks and torches outside this man’s house in the Hamptons,” Mystal said. “I’ve been to the Hamptons, it’s very nice. There’s no reason it has to be. There’s no reason he should be able to have a nice little party. There’s no reason why people shouldn’t be able to be outside of his house and making their voices peacefully understood.”
Believe what I believe, or suffer the consequences!
As I said above – they want a purge.
I think they’d settle for race riots.
No – race riots only emphasize that their cities are shitholes. They want conservatives hunted down, fired, publicly humiliated, beaten, and maybe killed.
Mystal is a particularly fecund piece of shit that has been peddling everything just short of outright violence over the last few years.
Yeah, he’s been milking the “I’m Black Y’all!” schtick for his entire career.
“peacefully understood”…..ok, so why the pitchforks?
Jane, you ignorant slut.
This crap is going to end badly.
de Blasio appeals to Jewish donors in attempt to the close contributor shortfall that prevents his appearing at future Dem debates.
Sadly, it may not be enough.
He’s THIS close!
You were “this close” to closing your tag correctly to?
Besides my above snark, how can Orthodox Jews think DeBlasio has any interest in (((them))) besides their money?
So, I had a hell of a first date last night.
After I had signed the CC slip, she leaned over to me, put he hand on my knee and said she didn’t usually have sex on the first date but was interested in doing so…
…but she needed $200. $250 if I wanted anal.
Worth the extra $50?
Don’t know. I don’r carry cash and forgot my PIN years ago.
Well that’s
Interesting. How’d you meet this person?
Online dating.
I would have guessed she’d be more up front on that.
Yeah, me too. I honestly wouldn’t have been pissed off at her if she was up front about being a pro.
Do you want anal? Or do you give anal? Asking for a friend.
The $50 was to cover the cost of the strap-on she’d need to peg you.
“Okay, but all I have is this check for three grand that my company gave me for moving expenses. If you’ll cash it and wire me just five hundred dollars, you can keep the rest. And I get anal.”
… I will now carry a check in my wallet for this purpose. I thank you for the advice.
If they go for it, tell ’em about your rich uncle who’s detained in Nigeria and needs access to an American bank account to finalize his passport.
She must be charging too much if that’s her game and happening regularly.
What about Around the World? Also, you paid for dinner, you should be getting some kind of discount.
A woman like that, you just know she’d demand you pay for the room too.
Well how much was the dinner? You have to figure out if you’re looking at a positive NPV here…
Yada yada…lobster bisque…
This why a first date is always coffee or at most drinks – no reason to spend real money up front.
put he hand on my knee
lol, you guys don’t miss a thing
C’mon, give the guy a brake
I need fifty dollars to make you holler….
Intellectual dark web though of the day
I often think I am too libertarian in the literal sense to be a libertarian in the political sense. I want individuals to have as much liberty – autonomy & power over their own lives – as possible. Libertarians often stand against this unless its governments who are curtailing it
I want people to be so free that other People should be forced to accommodate them.
No libertarians believe X and Y – they’re so stupid!
Reason does a great job pretending Google and the rest of big tech isn’t a very real threat to liberty. Amazon is happy to hand your data over to the cops without a warrant.
Libertarians often stand against this unless its governments who are curtailing it
The default assumption is that if its not a government curtailing your freedom, its somebody else exercising theirs.
Attention glibs!
We will be having a daughter!
We will?
I’m not ready for any more kids!
I’m not doing any 2AM feedings.
That’s too bad. You’re on the hook.
Your shift starts mid January
aww shit, I need my beauty sleep.
Also, don’t gender your child shitlord!
Theybies for everyone!
Why does everyone say *she* when they wear a pink bow!?
Right?! Xe might be born with a boy brain.
Somehow, I pictured this as “clutched in her tiny fist as she emerges into the world”.
Post pics in 18 years… give or take
/perks up
So, I’m gonna be a great grandfather? Congrats Doomer, you’re making me proud
Congratulations Doom!
How did I miss that? It’s the Doom Generation.
Wait, is this a gender reveal post? Why isn’t the text or background color coded?
You have to cut the cake to see it.
I don’t know how!
nice work
‘It’s crazy’: Chase Bank forgiving all debt owed by its Canadian credit card customers
It’s all funny colors with leaves and some old broad, anyway.
Plus, you can only spend it in Canada. That’s like getting prize tickets at some podunk pizza party joint in the middle of nowhere.
“complete its exit from the Canadian credit card market”
Let me guess. New regulations, the PR boost and wiping it out and getting out is better than staying?
Yeah. I imagine they looked at some gov’t regulation about exiting the market and found it was cheaper to just forgive the debt.
Also queue the calls for everyone to do this. Remember when Walmart raised wages and the left (I’m looking at you Krugman) said that proved the minimum wage was too low.
Woohoo! Shopping spree! Boy am I a dope for being debt-free all these years.
Is the debt forgiveness taxable, as it is in the US?
People say that it’s not taxable in Canada.
Related to the Harvard paternity scam article:
Men think with their little man first, news at 11.
What could possibly go wrong?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has quietly been searching for private contractors who could gather and feed to law enforcement tremendous amounts of user data straight from social media platforms such as Twitter (TWTR), Facebook (FB) and Instagram.
The U.S. government needs “real-time access to a full range of social media exchanges” to better fight terrorist groups and domestic threats, the FBI said in its request for bids, which was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
But the FBI’s effort to gain far-reaching visibility into the social media activities of both Americans and foreigners risks clashing with other parts of the federal government that have sought to clamp down on Silicon Valley for data breaches, privacy violations, and other cases in which user information was shared without consent.
The FBI’s search began in early July. It calls for providers that can give law enforcement agents advanced warning of violent incidents as well as the ability to summon a given social media user’s ID numbers, IP addresses and telephone numbers if necessary.
“This proposal invites dragnet surveillance that history shows will disproportionately harm immigrants, communities of color, and activists, and it invites profit-seeking firms to violate Facebook and Twitter rules designed to keep users safe,” said Matt Cagle, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. “Treating social media users like suspects won’t make us more safe, but it will make us less free.”
Social media platforms routinely provide data to law enforcement on specific individuals. But that process relies on law enforcement making individualized requests or subpoenas.
As long as the surveillance is restricted to white male conservatives, the ACLU might be willing to suspend its objections. And NO PROFITEERING!
Online dating.
Such euphemism.
*googles “”*
I’m not sure what Modern Labeling solutions for Windows 10 has to do with it, but you do you.
I was expecting a John Cusack reference
Officer safety
An elderly man in Washington is suspected of killing his wife before taking own life because they could not afford her medical bills.
The Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office are treating the deaths of the 77-year-old man and his 76-year-old wife as a suspected murder/suicide after they were called on the morning of August 7.
Officers were called by the husband at 6500 block of Timmeran Lane near Ferndale at around 8:23 a.m., who informed them that he was going to shoot himself. The man said he had prepared a note for the Sheriff with information and instructions.
The dispatcher attempted to keep the man on the line to no avail. The 77-year-old eventually ended the call by saying: “We will be in the front bedroom.”
Around 15 minutes later, officers arrived at the home to set up a perimeter around the residence, fearing an active shooting situation was still in place.
A crisis negotiator attempted to contact the husband and wife inside the home via phone and loud hailer for about one hour. The department then deployed a robot mounted camera to enter the home.
Two dogs were also found within the residence were taken into the custody and turned over to the Humane Society for care. Numerous firearms which were also discovered were impounded for safekeeping.
This story proves how much we need Medicare for all.
Question I have been wondering about and couldn’t find anything from a quick googling. Thought someone here might know the answer.
We all know about the high rates of bankruptcy of professional athletes after retirement. Is this a US only phenomenon, or does this occur with European soccer players, for example.
I am talking the big multimillion players, equivalent to NBA or NFL or MLB.
high rates of bankruptcy of professional athletes after retirement. – what is high ?
60% for NBA within 5 years of retirement.
That seems high to me.
/NBA chose just for you.
At a first guess, I would bet the existence of lower level leagues helps out.
If you are good enough to be in the Premier League at 25, you can still be playing in some pro league at 40. So you can keep the income flowing.
And there are a gazillion world-wide opportunities for coaching, commentary, etc.
Here’s a couple of links suggesting it’s not uncommon but no hard stats supplied:
excess, addiction and divorce
So exactly like the US athletes.
The PFA offers financial counseling:
While cruising their website, I was delighted to discover there is a Mousehole FC:
So do all the US leagues.
New draftees in the NBA are required to attend sessions. The people that run them say that the players paying attention are the ones who aren’t going to have a problem anyway. They are the ones who already know how to handle money and want advice on optimizing. The other players spend all their time on their phones and ignore everything.
Their neighbors are Penzance AFC. Hopefully they are the Pirates or something is wrong with the world.
They are The Magpies.
Really? Come on people.
Sadly, Penzance are the Magpies while Mousehole are the Seagulls.
I think the modern minor league baseball renaming craze to make marketable products has gone too far, but some opportunities shouldn’t be missed.
The group claims as many as three in five Premier League footballers face bankruptcy within five years of retiring from the game.
From the 2nd article. So exactly like the NBA.
In both cases, the numbers are probably BS, but the same BS. So whatever the real number is, it is probably similar.
Gordon Taylor, chief executive of the Professional Footballers’ Association, disputes these figures, saying it is closer to 10% or 20%
So still a lot. It would seem this would be measurable. Aren’t bankruptcy records public?
Continuing to reply to myself, I bet the difference is between actual bankruptcies and struggling financially but not filing.
Money is not wealth. If you get handed a stack of cash and you do not viscerally grasp that the amount while large is finite, but that if you convert it to capital, by investing, it will produce future income, you consume it. Lottery winners, athletes, actors, musicians, basically any source of large paydays that does not involve building a business or otherwise creating capital will tend to go broke.
Which is why I have said if I ever won a mega-lottery, I would not spend a dime of the principle (after taxes). It gets invested and I get a monthly check for some ludicrous amount. Or which, some of it gets invested too.
Admittedly, I’d buy a new car first, and maybe some socks made from gold thread, and some Cadillacs for my homies, and…
I was calculating if I won the powerball one day, and I was like, “Hey, I would have the house payed off in 10 months!” Then realized how ludicrous that sounds after winning 100MM.
Lottery money (in excess of, say $2mm):
(1) Pay off house.
(2) Buy new car, because why not.
(3) Invest and retire (I’m already pretty close).
In excess of, say, $10mm, a chunk goes into a charitable foundation.
I’ve always said that if I won that sort of insane amount of money, I probably wouldn’t stop working. It’s just my new job would be managing that money. Most of the initial payment would go into a portfolio of high-grade bonds (maybe less my current salary+bonus). From there on out, it would mostly be playing the market or looking for attractive private ownership opportunities.
My 3 siblings and I just inherited something in the neighborhood of $100k each. My youngest brother and his wife blew first the first $20k literally the second it hit their bank account on unnecessary home improvements. I’m sure they’ll blow the rest in short order then ask my Mom for help with their taxes next spring.
My other brother is partner in a law firm and just handed it over to his financial advisor and forgot about it. My sister is trying to be careful and not let her husband blow the whole thing in his business – good luck with that. I took the minimum distribution on the inherited IRA portion and kept the rest invested. At some point I’ll have to consolidate with my other accounts but have no plans to spend it before retirement / estate planning.
Some people simply cannot handle money – particularly young ones who think the gravy train will never end.
The world is going to become uninhabitable in just 11 years, so you may as well just blow the money on enjoyment while you can.
was this covered?
What do millennials want from religion? Three shows have the answer.
It’s a continuation of the trend away from religiosity and toward generic spiritualism. Not sure what it means long term.
They want the warm fuzzy feelings without any obligations or moral restrictions.
And as mainline churches trend to giving them that and shrink, more charismatic/evangelical type churches continue to grow.
I think this is yet another case of states vs revealed preference.
But the mainline churches still come with obligations and restrictions, however watered-down they may be when compared with more orthodox establishments. If you are not a true believer, why put up with that? And if you are, you’ll probably be attracted to something more strict. Both of these impulses are behind the trend you noted, I believe.
I think in every society there is a large minority of people who are true believers, but a majority of people who want to believe in something but don’t necessarily believe in anything whole-heartedly. If it is fashionable to belong to a religion, this majority will join that religion, but if it is fashionable to just believe in vague platitudes, that is what they will do.
It means the breakdown of civil society as moral absolutes give way to “this is what I want. now.”
Eventually, they just come right out and say it
Existing research has focused on Connecticut and Indiana, home of the country’s oldest red flag laws, dating to 1999 and 2005 respectively. Recent studies have shown that the laws are most often used to seize guns from people who are suicidal and that they have driven down the suicide rate by small percentages.
That alone is encouraging, researchers say, because most gun deaths in America are by suicide. But the impact of red flag laws on homicides and mass shootings remains unclear.
Despite the limited research, it makes sense to enact red flag laws, researchers say.
George Parker, an Indiana University professor who studies the impact of firearm seizure laws, said that from a public health perspective, eliminating the risk of gun deaths requires one of two things: removing guns from homes completely ─ which is unrealistic ─ or seeking “secondary prevention” methods that decrease the chances that guns will be used to kill people. That is where red flag laws fit in, Parker said.
“Why the emphasis on red flag laws? It’s something we can do,” Parker said. “If you have concerns about the number of firearms in the U.S. floating out there, you take what you can get in order to decrease the risk of the damn things.”
We can’t confiscate them wholesale, yet, but but we can try to tighten the ratchet a few clicks.
Sounds objective.
“If you have concerns about the number of firearms in the U.S. floating out there, you take what you can get in order to decrease the risk of the damn things.”
“We have no idea if it works but we must try!”
“If you have concerns about the number of firearms in the U.S. floating out there, you take what you can get in order to decrease the risk of the damn things.”
Hmm, this got me thinking down a tangent. My knowledge of statistics is pretty threadbare so I could be writing stupidity here. BUT, most numbers compare US deaths via firearms to deaths in other countries via firearms, usually on a per capita basis. Or deaths by firearms as a % of overall deaths compared to other countries.
I wonder what the numbers would look like if you could do a study that looked at deaths by firearms as a percentage of the total number of firearms in a country. Does that make sense?
Look, there’s somewhere noth of 600million firearms in this country, possibly more than a billion, because the 600 million number was based on recent sales from manufacturers. We have shockingly low deaths per gun.
Showed his hand there.
from a public health perspective
And, there it is. Between the CDC treating guns as a pathogens and now the pivot to gun control to reduce suicides, this is their next play. Treat guns as a public health risk, and you open up whole new end-arounds for gun control.
driven down the suicide rate by small percentages.
Small percentages strike me as a weak reed to hang conclusions about effectiveness on. I have to wonder if the percentages are even statistically significant or more properly considered statistical noise.
When the red flag law was being mooted about here in MA, the Gun Owner’s Action League made a suggestion. Pointing out that going into the home of a suicidal person, confiscating their guns, and then walking away and leaving them home alone was probably not going to do wonders for their suicidal ideation, they proposed that there should be some sort of mental health assistance put in place for people subjected to the process. To not just make it about taking away guns but trying to help people.
At first they had some luck and some elements made it into the bill. Then as the bill was about to come up for the vote, the democratic leadership had all that stuff stripped out of the law and made it a pure gun-confiscation bill. It passed and the Republican governor cheerfully signed it (here in MA, in general, gun control ratchets up under Republican governors).
Incidentally, the suicide rate here in MA continues to rise.
So much for trying to reduce deaths.
It’s not about reducing deaths, it’s about control. Always.
there should be some sort of mental health assistance put in place for people subjected to the process
Any finding that you pose a danger to yourself or others due to your mental state is sufficient for an involuntary commitment, generally for up to 48 or 72 hours, for a mental health evaluation. If that says, yep, you’re a crazy fucker who could hurt yourself or somebody else, then you get involuntarily committed until the shrinks say you are safe.
IOW, there’s no need for red flag laws to include any kind of mental health provisions, unless you want to weaken current due process protections.
And, they add nothing to our ability to separate crazy people from their guns. In fact, by pretending the guns are the problem and not the crazies, they fall into the currently fashionable (and obviously ineffective) animism that motivates the anti-gunners.
And if the police actually gave a damn about their own safety as much as their union mouthpieces whine about it, they wouldn’t barge in when people are home and demand to take the guns. Getting them out of the house and carrying out the warrant in peace makes a lot more sense than banging on the front door and barking orders. It seems like they want confrontation and danger.
Joe Parks, medical director of the National Council for Behavioral Health, pointed out that many people who commit mass shootings leak their plans in some way. With the spread of red flag laws, that represents an opportunity ─ as long as people know the laws exist, and feel compelled to report someone they see as a risk.
The council published a report on mass shootings Tuesday, outlining causes and recommending ways to curb them. The report was originally supposed to be released in October, but was pushed out this week in response to last weekend’s attacks in Dayton and El Paso, Texas. The council recommended wide adoption of red flag laws, which it said could fit into a much wider public education campaign similar to the ubiquitous “see something, say something” anti-terrorism messaging.
“A lot of what is going to help mass violence is going to involve broad social changes on all our parts,” Parks said.
He added, “We need to be accountable for each other.”
This is why our public schools need to step up their indoctrination efforts.
“If you hear your daddy saying things that make you uncomfortable, you need to tell me. I want to help him. I want to help you.”
OK, let’s talk about single-parent households and the lack of fathers in kids’ lives.
broad social changes on all our parts
Nothing like mass surveillance and political officers on every block to bring on utopia.
recently I noticed that both Mark Rippetoe and Eddie Hall pronounce the names of the days of the week wrong
I wonder what the numbers would look like if you could do a study that looked at deaths by firearms as a percentage of the total number of firearms in a country. Does that make sense?
That sounds like a reasonable test to me. It might not tell you anything conclusive, but it might weaken that “more guns necessarily means more violence” factoid.
Yeah, that’s where I was going.
… but it might weaken that “more guns necessarily means more violence” factoid.
There’s a reason the gun-grabbers talk not of “violence” but of “gun violence”. They know the numbers are against them. This is also why they throw suicide into the mix, as if that is in any way comparable to homicide.
For a long time, Japan had twice the suicide rate of the United States. While the gap has closed (Japan’s rate went down, and the United States’ rate went up), Japan has long had extremely strict gun control. The conflation of guns with suicides is not statistically supported.
Small percentages strike me as a weak reed to hang conclusions about effectiveness on. I have to wonder if the percentages are even statistically significant or more properly considered statistical noise.
And do we have a meaningful distinction between “tiny reduction in gun suicides” vs overall suicide rate?
I, for one, despite my easy access to guns (there is at least one within arm’s reach at the moment), would not use a gun if I decided for some reason to take the early check-out option.
Me neither. Too cowardly, and too easy to get my hands on a fatal overdose. For me, the hard part would be coming up with something that didn’t look like suicide so the life insurance would pay.
Include a gimp outfit and a hooker so it just looks like an accident.
No. The overall suicide rate in Indiana has been on an upward trend for a while. It is disengenuous in the extreme to claim any kind of credit on the part of Indiana’s red flag law for reducing suicide. The most they can claim is that, by taking people’s guns away, they’ve stopped them from using guns. But notice there is no mention of the error rate. If you can count the reduction between actual and expected, then you can also count the number of people who you expect wouldn’t have committed suicide anyway but who you have dispossessed of their rights and property.
OMW to my LGS to buy a MSR.
Probably will wind up buying a S&W.
M&P Sport II?
If you’re not building your own from an 80% lower with all the parts purchased with cash (or better yet, cryptocurrency), you’re a bad libertarian.
File under: embarrassingly obvious.
depends on the alternative i would think
That’s what the stupid party always likes to rely on.
Eh, I need something to vote for, not just somebody to vote against. Don’t give me something to vote for, I ain’t voting.
you yes. not everyone
Yep – I was wondering what the hell the Republicans were thinking when they got caught up in the ZOMG GUNS! moment. Way to piss off your base.
To be fair, the last time the Repubs stumbled into control of the White House and Congress, they embarrassed the hell out of themselves. I can see why they don’t want that to happen again.
Paul Ryan pinky-swears he tried really really hard to restrain spending and pass national reciprocity….
If they’re really, really lucky, by the end of Trump’s time in office, the Republicans will have accomplished at least 50% of the Democrats’ agenda.
Lindsey Graham running around in a tizzy trying to revoke my Constitutional rights doesn’t make me enthusiastic about the party.
Nothing like mass surveillance and political officers on every block to bring on utopia.
Party Youth League members will report wrongthink to the proper authorities. It is not merely a duty, but a privilege, to love Big Brother.
I know this is a bit OT on a thread that’s about to go dead, but this morning I read this article from Quillette. Something struck me. A few defenders of the left in the comments dismissed others’ comparison of it to social justice warriors because nothing the latter has done has risen to the level of monstrousness described. But, that seems like over-aggregating the issue. There’s two considerations. Would they? And can they? It seems to me that more of the issue is can’t. The Cultural Revolution saw the level of brutality it did because the state openly embraced the brutality. The bastards abusing old guys for wrongthink weren’t censured, they were celebrated. And I look at the outrage mobs on Twitter or lining up to boycott a business because someone supports a politician they don’t liike, and I’m pretty certain, if they got the state’s blessing, they’d do much the same thing.
The Cultural Revolution saw the level of brutality it did because the state openly embraced the brutality.
SJW/antifa violence is tolerated, if not openly celebrated, in many cities already. Remember, the Charlottesville police forced antifa and their opponents together, then stood back during the ensuing (and I have to believe desired) brawling.
Also DC, which I believe decided not to prosecute anyone who rioted during the Trump inauguration. If he wins again, I see no reason why his second inauguration won’t have bigger, better riots.
Yep. It’s why I’ve completely stopped discussing politics with old school mates or even relatives.
They have completely lost their shit.
It’s not that they’re an immediate danger. It’s more that should things continue getting worse, I want my existence to be buried in the recesses of their forgotten memories.