Hey there, Glibbies! It’s been a while since the last time I popped in here.

My husband lost his job as a fixer for Taco Bell franchises in January when the Taco Bell they sent him to was in such poor shape they couldn’t afford to pay him. To make ends meet I picked up a part time gig at a diner a couple nights a week (on top of my web design and consulting work) because credit card companies do not care that my husband lost his job.

I expected to be done early enough tonight to get links up on time, but alas, the universe had other plans. Apologies for my tardiness.

And now, for links.

5 confirmed dead in rocket blast explosion in Russia.

If you’re thinking about taking a trip to Ireland, here’s what you should see.

And speaking of Ireland, an Irish man gets upset when his donkey isn’t allowed on a bus.

Taco Bell released a exceptionally on brand Taco Bell hotel as a pop-up marketing experience complete with sunrise yoga.

Gillian Anderson as dildos. (Seems on point for a WebDom post.)

It was suggested I include these boxer briefs. (Unrelated to the dildos, I swear.)

WITSEC is a lot more interesting than I expected.

Instagram is cracking down on meme accounts.

Florida man.

It wouldn’t be a WebDom post without Products You Need, and this one comes with no snark. I recently acquired this wok, and I am in love. It’s well made, and it gets extremely hot on my gas stove, perfect for cooking all my vegan Asian dishes.

This week I’m reading Moneyland, and I am enthralled. If I wasn’t already a cynical libertarian, I think this book would’ve done the trick. It’s a fascinating book about how kleptocrats hide their assets, and the weird loopholes exploited by the uber wealthy.

And with that, I’m off to enjoy some much needed bourbon. This is what’s on the menu tonight.