Yes, SP and I had pizza last night. And Mom joined in but likely doesn’t remember. That makes me feel a little bit better about following some actually interesting things with something boring, which, let’s face it, the news always is. Even when I can find weird and creepy shit. You’ll see.

Birthdays. Yawwwwwn.  Oh, here’s some: a boring and incompetent goddam president; a guy whose dick routinely needed oiling; a guy who really did transform music; a guy who was one i short of exclusion; the inspiration for Farmer Vincent; the guy who cursed Cleveland; and a guy who could once sing but now can’t, dammit.

On to the news!


“Because WE never do that. It would be unseemly and unfair!”


California 2019, just like Selma 1962.


I’ll bet she got better severance than I did.


Great name, great story, now we wait for the letdown.


In other football news, Philly fans tell Oakland, “Hold mah cheesesteak!”


Pro tip: time your murder better.


Old Guy Music celebrates a birthday boy with one of his delightful songs from when he could still sing. And with Martin Barre sitting in on flute. I love this album, and this song should be better known.