OMWC was bitching this morning over following two articles, far superior to his. Oh yeah? Try finding links after two days of his morning link vomit.
I was going to make a joke about Joohs polluting the moon, but then I came across this line, “In fact, Spivack isn’t even the first to leave DNA on the moon. This honor belongs to the Apollo astronauts, who left nearly 100 bags of human feces on the lunar surface before they returned to Earth.” Is it me? Or is this somehow authentically American?
#105 on the Clinton hit list?
Totes nothing to see here. Just take your iodine and move along.
Totally not a shit hole country.
Promoting a movie where rich libs are hunting “deplorables”, while at the same time calling for gun control seems like a bad marketing move to me.
This is for you Jeffrey. Burn in hell, pedo.
…and send it straight to video so the “elites” and wannabe-elites can pleasure themselves to it in the privacy of their own gun-free zone homes.
Also, first???
Your first first is always so special! ***SNIFF!!!***
You’ll never forget it… ask for the Ass-slap GIF
There’s an Ass-slap GIF?!? I want it! I’ve been waiting for it all my life! (Oops! Play it cool!) Ummm…that would be nice. Thanks!
Oh yeah. Highly recommended.
Yeah. Special…For you maybe,
I watched the trailer and I didn’t get the “liberal elites toying with and offing conservatives for fun with the conservatives being the ‘bad guys’ somehow” thing that people are upset about. If anything, the people captured to be hunted finding a way to shoot themselves out of the situation makes them the heroes of the story while the elites are the villains. At least that’s how it struck me
That’s how the movie goes but we’re on an outrage kick right now and everybody seems to be playing.
Fuck you you mendacious shitlord! No one is playing!!!1!11!L;l
Also, IT’S NOT A GAME!!!
I love this place.
OMG, so problematic. How can you say you love anything in the age of Orangemanbad! Don’t you understand that LITERALLY millions of Transgendered black Inuit are being placed in death camps!@!#$%
Yeah this actually sounds funny to me.
Who thought it was Florida? You’re all guilty.
Poop on the moon?
Clinton hit list….
Once again I get a “last”. Let me try this again
So, your local constabulary get a Red Flag notice. Which bascially says “Go cofiscate the guns of this mentally untable person who might start killing people.”
The Cops:
A. Send Officer Friendly to knock on the door and politeley show his court order and ask for the firearms.
B. Dress the whole force up in their Seal Team 6 cosplay costumes, smash down the door, toss a flashbang at the nearest bady’s crib, shoot the dogs and anyone who doesn’t immediately obey the conflicting commands being shouted.
Over/under on how many type B invasion before they kill somone at the wrong address.
0. They kill someone on the way.
Already has happened
They’ll also make sure their body cameras are malfunctioning first.
If there is one thing the country can’t tolerate it’s a badassed Betty Gilpin fighting the rich libs.
“FBI launches an investigation after billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide by hanging himself in prison a day after lawsuit by his ‘sex slave’ was unsealed and named a host of his powerful friends including Prince Andrew ”
Was he really a billionaire tho?
Did he really kill himself tho?
And was whoever was in that cell really Epstein?
That was probably his clone
This and more… on the next “In Search Of…”
-1 Leonard Nimoy
(God, I loved that show as a kid)
Nice nostalgia. That looks like something I could knock out in about an hour with the software that came with my OS.
I loved the one about some pirate treasure (I think Oak Island) that was supposedly protected by these hyper elaborate traps and flooded caves. 8-10 year old me was all in on that stuff! and Kolchak: The Nightstalker! best tv show ever.
If I was the FBI I’d be checking which private planes left the New York tri-state area and went to South America.
My guess: Epstein is in Argentina, smashing Hilter’s twelve-year old great-great-great granddaughter and planning his plastic surgery as we speak.
How can I sign up for your newsletter?
By sending me $69, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and a pair of spent panties.
Do you take two party, post dated, out of state checks? The spent panties may not quite live up to your expectations…
Don’t you mean a self-abused, stomped envelope?
Nah he was pimping her to JFK, but Elvis swooped in and shot him.
Is that tanker accident another one of those where the thieves started smoking while siphoning?
Six hospitalized in Illinois with vaping-related breathing problems
Vape pen explodes in UK man’s car, causes third-degree burns: ‘It felt like I was being burnt alive’
Goodbye, vaping!
It’s amazing all these things start to happen after people start their crusade to end vaping.
It’s all over. We need to ban:
– vaping
-violent video games
– assault weapons
– cigarettes
– unfettered internet/social media access
Then, and only then, we will be safe.
You forgot:
– Republicans
I’d be okay with no Republicans tbh
Dont forget rock & roll music with satanic, backwards-masked, verses, instructing teens to kill themselves
Ban humans. Then Earth will be a paradise with a never changing ecology.
+1 Rainbow 6
Damn, that sounds familiar. Has it been so long?
21 years according to Amazon.
Hello, tobacco!
Michael Bloomberg sasses Elizabeth Warren for digs on the 1 percent
Can we ban Iowa? That place must be a nightmare during this election stuff. At least in New York the douchebags don’t stand out too much, but…my God…let’s invade Iowa.
I blame the site for the improper threading and not my incompetence.
Oh, you’re the webmaster? Get it together, or I will make your life miserable by strategically sharing well-lit nudes within my comments.
Ball is in your court.
What if you’re already making my life miserable?
I do tend to have that affect on women, so it makes sense.
Cat butt him! Cat butt him!
I do not cat butt.
Ughh, SP – I forgot about more than two links kicking on moderation. Can you kick my comment out? Thx!
Mulatto butts > cat butts tbh
I agree with Crusty.
So when someone steps over the line, we should use a picture of your butt to send the warning?
Seems logical.
Or yours
“So enough with this stuff.”
Broken clocks…so credit where credit is due.
Everytown for Gun Safety event
Also, kindly fuck off.
Iowa is indeed a nightmare in the run-up to presidential nominations. My wife is a local elected official and gets inundated with requests to go to so-and-so’s meet-and-greet (she’s at Tulsi Gabbard’s right now).
So that’s how it happened
OMWC was bitching this morning over following two articles, far superior to his.
One article, and a running series of flirty comments. But that might be a bit complex for a potato brain who inhaled too much smoke.
I haven’t any…oh, different smoke.
Happy Tisha B’av !
Inside the illicit fetish parties held at this elite Chelsea penthouse
I hope they have a good cleaning crew.
“women attend for free”
So much for that wage disparity.
“Money for nothing and chicks for free.” –, no, wait, that’s backwards.
At first glance, I thought Chelsea Clinton.
Me too. She lives in a multimillion dollar condo in NYC about two blocks from my office near Madison Square Park and Kips Bay.
She earned it.
The U of Missouri-Columbia proves once again that <a href=""it really is a horrible place.
Disclaimer: I went to the U of Missouri-Rolla (now called Missouri U of Science and Technology), and never did like them.
Oops, better link.
Oh, the first one worked despite looking funky.
Suggest they change it to “U of Missouri-Venezuela”
Hah, their policy makers do have something in common.
Did you have to go to MUST?
Well, I went before it was MUST, but no, didn’t have to, but I had a nice state scholarship and that was the best option for someone interested in science and math. No complaints. it prepared me well enough for grad school, although the M-to-F ratio was something like 8.6:1 when I first went there.
It’s the place for a horny Republican.
[narrows gaze]
Sandie/Sandy has been to the moon? He/she makes the rounds, who would have thought? The Tesla guy, right, it was his idea since he knows how being first is important to the Glibs and sponsored Sandy/Sandie
Thanks Spud. Now tonight I’ll do that thing where you run fast and jump into bed form as far away to avoid the monster under the bed.
I’m gonna need more whiskey.
Just send in an orphan first. If xe survives, send your wife in to clear the room with a gat. Then you can enter.
Unless the orphan and wife are in cahoots with the evil clown….
*cold shiver runs down back*
” I’ll do that thing where you run fast and jump into bed”
Why would you be concerned about Spud’s night time habits? I’m not too surprised though.
I had to use the photos I uploaded last week, or they go bad.
Your music selection wanted some company.
Can Christine cum and play?
It’s no capital crime.
She’s jailbait.
Statutory Date
Also not a crime.
Ugh. It should be.
So you’re not guilty of love?
Maybe I am.
There’s nothing to be guilty of.
How does so much hate fit in one man Ted’S?
I’m on the top of the world looking
Down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
Is the hate that I’ve found
Ever since you’ve been around
Your hate put me on the top of the world….
Top of the world
I throw you two more of which the pairing is quite odd.
Black Clover Opening
And surprised he did this as well – Fruits Basket (2019) Full ED
Second one is an anime based on a shoujo manga and similar to the singer I also read it.
I actually wind up reading and watching a fair amount of shoujo because the dialogue is generally very day to day conversational. Plus some of the stories are actually quite interesting.
Here’s some more company.
How about a groovy version.
Yet more company.
OT: (If you can be on a links page) – I’m watching the Bucs v. Steelers on a local CW affiliate, and they keep running commercials for their new Batwoman show, and Jeebus, it looks shitty as hell. The les-tastic lead actress gives some money to a homeless woman and a nearby bar bouncer tells her it’s a bad idea because it will encourage them. So Batmuffdiver goes back and gives the woman a gold watch, and walks away with a smirk, because she showed that MAN.
Much woke. Many brave.
OT to your OT: North Melbourne scored a TOTAL of 14 points yesterday (although they only lost by 55). And the GWS Giants only managed 29 points and lost by 56. But those were small margins of victory as it was a weekend of hidings: Essendon kicked their first goal after 20 seconds but then Footscray kicked 21 consecutive goals (137-33) and the Lions beat the Suns by 91.
Wow. A 104 point loss isn’t close to being in record territory, but it’s still pretty bad. The Roos had a good run a while back, but earlier in the season, they showed how badly they could suck, so playing the best defensive team, it’s not totally shocking they’d set a scoring low for the season. Also, thank Buddha for the Suns. They’re the only thing keeping the Demons out of last place.
Be interesting to see if Carlton can stop Richmond later (tomorrow?).
Yeah, record low score is 0.1.1 by St. Kilda in 1899 (incidentally, there are 3 scores of 2, and 2 scores of 3 for a total of 6 scores of 3 or lower. St. Kilda has 5 of them).
Post-1919 (“modern” era), lowest score is 6 (1 goal) points by Fitzroy in 1953 (lost by 60). In 1961, Richmond scored 8 points without kicking a goal (lost by 83).
Biggest margin: Fitzroy 238 v Melbourne 48 (190 points) in 1979.
And, no, Carlton has no chance against Richmond. This year.
Jeebus. I did catch Pies getting some of their groove back.
Saints later – first time this year Fox has bothered to show them. I wonder how they’re doing……. Oh.
However, Yvonne Craig as Batgirl (that was also the green slave girl in Star Trek TOS) YUM
For anyone who cares, here’s the new hatchet-faced Batwoman.
Frankly, the sexuality of real people, let alone fictional ones, is irrelevant in judging them as human beings. However, I am really, really sick of the intersectionality bullshit the “intellegensia” and media are trying to shove down everyone’s throat. I’m becoming a reactionary, with a visceral hatred of all of their propaganda.
I tuning out of the chick superhero and spy movies.
Batgirl has always been woke AF
Not an expert, but I don’t think Batgirl = Batwoman.
I assume you are correct, but that really isn’t the point.
lol. Indeed.
I no idea that either Batgirl or Robin were paid employees
Yeah, the Federal government missing the plot isn’t surprising.
Biden Says He Was Vice President During Parkland Shooting
Joe Biden on the Second Amendment: No amendment is ‘absolute’
Oh boy. Who gets the next push: Team Cop, Team Wigwam, or Team Gay Pete? I’m big on Team Tulsi, but she is an attractive woman, a war vet, and a Russian plant, so she’s out.
‘When asked to elaborate on this, Biden said “when Barry and I were in charge, we considered “no cruel or unusual punishment” as just a suggestion. I mean, what if they were dicks?”
That use of “can’t yell FIRE! in a crowded theater” as an analogy to why we also need exceptions to the 2nd Amendment just drives me crazy.
If you yell Fire in a crowded theater, then you are guilty and can be punished, but the government doesn’t cut everyone’s vocal cords to make SURE don’t yell it. Similarly, we should make murder illegal, not ban guns.
Oh wait. Murder is already illegal in most states…
*Eagerly awaits list of states where murder is legal*
New York, Arkansas, and Illinois, if you know the right people.
Let’s not forget that the shouting fire in a crowded theater was used by OWH to rule against someone speaking out against
And haven’t subsequent decisions overturned that ruling?
Oddly, never directly overturned, but modified enough to be effectively overturned.
What is truly lasting is that OWH, the great Progressive justice, was speaking justification to power to keep the riff-raff in line. Nothing warms my heart like a contemporary moron quoting him.
Wait, I thought I needed nuclear capability to stand up the the FedGov? I only need an F-15?
Also, fuck off and die, Uncle Joe.
Uhm, you can buy an unregulated flamethrower.
Dunno about that, Joe. There seem to be a number of occasions throughout history where ragtag groups of rebels gave the US military a very hard time with Soviet-era rifles and improvised explosives.
They have to come out of the tank sometime
Tell Biden you just want the howitzer so you can fire warning shots straight in the air.
What an awesome visual. A house on the next block exploded a few second later.
The neighbors get so pissy when they find me in their back yard with a ranging rod.
You really should keep your pants on.
Oh, “ranging”. Never mind.
all the attractive neighbors moved away 🙁
Give me a break.
I can’t help but despise this line of reasoning. It is the suggestion that because you can’t reasonably operate a particular weapon system that the government can, you should have every chance removed, i.e. not allowing private ownership of modern tech bearable arms. The colonies in rebellion did not have a navy to match the British, which would be the modern equivalent situation. But we know how the war turned out.
So, the fucked up thing about that line of reasoning, besides that it’s been proven time and again to be wrong, is that as you change the scale it justifies all sorts of terrible things. Along that same line of reasoning, if someone can commit a crime against you, well, tough shit. It’s basically, “Look kid, you’re small, and this bully is huge, so he’s taking your lunch money, and you should just shut up and give it to him because you can’t beat him in a fight.”
And also, it absolutely bears repeating that even today wars are won by people on the ground with firearms. Tanks are rad, jets are cool, missiles are the tits, but at the end of the day you have to have “boots on the ground” as the saying goes in order to occupy territory and defeat an enemy. And in a scenario where the federal government goes to war against American citizens–assuming there isn’t an immediate mutiny and ensuing coup, which is an awfully big assumption–occupying soldiers immediately find themselves in an even more difficult situation than Afghanistan or Iraq, because now the enemy can literally be anyone among your friends and neighbors and you won’t even know until it’s too late. It’s not like you can just keep an eye on the guys with the beards who don’t speak English, now *you’re* the obvious target and you don’t know whether that group of civilians walking down the street are going to try to kill you when your back is turned or not.
TS Fehrenbach In 1963:
something, something, Viet Nam, something….
Isn’t an F-15 an air superiority fighter? As in, lacking bombs? So, pretty much as long as I don’t jump really high, I’m probably not in any significant danger from an F-15? God damn Joe Biden is no smarter than he needs to be.
No, the F-15 is a multi-use fighter bomber. There are various configurations, but it is both an aerial combat vehicle (these days primarily as a supersonic long-range weapons deployment platform) and a ground strike fighter.
The strike variant, from the wiki:
F-15E Strike Eagle is an American all-weather multirole strike fighter[4] derived from the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle. The F-15E was designed in the 1980s for long-range, high-speed interdiction without relying on escort or electronic-warfare aircraft. United States Air Force (USAF)
EGSAFPGSF is the worlds worst acronym. It sounds like a Muppet.
OK, so what exactly is the complaint if some neoconservatives want to crack down on Muslims because of terror attacks? Why is the Second Amendment flexible but the First Amendment is absolute?
This nonsense where the courts interpret the law to mean things that are clearly contrary to plain english really bothers me. The entire point of writing the laws down is so that you have a system of law and not of men. But then we go and destroy all of that with this interpretation.
In the case of the second amendment, it says “shall not be infringed”. The language doesn’t have any “unless..” clauses.
Therefore, any armaments are OK under federal law. Any arms at all.
That may be a stupid policy, but that is what the law says. And jurist who votes otherwise should be removed from the bench. Don’t like the policy, then we have a process for amending the constitution.
But it’s not stupid policy, it’s stupid people who don’t understand fuck-all about war or weapons of war. The reason everyone doesn’t have an atomic bomb isn’t because here’s a law against it; it’s because if I gave Biden and every single on of his asshole friends from now until the end of time to build an atomic bomb it would never fucking happen. Never. As in, not ever. The idea that the law against atomic bombs is what is keeping people from making nuclear weapons is, itself, weapons grade stupidity. Entire countries dedicate all of their treasure to it (and have for some time) and can’t make it happen, but really, it’s “the laws” that are protecting us. That is retarded argument number one (I already dealt with the second stupidest piece of gun-grabbing nonsense the other day in links).
The US Constitution specifically allows ‘letters of marque.’ For those that don’t know, it’s a piece of paper that changes an act of piracy on the high seas, which would be punishable by an undoubtedly gruesome death, into a legitimate act under the Law of War. Letters of Marque allow – even encourage – colonists/civilians to take ships of war from the British/enemies. So, yes, the US Constitution contemplated civilians having ships, with cannons. The same thing is true of civilians who own vintage planes. Have we had a bunch of gun runs or bombings on civilian towns? Hunh. I wonder why not?
These people are morons and their moron reasoning needs to be repeatedly destroyed because assholes like Biden get to say idiot stuff and get away with it because the press is (a) also that fucking stupid, and (b) happy to provide cover for said moron because they hate those icky guns and the icky people that own them in those icky places outside of urban metropolises.
Fuck these idiots. They understand nothing about war, weapons of war, and the underlying realities of it. The problem is that the Founders did and couldn’t capture all of the surrounding understanding in a document. They (mistakenly) thought “shall NOT BE INFRINGED” or “Congress shall make NO LAW” would be clear enough. They never counted on Progressives taking over the language and the rest of the morons going right along with it.
The Wolverines didn’t need F-15’s to win the war against the Soviets and Cubans, did they Joe?
They probably shouldn’t assume every F15 pilot would be on their side. I trust soldiers more than I trust cops. Also, in war, weapons can be captured. Sure I don’t have a tank…yet.
I seriously doubt the US military would take up arms against the citizenry, under most conceivable scenarios. Particularly when the citizens rise against a government for overstepping their constitutional authority.
You also don’t have to necessarily defeat the military to defeat the government.
*takes notes*
“The Second Amendment — no amendment is in fact absolute,”
Yes it is. It is absolutely the law of the land but the government violates its own charter on a daily basis.
“Shall not be infringed” seems just about as absolute as you can possibly get.
and as you say – the fact that we’ve decided to violate the law doesn’t mean that the Second Amendment doesn’t say what it says.
” tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots”
I guess one man’s patriot is another man’s tyrant..
Colin Quinn’s Red State Blue State is now streaming on Netflix. I enjoyed it, and you may too!
Go on.
Is it me? Or is this somehow authentically American?
Depends on how big the bags were.
Re: the link on the Epstein suicide investigation.
There was a time when reading that the FBI was investigating an event inspired confidence in me that the truth would come out.
Since Comey and all that, not so much now.
They’ll find that Epstein didn’t know suicide was illegal so they will not pursue charges.
They will decide he didn’t want to commit suicide, it was just auto-erotic asphyxiation. No crime.
Or jus quit talking about it, like the Vegas shooting.
Still baffles me how fast that went dark.
He was an FBI asset, or he really covered his tracks that well.
I find it interesting how the left and right have switched positions on the government. Except when it comes to cops, they both love them some blue dick.
Idk, apparently Mr. Mika (Joe Scarborough) and Krugnuts are skeptical about the suicide.
The interesting bit here is the partisan blind spots and historical illiteracy involved. Those on the left, Like AOC and Krugman, have seen pictures of Trump with Epstein, so they think that Trump is the big fish to catch here.
They have no recollection that we already had a bite at this apple several years ago, and word was that Bill Clinton had flown with Epstein to his island 18 times. It was dismissed by the left as a kooky right wing conspiracy. This probably helped Epstein skate the last time through. Once Bill Clinton got connected to it, all of the “Lolita Express” allegations got lumped into the “that is a nutty right wing conspiracy” bucket.
Interesting how that got memory holed. You don’t see anyone bringing that up, even though “Lolita Express” was a widely known term and stories of famous people being involved were very common.
But you don’t hear any of that in lefty-land. Just Trump
Which totally explains how they are skeptical of something that folks around here were calling the minute he got arrested. Several of us joked that the Clintons would have him killed before he could talk the second he was arrested. We were joking – but this certainly doesn’t make it seem like the funny ha-ha kind of joke. Especially since they are saying that he claimed the first “suicide attempt” was an attack and attempted murder.
There are crazy conspiracy theories, but the sudden death rate of people who are dangerous or embarrassing to powerful people has been high since we first decided to have powerful people.
Really – since Comey? You need to go read up on the Church Commission and how gawdawful the bureau was in the Hoover era. If anything, Comey is just reversion to form.
Where America gone?!
What happens to a country that is an idea, when that idea turns ugly?
Since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the United States has been the leader of the free world economically, militarily, but also — as communism and fascism fell by the wayside — as an idea…
But this has been a difficult month. Well, a difficult year. Actually, scratch that too: everything since November 2016 has been discombobulating. I recall watching American expats, Europeans, Lebanese aghast in Beirut when Donald Trump won. It seemed to them like the wheels were coming off civilization. But surely, they could not forever, as the idea of the United States was designed to be tamper-proof?
Yet this is what the American people wanted — the electoral college at least. Trump’s rise reflected what Europe was already doing to itself: a reaction to rampant globalization, to an era of migration and economic freedoms no generation had seen before. But America was supposed to know better — to lead us forward, not backward, to know the way.
Winston Churchill said you could always count on the Americans to do the right thing once they had tried everything else. Now, it’s not clear who would know what the right thing is when it happens. Twitter, other social networks and websites mean it would be under assault by automated bots, the moment it put its head above the parapet.
When it comes to racism it’s not just America, it’s everywhere. Europe has been having its own ugly dance with it. Brexit is a form of xenophobia masked behind dislike at European trade regulations few voters know much about. And it was championed by a man who once said women in full-face veils looked like letter boxes. He is now Britain’s prime minister. Germany has the Alternative for Deutschland. Italy has Matteo Salvini.
But America has taken it a step further. Burning lanterns, protestors being run over with cars, dog-whistles in mainstream politics. It is strange to live in a time when the then prime minister of the UK, Theresa May, had to publicly admonish the US president for racist comments, like President Trump’s tweet that four congresswomen should “go back” where they came from. And to have the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, stand in “solidarity” with those targeted women.
We watch the downward spiral helpless, trying not to be dragged in. America’s ugly obsession with guns and mass shootings blended this month predictably with the far extremes of anti-immigrant sentiment. But the rest of the world is used to American intransigence after killings like that in El Paso — to seeing Americans bafflingly discuss cracking down on websites and mental health issues, and not the glaringly obvious problem of battlefield weapons (with magazines used in Dayton unlike anything I’ve ever seen in a warzone) being available to teenagers.
It is extremely hard to understand the American obsession with the gun, unless you are an American obsessed with the gun. Those Americans who believe in their right to bear arms look in revulsion at foreigners who think a person’s right to safety is more important. The outside world just doesn’t get it. And even places like Serbia — just behind the US and Yemen in terms of legal gun ownership with a whopping 39 guns per hundred people (the US has 120) — manage to have very low murder rates. 1.39 murders per hundred thousand people compared to the US’ 5.35 in 2016. America seems a violent and angry place, and it didn’t even have a civil war just over 20 years ago.
That’s all I could get through. Being this person must be a miserable existence. But what do I know. We are all dead because of net neutrality or something. Also, false dichotomy is false.
I’m sick of this whining about “muh popular vote” because Republicans occasionally win because of it.
The electoral college exists so that you have to appeal to a wide cross-section of Americans, not just win over a few major population centers while telling everyone in “flyover country” to go fuck themselves. If people in low-population states were just lorded over by the urban elites, there probably would have been secession by now.
I thought the world ended on Dec 31, 1999 because of the Y2K bug.
How are you feeling?
Pretty miserable, but hopefully on the mend. Finally found a chair I can remain in more than 2 minutes.
Going to have my EEG Monday. Wish me luck!!
Good luck! Hope your recovery starts to speed up!
Good luck!
And it was caught on film:
I would have gone with the documentary.
Who is this person and is his or her legal guardian aware that he or she has access to the Internet?
A different Burn in Hell
Damn your nimble fingers.
Bill Maher: Deplorable p.o.s.
“We have survived many recessions. We can’t survive another Donald Trump term,” Maher said during a panel discussion on Friday’s episode of Real Time.
Conservative guest panelist and noted critic of Trump Tom Nichols suggested that although the economy seemed healthy, things could change because of the president’s actions with international tariffs.
“I’m not wishing for a recession,” he said.
“Well, you should wish for a recession,” Maher said, interrupting Nichols. “’Cause that will definitely get him unelected.”
“But Bill, you don’t really want a recession,” guest Anthony Scaramucci, former White House communications director for Trump, said.
“I really do,” Maher stated firmly. “We have survived many recessions. We can’t survive another Donald Trump term.” The studio audience erupted with applause at Maher’s suggestion.
I’ll give Maher credit for voicing the most outrageous things that are in every liberal’s head.
Is my historical memory module failing? I seem to have a notion that there was time that asshat hammered both lefties and righties about equally. Sometime prior to Shrub taking the throne, maybe?
Yeah, I think Bush II broke his brain. Used to watch his show until I couldn’t take it anymore some time in the early 00’s.
He still hammers lefties on occasion. When he started taking himself seriously, all the funny fell off.
Jimmy Dore is one of the few leftists I can (occasionally) listen to any more. He can still be funny, and he’s not just TEAM TEAM!! 100% of the time. His videos on the Harris v. Gabbard dust up – and the reaction to it – were quite amusing.
Well there’s gonna be one eventually. May as well take out the bad man.
You tell Epstein to burn in hell but didn’t go with this?
For shame Spud. For shame.
Haven’t hear that in years!
Never trust a fucking clown.
Pee Wee Herman? You go sit in the corner and think about what you did.
is this the corner of an adult theater?
Did Epstein own it?
Fred Willard is waiting for you.
Better Hell song
You’re probably all going to hate me for posting this Hell song
I know challenging Ted S. in a “worst themed song contest” is a dangerous game, but I still have to submit this.
Ya, you win.
It was unfair on my part, his song was just “easy listening 70’s-80’s country”, not really a worst song. Mine definitely was a worst song entry.
Not anymore than I did for all your other music links.
Did not expect this video along with this soundtrack.
East Brunswick, NJ
Should we recognize those… gentlemen?
Looks like “random fans”.
See my comment above.
It’s true. Tang totally gives you the shirts.
Did you have to send shipping and handling?
Shut the fuck up, Boomers. No one cares! 50 years of this bullshit! No one cares anymore. Just shut the fuck up already! Fucking Boomers.
OMFG, you went to a concert with naked people and got high once when you were a kid, I got it! Jesus!
Or rather, you heard about a concert that other people roughly your age went to. It wasn’t that big of a festival.
BUT Woodtock was much brave, very hero! I mean it rained. and the acid was bad. and a couple dumbasses got hypothermia by combining the two.
Woodstock is like Ted Willams’ last game – all two million Massholes that were at Fenway that day still talk about it.
Rex Murphy delivers another gem:
I think he captured their insufferableness quite well.
“Smash the system.”
I think I’ve heard this one before.
That’s about the best way I’ve seen that put.
Rex Murphy delivers another gem
I always liked his father Rex Morgan M.D.
The good old days.
is there a sequel “Fishing with a Combine”?
Fishing with dynamite?
prior art
“you gonna sit there and argue, or fish?”
“Weeding Your Garden With A 12 Gauge”
“and then the guy lights the dynamite and says, “are you gonna talk or are you gonna fish?””
For those too young or too not-southern to know who Jerry Clower is, his back catalog is well worth a diversion down a YouTube rat hole.
Particularly of interest to those around here would be his not quite so comical screed on “why Johnny can’t read” from the 70’s.
If it interests you, as it surely will, and if you are progressive and ambitious, write for a copy of our “Handbook of Explosives for Farmers, Planters, and Ranchers,” which will be sent free of charge and which tells just how to use “Red Cross” Dynamite safely and easily, and make it the greatest aid to profitable farming.
Oh, man, I’m bummed and kinda pissed. I just noticed a big ol’ chunk of wood chipped off the stock of my Mosin. No idea how it happened because it’s been sitting in a gun cabinet for months. I can sand it down and finish it, but I’m more worried about how it happened and how to have it not happen again.
When the infantryman in front of you got mowed down and it dropped. You were just so happy to finally get a weapon that you didn’t notice
Is it more or less authentic for it to look like it fell down a flight of stairs?
It stinks, though, because it’s in otherwise pristine condition. I don’t think it was ever fired. Well shit.
Can you find another stock?
Definitely, but I’ll try to sand it down and refinish it and see how it looks. Mosins are common as muck, but this one was still in the cosmoline when I got it. I’m sure I could find a replacement stock, but it might not come to that. My real concern is I’m genuinely at a loss as to how it happened, which makes me nervous about my other old guns in that cabinet.
It’s not like some mega-buck Italian shotgun. Mass-produced inexpensive military rifles didn’t use the best wood.
A Mosin-Nagant that was never fired?
Yeah, it looks brand new, other than the bit chipped off. The barrel looks absolutely immaculate. Either it was never issued, or it was babied.
Depending on the date of manufacture and where it was manufactured/rebuilt, that’s possible.
I have a 91/38 that is in near pristine shape.
Don’t sand it. That will kill its value.
Just say it was chipped from bashing Natsee skulls
“Universal Cancels ‘The Hunt’ Release
Universal Pictures has canceled the release of its upcoming thriller “The Hunt.” The film was previously set to hit theaters Sept. 27.
“While Universal Pictures had already paused the marketing campaign for The Hunt, after thoughtful consideration, the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film, ” a spokesperson for Universal said in a statement. “We stand by our filmmakers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold and visionary creators, like those associated with this satirical social thriller, but we understand that now is not the right time to release this film.”
Insiders tell Variety that the studio came to the decision alongside “The Hunt” filmmakers. They also said it was a tough decision for the company, but studio leadership ultimately determined that the film could wait.
Previously, Universal put a temporary halt on marketing for the film following a series of mass shootings. In the film’s few marketing materials that did air, stars such as Betty Gilpin and Ike Barinholtz could be seen brandishing assault rifles and pistols while taking on a group of would-be hunters.
Other cast members included Hilary Swank, Emma Roberts, Ethan Suplee and Justin Hartley. Jason Blum is producing for Blumhouse Productions alongside Damon Lindelof under his White Rabbit flag, and Craig Zobel directed.”
I suspect all if this is just a publicity play for the straight to streaming release of what the studio realizes is a terrible movie.
Sounds familiar.
Did they tell the producer that Donald Trump was impeached?
I heard it was canceled when a guy shot himself in the nuts and a baggie of drugs fell out of his ass.
If you’re worried about that you better turn off your WiFi and Bluetooth devices. Actually turn off your electricity because that kicks out electromagnetic radiation too. Granite countertops? They’re radioactive. Radon is probably coming out of your basement. Don’t forget the formaldehyde in your flooring. House looks old too, probably some lead paint and asbestos…
Not to mention that their is a giant fusion reactor with NO coolant or shielding right out in the sky, that is responsible for something like 99.99% of the radiation linked deaths of people and wildlife, and no one is doing anything about it.
Sweet mother of God! How do we stop it?
Holy shit!
Better nuke it from orbit just to be sure. Oh, wait a minute.
Don’t let’s get started. I could go on all day about hydric acid. Do you know they have found this industrial chemical in over 95% of polluted water systems across the globe?
Tin foil hats, get them tin foil hats. It is what I use.
Also, asking the geekdom that is the Glibertariat, is there any truth to the scare mongering about 5G being the big Chinese boogie man pushed by some on right wing hate radio? I don’t remember who I have heard spout it but they implied it was very not secure since the chinaman’s developed it.
I think there’s some concerns/protectionism about Chinese equipment manufacturers such as Huawei, but haven’t heard about the standard itself being a problem.
“Kill switches” and back doors in integrated circuits are real things.
And they’re pretty open about wanting to “bury us”, too. I’m sure somebody’s paying attention even while the media go on with their Russia hysterics.
And unsurprising if your physical manufacturing is in PRC.
I’ve heard rumors that Huawei is the furthest along in the tech development, but it’s an open standard, and anybody can build a device to it.
RussianChinese bot confirmed.The other day I happened to come across a 5G claim that really took the cake
5G transmitters because, of the short range they need to use a lot of power, about 300,000 Watts for every base station.
The guy really believed they are gonna put transmitters on every other street corner that consume as much electricity as 200-300 houses.
well if they actually get the power that high we may actually need to worry about ill effects from the radiation, so it could help with that set of conspiracies
Though I’m pretty sure that the nearly million dollar daily electric bill for every street corner means no worry that we won’t be microwaved.
“His death came less than three weeks after he was found unresponsive in his cell at the federal prison in Lower Manhattan, with marks on his neck that appeared to be self-inflicted, sources told ABC News. He was placed on suicide watch following the July 23 incident, but was not on suicide watch at the time of his death. ”
“ABC is claiming that Epstein had been removed from suicide watch before he “hanged himself.””
There you go, let a suicidal guy you want dead off suicide watch and he’ll handle it himself.
Is the New York prison system run by this guy?
OK folks, I’m just a backwoods hick in a non-important state. Can someone please explain to me:
1) The Russians stole the election. How exactly did this happen? As far as I know, voting machines are not connected to the Internet (and therefore Russia) and could not be tampered with, so what was the mechanism?
2) Trump = teh Hitler. The vibe that I got from my poker-playing friends was a reaction that Herself was not elected. OK, aside from the initial reaction, what is the argument? I can grok the “he’s president instead of Her” but what is the basic fear? What is it about Trump that drives people batshit insane?
1) It didn’t happen but don’t bother arguing with those who believe it did because they won’t listen to reason.
2) They were just as insane when Bush II was in office but they quited down during the Obama years so the contrast is jarring.
I think it’s a combination of:
1) the fact that they had already said Romney was pute evil so they had to go to real extremes with Trump
2) they are shocked and horrified that Trump appealed to blue collar voters, even union guys. Dems didn’t expect to ever lose middle class whites no matter how much they banked on identity politics. They are scared.
The Russians hacked the election so well they calculated a way to give Hillary the popular vote but the presidency to Trump
I have a better question. Who would wear this shirt unironically?
Irony would be if he was buying concrete.
A drywaller.
I’m all for the 2nd amendment, but idiots like this don’t help the cause.
Forklift Operators are more concerned about the 1st.

See also: 2 union skilled trades
That’s an extraordinarily specific demographic on that shirt.
There’s even one for us!
Almost makes me long for the days of the Big Johnson T-shirt’s.
Big Johnson Bar and Casino:
“Liquor in the front and poker in the rear.”
+1 Bear Whiz Beer
Those were the days!
Better question; why is his ass eating his pants?
The Russians exposed internal DNC emails that showed they were rigging the Democrat primary for Hillary and against Bernie. By providing the American people with this information it rigged the election for Trump. This is what they actually believe.
If the Russians had done what the “right-thinking” people claim happened, then the Americans should have thanked the Russians and personally President Putin and sent a modern version of the Statue of Liberty to Russia just like the French did back in the day.
What is it about Trump that drives people batshit insane?
Some thoughts:
1. The arc of history was bending in their direction. Trump is a repudiation (however temporary) of what is supposed to be an immutable truth.
2. Trump doesn’t give a fuck. There are rules and he doesn’t follow them.
3. A generation that came of age under Obama’s Camelot has no other reference reference point and thinks everything else must be fascism.
Have a look at the talking points urgently given to left-wing on-line activists with respect to Epstein.
I loved Do#5: As always, ROLCON.
“ROLCON” refers to role playing as a conservative.
“Make it all about Trump.”
“But, Trump had nothing to do–”
*Donald Sutherland SCREEE!*
They’re despicable
You know as well as I do that nearly everyone in that part of the (419) is insane. That’s why I often say that Toledo is Kentucky’s northernmost city.
Oh I do know. Suburb of Detroit.
The only thing that retard accomplished is ensuring that Her Highness will never, ever shut up about how much “danger” she’s in. Thanks a lot, asshole.
How does “X should be shot” constitute a threat against x? Saying “I will shoot x” is a threat, expressing the idea that the shooting of x is desirable or proper is not a threat. It is stating an opinion. Also what is the “illegal” ammunition? 7 rounds of what, original 5.7?
Ask Preet
+1 woodchipper
7 rounds of whatever the FBI is currently issuing to their field agents
Not much of a credible threat. Looks like they used it as a pretext to use the other charges to fuck with him.
illegally stockpiling ammunition
FBI agents raided Ireland’s house on Thursday and found seven rounds of illegal ammunition<
According to a linked article they found 7 rounds of ammunition in total.
“USCP and ATF agents searched Ireland’s residence at 234 Kosciusko St. on Aug. 8. He was taken into custody on an outstanding warrant in Florida. A search revealed three rounds of .32-caliber ammunition and four rounds of .45-caliber ammunition.”
I guess a felon having any ammo is stockpiling?
Speaking of which, whatever happened to that hack movie (I won’t call it a film) maker Hillary tried to hang Benghazi on that they arrested for ‘tax evasion’ in Florida?
They used the false charge to fabricate a real one.
According to Wikipedia “On 27 September 2012, U.S. federal authorities stated that Nakoula had been arrested in Los Angeles and charged with violating terms of his probation. Prosecutors stated that the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the alias “Sam Bacile”” to which he pleaded guilty.
This whole false statement as crime thing is really infuriating to me. If you are not under oath, it is your right to lie. You want to charge someone with a crime of lying, warn them of the consequences, and of their right not to speak, then put them under oath. And by the way, if the ‘lie’ is a denial of guilt of another crime? You can’t charge them!
All politicians should be under oath at any public event not in the chambers of the houses.
“As of 2015 he was living at a homeless shelter and working part time at a pizza parlor.” What a depressing outcome.
He deserves it! He killed all those people at Benghazi!
If the amount of ammo you have doesn’t fill a magazine it cannot, by any stretch of language, be called stockpiling.
I blame the negroes and their debil music.
+ reefer addicts
And the devil laughs. Yes…yes I do.
What’s so funny is you can tell that she thinks she is so clever as she is pitching this tripe.
I suspect she is correct about the symbolism. I suspect Monster did in fact deliberately include symbols selected to scare the church lady. See also virtually every skate company, metal band, video game developer, and all other companies marketing to males between 14 and 30. Hey lady, if you want this to stop, shut up. They do it because scaring you is great marketing.
The company was originally founded by Hubert Hansen in 1935. Renamed to Monster in 2012. Hubert and Hansen both have 6 letters. I don’t know his middle name but I’m going to guess it was Damian, which has 6 letters. 666 confirmed!
Hubert Hansen… HH… 88… OMG Trump is a Nazi!
I made it about 6 comments into the replies and my eyes started bleeding.
What company has posted the largest gain in stock market history? It has gone up almost 70,000% in the past two decades.
Yup, Monster. and my banks are the only sites for which I don’t delete the cookies.
Also Google Travel. Discovered that today, and it might be useful.
Are you saying that you did it all for the cookie?
Gives a whole new meaning to “limp bizkit”
Someone is trying to end up with two self inflicted gunshots to the back of their political career
Lol. Lie big or gtfo
What determines something being labeled domestic terrorism?
Can the perpetrator be labeled a white supremacist?
It being performed by a white supremacist, or reasonable facsimile?
This is the graphic they’re getting this from I believe:
It mentions individuals involved in 32 domestic terror incidents and the relationships they had with one another. It doesn’t say it represents all the domestic terror attackers from 2018 though.
On further inspection, they very narrowly defined domestic terrorism. It’s almost like they wanted to end up with a certain result.
(((They))) Tard(egrat)ed up the moon!
Goddamn it this explains why I never got the sea monkeys I ordered from that comic book back in 1978!
Well, that, and the fact that the inventor of sea monkeys was a neo-Nazi.
A Jewish neo-Nazi.
That is hilarious.
So you’re saying Jewish neo-Nazi Sea Monkeys have a moon base; I smell a reboot!
America never had talent.
Oh yeah? I refute it thus
Validated my first link.
Dish Network, giving you Google spying whether you asked for it or not. I mean, all they’ll hear from me are some really loud farts, but any of you more seditious speaking folks, appears Dish Network wants you to drop them.
Well it is called the Hopper so loud farts are appropriate.
I’ve been watching “The Booth at the End”. I like it.
Spoiler alert: He kills Lincoln
But, other than that, how was the play?
I have read My American Cousin, and it was a laugh riot.
Rostam added that the explosion took place during the testing of an “isotope power source”.
This wouldn’t have happened to Tom Swift.
People getting killed in explosions while stealing fuel from incapacitated tankers are fairly frequent in East Africa, though the Saturday explosion is among the deadliest in Tanzania. Those stealing the fuel usually sell it to motorists for cheap.
Hmm… I wonder if the petrol tax has anything to do with why stealing fuel and reselling it makes sense. 752 Shillings per liter is US $27.14 per gallon by my math.
I like Dogfish Head’s Espirit Malade better than Calvados.
Beta test for a Glib’s crossword. If you don’t like it, IGAF, but if you do…
the scrawled numbers give it a nice, “he was such a nice young man, I never imagined he could do something so sick and depraved” vibe.
It was either use text or just scrawl it. I figure scratching it out gave it a rustic look.
Dammit. I’m no good at crosswords and I’m stuck about 1/4 in.
Huh. I thought it would be too easy. That’s why I’m Beta testing it. BTW, has Rafa been around? Left at my friend’s bar at midnight. He wanted to stay and he’s an adult, so I went home. It’s kind of a crazy place. Hope he made it back all right.
I don’t think I’ve seen him, but haven’t necessarily noticed.
He’s scheduled to fly out today, so he’s probably quite busy. When Timeloose came out, we did an all nighter. Timeloose can drink me under the table, so that was fine. Not so sure about Rafa, though.
Missing a clue for 17 down.
Damn. Thanks. Make your own. The answer is “Peach”.
you also need a down clue for the 3 block column after 17 down. But so far I like it.
oops and also a 3 block down clue after 19 down. I think there are crossword maker apps that could assist.
Made it on my phone, so it’s slapdash. I’ll check out the maker apps later. Thanks for the feedback.
So far, I like it. Got somewhere around a third of it done. Tomorrow, when there is less alcohol in my system, I’ll see if I can fill in some blanks.
I fucking suck at crosswords – I don’t think sideways. I know 12 Down, that’s it.
That’s tough.
4 down is clearly “woman” though.
Women, maybe?
Dildo (or at least that fits with the related clue and the 3rd letter is an L)
Im stuck on 13 and 14 across (well and other parts but if I get those I can likely solve the rest)
Think “Swedish car maker”
I’ve been making my living room guest ready, and the damn thing is unrecognizable already.
Note to self – do not use the couch as shelving in the future.
Installed the cameras and ropes?
Hand sanitizer dispenser. Automatic.
How heartwarming.
If there was any doubt, we now know where she is on the hot/crazy spectrum.
Holy Hannah Montana
Batshit and probably a vector for many STDs
Yeah, and now you’ve been warned. So for the next dude, it’s on you…
“We’re redefining, to be f–king frank, what it looks like for someone that’s a queer person like myself to be in a hetero relationship,” she told the magazine. “A big part of my pride and my identity is being a queer person.”
So this one is a wild weekend, not a relationship.
Oh, Miley—be sure and put your public sexual identity at the top of your priority list. That’s the ticket to a successful relationship.
/poor bastard never had a chance.
Wanna throw some gasoline on a fire…. start up the propaganda machine…
Here’s The Daily Beast on Epstein:
Jeffrey Epstein is dead, and the world has ideas about how and why.
What makes more sense? An evil man facing a lifetime behind bars taking the coward’s way out, or something darker?
World-class political assassin Hillary Clinton could have performed a flawless HALO parachute jump onto the roof of the Manhattan Correctional Center, rappelled down the elevator shaft, infiltrated Epstein’s cell, killed him, and made a perfect getaway with her helmet of blonde hair perfectly in place and not a single stain on her tactical pantsuit.
Clinton people are starting to pop up all over the place saying that Russian Bots are to blame for spreading rumors about Clinton and Epstein.
God, it’s like a ghost town around here! Like, who died and lef—::reads links::
Oh. Huh. Well, who’s got a funny pro-2A link, then?
I’m here but I have my joyous double-shift Sunday today. Can’t hang out to snark.