Note: A preview from my upcoming autobiography, Life’s Too Short to Smoke Cheap Cigars (Or to Drink Cheap Whiskey.)
How to begin to describe my father?
I could summarize by saying he was the finest man I ever knew. But there was a lot more to him than that. You can tell a lot about a man by his possessions: The kind of car or truck he drives, the way he dresses, and so on. But I’ve always said that, in the case of my father, you could tell quite a lot about his intensely practical, personally and financially conservative lifestyle by his guns – not only which guns he owned, but also by the fact that three guns served him for almost his entire ninety-four years of life.
This is the story of my Dad’s guns.
Early On…
Like most of Dad’s generation, he was a World War II veteran, having served from early 1943 to early 1946. He was a second lieutenant in the US Army Air Corps and trained as a navigator. When the war ended the Army wasn’t quite ready to let Dad go yet. He had shipped to Victorville, CA to learn the new art of radar navigation, but on VJ Day there was suddenly much less need for qualified B-29 crew, so Dad was at odds until someone asked him if he’d like to help run the post skeet range.
In those days as in the rest of his life, Dad hated having nothing to do, so he said “sure,” and ended up working with the first lieutenant who ran the ranges. The skeet range, part of the overall qualification and training range complex, existed as a recreational opportunity for troops rotating back from the Pacific, but (perhaps understandably) most of those guys had done enough shooting to suit them for a while.
So, Dad and the other officer shot. A lot. As in, hundreds of rounds a day. Not just shotguns, either, as whenever the range received a shipment of ammo, the OICs were required to test a certain number of rounds from each shipment. So, in addition to hundreds of rounds on the skeet range, Dad and his partner shot M1 carbines and, to test the shipments of .45ACP, M1 Thompsons and M3 Grease Guns, because why would you shoot a pistol if you have submachine guns that use the same round?
Despite how much fun Dad was having shooting guns all day, when the Army finally got around to letting him go home, he grabbed the chance. Part of the deal was that the Army would ship, gratis, one issue wooden Army footlocker with whatever Dad chose to put in it.
Dad took a footlocker out to the range and filled it to the brim with 12-gauge shells. He took that in to be shipped, stuck his extra uniforms in a suitcase, and boarded a train for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where my grandfather was waiting for him.
It so happened that, up in the town of Independence, Dad also had a girl waiting for him. In March of 1947 that girl became his wife and, some years later, my Mom, but that’s a story for another time.
The Guns
Before the war Dad had been in the habit of borrowing his older brother’s ’97 Winchester when he wanted to go hunting, but with a footlocker full of 12-gauge shells and his demobilization pay in his pocket, he decided he needed his own shotgun, and so went forthwith into the pages of the Sears-Roebuck catalog where he ordered a Sears store-brand “J.C. Higgins 102.25” 12-gauge pump, which was a Stevens 520A in Sears trim. At some point, Dad sent the gun off to the original Waseca, Minnesota Herter’s shop for a Herter’s brand collet-type poly-choke, making the old gun even more versatile.
The 520A is a good, solid pump-gun. As are so many American sporting arms, this one was the product of the mind of John Browning, the DaVinci of firearms, and bears the characteristic Browning “humpback” on the steel receiver. During the war the Army bought quite a few of them in riot trim for MPs and such, and after that unpleasantness both Sears and Montgomery Wards sold them in store-brand trim. Dad now had a tool with which to put all his skeet-range experience to good use with, and when he took up a small farm near Independence in the fall of 1946, he put that skill to work bringing in rabbits and pheasants for the table.
As I’ve noted in a couple of previous articles, if you can have only one gun, a 12-gauge pump is the gun to have. Now you all know where I picked up that attitude originally, although I still adhere to that thinking after forty-plus years of shooting and collecting.
Dad married my Mom in March of 1947. For their third anniversary, Mom wanted to find Dad something enjoyable and practical for an anniversary present – and what could be more enjoyable and practical than a .22 rifle? Mom enjoyed plinking with a .22 rifle herself and figured that a good .22 would increase Dad’s efficiency at producing the prime ingredient of rabbit stews as well as dealing with the vermin that inevitably become a problem on a farm.
Mom knew as much about guns as your average 22-year old girl who had grown up on a farm during the Depression, which was more than most 22-year old girls today would. She figured that the Coast-to-Coast in Oelwein would have what she was looking for.
By this time the folks had moved to a larger farm near Fairbank, Iowa. Neither Fairbank nor the nearby town of Readlyn boasted a hardware store in those days, so Mom went off to Oelwein, a larger town about fifteen miles east of the farm. (As it happened, in 1961, Oelwein became the birthplace of one of eastern Iowa’s more notable former residents – me.)
In that year of 1950, Mossberg had introduced yet another variation of their standard .22LR semi-auto. These old guns fed via a tubular magazine not under the barrel but through the stock. The latest version in that year featured a long 24” barrel and an unadorned black walnut stock with a Schnabel fore-end. Mom kicked in the extra shekels for a long, skinny, steel-tubed 4X Mossberg scope and presented the rifle to Dad on the day of their third anniversary.
Recently I advocated for the use of a bolt gun for a homestead’s .22 rifle, but the semi-auto from Mossberg proved accurate and reliable, although limited to .22 LR ammo. On one winter afternoon, when a flock of geese landed in a plowed field to glean corn, the Mossberg proved accurate enough to hit one squarely in the head at a bit over 100 yards, which was as close as Dad could get working his way down the fencerow. Corn-fed roast goose makes a pretty fair Sunday dinner.
The last piece was the only one purchased purely for recreation. Neither Mom nor Dad remembered later exactly what the year was, but at some point, in the early Sixties they decided it would be fun to have a handgun for a little recreational plinking.
As it happens, a few years earlier Bill Ruger had introduced his rugged, reliable little Standard Auto in .22LR. And this being in the pre-1968 GCA world, the folks were able to mail-order their new 6” barreled Standard and have it sent to the house. Amazingly, nobody died – imagine that.
My Mom was quite fond of plinking with Ruger’s little pistol and got to be quite an accomplished shot. I remember her shooting bottle caps at 10-15 yards, and she would regularly shoot spent shotgun shells off the tops of fenceposts. Dad was a pretty fair shot, but when it came to the handgun, I honestly think Mom had him beat.
These were the three guns my Dad used through his career – these, and no others. Consider the three pieces described: There are prettier guns, fancier guns, with nicer wood and shinier finishes. But the three guns here were all solid, utilitarian pieces, utterly dependable – like Dad.
As I Grew
Dad started teaching me to shoot when I was five or six years old.
I started out with a simple BB gun borrowed from an uncle, probably a Daisy lever-action; at this distance in time, I really can’t remember. When I was about ten, I was gifted my first in a series of Crosman pump-up Model 760 bb/pellet guns, of which I wore out several between the ages of about ten and sixteen.
At twelve or so I had moved on to shooting Dad’s .22 rifle and pistol, at first under his direct supervision until he was satisfied I could handle them safely. Around that time, I received a Mossberg 20-gauge pump as a birthday present, the handling and maintenance of which Dad also instructed me in.
No Army drill sergeant ever hammered anyone harder on gun safety. I was drilled on muzzle control, on keeping my finger off the trigger until actually ready to shoot, on opening the action and clearing the chamber every time I picked up the gun even if I had just set it down moments before. Dad always pointed out that a gun, like so many other tools found around a country place, were potentially dangerous instruments, and that a moment’s inattention could cause a serious injury or death. He taught me how to shoot his guns and guns I later got for myself, how to maintain them, how to hit what I was aiming at and to do so responsibly. When hunting, he taught me the importance of sportsmanship, of showing respect for the game, of being mindful that the birds and animals weren’t just targets, but that I was taking a life – and how that life and mine fit in with the greater scheme of things.
His lessons are still with me today. It is because of those lessons that I am still extremely discriminating on who I will go hunting or shooting with.
But more than that, Dad taught me what the guns were to be used for. We hunted pheasants and grouse, squirrels, rabbits, ducks, all the small game Iowa had to offer. Dad had more or less quit hunting deer by the time I was big enough to give that a go but was always pleased at my proficiency in bringing big corn-fed Iowa whitetails to bag.
Over the years I increasingly went on solo adventures, or out with my friends. But I never got tired of watching Dad shoot a shotgun. He had an uncanny knack for knowing where an evasive ruffed grouse might dodge through our timber and was adept at arranging for an ounce of # 7 ½ shot to be placed at a predetermined location that coincided with the bird’s arrival.
His Legacy
I see a little bit of Dad whenever I look in the mirror. And not just because I share the characteristic Clark nose and Dad’s shaggy eyebrows.
I can hear Dad’s precautionary voice every time I pick up a firearm. Sometimes I take his old Stevens out to shoot a round of trap, and I usually draw a comment or two from our gun club regulars who are used to seeing me with my Citori or one of my Model 12s; but when I explain that this was my Dad’s gun, they almost always nod knowingly. They get it.
His old Mossberg .22 is still a tack-driver. I killed a small mountain of squirrels and rabbits with it back in the day, and it still shoots as well as it did then. Ditto for the .22 Ruger; only a year or so back I killed a dinner’s worth of Colorado mountain grouse with it.
And as time went by, I taught my own kids and now my grandkids how to safely and responsibly handle firearms. The lessons Dad passed on to me have been repeated, over and over. They are as important now as they were then. And now, today, Dad’s guns stand in my own gun rack, still cleaned, lightly oiled and ready.
How It Stands Today
Dad’s been gone about a year and a half now. He was 94, and my four siblings and I are in our fifties (only me, now) sixties and seventies. When Dad left us, it was like a light went out in Mom. After losing her husband of seventy-one years, she clearly had little interest in going on alone and followed him after only eight months. Now my siblings and I look at each other and realize that now we’re the seniors; we are the Grandmas and Grandpas.
We go through life knowing that one day our parents will be gone. We had ours for a good long time, and they had each other for a good long time. I miss them both still. I miss my Dad, every single day. It took me a while to get used to that empty place in my life where a giant once strode. But everything I am, everything I know about being a man, a husband, a father and a grandfather is because of him, and one tangible reminder I have of that I have described here: His guns. Nothing fancy or ostentatious, just good solid utility, scrupulously maintained, practical and tough, always standing ready for whatever might happen.
Not a bad way to be remembered.
Your mom was hot
Mom wanted to find Dad something enjoyable and practical for an anniversary present – and what could be more enjoyable and practical than a .22 rifle?
That right there is a good woman.
Great stuff!
I think my grandfather had a very similar 12-gauge. Unfortunately my uncle had taken it hunting and used magnum shells which it was not rated for, When grandad passed, I got his H&R single-shot .410 (gifted to him bu his grandfather) but a gunsmith declared the old 12-guage unsafe for any further use so we scrapped it.
So many questions. Like when did you realize you were adopted? How did you take it? And how did your parents teach a bear to use a gun?
He can fit a single claw into the trigger well.
You might be surprised what a bear can learn to do.
*fascinating and terrifying at the same time
My grandfather passed his bolt action .410 to my dad when he moved to CO, and my dad gave it to me. I will always treasure it.
Boy, my allergies are really acting up today.
I’ve got one of Pater Dean’s 1100s; taken deer, quail, pheasant and a bear with it. He’s got a couple more that I’d like – ye olde double-barrel 410 (no idea what make; it was his uncle’s and probably dates to teh1920s, at a guess), and a an Garand.
A sxs 410? A Garand? Those are definitely keepers.
I had the Ruger, MkII ? I didn’t love it, sold it: I like a bit of barrel to give feedback on pointing. I also found the mags finicky, but I don’t know of a better .22 pistol at that price.
Browning Buckmark.
I wish I could comment more. Typing is painful.
Suthenboy <—– Dumbass cut the end of middle finger with a kitchen knife two days ago.
I ave guns that belonged to my father, my grandfather and two of my great grandfathers. I wont sell them at any price.
Nope – those go to grandkids someday.
Maybe. If they can pass their background check and psych eval.
*Runs red flag up the pole*
*Runs gun-grabbing commie up flag-pole*
Which end?
I think he means that he cut the beginning of his finger.
center Pad on left middle finger. Highest nerve density in your skin. It was dumb as hell. I haven’t cut myself in the kitchen in 20 years and one instants worth of laziness and lapsed attention….good grief.
First time I used a mandoline I was slicing red onions. I’d read everywhere that you really have to use the guard. Professional chefs on television: “Use the guard or you _will_ cut yourself and it _will_ suck.” The instructions that came with the thing, in at least five places: “Use the guard. This is really sharp. You won’t be able to tell how close your fingers are to the blade in time to stop before you cut yourself.” ME, to myself: “I’m not going to be an idiot this time. I’m going to use the guard. I’ve got nothing to prove to anyone and it’s not like it’ll take longer or not cut as well. People who know what they’re talking about use the guard. I’m going to use the guard.”
Ten minutes and a vodka tonic later: “I mean, it’s just one onion, fuck the guard.”
Eleven minutes and 1/16″ less knuckle skin later: “Dammit, Bill.”
And the worst thing wasn’t the onion juice, nor was it the surprising amount of blood. It was having to explain to my wife how I cut myself.
Same here. Fuck it, it’s just one cucumber.
10 minutes, 2 beers, 1/16th” of my fingertip.
Had to change my fingerprints at work.
Happened to me with a potato and haven’t used a mandoline since.
I cut myself pretty good while slicing an onion after having drunk a bit too much. I went too fast, had a dull knife, and it slipped. Multiple lessons learned.
I took a knife skills class at the local grocery store a few years back. I have worked for years to gain the muscle memory to be able to slice, dice and cut fast. Still haven’t gotten there yet, but I’m getting better each time I get into the kitchen. OTOH, my wife doesn’t really like cooking, and knife skills are no exception. She complains that I keep the knives too sharp. ?
I break it out for a few specific purposes but I find I don’t really need the kind of precision I get from it that often, and when I do I may as well just pull out the Cuisinart. Pretty much it’s for getting thin, uniform slices from whole onions or whole potatoes, and that doesn’t come up all that much in my life.
She complains that I keep the knives too sharp.
Mrs. Dean said the same thing after I ran her kitchen knives through the belt grinder sharpener, and she almost took a finger off.
In all fairness, I overdid it a bit. Kitchen knives don’t need to be shaving sharp.
The test growing up was cutting a ripe tomato. Any kitchen knife should be able to slice a ripe tomato without ripping the skin or crushing the tomato. The key is getting the angle right so that you can get an edge sharp enough to do that after chopping a potato and cutting an onion.
Sharper is safer. Dull knives require more pressure, and they skip.
If I’m doing something like bibimbap, I always use the mandolin. WITH the hand guard.
The key is getting the angle right so that you can get an edge sharp enough to do that after chopping a potato and cutting an onion.
I have hers ground down to 18 – 20 degrees. Its the polish on the edge that I overdid, because it was fun. I had almost no hair on my forearms after sharpening her knives from testing the edges until they shaved.
Vegetable knives, I am told, shouldn’t be mirror polished; apparently a little “tooth” on the edge is what you want.
I bought a sharpener after reading a discussion here, and it’s done a great job keeping the knives sharp. I do use the food processor too for anything really fine. For cheese steaks,I found freezing a steak for just about an hour and then putting in the processor is as close as I can get to a commercial slicer.
I took a knife skills class at the local grocery store a few years back. I have worked for years to gain the muscle memory to be able to slice, dice and cut fast.
I have been interested for a while in taking a knife class. It’s hard to find one around here, so I’ve been occasionally watching Gordon Ramsey’s instructional videos on youtube. It’s improved my knife skills quite a bit already, but not I’m not close to there.
I use the meat freezing trick for Korean BBQ.
Freeze the brisket for 2 hours and then run it through the meat slicer at 1mm.
I use a mandolin every morning and never use a guard and never cut myself, the trick is to not ‘grip’ the food item but to hold your hand out flat like you are proving that you can operate and use the palm of your hand and downward pressure, only way you cut yourself is if you slice all the food up and continue slicing your palm, in which case you shouldn’t be allowed access to sharp objects anyway. Also I keep on dull knife and one sharp knife, keeps me on my toes, and lastly a little bloodshed is good for you every once in a while, take chances you have plenty of fingers.
I’ve never used one of these. I just slice half of the item (tomato, potato, whatever) and then hold it all together as if it’s not sliced and flip it around and slice the other half. It keeps a means to hold it square. Works fine for me. I learned it from my mom. Never cut myself doing that anyway. Extra sharp knife makes a huge difference.
Usually how this shit goes Suthen. Hope it heals quick… Enjoying the free snacks I got for giving blood right now here.
We were talking age and technique recently.
A step further: my anxiety won’t hardly let me watch someone else with a knife. I’ll gladly do all the set-up work if it means I avoid the anxiety pangs.
Other irritation: doG save me from people with dull knives, their excuses, and their mistakes.
Good stuff there. Enjoyed it thanks!
Great article. Thank you!
That was a good read. *thumbs up*
Great article Animal. I enjoyed reading it.
My four year old little girl asked to go shooting for turkey and has reminded me daily for the past week. Very proud moment for this dad. While we won’t go hunting yet, I’d like to take her to my private range for heavily supervised shooting. She does already have her own BB gun we plink with.
To my shame, I don’t yet have a .22 rifle or 20 gauge shotgun, but I think it’s getting time to pick these up. Can a 4-5 year old handle the recoil on a youth model 20 gauge? I’ve been meaning to get a .22 Ruger or Marlin for myself, but is there a youth .22 rifle anyone could recommend? I have a .22 pistol, but would prefer to start her out with a long gun.
I would say no on the shotgun, and not quite yet on the .22. There’s still plenty of time, and even if there’s no safety incident, the kick might put her off shooting or give her a flinch.
A BB gun is plenty of mayhem until seven. I come from rifle people, so I’ll admit that I’m biased against shotguns and don’t really see the point of muzzle-waving until 12. For me the priority is focus and accuracy; that’s rimfire work that is going to take hours and hours to learn and perfect.
I want to say Bro Dean and I got BB guns when we were around 6 – 7, and pellet guns when we were around 9ish?
I don’t think we were allowed to use the shotgun (12 gauge) until we were 12? 14? maybe even a little older.
I was on a BB regimen until I was 14. My dad bought me a Ruger 10/22 in 1992, and that was kind of the signal that I wasn’t quite a man yet but I was a man-in-training, for sure.
I’m sure you’ll get your certification someday.
It’s a journey, not a destination. Just like high school.
That’s just harsh, man…
Thanks to you both. These are good points about not allowing bad shooting habits to develop with the .22.
12 gauge for my four year old son. I got on my right knee, left foot on the ground. Son stood in front of me back to my chest. I held the forearm of the gun with my left and placed the butt of the gun in my right palm. Son held the gun as a shooter would but with me supporting the weight of the front of the gun and absorbing the recoil with my hand. He just looped his right arm over the stock.
That boy burned a lot of gun powder like that.
One thing a 12ga is great for is safety demos: take out a watermelon with one as a this-is-a-very-serious-tool lecture.
Yes. My son was raised in a house where gun safety was our religion. Shooting is fun but first you have to learn the this-is-a-very-serious-tool lesson. What I told him was that the instant you put a gun in your hand you are no longer a child. You are an adult and you must act like one. You are responsible for everything that happens after that.
By the time he was 12 he could outshoot most grown men with rifle, pistol or shotgun. He could even shoot clays with a model 17 S&W.
That’s a great idea for disposing of the excess watermelons and cantaloupes we weren’t able to pick from the garden in time (not edible).
Thanks Suthen. I didn’t think to take the recoil on my own. I think this would work very well for introducing her to the smell of gun powder.
Hearing protection is a must, especially for children. Their hearing is more sensitive than old codger like me with already ruined hearing. But yeah, you take the recoil. With trap loads in a 12 gauge the recoil is fairly light and not uncomfortable at all.
Absolutely. I’ve had to use my 12 gauge without time for getting my hearing protection in place to defend against predators and that wasn’t much fun.
Yes. I mentioned below the first gun I bought was a 12-gauge. I found a bunch of bird loads on sale for cheap to get used to the feel of the gun, and those were perfect training shells because of the low recoil.
How I learned to shoot a Model 97, Suthen, but I still got enough of a jolt at 7-8 years old that I waited a couple years until I could put it up to my shoulder.
KSA makes the Crickett which is specifically designed for tykes, down to the manual cocking required separate from the bolt chambering the round.
Of course, this being the age of excess, they make a tactical model with bipod, adjustable stock, scope mounts and effing muzzle brake
Thanks, that looks about right. Bookmarked.
Those Cricketts are very good for kids. My daughter has shot one several times on Indian Princesses camping trips at ages 7-8-9. Very little recoil and sized appropriately.
That’s a nice one too, thank you. Bookmarked.
No Army drill sergeant ever hammered anyone harder on gun safety.
Sounds like what Pater Dean, the Marine officer, put us through.
It is because of those lessons that I am still extremely discriminating on who I will go hunting or shooting with.
Yup. If you don’t leave the beer in the cooler until the guns are cased for the day, I’m not going.
You take safety seriously, or you are not going to be around me or mine with firearms.
Yup. If you don’t leave the beer in the cooler until the guns are cased for the day, I’m not going.
Ya, that was drilled into my and my friends heads in hunting camp by the dads. No guns in the tent, they stay in the truck, and if you open a beer you are done touching guns for the day. All the gun talk had me thinking of going plinking today since I have the day off but I opened a beer. Guess I will just have to cook ribs and drink beer.
No helmet? Call child services!
There was something your Dad’s (and my dad’s) generation that was unique, it seems. The pride they had in their family, the pride they had in themselves. A really great story about a great old guy and his guns and kids. Really enjoy your articles, Animal, so many of the factoids ring true in my ears. Thanks for the memories.
My Dad’s been gone 50 years now, I still miss him…
Yep. 40 years for me.
As I’ve said before I would cut off my left nut just to get to spend the day with my father.
For all of you who still have their parents I urge you to cherish them.
My dad’s old Western Field 12 gauge doesn’t get much exercise these days (much like its owner). Sooner or later, we’ll move out of the city and I hope to put it to good use.
Fine writing, Animal.
>>that first pic.
Your dad lift, bro?
Right?! Welcome to the gun show.
Yeah, that was a dad bod back in the day. And here I was congratulating myself on not having quite as big a gut as the younger guy across the street.
My dad has a picture from 68 with the same pose in front of his first new car. The “just out of the Navy” guns on full display.
My old man, until recently, was tall ‘n’ scrawny and couldn’t gain weight if his life depended on it. He _was_ 5′ 11″ but now looks to be 5′ 5″ due to an increasingly bad, senior posture. Which is too bad, for ages he looked a good 10-15 years younger than his age.
Years of office work, drinking, and no exercise except for chopping wood – which he gave up when he moved to the new house – takes a toll.
Pic of my dad during the Swinging 70ss along with mini-me.
Dad probably did actual manly work outdoors.
He was a farmer. He lifted feed sacks, hay bales, saddles, all sorts of things.
I’m jealous, my parents weren’t gun people. All my grandfathers guns went to my uncles.
“No Army drill sergeant ever hammered anyone harder on gun safety. I was drilled on muzzle control, on keeping my finger off the trigger until actually ready to shoot, on opening the action and clearing the chamber every time I picked up the gun even if I had just set it down moments before. Dad always pointed out that a gun, like so many other tools found around a country place, were potentially dangerous instruments, and that a moment’s inattention could cause a serious injury or death.”
Thanks for sharing with us your memories, Animal!
When I went out shooting for the first time with some friends (they were redneck as fuck but just awesome guys) they didn’t even let me touch a gun until I knew all the rules, how to handle a gun safely, and wasn’t the least bit nervous. That’s why it sticks my caw whenever the media and the Left portray guys like my friends as these buffoon gun owners.
It’s real simple, none of these people has ever met and talked to an actual redneck, nor witnessed human interaction with firearms in real life. So they stick to the slander they’ve been taught since they escaped the abortionist alive.
Those pictures that HM posted of various trade union members in T-shirts are pretty much verbatim what I see among the local redneck population. Though not at the gun club.
I’ve had a lot of experience with both rednecks and buffoons, and while there is sometimes some overlap, in my experience most rednecks don’t make it past 15 without at least some respect for firearms, power tools, electric current, fire, and/or things with engines.
Rednecks have been my source for home improvement knowledge.
I must admit that I had tons of coaching and guidance and sat through all the right courses, but I still really had to learn at least something about each issue the hard way. For me, familiarity and experience at a very young age led to a good deal of arrogance and laxness, and I made obvious and avoidable mistakes of every sort although I knew better. I don’t know if that’s an XY story, a redneck story, or just a record of my personal sloppiness, but I’m guilty. If a mistake can be made with cordite, octane, or lipstick, I’ve made it.
“If a mistake can be made with cordite, octane, or lipstick, I’ve made it.”
I am stealing that.
*other things that you can hurt yourself badly without much effort: horses and tractors.
Repairing trash trucks. Most dangerous thing I’ve ever worked on. 1000 ways to die.
Ain’t that the truth.
There was famous case locally where the city of Norfolk decided they could pick up trash for less than they could contract it for. It was just a makework scam for more people to grift off of.
So they went out and bought a bunch of beater trash trucks that kept breaking down. One day, the compactor goes out on a truck and the driver decides to get in it to inspect and suddenly the contactor controlling the compactor starts working again. SQUISH.
That’s what lock out/tag out is for . Our drivers never went in the back. worse they’d do is the clean out.
My father was a Marine between Korea and Vietnam.
He discovered golf when I was still in grade school. So the hunting gear disappeared before I had a chance to learn.
Pater Dean hunted a lot growing up (mostly ducks, a few deer), but didn’t really start hunting again until I was in my 30s when he started Very Serious Quail Hunting with his next door neighbor. They had access to literally hundreds of square miles of good quail country in North Texas, and would each limit out 915 birds) every day they hunted. Texas has a looong quail season.
With that hiatus, though, I never hunted with him as a kid.
He still plays 250 to 300 rounds a year. I play with him on the weekends.
As far as I know, he hasn’t touched a gun in 50 years or so.
Great story! Thanks for sharing – that was really touching. My Dad (actually my step father) also had a nice collection of guns – when he passed, his current wife’s brother swooped in the took his entire collection – us kids got nothing.
Hrmm.. Bolshevik Bill isn’t too popular in Iowa. At least he’s in Iowa, unlike Beta, who decided to campaign in Mexico for some odd reason.
15 fucking months to go. The election can’t get over soon enough.
How do you come away from an event like that and think to yourself “This is worth continuing to pursue.”? Politicians are just that deluded?
Look out, Dems, Bill’s a spoiler and gonna take away from the front runner, said no one ever…
I was thinking about this the other day. Nobody but a psychopath would run for President these days.
“Hey I’m so commie, people hate me in New York City for being too commie. Want to listen to my idea?”
I am convinced that most of the Dem candidates are shams put up to it by the party. I am not convinced that they wont try to trot out Hillary or someone just as bad at the last minute to save the day.
Can anyone think the loony-tunes they have got now are serious candidates? Evacuate to higher ground? Tranny abortions? Free everything? Seize all guns? Nuke Americans? They arent fit for office, they are fit for straight jackets.
They should have played this in the background for all of the debates:
Hillary and Bloomberg are just waiting in the wings without catching any of the criticism the JV squad is throwing at each other right now.
My dad had a walk-in closet lined with guns but sold most of them by the time he passed, about twelve years ago. His pistols he left to a few of his good friends from growing up and from his time as a deputy, but I got the long guns. It’s funny how sentiment works. I’ve got a Norinco SKS that’s about as common as muck but I treat it like it’s a museum piece because it was my dad’s and he loved shooting it.
The first gun I ever bought was a used JC Higgins 12-ga. pump.
Damn, Animal, that was beautiful.
Thanks for introducing us.
I also have my Dad’s Ruger Standard 6″. It is the second most precise pistol I own.
As the Epstein tidbits begin trickling out:
He was taken off suicide watch at the request of his attorneys. I mean, it was nice of them to ask, I suppose (unless they were In On It), but I would think the request would count for nothing against the actual assessment of his risk. So, the question of who signed off on it, and why is still the one that matters, and is unanswered.
Did they also give him a rope?
And it’s possible that it was only a coincidence that he was assigned to a cell with no cellmate despite it being a violation of standard procedure. And that, by greater coincidence, the 24 hour security cameras weren’t pointed into Epstein’s cell, but only aimed at the hallway outside. And, by really wild coincidence, that Epstein chose to make his move at the exact time that the two guards who were supposed to be regularly checking on him decided not to.
How many people that had dirt on the Clintons are pushing up Daisys now?
Ya’ know, most of the time things really are just what they look like.
I was talking about this to a Fed yesterday.
He knew he was fucked. He killed himself so he could leave all of his stuff to his brother. Now, his estate goes to probate without another conviction.
Does NY allow holographic wills? No one trying to make sure a family member gets their loot wants it to go through probate. Or maybe he had a tidy will already; I’ll be curious to hear about that aspect of it.
To go along with your thoughts: maybe what we’ll eventually find out is that the person who arranged for the conspicuous absence of safeguards to protect from his suicide was actually Epstein himself. Dude certainly appears to have had the money to buy off the right people to let him off himself. And how embarrassing would *that* be if it came out?
I think that’s a decent possibility. To me, it’s more likely that someone knew he was suicidal and had the safeguards removed, than someone walking into his cell and offing him. And that someone could have been Epstein. He did have a knack for persuading people to do things for him.
There will be a big hold on all that: expect several lawsuits and claims on the estate from victims. Probate can’t settle until those claims are exhausted and prioritized.
I was talking about this to a Fed yesterday.
*sideways suspicious squint*
3rd grade beginning of year pool party. One of the dads is an FBI agent in charge of the Eastern European division of human trafficking. It’s where Epstein got a lot of his underage girls, actually.
Some of the stories were pretty depressing.
Ahhhh, there’s the answer I was looking for.
I am not a trust and estate lawyer, but I wouldn’t think that the number or kind of criminal convictions on the decedent’s record would make any difference. The estate either goes according to the will, or goes according to the probate rules for intestate estates.
Maybe a criminal conviction would make it easier for some of the people who have or will be suing him, although honestly a lot of his alleged victims are on he wrong side of the civil statute of limitations, so even an attempt to preserve the estate by avoiding another conviction doesn’t make much sense to me.
Especially for a sociopathic narcissist.
I won’t be surprised if after all of the dust settles it turns out his wealth was all smoke and mirrors.
hotels and casinos, or more steaks and real estate courses ?
In my experience most ‘rich’ people’s estates consist primarily of…..debt.
I have more money than almost everyone I know but it really isn’t that much. The trick is I don’t owe anyone anything. Everything I have is mine. House, cars, land, everything is paid for. We live on our credit card and pay everything with it but we pay it off every month. I never let one penny roll over to the next month.
Same here, except for the mortgage. I remember thinking my life would be completely different when I finally got a net worth like what we have now, but except for the nice house (see, mortgage, above), its really not much different.
Except for the lack of stress. I think people just get acclimated to the stress of not being sure they have enough money to cover the bills (including the credit card(s)). When you finally get out of that, it is a tremendous feeling of relief.
The stuff people spend money on never ceases to amaze. The only person I work with that drives an older car than I do is our CEO.
See someone’s comment above about the simple pleasures. Give me a fishing hole, a hike in the woods or just an afternoon sitting and talking BS with my son and I am happy. I wont spend a penny.
I never understood people (I have some in my family) whose idea of a good time is running around throwing stacks of cash in the air and squealing “Wheeeee! Wheeeee!”. Inevitably that is followed by tears and pleas for assistance. “I am sorry, I just don’t have it” is my standard response. Physicists that ponder over what a black hole must look like should just come ask me. I know exactly what one looks like. What is worse is they never seem to learn.
Boredom is underrated.
People look at me funny when I tell them that we’re broke or we can’t afford X or Y or Z. “As a fancy high fallutin’ lawyer, you can’t afford to shop anywhere but Aldi?”
For those who are genuinely curious, I show them the number in my debt snowball that represents how much we have paid off since April 2017. Then they get it. Live on less than you earn, dump the excess into debt/retirement/savings/kids college/etc.
If we werent such dumbasses during my law school, we could own a decent house outright. Instead, we’re continuing to mop up a quarter million dollar mess.
I’ve had that same thought, but he had to have some money to have the houses and other stuff. He had too many assets for it to be *complete* bullshit, though I suspect it will turn out to be mere millions, rather than billions.
He’d be a goddam fool if any significant fraction of it was exposed to civil suits, in any event. Hell, I am several zeros short of being a billionaire, but our assets are locked up tight – almost no way for a plaintiff to get their mitts on anything other than the few thousand bucks I keep in my checking account.
FFS why?
See my suspicion/hypothesis above: he tells his attorneys to get him off of suicide watch so he can off himself.
Hey! Are you a Domestic Terrorist?
FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat
I would note the date on that release, but I’m no terrorist.
I’m not a domestic anything. I’m barely housebroken.
“…a previously unpublicized document obtained by Yahoo News.”
Oooooooookay then.
We got us another one!
FBI twats are the biggest conspiracy theorists of them all.
Meanwhile they can’t catch a cold.
Meanwhile they can’t catch a cold.
Wrong! They stop terrorists!
(I can’t vouch for the site, but I saw links to the original story published several years ago on another site I can’t find)
I just hope they don’t dress us in orange when we’re herded to the camps. I hate orange.
I want to look good while grabbing the fence and yelling AVENGE ME!
“The FBI for the first time has identified fringe conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorist threat, ”
So your saying they are starting to classify wrong think as terrorisim. I’m sure that won’t be used to prosecute those who don’t toe the deep state line.
:Hey, how’d you get in here?!?!:
Leon has been apprehended.
Great story, Animal. Thank ye. Your dad was a lot like my grandfather, who put in just about the same years in WW2. He came back and hunted with his boys, but fishing was his ultimate passion. He liked the quiet solitude of the lake and the chance to smoke his pipe while he watched the line and maybe – just maybe – the radio tuned quietly to the local am station for the baseball game. The simple pleasures, Animal. That’s what they knew: the joy that there is in Life’s simple pleasures.
That’s what they knew: the joy that there is in Life’s simple pleasures.
*looks up from checking Twitter on phone* “Sorry, didn’t quite catch that?”
Your dad was a Marine so you get a pass (and a pretty good chuckle).
You can’t get anymore simple-minded than Twitter.
How can Suu Kyi, an avatar of human rights for so many years, stand by while her government violently tramples them?
Was there a way to know that human rights were truly the principle and goal, that they weren’t just a facade and vector to power? Is control and responsibility always easy? If not, is there any sane and active way to go beyond verbally supporting a principle? Ho, Castro, Lenin . . . so many started with ideals that might have made sense.
Sounding good to the naive is not the same as making sense. A little history, honesty and life experience would have anyone hearing all those ideals run like hell.
It’s not ultimately that difficult to figure out. A great many people fighting for freedom or against injustice aren’t fighting for or against those things as abstract principles or as universals. They’re fighting for those things for themselves.
It’s funny to think in 60+ years my grandkids might be talking about their granddad’s ye olde AR.
“the power sources weren’t small enough for portable lasers so they were slinging lead at each other with hand-cannons.. just like in that grainy Westworld show from cabled television.”
More from Tony Heller.
Don’t mess with Northfield
Roughly two years ago, a Michigan township told retired Ford powertrain dyno-cell technician Ron Dauzet that his 218-car automobile collection did not comply with a local ordinance, and so the vehicles had to go. Since then, the now-76-year-old has scrapped or sold approximately 180 cars, but the township is still after him to finish the job.
well, at least no HOA was involved
One of the first comments compares this guy’s collection to enriching uranium or making meth. Jesus Christ some people just really want to feel the government boot.
Bummer. Looks like some interesting stuff.
Dude should call Sloopy.
My parents once lived in an apartment above an old coot who had a collection of 1920s cars. There was some rare Mercedes with a cracked/broken camshaft that hadn’t run for 50+ years. The dude had enough money to get a new cam made – via a machine shop – and, before he died, got to hear that engine run one last time.
Nice. Preserving history is important.
So Ol’ Ron has this car collection of some 50 years and now the local government retroactively (apparently) passes a law that requires him to essentially forfeit his labor of love. If he had 218 children would the same law apply? I don’t know how those things work and I’m not defending Ron but maybe a guy that age could be grandfathered in. My question is he on his own property? Any hazards/health issues involved?
The real question is who is paying the property tax?
Anyone not paying the property tax should fuck right off.
aaand I found a few cars I would gladly take off his hands. That BMW 2002… the Chevy truck… the Jeepster…. the MG TD convertible
Make you wonder how much money he made off of liquidating the cars. Enough to keep the town in lawsuits for years?
Yeah, once you got done setting bales of $20 bills on fire, that MG TD convertible would be a showstopper.
Because the articles about the study were linked here, saying men didn’t use reusable bags for fear of being thought of as gay. Would you believe that that’s not what the study found?
I usually check before I click through, and usually follow links to TOS.
Glad I did this time. They managed to find a picture of a guy holding reusable bag who totally set off my gaydar.
usually don’t follow
Just because you said that I clicked. The instant the photo loaded I nearly spit my vodka through my nose.
Get with the times guys! XHE is clearly glutensexual.
They managed to arrange the lettuce, bananas, and bread into the shape of a dick and balls right next to his giant smile.
Now, don’t make fun of Robby’s brother.
My god. I’m being taxed to pay for this worthless ‘scientific’ garbage?!?!?!?
Some hero really should mail these scientists some cans of spray paint and instructions on how to huff. A lot of people would be better off if the people who came up with the study idea were to take up huffing paint.
Penguin shit, asshole massages, hookers and gay, necropheliac ducks.
Relatively speaking that study is money well spent.
Well he looks gay to me.
Let me repeat. nothing. left. to. cut.
when Scaramucci makes fun of you
Trump fired back soon after, saying that Scaramucci “knows very little about me other than the fact that this Administration has probably done more than any other Administration in its first 2 1/2 years of existence.”
I’m confused. Scarramucci is saying if Trump doesn’t shape up soon donors are going to leave. What is Trump doing differently than he has been? Why now? Other than “Look at Meeeeeeeeee!”
They can squawk all the want. The man is going to be re-elected.
Is he the one that did the Fandango?
James k Polk?
FDR? and his 100 days rightly or wrongly.
As much as I like Trump’s policies, not all of course (tariffs), his carnival barker stuff drives me crazy too.
The economy would be truly amazing right now if not for his dumb trade wars.
While the stock market likes to have the vapors about every little twitch in our “trade war” with China, I wonder how much its actually impacted our economy.
Trump doesn’t do tariffs as an end in themselves. He does tariffs for negotiating leverage. So I don’t really regard them as a policy.
Thanks to a little help from Netflix and from some of you late-night Glibs (you know who you are) I successfully stayed up all night last night to prep for my EEG for which I was required to be sleep deprived.
Back at home now; gotta wash the electrode glue out of my hair and get some sleep!!
>>wash the electrode glue out of my hair
is that what the kids are calling it these days?
I had to do that when I was a teenager. I really hate being kept awake all night.
But no longer? Good for you!
Of course, now the internet offers many rabbit down which one can tumble in order to stay awake.
My mom thought I was having petiet siezures (my aunt has them and stronger). But they didn’t find anything during the testing.
“Women with power are just as disgusting as men!” says male model who had his pants pulled down by Katy Perry, exposing him in front of her friends.
Aaaaand nothing else happened.
I am reading the headline and the first thing that pops in my head is ‘tiny dick’.
I mean when? I certainly wouldn’t mind 2009 Katy Perry pulling down my pants…
Ya’ know that old thing mom used to say about always having clean underwear on in case you end up in the emergency room? Turns out mom knew what she was talking about. When I ended up in the ER a few weeks ago I suddenly remembered I haven’t owned a pair of underwear in 40 years. Oh well, when you escape violent death by the skin of your teeth having strangers see your butt just doesn’t seem like a big deal.
Josh Kloss needs to get over himself.
Yeah, getting in the ER, ya just gotta remind yourself, “They’ve all seen worse…”
Thank you Animal!
My brother has our grandfathers guns, a Winchester 94 in .32 and a Colt Bisley in .38-40. I got some of my fathers guns (he is still alive, but we had to have the “better two years too soon than two seconds too late” conversation with him.) His Browning Hi-Power came to me, along with his Winchester 100. I have my Uncles Ithaca 37 also. Dads shotgun went to my son. Also a JC Higgins. Dad was a goose hunter in the CA delta, as he was from Stockton.
This is a great story. Thanks. Sorry for the loss of your parents.