¡Buenos dias! Yesterday was a more of an impromptu selection of links I would otherwise have posted this morning…so what to do?
It was to my understanding, Australia solved that whole the mass…murder…thing.
A recession indicator. Perhaps this time both sides might be so preoccupied with owning each other they manage to do exactly nothing in response…yeah I know. Crisis going to waste. BTW the current price of Bitcoin…
Yeah, I’d probably seek damages if I was enough of a wimp to get my ass kicked in a barfight by — Don Lemon?
They’re gonna party like its 1989.
Meanwhile…the NY Times is taking issue with team Trump’s ambivalence over tensions is Asia.
But as violence escalates and old animosities are rekindled across Asia, Washington has chosen inaction, and governments are ignoring the Trump administration’s mild admonitions and calls for calm. Whether it is the internal battles in India and Hong Kong or the rivalry between two American allies, Japan and South Korea, Mr. Trump and his advisers are staying on the sidelines.
The inability or unwillingness of Washington to help defuse the flash points is one of the clearest signs yet of the erosion of American power and global influence under Mr. Trump, who has stuck to his “America First” idea of disengagement, analysts say.
Meh. If they really wanted to do something I’m sure they would do something. Nah, lets do…nothing. Yes, I will feel really bad for Hong Kong and Taiwan, but they fucked up and trusted the Chicoms.
Here’s some tunes. Happy hump day.
A recession indicator. Perhaps this time both sides might be so preoccupied with owning each other they manage to do exactly nothing in response…yeah I know. Crisis going to waste. BTW the current price of Bitcoin… – the goddamn auto market seems in recession I can tell you that.
Gold seems to be going up too. (Chuckles at memory of old troll who used to rant that gold would be below $600/oz…you will see!)
Is silver? It’s been stuck at ~$16/oz for a while.
I see $17.25 current price for silver. Of course I bought a few bars at $21. Sigh.
*bought many years ago
I recently picked up some silver Krugerrands thinking they were replicas, but no, South Africa actually started minting them in silver in 2017. I’m now appalled that I helped fund the racist ANC government at $16/oz
I used to buy in small ounces and stopped in 2017. Price wasn’t moving.
Plus precious metals is heavily manipulated so you have to find time to follow it so closely as to jump on when ‘they’ (whoever they are) make it move.
Isn’t that supposed to be (((they)))?
Wait, guys. The amount of silver and gold in the earth’s crust is close to equivalent, and silvr has more industrial uses than gold. Just sayin’
Au and Ag are the same thing, aren’t they? (cowers a bit since I’m an organic dude and there was incredible inorganic depth demonstrated yesterday on the whole non-molecular metal front)
My guess is that their industrial uses approach the identical, but application rate varies mostly due to cost.
“Is silver? It’s been stuck at ~$16/oz for a while.”
I sold around 20k of it in … I think it was 79 or 80? Anyway, the price was peaked at the time and has never been back there again. I sold all I had shortly after that when I realized the price was just going to keep falling and never be back there again in the near future. I can’t even remember the price now, but it was a lot more than $16 an ounce.
Hyperion confirmed as Bunker Hunt
I was 18 and just got my first out of parents basement, place of my own. I thought I was rich. I had a lot of friends during the month it took me to spend all that money on booze and drugs.
I figure I’m not going to turn a profit, so I’ve been buying rounds as works of art.
Modern engravers are capable of amazing detail.
Turn the silver into jewelry and you can. That’s about the only way with silver that I know of.
If the malodorous assimilated residue of the digestive process ever hits the oscillating air-movement device for real, the only precious metals that will be worth a damn will be brass and lead.
Back in the old days women’s skirt length was the economic indicators that we used. (True). In down times, recessions, skirt lengths got longer, as the economy perked up so did skirt lengths and they got shorter. Some indicators are better than others, obviously.
In the ’30s dresses were long (transvestites hardest hit), then the ’40s came along and women had legs again. Good times abounded. Forget the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we didn’t need all the sciencey stuff with charts, graphs and the dismal science. A look out the window was a better economic indicator.
I seem to recall that correlation also being referenced in a Heinlein book.
Yup. Friday.
NOTE: Mex had these scheduled, but they did not publish. I went to the control board and saw a note: STEVE SMITH GET LINKS! I think he might be a bit frustrated that he was not able to GET ORANJ MAN.
Anyhoo, I cleaned up, replaced a few parts and got it to publish. SP will have to conduct a forensic analysis later on.
It’s too late to apologize
It’s too late
well not apologize per say but you know…
Reminds me of the time an article of mine was scheduled to publish than didn’t.
Thanks, Swiss
It was the thermostat wasn’t it?
I even checked to see if it was plugged in!
But did you reboot it first?
Well, he did kick it twice.
>>It was to my understanding, Australia solved that whole the mass…murder…thing.
You call that a chair? THIS is a chair!
Some day someone will build a chair big enough to destroy the whole world.
The Pope has one.
Yeah, I’d probably seek damages if I was enough of a wimp to get my ass kicked in a barfight by — Don Lemon? – honestly if someone famous attack you, it is more profitable to lose
So what’s the monetary value of your dignity? Because that’s really what you’re haggling over – the amount of money you can get at lawsuit.
So what’s the monetary value of your dignity? I would say bout 100k American… but 1 mil would be better
Fair enough.
It’s a relative thing anyway. I value mine overmuch.
^This guy gets it^
More profitable as long as you don’t lose into the grave. Don’t try to cash in on any boxers or MMA fighters is what I guess I’m saying.
You might be surprised. Connor MacGregor is a wee lad…
Who could probably still kick my ass.
A wee lad who is a crazy and knows how to fight
…but not wrestle!
Alternative headline: “Water is wet, dog bites man, and the pope is a commie.” has the NYT approved of anything the administration’s done since dropping cruise missiles on Syria?
But he was so presidential when he was bombing empty airfields though.
Does NYT publish Krugman? The Krugman that says WW2 ended the Great Depression and aliens invading would have ended the last recession? I’m pretty sure the NYT believes war is the life blood of the state. Why NYT? Why do you want Asia to be poor?
Yes, because they’re racist. Same way they are against “climate change” to prevent Africa from developing.
>> enough of a wimp to get my ass kicked in a barfight by — Don Lemon?
once he takes those glasses off… HULK SMASH!
At this rate, the 2050 HK agreement is going to get scrapped and the ChiComs will just take the place by force.
…by next week.
I know that people in mainland China are largely unaware, but I wonder how many of the HK protesters are aware of the Tiananmen Square massacre?
Very many – they were the only place to hold commemoration/observances. This is what makes them extra brave….they know what is coming, but they are ready to offer up their lives, property and sacred honor for liberty. I wish there were other places where people would do that.
I’m definitely a country mouse, but Hong Kong is my favorite city.
Honey Harvest coming Sep 15th
On my calendar!
Anyone need directions?
yes please
lucky_nickel at protonmail.com
I may have to plan a trip up for next year – I’m beginning to plan my retirement, and most of the plans include acreage in the NC mountains, sourwood trees, and bee hives. It’d be nice to start picking up some knowledge…
Lots of good info via youtube, re:bees
There are probably bee guys in your area, even urban/suburban. Maybe a club locally. Hook up with one on those guys and work with them a few times. I’m guessing they would be happy to show you their knowledge, mostly a friendly group.
If you are in the DC area. I have a friend in the DC area that does bees, he would enjoy showing you and he visited here, taught more in an hour than we had learned in 5 summers.
I’m actually in Florida- I did my time in DC…
*** thousand yard stare into the distance ***
Clubs would involve interaction with people. I don’t like people.
Coming up north for your harvest would be interaction with Glibs. I can tolerate Glibs. In small doses…
Seriously though, I will look into it once I get my property up there. Don’t know if it will make that much of a difference, but I’d probably bee better off learning from the locals how to care for bees in a more temperate, mountainous area rather than tropical, sea level Floridians. But the Floridians could probably teach me how to turn honey into meth…
The HK protesters know about Tianamen Square. They even referenced it at times.
The mainlanders are quite well aware, too. They just don’t go running their mouth off about it…
I would hope we would take HK refugees en masse. And have the NYT criticize Trump for it.
Hmm. 4D chess?
“Wrong kind of people!”
/Richard Carranza
Joseph’s Hornberger talked about this in Lions of liberty. We should let refugees in, but not intervene.
There are closer safe countries. The refugees should go to those.
indeed: Formosa
You think they will be safe there?
If the PLA smashes HK and there are few to no repercussions…I would expect Taiwain to be “reunited” with the PRC within a year.
oh, I have no hope or plans for their safety; it wasn’t a blueprint
I was just having fun with the whole historical run-away-from-China thing
I actually do not care one whit where they go except NIMBY
Don – a not often-reported aspect to China’s economic rise in the 80’s was Deng Xiaoping’s decision to allow Chinese who had fled the commies (most of whom were from southern/southeastern China) to reinvest capital in the Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Many took the opportunity to do so, while remaining offshore in their new homes, scattered throughout the Pacific. Deng also opened up a ferry service between Taiwan and the Mainland and it does an extraordinary daily commerce.
I wish Hong Kong nothing but the best but, let’s face it, they’re fucked. We can’t effectively help them no matter how committed we are.
Not that it’s a good idea, but if we completely cut off China, they would turn into North Korea pretty quickly.
If only Hillary was around to “fix” Asia. *sigh*
There’s their license to kill. I fear Hong Kong has some very dark days ahead. Probably sooner than later.
>>the erosion of American power and global influence under Mr. Trump, who has stuck to his “America First” idea of disengagement, analysts say.
We definitely need to be in a 57-front war. Looking forward to the day when the entire country is drafted to fight everyone else. We can have the 31st NYC Transgender Brigade lead the charge.
“The inability or unwillingness of Washington to help defuse the flash points is one of the clearest signs yet of the erosion of American power and global influence under Mr. Trump…”
Finally, an administration that is not trying to be the world’s hall monitor.
But who will think of the children? (Now that Epstein is dead)
The rest of his social circle?
Roman Polanski?
come on, give the guy a break it was years ago.
It wasn’t rape-rape. He only drugged a 13 year old girl and sodomized her.
Oh come on, she was a party girl.
*taps sarc meter and squints*
Apparently the current administration is conducting a war against children.
It’s about time. Make Kids Quiet Again
Children should be neither seen nor heard.
Mission statement for Planned Parenthood?
Jesus Quintana?
Don’t fuck with the Jesus!
Ahem. Avatar, to be seen.
The Offspring?
R. Kelly ?
defuse the flash points
Did someone delete all the files on the twentieth century? As to ego, it would be great if America could defuse anything. But I’m looking at Iran, El Salvador, VietNam, Iraq, the Dominican Republic, Afghanistan, Philippines, Korea, Nicaragua: where and when exactly did we ever step into something that was none of our business, put out the fires, and leave a healthy and thriving republic in our wake? The urge to manage the world is not merely wrongheaded: it has never brought in even the first crop.
Well we did stop North Korea / China from taking the entire country. SK is a powerhouse now compared to most of the world. That’s all I got.
Where we consider a stalemate a “win”.
I agree whether the blood and treasure was worth it is a debatable matter. But it turned out better than Vietnam.
I take your point.
I’m not arguing that commy SRVN is a great place, but it’s damning with faint praise if we brag that the RoK military dictatorship was better.
They are a military dictatorship?
I take it as we’re, Korean War era. Although it, like Taiwan, was very repressive until fairly recently.
Were. Stupid auto correct.
The RoK such as “UN” left things in 1953 was autocratic and remained so until 1979, so the last thing that the US can say is that 50,000 of us died for democracy there. I’m not cheering for the PRC or the NYT; I’m just saying that the first seven presidents of the RoK were dictators, mostly of the military stripe.
It’s really important to remember (I’m sure you do, of course) that American involvement seems to almost systematically install assholes. The list of rationalizations can be quite sound, but those are never in the recipe for justifying the intervention.
It’s really important to remember (I’m sure you do, of course) that American involvement seems to almost systematically install assholes.
In fairness, usually only assholes can hold the line against other assholes. The US doesn’t go around installing people, they go around supporting the strongest faction that will ally with them.
In fairness
yes, absolutely
that our assholes aren’t the worst assholes isn’t the shining endorsement; that’s about as meaningful as saying we only got 58k killed in VN . . . .coulda been much worse! As I nailed it about, rationalization never ceases.
Somehow the best guy is always a Karzai or a Diem. That’s what your brother died for.
There hasn’t been a successful low-intensity war by a first world power in a lesser tier country since WW2. They all end the same, the foreign power leaving with a busted nose after years of wasted blood and money.
Crimea might be one of the few exceptions, but they were receptive to their invaders.
They were so receptive that I’m not sure that even counts as an invasion. Precisely zero people were killed too.
Quick thought. Not many countries are willing to do what is really needed to be done to win a war (death and destruction by the boatloads) so they come in half-assed and hope it works enough to call it win.
Unless you completely dominate the citizenry, you can’t win. Martin van Creveld has covered this pretty well. In Bosnia, making peace with one commander did not mean that other commanders would honor the truce and it would be broken within days. The violence spreads along cultural and communal lines as opposed to nation-states.
China may be the first threat we’ve seen in decades that represents a return to Clausewitzian warfare between actual nation-states.
The Brits in Malaysia disprove that point within 4 years of WW2.
In my mind, that’s the “exception” that proves the rule. The Brits declared victory and left, and Malaysia still became an independent state. Churchill just just changed what it meant to be “victorious”.
The Malaya Emergency was about stamping out the commies, not stopping independence entirely I thought.
I’m picking my brain here, but as I recall that’s wasn’t the goal when it started. That’s how Churchill redefined success for their intervention as it became evident maintaining colonial rule wasn’t an option.
Sure cherry pick the failures. But what about that time… You know… That one time…
Grenada? 82nd Airborne swooped in and made that country/island a safe haven for American med students that couldn’t get into American schools.
The removal of Noriega in Panama was also relatively smooth (by the standards of such interventions)
Yep, only 23 American servicemen were killed
Also Chile, if you believe conspiracy theories.
no doubt
of course, American manipulations in Panama have not turned out clearly for their good, and such started a full century before Noriega was deposed
I’m too lazy to research if Noriega was actually our fault in some way; someone here is probably an expert: I’ll wait
I did read up on Dominica a moment ago, and it seems Wilson did install a republic
and the Dominicans took a good decade and more to fuck it up, so that’s not on us
and the CIA supplied the guns that took out Trujillo, which lead to another fair election
so let’s give the good old USofA a solid A on the DomRep ?
Everything Trump does is bad. It is known.
If he saved 100 puppies from a fire, the media would find something about it that made it unconscionable.
Well most things probably are… he would not be President otherwise
“Anonymous sources say that the president had the puppies placed in the burning building so he could save them.” -CNN
It’s worse than that, they are criticizing him for inaction. Next: Trump Fails to Fix Global Warming Overnight.
Assertion: Trump saved 112 puppies! By himself!
Politifcact: False. It was 106 and only 100 were by himself.
Trump supports the proliferation of one of the world’s top 5 deadliest animals!
Yup. Those were GMO Puppies.
OK, NYT – point out how NOT getting involved in all this is a sign of “eroding power”?
And if it was the Obama administration the NYT would have assured us how the administration was being all diplomatic and statesmanship like and working quietly behind the scenes.
Let’s just breath a sigh of relief that Australian man didn’t use a gun. Gun violence is unacceptable. It’s good for people to be challenged to use improvised weapons to defend themselves, otherwise they would be participating in gun violence.
Does any other weapon get its own special label like “gun violence”? I eagerly await our media betters to describe a stabbing as “knife violence” or a beating as “fist violence”…
Aktchually, I think in Airstrip One, they do refer to all the stabbiness as “knife violence” or such, right?
Look to the UK and check out their “common sense” knife control.
And their door to door confiscation of kitchen knives.
And street corner knife drop-boxes.
Dildo violence….
Go on…
“‘Significantly brave’ bystanders use chairs and a milk crate to trap man on stabbing rampage in Sydney”
One, maybe two victims, is a rampage?
That doesn’t even reach the ‘Mass-stabbing event’ threshold.
See, a good guy with a chair can’t help you against a bad guy with a knife.
A semi-automatic rifle is now a weapon of mass destruction and a wacko killing people is domestic terrorism so things can’t be that bad if we can lower the threshold.
Evelyn “Treasure Chest” West (January 30, 1921 – November 14, 2004[1]), a.k.a. Evelyn “$50,000 Treasure Chest” West, and “The Hubba-Hubba Girl”, was a vedette and burlesque legend of the forties, fifties, and sixties.
A fixture at the Stardust on the old DeBaliviere Strip in St. Louis, Evelyn West was best known for her large (39½ inch) bustline. She was reported to have insured her breasts for $50,000 through Lloyd’s of London in 1947.[3][4]
Q a ruling, is that worth 50k? NSFW, there are other pics in google image search
Well that picture don’t work. Whatever ignore this.
I got a 403: Forbidden error.
Yeah at one time it worked than didn’t. I wanted to search for another but I to am at work and decided searching for one is enough. Then again I am about to leave and can do so on my phone
“Lambada, the Forbidden Dance”
“403, the Forbidden Error”
*narrows gaze*
Hey, that is kinda fun.
CPI indicates that’s $600k in 2019
Evelyn West tribute video (Ken Burns style). Warning: Fifties bullet bras will put your eye out.
Ehh, fuck you, HTML.
“Yes, I will feel really bad for Hong Kong and Taiwan, but they fucked up and trusted the Chicoms”
I’m sure there was some trust in the US too, but agreed. Sometimes I start to think libertarians are a little harsh for calling the corporate press warmongers. Each time they do this and remind me that it is completely true.
I’m sure there was some trust in the US too, but agreed.
Taiwan is in a much better position to expect support from the US. Not only do they have much closer ties (including weapons deals), Taiwan also benefits from having a 110 mile stretch of water between themselves and the Chicoms, meaning any military conflict could potentially be decided entirely by air and sea, without having to fight a land war in Asia.
Barstool Sports founder tells AOC to take a seat and debate
Nice. We need to see more of this. People calling her out to explain, debate, etc.
But he has to make sure she doesn’t get an earpiece so her handlers can read her script right into her ear.
Meh, she’ll go with the usual “I don’t owe a man anything” and all of her followers will fall all over themselves congratulating her on her win.
Headline: “AOC clapping back about unions is a real mood”
Good for him. More people like this are needed.
She won’t because she’s a loser-zero.
“Here’s some tunes. Happy hump day.”
What do you call that style of animation? I see it all over the place.
Low budget. I would call that Hanna-Barbera style low budget animation.
That does not look like that hanna-Barbera did. They used a technique called ‘limited animation’, which reused large chunks of cels to save on costs.
I’d call what popped up in that video seizure-inducing, because I couldn’t stand to watch more than two seconds.
Right click=>open in new tab. Play then navigate to another tab…
The Trump administration has taken a hands-off approach to conflicts — from Kashmir to Hong Kong to the rivalry between Japan and South Korea — as Asian officials escalate the battles.
Some of these things are none of our business. But I suspect the China thing has to do with the current trade negotiations.
clearest signs yet of the erosion of American power and global influence under Mr. Trump
How can our power and influence be eroding if we are being led by Der Drumpfenfuhrer?
I would love to have the NYT explain how @#$%ing Kashmir is even remotely our concern. Japan and South Korea are run by adults, they can work this stuff out. What would the NYT have ORANJ MAN do about HK? They wet themselves in anger over his clumsy tariffs…is he supposed to threaten blockade? War?
Our only concern with Kashmir should be keeping the nutjobs from launching nukes.
The Japanese and the Koreans are not going to suddenly start fighting, certainly not with China in the background.
There is nothing the NYT would “want” Trump to do, except go away and take the GOP with him.
This leftists attacking Trump from the right on foreign policy and war thing is dangerous. An anti-war stance is one of the few things the left got right.
absolutely, but
#Resist > principles
“An anti-war stance is one of the few things the left got right.”
I remember the left saying it, but then not actually doing it.
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.CNN’s ratings.I remember when they flipped out about crazy, warmonger Trump agitating for armaggedon with North Korea. Shortly thereafter he was a wussy dictator suck-up for meeting with ‘lil Kim.
Shouldn’t we be happy American influence is waning in this age of Trump? NYT has often said that he cozies up to dictators, and bad actors. So we should be glad his ability to do damage is limited.
FWIW I think what’s happening in Kashmir is Bullshit, but also none of our business from a national standpoint.
Super massive black hole news…
First SMOD and now black holes spewing matter. What next?
Dammit, Chips!
Black, blue, and bloodied
Hope and Change 2.0
“If this campaign is about anything, it’s asking people to ask the simple question of why not — why can’t we do it? Why was it acceptable for the Congress — against my vote — to bail out … the crooks on Wall Street in 2008? But when it comes to young people today who are struggling … ‘Well, we can’t do that, it’s too radical.’
“What this campaign is about is asking the American people to consider: why not — why can’t we do it?” he repeated.
Likewise, he said, it should be possible for the U.S. to “guarantee health care as a human right.”
Sanders repeated a line he has used at other events, labeling President Donald Trump as a bigot: “I never, ever would have believed that we would have a president who is an overt racist, and a xenophobe, and a sexist.”
He also told supporters that his campaign was best-placed to defeat Trump, adding: “We need to transform the economics of this country and the politics of the country, and we think we are the best campaign to do that as well.”
Echoing the slogan of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, Sanders declared: “In the end, they are the one percent, and we are the 99 percent, and 99 is a lot bigger than one.”
On recent mass shootings, Sanders blamed Republican leaders for stopping gun control legislation: “You have a Republican Party intimidated by the N.R.A. — that’s it, end of discussion.” It was just one more example, he said, of a powerful, wealthy special interest group standing in the way of change.
One woman asked Sanders about the Trump administration’s recent overhaul of the Endangered Species Act. He replied: “My God, we are losing specie after specie [sic], it’s a terrible thing.”
A left-wing Jewish supporter from Vermont asked Sanders what he would do to end the Israeli “occupation.” He said that the U.S. should use its financial leverage over Israel to oppose its “racism,” though he also said Palestinian leaders were “corrupt.” He said the U.S. should “use our clout to bring people together” for peace in the region.
“In the end, they are the one percent, and we are the 99 percent, and 99 is a lot bigger than one.”
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not part of the “we” that own three big houses.
You’re not glibbing right.
“I never, ever would have believed that we would have a president who is an overt racist, and a xenophobe, and a sexist.”
He never thought a Republican would win.
Sounds like he never thought he would win.
So he’s forgotten the 19th century?
and the 20th. LBJ for one.
Yup. AFACT, every criticism of Trump applies equally or moreso to LBJ.
I’ll just leave this here:
Libertarian Party of Maryland to host cornhole tournament
Hosted by Jimmy Weeks.
Jimmy made my hole weak!
Will they be able to agree on the scoring rules?
“1 for on the board, 3 for in the hole. back to previous score if you go over 21”
“You’re an idiot! 2 for in the hole and back to 15 if you go over 21”
I was flipping channels and that crap is on ESPN now. WTF?
That was the Ladies League. The Men’s Pro Tournament will air in prime time
Worse: it was co-ed.
At least they’re doing something useful…
Will there also be Mexicans and weed?
WeWork released its much-anticipated IPO prospectus, joining a flurry of tech companies going public in 2019.
The filing comes as WeWork, which rebranded to the We Company, is widely expected to go public as soon as September. WeWork was recently valued at $47 billion after SoftBank, the company’s biggest backer, invested an additional $2 billion in January.
In the filing released Wednesday, the company reported revenues of $1.54 billion and a net loss of more than $900 million for the first six months of 2019. The company also reported that it had 527,000 members as of June 30, an increase of more than 90% from the year before.
WeWork has 528 locations, up from 485 at the end of the first quarter of 2019, and said it plans to open 169 new locations. The company said 50% of its memberships are based outside of the U.S. and that enterprise customers, which made up 40% of its memberships, are its fastest growing membership type.
“We have grown significantly since our inception,” the company said in the filing. “Our membership base has grown by over 100% every year since 2014. It took us more than seven years to achieve $1 billion of run-rate revenue, but only one additional year to reach $2 billion of run-rate revenue and just six months to reach $3 billion of run-rate revenue.”
The company also confirmed in the filing that it plans to raise up to $6 billion in debt that it expects to close along with the IPO.
I think I’ll pass.
tech companies
I know what they mean, but I wish there was a better term than tech companies for what are really just “online interfaces for legacy services.” To me tech is toys: materials, mechanics, cellphones, and computers per se. If I get a date, hail a ride, or buy toilet paper, that I did it via app just doesn’t seem particularly tech to me.
^SO much this.
“Esther Choo, MD MPH
White people can be exhausting. Just an observation.
5:03 AM – 21 Jun 2019”
Nice lady. Love the comments. Smart people.
Saurabh Jha
Jun 21
Replying to @choo_ek
My people are worse. Half the men are called “Raj” & the other half call themselves “Sanj.” Plus they dance weird at weddings
44 replies 5 retweets 504 likes
A couple of colleagues seemed to be stunned by her comment. Notice her response.
Bad and arrogant soul.
The hospital has her back. OR residents, plan your care accordingly.
Indeed. Avoid her like the plague.
I love how you’re a ‘white supremacist snowflake’ if you dare call her out for her ignorant racism.
Oh. And Twitter gave her the ‘ok’ and left the blue check. She then bragged about it.
Like I said. Dorsey is a punk jerk off.
Yeah she’s setting up a circular trap.
“White people are exhausting”
::someone disagrees::
“See, white people are exhausting::
She even says as much in the OP. Why fall for a Troll?
“Chinks are exhausting.” is the only appropriate response.
Yeah the hospital backing her. Essentially saying her outright racism is merely a political statement. And then she uses Twitter ad evidence that reverse racism isn’t real, which no thinking person can actually believe.
WTF is wrong with asian doctors on Twitter?
They’re exhausting.
Sand is particularly troublesome when the cooter is sideways.
Thanks for the cancer.
Damn Muppets.
In an effort to sway investors, the company has tried to differentiate its losses from money-losing ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft, which both went public earlier this year. CFO Artie Minson told CNBC’s Deirdre Bosa in May that investors should view WeWork’s losses as “investments,” adding that renting out work space is a “proven business model.”
The company has been expanding beyond co-working spaces and into new markets. It has launched communal housing complexes under its WeLive business, as well as early education schools called WeGrow.
When we burn cash, it’s for a good reason.
Losses are Investments.
Freedom is Slavery.
War is Peace.
One woman asked Sanders about the Trump administration’s recent overhaul of the Endangered Species Act. He replied: “My God, we are losing specie after specie [sic], it’s a terrible thing.”
Nobody needs ten thousand different kinds of birds.
But the cost in gold and silver is bankrupting us.
His reasoning is….
I think that’s like a triple word score right there, Warty. Punning on two different comments simultaneously. Instead of a narrowed gaze, maybe you get widened eyes!
Why is it America’s job to help Hong Kong? Where’s Britain? Oh right….never mind.
“Brutal oppression is just an expression of Chinese culture, we have no right to interfere,” -MP from Londonistan.
Britain is too busy threatening to jail people for making fun online at the hairstyles in mugshots.
I am not kidding
Christopher Cuomo is an embarrassment to Italians
As an American of Italian descent, I don’t know any Italian, other than Fredo Cuomo, who thinks “Fredo” is a slur against Italians. Certainly, it is not remotely close to the N-word.
“Fredo” has entered the popular culture to refer to a dim-witted man who gets by because of family connections such as having a smarter brother or father paving the way for his success. As everyone knows, the brilliant actor John Cazale played Fredo in The Godfather 1 and 2. Fredo Corleone was upset that his younger brother, Michael, had the brains and guts to take over the family business….
Cuomo knows that “Fredo” is not a slur against Italians. It is a reference to stupid, weak men who get by because of family connections. Cuomo got his job at CNN because of his ability to trash Trump and parrot the CNN line, and mainly because of Andrew and Mario Cuomo. But he chose to pose as a victim subject to nonexistent ethnic slurs. This is ridiculous and an insult to Italians who faced real ethnic slurs, and an insult to blacks to compare the word “Fredo” with the N-word.
Moreover, Fredo Cuomo joked that he is “Fredo” during a radio interview with Curtiss Sliwa in 2010.
Cuomo pretends “Fredo” is a slur against Italians, so he reacts to the word “Fredo” by threatening and swearing like the Joe Pesci character in Goodfellas or like Robert DeNiro in real life threatening President Trump. Cuomo acts like a cheap, vulgar thug.
Fredo Cuomo is an embarrassment to Italians. He acted like a cafone, Italian for a boorish, ill mannered, and uncouth person.
The funniest part was that his reaction to being called ‘Fredo’ was to act almost exactly like ‘Fredo’.
Cafone indeed.
And a chooch.
Andrew legalize infanticide.
Both are cilones.
And sure enough, he’s now “Fredo” for life.
Incoming! A whole bunch of crazy…
The Right Wing Is Dominant – And Real Courage Means Standing Against It
“A radically libertarian capitalist agenda is being pushed through in the world of economics. ”
They keep saying this and getting my hopes up.
well if it is, Al thinks we’re not doing it right
I give you dollar, you give me doughnut?
You’re being overcharged if you pay a dollar a doughnut.
I put the spare change in the box to help the less fortunate – the guy behind the register so he can score some weed.
“A radically libertarian capitalist agenda is being pushed through in the world of economics. ”
:Looks at democratic presidential candidates:
That’s why they are all pushing further state intervention in the economy.
Anyone can just make shit up like that.
I live in the suburbs… and have land out in podunk nowhere, the kind of place where fruit farmers rule. And – surprise! – I haven’t heard any slurs about different races or sexuality.
And regarding the latter place, we’re talking a place with a lot of transient ::cough Mexican:: workers. So much that there is a Hispanic grocery store and a church.
Ahem. I think you mean “Hispanx”.
I thought that was a brand of men’s underwear.
*Opera applause*
It comes with a free taco /euphemism intended
The last several times I heard someone say fag or dyke, it was someone referring to themselves. You’re more likely to hear slurs such as mick, pollack or dago then anything worse. And again, usually self-referential.
Funny I only ever hear/see dyke in reference to the flood conrol device near Dyke Road, or said road itself.
and side snip pliers
The dike is on Dyke road?
My mistake.
Dyke Ave.
A living wage is an impossible dream, for many in the working class. – is it though? people who work and get a skill and don’t do particularly dumb shit do not have at least a shot at a good wage?
More than a shot – it’s almost a sure thing.
Work hard, delay gratification, save as much as you can and – BOOM!- you have a nice life.
And don’t have a kid out of wedlock.
It’s almost like you having a good life isn’t anybody else’s problem.
The very idea!
As both you and Tundra suggest, it’s much closer to a certainty unless you really screw up. And that’s not even what the debate is about. The question is whether only jobs that pay a “living wage”, enough to support oneself and one’s family should exist on the labor market. This is the claim of the left. And, honestly, I think it’s one of the most incredibly cruel proposals I’ve encountered. In effect, it’s a proposal to take all of the country’s marginal workers and lock them out of the labor market. It’s telling not only poorly educated minorities, but mothers looking to re-enter the labor force, students, older people looking to supplement their retirement, “No, you don’t get to have a job.”
and special needs kids. It’s going to be tough for my autistic son to get a job after high school.
Back in the day he could have done _something_ in the menial realm. But at $15/hr or more, his chances of finding employment shrinks.
So, chances are, he will live on disability – provided the country still stands – long after I’m dead ‘n’ buried.
respectful question: does he have interests or abilities that could lead to self-sufficiency?
sometimes talents express themselves in weird ways, like that welder who always has a better way to do something than I drew up
He’s a smart kid, can solve puzzles in video games, memorize reams of information, but has a hard time with social situations, or understanding danger.
An example: salesman knocks on front door. LH Jr will just open the door, look at the salesman, and then walk away, leaving the house open. I’ve come downstairs and seen someone just standing there looking confused.
We now tell him not to open the door for anyone. But he’ll take it literally and not open the door for the police or fire crew or even us… argh! Don’t lose your keys 😉
Also ex-cons who are trying to straighten up and do things right.
It reveals incredible intellectual laziness to think that minimum wage is helpful to any marginal workers.
regularly rated as happiest
Subjective is as subjective does.
Yea, those “happiness” rankings always set off my bullshit detector.
How to you quantify happiness from polling data? How do you know that every person in the poll has the same benchmark by which to judge their own happiness? How does it account for the fact that people can be happy with one area of life but unhappy with another?
Then, on top of all that, you’re going to conduct this poll across nations that speak different languages, have different connotations with the various words for happiness, and may have different cultural ideas of what a good life is?
Get the fuck outta here.
and by physique, we mean altered by a plastic surgeon
Anagram for Demi Rose:
Ride Me So
More Side
“Mike Tyson reveals he smokes $40,000 worth of pot a MONTH at his cannabis vacation ranch where guests are invited to take as much marijuana as they want”
Libertarian moment?
Does he invite illegal immigrants to smoke there?
Damn. Boxers got big lungs.
Friend of mine was running a grow operation sometime in the 90s. He pretty much toked all day every day for years and years. He told me that back then he would cough up huge gummy brown weed residue every time he took a shower.
Stop taking showers, problem solved
“where guests are invited to take as much marijuana as they want”
Looks like his ranch just made my travel itinerary.
I swear this entire time I thought Mike Tyson was broke.
He is broke. He’s a “Brand Ambassador”. He’s a marginal celebrity/sports legend that is being used by someone (most likely a swindler) to generate interest in a desert resort scheme that will never come to fruition.
Best case scenario; Tyson gets to smoke a bunch of weed for a couple of years. Worst case scenario; Tyson goes to prison for a couple of years when he gets blamed for the scam/scheme. He’s a patsy.
He’s a “Brand Ambassador”.
Like Tiger Woods with Rolex, Nike, et al? Sounds like a nice gig if you can swing it.
“Prison guards who were supposed to be checking on Jeffrey Epstein were ‘ASLEEP and faked log entries’ to make it look like they observed billionaire paedophile on night he ‘killed himself'”
“Hey, Vinnie, some shady mob lawyer type says he’ll pay us twenty grand each to take a shift nap and fake the logs like we always do. And free union representation if a certain pedo inmate just happens to commit suicide then.”
“China ‘bans two US warships from visiting Hong Kong’ and accuses Washington of being ‘the black hand’ behind the city’s ‘terrorist’ protesters amid an intensifying political row”
Interesting career move
She’s obviously directing because she couldn’t pass the STD medical to act in one.
Is she acting or just directing?
Indeed interesting. Once in porn, you have to stay there. It’s Hotel California. Few – if any – can go porn and then mainstream.
I love the extreme porn stars who did gang bangs and everything else in between who announce they’re going ‘mainstream’ only to learn society stigmatized them. And act surprise about it.
You have to go Nancy Suitor or Lauren Phoenix and ‘disappear’ if you want a fighting chance to make it all go away.
What ever happened to them anyway?
Sylvester Stallone?
I reckon it’s easier for men. TIME FOR AN ACADEMIC TO LOOK INTO THIS!
You’re correct, Traci Lords sort of made it and that’s about it.
There is some quote – which I won’t search for at work – from her complaining how men could break away from porn and get into acting but not women.
speaking of Traci – little did we know in the 80s that we were watching “CP”.
I’ve actually never seen any of her adult work. I found out about her from watching Cry-Baby back in the day. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
… complaining how men could break away from porn and get into acting but not women.
Well, nobody watches the men in porn, amirite?
*Checks avatar, nods in agreement*
Tracy Lords had some limited success for a while. Of course, no one ever forgot where she came from.
And her back catalog was almost entirely deleted.
I lot of her stuff got pulled when it was discovered she had used a fake I.D. and did a lot of those movies as well as a Penthouse shoot as a minor.
Mia whatshername that you guys were so agog about recently?
Different Mia. He Means Mia Khalifa. You know, the one who was in Romeo Must Die.
Ginger Lynn Allen
Teenage me loved Ginger Lynn.
Sunny Leone is a Bollywood thing now. I guess that counts.
quite the renaissance woman at 21 actor author director mathematician
First Fredo and now Sour Lemon. CNN is on a roll.
How CNN continues to function is a mystery.
I look forward to the day when Fox finally gets the airports.
It will be their ‘Carthage must burn’ moment over CNN.
They’re being skinsuited first.
They should play CNN if the TV is by a gate flying to a Blue Enclave and Fox if you’re flying to a Red Enclave.
You’re killing me, Trump
American farmers already stung by President Donald Trump’s trade wars now face billions of dollars in potential losses as controversial data from the U.S. government snuffs out a rally in corn.
The Agriculture Department on Monday said farmers planted a bigger corn area than analysts estimated and pegged crop yields that also exceeded expectations, sparking the biggest rout in futures since 2013. That was a blow to growers who were holding back supplies, hoping a rally that started in May due to delayed sowing would extend through the fall.
The decline represents a potential loss of almost $3.5 billion for U.S. farmers, according to the American Farm Bureau, and is another setback for them after prices fell following the USDA’s previous acreage report, which was widely criticized for containing outdated data.
The latest data is compounding the pain from the trade war between Washington and Beijing, which has significantly reduced purchases from the world’s largest soybean buyer. Policy uncertainty has also hit the farm economy as a new U.S. deal with Mexico and Canada is yet to be passed. What’s more, the government is allowing 31 oil refineries to go without blending ethanol into fossil fuels, hurting demand for corn.
If only the Ministry of Plenty were allowed to tell those farmers what to plant, and how much, we would be better off.
Ag is 5% of GDP, and $3.5B is a rounding error on it.
I continue to refuse to believe that these troubles are important in the long run; few people have fallen out of the habit of eating.
I know in Ohio, the soybean farmers are getting hit hard by China purchases drying up. Lack of demand hurting both prices and product sold.
Beans are big here as well.
But the price was down 50% before the Trump fun.
And the macro needle can’t move: too much eating to be done; just beans going in circles.
Short run, the options and silo games create winners and losers; again, that was always true, even before Trump.
The farmers I know are like everyone else: always happy to pretend that the latest perturbation is there problem, not their choices, their management skills, or the structural situation they continue to embrace.
My people quit being bitter about farming many, many decades ago and just moved on.
Farmers are the biggest welfare queens and always have been. I’m surprised we freak out about illegal immigration when we have these fucks living in our country already.
I thought flooding/drought/climate change had eliminated all agriculture this year and we were lucky to get tree bark at inflated prices. Farmers need more reconciliation (Trump Bailouts) for their losses.
/not intended to include those who really did suffer losses
“I thought flooding/drought/climate change had eliminated all agriculture this year”
It’s almost too late, but we still have [fill in number here], I mean ask the experts, they can give you the numbers on when it’s actually too late, this time.
“‘They are more worried about bikinis than drugs and our homeless crisis’: Washington coffee stand boasting baristas in G-strings slams city council after they told scantily-clad servers to cover up”
We have to protect these ignorant women from agency and free will. Also, that’s a nice ass.
Oh FFS. My dad used to sell sporting goods. OSU was one of the most difficult universities for product manufactures and suppliers to work with. They had to be dicks about everything.
You will be hard pressed to find more petty people than those who never managed get a real job and are stuck in academia.
*Checks current e-mail thread involving member of department. Nods in sad/angry agreement*
Our European visitors are important to us.
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Another item on THE List of reasons to hate OSU.
anOSU has really besmirched that acronym for Oregon and Oklahoma.
Pokes are good folks
Some Walmart buyer apparently can’t tell the difference between logos and bought a bunch of Ok State stuff for a store here. Cracked me up as I have relatives from Ok and recognized it immediately.
I was only in Oklahoma for a short while but it seemed like an Ok state.
It’s an amazing place when you consider that it’s the place we pushed off on the Indians so that we could keep Mississippi.
I dated a merchandiser for Fossil once. That was half her job: making sure blingy Chinese watches with various logos shipped in proper proportion to regional markets.
Fun Fact: They emphasize the “The” so as to not be confused with the Bobcats.
Yet their band spells out the Bobcats name instead of their own.
Let’s start selling “DUH OHIO STATE UVINSERITY” shirts.
Love it.
That sounds about what I would expect from OSU. Overreaching, annoying, and pointless.
“Yeah, I’d probably seek damages if I was enough of a wimp to get my ass kicked in a barfight by — Don Lemon?”
That’s a completely credible accusation (TM) of sexual assault.
Sounded like Lemon was hitting on him. I must’ve missed the asskicking.
OK – time to get my poop in a group. See you all Sunday evening. Maybe.
Damn man, if it takes that long, get some Metamucil or something.
You must be really backed-up.
I hope everything comes out alright.
I understand, sometimes you just have to take of shit.
someone is really stuck on the crapper
Did you run out of Skippy for your sandwich and use a packet of MRE PB instead, because it wasn’t that bad?
Nah, he used that to make some MRE fudge and spread it on the pound cake.
I like how the Marine Corps taught me how to ‘regulate’ myself by selectively eating various packets in the MRE at certain times:
Don’t want to shit while you’re out for a short three-day field ex? Stock up on peanut butter, Boys, and trade out the cheddar!
Just coming back in from the field and not feeling the necessary… motility? I’ll take “MRE coffee plus some cheese spread” for $800 Alex (and I call dibs on the commode once we finish cleaning weapons!)
Homoerotic what?
Time for a New Look at Nazi Art
What about the ballet?
I know I’m breaking into this thread, but Nazi ballet…
Oh, I want the truth to be known
Why do I find it hard to write the next line?
The Original Jeffrey Epstein:
Stray Cat Blues
The Rolling Stones
I hear the click-clack of your feet on the stairs
I know you’re no scare-eyed honey
There’ll be a feast if you just come upstairs
But it’s no hanging matter
It’s no capital crime
I can see that you’re fifteen years old
No I don’t want your I.D.
And I’ve seen that you’re so far from home
But it’s no hanging matter
It’s no capital crime
Oh yeah, you’re a strange stray cat
Oh yeah, don’tcha scratch like that
Oh yeah, you’re a strange stray cat
Bet your mama don’t know you scream like that
I bet your mother don’t know you can spit like that.
You look so weird and you’re so far from home
But you don’t really miss your mother
Don’t look so scared I’m no mad-brained bear
But it’s no hanging matter
It’s no capital crime
Oh, yeah
I bet your mama don’t know that you scratch like that
I bet she don’t know you can bite like that
You say you got a friend, that she’s wilder than you
Why don’t you bring her upstairs
If she’s so wild then she can join in too
It’s no hanging matter
It’s no capital crime
Oh yeah, you’re a strange stray cat
Oh yeah, don’tcha scratch like that
Oh yeah, you’re a strange stray cat
I bet you mama don’t know you can bite like that
I’ll bet she never saw you scratch my back
In the universities, in the arts, and in some branches of politics, a centrist left is pushing back against a far-right movement that bears too many similarities with other far-right movements that have caused such horror in our recent past.
This guy’s reality distortion field is stuck on 11.
centrist left
Yeah, sure. Whatevs you say.
“That’s not a chair, THIS is a chair!”
::leaves in a second and a huff::
Sorry Lord H! Please make it a quick death.
something nice like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x2C4LMBGI8
Missed it by, well, quite a lot.
Heh. So did I, Gustave.
SJWednesday: What Do You Call It When You Stereotype People With Differing Skin Color?
Fuckin’ white chicks, amirite sister?
I am so glad to have been fortunate enough to have neither worked nor lived in this strange racist world that these proggies talk about. I’ve lived in SoCal, South Louisiana, and now Nashville. I just don’t believe any of this is real.
Halp, I’m being repressed I have to do what everyone else does to get ahead.
Giving “common sense” career advice on office life that everyone should have read or been told about before. Throwing in a few Beckys and Bretts to make it clear that this advice is specifically for POC not just generic standard workplace behavior.
“As Black and Brown women, we just want to do our job, do it well, and get the hell out of Dodge”. “And if women of color don’t act like we want to be “friends” in the workplace, then tons of assumptions are made about us — fill in the stereotype here”
Here’s an situation: I really like random “POC’s” work and might consider them for the promotion, but I don’t know if they could handle the social situations that might come up when customers or management visit. I have no experience on which to make a decision as “POC” employee never attends social events, customer or management meals, so I feel like I just don’t know them very well.
Put any personal trait or any name in the place of POC and it still applies in most offices.
I’m not saying it’s allways right, but it happens.
Attributing behaviors to skin color .. there’s some word for that, but it escapes me at the moment.
SO I managed to get to 25 kph on the scooter but I also slammed the damn thing in my ankle. The long platform bit no idea how to call it can swing about if you are not careful
Join the club. My wife and daughter went out on scooters to get the mail. Wife comes back with mangled ankle/achilles from scooter. When showing me, daughter is like: “I know! Those things are terrible!” Evidently, this is the deal with scooters, hence why I ride a motorcycle.
best and brightest…
SC deputy caught in child sex sting by his own department
At least the sheriff fired him on the spot. That makes SC better than Florida.
“ during which deputies pretended to be 13- to 15-year-old girls and chatted with men online”.
Oh man, you’re like totally hot, Dude.
“What’s your favorite Pokemon, mister?”
My mom doesn’t let me do anything! I’m not a baby!
It was all part of the investigation, honest!
Odds that his defense will be that he was running a parallel investigation?
How is this kind of thing not entrapment?
Why do you hate kids?
during which deputies pretended to be 13- to 15-year-old girls
That and the fact he was *actually* talking to adults, despite what he thought. But the rules are made up and facts don’t matter because fytw.
I always said the best defense is to claim you have a fetish for adult male cops pretending to be young girls.
SA is on its way to being a failed socialist state
speaking of:
“The higher taxation the NHI necessitates will accelerate the emigration of skills and capital while deterring investment and economic growth.”
I didn’t even know they needed more taxes to help with that, I thought they were taking care of that one murder and a land grab at a time?
We may not be all that far behind them.
I thought everything was going to be fine once they took the land from the white farmers and redistributed it.
Maybe we could steal a bit from the Cultural Revolution ourselves – dig up Alinsky’s corpse and set it on fire. That was one poisonous motherfucker.
What does the NYT want Trump to do,
tariffsanction China?Yeah pretty sure he already is.
See, your problem here, it’s understanding how things work in the real world. If Obama is president, more docile, mind our own business America (we can’t be the leaders anymore) is good, if Trump is President, we totally need to intervene all over the world or we’re weak. Get lurnt already!
But as soon as he does that the narrative will change to Trump being a warmonger. I recall they wanted to have the last Iran issue both ways.
“But as soon as he does that the narrative will change to Trump being a warmonger. ”
See, you’re getting lurnt.
We just need a new first POC potus so that they can fly around bowing to despots or bombing wedding parties of 3rd world sheep herders and it will always be all rose colored glasses world.
We just need a new
first POCDemocratic potus so that they can fly around bowing to despots or bombing wedding parties of 3rd world sheep herders and it will always be all rose colored glasses world.No Repub POC is a true POC.
“we just need a new first POC Democratic potus”
To be assumed, because Rethuglicans would never let a negro near their whitehouse, and even if they did, not real black person, Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima, no woke, none brave.
No, they want Trump to acquiesce like the light-bringer would do.
Work just initiated a in house social media app for our company. Hard pass on installing that crap on my phone. We have nothing better to do with our time and resources than this? Our manufacturing manager is excited and wants his guys to use it. They should be fabricating and welding not taking selfies and posting.
Also, that Windows 10 update. Uffda
My boss signed up the entire department for slack so we can “collaborate”. You know you could just call (if I’m at home) or send an email.
My clients are all old fashioned and stuff, we use Skype for Business. I mean we could socialize on it if we wanted. Who wants to socialize with their co-workers? *looks around for show of hands, sees nothing…*
My boss told me yesterday that I should do yoga with her at our company fitness center. I would except I don’t want to.
Next she will ask you to rub here bumps?
That’s how it starts. Next thing you know, JB is painting her toenails and then she starts manspreading and uncle one eyed willly starts peeping out and … that’s not a woman baby! *barf*, yeah, never do yoga with your boss.
You’re being harassed, get thee down to the Title 9 store on the pronto.
Our nutjobs are excited about rolling out MS Teams. They’ve also gone on about not sending emails because they distract and delay. (Also, they’re a permanent, well semi permanent, record and anyone can be looped in as needed.
I see more compartmentalization and walling off than ever.
“They’ve also gone on about not sending emails because they distract and delay. (Also, they’re a permanent, well semi permanent, record and anyone can be looped in as needed.”
Um, WTF? I mean that permanent record thing, isn’t that sort of the point?
Me: Yeah, we did that intentionally, because you asked me to.
Client: That’s not how I remember it.
Me: I’ll forward you that email.
Client: *crickets*
Me: I’ll forward you that email.
my favorite move: stab a guy in the forehead with an icepick . . . . his own icepick
Client: Well, you knew that that’s not the way we normally do things so you should have asked for clarification.
I’ll forward that email as well.
Mine did too with Slack or something similar. Nobody used it, and after a couple years it went away.
There are some nice features like screen sharing on slack. But mainly it’s a way to see who is actually working, how long you’ve been away from your desk, and make sure you can be reached anytime, anywhere.
Oh lord. The 8 person, all in one building, company that I am a sort of part time General Counsel for went to slack to “fix communication” issues. It is the modern version of magical thinking. Problem: Boss doesn’t want to be pestered, but employees contact them for needed info. Solution: Keep trying new communication apps because admitting that Boss just doesn’t want to be bothered is too hard.
optimize first
automate second
root causes are the root cause
Windows 10 update has been a productivity killer. We are still seeing unstable Office programs. They worked fine with WIN7.
Dual security, 15 minute server RDP timeout windows. Productivity killing, it’s not just an idea, it’s a plan.
It’s a good place to make inappropriate jokes tbh
Ass Wednesday cracks into your morning.
But will any of them serve me coffee?
Not in Washington.
Can we start reminding people that ‘assault weapon’ is redundant?
We should ask them if we need to ban assault dildos…
In his recent article “The coming train smash,” Oxford historian RW Johnson is correct in describing the ANC as the most destructive force to have afflicted South Africa.
They meant well.
Road to hell and all that…
The woke in Murica told them that if they could only get rid of whitey, all their problems will go away, so it must be true.
CRUSTY THE CLOWN Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘teen sex slave’ gave foot rub to The Simpsons creator Matt Groening but nearly threw up over his ‘yellow crusty toes’, court documents claim
Bout to get canceled, brah.
Yeah, this is a death sentence… Especially the crust toe nails shit…
Bill Clinton: Epstein’s Cause Of Death Depends On What Your Definition Of ‘Suicide’ Is
And from yesterday:
We Would Like To State For The Record That Hillary Clinton Is An Upstanding Citizen And A Fine Human Being
Brutal, yet apropos.
“Epstein’s cause of death “really depends on what your definition of ‘suicide’ is.”
Death by Clinton counts as suicide, amirite?
Max Boot Slams National Review‘s Defense of White ‘Victimhood’: Conservative Media Has Been ‘Trumpified’
good ol Max is fighting the good fight.
“Max Boot”
Not sure if anyone in recent history has had such an appropriate name.
“there’s this victimhood complex which has taken root among many whites,”
Isn’t this what the progressive left wanted? Didn’t they want People separating into racial voting blocks of victimisation? Well now they are getting the good and hard.
“Didn’t they want People separating into racial voting blocks of victimisation? Well now they are getting the good and hard.”
Only if it makes them vote democrat. You’re welcome.
Max Boot is an execrable sack of monkey shit who has never been right about a goddamn thing. You just know if Trump came around to bombing Syria and Iran Boot would be kissing his ass.
” Boot would be kissing his ass.”
*tag teams with Lindsey, CNN becomes peaceniks, news at 11…*
The Collection by Nina Leger review – a quest for pleasure
I submitted a similar story to the guardian, except pertaining to female (important distinction) boobage (I think this author actually lifted the part about “network of bluish blood vessels” .. my lawyer may be in touch shortly), but I am still waiting to hear back whether they’ll be running it. For perhaps obvious reasons, it took me twice as long to gather and compile my experiences.
Fucked in the head suckslut immortalized by fucked in the head authoress?
“But as violence escalates and old animosities are rekindled across Asia, Washington has chosen inaction”
Perhaps the NYT thinks Tao Te Ching is a Communist Party leader.
I am very much pro HK. Like to the point where I would support intervention IF IT WERE POSSIBLE. Unfortunately, China is not Iraq. This would not be a curb-stomping war. This would be a war against a well armed force, that outnumbers us by an order of magnitude, fought on their soil, at the end of a half the planet supply line. With the real prospect of nuclear exchange. Hong Kong is absolutely worth preserving, but not at this cost.
I’m just speculating at this point, but China are going to have to kill a lot of people to make the Hong Kong problem go away, and that is probably exactly what they are plotting right now and just waiting for the right time to do it with minimal chance of doing more damage to themselves than it is worth.
but, but, if we don’t stop them there, they’ll roll right through . . .
They can have Hawaii – it’s all meth and feral hogs at this point.
Feral hogs on meth, that sounds scary.
Hong Kong is finished but a good counter move would be to let Taiwan nuke up and to encourage Japan to do so as well.
This week in Savage Love: Shrinkage
Remember people, life ends at 50.
And yet gravity seems to stretch the scrotum to an alarming degree over the years. Life really isn’t fair.
A recession indicator.
Interesting article. It claims that this happens roughly 22 months before a recession, which means (if correct) that one won’t be coming until after the election. However, considering the recession indicator is that short term government bonds are being traded at higher value than long term government bonds, I do have to wonder if there may be some other effect driving this rather than market skittishness. Namely, uncertainty about the future of the still over-spending government’s ability or willingness to pay off the longer term bonds at the promised rate of return. I mean, they do point out that this indicator has held its predictive power for 50 years, but at a certain point our government’s over-spending is going to start getting the market to behave along a different pattern than in the past. We shall see.
But, we need a recession NOW! Can we appoint a recession specialist to investigate this for the next 2 years? /democrats
Ghislaine Maxwell’s respectable new life: Jeffrey Epstein’s long-time consort and the alleged procurer of his underage victims has been living with 43-year-old tech CEO at his secluded $3M oceanfront mansion outside of Boston
That’s a beautiful area – good for her.
You know who else had a long-time consort…
Ming the Merciless?
Spencer Tracy?
Malcolm Reynolds?
Rock Hudson?
I’m not sure that can apply after only 4 days.
If she had any damn sense she’d relocate to somewhere they don’t care as much about underage shenanigans. I’d bet Polanski has a room she could rent.
No, if she had any damn sense, she’d move somewhere where no one has even heard of Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell and she’d change her name to “Jane Smith”.
“where no one has even heard of Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell”
I don’t know how well she’d fare in the jungles of Papua New Guinea but you’re probably correct.
NYPD union boss sent members overtly racist video in email
So Who id ready for the long weekend?
Don’t we have to make it through Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday first? Oh, I forgot, no one here works.
And… what long weekend? Is it Vampire week somewhere? Because ain’t no holidays round these here parts in mid August.
15the is he feast of Saint Mary as such a public holiday so no work, and everyone takes 16 as a vacation day in such situations.
The US is always handing out bucket loads of our cash, lending out our military support, etc, etc. But we never ask for anything in return. It’s high time we start demanding some holidays in exchange, because we are the poorest nation in terms of holidays. It seems like very other day my wife is telling me it’s a holiday in her country and I’m like ‘WTF? Just tell me when it is NOT a holiday in your country’.
No! Then our productivity will go down.
NO! Surely you jest, ol bearded one?
The 15th is also a full moon.
Vampires not werewolves. Get your stereotypes straight!
Are you saying that one cannot be mythical beast binary? What sort of racist are you?
It’s like he’s never seen Underworld.
True. I have never seen Underworld. Sexy is not an adjective properly applicable to Vampires and werewolves.
Oh right… Mariä Himmelfahrt. Public holiday in some of the churchier parts of Bavaria.
Google says Navy Day/Dormition.
Dormition – thats it
How do I go about identifying as Romanian?
Hang upside down when sleeping in your crypt during daylight hours?
Past ready. Going cross-eyed reviewing contracts. Boozing starts tonight at the largest ‘free fair & festival’ in Michigan.
Biting the hand that feeds you
Who could have even thunk it?
Some of them are starting to figure out they’re in the bag for Harris, but of course they won’t say that.
If It Wants To Survive, The NRA Needs To Change
Amazon says its facial recognition tech can identify fear in people’s faces
Skynet comin
Advisor to the most libertarian President of all time in gun control talks with Congress
“Congress should enact Red Flag laws”
That would effectively end gun rights we know it, in the USA. People were warned after they passed the Brady Act law in the 90s, which is a totally unconstitutional law and infringement on the 2nd, that this would eventually lead to gun confiscation. And all they have to do is get someone, anyone, to say you are dangerous, for whatever reason, and there goes your guns. Any gun control legislation is unconstitutional, period. Shall not be infringed, leave it at that, or lose it all.
I’ve been saying since he got elected that he is a squish on guns and he’s unfortunately proving me right.
Trump acts on any type of gun legislation, that’s the one thing that could lose him the election. Prediction: He won’t do anything like that until after the election, he’s not that dumb.
What a fucking dumbass and his advisors are apparently too fucking stupid to stop him. If he does go through with it say hello to President Sanders/Harris/Biden/whoever the Dems nominate.
Rhetorical question- why would you lend money at negative rates?
Because you think your money will be worth even less if you put it somewhere else? The dollars you will be repaid with will be worth just as much as the ones you buried in the back yard (unless the government voids the old currency, I suppose). I don’t get it.
Hard assets.
Step one: Negative interest rates on savings
Step two: Outlaw hard assets
Step three: eliminate physical currency
Voila, wealth confiscation for the proles
Why this is surprising to anyone is beyond me.
“after he says Google allegedly called the police to perform a “wellness check” on him.”
Other way to day ‘we want you dead’. Also, ‘red flag law’, there goes your guns, amigo, and it took one phone call, lefty wet dream.
Epstein case judge dead
Total coincidence. No Clintons could be reached for comment.
And only 96!
Now it’s really more suspicious…
Yeah, sure, OK