My husband has joined Glibs under the name NotUsidore! To welcome him to the community, I thought tonight I would share his vegan Alfredo recipe.
Since going vegan, I’ve missed Alfredo more than anything. Happily, my meat loving husband has found a way to make a delicious vegan Alfredo that even he loves.
The secret is Chao cheese, a vegan cheese made out of tofu. It tastes like Havarti, and acts like cheese. It’s good enough that I can eat a slice and feel like I’m eating real cheese. It totally hits that craving.
Without further ado, I give you vegan Alfredo.
Welcome, NotUsidore!
Now, fuck off Tulpa.
Whiles he’s fucking off, you fuck off too, Tulpa.
You get a “Fuck off,”, and you get a “fuck off”, a fuck off for all the Tulpas!!!
/insert Oprah Gif
The one with the ??
Tulpa Tulpa Tulpa, Tulpa Tulpa. Tulpa Tulpa Tulpa. Tulpa! Tulpa Tulpa.
Welcome NotU. Be sure to introduce yourself by giving your views on race and IQ, immigration and abortion.
More importantly, pizza and mayonnaise.
Don’t forget pineapple on pizza, or deep dish pizza.
Also, the proper way to prepare steak and wild game.
One is a matter of taste, the other a matter of health.
Muh Hasenpfeffer!
And old shotguns. Winchester or Browning?
Sorry Web Dom
/JK it looks great 🙂
It’s OK,Bob—you aren’t exactly wrong
I call it instant karma.
Thanks for finally writing this up. It looked great when you had it! We need to get our hands on that “cheese.”
I assume you can make it with normal ingredients?
This can’t take an hour, is there extra time added in for telling everyone its vegan?
Not to dis on Webdoms tulpas recipe, but I assume it takes that long to whisk fake butter and flour into a roux and then add almond milk which is white colored water. I can see a long time to make this thicken up. Multiple chemical reactions need to happen compared to those of us who cook with animal fats such in a dish like Carbonara which is bacon, bacon fat, cream and Kraft shake can Parmesan.
I’m pretty sure the Kraft shake can parmesan wouldn’t fly around here.
Only on take out pizza.
Mmmm, nothing like a little wood powder to add texture.
And prevent clumping.
(ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone but I have not seen a Kraft can of Parmesan since I moved out of my parents house in 1983. I am just trolling Hyperbole)
I have the shaker, but it has cotija.
Carbonara which is bacon, bacon fat, cream and Kraft shake can Parmesan.
You are a horrible person.
Yeah, there’s no cream in Carbonara.
There’s eggs.
*Waves at NotUsidore*
“The coroner said cocaine, antidepressants and alcohol were found in Betts’ system at the time of the shooting. A pipe device and a clear baggie carrying cocaine was found on Betts’ body.”
Sounds like they’ve found a dope to punish for the nutbag’s murder spree.
Also huh.
Without knowing anything about the parents, my first reaction is WTF is up with mobs shaming them into apologizing for their monster child?
Clearly needed more drugs, preferably opioids. Calm him right down.
Some times you just need to smoke some hash to take the edge off.
Just saying.
Hi, NotUsidore!
Welcome to Mos Eisley Space Port!!
(You know the rest…)
Someone’s arm gets cut off or history is constantly being revised?
Hey, why not both?
Look, with the sheer amount of blaster fire in the air, those sixteen first shots clearly came from other tables in their own firefights.
Welcome, Mr. WebDom!
Need any music recommendations?
It’s a trap!
Heavy Star Wars references night.
And the truth.
WebDom married Tulpa?
It totally hits that craving.
You know what else hits that craving? Cheese.
And whiskey
And bacon. Or prosciutto, if you’re trying to be fancy.
I once brunched at a restaurant with a Bloody Mary buffet and bacon was one of the garnishes. *drool*
So, meat, cheese, and booze. Works for me.
That is the N word of pastas.
well, if I guess correctly, vegan alfredo is italian for vegan to the fredo.
Speaking of food….
“We are rolling out our #KnifeFree chicken boxes in over 210 chicken shops in England and Wales, including Morley’s, Dixy Chicken and Chicken Cottage. They use real life stories to show people how they can go #KnifeFree.”
OMG the comments
The sad thing is, while everybody can recognize how stupid this is, nobody is calling out the even stupider argument that “budget cuts” cause “knife crime”.
My dipshit Mayor just blamed homelessness on “racism,” apparently he hasn’t seen all those white kids slamming dope on the sidewalks downtown.
Yeah, racism
VCU built its freshman dorms around this park, Monroe Park, that is filled with homeless people. You may think that there would be foreseeable consequences when scores of young drunken, college ladies stumble home through that park at night. It seemed like every year, at least one girl was raped plus the usual lesser-key assaults, badgering, etc.
City council forbade the police from doing anything to move the homeless out of there because of “racism”, though I remember a good number being white.
All the bums in my neighborhood are white. I guess that’s racism too.
That’s how you #MAGA!
TBH, they’re mostly a kind-of nut-brown now from the sun mixed with red from the booze.
That’s pretty much how I developed my complexion.
Rhywun is spot on.
Garcetti means the black drug dealers.
No, it’s gender stereotypes
That’s racist
We should have let Hitler have them. What a waste of good American blood.
Go spork yourselves.
Needs more cow.
Or chikin
Either way, moar bbq sauce.
“Jeffrey Epstein Spent Time Alone With Young Female Prison Visitor
The day after he was taken off suicide watch, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein spent at least two hours locked up alone with a young woman, in a private room reserved for inmates and their attorneys, according to an attorney who was visiting the prison that day.
“The optics were startling. Because she was young. And pretty,” said the visiting attorney, who asked that his name not be used because he didn’t want to create friction with the prison administration. He speculated the woman could be a lawyer— NBC News has reported that Epstein paid members of his team to sit with him in a room for eight hours a day for attorney-client meetings, allowing him to avoid his cell. ”
Single female lawyer.
Having lots of sex?
She really should get phrasing.
Oh, wait, she likely does.
Looking a little rough, these days.
Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell isn’t holed up in her British manor or summering on the Massachusetts coast.
Only pedos use “summer” as a verb.
Proper noun it is
That In-N-Out is right across a hill from my house, on Regal and Cahuenga. I’d never recognize that lady if I saw her.
I’ll say it. Trump is crushing it in NH.
“After a protester briefly interrupted the rally, Trump remarked, “That guy has a serious weight problem. Get him out of here, start exercising.””
Yeah, he is. Thanking Obama for leaving all of those judge positions open for him was priceless.
I’m not vegan but I’d try it. Is Chao cheese readily available in supermarkets or do I have to climb a mountain in the Himalayas to find it?
Indeed it is. I’m pretty sure she acquired it from either Wegmans or Walmart.
Cool. Thanks. I think I might have everything else.
I can get it in my local Walmart.
Websub? Either way, fuck off Tulpa.
A laurel, and hearty handshake, for our new…..Glib!
Anyway, be sure to post something fairly often; don’t want you to get purged from the—Oh, RIGHT! Yeah.
Definitely jump in, though.
I’m too drunk for this:
I’ll tap out now. Night all y’all.
Nobody needs 23 kinds of repeat posts.
Just came in from cleaning all the meat grease from my gas grill, so what an appropriate post!
Welcome NotUsidore! I apologize in advance for being an asshole!
What is this “cleaning” you speak of? Don’t you just turn the flames up to “Perdition” and burn the BeJeezus out of the grill?
I have to pull my bbq apart every now and then and clean the areas that don’t get enough heat. Mainly all the stuff that builds up under the burners. And then the tray that catches all that stuff needs to be cleaned too, as well as the grease trap.
Exactly. What the fuck, people?
Clean the damn grill. It’s not seasoning, it’s laziness.
cleaning all the meat grease from my gas grill
These euphemisms are getting a bit personal.
*spit take*
Does not compute.
The truce between Reason and the Mises guys didn’t last very long. This article by 2 Chilli was a shot across the bow. Listening to Dave Smith firing back right now. Uh boy.
I considered being xenophobic, but then I realized that I like warrior princesses.
My solution to this problem is to allow everyone to hate one particular group of people. You can hate homosexuals, whites, blacks, Jews, women etc, but you have to limit it to one group. Allow people to blow off that toxic steam.
i’m gonna take the Grateful Dead and their fans.
Nobody needs 23 days substituting pachouli oil for showers!
A shame. 2 Chili is speaking truth to power there.
It may be whataboutism, but many right leaning libertarians complain of the cosmos not calling out the left’s racism. He should’ve thrown some of that in just to be fair. It looks a lot like a he just doesn’t see it. To bad cuz I like J.D.
I didn’t read it as a right v. left distinction as much as bringing up two examples of folks who mixed up collectivism in their libertarianism. And as he notes Molyneux (whom I never considered libertarian) parted ways a long time ago, as did many others. Remember how the vast majority of “neo-reactionary” mouthbreathers left HnR circa 2016 when they found a more hospitable host to parasite off of? That’s the phenomenon he’s commenting on.
And it may be whataboutism, but let’s also be honest. Are the cosmos buddying up, in any visible way, with AntiFa? Like really? Do we see Gillespie or *shudders* Wilkinson
hanging out at AntiFa rallies and speaking at conferences? Of course not. However, unfortunately, there has been a long history, since Rothbard’s populist strategy, of breaking bread with folks like David Duke and company. Many self-styled libertarians want the free-market, but not anti-collectivism, or even the NAP (Hoppe’s rhetorical pretzel-twist around it notwithstanding 😉 ). Thus we get shit like “Libertarianism in One Country” or “Libertarian Realism”, etc. etc. ad nauseam. When you have BHL’s like Zwolinski, Horowitz, or Long speaking at a conference sponsored by Linda Sarsour and AntiFa, then there would be an argument that 2 Chili didn’t give “equal time”.
I will agree with the point that the Rothbardian wing has been much more likely to align that way. My big issue however isn’t that the “Cosmos/Reason/Koch” wing budy up with Communists. It’s that they seem to have little problem perpetuating the American Empire when it comes down to it. IMO John McCain and the warmachine are far worse than some Racists.
No argument there.
Which I’ll admit has little to do with the article. And I think Dave Smith is just terrible on Immigration.
That was one Dave’s main criticisms. If we had followed Ron Paul’s advice back in the day, millions of brown people would still be alive today.
You’ve got the mainstreaming of “White Privilege” “Toxic Masculinity”and others that seem to me a much more pervasive strand of bigotry in current year USA than Molyneux, Hoppe or Rothbard. You’re right that there is a rise in “Libertarianism in One Country” or “Libertarian Realism”, etc. etc. ad nauseam. (very well put BTW) The danger is that by not calling out the obvious bigotry that is spreading through corporate USA, the media and universities, libertarians run the risk of alienating people who see it. JD isn’t substantively wrong, but presentation counts.
*Noting calling it out in this article. Reason has called that out elsewhere.
You’re not wrong. However, you don’t have too many folks who are part of big business, the media and universities who a.) style themselves as libertarians and b.) attempt to mix in race/gender-grievance and identity politics with libertarian ideas. I mean you have Bill Maher and that’s about it. But you have plenty of assholes running around on the Internet like this guy. I won’t begrudge 2Chill for prioritizing his targets.
It’s always the “…, however [racist bullshit]” with those guys. It’s an interesting dilemma; focus on purging the right racists and by default the ranks become more leftist. They are going to bring collectivist shit of their own to the movement even if we don’t like it. Of course our (my?) goal is to get a movement based on libertarian ideals. I prefer the NAP.
I don’t think we have to do anything. As their shit has gone more mainstream, they don’t have to stay in the waiting room for cranks that is modern libertarianism. Like Molyneux, etc. they can have their own identity now. I predict most of them will voluntarily identify as something else within next 5 years.
Except Dondero. We’ll always be stuck with Dondero.
Or they take of “libertarian” like they did “liberal” and turn it into something awful. Welp, “NAPism” has a nice ring to it.
“Except Dondero. We’ll always be stuck with Dondero.”
David Dondero the American songwriter, guitarist, and former lead singer of the band Sunbrain?
Remember how the vast majority of “neo-reactionary” mouthbreathers left HnR circa 2016 when they found a more hospitable host to parasite off of?
Alrighty then. Might want to air that one out a bit. Don’t sugar coat it.
Hey…. I resemble that comment…
Oh, come now, we were founded after that purge. I’m about folks who scurried off to other places.
While I read HnR back then I was not in the groove enough to be up on what purge was what. Being a mouthbreather as in both my nostrils are clogged due to excessive nasal hair growth, dust and mold spores in my underground bunker I assumed you were talking about us parasites. My bad.
Yes, we were founded in 2017. 2017 parasites are a better vintage than the 2016 ones. We all know this.
Whom do you have in mind as the “neo-reactionary” mouthbreathers who left HnR circa 2016? I recall a few folks who disappeared in 2016–Nikki, Sudden, Irish–and never re-appeared here. But I wouldn’t call them “neo-reactionary.”
The only one I can think of was Free Society but he actually posted here for a little bit, and he didn’t start off that way.
Corning “King of All Gamers”, that guy who kept on changing handles but was going by AmericanThirdPosition for a while, I think there was someone who also went by NRx, if I recall.
Oh, I forgot “briannnnn”.
I remember when Reason was strictly print. You just read articles from smart people about how liberty was better and kept your thoughts to yourself. You had to buy it at the newsstand. Nobody knew what an ass I could be back then. Good ole days, indeed.
Episiarch, or whatever his handle was, also disappeared around then.
ProL drifted off
I can state that Episiarch, Nikki, and Pro Libertate all had different reasons for leaving, and none of them remotely had anything to do with white nationalism. I can’t speak to any of the others’ motivations.
Nikki left because she’s the worst, obviously.
“had anything remotely related to…”
Damn English.
I thought ProL made a brief appearance here at the start in between his health issues. And was more remembering the old names, not trying to imply that they left because of white nationalism or something like that.
definitely, same here, though I was not aware ProL had health issues, sorry to hear that.
on the other hand, pretty sure Chad and MNG drifted off into white nationalism.
The choice is individualism versus collectivism.
If the argument becomes racist versus anti-racist, the Libertarians have lost the narrative and the argument.
Sorry JD, the difference between cosmos and paleos ain’t racist/not racist.
Eh, in recent years it sure has started to parse that way.
It’s a mistake on everyone’s part to play it out that way. It just feeds into the overarching cultural narrative that there are only two positions, racist and anti-racist. The false choice of the 21st century.
Libertarianism was supposed to be a third way. But asshats like Gillespie and Sarwark seem only concerned about popularity with a media that hates them so they cozy up to the prevailing narrative. The Mises guys need to clean house and return to the fundamentals instead of trying to solely draw on opposition to the arc of the Libertarian Party. No more blood and soil comments for starters. Ignoring Reason et al would be probably help them.
I’m drunk so I have no idea if that made sense. But it sounded good in my head
I’m drunk, so it made no sense at all.
Sounds like I got it right then.
No, I hear you. I don’t disagree, but I don’t ever seen them cleaning house. Part of the problem of believing in self-ownership, a right to association, and individual freedom is that you are comfortable in the presence of others who don’t think like you, even if they are garbage people.
intellectually comfortable with their existing
not emotionally comfortable with sharing oxygen with them and ignoring their jokes ?
Listen, I’m not ignoring you. I just don’t think Bugs Bunny is funny. Because he isn’t.
Neither side is cleaning house, and that is part of the problem. Nobody wants to say free speech for all anymore, it’s always “free speech, but” or “hate speech is not free speech” or “if you have something bad to say about the place, get out”, etc.
Hoppe notwithstanding.
Ok, you’re allowed one Triple H Standard Disclaimer.
Yeah, the fuck ever happened to just calling them racists. It’s like that term has been co-opted to mean anyone not raging lefty and now we need new terms to denote racism. Fucked up.
the article has over 600 comments. Surpirsed they coulc manage. I skimmed – nothing to see here.
It’s mostly trolling.
JB is a mendacious dipshit that blah, blah, blah. *Declares victory*
I am not really up on #ProfessionalLibertarian infighting, but the same arguments looked at in a progressive mirror could be applied to other #ProfessionalLibertarians. Groupifying collectives is not only in the white nationalists bag of tricks. It is in many a bag carried to the cocktail parties other #ProfessionalLibertarians attend.
“There is no ‘pipeline’ between libertarianism and the alt-right,” Reason’s Nick Gillespie wrote two years ago as the alt-right emerged as the latest embodiment of racist thought, such as it is. But “alt-righters need to be called out wherever we find them espousing their anti-modern, tribalistic, anti-individualistic, and anti-freedom agenda.”
I would say that Nick is Wrong. I happen to agree with Malice on this, that there most definitely is a pipeline of Libertarianism to Alt-Right. It’s not inevitable, and it’s not that Most Libertarians go to Alt-right. Why is this? I think there are a lot of reasons. Part of it is that you are already considered a terrible racist Nazi for just being a libertarian. The other part is that you are disillusioned. Once you become disillusioned it’s easy to fall down into darker corners.
The “pipeline” analogy fails IMO. If libertarianism is so attractive to the racists, why do they leave? They leave because it doesn’t allow for them to enact their heavy handed, violent and racist government policies. It’s unfair to blame libertarianism for failing satiate potential slavers.
I was actually thinking about posting an addendum regarding that. I don’t think Libertarianism is to blame for it. I just think that it’s clear that a lot of people who were libertarians have moved to the Alt-Right. Part of them it’s clear that they never understood the principle tenets of Libertarianism. Others i think became more focused on certain issues and so they lost focus on those principle tenets. So it’s not that Libertarianism creates Racists or that Racists are attracted to libertarianism. Its that it primes you to already be on the fringe.
A similar pipeline could be shown for Democratic Socialists to straight up Tankie Commies. Doesn’t mean every DSA kid want’s to hang the capitalist pigs, it just means you’ve been primed for it.
Also this is focusing on a minority of people. It would seem far more people leave Libertarianism to become Slate Writers.
Indeed, one could just as well accuse libertarianism of being a pipeline to woke and/or top-man brain-rot, if the recent output of Niskanen (before they tore off the mask) or Cato (seriously, a paean to the intelligence community?) are to be judged.
Indeed, libertarianism is just one of many possible rest stops on the road to “race realism”. While I don’t think anybody is born to take that road, when they start veering off the mainstream, they go through any number of transient destinations. Hell, even racism isn’t necessarily the final destination. There was more than one arch-segregationist who changed their mind after the civil rights movement won. Right now, people are taking positions to be the opposite of what they hate. For some, that means believing the flag protocol is a secret salute to Hitler, for others that means believing the white race is under existential threat. As one side tilts more extreme, so goes the other side, and vice versa.
It’s Charlie Manson’s world. We’re just living in it.
He’s the drummer from The Beatles, right?
Fucking Millennials.
I once drove around with a couple of friends listening to Sabbath Vol.4. There was a kid in the back seat of my ’66 Chevelle and he played air drums through the whole cassette tape. This was in 1993. When the tape ended, he said (and I quote) “That rocked! Was that the new Nirvana?” Fucking millennials.
No, Rolling Stones.
… So who’s Charlie Manson?
Marylin Manson’s Dad.
Remember how everyone (well, not everyone) laughed at AOC with the no more airplanes thing in the Great Green Deal? Well, this Thundberg chick is showing that was not a joke. She’s coming to America in a sail boat to be carbon neutral. These people really do want us to revert to sailing ships.
How about she show real commitment and cross the North Atlantic in January instead of August.
I’ll betcha if she gets in trouble there’ll be diesel powered rescue ships with helicopters out to save her.
After she’s swamped by Leonardo DiCaprio’s megayacht.
1. I think (as has been pointed out by others) Ire towards her is misdirected. She’s a teenager, who has been manipulated and used by the Press, her Parents and other people who should have protected her from being exploited.
2. I Give her props for sailing, at least she is morally honest enough to not jet around on an Airplane like some other dipshits hucking this stuff.
I’ll be happy to mock the hell out of her when she turns 18. And that includes the sailing thing – it’s no less ridiculous than, say, the idea that Cuomo is going to “save the earth” by destroying NY’s economy. It may be “morally honest”, but only within an intellectually bankrupt framework.
I liked the Brewdogs show on the now-defunct Esquire network.
OMG I heard this on the morning cable/DNC news and almost fell out of my chair. Hotair obliges with the text quote I’ve been looking for:
Can we stop calling at least the Presidency an act of public service? Everybody who gets the office wants it, really badly. Obama was dedicated to himself, not to some abstract ideal.
There’s so much to unpack from those few words it’s hard to know where to begin.
You monster! They’re making a sacrifice to take that job! It’s such a burden that they’ll spend around a billion dollars to get the job…
Well, I know what I’m doing with your tax dollars when I’m in NYC this November.
Damn you HM. I should have learned by now not to click on your links. The local Chester’s Chicken was maybe OK until now.
I’m not too proud to say that I’m going to eat that chicken down to the bone all Spike Lee’s Bamboozled-style.
HM, thanks for the link to The Forgotten Man. Phone doesnt make it easy to read, and I’m way to tired to read it tonight, anyways, but it looks good and I plan to read some this weekend during waiting tme setting up my mom’s new computer.
Shame kink getting out of hand.
Wait….THAT’s Doggy style??
Man, I’m gonna have to really ponder this. My allergies are gonna be hellacious.
Does anybody else ever read the thread backwards, just because?
No—I always have a reason.
And who gave you that reason?
I do when i’m on mobile. It’s easier on the thumbs to just Jump to the bottom and then read the each thread going up.
Yes, when I’m late
@Straff (and anyone else who listens to Your Welcome, i just know that Straff does)
Have you caught the latest episode? I listend today and thought it was pretty thought provoking. Obviously i don’t know every point Ben Howe makes cause i haven’t read his book, but i did have some critiques. I get his criticism is of Trumpism, which i guess is the idea of winning by any means necessary. I can get on board with that, that ends don’t justify the means. But my objection is that he clearly seems to take the view that someones (stated) Intentions (at lest somewhat) absolve them of the outcomes of their actions. This is clear when he talks about how he think Mitt Romney or John McCain are more Moral than Trump, because, while he might not agree with them, he believes Mitt actually believes he is doing what is right, whereas he thinks Trump is only guided by what will benefit himself and not anything “good”.
Yeah, I listened to it. His version of Christianity comes through in his views on politics. Mike does get him to admit that actions are what truly matter, so the point you are raising kind of disappears. Maybe he was just being a nice guest and didn’t want to fight Mike on the point. The rest of the interview was pretty boring and uninsightful to me.
Huh. I must have missed that part.
You probably listened closer than I did. If you have the part in mind, let me know.
I listen at work so I’m sure I missed his clarification about actions.
Hot Anna Gasteyer?
I’ll accept that answer.
You’re a man of good taste.
Left is mich bigher than the right.
Don’t geddit
There was a plane crash today
That’s some funny shit.
Greetings and great tidings, erstwhile humans!
I shall bestow upon you many wisdoms and apothecary insights such that your very souls will be compelled to rise from your mortal husks, cry out in ecstatic delight, then return once more, and you shall have a most satisfactory nap!
Also, The Weg Man grocer my Wifeling is so fond of does provide an acceptable chicken “alternative”, that when diced and cooked in a balsamic reduction does nestle a most comforting counterpoint to the lemon Alfredo.
An addendum: always use room temperature milk (or alternative) when stirring into the roux…
Fuck off tulpa!
(Welcome to the band of degenerates)
Welcome to Glibs After Dark. The T&A links are just above. There is politics strewn throughout and I believe you know the proprietor. *Tips hat to SP*
You’ve oversold yourself.
Now I think you’re full of snake oil.
It’s a shame Trump leaned on Netanyahu to bar half the squad. Now this dirt won’t come out.
Like it would if they hadn’t been.
It wouldn’t get showcased in WaPo but I bet outfits like UPI would mention something in the third or fourth paragraph.
When everyone is a racist, no one is a racist.
The hell ever happened to “content of their character?
Pffft. That is so yesterday, man.
Right. Now we have to identify and cluster by race. That’s how you know we are post racial.
Now you are getting it. We are most together when we are separate and apart.
/The Mad Hatter
I remember doing lettering in grade school with parts of that speech. Being a kid it felt like it was an impossibly long time ago then. Now to realize how little time had passed and to see how far things have slid recently in an even short period is eye opening to how thin the veneer of civilization is.
if there’s one thing I won’t tolerate, it’s intolerance.
Probably will link again in the next article but this is a good one from TOS. Cops should near a lot of blame for putting a lot of people in danger.
HM, I don’t know if you are still about but thank you so much for that Korean fried chicken video. I have to schlep into Manhattan this weekend and I will most definitely check out a couple of those places.