And this was a minor frustration, but still. Hand me a string instrument and I can usually coax a few things out of it. They may not be pretty, but they’re recognizable. And after a little bit, I can puzzle out chord shapes and a few lead patterns. But yesterday, I had my first shot at a Chapman Stick, and… well… Stick 1, Jew 0. That is a devilishly difficult instrument!
Speaking of devilishly difficult, so is giving birth and being born. And in the latter category, today commemorates someone with a conjecture; someone with a funny hat; someone with a fabulous mustache; someone with a deep throat; someone with a minuscule IQ; and Rupert Pupkin and Harry Tuttle, all rolled into one.
On to the news!
Well, this is a novel way to score.
Old Guy Music is what I wish I could have done on that fucking Stick
Stick 1, Jew 0. – stick to running the world, music is not for you
-1 Mendelssohn.
(Well, -2 really if you include Fanny.)
A) i never heard of a Chapman Stick, so thanks for that.
B) That guy was amazing, so thanks for that
C) How did that guy get that sound? The attack sounds distinctly plucked, but he’s doing hammer tones. What do you run your signal through to get that sound?
Well, it’s a small step forward from Tiananmen Square.
Here I was attempting the get the first five comments and you had to butt in
Maybe he’s using mirrored monitors and didn’t see them.
Technically, isn’t HM the one to butt in?
Pie is… that guy who did this with every article on TOS whose handle I forget?
That’s the one.
Full name “Fist of Etiquette” for those of you scoring at home. I always figured he was a Reason staffer, given his dedication to being first on articles and declining to join the Glib exodus.
I seem to remember Banjos often replying good morning to his AM links first post back in the day, much in the same way people post good morning to her when she does the morning links here.
someone with a fabulous mustache; – as mustaches go it is on the low end of fabulous
Government efficiency. – i assume the fault lies with some not so civil servant or other, goofing off on the internet instead of doing computery stuff
You know how those people are, wasting time on obscure websites.
“Suffixes are of the Devil.”
Paywall of the damned.
I finally managed to read the article by searching with DuckDuckGo for “mormon green tea.” The rules seem arbitrary as hell – no coffee or tea, whether hot or cold, but caffeine in other drinks is OK?? WTF?? (She says as she drinks her second coffee protein shake of the morning.)
Commands like that aren’t about health or sin. They are about making sure that people do as they are told.
Geez, if I understand correctly, most or all of the rules for keeping kosher at least had some sort of logical rationale in the context of that time and place, no?
Not really, though rationalization abounds. It was very much a matter of inculcating obedience and more importantly, keeping the Jews as culturally distinct from their neighbors, conquerors, and conquerees.
I don’t drink tea or coffee, and as such the proscription has never been a problem for me. There are lots of religions that require things that make no sense to those outside of it. And while this isn’t true of all Mormons, I don’t see people who drink that as a sin. But yes. In the end all religions commandments are about obedience. We just like to rationalize why it makes sense to follow them.
After being the ultimate Little Miss Goody Two Shoes growing up and even now being a reasonably well-behaved, law-abiding quasi-adult, I guess I can’t stomach the idea of voluntarily joining any organization with arbitrary rules. Hell, I’ve grown too contrary to even be a Unitarian Universalist any more – mostly because I perceive a lack of tolerance for diversity of political beliefs, even if a variety of religious beliefs is accepted (and even encouraged.)
I get that. I’m obviously not trying to rationalize the rule. I see it as a minor one, but perhaps only because I’ve always done so.
It goes beyond simple obedience. The notion of dietary restrictions for religious reasons is that even for a simple and necessary task like eating, you are keeping God’s will front and centered in your life. Or so said an acquaintance that keeps kosher.
you are keeping God’s will front and centered in your life
An alternative way of saying “inculcating obedience.”
Well, this is a novel way to score. – I’d vote for him
The TV report I saw a couple of days ago didn’t mention the guy’s party affiliation, surprise surprise.
I’m anti-government to a point that it annoys my friends and family, but having one bad apple doesn’t indict the entire system. Them trying to sweep the incident under the rug after and make it difficult to hold the employee accountable does, however.
This reminds me so much of something my Rochester-area ex-inlaws would have said.
Them trying to sweep the incident under the rug after and make it difficult to hold the employee accountable does, however.
This story (amazingly, the TV report I saw didn’t mention race) seems relevant too.
They always seem reluctant to release the mug shot when it’s one of the King’s Men, or one of their wives.
LOL that is a great line.
As a native, I can relate.
Next is chopsticks. – cultural stereotypes are unbecoming of a glib. Also to obvious joke.
That guy with the coyote sounds like a perv, ‘I ain’t gonna hurtchya. Where are yer parents? Look at you. Just let me touch ya.’
:: hides coyote ::
Kinky euphemism.
Hmmm….it is! Need to keep that one
:: puts on sunglasses::
Damn. That Chicago guy has panties dropping like crazy on Twitter. I read that tweet from Colleen from the article, chicks are going nuts
I never got the point of rescuing wild animals.
Me either, except in cases where the entire species is endangered due to man’s activity. My girlfriend has forced me to drive various animals and birds we’ve found to the wildlife rehab. Maybe I should just give her a baby to dote upon.
I’d say a serious cost/benefit analysis is in order first. (Says the contentedly-childless chick.)
Well, she’s practically begged for one on numerous occasions, so I’d have to consider the costs of not doing so.
Dude – Eighteen years, minimum. Eight. Teen. Years.
It’s a lifetime, really. But for me personally my current child is my greatest source of happiness, so I can only extrapolate that future iterations will be just as much of a blessing.
I guess people don’t like to see a creature suffer if they can do something about it.
I wouldn’t rescue one, I think it’s better to let nature be nature. But my wife would certainly make me help
You have never taken a puppy for a walk in a public park?
We have to have a talk Slammer.
“OK, here we go.. sit here and look adorable you little shit”
There are several pet rental services for this purpose in cities.
“Airport worker fired for slipping ‘you ugly’ note to traveler
Neal Strassner says a security guard handed him a torn piece of paper with the two words scrawled on it.”
I’ve seen worse-looking people at airports.
He confused him with Kirk Baily.
Jeez, dude, up late or up early?
I’m usually up early on Saturday, just that I’m usually at work. Today I am not.
‘you ugly’
Ted ‘S badly hurt
Ted’S’s OK with AAVE.
I think there’s a popular basketball cheerleader chant, intended for the other team and their fans, that is centered around “You Ugly. Yeah, Yeah, You Ugly.”
The Chicago Way. – I though coyotes are a pest
They certainly can be but not always. They keep my rabbit population down which keeps the ticks down.
Keep in mind that the guy has a thick Chicago accent….probably a city boy. People not accustomed to being around wild animals think of them as furry little people/cute potential pets. They are neither of those things but I still leave them alone. Even a coyote’s life isn’t mine to take arbitrarily.
The other day I went to a meeting for a kiddo I represent. The entry to the building was blocked by three large wild turkeys, as the building is set in the woodsy part of the city. I remained at a large distance and found another entryway.
Turkeys are usually really skittish around people. It is smart to keep your distance as they could be sick if they were in a town.
They are skittish as hell unless you know how to lure them in. The trouble is once. you do that they will begin to associate people with food and lose. fear of them. That will make them too vulnerable to hunters and mating season the males can be very aggressive.
EF, you were wise to keep your distance.
At one of my previous offices, leaving work one day, there were two bucks fighting on the path between the office and the parking lot. One of the call center employees was going to just walk between them because, “they’re just deer.”
We were able to convince them that walking between two 200 lb. fighting animals would be a terrible idea.
I heard recently that a member of my employer’s Board of Directors was attacked by one of those Hate Birds – The Birds That Hate (R) on the way into or out of a Board meeting.
To clarify, the “(R)” was meant to specify a registered trademark, not to indicate the Hate Bird’s political affiliation (which was unknown. What are the abbreviations for Canadian political parties?)
Do you think we follow every minor political party?
Well, I just thought maybe one of the Canadians who are (for some unknown reason) allowed to post here might know some of them. Or is that just crazy talk?
TOR – Maple Leaf party
BC – Canuck party
OT – Senators party
MON – Canadien’s party
CAL – Flame’s party
WIN – Jet’s party
EDM – Oiler’s party
Oh wait, that’s Canadian religious affiliations. The only thing they agree on is that life is better on the ice and one day the messiah will return with the magic cup. Although it’s been so long people are beginning to question that prophecy.
That “magic cup” is right smack dab in the heart of the Yoo-Knighted States of ‘Murca, bitchezz!!
This never gets old
Same place with the bucks also had two little ponds by a driveway, which attracted the Hate Birds. They would nest in the mulch by several of the doorways. Several people got scared the first time one stood up and started hissing and waddling towards them. No injuries that I’m aware of, but we were told during the summer to not walk on the grass, and to stick to the sidewalks to avoid slipping on on the “geese droppings” that were all over the place.
Yeah, we get those droppings on the sidewalks, too, at least going toward the back of the building where most of us enter in the morning.
Those damn hatebirds always congregate on the jogging path I use where it goes down close to the river. They hiss at me a lot. They haven’t actually attacked me yet, but I’m always prepared for the possibility of having to karate chop its stupid neck if it attacks me.
‘Round these parts, coyotes are for shooting. They pack up, and they’re rough on the domestic livestock and pets.
If Chicago is anything like NYC, probably not.
You have to go out to Long Island to hear a real NYC accent any more.
I agree, although I would stipulate that the gathering of prime winter pelts isn’t arbitrary.
Wonder Dog shares your opinion and makes it her business to drive them away.
Depends on what you are doing. I kill coyotes that come to my place, but that’s because I have cattle. A pack of coyotes will separate a mother from a newborn and happily kill a calf.
Canada refuses to accept resident geese from MN.
“These are Canada geese, its right there in their name”
“An Ohio man committed 10 felonies and 2 misdemeanors within 21 minutes, prosecutor says”
Florida man accepts challenge.
If you downloaded 50 kiddie porn images, wouldn’t that be 50 felonies in one go?
Yes, plus more. Using computer to commit a crime = separate felony! Prosecutors always win.
73578247582784572807625 Felonies a Day!
Back in the early days of the internet, there were some special politicians trying to make temporary copies of files a copyright violation. Until some people sat them down (and most likely using very small words) explained that computers copy files to RAM as a part of how they operate. Making that a copyright violation would make it nearly impossible to legally listen to digital music, watch videos, or run software (without new licenses).
Yeah, I remember having that same argument with a “branding specialist” at a regional telco; I had to point out to her that browsers retain temporary image files in their caches in order to work, so going after people for keeping copies of the telco’s trademarked images would quickly devolve into legal comedy.
Here you go OMWC
This particular style is from the part of Japan that Raphael used to live before he recently returned.
Shamisen Girls Ki&Ki – Tsugaru Jongara Bushi
That’s extremely cool!
The more I listened to that, the more I wanted to get my hands on a shamisen and try to creak out Tull’s “Fat Man.” It really has the right sound for that.
They work surprisingly well in rock.
But I can see it working well an a few Tull songs.
I’ve never seen someone play guitar with an ice scaper before.
Looks like they’re overlooking Sensoji, about right here
Terrifying ‘giant fork’ Chinese forces prepare to use on Hong Kong protesterss”
Someone shoulda put that in links.
Different link.
People read the links?
You don’t check them for punctuation?
“These parasites are spread by eating raw aquatic animals such as fish, amphibians and molluscs.”
We have had this discussion before.
Well. Done. Always well done.
Very cool.
“she admitted nuts are the fattiest foods she eats.. ‘all I’ve eaten today is nuts'”
20 bucks is 20 bucks
No wonder she’s so fat.
Give up the carbs and eat more foods with fat content, sweetheart. Michelle Obama lied to you. Fat in foods triggers your brain that you are full and you stop eating. Lowfat carbs keep you craving, like with popcorn. And excess carbs are then made into fat in your body.
Oh. My. God. She looks like some rap guy’s girlfriend.
Oh. My. God, Becky.
“Hollywood icon Peter Fonda dies aged 79: Sister Jane describes how the star of 1960s classic Easy Rider ‘went out laughing’ as he passed away surrounded by his family following a lung cancer battle”
RIP Captain America.
Nitrous oxide?
“Female Russian TV presenter claims she was sexually harassed by Katy Perry who tried to kiss her without consent
Her statement comes after Perry – whose real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson – was accused of sexual misconduct by Joss Kloss, who starred in the music video for her 2010 single Teenage Dream.”
# me too.
It is amazing how many virtue signaling big-name celebs who were fully onboard with the #MeToo stuff got eaten alive by it and have faded into obscurity.
I appreciated that all those Hollywood types took time away from their usual raping and groping schedules to lecture me about morality.
yesterday she was Georgian
She’s ethnofluid, h8r.
They make medication for that, she needs to get treatment.
But I was assured Katy Perry liked it.
Also I need times people. 2009 me wouldn’t complain if 2009 Katy Perry tried to assault me.
“Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson is arrested on the eve of Portland protests as the city braces for violence at the far-right rally
Authorities arrested the leader of a right-wing group on the eve of a rally that’s expected to draw people from around the U.S. to Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, prompting Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson to urge his followers to ‘show up one hundred-fold’ in response.
Self-described anti-fascists have vowed to confront the right-wing groups at the downtown rally and the arrests of Gibson and five other right-wing supporters appeared to be intended to send a signal from police to organizers to remain peaceful or stay away.
More than two dozen local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and the Federal Protective Service, were in Portland Saturday to help police there monitor the rally that’s expected to draw demonstrators from around the U.S.
Gibson, who is not involved in this weekend’s event but organized similar rallies in 2017 and 2018 that erupted in clashes, surrendered Friday on an arrest warrant for rioting. He was at a confrontation that broke out on May 1 outside a bar where members of the so-called ‘antifa’ movement had gathered after a May Day demonstration.”
“In a video he livestreamed on Facebook, Gibson accused the police of playing politics by arresting him and other right-wing members but not the masked demonstrators who beat up conservative blogger Andy Ngo at a June 29 rally.
A video of that attack went viral and led the Proud Boys, who have been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, to organize Saturday’s event.”
“who have been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center,”
Fuck you and your fringe partisan group that you all suck the dick off of.
What a shit-show. It isn’t going to stop until the left is made to pay a price.
What happens when inevitably someone shoots dead a few of these anti-fa pukes?
Well, you saw what happened to the guy that ran over some of ’em.
People get assaulted by antifa, strangely the media is silent about how their rhetoric about the right might have fomented this.
I was thinking of a more clear cut self defense situation. I can see a huge amount of unrest precipitating if a right wing guy with a CC justifiably kills one of these guys and isnt charged.
The left holds up the dead commie as a martyr and more protests and violence from that ensue.
That is exactly what they are trying to provoke…more unrest. The left is always and everywhere the same.
Without arsing myself to look it up, my recollection is that the
brownblack shirts were attacking the car such that, had the polarity of the participants been reversed, a credible “fear for my safety” claim could have been made. Maybe not, presumably if any kind of self-defense claim could have been made, it would have been presented at trial.But you’re right, if a MAGA-on-black-pajama shoot were to be ruled justified, it’d be ZImmerman all over again, at least.
The videos from Charlottesville did seem to show people pounding on the car with clubs before the car ran over people. Although the car was right up against the crowd, and that might have precipitated the attack on the car.
Or vice versa.
Seems inevitable at this point.
NPR this morning literally (as in literally) said that The Proud Boys were going to be leading a white supremacist rally.
To channel my inner Dennis Miller (how’d he got in there, I’ll never know): NPR must stand for “Negligently Parsing Reality”.
I may be the only person who misses Dennis Miller’s tenure on “Monday Night Football.” It was cool – when I caught one of his obscure cultural references, it was like hearing an answer on “Jeopardy” and knowing the question. Even better, on Tuesdays would post “The Annotated Dennis Miller” explaining what he’d said. Good times.
Hell, I just miss his HBO show and specials; or, the fact that there aren’t new ones being made.
“Rep. Dan Forestal, a Democrat who was elected to the state House in 2012, approached a couple outside their Indianapolis home Saturday night and told them: “I’m a legit officer doing a drug bust and today is the last day before the Feds descend and start kicking in doors,” court documents said.”
Further proof Democrats are more clever than Republicans.
Evil party over stupid party.
Change your undies people. They’re not that expensive. Christ.
Yeah but they do such a good job of catching the baggie of pot that falls out of my ass.
That’s why I only wear ones with a bulletproof crotch.
Yeah, that’s gross. I change undies more than once if I’m not feeling “fresh.” Or if they already caught the drugs . . . ya know.
Speaking of undies, I hear that wearing multiple pairs at once is a thing – if you know you’re going to jail. Same thing with bras. So if you’re bonded out, headed to your sentencing, this gives you more than one pair in jail.
I originally had that in links, but SP proofread and shamed me by pointing out that it’s been linked already and discussed extensively in comments.
I’m shitty at keeping up.
Thank you, Lou Reed.
Oh, and as for the quote above the article, feminists these days don’t fight for people’s rights. They stir shit and fight for the violation of those rights.
But she cares so much!
Welp, on to the links…
I decided to check out the standup of Luis J Gomez the other day. He does a bit about how sneaky it was that advocates for white women not only ditched their white privilege but gave them grievance status rivaling even racial minorities that have had a history of lynching.
And white women have a history of being burned at the stake. Everybody has a history of persecution, just a matter of when and where.
You get kidnapped and held as a sex slave for 9 months and suddenly everything your family does is news.
Forking people is rude.
Not if they consent to being forked.
You have to spoon with them for a while to get them warmed up first.
I’m in favor of nuking all celestial bodies just on GP, but I think I read the problem with terraforming Mars is the atmospheric gases will be lost because there is no magnetic field like the Earth’s. Would it be possible to someday set up, say, a giant solar powered electromagnet to mimic the protective magnetic field, or is the scale too large?
We are never going to terraform mars for exactly that reason.
““You know who isn’t shooting up America? Women!”
Me: umm you know whose calling the police on Black and Brown folks though?
White women.
White women uphold gun violence in America. Lest not forget.”
“sqilxw indigenous ? anarchist ? language revitalization ? ecology restoration ? land base survivalism ?artist ?nomadic”
“language revitalization”
Bullshit, your using Twitter.
Also the Youtube shooter.
White women. Only a shade better than their mass murdering brethren, the white man.
I probably don’t want to know.
Not disputing the article, I find it funny to juxtapose this along side the countless articles disclaiming the idea that voter fraud exists. If non-citizens can get jobs what is to stop them from voting with even fewer checks.
“It doesn’t work because employers ignore it and employees engage in identity theft.”
I don’t think those objections are going to change any minds.
The employers part could be fixed very quickly, at least for employers of a certain size, like more than 25 people. There’s a whole raft of stuff people have to comply with and a raft of alphabet agencies only too happy to line their pockets based on chicken shit violations. Plus, a couple of small businesses getting put down and everyone gets scared into compliance.
ID theft is a tougher nut to crack, but I don’t think it gets at the question of whether the gov ought to be regulating this.
No it doesn’t. It’s as irrelevant as arguing that gun control doesn’t “work”. They’re on firmer ground when they use positive arguments to support their case.
Good morning, Old Man and and the rest of you stick-welders!
The coyote video is great. I kept waiting for the guy to quote ‘Coach Dikka’.
The stick is a cool instrument. Reading about the playing technique is interesting. I like all the simultaneous lines – it sounds like several guitars. Pretty cool.
I’m not sure, but I’ll guess that it was inspired by Randy Resnick’s guitar tapping innovations. The woman who owns the instrument I was hacking at kept shaking her head and repeating, “TAP, DON’T PICK!!!”
music .. welding .. sounds like it’s time for some arcwelder.
they were originally called tilt-a-whirl, until the manufacturer of the ride threatened to sue.
Excellent! I think they are actually still playing.
Yeah I think they come out once or twice a year .. haven’t been out to see them since a new year’s gig at turf club, some years ago. What a good time, and good guys.
“Completely bonkers piece published by @jacobinmag arguing that @MrAndyNgo “is the most dangerous man in America.” Is there seriously no end the incendiary hyperbole of the US culture wars?”
Don’t read the comments.
You know what other Gay man was called the most dangerous?
Jeffrey Dahmer ?
Alan Turing?
I will go one step further and not read Jacobin, either.
Sure. And Hillary still has a 99% chance of winning.
And speaking of Hillary, didn’t we just find out that all data transferred on her email server was being copied and sent to China? Why is she not in handcuffs? ///Rhetorical
Because no reasonable prosecutor wants to get himself killed.
“He was formally charged Wednesday with resisting law enforcement and operating a vehicle while intoxicated, both of which are misdemeanors. He was also charged with impersonating a public servant, which is a felony.”
You see which one of those is the felony, right.
“”Both parties demand totalitarian-like devotion to their ideology and if you’re indifferent, apathetic or nuanced in your approach to politics, you’ll end up in the wasteland of the center—tribeless, unprotected and increasingly insulated.””
“The battle cry of the politically homeless
Anyone moderate with a brain and anything to lose has largely gone silent
Like millions of other Americans, I’m exhausted. But I’m not tired from #Resisting or tired from screaming at a MAGA rally. I’m tired of the toxic tribalism infecting the very foundations of our democracy, straining our relationships, and poisoning our view of our fellow humans.
I’m tired of everyone being outraged, getting worked up over the latest news cycle only to forget about it two hours later. Tired of being afraid to voice my own opinions, of knowing how saying the wrong thing at a barbecue while someone is filming on their iPhone could result in a nationwide clarion call for my head on a pike. I’m tired of rage mobs and cancelations.
2016 was the breaking point, or at least a watershed moment, when the vilification of diverse opinion exploded. Trump vs. Hillary forced everything into a binary, and suddenly bipartisanship and moderation became radical positions to take.
Now, you aren’t just voting out of habit or, God forbid, voting for your own interests. Every vote is considered a statement on your personal identity and worth. Your value, who you are, what kind of world you want, whether or not you’re a good person or an evil person…it all boils down to which lever you pull. Damn your reasons. Vote for the ‘right’ person, or else you are a fascist, or a racist, or a globalist, or a communist.”
Just dont vote sweety. It is easy.
She sounds like a Nazi.
“I’m exhausted. But I’m not tired from #Resisting or tired from screaming at a MAGA rally. I’m tired of the toxic tribalism infecting the very foundations of our democracy, straining our relationships, and poisoning our view of our fellow humans.”
Then she goes on to say “Tired of being afraid to voice my own opinions, of knowing how saying the wrong thing at a barbecue while someone is filming on their iPhone could result in a nationwide clarion call for my head on a pike. I’m tired of rage mobs and cancelations.”
Who screams at MAGA rallies? Who is trying to shut speech down? Who are the rage mobs? Who calls for cancelations? Who is being divisive with identity politics?
Who is trying to execute a soft coup to remove a duly elected president to prove your vote doesn’t count?
That seems like one big ‘to be sure’ to me.
Seems a lot like a fallacy of moderation. Sure, I despise partisan politics, but I’m not going to kid myself that the “truth” lies somewhere in the middle between the Pachyderms and the Jackasses. Both of them are corrupt, crony douchebags.
HOWEVER, one side is actively announcing their intentions to enslave me. The other side may have such machinations in private as well, but when someone says they want to enslave you I tend to believe it. That doesn’t mean you should vote, but stop bullshitting that there’s some magical “moderate” position. Either you believe in liberty or you don’t; there is no middle ground.
And BTW: your “spectrum” runs from psychotically evil to somewhat less evil but conniving and cowardly. You want to say you’re between those two poles?
Moderates tend to be the worst. They like the worst elements of both parties.
+1 bipartisanship
It’s how we GET THIGS DONE.
Seriously, though; when you only think in two dimensions, middle ground becomes the ‘third way’. I prefer a third way that departs from different flavors of bullshit.
I find your lack of outrage disturbing.
We caught you, you shitheeled republicans.
Holy mendacious headline, Batman!
Never change, Newsweek.
“Leaked”…anonymous sources…blah blah blah.
Fuck right off, Newsweek.
Yes, and also according to that manifesto he was anti-immigration because he wanted to institute UBI, universal healthcare and save the environment. So, he was racists and a leftist. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
“My beef with Walmart derives largely from the fact that by moving into sex toys, it’s deviating sharply from its traditional culture and perceived values.”
Because people who shop at Walmart don’t have genitals?
: hides rope/chains:
Walmart hasn’t been selling sex toys?
“Massachusetts-based Clio, to supply a range of high-tech sex toys, produced with 3D printing technology”
I didn’t think that 3D printers were an efficient way to mass produce anything. Good for modeling and custom jobs, sure, but if you are going to be supplying Wal-Mart with fake dicks and ass plugs you are going to need an injection molder
“injection molder”
That’s what she said.
“you are going to need an injection molder”
Are we not doing phrasing?
Agreed. For small batch stuff were the mold costs don’t make sense. I can’t imagine even the smallest volume Walmart wants wouldn’t make sense to have molds made.
I think it’s betwen 20 and 40 cubic inches, depending on the customer.
“Ahh—I see you have the 650cc model. Lucky.”
I doubt that will keep you from getting arrested in a bar.
But do they sell it at Walmart?
Arian Foster probably has a pair.
That doesn’t mean he has a brain. I went one on one with a dog that was around 70 lbs, less than half of my weight. Lemme tell ya’ something, I got away with my life by the skin of my teeth and pure luck. A full grown male timber wolf is considerably more formidable
I strongly recommend he does not try that. The wolf has no thumbs? In a tenth of a second Arian may not have thumbs either. Fights never go the way you imagine they will while you are pecking keys on twitter.
What a dumbass thing to say.
A full grown male timber wolf – I could take Andrew Wiggins in a fight. Actually I probably could not.
Ever been in a serious fight? Like a life or death one? Sure, you learn better to defend yourself but mostly what you come away with is “I really, really don’t want for that to ever happen again.”
back in my days in the Bucharest underground knife fighting
The first rule Bucharest underground knife fight club is, you don’t talk about Bucharest underground knife fight club.
Dogs have like 3x the muscle density of a person. So a 70 pound dog is like fighting a 200# man who wants you dead.
Silicone Saturday never sleeps!
Should I ask HM or SugarFree?
Would (the girl, not the dog).
No doubt.
That’s a sexy bitch, alright.
Cultists gonna cult.
You void the warranty if you don’t follow a regular maintenance schedule.
People are so desperate to find meaning in their life. Good grief, that’s just sad.
Keeping men sexually repressed is a wonderful idea. What could possibly go wrong?
Moderation is important. There have been times in my life where I’ve spent too much time watching porn and flogging the sick coyote. It’s unproductive and takes away from more meaningful sex with women. I often drink a bit too much as well. How often do you look back and think “I wish I had been more drunk last night” or “my only regret is not fapping more last week”? I don’t advocate removing either from your life entirely. I think that makes a person feel powerless in the face of temptation. But they should be used parsimoniously.
Moderation is fine, as long as it’s in moderation.
That guy from Chicago is the best.
Wonder what happened to the pup?
You rarely hear follow-ups on animals taken to wildlife rehabs for a reason. Very often the critters are too far gone and just don’t make it. The ones that do well are usually freshly made orphans in decent health.
“21 USC §§458(a)(2), 453(h), 461 & 9 CFR §381.170(a)(4)(ii) make it a federal crime to sell an old goose for food if it doesn’t have a hardened windpipe.”
I thought this was America.
That ship sailed long ago.
stake, I call your attention to the outrageous friend-of-the-court brief filed Monday, Aug. 12 – signed by five Democratic senators, including presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand – as the court considered a Second Amendment case out of New York City.
More threat than brief, the five senators essentially warned the conservative majority that if they continued to politicize the court through their decisions (meaning, if they didn’t join the liberals in legislating from the bench), bad things could happen.
It’s amazing they think they’re on firm ground with the rest of the “ordinance under which people could only possess a gun in their home if they kept it unloaded and in a locked container”. I would love to see SCOTUS’s opinion on that.
At least some of the left leaning media sees that as a giant warning shot.
Not enough of them. The lunatics are too busy howling and running at break-neck speed toward full communism. They have no clue how dangerous this is.
Where have all the adults gone in the DNC? Seriously. Their ideas have so little traction they are down to “Double the size of the Supreme Court and pack it” and “lower the voting age to 16” and “let’s have open borders and hand out voting cards to anybody who stumbles into the country and wants free shit”.
Overton window shift.
I’m beginning to feel nostalgia for the days when the Dems at least gave lip service to the 2nd. I guess it’s better to know the truth about how they feel but it’s concerning to say the least. When they manage to gain the presidency again gun owners are in serious trouble.
Nah. Their only concern now is defeating Orange. When they’re in power, maybe they’ll manage to get another AR ban but they’ll drop the rest of it like a hot potato. Same as when the GOP campaigned on repealing Obamacare and didn’t deliver.
I hope you’re right but I disagree. These aren’t a bunch of squish country club Republicans we’re talking about here, some of them are true believers and the sane Democrats are being purged. I don’t doubt for a second that a President Warren would bring all of the state’s resources to bear against gun owners and dealers/manufacturers.
I am hopeful that th only way they can regain the presidency is if they return to some semblance of sanity. Right now that is not in sight.
Smh. Nut job maoists are treated as if they have anything to offer the world.
At one point in the Tuesday meeting, Kulla tried to explain to Olson and Starrett what white privilege means.
“I’m a fucking idiot”
The training in question is put on by Yamhill County Health and Human Services and provided by Portland-based company SoValTi.
On Aug. 6, director of Yamhill County Health and Human Services, Silas Halloran-Steiner, told the board that SoValTi would provide equity and diversity training to the entire department of around 350 employees.
And there we have it. The other reason for diversity training. Funneling money to sham outfits. They should have fired Halloran-Steiner on the spot. And 350 employees in a county health department for a county with only 110,000 people is unbelievably over staffed.
It’s OK to be white. Really, it is.
We’re careening into Cultural Revolution territory with this crap. Everybody is learning they have to just keep their heads down, mumble the approved magical phrases, and maybe the Party will pass over you and take your neighbor away instead.
I’ve always wondered what it was like to live through the french revolution.
I remember when objecting to PC was ridiculed and poo-pooed. Now we’re having struggle sessions with insufficiently pure being denounced.
Just watched some clips on Santoro. What a really interesting guy. He’s no Fredo!
Because we say so
Why El Paso and other recent attacks in the US are modern-day lynchings
Someone asked Latina women if they had changed the way they acted in public after a white man allegedly targeting Mexicans was arrested for gunning down 22 people in an El Paso Walmart. One woman said she no longer speaks Spanish when out alone, checks store exits and now feels like a marked person when among whites.
“The hate feels like a ball in my stomach, and a rope around my neck,” the woman said.
For Anderson, the allusion to lynching wasn’t just a metaphor. It was personal. She had an uncle who was almost lynched in the early 20th century for standing up to a white man in an Oklahoma store. She also is a historian who wrote about the lynching era in her book, “White Rage.”
She says the white men who are driving a surge in white supremacist violence in places like El Paso today are sending the same message to nonwhite Americans that their counterparts did in the lynching era: You will never be safe wherever you go.
“The thing about the lynching era was the capriciousness of it — no space was safe,” says Anderson, an African-American studies professor at Emory University in Atlanta.
“Folks of color were never at ease. You’re looking all the time. You’re wondering. Is this a place I can go? You could be walking down the street or in a store or you could be sitting on your front porch and you could get killed.”
You’re ten thousand times more likely to be murdered because you’re black than you are to get a library card.
You’re looking all the time. You’re wondering. Is this a place I can go? You could be walking down the street or in a store or you could be sitting on your front porch and you could get killed.”
Huh. That pretty much describes the shitty sections of every large city in the US.
So they finally accept that Clarence Thomas was subjected to a high-tech lynching?
The STEVE SMITH of organs.
Is dead Jew on a stick kosher?
You, uh…feelin’ better, there, cs?
Went out drinking with a conservative friend tonight. He kept going on about Thomas Sowell and how great he is. My response was, “Did he succeed? Have we abolished the min for example? No. All the stuff Sowell advocated against came true. Great mind but he’s no John Brown. Brown got hung and Sowell retired with tenure (I believe)”. My question is: How much should a thought leader need to risk in order to be considered a great man to those who favor liberty?
i don’t think that comparison stands. different times different issues. intellectual contributions matter to a point. risk what? life? reputation?
That’s an interesting question. Do you, personally, think that risk needs to be a factor in a situation like this? I am more familiar with Sowell than Brown (for better or worse), so I think reaching an observing audience counts for a lot.
Sowell is a much bigger hero than I could ever hope to be. What I want to know is: Is how much people stand to lose the determining factor in how we consider them heroes? Personally, I consider Irwin Schiff a giant hero even though he’s not as well known as Sowell.
That is an excellent point re Schiff.
You don’t think being a black conservative in acedemia has risks? I would concur with your friend.
Not when compared with what Brown did. I still have a ton of respect for Sowell. I could never do what Brown did. It takes a certainty I don’t have. I could do what Sowell did if I had the intelligence, which of course I don’t.
That’s a ridiculous answer on my part. I haven’t suffered anything near what Sowell suffered through. Silly of me to say I’d sacrifice what Sowell has when I haven’t sacrificed much at all.
No, I, for one, can dig it. There is a part in this that can be understood ‘by degrees’. You’re engaging in an intellectual exercise, and you seem to have an expanding view of the situations. That you can correct/modify your answers is a good thinng.
It’s one of those questions you don’t ask in polite company. I ask it because I’m drunk and you guys aren’t polite company.
You’re also arguing on a really narrow timeline, which is the ultimate limitation for all of us. i.e. From the view of a guy who died during the first shots at Bunker Hill, was the American Revolution a failure? Sowell’s writings already have influenced generations of people, and may well influence later leaders, but right now it doesn’t look great because of your/our perception of where things currently are on the economic-liberty timeline. If in a hundred years people are quoting Sowell because we’ve finally gotten our heads out of our ass economically, would you feel differently?
Thanks, Ozy. Fantastic answer. Do your best to convince as many people as possible and let the chips fall where they may. Peacefully.
I don’t know much about the “great men” angle, but I guess I respect people who try to think objectively, and who honestly propound their views without regard to the potential consequences to themselves, personally. Whether that results in someone going down in history as a martyr or a thinker, seems to me to come down to happenstance, with the main difference being that in the former case we end up knowing how strongly the person held to their views, while in the latter, we can only guess.
The Trump administration on Friday filed a brief with the Supreme Court arguing that transgender workers are not protected by federal civil rights law and can be fired because of their gender identity.
Yes, of course. “Trans” people have no civil rights whatsoever. Because Trump.
“Looks like it’s time once again to pick some winners and losers.”
I can’t wait for another law-making exercise from SCOTUS.
Children’s crusade
“We know that our future is at risk,” the small, soft-spoken 16-year-old Swede tells journalists at the start of a weeklong youth summit at the University of Lausanne. “We would love to go back to school and continue with our everyday lives, but as crucial as this situation is, as serious as this situation is, we feel like we must do something about this now.”
Thunberg — whose central point is that humanity must immediately reduce greenhouse gas emissions that have unrelentingly increased since the start of the industrial revolution, resulting in global warming — is the driving force behind a movement that has seen more than 2 million teens around the world take part in Fridays for Future school strikes against climate change.
On Wednesday, she set off from Britain’s shores on a monthslong journey — she is sailing to avoid flying — that will take her to a U.N. summit on climate change in New York in September, and the COP25 conference in Santiago, Chile, in December.
She’ll make a great martyr.
When you have no future, why not shit just a bit on your education?
I know that plenty of us skipped school here and there, so it’s not quite so big a deal with her and her adherents doing so. It just seems…I dunno, creepy(?) to do this as a protest movement for however many Fridays this is gonna cover.
Ban fear
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) on Wednesday announced his intent to sign a sweeping executive order targeting gun violence.
“Too many Pennsylvanians are losing their lives to gun violence, and even more Pennsylvanians’ lives are being disrupted by the terror and fear caused by gun violence,” he said in a statement.
“We simply are not doing enough to stop people from dying and to give communities the peace of mind that they deserve. This order will make sure the executive branch is doing more and focusing on gun violence as both a public safety problem and public health crisis. I will continue to engage the General Assembly in order to advance important gun safety reforms when they return to session.”
What if we made randomly shooting people illegal? What if we make dying illegal?
We should try that.
Wolf’s statement highlighted the high rate of gun violence in Pennsylvania, noting that “more than 1,600 people died in Pennsylvania from gunshot wounds in 2017.”
Totally random. No context required.
But then, I guess suicide is a form of violence.
No Deppuccino? Tim Burton has a sad.