Another week, another pile of applications. My typing fingers are almost worn out. But just because my fingertips are raw doesn’t mean that I’m shirking on links. Here’s proof.
Birthdays to start, of course. A guy who I think was made up; an unfortunate owner; a little guy; a former candidate; a candidate for “weirdest and dumbest congressman”; and my spirit animal.
On to the news.
Nearly 20 years of our military involvement, and we can be proud of the progress.
This actually happened to me, but it was with then-senator Pete Wilson. I missed the outrage part.
Department of Absolutely Foreseeable Outcomes.
If imitation meat offends you, this will make your head explode.
Here’s one where a large body count would only improve our world.
“This is Wales, we will have no fucking here.”
“Let’s make sure we prevent any poor person from trying to get a business going.”
Old Guy Music features John Mayall in his funk phase. And with an amazing lineup of players, but that’s what Mayall always did.
As with any workweek, if someone chooses to take PTO, they are not eligible to receive maximum overtime,
No shit, Sherlock. I went in early Monday through Thursday, and had PTO Friday, so I’m only getting paid straight time for the early hours I worked. I knew this going in.
I’m guessing you are one of the brighter people where you work.
That’s what I was thinking. This isn’t rocket surgery.
Or even brain science.
ok, but, which one is more daredevil though?
brain science sounds like a lot of boring sitting around room stuff. rocket surgery, i’m pretty sure, involves fixing an imperial-sized fuel pump with metric tools while ripping through the upper atmosphere and there’s 45secs till everybody dies.
Calling Lacholosky, to the red phone
Three Years Later, the French Solar Road Is a Total Flop
Storms have wrecked havoc with the systems
Looks like they fucked up your editor as well
Weight-sensitive floors would ensure only one user could be in a cubicle at a time, to safeguard against “inappropriate sexual activity and vandalism”.
No Fat Chicks.
Coming to net cafe near you!
Welsh know that sex is meant to be done in the open field with your favorite ewe.
I bet it gets really wild and woolly.
Oh, c’mon Glibs! More sheep puns here! I’m a mutton for punishment.
(Best I can do this early – I’m only on my first coffee protein shake!)
Coffee protein shake?
New weekend beverage of choice since we don’t usually brew up a pot of the real thing on Saturday or Sunday.
You’re dead to me
Possible NAP violation.
I’ve grown so fond of my Nespresso that I’ve contemplated buying one of the mini ones for travel.
To think that I laughed at the guy in the Nespresso store when he mentioned he did that… Whenever you are, sir, I apologise.
Aww, cut me some slack, guys! Can you really afford to shun one of the last endangered libertarian women? And at least it’s not pumpkin spice!
We have puns of all sheeps and sizes!
You’re a sheep in Welsh clothing.
I’d better hoof it on out of here.
Who are ewe talking to?
Penalty for the double-ewe jokes.
Just Ram these puns down our throats huh?
We’re gonna get a serious narrow graze
Anyone can butt in, or else the thread will die on the ovine.
Ewe already have!
I’m getting a baaaaad feeling about this.
I’m on the lamb
We need to stop goating Swiss.
He ain’t here to fence us in
That’s not what I herd
Here you go
She dated Kristen Stewart?! Ewww.
“No fat chicks”
Wonder if Wales can be sued
By Whales
No Fat Chicks.
You’d think you could just calibrate each cube to the weight of the intended occupant, except, in testing it was rapidly discovered that cubes calibrated for users over 350lbs would consistently get fucked in by two thin people who add up to exactly the fatty’s weight the first time the user left their desk for more than 5mins.
“This actually happened to me, but it was with then-senator Pete Wilson. I missed the outrage part.”
Yeah, much as CNN wants this to be an issue I’m not seeing it. The employer is writing the check and isn’t asking anything unreasonable.
It’s not even news, other than some sort of TDS on display.
Well, I think it’s a bit unreasonable. I’m almost positive it would be out of scope of the employment contract, and being told you have to go or miss pay or use benefits would frustrate me.
Damn. Suthen is right. I should know not to believe anything CNN claims. The part of the memo I can read says it’s about overtime pay for attending the voluntary event.
They are contracted to get 56hr/week if the plant chooses to close for a campaign speech I don’t think the workers should lose those hours or be forced to do something not related to their job. The plant was closed so they couldn’t go to work as usual, it was Trump or stay home.
So I was right originally? It’s still CNNs fault cause the read more button wasn’t working!!!
That’s how it sounds to me there is a Pittsburgh Post Gazette article that makes it less murky.
Right or wrong I dunno, but they own the factory. If it breaks the conditions of their contract, sue.
Those contracts typically guarantee 40 hrs, but the company can demand up to 56 hrs if needed (at time and a half) without having to beg the union to get the extra hours out of the workforce. Anything after 40 but less than 56 is usually at company discretion. Having read both articles, neither mentions a guaranteed 16 hrs overtime. They are either leaving that out intentionally because it hurts the narrative or it’s sloppy reporting.
Call it a trust building exercise.
Given the location and the workers involved, I’m guessing just about all of them were excited to participate, it was likely only a couple grumblers who notified the media. This isn’t exactly an event for subscribers of the NY Times.
Imagine what CNN is going to do when it finds out that unions take money out of workers’ paychecks to support political candidates.
Retired here, wife too. Yes, every day is a weekend day for us but I find ways to be productive…sometimes.
“Washington (CNN)Workers at the Pennsylvania petrochemical plant where President Donald Trump spoke Tuesday were told that if they didn’t attend the event, they either had to use paid time off or receive no pay for the day.”
Huh. I think what they said was if you want to take time to go to the Trump rally we will pay you. If you don’t go to the rally then show up for work as usual. Way to go CNN turning that on it’s head like that. What a bunch of mendacious shits they are.
The Afghanistan shitshow is a shitshow. Everyone who supported nation building there should be thrown in prison.
Solar doesn’t work. It is a scam on par with perpetual motion machines.
Everyone should eat what they want. Want to eat bugs? I don’t care, knock yourself out. Want to eat fake eggs? Same. Personally I am going to eat the ones that come out of chicken’s asses.
I am afraid body count is what it will come down to in the end. I don’t think the commies are going to like the way that goes.
Just overheard some free speech guy on tv just now. He caught my ear when he said “Antifa is emboldened because we are just being defensive. we aren’t taking the offense but that may change if they keep pushing.” And then something to the effect of if the cops wont do their job and root these people out we will do it ourselves.
‘if they keep pushing’ they mean keep exercising their right to freedom of speech and expression.
And it’s horseshit. They’re making things worse by fricken showing up to places they shouldn’t.
Catching the bouquet at an Afghan wedding must be real fun.
You know who else liked to kill afghanis at family events?
God, I wish the answer to that was nobody.
Barack Obama?
So this weekend (sorry to be OT so soon) we are without the Heir, as he is gone to his senior class retreat. *(huffs into paper bag: he texted me a few times, he’s fine, and the social worker sent me a text too to that effect, with a photo of him getting ready to swim with a cute girl).
To celebrate, yesterday we ended up with all Lord H’s ideas: let’s go for a swim ! Let’s take the dog to the dog park! Let’s go to this restaurant early like old people~ we even had a coupon!
Best part of the day was the dog park. She did GREAT! first time. I felt some nerves letting her leash off, but she sniffed, ran, frolicked appropriately with other dogs – and let other people touch her. This was great proof of how far she’s come in the last few months. She came when we called her, checked back on us without being called . . . it was like an amusement park for her. So glad we have been to training since April, it just made us learn about her, instead of hoping she’d learn on her own.
“and the social worker sent me a text too to that effect,”
Was he holding today’s newspaper?
Should he have been?
I thought it was standard for a proof of Life image.
I’ve had Wonder Dog at one of the local off-leash dog parks. They are much fun, so glad it worked out for you guys.
I brought treats – and pretty soon all the other dogs figured out I had them. It was like candy at Halloween, the dogs lined up . . . waited, took a treat, trotted off.
That’s awesome. Our local dog park has been a lifesaver. My lab can run all he wants and I don’t have to worry about him.
If you have a dog beach available give that a go. It’s what doggie heavan looks like.
This is good news.
Grape stealing whore
“‘May God ruin Donald Trump’: Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother, 90, hits back at the President after row over congresswoman’s visa to Israel”
She seems nice.
That doesn’t seem very Christan way to handle it.
Later in the article it’s phrased “May Allah ruin* him”. Yeah, probably not.
Autocorrect tried to change this to “rim”.
I’m sure God’ll get right on it.
Even God fears Trump’s Twitter game
Total looser and Nobody. Has anyone seen him in public?
Been hiding for the past 2000 years, ever since some Fredos kicked his ass.
“She seems nice”
Well Tlaib didn’t sprout out of the ground magically.
*sprays kombucha all over screen*
For christ’s sake. Yes, things were proceeding swimmingly under Obama, and then *BAM* Trumps is elected and everything went to shit. And we were sooooo close.
Just… wow.
“American mom, 32, forced to live in Saudi Arabia loses custody of her four-year-old daughter after a judge in the kingdom ruled she is ‘too Western to raise the child’ because she went to Burning Man and has social media accounts ‘full of nudity'”
Damn Trump appointees.
The 32-year-old student had moved to the Middle Eastern country in 2011 to teach at a local university”
I didn’t read the article because screw that but this doesn’t exactly go along with the way it’s framed.
she’s cute, has lots of options
The mother is new to Islam
suit yourself, but I’ve always been caught off guard by white American chicks who went Muslim NTTAWWI; hell, there are pigheaded guys who will ruin your life right here in the USofA
lost custody of her husband
Some typos tell it better
Islamic extremist has problem with Burning Man.
How many times have I heard this story? Idiots.
Completely foreseeable. It’s sad but she’s still a dope.
Yup, she’s incredibly naive at best.
A deepfake website using Jordan Peterson’s voice:
This stuff might become a problem for us.
You mean that people might fake a file that says things you never said? I’m not too worried.
I’m not very worried; we use a neural-net-based denoiser in our software, and I was quite surprised with what it is able to do — but also what it is not.
It is truly amazing how it can remove noise from an image, but on the other hand, if the image was not generated using the specific set of algorithms for which it was trained, then it will completely fail — meaning, you give it two images, which look no different to you, and it fails horribly with one, and succeeds amazingly with the other.
My takeaway from this is that although it may be difficult for a human to detect AI-mimicry, it will not be difficult for a suitably-trained AI to do it, and furthermore that such a detector should be expected to both outperform a generator, and also to defeat entire classes of generators.
I found something it couldn’t say. I typed in “KKK” and all I got was dead air.
Why? It’s not like they aren’t putting words in his mouth already.
Oops. Response to Stinky at 12.
So you’re saying you believe the deep fake?
“Weirdest and dumbest”? Stiff competition there. Was it the terror babies thing that put him first past the line?
And the photobombing.
Huh. Apparently #gohmertbomb is a thing. I myself am an occasional photobomber and I refuse to feel shame for it.
Terror-Baby noun: A you woman who marries a terrorist in the hopes of collecting his pension after a suicide mission.
Where is the list of 535 names going from Best to Worst? Depending on who compiled the list would make a difference. Survey says: and then compile the stats and rank the ‘tards (can I say that?) numerically. The Big Number logic
I have never understood how anyone could be horny enough to overcome their disgust at being in a public bathroom.
Not a fan of 2 girls and 1 cup, eh?
Go to a holding cell at the courthouse to feel really gross. It’s like the whole thing is a toilet, no matter how much it might get cleaned.
I was in one once. Handcuffs chained to my feet and my church clothes to impress the judge. I’m sitting there minding my own when a guy who looks like Shaq’s bigger brother says “You want to see this black dick?”. I shake my head and hope there’s no uncertainty about it. “Well, turn around so I can take a piss”. He just wanted some privacy. Phew.
Well! At least he had manners.
UGH! The restrooms in the Queens Criminal Court building are an affront to God and man. Ankle deep effluvia on the floor and half a dozen shockingly pungent young men attempting to bathe with paper towels and sink water. I fled outside, still retching, and urinated in the bushes around back of the courthouse.
This story should end “And that’s how I got on the sex offender list.”
Ha I had jury duty there a couple days. Bathrooms were clean when I went.
I once had to (urgently) relieve myself in the dark in a Mongolian government restroom on the Mongolian-Chinese border. Dante could not have done it justice.
What do you know, it looks like GE has been cooking the books:
Sell, sell, sell…
For some reason the phrase cooking the books triggers in my memory a song from Les Misérables musical.
The company I work for went with a Siemens HRSG Steam Turbine package over GE about 6 years ago. This would be cause for celebration if it wasn’t for the fact that the Siemens equipment is European junk.
Years ago, GE’s emphasis went from making useful stuff to financial thimblerigging. Why is anyone surprised?
“Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!”
There seems to be a lot of people in power who are more ideological than leaders of men.
Wheeler is a good example of a lame cuck pretending to be a leader of a city.
I thought Antifa was already labeled as a terrorist organization? Maybe some other official label? I could have sworn I read they were “labeled” buy some Fed agency…?
They must be one of those Totally Not An Organization That Foments Violence For Political Ends outfits, based on the complete lack of interest by federal law enforcement.
Today, in everyone is literally Hitler
“The only way you can view Antifa as the equivalent threat of white supremacists engaging in daily acts of violence around the country from hate crimes to terrorist acts is if,
you guessed it,
you are a white supremacist.
Pretty sure we’re all more likely to be killed in death camps built by this fascist admin than to be targeted by antifascists in America 2019.”
It’s so transparent that they’ve moved to “white supremacist” because “racist” became overused. Well, duh, all we have to do is wait a few news cycles and white supremacist will have been diluted of all meaning too.
Then everyone’ll be a circumcised, pineapple deep-dish lover.
Pineapple pizza meme
What comes after white supremacist?
Super duper?
What comes after white supremacist?
Satan worshiper.
I think it’s “wife beater” then “satan worshiper”.
We were warned people would be stoned out of their mind if we legalized pot. Really this is libertarianisms fault.
Her next tweet:
“Pretty sure we’re all more likely to be killed in death camps built by this fascist admin than to be targeted by antifascists in America 2019.”
She can be safely ignored whoever she is.
^ this ^. Her brain does not reside in reality.
Can’t see the tweet. Looks like my account was locked for insulting Linda Sarsoour.
You’d be better off without an account. I see everything.
My brother checked out Glibs the other day. He reaction was, “Interesting, but why do they all hate Jews?” He wasn’t kidding. I guess it is our own fault to a degree.
tell him he is projecting.
Sarcasm and tongue in cheek jokes don’t really come across too well in text.
Yeah right, as if.
Is he a lefty? Because only a lefty could misread us.
Nope. He’s an AnCap sympathetic conservative. I blame us for being so good at parody.
SP didn’t hate Jews until she married me.
she did it for the gold and you gave her the fake stuff?
Same way my wife became a racist
I chuckled, but realized on quick skim – yes, you could actually come to that conclusion.
Which, I think, shows how much real antisemitism is showing up on the internet.
I blame (((OMWC)))
If imitation meat offends you, this will make your head explode. – i does not offend me I just think it is garbage
I was expecting an article about fleshlights. Disappoint.
somewhat related
would y’all still eat this?
Fuck yes
Yes. I wouldn’t want a salad instead.
I’m not going to lie, I kind of like a backstory to my meal.
Is this where that company gets taken to court (again) over using a well-defined term to mislead the public?
meh tha is also bullshit
I don’t care too much about imitation meat because while whoever they are that are eating the imitation stuff, as long as they keep doing it there will be more of the real stuff for me. Win-win!
Sunday Slutty Sunday!
Not enough Jews in those links Q. It has been noticed.
Edit fairy porn?
Not a good review. I might still try watching it.
I’m not surprised. Every trailer I’ve seen was disjointed and didn’t hint at the plot other than fairies banging dudes.
I want to check it out. I’ll watch alone because the wife doesn’t dig sci-fi or fantasy stuff.
MINDHUNTER season 2 came out Friday night so we gotta watch that first. Pretty good show
I have netflix and HBO Go and I don’t watch that much am not sure about paying for Amazon as well… Also torrents are not what they used to be. I still have an external hard drive and like 50 dvds of stuff i pirated in the good old days.
I get a lot of use out of Amazon prime for their shopping. The video stuff was just icing on the cake. Their, sort of, recent developing of original content has made subscribing a great deal.
I spent Friday night in the country at my moms place and that triggered some allergy. I have no idea to what. Happened last two years in mid august. Goddamn it. It is complete bullshit to develop allergies after 33 fuckin years of none of them.I though you either get them at birth or are safe.
Here you go.
My wife now has an allergy to wine (or any other fermented fruit) that basically makes her sick after one glass. Started when she was mid-30s.
For some reason my mom suspects these fucking things
Looks like Hosta. They’re tough to kill but I managed to do it.
I love Hostas.
Who purposely kills hostas? You monster!
I suspect I have a drainage problem near a retaining wall. The flower bed at the base has gotten very wet and stays wet for a long time after rain. That’s where the dead hostas are.
Growing up if it was in the air I was allergic to it. I got allergy shots for 5 years to get better. Couple of years ago my doctor suggests I get tested for allergies. I’m thinking I’m good I got shots (containing minute amounts of what I was allergic to) to get rid of most of my allergies. Took the test. Nurse who gave me the test says she has never seen someone so allergic to what I was tested for. So I got my fingers crosses thinking she is young haven’t seen that many patients. So I went back to the much older doctor to get the results. He starts off by saying he has never seem somebody so allergic to what I was tested for. DAMMIT.
So as someone who is taking allergy shots for the second time, allergies change over time.
Not the best written article I’ve ever read, but I think the point is largely valid. For example, I know two people who desperately want people to think they’re smart, and the parrot every opinion they see the elites holding (AGW, we should emulate Scandinavian government, etc).
“people who desperately want people to think they’re smart”
I think those are called Fredos.
I laughed
You mean they hold the ideas that to anyone who has done some level of study shows them to be shallow?
Well, yeah, exactly. Neither of the two in my anecdote are particularly deep. One has listened to shitloads of Rogan and gone way into psychedelics including DMT and Ayahuasca ceremonies, but that’s about it.
I spent the first half of my life in the Chicago area, and the second half in the Bay Area, moving here in 1985. The one thing I and all my other expat Chicago friends agree on is how much the pizza sucks in San Francisco. So fuck off young tech hipster, you have no idea what you are talking about, got eat some fake eggs and tell us how they’re better than real eggs too.
go eat.
It can be hard to see and review posts here on your phone because those floating arrows block the left quarter of the box.
Only the damned would think imitation eggs are better than real eggs.
“Imitation eggs” – is that like, eggs which are cooked in something other than bacon grease? Not sure if I’m sober enough to care.
Yeh my eye raised a little on that.
Wow! Doc off the top rope!
They don’t like real pizza. It’s obvious they don’t have taste buds to begin with.
Penetration testing
unrelated this also amused me . the neo vs classic marxists thing is amusing.
Also there is a thing going around the twits that Americans don’t recognize a bay leaf what that bout?
What’s a bay leaf?
I knew it
A useless thing that Big Bay has convinced millions of people to put in stews.
Oh that garbage. Yeah I hate that shit.
Never got the buttplug thing. Didn’t know there were smart ones and what the hell does that mean anyway. I guess a smart one is one that jumps into the trash can on its own?
“What did the tortoise do when the Student Loan Debt Relief Act became law?
Shell-ebrated being turtle-y debt free!”
Thus began the Swiss-Indian War.
Dear God I can’t stand her.
I always like to point out that if we “forgive” student loans that would mean 66% of Americans with no college degree will be forced to pay for 34% of Americans college education.
*forced to help pay
I should go buy a condo on Park Avenue and let the rest of America pay my mortgage. I mean, shelter is a right, yes?
First comment
“Only a culturally appropriating fake Indian who usurped the identity of marginalized and struggling Indigenous people for megalomaniacal self-interest & to circumvent student loans would find this funny…since I’m not that I just find it grotesque”
I can’t even.
No one predicted this when government took over student loans. Why did they do that again??? Oh yeah some scheme for the affordable Care act.
I didn’t go to college — so do I get a check for the debt I didn’t incur?
Took me a bit to process that joke. Ha. **golf clap**
Good morning Old Man and the rest of you anti semites!
Oh man, I do love me some Sunday morning funk. Thanks for that!
you are always late. I though after having children people no longer sleep late
I’m nearly an empty nester! Spawn 1 is away at college and Spawn 2 had to work at 6 this morning.
But mostly it’s because I’ve been walking every morning before I log in.
I used to do that BEFORE IT WAS 100° AT 5 AM!
Fun trivia fact about the song: see the guy on the right? Blue shirt? That’s the guy who got SP and me together.
Randy Resnick?
That’s pretty cool! Is he a Chicago dude?
No, he lives in France, originally from Minnesoda. Long story, happened well before we moved to Chicago. We were both (individually) friends with him for years.
He is a brilliant player, a super-smart and extremely nice guy.
Yes! The guy you mentioned yesterday. I went looking for some videos of his playing style – pretty cool.
News you can use.
“I am not trying to be Captain Obvious here but…..
Antifa = anti-fascist
Opposite of anti-fascist is fascist or pro-fascist.
You are either anti-fascist or not. Simple as that.”
I’m not trying to be Captain Obvious here but:
Pro-Life = for life.
You’re either for life or against it. It’s as simple as that.
National Socialist = Socialist
Ah, the old with us or against us thing.
Might want to give that some more thought, toots.
You call something a name and it instantly becomes that thing!
It’s magic!
Ho-olee fuck! I served with some really room-temperature-IQ grunts in the Marines but I can’t remember any of them spouting such logic-deficient BS as this.
Celsius or Fahrenheit?
Aw, that’s the nice lady who organizes the occasional Palestine pep-rallies across the street.
Sarsour can go fuck herself.
Yep…. that’s the tweet that got my account locked.
30. Seconds.
They’re doing you a favor. Participating in Twitter lowers your IQ by 10 to 20 points.
You can’t use the R-word.
Since when?
“Harassment based on disability”
You called a retard a retard.
The truth is an absolute defense.
Since Cuomo got the damn Italians all worked up.
About 1990?
Sounds about right.
I assume this made its way here but
Mufasa Brainwashes Simba: Live Action Remake
Your periodic reminder that this happened: When One Hollywood Couple Lived With A Pet Lion
The photos are banana cream pie!
”My lion is going to hang out with me at the hotel pool today.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I’m afraid that’s not allowed.”
“I thought this was the 70s.”
“Of course, ma’am, I was just fucking with you. Would you like some drugs for the lion?”
Hospital lawyers compete on who has the most ridiculous/outrageous story. I held the crown for awhile, but lost it to a guy who discovered a real live lion in their pediatric intensive care unit.
On mobile, which I hate typing on. When I get back to a real keyboard I’ll have to tell it.
The lion also nearly tore Melanie’s face off. Believe it or not that beautiful face had been glued back on when she was a girl.
It’s a fucking lion, you idiot. – To Tippie
I didn’t learn that from clicking on the link.
Am I suppose to read articles?
That’s awful.
Plus I learned a new word!
股間 – kokan – my dictionary says – nether region, between the legs. Is it unisex? For example, I know asoko is usually for women.
The battle cry of the politically homeless
lol pussy. The libs are coming for us, and I for one am glad Trump fights back.
I posted that the other day. Apparently, people here are reading it differently than I am.
What are these losers saying?
“totalitarian-like devotion to their ideology”
Only one side tries to destroy your life over ideology.
Beta is on Meet the Press, talking about China. I’m guessing economics is not his strong point. Ooh- now Chuckie wants him to say what an awful thing it was to drop out of TPP.
TPP was all about imposing American labor and environmental standards on the rest of the world; an honest answer.
Trump might as well have pulled that trigger in El Paso. More racist than Hitler!
P Brooks = Mike M. imho
Nice shirt, asshole.
He’s being honest.
How this bartender took a no-nonsense approach to sexism
It’s called riding the NYC subway, fuckwit.
Anyway this guy is really awesome and you’re welcome ladies.
“they’ve caught a wandering glance”
Being attractive is sexual harassment.
I’m sure that chick bartender’s top blouse button came undone inadvertently as she drew another draught of suds.
Alternative headline: “Pub Shuts Down After Self Important Douchebag Chases Away All of its Customers”
I read the article. I suspect he was shown the door and I suspect some of his “no nonsense approaches” were over-reactions.
Maybe work somewhere that doesn’t attract assholes?
I haven’t even read the article yet and I think he is both full of shit and an asshole.
Chuckie: “Be safe on the campaignh trail.”
Those crazy Trumpistas are plotting to kill you. That means you’re winning.
Chris Cuomo ‘Fredo’ flap exposes ridicule Italian-Americans face every day
Linguine breath is having a case of the sads.
Look you [actual ethnic slur], you were allowed in the white club. No backing out now.
One of my fraternity brothers actually had a problem with “Guinea” for some reason. None of the others bothered him, and he sometimes claimed to be an Indian of the Awopaho tribe.
You know, the nice thing about the dagos is that they took all the ribbing with good humor. I guess that’s over now.
Isn’t identity politics wonderful?
Wasn’t there some Italian anti-defamation bruhaha over the Sopranos and Scorcese’s gangster movies? The Offend-o-lympics is eternal and knows no cultural barriers.
Hell yes, let’s Balkanize the population even further by pushing more grievance bullshit. And that wasn’t an ethnic slander, that was a correct assertion that Cuomo is a dumbfuck who overestimates his own intelligence and is also the less talented brother.
I remember there was a youtube or giff or something repeating
I don’t care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork.
I’m german-irish.
I ain’t no band leader.
Well, let me tell you something, my kraut mick friend…
People should be nice to those people. Without Italians we would all have to run and jump up to get in our front doors. *Very old joke*
P Brooks = Mike M. imho
Wrong. Nice try, Jingler.
I still think that F. DeAnconia and Brooks are suspiciously similar…
You’re all Tulpa to me.
That’s exactly what Tulpa would say.
Same state. But it ends there. Brooks is taller and has far more hair. FdA isn’t flirting with Tulip, maybe because his wife is ruthless.
It seems only natural that Tulpa would be able to change form in meatspace.
Officials were not expected to release a toll until daytime Sunday. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but both the Taliban and a local ISIS affiliate carry out bloody attacks in the capital.
Maybe in another 20 years of US involvement Afghanistan will be peaceful. Sure. Yeah.
Jedliczka says Colas pursued the project too quickly before fully investigating its cost effectiveness.
Of course they won’t. The government subsidized them. I’m surprised though that the French government only dumped 5 million euros into it. I was expecting more.
In other news, which one of the New Hampshire Glibs is missing?
Hey, I moved from NH a few years ago. I still have some snowfrog surrender monkey family up there, though.
New York going after Sackler family’s financial records in opioid case
Somebody has to pay.
The attorney general’s office contends that the family fraudulently removed money from the company and that it needs details from investment advisers and companies connected to the family to show that.
So a fishing expedition.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause
Everyone involved should summarily fired and have their law license yanked.
Ahah! The inverted yield curve proves Trump is wrecking the economy.
What do you suppose the 30 year rate would be without the Fed’s “influence”?
I see they’re going the 50 and 100 year bond idea again.
America is getting it’s financial wisdom from Argentina.
More like Poo Looks, am I right?
Remember when the Party of Nuance mocked BOOOOSH relentlessly because he was a Manichean simpleton who only saw the world in black-and-white “you’re either with us or you’re a terrorist” terms?
I remember.
“Koch Brothers’ anti-government group promotes allowing unlicensed, untrained cosmetologists”
The horror!!!
Thinkprogress is about as dumb as it gets when it comes to matters more complicated than wiping your ass.
I can’t wait for Snopes to fact-check these claims.
The Babylon Bee rates this comment: Silly
Well those trainees need to get cadavers for training, how do they get them except for EDUMUCASHUN!
The Bay area, I’m sitting in the sun! Its 65 degrees! I’m cold! Don’t be jelly OMWC,
I’ll be in Phoenix next week, melting along side you 2
Drop us a line when you’re coming in. And don’t worry, we won’t put you to work, the AC is running fine these days.
I shall, wife and dog in tow…
Say hi to SP!
The tantalising mystery of Ghislaine Maxwell’s burger bar ‘makeover’ as conspiracy theorists ask why she ‘took off her glasses while reading a book and had TWO drinks next to her’
Down is up, black is white – nothing is certain.
In and out?
Good boys?
She’s trolling us. Which takes balls for the alleged procurer for the world’s most famous pedophile.
America is getting it’s financial wisdom from Argentina.
I remember when Howard Dean accused George W Booosh of running the economy on the Argentine model. Those were the days.
So what happened in Portland? Today’s AP story mentions that “far right” demonstrators were opposed by “anti-fascists.” The report claimed that the right wing protestors came from all over the country. The whole tone of the report was that decent people would naturally side with anti-fascists.
well who wouldn’t? you’re not a fascist, are you?
The most authentic Portland hipsters are the ones who just moved there.
Short clips from though-out the day.
This guy got knocked unconscious
Three twats up…
If you’re going to dress up like a Spartan, you can’t runaway from a crowd like that. Shame.
LOL. Protest LARPing is so silly.
“Comrades, did we leave anything out?”
Everyone knows white supremacists despise the apartment and condominium domiciled.
Don’t leave out us motel people!
Jamal X came to declare war
Run away!
I cant believe it, Trump really is Hitler….
The good guys chased the white supremacists out of town.
Can’t we just nuke it from orbit?
Stipe Miocic says he fought ‘like a b—h’ before Daniel Cormier knockout, regrets celebration
Ohioans are going to become even more insufferable. Stipe is the goat, though – what a fun fight.
His birthday is tomorrow like my youngest daughters.
“Ohioans are going to become even more insufferable”
Fake news!
He did fight like a bitch. Cormier was making it look way to easy.
Then again, body, body, body, body, body, body, HEAD is how jones knocked out Cormier,.
Remember kids, when in a professional cage fight put some effort into defending liver punches and kicks.
DC with the eye pokes again. Like DC, but I’m sick of that stuff. I’d love to see Stipe crush Jones, but Jones isn’t stupid enough to go up to heavy.
Not yet anyways. Eventually making weight becomes a fight in of itself. ie Cormier
Unless the BBC is lying to me, Wales is entirely populated by drunken sluts.
+1 Sue Jones-Davies
<— Changes upcoming vacation plans
Bernie has a plan
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders unveiled Sunday a criminal justice overhaul to “reform every aspect of America’s dysfunctional criminal justice system” by ending “for-profit greed” in the system, expanding inmates’ rights and changing how policing works in the country.
According to the plan, if elected president, Sanders — who has long campaigned on ending for-profit prisons — would ban cash bail and civil asset forfeiture, as well as increase the number of public defenders and funding for them to better serve certain communities, according to the plan. He would also enact a “Prisoner Bill of Rights” for incarcerated people that includes rights to living wages and educational training, as well as the right to vote.
As part of his proposed criminal justice overhaul, Sanders aims to change the way policing works by “creating an unarmed civilian corp of first responders” that would respond to “low-level” issues like homelessness and mental health emergencies. He would also work to reduce the number of incidents of excessive police force by creating national standards for police that “emphasize de-escalation rather than violence.”
Sounds legit. Polish up your magic wand, Grandpa.
Oh, Bern. You do know you can’t possibly out-plan Liz, right?
“Polish up your magic wand, Grandpa.”
It’s too Lithuanian?
“He would also enact a “Prisoner Bill of Rights” for incarcerated people”
He’ll just take some of them rights from people who are not incarcerated and give to them. There’s only so many rights government can hand out, we can’t afford it. I’ll take one first and second amendment away so we can have cable TV and free pr0n for prisoners.
How about Wonderwall arranged for Ukulele?
Good idea?
Since both things are horrible, I’m gonna say “no”.
the AC is running fine these days.
Glad to hear it.
Not kidney stones
How about Wonderwall arranged for Ukulele?
Good idea?
Throw in an accordion and a bagpipe, while you’re at it.
Perfect pitch = throwing an accordion into a dumpster from sixty feet, six inches, and it lands on the bagpipes.
You are dead to me.
It’s all about the Timbre, it does work, whether or not you or I like the song is irrelevant,
South Korea Allows Import of Hyper-Realistic Sex Dolls
I know sharing is frowned upon but who wants to go halvsies with me on one?
How fair is that? The country that least needs sex dolls gets sex dolls. Talk about privilege.
I get the front, you get the back.
Sure, but I get the bottom half.
Crusty just needs a spot on her to attach a strap-on to.
Not rubber
A popular Cape Cod beach was closed to swimming for an hour after there was a confirmed attack on a seal by a great white shark Saturday morning.
The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy’s Sharktivity app said there was a confirmed sighting and seal attack just before 10 a.m. at Nauset Beach in Orleans.
This is the fourth time in as many days that a shark has been spotted at Nauset Beach.
The beach was closed for an hour Friday after a great white shark was seen by a spotter plane, Orleans officials said. The shark was reported to be 60 yards offshore in front of the main lifeguard stand, traveling north.
Oh, go on, you big sissy. That fish won’t hurt you.
Watched Jaws 2 last night, well the wife did, I just laughed
The good guys chased the white supremacists out of town.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.
“This is Wales, we will have no fucking here.”
Sigh… just another reason I can’t visit the ancestral homeland. Anyway, what happens when you take your emotional support goat in there? These guys are crazy.
It puts the lotion…… Seriously though, pretty cool.
Stunt man
White House hopeful Beto O’Rourke visited an Arkansas gun show Saturday to talk with firearm owners and vendors about solutions to tackle gun violence.
The visit comes one day after O’Rourke released a plan proposing a slate of gun control reforms and two weeks after a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, where O’Rourke represented in Congress from 2013 to 2019.
“At the show, Beto listened to voters - including many Republicans who voted for Trump in 2016 - about their thoughts on gun safety. In order to make progress, Beto believes we have to meet people where they are, and not be afraid to have hard conversations with people who may not always agree,” O’Rourke’s campaign said in a statement.
O’Rourke’s plan, which also includes platforms to combat white nationalism, calls for the creation of a nationwide gun licensing system and registry, universal background checks for gun purchases and implementing a gun buyback program and a federal “red-flag law” that would allow law enforcement to seize weapons from those a judge deems a danger to themselves or others.
O’Rourke’s campaign promoted interactions he had with gun show vendors and attendees who agreed with aspects of the plan, including a self-identified Trump voter who does not oppose a mandatory buyback program for assault rifles.
Nobody wants to take your guns away. We just want you to be free from fear. You have to buy a federal license to drive, right?
“and a federal “red-flag law”
That’s all they even need. It will be like the no-fly list only way more popular, no one will ever know how they got on it, even be able to ask, and will never be removed from it. The lefties will be recruiting and training thousands of people to make that call, #metoo on steroids. ‘He’s crazy, I saw him cat juggling in his back yard!’ *we’re here to get your guns, you crazy person, and if we’re lucky we might even find a marijuana cigarette while tearing your home apart*.
This shit should be setting off sirens for everyone in the country who actually owns a firearm.
What am I missing. A federal red flag law that does anything other than fund grants for state programs is structurally impossible.
a/ Congress can’t write any operational law that defines and directs the flow of actions because the structures, powers, and names of the state offices vary so much
b/ Congress won’t create a new bureaucracy that is large enough to do the work: special courts, magistrates, whatever would be thousands to empanel and pay.
I disagree. Any local judge could add someone to the FBI database of no-buy list. No new bureaucracy needed. It could consist of one or two sentences. You try to buy a gun, they do the background check and ‘sorry, no go for you’.
What it would certainly do is expand the black market for guns outside the craven criminal crowd to those who are now law abiding.
There is no part of this that is not evil.
Once again none of their proposals would have stopped any of the tragedies that they are soapboxing to push those proposals. They are so goddamned dishonest as to make this guy look like a paragon of truth:
If your group, whatever it may be, is not in the crosshairs today, it will be at some point.
“…talk with firearm owners and vendors about solutions to tackle gun violence.”
He has no intention of doing. any such thing.
1 minute to Wopner!
And then he paid homage, and kissed the ring
After visiting the gun show, O’Rourke spoke at a rally for gun control on the Capitol steps in Little Rock. He was the keynote speaker Saturday night at the Annual Clinton Dinner in Little Rock, CBS Little Rock affiliate KTHV reports.
I’m not 100% certain that’s going to help.
Last night someone made a bit of a snark about why young people are swayed by socialism and it hit me. Of course they are. They have’nt seen the effects of communism that we saw. The USSR was gone before most of them were born. For a few generations we have been saying and expecting our children to be better off than we were. A decade ago we began bemoaning that that would no longer be the case and that in fact they may be worse off. In some ways it is true but in the minds of the young who didn’t actually experience the life we had before them that might be magnified. We have also been raising scads of kids with the ‘everybody gets a trophy’ mentality on top of that. So I think there are more factors than just ‘I didn’t get what I wanted on a silver platter so daddy government needs to step in’ (which was the accurate comment, I don’t remember who) attitude. A lot of factors contributed to that attitude and coupled with economic realities and lack of experience it seems pretty clear to me how we got here. A pretty convincing argument could be made that we failed them in ways that made the allure of socialism inevitable.