I think my kids pulled my rearview mirror off when climbing around in the car yesterday. And of course, just like in sex, I can’t get the button to pop out. Err, I mean, the little metal mounting button won’t come unattached from the mirror. Reviewing the Intarwebz shows me that Ford expects me to spend $18 on a tool they change every 5 years to solve this problem. Orrr…. I can just hold the whole fucking mirror on the window for the entire 15 minute cure time of this crap I bought so the adhesive isn’t bearing the weight. Hmm, I think I can do that while drinking a beer. Just to be sure, I’ll bring two. Jesus, Ford, when did you become a European car company?

I didn’t even know this goober was running. Apparently, nobody else did either. Except SF.

Florida Man turned into Captain Hook by gator. No word on whether it follows him around or has swallowed a clock.

I’m sure we’ll talk about this horrible gun crisis right?

This is the saddest article I’ve read in a long while. And while I’m fine, I guess, with people finding a surgeon to mutilate them at their request, I just can’t help but wonder how one comes to occupy a place where removing a part of your body that gives you greater autonomy and a broader set of abilities is seen as desirable.


SugarFree’s Dem Deathwatch