I am not going to talk about shootings, but I am going to talk about guns. Sort of. I am going to talk about something going around social media in the last few days being portrayed as some kind of “liberal self-own”.
This is my review of Barrier Brewing Farmhouse Ale—with Brett (H/T Iobot)
It is this article from Business Insider making the rounds on the parts of social media conservatives are still aloud to congregate and make fun of their progressive counterparts. Essentially, a reporter tried to find out how difficult it is to buy a gun at Wal-Mart—turns out she couldn’t just walk in, pay cash to an associate in a quiet corner of the parking lot and leave with a weapon Bill Duke uses to trim the hedges.
Buying guns at Wal-Mart has always been a…shall we say…less than ideal experience. I would know, while I was in college I worked the sporting goods counter for a short time. It was only a few months, and resulted in me not hating everything about Wal-Mart because that is where I got my start.

Its pretty sweet
For one thing, while a customer can special order nearly anything in the Lipsey’s catalog, what was on hand was limited to standard length shotguns, Ruger 10/22, and composite stock Remington 700 in various calibers with a Chinese sourced optic. The best rifle I ever sold was a Browning BAR in .30-06, which took a few weeks when the customer bought it via layaway, then I called Lipsey’s, put in the order and awaited shipping. Those are pretty sweet. Wal-Mart also had certain requirements for state residency, they needed the entire address without abbreviations printed on the ATF form 4473, a “salaried manager” needed to double check the transaction, and most important was the required “all clear” from NICS, rather than after the wait time for a hold. They also had the counter under constant video surveillance. Finally, the manager walked the rifle out of the store and handed the customer the rifle in its original packaging outside the store. This was 2005. Eventually, Wal-Mart began selling AR-15s, specifically the Colt Model 6920, which is absolutely nothing to scoff at even if I assembled a better carbine from vendors located in various corners of the internet. They since stopped selling it in 2015.
Nowadays, Wal-Mart has certain “approved” employees that can sell firearms. The reporter had a lot of difficulty in finding out which Wal-Mart sold rifles. By policy, they are hesitant to tell a customer where they sell guns, and when she even managed to find one ran into issues with her ID not having a current address.
I had invested several hours across two days on this. If I were actually in the market for a rifle, I would have gone to a local gun shop instead after about five minutes of trying to figure out which Walmart stores sold guns.
She found out something many gun owners already know: buying guns at Wal-Mart sucks, because they go well above and beyond federal requirements to sell firearms—to aggravating levels. Take that Sheryl Crow.
So how is this not a self-own? One of the reasons commonly cited for the “Age of Trump” is one side simply chooses not to not understand why the other lives the way they do. In this case we see somebody actually tried to find out. In spite of what we might assume her biases are or what the narrative she might have intended to portray, she found out it is not so easy. She discovered what most gun owners know: gun retailers realize the consequence of selling to the wrong person and are going to take steps to avoid that mistake. Some have a smoother transaction than others perhaps, but should a guy walk into a gun store and ask for the best weapon to kill [minority group of your choice] will actually find he going to be to asked to leave…and probably to go to Hell. This isn’t a self own, she discovered something about the other side—which even if unwittingly is actually commendable given the insanely low bar set for this sort of thing.
Something else I discovered was this beer is excellent. Everyone here is probably aware I am a fan of Belgian-pattern wheat beer. This one comes loaded with Brett tipped clipazines and enough body to hold that shoulder thingy that goes up. Must be 21 to purchase…
Barrier Brewing Farmhouse Ale—with Brett 4.2/5
Brett L is 4.2/5? Is that higher or lower than Florida Man?
Florida Man is high in his natural state.
I agree that it wasn’t a self-own. But damning for the left’s narrative, none the less.
And that beer looks really good
a “salaried manager” needed to double check the transaction
I’ve had that happen at Heritage Guild and Shooter’s Outpost.
Something else I discovered was this beer is excellent. Everyone here is probably aware I am a fan of Belgian-pattern wheat beer. This one comes loaded with Brett tipped clipazines and enough body to hold that shoulder thingy that goes up. Must be 21 to purchase…
I’ve had mixed luck with sour beers.
Omnia exeunt in mysterium.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum enim. In massa tempor nec feugiat. Nunc aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida. Nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper.
Sounds about right.
Last time I try to class this place up.
Biggus Dickus
Non angustos exitus. Es no fumar de banyo. Ciudado piso mujado.
What…um…en vino veritas.
^This man speaks the truth.
Age quod agis.
Ugh. That was the motto of the first school I taught at in Bangkok.
A terrible place filled with rogues and scoundrels.
Really? I thought it was, “Smoke weed every day.”
Damn, son, where’d you find this?
That’s my personal motto.
Credat Judaeus apella. Non ego.
Juventus stultorum magister.
En pace requiscat
Vīs cōnfutuere?
Never let facts get in the way of your narrative.
Yeah, I doubt this will change anyone’s opinions.
OK, fine. But everywhere else that sells guns is super-easy to buy guns at!
/new gun-grabber talking point
The article’s author just about goes there.
I had invested several hours across two days on this. If I were actually in the market for a rifle, I would have gone to a local gun shop instead after about five minutes of trying to figure out which Walmart stores sold guns.
Does she think she would have gotten a rifle at a gun store in less than five minutes? No, they would have at least told her the same thing about her driver’s license.
I’ll just put this here. Always Sunny did this better than this dope years ago.
Meanwhile, California wants to help their pig ignorant neighbors to the east write better gun safety laws.
Story/link at the end of the AM lynx post.
What’s commendable is that she reported her actual experience instead of just making shit up. Which may have been your point.
If she is a lefty (I suspect centrist of some kind), she’s really going to have to learn to left harder in this day and age.
Yes. Being honest is the insanely low bar.
Think of it as a kinder, gentler form of forcible confiscation.
Lie backBend over, and think of the children.Swalwell has been actively advising presidential candidates to follow his lead, telling them in conversations that “the moms will have your back,” even as critics denounce the plan as gun confiscation that would turn ordinary Americans into criminals.
“If you want to ban future sales, I actually think intuitively you’re already there,” Swalwell said. “You recognize these are weapons we can’t have in our communities, and the next step shouldn’t be that hard, which is to get the ones that are there now.”
This week, a group led by survivors of the Parkland shooting unveiled a plan that included the same concept — a departure from more common proposals that would only ban the future sale of affected firearms.
Nobody wants to take your guns away, you stupid bitter clingers! They just want you to be safe and happy. And docile. And obedient.
If you want a civil war, this is the easiest path to it. AWB 2.0 isn’t gonna be taken laying down like the original was.
The good and bad thing is that the left isnt smart enough to progress with the incremental change philosophy that has won them the culture. They’re ready to jump off the deep end, and they’re at least a generation early for that.
A generation in some places. It’s the line in the sand in many places. They may, in fact, pass the legislation. But coming to folks homes to confiscate their guns is an entirely different story
The way I see door-to-door confiscation going is you’ll have a bunch of gun owners who will just lie about having guns on the premises. A bunch will report them stolen or lost. They’ll just kinda vanish. Inevitably, police will get warrants, searches will be conducted, and someone will get nervous and shoot a guy–maybe it’s the cop starting it, maybe the gun owner. That’s when shit will hit the fan*. And all this will be against the backdrop of demonstrations and protests, “2A sanctuary” counties and police who either outright refuse to enforce the new laws or develop Stoner-shaped blind spots all of a sudden.
*In this context, I see SHTF as something like a combination of too much pushback from gun rights organizations combined with a few good cases where you have the very sympathetic wife and kids (or maybe parents) of someone who gets killed by the police during a seizure. Bonus points if he was a veteran; game, set, and match if it’s a woman.
A little old and you can find lots of more recent ones, but this was in MT. Civil war 2.0 for criminals with illegal guns? Probably not. Even more so if they resist lawful enforcement with illegal force.
Confiscation like they’re talking about isn’t the same as picking off nuts who try to get illegal guns on the black market. If you decide one day that AR-15s are “assault weapons” and decide to go door-to-door to confiscate them, you’re kicking in the doors of everyone from retired ex-police living on a farm in the country to 40-something IT security managers with a wife and kids living in the DC suburbs.
I doubt the gun grabbers would be dumb enough to go door to door immediately, but they are stupid.
The thing is, even if they do, that average joe six pack WILL be a nut thanks to a complicit media and government.
Lose the culture, lose the politics, and it’s gone.
And being an ex-cop won’t necessarily be a protection for an illegal gun.
That dude is gonna get clipped all day, every day, and nobody’s gonna question it. That’s the guy that the gun grabbers want to claim represents gun owners as a body. And he’s right about the “fatal flaw” bit; if you go on record as saying that you want to attack the government with illegally-obtained firearms and then set about trying to buy said firearms, you’re gonna get busted because your dumb ass is gonna try to buy them from an informant.
I see it going that way in the cities. Not so much in the rural areas. I think in many states the people will simply say no. If the government thugs show up to confiscate, the citizenry will organize against them.
I think the blue states seriously underestimate what 2A means to people living in red states.
Three unanswered questions are:
1) are we still susceptible to frog boiling tactics, or is there an actual unwritten line in the sand?
2) is the left stupid enough to push for substantial curtailment of rights the next time they have power?
3) is there anything different about the US in comparison to NZ or South Africa or Australia that makes all of the “hold our ground” rhetoric more than just bluster?
Maybe a small point but Australia didn’t move to active confiscation on the 80% of firearms they declared “illegal” so they never really crossed that line.
(I say “80%” of those firearms because only 20% of the semi-autos they made illegal were turned in without a fight – 80% are still in the hands of the people)
Only really dumb ones. Smarter ones call the cops to report a neighbor they don’t like then set up a good hide. Cops get sniped when they show up. Maybe it escalates into IEDs and welcome to Afghanistan.
Which AWB was taken lying down? 1994 was a big reaction.
So, my ‘copy’ of Madden 20 PC that I ordered online arrived today…and as I feared it is just a box with a download code. I had to wait 3 days to be mailed a download code. Now it is probably going to take another 3 days to download on my shitty internet. Ug.
Madden 20? I didn’t know you were a black man!
Well, I do love me some fried chicken. And my cousin is black (but we don’t talk about him anymore since he went to prison).
As Dave Chappelle said, if you don’t like fried chicken there’s something wrong with *you*.
Wise man.
I grew up in the south eating fried chicken, okra, black eyed peas, watermelon.
I thought of it as Southern food.
I had to be taught it was “African American” food by racist elite Yankees.
Yup, all those foods plus collard greens made regular appearances in our meal rotation in TX. Granted, I had only had fried chicken and watermelon before moving there.
A grocery clerk in Minneapolis didn’t have any idea what okra was when I brought a baggie of fresh okra I had selected to check out.
I had to spell it so she could look up the code. She gave me the judging “never heard of it” comment.
I grew up in Northern Minnesota and I just thought it was picnic food. Not okra though
Fine, you’re invited to the barbecue.
Once MS started selling an Xbox without an optical drive I knew the days of software sold on physical media were pretty much at an end.
…shall not be infringed
They won’t be able to pass that legislation. But, they don’t need to. All they need is mental health checks and red flag laws. That alone will get them a good percentage of the confiscation they want. Once they think the numbers are low enough that there’s no threat, that’s when we get social credit scores, people being banned from travel, and people going to jail for what was once considered free speech.
Is it too early to start drinking?
See, watch:
I hope not, I already opened my first one.
And I see the rest is no it’s way here. I love ordering beer online. It’s expensive yes, but totally worth it just to chill at home on a Saturday.
‘on it’s way’
My typing skills, never stellar, are just going to hell lately.
Where/how do you order beer online?
Drizly. Delivered right to your door in one hour or less. Typically, I wait about 30 minutes.
I wasn’t going to until I read Brooks’ link about California gun laws.
I don’t know how you people keep living in that commie state. MD is bad enough, but Cali is going completely off the deep end.
I don’t even say I live in California. I say I live in San Diego. It is sanctuary.
I guess my old hood of Simi Valley is about the most right wing place in Cali. That must mean they are at least somewhat right of Stalin.
Start? I’ve already had a little Bourbon in my tea.
I dunno. The red flag laws are custom designed to fail any constitutionality test. I don’t see them standing up.
All gun control regulations are unconstitutional. They won’t need to meet constitutional standards though because they will be regulations, not laws. They’ll never pass any meaningful gun control legislation, they don’t need to, they’ll use regulations that will be retroactively enforced.
Justice Penaltax will find a way.
Yes, but we’ll get to endure them for the 20 fucking years it takes to challenge them. And there might be a blue majority of Nazgul by that time.
I had to wait 3 days to be mailed a download code.
What did you expect? A CD which bursts into flames after you copy it onto your hard drive?
Well, if you’re selling me a download code there are much quicker and cost effective ways than shipping it to me in a box.
Really surprised buying physical games is still a thing.
They still sell games in a box? How barbaric. Last game I bought in a box was Heroes of Might and Magic 5, in 2006.
BAR Mark III 30-06. So sweet.
Sweet but finicky. They are very particular about what you feed them. Reloading for one is a pain in the ass.
The piston rods are two flat bars that are nearly in contact with surfaces and so a little bit of soot or dirt and they won’t feed properly.
I tried posting this once and nothing showed up.
Good to know!
Yeah, that’s why I decided to give up on my quest for one in .338 Win Mag – I read quite a few reports detailing how finicky they are on ammo. Thunder Speaker will feed and shoot almost anything I stuff into the magazine; I like that in a rifle.
So, for Animal purposes, bolt guns it is.
I have other actions, too, but I do like a left hand bolt. Never a failure, I only have to pay a little attention. Back in the days of skeet shooting I would reload while relaxing, some time a little over the limit. Had a couple of poofs, everyone turned and laughed. Then the derisive “You should use powder, too” from some clown, like the buddy I’m shooting with.
If I screw up now I can’t pin it down to anything other than laziness and/or stupidity. Hasn’t happened ever with metallics.
Funky is just not something I look for in a beer. I’ll sample it if I see it on tap somewhere. My experience with farmhouse Ales/Saisons have been mixed. Seem to really like them or not like them at all.
I like a nice, crisp saison this time of year. Fizzy, a little boozy, and just the barest hint of almost a sourdough taste.
Did someone say funky?
The site is now funky and I’ve barely had anything to drink.
And now it is back to normal.
This is one of the highest rankings I have seen MS give so I will keep an eye for it in my local build your own six pack fridge at the local grocer.
I got it from Iobot during the last BIF, and he’s located in NY.
Oh damn, ya that is most likely not showing up here any time soon.
Some Star Wars and Pancakes
This was in the sidebar. It is old but, holy fuck the owner is hilarious with his matter of fact ya I am making money fuck off attitude with a side of ps. thanks for the free advertising.
Yeah, they’re in Vegas now. I’ve eaten there. I liked it.
Thinking about firing up Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. Took me about 3 hours to figure out what to do. No tutorial of any kind. I was just sitting there staring at the screen like ‘what the fuck am I supposed to do in this game?’. Key binding, not much out of the box for K&M users. It’s not very complex compared to say, Elite Dangerous, but there’s not even a default key bind for roll, got to mess with key bindings…
Any other gamers out here today taken a look at Greedfall? That one looks really interesting, ambitious project for sure, hope they can pull it off.
I was addicted to the original polygon Elite on the Commodore 64.
Is Elite Dangerous worth the time investment? It looked promising when it was proposed but I never played it.
Elite Dangerous is very good. I mean if you like flying around and fighting and going on missions to make money and upgrade ship. There’s pretty much no real character interaction or voice acting though, so it seems sort of lonely out there in the stars. There’s a pretty steep learning curve also. It took me hours to be able to land cleanly on station pads. It’s pretty much the ultimate cockpit fighting game though, lots of realism.
In the old Elite, I ended up trading drugs and computers between Anarchy systems and Corporate States. Fighting police at one end and pirates at the other. Great fun.
You can do much the same in new Elite, only with pretty graphics. You can get the base game on Steam right now for $9, 100s of hours of gameplay. I’d highly recommend it if you like the old one.
Hmmm, I seem to have purchased the VR version of this during a drunken spending spree last Christmas. I guess I should at least fire it up once.
It’s VR enabled by default. You need to have a really fast computer to avoid nausea from out of control rolls.
Macron and Merkel to take over the Amazon
“Problem was he didn’t seem to have let key players in on his decision. Within two hours, his call to arms was met with a furious response from Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who accused Macron of colonial posturing. Affairs relating to Brazil should not be discussed without Brazil at the table, Bolsonaro said.”
That’s putting it mildly, wife and I watched that, dude was fucking pissed.
Yeah, that smacks of White Man’s Burden type thinking.
Look, Europeans look down on Americans as racist hillbillies (they read US news media constantly harping in how racist we are, and if Americans themselves say it, it must be true), but if you pay enough attention you figure out how deeply racist white Europeans are, despite their smug sense of superiority.
I think they’re smug sense of superiority is a key driver of their racism, like any left elitist.
It’s inferiority complex projection. ‘We’re so happy, we have healthcare, and we’re not like Americans driving around in giant planet killing SUVs with machine guns mounted on them’. Blahblahblah, STFU.
They’re way more racist. I would have to say that Americans are probably the least racist of any people. Europeans (I know quite a few of them) are jealous because they don’t have the type of opportunity and upward mobility that we do. They will make less money with the same skillset and get half of it taken in taxes, and everything is more expensive. Jealous, so it’s our fault and we’re dumb hillbillys. Get over it already, Euro commies.
It’s going to get worse over there too.
My wife just got back from Berlin recently. She’s turned into a big L fire breathing libertarian. I’t hilarious, I am taking the utmost pleasure in it. Her daughter, who is a wonderful girl, is all into the Euro socialist identity politics thing. Wife told her she’s a commie and I found it amazing how she was able to argue libertarian talking points on our Whatsapp family group. I was like ‘That’s exactly what me and my shitlord posting friends would say, amazing!’.
All the Hollywood glitterati are doing that, too. Congratulations, Macron. You’re as stupid as a Hollywood actor.
“You’re as stupid as a Hollywood actor.”
And far less entertaining.
I’m looking at today’s Babylon Bee offerings and seriously thinking they might be lurking here at Glibs.
Today I just checked 3 of their pieces: one was about immigration and began “Liberals and conservatives don’t see eye to eye on much (except how terrible pineapple pizza is). ”
Another was an entire article about how Hell had proudly rolled out 13 new types of pineapple pizza.
A third was on Libertarianism: “Libertarian Just Gonna Kick Back And Enjoy Watching Faith In Government Institutions Crumble” and includes the quote “this truly is the best timeline.”
I wonder what the current effort to censor/ban the Bee looks like? Because you know they want to do it, they’re dying to do it.
True. Comedy is one area where the Left is dominant at the present moment, and they don’t take kindly to outsiders honing in on their territory.
Not really. Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, Joe Rogan – I could go on – aren’t exactly darlings of the left.
Dude, there are narratives to advance, don’t question the narratives.
If you really want to be dangerous, you can bring in Brad Stine, Jim Gaffigan, Tim Hawkins…
Those 3 are Christian. Gaffigan is apolitical in his act and can be enjoyed by all. Tim Hawkins is a goofball who definitely includes Christianity in his act, so not for everyone.
Brad Stine is a bitter clinger cynic who is most definitely political and most definitely anti-statist. He’s hilarious although I fear an aneurysm will burst in his brain every time he gets into a mini rant on stage. Great live show.
Brad Stine for those who haven’t had the pleasure:
LOL, the use their turn signal line made me lol. You’d get it if you lived in Baltimore. I had one co-worker who lives in Oregon, while visiting here, ask me if cars in Maryland have turn signals. I told him yeah, but no one here has figured out that technology works yet.
Another extremely popular, and fairly clean comic, is Sebastian Maniscalco, and I believe his shows are politics free.
Thanks, CJ.i will look him up later.
I liked replace the airbag with an anvil.
Nick De Paolo
The problem is that they are not funny and demand that no one else can be either.
That’s why I give BB $20 a month. They will need it for legal defense funds.
That would be cool! I’ve thought about trying to write a few satire articles like the bee for glibs, but they do it better and faster than I ever could, so what’s the point?
Those are all really old articles too.
Odd. They just all showed up on my FB feed today!
You might be surprised how often things like that get poached around here.
Who’s poaching from whom?
*dons foil helmet*
It depends.
Brett’s FL Man Friday bit somehow found its way on PJMedia.
Winston’s Mom got her bit stolen by Redstate, shortly after she made her debut.
Chicken vs. Egg?
Fer chrissake, try it thin crust with green chile before you judge.
Pineapple? Did you just vouch for pineapple on pizza?
First crime from Space. Space Criminals would be a good band name.
That’s one hell of a hacker to hack someone in space. SPACE SMITH SIGHTING!
Florida man makes funny joke. Jokes on him.
How could he be so stupid as not to know that was career suicide??
On the other hand, he did succeed in teaching those kids something they will never forget:
“We at the FBI do not have a sense of humor we are aware of.”
Trump’s America
“Why White Privilege
Is Wrong—Part 1Doesn’t Exist – The End”I’m eagerly awaiting the day when the Left starts decrying this horribly unjust wage gap… Although I guess forward-thinking universities like Harvard are attempting to remedy the situation by racially discriminating against Asians.
When you are punching white man, you are always punching up, because white man have more cargo.
Why wait for college? In NYC, we’re doing it in high schools.
Here I go, here I go, here I go again (again?)
Girls, what’s my weakness? (Men!)
Ok then, chillin’, chillin’
Mindin’ my business (word)
Yo, Salt, I looked around, and I couldn’t believe this
I swear, I stared, my niece my witness
The brother had it goin’ on with somethin’ kinda, uh
Wicked, wicked (ooh) had to kick it
I’m not shy so I asked for the digits
A ho? No, that don’t make me
See what I want slip slide to it swifty
Felt it in my hips so I dipped back to my bag of tricks
Then I flipped for a tip, make me wanna do tricks for him
Lick him like a lollipop should be licked
Came to my senses and I chilled for a bit
Don’t know how you do the voodoo that you do
So well it’s a spell, hell, makes me wanna shoop shoop shoop
That voodoo that you do so well.
DAMMIT DAMMIT hit Post Comment too soon:
That voodoo that you do so well.
Wife got bored with me and went on an exciting grocery store excursion. ‘You just going to sit there all day posting with your crazy friends, playing that game, and drinking beer?’. Yes. ‘OK, I’m going to the store’.
‘Keto IS sustainable!’ Jenna Jameson reveals the 10 diet tips that helped her lose 80 POUNDS – including shopping on the outer perimeters of stores and always reading labels
good advice!
“Keto IS sustainable!”
For how long? I mean serious question, because I’ve done it before several times. And yeah, you lose a lot of weight because you are basically starving yourself to death. It’s in no way good for you long term. I would always wind up with gout like symptoms and severe digestive problems after a few months, along with very low energy. No thanks, paleo is one thing, ketosis diets are not sustainable long term, at least not for everyone, and probably not healthy for anyone.
Sure it is, just like how intermittent fasting is good for you, too. That doesn’t mean it is a solution for everyone.
I lost 60 lbs by eating less calories and just running and walking a lot. No need to starve yourself, it’s simple, burn more calories than you consume. No ketosis required. Been there, done that. Just no, not for me.
A calorie is not just a calorie; all calories aren’t equal. Which kinds of calories and when consumed makes all the difference. Of course, the human body is also meant to be run and revved much higher on a more regular basis than most of humanity will ever attempt, and that’s part of the problem, too.
You have to figure that during most of our human history, we were way more active than we are now. I think if I’m correct in what I read about this, the average human during our hunter/gatherer days, which was most of our existence, probably walked 20-30 miles a day just to find enough food to eat. It’s only in very recent history that we discovered agriculture and could spend more time sedentary, and it’s much more recent when we could all afford to eat a Western diet and gorge down as much high calorie food as we do. It’s no wonder diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are just becoming more and more common. Of course we also live a lot longer and that factors in. I think it’s pretty simple, be more active, don’t pig out as much, you’ll be fine for a long time.
My theory on intermittent fasting is that the more you exercise, the less sustainable it becomes. I lift weights and run, and I have ravenous hunger every single morning. No way I could make it to noon without eating.
It may be workable for someone doing mostly cardio and trying to lose bodyfat, but if you’re trying to build or maintain muscle, you need a regular intake of protein throughout the day (some super-serious bodybuilders even get up in the middle of the night, chug a protein shake, and go back to bed).
I do around 5-10 miles a day running and walking. I get hungry as hell and there is going to have to be carbs, no way I could sustain that level of activity without food. And I never feel hungry or gain any weight. And if I’m hungry, I will get up in the middle of the night and eat. No reason to starve yourself when you are burning it all off anyway.
Hunger is a feeling, not a disease state. And I feel confident in guessing that you’ve never even been close to starving (no offense meant). Going days without eating isn’t that bad and various military branches cause it intentionally or through stupidity on the reg.
I happen to think it’s one of the most important things you can do to learn about (a) how soft we are, and (b) how much our minds trick us into believing in drastically narrower limits and abilities than we actually possess.
In ketosis, you’re metabolic cellular process has switched from glycolysis (glucose-based production of ATP by cells) to lipolysis (using lipid-fat molecules to produce energy). Guess which process is ‘cleaner” for the body, gives more ‘bang for the buck’, and produces less harmful waste products? It isn’t the glucose metabolism.
You can run and walk yourself into clogged arteries and all kinds of problems on a carb-laden diet. Jim Fixx is just one extreme example.
My experience, research differs from your. That’w what we do, as humans, we disagree.
I was sort of a Jimmy Fixx disciple until I read in one of his books that he never took a shower, only wiped off the sweat. I ran away from his hygiene or lack there of.
Dead at 52 while running…
Funny thing – vegans and vegetarians die from heart disease at about the same rate as the rest of the population.
I think the biggest positive thing you can do in changing your eating habits is to avoid sugar (sucrose) and its components – fructose and glucose – as much as possible. The next step is to avoid simple carbs as much as is practical. After I stopped eating the occasional cookie or sugar-laden breakfast cereals I was surprised at how little they tempted me anymore.
I have shifted to eating pretty close to a Keto diet. Difficult to maintain 100% as I still have to meet other people for work which often means going out to lunch at normal restaurants.
August 15th was 1 year for me, with only a handful of slip-ups (damn you Mrs Fields cookies!)
My cardiologist and GP are both fans. I feel fine, and I have the bloodwork to show a vast difference in the before-after.
Uhm….me and the gf are at 4 years now.
She gets annual bloodwork done. Healthy.
I feel fantastic.
Locals mock Taylor Swift’s new song ‘London Boy’ for rose-tinted view of city</a
You’re lucky to have Queen Bish sing about your dumb city! GET HER NAME OUTTA YOUR MOUTHS!
First Greenland, then England.
Seemed like a career was doing just fine before she went political. Oops.
A Once Upon in Hollywood webcomic that takes a…strong? brave? really horrible but in a funny way? stance on the film.
I’m guessing this has already been shared here, but I just heard about it.
Hasbro released a “Monopoly: Socialism” edition mocking socialism, and American socialists unsurprisingly are outraged.
I saw that somewhere a couple of days ago, don’t remember if it was here or not.
Well, I mean, I get it. Sure they are pissed because socialism is really going to work this time, we have the right people. Just give us one more chance? What, we might have to kill off a few billion deplorables, but it’s going to work this time! Those deplorabales should just report right to the ovens for the children and the planet!
” buying guns at Wal-Mart sucks, because they go well above and beyond federal requirements to sell firearms”
Get this guy an Apple watch, President Trump – he needs to be monitored.
I prefer to buy all my guns at gun shows, because at gun shows it is illegal to conduct a background check to buy a gun, therefore making the gun buying process much easier.
Have they ever explained what the term ‘universal background checks’ actually means? Because I’ve never heard that explained. Are they saying hat if I give or sell a gun of mine to a son or cousin, that I have to do a background check?
Here’s the deal, like I think someone already mentioned. You are not going to get to less guns. What you are going to do is turn a lot of legal guns into illegal guns, and their owners into instant felons.
What you are going to do is turn a lot of legal guns into illegal guns, and their owners into instant felons.
In their mind that will be seen as a feature and not a bug. More tools to fuck with gun owners.
When I moved to Cali, I totally got rid of my high capacity magazines…
All my guns were stolen.
Same here, that’s how one gets the best deals.
Boating accident?
Speaking of that. Did they ever find those 2 dudes who went out fishing and then disappeared off the FL coast?
Not that I’ve heard. I though the families feeling hope because they found a floating tackle box was a little naive.
I suspect foul play. I mean, that’s what it typically seems to be. The first suspects are always anyone these guys know well. The wife have a boyfriend? I mean I’m not jumping to conclusions, but if you were a detective on the case, that has to always be the first thing you look at.
And hour and a half and no one made a “high capacity bra” joke? Sad.
We aren’t that drunk, yet.
“…high capacity magazines…”
Huh? “High capacity”? Is that like a 500 round magazine?
OH! – you mean standard capacity magazines!
Universal background checks means all tranfers. Sometimes there exceptions for immediate family members. The laws are usually vague enough that they can include temporary transfers such as letting someone use your gun to hunt. As I recall they also required a background check when you pick up your gun after a gunsmith works on it.
Government worker had sex with White House staffer on rooftop, probe finds
I wonder if they’re hiring, because of that doughy nothing is engaging in such hijinks there is hope for the rest of us.
Sometimes it wasn’t permitted…
Did they forget to actually look that up in the company handbook first? Because I assume, that everyone keeps that right on their desk at tall times and probably has it memorized anyway.
Alcohol at work is:
A. Always allowed.
B. No more than 3 cocktails at lunch.
c. Forbidden
I’m a go with B, because C seems unreasonable and is a violation of my state granted rights.
Obama reveals his summer playlist
Unsurprisingly the list doesn’t include the official song of the summer, the Lou Reed inspired Summer Girl by HAIM probably because the group is all white.
“Obama reveals his summer playlist”
Dude, just please go away, and take the wookie critter with you. Just fucking go away.
Or, and this is just a suggestion, you could ignore clickbaity fluff stories about him and his beautiful wife if they bothers you that much. Also I hereby order you to change your handle.
<a href="https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/449731-kamala-harris-releases-summer-playlist"Did you see Kamala Harris also released her summer playlist? Obama and her seem to share a similar taste in music, mixing in the classics like Van Morrison and Phil Collins, updated classics like Salt n Pepa, as well as a lot of trendy, fun pop and hip hop songs.
It’s crazy!
“Also I hereby order you to change your handle.”
Ignores contrarian as usual.
“what Michelle and I have been listening to” – they are so the bestest couple ever!
“what Michelle and I have been listening to”
Marxist mix?
I’ll eat my hat if they listen to anything other than themselves lecturing.
Sounds like a safe bet to me.
I will never forget him giving the queen of England recordings of his speeches as a gift. *facepalm*
That was an intentional big, fat, middle finger to the queen and the entire country.
Can you imagine the fucking outrage there would be if Trump did that?
It was also an indicator of amateur hour, as none of the staff knew protocol about state gift exchanges. So they ran down to the White House gift shop and put together a last minute “gift.”
I was embarrassed that day.
At what point during Obama’s apology tour were you not embarrassed?
The Queen was delighted as the iPod was loaded with images of her trip to Virginia as part of her official tour of the United States two years ago, in 2007.
The Queen, who was dressed in salmon pink, opted for a more conventional gift in return. The President and First Lady were given a silver photo frame with a picture of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh.
More talk radio outrage about nothing, was it a middle finger to us that the Queen gave Obama and his beautiful wife a picture of herroyalselfness?
Horseshit. You had me going there for a second.
That’s the official take from the paper of record in limey land on the day after the gift exchange. I guess I could be wrong and it’s all horseshit but at least I can identify a fire ant mounds.
Can you really though? Or do you live in an areas where the only anthills are fire ant hills? ‘Cause I’ve got to say, crazy ant hills look freaking identical.
Have I been eaten alive by fire ants? No I have not, ergo I am better than Suthen and I don’t even own a TV
That’s a weird non-sequitur
Like Iowa, he’s trying to claim-jump me before I release my official 2019 summer Pornhub watchlist tomorrow.
You’re list, filled with the likes of Alexis Texas and Rin Ye would be as predictable as Obama’s playlist.
Wake me when the beautiful Bailey Jay or spectacular Mia Isabella make your list.
*Yore* not *you’re*
I think this should be a thing. Like, “what we are reading” but way better.
I’m in.
pr0n is icky and the wiminz are victims. That’s why wife and I refuse to watch it. You guys are just disgusting, you pervs!
What is it with me and critters lately?
I am out puttering in the yard trying to catch up on stuff I had to let go while convalescing and I get into fire ants. The fuckers were evacuating a bed and were all over the fence and a maypop vine and I didn’t see them. I leaned up on the fence and vine to drizzle poison on the bed and the fuckers swarmed me. They were stinging my face, neck and arms before I realized they were there.
For someone who posts a lot of wisdom, you manage to get yourself in a lot of trouble.
No shit. *scratches head*
You must have pissed off Gaia.
Repeat after me:
“AGW is settled science…AGW is settled science. Algore is the Messiah.” Then throw some one you love into a volcano.
That should get her off your back.
The moral of the story is that Gaia will use preprogrammed drone workers as a collective mob to punish you.
“They were stinging my face, neck and arms before I realized they were there.”
Gasoline and fire is the cure. Kill it, before it multiplies.
You’re talking about the ant hill and not Suthen, right? This is the kind of chatroom that those questions need to be asked.
Of course that’s what I’m saying. I don’t even know Suthen personally yet, but I already like him a lot more than fire ants.
I left Texas and fire ants in my rear view mirror. They were all over in my yard. Now its mosquitoes and wood ticks but at least only during the summer months
How are you coming along, Suthen, from the bad dog event? Did the leg/foot nerve damage recover? (If I’m remembering right)
Looks like I am gonna live. Nerve damage is still there but everything else healed up ok. I have a hell of a lot of scars, but hey, who wants to end up a good looking corpse anyway? Aside from the numb skin on my left leg everything else is 100%. Thank you for asking.
here’s a sampling of what Michelle and I have been listening to
Probably not this, unfortunately.
Okay, what the hell is with the 65 yard field in preseason?
80 yard field. Still.
I assume you’re talking about the fucked up 80 yard field during the Packers/Raiders 3rd pre-season game? Canada, fucking commies, that’s all.
Okay, what the hell is with the 65 yard field in preseason?
Deadspin knows.
Spoiler alert:
It were kkkapitalismz what dunnit.
Universal background checks means all tranfers. Sometimes there exceptions for immediate family members. The laws are usually vague enough that they can include temporary transfers such as letting someone use your gun to hunt. As I recall they also required a background check when you pick up your gun after a gunsmith works on it.
As I recall, the original version (I think it was fixed) of the Washington state law made it illegal to let another person handle or fire your gun.
Doesn’t even matter. The goal is disarming citizens and rendering them as helpless serfs who must obey the dictates of the state, no matter what.
Whatever exceptions to that (private sales, family members, temporary loans) become the “loophole” in the next round of grabbing.
GUNSGUNSGUNSSo proud to be from Oklahoma.
Speaking of guns I figured out what was causing my double feed issues.
It does have to do with loading the poor crippled thing through the ejection port. If the loader isn’t set juuust right, a round will get put in eccentrically. Fortunately, this causes the rest of the rounds to get harder to load, so you can feel if it happens while loading. Then eject the misfed round and it shoots fine.
110 rounds without any malfunctions once I figured it out.
Next MSR I buy will just have a fixed stock w/o a pistol grip so I can use detachable magazines like a civilized person.
What do. you mean by eccentrically? How so?
Here’s the law both before and after a recent change.
Look at the link at the end of the pre-July 2019 section. The law was updated to provide exemptions for temporary transfers in 2017, so, yes, originally it prohibited any transfer without a background check.
Uhhh… this was supposed to be in response to Brooks’ comments about Washington state’s background check law.
I’m glad you liked this one, Mexican Sharpshooter. I was a little concerned as it was one I’ve never tasted. Our AC died last night. Fan blows but air is not being chilled. I replaced the solenoid and controller 3 years ago and I’ve been obsessively checking the thermostat all day. At least the outside temps have gone below 90.
Have y’all ever listened to a podcast and been disappointed to find you know far more about the topic than the folk on the podcast? I like the RetroBlasting people but they sometimes show their youth and when it comes to Lego, they are out of their depth.
Speaking of guns again… NY is super-safe today! Legal owners can now be snitched out of their guns. Thank goodness. I was terrified of all the legal gun owners!
Constitution smanstitution I say.