The new patio has been poured and came out just the way we wanted it, and we didn’t have workers showing up at 0600 this morning.
The backlash would end Trumps re-election bid, but it would be so worth it.
There are times where we can be a truly fucked up species. I propose staking the perp to the ground in the Mojave desert and just walking away.
I guess we didn’t send our best, and brightest.
If they hadn’t outlawed DDT, we would be having this discussion.
I hope they weren’t listening when I asked Siri to…uh…never mind.
Snark away, Glibertariat. I’m feeling mellow tonight.
Something about the front page cartoon next to our family friendly designation made me chuckle.
Seems like someone used that one before… hmmmm… who could it have been?
H… Hitler?
Spot on. You nailed it.
I got the column in late, please let whomever does the review that it’s ready.
The new patio has been poured and came out just the way we wanted it, and we didn’t have workers showing up at 0600 this morning.
“If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart,” David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.
Go fuck yourself.
In this introduction to his book “The Mosquito,” Timothy C. Winegard profiles the creature that has killed the most people in history, changed the course of war and empire, and survived every attempt to wipe it out.
I hate mosquitoes.
Staff were tasked with transcribing the recordings and grading Siri’s performance. The contractor who spoke to the Irish Examiner said that user details were kept anonymous.
Sure they were kept anonymous.
Just took the dog to a play date at the neighbors. They have three sight hounds. This consists of two of their dogs running wildly around the yard, mine walking the perimeter and peeing every five feet while avoiding the runners, then begging for pets from the people, and their smallest dog dancing nervously on the deck. A success we call it.
Both of the neighbors applied several coats of Off! and were still slapping at mosquitoes. I use nothing and was bitten, maybe three times. I’m used to Minnesota mosquitoes. These wimpy Virginians don’t bother me.
Mosquitoes really like me. They’ll get me even when I use Off!. Urgh.
I started using a ThermaCell to repel mozzies from various places I wanted to sit or work outside about ten years ago. This was after a long period of skepticism on my part, but damn my eyes if these things don’t actually work! Only problem is the consumables (little mats that get heated up and release something mozzies really don’t like, as well as butane cartridges) are rather expensive.
A friend of mine is named Alexa. She hates the product with a passion.
I’m sure there are some Siris who feel the same way.
I tripped it during a corporate meeting in which I was passionately making a point and had to lean into the desk microphones and said “If we are SERIOUS about X, why are we doing Y?” My iWatch chimed in right next to the mike: “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
Fortunately I recovered and said without missing a beat, “You and me both, sister!”
The CEO ruled in my favor.
Way to roll with it.
Your employer allows people to wear or possess any “smart” X in work spaces? That is an instant firing offense in our work spaces.
But great response and a bold move to gain backing on your proposal.
After C.S.’s Murph’s Guns link, I’m going to buy something from them just because of their ad.
Their prices seem to be more tightly clustered than here. Their cheap guns are more expensive but their expensive guns are cheaper.
Serious question: was DDT actually proven to be harmful to whatever the fuck it was supposed to be hurting (eagles?) or was it more bad science?
No. It was a one person crusade by a woman who wrote a book without actual facts. And it worked.
Gee, like the motherfucking food pyramid.
I hate the world. And mosquitos.
The food pyramid must change according to science, or well, who is lobbying hardest.
Here’s the World Health Organization’s statement.
TL;DR – “It’s up to you, brah”.
I mean, who cares if a few million Central African kids die from malaria, so long as econauts can feel good about themselves?
You have to break a few eggs to achieve utopia.
More talk radio propaganda
DDT was never banned for anti-malarial use, and its ban for agricultural use in the United States in 1972 did not apply outside the U.S. nor to anti-malaria spraying. The international treaty that banned most uses of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides—the 2001 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (which became effective in 2004)—included an exemption for the use of DDT for malaria control until affordable substitutes could be found. Mass outdoor spraying of DDT was abandoned in poor countries subject to malaria, such as Sri Lanka, in the 1970s and 1980s; this was not because of government prohibitions but because the DDT had lost its ability to kill the mosquitoes.
I never heard that on talk radio, which I rarely listen to. Link, bro?
It’s straight from Wiki, I know, but it is sourced,( I didn’t follow up on the footnotes so it could be BS.) I use “Talk Radio” as shorthand for conservative media, while they own the AM airwaves there are plenty of online and cable news sources that parrot the right wing narrative.
Damn straight! Fuck the right wing narrative let’s stick to the left wing narrative!
Lets not stick to any narrative.
If one is relying on wiki for anything other than definitive provable facts such as lat long or population you are linking a left wing narrative if the subject is the least bit controversial. Wiki is more biased than CNN.
As I said the article was footnoted and while I checked a few it was mostly over my head and I didn’t check them all, if there is something factually incorrect with the wiki article I’m more than willing to accept evidence to that point, Wiki (footnoted so you can check the source) is worse than CNN (where they just make shit up) is a bit of a stretch
Citations can be found for any narrative. And no, I don’t care enough to go debunk a wiki article right now I have beer to drink. We do agree CNN does just make shit up, and then that shit is later used in a wiki article as a footnote “news outlets have stated…..”.
From one of the linked sources [52]:
The source then proceeds to walk through the handful of exemptions that were granted. What isn’t clear is if those exemptions were the only uses of DDT
If it requires an exemption from the Federal Government to use, it is by definition banned. Sorry but this pretty much demonstrates that this is yet another BS leftist “debunking”
Okay. I couldn’t find any definitive proof on the other side, but admittedly, I didn’t want to put that much effort in either.
One thing I did find was an NIH article from 2009: Global Status of DDT…, which tracks the recent use of DDT. It lists several nations as “reintroducing” DDT in the early/late aughts. To me that suggests that at some point, they started following the initial group of (mostly) Western nations who signed a “gentleman’s” agreement to stop using it.
F**k it, it’s Saturday. We can agree to disagree.
The thing with DDT that I have heard/read (who can fucking remember) is spraying did not work, but treatment of a residence worked fine but it got the boogie man label so its use was cut way back and malaria cases shot way back up. And if you believe a Nigerian in 2013 yes, some countries are using it again.
From the link, the main current use is in-house – basically putting a small coating on the walls.
Ya, I saw that and from my understanding that has always been very successful but it’s use was cut way back.
Anecdotally (and I think factually) speaking, bald eagle populations have increased dramatically since the ban. I was 15-ish before I saw my first bald eagle on a trip to Yosemite. And we saw only one. Now, I have 3 breeding pairs within 10 miles of me.
Was banning DDT the sole, or even primary, reason for the increase? I don’t science enough to answer that question.
Wind turbines.
No. What they did was feed the test birds a calcium deficient diet and claimed the DDT done it. The whole thing was rigged. DDT was outlawed precisely because it was saving lives.
“The backlash would end Trumps re-election bid, but it would be so worth it.”
Oh, when the severed head in the jar stops responding, I am so totally looking forward to the massive pant shitting. Bring it on, already.
Yeah, I doubt a Supreme Court nomination would bring down Trump. It may hurt the GOP in the Senate. I’m guessing that with a 3rd Originist nomination, many Never-Trumpers might change their tune, the rest of the GOP would be enthusiastic and show up on election day en mass, and the Democrats/media would, once again during confirmation, show the independants what totally unscrupulous, lying, pieces of shit the Democrats really are.
Oh, and fantastic musical choice. Brings me back.
The Raff is going good with my glass of wine.
Nice! Headed out shortly to meet up with some of our bestest friends.
Have a great night, y’all!
Never heard of him or the song title.
Just pressed “Play” and instantly recognized it as something I heard a zillion times when I was a kid.
I was playing Alto Sax as a kid when this song came out. Never was good enough to make the sax line sound decent.
So was my older brother. All the time. And regular sax. And clarinet. And piano. All. The. Time.
^^^ This! I listen to that tune at least monthly or whenever I’m feeling especially maudlin.
Snark away, Glibertariat
There is nothing wrong with The Raff, I’m going to listen to City to City in its entirety right now.
Wasn’t Rafferty half of Stealer’s Wheel? Great musical choice this afternoon.
Yes and yes.
Also I hereby order all Glibs to forevermore refer to Gerry as “The Raff”
KK, but who’s gonna be the “Riff?”
That’s great. That dude was top of the heap cool. I just bought tickets to Samantha Fish at the Troubador. Taking my niece and her fiance. Really looking forward to it.
For reference.
Dave Davies
No, he’s “The Rave”
They lost almost a hundred years ago.
Greetings from Marquette, MI, by the shores of Gitche Gumee. We brought a can of 100% DEET with us on our travels, fully expecting to do fierce battle with The Great Superpredator. We are, after all, perilously close to Minnesoda, where I understand it’s the state bird.
Taking lotsa photos on this trip. What do y’alls recommend as the best online photo sharing site? I think I have a Photobucket account, but I haven’t used it in years, so I don’t even know if it still exists.
I use flickr. It’s OK.
I miss Picassa. Google should never have killed it. It was a superior offering to Google Photos.
I use Amazon.
One Drive
Photobucket still exists, but tried to go pay, which failed badly. They now have a “free” version, but throttles you after a ridiculously small amount of bandwidth. I haven’t used my Photobucket account in years either, but keep getting messages saying I’m over the bandwidth limit.
Any photos I need to post to online I’d post to my Blogger account (so basically Google), and then link to that URL.
Man, we got these tiny little fuckers out here. They’re new to us this year. They look like gnats. At least the big one’s are easy to spot/kill, these are extra mini and sneak around biting us. You never see them, just feel the bites later. Driving my wife crazy. They only bite me maybe once per ten bites on my wife. Can’t really stop them because my neighbor has a koi pond. If we sprayed the whole place they’d be back the next day.
They are called No-see-ums. We have them here too. They are a real nuisance. I had it for more than 12 years. It’s not free. Yes, the name is ridiculous.
Are the burros and burritos a protected specie? Left to them selves they would migrate into the farms/ranches and towns, much like deer. Only enemy would be a cougar?
From the article:
“Today, the animals are protected from capture, branding, harassment or death under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, which considers them an integral part of the natural system of public lands managed by the BLM.”
BLM land is the stuff that no other government agency wanted.
Huh. They managed to do that in only what, 300 years?
Feral horses/burros
What utter (pardon the expression) horseshit. No wild equids have roamed North America since the last ice age. The “wild” burros and horses in the Southwest are invasive species, feral domestics that really should be wiped out.
There are herds of horses on much of the BLM land in the west. BLM does roundups every year.
And some (a lot?) of them used to get turned into dog food, but that has now been stopped IIRC.
Clark Gable agrees
There are wild ponies on Chincoteague on the east coast. Also introduced.
But has some value to ranchers? The dead guy, Epstein, had a 10k acres of what looks like desolate unproductive desert. Perfect place for burros but no domesticated animals are known to live there
You’ll get some intermingling of horses with range cattle. But we’re talking about millions of acres. I’m not familiar with the burro issue. I just have a problem with someone blasting away and leaving them there in the desert for no apparent reason.
It’s fucked up. Those are the burros you see in Oatman, a small ghost town/tourist trap on old route 66. One of the coolest places in that neck of the woods. The burros hang out downtown and eat from your hands. they’re cool as fuck. Anyone who shot one for sport is a douche bag.
If you are shooting 40 animals, and leaving the carcasses where they drop, unless they are some sort of hazard, you are a douche. I have no problem at all with blood sports. Butchery is not sport.
Wild burros are an aggressive invasive species that out competes and largely replaces the native Bighorn populations. If you see one species you pretty well know the other is absent.
In Grand Canyon NP the Feds have been trying to push back for decades with various means including lethal. Game & Fish in AZ, NV. CA and perhaps others hate burros with a passion and attempt killing burros by any means necessary since they have caused the extirpation of Bighorn herds.
To kill 42 burros (unless a mass poisoning) takes time since they don’t stick around after the first one is shot. I have no idea who did this but I can’t get upset about it since worms gotta eat too.
I made a batch of fresh salsa last night. There is just no way you can know the hotness of jalapenos. I’ve just accepted that. I just adjust it after by adding more spice or tomatoes. It’s really good, but your mouth will be burning for several minutes, adding more tomatoes, jeebus, mais agua.
Yazoo Hefeweizen is good.
Looks good. It’s getting the Season for Heffe’s. I love the Ayinger Brauweisse. I also love the Widmer Brothers American Heffe. Probably my fave is the Frankenmuth, MI Breweries Heffe.
I’ve liked everything I’ve had from Yazoo except one of their sours. I think it was the Zure Bruine.
Mahalo for the tip. I have been sampling various German hefe’s for the that 8 days and will continue to do so for another three. Then I’ll bring five back with me. Afterwards I will try Yazoo if I can find it to see if they can match D-land.
It’s a Klar. I usually don’t like clear Hefeweizens, but this one was good.
I was drinking Schell’s Hefeweizen earlier. Delish’
That looks good.
I prefer a full-weizen.
That’s quite the Wit you have.
Wow. Somebody ate their Wheaties this morning.
That’s called “wiezenhiemer,” I’m pretty sure.
This week in social justice. ///subtlehotness
She just needs a spanking and a mute button.
I’m intrigued.
That’s not subtle hot, that’s tamale hot!
“Joe Biden in Keene, New Hampshire: “I’ve been here a number of times…I love this place. Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?””
But Joe’s brain surgeon says he’s totally fine. Can someone please remind me why someone HAS a brain surgeon?
For most of us it is to fix our brain. Not sure what Joe would use one for, but I imagine a brain surgeon can probably operate on other things as well.
Elect Joe for the laughs
In his defense, I bet 70% of Americans couldn’t tell you which one was which on an unmarked map.
Now do when Trump called Dayton Toledo.
Is that where those 40 kids were shot?
Yep, it was a lot of people for 11 o’clock.
cities = states
Your right, mea tulpa.
When did Steve become alt right?
Was that while visiting the 57th State?
For some reason, that version of Baker street reminded me that you need to get to Texas.
And you, in turn, reminded me of my own favorite ode to Texas.
Wanna waltz ?
I’d rather tango.
Like Julio ?
Street Tango.
Texas? With a “T?”
Well according these folks Texas had help. (All hail the 1980’s power mullet!)
I liked that.
A love song about Texas
We are at war with the mosquito.
We’ve always been – oh never mind.
Racist, mosquitos have rights too. *to be included in the democrats official 2024 platform*
And why not? They are fellow bloodsuckers,after all.
We need to encourage bat reproduction.
We put up bat houses at my mom’s lake house. Also a Martin house (or whatever those birds are that live in apartment type bird houses) and I keep telling her to leave the spiders on the outside of the house alone. All of those eat lots of mosquitoes. And if you see a possum, leave it alone. They eat ticks. I know they’re creepy looking, but they eat ticks.
I read that Martin’s aren’t as great as people think…I gotta find that article again.
Oh, that’s too bad. The little apartment houses are so cute! I’m sure they eat some and it can’t hurt to have them around.
Yeah, they aren’t terrible, but I just can’t remember what the author’s criticism of them was. Oh well, like you say, they are cool to have around due to their communal nesting.
Remembered: They do eat a lot of skeets, but they apparently also have a taste for dragonflies.
Well, it’s the lake, there are LOTS of dragonflies
Yeah, I have no problem with that.
So, I went down a rabbit hole:
If they control June bugs, bees, moths and wasps, they are welcome to some butterflies and dragonflies. Plus cute house!
I know they’re creepy looking
They are also really mean as hell. But I didn’t know they eat ticks. *lowers rifle*
“They are also really mean as hell”
Second. They can be really nasty. But if they’re not inside your house, why mess with them?
I also didn’t know they ate ticks.
And, they almost never have rabies as opposed to raccoons, which are much meaner than possums despite being adorably cute
Seriously, possum in my yard, yell and chase it away. Raccoon in my yard, run inside!
I guess we didn’t send our best, and brightest.
Apparently we didn’t send our darkest and best…
No, it’s ok. I’ll see myself out.
I was wondering why those bums were featured in the pre-game activities of the footy match I watched last night. (Go Pies!)
“‘They call her the torturer!’ Elle Macpherson, 55, shows off incredible stomach transformation after miracle treatment with celebrity lymphatic drainage expert”
WTF is a celebrity lymphatic drainage expert?
I was always more of a Kathy Ireland guy.
Kathy Ireland ?
Would kiss her blarney stone.
I could look further, but I cant remember what crappy movie she was in that had them making fun of her.
I saw a still shot of her apparently re-enacting the Sharon Stone leg-cross scene. That the one you’re thinking of?
Also, didn’t she play a place-kicker in some flick, too?
Necessary Roughness
Kathy’s credits (actually a lot)
Must be Melrose Place I remember her from, and what I remember is she was a terrible actress.
Seems the movie was “Alien from LA”
Yeah, that’s Prime Grade A right there.
Me too, although I always thought she was bit too thin in that photo.
I’d be happy to make her a sammich.
Not to be redundant, but if any of you gamers… check out Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, The first game has the best soundtrack of any game ever, but this one has hours and hours of great music you have never heard before. No, I don’t work for them.
The first game was Endless Legend?
1984 USS Kitty Hawk Collision
“RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could ‘tear this country apart’ ”
Tough shit. You shitweasels shot your wad on Kavenaugh. We already know you are going to throw an over the top temper tantrum. So what? Fuck off Dave. We get another seat, you get the middle finger. Wanna know something else? We are probably going to get another seat before 2024.
*spits on Dave’s shoe*
It’s going to be fun when Trump nominates that Catholic chick.
This is why I’m voting for Orangeman. This and only this.
Like it matters in Cali, but still.
And I thought Syracuse was over-rated.
“Don’t fight the child, Joseph.”
Great meme:)
I have a feeling it is about to become viral.
If not, this might.
Ugh: From the replies:
No Joe, just you.
ha: “no, you may not smell my hair”
Damn I enjoyed City to City so much i’m going straight into Night Owl, it just may be The Raff All night long.
Night Owls
Stupid grill fire ?tonight. Managed to save the bacon wrapped filets and finish them in the oven.
I swear I just cleaned it recently.
Bring on the bourbon.
Gas or charcoal?
Flavorizer bars are your friend. That said, buildup inside can catch fire. I only scrape mine out a couple times a year. But I may not use it as much as you use yours.
If your flavorizer bars are getting old and really beat up you should replace them. I grill a couple times a week at least and they tend to last me two or three years.
What are flavorizer bars?
Gas grills used to use lava rock to disperse the heat, but improved the design to these v shaped steel bars (often porcelain coated) that better disperse the heat and also somewhat mimic the flavor from a charcoal grill by causing fat and marinade drippings to send bits of smoke back up to the meat. They take a lot of punishment if you grill constantly.
I pulled mine out and replaced it with lava rock.
Yeah, but bacon fat…
Sorry about the fire but at least you saved the tasty food.
I already had Bourbon today. Time for more beer.
I’m having margaritas tonight. A margarita is an outdoor drink, and the weather is perfect.
But the skeeters!
They don’t bother me.
I am a skeeter magnet. City livin’ FTW – zero skeeters.
lowered glibsoectations.
Noted white-supremacist, Larry Elder, carries water for Bad Orange Man.
Appeared in the sidebar from when I posted previous yt linkx.
I dont mind it.
Slab Cabin IPA.
I dumped all of my Smoke Mountain Brewery beer. All the remaining bottles were sour. Shit.
Tomorrow’s high is predicted to be 80. I might need a sweater. I’m going to bake bread and make chicken and noodles! Woo!
Gonna be 96 here. Ug.
Given the college football season is starting right at this very moment here is my annual analysis & predictions.
Over-rated Top 25 teams: Iowa State, Nebraska, Michigan State, Utah, Stanford, Auburn, Iowa, Texas A&M, Texas.
$EC :Alabama
ACC Clemson
B10: Ohio St
B12: Oklahoma
P12: Oregon
New coaches to watch
Chris Klieman – Kansas State
Eli Drinkwitz – Appalachian State
Chip Lindsay – Troy
Clemson, Alabama, Oklahoma, Ohio State
National Champ: Clemson over Alabama… Again… Yawn
How the hell is Nebraska ranked this year? They were the doormat of the B1G west last year
I have no idea they don’t belong in the top 50. Also anyone who says Nebraska has the nicest fans is full of shit. Easily one of the worst fan base I’ve ever dealt with. Colorado is the only group that’s worse.
Facial recognition is asshole.
“When Kubrick dies in 1999, Celona is the one to break the exclusive story, reporting that Kubrick was “happy, joking, and completely at peace” before he died.
Just a few months later, Celona is the first person informed of JFK Jr.’s untimely death, and breaks that story as well.
Between those years, in 1999, Larry Celona rides with Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and others on the Lolita Express from Teterboro, NJ to Palm Beach for a short weekend. They return with two extra women.
Teterboro is now being reported as the hub of Epstein’s sex traffic network.
Fast-forward to 2019, Larry Celona is still working at the NY Post and still breaking exclusives:
He was the first to report Epstein’s first “suicide attempt”
He was the first to report of Epstein’s successful “suicide”
He was the first to release photos of Epstein’s dead body”
“Many people—especially women—get unwanted sexually explicit pictures by text or social media.
It’s disgusting.
Now, it’s illegal in Texas.”
False dick-pic accusations skyrocket.
If you send an unsolicited dick pic you are a dick. If getting one traumatizes you, you are a pussy, but if you outlaw them you are an asshole.
Whatever you are running for, you have my vote.
If nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve.
Monkey wrench to the levers of legislating? Awesome!
*marks ballot for Jarflax*
Come on, I was hoping for 200 years of people voting for people who use logic, science, and reasoning to make decisions.
So were Madison, Jay, and Hamilton. I wish they had been right.
Do any of them actually serve?
They’re always first in the self-service lines.
Are you saying there are three kinds of people?
Yes. Men, Women, Lizard People (aka politicians)
I always vote for the Lizard People
So does everyone. No other option is available.
I voted for Kodos
Nobody needs three kinds of people.
Whew! My phone is finally safe…
That ain’t mine, mine’s much bigger!
Like everything in Texas.
I just would have eaten the chicken breasts.
That’s the sort of thing you order in a restaurant. I say that as someone who makes her own chicken Kiev.
Yeah, that heart-attack place.
I, too, would have stopped at the baked chicken breasts.
A restaurant I worked in many years ago had a somewhat similar dish called Enchilada Gateau. I made it with many more layers and baked it in a spring-form pan; it was yummy. This video was exciting until “pizza sauce” ruined it for me. Just eat the fried goodness; no need to ruin it with a sweet tomato sauce and sour stick-meat.
Yeah, the pizza sauce is where I started screaming at the monitor.
He deserves to get beaten with a stick.
I heard that’s where they get the English word “farce”, because “farce” means stuffing in French, and French chefs got silly trying to outdo each other — four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie.
I make my own pho. Still less involved than that carp.
To be fair, are’t carp difficult to prepare, vis-a-vis other fish?
/ducks, runs
I would eat the shit out of that. And then check myself into the nearest hospital’s cardiac suite. Happily.
Literally LOL’d at 1:30 and asked myself, What the fuck is going on!?
No pineapple?
Why’d they cut out the final 10 seconds where you jerk off on it?
I haven’t heard of half of these people.
Well, if SugarFree isn’t on the list, you know it’s crap
Me neither.
The take away I get get is that a) bullying in childhood is beneficial b)doesn’t happen nearly enough anymore.
Is influential on the internet like rich with internet money
Maybe a half dozen of those people belong on the lust.
List, damn phone.
“world record egg”
Stop the world, I want to get off.
In that case, I am very influential. Seriously.
And PewDiePie with something ridiculous like a billion subs on YouTube isn’t on this list? lol
I will reluctantly agree to general “influence” by Megan Markle and Harry, but on the internet? No. they”re gossip fodder and massive clickbait on the internet, but they don’t influence much directly.
And Jada Pinkett-Smith? C’mon, she’s old, and nobody gives af about her anymore, do they? I feel like that was a ‘we gotta pick a black chick’ box they were checking to get her.
“What happened to Jesse Pinkman?
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
October 11”
With friends like this…
She’s got to help finish destroying New York first. Maybe then she’ll be ready.
Gillibrand/DeBlasio 2020
“Because Kerosene Is Expensive”
Not commie enough. Didn’t pass the purity test.
And those are friends and supporters. The only person that doesn’t recognize her as Senator Weathervane is her.
Would drill!
Sheathe your bit
And pound.
That ‘manual saw’ has a three year warranty, that’s pretty good.
As mom used to say: It ain’t love, but, it ain’t bad.
She talked a lot about junk bonds, too, so…
So your mom is Winston’s mom?
Utterly beats the Rigid Tool calendar, even in it’s best days.
That video came with a free Rigid Tool.
Almighty: Pointing out the unpopular truths of life
OT: I just bought another shotgun. A 1952 Ithaca Featherweight 12 gauge pump, 30″ full choke barrel, got it for $265. Unreal. Will probably send to Briley to have it cut for choke tubes. These are neat, fast-handling little guns, a little whippy, light on the front end, but that long barrel should help. Should make a hell of a grouse gun.
…and I just submitted you for Red Flag…just doing my part as a Patriot (ALSO STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER! SHE’S MINE, I TOLD YOU ALREADY! I WILL STAB YOU IN THE FACE!)
Nice! Where did you find that?
One of my favorites. I have two…one with a traditional fore end the other with the corn cob fore end. The corn cob has the tightest pattern of any shotgun I have ever seen.
This one is a pretty plain field gun, corn cob fore-end and all. But it looks to be in pretty good shape. Nothing fancy about it, which is probably why I got it as cheap as I did.
Now to decide if I’m going to have it cut for choke tubes or not.
Nice! A featherweight would be my second Ithaca purchase.
It’s not sexualization if they keep xher away from the thrusting packages on the parade floats.
“children in makeup and dresses aren’t automatically sexual”
No, not “automatically”. But when you’re dressing your kid like a $2 PR whore then…
Drag shows and strippers are in fact automatically sexual. Context matters.
Raising their son to be a Twink? What the hell?
“Woman wears her vagina juice as perfume on nights out.”
A nice smile will do.
Pheromones are a lie! Here, dab yourself with my pussy juice!
Channel number 69?
*golf clap*
Seems fishy.
“Here’s what I’ve learned: whiteness is the most powerful drug on the planet. And if you, yourself, don’t want to wean yourself off of whiteness, it can’t and won’t happen.
You have to not just want to wean yourself, you have to *desperately* want to wean yourself.
I was a white feminist until 2016. I was deeply self-loathing and internally oppressed. Nearly all my closest friends were white women. These women were in my wedding, and I in theirs. They cradled me when I wept for my dead mother. They would have done anything for me.
I spent one full year meeting them for coffee, drinks, lunch, dinner. I sent them articles. I wrote articles. I sent them those. Rather than show an interest in awakening, nearly ALL of them, dumped me.”
“This is no different than the KKK. Instead of robes, they coalesce around brunch, weddings, spin classes.”
This has to be trolling.
You asked your deeply supportive friends to cease to be, and they dumped you. Good, fuck off and die.
That is some top-shelf nuttiness.
Hate yourself, and repent!
How could a first generation Indian-American be considered white?
They’re close enough just like Asians are.
Indians are Caucasian. If white refers to a ‘race’ it would apply to her. So are Ethiopians. The Ainu are ‘whiter’ than your average European, yet they are not Caucasian. Race and skin color are only very loosely related.
Arabs are “white” too, right? There’s a mess of ’em in my neighborhood & I’ve wondered what they put down on the census.
Yep, and Semitic.
Well, Semitic is never a choice. Me wondering what they pick from the available choices told me long ago what BS the whole exercise is.
Race and skin color are only very loosely related.
Exhibit 1: golfer Vijay Singh
I don’t get it. Prolly ’cause I’m all hyped up on whiteness. I’m on like a 53 year bender.
Being white is like living with the gravity on the moon and POCs are in a black hole.
I am so confused. If they want a belief system that inculcates guilt, they should go Catholic. Problem solved.
Catholics are Nouveau guilt, for the real class of the guilt world you have to go with the (((original)))
Catholics can actually be forgiven in the end. Whites can’t be.
Not with their shoddy workmanship, they can’t!
+1 please stand, please sit, please kneel, peace be with you, No! peace with be with you!
In-general, I find that Catholics have guilt and find absolution. On the other hand, Catholic-derivative faiths tend to transfer their guilt to the rest of us.
*makes the sign of the cross upon you* You are absolved. (I thought about being a priest, so close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades)
Count me on the “parody” boat. Still, good.
She sounds lovely and seems like a joy to be around. I can’t believe her friends stopped hanging out with her.
I’m kind of glad to find out her previous friends dumped her ass for being intolerable. But it does show how that programming takes hold and the victim just can’t see their way out of it. She would be the first to send those women to ‘re-education’, if she ever had power. Scary stuff, when you get past the ridiculous “why come they no love my racist diatribes?”
La Bonté is a good sour ale, but I wouldn’t drink a lot of it at once.
Hmmm.. racked on pears.. sounds good when I’m mowing the lawn. But I’ll be in NC next week so will look for it. Love the funky local stuff.
Sportz: Andrew Luck is retiring.
Maybe next time if you want to draft the stud QB hire at least a couple of decent O linemen?
That’s the laughable thing about that league. Every decent QB wants to get paid a mint. When a dumb teams pays him, they can’t afford an O-line and he gets the he’ll beaten out of him. Meanwhile Brady keeps renegotiating his contract and the Pats use the cap space for linemen – and he’s old enough to Luck’s dad.
Yep, everyone wants to either knock the Pats as cheats, or praise Belichek as a mythic genius. They win because they are an actual team. Brady left money on the table throughout his career to keep a line and supporting cast and they cut problem children even if they are studs. Teams win over talent in team sports.
Oh yeah? Well, the owner fucks prostitutes!!!11!!
I heard his name translates to “lover of women of ill repute”.
Doesn’t everyone?
Not if you’re name is Kosnowski…
Huh. Mine too.
The Colts had no team when Luck was drafted. And then he played well enough to get the team to the playoffs. But the rest of the team including the GM sucked so he didn’t get the help he needed. And the hits took their toll.
I wish him well.
Except they rarely have best-in-the-league caliber linemen. They get by on fair to middling ones with maybe a stud here and there (Logan Mankins), and Brady just gets the ball out of his hands in less than five seconds, either to a receiver, or just out of bounds if he has to. And Dante Scarnecchia should wind up in the HoF as an o-line coach.
*Nelson laugh* (feels really old that Aaron Rodgers is younger than me, but as old as Favre was when he got pushed out to be replaced by Favre)
From an article:
But there is no way to slice it, Luck leaving the NFL before turning 30 years old in less than a month is the most stunning retirement in history.
I’d still put Barry Sanders’ retirement as the most stunning retirement of all time. He retired within spitting distance of the all time rushing record with no major injury history while still being considered one of the best backs in the league.
It’s a surprise, but I’m not shocked that he wanted out. I’d have figured he demand a trade or something, first.
Bust up. Can’t argue with the results.
Why are their dresses digicam?
So…Bad Girls Club?
‘I’m Radioactive’
Journalist Jonathan Kaiman is one of the least famous, least powerful men to be brought down by the #MeToo movement. A year later, the fallout continues.
If the allegation is he ‘whined’ and she felt guilted into putting out, then we know one thing. Nothing to see here, leave the guy alone. Rape is force or threat of force, or drugged into unconsciousness or helplessness, nothing else.
Rape is now if she regrets it 20 years later, deal with it sexist!
Someone needs to learn that rape is bad…
Yep. If the guy was emotionally hurt and confused that the woman was suddenly not interested in physical intimacy with him, he shouldn’t have expressed those emotions to her. Be a man, you jerk! Of course, any man who leaves a woman emotionally hurt and confused is a cad of the highest order.
Sorry for the second TW: I confused Yoffe with Julia Ioffe. I couldn’t believe that Ioffe could write such a piece.
#MeToo is a necessary and important corrective to some horrifying, copiously documented, and criminal-level behavior, and also to the kind of persistent harassment that still characterizes too many workplaces.
It was necessary for the mob to be formed, but then the mob got out of control.
Mobs are forces for good! You are a heretic and shall burn!
Well played, well played.
How were the founders of #Metoo to know public accusations of sexual misconduct would turn into a shitshow? They should’ve gotten consent from the alleged perps first.
A riot is an ugly thing and its about time we had one.
Didn’t Katie Curic and George Stephanopolous actually attend a “welcome home from prison” party for convicted sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein? Why hasn’t #MeToo turned on them?
LOL you know why
Time to legalize prostitution.
If current trends hold, men who have paid for sex will be on the chopping block next. Power imbalance: The Johns had money and the hookers didn’t.
IIRC some newspapers have been printing lists of johns for many years.
Around here, the combination of not a lot of news to report; relative rarity of prostitution; and socially conservative, judgy people; combine to get johns’ pictures on the front page.
You guys are both right, but it hasn’t become all the rage that #metoo has. Social media has amplified every bad trend humans are involved in.
Oh absolutely. My comment wasn’t intended to counter yours. I have no doubt prostitution is the next #metoo. Considering the “human trafficking” panic going on, I’m actually surprised it hasn’t already happened.
They already prosecuted people for leaving escort reviews under “promoting prostitution” laws drafted to go after pimps
She wrote in part that “it has taken me a while to fully process what happened that night….I remember thinking your behavior was aggressive at the time; it’s taken me a while to realize that actually, that kind of forcefulness totally crosses the line into inappropriate behavior.”
Of course, she’s absolved of doing anything whatsoever to end this apparently consensual encounter. She gets to end his life over a bad hookup.
Your aggressive whining forced me to finish what we enthusiastically started, you rapist!
I have the house to myself since the gf is out of town visiting her parents (I got out of it bc I have sh!t to do…). So HIT IT.
Time to jerk off in every room.
Hmmm…daylight savings time strikes again.
Yeah, I’m a bachelor all next weekend. Football and beer.
I trust the orgy pit has been scraped and buttered?
The old fat guys took over. We are slow cooking a pig in the pit. Have your orgy elsewhere.
I apologize for nothing.
Wait…scraped, and THEN buttered?
::looks at list::
Well if you butter first and Then scrape, how ya gonna relube the Pit?
Spray on Pam?
Pam does bukake?
I mean it’s an orgy so…
What are you, an engineer??
Oh, right….
Played a scrappy game but still lost in the semi-finals of our beer league… and now out of beer! Gah!
My doofy.spousal unit brought home a 12 pack of Vanilla Orange Coke.
It is every bit as disgusting as it sounds.
I have found that it is quite good at cleaning toilet bowls, however.
UGH… I tried. I tried to like the California Raspberry and Georgia Peach flavors Coke has in the small glass bottles. They were vile. They tasted like what I imagine cleaning fluid tastes like.
That sounds terrible, like a psychology experiment or something.
“See if we can make him insane with our craft products, or if he becomes a hipster true believer!”
Can confirm the vileness of the peach version.
Congrats, Coke—you fucked up what should have been a hoe run.
You don’t use a hoe on peaches.
Depends on the peach belongs to a ho…
Certainly there is some combination & amount of liquor that would make it palatable.
Nope. There is not.
The curve of liquor consumption making things palatable has a hard limit. That limit is marked with an night hugging porcelain.
Yeah, that doesn’t sound good at all. My go to for coke would be rum. I can maybe see vanilla being palatable but orange and coke?
Yeah, the orange just makes for a big “hell no”.
Yeah, the Long Island Tea I made after cleaning the bathrooms with the Coke made it palatable.
Before “Flo” became the Progressive Insurance gal, she was a standup comic.
She had a good one about dollar stores being the Island of misfit products. One of them was Cinnamon Coke.
Now it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried it…
Am I the only person who would be satisfied if “Flo” were gone?
I’m not saying I want anyone to die, but I would be fine with her not being alive anymore.
What about her sister?
I like her.
And I HATE commercials.
At the rate you lot agree with me I might start posting my paypal and suggesting nobody donate. I’ll be rich in a fortnight.
Being unpopular here might actually be a sign of immense mainstream popularity.
Sadly I’ve not had much luck convincing my peers that taxation is theft.
I had always presumed my best friend wanted to plow Flo, as she was what I figured his type to be. Turns out, not so much…
Long island makes sense because you don’t use much coke and the triple Sec is orange.
The idea is there, it’s the execution I didn’t like when I tried it. Sorta a bad orange cream mixed with cola. Maybe used for a float?
Artificial vanilla ruins everything. It’s why I can’t stand Spiced Rum.
If they made it with real vanilla, it might be ok.
Fair point. But Calypso Spiced Rum is $10.99 a gallon across the street, so… I’m drinking spiced rum and diet lemonlime. With shots of Strawberry and Rose infused vodka. Not my favorite infused from Smirnoff, the cucumber and something was nice, and the GF and I both really liked the watermelon and something. I know, right?
“I’ll have a Squashed Strawberry Alley-cat, if you don’t mind…”
“Down at the Zim Zam Club”
Don Henley
It’s the coconut I don’t like. Taste like suntan lotion.
This. They did a decent job with the orange part, but coke’s vanilla flavor is gag inducing.
Convenient that it’ll clean the bowl after you puke in it.
I was going to post something sarcastic about you working on Madison avenue, but since you live in Japan, and I have seen Japanese commercials, maybe you should actually work in advertising.
Just a takeoff of the old joke about why KFC comes in a bucket. So you have something to puke in when you’re done.
KFC original recipe is divine. Their sides suck, but the chicken is great.
Guess who the judgmental ones are?
I might date Blair White. But then I’d be gay.
(I need to use that link in moderation, but it is so great)
First comment
“Stop being such a fucking homophobe and suck the damn dick, Sean”
*clicks link*
Oh…never mind.
“Something about sucking a dick just feels queer to me though” has become one of my favorite sentences ever.
I wouldn’t date her but if she wanted to be buds and hang out with me drinking beer in the hot sun with our shirts off that would be ok.
Was it you who said the surgeon responsible for those deserve a medal? Because I concur.
Yeah, probably:)
We’ll just call you “Peggy” from here on out, Jar-Jar Dinks…
The Supremes?
Wow…you can really see the full gymnastic routine that Starter-kit Co-ed goes through with the wokeness equation she seems determined to apply to all those questions.
That’s how you can tell someone’s a habitual lier. They won’t give up on the lie, no matter what.
Plus, if she were gay, she could be an out-lier.
Thank you! I’ll be here all week—Be good to the waitstaff.
I don’t know how many more times I can see the word “night” get truncated on a screen without thinking the writer is committing a hate crime.
The Knights who say Ni
Nickle is racist.
Plus everyone hates naggers.
Yeah, I have a niggling suspicion about that ore.
Niggards pinch nickles.
Nite nite.
Yeah, I’m out too. Peace.
I knew you were quality people. C’mon—I’ll buy ya a Modello Negro.
Don’t let the bedbugs bight.
Rhy, was I reading that correctly, or, are you done for the evening?
Y’all motherfuckers need Jesus.
He comes on Thursdays – the lawn always looks great.
Hey, I was the one kvetching!
Go home, Nietzsche. You’re drunk.
So….”Nietzsche, please!”….?
^ unrequited comment right there.
Story of my life.
Seems awfully dead for a summer Saturday night…er, evening.
This should liven things up.
Chafed has discovered the Glibertarian Rick-Roll. Please don’t let this become a “thing”! I beg of you! Please!
I go away for a bit, and yet, Chafed delivers!
But, alas—Festus isn’t a fan. Dang….
I loathe “Hair Metal” because I had to endure it already.
::stops writing invitation to Festus::
You know how to break a heart, man…
Hey, let’s not be hasty here! I promise to visit if you promise not to play any bitchin’ hair metal.
You are driving a hard bargain, there, good Sir Festus. I suspect that you’ll next want me to promise not to pick navel lint in your presence. Or, no free-range masturbation.
Sometimes, you realize just how different our lives can be.
“Free Range Masturbation” should have been the title Of the Circle Jerks’ fourth album.
Maybe I’ll have a late-in-life music career of my own, and can use it.
I’m still relatively young…. -Ish….
I’ll have to go the Sid Vicious route and have someone behind the stage play the bass whilst I frantically flail about, pot belly and all. I’m not shaving my stache for all the quadloons in the world, though.
Would you do it for Orlocks? I hear they have a really good exchange rate…
Also, WASP is kinda on that cusp betwixt hair and “metal”. Yeah, the 80’s could do that to a band.
How about some promising shorts research?
So, what are they promising?
Fart filters is what I can feature from that gibberish. Fuck that noise! I’m the “Jet-Propelled Janitor”, trench coat flying in the breeze!
Me and Festus, after that admission:
*Snort laugh*
I find that, the more time I spend going through the articles and comments, the more apropos that scene is around here.
Oh yeah. That’s why I keep coming back for more. “Please, Sir might I have another?”
Well, if you consider all this a ‘bromance’…
/don’t worry too much—I was conflicted on posting it.
You know…joking aside, it might do to have a “late-night weekends” glib article each week (or, so). Come up with topics, links, stories…whatever. Might even get others to stay up late(r).
Hell, we could even allow some women and minorities to participate! (Sorry…jokes resumed)
Boy Scout camp “conflicted” or hot Aunt “conflicted”? I forgot that Leather Tuscadero made that piece of crap. I’m doubly surprised that TED’s didn’t post it yet.
No HM though. Too privileged.
Hmmm…how about “open cash register” conflicted?
Also—TED’s? As in, our own Ted S? Surely not TED Talk…right? Still, I find that it has its “charms”.
Yeah, I like all kinds of crap
Huh…no HM, eh? I dunno—I dig his style coughadmincough
Everyone likes to mess with the apostrophe Nazi.
Well you must understand that the crux. Of the biscuit. Is the apostrophe. –
We could paint him blue… Call him Na’vi
I’ve actually never seen that movie. Never watched E.T. neither. I’m sorta proud of that fact.
Like most other Spielberg movies, I like ET. I would encourage a watch of it, if you are ever so inclined.
I remember getting the book that was the official sequel to ET back in my yute. Not that that has any bearing on you seeing the movie, but, why not mention it, right?
Avatar was a pretty film, but it was no Aliens.
My dinky is getting chafed but I can’t stop revisiting this one like a dog-eared copy of Juggs that I found in the trash when I was twelve. –
It does a dinky good.
Man, this a damned long thread. Well, it is on my tablet.
We still doing that?
Painted in blue.
And the rest of you are hateful.
Ted, I have nothing but respect for a grammarian of both English and Russian languages. And, you.
/I keed!