*clears throat*
I’m going to channel the movie announcer guy….
What do we have in store this week?
Tomorrow Animal has another lesson on Toxic Masculinity with a delightful crossword puzzle in the evening.
Tuesday Pie in the Sky presents a thought provoking piece on competition in the public sector, and another poll in the evening.
Wednesday, Sugarfree once again either gives us reason to consider suicide by cop or just risk being fired for drinking at work. One or the other.
Thursday Mr. I.B. McGinty pens something I certainly hope you uncultured troglodytes actually read. Seriously, its good..stay tuned.
Otherwise we have the usual links, by the Old Man, Brett, Banjos, Sloopy, ZARDOZ, STEVE SMITH, Spudalicious* and everyone else that may or may not get called in from the bullpen at the last minute. That’s what makes this place so damn exciting…even we don’t always know what’s in store.
I don’t know about you guys, but for some reason skyline chilli is being made in my house. Why? I don’t know and I’m not stopping it. Mostly because it at least looks better than the abomination they call pizza in South Korea.
Enjoy what’s left of Sunday.
*as in the Spud Man, The Spudster. Spud-master Flex. Spuddin around dropping Spud like hot fiery spud….
Whatever happened to that last poll? Not the salad thing, that survey with a bunch of questions?
You mean this one? https://glibertarians.com/2019/07/glibertarian-survey-results/
I posted this, then Sugarfree put up an open post not realizing I posted the survey results. Like I said:
Sorry, no idea how I missed that.
What the fuck am I? Chopped liver?!?
This is the worst chatroom ever.
Oh shit. I knew I forgot somebody.
No worries, dude. No worries at all. 😀
You’re killing me, Smalls!
Bland, dry, Idaho potatoes. It’s everything else that adds the excitement to spuds.
Ooh, that’s mean
If you ever meet him, you’ll see why he’s OMWC’s best friend. They are…something to see in action.
Is he single?
Very much not. He…likes weddings.
Terrific cook, great wine and Scotch palate, and all around fun companion (OF COURSE, because he’s a firefighter!).
Apparently, you’ve never met OMWC.
That’s an…eerily accurate description…
Chatroom? You mean this isn’t https://www.jmeet.com/ ?
Yes, you are chopped liver.
Because I hate chopped liver, does that mean I have to develop a sense of self loathing?
Are you one of (((them)))?
But I don’t wants to be a proggy.
Well this sucks. Couple got married then on the drive home from the justice of the peace got into an accident and died.
The site is Breitbart — I didn’t read the comments.
I did.
They start talking about illegal aliens around comment 15.
They didn’t publish the other driver’s name. Obviously he’s an illegal ferener and the leftist media is covering for him!
I went to Breitbart for the purpose of reading an article about how the New York Times won’t let reporting about their own racism and bigotry stop them from investigating the important stories like how racist the US is.
Seems like that’s not the dominant theme in the comments, though, which I’ll admit is a little surprising. For some reason people are making sense, guessing that the couple just merged and expected the truck to let them over, but the truck, towing a trailer, couldn’t move or stop fast enough.
The word of the Lord came to Kim Lee son of Kim Park: “Go to the great city of Chicago and preach against deep dish, because its wickedness has come up before me.” But Kim Lee ran away from the Lord where he found a ship. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Busan to flee from the Lord. Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. All the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god. And they threw their pineapples into the sea to lighten the ship. But Kim Lee had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep. The captain went to him and said, “How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god! Maybe he will take notice of us so that we will not perish.” Then the sailors said to each other, “Come, let us cast lots to find out who is responsible for this calamity.” They cast lots and the lot fell on Kim Lee. So they asked him, “Tell us, who is responsible for making all this trouble for us? What kind of work do you do? Where do you come from? What is your country? From what people are you?” He answered, “I am a Korean and I made a pizza out of shrimp!” This terrified them and they asked, “What have you done?” (They knew he was running away from the Lord, because he had already told them so.) The sea was getting rougher and rougher. So they asked him, “What should we do to you to make the sea calm down for us?” “Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” he replied, “and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.” Instead, the men did their best to row back to land. But they could not, for the sea grew even wilder than before. Then they cried out to the Lord, “Please, Lord, do not let us die for taking this man’s life. Do not hold us accountable for killing an innocent man, for you, Lord, have done as you pleased.” Then they took Kim Lee and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm. At this the men greatly feared the Lord, and they offered a sacrifice of kim chee to the Lord and made vows to him. Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Kim Lee, and Kim Lee was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
After the three days he smelled like kimchee
Since the previous thread mentioned drugs and poppin’ pills.
/my submission
Doesn’t count. You didn’t write it.
Yeah, I went there!
Thanks for your latest submission, Tulip. I’ll get it set up and scheduled!
Sorry it’s weird. I thought it would fit here
One of the saddest, and greatest, lines to grace this site.
Also, CPRM has PROMISED a H&H Cartoon Wednesday evening, and BakedPenguin has PROMISED a Secret Nazi President for Thursday midday.*
Monday evening’s crossword is by Straffinrun.
unhealthyunwise to break promises made to SPThat’s why I don’t make promises. I just send stuff at random
You’d be forgiven anyway. I like you better than the
cisheteropatricharymiscreantrest of the Glibs.I like you too. We should go for a pedicure!
Got into the gin today, be grateful it’s not the tequila or I’d be replying to bad idea guy. I haven’t blocked him yet.
/shakes her head and sighs
I want to go to the renaissance festival and so far, none of my friends do. He’ll go. Trust me. Plus, marijuana should be legal everywhere!
Yes, it should, but that doesn’t change the current employment-related facts.
/older and wiser sister mode off
I know, hangs head. I haven’t replied even though I drank margaritas last night. It’s also nice to be wanted.
SP said I was her favorite!
Deal with it shitlord
I thought it was Sugarfree? Which makes me wonder what I missed from Tulip?
This is why my Glibs submissions regularly achieve greater regularity than my bowels.
And that’s way too many “regulars.”
You’re just a regular
guybear.And that’s way too many “regulars.”
I imagine similar things were said at Reason staff meetings.
And that’s way too many “regulars.”
No, it’s just way too much information.
You poop less than once a week? Dear gawd, man, how do you bear it?
In the woods, of course.
I have an idea!
I’m guessing pooping less that once a week would impress a bear just by sheer quantity.
“Delightful” was good enuff. Does anyone really care about who makes the crossword?
I did? I don’t remem… (looks at SP).
Yes! Yes! That’s a promise, guys!
“now Google knows you like ginger trannies”
Well, she is kind of libertarian.
competition in the public sector
Those words are English but make no sense when arranged in that manner.
Wednesday, Sugarfree once again either gives us reason to consider suicide by cop or just risk being fired for drinking at work. One or the other.
I never have these reactions when reading Sugarfree. I like his writing.
last week of the month shouldn’t there be a “What are We Reading” post? If I can’t tell people about what I’ve read have I really read anything?
Are you a millennial? If one, then you read it even if you can’t tell anyone
If NOT. I hate autocorrect
There is one scheduled for Friday, but I’m guessing Mexican dude didn’t read anything so he didn’t want to mention it.
I really should write a bunch of one paragraph summaries, but I keep getting distracted by stuff that could be a post
Boulard V.S.O.P to wrap up the evening. Yum.
Excellent. This is my favourite tipple (I’ve visited the grounds a number of times, and their on-site store makes me spend too much…):
Damn me, but it’s fine stuff.
Jerks. With super cool, super fancy cider. Won’t ever share. *looks at prices*
Oh. Never mind.
If you drank this stuff the way most people drink cider, your liver would disintegrate. It’s brandy made from different types of cider apples, basically.
I love a good Calvados. Unfortunately, there are none to be had in this state.
Great day. We took some friends to the range today. https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/fMJ3HIljSUSM-nJDwwuiKw.HSIzKPQ2f8LhVt0hWvAMnu
Mid 70s and the range was oddly deserted. ?
I thought about going to the range, but instead I slept in and then went out for BBQ.
There is a bug at work I should be looking at…..
Very nice, glad y’all had a good time.
Upper 70’s, range was packed.
I am really terrible at this whole “rifle” thing. 100 yards, all of them were in the 8″ circle but only a bit more than a quarter were in the 3″ circle. And I was using a scope.
Depends on what “all” means. If all is 20 or 30 rounds are in your pattern, you probably did nearly as good as those who think four rounds in three inches means much!
Control your breathing.
Use the prone supported position. Relax. Take a breath. Exhale to empty and hold it empty. Focus on your heartbeat while viewing the front site, pull the trigger in between beats.
Squeeze, don’t pull the trigger.
If you take a breath again, only shoot on empty. Your chest wall is in its most consistent shape and volume on empty, but will be inconsistent if you hold on a full breath and yo will have to adjust accordingly.
And for brat-preferrers.
Can a gay Glib tell me what level of gayness you have to achieve to enjoy that photo? I get the muscles. I can understand the bear thing. I’m lost with the hat, makeup, and suspenders.
Not gay, but I would rate that speedohosen level
There’s some background we’re missing here. Could be some “ethnic” connection for all I know.
Ooooh, she’s pretty.
And it ends too soon.
*tearfully nods in agreement*
Today, in sports
OT rant. I’ve gotten six phone calls in the last hour, none of them emergencies, what ever happen to not calling people on weekends or after dinner time? When I was a kid it was considered rude to do that, now I get calls at eight PM on Sunday, have some couth people!
What’s a “phone call?”
There are very few reasons to ever talk on a phone.
I know! Maybe just text, but all these guys want to talk on the phone. I’m starting to think I should just be single.
I often have that same thought about myself.
I mean, um, I *would* have that same thought if I weren’t married to the most wonderful, old Jewish guy on the planet.
Don’t second guess yourself, you were right the first time.
A friend sent me a thing about introverts. One item stood out. “I want to settle down with a guy that only wants to get together three times a week”
Actually a friend at work, found that online dating. He works night shift, so they only see each other Friday through Sunday. So jealous!
It’s really difficult being married to an extreme extrovert.
Yup, I’m just happy to be in the same room as the Mrs, but evidently that means we’re no better than roommates if we aren’t doing the same thing at the same time.
I’m extreme?
Ultimate compliment from an introvert:
Being with you is like being alone.
My wife and I are both pretty far on the introvert side of things. I think the longest we have gone without talking to each other (not out of anger, but just the sheer lack of anything insightful to say) was three days. Lived in the same house, slept in the same bed, but no conversation. After the three days it went back to normal as usual.
I actually tested this when I was dating. On the third or fourth date, I’d let the conversation stop at a natural point and wait to see how long the person could go in silence. If it lasted 30 minutes, and then started up again naturally, that was a keeper.
Huh? Talking on the phone in the early stages of dating should be to make a date and not much else. Talk in person.
I know right!
Really? I fucking loved talking on the phone! Especially early on.
But hey, whatever works.
Anything is better, though, than the answering machine.
Asking ‘what are you wearing?’ via text lacks a certain breathiness that really adds to the experience.
Seriously; you ladies don’t want the added information that comes with vocal characteristics and speech patterns?? Not knocking technology, but verbal communications are just so much better than reading, typing, and waiting.
Yeah, other than robo-calls, I don’t think I’ve gotten 6 phone calls in the last 2 weeks.
Maybe Hyperbole just has more friends than me.
I’ve never looked in to it but I think robo-calls are not allowed here in Japan. That wouldn’t stop the Chinese though. I got my first robo-call here a couple weeks ago – but it was in Mandarin and a bit beyond my ability and I just hung up.
I hated talking on the phone back when you had to stick your finger in a hole.
So did you tuck the phone by your neck when you dialed, since both hands were occupied?
Sometimes I used my big toe.
Did you use your big toe to stick in a hole, or dial the phone?
I never call and tell.
He has two big toes so I suppose “both” would be an option.
That’s some serious flexibility, right there.
This remake of Moby Dick is just wrong.
Well there is something you don’t see every day.
Huh, would you look at that. Definitely should have been running on the grass.
That’s going to leave a mark.
That is…quite the flexible lady.
Too bad she’s tatted up like a common strumpet.
I put my pants on the same as anyone else.
So, what I’m gathering is, you’ve found Crusty’s twitter account.
OK, time to go make a cocktail and start doing dinner prep. I’m making my famous fried eggplant panini.
Super thin, panko crusted, deep fried eggplant, good tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil on ciabatta. Even the eggplant-haters love it.
I could eat that.
Misthreaded comment^. Should be to number 16.
Or 15.
Please tell me that was in Florida.
Dyin’ of laughter.
I admire a man who doesn’t fear the banhammer.
seriously, I’m looking for vacations in large September or early October.
Come drink with us.
I might
I could bring homemade bread, but it wouldn’t be vegan. Is that ok? I could try a vegan version, but couldn’t vouch for results.
It would be vegetarian
We aren’t vegan, as our pizza will attest. And the invitation is serious.
I’ll probably come over Columbus w
That would be terrific. We can colonialist shitlord together. With firewater
New Mexico in October is the finest climate on Earth. The days are stunning and warm and the nights are cool, not cold. The trees are in their splendor and, to top it all off, there is the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque.
Come to the Southwest and enjoy the early fall. Mrs. Hobbit and I would be glad to show you around The Land of Enchantment.
Sorry, sitting next to a river in the Central Idaho mountains beats NM all to hell. And I haven’t even been to New Mexico.
Wouldn’t you be sitting in 3 feet of snow by October?
Not necessarily. Middle of October is about the latest I’ll keep the cabin open. But up until then, it can be spectacular. Warm, calm days, cold nights.
Mom lives in very far western Montana (Thompson Falls) and my sister lives in very far eastern Washington (Newport) so I know the Stovepipe pretty well. Perhaps the only place in the US that I would consider moving. Been to central Idaho several times and love it.
Come down to the high desert sometime. I’ve been to your neck o’ the woods, be glad to show you around mine.
Love to! Southwest Idaho is high desert, but it’s not the same.
Spud, if you’re still around,
I often go up to visit my mom and my sister. If you’re inclined, I’d like to visit with you, too.
I’ll mention it next time we’re headed that way.
Awesome. That would be a pleasure.
Caprese salad and hamburger.
not vegan, but delish.
I made pizza. It was good.
“Woman Fights the Patriarchy by Letting Entire Music Festival Take Bong Hits Out of Her Butthole
Snatch Adams, an extreme burlesque performer and hater of the patriarchy, has become a viral sensation after revealing that she recently invited all the attendees of a music festival to take turns smoking marijuana out of her anus.”
I figure anyone who uses the term ‘the patriarchy’ in earnest is shithouse rat crazy. I’ve yet to see evidence otherwise.
Why are Generation Z such prudes?
They’re sick of having people blow smoke up their ass?
Fair enough.
Yeah, n o t doing that
Why not?
I smoke ass.
When 萌え擬人化 attacks.
My Other Neighbor Glibglibro
Whelp, that did it. RIP The Patriarchy.
Yep. Whew! Glad that’s over with. Now we can stop talking about it.
Who was it that mentioned Maude Lebowski this morning? I think CP found the new one.
They seem very confused about sex and drugs.
Yup. If more fathers had hugged their daughters in the 90s Manic Panic would’ve gone out of business. Twenty five years ago this chick would’ve had a ‘zine. I will never understand what it is about growing up in an upper middle class home that seems to fill some teenagers with a desperate need to piss their parents off.
They’re pissed off that they weren’t born with some victim heritage or at least poor enough to have some level of prog-cred.
She should be pissed that she’s fugly. And, no–I won’t call her fuck-ugly, because that would be insulting to fucks.
Patriarchy schmatriarchy. She just in it for the more intense high one gets by taking it anally.
How to Get a Cat to Like You
Ten seconds in and I decided I m not watching that.
This is why it’s you versus the entirety of Noah’s Ark.
Who is winning?
*takes bite of spaghetti and wonderful beef sauce
I made it up until Mo Rocca’s younger brother told me I should wear cat perfume.
One step, not 5. A well placed Q tip.
True. My cat loves q-tips
When they’re in heat, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Is it catnip?
How to Get a Cat to Like You:
Step One: Ignore the cat.
The End.
I’ve found “provide food and water at regular intervals” works well.
“Pepe the Frog is popping up all over Hong Kong, but not in the way that you’d think. While often associated with white supremacy in the US, Hong Kong’s Pepe is a different animal.
He’s a symbol of progressive resistance”
It’s hard to write on a unicycle.
In some ways he means the same here. The ‘white supremacy’ bullshit is the left screaming ‘shut up! shut up! shut up!’. Fuck all, I see being called a racist by the left as a badge of honor these days. It is a clear admission that they have lost the argument and they know it.
They do seem out of ammo.
“University psychiatrist: Trump ‘may be responsible for many more million deaths’ than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao”
Wonder when he’ll be forced to apologize for implying that Stalin and Mao were responsible for any deaths.
That was my first thought when I read this earlier. I picture his fellow professor nudging him and in a subdued but strained voice saying, “Ixnay on the alinstay, ommradecay”
Psychiatrist that repeatedly uses the word “crazy”.
Plus, Duke. Fuck Duke.
He’s been thought of as an asshole in the general Psychiatric community long before this, I guess he’s just doubling down and thinks all physicians think like they do in his academic bubble. From what I’ve seen in over 30 years as a physician, more docs lean right than left, and that comes from my experience in Chicago, New York and California, not exactly conservative areas otherwise.
Remember how all the Duke professors signed a letter condemning the lacrosse players for sexual assault minutes after the soon-proven-fradulent accusations were made? This guy is one of those.
In both countries it is essentially people thumbing their nose at the local authoritarians. In both countries the local Marxists don’t like being made fun of.
Not that big a difference.
So what’s the story with the Skyline Chili? Love me some Skyline. I have been known to ask hubby to take me there for my birthday dinner, though lately I’ve been sticking to their wraps, rationalizing that they’re lower in carbs.
It’s no actually chili and as a coney sauce it’s “Meh” at best.
I’m sorry.
Its better described as “greek spaghetti”. Served with chopped onions and a pile cheddar cheddar cheese. It is the second most midwest food, only to “Hot dish.”
One day I drove from DC to Cincy and back to get some Skyline. When I told a coworker about it, he informed me there was a restaurant about 2 miles away that makes a very good version of it.
Beautiful drive across WV though – peak of autumn leaves.
That sounds like stockholm syndrome, because I’d describe what I was served at Skyline as “a plate of disappointment”.
Holy crap! Just tried one of my buddy’s Trinidad Scorpions from his garden. I took a bite and it was a good ten minutes before my tongue didn’t feel like bee stung it. My cheek is still tingly where I touched it.
Why would you do that?
I have a no arachnids* in the mouth policy.
*yes, I know it’s a pepper. Fuck off and stop ruining the joke.
The hottest pepper. I ate it raw. Don’t recommend it. I’m getting ready to try some fajitas with a quarter pepper minced in with some tomatoes after simmering for a while.
Ghost peppers and Carolina Reapers are hotter. Pussy.
Nuh uh!!
/eats whole plate of ridiculously hot fajitas
Take that!
Was that a message to your anus?
That article is seven years old.
Oh, there’s a song title!
You know what hurts? Whiskey through your nose. That hurts.
Spud, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that I’m eternally glad you weren’t butt-chugging.
Salt was hotter
Don’t forget to wash your hands! A lot.
Really? I recommend rubbing one out first.
Again? I’m not a machine.
Not going to go for a bj off one of the chicks below first?
There was a story one of my college buddies used to tell about going to a burrito place and getting the crazy hot sauce and then later going home and getting busy with the girlfriend. A couple of minutes in and “something doesn’t feel right … OMG!!!”
What in THE hell were they doing with those burritos?? IS “burrito place” a euphemism of some kind?
and before you accidentally touch your eyes.
Yeah. I’m a chili head, and I wouldn’t do that.
So not a good idea.
I used to go to Thai restaurants and ask for “Thai hot”. Even then, I wouldn’t have done that.
Is that like Vietnamese thot?
“Hell Introduces 13 New Varieties Of Pineapple Pizza
HELL—The demonic forces of Satan proudly announced Thursday the debut of 13 new varieties of pineapple pizza, designed to torture millions of humans deceived into consuming the hellish abominations.
The exciting new spins on pineapple pizza were forged in the fires of the hottest portions of hell, and are designed to cause the greatest pain and suffering on earth as possible.
“We expect the new Krazy Pineapple Kale pizza to be especially nefarious,” one high-ranking demonic official said in a board meeting unveiling the new assault on all things good and holy. “The pizzas shall masquerade as good and wholesome food, but in reality they shall be agents of His Darkness Lucifer. Hail Satan! Hail Satan!”
Other varieties the armies of Satan are preparing to foister upon unsuspecting humans worldwide include Deluxe Lutefisk Pineapple, Tropical Tuna Pineapple, and Pineapple Marshmallow Delight.
Hell’s distribution center reportedly began shipping Satan’s pizzas to select test markets this week.”
Tundra will be lining up for this.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Could be worse. It could be Dominoes doing that.
Livestream: People reading Glibertarians.com for the first time.
I don’t think that’s the demographic reading Glibs for the first time.
/Cue Sad trombone
Hot chicks?
This will counteract the heat. *Tosses the brunette a Tidepod.
Double entendre?
Ha! Yes, good call, Suthen’.
Sure, but pretty much everyone is stupid at that age.
Well done sir, well done.
Dude, my thot addiction is out of control. Both those girls were like right up my alley.
They’re good looking.
They have to be because they are so hard to see.
Something about smudged mascara, eh
Tundra to the white courtesy phone, Tundra…
Ok, here.
You are finally forgiven for past transgressions.
God bless you for linking that.
Ah, you are one of those. The lap dance is so much better when the girl is crying?
Not always.
Hey Suthen – permit me to go OT and say I’m glad you are doing better. I saw your update recently about healing up (after posting about the fire ants) but it was hours after you posted when I saw that.
Thank you Tejicano. It is a relief to be back on my feet and able to do stuff. I don’t have to lay on the couch and watch the grass grow knee high. Tomorrow is car wash and oil change day.
And MikeS already did it.
Why does everyone drink water in this situation?
Everyone knows to go with milk.
Because they’re out of wine coolers?
If they were smart they wouldn’t have done it in the first place.
“Here! Try this! It’s the hottest pepper ever!”
“Uh….I will take your word for it.”
RCR Toronto Car Meet
I considered buying a used Thunderbird Turbo Coupe back in the late nineties.
I also considered buying a Mercury Marauder during the brief time Ford brought them back.
Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but while eighties and nineties music get a bad rap I hereby
orderdeclare that 1989 was one of the best years for music ever. Full Moon Fever, Journeyman, The Healer, New York, Paul’s Boutique, In Step… and so on.Paul’s Boutique was 1989?
Now I feel old.
1989 #1 in US and UK!
The Hyperbole is Duane – CONFIRMED
I dream about being as cool as Duane. Sadly I lack the necessary confidence to get my swagger on.
I wonder what happened to Duane.
The Great Radio Controversy, Up to Here, Skid Row, Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich, The Real Thing, Dr. Feelgood…
Yeah…see, I was listing the good music from ’89.
I was listening to every one you listed, as well as some other very good albums.
I keed, Tesla was awesome.
Damn straight. Tragically Hip, too.
Hair metal gets a bad rap. There was some serious talent in many of those bands. And by ’89 the sound was starting to change some. If the record execs hadn’t killed exactly what they created and let it evolve, I think we could have been treated with some very good hard rock music.
Paging Festus!
/our convo in the overnight comments
“It isn’t truly art unless it causes you to involuntarily say “va-va-va-VOOM””
I like the guy’s bio. “Karma’s janitor”.
Very nice. The ranting, I mean.
And the pinup girls.
Grass allergies are doing a number on me today.
Fuck, man.
Awesome link, though.
I am sure this was covered in the links that I never am able to participate in, but this should be interesting.
I got ten bucks a citizen of the town ends up shooting some asshole.
Some did try to enter Area 51 a few years ago. The Air Force shot him.
Wait, does that mean the raid is no longer on? Aw. I’ve been practicing my Naruto running and everything. Sad.
Woo-hoo! I just got a blast of full-blown TDS in person. It’s not often you have a friend of 30 years expressing their desire to murder the president.
SMH. Sorry to hear that.
I just smile and nod politely. There was a time when I think I could have had a rational conversation with this person but that time seems to be past.
What was his point of contention?
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire…
Sometimes I’d like to start an on-line topic on any number of those TDS affected sites – explaining how Trump’s policies are increasing Global Warming(TM) which is pushed the polar bears to over-hunt their area and now the penguins are going extinct. I wonder how far that would go before the hole in that theory would be discovered publicly?
Trump is guilty?
What was his point of contention?
He orders his steak well done?
Well, I support him then.
Fucking barbarian.
Sometimes I forget he never implied anyone else here was a therapist.
That really is unforgivable.
He doesn’t like dogs.
It seemed like it just came out of nowhere. Admittedly I was kind of woozy from this 12% beer he brought, so maybe I missed something between him and my other friend that led up to it while we were out on the balcony smoking and shooting the shit.
OTOH it doesn’t come as any great surprise. Pretty sure I recall one of the last times I looked at FB was him, his wife, and other members of our long-time circle of friends making plans for a pussy-hat weekend in DC.
Just a little jarring. I’ve mostly not seen these people in person since November 2016.
I read your last post as “baloney smoking on the balcony”. I had to re read it to purge my prior comprehension issues.
In fairness, 12% beer buys a lot of tolerance.
Yeah, and I don’t day-drink. This was a very special occasion so needs must.
Most, if not all, of the time it’s not about Trump. Don’t get sucked in.
Of course, it’s not about Trump. It’s about hating those who are not like them. The object of hate is often referred to as Trump supporters.
I think in this case, it actually is all about Trump. Trump is boorish, he hates women, etc. etc. My friend is not a lefty as conventionally understood, but I can understand why Trump pushes his buttons.
Pretty fun.
Fucken Dodgers.
How far have we fallen!
O tempora! O mores!
“The great enemies of face enterprise are businessmen and intellectuals — businessmen because they want socialism for themselves and free enterprise for everyone else; intellectuals, because they want free enterprise for themselves and socialism for everyone else.”
That’s a heck of a good quote that has aged well
Er, “. . . face enterprise . . . “?
They apologize for you for a fee so you don’t have to lose face
At one point, Dirk Benedict was considered for a role in the Star Trek movies due to his role in Battlestar Galactica, but many businessmen and intellectuals opposed that casting choice.
I could kiss you for that comment. Also, if you ever make it out to Rockaway Beach, I would love to have you over to watch all the surfing (by which I mean some amazingly thicc, aquatically inclined, young ladies).
Thanks. I’ll keep that invitation in mind! 🙂
Possible business opportunity?
It’s not bestiality. It’s interspecies erotica.
At the risk of sounding catty. That is doggone fishy, total bull. Porking like that is just squirrelly. I mean for eel, that is for the birds.
Eight different puns in one post? What about the rest of us? Hmmm?
Only two of those were puns, the rest were merely words, while related to the subject at hand,being employed in one of their normal usages.
a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings.
but yes eel was a stretch, and I do apologize for being such a snake in the ass.
I feel like such a rat.
Chafed style–If the sexes were reversed.
Guilty as charged.
Relevant – http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=2388
That happens to me all the time
Journey to the world of crazy foreigners and hear their actual words!
It’s payback for all the videos over here about panty vending machines
Used panty vending machines.
Wednesday is Hat a Hand and the Hair double feature; finished up on that today; also, I do a great movie guy voice.
That thounds like an Iron Fitht villain!
Or, the dreaded SANS-A-BELT!!!
So…Collin Quinn did a comedy special for CNN…it’s on Netflix…I feared the worst, but it wasn’t THAT bad.
What year? I don’t remember CNN ever producing any comedy. At least not intentionally.
I got nothing.
Good morning glibs
Oh, yeah?!?
Good night, Pie.
Was that your favorite book as a kid, too, cs?
Now you’ve got this.
It’ll wake you up. Good morning Pie.
When Chafed posts that link…
You da man.
Thank you, Booger!
Good morning, Pie.
The Shat!
AHAHA-Oh; you were serious. Well, YES to the Shat-Man.
So I’m here at work; stocking the household goods. I come upon a new (to this store) product and find inside the shipping box a standard cardstock merchandiser. Also, an instruction sheet. The sheet is nicely illustrated and has 3 steps: 1 – open box (this has to done to find the instructions in the first place), 2 – remove tray, 3 – place tray on shelf. I get that retail grocery isn’t brimming with Fulbright Scholars but damn.
That sounds like the equivalent of this interface.
Lawsuit averted.
Be careful glibs. One false step and your jaw is broke, your ribs are cracked, and you have a square foot or so of 3rd degree burns.
Got a bad link for me, Lach.
Also, i totally read that the first time as, “Be careful girls”….
/Don’t want to think about the Freudian aspects of that.
You have the manliest job around.
/keyboard jockey
HO LEE SHITE…. That’s the stuff of nightmares, ri’chere.
Fukin imgur. That one worked. Lo siento.
TDS diagnosis confirmed.
I didn’t know mental health professionals were allowed to make diagnoses based on videos and articles curated (and quite possibly doctored) by third parties who are openly hostile to the “patient”. Seems like the kind of thing that would cost someone their license.
Why do I get the feeling that, if her were shot in his nuts, drugs would then fall out of his ass? 😉
Chafed: I mentioned to Festus in our overnight discussion Saturday/Sunday that there should be a sort-of nightowl/graveyard shit article here–at least, on weekends. To see if those anyone could be convinced to stay up later/get up earlier.
What do you think of the idea? If it’s a positive, would you want in on putting it together? I was semi-serious about it, and I can see where just going with the last evening article might suffice.
Not to exclude any others from weighing in on this, by the way. If you have any pro- or con- thoughts on this, I’d like to hear about it.
I was just discussing this very thing with WebDom over the weekend.
Is there a consensus on it? If it’s something that holds interest, I may want to be involved, if possible.
I say “may”, because I’ve only been on weekend comments for about a month or so–just getting into the habit. Also, most of my time here is at work, which isn’t exactly conducive to putting out content
Speaking on behalf of TPTB (with zero permission to do so), we wouldn’t have any problem with late night content. As most of us know, having to stick to a commitment for content creation gets…tiresome. A team approach is really the best way to do it. This site would have lasted about a month without the regular team to do links posts every day, and all the rest, including editing submissions etc. And, the site would consist solely of links posts if the community hadn’t stepped up and contributed great content.
We were kicking around ideas like: a round up of the “best links” of the week; or random links that were added in comments people might have missed; music posts; or even just open posts with a theme.
What were you guys thinking?
Well, I haven’t really seen anything from anyone else, other than you. That said, I think I was going along the same lines, generally.
Something with recaps; maybe a link to News of the Weird, since it’s weekly (and seems rather appealing); smaller philosophical points that could generate late-night discussion among us
vampiresweirdosnight crawlers; maybe links to videos that we follow (I find plenty of interesting stuff on my YT follows that I would love to share for comments–I would think others have similar). Since the lot that tends to stay up, there may be a lot of chemically-influenced posting, which could be both thought-provoking, and, dangerous/Ugh… Since the lot that tends to stay up for late night posting here enjoys various relaxing methods
I promise, I can right good…
I’d say just go ahead and put some posts together (since you have writing privileges) and Save as Pending. Are you thinking just Friday and/or Saturday at 2300 for a start? You know how free-form things are around here; feel free to try different formats etc.
If anyone else wants in who isn’t already a Contributor, I can make that happen.
Yes, as far as me being able to contribute anything.
I haven’t played around much with the submission side of things, so I should probably start to get familiar with the whats and how of that side of things (if it goes beyond what I’ve used so far). CPRM has been a big help in that respect, so I may hit him up for assistance. Not to discount you, SP; I’ll reach out should I need help. I just don’t want to be burdensome with all you already have on your plate here.
Nope, just exactly what you did for the other posts.
/ignoring the sucking up
Got it!
I’m pretty sure the rest of the (sadly dwindling) Nippon contingent would be up for this (pun intended)
That is an excellent point! Of course, Raphael is state-side (correct?), and…is Mustang still posted there?
But, yes–anyone to the East of the US could/would be a target audience.
Shit–am I gonna end up learning Japanese? I dunno if my brain can handle that…
Yeah, I got to meet Rafael a couple days before he went back to the US. I haven’t met Mustang yet.
Learn the language at your peril. Once you are in too deep you realize that it isn’t much use anywhere else. And after you have that much invested you might as well just stay.
I was of the mind that, for all the J-side glibs, who would hopefully be commenting in this proposed post, there would be a lot of Japanese video links and (more) discussions that get back to the linguistics.
I seem to have not been a good student in my Russian class back in HS, so late-40’s me isn’t quite so hopeful if I end up needing to “learn” Japanese in order to keep up with those kinds of discussions.
I guess I could do a post about the more difficult aspects of the Japanese language coming from an English speaker’s perspective. Maybe contrast it with Korean and Chinese?
That would be fascinating!
After my griping, I can say that I would definitely read that.