Yesterday afternoon, I was looking out our back door at the golf course and saw a large brown object. I thought, “Wait, what the fuck kind of animal is that? A dog? An oversized record-setting cat? A javelina?” Then it rose up and hopped away- it was the biggest goddam jackrabbit I’ve ever seen, and I lived in Texas. Our next door neighbor was out and remarked, “Yeah, when they get that size, they chase the dogs instead of the dogs chasing them.” I swear, we’re living in Australia, every animal here is freakish and dangerous. Now, what does this have to do with links? Nothing at all.

But still, gotta have birthdays. And today’s include the REAL Klaatu; a decent cartoonist whose reputation outshone his talent; a cross between Trump and FDR; the one and only true James Bond and Zed; the greatest mustache in MLB history; and one of my favorite radio hosts.

News to follow.


If Biden gets the nom, go long on popcorn stock.


Government really has become a circus. God bless it.


Owning the French.


Gay marriage means messy gay divorces. Really, is this what y’all had in mind?


I knew that there was something about Phoenix I liked. Lots of quotes from a real expert, a UC professor, and obligatory dark and ominous invocation of those that evil Koch brothers.


Every time something bad happens to the Irsays, an angel gets his wings.


In other football news, well, that didn’t last long.


Rapey teachers, rapey, rapey. Teachers.


Sooooo carefully focus-grouped. And so dull.


Why you can safely ignore ANYTHING that The New Yorker has to say about art. Christ, what an asshole.



Old Guy Music was going to be something on the rabbit theme, but SP gave me an earworm I can’t shake.