Liverpool pounded the shit out of Arsenal.I mean they just humiliated them. Man City also won handily, but as far as the “big six”, not too good a weekend otherwise.

Oops, sorry to have humiliated you again.
Tottenham and ManUre both went down to bottom-feeders, at home. And Chelski eked out a win. Rory McIlroy won a shitload of money. And by shitload, I mean he won a cool $15M for winning the Tour Championship. And he would have won it without the stroke handicap system they used for the final event of the season (which I actually liked). The US Open starts in a handful of hours, for you tennis fans out there. I’m picking Joker and Serena to win. Yes, I know that’s not being very brave, but that’s where we are in tennis right now. And trust me, I only hope I’m half right.
The Yankees beat the Dodgers last night in what some people are hoping is a preview of the World Series. I’m not one of those people. The Firstros thumped the Angels and now share the best record in the AL with the aforementioned Bronx Bombers. They’re both one game back of the Dodgers for the best record overall. Other winners from yesterday were: Baltimore, Atlanta, Kansas City, Miami, Pittsburgh, Arizona, Chicago (AL), Minnesota, St Louis, Washington, San Francisco, San Diego and Seattle.

Shit like this is why you don’t do your fantasy draft a month before the season
And Andrew Luck dropped a shit-bomb in the lap of the Colts over the weekend. Not quite as big a turd as that Miami-Florida college game was Saturday night though. I mean…Jesus, that was the worst-played college game I’ve seen in some time. There is no other way to put it.
Is today your birthday? If it is, you’ve got the following to keep company with: first ever British Prime Minister Robert Walpole, missionary and humanitarian Mother Teresa, sax player Branford Marsalis, former child actor Macaulay Culkin, Rockets guard James Harden and …that’s it. Shit, what a dreadfully short and weak list.
OK, now let’s all settle in for … the links!

Come at me, bro. I’ll nuke the shit out of you!
This is the funniest story all weekend. Of course the sources are all unnamed. There is no documentation to support the accusation. Nobody in the meetings has stepped forward and said its what happened and several people involved have all denied that the conversations ever took place. But fuck it, let’s run with it anyway.
Let me see if I have this straight. So they’re gonna do to you what you’ve been doing to the subjects of your pieces for years? How fucking dare they!!! Or is it ok for CNN to threaten to doxx someone if they don’t take down a internet meme? Or for newsmedia to dig through Kyle Kashuv’s social media from when he was 14 because he’s pro-gun? Fuck you, you morally repugnant “gatekeepers” of the news. Sorry your anti-semitism and racism is gonna be brought to life.

I have a feeling you’ll be crying again soon
Pretty sure this is an excessive and wasteful use of resources. But the “victim” is maintaining his story, and if its true this was a heinous crime of lynching. So may as well use everything to make sure this kind of thing never happens again.
Gamers worry about the weirdest shit. That’s all I got for this one.
When keeping it real goes wrong. Also, don’t forget bring a (second) towel.
How kind of you parasites. Oh, it doest really restore property rights, it just gives people a window of time to do what you tell them to do or go back to being fucked over. So much for freedom.
If you plan to watch the SpaceX launch tonight, make sure you aren’t watching through your window.
No birthday musicians worth playing, so I’m declaring prima nocte and just picking something I wanted to hear.
That’s all for today, dear friends. Hope the week gets off to a good start for you.
Come at me, bro. I’ll nuke the shit out of you!
This is the funniest story all weekend. Of course the sources are all unnamed. There is no documentation to support the accusation. Nobody in the meetings has stepped forward and said its what happened and several people involved have all denied that the conversations ever took place. But fuck it, let’s run with it anyway. – well I did hear about seeding storms/hurricanes somewhere but this seems a bit much
I would be all for nuking hurricanes.
Gotta nuke something.
Wish they’d have nuked Harvey. I still have the occasional nightmare about that.
The floodwaters weren’t cesium-y enough for your taste?
Well, they needed something to light up the night.
Yeah, invisible rabbits are creepy af.
It’d be a great way to give Florida a good even coating of fallout. I would think that Florida is already full up on mutants, but what do I know.
“Gamers worry about the weirdest shit. That’s all I got for this one.”
Interferes with their ability to spank their monkeys?
is that one of those 4 people actually worried about this on twitter things?
More or less.
And some intern gets paid minimum wage to poke around Twitter looking for this stuff.
“starvation wages”
Let me see if I have this straight. So they’re gonna do to you what you’ve been doing to the subjects of your pieces for years? How fucking dare they!!! Or is it ok for CNN to threaten to doxx someone if they don’t take down a internet meme? Or for newsmedia to dig through Kyle Kashuv’s social media from when he was 14 because he’s pro-gun? Fuck you, you morally repugnant “gatekeepers” of the news. Sorry your anti-semitism and racism is gonna be brought to life. – like most things, it is perfectly fine when the right people do it. When the wrong people do it is when it becomes a problem.
They must have a lot of skeletons in their closets.
Must? Shit, these idiots still pine for the days when they had a monopoly on information and were able to pretend they were not partisan hacks shilling for the marxist movement. Now that they not only no longer can control what the unwashed masses find out, but have their own tactics employed against them, they will play their victim cards in spades.
Appeal to the worst parts of human nature and you will attract the worst kinds of people. You can bet your last dollar that they all have a closet that looks like a mass grave.
It’s hilarious and infuriating that they’re damn near quoting the people who defend the people they typically attack over this kind of shit. “Well, everybody says something that might not age well” and “They quoted something he said while he was still in college, and you can’t hold someone accountable for things they say when they’re young” type of shit. And you know what? I totally agree. I just wish they’d apply those same standards across the board.
One set of rules for thee, and another for me!
When you lie us into war after war, I DGAF what anyone does to you.
Liking the new avatar!
The people actually concerned over the issue is terribly small, and the number of gamers is quite large, so it’s like blaming all americans for florida man.
It was funny that even a handful of people were freaking out about it. Sometimes a story is there just so we can shake our heads at others and wonder why they’re so petty.
First world problems.
That’s why I say we need to bring back privation so people will have real shit to be worried about! – Bernie Sanders and the other team blue candidates
But then how can we group and categorize people so that we can feel Superior? Also did you see what they bimbo AOC said?
What, to the penguin she met?
Over the weekend, did someone mention Joe’s campaign stop in New Hampshire where he waxed poetic about the beauty of Vermont?
Nothing gets by this lot.
Good morning, all y’all.
Wake me up when the story is man bites dog instead of dog bites man, brah…
Even if it’s Florida Man bits dog?
From what i hear about Florida Man, if the dog got off with just being bitten, it got off easy…
Know what I mean?
How else is he gonna establish dominance?
That’s why I figured it wasn’t noteworthy enough to wake Alex over.
To be fair to ol’ Joe, they were still the same state when he was first elected.
Lies! That was New York land until the illegal squatters from New Hampshire stole it.
I will LMFAO if Sharapova figures out a way to knock her out tonight.
I’m right there with you. And the post-match presser will be glorious with Serena bitching that, as an 8 seed, she shouldn’t have seen Sharapova in round 1 and that it’s because she stood up for herself in last year’s final.
Plate o’ shrimp
The most important political book of the past year just might be a grammatically challenged manifesto in favor of nude sunbathing written under the pen name Bronze Age Pervert.
Where Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” inspired generations of libertarians to enter politics, and Aaron Sorkin’s “The West Wing” did the same for idealistic liberals, a cohort of young, right-wing men are today gravitating toward “Bronze Age Mindset.” The self-published book urges them to join the armed forces in preparation for the onset of military rule.
The 200-page book mixes Nietzschean philosophy with critiques of contemporary Western society, denigrating homosexuality, Judiasm, Islam, feminism and much else along the way. “Inside every noble Greek was an unquenchable lust for power,” is one fairly typical statement. “Modern world not bad just because modern,” is another, displaying the author’s habit of lapsing into broken English by dropping articles. The book claims that the leaders of the European Union have “tiny moleman eyes.” Many of its passages are profane and unprintable.
The book’s ascendance in online, far-right circles is indicative of the latest phase of the culture war that has fueled Trump’s presidency.
Most of the well-known figures associated with the alt-right or “alt-lite” — Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Richard Spencer — have been successfully demoralized, deplatformed or otherwise banished from the public square. But this has not eliminated the underlying source of their relevance: disaffected young men, mostly white, with internet access.
Talking point, ho!
Apparently, the internet is a giant job fair for Nazis.
Somebody linked a story about this Bronze Age character the other day. I suspect we’ll be deluged with frantic whining about him in the days to come. Whycome them whiteboyz no believe in Social Contract?
Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” inspired generations of libertarians to enter politics, and Aaron Sorkin’s “The West Wing” did the same for idealistic liberals–
SRSLY? Those liberals are all idealistic do-gooders, unlike cryptolibertarian Randites. They want only to make the world a better place for their fellow
manmeat popsicle. They’re not self-serving, aggressively ambitious authoritarians. They just want what’s best for us.If you have to label people that don’t agree with whatever brand of insanity you are peddling with being Nazis, methinks the problem is with you and your insanity, and not the people you labeled as Nazis to avoid having to actually defend your insanity on the merits/facts/logic.
>>Most of the well-known figures associated with the alt-right or “alt-lite” — Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Richard Spencer — have been successfully demoralized, deplatformed or otherwise banished from the public square. But this has not eliminated the underlying source of their relevance: disaffected young men, mostly white, with internet access.
imagine that… squash something and it will only go further underground. Something Rome something Christians
Successfully? They’ve never been more popular you idiot.
All there is left to do to Gavin is to strip him naked and nail him to a tree and yet he still managed 350k subscribers on youtube and is on Freespeech.Tv. Everyone these censorious losers go after, just end up on another platform and just as popular.
People like this guy Ben can’t possibly be this stupid in their faux-rigthteous, pseudo-intellectual bull shit they pimp.
“People like this guy Ben can’t possibly be this stupid in their faux-rigthteous, pseudo-intellectual bull shit they pimp.”
You obviously haven’t spent much time around True Bleebers. Faux-righteous and pseudo-intellectual is all that’s there.
“with internet access”
Until their Google Social Credit Score drops low enough, anyway.
Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Richard Spencer
One of these is not like the other.
Just one? Its not hard to come up with simple criteria that leaves any one of them as the odd man out.
Gavin isn’t Gay?
“Proud boys” sounds pretty gay. Just sayin.
I’m proud. But not proud-proud.
Only one is married to a black man?
One married an Injun.
Dot or feather?
Lizzie Warren is married to an Alt-righter? How is she still in the running?
Another to a Native.
But let’s disingenuously continue to misrepresent them.
This piece of shit is some piece of work to pull that stunt.
Journalist my ass.
They all sound Greek to me.
Yeah, that jumped out at me, too. That’s an easy tell that the author isn’t disagreeing on the basis of ideas so much as signaling tribal allegiance.
This book is a troll job. Also it has one of the better descriptions on Amazon
My favorite part is
Some say that this book, found in a safebox in the port area of Kowloon, was dictated, because Bronze Age Pervert refuses to learn what he calls “the low and plebeian art of writing.”
Well, most far-right knuckle-draggers can barely read and write, so… makes sense.
“Modern world not bad just because modern,” is another, displaying the author’s habit of lapsing into broken English by dropping articles.
Total troll job. Which one of you people did this? Well done.
…but we’re working on a solution to that, maybe some kind of Final Solution.
Trump floated nuking hurricanes to stop them from hitting US
It’s the only way to be sure.
RE: miami/florida on saturday.
I don’t know that if I have ever seen a team try so hard to lose and pull out a win. The PIs at the end of the game were egregious.
Brett L and I had a running commentary on it going for a good part of the game. I honestly wondered aloud that I wouldn’t have been surprised if Florida ran a double reverse rather than take a knee on the last play.
I thought Miami was in Florida why they fighting?
Because Miami isn’t real Florida.
Florida is the only American state where the further north you go the further South you get
Explains the phallic shape.
and it’s hard to say who the real Florida Man is when there’s 100k of them
After a soldout crowd at
Camping WorldWPA project Orlando Stadium watched the Gators edge out the Hurricanes with a 24-20 victory, band members walked back to their bus when a female Miami fan tried to cut through the group, said UF spokesman Steve Orlando.Director Jay Watkins “went out to try to stop this person and when he did, somebody else grabbed him behind in a chokehold and threw him on the pavement,” Orlando said.
Watkins sustained bumps and scrapes on his head and elbow, was treated by a paramedic and boarded the bus back to Gainesville.
I missed the game, but I heard it was a shit show. Isn’t the deal with Felipe Franks that he’s a giraffe that is about equally likely to turn the ball over as to throw a sixty-yard touchdown pass?
In War on the Press
Trump is threatening to prosecute journalists for espionage? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Well Obama did, it. But the dnc operatives with bylines want everyone to believe that orange man is doing it – despite the evidence to the contrary – because it is part of the campaign of disinformation they hope simply wears down everyone that has not been sucking Karl Marx’s dick like they have.
Trump criticizing the media is a “war”.
Obama actually investigating and threatening prosecution was all good.
Which says a lot about the press.
Cucks and cowards.
The Trump administration is pressing for extradition of Assange, so what’s good for the goose and all.
Here’s a thread on how Zionism’s logic fundamentally requires violence against Diaspora Jews.
Why do these Jew haters feel compelled to waste so many words to mask their hatred?
Why do people waste their time hating Jews?
Explain that to me if you ever figure it out…
Because hating someone else is a lot easier then taking a hard look at yourself, and admitting you own your failures.
I was being facetious, but yes.
It is practically always envy/jealousy, and the need to avoid admitting one’s own failures.
My running theory is that its petty jealousy. The Joos seem to have an outsized presence in the banking and financial industries and it makes stupid people mad that many are rich.
It’s envy, yes. Marxism is predicated on capitalizing on the envy and jealousy of those that want to bring down others they see are doing better than them. You basically tell them that there is a finite pie to split, and that the others have more, not because they did the right things – get educated, work hard, and avoid instant gratification for later rewards in their choices – but because they stole it from them, and you have a winning formula. People that want shit without working for it will always like it when some snake oil salesman tells them that they deserve whatever it is they are talking about more than those that actually worked for it.
The whole U.S. financial/banking system is a giant crony scheme that screws the hell out of a lot of people and really needs to be dismantled and started anew. That said, it ain’t the Jews fault.
The scary thing is that it is the fact government has gotten so big and the people in the system are driven by perverted incentives, but they also are preying on the feelings of those affected to claim they are the only ones that can and should “fix” the very evil and broken system they created.
Seem to?
‘Cause they killed Jesus, duh.
In seriousness, I think the Jews are historically an easy scapegoat. They’re ethnically and culturally distinct, and they’re a somewhat exclusive community. I think historically there has been sort of a feedback loop where Jews as a community are separate from other groups, which leads those groups to isolate them further, which in turn makes them seem more “other”. In the modern Western world this is much less the case I think, although it still seems to be a thing. Also, in several societies, persecuting Jews was either ignored, condoned, or even encouraged, so it acts as a vent for some of the less noble qualities of a community.
I often remind people that tell me the Jews killed Jesus, that Jesus was a Jew…
Personally, I have never understood the animosity so many feel, even while I understand the underlying envy/jealousy that drives these people, because I am not driven mad that some have been more successful than me.
The Romans carried out the hit.
Funny how the new religion then ended up building that big house in Rome, huh?
Not right away. There were a few centuries of having to meet in secret and being publicly executed and all that. The big building came quite a bit later.
Too bad Upstate New York isn’t that prestigious a location.
So if Jews living today are blamed for something some Jews did 2,000 years ago, then I guess the blamers are perfectly alright with having to pay reparations to the descendants of people enslaved 150 years ago??
No those are more retarded ramblings than thoughts.
When keeping it real goes wrong. Also, don’t forget bring a (second) towel.
Well, there’s a shocker.
I don’t understand how the cops decided no one needed to be charged after they (temporarily) killed some guy.
Professional courtesy?
ooh second day hangover… not as bad as yesterday’s but I’ll need an extra cup of coffee.
I’ve been sporadically working on a book – only 22k words so far – but it’s coming along nicely. It started as a 200 years after the zombie apocalypse book but morphed into my first fantasy story. Elves, Orcs, and all that shit… but with a twist.
Zombie Orcs? Zombie Elves?
They all wear a wedge of lime on their belt, which is the style in those lands
Call Bruce Campbell, he’ll know what to do.
Make another version of My Name is Bruce? Finally work on the <a href=""Bubba-Ho-Tep prequel some of us have been waiting on?
/kicks a rock
You’re not going to be able to replace Ozzy Davis though.
A twist? Something involving a Florida Man doing his thing?
Good on you.
something like this
You made them LGBTQombies?
I bet he will be sued if he titles his work “World War G”
World War G – where Jesse’s 50 gallons of lube saves the day!
No spoilers!
Oooh! Oooh! There could be a scene where they’re racing through the desert with the back of their Hilux loaded up with drums of lub, and the hero desperately hacks away at the tiedowns with a hatchet to lighten the load, and when the barrels fall out the back the burst open and then the pursuers spin out in the lube puddle then explode then the lube catches fire and ignites the rest of the pack of zombies and ZOOM! BLANG! Ka-BLOOIE!!
Good for you, and I’m glad your muse is being generous with her favors.
Using journalistic techniques to target journalists and news organizations as retribution for — or as a warning not to pursue — coverage critical of the president is fundamentally different from the well-established role of the news media in scrutinizing people in positions of power.
“If it’s clearly retaliatory, it’s clearly an attack, it’s clearly not journalism,” said Leonard Downie Jr., who was the executive editor of The Post from 1991 to 2008. Tension between a president and the news media that covers him is nothing new, Mr. Downie added. But an organized, wide-scale political effort to intentionally humiliate journalists and others who work for media outlets is.
New York Times publisher A. G. Sulzberger added: “They are seeking to harass and embarrass anyone affiliated with the leading news organizations that are asking tough questions and bringing uncomfortable truths to light. The goal of this campaign is clearly to intimidate journalists from doing their job, which includes serving as a check on power and exposing wrongdoing when it occurs. The Times will not be intimidated or silenced.” A CNN spokesman added that when administration officials or “those working on their behalf threaten and retaliate against reporters as a means of suppression, it’s a clear abandonment of democracy for something very dangerous.”
“Abandonment of democracy” indeed.
“If it’s clearly retaliatory, it’s clearly an attack, it’s clearly not journalism”
I’ll keep that in mind.
“it’s a clear abandonment of democracy for something very dangerous”
Everytime they invoke democracy like this it makes me think of the cheap movie v villains who shout and scream at there defeat. “No this can’t be!!! I am democracy!!!”
Yeah, that quote really stands out. He’s essentially admitted that CNN and much of the rest of the MSM is not real journalism.
What does democracy have to do with it?
When the news tells you how to vote and you go do it.
Stopping that from happening is then by definition destroying ‘our’ democracy.
wide-scale political effort to intentionally humiliate journalists and others who work for media outlet
Don’t criticize us! But seriously they often humiliate themselves.
If it is important to dig through old posts to know ” who is speaking” then that is doubly true for the person directing the conversation.
According to a report from the New York Times, a new shop has opened up, compiling “dossiers of potentially embarrassing social media posts and other public statements by hundreds of people who work at some of the country’s most prominent news organizations.”
NYT loves dossiers I thought.
Only if said dossiers have piss-hookers doing the orange man thing….
Pee dossiers. They have to include pee.
You guys are being unfair. These dossiers aren’t made up out of whole cloth.
I bet they reek of urine though…
I tend to be a live-and-let-live kind of guy, but I must confess that I am getting some seriously perverted pleasure in watching that asshat Smollet get his due.
He would have been happy to see a couple of innocent guys go to prison. I hope he burns.
Yep – he was actively trying to get the closest random country guys a long haul in prison.
…and stir up racial tensions. He’s a class-A Asshole.
“Meanwhile, the US president, who views Russian interference in US elections as a joke, believes Putin should be in on the group’s discussions about Iran, Syria, and North Korea.”
The horror of suggesting that maybe Russia has an interest in it’s own back yard.
counterpoint: Fuck Russia
Indeed. However Russia is a nuclear armed power that I have no interest in my country fighting. Progressives have been pushing increased tensions between the U.S. government and the Russian government for damn near 3 years all because they are mad they lost an election.
I dont like it.
Meanwhile they seem willing to overlook far worse behavior from China – perhaps because they are still communists.
They all wish they could run the country the way the Chinese oligarchs do. Note that the Chinese ruling class gave up on communism and switched to fascism a while ago, but collectivists are gonna collectivist.
Justin the little shit does wish that’s for sure.
In fairness, the G7 does not include China, even though China is the second largest economy in the world. The G7 is basically “Club Western”, as it excludes several nations (China, India, Russia, Brazil) that should be at the table if economic concerns were truly paramount.
Nuclear war to save our democracy.
Damnit Uncle Don! You are always ruining our parties. Everyone knows that peace has always played out best when you don’t let the interested parties have a seat at the table.
Of all the crap the media is pulling, this “let’s reignite the cold war!” is the worst with “let’s ignite race wars!” being a close second.
The inept and ineffective credentialed ruling class, basically the left, has decided that they would rather burn down the whole thing that lose their grip on power and admitting they are worthless.
who views Russian interference in US elections as a joke
A few grand in facebook ads to troll people IS a joke…
It’s amazing how hard the media is trying to recast that as a massive Russian intelligence operation. Astroturfing and shitposting has metamorphosed into a complete infiltration of America by Russian agents bent on our destruction.
A special prosecutor had two years to investigate this. His own report states that he found no evidence of collusion. When he was asked if his investigation had been obstructed or hindered in any way, he said no.
Why. The. Fuck. is this still being talked about in a serious way??
Obviously Russia should be excluded from the discussions. That will let them know that their input is not wanted, and then they will not interfere at all in Iran, Syria, or North Korea.
Sexist attitudes towards sex are cheating women of orgasms – and worse
The answer here is the same one provided by several of our residents when someone queried them about who they would be able to satisfy with that “little nub” and amounted to a one word reply: “ME!”.
adults finds that two-fifths of people think men want sex more than women do. – this is well documented as far as this can be knows. Including frequency of masturbation.
This shows the persistence of the idea that sex is more “for” men than it is for women. – just that men want it more often does not necessarily mean it is more for men…
if women believe that “going along” with sex is a common female experience, they may be less likely to articulate and explore their needs and wants in early sexual relationships or when older. – meh. Just talk to the bastard if you don’t get off. See what can be done
So not only do we have a wage gap, but we have an orgasm gap because women tend to not negotiate well for what they want? PATRIARCHY!
And 60% of respondents have never been in a heterosexual relationship.
Ahead of the launch of the vehicle, called Starhopper, police handed out printed notices to a small residential community nearby, warning of a possible “overpressure event”
They are launching a nuke?
Into a hurricane
You know who else warned of a possible overpressure event?
The guy that shot himself in the nuts and blew drugs out of his ass?
An Eagle Owl snatches a hawk from a nest. You can see the ominous, ghostly eyes rapidly approaching from the darkness
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Breaks Twitter by Getting Playful With Penguin
Finally, someone she can debate on an equal intellectual footing.
Why do you hate sharks?
I was about to make a similar comment.
Sadly twitter is not broken
Shit, my hopes were up there for a second.
Oh FFS, someone give her a slinky or something shiny so she will be too busy to bother us.
1. Take a piece of paper.
2. Write on it “Turn me over”.
3. Turn it over and write “Turn me over”.
4. Hand it to the dunce you need to entertain for a while.
What if she just spins it around so the writing is upside down – thinking that’s the same as “turning over”; then complains that it’s unreadable?
You have to have at least a semi-competent dunce for this to work.
+1 Cootie Catcher
“Everyone — even the the most dialed-in, savvy observer of the blink-of-an-eye zeitgeist — posts dumb ideas online”
The author proved his point really quickly, I’m impressed.
I thought the Hill was slightly right leaning. Yet they report that bombing hurricanes story with a straight face and barely question it at all?
Throw crazy story against the wall… a lot of people will read it and it will confirm their “Trump is cray-cray” bias. A few undeciders/low-information folks will also go along with the story.
Retraction gets ignored.
‘I might be a PED0PHILE but at least I’m not RUDE’
The pixels are burning my eyes!
I will not have some bigoted slaves tarnishing my reputation as an auctioneer. /Key and peele
I thought I was so clever when I realized her poster didn’t actually say “ISLUT” but “TULSI”.
It’s nice to listen to June. Reminds me that not all lefties are crazy. I’m glad I don’t see much on economics from her though.
“Gamers worry about the weirdest shit. That’s all I got for this one.”
Gay. I never acknowledge the existence of male nipples, it’s the only way.
“Thursday Mr. I.B. McGinty pens something I certainly hope you uncultured troglodytes actually read. Seriously, its good..stay tuned.”
Thanks for the kind words Mexican Sharpshooter. I’ll try not to cave under the pressure.
Will read. Is it about Brooksie?
It’s about Jews actually.
Pro or con?
You’ll have to wait until Thursday to find out.
It’s his latest woodworking project: a giant oven.
The US has essentially declared a new cold war on China, and the violence in Hong Kong is so obviously a proxy conflict to weaken, destabilize, and even balkanize China.
Once again, the liberals praising the obviously right-wing, violent “protests” are just helping Trump.
“Once again, the liberals praising the obviously right-wing, violent “protests” are just helping Trump.”
Do the chicom apologists realize they are supporting the most facist regime on Earth today?
Saw somebody over the weekend wondering if the Chinese were learning effective oppresion techniques from the West or vice versa. I think they definetly will share some best practices after Hong Kong is put in its place.
Journalism, folks.
Holy shit.
History began in 2016 with Trump according to journalists.
Except for the economy Obama fixed with his marxist bullshit, right?
Connecticut man red-flagged and guns siezed becuase his son posted a meme on Facebook.
Welcome to the People’s Republic of Connecticut, where we are working hard to make all the serfs compliant and to disarm those that might be trouble when the culling starts!
Huh. I thought guns were already illegal in the Five Boroughs.
Fun fact: NY’s own red-flag law went into effect yesterday.
Now be nice, Not, or I’m going to have to make a little phone call.
I was thinking they should make it a clean sweep and turn his house into an Army barracks. He’s lost every other Constitutional Right.
Wait til this goes nationwide.
He had a .40 handgun AND a .22 rifle!?!?!?? Nobody needs an arsenal military grade weapons to hunt deer.
Wait, you mean they stole his Musket?
The actions of the state indicate otherwise.
If they can already take your rights away for something you said (or worse, someone related to you), it is de facto a crime. Worse yet would be if they managed to do all this without due process.
Well, shit.
The confiscation will continue, with those that piss off the masters getting it first, and the eventual move to make ownership by law abiding citizens that are likely to resist the abuses by said masters at some point, soon to come!
“….the sources are all unnamed. There is no documentation to support the accusation. Nobody in the meetings has stepped forward and said its what happened and several people involved have all denied that the conversations ever took place.”
In other words a fabricated story. But they are totally not fake news. They report on important stuff in a completely unbiased manner.
Seriously, who listens to that shit or believes a word of it?
Battle for the soul of a nation
Warren roused her supporters with calls for “big, structural change,” and the crowd roared with chants of “Two cents! Two cents” while waving two fingers in the air as Warren discussed her 2 percent “wealth tax.” Biden pounded away at President Donald Trump, his campaign subtly and overtly reminding voters that polls consistently show him as the party’s best general election candidate and the primary’s frontrunner.
The parallel displays by two of the three leading Democratic candidates offered a possible preview of the collision course looming if Biden and Warren maintain their current trajectory. It would be a clash of opposites: the progressive firebrand against the establishment favorite; the cerebral candidate of big, bold plans vs. the elder statesman offering himself as a safe haven for people who simply want a return to pre-Trump normalcy.
But today’s Democratic Party is far more progressive and Warren is far better organized than he was in 2004, he added.
“There has been a huge sea change,” Dean said. Democratic voters are “much more [people] of color and they’re much more female and they’re young.” And Biden is no Kerry, he said: “Biden is the old establishment, but he has cred because he was Obama’s vice president.”
Biden’s campaign also thinks his core message — prioritizing beating Trump and referring nostalgically to President Obama — resonates powerfully across the Democratic electorate.
“We have to reach beyond our party. We have to unify the country. We have to restore the soul of the nation,” Biden said Saturday to a crowd of about 300 at Keene State College in New Hampshire.
Oh, come on, Joe; the transgender POC GimmeGimme vote is where it’s at.
2 percent wealth tax? I’m sure the number of people that hit will increase year after year as the threshold of what is considered “wealthy” drops and drops.
And by wealth do they mean holdings? Or income? Because, for example, if someone has $2M worth of land doesn’t mean they are necessarily rich. Maybe they bought up some farmland back in the 80s for a few thousand bucks and then the real estate market took off.
We already have an income tax, so I figure they’re going to tax assets.
It already takes wealthy taxpayers until October 15th to file their income tax returns for the prior year. Now imagine how horrible it will be to comply with a wealth tax.
Yes, they mean wealth. And yes, they want to use this to destroy the American economy.
A wealth tax is not authorized under the constitution. So is she thinking she’ll be able to pass an amendment to allow it?
Sure it is, it just has to be apportioned.
So, your share of the wealth tax varies based upon A: your wealth, B: the population of your state and C: the average wealth of the population in your state.
A 2% “wealth tax” and negative interest rates will fix all of our money problems!
The war on people saving money continues.
Private savings are the real driver of economic growth and we just cant have that now.
I would be worried as hell about this if I thought there was a snowball’s chance that Trump is going to lose.
pre-Trump normalcy
The new old normal? Pass.
Handjobbin’ Obama?
Bernie Sanders Scolds Crowd For Cheering Death Of David Koch
“I don’t applaud, you know, the death of somebody,” he said. “We needn’t do that. Use jazz hands instead.”
You are gonna have to toughen up there bucko if you really want to be the head of a socialist state.
None of them will rule it. This lot will all be in the mass graves along with the other enemies of the revolution.
OMG Bernie’s Sister Soulja moment!
Good for hi— oh go fuck yourself, asshole.
and this is why it’s not Bernie to fear but the person standing next to him that will lead us to glorious revolution.
“I think what we can say is that the Koch brothers and other billionaires, because of this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, have been able to spend hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to represent the wealthy and the powerful, and the fossil fuel industry, which is where the Koch brothers made a lot of their money,” he continued.
Worse than Hitler. You can be glad he’s dead, just do it quietly.
this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision
Yes, a “disastrous” ruling upholding the first amendment right to criticize a politician before an election.
I do love what citizens untied was actually about. Ask any lefty and they won’t know.
citizens untied
looks like you just told them
/standard prog response.
“So the NYT has no First Amendment rights?”
Standard sane response, and round and round we go, ad tedium ad infinitum.
“So the unions should get out of political ads, right?”
Or just point out that the case was about banning a film, and the government lawyer argued that the law allowed them to ban books. I’ve found it doesn’t educate people so much as condition them to not talk to me about political items they aren’t willing to debate. The real fun comes when my brother-in-laws family (left-wing Democrats) and my family (right-wing Republicans) get together, Being able to shut them both down quickly is a blessing, and prevents long yelling arguments.
More like ad nauseam.
That’s the thing that they need to be confronted with every time. A person cannot be logically consistent and simultaneously argue that Citizens United is some horrible injustice AND that President Trump can’t put a gag order on the NYT. They’re a for-profit corporation, so they have no right to any kind of speech whatsoever, correct?
UK Parliament Committee Wants to Ban All Private Cars and Trucks by 2050
“You see, the manufacture of even zero-emission vehicles itself produces “substantial” carbon emissions as well engaging in other environmentally harmful practices. The only way to eliminate carbon emissions associated with the manufacture of private automobiles is to eliminate the manufacture, sale, and ownership of those private vehicles.”
At least they are finally being honest.
What about electric scooters?
all privately operated motor vehicles. – what is privately owned? Wii government handle all the transporting of goods?
Also will all politicians and government workers be banned from using vehicles or do the Queens men get an exemption?
Romanian humor is so deadpan.
Oh you can bet your bottom dollar they will issue exemptions and exclude themselves.
Have any of these anti-science cultist buffoons stopped using their yachts and planes?
Look, how else are you going to differentiate the Important People from the peasants?
Meanwhile, Dems here in the US are taking notes:
As Bus Ridership Plummets in Los Angeles, Efforts to Boost It Hit Speed Bumps
emphasis mine
And that’s simply and succinctly gets to the heart of a bureaucrat and progressive.
They know what’s good for others.
I bet the bureaucrats totally take those buses too.
Haven’t we been reading over the past few years that public transportation is basically on the decline in every major city in America? Especially among the middle class. Too many options now.
My midsize city’s solution is to extend the rail into a suburb. There was a section of activist booths at the festival I went to yesterday, one was for that idea, the rest were also communists.
Shiny and new (and attractive to suburban white people) has been the routine for a few decades now. As opposed to, say, improving the situation in long-established inner cities where lots of people would benefit from it.
Those light rails are actually on the biggest decline of all. Totally supplanted by things like ride sharing and more flexible work hours thanks to things like Skype.
LOL trucks, too? I’m no egghead but that seems… unworkable.
+1 Plumber on a bicycle
+1000’s of horse-drawn ice wagons & milk carriages. Party like it’s 1910!
This also exists on twitter
And by wealth do they mean holdings? Or income? Because, for example, if someone has $2M worth of land doesn’t mean they are necessarily rich. Maybe they bought up some farmland back in the 80s for a few thousand bucks and then the real estate market took off.
Don’t worry. The assessment of your wealth will be completely fair and objective. Make the check payable to “United States Treasury” and be sure to get it in on time.
Just leave the amount blank, they’ll fill it in for you. But they’ll only take from you up to your ability to provide.
Whether or not it’s liquid has never stopped the IRS and the states from destroying family farms and businesses with inheritance taxes. Why would this commie’s ideas be less destructive to people with the gaul to accumulate property?
Why would this commie’s ideas be less destructive to people with the gaul to accumulate property?
Sacre bleu!
Zut alors!
Ferme ta gueule putain!
Partez s’il vous plait. J’ai un fusil.
Lois Lerner has a sad.
Ugh. Few things get my bile up than recalling that evil bitch “claim the 5th”, give congress the big old middle finger and walk away. It reminds me that the rule of law waved goodbye to us a long time ago.
Well they would have options. Tax value? Fair market value? Book value? Tax value generally yields the lowest value, especially with all of the bonus depreciation recently.
Which just means, a new and even more convoluted value yet to be named!
Whichever valuation is highest.
I can’t think of a better way to set off a no-kidding depression. The value of fixed assets will collapse, as will the value of debt secured by them, so we will have another banking/financial system collapse. And not just the housing market; this time the commercial debt market will go down in flames as well.
I think you guys forgot about “Imputed Income”.
Remember Al Gore and his famous calculations about how owning a 5 bedroom house was $45,000 in income because you could be renting those bedrooms out? (never mind that you are actually living there yourself).
It’s quite simple, at least in the eyes of the select committee. You see, the manufacture of even zero-emission vehicles itself produces “substantial” carbon emissions as well engaging in other environmentally harmful practices. The only way to eliminate carbon emissions associated with the manufacture of private automobiles is to eliminate the manufacture, sale, and ownership of those private vehicles.
Points for honesty, anyway.
Yes…. now lets see how well it goes with the public.
It will be merry-old-England again!! People are gonna love tending their organic gardens and living in thatched roofed huts!
How peasant. Thay might even walk to the beach when the serf’s up.
I keep saying it – lefists are neo-fuedalists who aspire to be Barons and Counts. They want to lord over people who actually work (particularly White ones).
^Social Justice Realized!!!^
That being said I’m not so sure the impulse is really racially motivated at it’s core; blaming white men is just a means to an end, they’ll happily enslave anybody and everybody else along the way. Look at the virulent hatred for anyone labeled an ‘Uncle Tom,” They’ll be right there in the fields next to us.
Marxism requires the institutions that work to be destroyed. The fact that the institutions that have worked were created by western civilization at this time – aka white men – is coincidental.
The UK has already implemented speech police. I doubt the public will do anything. My theory is that the UK lost the ‘toxic masculinity’ part of their gene pool in WWI and WWII. Now the populace consists of women, politicians, and eunuchs.
Though maybe the Brexit is a sign that they are gaining some courage back.
Honestly I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a reactionary resurgence of Skinheads in the UK
They’ll all be issued a Council-owned apartment, a TV with a playstation, and will have a daily delivery of chips and chicken tikka marsala. Why would they need transportation?
And daily fitness instruction provided through the playstation to make sure they stay healthy.
“You, Comrade Smith, number 6079! You can do better than that!”
Think of all the opportunities for bored housewives.
Mama’s in the factory, she ain’t got no shoes.
Daddy’s in the alley, he’s looking for food.
I’m in the kitchen with the Tombstone Blues.
Speaking of public transport- I’ve been working on a plan to convert London double-decker busses into a sort of modernized slave galley, with motive force provided by prison labor. I haven’t decided if pedals or some kind of modified rowing action would be more efficient. Maybe both.
Let’s get those criminals to repay their debts to society by providing a useful service.
Okay, I’m not up to speed on gears, so how does one join together the force from a lot of intermittant, unsynchronized power sources (ie, a busload of pedalling convicts)
A cyclic timer hooked up to a strain gauge that activates an electroshock if the rower isn’t pulling enough during their designated time.
also, ratchets.
I meant from the mechanical side, because you will have uneven and irregular force being applied. Without converting away from mechanical energy, how do you evenly propel the vehicle?
All the oars attached to the same gearbox. If you see someone being pulled instead of pulling, have the other slaves beat him for not contributing.
You stagger the electroshock impulses to get a more even power supply to the wheels. Alternatively, you can spend the first few minutes of rowing spinning up a flywheel that would then be bled off as needed to homogenize the power output.
Or, you could just have a jerky bus.
It’s Britain. I think having a jerky bus is to be expected.
Just poke a bunch of holes in the floor of the bus and have then Fred Flintstone the damn thing.
Human power to run a generator, then generator to battery. Bus runs off the battery.
You lose too much energy each time you change between forms. I’m sure you can get a better vehicle operation with less weight doing a mechanical drive system. Rowers driving a ratchet and flywheel system appears to be the best one suggested so far.
Rowing is the most efficient way for the human body to transfer energy into mechanical form. I’d go with that.
+1 galley slaves!
Something like this scaled up for galley slaves.
they just work to Long John or some other cadence tune while a coxswain stands over them with a whip
I don’t know but I’ve been told/this cisheteropatriarchy is gettin’ old.
I don’t know but it’s been said/this fucking libtard shit will make you mad.
GI beef and GI gravy/All parents should raise their kids as theybies.
Rhyming like a comic book demon
strikes me as terribly plebian.
I really wish you would quit
before I end up having a fit
and yelling at an unfortunate Chaldean.
No wonder your triremes are so slow.
Triremes are a terrible choice for the north atlantic and the north sea.
Also will all politicians and government workers be banned from using vehicles or do the Queens men get an exemption?
Now you’re just being silly.
Not sure the Yankees can get by the Astros.
The Astros pulled some bull shit, second class move last week though with the blocking of that Detroit Free Press reporter. Players shouldn’t be dictating these things.
I’m almost not convinced the Dodgers are gonna make it either. Atlanta plays them really well. L.A. struggled against them in the playoffs last year and lost 2 of 3 against them a couple of weeks back. The Dodgers can’t seem to take out top clubs. Boston doesn’t count.
The Yankees offense is ridiculous – basically an all-star team at all-star prices. Their pitching is highly suspect however. So they are set up to cruise through the regular season then get eliminated by a couple of good pitchers. At least I hope so.
One would think. Just like the Twins.
Never seen a team blast their way to a title.
don’t worry it’s all nationals this year for the nl.
Supporters, Protesters Among Crowds At Straight Pride Event In Modesto
I’m curious. Are there protesters among the crowds at gay pride events anywhere? If not, that’s pretty telling of the left.
Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with these people constantly protesting stupid shit? Just leave people alone already.
But it works. They managed to get Proud Boys unpersoned even though Proud Boys ONLY held gatherings and had the temerity to defend itself when attacked.
Antifa stalked and attacked them (as they do everyone really) and the press sided with the lefties. Of course. Naturally.
No one likes the Proud Boys anyway. By protesting them, you are actually giving them attention.
I meant from the mechanical side, because you will have uneven and irregular force being applied. Without converting away from mechanical energy, how do you evenly propel the vehicle?
The “oars” can all be connected solidly to a slider which then drives a flywheel, either via ratchet or a rotating driver like a locomotive (can’t think of the proper terminology right now). I absolutely will steal Not Adahn’s load cell idea, to detect and punish slackers.
Already solved.
Or visit us in Cleveland, where you can go out on the river and lake on a pedal powered boat. We’ve also got the “bus” styled ones as well, but they’re forbidden to go down into the Flat by an old blue law since they’re regulated as muscle powered vehicles, AKA horses.
*le sigh*
I’ve previously mentioned the cubicle move at my office. Well, they want us to move sooner, and don’t particularly want to adjust the network so our subnet comes with us. Mind you, my unit does infrastructure and development work for applications at three agencies, and moving the other network will cut us off from all of the dev environments and the support interfaces for the production stuff. But that “should be okay” according to the building network folks.
We’re not changing buildings or anything, just floors. Rearranging the VLANs so we keep our addresses and firewall rules should be a routine task for networking.
Are the “building network folks” different from the team that’s responsible for the firewalls?
I had a customer once that, about once a month, would add a network to the DHCP scope at one of their locations over a weekend. First the firewall team would hear about it would be Monday morning when half the site freaks out because they can’t reach anything in the data center.
The building network folks are a separate group from the wan team, are a separate group from the firewall group, are a separate group from DCN… And that’s just networking.
Figuring out whose change broke something is always fun. “No, taking out this router shouldn’t impact you in any way, it must be something else.”
Well, nothing 4-6 hours on a conference call saying “hey, our IPs changed, maybe someone can check the firewall?” over and over again can’t fix.
Boy this Ben Norton guy is a real jerk.
Hoo boy.
Apparently my company is suing the worlds largest (by a long damn shot) semiconductor foundry with an initial injunction to stop them from exporting chips to the US and EU. If that happens, we can monopoly price like a mofo.
Fun fact — part of modern day chip design is to add features that serve no purpose other than making patent infringement obvious. If our legal team is as good as our manufacturing team, some Emiratis are going to get rich(er).
A: Did the other guys copy your designs?
B: How much is this going to suck for us end-users in terms of prices?
A. Almost certainly. Copying/reverse engineering is rampant. Which is why you put in useless features so you can show that there is no way they would have designed a chip that way ab initio.
B. Harder to say. I haven’t looked up the specifics of the suit to see what products are being claimed as infringing. If you were buying our Ryzen parts, AMD was using us exclusively, so I don’t think those prices would go up since it’s unlikely we’d divert current production to other products — change costs money. Networking and RF components are probably more exposed.
Long ago, mapmakers used to deliberately put small errors (usually nonexistent features) into their maps for the same reason.
+1 Atlantis and something something SEA SMITH
Fun fact, at least one town has gotten its name because people settling in a spot checked their map, saw a name for the area, and assumed it was already official.
I was thinking of Agloe
That’s awesome.
I do that in my copyrighted stuff (policies, contract templates, etc.). Usually the occasional serial comma in a list that ends with “or”, or a wrong verb tense. The trick is to find something that Word doesn’t flag as a grammatical error.
Fun fact — part of modern day chip design is to add features that serve no purpose other than making patent infringement obvious. If our legal team is as good as our manufacturing team, some Emiratis are going to get rich(er).
Somewhere or other, I heard map makers would put fake towns on their maps, just to catch plagiarists.
I have heard it from the horse’s mouth. I had a friend who once worked for one of the big map-makers.
East Bumfuck Minnesoda?
We call it “St.Paul”.
I might be heading out that way later in the year cause I need to go to the Mayo clinic to have them look at this procedure they did for me to help me sleep.. Will have to hook up with some Glibs to do some drinking when I am out that way.
Let us know. We’ve got an ever expanding list of knaves and hooligans.
Good morning, Sloopy and the rest of you rockstars!
Great lynx this morning. I think I might actually watch a little Sharapova later…
in your bunk?
Conservative Latina Rises From The Heartland To Take On Ocasio-Cortez In Congress
She’s a cutie.
I need to see more before I, Er, make a decision.
Where are all the weirdos who thought AOC was hot? There is no comparison here.
I wouldn’t call AOC hot – but she was (is?) doable in that “one drink too many” college way.
I would.
I concur.
But does she have the intelligence of — say — an AOC?
I’m predicting White Hispanic treatment from the media.
a campaign ad that took aim at the identity politics pushed by media and the Democratic Party.
Conservative Latina
So, is she pro or con on the whole identity politics thing?
Prediction: “Conservative” is going to override any other traits she has.
Holy fuckballs.
This poor girl could be doing something so much better with her looks and time than be in Congress.
Mammary Monday provides the exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics we all crave.
Some of these tattoo ‘artists’ should be executed for defacing God’s perfect creations.
Nice set Q.
Any tattoo artist who inks good skin is a villain.
round of golf this morning for under $20 in a state with no income tax
I’m surrounded by morons and church ladies, but they’re all packing, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut and work on my chipping
enjoy your Monday, folks
I’m surrounded by morons and church ladies
First thought while browsing: pretty sure UT has an income tax.
Why so sexist, America?
. Data for Progress, a left-leaning think tank, found that Warren had a significant advantage in its “magic wand” poll, which asks voters which candidate they would choose to make president if they could wave a magic wand to bestow the office, rather than having the contenders go through a general election. She did less well, however, in a more traditional survey.
It seems that Warren is extremely popular—but that voters do not trust one another to share that high opinion of her.
The result is a kind of sexism by proxy, in which voters think that they can’t vote for a progressive woman in a primary because they don’t believe other, supposedly less enlightened voters will vote for her in a general.
Why, then, do voters distrust one another so much, and how have progressives developed such a low opinion of their fellow Americans?
The 2016 election made it impossible to ignore the divisions in the American electorate. Progressives, liberals, and those generally inclined to value pluralism and tolerance were genuinely surprised by the Trump victory, genuinely frightened and disgusted to learn that so many of their neighbors shared his racism and relished his cruelty. Many of them took from 2016 the lesson that the electorate is wildly conservative and deeply bigoted, and that to win, Democrats must be as indistinguishable from Republicans as possible: that their candidate must lean to the right, and that he must be a white man.
This impulse has been encouraged by a Democratic Party that for decades has pivoted rightward, equivocated on its principles, and kept the passions of its base in check. Republicans have set the terms of the debate; Democrats have expressed opposition but often failed to offer a clear counter-agenda. The strategy has led to a self-fulfilling prophecy, where Americans elect conservatives because nothing else is on offer. Democrats don’t articulate what the progressive future would look like, and then use their losses as evidence of a need to move further right—all to avoid a worse and crueler Republican regime. So progressive values are left behind in the name of a vague but cynical concept of “electability.” The guess that a woman can’t be elected president is a variation on this same theme.
Warren’s bet is different. She’s pitching herself as hyper-competent, full of “plans,” and dedicated, above all, to righting the wrongs done by economic injustice. She’s a technocrat but speaks in moral terms, explaining her policy agenda to audiences in a way that presumes neither their stupidity nor their malice. Hers is a campaign based in an unusual degree of intelligent optimism, presuming not that the American electorate is dumb, racist, or full of cruelty, but that they are hardworking people who want one another to thrive. In this way, Warren has positioned herself as Trump’s opposite, not just ideologically but also temperamentally and morally: She is thoughtful and deliberate where he is impulsive and reckless; she is compassionate and kind where he is brutish and rude; she is empathetic and attentive where he is sneering and contemptuous.
If in past contests Democrats have followed Republicans to the right, in this one they have a chance to try something new—to state clearly their own principles and ideas. Warren’s strategy is based on the radical idea that if American voters are given the opportunity to support an agenda that’s both coherent and compassionate, they will take it.
Judging from the Iowa polls, they are taking it. But in order for Warren’s bet to pay off in the longer term, voters have to trust one another as much as Warren trusts them.
Why don’t Progressives trust their fellow Americans? Because they’re all a bunch of racist pussy grabbers who want to take us back to the 17th century. They voted for Trump, didn’t they?
Elizabeth Warren could save us from ourselves, if only we’d let her.
Think of all the “peace pipe smoking” and “hatchet burying” that will be going on!
Am I the only one who, upon hearing “bury the hatchet” envisions one party sinking the hatchet into the skull of the other party?
What color is the sky in their reality?
Warren is dangerously competent. Biden is relatively weak in IA, so she has a chance to make a significant splash early.
These debates aren’t moving the needle; meanwhile, she’s marching on the ground. Biden takes NH, of course, but, after those first few primaries, I suspect the dust will settle, the minor players will have surrendered, and we’ll see where the money and the energy is.
Comments here that she’s unlikable are really wrong-headed: if she speaks to your problems, you would hear her as concerned and motivated. It’s hard to respect the power of an argument one doesn’t agree with; I for one smell rising momentum.
yeah I mean look at Hillary. She had near-zero charisma but came reaaaal close to the presidency.
I tend to agree with you Don. I mean, Clinton was ‘unlikable’, that didn’t matter (in the primary) either.
Krugman has signaled his support by labeling her as a moderate.
I cant wait to her trump call her pocahontas repeatedly.
He’s got options there.
Fauxcahontas, and Pocahonkie.
Sitting Bullshit is still my favorite but I don’t expect to hear that one on stage.
It funny how things work out. Back around the time she was lying to get a job at Harvard, I was looking at a law professor vacancy I was pretty well qualified for.
I knew one of the profs there, and he told me “Don’t waste your time. They aren’t hiring a white male to replace a woman.” I thought briefly about applying as a Hispanic (Mi abuela, no?), looked at the requirements, which included being a member of the community, and decided not to on account of I didn’t really qualify.
If I had gotten in, I’d be caught up in an institution which is in the depths of SJW madness, and would be pretty unhappy about it. So I’ve got that going for me.
“the electorate is wildly conservative and deeply bigoted”
The same electorate that elected Obama twice.
“Progressives, liberals, and those generally inclined to value pluralism and tolerance were genuinely surprised by the Trump victory, genuinely frightened and disgusted to learn that so many of their neighbors shared his racism and relished his cruelty.”
Trump is going to easily win again and they still haven’t figured out how it happened the first time.
I live in the Dayton, OH area, so this morning’s local news coverage was all about Dave Chappelle’s concert yesterday and all the celebrities in town over the weekend. I don’t understand the concept of having a big concert to celebrate the recent mass shooting.
Also, they’re probably going to raise millions for the “Oregon Tragedy Fund” for the victims of the shooting. Some deaths/injuries are more lucrative than others.
+ 20 no-name black guys who get shot each week in America, and whose families probably get nothing.
But enough about the thin blue line
they’re probably going to raise millions for the “Oregon Tragedy Fund”
Finally going to expel those Califucktards back to where they came from? Sign me up.
20,000 people crammed into the Oregon District held no appeal to me.
I wouldn’t have minded hearing Stevie Wonder, tho.
My step-daughter and her boyfriend attended. She was intimidated by the mass of bodies, so they didn’t try to get near the stage.
Party in the front…
Here’s the long and the short of it – mullets are back
Theo Von has a pretty sexy mullet, too. Of course everything old becomes new again.
I want a mulllllet!
Does this mean the flannel/neckbeard/glasses thing is finally out?
Because of my age I look back on mullets with fondness but I don’t look forward to a future where they’re a dominant hairstyle again. If you aren’t a trucker, a construction worker, a meth dealer, or a lesbian there’s no excuse for having one.
I stopped wearing my mullet (with the feathered hair) by the time I hit 16. I caught more crazy chicks with daddy issues with the skater / long bangs punk look.
I’m reminded of a co-worker who didn’t understand why everyone thought she was a lesbian. She had a mullet, played softball, and wore flannel. All she needed was a Suburu, and she’d fit nearly every stereotype.
“construction worker”
Yeah, that one checks out.
Follow up question – if the neckbeard thing is out, how are douchebag hipsters going to hide the neck fat?
Walk around like a turkey.
Uh huh.
The mullet is a male hairstyle. Those girl-mullets are “bangs”.
Isn’t it “business in the front, party in the back”?
I just wasn’t sure if I had the phrase wrong all these years.
The bear scene is wild.
Comments here that she’s unlikable are really wrong-headed: if she speaks to your problems, you would hear her as concerned and motivated. It’s hard to respect the power of an argument one doesn’t agree with; I for one smell rising momentum.
Trump is “unlikeable”, too.
In my heart, I don’t think people will fall for Warren’s dopey “plans” to fix our largely nonexistent problems, but I have been wrong before.
Trump isn’t shrill though. Warren’s the librarian that shushed you every time you made a peep and the bitch middle school teacher that harangued you for being one minute late to English class. Outside of New England that Puritan schoolmarm shit doesn’t really fly.
Speaking of Fantasy Football drafts….
Glibs Fantasy league still has openings, draft is this weekend
Kids of the 1980s and 1990s have had a new, huge, financially catastrophic demand on their meager post-recession earnings, too: a trillion dollars of educational debt. About a quarter of Gen Xers who went to college took out loans to do so, compared with half of Millennials. And Millennials ended up taking out double the amount that Gen Xers did. No wonder, given that the cost of tuition has gone up more than 100 percent since 2001, even after accounting for inflation.
The toxic combination of lower earnings and higher student-loan balances—combined with tight credit in the recovery years—has led to Millennials getting shut out of the housing market, and thus losing a seminal way to build wealth. The generation’s homeownership rate is a full 8 percentage points lower than that of the Gen Xers or the Baby Boomers when they were the same age; the median age of home-buyers has risen all the way to 46, the oldest it has been since the National Association of Realtors started keeping records four decades ago.
As a result, Millennials have not benefited from the dramatic rebound in housing prices that has occurred since the financial collapse and the foreclosure crisis. Millennials have also been forced to shell out hundreds of billions of dollars in rent as housing costs have skyrocketed in many urban areas. This represents a large generational transfer of wealth from the young to the old. Boomers own the houses and bar municipalities from building more of them, thus benefiting from rising prices and soaking up endless rent checks forked over by younger and poorer families.
Cost pressures have also made it difficult or impossible for Millennials to save or invest. The share of Americans under the age of 35 who own stocks has meandered down from 55 percent in 2001 to 37 percent in 2018, in part because employers are less likely to offer retirement-savings plans and in part because Millennials have nothing left over at the end of the month to put away. Virtually all members of the cohort are “not saving adequately,” experts warn, and two-thirds of Millennials have zero retirement savings. This means that Millennials have benefited not a bit from the decade-long boom in stock prices, as their parents and grandparents have.
Whatever you do, don’t mention the qualitative utility of those college “educations”. Are you always broke at the end of the month? Don’t ask yourself where the money went. That whole deferred gratification canard is just patriarchal tricknology to slutshame free spirited enlightened hedonists into enacting their labor. Why work, when you can hang out at the beach, or be a ski bum? Let your freak flag fly. Elizabeth Warren will bail you out. Those old rich people have plenty of moolah, if we could just get our mitts on it.
>> toxic combination
why is everything always “toxic” with these people?
My college tuition bills in the early 90s were pretty damn low – low enough that I didn’t get any loans for a middle-of-the-road public university.
Less strict zoning laws and housing requirements would address the housing issue but I doubt those are in Warren’s playbook.
Be nice if they could make up their minds about whether the over-heated housing market is a good or bad thing.
I cant imagine why after pumping all this federal money into colleges the tuition prices continue to rise. Its dumbfounding, really.
My husband will only get off the couch for his guy friends, not me
Leave him.
Totally. I’ll bet, though, that getting married was her idea.
+1 I can fix him!
I had a long chat with Spawn 2 about that. I told her to be careful about trying to change a dude because most chicks only succeed in changing him into someone else’s boyfriend or husband!
And I bet the warning signs were already in place before they got hitched.
I love my husband dearly and can’t imagine leaving him.
Sounds like you’re thinking about it. A lot.
The insanity of sports today, plus inflation: McIlroy’s $15 million win for one golf tournament far eclipsed the combined lifetime tourney winnings of Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Lee Trevino, and Gary Player!
Alexa Jones
I’m sold.
I think they nailed their demographic.
“41 percent of Americans are basic bitches” the study’s authors found.
Anyone want to collude on a bid to name Sloopy and Banjo’s next kid Pumpkin Spicer?
I knew someone with the last name of Bean. His poor first born kid had a good half dozen middle names.
I hate pumpkins – except for the seeds, roasted and salted. something something euphemisms!
It pisses me off to see self-absorbed assholes casually stick a kid with a stupid name to amuse themselves or bring attention to themselves. Long after those assholes are dead the kid is still dragging that name around.
This one was a bit over the top.
I kind of like this girl for owning it.
Slate headline:
Trump Allies Reportedly Set Up Network to Smear Journalists Ahead of Election
They’re going to “smear” journalists by revealing things they actually said.
Just like people “smearing” the DNC by exposing their manipulation of the primary process in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Republicans Pounce!
I bet this was covered over the weekend…
Michael Mann Refuses to Produce Data, Loses Case
The NOAA refuses to provide the methodology they use to “adjust” the early temperature records down and the recent ones up. I’m sensing a pattern.
Which should be illegal, since all deliberations of the government should be open to the public outside of national security type issues.
global coolingglobal warmingclimate changeslimate uncertainty is a matter of national security! You plebs and heathens need not the holy writ, just believe your betters!The pattern is the environuts have seized the reins inside the bureaucracies.
All evidence against climate catastrophe must be destroyed or debunked as a matter of principle.
That said, I think Mann is just a grifter, not a true believer.
I think Mann is just a grifter, not a true believer.
I’m undecided. I think he could well be a true believer, the kind that rationalizes lying, etc. in the service of the Greater Good.
The Greater Good!
/Hot Fuzz
How can he appeal if it was dismissed with prejudice?
Some dismissals are without prejudice, meaning the plaintiff can tinker with their complaint and refile. With prejudice means you can’t reopen it. The dismissal order is always appealable either way.
What would be interesting would be to require Mann to pay the winner’s legal bills.
He was required to pay the other party’s legal fees.
IANAL, but dismissed without prejudice means you can refile your complaint. Like if you make an error and sue Acme Corp when you should have sued Acme Products LLC. Dismissed with prejudice means you can’t refile – like because you lost some point that moots the case, or you come to an out-of-court settlement. If you have been dismissed with prejudice based on some finding of the court, you can appeal the finding.
Refusing to comply with discovery in your own lawsuit doesn’t strike me as something a judge is going to look kindly on.
Does seem like a… curious strategy…
Leave him.
To you?
Given the description, I don’t want him. She doesn’t have kids. Run now before it’s too late
NBC has a solution for your dating woes. Move to Lesbopotamia.
She doesn’t have kids. Run now before it’s too late
Excellent advice.
As far as the decadent death throes of civilizations go, this one isn’t too bad .
Next up: fruitcake.
Slate does some chin tuggin’
“It is true that the institutional and legal methods for investigating and addressing sexual harassment and abuse are deeply flawed. Again, that is precisely how we got here. But the solution to this is not to give up on them; it is to reform them. In a better world, legislators and lawyers would use the lessons of #MeToo to create formal legal mechanisms to investigate abuse and assault, as New York has now done with a new statute that will allow child victims of alleged attacks to initiate proceedings even if the statute of limitations has run out. In a perfect world, we would have more ethics investigations that can consider abuses that don’t break the law but are still objectionable, and more hearings and more FBI inquiries into allegations of abuse. But if all that happens as a result of #MeToo is public and journalistic opprobrium, it will go from being a pathway for meaningful justice that has eluded victims to a lose-lose scenario for truth and for change.”
I believe the phrase you are looking for is ‘stuggle session’
we would have more ethics investigations that can consider abuses that don’t break the law but are still objectionable
Nearly everything that can be considered discrimination, harassment or abuse is illegal now, and thus has formal legal mechanisms to deal with them. I’m not sure what they are worried about. I do like the slide from “formal legal mechanism” to “ethics investigations that can consider abuses that don’t break the law”.
I’m thinking there are due process problems with “a new statute that will allow child victims of alleged attacks to initiate proceedings even if the statute of limitations has run out”.
Government investigations for “abuses that don’t break the law”. JFC.
“…to create formal legal mechanisms to investigate abuse and assault.”
We have those already. The whole point of the #MeToo movement is to get around them.
Good for Andrew Luck. He was a Tier 1.5 talent stuck in a Tier 5 franchise.
Quite literally, the first I’d ever heard of the guy was the article announcing his retirement.
I already don’t remember what sport he played.
Power sharing for the people powered people’s bus:
I would consider a human a constant power machine. I.E. fast under no load, slow under heavy load.
Each human power plant is connected to a common shaft through a one way clutch. It may be sprag or pawl type similar the rack mentioned above. The strongest unit pulls the load up to their maximum speed at the current torque demand. The weaker units pull up to that speed since there is no load to them until they match the current shaft speed then their torque is added to the system and the overall speed increases. A method is still required to prevent slackers from idling on the shaft. A simple method is to whip or shock them if their speed doesn’t match that of the common shaft.
The longing for “people power” is just the desire to reinstate slavery. I think it can very well be argued that the main cause for the end of slavery is fossil fuels.
In a better world, legislators and lawyers would use the lessons of #MeToo to create formal legal mechanisms to investigate abuse and assault, as New York has now done with a new statute that will allow child victims of alleged attacks to initiate proceedings even if the statute of limitations has run out. In a perfect world, we would have more ethics investigations that can consider abuses that don’t break the law but are still objectionable, and more hearings and more FBI inquiries into allegations of abuse.
The rule of law is too restrictive. We demand vengeance.
+1 Ministry of Pitchforks and Torches
JFC. Prosecutor stands by decision to use Photoshop to make suspect look more like the person captured on camera robbing a bank.
+1Unqualified Immunity
Procedures were followed. Nothing to see here. Move along,
citizencomrade.“The whole idea was to make Mr. Allen blend in—so his photo wouldn’t stand out,’’ he said. “These procedures were prudent. They were appropriate.’’
Uh huh. What you did was fabricate evidence. It might be prudent for you to get yourself a lawyer.
I am sorely tempted to take up a hobby after I retire; Filing ethics complaints against prosecutors. Believe it or not, as a licensed attorney I am obligated to do so.
I am licensed in three states, which I think would provide enough opportunity to file complaints to keep me busy. I’d probably concentrate on the states where I don’t live, because I don’t want to be SWATted.
That would be a good start. What these guys did was frame a man for a felony by fabricating evidence. I think that is a pretty egregious felony itself. They should be prosecuted and every case they handled reviewed.
A top In-N-Out executive and his wife have donated thousands of dollars to President Donald Trump, even as many brands shy away from associating with the president.
Mark Taylor, In-N-Out’s chief operating officer, and his wife, Traci Taylor — who is the half-sister of In-N-Out’s president and owner, Lynsi Snyder, and who lists In-N-Out as her employer — have donated more than $15,000 to Trump and the national Republican Party since August 2016.
“Politics aside, most executives from widely respected, major brands have avoided any connection with Trump,” Chris Allieri, the founder of the brand consultancy Mulberry & Astor, told Business Insider. “For their customers … and for their employees — an alliance with Trump and what he stands for does not make good business sense.” ”
“Politics aside.” Yeah, right.
If they gave a million dollars to those Parkland dipshits, he’d be kissing their feet.
“There’s much that has been said and done by Trump and the Republican Party that wouldn’t sit well with many consumers,” Allieri said. “On the other hand, pro-Trump consumers will be angered by a so-called ‘left-leaning mob’ calling the shots.”
He added: “For a brand like In-N-Out, which has California, one of the bluest of blue states, in its DNA and has greatly benefited from Hollywood and celebrity endorsement, it doesn’t make much [sense] for its executives or founders being seen embracing Trump.”
Politics aside, why would any American who isn’t a racist Nazi wife beater support a guy like Trump?
Business Insider examined the donations of CEOs and other top executives at 21 major restaurant companies, including included the leaders of the 20 largest chains in the US by sales, CEOs of restaurant parent companies such as Dine Brands and Inspire Brands, and executives at other well-known brands.
Poring over FEC reports in an attempt to hang Trumputin around the necks of business executives? Totally legitimate journalism.
Reading jurnalists’ old twatters for evidence of hypocrisy? SMEAR TACTIX.