Brett is having technical difficulties today. Apparently has been in talks with a group of Bellarussian chemistry students located out of a small operation in Bolivia. Let’s just say, they have good stuff.
Now for the links down south!
Brazilian president Brazilian Trump Jair Bolsonaro rejects an offer of $22 Million from the G-7 to fight the fires in the Amazon Rainforest in private farms and ranches adjacent to the Amazon Rainforest. His response to Macron was…brutal.
Bolsonaro made those remarks to reporters in Brasilia shortly after the website G1 reported that the president’s chief of staff, Onyx Lorenzoni, had rejected the offer outright.
“Thanks, but perhaps these resources are more relevant to reforesting Europe,” Lorenzoni was quoted saying. Referring to the recent Notre Dame blaze in Paris, he went on to suggest that if Macron cannot “avoid a predictable fire in a church,” he might not have much to teach to Brazil.
The BBC asks: Why does nobody care about the same Amazon fires in Bolivia? 1. It’s Bolivia, who care? 2. Bolivia is currently governed by an “agreeable” technocrat, who is currently taking it up with the courts there to abolish the term limits and seek a 4th term as president.
Guess what time of year it is? Yup, that’s right. Its time for Trump to take a dump all over hurricane plagued Puerto Ricans! YEAH!
Recent ICE Raids made possible through GPS tracking and surveillance technology. This troubles immigration advocates.
“It’s troubling to us that people who are released are being tracked for reasons that have nothing to do with whether they’re likely to appear for their court cases or abscond,” said Judy Rabinovitz, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project.
The search warrants for the food processing plants in Mississippi said undocumented immigrants previously released from ICE detention facilities on electronic monitoring were found at plants operated by all five of the companies targeted in the operation. ICE targeted seven facilities operated by A&B, Koch Foods, Peco Foods, PH Food and Pearl River Foods.
LOL. That’s terrible. Now do it for everyone else being tracked for reasons having nothing to do with appearing in court.
Speaking of famous Mexicans in the news–Alt-right harbinger of hatred Pepe the Frog is back …in Hong Kong.
Last but not least, this has nothing to do with Mexico, but Ilhan Omar is in the news again for marriage related shenanigans.
The physician, 55, and her 38-year-old husband — who has worked for left-wing Democrats such as Omar and her Minnesota predecessor, Keith Ellison — have a 13-year-old son together.
“The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar,” the court papers say.
Beth Mynett told her husband that she still loved him and was “willing to fight for the marriage” even after his admission, according to the court papers. The pair had been living together for six years before marrying in 2012, the filing said.
This is best timeline….EVER!
Splinter explains, How to Disarm America.
Music inspired by future events in Puerto Rico.
¡Viva la Pepa!
Viva la Pepe?
Viva la poo-poo!
What you do in the privacy of your own sex dungeon is none of my business.
But you’re his “guest of honor”.
You seem entirely too comfortable with it UCS.
I love it when people tell me I have too many rights.
You only need a .22 for pest control.
Did you just refer to illegal immigrants as pests?
Nice try, Tulpa.
Don’t be silly.
.22 is for dealing with [Redacted]
Potato salad?
Show me Potato Salad!
He’s out shooting “cans”
Positive rights > negative rights imo
Multiple marriages and divorces. How can you say that Ilhan Omar hasn’t assimilated in America?
It will be interesting to see if her base forgives her for running off with a cracker. It would be disheartening to discover that that is the bridge too far for Omar.
I wonder if the boy toy will have to convert to Islam to get married to her in a faith ceremony? Also, will anyone in the MSM find out if this guy is circumcised?
How does this play in the local Somali community PJ? I would guess they won’t be thrilled she’s involved with a non-Muslim.
I’m sure she can spread some of her grift money around and soothe the natives, but yeah, I’m sure they won’t be happy to see her with a white guy. Especially such an extreme white boy.
When I was living in Memphis I was surprised when a huge % of the black women I knew turned out to hate OJ. Why? Because he married a white woman. Didn’t matter to them that he ended up killing her, to them he should have never married anyone else except a sister.
She’s from the Somali community, but she got into office with the much larger ‘white urban dwelling progressive vote’ and if you think they are going to turn on her just for an interracial home-wrecking relationship, you got another thing coming.
The white guy kind of ties the whole political experience together.
I can believe that. I don’t know the percentage of her support from the white progressives vs. Somali community. Is there enough of a split that she could be primaried or lose enough support to get beat in the general election?
She could shoot someone on Hennepin Ave at noon and not lose the next election.
Shep Smith is on it.
I can’t stand that guy.
“This is best timeline….EVER!”
If more people were wearing eye patches and facial hair, would you be able to tell the tell it is not Abed’s The Darkest Timeline?
I haven’t seen a paintball war yet, so…
“Modern Warfare” or “Paintball Assassin”?
Steve Jobs ‘is alive and well in Egypt’
I am shocked that a guy with middle-eastern heritage would have a doppelganger in the middle-east. Such a thing is unheard of. He must still be alive.
55 and 38? Someone’s got cougar fever.
Subtract the 13 year old kid and you’ve got 42 and 25. I’m sure the feminists who are always mad anytime a rich old coot gets a young wife will be along any second to condemn the cradle robber.
Also, what sniveling lickspittle will decide to marry Omar’s daughter because they want access to the Halls of Power?
Pot-bellied girls make the rockin’ world go ’round.
“they want access to the Halls of Power?”
That’s a great vag name
Uh, way more. Like 200 million+ more.
Which kind of makes all the rest of the words stupid.
Also: “Fuck you, you can’t have my guns.”
Gun owners are such unstable nuts you can actively call for stripping them of their rights in a national publication and nothing will happen to you. Square that circle, asshole.
Maybe Splinter can write a guide to stripping away 1A next?
Or maybe how to get rid of trial by jury?
Look at the USSR and see the future they envision.
Don’t give them any ideas.
They already have this idea. See Title IX tribunals and the MeToo standard of guilty until proven guilty.
Due process was a Nazi abomination, after all.
Why does it feel like these idiots are rapidly running out of steam? The arguments are getting weaker and weaker.
I don’t think they’re running out of steam. The reason the ratchet only turns one way is because these assholes never, ever stop pushing for more restrictions. Their arguments may be rehashed and lame, but they don’t care about winning the argument. They care about winning hearts and minds and votes, which they can manipulate into a full ban regardless of the merit of any arguments.
I’m not convinced they’re winning hearts and minds.
The people they already had, they’re starting to lose, and they’re not pushing any more into their camp.
“Maybe Splinter can write a guide to stripping away 1A next?”
Hate speech, bro. Do you even prog?
So much this. Only wrongthink will be punished.
Shorter splinter-
Why forced lodging of federal troops in your home isn’t a violation of the 3rd amendment.
Hypothetically, does malware from the Military Industrial Complex count as soldiers if it is for the same purposes that it served back then: deterrence and spying?
It counts in my head. Unfortunantly, I’m not a federal judge.
Je suis Pepe.
You better run from the Chicoms, brah.
I am in America now, they must now go through a bunch of cartels to get to me where I’m at.
Any idea why Hong Kong is written with incense/perfume/smell + port? The port part I get, but all things come to mind with the smell part!
I…don’t know to be quite honest.
“The name translates as “fragrant harbour” or “incense harbour”. “Fragrant” may refer to the sweet taste of the harbour’s freshwater influx from the Pearl River or to the odor from incense factories lining the coast of northern Kowloon.”
The more you know…
You get all kinds of crazy combinations when you read Japanese as Chinese and vice versa.
But similar word roots in English you can sometimes infer meaning.
smell port
Hong Kong: Asia’s rectum!
“symbol of hate”
Sippin’ on the sweet delicious haterade too.
“Makin’ hate!”
Trump’s agriculture secretary met with a ‘cascade of boos’ at disastrous town hall with farmers
Know your audience, dude.
Why was the Glibertarian’s belly button bruised?
Their boyfriend was a Glibertarian, too.
Soybeans? CANADA???
Most of the farmers ’round these here parts are desperately trying to diversify away from soybeans, ’cause the ChiComs are pissed at Canada re: Huawei’s CFO being detained here on behalf of the U.S., and so they stopped buying our soybeans. ”Rawstory,” indeed.
American farmers are basically welfare queens to start with.
Local politician gets boos from rent seekers? Hmmm…. why am I supposed to be upset about this?
I’m only upset that the dude thought the farmers would laugh.
There’s a “Trump Playing 5D Chess” argument that says his audience wasn’t the farmers. He’s pissed on the third-rail of farm subsidies once before, and didn’t get electrocuted.
This – boos is the reaction I want him to get.
I think I have linked to this before, but if you want to see which of your rich ass neighbors are getting farm welfare, here you go.
Better link
We just had a weekend of people rejoicing in ecstasy over the death of their political opponent, a guy who was also known for donating millions upon millions of dollars to completely non-political charities. These same people insist that we should abandon the Second Amendment, turning over our right to self-defense to them, and submit all of our healthcare decisions over to them under the rubric of Medicare for All.
I don’t think so.
They’ve also been trying to dox anyone who votes/donates to a particular politician they don’t like.
The natural extrapolation from a background check bill is a federal licensing system for guns, which would ideally incorporate a background check in the licensing process. Such a system seems obvious—it is ludicrous that you need a license to operate a car but not to own a gun—but is only now starting to become a central tenet of Democratic gun violence legislation, as several of the 2020 candidates support a federal license. For progressives, pushing beyond universal background checks is vital—several recent studies have shown that background checks alone have negligible or indistinct results on gun violence and suicides, but they’re undeniably an important step toward curbing violence as a platform from which to build future laws.
Here are the most likely next or concurrent steps. Jablon, the CSGV federal policy director, noted that there are two policy goals that seem both practical and well-supported by existing research: permit to purchase laws and extreme risk protection order laws.
The first, Jablon said, would require buyers to apply for a handgun permit from a state or local law enforcement agency before purchasing the weapon. Some of these laws are already in place in 10 states and the District of Columbia, and the data behind them is extremely promising. A 2018 study by Johns Hopkins University found that permit to purchase laws were associated with a 14 percent reduction in homicides in large urban counties (where handgun violence is often concentrated). These policies will be much more effective if instituted on a federal level; if they’re only instituted locally there’s little to stop gun traffickers traveling to another state without P2P legislation in order to obtain a gun. A federal permit-to-purchase law could also easily build toward or be incorporated into a national licensing system, and should be written with that in mind wherever possible.
And there it is. Federal licensing. Permit to purchase.
Agreed. Let’s get rid of driver licensing too.
And the thing is, that analogy is wrong, because you don’t need a license to own a car or to operate a car on private land, so a license for owning a gun would be more restrictive, and many places already have the equivalent (requiring a license for carry). Not that you should be required to have a license for exercising a fundamental Constitutionally-protected human right, but even their own reasoning is internally sloppy.
Now do ID for voting!
Emphasis added. Nothing like admitting the slippery slope approach.
Doing X has little to no effect, but surely 3X will.
Previous laws didn’t work. Let’s add more laws. The next dozen will work.
The Best Thing That Happened This Week: D.C. Gripes as Wawa Invades
Daddy has a new favorite writer:
Wawa is heaven AND they sell ethanol free gas.
I was ready to jump ship from Royal Farms, but it appears only certain Wawas sell ethanol free.
Plus they don’t have blue-lit bathrooms like Sheetz, so it’s still possible to find a vein in a Wawa.
If you need to see the vein to hit it, you’re a rank amateur.
Trump hyperventilating aside, I mostly agree with the author. Frankly, if D.C. doesn’t want them, I’d like nothing more than to see them expand into NYC. Wawa is pretty much everything a convenience store should be and I’d delightedly pass by the stale, wilted garbage at the local 7-11 for their coffee and sandwiches.
+1 hoagie!
WTF is a Wawa?
*falls out of chair*
Ah. I don’t live in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., or Florida.
They are a surprisingly good convenience store with good food to go. Also, good coffee.
You know there is life beyond NYC. You might want to see some of it.
Sick burn!
So you want NYC to metastasize?
As long as I can treat it with radiation.
FWIW, only one of those places is a good place to live.
I would consider PA.
Convenience store chain. Mid atlantic, but not so far up as New York. Made it to northern Jersey in past 5 years or so.
Loved them growing up.
They’ve made it to Central Florida. They’re really good.
Also referred to as the “sad trombone” sound effect.
Wawa is fucking awesome. Their sandwiches are the best.
Last time there was an attempted gun confiscation in Massachusetts there was a shot heard round the world. Now, I don’t think such a thing would happen.
Not in any blue states. They love government power.
I’ve become convinced that MA is pining to become both the birthplace of the American Revolution as well as the birthplace of the American Counterrevolution.
It was already the birthplace of the American Counterrevolution
This is very much in the “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” category of events.
Massachusetts is an authoritarian state. The oppression of gun owners here is pretty pervasive. Any mistake, no matter how trivial, in your registration paperwork can land you in jail and/or get you a life-time fire-arms ban.
If you are going to challenge the authorities here, have your shit together. I think it’s pathetic that he decided to blow his wad on a symbolic gesture. Living in a gun hostile polity like Malden, he’ll never get his guns back.
I hope like hell he takes that to scotus.
If the NRA was worth a piece of diarrhea-soaked toilet paper they’d be suing everyone in sight over this.
Yes, clog the courts with these cases. Every single person involved in every one of these cases. Add hate crime language in the complaints whenever a minority is involved. Tie back gun control to racism at every possible opportunity. I’m sure lawyers can come up with some sort of civil complaint language for a public official violating the constitution.Have friendly judges issue national injunctions on any law that infringes using the plain language of the 2nd A.
Basically, hit the progs and statists back at their own game.
It’ll never happen. The NRA and most gun owners are still ironically bringing a water pistol to a gunfight.
I disagree. MA is dominated by progressives. Harvard University and the JFK School of Government is here. The cities have the population to completely fuck over the rural population on state-wide measures.
The state has a very effective gun lobby group called Gun Owner’s Action League (full disclosure, I’m a member). GOAL has a done a pretty good job of hobbling the gun-grabber’s attempts to disarm everyone in the state.
For example, right now there are 68 gun control laws being debated. Most of them are asinine. Some are unworkably awful (eg, every year you have to turn all your firearms over to the state police so that they can fire them and record ballistics).
The legislative attacks on self defense here in MA are unremitting and serious. And though it’s bad here, GOAL has managed to keep the fascists running MA from extinguishing fire-arms ownership. They punch very far above their weight.
GOAL may have prevented out disarmament of every citizen, but I’d say that your first statement demonstrates GOAL has been ineffective at preserving gun rights.
VA has an amazing state gun right organization, VCDL, that sounds like GOAL. They have been gotten excellent legislation passed, including constitutional carry and preemption. At the end of the day, they are still just sticking their fingers in the dyke trying to hold back the flood. The progs are relentless, have time on their side, and just need a single SC to render GOAL and VCDL completely irrelevant.
There needs to be a fundamental shift for the strategy in fighting to retain 2nd A rights. One example is to flood the TV with commercials showing Holocaust images while superimposing Hitler’s (and others’) words about disarming the populace. The Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership understand the game. The NRA needs to reach into its pockets and start funding campaigns like this in coordination with state 2A orgs.
“Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights”
Sue the fuckers. All of them.
This seems so obvious?
Why hasn’t it already happened?
Scalia put enough holes in Heller that I guarantee Sahady will lose.
Actually, Malden is a green town, meaning that all LTCs (handgun purchase permit) issued there were issued without restrictions (concealed carry permitted).
I have no idea how that has happened. Basically, all my research when I was planning my move this summer told me that Route 128 was a giant no-live area for gun owners.
I got mine last year without restrictions. I live in an orange town well inside Route 128, only hundreds of yards away from two(!) red towns.
Sounds like he didn’t fuck up the paperwork, just that he’s subjected to at-will licencing and the King’s Men decided not to issue.
If you allow your license to expire, you fucked up the paperwork.
Seriously, you guys have no idea how bad it is here in MA. Gun owners are treated like they are sex offenders by the authorities.
It’s better once you get out of the cities. And even though cops in the rural areas are much more friendly, the DA’s are pretty hostile.
They are literally treating innocent errors on paperwork as justification for permanently banning you from ever owning a fire-arm here.
Oh really? I assumed that the licence expires every X years and needs to be renewed. That’s how my driver’s licence works.
You have to reapply. And if you look at grizzly’s link, not everybody reapplication is approved. It’s at the discretion of the local PD.
All legal under the FYTW Clause.
In Samuel L. Jackson voice:
Why I left MA. My old town (Weymouth) was once ranked as second worst in the country by the NRA, I believe. Some fat fuck sheriff got to determine if I could even HAVE a gun. Just utter horseshit. I was in the Reserves at the time and that’s likely the only reason I was *eventually* able to pick up the gun someone gifted me from the gunstore. The fucking cops there are awful – they love being the only ones who can carry. Fucking piece of shit cowards.
Well, that’s different you see. It wasn’t a good subject, er, citizen cringing at home with his properly licensed, registered, locked and secured .22 LR bolt action rifle. It was some crazy, icky person wanting to wave his gun around in public and endanger children. People who obey the law have nothing to worry about.
And the world is so much safer now!
You only need a .22 for pest control.
For your larger and more pernicious pests
CCI Velocitor
40 grain gilded hollow point nose at 1435 ft/sec
22 percent greater energy at 100 yards than regular
high-speed hollow points
Special HP cavity design, derived from Speer® Gold Dot®
technology, retains virtually 100 percent bullet weight
I prefer a samurai sword.
My .22 has more zip than that.
Yes, you can still visit Bob Dole’s 1996 campaign website. Here is its story.
Does it include ads for ED drugs?
How do you know that Bob and Elizabeth have had a romantic night?
By the pen marks down her back.
Is it optimized for people with accessibility issues? Like they have a hard time pushing the mouse around their desk with a pencil that is tightly gripped in their hand?
Times Editor Traces Overcooked Steak Back To Slavery
Blithering Prevarication the Third, the editor-in-chief of The New York Times, a former newspaper, has traced the origins of a poorly cooked steak he had recently back to the institution of American slavery. Mr. Third’s comments were part of the Times’ “1619 Project,” which “aims to reframe American history by tracing everything we don’t like back to slavery.”
After dining at the elite midtown steakhouse American Cut, Mr. Third unleashed a tirade against the restaurant, saying, “When I pay over $120 for a steak I distinctly ordered medium rare, I do not expect to see it brought to my table medium-rare shading over toward medium. I knew the moment I experienced this travesty that its origins must lie in America’s history of slavery.”
Mr. Third went on to pen a 25-thousand word essay for the Times Sunday magazine entitled, “Why Can’t I Get My Rib Eye Cooked the Way I Want It? Slavery is to Blame.” The essay reads in part, “Perhaps you believe this is a great country founded on the highest ideals, but that’s because you were not forced to suffer the outlandishly overcooked steak that fell to my lot last Thursday evening which, as I’m sure you know, is the maid’s day off.”
In a speech before the Association of People Who Are Really Virtuous Despite Having Had Every Possible Advantage, Mr. Third said, “The fact that the center of my steak was maroon instead of bright pink can only be seen as a result of the sloppy workmanship and low values that arise from a nation conceived on the gnatty cotton fields we all witnessed in that great movie ‘Gone With the Wind.’ I look forward to the day everyone can have the kind of great steak I’m sure they have in Sweden or someplace like that.”
Mr. Third then headed out for a late dinner at Peter Luger and said he better not see any traces of slavery there or there’d be hell to pay.
Pretty much
Kind of a cross between what the Bee and Dave Burge would write.
I approve.
EST is real time.
UTC is better than GMT, anyway.
Titty Tuesday sez “try to confiscate these guns”.
That is an amazing collection. Lots of high-powered beauties there. 1, 10, and 53 were particularly effective.
You had me at 1.
Anne Hathaway’s prettier sister?
That would be a nice two’fer:)
88 all night long.
Boobs but no guns. It’ll have to do.
Lebensunwertes Leben.
ArbeitTod macht frei.Don’t use your fancy nuance on him.
He edited his response in that one and dropped the “neither you”
The cult of abortion has gone completely bonkers.
I don’t see how the unborn can express an opinion on that. And the government decides what is murder and what is not murder every day.
Time Traveler: Mr. O’Rourke, I was born a black man in the Antebellum South, does that mean my life had no value.
Beto: That’s a decision that neither you, nor I, nor the US government should be making. That’s a decision for your owner to make.
Leftist hijack libertarian arguements on one and only issue. Killing babies.
Now do painkiller prescriptions.
“Like income inequality, affordable housing, student loan debt, and the private healthcare industry, the question of how to disarm America does not have an easy answer.”
“No one wants to take your guns away.”
Remember those halcyon days?
Went the way of “safe, legal and rare”.
Trump Suggests Having Snowspeeders Fly Around Tornadoes To Trip Them With Tow Cables
A source close to Donald Trump claimed that the president suggested using the US. Space Force’s squadron of snowspeeders to fire harpoon guns at tornadoes and fly around them a few times in order to trip them up.
“Have you guys ever seen Empire Strikes Back?” Trump said suddenly at a recent Space Force meeting, interrupting “some boring briefing on Iran.”
“Uh, yes, yes sir. I’m, uh, certain that we’ve all seen Empire Strikes Back,” said one general, frightened about where this conversation was going. “Uh, anyway, tensions with Iran in the Gulf are—”
“Great movie,” Trump continued. “Way better than the prequels. Anyway, yeah. I saw a tornado on the news the other day and it got me thinking. Snowspeeders! We could use snowspeeders.”
The room went quiet.
“Don’t look at me like that. I mean, we were all thinking it!” Trump reportedly said. “Remember how they used the tow cables and knocked over the big crawly things? We could just do that to tornadoes.”
“Sir, we’ll look into that,” said one commander after an awkward silence.
“Man, that would be so frickin’ rad,” Trump added, staring out a nearby window. “Anyone want to go watch Empire? Meeting adjourned.” Trump and most of the DOD officials gathered in the White House Family Theater for a screening of Episode V.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed that one general had been relieved of active duty after suggesting we just have a capital ship jump to lightspeed through the tornado, with an incredulous Trump pointing out how that’s physically impossible and a huge violation of previously established physics in the Star Wars universe.
Eryone like “I can’t tell the Daily Wire from the Bee” and yet I knew right away because this one is funny where the Daily Wire link are belabored.
Yea the DW one wasn’t good today.
The difference is in where you find the humor.
The Bee works whether you are a Trump supporter or a Trump hater. It is a funny take on a ridiculous story.
Compare with leftist humor – The Daily Show. It simply doesn’t work if you are not on team “woke”. Most of the humor is “Heh, look how stupid those republicans are! They are so dumb. And evil. **Smirk**” That’s sorta funny if you like to be on the in-team. But for anyone else it is just a bore.
The Babylon Bee article is simply a humorous take. If you think Trump is a buffoon, you can laugh at that. If you think the press are nuts for reporting stupid rumors propagated by some clerk, you got that. And even if you don’t follow politics, the speeder vs tornado image is funny.
But go ahead, left. Keep on believing that you are the sole arbiters of humor.
Yo, Leap:
Replied to your question about second-hand smoke in the previous thread before I saw it was on life support.
I saw, thanks. I don’t have much to add, as I think we’ve reached an irreconcilable disagreement on a particular implementation of similar principals, which is fine.
BUT I do have two picky semantic questions:
1) when I meant a few people having acute problems with second hand smoke, I was referring to asthmatics. I don’t need to debate the point if there are enough of them to change your mind or whatever. I just realize I was being really opaque about that point.
2) My understanding is that noxious means harmful to health, not unpleasant. Do you really understand that word to just mean an unpleasant sensation?
Asthmatics and second hand smoke sound like people with peanut allergies and peanuts. They should avoid it. I don’t know if second smoke outdoors causes them problems, which is the only public place they might encounter it these days.
You are correct about “noxious” – it means harmful as well as unpleasant. I read it in the latter sense, since you had covered “harmful” elsewhere.
I’m curious – my take was that there are de minimis risks and annoyances that you just take and should be expected to take, and that (except for a (very?) small number of people with particular clinical issues), second hand smoke falls into that category. I’m not sure what your would implement based on similar principles that would be different. My take only changes if the risk profile of second-hand smoke is significantly different than it actually is.
Maybe the Wire pays by the word.
People who dont have guns can never figure out another way to kill themselves.
This is known.
Playing devil’s advocate here a bit. I’ve heard that the actual final decision to kill oneself is often a spur of the moment thing. That moment is more likely to happen if you have a gun or a bridge lying around.
Or a rope, or a car, or a tall building, etc.
-1 Epstein
You mother fuckers are the worse. Hilarious they all thought he was talking about Trump.
Ah, good ol’ Alternet…
Columnist debunks the nefarious right-wing myth that ‘we’re a republic, not a democracy’
“If there’s substance behind ‘We’re a republic, not a democracy,’ it’s not as a description of American government,” Bouie explains. “There’s really no difference, in the present, between a ‘republic’ and a ‘democracy’: both connote systems of representation in which sovereignty and authority derive from the public at large.
That person writes for the NYT.
Oopsy, I reverse Brooksed my comment.
I believe that is a Gilmore.
That’s ok, I’ve replied on the wrong post altogether before:)
Chapell is the best! Where have you been, dude! We needed you these last 10 years!
Dave and Chris Rock are the only two guys with anything to say that would have been allowed to say it, and they both shut the F up for the entire sweep of the Obama turn toward the Trump era.
The dude who explained racist attitudes toward OJ, R Kelly and criminal charges could have done much to blunt the SJW mess.
But that’s a strong opening. “That’s You!” Brilliant!
Speaking of famous Mexicans in the news–Alt-right harbinger of hatred Pepe the Frog is back …in Hong Kong.
It is funny to me that people have tried to portray Pepe as some hate symbol, when it should be obvious to anyone on the internet that it is merely a symbol of mischief, which can come in many forms, benign or malignant. Pepe is just a modern version of Puck.
Like that alt-right cartoon bunny, Bugs.
HM loves that guy.
He complains about Bugs way too much. That means I have no doubt there’s a large poster of Bugs dressed as Carmen Miranda on his wall, covered by dry cum stains.
It may not give you man boobs, but it does mean you have shitty taste.
Next question.
“Those on the left, if they truly want to right the havoc that Koch wrought, must firmly reject the idea that government is somehow inefficient, wasteful, or tyrannical, and instead unequivocally reclaim it as the best means of solving shared problems.” – The New Republic
(no link because I don’t want to give them the clicks)
I thought that was Soros’s role.
‘Cos they’re, like, totes not any of those things. Where does this weird idea keep coming from?
“Not real government!”
‘The Star Wars Finale Will Answer All Of Your Questions,’ Says Guy Who Created ‘Lost’
JJ Abrams suggested that the conclusion to the Skywalker saga would be satisfying and answer all of Star Wars fans’ most pressing questions.
“You can trust me on this,” he said while speaking on a panel at the D23 Expo. “In no way will I leave a bunch of threads hanging, a ton of questions unanswered, and huge plot holes unfilled. I’m just not that kind of filmmaker. It would be totally unfair to the fans for me to just hand-wave away questions, like that it was all a dream or some kind of weird purgatory thing.”
“That’s bad storytelling, and I won’t have it in anything that my name is attached to,” he added.
During a Q&A session, one fan began to ask Abrams a question about what actually happened in Lost, but Abrams interrupted: “Uh, check out Rey’s new lightsaber! It FOLDS!” and the fan’s question was drowned out by the wild screams and cheers of the crowd.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed that the D23 Expo allowed one lucky fan to kick a football held by JJ Abrams for a chance to win $1,000,000, but Abrams pulled the football away at the last minute.
I’m betting on lots of lens flare.
See, THAT’S how you satire.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed that the D23 Expo allowed one lucky fan to kick a football held by JJ Abrams for a chance to win $1,000,000, but Abrams pulled the football away at the last minute.
They had to add this line in, as up to that point it wasn’t a parody piece and they didn’t feel like binning it.
answer all of Star Wars fans’ most pressing questions
When will the three movies be release in unrecut form packaged as Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi not Star Wars IV-VI?
Way to be a jackass. The note was actually not a bad comeback in this day and age. Messing with the employer over it less so.
okay, a small ember of sanity in what has been a rather insane article so far.
Aaaaaaaand back to the insanity one sentence later.
They’re fucking animists. The only thing they should get is a juice cup.
The BBC asks: Why does nobody care about the same Amazon fires in Bolivia? 1. It’s Bolivia, who care? 2. Bolivia is currently governed by an “agreeable” technocrat, who is currently taking it up with the courts there to abolish the term limits and seek a 4th term as president.
The BBC might also ask why larger fires caused no international concern when Brazil was governed by a leftist.
It’s fucking bullshit anyway.
Commentary: Everything You’ve Heard About the Amazon Fires Is Wrong
Go figure.
Hang on.
Just reaching for my….hmmm….oh there it is…..shocked face mask.
“The initial reports about the beginning of fire season sent the international community into a panic, led by the Europeans.”
Europeans are busy body, search clutching, pant shitters.
They want to go for broke with the woke, all the power to them. But the arrogance of demanding other countries follow their lead is insufferable.
Summer of the Shark.
Or every summer on Cape Cod.
Lots of traffic, boat shoes, and the Irish taking our jobs?
Good for Bolsonaro. Macron is a shit disturbing twerp. I don’t get these countries not minding their damn business. Salvini did the same thing to Macron. Macron is all about empty virtue signalling bull shit. Demanding Italy take economic migrants is none of his damn business. Salvini responded along the lines of ‘if you want them you can open up the port of Marseille and we’ll be glad to send them there’.
“Tim Mynett and Omar did not immediately return messages seeking comment.
Omar’s husband, Ahmed Hirsi, is a former banker who was hired as a senior policy aide to a Minnesota city councilwoman last year, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported at the time. Omar was previously married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.”
Ilhan is quite the busy little dickens. She sounds like a catch.
They deserve each other by the sounds of it.
“Ilhan, I told you kefir. Kefir, not kafir” /Omar’s doctor
Omar’s husband, Ahmed Hirsi, is a former banker who was hired as a senior policy aide to a Minnesota city councilwoman last year
Corruption? What’s that?
Pete Davidson Lost His Temper At UCF Students During A Set And Now The College Is Mad
Go Knights!
Wasn’t he in a kerfuffle with Crenshaw?
Kerfuffle, in that he made a joke and the internet whined?
In that Crenshaw owned him with civility.
Orlando is the middle of nowhere?
Geez snowflake, how triggered are you?
I’m shook right now.
3 hours from his Ex girlfriend’s hometown. Prolly why he was so edgy.
Also “A University”? UCF is one of the top 5 largest universities in the country.
He asked them not to use their phones to film him and they didn’t listen.
I think it was his attempt to avoid being the next Michael Richards.
You hired a fucking comedian. What did you expect?? THAT’S retarded.
Sounds like UCF is run by retarded asshole idiots as well.
Warren, the seductress.
Risky click
I bet she’d don a headdress and do a raindance for you.
Risky click
For a Glib-Click, that’s redundant.
Checkmate, watermelons.
Or we could plant more food crops or paper trees or lumber trees, but hey, let’s destroy the economy instead.
I have been saying that for more than a few years. Ron Bailey ignored me.
Completely OT, I walked Bella last night before work and she found…. A Skunk, as soon as I realized, oh shit, she jumped her leash and the results are,. Not good. I got some on myself, so now my room,car and clothes smell like dank Indica weed,
My advice: set yourself on fire.
I already have that! This is not so pleasant
Burnt hair > skunk
New species of blood-sucking leech identified in swamps outside DC
Cool link, bro!
It is known as “the government contractor.”
The way that started, I thought for sure that was going to be a Babylon Bee article…
Fake Juul pods line store shelves, worrying users and posing another threat to the embattled company
Do you know what else lines store shelves? Ciggies!
I’m sure the government will step right up and claim responsibility.
Glad I use Blu.
I read Suicide of the West recently. Pretty good, except for the “but orange man bad” coda.
A society will not be stable unless there is something important enough to rally around. The strong man method can work in the sense that a hostage situation works. Otherwise, when left to their own devices, people will split up into tribes according to shared traits.
In any case, I don’t see to much to worry about in the near future. It’s easy to forget what a safe and prosperous time we live in.
“How to disarm America”
Sure, no one is trying to take our guns away. They just want common sense.
I wonder if this evil fucker sympathizes with the ‘half of America is mysogynist racist deplorable homophobic POS that belongs in a re-education camp’ or ‘NRA members should be shot’.
I wonder. People like him are exactly why I will never give up my guns.
They don’t anylize their enemy, so they will lose this war, no matter what, they think the military will back them up, Hahaha!
China’s Spies Are on the Offensive. Can the US Fend Them Off?
I believe the FBI heads our counter-espionage services, and after learning more about Comey, McCabe, and Mueller, I can say our national secrets are in the safest of hands.
Well, with Russia no longer scaring the pee out of Our Betters, I guess we need a new bogey-man.
something something always been at war with something something“>real women in their own place, not too crazy and just a pinch of naughty…
The kitchen?
Actual woman in her place.
Wow, that was fast. Bunch of humorless scolds.
I figured maybe your wife took it down and made you sleep on the couch.
So which one of hateful, explicit, illegal, or violent was it?
Barefoot pregnant woman in a kitchen, so all 4 I guess.
You knocked Mrs. Lach up again? If so, congratulations!
Nah. No that I know of anyway…
How retro. Can’t have that.
What? I thought imgur existed primarily as a pic hosting site for r/gonewild.
Nice shitlording, congrats. I can’t even get a cat butt on this second rate site, and here you are offending the big boys, bravo!
I got an error message.
Congrats and lul, I managed to catch the pic before the internet po-po took it down.
I am having a hard time. imagining what you could have posted that violated their rules.
Quite naughty, me gusta.
Wasn’t that ran by Esquire or such at one time?
How about this? Real, not too crazy, and a pinch of naughty.
Just saw this:
After our discussion, I thanked Vanderpool for his service
Yeah, I choked on that, too.
Anybody who watches Paul Harrell videos could have told you that.
+ 1 denim and fleece wrapped pork shoulder.
Yeah, fuck that gel, show me the meat target! Lol.
That man is a national treasure.
Yeah, Harrell is the man.
I guess I hadn’t realized that 9mm ammo had materially improved, while .45 ACP (apparently) has not. Looks like the improvement was in penetration.
Yeah, I’m a heavy bullet guy. Still not sure I’m convinced – for self-defense, I’m not shooting through more than what the guy is wearing – unlike an FBI agent, I’m not allwed to shoot through doors and shit. I’m pretty sure my .45 can get through clothes. I’ll have to check those vids.
Not really looking for another handgun right now, but if I get another it will be a revolver (“Nobody needs more than three semi-autos”).
And then there is the 10mm auto. Far superior to all three. A lot more punch than the 9 or 40 and shoots faster nd flatter than the 45 auto with about the same recoil.
I knew this would be Suthen catnip.
Would that be your recommendation for a self-defense semi-auto, assuming no particular recoil sensitivity?
For fun, go watch some Paul Harrell comparison videos of various calibers. You owe it to yourself.
He he even has one on10mm v. .45ACP
And Mini14 vs AR15
Well, I have all four calibers. These days I carry the SIG 938 in 9mm. It is light and easy to carry. At self defense ranges it is plenty effective. In the woods I carry a single action 44 or 41 mag revolver. When I carried a larger pistol I carried 45.
My recommendation for pistol and caliber is whatever you can shoot most effectively. There is no such thing as a common pistol caliber that is so ineffective as to be left off of the list….ok, maybe 25 auto. Maybe. The truth is I don’t want to be shot with any of them. If y ou carry 45, You’re good.
I will add that I cannot recommend the .50 cal revolver for concealed carry self defense.
My carry gun is a 9. I need to check what I load it with.
My bedside gun is the high-capacity .45. 14 + 1 rounds of “hello, stranger”.
A 9mm is perfectly suitable with LE grade hollow points.
I have two carry pistols: Sig p938 (9MM) and Springfield EMP (9MM). I load them with Speer Gold Dot 124 gr.
I am certain that they are good enough to stop an attacker.
No doubt
Velocity is the most important factor so the answer is a rifle. On a serious note, nobody wants to get shot with anything, so carry what you’re comfortable with.
A well placed .22 shot is always better than a miss with S&W 500.
Shot placement, shot placement, shot placement.
Correia has some thoughts.
Yes – handguns suck (compared to shotguns, carbines, and rifles).
Caliber masterbation
I do like Lucky Gunner. They have links to downloadable printable targets for various drills which is nice.
Yeah, their ammo comparison ballistics pages are cool too.
Moar about choosing a pistol caliber.
I only shoot .45 because they don’t make a .46.
They make a .460 magnum.
I need my wrist. It’s very important to me.
That was excellent. Thanks for the link.
More proof that the proggies truly hate the American people.
I don’t like a trade war, but how are tariffs (a tax) fundamentally harmful to the economy, but every democrat nominee calling for higher taxes not a threat?
They are not. Tariffs are no different than any other tax. I dont want tariffs or taxes, but given a choice between the two, I would prefer the federal government to be 100% funded by whatever tariffs it can manage to impose.
If we want to talk about threats to the economy, all the Dem candidates have given their endorsement to the green new deal. If a 1/4 of that shit was implemented the whole economy would tank in less than a week.
I know this isn’t very popular, but I think a property tax makes the most sense, because the biggest proper function of a government are property rights. It disincentives government from owning land and encourages efficient land use.
If we are insisting on having a government at all, maybe abolish all federal taxes and allow the states to tax However their constitutions allow them and the states can decide how much money to send to Washington based on how much federal government they want.
It’s the only Only proper function and the only one that they can actually at least half ways implement.
That’s my view. The point of the US military is to prevent invasion of my property. The point of the local government is to keep thieves off my property. We can argue of private fire/police, but if we have government, that’s the only legitimate function.
Even the local government isn’t going to keep thieves off your property (unless the are squatters) You put the locks on your door, you pay insurance, If your’e wealthy enough you pay for private security. The only thing the gov’t does if someone takes your shit is to write a report so your insurance provider will reimburse you, They aren’t sending out Colombo or Sgt Friday to find out who stole your mower. If someone claims your real property that is where gov’t come’s in, they are the enforcers of who owns what land, that’s it. They are a gang and extortionists but it the only system we’ve come up with so far that ‘works’ for any extended periods of time.
As it currently stands, the U.S. government is the biggest violator of property rights in world history. I remained unconvinced that it can be the sole arbiter of property rights and do even a halfway decent job.
I consider myself an anarchist, but that’s never going to happen. We are never going to scale back the USG, either, so I’m counting this conversation as part of my masturbation quota.
Sure, any actual Gov’t will fail miserably in any endeavor, I was speaking theoretically about the necessary functions of ‘Government’ in the Utopian abstract not how any particular govenment currently does it.
Uncle Miltie agrees
I haven’t really read any of his works, so it’s interesting I came to the same conclusion. Thanks.
He has a lot videos on YouTube. You should check them out. I could watch them all day.
I think a property tax makes the most sense
Property tax is a wealth tax. I prefer income taxes to wealth taxes.
Very scientific.
I masturbate everyday, whether I need to or not…for the promotions.
Well, that’s not where I expected the headline to go.
Wait, there are people who don’t regularly masturbate?
I like to mix it up a bit. Familiarity breeds contempt, after all.
So you switch hands, now and then?
‘The Sleeper’, ‘The Stranger’, ‘Lefty Lucy’, ‘Rightie Nightie’, ‘Hey what’s This?’, ‘Three Bear Mambo’…They all have their places.
Ah, so you throw in a little pillow humping for good measure.
Actually it’s a Yuge pillow. TBTCTBTP
Racist cabbies SMDH.
Anthony and Patrice tested this out years ago.
So, just another Tuesday?
Funny that the demand for cheap Chinese crap is even higher there.
Chinese people behaving like aggressive inconsiderate assholes in Costco? This is so shockingly unheard of!
Mmmmm. North Coast “Brother Thelonius”.
That beer rocks! As do all North Coast varieties
Red Seal Ale was my house beer for a number of years.
North Coast makes good beer.
“The government reacted late and poorly, it took them almost two weeks and they were without a strategic plan. Evo Morales has put his campaign first rather than governing Bolivia,” he said.
I think someone at the BBC will get doubleunpersoned for writing this article and including this quote.
There are more than 363 million civilian-owned guns in the United States. We kill each other and ourselves with them almost constantly, at a rate of around 100 deaths per day.
This is a statistic you have probably seen before. It seems to come up a lot these days. America’s guns are constantly in the news and on every politician’s lips, because our country plays host to a generational horror on an everyday basis. Mass shootings, the kind that leave dead bodies in the dozens and broken lives in the hundreds, occur in this country far more often than anywhere else in the world.
Go fuck yourself.
Idiot, that’s what I read,
No mention of who the 100/day (I am skeptical of that number) are or who is shooting them. Nearly all of them happen in very specific neighborhoods in certain cities. The vast majority of flyover country and upscale neighborhoods have so few shootings as to barely even be worth mentioning.
He isn’t going to go into that, of course, and if you do he will start screaming ‘racist!’.
It is best not to question their motives or methods, just to bend your knee and disarm yourself.
He included suicides in the 100/day. And I believe out in the boonies the ‘final decision’ is made as often if not more so than in the city. It’s irrelevant to gun grabbing but when self ownership is considered one can;t blame all gun deaths on the Windy City.
You are correct. I forgot about suicides being included in their stats. Never the less, what I said holds. Violence with malice occurs the vast majority of time in very specific places amongst a very specific class/cultural group.
Agreed we should disarm poor people. I say we set a threshold of let’s call it 40 grand a year. for every 40 large you bring in you can have one gun.
What are you talking about?
If we are going to disarm anyone lets stick to violent felons and loons.
Basically, of this 100 per day about 65 are suicides.
Of the remaining 35 per day about 32 are felons killing felons.
The remaining 3 per day (out of a population of over 300 million) are your random bubba/joe sixpack and/or crimes of passion which also include LEO shootings.
A friend at work dropped this off for my desk
Awe. Some.
Are we still doing crossword puzzles? I constructed a crossword puzzle.