Full Disclosure: I am decidedly not good with eye stuff. When I worked in EMS, I invariably made my partner handle treatment of all eye issues. I mean, ALL eye issues, even if it was just an eyelash in an eye.
And, of course, in the way of karma, along with Alzheimer’s, my MIL has macular degeneration. This results in her having to have a horrific treatment every 6 weeks. This means immediately after relocating her to AZ, we had a “new patient” visit with one of the top retinal specialists in Phoenix.
New patient visit means a battery of tests and imaging, taking a few hours over the course of an afternoon in a very packed office. I was seriously the youngest person there (by far!) who wasn’t an employee.
Anyway, so far, so good.
We sit down in the first exam room and the polite, chirpy, young tech addresses Mom, “Hi! I’m Jenny! Mrs OMWC’s Mom, please look at the eye chart being projected on the wall and read the first line for me.”
“There’s an eye chart?” *pause* “Which wall am I supposed to be looking at?”
“The one in front of your chair.” Tech taps a few keys and increases the eye chart to Interstate exit sign size. “How about now?”
“Oh! Yes, that’s an…O. Or maybe…a G. Hmmm…maybe D.”
I think to myself, “No, it’s a Q. Damn, can’t I get away from those Glibs even for one afternoon?!”
“Thanks, Mrs OMWC’s Mom. I think that’s all we need for now. John will take you in for the next test in a few minutes.”
It got me thinking. I only go see an ophthalmologist if I need a change in my eyeglass prescription, so every couple years or so. I could never in a zillion years stick a piece of plastic in my eye every morning, so I have never even considered contacts. WebDom has been wearing contacts since she was a teenager. But, then, she’s a honey badger.
Tonight’s questions:
- How often do you see an eye doc?
- Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
- Do you let them do the drops?
- Do you have any more serious eye issues?
- Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
My mother has macular degeneration and has to get shots. Sounds horrible.
I’ve worn glasses since third grade. My eyes are dry enough that contacts are out of the question. I should see the eye doctor every year, but I seen to average every other year. Yes, I let them do the drops. It’s a temporary annoyance.
Oh, and as for other problems, I have “latticed retinas”. Supposedly a future risk for retinal detachment.
/slaps Spud on the back, heartily
So does my mother. I’m not sure I could get the shots.
I see my eye doctor every year. I wear multifocal contacts (cause nothing is more annoying than your doctor saying you are right on schedule when you complain you are starting to have trouble reading) of a different strength in each eye. And I don’t have to get the eye drops. I don’t have any issues yet but wouldn’t surprise me if cateracts and macular degeneration are in my futuer.
And SP, you are a saint to take your MIL to the eye doctor.
Once in my life unless you count the DMV
Did once, would again if I ever go back
Does the old gal want to go?
1. Every two years
2. Glasses. My eye doctor always asks if I want contacts. I say no. I’ve had glasses for so long I have no memories of not having glasses. I can’t see myself putting contact lenses in my eyes. My eye doctor always tells me this is the correct decision for me because glasses provide more protection from UV light than contacts, and given my family history (see below) protection from UV light is a good thing.
3. Fuck No. My eye doctor’s office has a machine that will take pictures of your eye. Insurance won’t cover it. I gladly pay the fee out of pocket.
4. Not yet. There’s lots of macular degeneration and detached retinas on my mom’s side. My mom is now legally blind due to a combination of macular degeneration and detached retinas. There is a laser treatment to reattach a detached retina. My mom has been through that several times. She can see a bit, and has special glasses so she can read large print and watch a TV.
5. Yes.
An addendum: I have reading glasses now. My eye doc asked if I wanted bifocals. I had them when I was a kid, and sometime during my teens my then-eye doc decided I didn’t need them any more. I don’t want them. So I have separate reading glasses.
I can read without the reading glasses but I get eye strain quickly.
I don’t need them for working on the computer. My monitor is farther from my eyes than a book would be. I can a read a monitor without a problem using my regular glasses.
Once a year. And I actually enjoy it. Is that weird?
Glasses for an hour or two a day. Contacts mostly.
Usually, no.
Healthy, AF.
Of course!
To add…daily disposable contacts are super comfy.
“Once a year. And I actually enjoy it. Is that weird?”
Not by modern standards. Lots of people have medical fetishes.
FWIW, I had a super-attractive optometrist a couple years ago at my last examination. Especially for those of you into Asians. Too bad it was a chick.
They’d probably be out of focus, given the location/time frame.
I probably should have added that I enjoy it because I learn something new almost every visit. My doctor explains those digital pics in depth.
1. Years ago…
2. Glasses, every day
3. They never asked.
4. No, I just need glasses to read.
5. Yes, would you like me to make a candle?
1. Yearly
2. Both, formerly, but I got LASIK two years ago
3. Yep. Then I whine about it here.
4. I did have a cornea issue that was a little freaky. Doc thought it might have been a reaction to the solution I was using. Prompted a switch to dailies.
5. That’s just one of many points in your pending (but hopefully distant) canonization.
How often do you see an eye doc?
Once a year.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
Glasses. Though I really only ‘need’ them when driving, especially at night.
I’ve done contacts but since I now work from home and typically don’t drive much (small town, everything in town) glasses are less costly.
Do you let them do the drops?
When they do the puffer thing to measure pressure? Yes cause I’m cheap and don’t want to pay for the digital exam.
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
Of course
1. Only when necessary. So, every 5 years or so?
2. Glasses from very young. Contacts when I was a teen and in college and therefore into “appearance” but I’m much happier with glasses.
3. Yes. No problem with it.
4. No.
5. Yes.
PS. I didn’t know there was an alternative to the drops until I read about it here a few days ago.
1. Never. At my retirement physical from the Army I had 20-25 vision.
2. I have reading glasses which I generally use when on the computer.
3. I’ve done this. No biggie.
4. No.
5. Yes, somebody’s gotta do it I suppose.
I’m fairly near sighted, but can still pass the DMV eye test so the only time I ever wear glasses is driving at night. Especially when it is wet out the glare gets me. I have had to have had three chalazions cut out of the inside of my eyelid. They kept happening to me at a certain point and warm compresses never really worked. So they flip your eyelid inside out, shoot it with Novocain and then cut it out with a scalpel. Not so fun, I don’t recommend it unless you really need it.
1. I went to the optometrist to get glasses since I need them to work on the computer. I would have passed the DMV exam without glasses.
2. See 1.
3. No.
4. No.
5. Thankfully Dad handled all of Mom’s doctor appointments after Mom was diagnosed with dementia. I only did the home stuff and that was stressful enough at the end. You’re a better caregiver than I.
How often do you see an eye doc?
Every 2 or 3 years.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
Glasses. It has only been recently that I’ve needed them more than on occasion, so my last visit was the first time even bothering to consider contacts. Since I’m not really supposed to wear the glasses when I’m looking at a screen, I didn’t bother to do contacts.
Do you let them do the drops?
They’ve never asked. They have all had those fancy retinal mapper computers.
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
I don’t really know what color they are, and that has caused them to almost get me in trouble with a 23 year old girl when I was 15. Oh, and they got a 30-something year old guy in trouble when I was 15, too.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
Yes, eyes are gross.
How often do you see an eye doc?
Since the last Lasik check up, only when absolutely necessary, and I likely had to be pushed to go by someone close to me.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
No. I finished college a year early and used the money earmarked for it to get the aforementioned Lasik. Best investment evar–it pays every damn day in a big way.
Do you let them do the drops?
I do. I let them do everything. I dont even mind the eye pressure test. You know, that one that everyone flinches for? Plus, I get special drops; see below.
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
Yes. I’ve now had acute chronic uveitis three times. Twice in lefty, once in righty. I get to go see an opthomalogist for it, too; no plebe-chump optometrist for me. Roids, roids, and more roids to treat it.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
For that and so much more, SP is a saint.
*Edited for formatting purposes. And also to be a privileged shitlord.
THAT’S how you shitlord!
She’s the best Shitlord.
Just a tremendous Shitlord.
The classiest shitlord.
The shittiest of shitlords.
1. About once a year.
2. I usually wear glasses, but I’ll wear contacts for dates/special occasions.
3. I let them do the drops.
4. I’m just near-sighted and that’s about it.
5. Yes, and I’m sure she appreciates your help.
1. My sister- in- law is an optometrist, so every few weeks. I see one professionally every two years for myself since my prescription hasn’t changed in almost a decade, and once a year to take my daughter.
2. Glasses. I never had any interest in contact lenses, and my glasses have kept me from injuring my eyes enough times that I’d be blind without them so I have no interest in changing to contacts.
3. Only if someone else can give me a ride home.
4. Nope. Just really bad myopia.
5. There are few that could deal with alzheimers patients gracefully, and those that do should be lauded.
I go once a year. I wear glasses, though I wore contacts in the past. I do the drops and I don’t have anything more serious (knock wood). Yes, you’re a saint.
1. As often as I go to a regular doctor which is never, aside from emergency room visits or when demanded by employers.
2. Reading glasses. Damn, i feel old.
3. See 1
4. Only that my eyes are black, dead eyes. Like a doll.
5. Yes. Yes you are. She cant see. Just open the door on the thruway and let her solve her own problems. Unless shes like Mr. Magoo or something.
There’s a medical symptom called “dolls eyes”. Pretty much means you’ve neurologically flat lined.
Why do I get the feeling this site is slowly building profiles on each of us in an attempt to identify potential serial killers?
1. No, therefore the rest are no except for the last which is Yes. My grandmother has Alzheimer’s and it requires a team to take care of her. Thankfully my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins are very involved in helping her.
I’m selling some tin foil, would you like some?
Real tin foil, or that aluminum stuff that just amplifies the rays?
That…that’s just crazy talk…
(Pssst… I need an Edit Faerie to Comment #18. We’ve been made–recommend full nuclear option)
“NEW VIDEO: Exposing a pedo drag queen who is allowed to read to children at “Drag Queen Story Hour”. This is sick.”
“”I’m A Predator, But It’s Okay Cuz I’m a Drag Queen” – Okay..”
I had PRK, twice. Before the first surgery contacts. Between glasses. I haven’t been to the eye doctor in years.
1) Only when my wife makes the appointment.
2) I wear glasses, but only when I’m working for a long time on a computer. I actually still test at 20/20 vision, but my problem is that I have one eye that is slightly near sighted, and the other is slightly far sighted. This gives me bad headaches if I stare at a computer screen too long. My eye doctor told me that I was the first person he’d ever seen that had this. My prescriptions are very minor – +0.25 in one, -0.75 in the other.
3) Nope
4) Nope
5) Sainthood guaranteed. Not just for that, but for putting up with us riff-raff…
2) me too. Only I am no longer close to 20/20 vision.
All y’all know #5 was just a joke, right?
A joke because the conclusion was obvious? Of course!
Yeah, but fuck alzheimers.
Fuck Alzheimer’s with Poseidon’s trident heated white hot.
Yeah, I know. But I also know what it’s like caring for someone going through that – my grandmother stayed with my parents for a while before she needed more extensive care. It’s a hell of a thing to go through. And I share your reluctance for anything dealing with eyes, so I stand by my statement.
So you are saying there won’t be St. SP candles in the Glib’s store?
Welllll…. I do kinda want the candle….
I know, right?!
In that case, I change my answer.
Well, it is a good thing to do, but the standards for sainthood include either martyrdom for the faith, or miracles postmortem. So, you’re ineligable for canonization, as ‘Living Saint’ is only a 40k thing.
Libertarians go to the eye doctor ONCE A YEAR?
1. Go as-needed (see every 10-years). I generally purchase a new pair of glasses abroad when no new prescription is required.
2. Glasses and reading glasses – I don’t stick my finger in my eyes.
3. No drops.
4. No serious eye issues.
5. You are a saint, but adding these treatments to my living will exclusion list.
Ha, so that “super” mouse that was eating all the peanut butter off my traps with out springing them got stuck in an empty Strohs 30 pack box. So I emptied a gallon of bleach on his ass, take that Mickey.
Actually I took the box out back and let the little fucker go, If he can steal three tbsp of peanut butter without getting snapped he has earned my respect. Endeavor to persevere little fucker, endeavor to persevere.
Are you sure it wasn’t a juvenile rat?
No. rat, mouse, fox, or coyote, he has earned my respect and thus gets this one pass.
They still make Strohs? And you drank 30 of them? You’ve earned some respect too.
And the headache that came with 30 Strohs.
I’m going to necro-post here just to note my displeasure that nobody suggested he put the mouse in an empty Strohs can and bring it to the factory and demand it be exchanged for a new 30 pack.
My eyesight is fine, therefore I do not see an eye doctor. You are all being scammed by Big Eye.
Look at the not-nerd over here.
Mr. Perfect-Eyes…what, with his nice, completely functioning eyes.
Nice eyes you got there. It’d be a shame if something happened to them.
My prescription stayed stable for a few years while I was active duty and the first year or so after I got out.
Now that I’m covered by eye insurance – I may as well get checked periodically to see if things change. Of course I’m irritated that my contract company changed with a week’s notice – same insurance company, but my policy didn’t roll right over so I lost one chance to get a pair of covered glasses.
Old prescription is really good enough for most stuff (driving, tv, etc)….but sitting in front of a computer 8+ hours a day is hurting things a bit – new glasses have a blue light filter which is also supposed to help a bit. We’ll see.
But yeah…not gonna stick something in my eye – esp on a daily basis.
I have two pairs. One pair with the blue light filter that makes a difference for computer stuff, and another has plastic frames without the nose things and whatnot — so it’s easier to clean away blood, barbecue sauce, motor oil, etc.
CP is a….cannibal mechanic?
I’ve never been to an optometrist, although I’ve had foreign debris removed from my eyes about 4 times. Most of them were from work, grinding metal, but once was from riding my motorcycle.
I wear readers almost all the time. At work I need to see up close probably 80 percent of the time. It sucks because readers prevent me from seeing far and there’s not really a large blocks of time for each.
I have to switch a lot and look over the top of them.
I have had drops put in my eyes before, it doesn’t bother me.
I have above average distance sight. I usually read the trademark fine print on eye charts. Nothing seriously wrong other than tired eyes.
I believe that those who take care of their parents in old age deserve utmost respect. I’ve seen so many people stuff them into homes and visit them rarely. Sainthood is shortchanging you IMHO.
I was cutting out an exhaust when a tiny piece of metal blew around my goggles and stuck in my eye. It cost around $430 and took the doctor around 30 seconds to pull it out. That’s $51K an hour.
I’ll do it for half that. Lemme grab my tweezers.
That’s pretty much what they do. They try and roll a q-tip over it, and when that doesn’t work they pluck on it with a needle. It’s a strange sensation, because they give you drops which make everything look like paisley. Kind of like the ground at a gas station when it rains. You cant see anything except that, until the implement comes through, about a inch from your eye. It’s weird.
He didn’t even use any drops, he just pulled it right out.
Wow! I’ve never had one pulled without the drops. It always stops hurting immediately once it comes out, but the discomfort is pretty bad until the drops go in.
My eyeballs have a habit of trying to explode, so I’ve seen my eyedocs more than any other medical professional. Also, I made a crossword.
Working just as well as it did on the last thread.
I get a login prompt.
404 error.
I suck atinternet.
Seriously, I still just get a login box.
Last Try.
Hey, it works! Fuck you, Google!
It does work! And really nice formatting!
Done. Bravo, really well-done!
“My eyeballs have a habit of trying to explode”
it gets better with a patient application of steroids,
True story: I knew a guy in the Army, he had one of those long-ass Eastern European names with no vowels. They actually had to reduce the font size on this name tape to fit it on. Nobody could pronounce his name. So we had a nickname for him:
How often do you see an eye doc?
Whenever I notice things getting blurry.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
Do you let them do the drops?
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
No, just age-related farsightedness.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
SP is a saint for many reasons, of which this is but one.
Animal, just wanted to say that was a fine article on Cato. Any plans to do another on any other Roman or Greek notables?
1. Once a year, now
2. Readers, thanks to Lasik
3. The drops. not as bad as could be
4. Detached retina about a year ago; MY doc spot-welded it back in place with a laser. No problems.
5. Sainthood’s in the offing.
5. Saint Petawatt (SP) is already a saint. glibertarians.com/2018/01/glibs-of-future-past-chapter-1-the-undiscovered-country/
1. Once every few years, when I need a new script.
2. Glasses, for the last 50+ years. The idea of contacts gives me the willies.
3. Yes.
4. I had a borderline-high eye pressure, so there was concern about me developing glaucoma. That has gotten better.
5. Anything nice you do for your MIL makes you a saint.
I can’t see going to work tomorrow.
I have a meganekko fetish.
Hey HM! Could I request your professional assistance? I am writing up a short article on the Japanese language and I would like to request your expertise in editing it just to be sure I’m getting the linguistic terms and background correct. Could you help me on this?
Sure, absolutely!
I can create a new post – not sure if you can open it as a draft or make updates. Let me know the best way for you to do this.
If you create a new post, I’ll be able to edit it.
And you’re most welcome!
OK, draft post is up. Let me know when you have had time to review it.
Thank you again!
I’ll add comments in parentheses.
Oh, and Thanks for your help!
Ok, I added my comments. I hope you find them helpful!
Arigato, Mr. Roboto!
Sure, ask for help with Japanese, HM is Go-to Dengo. Ask for help with THICC BITCHES, HM is Dr. Who? Total gyp. FAKE NEWS.
“HM is Dr. Who?”
Doxxed. Which regeneration of The Doctor is a mulatto?
No, he’s “Dr. Who?.” You have to say the whole thing, like A Pimp Named Slickback.
Oh, hell, there’s some racial connotations right there.
She left the hanger in her Yoga pants.
Holy Camella.
I have no idea what that means. Then again, I’m only person here that doesn’t speak Japanese.
Anyone got any insight (har) into why their called see-saws? I get that they kind of resemble a cross cut saw, but why the see part?
“Seesaw, or its variant see-saw, is a direct Anglicisation of the French ci-ça, meaning literally, this-that, seemingly attributable to the back-and-forth motion for which a seesaw is known.
The term may also be attributable to the repetitive motion of a saw. It may have its origins in a combination of “scie” – the French word for “saw” with the Anglo-Saxon term “saw”. Thus “scie-saw” became “see-saw”. ”
A couple years before I turned 40, my eye doc told me that peoples’ vision starts to go south about then.
I thought “Pfft. Won’t happen to me”.
Goddammit if she wasn’t right. I went from wearing glasees just to read to wearing them most of the time.
I have been to an optometrist once, six or seven years ago, after comparing notes with my brother and realizing my vision past ten feet is pretty bad. I own a single pair of increasingly battered glasses that I use for driving and to see the whiteboard. It turns out they’re useless for going to the movies because I never go to the movies.
I have no idea what drops are.
They make your pupils gigantic so they can poke around in there with a flashlight. Lasts for hours.
Yeah, I remember doing that as a kid. They gave us paper sunglasses.
Holy shit–yeah!! The drops, riiight. I now remember some procedure with something like “swimmer’s eyes” for the better part of a day, and having to wear some flimsy, dark brown plastic eye coverings.
Fuckin’ 70’s, man…
1. How often do you see an eye doc?
Optometrist, once every couple of years.
2. Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
Have worn both. As I’ve aged and my ego has become less of an issue, I now wear glasses only. Progressives. I’ve had several pairs, but the Nikon lenses were the best hands down, no contest. They’re also $1,200.00 CDN a pair. Gulp. Gotta get ’em again, they really are that good.
3. Do you let them do the drops?
4. Do you have any more serious eye issues?
Not at the moment, although my health trajectory seems to follow that of my eldest brother (with a six-year delay, ’cause he’s six years older than me), and he’s having more problems with his eyes. A few years away for me. I hope.
5. Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
You have to ask? ;-)
1. Every few years. When I get my scrip, I get a few years of contacts.
2. Daily wear contacts 95% of the time, with readers for close work. *
3. Hate the drops. Last two visits, did the retina scan once, and the other time chose “neither,” which the office let me get away with.
4. Just that not-so-weird combo of nearsightedness and farsightedness.
5. Of course. I couldn’t do it.
*When I wear glasses, they’re progressives. These require a separate measurement of your eyes called Pupillary Distance. Optometrists really don’t want to give you this number, since then you can go online and avoid their insanely high markups on frames and lenses. I had to get a little surreptitious on LensCrafters to get my PD when I took possession of my latest set of spectacles.
Had no idea about that “PD” stuff. But it sounds like there’s an easy work-around.
Plenty of places online will show you how to measure it, either by yourself or with the help of a friend.
Back when I was in the Reserves I could honestly tell them I needed the prescription for my gas mask goggles.
I get one discounted pair every other year from the Eye doc with insurance. I wear progressives too. But I make them give me the prescription and buy prescription non-progressive sunglasses online.
When I was 57, during the annual physical for the Reserves, the eye doc said I needed glasses. After measuring my eyesight he ordered the glasses. A year later I was back with the glasses they gave me and found I couldn’t read the eye chart with them and saw much better without them. We figured I probably just had some allergies or something the previous year. I got some reading glasses and that was it.
Once, a foreign object caused rust in my eye. The first hospital couldn’t get it out, so they sent me to County USC medical center. This was in 1986. There were fucked up people everywhere. Lots of gunshot wounds, one lady had a steak knife sticking out of her eye. It would jiggle around when she moved her head. She was the picture of calm fortitude. Anyway, they got about half of it out and told me to come back on Monday (this was Friday). No way I was going back there, so I went to a better hospital near my house. They tied me down and used a drill like device to cut out the rust. They were pissed that County told me to wait, as that’s what caused the rust. The drill left a huge countersunk hole on my eye. The very next morning it had healed completely over. It was amazing that that much material should reappear overnight.
How often do you see an eye doc?
I used to see her twice a year when I had glaucoma. After a certain treatment, my eye pressure is back to normal.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
I finally had to get glasses about three years ago (age 62). I had been using readers for probably 20 years before that.
I could never have contacts. Touching my eye creeps me out.
Do you let them do the drops?
Hey, I dislike needles but I let my doctor give me inoculations.
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
As mentioned above, SP is a saint for multiple reasons (<drink!).
I see the eye doc every year since insurance pays for the visit.
I’ve worn glasses since 5th grade. Used to wear contacts every day. Now I only wear them occasionally.
Eye stuff never bothered me. I could always touch my eyeballs and do drops. No desire to mess with other people’s eyes.
Side note – I found that I cannot shoot a rifle worth a damn with contacts. Just could not look at the target then bring my focus back to the front post with a clear sight picture. So no contacts on range day for me.
How often do you see an eye doc? Every couple of years, usually motivated either by getting tired of my current frames or getting paranoid about the eye exam at the DMV when my license is up for renewal.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts? Glasses, in what is probably a misguided attempt to downplay a certain, shall we say, strong feature in the center of my face. If I wore contacts, I’d have a ghastly eye infection in no time – I’m not even good at keeping my glasses clean. Every so often I finally notice, “Hey, these things are getting downright cloudy. I guess I’d best scrape off at least a few layers of accumulated crud.” Also, my cousin had a terrible time with her contacts when I was a kid, so that put me off the whole idea of contacts.
Do you let them do the drops? Yes – eye drops don’t bother me. Occasional seasonal allergies sometimes force me to try to “get the red out,” so I’m used to liquid plopping into my eye – or, more often, down the side of my face on the first couple of attempts.
Do you have any more serious eye issues? No – knock wood. Other than a pair of bifocals I didn’t think I really needed in sixth grade, I didn’t wear glasses until I was middle-aged. The pair I have now are “multi-focals,” with a pair of single-vision shades (that look very like the ones in my avatar) for driving.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments? Hell to the yeah, not just for the eye stuff but for the whole dementia experience. Went through the Alzheimer’s thing with my mom some years back, though it was my unmarried middle sister who lived with her. (I’m the youngest of three girls.) We had our share of adventures, but were very lucky with the things that DIDN’T happen (auto accident, resistance to giving up driving, wandering off & getting lost, etc.) Bless the caregivers.
Why is no one talking about Alton Brown bringing back Good Eats?
Because he’s shown what an ass he is and no one likes him.
Is he? I used to like that Cutthroat Kitchen show. I don’t know Good Eats.
The smugness and arrogance made me stop wathing Good Eats.
And you know what’s a monotasker? A knife. Al it does is cut, and no chef would work in a kitchen without knives.
Then he goes out and makes cooking devices with motors and fans and flower pots. Stupid and talk about monotaskers.
His original show was decent. Very geeky. Then they did shows like food Network star and some of their other competition shows and he treated most of the contestents like they were dirtbags not worthy to lick his boots. He’s not the only one of their “stars” to show their ass on those shows. Huge mistake on their part in my opinion. Fuck that guy.
Wasn’t that just kayfabe for Cutthroat Kitchen?
Yeah, I never got the sense he was being a real “dick” at all.
He does have an edge. He’s also not a proggy and carries.
That doesn’t make him less of an ass.
Tough crowd.
He’s an ass, but he’s our ass.
And mispronounces his first name.
My eyesight was super when I was a kid. 20/10 or better. They would put me in front of an eye chart and say, “Tell me the smallest text you can read.” I’d say, “Printed in Philadelphia, ,PA. All rights reserved.”
Trillions of atoms.
Or like the Polish fellow in front of the eye chart: “Read it? He’s my cousin!”
That’s funny:)
All the data collected on this thread will be sold to Pornhub.
So my favorite intertube content will be consolidated. How convenient.
Mom: “What are we having for dinner?”
SP: “Tacos.”
Because it’s Tuesday.
Really? Another day off!
My heart goes out to you.
We were finally able to put my mother-in-law into an assisted living facility. A few weeks ago she had gone outside while we were away. She was in a place where she could not climb back up the hill. When we arrived home we discovered that she had been down there for about three hours. I think about what would have happened if this had occurred six months ago. Think Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”.
We have had to put my MIL into assisted living. It was the only option after the third ER visit. Trying to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night she had fallen down and a) caused lacerations on her scalp requiring stitches, b) fallen down the stairs (no reason for her to use the stairs but she did anyway) and broke a collarbone, then another time she c) wandered in to a police box in near heat-stroke – couldn’t even remember to use her phone.
My wife visits almost daily – sometimes the MIL is semi-lucid but not usually.
Soft, or crispy cockroach tacos?
I had soft, SP and Mom had crispy.
SP, you are an angel in civilian clothes, you are
See the optometrist and more every 6 months, get a few different pictures taken on different machines.
I wear tri focals, I couldn’t see the speedometer so between 18″ and 8 feet I use the middle part.
Drops, cataract surgery, tried hard contacts over soft but didn’t work. Without glasses I have very bad double vision.
I didn’t wear glasses until I was closing in on 50, sure glad modern medicine is available. The cataract surgery caused
night vision to get much worse, halos around signs, reflections.
it took me over a year to truly get used to progressive lenses. My sporting clay scores went down dramatically, and the number of duck loads I went through went up dramatically.
Should have just played Duck Hunt.
I’ve had mine two years and I still can’t get used to them. I wear my old ones as much as I can get away with. The only problem is I can read with them.
Once every two years – when the insurance covers it.
Glasses, I’m not sticking solid objects in my eyes.
The drops are covered, the fancy machine isn’t
No, just nearsightedness,
What’s with the irrational fear of contacts? If there weren’t millions of cases over decades of people safely wearing contacts, I’d get the hesitation. At this point, it seems like simple paranoia.
Fear? irrational? you’re reading into my standards things that are not there.
Your mody’s natural response is “don’t stick things in your eyes.” Glasses are perfectly comfortable when properly fit. And you are not constantly shelling out for replacement little thingies to jam on your eyeballs. Wearing contacts is irrational.
Not to mention if you roll your eyes too hard they could dislodge back into your brainstem and jam up the gears, and then you have to see a brain doctor.
Now that is paranoia, and anatomically impossible. It’d get lodged in the optic muscles long before it wormed through the miniscule passage for the optic nerve to get anywhere near the brain cavity.
I’m pretty sure that actually happened to me. I was at camp one day and I swear one of my contacts floated up and around my eyeball. I felt something in there for a while, and obviously I couldn’t do anything about it. Eventually I didn’t notice it any more. No idea what really happened.
it seems like simple paranoia
Well, yeah.
No. There is no upside to contact lenses. In hassle, expense, discomfort, inconvenience, you get more from them.
No upside to contacts? C’mon, show a little imagination.
Name one
I asked for an upside.
Looks. Better vision (in my case at least). Comfort. I don’t even feel mine after their in.
Weird. My ex had the same complaint.
Nowadays, glasses go better with the bags under my eyes than contacts could possibly hope to.
I look awful without glasses, as do a lot of people who wear contacts.
And I already addressed comfort above. Your price tag of $10/mo is ongoing, even if your perscription doesn’t change, so you’re paying more for misplaced vanity.
Agreed. Ugly people should wear prescription sunglasses. Snark aside, depends on person.
If you were meant to stick things in your eye they wouldn’t come with lids.
Yeah, I have no problem with it. I can touch my eyeballs without any concern. Drops, plastic, whatever. I just didn’t like the futzing around with contacts and the related paraphernalia any more.
3 months of disposables cost me ¥3000 last week. Solved most of those same complaints you mentioned.
I’ve had glasses since about second grade. I only see an eye doctor when my eyes need doctoring, so like every 8 years since I’ve been an adult. I can’t even do that air puff test, eyes are not meant to be touched.
How often do you see an eye doc? Used to go once a year to look for laser damage. Haven’t gone in 7 years.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts? No. I likely need reading glasses.
Do you let them do the drops? Yes
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
No but I try to prevent it by glaucoma treatment.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments? Yes very much so.
How often do you see an eye doc?
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
Do you let them do the drops?
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
1. About every two years as the prescription expires. I’ve been doing the FSA so preplan the glasses & lens expenses and then have to use it or it gets lost. I usually just replace the lens unless the frames are damaged.
2. Glasses. I’ve asked the eye doc about contacts a while ago and my astigmatism would making fitting a convoluted process. Prescription is strong enough that I can’t wear frames with high curvature.
3. Not after getting those put in once. Or rather I ask the eye doc not to use them and as long as he can do his exam without them, he won’t now. Aging means they’ll probably be needed sooner than later
4. Not really. Vision is still correctable so it’s good. A couple of floaters.
5. Absolutely. My now wife was taking her mom to appointments and whatever else she needed (including all of the leg work of setting up the appointments, making living arrangements, dealing with Medicare & senior services, etc) as mom aged from senior living to assisted care to ping ponging between rehab and hospital. It really took a toll on her then.
How often do you see an eye doc? Once a year or so.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts? Glasses.
Do you let them do the drops? No.
Do you have any more serious eye issues? Nope.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments? Yep.
How often do you see an eye doc? Used to be annually or more frequent when my optometrist was my dad and my eyes were awful.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts? Glasses for reading from kindergarten to 2nd grade. 3rd and 4th glasses full time. 5th grade to age 21 hard contacts. LASIK at 21. Law school ruined my LASIK, so back to reading for 2 years, and full time for the last 10. Eyes are still way better than before LASIK (-2.5 vs -9.5).
Do you let them do the drops? No.
Do you have any more serious eye issues? No.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments? Without a doubt.
Checked out Classic WoW again tonight. They’ve booted up several new realms. Almost all realms are listed at full. I logged into one that was only medium population. Waited in a ~5k queue for about half an hour. Starting area is impossibly packed. It’s like a rave. Nobody’s trying to quest, because all the quest mobs are already tagged. It’s a madhouse. Someone in trade chat suggests alt+F4 to reduce lag. Suits me. Maybe I’ll try again in a couple weeks.
I’m going to sound like UCS here, but I play video games to get away from people, not interact with them.
Hear, hear. I only play single-player games.
What C and Rhy said.
Now, take off, hosers!
1. How often do you see an eye doc?
2. Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
3. Do you let them do the drops?
4. Do you have any more serious eye issues?
Nope. In the last couple of years I’ve started having issues focusing on things that are extremely close up (<6 inches from my eyes), but other than that my vision has always been fine.
5. Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
^This was my story up until last year. The friggin “issues focusing on things that are extremely up close” was workable with low-power readers. Until, one morning, when leaving work, my eyes locked “out of focus” (the only way I know to describe it). It lasted a minute, and never re-occurred, but, I took it as sign of possible issues.
yeah, not really, if the eye doc is to be believed.
1-4. I’m old. The eyesight s failing. Other stuff is too, but I can’t remember what. I will say that fake lenses are fucking magic. Not even a generation ago I’d be blind by now.
5. You are. MIL seems like a nice lady. From my experience with my MIL and my Mom it’s clear that alzheimers brings out the real person. The MIL was not a nice person. She had absolutely no empathy. Her last year was litterally a poo-flinging hell at our house. My Mom was as nice a person as ever lived. She was that way to the end. In the last few days I was sitting with her and she said with real concern, “Am I supposed to know you?” I said yes and told her who I was. She smacked her forehead and said “Shit! This really sucks!” Only time I ever heard her swear.
Hang in there SP.
I dunno.
I got a sample of some of my grandma in her last year or so while my mom was caring for her. It was like night and day from when I was little. If that was the “real” her… ugh I don’t even want to think about it.
I only knew my MIL (although she passed before I married her daughter) when she was a always smiling sweet old lady. Very different from what she was like earlier in life according to my wife.
The corporate media is a victim.
Perhaps they are right, and the current shitstain really is Robo-Hitler and I don’t see it, but then it is the medias fault for being the boy that called nazi for the last 20 years.
Years of Russia collusion! and we’re supposed to be angry at Trump for calling them “enemy of the people”? Clown world, NPC etc. are spot on.
NPCs sometimes advance the story though, these guys don’t.
Good point. I wouldn’t care if they were just wrong because we’re all wrong most of the time. It’s the enthusiasm with which they go after others who aren’t part of the orthodoxy that drives me nuts.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments? No, you’re family, that’s just how family do. A saint would do some magic shit. You do magic shit?
(You know my story. It’s great that you do what you do, but really that is what each of us should expect family to do, and that this isn’t the case is the sadness of our time.)
You say it’s an expected family thing, but if that’s the case, I can’t help but wonder – although it’s ABSOLUTELY NONE OF MY BUSINESS – why it’s SP taking MIL and not OMWC taking M to these appointments. (I trust there’s SOME good reason.) The main time I asked for hubby’s help with Mom was when I brought Mom home from the adult day care, she couldn’t climb the three back steps up into the house, she ended up sagging down to the ground (in Ohio in October,) and I couldn’t get her up. After I called him for help, he had to stop for gas. I thought he’d never get there. That’s when I knew it was time for Mom to go into “the home.”
I’m not here to make excuses for others. I’m only responsible for my own actions, and my actions have always been to care for those that cared for me; and I do not see that as exceptional, just something one should do. (Like I said, SP knows my story)
You trust correctly.
And I never hesitate to do the physical stuff.
Because I have a medical background, of a sort, and I am a great patient advocate. I still study medical issues seriously and I don’t take BS from staff or physicians. OMWC is much less patient and doesn’t have my background. I don’t need anyone to interpret most of what the tests and records mean, for instance. I can ask the follow-up questions on the spot.
Also, I love my mother-in-law. She is a kind and sweet and charming lady, and my heart aches for her. I love her as if she were my own Mom.
(He’s also currently spending all day every day applying for jobs all over the country and doing phone interviews, while also setting up a new company with a fellow Glib.)
Since we’re both working from home at the moment, we tend to spell each other on and off all day. It’s developed into a predictable rhythm.
Thank you! Because I “know” you in the context of your tech expertise, I’d forgotten about your medical background. Hooray for sensible division of labor! It sounds as if the two of you have it down as well as anyone in your situation can. I wish you both the very best.
This is it exactly.
When my Mom was in a rehab center during the illness that killed her five years ago, she had a roommate who had an absolutely horrible family, and no resources.
Since I can work from anywhere, I went back home and lived there for the 5 months or so Mom was in the rehab center and visited with her most of the day, every day, including weekends. I never once met her roommate’s family, who were actually local. She was a nice lady, too. My mother witnessed the son-in-law coming to take the roommate to a doctor’s appointment 1/2 mile away one morning. Before he even said “Good morning” he held out his hand and said, “Where’s my $25 for the ride?”
(PS. Yes, I do magic shit. I’m working on a marketing plan for it now!)
The golden rule applies to your elders even more so than anyone else you interact with.
I saw my wife’s eye Dr. back in December. First time since….I dunno. Childhood, I guess. I only remember going when I was about 4 or 4 and a kid threw a stick and intentionally hit me in the eye
Yes-for work/computer things, and for reading really small print
Que? No drops, but he used some air blowing device. Was warned it would be disconcerting. It was totally fine.
That I don’t get as many compliments on my eyes as I did in my younger days. Does that count?
Yes. The answer is always yes.
How often do you see an eye doctor?
Once every blue moon.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
Do you let them do the drops?
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
None that I know of but my vieis slowly getting worse over time.
Is SP a saint for taking her MIL for these horrific treatments?
Hell yes.
I am really, REALLY surprised that this whole article hasn’t prompted more of a response form you, Chafed.
How so? Serious question.
Dare I flip the script here??
Oh, I dare!
LOL! You win tonight’s thread.
1. I didn’t think of it.
2. I don’t know why.
3.If I did then I’d fear SP’s wrath.
#3–really? Oh, dear….
SP is too busy reading the next post to strike you with lightening.
Also, an even more entertaining take on it.
1. Haven been to an actual doctor in years. I should go.
2 Glasses. Don’t like the idea of contacts.
3. I haven’t gone recently probably I should if I go
4 Not that I know.
5. Depends if you have ulterior motives like a huge diamond she has you want as a gift or something.
Good morning glibs
Something something Vampire something something.
C’s got a way with words.
An ‘N’ word!? Thank you for showing me how problematic that movie is, I must go burn my entire DVD collection now.
No, no….just hid them under your
mattresscouch cushionspile of hay.*hide
Beat me to it.
Please; fuck off, Claire.
The horror! A state with a balanced budget amendment might run a surplus?! The money must be spent! Why do you hate Teh chillenz!?
I think it’s time to go back to chopping off the hands of thieves so they can’t hide.
Well, I fear that will just lead to #HandicapableRights being the new battleground.
Also, see what I did there?
Thieves gonna thieve.
I guess “affordable housing” is more sympathetic than where the money is really gonna go.
You know what would make housing affordable? Getting rid of zoning laws. But shhh; that shall never be said.
Zoning, permitting fees & process, occupational licensing, building codes… It’s government imposed costs all the way down.
Handouts to the politically connected plays better than cutting government regulations that increase the cost of housing.
“Just enter your name and date of birth to see if YOU have any unclaimed property in Colorado!”
::enters name and d.o.b.::
“Congratulations! You have $375.00 in unclaimed property. THis property has been confiscated by the State of Colorado, to provide housing for for those affected by the State’s other housing laws. Thank you for your generosity.”
How often do you see an eye doc?
Once every two years, as insurance allows.
Do you wear either glasses or contacts?
Glasses for computer work and distance.
Do you let them do the drops?
One eye doctor had a fancy machine that wasn’t covered by insurance, no drops were required and he never found anything in my eyes. Then I switched to another doc without a machine, she did drops and found a cataract in one of my eyes. Though, it didn’t grow, according to her, in the last two years. I visited her twice in two years.
Do you have any more serious eye issues?
No. But my relatives have had many serious eye issues.
I’m lucky to have been blessed with 20/10 since youth. It’s gone down to 20/20 from staring at computers so much, but I’ve been lucky. The better to see things like this:
1. Every two years, approximately
2. Contacts
3. Sure, the drops don’t bother me that much
4. No other serious problems, just near-sighted and astigmatism
5. Without a doubt SP is a saint!
1) Never.
2) No
3) See (2)
4 No
5) But of course…
I may not have been blessed with coordination or muscle mass — but apparently I have around 20/10 vision. Most folks at work can’t even read my xterms (security through 6-point font!)
Of course, I expect it to deteriorate soon as I’m not a spring chicken either.
Pixels have gotten smaller on my monitor, so a 6-point font covers fewer inches of screen real estate than it used to.
Seriously, the monitors have stayed roughly the same size, but it’s gone from 800 pixels across to somewhere around two thousand.