Yes, cocaine was involved. That’s our Brett. But at least he called in for a I’m All Fucked Up Day, and the Old Man, being unemployed and having nothing better to do, stepped in. And watch it, I have a blowgun concealed under my tallis and I know how to use it.
Shit, sloopy did all the birthdays. Well, OK, he saved me the effort. Yayy, sloop!
May as well do news, then.
How to win friends and raise consciousness. That will convince everyone!
Note the chart at the top of the article. Well, there goes the narrative.
Four different kinds of brown. That’s diversity!
The Island of Dr. Moreau. Seriously, this is geeky-cool.
Isn’t this the cousin of one of us?
Old Guy Music today features the Birdthday Boy. And a wonderfully complex little ditty, accompanied by an incredibly young Miles as a bonus.
Fuck off, Tulpa.
Remember Ohio Orin from TOS? He was big on being first. Maybe OO WAS Tulpa.
Congrats Tulpa.
Did not comment on the content of the post.
Surely he was referring to the geek link. “Scientists unveil the first-ever image of quantum entanglement.”
Are they sure?
Or was the entanglement only because they were taking a picture?
Are you talking about the Girls Do Porn link from the previous thread?
Thank God Glibs Do Porn isn’t a thing yet.
Maybe if it was we’d have more female libertarians.
Have you ever SEEN a Glib?
I feel sorry for the chicks. GDP seems like the sort of assholes to rerelease the videos and publish which Doe is which.
It is one thing to accuse Glibs of being cool, being hipsters, of wearing monocles, of polishing their own monocles, or buying orphans, but a line shall be drawn at doxxing.
What’s next? Accusing a drinking, gambling, adulterer from Cobb County of playing checkers?
If Glibs do start their own GDP, don’t forget to revise it quarterly.
I’m pretty sure I won’t be featured. If I am I’ll resign my Glibness ’cause even the orphans would revolt.
* clap (not golf) *
To celebrate India’s Independence Day on August 15, which honored the country’s independence from the British Empire in 1947, Cadbury introduced the limited-edition Unity Bar. It features in a single block four different types of chocolate: dark, blended, milk and white. The outside packaging also features graphics of faces with a spectrum of skin tones.
Since it’s India, there should be four different types of spiced chocolate — cinnamon, ginger, chile, etc. The white chocolate could be flavored with juniper.
I could go for some ghost pepper dark chocolate.
Why? You won’t even be able to taste the chocolate.
Of course you would.
Unless you lack the nerve receptors to react to capsacin, you won’t taste anything but the ‘heat’.
In my fridge, I have a store made pico de gallo in a container – it’s about 12 oz. I diced one ghost pepper and added it to the container. It was stirred thoroughly and allowed to sit over night. I can still taste the salsa along with the heat and the chips. You can also taste the zingy citrus of the ghost pepper.
Why are you using ghost peppers for that?
Cuz I like it?
Also, my habanero plant hasn’t produced any ripe fruit yet this year.
I wouldn’t expect your habañera plant to produce any ripe fruit.
Lots of people say that about habaneros too, but I think they have a fruity flavor along with the heat
So-called “white chocolate” is not chocolate. It is a waxen abomination. Dark chocolate is chocolate the way God intended. Milk chocolate is OK in the absence of dark chocolate. Especially if paired with peanut butter.
Dark chocolate isn’t chocolate either. It’s a plant product that hasn’t been fully processed into delicious milk chocolate.
*readies obsidian knife to cut the beating heart of Gustave from his still-living chest*
*stabs Not Adahn for his heretical attack*
Mr. GT and I have often been known to take dark chocolate as an after-dinner dietary supplement.
Gustave is not of the body!
Gustave Lytton is an Alpha, even if he works for others (Cybermen, Daleks). Those of the body are Betas, or Beta 3s.
I can only aspire to a microscopic fraction of cool as Maurice Colbourne was.
He is missed.
Beta 3 was where the people were who thought “You are not of the body!” is bad.
I made the mistake once of getting some lindt(?) super dark chocolate. 90% maybe?
Holy mackerel, it was decidedly not good. Ill stick to the regular dark chocolate and milk chocolate.
Chocolate needs a little bit of additives for the flavor to come out — like adding water to 120+ proof whiskey.
It’s been a little while, but I recall 85% being just about ideal.
That is a lot of percentages. 99%?? Bless their heart.
I like whatever the “standard” dark is. Milk chocolate is gross.
You have no taste.
I used to travel to Europe a lot. I would pick up the darkest chocolate I could get my hands on. Depending upon the brand, I generally liked chocolate in the 77% to 85% cocoa solids (that doesn’t leave much room for sugar). I did have a nice French chocolate that was about 92% cocoa solids, but only a little bit at a time.
Ghiradelli has some nice dark chocolates in the middle 80s that I am fond of.
It really does depend on the maker. Some of them, anything much above 70% becomes tasteless. Others can get very high.
The Ghiradelli 86% is what we buy. Excellent.
You are clearly a gentleman of good taste.
I am currently obsessed with the Intense Dark Salted Caramel Cascade. Just enough sweet and salt to make the chocolate divine.
I also add it to my chili.
I tried some 99% dark chocolate once. It wasn’t that good.
My sweet spot is between the mid 70s and mid 80s.
This is the correct opinion on chocolate.
Chocosphere is a great place to get lots of different chocolates to try. They have things I can find in stores, like variety packs suchly:
I’ve had Valrhona in the distant past. I don’t recall whether I liked it or not.
Is the chocolate bar broken into half and one half broken again, all covered in a cherry gel?
And to celebrate India’s post colonial history, you have to stand in a bread line for 57 years before you’ll be able to buy the bar.
Ooh! Guido bars are on sale!
I have no idea if it’s any good or not, I just wanted an excuse to post “Guido bar. “
Hey limeys, here you go!
Oh wait – no guns.
Never mind. Enjoy your chaos!
Oh, do they not have plumbing supplies in England either?
Actually, I wonder if they couldn’t easily make slamfire shotguns if all their plumbing in metric…
That’s pretty sweet. I could capture Bald Eagles for my collection of Bald Eagle talons.
“Remind me to avoid Soho.” That’s your choice. It is their choice to have a different lifestyle. And oddly, that it is legal there. At least no taxes or the suset of borrowing to be repaid by taxes is subsidizing it.
Since it’s a vegan pub, at least there will be fewer fatties flopping around.
So there is even less incentive to go.
Chips and beer are vegan. And pretzels. Corn nuts might be fried in animal fat.
Chips should be fried in tallow.
Pub Pretzels are supposed to have cheese.
Hipster: confirmed.
Avocados are not food.
“everybody likes avocados so I will be vocal in my dislike for them”
Hipster confirmed, again.
By your mindreading rationale, everyone here is.
I hope you’re amusing yourself.
So what you are saying is that you didn’t like things before it was cool not to like things?
Avocado guacamole and avocado toast are passe’. Calabacitas is the new avocado for hipsters, such as Uncivil Servant.
No, Leap. I just don’t like things.
Someone is reeeeally stretching the definitions of “harnessed” and “practical.”
From the CIA’s Twitter: We know it’s not fall yet… but we’re in the business of anticipating things before they happen. #PSL
The best response:
why the fuck are government organizations trying to be relatable lmao. y’all are using money you stole from my paycheck to maintain a social media presence?
I admire that commenter and will miss him.
Like the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Are you sure? Or is that meme a “conspiracy theory” and/or “fake news?” Are both the pro-Trumpers and the anti-Trumpers entitled to their own facts?
Cutting down the Amazon!!! How horrible these white devils are. This would never happen if this land was still held by the noble natives. (they only burned it down, didn’t have the metal tools for the slashing).
A nude pub? Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. I don’t much take to the idea of sitting where someone else’s bare rear end has been camping out.
Fuck the Nats.
No one likes them.
Expos fan.
Remind me to avoid Soho.
This should have been the music selection.
Positive changes in my favorite BOS lounge: CNN is on mute and there’s self-pour champagne. Something to do during a 1.5 hour delay.
Teachers have admitted that the use of anatomical terms makes them ‘uncomfortable’, a sex education consultant says
However, they did use the terms whisker biscuit, banana basket, sausage wallet, furry furnace, deer hoof, sugar hole, dinner roll, and tool shed.
The First GMO Salmon is Coming to a Store Near You
Indiana salmon? Madness.
But has it been genetically modified so that the raised salmon is healthier and tastier than caught salmon? Raised herring and salmon do not seem to be there yet.
Ora King Salmon from New Zealand. Some of the best sushi I’ve ever had.
Was wondering if the self-proclaimed “wagyu of salmon” is up to the hype and the price. What do you think of the idea of pink salmon caught in Russian waters served with BBQ sauce and Costa Rican butternut squash?
Would depend on the bbq sauce. The harvest this year was pretty epic.
Anyone here want to participate in crowdsourcing arguments for and against banning commercial fishing, hunting, and so on of unowned animals but allowing recreational and subsistence fishing, hunting, and so on of unowned animals? This hypothetical ban would not include owned animals, so owners could themselves or authorize others to fish, hunt, etc. them. Let the debate begin.
In the U.S., commercial hunting is already illegal.
We need to overturn these bans on commercial hunting. We have an overpopulation of commercial to the point of infestation.
So the argument is “It’s illegal, therefore bad?” Marijuana?
That’s nothing. They raise millions of pounds of shrimp in Minnesota. Shrimp! Good thing we stole the land from the Dakota tribes. Not once in there entire history were they able to grow shrimp.
“In a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes, they don’t like hearing it and find it difficult to say whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson.”
See? It’s easy. Vagina. Vagina. Vaginavaginavagina. Come on, everybody!
Just to drive my spousal unit nuts, I always referred to the Vancouver Art Gallery as the “Vag.”
“Head” teacher?
There has to be a porn with that title.
I call foul! Toto is not a rock band.
How is the Great Glib Job Search going? I know a number of you are interviewing. I had a third interview last week, and am waiting impatiently for a final decision. No word yet, and the recruiter is off tomorrow, so I may have to wait until next week. Seems like a good gig, 100% work from home except for one in-office meeting a year. Meanwhile, at the current job, we are still understaffed and everything is ZOMG EMERGENCY!!!1!!
Slowly. “You’re very accomplished, but you’re like a million years old.”
Tell them to hire you, or you won’t let them in on the secret to immortality.
Lean forward and point your lapel pin directly at their face and say ‘would you remind repeating your statement that my age is an issue? Slowly and enunciate clearly please.”
Huh. Small world.
When did the interview process start taking 6 steps that last a month?
I’ve never had more than one interview. I don’t know why they’s drag it out for more than one or two.
Well, when the job involves more than saying, “Fries with that?” then the interviews are more extended.
I’ve not worked fast food. I figured they needed at least ten interviews. Sysadmins are less important, so we get away with just one interview.
First its a phone screener with a recruiter who is kind of stupid and missppels everything in a sad way. Second, a phone screener with a manager of some sort for an hour. Third, a phone screener with a regional director and HR something who will ask you to recite the company’s values. Fourth, an in-person interview with a person who makes decisions.
Fifth, the drug test.
Then the casting couch.
+1 show us a nipple.
Part of it is also that it costs them a thou or so to fly you in, so they like to have a reasonably good idea that you’re worth it.
Of course, but much of it is wasteful, but I assume that has a lot to do with the increased influence of human resources, too. What I truly loathe is that not one person can answer three questions.
“What’s a typical day like?”
“Uhhh…not sure. You have to ask someone else.”
“Is there relocation assistance?”
“Uhhh…not sure…other person, do you know? No? Uhhhh…”
Our process is interview at conference, then fly out for full day of interviews. They start with HR, who answers some of Crusty’s questions, then give a talk on their research, then a panel interview about whether they want to work here, then lunch, then a technical panel interview, then a one on one that covers typical day, then upper management, then we put them in a cab. The interviewees are using a little shell shocked by then.
Yeah, the ones I’ve gotten farthest on were HR telephone screen, then senior managers telephone screen, then in person with top managers. I’m on Stage 3 with one company, Stage 2 with another.
My last megacorp job also went like that, but half hour into stage 3 (the all day process starting with the general manger, then moving on to the other managers), the GM said, “You’re getting the offer, spend the time in the next interviews asking the guys what they want you to get prepared to do.” He ended up being the best boss I ever had.
The interviewees are us[ually] a little shell shocked by then.
Heh. A little?
When I was a young ‘un gettin’ ready to graduate from the MBA program, I had an all-day interview with 10 (!) VPs from Northern Telecom in Calgary during February ’89. One. After. The. Other. I realized before lunch that I didn’t want to work there when I discovered that 8 out of the 10 VPs were divorced.
Two days later, my “Thanks, but no thanks” letter crossed their “You’re just not Northern Telecom material” somewhere in Canada Post’s system. One of the few times that I and a potential/future employer were in complete agreement.
Northern went TUITG in the late 90s/early Oughts, and it didn’t surprise me a bit.
Seems like the thing to do now. This time it was a recruiter, then a project manager, then a video conference with the manager and some other developers, and follow up calls with the recruiter. Plus a skills and psych test. I guess they are looking for someone to last a long time.
I’m still in a low key search mode. Applied to a former employer for a job I was a couple years too junior to qualify for. As expected, I didn’t hear back. Realistically, I’m another year and a half away from beginning to qualify for anything offered in-house besides my current job. There also haven’t been many jobs available in my niche over the past few months, so I’ve sent out only a handful of resumes.
Still, I’m pretty well convinced that the current company isn’t a long term solution. The department is an unorganized mess, and I’ll be getting my third training in 18 months on unconscious bias next month. I’m still not convinced that feminist coworker won’t try to embroil me in some sort of harassment farce, and Im pretty sure that I won’t be promoted to our intermediate level for another 4 or 5 years, which would get me to a senior level role most places, including here in years past.
EF had success finding a new job; and she will be missed in the Glibs world since her contract basically says “no internet outside of work usage”; that and the billable hours she has to meet.
Weird thing – she wasn’t actively looking for a job but just decided to send her resume to this firm on a lark.
And now that I’m free of providing healthcare insurance and the mortgage payments, I’m once again thinking of a career change. I don’t know what it would be but something less IT and more hands-on. Something engine builder something pimp
She will be missed, but I suppose our socialization isn’t as important as everything else on that list.
It is one of our social outlets – minus a few friends, we rarely do much outside of the family unless it is a block or pool party.
Now I’m sad.
I hope to see something like this in your future.
The smear marks down the side don’t work.
So I’ll need to visit you guys to see her naked?
Something engine builder something pimp
The burgeoning sexbot industry has your name written all over it.
Pimpbot 5000?
My countdown to my second retention bonus is going. I expect I will jump ship sometime around then. It’s far enough out that I’m trying very hard to look. Probably after the New Year that will change.
Good luck to those looking.
“that I’m not trying very hard to look”
Low key hunting, but its dreary. Starting to bump into the “too old” and “too experienced” category. Had an interview for an assistant brewer position. Young guy who got really huffy when I asked him a technical question he obviously didn’t know.
On the other hand, slacking off at a camera store isn’t too bad, except for the lack of pay, and I’ll be able to do the Appalachian Trail next summer.
“Note the chart at the top of the article. Well, there goes the narrative.”
Oh, it is only BRAZILIAN Amazon that is affected. So, zero impact on placing orders to and receiving deliveries from Amazon for those in G-7 countries?
This article seems additional proof of my thesis that Idiocracy had the direction of society’s intellectual degeneracy wrong. It isn’t coming from more stupid people, it’s coming from dumber “smart” people.
Dumb people are getting smarter because of the internet, or at least some of the are.
Linking to your own tweet seems kinda needy, also the tweet you are responding to has apparently been memory-holed. Who was it again, some dude from Toto?
I had to because the original was taken down in shame. But still worthy of pointing and laughing.
You’re obviously surviving just fine, fatty. But the world wants you to fuck off and die. Why won’t you do what the world tells you to?
White House Hopes Revived Space Command Is One Giant Leap Toward Proposed Space Force
It’s the Real Americans vs Globalists vs Communists for Space superiority and I for one like our chances.
That was the game with the trackball, wasn’t it?
Missile Command
Floridian Glibs, remember Hurricane Matthew a few years ago, that hugged the coast pretty much from Miami to Jacksonville? It’s possible that Dorian could do that again.
European model as of this afternoon.
I was promised a European model in that pick, and you gave us a storm track.
Damn. Be safe!
robc might get some validation if his target house is built high enough. Or far enough back from the beach.
Not the European model I was hoping for.
Here you go.
Cute, but I like this Alpine better.
Very nice, but this makes me tingle a little.
Well, yeah.
My sister bought a new Z3 back in 2001. Damn fine car.
I drove a Z3 from 2000 – 2010. Put over a quarter of a million miles on it. Loved it.
HVAC built in Fort Worth
And it worked in the TX summer! GJ FW.
That looks extremely clean.
Yikes. Yesterday it looked like it was going to shoot across Florida (does that happen?).
Maybe this one will follow the coast up to me like they sometimes do.
That high is going to weaken and slide east. This thing will run up the coast, but far enough offshore to not be a problem. Stamp it. (Because I don’t want to be down there next week coordinating our company’s response).
I just checked again and the early models today were almost all in agreement. The most recent runs are diverging again. Say it with me. FISH STORM!
That would be the worst case scenario. Hopefully not, because my in laws are debating evacuating to my house, which is fine if they will just make up their mind. I don’t want to be planning for 2 people then suddenly be responsible for 8.
As a tax, here’s a different type of European model (not nude, but Q-level NSFW)–super-hot-babes-european-models.jpg
There’s nothing Q about that.
Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.
Florida Man vs. hurricane.
And the others as of 1800 UTC 29 August 2019:
Amusing article on the latest Brexit antics.
Boris Blindsides Bolshy Remainers
In other parts of Europe, Salvini ousted. His gamble back fired. He likely would have won an election but those bastard Five Star Movement (NEVER ally yourself with left-wingers) went a made a deal with the Liberal-Democrats something they vowed to voters they wouldn’t do. Now Conte is back in there thanks to that prick Di Maio.
Salvini had the will of the people on his side.
Rough week for the right.
Hemorrhoid Treatment Device Market Expected to Witness the Highest Growth 2024
“The future is hemorrhoids.”
Karnak the Magnificent: ABCDEFG.
Ed McMahon: ABCDEFG.
Karnak: Name the preparations that came before Preparation H.
I learned from a proctologist that everyone has hemorrhoids. He said we are born with them. Who knew?
So the “you know who else” joke isn’t going to work here.
Well, you could go with “you know who else learned something from a proctologist?”
Cosmo Kramer?
Richard Gere?
He was ‘ageddon it.
Farrah Fawcett?
invisible finger?
Winston’s Mom?
The dental practice I go to has gone green. The still give a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss at the end of the visit–but now without a small plastic bag.
You should ask them if it wouldn’t be a little more eco-friendly if they didn’t just flip their rubber gloves inside out and wear them for a second patient, the way you can flip a condom inside out for a second use.
So you have to carry that all separately like an uncivilized barbarian?
Or just not hand them out at all. Who doesn’t already have that stuff?
I suspect they’re getting paid to from someone.
That’s just cutting expenses and selling it as if they’re doing you a favor. My dentist has advertising from Crest on his plastic bags.
Did anyone else get “New UN high-seas treaty must close gaps in biodiversity governance” as the top story on the sidebar when going to “Scientists unveil the first-ever image of quantum entanglement?” Apparently, their outrage is because in their Utopia, the proposal would include “all fish species in international waters, not just the commercial species.” Milton Friedman at least once said, “The only way you will ever solve problems, in my opinion, in moving the direction we want to move, is by making it a political interest of the wrong people to do the right thing.” If that is what it takes to sink a would-be treaty that does wrong things in the name of protecting biodiversity instead of, you know, protecting biodiversity…
Ex-Secret Service dog credited with stopping White House intruder to receive British award
Dogs aren’t your friends – they are British spies.
Awwww. Good boy!
I remember a few years ago when the Capitol Police where gave a medal to a hero dog. I guess people didn’t like it because the medal was copper jacketed lead and it was awarded intravenously.
Photon porn huh?
So now we know what rings his Bell.
Rockland County GOP slammed for ‘anti-Semitic’ attack ad
We need to build more walls…
the perpetually aggrieved have been trying to link this attack ad with no-shit physical assaults against Orthodox Jews by black dudes.
The whole forced vaccination thing was blatantly anti-Hasidic, too, but that was OK because it was TEAM BLUE doing it.
Meh, NYers seem so authoritarian that I think they’d have freaked out if it was a group of wypipo that were refusing the vaccinations too.
Although I find it a weee bit abhorrent that the Assembly decreed as a matter of law that no “real” religion opposed vaccination.
They is horrifying.
^this is safe for work FYI
My work disagrees – they block Imgur.
I’m at home though… and don’t have a comment related to the content.
The Internet Just Dragged LeBron James For His ‘Sexy’ Squats. Here’s How to Do Them Right.
What a bad role model.
He doesn’t even hit 90 degrees. I’m mad now!
He’s not supposed to. He’s squatting to jump and decelerate from running better, which are, you know, kind of important for basketball. Squatting to that depth has better carry over for those two activities than ass-to-grass squatting. This book explains the concept well and is crazy-cheap for reasons that no-one knows.
Either this multimillionaire does things the way I want or we will have to part ways amicably.
I can’t argue with that.
Thanks. Just purchased.
i dunno. will have to research. my main concern is that not squatting to full depth will decrease mobility in your posterior chain.
and especially sports where you live in the 90 degree position, not squatting to depth would be especially detrimental. *cough* ice hockey *cough*
Get ready to jump, notice where your legs are. Unless you are like a 4 year old, you probably are about a third to a half way down. Muscles increase strength most at the joint angle at which you train them.
“decrease mobility” is another way of saying “increasing stability”. He isn’t training for anything and everything. He’s training for sport-specific outcomes. The more like the sport you make the training, the more you get good carry over.
As another example, he has his feet out wide. That’s because a NBA player (a lot like a NFL running back) needs to change lateral direction a lot. That requires the quads and hip extensors to push while the leg is … uh… externally rotated at the hip (I think is the terminology).
But Don’t Take My Word For It. Read A Book.
lol nerd
+blind guy in a golf visor
. Quartersquat training elicited significant (p#0.05) transfer losses intothe isometric maximal and explosive strength behavior. Thesefindings therefore contest the concept of superior angle-specific transfer effects. Deep front and back squats guaranteeperformance-enhancing transfer effects of dynamic maximalstrength to dynamic speed-strength capacity of hip and kneeextensors compared with quarter squats.
Based on the present findings, quarter squats are an inappropriate exercise to enhance vertical jump performance. Although the present research project involved moderately trained physical education students,the obtained findings make the use of quarter squats in elite athletes questionable. A lower training status should havebeen advantageous for neural transfer effects in the quarter squat, which did not occur.
Based on functional aspects,only a deep squat can be used as an effective generalstrength training exercise. Solely, deep joint positionsprovide the required neural and morphological stimuli forthe hip and knee extensors to positively influence theacceleration process.
Given the small sample size of most exercise science studies, and the inability to control for cofounders, you really need to synthesize the entire field. You can’t just be a pubmed warrior.
I don’t have time to go through it now, but the bulk of the evidence, taken as a whole, shows partial squats carry over to jumping better than full depth squats
So I took a quick look over dinner, and the first thing I looked for what the population being studied. They where almost all non-resistance trained. James has been resistance training for, what, 20+ years. Plus, he’s an elite level skill athlete, where as these people were all just rando college kids.
There’s a principal that the more well conditioned a person is, the more specific their training has to be. For an absolute noob like the subjects here, they are going from 0 to any resistance training. You’ll never get the results as fast as noob gains. That’s why a newb power lifter can spend an entire year doing nothing but full-rom squat, full-rom deadlift, and full-rom bench and make good progress. They aren’t expending any recovery resources or mental energy on learning variations, so they get more out of the one basic full-rom movement.
But you take the old grocknards at Westside, who don’t walk in the front door until they are already experienced, accomplished lifters. They can’t make advances just doing the full-rom lifts. They need to do a million and one close variations like band-assisted SSB squat to a box, then chained high-bar buffalo-bar squat, then close-stance low-bar, etc etc etc based on the particular weak point in their lift.
James is more like the Westside lifter that needs hyper-specific work to eak out a very marginal improvement (or marginal slow-down in degradation, given his age).
James doing a month of squat’s isn’t just different in magnitude from Chucklhead McUntrainedCollegestudent. Its different in kind.
That looks interesting – thanks.
Looks like a pretty normal sumo high-bar squat to me.
Who cares about the O’s? Why no video of the Twins Rally Squirrel?
The Cardinals pioneered the rally squirrel, though to the credit of this latest RS, I don’t think the Redbirds’ rally squirrel ventured into their dugout.
The first night the Rally Squirrel showed up, it ran into the White Sox’ dugout and they won the game. Next night it ran into the Twins’ dugout and they won.
For hyper little rodents, they sure seem like they have outsized influence. It is like they are the (((them))) of the animal kingdom.
Fucking pussies jumping out of the way.
Maybe they think it’s rabid?
but rabids are cute!
There has not been a documented case of rabies via squirrel bite in Minnesota since 1941.
That’s because people now jump when squirrels approach.
Why does cable internet gear have so many fucking leds? The router has two lights next to each ethernet port, one led lights up if a cable is plugged in (as if I couldn’t see that), and another led blinks to show data. Then there are more lights on the front. In addition to lights on the front and back, the modem has a bunch of lights on the PCB, that as far as I can tell do nothing but shine out the ventilation holes. These aren’t dim lights either. You can read by them.
You can’t. There is a “plugged-in” state where the cable looks like it’s in, but the electrical connectors haven’t connected.
As for the internal lights, They are way to bright, but typically they provide debug data for tech who’ll enver look at it because it’s cheaper and easier to replace a home router, but the engineers who built the thing assume everyone will want to identify exactly what went wrong instead of just restoring services.
That’s not plugged in, although I guess there could be some technically challenged people who can’t plug in a cable.
If they they need to use LED’s for debug data for some inexplicable reason, they could use little red ones, not bright white that belong in a flashlight. Any tech would need sunglasses.
From my time on a helpdesk, that’s a non-negligable part of the computer using public.
And if it’s your day job plugging/unplugging dozens at a time, the odds are that one eventually not be fully seated.
At my first job working at Andersen Consulting it was common to put some scotch tape over someone’s ethernet cable and then plug it in. Sure looked like everything was good, but it didn’t work. Then you’d watch as a developer, the help desk person and the network guy got into a huge argument about what was wrong and who was the idiot.
When too many people got wise to the scotch tape trick the next thing was to break the ethernet wires in the middle of the cable. Same results. The only change was that the victim was sure to check for scotch tape first and could be heard telling the help desk guy “YES! I checked for scotch tape.”
This was a consulting firm in a frat house?
Those who can’t, teach. Those who aren’t old enough to teach, consult.
Still maybe my favorite job of all time. I’ve never worked anywhere with so many smart ambitious people. The system was set up to ruthlessly cull out the people that couldn’t hack it.
I wish I had appreciated it more at the time.
It sounds more like it was set up to cultivate sociopaths.
Here’s a fun prank. Get on your coworkers system and capture a screen shot of all their desktop and all their open windows. Then close all the windows and make the screenshot the desktop background.
For the Windows users, you can also set every color in the system to be black. Let them figure out how to restore it.
They just call the helpdesk, and it gets reimaged.
Back in the day, we used to have major fun with ResEdit on people’s Macs. Like disappearing every desktop icon.
Standard troubleshooting protocol is “try a different cable”
And I don’t get people who thing messing with someone else’s machine is “a prank”.
Scheint legitim.
Allies klar, ja.
Kids these day have no idea.
My router looked like a fucking ufo taking off. I covered the leds with black electrical tape.
I have many led festooned devices that have electrical tape over various leds.
I covered the ones in front, but I don’t want to block the vent holes.
Set it up as a reading lamp.
Mine has a button to shut off the leds. Brilliant engineering decision.
Mine does too… wait, that’s the power button.
Makes it faster.
I also enjoy figuring out the color schemes and iconography. Is the blue/yellow blinking turd good or bad?
“Okay, what are the lights on your modem doing?”
“It’s blinking plaid.”
Trans activism’s latest trick: vandalizing women’s shelters
Not all Canadians are good people, apparently.
Feminists have a long history of perpetrating hate hoaxes.
True, but anti-TERF hate is de rigeur among the black-bandanna-bike-lock-and-brick crowd.
I hate that I know what “TERF bangs” are, thanks to this site.
I haven’t seen any antifa support from trans people, but almost all the trans people I know irl or follow online are center to libertarian. However it could be “trans activists” who aren’t trans. The left is riddled with third-party grievance mongering.
The war between TERFs and trans(+allies) has been very…interesting to say the least.
I was just about ready to sell off my giant inflatable rat business. There aren’t as many union strikes these days so business has been falling. Sounds like a new revenue stream has opened up.
“Not all Canadians are good people, apparently.”
“You also had some very fine people on both sides.”
Point of personal privilege. Some people are offended by all caps and some people find “Nazi” to be triggering. The tolerant terms are “fans of Mein Kampf” or “National Socialists.” “Socialist” is “social.” “Socialists” are activists against capitalism’s “property rights” and for mandatory de-platforming and de-personing in physical space and not just cyber space.
Can someone explain me two things. One, how does SI have 1.77 million followers but almost no comments? Sports fans are highly opinionated so you would think there would be more. Two, why is it so hard to get out of a Time Share? All I hear are ads for lawyers specializing in getting people out of a Time Share.
You can buy followers. They’re not real people, so they don’t make comments.
Because time shares are borderline fraud designed to get you stuck paying fees year over year even if you never touch the property.
I’ve been thinking about selling my house and buying a high rise condo in downtown. The big stumbling block is $600/month in fees. Sure there is a pool, gym, common areas and staff, but come on.
$600 a month is really cheap.
That’s not the rent/mortgage that’s just the fee to live in the apartment you’ve already paid for.
Yes. Still cheap.
I guess I’m a cheapskate then, because I only pay 310/month for pool, lawn and pet waste removal and I have exclusive use of the pool and lawn.
In what area are $600/mo. condo fees cheap?
San Fran? NYC? Tokyo?
But not of the pet waste?
You can’t own pet waste. It’s god’s Pet waste.
Cheap isn’t the right word – slightly high? but I don’t know Florida prices.
I’ve been too involved with NYC or NYC-area real estate discussions and my cheap meter was off.
Both of my siblings were looking at places in White Plains, NY (not even the city). The two that I had in mind were around 425,000 and with feels over 600 (for downtown White Plains, not exactly a hotbed of hot), and the other was like 800,000 and had fees in four figures for some higher end place.
People pay to live in nyc?
My negotiation would start with “how much are you going to pay me?”
I love my timeshare. But, I use it, and because of the exchange I get three weeks (in various places) out of it. I also bought it on the secondary market. If I’d paid the price from the company it would not be worth it.
specializing in getting people out of a Time Share.
You don’t get the “Don’t pay your credit card bills” ones, those seem to be all I hear, but they rub me the wrong way so confirmation bias etc…
I hear those all the time.
And the ones about Mesothelioma and personal injury and Martin, Harding and Mazzotti (who do it again!) and….well….there are many.
Stop watching Tv and free radio. You’re welcome.
This is on Sirius – and some TV.
I rarely watch TV now.
And, while I’m at it, I spent too much time here.
You’re hearing it on sxm? You must listen to the talk stations.
The Radio Classic channel is where I hear the adds.
Of course I do.
How else do I keep myself perpetually angry and jaded?
I only listen to the music channels and I haven’t heard adds.
I really wish Radio Classic would just keep the old commercials. Like don’t cut the Chesterfield commercials out of the Dragnet eps. I want to hear Joe Friday talk about how wonderful cigarettes are while monologuing about how terrible marijuana is.
I enjoy the Fibber and Molly in show ones, People apparently used to just wax the fuck out of everything in their homes.
I don’t even have a TV (he smugged) and I pay SXM for my radio, some channels still have commercials *Shruggy punctuation thing*
Re: Timeshares => Insufficient ingenuity. If you can’t make yourself such an inconvenience to work with that your business partners would be willing to terminate your contract early, well, I just don’t know what to say.
Uffda. I just show and be me and business partners are falling all over themselves to sever our relationship. Does that make me ingenious?
You say that like you don’t know exactly what malicious compliance is.
I went to Memphis State. Those two words are both several syllables too long for any Tiger alum to process.
Two, why is it so hard to get out of a Time Share?
Because the supply waaaaaay outstrips the demand, and the people who are suckered into joining are usually not people who can take a loss selling the thing.
I got a free vacation out of a timeshare company for the cost of listening to their 90 minute schpiel. 3 hours later, I walked out without the additional free shit because I was sick of yelling at people to process my paperwork and let me leave. Everybody should sit through one of those presentations at least once in their life for educational purposes. It’s every shady sales tactic turned up to 11. Oh, and the free vacation to Galveston? Shitty hotel, 4′ of rotting seaweed covering the beach, and the most fun we had was on the pier in Texas City. Can’t say I regret the experience (it was a free vacation) , but once was enough.
We got a super deal on a week in vacation thanks to Marriott/Northwest Airlines. My wife didn’t tell me until we got there that it included a time share pitch.
Long story short, my wife fell in love with the place and we bought a timeshare. She is the cheapest person on the planet and when she wanted to spend money (which I encourage her to do all the time) I seemed like a giant jerk for saying no
The upside is that the place is awesome and we have been back many times and had a great time there. It is also half way between her family in Japan/Korea and Minnesoda, so it has been a great meeting spot.
I sat down and listened for about three minutes for a discount card at a hotel we were already staying at. That was enough.
I forget whether it was $50 or $100 gift card we got if we sat through the whole thing. For the promised 90 minutes? Fine. For 3 hours? I was thisclose to spitting in somebody’s face. I think we walked after 2:15 when it became clear that we had another 45min of waiting before we could get that gift card.
Just how valuable were these gift cards?
Not worth three hours of my time.
I thought everybody knew this. Hell, I remember some sit-com using it as a plot device a few decades ago.
And even recently.
It’s part of many sitcom plots. I remember seeing it on a show on the Disney Channel.
The only timeshare I’ve ever heard of being remotely re-saleable is Disney Vacation Club, and you’re usually still taking a bath. Went to one of their presentations (was on a Disney cruise and was a bit bored and they had free drinks), and the pricing was insane compared to what I’ve seen them for resale. But at least you CAN re-sell them, usually.
My cousin bought one. He kept telling what a great deal it was, but he was perplexed I wasn’t seeing how committing myself to WDW for the rest of my life was a good deal.
Someone else’s schedule, someone else’s property, required fees even if you can’t use it. Where’s the downside?
I’ve had WDW annual passes for the past 5 years (3 weekends a year, and it’s a lot cheaper than buying tickets is) and that’s enough $$$$ to Disney. Committing to the vacation club, as cool as they make it sound, seems nuts.
They live in celebration because his wife is a huge Disney nut, but damn, how much money do you want to give the mouse?
Jesus. They live in Celebration and are DVC members and the wife’s a huge Disney nut? Does his paycheck get auto-deposited into a Disney bank account?
Basically. Poor guy, but he knew that when he married her.
…And the mouse police never sleeps…
Sounds like seat fees at NFL stadiums.
Our favorite condo/hotel in Charleston has timeshares available. We’ve stayed there five time so far, each time luckily dodging the manager, who would give us the pitch to go to the timeshare schpiel. I think they’ve given up on us.
I mean I love Charleston. I love that condo… but not so much that I want to go there EVERY YEAR.
Never buy into a timeshare scam. Ever.
I say timeshare scam because they are all a scam. Period.
I never go the same place twice. Mostly because I’m not welcome back.
I do – if the place is nice and the staff is good. Plus it is centrally located on Market St and most of the places you would want to walk to in Charleston.
My parents are that way. If they like a place they keep going back. I think they are afraid of “wasting “ their vacation trying a new place.
For me it’s a fear of going to a place (hotel, city, state, country) that I don’t like – and feel like my vacation was “wasted”. I liked, for example, Puerto Rico but not enough to go back. I really love Asheville – to the point where I would like to move to the area but we’ve tried different places to stay there, trying to find the best.
Charleston – I love it for the walkabiltiy and the food and the shopping and the beautiful streets – especially when the tourists have all left. We try to go to the “locals” restaurants and bars too.
I just keep thinking “There’s all these other places I haven’t visited yet” so I feel like I’ve wasted my vacation returning to somplace I’ve been unless there’s family there or somesuch.
I guess I’m not much of a traveler – it’s like those old British novels. “Why we always go to Mrs. McGilludies hotel every season.”
It’s a system. If you understand how they work, you can go anywhere. I did the narrow boat rental through my timeshare. I’ll see some place I want to go, and there’s usually a timeshare resort in my exchange there or near by. Most aren’t the buy a week in one place and you have to return on that specific week every year any more. I’ve used it to give my friends a week in the Caribbean for their honeymoon, and gave my brother a week at his honeymoon resort for his 25th anniversary. Plus, the condo aspect means I can invite friends. I’ve also taken my mom to Hawaii and Florida.
If you have time to use it, it’s great. If not, it’s not for you.
I’m a xenophile. But I will keep going back to places I like as long as there’s new things to try/see/do. I almost never order the same thing off the menu until I’ve tried everything on it.
So theme parks are usually a one-and-done for me. But cities (like Quebec) I keep going back to because of those places that looked neat but I didn’t have time to get to last time.
Gee. I started a nice thread. Quite invigorating. Like sex with AOC. I’m tired now. And sickened for having written that. The part about licking Warren’s twat.
/takes another shot of bourbon.
Good job people! Bum taps all around!
Man, you need to take a break. You sound a little ragged. Have someone sew up the seams and unstick the left pupil.
If they shot him, would it have been self defense?
‘I was just saying”Right back atcha”‘ Bullshit, he was miming shooting the dude. shouldn’t be a crime but the fact that he knows he was being a dick and lying about makes me thinks everyone involved here is an asshole.
^^ my assessment too.
Florida Man ™ awaits the arrival of Scrambles the Death Dealer
I never got into that show, which is odd considering I like most of the adult swim programs.
Dethklok knows how to deal with building inspectors.
DUUUDE??? really? Its probably my favorite Adult Swim show.
It just never hooked me. Now Squidbillies? That was my jam.
Trailer for a new Mission Impossible movie.
Love the acting. Quite engrossing.
Men starting to avoid women in workdplace
Well holy jeebus, I am shocked I tell you. No one saw this coming.
The answer to that question, perhaps, is that a lot of men aren’t so much afraid of being accused of anything as they are they are angry that #MeToo ever happened.
Fuck you lady.
/guy who got “jokingly” reported to chief diversity officer for something he didn’t do.
“The answer to that question, perhaps, is that a lot of men aren’t so much afraid of being accused of anything as they are they are angry that #MeToo ever happened.”
No, they aren’t, cunt. You’re angry that it’s backfiring on your dumb ass.
The gaffe that keeps on giving…
Joe Biden told moving military story at campaign stop – but it ‘never happened,’ report says
The controversy surrounds a moving military story — which the former VP claimed to be the “God’s truth” — that Biden told at a campaign stop in New Hampshire earlier this month.
The only problem was that the story was not true, according to The Washington Post.
Biden’s allegedly tall tale was an emotional account of his decision to travel to Afghanistan, despite concerns about visiting a war-torn area, in order to honor a Navy captain for retrieving the body of his dead comrade during battle.
“It appears as though the former vice president has jumbled elements of at least three actual events into one story,” the Post’s Matt Viser and Greg Jaffe wrote.
They added that Biden rattled off a slew of inaccurate facts in the span of just a few minutes.
“In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony,” Viser and Jaffe wrote.
The Post reported that the crowd of 400 people in Hanover fell “silent” and the former vice president gave his “word as a Biden” that the story was true on Friday.
Biden’s retelling was perhaps the most inaccurate version of the story he had told — although it wasn’t the only time he told it, according to the Post.
[head desk]
Damage control underway
CNN pundit defends Biden for war story by comparing him to Reagan
The old man really needs to just…step away from it all and just spend time with his family and loved ones. Also, get some help.
He’s 76 years old and not everyone keeps their mental acuity that late in life. I remember when my dad, then in his early 80s, would just watch news all day, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, all of them and then get all of their stories all mixed together. He would come up with some fantastical stuff, none of which was even close to making sense. I would be like ‘Sure dad, I know, right!’.
He also forgot Obama’s name?
That negro dude who doesn’t even have to speak with a negro dialect when he doesn’t want to?
Somebody published something
She’s now claiming she’s getting death threats. The USA is way too racist and unsafe for her. She should go back to her country and seek the protection of her Muslim brothers.
Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 when she was 17 years old
This is her country.
I knew you were going to day that. No, really.
It was either that or call her a cunt, but I wouldn’t want to lend any credence to her getting death threats so I chose the higher ground. But you do you.
Or, you know, instead of going out of your way to prove some contrarian point, you might try to address the real point, should the USA be giving up our sovereign right to enforce our own border rules, to the UN?
Aww, never mind, just ignore it.
That was the real point? funny your comment said nothing about sovereignty, or borders, or the UN, forgive me if I mistook your point.
Wrong post, everything you post is just so much like the other thing your posted (contrarian non-point), it’s easy to confuse which contrarian point you’re on at the moment. It’s really tiresome and boring.
*cough*Eyepiece has a mute button that one or both of you can use*cough*
“*cough*Eyepiece has a mute button that one or both of you can use*cough*”
Sounds like a good idea at this point.
Oh Em Gee! It works!
Nah, I can handle being challenged, hell being challenged has even swayed my opinion occasionally, I’m not afraid of contentious arguments.
“Delingpole: St Greta of Thunberg – Her Gospel Is Pure Propaganda; Her Cause Is Evil”
Enough with the wish-wash headlines.
Useful idiot, that’s all.
Yesterday, Globo news were showing a video of her heroics, showing her on a boat because she’s sworn off air travel because of evil fossil fuels. I said ‘that boat is running on fossil fuels, she should just swim’. SEA SMITH SAY COME ON IN WATER FINE. SHARKS AGREE.
Since he decided to go to bat for Biden…
Spot the Not: Paul Begala
1. Will we lift our sights to meet his vision?
2. I am actually pro-cursing. I think it’s good. I think we should teach kids to curse, so they don’t use drugs. It doesn’t rot your brain. It doesn’t get you pregnant. It doesn’t kill you, like tobacco.
3. I was against gay marriage until I realized I didn’t have to get one.
4. I mean, for all of his faults and the troubles in his marriage, Bill Clinton is still married to a girl he met in the library 25 years ago at school. Can we say that about many of our other leaders today in America, including on the right wing?
5. Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most investigated couple in American history – now the most thoroughly exonerated couple in American history.
6. I didn’t spend a lot of time on national security the American people will be glad to know.
I’ll say it’s option 6 that’s the faker.
3 is the Not – James Carville said that.
My week in a nutshell
Comparing it to the deer not the song…
That was pretty good.
“AOC says ‘badass’ millennials are the true Greatest Generation ”
That picture, LOL
She’s smoking crack. There’s no other explanation, no one is that stupid.
“There’s no other explanation, no one is that stupid.”
Trolling? That the whole thing is an act for her personal benefit for fame and money?
The problem with that explanation is that she was carefully groomed by a team of SJWs:
It’s like the real-life version of The Candidate, but worse.
I didn’t know chicks did the soy-face too, phew.
“jessica yaniv exposing her man titty on live !! to a kid!!”
17 isn’t a kid, but WTF?
A press spokesman for the group, which is calling itself Heathrow Pause, told TechCrunch: “Over a thousand child are dying as a result of climate change and ecological collapse — already, every single day. That figure is set to significantly worsen. The government has committed to not just reducing carbon emissions but reducing them to net zero — that is clearly empirically impossible if they build another runway.”
What started as a nude charity calendar featuring pub regulars sparked the idea for Coach & Horses to become the first drinking hole to apply for a nudist license. The bar was granted the permit and is now allowed to host nude nights for locals and tourists alike.
You need a license to host nudits in Limey-land? Fuck.
“Over a thousand child are dying as a result of climate change and ecological collapse — already, every single day.”
Umm, science, that evidence thing is so old fashioned.
I’d like to see some backup for that number. Because I’m pretty sure that the actual number directly attributable to climate change is zero.
It’s completely made up bullshit.
I thought the best thing for the environment was to not have kids. So what are they complaining about?
It’s really too late, they should do what their parents failed to do for the planet and abort themselves, now.
Agreed. Use that plastic bag one last time, watermelons.
Our favorite congress cunt does not like that sovereign thing
Yeah, umn, no. Bad orange man was actually right, you can’t go back to your shithole soon enough.
PJW vs St Greta
Oh, how I laughed.
We should just let the UN determine our carbon rules, along with our borders.
I saw a house with a UN flag flying the yard. At first I thought I was hallucinating. Can’t remember the state or town. Minnesota maybe?
I’m willing to give them some credit. There hasn’t been a nuclear war or another world war.
In Montana, I saw a sign for a place called Crow Heart Butte. The sign said it got its name from a battle there between the Crow and the Shoshoni. The Shoshoni won the battle and at the powwow afterwards, the the chief put a Crow heart on his spear and did a victory dance. It also said that chief had good relations with the US and there was never a white scalp in his teepee.
Breaking news: people are competitive and tribal; film at 11.
oopsy – Wyoming, not Montana