Bearcats Beat Bruins In Battle.
Its Friday, and college football is almost here!!! Well, it actually started already but not really. Minnesoooooda almost rowed to boat into an iceberg but came back to avoid pulling a Michigan. Utah pounded BYU. Cincinnati beat UCLA. Arizona State, Clemson, aTm and a couple other teams won big. A few more games tonight and then we will finally be to the first full football Saturday of the year.
The Astros lost to the Rays in a wild game that took over 4 hours and included Rays pitchers walking three Astros home. Other winners were Cleveland, Oakland, the Minnesoda Twins, Chicago (NL), Miami, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Arizona, and San Diego.
Smona Halep got bounced and Coco Gauff won a very fun match on the ladies side. Nothing out of the ordinary happened on the mens side of the draw and we get closer to some very compelling matches and week 2 of the US Open.

See what I mean? You could drive a Mack truck through there!
Spanish king Peter The Cruel, who I’ve never heard of before, was born on this day. As were: author Mary Shelley, “The Kingfish” Huey Long, annoying actress Shirley Booth, prolific actor Fred MacMurray, the greatest hitter of all time Ted Williams, boxing trainer extraordinaire Angelo Dundee, billionaire Warren G Buffett, cartoonist Robert Crumb, idiot Molly Ivins, once-funny Lewis Black, NFL player STEVE SMITH, largemouthed actress Cameron Diaz, and musician Aaron Barrett.
That’s a pretty decent list. But the show must go on, so here are…the links!
Any of you guys starting to get a little bit of a rack? Well, you’re in luck!
Looks like Hurricane Dorian is gonna be a monster. And a slow-moving one at that. Stay safe Florida-Georgia Glibs.

Smug asshole.
James Comey commits a shitload of crimes. Avoids prosecution under new “separate but equal” justice system that seems to be applied to every public official of stature imaginable. Hell, the dude went so far as to demand apologies for everybody that said he was a crook. Because fuck you, that’s why.
Looks like Illinios is fucking up pot legalization. But don’t worry. Elected officials are scrambling to ensure the right amount of graft is connected to its implementation.

What has two thumbs and is back on YouTube? Not this guy!
Just in case you needed to get your fix of crazy shit, InfoWars is back on YouTube!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, it’s gone.
Far-right outlet Infowars made a short-lived return to YouTube Thursday after its banishment last year, briefly illustrating social media’s struggle to remove rule-breaking content while still maintaining a forum for free expression.
If you’re banning shit left and right, you’re not maintaining a forum for free expression. You’re within your right as a business owner, but let’s not pretend you’re a forum for free expression, ok?
You want a ridiculous fear-mongering headline? Well I’ve got just the headline for you then. No spoilers. You’ll have to look for yourself to see how absurd it is.
Man, I miss these guys. They were so freaking good. Anyway, enjoy!
Now go have a great day and even better weekend, friends!
There is a lot of them:
Five NFL players, three of them wide receivers. I thought it was going to be the loudmouth from the Panthers, but it’s this guy:
Weren’t there like three of them in the NFL at the same time during the last decade?
I’m pretty sure the New York and Carolina receivers played against each other.
Wait I don’t see any mentions of Free Cascadia activists Sasquatches in there.
Someone who know how needs to go edit that wikipedia page and him
“Utah pounded BYU”
It’s sad what this rivalry has become. I think that makes it 10 years since BYU beat Utah.
Ooh, ooh! I know another rivalry that’s now a hilarious series of losses for one of the teams!
The Women’s National vs Midville Junior Varsity Boys Soccer team?
I’ll accept it.
And let’s not forget to demand that the players on Women’s National get the same pay as the boys on Midville Jr. Varsity!
Army beat Navy last year.
For the third year! I can’t believe this. Weathering under the shadow of navy wins, it feels unreal.
Hey… don’t talk about the Browns/Steelers that way. Some of us remember when the Browns would win on a regular basis. In fact, the announcer to the Browns opener last year made it a point to say that Rothlesberger had more wins in Cleveland then any quarterback since Couch.
Ohio State versus the black and gold teams of the B1G?
(sorry, I had to)
once-funny Lewis Black
Never saw the guy until he started going for cheap, mean spirited jokes. I’ll trust you that he was once funny.
he was a scream until about ten years ago
when it went from stand-up routine to let’s celebrate being on the right side whilst I toss off this ad hominem
So, you mean standard 21st century comedy?
I hate his angry yelling all the time stick
#metoo. It’s tiring.
Sam Kinison was the only one who could pull that off.
Finally saw the Chappell thing last night. Reminded me of 15 years ago when that’s what comedy was like.
His special is going in the bin with airline dinners, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Coltrane. Stuff I refuse just to piss people off. *Secretly watches Dave’s special*
It was good, but not great. His car-driving analogy of the LGBTQ stuff was dead-on. Everyone likes to think they all get along, but I know for a fact that there are some differences in Alphabet City.
He definitely jumped across today’s ‘line’ a lot on that special. I thought it was kind of shitty how much double standard he had in his skit. I also thought that if someone not of a particular class made a lot of those jokes on stage, they would’ve been unpersoned. But I’ll confess, I laughed my ass off.
I also thought that if someone not of a particular class made a lot of those jokes on stage
Isn’t that exactly why it was so awesome that he did cross the line?
He’s very very good with timing. He hits punchlines at exactly the right moments
Him, Bill Burr, Norm, and ??? (I can’t think of any more but I’d guess there are some) are the only good ones with any balls left. Standup comedy is just a sad wasteland now.
“and ???”
Dave Attell was always one of my favorites
Forgot about him, Doug Stanhope too I guess.
Ever catch his television show, Insomniac? He would wrap up a late show in whatever town he was playing in, then take a cameraman and go wander around the town until dawn. Sometimes he’d hang out in little local dives yakking with the folks, sometimes he’d find someone who had some weird nocturnal job and talk to them about what they did.
One show in Nawlins he rode around with a F&G guy whose job was shooting nutria with a .22 rifle. Dave shot a few nutria.
My google is broken. Nutria?
Large rodents, think small Capybera.
Wiki Link
Capybera aren’t real.
Capybara Wiki Link.
A lie will travel the world before a Carly Fiorina can shave her beard.
Rat-tailed beavers.
This is not true at all.
As comedy, it’s a weak B.
But I watched it because I’m a Dave guy. I’m attracted to his vulnerability, his openness. I don’t need to agree with him on anything at this point: I’ve watched him grow up and bounce through things and we’re just neighbors at this point; I watch him like I watch an NHL old-timers game.
He also seems to genuinely like and respect people. It’s a certain sort of intelligence that can take questions from an audience; I noticed that he took care to be funny but also make sure he didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings in the epilogue.
And, for libertarians, flyover folk, and gun nuts, the shotgun-buying routine was excellent.
I always laugh when Dave explains why he lives in Yellow Springs, Ohio. One of his earlier Netflix specials had him talking about how all the white people in the town came up and apologized to him because someone drove by and shouted at his family.
He was at his best in “Unaccompanied Minors”, which was actually a cute family movie.
He used to be on Tough Enough. As was Stephen Colbert.
Not Tough Enough. Ugh. Tough Crowd. Tough Enough was a WWE show.
Even more would now.
She never did for me. No Thanks.
You didn’t think there was something about Mary?
Agreed, I wouldn’t not would her but I’ve seen better.
Cameron Dia and Gweneth Paltrow were always the same like that for me. Meh (by Hollywood starlet standards)
However, I thought Gweneth was a smokeshow in Ironman. I didn’t realize it was her at first. She almost seems to have gotten…more striking?…as she ages. Maybe I’m just getting old.
With or without the cowlick?
The Mask era Cameron Diaz with a little more meat on her bones was sumpin’ special.
Not all crooks go to jail. Some get book deals. There is no Justice in this world.
So you’re saying I should commit high crimes and misdemeanors to get published?
I would seek the advise of counsel to see what Justice system you fall under.
>>Feds: Drug ring had enough cheap fentanyl to kill 14 million
Nobody move or I get high!
“authorities said they seized 24 guns, large quantities of heroin and cocaine and more than $700,000 in cash”
They must have had some party.
“Drug ring had enough cheap fentanyl to kill 14 million”
Weapons of mass Drugstruction?
The NY Post has been on fire lately. They also still have the best sports of any major daily.
They have a huge blind spot on guns that’s disappointing.
True, but they are a New York paper read by people who actually live there, where the only people with guns are cops and criminals.
Yes, but they oppose the machine narrative on most other issues. This exception is kind of glaring. OTOH it does align nicely with their “tuff on crime” positions.
Alex Jones, the founder of the outlet known for spreading conspiracy theories and baseless information
Falsely calling out false flags is worse than actual false flags.
the outlet known for spreading conspiracy theories and baseless information
MSNBC? The WaPo? The NYT? CNN?
Judges say “correct”.
But Snopes is just a satire site.
Then I’ll go with the SPLC.
Oooh…yeah. About that…
Great minds, etc.
I still think Sandy Hook was very suspicious.
Go on…
Do a web search for pics of the shooter and see how many you find.
I always thought she was kinda hot.
Maybe I’m thinking Sandy Bullock…
Or maybe Sandy Duncan?
She has a glass eye.
Now I want Wheat Thins.
glass eye or cybernetic sniper eye? I’m just asking questions here.
And that’ll be my lesson for the day to read ALL the comments first.
“but let’s not pretend you’re a forum for free expression, ok”
This. Free expression, like the rest of freedom is icky and hard. If you try to stop it, you’re not for freedom of expression.
The swamp is deep.
The Farriss Brothers are ridiculously talented.
They’re touring. Let me know if you catch them. I’d be interested in knowing if it’s a show worth seeing.
Excellent music pick, sloopy! That whole album is so damn good.
It really was. And then Kick took it to the next level.
Heh, that’s where they lost me. And gained seemingly the rest of America. Fuck, that was everywhere for a while.
No love for JD Fortune?
OMG I forgot that show. MiG wuz robbed!
Gah! Just chased a black bear out of the yard again. He’s after the bird feeders and this time he made off with a twenty lb. bag of sunflower seeds that Wifey left under the deck. Big fucker too, at least 300 lbs. If they are raiding this early it’s gonna a be a long, cold winter.
Because they stole all your food?
*goes back to grubbing for roots*
Avoid eating these guys
Was it Humphrey?
Stop keeping it in pick-ah-nic baskets.
Give her cub a swift kick in the nuts. That usually gets rid of them.
You guys jest but bears are not to be fucked with. I’ve lived around them all my life and they mean no good to humans if they get a chance. Nobody hunts them anymore so they’re turning into vermin up here.
Grew up around them myself. For some reason they never attacked people, so I think you’re right about nobody hunting them. Need to go Vlad on them to teach them who’s boss.
“Nobody hunts them anymore so they’re turning into vermin up here.”
It’s all that damn Teddy Roosevelt’s fault.
“They mean no good to humans”
Well, they are, you know….bears. The people that think they are adorable are ignorant of the fact that humans are a bear’s natural prey.
Bears:eat::STEVE SMITH:rape
In NJ the bear hunt is a big issue. People who live out here where I do want their numbers kept under control. Know-it-all assholes in the cities who never have bears in their yards or their kids’ schoolyard, think they should never be hunted,
Simple – Move the bears into the cities, let them battle the gangs.
* laughter *
-2 cane toad and Asian mongoose
A bear story from a town near where I grew up 10 years ago.
A bear got a plastic jar stuck over his head and somehow traveled 50 miles from where it was first spotted into a a town that was having a street festival at the time. Local cops decided to kill the bear before anyone got hurt.
I didn’t search for more links, but after the bear was killed, city folks came out of the wood work to protest. According to them, they could have done something to save the bear without killing him.
Locals had no problems with how the authorities handled it.
“…made off with a twenty lb. bag of sunflower seeds…”
Sorry Festus, I have to laugh. Critters have to eat too.
I had a Labrador once named Sugar. I was making a ham sandwich and took a quick break to change the tv channel. While I was looking at the tv menu I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned just in time to see Sugar trotting by with her tail wagging, her ears and head held high and a 5lb block of sharp cheddar in her jaws. Her body language screamed “Triumph! Victory! The Mother Load!” Pure happiness.
I, on the other hand, was not pleased.
Ah, LOL! The bear thought he was getting away with the Mother Lode but in his hurry he grabbed the bag by the wrong end so that by the time he got to road he was running with an an empty plastic bag in his jaws. We had a choco lab that would do the same as your pupper. We went out one afternoon for an hour or so and left a giant pack of pork chops on the counter to defrost. By the time we returned there was but one chop left, still in the package, still on the counter. You could tell she was thinking “Just one more, they’ll never notice! Oh dear, looks like an uneven number, someone might not get their fair share!” and on and on and on. Darn, I miss that dog!
My sheepdog managed to devour an entire pizza. We couldn’t figure out how he could have gotten it, as he wasn’t quite big enough to get up on the counter. Some days later we figured it out – the little fucker found out that if he shoved something it would bounce back off the backsplash.
They are smart.
“…made off with a twenty lb. bag of sunflower seeds…”
Vegan bear. Does he hug trees too?
My dog ate a 5lb bag of bone meal one time.
Pro Tip: bone meal fertilizer is just ground up chew-toy, stupid human.
We have 2 neighborhood bears. We’ve given up on bird feeders…and leaving the garbage can outside.
My old, arthritic golden treed a bear in our back yard once. It was digging through the trash. I was taking the dogs out to pee before bed. The bear scared the shit out of me, but the golden lept off the deck, nipping at its hind end.
I installed motion detection lights the next day.
Bears are a bit of a rarity in our neighborhood, but we had one in June. 20 minutes west of here they’re lousy with black bears, but the bears don’t bother coming down the east side of the “mountains” unless they’re really hungry.
“In a statement, YouTube spokeswoman Ivy Choi said the company is “committed to preserving openness and balancing it with our responsibility to protect our community.”
What community? You don’t have a community. You have customers.
If you’re balancing free speech, you’re not balancing anything. Just say you don’t believe in it and that’s another argument.
Well, there’s free speech and there’s revenue-generating speech, and I only have so much time in the day, so I had to cut back on my free speech to produce more work I could monetize.
While having a “robust community” is a laudable goal for YouTube, the company’s actions Thursday show that “platforms continue to be naive about how bad actors will exploit their words,” said Angelo Carusone, the president of liberal media watchdog group Media Matters for America.
To be sure, “free speech” sounds good in theory, but just knowing there are people out there who disagree with me is hurtful.
slippery slope what?
Well, it’s not a fallacy, given the number of times its been proven true.
The thing is that slippery slopes don’t exist the fallacy is in saying it must logically follow. The same with Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. Things certainly are caused by things before them. But the mere presence of something happening before it does not show logically that the two are tied.
But when you get a significant percentage of correct hits, dismissing the argument by saying “but it doesn’t have to” and thus ignoring the entire warning is equally fallacious.
Clearly, and that was some of my point. What I’m getting at is that fallacies are not about truth. They are about validity. When you say “here’s This evidence” you aren’t talking logic. The point being that saying arguments are “logical fallacies” are often used to dismiss data you don’t like despite them being data not logical arguments.
Seriously. If you think it’s free speech to limit it to only those who you like, I don’t know if that kind of retarded can be fixed.
“liberal media watchdog group Media Matters”
At least they called them liberal.
That whole brouhaha was a lot of BS, frankly. It was basically marital problems and both of the ones involved are primo assholes. That’s why Urban quit — because he felt the university didn’t have his back.
This may be one of the best white funk songs ever made. It’s so tight.
I dig Vulfpeck.
First they came for the humble water filtration salesmen, and I said nothing…
Fuck them all. Alex Jones is one of the finest actors in American history, while simultaneously being right over and over with the things he talked about.
He was talking about Pedowood for years and years.
The corporate scum media all owe AJ a fucking lifetimes worth of apologies.
Things are already getting crazy in FL (well, hurricane crazy, not your typical FL crazy). Went to Publix yesterday afternoon at about 13:45 to pick up some bread and milk (because we were out, not that I was hoarding in preparation of the oncoming Armageddon). There wasn’t a parking space available in the lot.
Once I finally got in, people were buying up any water they could find. I’m sure if I pissed in a bottle I could have sold it to some crazed shopper.
And we’re not even on the coast scheduled to be hit.
Hurricanes don’t worry me – they just give me a good reason to telework until my power goes out.
Question is, can you get your Publix roast chicken. Asking for my mom.
“Even when these employees believe that their most strongly-held personal convictions might be served by an unauthorized disclosure, the FBI depends on them not to disclose sensitive information. Former Director Comey failed to live up to this responsibility.”
But what about the “Bad Orange Man is bad” clause?
I can only imagine what would happen if I ahem “borrowed” company documents and released them to the local newspaper.
I know exactly what would happen if I did that at any company I worked for.
I know what would happen to any soldier, sailor or airman. Hell even Patraeus had to take a plea bargain.
Hurricane projections are always fun to watch. I find it entertaining how wrong the experts are on a regular basis. I’ve got hard money that that hurricane makes landfall further north!
“literally” money on it? Because I imagine there is some website taking bets on the landfall location of a hurricane. I’m not joking here, there very well could be.
I’d check Vegas stats, but I’m in an evil place with heavy internet restrictions.
YouTube built their entire business on saying to people, “Hey, come use this platform. Put whatever you want.” They grew exponentially from there. Now they’re saying to all the people who made YouTube what it is today, “Hey, you’re banned.”
All the people banned should sue the shit out of them
It’s shitty move, but what legal standing would they have to sue YT? Is it in their TOS that their videos would be left up in perpetuity? Honesty, no idea.
They, like Twitter, Facebook, Paypal, etc., etc., keep changing their TOS. IANAL, but to me that seems like an odd exception to the way “contracts” typically work.
Quantum meruit? Some sort of estoppel? I’ve given this approximately no thought, but there
should be something on the basis that if the content was accepted that it wouldn’t be “airbrushed” out
later, and it was created on that basis, and youtube was enriched thereby.
if the content was accepted that it wouldn’t be “airbrushed” out
later, and it was created on that basis, and youtube was enriched thereby.
Every museum with a curator would be fucked under that theory, as would every building owner who turns a blind eye to graffiti on occasion before eventually whitewashing the wall. I’m sure I could come up with a handful more situations where the consequences are unpleasant if I bothered to give it a few minutes thought.
I would not cry for the art museums.
Mostly because they forgot what art is.
The only question I have is, what was the text of the agreement at the time the business relationship was conducted prior to YouTube’s alleged malfeasance.
I’m sure it amounted to “you got nothin”
“Thanks for giving us your content to do what we want with, including make money that you have no claim on.”
Assuming this site can be trusted, here’s a diff of the terms of service from 2006 to today-ish.
Israeli PM, libertarians hash out weed deal ahead of polls
They’ll get the Mexicans in the next cycle.
I wonder what the deal will be for Ass Sex.
I don’t know, but they’ve already indicated swallowing is off the table.
סקס תחת?
Pandering to a special interest group for votes? Well, I never!
Damn those far-right libertarians! Always making bongs out of the skulls of Palestinian children!
Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell said she is hoping for a bull’s-eye hit by Hurricane Dorian on Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s prized Florida resort and so-called Winter White House.
“I’m rooting for a direct hit on Mar a Lago!” Campbell, who served as the 19th Canadian prime minister for less than five months in 1993, tweeted on Thursday.
Campbell faced backlash for her tweet, with many calling it “embarrassing” and “disgusting,” but she doubled down on her wish and told critics to “get a grip.”
“As there are in Puerto Rico- sorry you don’t get snark- but Trump’s indifference to suffering is intolerable!” she said to a critic who pointed out “real people” live and work in and around Mar-a-Lago.
“We’d also help if he tackled climate change which is making hurricanes more destructive! Instead, he will remove limits on methane! Get a grip!”
Whatever. Have some poutine.
Was the next tweet:
“I hope the people who work there die!”
Well it’s like they are the people building the Death Star, they have to know they are part of something evil.
I once wrote a sitcom called Death Star Days about the regular schmoes building The Death Star. The main character was Geoff Tarkin, Grand Moff Tarkin’s grandson, who was kind of a layabout who washed out of the Tie Fighter Academy. We never got around to shooting it.
I believe this goes here:
My friend, not so lucky.
When did hats get so uppity?
“We’d also help if he tackled climate change which is making hurricanes more destructive! Instead, he will remove limits on methane! Get a grip!”
This is where late night comedians make fun of her for making claims completely unbacked by science.
I’ll hold my breath.
Or, you know actual scientists telling people to chill the fuck out, or fake scientists (aka “skeptics”) lambasting the pseudo-scientific claims being made by people with a big megaphone. Oh wait, members of the church of climatetology suffer no heretics.
>>climate change which is making hurricanes more destructive
uh – aren’t the number of hurricanes down or average?
>>he tackled climate change
more fracking and nuclear power plants?
She was never elected PM. She was a stop-gap measure after her predecessor resigned. Nobody has ever taken her seriously up here before or since.
“…Trump’s indifference to suffering…”
Yeah? What about yours? I don’t remember him wishing harm on anyone, in fact, unlike you just the opposite.
“…climate change (global warming, moron) is making hurricanes more destructive!”
The numbers don’t really bear that out. In fact, we have had fewer landfalls and the storms are less destructive. Liar.
Don’t the recent revelations that PR’s governor was a complete corrupt shitbag sort of undermine the whole “Trump hates Puerto Ricans” story?
Was he supposed to give even more money to a guy who couldn’t use the money that was given to him to help the people?
Checked URL to see if Babylon Bee, Daily Wire, The Onion, etc. It is not.
I was raped by whoever Trump picks to replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court
The Bee is getting some competition.
Meh. Trying to hard.
Don’t even need to click it. Headline is perfect.
No subtlety. Everyone and their dog is trying to be The Heath Ledger nowadays…
Never heard of them.
Ha! We at THL choose quality over quantity. And that quantity is at least 2 stories a month.
It’s funny because it’s true. I mean, that’s barely even satire.
Scanning the rest of the articles, they seem to be of the quantity-over-quality variety
There appear to be a few chuckles, not a lot of depth.
“But other than ending such practices as human sacrifice, child sacrifice, and developing property rights, monogamy, arts, math, science, antibiotics, political order, Faith in the One True God, complex financial systems, and most technology, what has European culture ever done for us?”
One of these things is not like the others.
Yeah, I don’t see what ‘arts’ is doing there.
Europe, Mediterranean, same thing, right?
OFFS it’s a joke, you pedantic autists.
I like that one — it mirrors some abortion arguments.
New Miami Hurricane Hazard: Dockless Scooters as Projectiles
Ban them!
Now do pink flamingos and garden gnomes!
Gnomish cavalry?
I can feature that in my head! You are a bland man of many talents, Good Sirrah!
“The city has told all rental services to get their conveyances off the streets by Friday lest they fly perilously through the air when”
The actual story was written like this?
Nothing wrong with the words “lest” and “perilously”.
I agree, but you regularly don’t see those types of words in newspaper articles.
Conveyances is a bit much, too.
Well, pussy repellents isn’t fit for print.
hahahahaha. This is truly the greatest timeline.
Cf. libertarians arguing both sides of whether or not government should be allowed to involuntarily quarantine people who have contracted something simultaneously sufficiently contagious and sufficiently nasty. Dorian is projected to be 225 to 233 km/hr when it hits. Landfall might be Miami. Even if landfall is due east of Florida’s biggest lake, that means 150 to 160 km/hr as the 50th percentile scenario for the part of the city (not the whole county) of Miami. For now, their freedom to scoot conflicts with freedom from property damage or freedom of people stupid enough to be out there at the time from injury and death.
It must give Krugman a sad, thinking that if Miami gets wiped off the map, the resulting reconstruction boom will keep the entire US economy roaring through 2020.
On this site, his name is Krugnuts.
Good and on-point creative thought.
ESPN analyst in awe of Georgia Tech’s strange pregame warmups before facing Clemson
That’s like something the Mean Machine would do.
I am in awe of your linking skills.
I’m in awe of your face.
Aww. Thanks. *smooches*
The Mean Machine would never fumble a link like that, CJ. Just sayin’
I Got Into BDSM At 50 And Met My 30-Year-Old Boyfriend At A Dungeon
Do these people not own diaries?
They’re actualy texhibitionists. Their fetish is forcing people to read about their purported exploits.
if you don’t tweet about it, it didn’t happen
“if you don’t tweet about it, it didn’t happen”
Had not heard about a lawyer trying that one in a courtroom.
yuck someone’s yum
That rhymes with something.
Really they should switch to something more apt, like Ubuntu.
Creosote Achilles gained another convert!
He hasn’t been around lately, I hope his knot tying lessons didn’t take a bad turn.
Now you have me all choked up.
Hopefully he hasn’t been to Bangkok. I hear they might Thai you up and leave you hanging.
There’s an Epstein joke in there, but I can’t find it without it being at the expense of CA.
Nobody hunts them anymore so they’re turning into vermin up here.
Needz moar bear skin rugs.
They are killing all the moose which weren’t native to the area until about a hundred years ago so now the deer population is exploding as well. I’ve been stalked by bears before and it is not fun. STEVE SMITH in the vicinity sphincter clench.
I recommend a good sidearm.
I think I see the problem.
Maybe a pointy stick?
Free post-mauling healthcare, though.
After a sixteen month wait period for a referral to a triage nurse, you can get on the waiting list for emergency care.
How Team Trump has boosted America’s strategic position
It doesn’t matter. The ruling class would rather cede our national sovereignty and have the country burn to the ground than allow Trump to diminish their power by doing anything to fix the cluster-fuck they have created through incompetence, corruption and malice.
Fuck them.
That Obama apology tour turned me from a centrist into whatever I am today.
“turned me from a centrist into whatever I am today.”
Deplorable rightwing extremist shitlord, just for being on this site.
I can’t imagine how many lists I must be on just for clicking the firearm links let alone some of the less delicate ones.
Low Wages, Sexual Harassment and Unreliable Tips. This Is Life in America’s Booming Service Industry
“Markets have swung wildly in recent weeks on fears of a possible recession”
Knock it off already.
Wait a minute, she only made $5 in tips for every hour worked? Even at a diner, you typically average $5/table, and typically have several tables at once, so likely at least $15/hour in tips. Maybe the place was horribly slow the entire week, but I think I’m gonna call bullshit.
Bad waitstaff are in favor of getting rid of tips and upping the minimum wage.
Nevermind the fact they’ll be the first laid off, they’ll be reducing the amount their more capable co-workers make.
Or she was an exceptionally shitty waitress.
Well, that is what she claimed on her taxes. She wouldn’t want to be inconsistent.
Yeah, also seems to have some confusion that minimum wage is net pay, not gross before taxes.
So close! Curse you Straff!
Was it the lower case or you hate Black Dog?
I’m thinking Festus is the one that screwed this one up.
“P” would have been the correct reply. “So close! Curse you Straff!” doesn’t have a single “P” in it!
We actually got one of these things right a while ago, but I don’t when or what it was.
Jacqueline Novak goes deep on getting down in her hit show Get On Your Knees
It’s 2019 and this wonderful woman managed has managed to sell out shows discussing blowjobs. America is still great!
Post Modernism, shocking the Normies for the last 70 years…
Prefer Kim Novak
Everyone prefers 1960s era Kim Novak.
Discerning gentlemen prefer 1950’s era Grace Kelly
Never a bad choice. Her and Natalie Wood were my crushes.
I love how EW treats a show running in a 179-seat East Village theater in Manhattan as some worldwide phenomenon.
This juvenile shit gets so tiresome. I am not shocked by discussions of blowjobs. I am not in Jr. HS anymore. It might seem edgy and. clever to Jacky but eventually, hopefully, she will grow up and be an adult. You see, comedy is about being clever….leading someone down a logical path and ending up in an unexpected place.
Her routine is on par with the TV show in Idiocracy ‘Ooow! My Balls!’.
Oh! You traveled to New York to watch the performance?
UCS is IowaHawk ?!!11?
I’m flattered, but I’m not witty enough.
IowaHawk has used his one deviation by liking Miracle Whip.
Too tangy?
Trump’s personal assistant abruptly exits White House after sharing details about President’s family
She’s very pretty, so I hope her and the incredibly beautiful Hope Hicks get their own talk show.
“Talk Show”? And to think that you call yourself a Glib!
You just want them to make out.
So, what are the “details” she shared?
Whether or not grooms his pubes.
A person familiar with the dinner at the Embassy Suites hotel in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey — where reporters stay during Trump’s visits — said Westerhout and deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley attended a dinner alongside several reporters during his most recent trip.
These dinners are common during the President’s trips and are typically treated as off the record, as was this one.
Inadvertent disclosure that Washington is kabuki theater. Why the fuck would you have dinner with reporters on a regular basis if you’re not a pr man, and regularly disclose dirty laundry but say “off the record” like it’s a game of Simon says. Oops, you didn’t say it this time! Publish!
Worth clicking for the “I’m going to bite your foreskin off” photo of AOC:
AOC gets schooled by the same free-speech advocates that sued Donald Trump
I haven’t seen a face like that since I fed my neighbor’s horse an apple through a chain link fence.
You’re out of your mind – she is very sexy.
ok then
We knew you were into hate porn, but sadomasochism?
Yes, she clearly flosses.
I actually think she’s cute but she does take the occasional horsey photograph.
this is a recipe for sexy
for Crusty
Exactly. I really think she is very sexy, and it’s a stretch to suggest otherwise. But again, to each their own.
Says the guy who fapped to Olive Oyl when a tween.
She’s quite attractive but her too-bigly smile gives my Willy the willies. Like feeding a horse an apple you just have to keep your digits out of the way.
You’re the only one I respect.
I’m with you. If she was just some nobody who showed up in a Maxim Hot Bartenders of New York issue, most here would rate her a solid would.
My dog makes that face when he smells a bitch in heat.
Which was complete bullshit. “‘public forum’ in that context” – GTFO.
I’d have figured it was bullshit on the “information” premise.
Billionaire presidential candidate Tom Steyer releases tax returns with key omissions
Billionaires – they’re just like us!
His vote count of essentially zero will be just like us too.
He seems to be polling pretty well.
Unless I missed it, over 150 comments and no reference to Kramer and Frank having invented the manssiere 25 years before?
Eh, settled science not worthy of comment. You know how we can be.
Like we click the links.
*looks around the room, furtively raises hand* “I read the links.” That’s why I never get firsts no mo.
Should it count as a first if there is no reference to the content of the post? Does and should “First!” or “Morning.” count as firsts or disqualified?
Not with that attitude, Son!
^ this ^
/facial eye twitches.
Serenity now.
You have non-facial eyes?
*backs away slowly*
You aren’t familiar with Jim Henson’s oeuvre, are you?
Too ethnic.
Thanks for supporting them. Memories of this seem to be sagging.
Hopefully this will snap them back into the mainstream.
This thread is off the hook.
I hope Swiss DDoesn’t see this.
Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill!
Former NYPD Cops Admit To Having Sex With Teen In Their Custody, Get 5 Years Probation
I mean I am not shocked but I am shocked.
What a country we live in where even the lowliest cop is subject to the same justice system as James Comey.
… and the beat goes on.
That would make more sense if she were 13.
Son ‘had sex with mum’s corpse after battering her to death with walking stick’
I wonder if he’s available to represent the Libertarian party.
Tell me the funeral is open casket.
What in the….
Goddamn, the Devil might not even let this guy into Hell.
Devil: Fuck! Another freak? What I gotta do to stop this?
God: Hell is supposed to be punishment for you, too. Guess you didn’t read the fine print.
His first name is Sick? No wonder, it’s as if his parents knew this was going to happen.
Warcraft-themed Pornhub searches tripled after WoW Classic release
From 1 to 3?
whorecraft.com had some smokin’ pics before it got sued out of existence.
I have long considered setting up a “VFW local” clubhouse based on this same transposition of words.
Melodramatic self-promotion
A federal prosecutor used a routine press conference announcing criminal charges on Thursday to deliver a harsh message to those who advocate white supremacy and white nationalism.
Justin Herdman, the US attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, announced one count of transmitting threatening communications via interstate commerce against James Reardon, a self-described white nationalist.
Herdman acknowledged that the Constitution protected the rights to white supremacists and white nationalists to speak, think and believe their “hatred and failed ideologies.”
“Keep this in mind, though. Thousands and thousands of young Americans already voted with their lives to ensure that this same message of intolerance, death and destruction would not prevail. You can count their ballots by visiting any American cemetery in North Africa, Italy, France or Belgium and tallying the white headstones. You can also recite the many names of civil rights advocates who bled and died in opposing supporters of those same ideologies of hatred. Their voices may be distant, but they can still be heard.”
Sounds like he wants a show on MSNBC.
What concerns me is less ignoramuses like this person but the fact they expanded the definition as to who and what qualifies as a ‘white supremacist’.
It looks pretty loose to me. Heck, judging by what I’ve read, I qualify.
Are. you a communist? If not then yeah, you qualify.
Pretty MLK would be labeled a white supremacist at this point.
@glib lawyers: can a defender move to have a prosecutor removed from a case if it is clear they have an extreme animosy towards the defendant?
no more grid girls for F1
F1 is the ultimate shitlordfest: extravagant, debauched, and contrived
so why dispense with the yummy bits?!!
Because dour feminist scolds can’t get such cushy jobs for lack of looks.
If I was to guess I would assume that F1 fans skew fairly left. And the left are the new puritans so, not too surprised.
If I was to guess I would assume that there’s very little overlap between F1 fans and the people who complained about the grid girls and got them canceled.
Next thing you know, the Song Girls will be out.
INXS was one of the first bands I really got into. I even like their older, new-wave stuff. Never did see them in concert, though.
props for cool Tele twang
but my perspective is forever damaged by my only exposure to this sort of thing; to me it will always just be “tunes you hear in the chicks’ dorm while you’re waiting for your date to come down”
I prefer – ” to me it will always just be “tunes you hear in the chicks’ dorm while you’re waiting for your date to come”
Uffda. What a cuck. You wait? Why?
Kristen Stewart Says Cate Blanchett Should Serve as Humankind’s Ambassador to Alien Race
It’s a fascinating story, and I am glad some attention is being brought to it.
Cate Blanchet kind of looks like and alien, really no distinguishing features.
So you are saying you don’t want to fuck Cate Blanchett?
that’s not what I’m saying at all.
“Cate (Blanchett) was the president of the jury, and honestly I think that if we had to represent the earth and send one of ours out to an alien race and be like ‘Hey, this is us,’ I think it would be Cate,” Stewart said. “So I was just so completely activated that whole time, I went home so inspired and turned on. My on switch was just slammed, so it was wonderful.”
So you are saying you want to fuck Cate Blanchett?
Funny anecdote – The last time that I went to an actual movie was the premier of The Fellowship of the Ring because free tickets or somesuch. You should have heard the neck-beards getting all chuffy when it was revealed that she was playing Galadriel! The moaning and groaning about how Galadriel is the most beautiful creature in Middle Earth and they had the gall to cast plain Jane HER? It was amusing. Not to be outdone, for the first half of the movie every time Gimli had a scene I’d intone Basso Voce “Archaeology!” That got some laughs…
Those neckbeards were nuts, 18 years ago she was a solid wood.
Well sure but its supposed to Galadriel. If they had cast an ethereal beauty that had acting chops like younger Charlize Theron it would have made more sense.
Audrey Hepburn was both hot enough and not-entirely-human-looking enough to pull off that role had the move been made several decades earlier.
Bingo. Charlize was born to play the role.
Someone recently posited that the latest luxury for the elite class is absurd beliefs, or professing to have absurd beliefs. Makes sense to me but still completely retarded.
Ehn, they’re bored. Should be shooed outside to play.
^Best answer right here ^
“Someone recently posited that the latest luxury for the elite class is absurd beliefs”
Well, socialism, you can’t get more absurd that that. Bigfoot and aliens are the obvious progression.
“Donation Not Taxation on August 29, 2019 at 10:06 am
Does “cool” usually “compute” with you? The core of “cool” (as in what is “cool”) is differentiating the “cool” people from the “uncool” people. Try to “compute” this one: nypost.com/2019/08/17/luxury-beliefs-are-the-latest-status-symbol-for-rich-americans/ To use an analogy that the author does not, the gist of the article is that the rich are under pressure to come up with a new way to differentiate themselves from the masses, and one response is to be a bunch of emperors without clothes. It does not matter how ridiculous the ideas they espouse are. It does not matter if they are hypocrites. What matters is if the other emperors without clothes complement each other about their imaginary attire.”
That’s the one.
We would deserve the ensuing extermination.
I for one cannot disagree.
The 911 dispatcher, Donna Reneau, can be heard telling Stevens “this will teach you next time don’t drive in the water…how you didn’t see it, you had to go right over it.”
Remember folks, the police are here to protect and serve. And to tell you what an idiot you are while while you are drowning to death.
The government is basically Nelson from The Simpsons.
I hate to sound like you-know-who, but this sounds like a case of one cunty bitch being herself. The cops were on the scene within 12 minutes and just couldn’t find her car.
True, however the dispatch lady is a class A bitch.
FWIW, she was the employee of the year. High quality employees they have there.
Oh, yeah, without a doubt that dispatcher is a person who should have no contact with any other human beings.
Now, her being named EotY might point at some deeper issues in that department.
She can suck a golf ball through a thirty foot length of garden hose?
Some places hand out EotY on a rotating basis, not leaving out anyone so that their feelings aren’t hurt.
So, like, when you’re working your last shift at Barnes & Noble, and some old lady comes in to bitch about the new issue of Cat Fancy not being in the regular place, and you’re 20 years old, it’s understandable that you’d be unprofessional and shitty to get back at the customers whose shit you’ve had to eat with a grin over the years. Not laudable, certainly, and still not ok, but I get it. When your job is ostensibly to speak to people who might be moments away from death and try to get some kind of help to them, you don’t act like a cunt.
Here’s an instance where I feel like the author of the piece would’ve been justified in writing, “Donna Reneau, of 115 Pimslow Drive, Fort Smith, AK”.
Cat Fancy is now called Catster.
Yeah, I know.
Oh my god, it’s because the demographic they’re targeting is old enough now that the cat lady contingent will get the Napster reference, isn’t it?
Well sheet. I’ve been thinking gormless was a late 20th century word, but it apparently shows up in Bronte’s work. I feel foolish.
What did you think it meant?
I had the meaning right, it was just an older word than I thought.
Alright, smarty, use it in a sentence without referring to Bronte.
The average glib regards team-state residents as gormless, no-issue voters.
I don’t understand.
Who the hell is Bronte?
Never heard of Bronte Saurus?
Ah yes. He was a giant in his time.
Opened up a pretty good barbeque place in Troy.
Gormless: Not only mentally unfit to hang with your clique, but too something for the clique to feel good mocking what the person says or how the person says it. A synonym for the earlier word ‘gaumless’ that, AFAIK, first appeared in 1846 in Wuthering Heights by Bronte.
In case not clear, ‘gaumless’ predates Wuthering Heights and ‘gormless’ is the word in Wuthering Heights.
Oh shit no. That ones old.
Over a thousand years old.
Does anyone even know what a gorm is? If a person is described as gormless, can they be gormful?
Meh. Close enough.
Hey, pal, I’ve got plenty of gorm. Feck, too, lotsa feck around here.
Gormless: Not only mentally unfit to hang with your clique, but too something for the clique to feel good mocking what the person says or how the person says it. A synonym for the earlier word ‘gaumless’ that, AFAIK, first appeared in 1846 in Wuthering Heights by Bronte.
In case not clear, ‘gaumless’ predates Wuthering Heights and ‘gormless’ is the word in Wuthering Heights.
Who’s dictionary are you copy-pasting that from? Because that’s not the definition.
Red Flag
Mother-son bonding time at a northern Colorado gun range Tuesday ended with an unexpected twist for teenager Nathan Myers. Before their trip, Myers posted a quick video to Snapchat.
“It was a video of all the guns we’re bringing,” Myers said. “They were all in their case, not even loaded. And I said ‘Finna be lit,’ which basically means, ‘Going to be fun’.”
Myers and his mother didn’t have reception, so when they started heading home, they got a call.
“A cop came to my house, saying someone reported me [to] Safe2Tell, saying I was going to shoot up a school or something like that,” Myers said.
The family says the officers realized it was a misunderstanding.
However, the next morning, they got a voicemail from school officials saying, “Nathan will not be able to attend Loveland High School until we conduct a threat assessment for him.”
Working as planned. When will Child Protective Services come and remove him from the home, for his own good?
Another example of why you should not be on social media.
/\/\/\/\/\ THIS – SO MUCH THIS!!!
And besides, now the thieves know what they are breaking into your house for and won’t stop until they get them all.
I’m so glad my kids are all grown. I would have marched the kid into the school the next morning, into his classroom, and sat him down in his assigned seat, with a TV news crew on my heels.
Um, the TV news crew is decidedly in favor of total gun ban. They would hang up on you when you called. Then call the cops to report you on Safe2Tell.
And people wonder why we despise the idea of red flag laws.
The only possible way I would get behind some type of “red flag” law would be with three items added –
1) No anonymity. If it’s really that important you come in and give your personal details to the police.
2) If/when the accused is brought in there are clear rules about what behavior would trigger the red flag – and judge had to rule, at some time, if the accused was really a threat.
3) “Somebody’s going to jail” – no way around it. If the accused has actual malice on his mind and the judge can see it no other way then lock him up. If the judge lets the accused go then the person who called it in goes to jail. No wiggle room for freaky SO’s making shyte up.
Kinda like domestic dispute calls. The cops don’t leave without somebody in cuffs.
And no anonymous complaints should be given any credence at all. In any context. Period. No exceptions.
Red Flag laws don’t solve any problems. In damn near every instance of an ambush shooting or mass shooting I can recall there was either no behavior that would trigger a red flag call or there were plenty of actionable instances that law enforcement missed or ignored.
Thank God for red flag laws.
I’m sorry, I don’t speak jive.
That was the one red flag for me. *adjusts belt-onion*
What’s funny in a “Brazil was a documentary from the future” kind of way is that the cops probably knew it was bullshit when they got the call but still had to respond. The school administrators probably know it’s nonsense, too, but now that the mechanism is moving they have to go through the whole process. Because of an anonymous call.
See the comments from a night or two ago regarding airport security.
“Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: “There’s no explanation or transparency around why certain polls are qualifying while other very credible, recognized polls are somehow not qualifying… Frankly the DNC has not provided any transparency to voters about how they’re making these decisions.””
This is my shocked face.
Why certain polls are picked versus others? Simple, the ones picked are the ones with the results the DNC wants, next question.
“How many people think humiliating Harris was blasephemy? The ayes have it.”
That’s the poll that counts.
If she can’t flank this game, she’s not much of a manager or soldier and certainly doesn’t deserve to be president.
The debates are a horrible format: housewives of DC grade pointless, the worst sort of kingmaking . . . to be avoided even if one qualified.
It should be easy to arrange a quiet hour on MSNBC, C-SPAN, CNN, or whoever wants to play ball where a smart one-percenter sits down with another such candidate with maybe a moderator and has an adult discussion about the issues that the government has any business mucking about in. The ideal counterpart would be someone you heartily disagree with on most things, thus providing chances to highlight one’s positions with strongest contrast. Another approach would be to “debate” a frenemy with whom you agree to team up; that makes the debate an agreementfest where two smart folks make reinforcing points; backroom deal: whoever is behind after IA-NH agrees to drop out and support the other.
Quit coming up with logical, levelheaded ideas, you nut job!
Ay, there’s the rub!
To paraphrase apocryphal Winston Churchill – Yes , Kamala I shall not be attending the debate but tomorrow you will still be a mendacious, lying cunt!”
could be
Maybe Bullock could recognize his hopelessness and take up a reasonable alliance
Isn’t one of the networks doing a thirteen hour policy marathon with the candidates or something?
I prefer we settle things the old fashioned way; wrestling in a baby pool filled with KY.
I’d rather not have to see Spanx-less Kamala. Tulsi can solo if she so desires.
Bingo. There are a ton of channels to get out to the public, and that’s not even including the purely internet based ones. Hell, Trump showed you all how to win without DemOp Media support.
I don’t know why every candidate doesn’t have a robust YouTube channel where they can put out exactly the message they want, no mediation or editing by anyone else.
The idea that not being on one show, one time, is death to your candidacy is, well. outdated at the very least. C’mon, Tulsi. The DNC has just shown they are your enemy. Treat them accordingly. Go rogue. Why the hell not? The last person to win the Presidency did exactly that, so don’t say it can’t work.
A Teen Is A Child Pornographer For Sexting A Video Of Herself To Her Friends, A Court Ruled
Monsters all.
Crusty, barely above the Mendoza line for linking.
Is that some sort of Mexican reference? Huh?
Remember, juveniles can’t be responsible for their own actions until they do something criminal.
+1 Fourteen year-olds being tried as adults.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
I’m sure everyone involved in that farce reviewed the video closely.
Put that monster on the list so we can all sleep safely at night.
And the the police and prosecution were arrested for possession of child pornography, because the laws the law. Whatcha gonna do?
I find the ruling risible. But, haven’t underaged boys been prosecuted for child porn for sexting girls? If they’re not going to do away with the entire line of prosecution, it strikes me that they shouldn’t just target one sex.
They were gonna prosecute the boy too but didn’t have enough time to examine every teenage dick in town for identification.
Except I seem to remember that happened at a school. Thankfully, IIRC, they lost the lawsuit.
Yes. And then the detective pushing for the induced erection killed himself as he was about to be arrested for sexually assaulting children.
she must’ve been super ugly to find her guilty.
Friday Funbags get you ready for your favorite Commie weekend.
Alleged Israeli Strikes Bring US to Crossroads in Iraq
Simple as always.
This has been a story that’s gone largely under the radar. The Israelis are stepping way out of line here.
Why bother covering actually relevant current events when you can screech about misgendering your three-year-old?
Sounds like the Israelis are just doing a job the Americans and Iraqis won’t do.
“RC Dean says: The Israelis are the Mexicans of the Middle East!”
anti-Semitic? Or anti-hispanic?
Embrace the hating power of “and”.
It’s one thing when the bear is stealing the seed from somebody across town but it’s quite another when he is actually coming into your own yard to do so. See what I did there?
Hey, look over there! RAAACISSTS!
A US Democratic lawmaker has publicised a racist threat that she would be killed at the state fair by “a very capable person with a very big ‘Gun'”.
Ilhan Omar, a Muslim representative from Minnesota, said such anonymous messages are why she now has security guards.
She spoke as US Senate candidate Roy Moore tweeted: “President Trump was right, she should go back to Somalia”.
Alabama Republicans have called for Ms Omar’s expulsion from Congress.
“I hate that we live in a world where you have to be protected from fellow humans,” Ms Omar, who came to the US as a Somali refugee aged 12, wrote on Wednesday.
“But until deranged people like this stop threatening my life and the lives of others, I have to accept the reality of having security.”
Oh, look. Buried at the very end of the story:
The first-term lawmaker is also facing a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint from the conservative National Legal and Policy Center, which questions whether Ms Omar used campaign funds to pay a political consultant to whom she has been romantically linked.
Ms Omar has denied an extramarital affair, and declined to discuss her personal life in an interview with CBS Minnesota.
Stop distracting people by telling them about me.
She seems to like capable men with a big gun.
Er….that letter really has a fake vibe to it.
But what do I know? And some of those comments. Ooo nelly, Nelly! #IstandwithIlhan and #wearebetterthanthis ? I’m sure it’s not too difficult to be better than Omar though.
Huh. Imagine that. Anonymous threatening tweet puts Omar back in the spotlight and she tries to hang it on her critics. No way that is a false flag, after all she is pure as the driven snow and more trustworthy than Jesus. She would never do anything like that.
How pathetic.
On a different note, to all of those who don’t believe me about well done meats….I just discovered a top sirloin in my freezer (digging for something for supper tonight) is mealy. I haven’t seen mealy beef in a long time but it still turns up now and then. Y’all go ahead and eat your rare beef…I am gonna stick with crispy on the outside and well done in the center. I don’t need to lose any weight.
Cook cheap beef well and high quality beef medium rare. Top shelf wagyu barely touches heat.
The subject is beef, which is bovine muscle. Cowflab does not count as beef.
Call it what you want, but it’s delicious. Same with horse meat.
“delicious[…]horse meat”
I think I saw that one at a bachelor party.
Tastes so good that I may try it once.
Which wagyu have you tried? Which do you recommend?
Rarely eat it. Too expensive for me, but if you have the cash, Kuroge sirloin was delicious.
I’m pretty sure that the Wagyu you are seeing in the US is a lot different from what we see on the shelves in Japan. I doubt the categories are even the same.
You make it back more than I, TJ. That would be an interesting article. I’ve never tried it in the states.
They just found out that the tweet was sent by someone named Jussie.
let loose the Juice!
I’m sure her security is unarmed too, just like all gun grabbers.
She acts like she is one of the very few politicians who gets death threats. If you are famous and controversial you get death threats. I would bet the President gets more death threats than Rep. Omar.
no one who ever threatened to deck me ever did
no one who ever decked me ever threatened me first
bias: dataset entirely Southern men over six feet
Now that you mention it….
Good morning, Sloopy and his merry band of antisocial monsters!
Minnesoooooda almost rowed to boat into an iceberg but came back to avoid pulling a Michigan.
Great line. Tremendous, even.
Also, totally agree on INXS. Another excellent one
Make it a great day, assholes!
Thieves is their best album. It’s right before they become a consumer product.
I thought Kick was excellent, too. After that I lost interest.
So did they.
“Can a minor legally engaged in consensual sexual activity be his or her own pornographer through the act of sexting?”
Wrong question. It should be, “Can a minor ever legally engage in a consensual sex act?”
Answer: No. Because patriarchal prudery. Also- age of consent must be raised to 35, for the children.
The new Puritan age, same as the old one. Burn the witches, put them teens on a sexual predator list and ruin their lives. Same old same old. We’re still just hairless chimps driving around in metal death machines while on our cellular devices, flinging our own poo. Technologically, we’ve made plenty of progress. Humanity wise, we’re either going in circles or backwards.
Nuance? We don’t need no stinking nuance!
I’d say pretty much all “child activism” is abuse, but this is particularly egregious.
They’re right. Not much different than making a child a drag queen or beauty pageant child. I remember once when I was in NYC and the wife and I were doing a carriage ride through Central Park. There was a woman dragging a child, maybe 7 years old along, screaming ‘Free the horse, free the horse!’ and trying to spit on the carriage driver. The poor child was obviously in activist training. I never forgot that, it was a strong reminder of just how fucked up most ‘activist’ are.
I agree. I know Ms. Thunberg has gotten her share of hate. But, the hate should really be reserved for the cowardly bastards using an autistic child as an intellectual human shield.
I know Ms. Thunberg has gotten her share of hate.
Honestly, this crew, which is not noted for its restraint, has actually been pretty on-point that Ms. Thunberg isn’t the problem. Its the sociopaths using someone like her to push their agenda who are the problem. I had not known about her family, but it makes perfect sense that her parents are on the tag end of their show biz careers.
There’s no question her parents are assholes and using her for their own gain.
Adults who scare kids like this for political expediency are degenerates.
For fuck’s sake, politics is disgusting. Let your kids ride bikes, play with Legos, and enjoy the phase of their life where they don’t really have to be part of it.
“and for all that liberals have rightly griped that a waning but still significant segment of conservatives deny the reality of anthropogenic climate change,”
Fuck you. I won’t be lectured about science by someone who had decided what is true and what is not with out examining the issues with current climate science.
Exactly. The irony of the author bemoaning taking advantage of a child’s mental disorders to profit off of political hysteria while at the same time applying the “pox on both houses” bit as a shibboleth so that everyone reading knows she’s part of the right crowd and not one of these troglodytes who deny climate injustice or whatever is pretty rich. Just make your point. Don’t water it down with virtue signalling.
Well… bye
Kirsten Gillibrand and other candidates are essentially being forced out of the race by Democratic leaders.
And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
The field has been too swollen in a way that creates overcrowded debate stages and muffles the message of all but the top few contenders. A party would be insane not to try to winnow the competition to those who actually have a shot at the nomination.
Gillibrand was upfront in saying she’s dropping out because she didn’t make the cut for what will now be next month’s single ABC debate in Houston. Losing that visibility makes a viable candidacy all but impossible.
Or maybe you’re just a really shitty person and nobody likes you.
She’s not far left wacko enough. We’re going to wind up seeing ol Joe and White Squaw as his VP. That way, the establishment and the progtards both get what they want. It’s almost like the recent Hat and Hair was a prophecy. SF is the modern day Nostradamus.
Only because she wasn’t told to be that left-wing wacko. Now that she knows, she can be.
“Losing that visibility makes a viable candidacy all but impossible.”
Geeze… Makes you wonder why the two parties fight against any independent voice being in on the debates.
It HAS TO be the big one. Then we can blame bad orange man for diverting the disaster funds to the Mexican border to throw poor brown children into cages. Then the whole world will finally see what a monster he is and we got him this time.
I recently ended a friendship over someone calling the detention facilities “concentration camps”. That was just a little too much for (((me))).
They’re fed shit and they regurgitate it, it’s what they do. You can’t reason with groupthink, it has no independent thought process.
That one doesn’t bother me as much, it’s the comparison to the Holocaust that annoys me.
Well, by definition, they are concentration camps. That’s why the Nazis used the term euphemistically to refer to their death camps. Of course, there is denotation and connotation; to use the term without regard to its modern-day connotations is irresponsible.
But let’s also not pretend that the ICE-contracted privately-run detention facilities are a summer spent at Camp Minnetonka, as some on the Right are wont to do.
Point of order- they will go back to being “detention facilities” when there is a Democratic president again. And just like that we’ll never hear complaints about immigration again from the corporate press and most libertarian publications.
I was awake between 2009-2015
And I recognize that the facilities are not Club Med (nor should we spending tax money to make them as such); if we’re going to have such facilities we owe the people treatment that aligns with basic humanity but not luxurious. However, this terminology kerfuffle reminds me of the Nork “kwanliso”. Literally it means “administrative center” however it’s the term used for their prison/death camps.
In any case, progs are using the term purposely for maximum emotional impact. They want people to associate detention of illegal immigrants with Auschwitz. I find it distasteful in the extreme.
Point taken.
Which is not to say that you are incorrect. Only to say that I roll my eyes at passing fades. And this fade will be gone sooner rather than later.
Damn it
Camp Minnetonka – food there is awful
But many detention facilities are not really fun or pleasant.
Oh yeah.
The only man who could pull off wearing an ascot while riding a motorcycle
I was telling my wife about one of the times I was really glad that I wasn’t the person who said something dumb. I was picking my daughter up from daycare/preschool, and a mother was there getting her kid. One of the teachers there has an obvious accent and has a Levantine look about her, and the mother, with that bougie inability to mind her own business, asked her if she was Lebanese. There was the briefest pause, and she said, “No, I’m Armenian”, and I cringed inwardly as I scooted my kid out the door.
So I’m telling my wife this, and she’s like, “No, she’s Lebanese. I’m friends with her on Facebook. She taught preschool in Beirut.”
“Right, but see here where she lists her first language as Armenian? Nobody learns Armenian as a first language unless they’re Armenian.”
“So why is she from Lebanon if she’s Armenian? She must have just learned Armenian in Lebanon. She’s definitely Lebanese.”
And at this point in the conversation I realized that my wife knows so little about modern history that she had no idea why there’s beef between the Turks and the Armenians, nor why so many ethnic Armenians would be living somewhere else. I started to wonder if that’s why it’s so easy for her and her political tribe to flippantly describe things as “Nazi” or “genocidal” or “concentration camps”.
That’s why I don’t discuss politics or current events with Wifey. She has many and sundry skills and talents but is pig-ignorant about History.
Yup. She’s the smartest person I know, and like a lot of really smart people she has massive blind spots and gaps in her knowledge that she cannot and will not acknowledge.
It’s not even that. She just doesn’t know enough to form a cogent opinion. Just not in her wheelhouse. She doesn’t follow news and politics and never votes. She seems happy.
Very Pro-Life which caused a little friction when first we met. I’ve come around a little rather than the other way ’round…
She was in office for less time than Gerald Ford. And her party was wiped out in the next election. Oh, Canada. Never change.
Her greatest claim to fame was a risque photo whilst wearing her Judicial robes. Every knee-jerk wymmin and the media was like “Yaasss Qweeen!” She’s a null.
The Late P Brooks on August 30, 2019 at 7:32 am
Count Potato on August 30, 2019 at 8:03 am
And now Q Continuum on August 30, 2019 at 9:23 am
Anyone else want to post a link to tell us that a former unelected PM of Canada is publicly wishing the Dorian hits Mar-A-Lago?
Anyone got a citation for an appropriate quotation from any religion’s scripture about attempting to curse someone?
“From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee!”
Somebody put on his crabby pants this morning
from the horses mouth
Ouch….it doesn’t seem like she got as many sweet sweet virtue signal points as she expected.
“That page doesn’t exist”
What a surprise.
What the hell is up with these people? When did it become acceptable in polite society to wish pain, misery and suffering on people? And these are the same people telling us that Donald Trump is some sort of deviation from accepted norms and mores. It’s starting to look increasingly to me like the only exception he represents is that he’s more decent than the rest of the “elite”.
I can see a couple other exceptions, like ‘he made money doing something else before becoming president’ and ‘he definitely isn’t in politics for the money’.
Kim Campbell lost her fricken mind. Go read her Twitter account. /coo-coo gesture.
To think she was the ‘leader’ of the PC party before its decimation in the early 90s.
Fuck off, Muppet! She shattered the Glass Ceiling!
She was made leader of a sinking ship.
The patriarchy did that!
Take me to them traktur pullz
You should buy that for the ranch, dude!
A big thing up here is “Hit-To-Pass” wherein drivers race their junky modified cars around the oval, the only rule being that they have to smash into another car before finishing each lap. Last car moving is declared the winner. Great red-neck fun and yes, many tiddies are shown. They tried a pickup version but it was deemed too dangerous, even for here.
I’ve posted this before but gaze in awe and wonder – https://youtu.be/2BT5O6rzboI
Scott Horton and Bill Kristol are debating at the SoHo forum in May and I have absolutely no idea why Kristol agreed to this.
A willingness to intervene, and to seek regime change, is key to an American foreign policy that benefits America.
Yeah, that’s not gonna be a close one.
I firs assumed it would be a hostile crowd toward Kristol, but then I remembered all those “libertarians” who mourned the end of the Weekly Standard because orange man bad or something. If Niskanen and Reason people are in attendance, Kristol will have a fan section. The Bulwark and Reason share writers, after all.
Reason and Niskanen pretty much ignore Scott if I’m not mistaken. They’ll probably just pretend the debate happened.
All Scott has to do is point at where we were 20 years ago, where we are now, and show it was all pretty much bill crystals fault.
I thought his impression of Fernando Lamas was annoying and not funny, but isn’t that going a bit too far?
Shut up Witch.
I hope Bill has stocked up on aloe, it’s gonna get ugly.
It’s pretty funny. Horton’s wife went on one of the social media and inquired what one wears to an ass kicking.
Why, a little black dress, and dress combat boots.
I get more of a work boot vibe off those.
But, I’ve seen more work boots than combat boots.
Do’h. How could I forget the ass-kicking gloves?
Is it wrong that I get a little tingly listening to Scott?
I can only handle him for so long. He’s very wordy and circuitous.
His podcast has the best intro of them all.
Now, that’s a ticket worth getting. Honestly, I wouldn’t object too strenuously if Horton engaged in a NAP violation against that dishonest shit.
Kristol still has plenty of time to back out (which he always knew he was going to do) while virtue signaling about Scott’s “anti-Semitism.” This isn’t going to happen.
So there was this smoking hot Vietnamese chick in a meeting this morning. She was wearing cargo shorts and a work shirt. ID badge on a rainbow lanyard. Half of her neck was tattooed with a rainbow flag, and she had Venus’ mirror tattooed on her left temple.
She’s out of my league, but maybe I should ask her out? You never know.
She might be bi and willing to bring her other hot Oriental friends. Do it.
Hope springs eternal.
Wrong. If she’s a smokeshow, her partner will almost certainly be more masculine than you.
Hotter, too.
meh. I generally dislike tattoos and would avoid women who have them. Same with cargo shorts.
I’m With you there pie.
then again I assume Not Adahn was being sarcastic. Also what kind of work place allows neck/face tattoos?
New Yorkers are very much into tattoos. And refusing to hire someone with that much SJ signalling is something HR wouldn’t dare do.
Rejecting a pretty lady because of fashion? What a fag!
I an not even going to try explaining the concept of having standards
My mind is now producing the comic strip of that conversation between the two avatars…
Wrong team.
Tattoo on the face and neck?
Pass. I don’t care how hot you are.
May as well get a tattoo of a tear on your cheek.
I hear that the hot new trend in HR is knuckle tattoos.
Even worse.
I personally don’t see what’s cool or nice about them.
They make you look like a crack addict. So that’s a plus.
Tattoos are a warning sign, like dyed hair and the coloration on a poison dart frog.
Yeah but sometimes you can lick the frog and really high. Or dead.
Stay away from WebDom. Tattoos, dyed hair, and poison darts.
I’d be surprised if she had any attraction to overweight pedants with a sunlight allergy.
Check out the hipster, once again vocal about eschewing current trends.
I am asking you, very politely, to stop with the hipster comments.
I am with UnCivil on this one and I sure as hell aint no hipster.
Don’t listen to them. Go for it! Bad decisions lead to the best memories.
^This. Or a least give you the opportunity to make a good decision later.
She’s out of my league, but maybe I should ask her out? You never know.
Maybe she’s a Pink Pistolero. Invite her to the range.
“Faint heart ne-er won Maiden faire”
Ya know, my favorite times at one of my previous jobs was girl-watching with the lesbians.
This is actually an excellent suggestion. If she’s anti-gun, you know to move on. If she takes you up on it, well, yay for you.
And if she brings her butch girlfriend, you still get a range session in.
I finally saw CHapelles latest special. Funny. Not fantastic, but funny. And one more reason to hate the lefty press
Vice told me to skip it. Don’t want to disobey.
So if Vice told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? I’m pulling my hair out!
I really do think stand-ups are the last true free practitioners of free speech, because they are essentially self-employed. As long as they can sell out clubs, like Louis CK is currently doing, or selling out arenas, like Chappelle, they can say whatever they want. Obviously few of them will create intentionally offensive material like Chappelle, but because of social media they do not need “the industry” to give them a platform, so they can do like what Andrew Schultz does and create content and put it on social media. There are no more content gatekeepers, so stand-ups are pretty much free to say whatever they want.
Andrew Schulz is probably one of the funniest guys out there right now precisely because he has no time for mainstream acceptance.
Yeah but he does not have much of a standup routine. It is mostly fucking with the crowd. Not writing jokes refining them testing etc like many do
I would disagree with that. Yeah, there is a lot of audience interaction, which is a sign of his wit and ability to think on his feet, but if you watch a show from start to finish, there is definitely a routine and narrative.
Two great younger joke writers are Mark Normand and Sam Morril – they aren’t PC at all.
Schulz is similar to what punk was in the late 70s, early 80s.
I watched the first 10 minutes of this.
His riff on the Sikhs just about put me on the floor. Dude is really funny.
because of social media they do not need “the industry” to give them a platform
Umm, don’t they still need social media to give them a platform?
Yes. For entertainers social media is an important tool. If you’re ostracized on social media it can put a big hurt on your career. It can make it less likely for someone to hire you.
I have heard plenty of podcasts with comedians as guests, and many say the environment is getting harder to deal with. The problems are that
a) some people are holding comedians up to a woke standard, not giving them a pass because it’s *a joke*,
b) they are digging into comedians’ past and holding that up to a woke standard
c) for an entertainer, you can actually ruin their career by unleashing the online mob on them.
Yeah, I saw Norm Macdonald saying on his show that standups can make so much money now that they don’t have to do anything else. So they don’t have to tow the lion to stay in the good graces of Hollywood assholes, if they don’t want to.
If someone told me in 2004 that in fifteen years Dave Chapelle would be denounced by a bunch of hipsters as “problematic”, I would have said “fuck yo couch”
Damn. Petty doesn’t look good on anyone.
Woah- I haven’t seen this before
Really? DonationNotTaxation DMd it to me, said he hadn’t shared it with anyone.
Twitter is a cesspit and she’s the cess.
…aaaaaand it’s gone.
damn your nimble fingers! You must have extra practice with your hands.
Aaaand it’s gone.
wow weird psychic connection there
Doesn’t mean this is gone, right?
Psychic connection with Q?
That’s frightening.
Maybe I do need a bro.
Psst. “Psychic connections” don’t really exist. Quantum boob entanglement is the scientific explanation.
Ooohhh! Nice call-back, Mr. Dean!
In Stalker Thriller ‘The Fanatic,’ Travolta Stalks, But Never Thrills
Someone actually said: Travolta plus Durst? Here’s money.
There must be some subset of 40-50 year old women who think that?
Is there a crossover between women who were really into “Grease” as kids who then were really into the Biz? Probably.
I knew chicks back then that went to “Grease” every weekend for months. The bean once flicked has long and fateful memory, especially for a certain cohort that would be mid fifty-ish now.
Fred Dizzurst all up on the big screzeen? Shut up and take my money!
Fred Durst? The guy who likes cookies and made that weird porno that I shouldn’t have watched, but I did?
I’m sorry that happened to you.
have you ever noticed a carbon steel wok on a large double crown burner gets really hot fast?
Yes. It’s kind of the point of the setup.
Pies dinner tonight is dry fried string beans and pastrama (which is salted mutton, in this case loin)
We cook our pole beans in in a very hot cast iron skillet with some olive oil, salt and garlic. Never boil!
I have no idea how to call these beans in English. They are very long and very thin
maybe yard long beans looking at online pictures
I should try that next time. I’m a fan of the blanch, but you always wind up with a few too soft and a few too raw. I like the bright green color, though; how do they hold up in a sautee?
Fast fry and if too crunchy take them off the heat and cover the skillet for a minute or two.
I have mine on a 100,000 BTU stand. Cold to red-hot glow in under 15 seconds. That is the right way to stir fry.
I have a 5kW burner I assume it is a lot less than that
or maybe 8
Typically, with appliances, the wattage simply describes the electrical requirements, not the heating/cooling/torque/etc provided. BTUs are a measure of thermal capacity (heating/or cooling). Do you have an electric heating element?
If not, why is it in kW?
Well it is gas powered and it was a rating for each burner so it is thermal power. Why? Ii dunno that’s how we roll in Romania
Then it really should be in Joules.
Watt = J/s
kW are power
the end
A friend of mine who just bought a house had as his main requirement that it come with a range with enough gas flow that he could use a wok properly. Having tried it on a builder-grade crap stove, I can understand it entirely.
Its shocking how underpowered most home cooktops are. Even the higher-end ones don’t put out the same heat as actual restaurant/commercial burners.
They also don’t require a commercial exhaust and fire suppression systems either.
Now I want to buy a vintage formula 2 car, just so I can take it to the track in this
Uh huh.
those oligarchs really needed those yankee blue jeans.
yes, that has buyer’s wife’s remorse written all over it.
That has “awesome food truck” tattooed on its ass.
Needs a 100,000 BTU burner and an icebox.
I expect you could fit that trailer out as a food truck for less than $20K. Maybe a lot less. You’d spend more fixing up the cab and the exterior.
I don’t disagree, I was just trying to call back to upthread.
Formula 2 Racing, airing this Fall on The Ocho!
The latest NOAA prediction (1500 UTC August 30, 2019) for Dorian is that it will make landfall somewhere on the Atlantic coast of Florida or the coast of Georgia or the southeast coast of South Carolina and that if it is Florida that it will be sometime between noon UTC Monday and noon UTC Wednesday depending on how far north is the landfall. ‘Good enough for government?’
Doesn’t matter. It’s the end of the world and you know it.
I feel fine.
“What Does the Male Orgasm Feel Like?”
Ask a stupid question…
Disappointment? Guilt? A soporific?
Um… good?
It feels like . . . male privilege.
* Insert clip from Family Feud of audience applauding and cheering while one or more teammates call out “Good answer! Good answer!” *
I actually preferred P Brooks’ version below.
Bitches be crazy.
Oldy but a Goody.
What a horrible person. Use the hammer on the dude, you silly bitch! Not the damn car!
Michael Malice
Every anti-Chappelle article can be summed up in one sentence: “Don’t forget your place, boy.”
The skit about, you can’t say ‘fag,’ was fucking priceless.
@MCMoynihan doesn’t look as stupid as he sounds
Why does YT leave this up? Gone by tomorrow? I’m guessing yes.
Friends of friends. They’ve been gunning for Sargon for a long time.
Sure, but InfoWars got booted and this video is just InfoWars under Sargon’s channel. That can’t be allowed to continue, can it? YT sucks for booting Alex and I’m thinking you’re right that Sargon is gonna get booted soon.
The Marxist quest for Year Zero continues:
Sounds like some solid scholarly work there. Maybe the middle school library would put up some of your work in the glass display case.
And… why were they distinguished? Was there anything they had done that was worthy of praise or emulation?
Or did the study’s author’s only care about the color of their skin and the category of their genitalia?
“What Does the Male Orgasm Feel Like?”
Nevertheless, some schools are taking action and changing their displays to be more diverse and inclusive, history be damned. Dr. Jeffrey Flier of Harvard Medical School was taken aback when he visited Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and found that 31 large portraits of distinguished men from the university had been removed and only an empty wall remained.
Erasure sounds like a winning strategy.
“Where did all these wonderful modern contrivances and conveniences come from?”
All they’re asking for is a little respect.
You know, the hospital was built by men. I think it just needs to be torn down.
I finished my binge on Discworld a few years ago. I have been unable to get interested in any other author since then.
I’ve finished a few of Neal Stephenson’s books, but don’t feel compelled to go find them all.
That, and I now have too many hobbies, so I don’t really set aside any time for reading. I need to fix that.
wrong page