I guess since I’m out of the school season, and we don’t exactly have seasons here, my biorhythms are off. Well, maybe all my rhythms. It’s very confusing. New Years is only a couple weeks off, Yom Kippur right behind that. I don’t have my shul tickets, they don’t give senior discounts, so I guess I’ll continue my 51 year track record of disappointing Yahweh. But I’ll try not to disappoint you, the Glibertariant, eagerly awaiting my links and snarky comments.

Birthdays always lead, though, and the first of September honors a true gentleman; the guy who named Tarzana; the woman who immortalized the lily; the original and best Rocky; a guy who smoothly glides between being a moron and an interesting voice; a woman who was very funny but is generally a moron; and a reliably mendacious attention whore of no great accomplishment.

News coming up next.

Good luck with that project, guys.


Millennials can’t spell. Lawyers incoming!


This guy may have been one of the online dates Tulip was lining up.




Shockingly, if you attract business investors to New York, they tend to be rich. Note the careful, deliberate, and mendacious conflation of target market with workers and newly-created jobs.


Ahhh, NPR, never change. Other than “stop taking money at gunpoint from taxpayers to support your self-righteous propaganda.”


Watching SP trying to explain this to Mom was amusing.


Team Blue never bothers waiting for the bodies to cool before standing on them.


The Vikings truly will never change. Perfect irony if he ends up back on the Ravens, waiting to be used again for another free draft pick.


Old Guy Music today asks the question, “Did you hear that there’s a new Tool album?” and then answers it.