So the skies have decided to take the week off from ruling the fates of man. No alignments. No occultations. And what conjunctions there are are only barely worth mentioning. But since that’s all there is to mention, I guess I should fulfill my Barnumian Oath of “First, give no refunds. If this means you must deliver, so be it.”
While Virgo lost it’s grip on the moon, it remains in control of the Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury (to the extent that anyone is ever in control of Mercury.) This is not only good news for Virgo, but since that sign is a generally benevolent one (general as in General Officer, not as in usually) we all reap the benefits. Again, any time you’ve got Mars and Venus together with the sun, it’s good for your love life. The moon meandered off into Capricorn where it joins Saturn retrograde. You know how two wrongs don’t make a right but three rights make a left? Same thing here. Expect bursts of creativity, though some of it may be a bit out of the box for your tastes. Also unfortunately, if you’re fishing, the percentage of your catch being stuff you don’t want is going to be higher than normal. Remember when I explained why the majority of astrological patterns signaled bad news? The same principle lead to there being an awful lot of fishing-related omens. Hunting should be good though with Jupiter being in Sagittarius. Scanning ahead for my own benefit, that visitation is going to remain in effect for my new club orientation, so the live fire part will provide no problems whatsoever, not that I was worried. Also the skies are looking right for the match on the 22nd, in case any Glibs want to come shoot at it. We’ll revisit it in a couple of weeks, but the signs are particularly auspicious for first-time shooters then.
This weeks draw is pretty Glib-standard. Again, those influences that are there are not overwhelming this week.
Virgo: The World – Assured success, voyage, emigration, change of place
Libra: 8 of Cups reversed – Great joy, happiness, feasting
Scorpio: Queen of Cups – Success, happiness, foresight, wisdom, pleasure, virtue
Sagittarius: Queen of Swords – “Female Sadness,” embarrassment, absence, sterility, privation, separation, mourning
Capricorn: 6 of Swords – Journey by water, exile, route, way, envoy
Aquarius: 5 of Cups – Loss but something remains, inheritance, transmission, patrimony
Pisces: 4 of Cups reversed – Novelty, omen, new instructions, new relations
Aries: 5 of Swords reversed – Degradation, destruction, reversal, dishonor, loss, infamy
Taurus: 6 of Wands reversed – Apprehension, fear, treachery, disloyalty
Gemini: The Star reversed – Arrogance, impotence, haughtiness
Cancer: 2 of Cups – Love, passion, affinity, friendship, union, concord
Leo: The Devil Reversed – Evil, weakness, pettiness, blindness
I’ll take it!!!
Also, first???
See, this astrology stuff works.
“Libra: 8 of Cups reversed – Great joy, happiness, feasting”
G-d damn right!
Yeah, I don’t think it’s correct for me – I’m going to DC for work this week, so there will be absolutely no great joy or happiness. Feasting might be on the cards, seeing that I’ll be on per diem, but that’s only if I get off my lazy butt to walk somewhere from my hotel.
Big improvement over last week’s “Misery, distress, ruin, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, and a whole lot of other bad stuff”.
The tarot is amazing. How did it know I’ll be in New Jersey for work?
Leo: The Devil Reversed – Evil, weakness, pettiness, blindness
It’s even worse than that:
I think I’d rather go fishing.
Virgo: The World – Assured success, voyage, emigration, change of place,
sounds about right, Howdy!
Virgo: The World – Assured success, voyage, emigration, change of place
Finally. Later suckers I’m off to post on Huffington or to cut the grass. Let’s see where the stars take me.
By the way should I be worried that the Goodyear blimp is circling my house? Second time today.
As long as you don’t have a mooring tower in your yard, you should be fine.
By the way should I be worried that the Goodyear blimp is circling my house? Second time today.
Do you live in Speedway, Indiana?
Nope and nope.
Football game
Tire mogul’s 50th anniversary.
It is amazing how far behind one can get when one takes a day off to drive around farms and eat. This place is an embarrassment of riches when it comes to food though. Lunch is a raclette made from some roasted fingerlings and this with some smoked duck and a pint of fermented-to-mineral cider.
Damn, I love fall!
Fingerlings? I had no idea.
The glitter never completely gets cleaned out of the dishwasher.
For Suthen, reposting from the dead thread:
Do you take commissions? I’ve been wanting to get a carved headboard. It will take a while for me to scratch up the scratch for same, so this wouldn’t be an immediate thing.
I am probably not your best choice. I highly recommend someone with more experience. Trust me on this.
Gemini: The Star reversed – Arrogance, impotence, haughtiness
Occasionally I slip into the fore mentioned and the latter, but I am not going to stand for impotence.
I don’t think anyone’s going to put up with that.
“not going to stand for”
Pretty much
It’s hard to overlook that.
“Loss but something remains”
Hm. Well hopefully my new gas grill smoking setup works out.
Here we go again.
And then tries to assist in a coup to overturn the votes of half of Americans. But the guy is a key player in the deep state, so nothing else will happen and he’ll be back at his dirty deeds soon enough.
Best friends forever!
If their discovery doesn’t get stymied, it will be fascinating to see what the plaintiffs can prove.
Tomorrow is my bday so apparently I’m leaving this town and going on an adventure! (or it’s the stars telling me to finish winter vacay plans).
Happy Birthday! My dad’s is tomorrow as well.
So is my eldest brother’s.
I don’t know anyone who’s birthday is tomorrow.
Sorry, Ted. I swear that was an accident.
You get the job Mike?.
[rubs palms in glee at how well I’ve got everybody trained]
Hatefu—hey wait a minute.
Happy birthday!!!
Hope it’s a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday and many more to come ! Take the day off, start today and you’ll need tomorrow off.
Well wife finally starting to recover from nasty cold so should get some loving hopefully by tomorrow:) Don’t have any trips planned though.
Journey by water, exile, route, way, envoy
Well, journey by land at any rate. Leaving tomorrow for our road trip thru the Midwest. I’ll be switching to lurk mode, won’t be able to post much.
LH and EF, we’ll be in Grand Rapids the 18th thru the 20th. If you guys would like to meet for a beer then shoot me an email to jemezhobbit at the gmail.
I got your back. #CapricornsRpeople2. The resistance shall continue.
The leaves haven’t started changing yet but still a fun time to be here.
Does having knock-down-drag-out arguments with my 13.5yo son count?
I’m going to predict that’s your future for a few years. I feel your pain.
This kid is going to end up a billionaire or in jail, I’m not sure which, and he’s already got one foot out the door, but getting him there with some life skills other than making money is a real pisser.
There’s a movie called Little Man Tate, which has a single mother with a genius kid. I decided I never wanted to have a mentally disabled child OR a genius. I got a genius.
Parenting R hard.
He’ll eventually be fine. It’s the time in between that’s rough.
Damn straight. You have to give a kid like that a lot of freedom with some hard boundaries. It’s the only way he’ll listen when you do say something.
I feel that I have done that, but not enforced the boundaries enough because I’ve always been stressed trying to make the mortgage next month.
He really has no idea why it is significant that he uses OUR mower to make money or that *I* have to take him to his lawnmowing appointments.
My husband wanted to punish him by not allowing him to earn money, but I talked him out of it because I didn’t want him and his little business to get a rep as being a flake.
Now, I’m willing to sacrifice his business and reputation for him.
The beatings shall continue until moral improves? Or the beatings have been replaced with ‘takes away cell phone’.
He can live without his cell phone. He can’t live without a way to earn money.
Mojeaux you are inadvertently subsidizing his business. I’ll bet he doesn’t understand that. Put a fair price on your services. His options are to pay you for those services or pay someone else to do the same ones.
I am trying to teach him how to pay his bills. I make him pay to fill my truck’s tank. I give him an invoice for my hourly hauling services. I should charge him rent on the mower, but I only just thought about it. He owns all the rest of his own equipment. I’m really trying to teach him how to run this business because the sooner he learns the sooner he can support himself.
“he’s already got one foot out the door”
Wait until he has a car, mum, then your problems will go away most of the time because you won’t be seeing him much. Also, he’s about at the age when you start noticing girls are different in some sort of wonderful way, so that will also buy you some trouble free time. Either that or double your woes.
I can’t wait. I was so angry last week I told him if he could legally get a job, he’d be out on his ass right then.
Or look at it this way, just be thankful it’s not a teenage girl you are dealing with. My son was never much of a problem, but his sister… I remember one day around the time she was 12/13, my sweet little girl went to bed, but what emerged from her room the next day was the spawn of Satan. 3-4 years of that.
Oh, I’ve got a teenage girl, too. That’s a different rant for a day when I am as angry with her as I am with my son right now.
You have my most sincere sympathy. May the sky gods be merciful.
“Put on your favorite outfit, kid, because you and I are going to the orphanage. Then I am coming home.”
Having been a professional Boy Scout for a brief time, I can confirm: LDS teens boys are insufferable.
There have been people who can engage him and think he’s the sweetest boy ever with a few behavioral tics, but I don’t know how to do that.
He CAN control himself. He just doesn’t care about anyone or anything but himself and his interests.
To be fair, I assume that the LDS troops have much larger contingents of boys who really don’t want to be there but are being forced to be by their families.
That may be true. Our purpose was in just seeing if he could be engaged at all. He surprised us. He hated Cubs. Loved Scouts. He loves camping and everything that goes with it (mostly fire).
However, the church has severed ties with BSA, so since the church subsidized almost everything about it, we can’t afford to put him in a non-LDS troops. Had NO IDEA it was so expensive.
Generally speaking, the “boot camp” for LDS males is the mission.
My nieces are in a Scouts BSA troop. Went to the world jambo. The eldest is going to try and earn an Eagle, even though she didn’t start until she was 16.
A swift kick to the cod aught to straighten him out.
Parents have forgotten how it’s done. When I was a kid you would just get the crap beaten out of you for that. I mean until I was 12 and I could outrun them. Then I got a drivers license and a car and was never home again when my parents were awake. So probably too late in your case also.
I remember when one time when one of my cousins was acting up and her mom said I’m going to cut a hickory switch… I think that was actually some sort of willow shrub, but no matter, whenever you heard hickory switch you knew some poor kid was going to be running around with switch marks on them for a while. Of course, as soon as the pain subsided they would get right back at what got them in trouble to start with.
I was sent out to cut my own switches. Or it was a rat-tail comb. Or a belt. Or a swift kick to the tailbone.
I’ve seen that as well.
Yes, I did but for a microfraction of what my kid pulls. My father would have killed my kid by now and I don’t mean figuratively, and he’d sit in prison convinced he was right for doing so.
So my dad used to tell me about how he treated his dad. When he got in trouble, his dad would beat the living shit out of him with a belt. So my dad would look at him and say, “Is that the best you can do?” Yeah, so go another round. Same contempt.
My kid is JUST like that. I got the worst qualities of my dad on the front end and back end. (Not a euphemism.)
Lastly, I have gotten physical about it, but he’s bigger than me now, and he’s also not above calling CPS just to get one over on me.
HIS problem—and if he didn’t have it, I’d emancipate him—is that he can make money, but he can’t save it.
Oops. Edit fairy, can you close my blockquote?
I remember those days all too well. I remember once when I was staying the night with my cousins, 3 boys, I was about your son’s age at the time. Anytime you would get the 4 of us together you know there would be trouble. I think my aunt still hates me to this day. Any way, we were told to turn out the lights and be quiet, but, like always ‘turn out the lights and be quiet’ was our cue to act up. Then yelling from downstairs ‘Boys, I told you to be quiet and go to sleep!’. One more time and then ‘I’m coming up there with a belt!’. Next thing I know, my aunt is up there just swinging that belt to connect with whatever was one of us. One of my cousins was getting it especially bad ‘Mom, stop, stop, I’ll be good’ *whack whack whack*, then I got hit in the eye with the belt. Great times I tell you.
Deepest sympathy! Closest semi-equivalent experience I’ve had was with stepson who went off the rails around 16 or 17 and lived with us (Mom gave up on him and was all too happy to dump him on our doorstep) – making virtually no progress in life – from the ages of 18 to 27. Nine. Effing. Years. We finally kicked him out when we found out – via obvious clues (He didn’t volunteer the info) – that he was about to become a Baby Daddy. Sadly, last we knew he’d never gotten rerailed, and he’s been AWOL not just from our lives but from his daughter’s life (after doing very well with/by her for quite some time) for quite a while.
I’m inclined to make an exception from my usual skeptical agnosticism and invoke the good will of the universe on your behalf via various good thoughts and rituals. Courage, etc.
Thanks! I appreciate it.
Now, in the midst of all this complaining, I must give him credit for being a sweet kid generally, and we don’t have to worry about his grades, like, ever.
Also, he built me a fire pit. But, you know, fire.
And one day, to all (or most) of my Glib friends your child, now older, will say to you and your spouse,
“I’m so glad you made me do those things and now I can understand”
Even if they don’t say it to you, you’ll overhear them talking to their friends about how wonderful you (the parents) are.
My kids are your ages and maybe a little older (in their 50s) and while they may not have had the successes others have had they always remind me of their own youth and thank me, even as they were the troubled teenagers you describe. Its tough being a kid, its tough being a parent.
Its easy being a grand parent because its usually not a full time job. All we can do is try to do our best.
Many of us have expressed how missing our own parents is a sadness, one day our kids will suffer the same, maybe a little guilt and that’s what we want from them. Don’t worry, all of you are doing fine.
Thanks, Fourscore. That does make me feel better.
Laces out, Dan.
“Sagittarius: Queen of Swords – “Female Sadness,” embarrassment, absence, sterility, privation, separation, mourning.” So another typical week.
We almost didn’t have a “September”.
Cool read. Thanks, JB!
I’ll be starting a new position at work this week. One completely different than what I’ve been doing for 19+ years. I guess this tarot shit is right
for once!Ignore my question above. Congrats on the job!
Thanks! It’s not the job I applied for, but my disappointment was tempered by them offering me a job for which they had already turned down multiple applicants. It’s nothing that I’ve done before, so it will be a fun challenge. All the while helping prepare me for the next supervisor position that opens up.
Cool! Different is good.
*cough* you forgot to mention the raise *cough*
Well, since you brought it up…
…and it came with a 10% raise.
?. And now the ladies find you 10% more handsome.
Ten percent more to take in the divorce settlement.
Let the celebration begin! Ooops, we’ll wait ’til pay day or next week, which ever come first.
w00 h00!!!!
Thanks, all!
Oats with bananas and blueberries, now a beer. Breakfast… lunch? of champions.
Breakfast. Good choice.
I keep thinking, what if I just poured the beer into the oats. /not serious
I have seriously considered having Founders Oatmeal Stout with my breakfast. I think there is a Sunday this fall it could become reality.
I’ve done that a few times. It works.
It’s really a must-have with a Full Irish.
Irish Coffee works for that too.
Hey hey hey!
Mind if post some derp? Y’all gonna love this:
Polygamy-themed beer loses appeal, won’t be sold in North Carolina because ‘polygamy is illegal’
That’s some nice jurisprudence there, Lou.
Oh yeah- Joe Biden wants to ban magazines “that can hold more than 1 bullet”… because he’s Joe Biden. Oh, Joe, you so funny.
Sounds like a job for IJ.
There’s nothing on the planet that statist sack of dogshit wouldn’t try to ban. I mean not for him, just for us peasants.
I just remember his wonderful quote about civilian disarmament, “If it saves just one child’s life, isn’t it worth it?”
I’ll remember to apply that logic to the whole issue of terrorism vis a vis the Constitutional rights of American Muslims. Hey, the Constitution says one thing, but Saving One Child’s Life™ takes precedence, right? So what exactly is the complaint if someone wants to ban travel from majority Muslim countries, conduct surveillance on mosques, and put random people of Arab descent on the no-fly list?
The fact that NFL broadcasts now come with a full time in house
lawyerrules analyst is really pissing me off.Just run computer simulations. That way, nobody will ever get hurt.
The NFL won’t stop until we have unisex teams and tackling will be illegal. It will be like flag football for adults.
Someone was just talking about going to flag football a couple weeks ago.
My husband said that a couple of weeks ago. I read him this thread and he laughed.
Awaits The Bee flag football post in 3…2…
I don’t really get how the media, including sports media, and Hollywood are about a decade behind the times. Someone needs to break it to them that there aren’t any liberals in this country, unless you’re talking about socially libertarians. And libertarians are icky, because freedom is messy and stuff. Cheering on leftists and and acting like them is not cool, dummies.
Ex-Saint WR Joe Horn
I wouldn’t be shocked to see little league go that route. Especially given more mom’s having boys play soccer because of fear of concussions. Little league football will probably eventually adapt to to pussification of the West just like everything else.
Wait until they learn about concussions from heading the soccer ball.
Or from clunking each other’s heads together.
Soccer is no answer to concussions.
Maybe there can be a sport where you get points for best fetal position. Everyone gets 10/10.
A swift kick to the cod aught to straighten him out.
Whatever lights your candle, dude. Not into the rough stuff, m’self.
I know it made the rounds already, but this part made me laugh:
Seemingly knowing exactly what buttons to push to hopefully convince her politically correct superiors, one student said enforcing the dress code will “contribute to the climate change crisis.”
Poor kid. She doesn’t understand that global warming is about controlling the peasants. It isn’t to be turned around and used against them.
That’s funny:) What’s up with Pierce these days standing up to the wokesters?
The real nutty professor, or a *really* nutty professor:
long story short- condemning white supremacy is a covert way of *supporting* white supremacy because herpa derpa wagga flagga gobba gobba hey
Not doing well with my blockquotes today. *sigh*
That person has serious mental issues. But that’s what it takes to be in modern academia.
I won’t disagree.
SHUT THE FUCK UP… oh… nevermind.
Yolanda Leyva? I prefer Yolanda Vega.
Wow, 10 o’clock news flashback.
Apparently she’s still in the job. Unfortunately, the last video I could find of her presenting the numbers is a point-and shoot.
There’s also this
I made it to her recommending a book cowritten by two women from The Root. Gah!
I will take your word for it. I got less than a minute in and tapped out over boredom. Her speech is audible Ambien.
Boy are the Dolphins tanking.
This has to be a double entendre. It has to be.
My Vikes looking good!
OT: Some of you may remember an argument that took place a few days ago about cyclists who admonish motorists to “share the road” but then proceed to zip around like they have the streets all to themselves…. Here’s my contribution: I was jogging on a bike path yesterday, and some fucker in skintight purple spandex felt the need to zoom past me very close (I was all the way on the right side of the trail, the trail that is easily wide enough for three bicyclists) a total of three times without yelling “on your left” or anything. Wonder if that’s one of the guys always bitching about motorists getting too close to him when he’s cycling on the road.
Here’s the deal. Balmer decided it would be a great fucking idea to put a bike lane on a very congested stretch of highway that was already too narrow for 2 lanes with people parked on the street. In the past year, and I drive that stretch of road typically 3 days in a week, I’ve seen maybe 2-3 bikes in that bike lane. I’ve been plenty of bikes, but they’re riding right down the middle of the street despite it being extremely dangerous to do so.
I have four main reasons for hating bikers. 1) They are entitled pricks. 2)They are entitled pricks. 3) They are entitled pricks. 4) Jealousy. I cant ride a bike.
As in, you never learned, or you have some kind of condition that prohibits it?
I do have a bicycle but I don’t consider myself a “cyclist”. I just go at a very leisurely pace (in my normal clothes; no fucking spandex and aerodynamic helmet for me) around some trails. There are some nice spots around here. Great excuse to get out of the house for a while and clear my head.
The last bike I rode had 920 ccs. I’m kinda wary about my ability/strength to keep up enough momentum to keep my balance and keep it upright.
There are mountain bikers who ride the trails around here. I much prefer to stay on my own two feet.
The mountain bikers are generally nice, though.
I was driving home from work the other day and there was a cyclist riding against traffic. This wasn’t an area with bike lanes. I was incredibly nervous, because I didn’t want to be witness to an accident.
My only takeaway from the argument is that I’m somehow responsible for other cyclists if I notice them misbehaving.
I’m not sure which great libertarian school of thought this derives from and whether those miscreants deserve hanging, spanking, or a just a good talking to.
To be fair 90% of the cyclists give the other 10% of us a bad name.
Fuck them. If it’s not almost clipping you, it’s those fucking strobe lights sending you into an epileptic fit.
We have multi-use trails here. They are mostly great. The stupid-assed, spandex-clad fuckwits are the only problem.
And the people who think their dogs can be off lead.
I don’t get multi-use trails: the speed shear is just too high. In the same way that combines don’t belong on the interstate, cycling on shared trails really doesn’t work so far as I can tell, so I’m seldom on them.
Very bad things happen when things going very different speeds get too close to each other.
Huddleston was hit Thursday evening, apparently when she abruptly turned into a cyclist’s path in a section of the trail near Routh Street. She was wearing headphones and may not have heard the bicycle approaching, police said.
If the NFL switches to flag football, they should get serious about it, and do it wearing bras and panties.
And high heels.
You forgot breakaway jersey material.
But it won’t be how you imagined it. The only people wearing that will be fat hairy sweaty dudes.
How can you be sure that isn’t how he is imagining it?
South Park did it
Arrogance, impotence, haughtiness
**HEAVY SIGH** This “Gemini’s got nuthin’ but bad news comin’ ” shit’s gettin’ old, yo.
Maybe you should consider changing your arrogant, impotent, haughty attitude.
Are you suggesting he stop being a libertarian??
*golf clap*
Q posted an entire article on how to eliminate impotence (and refractory periods) through chemistry.
Musta missed that one. ”That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!”
He could just change his sign, who’s to know? No one here would rat him out.
my disappointment was tempered by them offering me a job for which they had already turned down multiple applicants. It’s nothing that I’ve done before, so it will be a fun challenge.
But it won’t be how you imagined it. The only people wearing that will be fat hairy sweaty dudes.
That’s fine. I won’t be watching it.
So Mark Sanford is going to take Trump down in the primaries? He certainly has a leg up in the affair department.
All these guys are narcissist.
Not really paying close attention, but this Jacksonville QB has made some nice throws.
He really has. Too bad for him that the Chiefs are outplaying the rest of the Jags.
But if he keeps playing even close to what he’s done today, he’ll be starting somewhere next year.
Ronald Hump
Funny to hear Double Barrel Joe talking about compassion for (illegal) immigrants when the all-time deportation record was set during his tenure as vice president.
“Choose Your Own Adventure” – I remember liking those books.
Evil, weakness, pettiness, blindness
Hmm… . so I should expect another normal week at work?
The last bike I rode had 920 ccs.
One of these, I hope
Nope. Yamaha Virago. Can’t remember what year. Her name was Delilah.
These are the people who are going to save America from Trump’s authoritarianism
At the New Hampshire Democratic convention on Saturday, former Representative Beto O’Rourke, who’s made buybacks a signature issue in recent weeks, pressed the idea to a cheering crowd that reflected the growing enthusiasm in the party for controlling firearm ownership. He said measures like universal background checks and “red flag” laws, which his 2020 competitors unanimously support, aren’t enough.
‘Politically Difficult’
“We must go the necessary steps further, as politically difficult as they may be — a gun registry in this country, licensing for every firearm, and every single one of those AR-15 and AK-47s will be bought back so they’re not on our streets,” O’Rourke said.
Democracy means rule-by-decree.
I’m still waiting for my apology from all the Lefties who mocked and ridiculed me over the years for believing the totally insane conspiracy theory that “they’re coming to take your guns away“.
I won’t hold my breath.
Implementing such a program would be a challenge. Swalwell floated jail time for Americans who refuse to sell their weapons, but O’Rourke wouldn’t go that far.
“I would expect Americans to comply with the law,” O’Rourke told reporters on Saturday, saying he has met with owners of AR-15-style weapons who say they would “gladly comply” with a requirement that they give up those guns if it’ll make Americans safer.
Sounds legit.
O’Rourke told reporters on Saturday, saying he has met with owners of AR-15-style weapons who say they would “gladly comply” with a requirement that they give up those guns if it’ll make Americans safer.
I’ll take shit that dint happen for 500 Alex.
Word is “if.” It won’t, so they won’t.
“Gladly comply” – Really? Yeah, sure I’ll believe it when I meet to people who say that to me.
I think a lot of the Dolphins are Aries, because the Ravens are inflicting those things on them.
That or they just suck.
For Mojeaux.
For Athena.
LOL Thank you!
On my son’s 13th birthday, I told him he had 5 years, then he was out the door.
Well. Tokyo’s getting hit with a typhoon like we haven’t seen in a while. Power is out in a number of places – lights are still on where I am but we’ll see how that goes. It’s almost 4 AM but too noisy/windy to sleep.
Yikes! Be safe!
Stay safe.
I just wish I could go back to bed. Loud noises in the distance don’t bother me but wind rattling the window a couple feet away has me wide awake.
Usually these things run through the area in an hour or two. This one has really high winds but its groundspeed is slow. Probably another 3 or 4 hours before it lets up.
Well damn. Now I’m going to have send an email to my friend.
I didn’t know you guys got hit.
Typhoons in Japan aren’t quite like hurricanes here on the east coast. In insurance terms Japan has higher frequency, but lower severity.
Stay safe!
Good luck and may your lights stay on!
Thanks. I don’t care so much about the lights but I need electricity to keep the A/C going. Typhoons bring a lot of hot, moist air. Even before it hit the air was so wet – I’d bet if you hung up the laundry it would be wetter after an hour just from the air.
Ugh, losing A/C at this time of year.. also pulling for you, straff, and mustang.
We’ll save the “CLIMHUT CHANGE” jokes until we’re sure you’re well.
Speaking of which, has anyone heard from bobbysssr?
OT: Day 6: Maatha’s Vineyaad
Random stuff from today:
• went to the filming location of the best movie ever made;
• saw the place where some fat drunken shitstain killed a girl, and nothing else happened;
• speaking of which, I wonder what percentage of the population in Hyannis is a Kennedy and doesn’t know it?
• saw the place where some fat drunken shitstain killed a girl, and nothing else happened;
It’s not the original bridge. The original bridge didn’t have sides. The state rebuilt the bridge with sides sometime after Kennedy killed the Mary Jo Kopechne.
I had wanted to go back to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket before I leave New England. They’re nice places during the shoulder season when there aren’t many people around that use “summer” as a verb. But, then the Obamas bought their estate on Martha’s Vineyard, so there goes the neighborhood.
Seems Jacksonville is our best player.
Go Chiefs! The game we cared about most this week already happened Thursday night, so I’m watching #GoFastTurnLeft, but ‘cept right now they’re stopped on the track ‘cuz Kesolowski ended up tilted at a 45 degree angle in a pile of tires. Later we’ll keep an eye on the Bengals simply for the sake of possibly scoring cheap pizza from Papa John’s tomorrow evening.
Re-posting from thread in am: This was in the sidebar of youtube again. Good stuff.
This is still my favorite version.
I like how he tunes mid-song. Of course, with doing a lot of bending notes and his tremolo stuff, it’s probably necessary.
Q for the Docs:
I’ve got a friend coming over to visit next month, and she’ll be about 7 months pregnant at the time. She’s cutting out everything that could be bad for the baby — no alcohol, kitties, large predator fish, or raw milk cheeses (which 86’s a lot of the really good stuff here). I’m not looking to attempt to talk her out of any of this obviously. What I am wondering is, her doctor did NOT say to cut out blue cheeses. Is the penicillium mold NBD when it comes to bebes?
Could stand a bit of that. Got two fiction works-in-progress I should be working on while I wait for some response to the short-story version of one of them I submitted to several lit journals. Looking forward to my first rejection slips, just like a real writer!
Good luck!!!
have you tried racebending? That seems to work well:
Yeeeeeah… I’ve come across a fair number of publications like that while perusing “opportunities” (calls for submissions) at Submittable dot com. Would take massive rewrites of either/both stories, since they’re cisheterosexist, white privileged, and probably all sorts of other non-woke offense-filled tools of the patriarchy.
“… a thought experiment of a POC queer woman attempting to visualize the white cisheteronormative experience …”
I forgot the trans-inclusive lesbian part.
Work in the trans/nonbinary stuff, and I got myself a best-seller!
How about Cis-Male Lesbian God/Master?
Goddamn. I can’t believe they actually told her to say “cunt”.
Modern poetry is in a wretched state. I was meandering around a bookstore once and decided to be open-minded, so I picked up a random poetry book that was published fairly recently. I opened to a random page: it had some phrase along the lines of “How can I verbalize consent if society never teaches me how?” and a low-skill drawing of a naked woman’s body with handprints all over it. I immediately crawled back under my rock and read Tennyson and Coleridge to cleanse that garbage out of my mind.
Smart move, CBS. Watching the Browns throw interceptions is much better than staying with the Chiefs.
Their production truck had a power outage or something.
Hey Mojeaux. If it helps, I was a shitty, shitty teenager. I was so bad, my parents put me in the Army as soon as I turned 17. In retrospect, they were correct and I was an ass in pretty much every conflict we had. Now, my mom takes great delight in my fatherly woes as my uppance has come. I chose the form of the Destructor as 1 of each – a boy and a girl (currently 5 and 8 years old).
Thanks, l0b0t. I’m not sure the Army would take him or put up with him, but that’s really not a bad idea.
If you could afford it, I’d suggest military school. ;-)
Sadly, we cannot.
Mr. GT did a stint in one of those – probably not far from your stomping grounds, Moje. (For better or worse, it’s no longer open.) – back in the day after getting kicked out of an exclusive, academically-challenging private boys’ school. Because the academics were a piece of cake compared to where he’d been, that’s when he got to be really good as a guitar player. He also learned how to beat the system. Both of those acquired skills have served him well.
God, she’ll be sixteen when he’s thirteen. That’s basically World War Three waiting to happen.
This is where I am.
Never mind his (13.5) issues.
Never mind her (16) issues.
Their sibling squabbles are absolutely nuclear.
Mine are two years apart. Fought like badgers in a small box, all the time. He leaves for college, she cries her eyes out and still communicates more with him than anyone.
Odell Beckham is playing today. The watch he is wearing while playing is worth over $250K
I hope he doesn’t bend it.
That which was done by you in that place was not overlooked.
I also may have noticed something.
/pinochle clap
Penicillin should clear that up.
There was some famous gay guy and/or rock star who said “I got the clap so many times they renamed it the applause”.
I thought it was a canasta clap?
Better than the Constantinople clap.
Good Football weekend for my teams. Buckeyes and Vikings both looked really good.
Not sure what got into the Vikes.
It wasn’t even close. We’ll see what happens the next few weeks, but the defense looks great. Glad to see Barr and Griffen are ready to roll.
Yeah, looked good in every aspect. Hope Cook stays healthy.
My search for ultimate Nutty Professor continues. Another contender from Berkeley:
Eric A. Stanley is an assistant professor in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. They are also affiliated with the Haas LGBTQ Citizenship Research Cluster.
Ooh, got another hive mind! Resistance is futile!
They are currently completing their first manuscript Atmospheres of Violence that argues racialized anti-trans/queer violence, including direct attacks, prisons, suicide, and HIV/AIDS, is foundational to, and not an aberration of, western modernity.
You know, it’s probably cheaper to give them tenure and let them teach gibberish than to keep them in a mental hospital.
My god, the “Misconceptions” FAQ page is a nightmare!
But gender is a system we all live within, and includes all genders; understanding and changing hierarchies in which gender and sexuality play a part requires the participation of everyone, including straight white men! Everyone should take at least one gender and sexuality class at Cal to understand the ways masculinities and femininities, desire and sexuality, work as systems of power as well as – potentially – empowerment.
That Gender and Women’s Studies is bad for you on the job market. Quite to the contrary, majoring in Gender and Women’s Studies, whether as a double major or alone, is extremely attractive to employers and graduate school admissions, from medical school and law school to NGOs, teaching, and business. Employers like to see students who have taken classes that indicate sustained critical thinking and writing, as well as a commitment to social justice.
[spit take]
I’m a professor and I bust nuts every day.
That’s why they call me an alien cheek clapper.
Your racialized anti-trans/queer violence, including direct attacks, prisons, suicide, and HIV/AIDS, is foundational to, and not an aberration of, western modernity.
I don’t comment on your porn viewing habits.
racialized anti-trans/queer violence, including direct attacks, prisons, suicide, and HIV/AIDS, is foundational to, and not an aberration of, western modernity
Yeah, because every civilization besides western modernity is open and accepting of trans and queer people. Who would believe that premise except a delusional self hater? And the HIV/AIDS is foundational to wester modernity? Well, maybe helped by lax morality particularly casual sex and drug use, but infection and transmission rates are higher outside of western modernity.
Dude, don’t you know the CIA created AIDS?
Yeah, the KGB did a good job of planting that story in newspapers across the 3rd world.
Joke’s on them- Russia has a worse AIDS crisis than the US.
Holy shit- I just turned on the napcar race at the Speedway. There’s hardly anybody in the stands.
All I care about is that Jimmie “F*&%in’ Android” Johnson just got the ass end of his car torn off, so he’s out of the “Chase”/playoffs (whatever they’re calling it this year.) Woot! Woot! Too bad Kyle “Ferret Face” Busch was already locked in before he blowed up.
real good!
Fun fact. The FAA used to set up a temporary tower at the Las Vegas Speedway. My group setup and tuned the radios to the freqs and hooked up a temporary weather station to work the helicopter traffic.
Couple years forward, my group still provides the technical support, though we do not own the radios anymore and the weather equipment.
We just get…special passes ( not free tickets ) to be at the NASCAR
My favorite speed check story:
SR-71 speed check
Well, why would anyone want to watch this when you could watch rallying?
Rally is the shit, also Moto GP,
Bengals are on! Let the disappointment & masochism begin for another 16 weeks!
Who Dey!
Say no more. No, really.
Employers like to see students who have taken classes that indicate sustained critical thinking and writing, as well as a commitment to social justice.
Shut the fuck up and and check the kotex machine in the ladies’ room.
Hm, there are far more male janitors than female, yet I never hear about the that gap. Or the fact that there are way more men in prison.
Oh no, it’s only soccer players, movie stars, CEOs, politicians…
Sure is interesting all the grrrl power types have no interest in being coal miners, lumberjacks, or fishermen.
A fella might get the idea that all they care about is money and power.
There’s a logging museum somewhere up in Michigan. I should have made a stop there. I saw fishing museum in Wisconsin, but I think it was closed that day.
Ah, road trips and random museums- that’s good livin’…
Our preferred viewing on evenings when we want something to watch over dinner but don’t want to commit to an entire evening – or even an entire hour.
EmployersHR gatekeepers like to see students who …HR is poison and is infected by the worst proponents of this balkanization and grievance mongering.
California and Los Angeles in particular are models for how the rest of the country should be governed.
Just don’t read the comments.
Dont read the comments ?
Not a problem.
Considering the sugar content of that link, it’s going to be tough to read the comments even if I wanted to.
I can’t remember- its that Brooksed or Gilmoured ?
Try this,
Not nearly as much grip on the grass, Eh, Jimmy?
I can’t remember- its that Brooksed or Gilmoured ?
^ This is Brooksed.
Sure is interesting all the grrrl power types have no interest in being coal miners, lumberjacks, or fishermen.
They could do all those jobs if men didn’t sabotage their careers by
rapingignoring them.All social animals have divisions of labor. Bees, ants, horses, bovines of all sorts, lions, canines, cetaceans and yes….simians. If you want to be pedantic that includes sapiens.
Evolution has seen to it that any social group has individuals to fill all of the inter-social group niches and are predisposed to perform those tasks. It is essential for survival. Because humans are marginally smarter than other social critters (not to say there is no IQ overlap with some other species) some of us are able to rise above what nature ostensively intended our station to be and that is fine.
Because that is essential to a strong, functioning group to not only survive but also thrive the leftists, in their efforts to wreck society and it’s institutions has taken special aim at social strata. Their goal in their attacks on institutions, individual character and the family is to hobble society to the point of dysfunctionality so that we cannot defend ourselves from them. Look at. the present day Democratic party’s platform. I tis nothing short of an open, brazen attempt to enslave the American people.
I would add to that there has never been a time in our history when it was more important to sustain our right to keep and bear arms for our own defense.
It’s a perfect recipe for a subjugated people: Wreck the economy so that everyone needs welfare, disarm everyone so they need the government for protection, and brainwash them in government-run schools to discourage questioning. Further instill these ideas through the media and pop culture. Destroy the family unit and attack notions of masculinity. Finally, create feelings of collective guilt for past injustices (“everything good about America is because of slavery”) and present subjugation as the only way to atone for the sins of your ancestors.
I took that lil Kimber to the range today. Mid 70s & sunny and the pistol range was empty. ?
That little thing ate everything I fed it. Including cheap Perfecta range ammo. A little snappy with NATO or +p 124s, but still manageable.
9mm? I cant tell.
I love my Kimber but it is a full size 1911, 5″ barrel in 45acp.
A 1911 for <$400? What am I missing? I thought RIA was a decent brand.
My RIA is an early one and never fed properly. I should have sent it back to the factory but didn’t. I need a smith to look at it.
That might require a lot of tuning. I think I am going to look into that. That is a cheaper gun than most frames people buy to build on. I am wanting to build another 1911 in 10mm. Hmmmm….I wonder….
Yeah. It’s a small 9mm carry piece like your Sig 938.
Nice. How was the grip?
Very nice. Grippy but still comfortable.
Facebook experiments with hiding likes. Gee, I wonder what sort content will get hit with that?
My favorite speed check story:
SR-71 speed check
I saw the SR 71 take off from Peterson Field , one day. A friend and I were coming back to Colorado Springs from some place out east. A plane took off, going north; no big deal, except it was over Denver in about ten seconds. We turned at the same time to look at each other and say, “What the fuck was that?!” The next day, we heard the SR 71 had been in town.
I got to watch a U 2 take off at Edwards AFB, it climbed faster than anything I ever saw, and then gone,
I think those guys need to go vertical quickly, otherwise they use too much fuel. Oh, and the SR-71 leaked fluids like crazy until it warmed up from supersonic speeds and sealed up the tiny gaps. ;-)
Once the got to altitude, they a about a five knot window between control and stall, and had so much lift down here, it was hard to land, badass plane!
Rally is the shit
US lifting light bulb restrictions
The US is scrapping a ban on energy-inefficient light bulbs which was due to come in at the beginning of 2020.
The rule would have prohibited the sale of bulbs that do not reach a standard of efficiency, and could have seen an end to incandescent bulbs.
Many countries have phased out older bulbs because they waste energy.
But the US energy department said banning incandescent bulbs would be bad for consumers because of the higher cost of more efficient bulbs.
The Department of Energy said it had withdrawn the ban because it was a misinterpretation of the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act.
Cool link bro
Love the bit about the melting glaciers. In case the rubes are too stupid to decide for themselves, let’s scare them into making the correct decision.
I doubt the incandescent will live much longer regulations or no regulations. The market eventually triumphs and when it does guys like President Zero are convinced it is all because of their edicts.
Yep, the technology was always there idle, just waiting for some govt slug to mandate it onto the market.
I’m all LED because it cut my electric bill in half.
Also, I don’t have to get out the 20 foot ladder to change out bulbs very often anymore.
You must have really, really, high, ceilings.
used to have 30 ft.
Same here. Not only did I get rid of the incandescents I pulled the monstrosities often referred to as flourescent lights down and replaced them with LED’s.
Lower bills, more and better light.
I’m all LED because it cut my electric bill in half.
I intensely dislike the light they put out. I also, based on experience with battery operated led work lights and flashlights, think the claims about power usage and longevity are bullshit.
And you must have a shitload of lights in your house.
Some of them put out better light than others. When you buy them check the light color on the packages. they are still bluer than the crap that came before them. I could get better light by hanging my orphans on wall hooks and having them light their farts than fluorescent or incandescent put out. I hate piss poor yellow light and worse, I hate a light on the ceiling in the middle of the room.
Lights were my primary source of power usage. No electric heat, no air conditioning, energy star fridge and washer, gas dryer.
LEDs with proper spectral distribution and high colour rendering indices are great, but they’re expensive (see: Yuji LEDs’ online store, ferinstance). The “consumer-grade” ones have too much green in them (similar to fluorescents) and only have CRIs in the low-to-mid 80s; plus the 5500K ones look positively actinic to my eyes. I’ve spent the money on high-CRI 3000-3200K LEDs (very similar to halogen spectral distribution), but it was a bit of an “ouchie” to the pocketbook.
The other problem with consumer-grade LEDs is that their weakest part is the electronic drivers, which are so cheap that they fail surprisingly often after only a few thousand hours. The LED chip is still good, but without the driver…
I don’t buy Cree anymore. I’ve had 4 failures in less than a year.
I had the same problem with Feit Electric (although at least they provide a full line of 3000K lamps). I believe Feit sources their chips from Cree.
Although, to add to that, I suspect that the Feit failures I had were due to failing drivers, not the chips. The Philips bulbs I’ve used have all been rock-steady workhorses — some for more than half a decade so far.
I switched to all Phillips.
I got a contractor pack of can replacements, so now they’re 75 watt equivalent instead of 65, and they’re more flush with the ceiling.
The Cree bulbs had great light, and were dimmable.
They’re all dead now.
Oh, and one of them got so ridiculously hot that I burned my hand 5 minutes after I turned it off. I don’t think it’s supposed to do that.
The number one reason drivers die is heat. Same is true of the chips themselves. If the Cree bulbs had inadequate heat-sinking for the chips or inefficient drivers, the heat would do ’em in. The only unknown would be which died first, the LEDs or their drivers?
There are some that look like you’re in a gas station bathroom.
The soft yellow look just like incandescent.
I have all the lights on dimmer switches. I’m backed up on incandescent and only when my hands are cold and dead will those bulbs be changed. I probably change 1 every two years or so. Many are nearly 30 years old with a 1/2 inch of dust. Sodium lights outside.
My electric bill is mostly well pump, hot water, sewer pump, outside lights, refrigs/freezers, TVs, cooking .
All of the LEDs I have are dimmable (remote dimmable, Insteon), and I did not have to replace the switches when I got rid of incandescent.
The Dallas Broncos are taking it to the Giants.
Let’s talk about sex, baby: How pop music is changing the way we discuss sexuality
Older generations think millennials are prudish and uptight, but Roisin O’Connor argues that sex is everywhere in current pop music, where the subject is more open and multifaceted than ever
She know her history.
But how do people discuss the birds and the bees without being labled a white supremacist.
We do?
I think maybe they’re referring to the 30 step sex advancement permission process taught in college. But what generation first embraced Tinder.
Methinks there’s a divide here. The ones who want to boss you around are prudes but the vast majority are anything but, if their cultural output is any indication.
Or let’s not. Let’s do that. I don’t want to hear about your sex life. I am a big fan of sex but it gets really tiresome hearing people talk about how special and unique they are in the sex dept. Me, me, me! It’s all about me and I just discovered something no one else ever thought of!
You aren’t special or unique. You aren’t edgy or breaking new ground. It has been the same ol’ same ol’ since the beginning of time. FFS I have seen clay figures 5000 years old of Andean’s fucking like rabbits….gay, straight, every position imaginable and even letting dogs and llamas in on the party. I brought a bunch of duplicates back made of the same material by the same peoples using the same methods as the 5K year old ones.
Zip your mouth and zip your pants. Try to find something interesting to talk about.
So you don’t want to learn that one, weird trick?
Teenagers always think they are the first to make that discovery.
“Ewwwww, my parents only had sex 2X so they could have children”
It is what they want to believe. They cant picture thier parents as the beast with two backs.
If I were not making a concerted effort to not spend money, I’d have a new optic waiting for a rifle to go under it.×44-riflescope-w-dead-hold-bdc-reticle-vortex-cantilever-ring-mount-for-1-tube-with-2-offset.html
That’s what happened after I got a deal on an EoTech 512. Had to go buy and AR Pistol to attach it too:) Its a good match.
New Book on Weinstein Reveals ‘Shocking Discoveries’ About Lisa Bloom, David Boies
If we can’t trust our celebrity attorneys who can we trust?
Trust? What is this word?
Why I Quit the Writers’ Room
Its finally come full circle, people! Whites > niggas again! WE DID IT! THANKS TRUMP! WE DID IT! WE’RE WINNING!
You know why (((we))) control the world? Because the only color (((we))) care about is green. WE OWN YOU FUCKERS.
Also: do these people ever need a break from playing the oppressed victim? You’d think they’d become tedious even to themselves after a while.
“…more often than not, treated as subhuman”
em>My RIA is an early one and never fed properly. I should have sent it back to the factory but didn’t. I need a smith to look at it.
My first 1911 had a feed problem which I cured by adjusting the “angle of attack” of the follower, in the magazine. The cartridge was too flat, and the nose of the bullet crashed into the bottom of the ramp sometimes.
You wanted equality ladies and now you’re getting it.
I don’t even understand what happened there. Why did she get tossed?
She made contact with the official.
Looks like he made contact with her to me.
She gave the ref an owie. Somehow. I couldn’t tell ’cause of the camera angle.
She wasn’t even looking at the ref.
I guess the “equality” here is that ladies get to enjoy the same BS reffing as the guys.
Because the ref walked into her outstretched hand?
Love the Country Joe West references.
Mom accidentally shoots daughter after she surprises her at home
This is the world Libertarians want – a mother shooting her WHITE child.