Alright so for those of you that decided today was not a day to watch football…I am not included in this. I’ll be quick.
This weeks coming attractions!
Monday: Morning Links, Midday by Animal, Afternoon Links, and maybe an evening post. I dunno, we’re competing with Monday Night Football.
Tuesday: Morning Links, Midday by Tonio, Afternoon Links

Sugarfree. Now here’s a guy that…um…sorry….It’s been a while since I got a boner…
Wednesday: Morning Links, Sugarfree’s family funhouse, Afternoon links, Evening crossword by Don Escaped Texas.
Thursday: Now it gets murky. I can guarantee morning and afternoon links. You might get an SNP, or something. You know Kindsbury. If you didn’t play this “secret offense” bullshit and actually ran a few reps during preseason…your quarterback might not be sacked by his own right tackle? Just throwing that out there. So SNP…I don’t control that.
Friday: Even murkier. You’ll get links. You’ll get ZARDOZ, STEVE SMITH, or Winston’s Mom or something. Dangit! Wide open!? This is DETROIT, you are getting owned by DETROIT.
Oh nice. Fitz’s streak: continues!
I’m soliciting suggestions for more Profiles in Toxic Masculinity.
Simo Häyhä
Also, for your long-list: Ernest Shackleton, Mungo Park, and Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton.
Shackleton’s book “South” is excellent.
In the right light, you look like Shackleton.
Merian C. Cooper.
William Hope Hodgson (or John Buchan) – writers who lived the experience (other than Hemingway/HST)
Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood (doing all his own stunts for The Eiger Sanction wtf), Jim Bridger, Jerry Shriver, Billy Waugh, Dar Robinson, Gene LeBell.
James Buchanan Eads. You will probably have to do some research but trust me, worth every minute. Men like him built this country. If you decide on him let me know, I have some info on him that may be hard to come by.
I second James Bridger. I also nominate Vince Lombardi, Theodore Judah, Chief Washakie and Robert T. Frederick. (William Donovan is a stud too.)
Richard Feynman.
Audie Murphy
Given his story, and subsequent career playing himself and now being cynical about the world, I hope his achievements weren’t just propaganda.
People who lie about their combat experience (or lack thereof) tend to get called out real quick. Too many witnesses.
It’s pretty hard to scam your way to a Medal of Honor, not to mention the numerous other awards he got.
When a guy gets every medal for bravery there is, that can’t be a scam.
See also SGT York.
Of course…outside of wartime situations (other than some of his younger years), guys like him and Desmond Doss don’t really fit the “toxic” masculinity element.
You could look at Dan Daley, or even Mitchell Paige. Hell they modeled G.I. Joe after this guy. Tough critters.
Actually had this article saved on my computer since college.
Oops, I seconded you downstream.
John Basilone was THE Man. He was even the Army Philippines boxing champ before reenlisting in the Marines.
Alvin york.
Roy Chapman Andrews- he was a paleontologist who became the inspiration for Indiana Jones and other adventurous characters
Calvin Coolidge.
If we’re doing pols… Margaret Thatcher? She had bigger balls than most of her peers.
I don’t know if there are too many military suggestions already, but I’ll add another:
Dick Bong was the highest scoring American fighter pilot of WW2. Also, his name was Dick Bong.
He nearly got kicked out for doing a loopdy loop around the Golden Gate Bridge. His commander stood up for him at the court martial and basically said “look, the only fighter pilots who are worth a damn do stunts like that.”
There is a bridge named for him that spans between Duluth, MN and Superior, WI.
I snicker every time the “Bong Bridge” gets mention on the radio
Also the Richard Bong State Recreation Area.
Definitely Sir Richard Francis Burton.
Spoke at least 40 languages fluently. Did a Haj at a time when death was a certain outcome had he been discovered. Wrote the manual for the bayonet for the British Army. Was a renowned swordsman – took a lance through the face during an attack by Berber bandits and continued fighting. Traveled every continent (except Antarctica) in the early/mid 19th century. Translated the “Thousand and One Arabic Nights” and the “Kama Sutra” into English.
He also documented the sexual practices of dozens of cultures throughout Asia and parts or Africa and South America – unfortunately his records were burned by his wife after his passing because Victorian England.
Common Colts. What are you doing?
Lol. hows your back feeling Hayek?
Wouldn’t we all like to be feeling Hayek?
*throws penalty flag*
Getting better over all, with some flares of pain (like today).
A couple of months to go.
Thanks for asking.
This is good news. I hope your recovery continues going along well.
Colts #35 (who I’m assuming is Vinatieri — So. Would.
Number 4 is Vinatieri.
If you want a bear, may I recommend retired Colt Jeff Saturday? Dreamiest eyes known to man.
And he’s hilarious.
Who are these ‘bears’ of which you speak? LOL.
They guy in the picture you linked to is pretty much my physical ideal. I don’t do sportsball.
The 35 is for the anniversary of when the state of Maryland tried to take over the team by eminent domain, forcing the team to move in the middle of the night so that in the morning there wouldn’t be anything for the state to take.
NFL kickers and punters by rule wear numbers between 1 and 19.
Interesting on both counts.
I always thought the hate for the Irsays for moving the team was unfounded.
They took their property and left before they could be robbed.
It takes a libertarian website to find another person who sees it as defense against eminent domain.
I have a soft spot for Pythons, 19th century lockwork and all, but I wouldn’t call them common.
How about a low SN Trooper?
The Pythons you say? Five new episodes of Monty Python are now available.
Very cool, thanks for linking!
Arizona Cardinals look like they have a decent college college offense.
dammit, strike one college. I’m not drinking honest.
Honest honest or just honest?
Most surprising outcomes in NFL so far were not who won or lost, but by some of the crazy margins!!
Baltimore Ravens 59, Miami Dolphins 10
Tennessee Titans 43, Cleveland Browns 13
And worst of all, Adam Vinatieri is only 1 for 3 on field goals today!!
We’re trying not to talk about the Browns today.
JFC, what the hell happened to the team. We were actually looking to see if we’d at least break a record on penalties. And they were so bad that no one was even bitching that they were bad calls. We earned all of them.
Can’t Believe the colts tied it up
Any surprising outcomes in college football?
FSU managed a W.
Vinatieri was injured during the preseason. He’s not 100% yet.
Huh – Bills won.
When does hockey start?
A month til face off I believe
October 2.
Can’t wait!
Of course the train wreck Wild start on the 3rd.
Look forward to welcoming them to Smashville!
Also can’t wait
Mine’s better.
Are you sure?
Hyp wins by a mile.
Hyp wins “link with poorest sound quality”.
I think this is better.
Sugarfree’s family funhouse
These euphemisms.
We have this thing in the office fantasy football league where the lowest score each week buys doughnuts for everyone. I’m well on my way to being that guy on week one. The disappointing thing is that I have a receiver (Marquise Brown) that was intended to be a backup and he ends up having a hell of a game that would have saved me had he not been benched. *sigh* Projections and draft grades mean dick and I don’t know enough to pick the right people each week.
Um… is there something you wanna tell me, MS?
Yes. Preseason exists for a reason. Run your damn offense,
Oh, Kingsbury. I hadn’t seen the Cards/Lions score. Never mind.
And I’ll get an SNP in. Possibly even on time!
On time? You mean there are deadlines? [notices menacing gazes from TPTB, looks at floor]
Hey man, *I* am not the one that enforces deadlines.
They need to know what going’s where in advance, and have a reasonable schedule laid out, so I get it.
And for your support, Tonio, I’ll even try to include something for you (you’ll know it when/if you see it).
I get it, too. I am the prodigal son, returning.
Thanks. Same.
I thought that song was just from ‘The Campaign’.
Also, one and done. #ThoseEyes
But 4 has a milfy thing going on that I like.
And number 8 I appreciate. #ThatSmile(…andass…)
Sugarfree’s family funhouse
Hide ya kids, hide ya wife…
So, I’ve been contemplating putting together a guide to beer and food pairings. Other then the usual response of “DO IT!” Is there any interest from the people here (/waves at lurkers).
I would be interested. I’ve taken an evening class/lecture on cocktail and food pairings and gone to beer faster, but haven’t seen a beer pairing class. I would enjoy it
Tulip, just for you Garrett Oliver talking about why beer is better than wine for food pairing.
Garrett is a great speaker and beer geek (he’s the owner of Brooklyn Brewing).
The problem is, it’s still beer.
So I’m assuming you won’t be participating? I’m gonna let my punctuation run wild.
Its ok that Teds doesnt like beer. It just shows how wrong he can be on everything. I mean, someone who hates beer cant be a decent person, can they.
/goes to take a shower after typing that.
I am decent. I also happen to be naked.
Do you have a brand new key?
Neph – for a second, I thought Vince Vaughn was playing drums for that band.
Even if it’s a cover of that song, there’s no damn way I’m clicking it.
MikeS: You’re not interested in a cute young blonde singing? You do you man.
*hits mute and clicks link*
Uffda. I do love cute female bass players.
Agggghhh!!! DAMN, I hate that song.
MikeS: Blame me, because I’m awesome. And just because I read an article about how the band isn’t woke (the singer married the guitar player after high school), one of their albums Barefoot and Pregnant.
Much better
Please do. That could be a fun discussion.
I actually think beer has more variety in flavor and style than wine. It makes sensible to think that the pairing options would be even wider.
/looks at original post
/looks at Crusty Juggler
/washes out eyes
I would be interested. I like trying to make myself a bit more cultured in that respect so I’d really welcome a piece on that.
Beer pairs with pizza and wings.
For all others, see wine.
There. Done.
What is the genre “horror” in film?
Salinger Says
Salinger Says
Replying to @TheSalingerSays
Because the movie is definitely targeting homosexual people and no one else is ever killed in a horror movie.
It was a pretty big deal in the book, you know, which came out over 20 years ago.
I wasn’t aware of It I a couple years and now there’s II.
Am I correct in understanding that it’s still the same story, they just put the kid stuff in I and the adult stuff in II?
Whatever is in the book that IT is based on, split in to two parts.
Pretty much the same format as the original tv miniseries starring Tim Curry.
Except with some of the kid stuff being in It II, and some of my favorite scenes being cut from It I.
But basically, Rhywun, you’ve got it. The issue was that WB/New Line wasn’t sure if It would be successful, so they only greenlit the first movie. After it was really good, they finally approved the second. The problem is that they were using child actors, who age quickly (as they’re children). I’m still hoping to catch chapter II in the theater, if not I’ll rent it. But from what I’ve heard, It chapter II starts with It killing off a gay man to start the new era of sacrifice (which happened in the book), and people were complaining about how it was just being homophobic.
IIRC the sexuality of that victim was incidental to the plot, except maybe as being used by It as a means to stir up maximum shit. And yes, that is how the book started. It is not “homophobic” – gay people do, in fact, sometimes get killed same as anyone else. Treating them as untouchable martyrs would be more disrespectful IMHO.
TL;DR – these people complaining about it are out of their minds.
Right there with you Rhywun. The fact that there were articles about the trailer (which featured the balloons under the bridge), just got irritating. Hell, the book talked about how the locals all thought it was also a Nazi sex bar that the guy was going to.
But IIRC the book, the past and present are intertwined. Splitting them out into separate movies seems like a bad decision that GRRM would pull.
Il is actually about Musolini
It is over 90 years old. And Clara His is quite charming in it.
There is no orgy scene in either film.
Sad, I know.
From the side bar:
SJW misogyny on full display.
It’s Misogony all the way down. They are mad cause she said something nice about the character she was tapped to play. Who? Oh Margret Thatcher, and we can’t like that woman.
She was definitely a strong woman, but because she wasn’t a lefty she’s absolutely despised.
Which being fair isn’t actually my book, you’re free to disagree with any politician on their politics without being a misogynist. But that’s not the rules they set.
Eh, they specifically say, they aren’t telling people to avoid it. I once told my book club I didn’t want to read anymore books that featured women being raped and abused. That’s not that different.
I don’t know much about It, so if he’s targeting Gay people that’s one thing. But you go to a horror movie, people are (most likely) going to die.
Yes, I was more specific. A mystery where a woman was raped and murdered and that’s just noted, ok. A serial killer book where the rape and murder is “lovingly” described (all about how the killer gets off on it), not okay. So even though it’s a horror movie, which I haven’t seen, I can see the poster’s point. Depends on how it’s presented. So I’m not going to condemn the poster, who is only issuing a warning. A narcissistic warning, but that’s what that media is – narcissism writ large.
True,I don’t think the poster is being malicious. He’s giving a warning that he thinks some people might want. What’s strange to me is that you’d go to a movie and be okay with murder, but when it’s murder of a member of group X it’s too much.
The rules of slasher films are pretty well established. Unless you’re the young single white girl (virgin only), odds are you’re going to die. There are a couple of horror films that play with it (like Zombeavers), but for the most part, the rules exist and you should be aware going in.
How to Mix a DIY Spiked Seltzer That’s Better Than White Claw
Ain’t nothing better than tha Claw, but in times of need we do have to go on.
But, but… the Claw, I can hang out with all my hipster douchebag friends. #NeckBeardsIsPeople2
It’s not a hipster product for hipsters, hipster.
/drops the pint glass
/punches Crusty Juggler in the throat.
Fun fact: tha Claw does not cause violence.
Just extreme boredom.
You know how you make something better than the Claw? You put vodka in a copper mug filled with ice, add the juice of half a lime and top off with Q ginger beer.
Spud gets it. Swap lime juice for rhubarb juice and BAM!
Asking again – anyone have a suggestion for an affordable pelican-type lockable hard case that can hold an AR-type rifle and a shotgun (and preferably a handgun too). Need something decent for storage/transportation.
Sorry. I don’t really do the pelican style stuff. I have just one rifle sized hard case that was a gift. It’s functional, but I don’t abuse it. It really holds just one rifle with a scope.
The rest of my cases are all nylon padded stuff. *shrug*
Affordable and lockable usually define opposite ends of the spectrum for this sort of thing. Plastic cases, while technically lockable, are… plastic and therefore easily cut, melted, gnawed, etc. If you want “lockable” to conform to some sort of government transport rules pretty much anything with a polypropylene case with foam cube padding will do.
My application is whitewater kayaking. I want whatever I put in my case to be dry and functional after a day in the hold or strapped to the deck through multiple Class I-III descents. Pelican does it for me and the other photogs/videogs, but lockability isn’t a concern for us.
Also, military surplus stores. Hull Street Outlet (actually on Jeff Davis Hwy, aka US Route 1, “the ‘pike”) next time you’re in Richmond. Take me with you. It’s in the part of Richmond that Tom Robbins and Vince Gilligan write about.
Or Glib meetup with Scruffy Nerfherder and Chipwooder. LOL
Appreciate the tips. Basically if I’m sticking with 3 guns for the immediate timeframe (AR – which obviously could be broken down, Mossberg M500 (not break-downable?), and pistol) – and until I get my CCH, I need to keep them in the trunk/back of my RAV 4 if being transported – or back there no matter what for the long guns. Would prefer something semi secure, but I do have lockable footlockers, etc – just a little larger/bulkier than I need for the moment. When I get to my next place next year, I expect to buy a “small” gun safe (with room to grow) – but again, a semisecure option for regular storage would be handy too….or pull out the footlocker.
Whatever you get, don’t have some cheap flexible case with duct tape around to prevent access.
Does the shotgun break down or have a folding stock? In other words, do you have an option for a shorter case? That would allow more options which don’t look like a gun.
I prefer that sort of case just to avoid the telegraphing which an obvious gun case broadcasts.
Kind of curious myself. This is what I would get, but no personal experience with it. The only review pretty much meets your need. Photos on Pelican’s site show how it can be set up with two long guns.
Looks like some third party ones in the recommended similar ones on that page – I’ll dig around. Thanks.
Look at the Apache cases at Harbor Freight. I have one of themid sized ones attached to my snowmobile and it had held up well and is water proof
Oh, Tulsi…
“Congress is coming back this week and the House Judiciary Committee is planning on voting on an expanded impeachment inquiry. Do you support this?” Host Greta Van Susteren asked during the premier episode of her new show “Full Court Press.”
“I don’t,” Gabbard replied. “You know, I think it’s important for us to think about what is in the best interest of the country and the American people, and continuing to pursue impeachment is something that I think will only further…tear our country apart.”
“Make no bones about it: We need to defeat Donald Trump,” she continued. “But, I think it’s important for our country’s sake and our future that the voters in this country are the ones who do that, and I believe we will.”
Gabbard now stands in the minority as more than half of the Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are formally backing the opening of an impeachment inquiry into the president. One Republican, Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) has also called to advance impeachment proceedings.
Someone ship this woman a copy of ‘The Law’ and the ‘Federalist Papers’. It might improve her, philosophically speaking. (I really want to like her, but her leftist domestic policy philosophy loses me)
I thought the libertarian position was to accept the Deep State Line, full throated, And insist on impeachment for obstruction of Justice.
I disagree with the almost all her positions, but I don’t see the problem with this quote. What am I missing?
I think he was saying he agreed with her, and just wished she could get her Domestic Policy in line.
Nothing is wrong with this quote. She is right to oppose impeachment on the grounds of “orange man bad”. I was commenting on her other aspects as a pol.
Ah, got it.
“I don’t,” Gabbard replied. “You know, I think it’s important for us to think about what is in the best interest of the country and the American people, and continuing to pursue impeachment is something that I think will only further…tear our country apart.”
Well, you’re out as a democrat, honey. Not only do you have to support tearing the country apart, but you have to dive in head first for every commie bullshit the left can dream up. No wonder she was out so quickly.
Anti-forever wars and doesn’t toe the impeachment line. Yeah…it was nice knowing Tulsi.
‘Overstock’ should hire her as a spokesperson.
I like the way you think right there, Mistah. You got me sold.
Although, imho, she had the best chance of beating Trump.
They aren’t serious about winning an election. They’re too busy conditioning the public to become helpless sheep so they can become royalty. Then they can get rid of that pesky election stuff. China got it right, why can’t we get it right?
“I think it’s important for us to think about what is in the best interest of the country and the American people…”
Turns out this chick is a comedian as well as a pol. Whodaguessed?
Listen up Tulsi. The last thing on the minds of the people pursuing Trump’s impeachment is the interest of the American people. They are out to protect their own personal interests first and those of the ruling class second. They don’t give a flying fuck about the American people outside of their schemes to enslave them.
That should be a debate question:
Have you read The Federalist Papers?
or ‘The Constitution’ or ‘On Liberty’ or ‘The Wealth of Nations’, hell I’m give ’em credit for ‘Hop on Pop’ or anything other than polls and tweets.
The federalists were stateist trash. Anti-Federalist Papers FTW!
US Open men’s final is getting interesting in case anyone is tired of football.
I default to college women’s volleyball and/or soccer when done watching football.
Uh no
NY Giants. Wrecked.
I mean not like Miami got wrecked. 59-10? They playing college football now in Florida?
35-17. 4th quarter was pretty much a preseason game with the backups, so 35-10.
Giants owned the first series, Dallas offense pretty much owned the rest of the game.
But I didn’t get enough points from the Dallas defense.
Not their best.
It’s going to be a long season, but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing I’m not a Cowboys fan.
It’s the Dallas “Broncos”.
Today is so nice my dog voluntarily went outside other than for a walk or bedtime per. She hates (HATES) going outside for anything besides a walk when it’s hot. No matter what the calendar says, today is officially fall.
Animals are weird. I had a big orange tabby cat who would insist on going outside if we were getting a big snow. He’d stand at the patio doors and meow until I would open the door and then pounce into the deepest show he could find. An hour or two later he’d come back to the patio doors meowing to get back in covered in snow looking like the abominable snow cat.
My dog, from a Florida track, hates heat and humidity, and loves the snow. As long as her butt doesn’t touch snow when she squats to pee. Every year, she squats, puts her butt in snow and rockets upwards. It’s hilarious. If I were a good, kind, dog owner, I wouldn’t let it happen. I’m evil and I laugh.
I had an Aussie that mostly loved to stay indoors, but he had way too much explosive energy for it. We had a fence around the yard between us and our landlord’s farm and by 12 weeks old he knew to go across that fence before taking a crap. Smartest dog I have ever seen. I couldn’t go anywhere without him driving or he would pout for days, seriously. He also used to herd my Landlord’s cattle and according to the guy, kill his chickens for fun and then disappear. I remember him saying ‘That silver and black devil of yours! I’m going to shoot him the next time I see him!’. But I would leave the house and go wherever and he’d be right on my doorstep where he was then I left.
I was nice to our old bulldog and went out to shovel the grass so he wouldn’t bottom out in the snow when peeing.
My cat got out while I was securing the grill. He often tries to get outside and even spent the day outside in the rain once when he got out (gf’s fault…). Knowing his tendencies I deliberately took him out on the deck last year when we got a good December snowstorm. Like he didn’t like the rain when he spent the day on the front porch as it rained all day he did not like standing in a foot of snow.
I have always encouraged my cat to go outside when it’s raining. He doesn’t like going outside.
You can count on your cat to do exactly the opposite of what you want it to do. /cats are the best libertarians
the best libertarians
Except they definitely know who is their bread an butter, and are totally reliant on me.
Or do they consider us their “orphans”?
Can the NFL give a lifetime achievement Super Bowl ring to Larry Fitzgerald.
I like that guy. Class act.
They should give it to him just because he’s going to spend the rest of his career watching the smurf tackled in the end zone.
Woooooooo!!! He just did it again.
TD. Need a 2 pt conversion.
They got it!! Tied up with 43 seconds to go.
I can’t believe they gave him that flag.
You know what? I don’t care if they lose. This just got so much better.
Michael Mann’s novel based on ‘Heat’ will be released next year
Will the novel sound awesome with 5.1 sound?
More importantly, will it have a scene between De Niro and Pacino?
Justin Amash
We’ve been at war in Afghanistan for 18 years—the longest war in U.S. history. Nearly three of those years have been under President Trump. If he wanted to bring our troops home, he could. He doesn’t want to. It’s that simple. The rest is just political theater.
Will Amash shame Trump into ending a war?
Did he try to shame Obama into ending it?
Not that Obama could be shamed into stopping the wars.
Oy vey. That could backfire. Trump doesn’t typically back down, he doubles down.
I hope the FBI doesn’t cover up the next terrorism plot that the Taliban will allow to be cooked up in their borders.
Or the Saudis funding and directing it…
” If he wanted to bring our troops home, he could. He doesn’t want to. It’s that simple.”
It isn’t that simple.
Until someone explains why we are there I am going to keep going with corrupt contractors using the rebuilding effort to funnel money into their companies pockets. I don’t think Trump has a hand in that but all of those around him do. Lets see a list of contractors, owners of those companies and dollar amounts.
Samantha Jane Geimer
How are you supposed to know whether they’re a victim without investigating?
You can pay anyone to say anything, and this is no different.
It’s still in the public interest to prevent predators from ass raping 13 year olds.
I’ll listen but I’ll have to verify before I BELIEVE.
TYT Smears Andy Ngo
I still have a thing for Ana Kasparian.
I don’t know what ‘TYT’ is but man, a lot of outfits really seem to hate them some Andy Ngo.
The Young Turks.
Didn’t that organization genocide a bunch of people? Someone should tell Cenk. . . and Ana . . .
For a long time Cenk denied the Armenian Genocide happened. I remember reading somewhere that he has since changed his mind on it.
He just doesn’t want to talk about it. And Ana is Armenian….
Which makes it totally okay, of course…
Actually changed his mind, or just mouthing the words?
Speaking the those jokers, fuck TCM for hiring and keeping Mankiewicz front and center. He isn’t fit to lick Robert Osborne heals.
He’s a smug prick.
Makiewicz is at-least film literate – unlike the new hires.
Yeah, when I noticed TCM still ran Mankiewicz after his spoutings on TYT, I was confused. Then I remembered TCM has been sucking Alec Baldwin’s dick for 25 years.
And even some one like Eddie Muller, who -at least as far as I know- doesn’t spout his politics in public, still can’t go an episode of his show without mentioning how someone’s career got “ruined” by McCarthyism.
Who knows?
Eddie Muller needs to STFU. That guy just blathers to hear his own voice. On and on and on. Especially with that fake tuff guy shtick.
Yeah, I remembered as soon as I posted. I’m not up on any of that crap – just what gets reported here.
Yea, I’d fuck her in a “dishonoring the enemy” kind of way.
I figured the “thing” in question would be a bag. Or, two.
Well, A for effort. The week sorta kinda looks like that. But with more stuff and some stuff on different days than advertised above.
But hey, I was too busy watching this exciting AZ game to bother writing a post. So, I guess you’ll be surprised!
I am glued to that game right now!!
We switched over to the Indians/Twins game during the fourth quarter of the Browns… debacle? Is that the correct word? It sure as shite wasn’t a game.
Gall darn it! So turns out my video driver problem and HDMI not being recognized are completely unrelated, bad HDMI cable just happened to crap out the same time I was having a driver issue. Figured this out after 2 days of futzing with the driver. Got that straightened out, and now my main display is super dim. Fuck sake.
HDMI? Wut? You mean DisplayPort, right? Or are you watching Brady Bunch reruns on that thing?
HDMI goes to the TV. That’s what connection it has.
HDMI either works or it doesn’t. If it works poorly, it’s not an HDMI problem.
If you have static, the problem isn’t on the digital side of the equipment.
It’s digital on both sides.
First step of VOIP troubleshooting is finding out what the caller means by “static”. Static is distinctive, and different then cut outs, drops, one way audio, or other issue.
The HDMI cable to the TV just happened to crap out the same night I had driver issues going on; one of those ‘bad luck’ failures that leads to faulty diagnostics; like having a heart attack the first time you eat bacon and the coroner blames it on the bacon.
Still don’t know what the issue is causing my main display to be less luminous than the secondary monitor at the moment, but I’m done fucking with drivers for the day.
I watched the latest Dave Chappelle special with the leftist, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat gf. She loved it (as did I…). This is anecdotal evidence that 1) the average Democrat/leftist still has a sense of humor and 2) elitist leftist are definitely controlling the messaging and therefor controlling gullible people. *But* there are gaps in their control, those gaps being human nature oriented.
I chuckled once or twice, I think he passed his sell by date before he sojourned to Africa. But I ain’t gonna piss on anyone else’s corn flakes.
Urine might actually improve corn flakes. At least it has *some* flavor.
As long as your pineapple consumption is adequate.
I watched it. I thought it was good, but not great.
Same here. It was like ‘I just said some stuff that the speech police might not like, but I said niggah a lot’.
Yeah, I have friends who are the same way. They are unified in their hatred of Orange but not all of them swallow the entire platform of craziness.
I only have a couple of lefty friends/coworkers, and I try my best to refrain from politics. But when they can’t resist, they seem to be good sports about it when I say stuff that would send the lefty twitters into heart attack territory. I mean what I’m saying is that they are signalers, because signaling is easy, but they aren’t about to give up their cushy lifestyle and all their stuff and social life for some insane commie dream.
They are trying to control the message and failing (and like with the rotten tomatoes failing embarrassing fashion), and I guess they influence gullible people, but that message is failing as well.
+1 Silent Majority
Dave Chappelle’s New Stand-Up Special Is Hilarious (And Even Subversively Pro-Life)
Speaking of trying to control the message and control gullible people…
Yeah….it’s PRO-life when he says “you can kill it, and I can abandon the motherfucker. My money- MY choice”.
I see where they get that
I have a NE runningback, and a Pitt runningback remaining. so I guess I’ll see how this turns out.
Got smacked with a direct hit from a typhoon last night. Company called and said to take the day off, so Tuesday is the new Monday. Watching Tulsi live on Rubin.
*Imagines a saurkraut and 1,000 island women’s wrestling match*
So you are saying you want to be the meat in a Tulsi Gabbard Dave Rubin sandwich?
I’d rather have a Tulsi skewer.
I’d rather skewer Tulsi.
Wobbly H.
No deal if there’s eye contact.
Good to hear you got through OK.
It was windy and mostly too loud to sleep on my end of town. Morning traffic is backed up like The Day After but I’m taking the train after the rush dies down so issues to me personally.
I can’t wait for this muggy, “steam blanket” weather to blow through so we can get on with Autumn.
My aircon tower on the balcony got blown over and the storage room door got bent pretty badly. Other than that, no big problems. Finally got the tracks clean, eh?
Aren’t you glad that Japan is the only place in the world with 4 distinct seasons?
I have been assured by many that the 4 distinct seasons here in New England aren’t actually seasons.
Because wabi sabi mono no aware or some shit.
Vivaldi was into cat girls.
They love their children more than we do, too.
Yeah. Four seasons.
Autumn comes in early/mid November. Of course I have locals tell me that Autumn starts back in September because somewhere way up north in the hinterlands the colors are changing. They’re lucky I am patient with their defective mental condition and don’t slap the bejezuz out of them because my sweat glands are telling me the season hasn’t turned yet.
Then we have a few months of wanna-be-winter when it’s too cold for a t-shirt but overall pretty nice. It might get down to the mid-teens (F) some nights.
Then, watch for it… wait, ..wait… Spring. OK, done. Some years we get a week or so (this year it was 3 days) of nice weather before it’s no longer cold but not yet a preview to Hell.
And then there’s Hell. At least if you work for a living and have to wear a suit and tie. And even if you can go “Cool Biz” and run around in slacks with a short sleeve, button-up shirt it sux. Count on that to start in May and roast you until some time in October.
Four seasons my ass.
Glad you are well as well!
I just got done speaking with my friend in Kansai and she said it is hot at the blazes there.
In the close to a decade I’ve known her I think the most snow she has ever mentioned has been something like an inch or so for no more than a day.
Glad you and yours are ok.
Tokyo handles direct hits pretty well. You get the mudslides and flooding elsewhere. Thanks, though.
Glad to hear you and the family are all right, take care and enjoy your vacation.
Looks pretty heavy from about 2-5am
Glad you guys and families are ok.
Ha. If you watch close enough, you’ll see me crossing there on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Glad you are well and seem to have power!
Environmentalists make good movie villains because they want to make your real life worse
Jonathan Franzen is canceled for being a dummy.
Oh, be nice. They only want to kill 6-7 billion people to save the planet. Of course none of those people will be them, because they don’t think wrong thoughts, so it’s all good.
No Safe Spaces
The only alt-lite figures that project seems to be missing are Milo Yiannopoulos and Glenn Beck.
“i finally made my love song to the @DNC public. for all the fellow Mad Libs™️ out there.”
“‘World Ends
Women Most Affected’”
I’m still confused by people who identify as liberal, in the 90s way, and don’t think Republicans represent them. Trump’s GOP is Bill Clinton’s 3rd term.
Ok. But fuck Andrew Yang.
Does he swing that way?
He cried on national tv.
Oh wow. Yeah. Gay.
Tomorrow I storm back into class; intellectually unarmed, and far behind on my reading. Hurricane Douchian nixed a whole week of school for me (I have only Monday/Wednesday classes, canceled) and I spent the week putting up/taking down shutters at my church and for friends who don’t know which end of a screwdriver to hold. I’ve packed a hearty lunch and am prepared to take notes on whatever marxist propaganda my professors would like parroted back to them in my next paper. I used to try to dissent- and all it did was cost a lot of extra effort and lose me (on average) about ten points. Now I do minimal effort writing, shorter papers, less citations, and earn better grades. I’ve got this college thing figured out. Viva la revolucion!
Business, Project Management concentration. Next stop: law school. If I decide to skip law school or wait a while I’ll hopefully get out of the field and into the office in my current industry.
Cincy -1 v. Seattle @ home ?
For week #1, Ill take it
Best sports story of the day:
How ’bout them Pies?
Impressive. And the Lions got smoked too.
Yeah, that’s the kind of tanking I usually associate with Collingwood….
Fuck Seattle and their over-hyped sportsball team.
Considering most of my coworkers are from Memphis, tomorrow is going to be terrible at work.
At least the Indians beat the Twins.
/waves at MikeS
I was waiting for that.
And, I deserve it.
And, the Twins magic number is 14.
You’ve never done it cop style?
peak libertarian?
Uffda. It is like you are trying to keep us on bidding on this:
Meth is a harsh mistress.
An oft overlooked Heinlein novel.
I call it novel; it’s really more of a brochure–a ‘novelette’, if you will.
It’s Official: TOOL’s Fear Inoculum Debuts At #1 On Billboard 200, Beats Out TAYLOR SWIFT
Take that, Queen! You and your kind fight out it out on the internets like a bunch of sissy loser babies, while my kind spends money and parties in the streets.
All that progging and she got stuck with #2? SMDH.
#2 to a band of old white men who cater to old white men. It’s teh patriarchy once again.
Meh, Tool is not good, gun to head – I’d rather watch T Swiffy gyrate to her bad music than pretend to dig shitty post grunge drone-a-thon jams. At least shes easy on the eyes.
I’m with Hyp on his one. I think I’d actually rather listen to Geddy than Maynard.
::secret hi-5 to MikeS::
Meh, they’ll be forgotten in a week and then T-Swizzle will dominate for a month or two.
Secret Nazi President?
Went to throw the chicken on the grill tonight. Partially frozen chicken at store yesterday turned into fully frozen in the fridge today. Yay.
Chicken is only good when served rare. *runs to the bathroom to shit and vomit at the same time for the 50th time today*
Golden Corral, huh?
So… Cleveland started poorly. The man who fell tried to argue with the EMS group that tried to take him to the hospital.
The ol’ “I’m not so think as you drunk I am” protest?
He at least had some awareness, as he eventually allowed himself to be taken away. The random tweet from someone (claiming to be related to the injured person) saying not to mock the fallen man is entertaining to me.
How does one managed to get that hammered before sunrise?
Not all heroes wear capes.
No liver?
Lost his big toes passed out while drunken tailgating last December.
Oh my,
The newscaster starts with “good morning”
“Not bad for a running back.”
running back? What the fuck is that? *Packer fan for the last decade*
Can we get Ahman Green to suit back up, please?
Heh. Team Blue guy says Google had their thumb on the scale in 2016.
Trump: Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought! @JudicialWatch
Clinton: The debunked study you’re referring to was based on 21 undecided voters. For context that’s about half the number of people associated with your campaign who have been indicted.
Clinton calling another pol corrupt and dishonest?!
[hysterical Cartman laughter]
You could have added:
Study Author: No Trump is right. And I was a strong Clinton supporter.
like her or not that’s some pretty good snark right there.
Apparently that unindicted criminal didn’t get the memo about taking the “high road”.
You take the high road. I’ll take the low. There! The cravass! Fill it with your mighty juice!
There is no longer a ‘high road’, feed the base, own the Libs, punch a Nazi, It’s all theater now. (It probably always was, but once upon a time there were better actors)
Wait…’s Tuesday? The slant sconnie has me puzzled.
Way to be racist against
chinksjapswhite folk.WTF is a slant sconnie?
You should see their cheese.
In case you had any lingering doubts that pols are lying sacks of fucking shit.
There’s tons more FUD and the usual conflating of “tobacco” with, you know, “not tobacco”, but I’m too angry to finish the piece.
“The City Council bills would “have an enormous impact on the effort to reduce the number of people who die from tobacco use, tackle the youth e-cigarette epidemic, significantly reduce the number of young people who become addicted, and dramatically reduce the death toll of tobacco on New York City’s African-American population.””
dramatically reduce the death toll of tobacco on New York City’s African-American population
Never give up that patronizing racist condescension.
“One ad features a photo of bubble gum with the caption, “Addiction now in bubble gum flavor.” The Internet ad includes a link to click for users to “tell the City Council to protect kids and restrict tobacco flavors.””
I’ve never even seen bubble gum flavored juice. Not that I’m saying it doesn’t exist.
Anyway, this whole idea some flavors are more dangerous than others is ridiculous.
I actually make fun of my friend because he sometimes buys these ridiculously specific vape juice flavors like “Belgian Waffles with Butter and Syrup” and “Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream”.
The entire premise is faulty, and yet they keep getting away with it; only children like sweet, flavored products. Therefor, flavored tobacco and vape products must be banned.
As Ben and Jerry’s or Starbucks or Jelly Belly or Baskin Robbins can attest to, adults like sweet flavors every bit as much as kids.
Well, children and black people.
Same thing.
/average progressive
I thought blacks preferred menthol.
““Strong and serious actions need to be taken around certain flavored products, which is why we already stopped selling our non-tobacco/non-menthol based JUULpods to traditional retail stores and are aggressively fighting against counterfeit and compatible flavored products which can appeal to youth and can be made with unknown ingredients, under unknown quality and manufacturing standards,” a Juul spokesman said in a statement.”
Juul is just trying to stay in their good graces.
I hate to tell them it ain’t gonna work.
Efforts to quash competition framed as trying to protect children. Well played, Juul. Well played.
Do the Steelers know the season has started?
Someone finally told the Eagles at half time.
Doesn’t look like it.
Nuclear war.
“a hell of a lot more than when we were little”
Bull. Shit.
[puts on Bill Maher hat]
New Rule: anyone who can’t put up with 5 minutes of Full Metal Jacket style verbal abuse gets sent to chop firewood in Alaska for 6 months.
There you precious candy-asses. For the love of god, harden the fuck up!
anyone who can’t put up with 5 minutes of Full Metal Jacket style verbal abuse
Depends if they’re sobbing or laughing uncontrollably. I swear D.S. School teaches them to be comedians.
“sobbing or laughing uncontrollably”
I’ve seen both come from DS action.
Counselor Troi would make a great DS.
So, Climate Change™ is a “horror” now.
CalgonSMOD, take me away!You won’t be so flippant when the sky catches on fire!
And “when we were little” it was far harder to get into college before the rise of Community Colleges, and, as you said, the Draft was there if you didn’t. And the trauma of not being able to see an real time photo of what your pal was having for lunch or gf was trying on at the clothing store.
internet meme
Bad times make strong men.
Strong men make good times.
Good times make weak men.
Weak men make bad times.
Bad times make strong men.
We need to introduce wolves to the urban areas to give them something to really worry about.
I saw article where the idea was to control the deer population by re-introducing wolves.That was the more insane idea. The less insane idea was shooting the deer with birth control hormones.
Isn’t it interesting that some of the first things we teach children are stories about how dangerous wolves are? Peter and the Wolf. The boy cried wolf. Little Red Riding Hood. The 3 Little Pigs.
And yet in spite of all that, there are people who are seriously suggesting that wolves be re-introduced into populated areas.
[anguished Zoidberg groan]
Not insane at all.
Oh, PEOPLE-populated areas. My bad.
We are talking about two different wolves. The dangerous wolf is symbolic. The wolf in parables is symbolic of the nature of the world. Actual flesh and blood wolves are dangerous to livestock but not so much when it comes to people.
Establishing wolves in human populated areas is not a good idea. They would bring in disease that would spread to pet populations (granted, they would keep the feral cat population down) and no doubt people would start feeding them. They would become semi-tame, dependent on people feeding them and not bother chasing deer (that’s hard work!)
It wouldn’t work and just cause more problems.
::Subotai laughs gleefully::
I’ve been tempted to write an article about this. The increasing quiet desperation of people these days. Maybe I’ll write it.
Would read.
If that’s true it’s because their parents are feeding it to them.
My life was more stressful as a teen than today’s teens, but my father and his were all much tougher than me. My great grandfather laughed that my grandfather got Saturday off every other week and never had to work in the breakers when he was 10.
Am I a bad person for really truly hating with a white-hot passion the “We ready for y’all” commercials?
‘Cause I can live with that.
I (thankfully) have no idea what you are talking about, but since I despise the normalization of the destruction of the English language, I hate it with you. I assume, at least, Ted S. also does.
Commercial (for NFL? Nike? Don’t know. Don’t care.) featuring athletes – mainly young athletes, it seems – singing “We ready (3x) for y’all” to the tune of “Nah nah nah nah, hey, hey-ey, goodbye.” (What’s the actual title of that song and who recorded it? I should know, but its use as a stadium chant has obscured its musical origins in my memory.)
Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye by Steam
Thanks! Now I can sleep tonight…unless I have that tune running through my head.
I prefer to listen to games on the radio, so no, I didn’t see that commercial either.
The Patriots look like a well-oiled machine. I’m a Patsbgan and this game is boring.
This new idea of don’t play your QB’s has turned week 1 into crap. From both QB’s on Thursday to Big Ben in the current blowout it has made week 1 effectively a pre-season game. I’d be pissed if I had paid NFL tix price for seats to watch this live.
Say what you about Putin- the guy knows how to look cool:
Props the the cameraman. I would’ve tripped walking backwards and spilled down the stairs.
I don’t like to quote Tucker Carlson, but this is gold:
As George Orwell once noted, “the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.” According to Orwell, the typical socialist is, quote, “either a youthful snob-Bolshevik or, more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaler, and often with vegetarian leanings.” Orwell wrote those words in 1937, but they’re entirely recognizable today. Especially the line about vegetarianism. There’s something about the left that makes them highly neurotic about food. That’s been true for generations. There’s evidence the impulse is getting worse. Here’s a clip from the other night on CNN. Democratic candidates lining up to denounce meat as immoral:
Hello, Nathan J Robinson, are you listening?
I am currently prepping moose loin for cooking in a great simple French recipe. No socialist in this corner of ‘Murica.
Is this because it bit your sister?
Oh, Rocky!
Dammit. I screwed that up.
You will be sacked.
Gustave, you’ve earned way too much good will to let that little snafu be anything more than a road bump.
Remember a while back when there was a kerfuffle about the Democrats wanting to eliminate meat consumption, and they rolled out this narrative that “nobody wants to take your hamburgers away”?
He left something out. The root of all of those symptoms is that socialism appeals to people who cant compete.
Large areolae.
I’ll take 1 and 3 (and be in my bunk.)
I’ll take two.
Plunged int the world of Netflix “The Spy”
Might not see y’all again
::has a sad::
Well, if you want them to make your sammich correctly…
A couple days ago I got censored by imgur by posting an innocent picture of a woman in her natural enviroment.
Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Some people have no sense of humor.
At least give her some flip flops.
Most people don’t have a sense of humor.
Or my humor subroutines are miscalibrated.
How y’all can hate Twitter is beyond me.
Hm. Curtis LeMay. He had a buddy named Thomas Power. That guy was the inspiration for Col Jack DeRipper in Dr Strangelove.
Power was the architect of the Operation Chrome Dome airborne alert program of SAC that ensured that a proportion of the nuclear-armed strategic bombers were always aloft so as to survive a first strike.[4]
When RAND proposed a counterforce strategy, which would require SAC to restrain itself from striking Soviet cities at the beginning of a war, Power countered with:
Restraint? Why are you so concerned with saving their lives? The whole idea is to kill the bastards. At the end of the war if there are two Americans and one Russian left alive, we win![5]
Professor William Kaufmann from the RAND Corporation, losing his patience, noted: “Well, you’d better make sure that they’re a man and a woman.” At that point, Power stalked out of the room. The briefing was over.[6] Having been briefed by another famous member of the RAND Corporation, Herman Kahn, on the genetic effects of nuclear weapons, Power replied: “You know, it’s not yet been proved to me that two heads aren’t better than one.”[7]
That was when men were men, women were women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were *really* small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
Curtis lemay paraphrased-
“If we dont win this war, we will all be tried for war crimes.”
+1 bomb them as long as there are 2 bricks stuck together
+1 bomb them into the stone age
He had some ideas about how to handle the Vietnam War.
Make that rubble bounce.
The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war at all.” –Maj. Gen. Curtis LeMay.
-1 Thank God for the Atomic Bomb
In anticipation of the impending invasions of the Japanese home islands 100,000’s of Purple Hearts were made. Enough of them were made that I was presenting them to my wounded in 2003 and 2004.
Fussel was correct.
That’s amazing.
Not sure if happy or sad.
War is hell.
LOL that is Twitter in a nutshell.
Oh my!
Guess they really wanted some bread.
Just watched Shannon Bream interview Neal Gorsuch. Whether you agree with every decision he’s made,or not, he’s one solid dude.
Meh, he’s no Garland.
To be fair, neither was Liza.
/Teh Patriarky strikez agen
I like this song:
I know someday my time will be up. I want to make sure there is no unfinished business.
Catchy tune. Gotta say that I didn’t know it was possible to employ more cliches than Hall and Oates.
Grave Digger
This section caught my attention:
Lolwut?! There’s such a thing as being too much of an individual?
“No man is an island; but some are peninsulas.”
— Robin Williams (The Survivors)
Sounds like he’s talking about individualism as opposed to being part of a family. He’s got a point in that being the unabomber is an unhealthy expression of individualism. Only gods or beasts can live alone.
Yes, a conflation of ideas. But, just because Kazinsky lived alone doesn’t mean he wasn’t engaging in identity politics. He might have felt mostly alone in his stridency, being a recluse. But, he was definitely playing an “Us vs Them” game.
He certainly wasn’t a Rothbardian individualist. His manifesto kind of sounds like Tucker’s ideas on economics.
Buy Murican!
Fuck yeah!
Defending the unabomber? I’d read that submission.
That doesn’t even make sense.
Unless you’re “broken” in some way, as straff hints above.
I can’t square identify politics and individualism.
Aren’t they opposite?
Or am I missing NuSpeak definition of individualism?
Yes, it does smack of NuSpeak.
Similar to the “good times, weak men” quote from above:
Through action, a Man becomes a Hero
Through death, a Hero becomes a Legend
Through time, a Legend becomes a Myth
And by learning from the Myth, a Man takes action
The end of an error.
Tee hee.
That was fast.
Get your shower with Jennifer Anniston at 30Kft while you can.
Does anybody else think that the new Skinny Jillette sucks?
Did he take a page from Drew Carey?
I guess so. Not as funny, dropping his principles for watered down cosmotarian pseudo-Leftism, increasingly hostile to other viewpoints.
He should never have had a family.
Life was fine without government force. Until you have children. Then, bring on the coercion!
Where is saying the leftish stuff”
He’s jumping on the global warming stuff. Ironic considering there was a whole episode of Bullshit devoted to enviro-hysteria.
How can you doubt when 9 out of 10 government sponsored scientists agree?
Either I’m stealing that, or, you need to start cranking out (!) merch with that on it.
Well, to play the advocate here, is it possible he thinks it has been “proven” more than when he made Bullshit? IOW, has he made any claim that he’s re-thought the issue and come to a different conclusion?
I know–even if he did, doesn’t make it so.
Perhaps, but nothing has changed. The models still aren’t accurate and the predictions aren’t coming true.
Last post for tonight:
monster trucks dressed up like dogs
Scooby dooby doo…where are you? Gotta catch that villain…
Derpy, I nominate you for the new Most Interesting Man in the World campaign.
I said it was my last post, but I gotta say this: you know that guy from the Dos Equis most interesting man in the world commercials?
Yeah, he was a red shirt on Star Trek…and lived.
Sharks have a week dedicated to him.
On March 9, 2016, Dos Equis announced that it would replace Goldsmith in the role as the “Most Interesting Man in the World”, saying that the brand hoped to “reboot (the character) in a way that’s relevant for today’s drinker so the brand doesn’t get stale.”
The term reboot, outside of electronics, needs to die.
Damn. “Week dedicated to him”, indeed.
Renegade’s dad.
The voice of the commercials, starred in the medieval swashbuckler Crossbow with one half of Chad & Jeremy as his dogged opponent. None of which I knew or cared about at the time.
And Audrey Griswold!
The redshirt fatality rate is an interesting example of statistical bias.
When someone went through all of the on-screen appearances by non-main characters, their shirt color, and fatality rate, the red shirts actually had the lowest percentage of fatalities. They were merely the most numerous because there were more extras in red than any other color.
I saw this first at SEMA. The suspension on the Trophy Trucks are pretty amazing.
Sasquatch Hunter
Seats look a little more empty, but it’s early in the day and the basho. No rain delay for these boys.
And Aminishiki is doing commentary! 22 years as a sumo. Amazing.
Or as a rikishi, rather.
Rikishi don’t lose that number.
Typical Glib behavior
What is that? It looks expensive.
Hydraulic cylinder.
Peak Canadian: apologizing for winning the US open.
Well…I guess it’s refreshing to see a world-class athlete come onto the scene and show that she doesn’t seem to have an ego as big as all outdoors.