“You know this won’t help him,” said Nurse Vinson.
“I’m following the wishes of my client, as expressed while he was still compos mentis,” replied Mr. Izzard the lawyer who looked at her unblinkingly. “You will remember that we have a court order.” The corners of the lawyer’s mouth turned up ever so slightly.
She felt a chill run up her spine. “Like a rabbit ran over your grave,” was what her grandmother called it. There was something just wrong about the lawyer. No, she shouldn’t even think that because thinking would lead to saying, and that led to trouble.
“Proceed,” said the lawyer.
“Go ahead, Brian.”
“Okay, Mr. Hammond, open up,” smirked the beefy orderly putting on a pair of blue rubber gloves.
Hammond was strapped to a gurney by wide leather belts at the chest, wrists, waist and ankles. Brian opened an envelope containing a thick rubber “hockey puck” bite guard which he slipped into the patient’s open and eager mouth, then made sure it was fitted in securely. He was the only orderly who would work this duty; the others were either scared off by Vinson’s rantings about deviltry, or terrified of the old bat herself. Whatever. The whole thing was amusing and gave him a break from some of his more sad and grim duties in the Profoundly Retarded Bedridden Unit.
“Very well,” said the lawyer as he sat down on the chair the hospital administration had told her she had to give him. He placed his metal briefcase on his lap and opened its clicky latches to reveal a thick leatherbound book nestled in its snug bed of black padding.
The book gave Nurse Vinson the creeps. The first time she saw it she hadn’t noticed the five-pointed star tooled into the wrinkly black leather cover; she had thought that it was an old family Bible and that the lawyer was a nice man about to read her patient a comforting lesson from the scriptures, something she was forbidden from doing herself.
She wanted not to look at the book but couldn’t help herself; she knew it was looking at her. In the center of the star an eye opened and winked at her all red and glowing before closing again. Must be one of those modern electrical gizmos – like those greeting cards that started singing when you opened them. That had to be it, right? The lawyer was trying to drive her crazy, doubtlessly in cahoots with the new Director.
Izzard carefully removed the book and used his elbows to close the case, then rested the book on top of the case.
“You remember his sinuses drain copiously, and you have to constantly aspirate his nasal passages.”
“Yes sir,” she replied, painfully aware that the lawyer was deliberately working her in front of the orderly. Retirement couldn’t come soon enough. She’d put in twenty-seven years at Eastern State Hospital caring for the lunatics and imbeciles of Virginia. She only had three more years before she could retire. It would be a long three years. Somehow, Izzard’s visits always occured when she was on shift. Administration said they didn’t know anything about it and wouldn’t lift a finger to help her. She suspected that Brian was tipping the lawyer off whenever the shift schedule came out. Nobody would switch shifts with her anymore; they were all out to get her.
She put the stethoscope into her ears and listened to the patient’s pulse so she wouldn’t have to hear the words. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the lawyer wet his lips with his tongue, preparatory to reading. The tongue was abnormally thin and quick. She closed her eyes and in her mind sang “Yes, We Shall Gather at the River.”
The first time she had heard the filthy words that lawyer read from the book she had to put a stop to things. Those were not the type of stories which would help her patient get better; if anything they would make him worse. Pornographic occult filth didn’t belong in mental hospitals; didn’t belong anyplace, really, but she knew that she was fighting a losing battle against a society which had abandoned all reason and decency.
She’d sent him packing, then he came back with a piece of paper which she tore up and she sent him packing again, and then the Sheriff’s Deputies showed up and took the Director in front of the judge to get talked to. Then she had to sit in an all-day meeting with people from DMHS headquarters in Richmond who yelled at her about legal stuff, and then she had to sign papers saying that she understood what they’d said and a whole bunch of other crap that sounded like they could fire her if she interfered again, or even looked at the lawyer cross. Apparently crazy people had a right to have pornography read to them. She knew she couldn’t preach or testify to patients, but why did she have to help them damn their poor souls to even deeper pits in hell? But she did get a week of “administrative leave” which was basically a paid vacation.
“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn” said the lawyer.
Brian stifled a giggle. Whatever that was always sounded like the lawyer was trying to talk while eating pussy.
Hammond made a series of eager whimpering noises in response. The lawyer nodded solemnly at Hammond and began reading.
“‘The Haunting of Hillary House,’ by SugarFree.”
OT (ALREADY?): Trump just canned John Bolton. Yay.
Shut the front door! Are you serious!?
I wonder what specifically Trump took issue with. I mean, don’t NOT do it, but I’m just curious what the last straw happened to be.
Please have Trump pardon Flynn and re-appoint him. Please please please.
Not only would the butthurt be epically delicious, it would be a stick in the eye of the Deep State.
Some people expected a major development in Flynn’s sentencing saga today. But I guess nothing happened so far.
He probably got tired of the ‘Stache screaming in his ear to bomb everyone.
but I’m just curious what the last straw happened to be.
It was probably Bolton’s idea to nuke the hurricane.
No problem, Juvie. Breaking news is never OT.
Bolton’s moustache was one of the more fun and engaging villains of H&H. We’ve lost someone we loved to hate.
I don’t know why he wasn’t compared to The Lorax more often.
Good one! Probably because the left reveres Seuss and don’t want to compare his characters to anyone they don’t like. Also, STFU about his anti-Japanese racism.
I am the Warax I speak for the DC’s
Somebody needs to meme that.
I got a pro memer on it as we speak
I was just going to post that Trump has canned the Porn ‘Stache of War.
Very Lovecraft, I think I liked it….
Yep, good stuff Tonio,
Omg omg omg
President Trump revealed Tuesday that he demanded National Security Advisor John Bolton’s resignation, tweeting “I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions.”
You seem overly excited.
Understated, if anything.
I mean, I’d rather him be fired out of a cannon into the sun, but fired in this sense will have to do.
I mean, when Bolton jerks off, does he do it to porn, or to war footage?
Why not both?
+1 Nanking
Ugh, that felt dirty.
According to Japan the Rape of Nanking didn’t happen, and if it did they deserved it.
Well, look how it was dressed…
It shouldn’t have been in that part of China at night either.
“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House,” Trump tweeted Tuesday.
“I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning,” he continued. “I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week.”
The two have had disagreements over a range of issues, perhaps most significantly on the plans for a troop drawdown in Afghanistan.
The president appointed Bolton to his post in March 2018, after removing H.R. McMaster.
Bolton became Trump’s third national security adviser, joining the administration in April 2018. McMaster had been appointed earlier in the administration to replace Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
But Bolton fired back Tuesday, tweeting moments after the president that he offered his resignation on Monday evening, and said it was not immediately accepted by Trump.
“I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, ‘Let’s talk about it tomorrow,’ Bolton tweeted.
“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House,” Trump tweeted Tuesday
So did I, for the past 18 months but that didn’t seem to change anything, not until today. Now Mr President, can you do Navarro and Lighthizer?One can only hope.
Sometimes Xmas does come early
Count down to the left hilariously defending Bolton…….
I can’t wait for him to make the rounds on DNCNN, MSDNC, ABDNC, etc. touting his tell-all book.
Actually, that wouldn’t surprise me in the least. In addition to being a unrepentant warmonger, Bolton has a history of being an incredibly disloyal unrepentant warmonger. He regularly goes though media back channels to try to throw his bosses under the bus for policies he advocated to them
Robert Costa, national political reporter for the Washington Post, also wrote in a tweet that he had received a text from Bolton, saying “Let’s be clear, I resigned, having offered to do so last night.”
In another tweet, Costa said he also got this message from Bolton: “I will have my say in due course. But I have given you the facts on the resignation. My sole concern is US national security.”
True to form, as always.
Bolton is a true believer. He really truley believes the US government is God’s gift to humanity and anything is ok for to do.
Well it’s not like there is any real anti-war faction on the left anymore, and of course, ORANGE MAN BAD!!!11!!!
There was never an anti-war faction on the left. They are collectivists. A decent argument can be made that war in one form or another is all they do.
Yeah, I guess I was trying to say they don’t even pretend to be anti-war anymore.
Immediate headline from 538:
“Trump is getting rid of critics and bringing in loyalists”
Of course no other president has ever done so, not even chocolate Jesus.
How could he? Chocolate Nixon never had any critics.
Well played, Tonio! Well played!
Trump got tired of Bolton waving his warboner around the Oval.
When Bolton said he was bombing Hanoi and splooged all over The Hat, it was the last straw.
Awesome, Tonio!
Although the link at the end is gonna give me nightmares!
“‘The Haunting of Hillary House,’ by SugarFree.”
something something cruel and unusual something
The home of cruel and unusual suffering?
Over 7 billion served.
Yeah, no fair, Tonio, too scary
Good work, Tonio. Absolute bedlam.
Bolton’s gone?!?!
*lubes up*
*skwuk, skwuk, skwuk*
That book…well, it’s been like a year since I offered this to SF, so I guess I can share it since he hasn’t taken any action on it.
Get on your IT guy about that.
“Request Denied”
-Prefilled response email.
I’ll just assume it’s disturbing and triggers a sanity check.
That’s excellent, CPRM.
From last thread:
You are a college football fan, so you are definitely a herd animal.
I think being a Georgia Tech fan makes it clear I am not a herd animal. Herd animals are not that stupid.
A common paleolithic hunting technique was to chase herds over a cliff where the fall would kill them.
They’re going to resentence Rand Paul’s attacker:
The short version is 30 days in the hole ain’t gonna cut it.
Given the severity of injury inflicted I can’t see how the judge thought it would stand the first time around.
If they let their personal political opinions interfere, they need to be impeached.
Of course those with the power to impeach them share their beliefs, so it ain’t gonna happen.
“To prioritize a defendant’s education, professional success, and standing in the community would give an additional leg up to defendants who are already in a privileged position,” wrote Obama appointee Jane Stranch for a three-judge panel. “Indigent defendants are less likely to impress a sentencing court with their education, employment record, or local reputation. But they are no less deserving of a reasonable and compassionate sentence.”
blind squirrel?
Opportunity to fuck over a 1-percenter.
I think you’re right, privileged position is the magic phrase in the statement.
I disagree. I just finished reading the Apellate court opinion.
Basically, they said the guy got a sentence that was similar to two convictions under the statute, one for hurling eggs at a congressman and missing, and the other for spitting on a senator at an airport.
The ruling made a big deal about the fact that Paul is now in chronic pain, has severe restrictions on his mobility and is having recurring pneumonias.
This isn’t about sticking it to the 1%. Rather the appelate court is saying that this was a felony battery that did permanent and significant injury to the victim and that the downward deviation from the sentencing guidelines that were solely justified by the privleged and awesome community-mindedness of the assailant and basically treated the victim’s injuries as not a big deal was inappropriate.
It also reasoned that the reason for the statute was to disincentivize political violence and even if the assault wasn’t politically motivated, the absence of severe penalties would send a message that it was OK to violently assault people in government.
Even though I strongly disagree with that last rationale as justifying the law, they’re not wrong.
Moreover, it’s better than the fascist alternative the Democrats seem to love; laws harshly enforced against their political opponents while rarely and lightly enforced against them and their surrogates.
even if the assault wasn’t politically motivated
If anyone actually believes this, I will be shocked.
Look at Mr. Read-the-opinion over here. If shooting from the hip off of a couple cherry picked quotes from an article is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
That’s a pretty hard smackdown, for a judge. Let’s see what the lower court does with it. My prediction for the new sentence: 31 days.
Also from previous thread:
The Texas vs KC bbq argument is hilarious, because the correct answer on which BBQ is best involves pork.
You have it all wrong. The correct answer is what BBQ am I currently stuffing my face with.
^^^ Winner! ^^^
Chicken dinner?
Only if it’s BBQ.
Deep dish BBQ?
With pineapple.
Grilled pineapple is pretty bitchin’, but I don’t think slow cooked smoked pineapple would be as good. Unless… you left the pineapple whole?
See tacos al pastor
Green-eyed lady, passion’s lady
Dressed in love, she lives for life to be
Green-eyed lady feels life I never see
Setting suns and lonely lovers free
Apparently crazy people had a right to have pornography read to them. She knew she couldn’t preach or testify to patients, but why did she have to help them damn their poor souls to even deeper pits in hell? But she did get a week of “administrative leave” which was basically a paid vacation.
LOL, I know about 40 of these people.
Do you read pornography to them?
I don’t read pornography; I read fine erotica like Mojeaux’s rhapsodic prose.
I just look at the pictures.
I tried writing smut for smut’s sake once, just so I could get some money flowing in. Alas, I developed my characters and had a plot.
It’s the curse of genius. You are unable to be mediocre.
But the smut part was awesome! Also, I got kudos for having a romantic
Reminds me of the stories dad used to tell from his experience as the night shift nursing supervisor at the “totally not an asylum we don’t do that anymore and besides we changed the name this is a prison now”. Wunderbar, Tonio.
My mom was a nurse at one as well in the 60’s right out of school. She still tells stories of the “loonies”. There were several hospitals around in the 1960’s, but the Feds emptied them in the 1970’s, so many shut down. The streets seemed to fill up with homeless folks around the same time, funny that.
As bad as living in shit out on the streets must be, I can’t say that being imprisoned and medicated against your will is an improvement.
” Krugman reasoned that it was justifiable to inoculate retarded children at Willowbrook with hepatitis virus because most of them would get hepatitis anyway. But by purposefully giving the children hepatitis, Krugman increased that chance to 100 percent.”
Well that’s sure evil.
No doubt. My comment was more about letting institutionalized people free and not expecting consequences. They changed the situation for many people and their families who might now be responsible for them. One of the consequences was increased homelessness and crime.
Pops worked in State Correctional Institute: Waymart, formerly known as Farview Asylum. Being a prison, everyone in there was there for breaking the law, but they were in Farview specifically because they had some mental or physical issue that prevented them from being kept in any other prison in PA.
Dad didn’t talk about the inmates much, partially because many were there for crimes that would make Hitler retch and he didn’t think his kids needed to hear about that, but also because he took his job seriously, including HIPAA. However, like the nurse in the story, he would constantly complain about idiotic court orders (“I can’t use soft restraints because it’s a rights violation? Great, so now when they get aggressive the guards can just hit them with the taser, much more humane. “) and orderlies, or in his case prison guards. What little I know about the prisoners in his charge came from guards that didn’t know how to shut up.
This dad has real street cred.
That’s excellent!
OT: Did you hear Trump got rid of John Bolton? The Deep State foisted Bolton on to Trump and Trump just defeated their warmongering efforts yet again.
I await the launch of his presidential campaign. Bolton 2020: ‘Make Regime Change Great Again!’
Bolton 2020: There are still a few brown people left we haven’t bombed.
Bolton 2020: I would have nuked the Hurricane Dorian.
Be fair now, he wanted to bomb white folks (Russians) too.
Bolton 2020: Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.
I heard he shot himself in the nuts whilst in the Oval Office.
And then some drugs fell out of Lou Reed’s butt.
See upthread:
” Juvenile Bluster on September 10, 2019 at 11:04 am
OT (ALREADY?): Trump just canned John Bolton. Yay.”
Beat you by 2 hours, 21 minutes
…this guy
I’ll come out and say it, Old Man music links usually aren’t to my liking, maybe we can get this Old Lady to post some music links.
She thought is was going to be a crocheting concert. who knew?
Eating pizza and drinking brew at SeaQuake Brewing in Crescent City, CA. Redwoods and coastal lagoons. Mist, mountains, moving to Seattle. Hi from the road!!
Hope you brought some plaid.
Safe travels!
Thanks! More travel music https://youtu.be/N2Ip58j9nq8
Seattle had some really bad weather this weekend.
I wish we would get something interesting down here.
OT: Disney super fan banned for life after drunken antics
She was just having her fun and the Mouse came down hard.
The Mouse is an unforgiving god.
Oh well, on to Six Flags.
Knott’s Berry Farm is for drinkin’
Six Flags is for Meth and Bath Saltz cocktails.
Raiders fans and knife fights.
That’s Raider Love!
Disney should reflexively ban all adults who style themselves as “Disney super fans”. I’m sorry, but at some point adults without children pining for a children’s theme park need to be told “that’s just weird”.
You know who else was pining some children at a theme park?
pining some children
Euphemism entered into database.
Dude…. I took the family to Disney Aulani on Oahu. It’s MOSTLY childless couples, particularly from Japan. They would elbow kids out of the way to get a picture with Mickey and Minnie. So fucking creepy.
How can people with kids afford to go there?
The corporate media in 3… 2… 1…
I don’t know about them but it looks like Romney is bummed. On the other hand, Paul’s ecstatic.
“NUKE ‘EM!” is not a contrarian viewpoint. It’s just dumb.
Romney’s a damn fool.
“NUKE ‘EM!” is not a contrarian viewpoint. It’s just dumb.”
It’s actually the consensus view. Even within Trump’s cabinet
Romney is an idiot. A dangerous idiot.
OT, but y’know.
Boobs are never OT. They transcend mere “topics”.
+1 huge tracts of land
What I want to know is why her tits just suddenly grew from an H to an L in the supposed absence of an intervening event. This is a technology we need to harness.
Sometimes the pictures just ruin the porn for ya!
If you don’t believe TDS is a real brain disorder that legitimately makes you retarded then just revisit all the mourning Beltway Libertarians when John McCain died and the Weekly Standard shut down. Still not convinced?
Exhibit #1,361
Nicholas Sarwark
There’s also a fight over who is telling the truth about the circumstances of the resignation.
All I’ll say is Bolton doesn’t have a long and documented track record of being a liar.
I think we need to bring back the sideshow and populate it with Never Trumpers and TDS pseudo-Libertarians.
“The incredible shrinking brains!”
Imagine believing that Bolton “doesn’t have a long and documented track record of being a liar”. Just think about that for a second. Consider what the chairman of the “Libertarian” Party is saying.
This is how TDS makes you legitimately retarded. Trump lies about crowd sizes, Bolton literally lied about WMDs (Beltway Libertarians should remember that since they pimped the same lie in the pages of Reason and CATO) and cost thousand of lives as a result. Not to mention all of his other lies during his tenure under Trump (about Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc.). We almost went to war with Iran over losing a flying killer robot and we’re supposed to pretend like Bolton is a good character and it’s important that we remind everyone that “orange man bad”
Wait. An officer for the LP is saying soemthing retarded?!? On twitter?!?!?!?
I need to go get my shocked face!
Joking aside, I strongly encourage people not to give imbeciles like Sarwark the oxygen of your attention.
You’re right. It was funnier in my head.
Also, Sarwark is debating Dave Smith at the SoHo Forum tonight.
That won’t end well.
Can we get Epstein to do a pay per view of Kristol vs. Horton? (Kristol is so going to back out)
Oh yeah, Kristol is going to back out. Horton was chastising people on his show telling them not to harass Kristol about how he is going to lose the debate, because he’s afraid he’s going to back out.
Horton’s thinking is that Kristol right now sees the Reason magazine sponsorship and assumes that he will be debating someone at Reason where they will quibble here or there, but overall there won’t be much difference in their perspectives. But, if Kristol starts getting curious about who this Horton guy is he may back out simply because he doesn’t even want to justify the legitimacy of his consistent antiwar position.
Whatever, Kristol is going to figure it out before the debate anyways
John Bolton, liberated!
No more OrangebadMan for him!
So stunning,
So brave..,
To be fair, I’m pretty sure Sarwark was legitimately retarded long before TDS kicked in.
Trump has only lied about crowd sizes?
Name 7 other things he’s lied about. See? You can’t do it! Check mate libtard!
You mean he really is sexually attracted to Ivanka? My world is shattered.
Imagine believing that pretending as if Trump’s lies are anywhere equivalent to Bolton’s lies is a smart take. Just imagine that.
Downplaying the destruction of Bolton’s lies to own the…..I have no fucking idea why someone would say something so stupid, honestly
I don’t believe I used the qualifier “only”.
When he starts feeding us lies that result in mass murder then you can compare his lies to Bolton. In the meantime, this analogy is retarded.
Bolton doesn’t have a long and documented track record of being a liar.
*jaw drops, thin trickle of cerebrospinal fluid drips out ear*
Did you guys hear that Trump fired Bolton?
Steve Trump, local event coordinator, fired Michael Bolton, some musician.
Why should I change, he’s the one who sucks?
Hi UCS, I replied to your post yesterday with the reverse amortization formula, but I think the thread was dead at that point. I worked it out and got the same result.
Oh, good.
He shot him in the warboner, and pot fell out of his ass.
I hear Lou Reed was there.
Enthusiasm builds for ‘Blue New Deal’ after climate town hall
They really love their “new deals”, don’t they? Especially considering how the first one was such a massive failure.
Screw the Ocean, it just wants to kill you, and there shit in there that would scare Cthulhu,
Screw the Ocean.
This. There’s a reason our ancestors left that place millions of years ago.
Enthusiasm amongst who? The small slice of the extra-chromosome wing of the Party they asked?
I wonder how that fisherman expects to make a living after his boat has to be scrapped when the state makes its powerplant illegal?
He ain’t earning a living rowing out to the fishery, that’s for sure. 🙄
That’s what the slaves are for.
I think it’s spelled “Blew Knew Deal”…
Off topic from Bolton’s firing/resignation to Tonio’s story, one question: Who is John Minson Galt II?
From the story on Romney and Paul’s reaction to Bolton’s firing:
That’s no surprise given that Bolton’s preference for aggressive U.S. foreign policy clashes heavily with Paul’s non-interventionist mindset. The senator, who has tried to influence U.S. negotiations with Iran, is apparently so thrilled with the news that he has reportedly scheduled a media call to applaud Bolton’s resignation.
If Rand starts a chorus on “Nah-nah-nah-nah! Nah-nah-nah-nah! Hey-Hey-Hey! Goodbye!” he’s locked up my donation for his re-election campaign.
A tent so big it can fit everyone to the Left of Lenin!
“t. I’m a safety net capitalist”
Oh go fuck yourself.
In fairness the Scandinavian countries are for the most part safety net capitalists.
I doubt however that Shalala is one of those.
Tulsi has been making workout videos as campaign spots now. You’re welcome.
That body is made for love, not war.
Built for speed or comfort?
Watch the videos. You decide
Why oh why does she have to be a gun grabber and an economic statist?
She can grab my guns IYKWIMAITTYD
Because God hates us and wants us to suffer?
There’s a meme for that. But, be careful, that posterior will occupy your thoughts all day.
Tripartisan fairness:
Republican: Melania Trump
See comments section for more than the original 16
Something, something something TANLW
I don’t see what attractiveness has to do with political philosophy.
As PJ O’Rourke pointed out. ” beautiful women are always on the cutting edge of social trends.” otherwise known as the babe theory of political movements.
I’m not so sure they are on the cutting edge as much as men love chasing tail.
Power follows Money. Money chases Trim. Ergo: Trim leads Power.
Seems legit.
beautiful women are always on the cutting edge of social trends
Women chase status. Power is status. People (and I include women in that category) have a keen instinctive sense for power and which way the winds are blowing.
You can tell which party is on the upswing by which one has the good looking female volunteers. It Is Known.
They missed out on the Pholosopher and Liberty Doll.
I can’t wait for the salacious insights from John Bolton’s tell all book now that he’s been fired. We might get another investigation out of this.
Trump’s penis isn’t shaped like a Mario Bros. mushroom, it’s actually shaped like a lopsided hourglass!
But it’s still orange, right?
Don’t ruin this for me, man!
Just so the investigation is of Bolton for violating national security laws and non-disclosure agreements.
Oh, and committing perjury.
If you like your government-run psychiatric hospital, you should be able to keep your government-run psychiatric hospital, on one condition: if it is paid for by money voluntarily donated for it and not by taxes and/or the kind(s) of borrowing to be repaid by taxes.
Every schtick gets tedious eventually. Might be time for a new one.
As long as the purchase of said shtick is paid for by money voluntarily donated for it and not by taxes and/or the kind(s) of borrowing to be repaid by taxes.
It was time several months ago.
Don’t listen to them. Is OMWC’s shtick old? Is Q’s shtick old? Is STEVE SMITHS’s shtick old? Go with your best pitch kid.
Yes. All of those shticks are old.
All I’m seeing is 2 blank spaces. ?
Is it any part of the areola or just the actual nipple protrusion that’s against FCC regs? Inquiring minds want to know!
Pedophile jokes never get old
*Dave Chapelle nods in agreement*
Your supportive and friendly shtick is old.
You’re a Towel!
Just got a strange caller that left a message, something to do with a “check protest and judgement hearing”. Virtually no other information given and I am pretty sure I 1) do not use checks and 2) am not behind on any bills that I am aware of. Searched for the firm and it doesn’t appear to exist. I’m going to assume scammer until I see something in writing.
At this point, if you don’t know the number, you can probably assume it’s a scam about 95% of the time. I got a new text to speech Microsoft one the other day though. It’s a step up from the poor Indian guy named Joe.
You should probably call back with your bank routing & account number handy so you can get this cleared up before they have to get the authorities involved and possibly garnish wages.
*stern stare*
You can’t just leave that Nigerian prince hanging!
Definitely a scam.
It’s a scam. Or at least it sounds like the litigation scam that’s going around right now.
“I’m serving you over the phone”
Insane Guy Shouting He’ll Buy Back Your Stuff With Your Own Money Becomes Popular Democratic Candidate
Another good one from the Bee.
In my never-ending quest to make gnomic pronouncements to “help” my colleagues, today’s offering is:
“There is no capacity without competency.”
While they puzzle over that one, I should be able to run some errands.
Did I miss another iron law?
Nah. Just me yankin’ chains.
I can’t believe they pay me for this stuff.
“You don’t get anywhere, if you spin your wheels”?
Well look at the Sphinx, sharing his wisdom!!!