Apparently people are easily offended. While it is not necessarily a new idea, to be outraged is to be fashionable, and nobody wants to be accused of being unfashionable.
This is my review of Brewery Terreux Sour in the Rye

Neither offends me, does that make me an asshole? Or does that just make me an adult?
The first place we find it is in this Time article that discusses the outrage native Marshall Islanders feel for a beer known as Bikini Atoll by the Manhattan Project Brew Company out of Dallas. One thing to point out about this particular beer company is their theme of naming beer after things related to nuclear weapons–hence the name Manhattan Project Beer Co.
If you are unfamiliar with the history behind the Manhattan Project, here is a link…then go ahead and find a wooden plank for which to strike yourself in the face for not knowing what the Manhattan Project is. It actually IS something they still teach in school…
The company, which takes its name from the WWII research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons and has named other beers “Necessary Evil” and “Plutonium-239,” noted that they would take “no further action in this matter.”
Which is the action they should take on this. If somebody is offended by what is on the label or cares that why somebody might be offended by it, simply don’t purchase it. Unfortunately it never is that simple, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands is demanding an apology from the company in question. Here’s the thing, I am confident the current generation of Americans doesn’t actually know what the Bikini Atoll is. They probably just assume it has something to do with the swimsuit—and to be fair they’d be right.

Not my photo of a woman in a bikini in 1953.
That said, 2/3 of the same generation in question doesn’t know what Auschwitz was. I am very confident I could ask a random person where the US tested atomic weapons and they’d probably just say New Mexico—and to be fair they’d be right. Instead of being outraged at the cultural insensitivity of a now little known historical fact perhaps they should instead realize how obscure their story is and be happy that somebody recognized the tragedy for what it is.
Unfortunately, this beer is not available to me locally so I am unable to try it for myself. Being a Gose, I am nearly certain it will offend my senses. This one by Brewery Terraux does not disappoint in that regard. It is needlessly sour. Likely made in a manner that I assume government scientists would create if they were given nearly unlimited resources and told to create something that will be sold in grocery stores catering to high income customers, and commits the largest possible atrocity while fitting conveniently within the confines of a single bomber.
The use of rye does not make it any more palatable, or enjoyable for me in any way. Brewery Terreux Sour in the Rye 2.2/5
Last days of Rome…
Uh oh.
You just consented to boomer memes.
Oklahoma fans huh?
What is the strange new object next to the grater, the one partially eclipsed by the beer bottle? Also, missing the sultry container of cooking implements.
Cherry tomatoes.
That makes no sense. Why have a rack that goes ‘kettle, grater, tomatos’
It does actually look like the last package of cherry tomatoes I bought. Why it’s empty and still sitting there is a mystery.
Oh, I agree that it does look like a cherry tomato package.
It just doesn’t make sense being there
It doesn’t make sense to have food on a counter?
Only when actively preparing or cooking.
Do you refrigerate all your produce? Some people don’t like some fruits cold. Some things stay fresh longer outside the refrigerator.
Do you not have cabinets?
It’s not the fact that your theories about virtually everything are unusual. It’s the fact that you seem actually offended and snippy that others don’t do things your way. But let’s test this one, because I have literally never heard of anyone storing fresh produce in a cabinet before so I am curious.
Do you store produce:
1. in the fridge
2. on a counter
3. on a window sill
4. basket/tray on a table
5. in a cabinet
It doesn’t last long enough to need storing.
@ Jarflax:
It depends on what it is. Tomatoes go on a rack on the counter (Alton Brown said that some flavor compounds break down if the tomato is ever refrigerated). Onions and potatoes also go on this same rack. Pretty much everything else goes in the crisper drawer.
If that’s what it sounds like to you, I don’t know what to say. Not sure why it reads like that to you. Maybe you take it for a perfectly serious tone. donno.
If that’s what it sounds like to you, I don’t know what to say. Not sure why it reads like that to you. Maybe you take it for a perfectly serious tone. donno.
I suppose I do take you as being serious. If it’s a deliberate schtick then I apologize, and will say you stay in character well in these arguments.
Well, it loses the funny if I go and admit “My reaction was really just a shrug”
Apparently, like most common things there are regional colloquialisms. We don’t refer to any of those things like that.
1. The rotter
2. Melanogaster hatchery #1
3. Melanogaster hatchery #2
4. Out of sight, out of mind
Produce not preserved should be consumed quickly.
“Why it’s empty and still sitting there is a mystery.”
Poor man’s strainer.
Tomatoes come in packages? Who knew?
Not to blow your mind, but honey comes in plastic bears.
And syrup comes from plastic black women.
They’re Winter tomatos. The plastic helps them migrate into the cold wastes.
Yeah, not offended.
Then again, I don’t spend my precious days on this planet mewling and mainlining grievance like a pussy.
The beer sounds awful. Thanks for taking one for the team, Mexi!
Nobody tell the fine Marshallese people that this exists.
They’d thank you!
I consider the twin tower one to be in very poor taste, but let the marketplace take care of that. The other one just depicts an atoll; to be in equivalently bad taste to the Twin Terror illo it would have to be called Hiroshima and depict a cloud or that iconic building.
mushroom cloud…
To be fair, there was a bit more of that particular atoll before the 1950s.
Why do you hate deep sea fishing?
The first time I went, when I was 5, I got seasick. But I did catch some grunts that day.
I had it. HAD it. My parents threw away all of my shit.
If I’m reading that twit correctly, the twin tower one does not actually exist.
It seems like that guy really wants it to, though.
Yeah, it’s certainly not on the same level at all. A small number of people were voluntarily relocated off the atoll. They may have been lied to about the likelihood of being able to return after a short time. But they didn’t bomb the atoll with people on it.
Racial bias, or the fact it was 73 years ago and nobody was killed in Bikini Atoll?
The fact that I witnessed the first one with my own eyes and the second one was on the other side of the earth and decades before I was born, and therefore the first event is a bit more fresh in my mind, makes me a racist. QED!
Gaia got a tan.
“commits the largest possible atrocity while fitting conveniently within the confines of a single bomber.”
I’d try it. I like rye in beer, and sour beers, to a point.
Is that a tea kettle?
And why does your backsplash only go up 2 inches?
That ‘grater’ next to it is odder than the kettle.
I’m more worried about what looks like an induction stovetop than the decorative backsplash.
The handle is very ergonomic, though. It looks very expensive.
But the cutting surface and capacity are so heavily sacrificed that you’re not grating a block of cheese on that thing.
Oh, and cleaning the inside after use is harder with such a small aperture.
It strikes me as better suited as decor than a kitchen tool.
If you don’t have gas, induction is the way to go.
On the other hand, get gas.
Not always possible (multi-family) or affordable. Sure, if it’s already stubbed out on your kitchen.
Or legal now.
Induction is THE shit! That is all
So it’s an Ohio state university.
The kettle is upon two cooling racks that are left within arms reach of the stove. Cherry tomatoes do not need to be refrigerated as they are never ripe in the store.*
You don’t like my cheese grater because of its shape? Its ergonomic and the reverse funnel actually does allow cheese to fall in a clean manner. Lets be real though…you are triggered by the items on my countertops because it implies I use both cheese and tomatoes in my cooking which may be far too spicy for your Saturday night meal of butter on cut up spaghetti.
But not Aldente, because too much texture in your food may require your rescue inhaler.
*Do not seek advice from me on tomatoes. Per the Old Man, the tomatoes I purchase suck and I may as well cut up eyeballs and make a sauce with those than with the tomatoes I buy.
Yeah but he doesn’t eat meat and tomatoes are made to accompany meat, so what does he know?
Well lah dee dah! Look at the fancy foodie hipster who’s too good for margarine!
Look at the nouveau riche who can afford something other than Mazola and salt.
You should really have GFCI outlets in the kitchen
That receptacle could be protected by a GFCI receptacle earlier in the feed. Also the back-splash is normal height. there is some funky foreshortening in that photo but compare it’s height to the face plate of the receptacle, they’re about equal.
Correct. NEC also allows for a GFCI Breaker to be used on standard receptacles for low voltage circuits in bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoor areas.
Why is that stuff on a rack?
If you zoom in on the kettle’s handle, you can see MS in the reflection.
He is completely nude, holding his phone up to take the picture.
I can see him in the bottle too.
Of all of the pictures posted on Glibs, this is my favorite.
When you can see a Mexican in a bottle, you need treatment.
You two are very odd.
Very odd would describe most of the Glibertariat.
Very odd against a baseline of Glibs.
Wouldn’t that be a normal person?
I’m more or less the benchmark for normal.
Ok, in that case I need to take action. Umm, anyone know where a fat, unhip old dude can find enough LSD to melt his brain
So, we’re evenly odd?
And uniformly erratic.
Let’s Enhance
Its true. Its hot in my house.
Is that Corian? What are the pros and cons?
Judge Napolitano, kitchen critic.
Mister Napolitano. He’s no longer a judge.
MS told me in private that he thought most of the comments would be about the picture and not the article. Sharing that information with me makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
He HAD to know I was going to do this.
Pictures are easier to take in than text, especially on a lazy saturday afternoon.
Pros: Affordable, durable, easy maintenance solid surface.
Cons: Soccer moms will judge you.
But is there really anyone that soccer moms won’t judge?
Their precious little sweetums?
It is indeed Corian.
Pros: Won’t damage blades…as much. Non-porous so easier to maintain an antimicrobial surface. Little maintenaince.
Cons: It looks like shit.
“…nobody wants to be accused of being unfashionable.”
Hey buddy, speak for yourself.
Accused? I am unfashionable. I admit it freely.
It used to be bad to be unfashionable, but now, it’s actually kind of cool. It’s a recent trend.
Hey buddy, speak for yourself.
I don’t understand….I thought I was.
OFFS, this ‘I’m offended’ nonsense gets so tiresome. How much do you want? Just give us a number so we can say no and tell you to fuck off.
I am sure the Marshall Islanders are pissed. It isn’t fair. Indigenous (not really) people everywhere else can insert themselves into construction projects and become a super pain in the ass until they get paid. These guys…what are they gonna do? Have a sit in on Bikini Atoll? As extortionists they are at a serious disadvantage.
There are worse reasons to be mad than “Hey we used your home to test H bombs. Sorry about that.”
We should have at least paid for the island before nuking it. Blowing up a loaner is rude.
It brings new meaning to the term protectorate.
But loaning out a blower is being friendly
*Opera Applause
I would like $5,000, neatly wrapped with orange rubber bands, snuggled deep inside of a Whole Foods tote bag, stored underneath two Jackie Collins novels and that old sweatshirt that is old and your wife hates but you like – and delivered by UPS – hopefully one of the cute ones.
Thank you.
These people must be inspired by the dip shit protesters up on Mauna Kea. They are blocking the construction of the new 30 M Telescope because it “desecrates” the mountain. The other 13 scopes up there don’t but somehow this one does. They sued and it went to the State Supreme Court twice and they lost. The protestors don’t have a title to the land and the title holder is fine with it. The consortium played all the games and checked all the cultural boxes during the (completed) site prep AND is paying a $1,000,000 annual blackmail (funds to the county education department for science education).
Everybody is pussy footing around with these folks because they have invoked the self appointed “native Hawaiian religious leaders”.
2/3rds of that guy’s twitter feed are about the telescope.
In one, he complains about “elders” being arrested. I’m supposed to have respect for idiots just because they’re old?
Isn’t that 50% of the DNC strategy beyond the non-white contingent?
Aren’t they all non white? I mean except Butigieg, although he has sex with men which is kind of like being colored (that is how I am supposed to say it now right) and Biden, but Biden is a wypipo so he is bad, and Tulsi turned white when she said mean things to Kamala just cause Kamala, but she got unpersoned so she is now invisible which would make her black if she was a man, but I dunno how it works if you are a chick.
Fun With Identity Politics!
They’ve protested every telescope that went up on that volcano, not just this one.
This is the first one that caught international attention. They actually removed several telescopes to get the 30 M on the mountain.
I hope you don’t use that plastic spatula on high heat. It’ll melt, and it’s really bad for you.
Note to self: never post any pictures of my kitchen.
Yeah, I’d say I felt sorry for MS, but he is probably nested up waiting for Playa to come into his scope.
He’s at kids soccer.
This was the perfect crime.
Baseball. Soccer is this afternoon.
Excuse me for having a voice and using it. I matter, sir – I matter. As someone who was a mere 250 miles away from that fateful day on 9/11 – close enough to smell the burning rubble – I have been triggered by this article. Excuse me for having friends and loved ones who could have perished, but that tragedy is no laughing matter.
Owners of the Glibertarians sites, if this author, this so-called “man,” isn’t immediately banned from this site – and all of his articles and comments scrubbed forever – I will lead a boycott.
Let it be known that you are on notice.
You’re free to stop paying your subscription fees at any time. That is your perogative.
4/5 nice entitled tone of outrage, but it loses a point for insufficient CAPS and mispelings
Can I refer you to the style book for all crazy postings of outrage? Michael Hihn’s postings on TOS contain all you need to perfect your craft.
This is the second time you have openly questioned my grammar. As someone who consistently received poor grades for his pathetic grammatical understanding – a stellar achievement because that was in theory what I was supposed to be studying but wtf lol I like beer and puss and also being lazy – I have been triggered by your unnecessary criticism.
Please apologize immediately or I will cyber-stalk you and ruin your professional and private lives.
Ball is in your court, smart guy.
I did not question your grammar either time. I questioned your knowledge of the one true Alabama religion, and I apologized for my misunderstanding although your association with the eagletigers has been noted. This time I have questioned your style. That’s right tough guy. I dissed your flair!
I’m every woman’s dream and every man’s nightmare. I’m gonna walk down the aisle in style and profile. “I’m Crusty Juggler, the Stylin’, profilin’, limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheelin’ n’ dealin’ son of a gun!
Yeah, I aint buyin’ it. Not a single exclamation point.
So this whole “we hurt and killed people in the middle of a war” whine … After the most cursory of research, one could presume that all of mankind somewhere has been at war, and it’s possible—POSSIBLE, mind you—that war is intended to kill people and break things. I could be wrong on that.
But was there ever a time in history where a mighty force refused to conquer or even wrap something up so as not to waste resources on something one does not want to conquer than the 20th century? WWII was the last time anyone conquered anything, and yet … we are still playing at war somewhere.
Ooops, posted too soon.
Was there ever a conqueror who felt guilty for having conquered? Not until the 20th century.
Fight to win and (hopefully) acquire, or don’t fight at all.
“we hurt and killed people in the middle of a war” whine
I debated that with myself. It was loud.
WWII was the last time anyone conquered anything
The Dalai Lama would like a word.
Saddam did for a few months. The South Vietnamese may want to ask you about your reference materials as well. “Yes Crimea there in the back. Do you have something to add?”
Is that a beige wall? Where in 1987 does Mexican Sharpshooter reside?
Am I right?
What do you have against beige walls?
It being Crusty, probably his genitals.
lol I have class bro.
If you take into account the lighting, the wall appears to be the color known as Navajo white. Yet another reason for outrage.
Clearly you do not watch HGTV. Beige/greige/tan are still teh shit.
So, my flat black walls with aluminum foil drapes are not in style anymore?
Have you thought of switching to mylar? It’ll needs replacing less often.
But, muh EMF!
You do you.
God no I don’t watch HGTV. My mom watched that shit all the time. And the TV courtroom shows.
I finally weaned myself off. Well, they weaned me off by showing the same episodes of the popular shows all the time.
There’s only so much “My budget is $3M and I work as a butterfly collector, and my spouse is a preschool teacher’s aide” I can take.
And the phoniness of already having closed on one of the three properties they picked so the reactions to the other two are completely fake.
“I’m a stay-at-home son”
If the speaker isn’t 4 years old, they deserve to be slapped around.
Legit LOL
+1 Larf!
One of underappreciated aspects of being a single man is that this is true. Good luck with your HGTV inspired projects, people! HA! HA!
Yeah my wife watches it all the time. I don’t get the love for puke green.
Avocado poisoning causes problems with color vision.
Don’t forget gold harvest.
Our house was built in 1974. We had lots of avocado (some of it still there in the bathroom) and goldenrod (the refrigerator, among other things).
White Balance needs adjusted. That’s why you shoot in Raw.
But then the reflection in the bottle would not be family friendly.
The kitchen is Taupe. The rest of the house is a slight slate. The bedrooms are a deep blue, a mint green, and a combination green and cobalt blue.
So wife has been pestering me to go hang out with her girlfriend and girlfriends new fiance whom I haven’t met. I agreed, as long as we meet at a bar. So that’s happening this evening. I’m going to put on the worst possible first impression by ordering White Claw for my first drink which I’ve been wanting to at least try anyways:)
You’re supposed to start those stories with, “I never thought this would happen to me, but..”
And by “bar”, he means “hourly motel”
I think the worst possible impression would be to flirt hard with the fiance.
No, worse would be for him to back out once the fiance accepted the offer.
“So, are you . . .open-minded?”
“Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”
Maybe try out the “oysters and snails” dialogue from Spartacus as an opener.
At least you correctly called him a fiancé.
As opposed to?
Finance ?
A fiancée?
“Walking wallet with attached sperm donation module.”
Recently met my wife’s BFF’s boyfriend.
Liked him.
So, of course, they broke up.
Right after he met you?
After the 1st claw, take your pants off.
After the 3rd take his pants off.
#4 Will Blow Your Mind !
Or something, anyways . . .
Interrupt your wife a lot with a “bitch know your place” attitude.
Hush—men are talking.
Could you be a dear and go make us some sammiches?
If she still won’t shut up, you can send her to Tempura House, the home for battered women.
Just lightly battered, though.
served with soy boy sauce?
Her girlfriend is very sharp witted and she has met me multiple times, I’m not not sure that’s a battle I want to start:)
Anyone not too far away from West Pawlet VT, Consider Bardwell Farm makes legitimately great cheeses.
“Consider” is part of the name? That irks me somehow.
It reminds me of “Consider Phlebas,” so I like it.
Supply Belcher
From the ‘too local’ news file, the teen that delivered her kid and home, then tried to have a bay-b-que in the backyard- girl gets to walk.
TW- autoplay
The defense presented evidence that it was stillborn. The prosecution could not disprove that, so yeah she walked on everything except the charge of abuse of a corpse. And the case has been getting national press so I don’t think it’s too local (although I am also local)
lol, whoops didn’t notice you had linked. Guess I am just a mansplainer.
Remember Rebecca Hopfer? I imagined that once Brooke walked, Hopfer screamed, “MOTHERF-K!”
In her case there was evidence from a friend of hers that she had told the friend that the baby was crying when Hopfer wrapped it in towels and dumped it in the garbage.
Lesson here is if you are going to do something completely evil and barbaric shut your mouth afterwards. Or, I dunno, don’t murder your baby?
Convicted of “abuse of a course” —uh, seriously, the reporter doesn’t know what abuse of a corpse is?
Evidence suggests that reporters don’t know what reporting is, how likely is it that they know terms from other professions?
Fun fact- Brooke Richardson looks amazingly like my step-brother’s wife
All the talk of fresh produce has me inspired to put on shoes and go harvest pears from the back yard.
Pears are the Nick Gillespie of fruit.
Most of them are pointless but the best ones are the best of everything?
Then what kind of fruit is Lena Dunham?
Fat, prickly, and smells bad? Obvs durian.
*golf clap*
A beautiful fruit.
That makes watching her earlier movies where she was still underage a bit awkward.
Everyone who has ever had sex has had sex with someone who was once a child.
And OMWC has sex with people who are still children!
/Tip the veal and try the waitress
I like how they call her swimsuit “asymetrical.” It’s not the only thing asymetrical in that pic.
Jackfruit ?
Rotten…to the core.
Turned out I had pears, one last apple, and a peach ready too, so I combined them with a banana and made a lovely fruit salad.
Picked a lime for G&T later.
Did I mention that my yard is basically an orchard.
So you put on shoes, left the house and made a non sammich?
Correct. But no bra, so it didn’t feel like an errand.
I can see the Daily Mail headline….
Oooohh…can I has pear? Well, as long as you have enough for that fruit
sushisalad–sounds delish!Jealous. I used to love visiting my parents in Desert Hot Springs and picking fresh grapefruit
School district pulls ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ from reading list; ‘makes people uncomfortable’
Truman Capote is rolling over in his grave.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harper Lee might kill a bitch In Cold Blood
That’s the book where she wrote that some animals are more equal than others, right?
Correct, Atticus Finch was indeed a small bird residing on the farm.
Ricky Gervais: Please stop saying “You can’t joke about anything anymore”. You can. You can joke about whatever the fuck you like. And some people won’t like it and they will tell you they don’t like it. And then it’s up to you whether you give a fuck or not. And so on. It’s a good system.
I mean it’s his brand but still I’m glad he does it.
The great Stephen Fry:
They will twit-storm you and make you unemployable, that’s so fucking what. Other than that… I respect the sentiment.
Senator Lindsey Graham: It is now time for the U.S. to put on the table an attack on Iranian oil refineries if they continue their provocations or increase nuclear enrichment.
How about we give Graham and Bolton a couple parachutes and rifles and drop them over Iran. Or maybe just the rifles.
Graham can rappel down the stache. Only Bolton needs a chute.
Yeah, so some people attack an important oil facility and you want to attack more oil facilities. Further reduce the world’s oil production just to spite Iran? Nope, nope, nope. There are plenty of other Iranian targets you could attack that would hurt the regime while keeping the oil flowing.
I know it’s just Indiana, but Buckeyes look pretty good.
Temple has three goal line stands in the game, two in the last 5 minutes of the game. They can still lose but considering how Maryland was coming into the game offensively that is pretty good.
That was a nice one handed catch. Teams were getting chippy for a minute.
The PA elk cam is back online. Best times to check are dusk and dawn.
Is it wrong to hope for a STEVE SMITH sighting on that cam? ‘Cause that totally looks like a spot where he’s make an appearance.
I was waiting for bushes to explode randomly,MontyPython style.
::nods knowingly::
They just have to learn how not to be seen.
And now…NO.1..The Larch…The Larch…
Mr. The Hyperbole, would you please stand up…
STEVE SMITH v. Elk! Horny v. Horny. Will it be rapesquatch or stompsquatch? Tune in!
This Alabama/South Carolina game is getting pretty good…
good call
Harris just punked the entire Cock defense by himself
Yeah, they are starting to pull away.
I think Gamecocks woke them up and now the Tide are putting their capes on.
They choked it at the end of the half.
Cal is up 10-0 in the first quarter against
*checks notes*
North Texas
Never give the Cal score unasked!
Lots of people were asking
Crossword Update: downloading is easier
SP updated the post to include this link to the crosswork. It’s a pdf with the puzzle on one page, the clues on the next, and the solution on the third.
I greatly improved some of the clues since I don’t think anyone could read my mind on much more than half of it. I’ve been told oboes aren’t tall, so it’s still at least a little broken.
Don’t make too many changes based on Glib’s complaining. We complain reflexively.
That’s a bunch of bull.
‘Tweren’t bitching at all: I was entirely too obtuse in several places. Now if someone doesn’t know who Nixon’s first VP was, fuck him; but if I give a clue like “VP who was on the Baltimore zoning board,” that’s probably just too weird and local.
My favorite clue was “Wayne’s World (abbrev)” which I think half of Glibs would nail and half would never guess in a million years. So I tuned it and others.
Hey, Don if you’re thinking of making more check pout this site, Free and it’s a web based constructor so no downloading, I think I like it a bit better than the one I got a free trial for although it lacks some customization. Not any documentation to speak of but it’s fairly intuitive.
Or “last VP to have a personal coat of arms”
Cool – I think I can play this one on my computer (i.e. draw on it). Good thing I didn’t start it last time 🙂
Why can’t I muster the energy to get up and turn off this awful Alex Cross movie?
A commercial for the Rice vs Texas game tonight just came on and I said in my best JFK “why does Rice play Texas?” My spouse had no idea what the reference was, so I played the clip of JFK’s “We choose to go to the moon” speech.
Then I watched the whole speech and marveled at how democrats used to be proud of America and think that America had an important role in leading the free world. Now Dems want to apologize for all the evils America has wrought in the world.
Watching the speech also made me realize how, even if 1960s Dems and Reps disagreed about policy or strategy, they got along and (almost) all loved America.
The fuck happened in the ensuing decades?
Smelly hippies.
Cartman? Is that you?
Check to see if Tres is wearing rge deep-sea exploration suit
Lots of bad drugs, and that over-ruling desire to avoid accountability.
The Fabian strategy takes time. By the 60s they had infiltrated much of the Bureaucracy and were working on academe and media, by the 80s they had those and were fully engaged in taking over the primary and secondary schools. By 2000 they had it all and we are now watching generations grow up with virtually no exposure to traditional values, positive views of US history or anything but the Zinn view of Western Civ. It is not at all surprising to me that people in their 20s are as pro socialist and anti America as they are. They have been taught to hate what we love and love what we hate and since the economy hasn’t been entirely socialized yet they haven’t felt the consequences so it is all theory and emotional attachment.
20 years after they finally get control you will have a generation that hates this crap. Unfortunately at that point it will be too late.
That would be extraordinarily bad.
The people you are talking about are not Democrats. Their complaints, the policies they advocate and their goals are identical to those of communists everywhere. They are communists. They think if they don’t call themselves communists that the stench of poverty, slavery and 100 million murders will not be on them. I hope they are wrong that they can pull the same old shit on a nation of rubes because I am hoping that in the end we don’t have enough rubes for them to pull that off.
Lately I have had two what I would refer to as victories. Regarding gun control I said to one person who parroted the gun grabbers lines “Nobody wants you to be unable to defend yourself for your own good”. They looked like they had been slapped in the face. I gave that a few minutes to sink in. They were pretty quiet after that and they stopped regurgitating the propaganda. The second one I pointed out that most gun crimes are committed with not the guns the D’s want to ban and then that none of their suggested policies would have stopped any of the mass shootings. Then I pointed out “have you noticed that the guns they want to ban aren’t the guns criminals want, but just the guns that can be used against them? They don’t give a damned about your safety. They care about their own.” Same response from the second one.
If we ever give up our guns our goose will be cooked.
That’s why I don’t want these incremental concessions. The grabbers won’t compromise; they will just take Sudendenland and that’s all, I swear. No Poland. Sure.
I want the grabbers to be forced to go full on so that every gun owner is galvanized and alert.
In the immortal words of Han Solo, “Bring ‘em on. I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around.”
I think Beta has done that for them. He is setting their cause back by decades. I have to laugh. I wonder how many phone calls he has gotten demanding that he shut his damned mouth. Maybe he is an GOA plant?
The Glib answer “why can’t it be both” fits somehow.
I often catch flack for calling balls and strike on the US. I say call balls and strikes all day on everything: think things through and call them for what they are. We do that here: we deride derp where we find it.
The US put a man on the moon.
The US wasted thousands of lives in Iraq.
I know how to fold a flag. And I call it all on the merits.
Not disagreeing. The US has done some great and some awful things, and it’s right to own up to the past mistakes so we don’t repeat them.
But to deride even the ideals that the country is founded on is worse than useless.
We must repent our sins – forever.
This is absolutely a comparative exercise. You simply cannot judge a nation’s behavior without reference to other nations. The application of double standards where we look at each incident of US misbehavior, ignore all noble reasons for any war or action and focus only on the ignoble is despicable.
Did people profit from the Gulf War? Yes, also every other war in history including WWII.
Has the US Government done evil? Yes it is a government, they do evil.
How do we stack up against other nations? We have had the ability to demolish every single other nation on Earth one on one for a century. How many have we conquered? We have had issues with both Mexico and Canada, and 170 years ago we fought a war against Mexico, which we are constantly reminded of as an example of pure evil. Guess what? We could conquer both countries in a week. We could depopulate both in a matter of months. Does any Canadian or Mexican fear that we will? No, they don’t. Show me another example in human history where a weak nation that had a land border with the preeminent power in the world did not spend all its time in terror of invasion?
Are we the richest nation on Earth? Yes. Did we get that way stealing other nations wealth? Not only did we not steal our wealth we have been the prime driver lifting the entire world to unprecedented prosperity. We have ended famine! No one starves to death because of climate any more, no one on the planet. The only famines in more than half a century have been deliberately caused by the nation suffering the famine’s government.
And yet we sit around picking at every American transgression. If you hate the US you are saying you hate humanity because the US is a canonized Saint compared to every other nation in history.
I distrust Government, I am obviously not a my country right or wrong person, but we are privileged to live in a Nation conceived in Liberty and we deserve to be damned if we let it go.
paraphrased from Evan Sayet:
Only a liberal could look at the richest nation in history and see nothing but poverty.
Only a liberal could look at the most technologically advanced nation in history and see nothing but ignorance.
Only a liberal could look at the most tolerant nation in history and see nothing but bigotry.
“My country, right or wrong” is not the real quote.
Originally Stephen Decatur, in an after-dinner toast of 1816–1820:
“Our Country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but right or wrong, our country!”
Later amended as, and often attributed to, Carl Schurz, 1872.[1]as,
“My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.”
“‘My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no patriot would think of saying. It is like saying, ‘My mother, drunk or sober.’” — G. K. Chesterton
Me and Chesterton agree on something?! I’m gonna check outside for a unicorn.
“America is the worst country…except for all of the others.” – Sam Clemens.
“Show me another example in human history where a weak nation that had a land border with the preeminent power in the world did not spend all its time in terror of invasion”
Well said, and not said often enough.
There is a very good reason why just about every country on earth, including North Korea, expressed sympathy for the US on 9/11. And it wasn’t a cynical move out of fear.
It’s the same reason the Tienanmen Square protesters made a copy of the Statue of Liberty and the Hong Kong protesters today are waving American flags.
It is true that many outside the US fear it or are jealous of it, but far more respect and admire it.
I put to you that the ideals of Progressivism are not the ideals of Men. Men value strength over weakness; self-reliance over dependence; liberty over slavery; stoicism over being a whiny soyboy. My fellow Glibertarians: if these are the ideals of Toxic Masculinity, then I choose Toxic Masculinity.
Real men are more attractive to real women anyway, hands down.
What? This guy doesn’t turn your crank?
The funniest thing I (just) found out about that – the guy isn’t some random actor or “model” – he’s an actual member of the outfit, a true believer.
Unreal. I thought he was a spoof.
No! That was an actual pro-Obamacare ad.
From the Daily Caller:
Ethan Krupp, the little man who played “Pajama Boy” in a widely mocked Obamacare ad, once characterized himself as a “liberal fuck.”
Krupp, an Organizing for Action (OFA) content writer who became the face of progressive America while wearing a onesie pajama suit, also remarked that gays “are all liberal fucks” and criticized a “conservative gay prick” on his now-deleted WordPress blog, entitled “Not Being Creative.”
“I am a Liberal Fuck,” Krupp wrote in one post. “A Liberal Fuck is not a Democrat, but rather someone who combines political data and theory, extreme leftist views and sarcasm to win any argument while make the opponents feel terrible about themselves. I won every argument but one.”
Krupp then detailed the only political argument he claimed her ever lost, a drunken encounter he had with a “conservative gay prick.”
“I sat in a pizza joint, chomping on meat-heavy pizza and slamming whisky sours with gay guys on Pride Parade day in Columbus, Ohio; My gay roommate and friends loved to ironically ‘bro-out.’ I love gays because they are all liberal fucks too,” Krupp wrote.
“Someone mentions politics and everyone perks up, distracted from the whisky. Equal rights get first dibs, followed by education and then sassy comments about closeted Republicans. Feeding off the energy, I introduce abortion: ‘Old men controlling women’s bodies.’ The guy who’s stayed silent, Chip, joins the conversation,” Krupp wrote.
Krupp claimed that he at first told Chip, a conservative on the abortion issue, that his “ignorant views come from his biological disregard toward pregnancy,” prompting Chip to explain a procedure by which fetuses can be removed from the womb, grown elsewhere, then given up for adoption.
“The whisky yelled at Chip for being a terrible gay man. Chip smirked, knowing full well he won the argument,” Krupp wrote. “To this day, I haven’t fact checked Chip’s scientific report. Beyond the women’s rights implications, I’m afraid it would be the ultimate surrender if I knew the truth. No matter, the liberal fuck lost to the conservative gay prick that day; one rode off into the sunset, the other ordered another whisky.”
Krupp’s parents, an accountant and an attorney, are “Chicago Machine Democrats,” according to a source.
Of course, his name is Ethan.
He seems nice.
Nope, because even if I were a lesbian he’s too feminine for me.
But, he’s wearing plaid? I thought that’s what the butchy ones did?
Which reminds me … a detail I don’t think that I reported about Burlington:in addition to methheads, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a concentration of lesbian couples (NTTAWWT). Sadly, they were not of the lipstick variety, but of the flannel variety.
Plaid is a material invented for skirts.
Meanwhile, I saw a commercial with RFK Jr. looking like death warmed over, bragging about how much he fucked over Monsanto.
Sorta on topic: Last Day: Acadia National Park
I’m in Bar Harbor having one or more of these while the wife shops.
Did Acadia National Park today. Very scenic. The native vegetation gardens were well done. As expected, we were among the youngest people in the park today (in our early to mid 40s).
Visited the Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse today. Lucked out, as they only open it to the public one day per year. Today was the day.
Had the best lobster of the trip — on a lobster melt, not in a roll. Big chunks of lobster, including whole claws, with provolone, grilled on his _made bread. Awesome.
Went to the top of Cadillac Mountain. Despite cloudy weather, great views. Windy as hell. I wonder if it’s that windy all the time, or whether it was just because of today’s weather. From sometime in October to sometime in the spring, Cadillac Mountain is the first place in the US to see the sunrise each morning. I assume that the rest of the year that it’s somewhere in Alaska.
Debating with the wife about how to get home. It’s an 8-9 hour burn, and I’d like to do it all tomorrow.
Wish I was at Acadia National Park.
I think I remember reading that some mountain in VT or NH is the windiest spot in the US.
The wife was telling me this today: Mount Washington, NH.
Huh….I would have thought it was whatever town had the best Tex-Mex.
/the more you know
So juvenile. Right up my alley.
Or, “down”, as the case may be….
That’s the one.
You should write an article with pictures
Our middle child is driving us crazy. He is one of those humans that are just naturally inclined to almost anything. Gave him a bike…3 minutes later riding no problem. Put him on ice skates…goes all over the rink.
His latest interest is guitar. Picks it up and is just picking up by ear with no lessons, chords and pickings.
I hate him.
Sounds like you should point him to theoretical physics, and the like. Get him to invest time travel and then sit back and watch the money just show up in large, easy-to-carry bags on your doorstep.
Can you please ask him to pick 7 numbers between 1 and 49?
No reason.
If 42 shows up, I might laugh myself into a coma…or, have a freakin’ heart attack.
I get the Douglas Adams heart attack reference but I’m baffled by the coma?
Just a bit of hyperbo-
Of exaggeration.
Make sure to teach him about birth control etc. because a talented musician will have ladies tossing themselves at him.
Pro tip: you don’t even need to be that talented.
::takes notes::
Go on, CP…
E – G – A – E – G – B – A – E – G – A – G – E
Slow down….
D-A-G….nearly every punk song
Yeah, but “punk girls”…
Way ahead of ya! Been harping that since they were 8 yrs old.
Also tell them not to take the girl’s word for it if she says she’s on the pill or that she can’t get pregnant.
Women can be sneaky bitches, and I’ve seen it unfold and wreck many a trusting young man’s life.
I refer to that as pulling a mom
Go fuck yourself, you Euro rimming POS.
Does that include an apology for the entire ruling class turning the last 100 years into a complete clusterfuck?
He only called it because his arrogance convinced him he would win. If he had any inkling he would lose, he never would have put it to the people.
Halftime. The Pac12 commercials are straight up propaganda.
Player reading a script, poorly: “I carry a reusable water bottle to save the planet”
Player 2, reading a script, barely: “I support all women’s sports because women deserve to be part of a team too”.
It looks like they’re reading hostage notes.
I have a “team sport” for you, ladies.
LOL MLS does the same… “We do not discriminate because of gender blah blah argle bargle.” – the royal we, i.e. you.
So ridiculous.
We got Smollett copycat:
Ex-NFL player accused of trashing his 2 businesses to make it look like a hate crime
A former NFL player has been accused of trashing a restaurant and an ice cream shop he owned near Atlanta to make it look like a hate crime.
Gwinett County police say they found the n-word, “monkey,” “MAGA” and swastikas scrawled on the walls and booths of the two businesses, Create & Bake Pizza and Coughman’s Creamery in Lawrenceville.
Edawn Coughman, 31, of Buford, was arrested Thursday on charges of false reporting a burglary, insurance fraud and concealing a license plate before being bonded out of jail, police said.
It’s hard for me to believe that racism is still a serious problem when stuff like this happens.
It’s not a serious problem, except on the left. I am not sure if it is projection or just that they are brainwashed by propaganda but the bigots that they complain about only exist in their heads. I am guessing because there are so many false flags and no actual events that they really do believe that the boogey man in their head is real.
New thread!
New threads.