Huh, seems the usual previewers all had lives or something today, so I’ll tell you what’s upcoming this week and then you can go about a Sunday Night Open Post!
Monday: Animal’s autobiography continues; Yusef has a dispatch.
Tuesday: Tonio stops by; The Hyperbole has a crossword for us; Ozymandias continues his excellent series on the DOD Anthrax Vaccine.
Wednesday: Hat & Hair, should SugarFree bless us; Winston’s Mom has something to say in the evening.
Thursday: Secret Nazi President, courtesy BakedPenguin; Mojeaux has an evening rant; Don Escapes Texas with some more NCAA snark late night.
Friday: Raphael shares a travelogue and some insights from his experience being back Stateside; a cryptid (or more than one) stops by with advice/links, maybe both, Friday evening.
Saturday: MexicanSharpshooter drinks something on your behalf and Spud brings evening links.
Sunday: Not Adahn foretells the week.
Along the way, we’re sure to have links from Sloopy, Brett L, OMWC, and perhaps others as needed.
OK, then, on to the Open Post! Have a great week, Glibs!
“New York Times Opinion— I can only assume accidentally— deleted this Pulitzer bound journalism. Between praising Mao and blaming airplanes, it’s the NYT family’s 3rd totally accidental deletion this month.
Don’t worry. I’ve got a screen shot.”
Even if it happened, how do they arrive at “it confirmed that she didn’t belong at Yale in the first place”? What does that even mean?
Dr. Rocks is a Yalie!
I am not getting it. Didn’t she say she does not remember said event? So, she does or she doesn’t?
I am guessing not since it never happened.
She has no recollection of the incident. It’s in the book, but it’s not in the tease article.
I have no recollection of you promising me $1000. Where’s my money deadbeat?
Poster: would.
NYT is the Kirk Cousins of Media.
“Brett Kavanaugh should start suing people for libel, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue. The lies being told about him are unbelievable. False Accusations without recrimination. When does it stop? They are trying to influence his opinions. Can’t let that happen!”
“Zoe Quinn, the infamous developer who kicked off GamerGate, shared a #MeToo story about her ex.
As a result, he was fired. A few days later, he killed himself.
Now, old tweets are putting her claims into question…
Is this just her latest grift?”
A bit long, but with way better cheekbones than Sargon.
She has way better everything than Sargon.
Further down Chen’s twitter feed:
Also, wood. Smart and has two mini Aussies.
Winston’s Mom has something to say in the evening.
How to hide a herpes outbreak from your clients?
Well, she does have a keen grasp of economics.
listening to owners of AR-15s, Republicans, who come up to me and say, ‘You know what, I own one of these guns, don’t need it to hunt, don’t need it for self-defense. This is the right thing to do, and I would gladly give it up because I also have kids in school and fear for their safety.’
I know this is lying harder than Tom Friedman’s taxi driver, but let’s assume it’s true. If this gun owner feels it’s right to give up their AR15 at pennies on the dollar, or just have it taken with no compensation, why do they need to have Beto’s goons to take it from then? Why don’t they get rid of it today? It’s like the richies demanding taxation. Really? You want to give the government more money? Knock yourself out. Yet every time they get called on it, they try to change the subject.
Allow me to translate: ‘You know what, other people own these guns, don’t need it to hunt, don’t need it for self-defense. This is the right thing to do, and I would gladly they give it up because I also have kids in school and fear for their safety.’
^This. Always call them out and ask them why they are not setting an example. But they are socialists, so individual action is stamped out of them early in their political lives. Every action must be discussed, approved by committee, etc. So whether conscious of that or not, their real goal is to increase the scope and reach of government greatly.
I think it’s more that most socialists think of themselves as the intellectual elite who would of course be allowed to have privileges far beyond those of ordinary people. I know a guy who owns an AR-15 and several handguns but also votes solid Democrat and once said that microstamping and a $1000 price floor on all firearms would be a good way to reduce crime.
Exhibit B: Bernie and Hillary saying that rich people only get there by fucking over the poor, but becoming fabulously rich themselves and insisting that they earned every dollar fair and square.
Exhibit C: All the upper class “climate change activists” who wouldn’t be caught dead flying on a commercial airline, using public transit, or biking to work in uncomfortable weather.
Exhibit B: Bernie and Hillary saying that rich people only get there by fucking over the poor, but becoming fabulously rich themselves and insisting that they earned every dollar fair and square.
They imagine everyone else became rich the way they did.
wouldn’t be caught dead flying on a commercial airline
Certainly not in coach.
“microstamping and a $1000 price floor on all firearms would be a good way to reduce crime”
LOL, no. Typical misunderstanding of incentives. You are incentivizing people to steal firearms from law-abiding citizens, thus reducing the cost of acquisition since the vig has been prepaid. And someone else’s name is on the registration. Win-win-win for career criminals. Further endangerment of law-abiding citizens in search of the illusion of safety.
I wonder how many gun owners – real ones in the same reality as the rest of us – would be holding on their now-illegal-guns, intending to re-coup some of their value on the black market?
I would probably be thinking this had it not been for that terrible boating accident when I lost all my guns.
Terrible, terrible accident. It was foolish of me to have all of my guns on the boat at the same time.
and you guys were totally in the wrong! My boat had the right of way! Now how am I supposed to turn my guns in? I’m too old to dive for them.
Well, the water was really choppy that day and it seemed like I needed more weight in the bottom to keep the boat from tipping over. The heaviest thing I had in the house was the 35 military style rifles in the safe – I wasn’t sure how many would be enough for the size of the boat so I took them all. Foolish, now that I look back on it.
I wish I had my GPS with me to know where in the lake we were when it tipped over.
[applauds wildly]
Boating accidents are illegal in Massachusetts. It’s a law that every lost firearm has to be reported to the police. That will be a factor in the decision to renew your firearm ownership license.
I have a self imposed ban on living in Massachusetts or New Jersey (or Illinois, Hawaii, California, Oregon, ok ok the list keeps growing.)
What if you got wasted and crashed your car full of guns into the water? Totally legal in Mass. if you have the right last name.
Only if your guns are named Mary, Jo, and Kopechne.
“listening to owners of AR-15s, Republicans, who come up to me and say, ‘You know what, I own one of these guns, don’t need it to hunt, don’t need it for self-defense. This is the right thing to do, and I would gladly give it up because I also have kids in school and fear for their safety.’
Beta is lying his ass off. If any of these ‘I am a gun owner but even I think’ people come forward they are lying too. Who is dumb enough to buy this? I know they are lying, they know they are lying, everyone with two brain cells and a shred of honesty knows they are lying and they know we know they are lying. We have all seen this horseshit a thousand times.
Anyone dumb enough to give them the tiniest benefit of doubt:
I dunno about you, but I buy stuff all the time I don’t need or want. I mean duh.
No one needs 31 different orphans, but how else can you have a new one wash your feet every day of the month?
What do you do when the next month starts? Just start over? I don’t want used orphans washing my feet.
‘I am a gun owner but even I think’ people
Meh, they exist I know one personally, he has two or three rifles* /long guns?**, but will argue all day that no one needs a handgun**.
* I’ve seen them
** Not a gun nut, I don’t know if these are the correct terms to differentiate these types of guns.
Why do some people think they have the right to decide what other people need or don’t need? Why can’t they just go fuck themselves?
I have observed there are very few people who don’t want some sort of control over others.
The rest of us are just too lazy to care. LOL
I just want the ability to move them out of the passing lane. Otherwise, people can do whatever they like.
You ain’t kiddin’ neither. Yesterday— ?????
If you are too lazy to want to control people does that mean you only play control games lying down?
I don’t play control games. I play solitaire games.
*cough, cough* Bullshit. You’re allegedly a woman.
Black Jack on Red Queen. Kinky.
Don’t make me get my leather and whips.
Don’t you sweet talk my, honey.
I’m not too lazy to care. I just don’t have any deep interest in what others want to do as long as they don’t trespass against me and mine.
Long guns also include shotguns. It’s a fairly self explanatory term.
Yeah, I’ve heard hunting rifle owners talk about how no one needs “assault weapons”. As if the gun grabbers would let them keep their firearms. They come to gun ownership as tool rather than philosophical and don’t necessarily agree with self-defense or other purposes.
If you get shot with a 444 you should be fine, unlike a 5.56.
Hey, those sound like weapons of war, we’d better ban those.
Two competent marksmen with scope-sighted Remington 700s in .30-06 (or comparable caliber) well-concealed with good fields of fire into a public area, could commit vastly more mayhem before they were stopped than any jackass with an AR or an AK that he barely knows how to operate.
If they’re reasonably well trained, there are even good odds they’d be able to exfiltrate the area and start the process over somewhere else.
I guess John Mo was using too small a caliber.
And then everyone applauded and a four year old said “isn’t my right to not be shot at school more important than the right of people to own weapons of war with no legitimate civilian use?” and then everyone clapped harder and a unicorn appeared and dipped his head towards Mr. O’Rourke and said “beto” and five people died of clapping-related injuries that night.
Sounds familiar.
Plumbing the depths of deep thought
The idea behind the Green New Deal is a simple one: in the process of transforming the infrastructure of our societies at the speed and scale that scientists have called for, humanity has a once-in-a-century chance to fix an economic model that is failing the majority of people on multiple fronts. Because the factors that are destroying our planet are also destroying people’s lives in many other ways, from wage stagnation to gaping inequalities to crumbling services to surging white supremacy to the collapse of our information ecology. Challenging underlying forces is an opportunity to solve several interlocking crises at once.
In tackling the climate crisis, we can create hundreds of millions of goods jobs around the world, invest in the most systematically excluded communities and nations, guarantee healthcare and childcare, and much more. The result of these transformations would be economies built both to protect and to regenerate the planet’s life support systems and to respect and sustain the people who depend on them.
Those of us who advocate for this kind of transformative platform are sometimes accused of using it to advance a socialist or anticapitalist agenda that predates our focus on the climate crisis. My response is a simple one. For my entire adult life, I have been involved in movements confronting the myriad ways that our current economic systems grinds up people’s lives and landscapes in the ruthless pursuit of profit. No Logo, published 20 years ago, documented the human and ecological costs of corporate globalisation, from the sweatshops of Indonesia to the oil fields of the Niger Delta. I have seen teenage girls treated like machines to make our machines, and mountains and forests turned to trash heaps to get at the oil, coal and metals beneath.
The painful, even lethal, impacts of these practices were impossible to deny; it was simply argued that they were the necessary costs of a system that was creating so much wealth that the benefits would eventually trickle down to improve the lives of nearly everyone on the planet. What has happened instead is that the indifference to life that was expressed in the exploitation of individual workers on factory floors and in the decimation of individual mountains and rivers has instead trickled up to swallow our entire planet, turning fertile lands into salt flats, beautiful islands into rubble, and draining once vibrant reefs of their life and colour.
I freely admit that I do not see the climate crisis as separable from the more localised market-generated crises that I have documented over the years; what is different is the scale and scope of the tragedy, with humanity’s one and only home now hanging in the balance. I have always had a tremendous sense of urgency about the need to shift to a dramatically more humane economic model. But there is a different quality to that urgency now because it just so happens that we are all alive at the last possible moment when changing course can mean saving lives on a truly unimaginable scale.
“We will use any excuse to impugn and undermine capitalism, because our true mission is to destroy it. All the rest is just icing on the cake.
Re: barbarism
I’ve got a banging hairy chest, but I ain’t dressing like Connery in Zardoz.
You’ve disappointed Rhywun.
What about jeans, flannel and boots?
Manly work boots, or the old timey style, favored by the likes of Puss In Boots?
Modern, practical work boots.
Good to know. The other ones would look stupid with jeans and flannel.
My forthcoming piece does shed a bit more light on this.
Aaaah, Naomi Kline. Yes, she is indeed brilliant.
What makes this dipshit think that would be alleviated by socialism? That sounds like an average day in any actual socialist country.
Because her socialist country would run on free energy produced by gadgets that don’t need any sort of manufacturing or the use of “metals”. You just don’t have the vision to see it.
Newflash: Life is hard, nature is red in tooth and claw and TANSTAAFL. Poverty does not indict capitalism. The fact that poverty is no longer universal endorses capitalism.
Never noticed what the Soviet Union did to their country, did she?
So, no oil, no metals.
Poverty and slavery really are their goal. It can’t be exaggerated or over-stated. Total power for them, total subjugation for everyone else is their vision of the world.
They want to eliminate pollution by taking us back to burning wood and peat. They are superserial.
No biggie after the first few billion die off.
A brave new world….built of skulls.
Dung fires FTW. In our tukuls built of locally gathered materials.
But just think about the renaissance of the candle industry!
I’m not sure if her defintion of “economy/economics” is the same as mine.
An economy pays for itself; this idea would never do so, and further, there isn’t enough money on thr planet to accomplish this utopia.
“…we can create hundreds of millions of goods jobs around the world…” Who’s “we”? And where is the money for these salaries coming from? This person has no idea of how economics work.
And she’s hoping you don’t either.
That’s my favorite bit. Pretending that China or Brazil or Gabon are going to play along with the fantasy.
While finding lots of faults in capitalism, she appears to be fairly blind to the faults in her own preferred economic system. While capitalism’s faults are inherent in the design, any problems with her preferred system are with the people who implement it.
I wonder why?
Top. Men.
Version 22.666.04
Now includes wymen and trans/nonbinary!!!
Seriously, this is just another variation on the “planned economies are totally doable, if we just put the right people in charge”. See also: hubris; narcissism.
It’s amazing how quickly everybody glommed onto “climate crisis” and “white supremacy” because “climate change” and “racism” didn’t work. Note also that racism from non-whites is perfectly acceptable.
It’s not only acceptable, it’s fucking encouraged.
It’s “climate barbarism” now. Try to keep up.
“Note also that racism from non-whites is perfectly acceptable.”
We’ve been hearing for years from progs that only whites can be racist. Srsly. When someone else does it it’s a justifiable and understandable reaction to the institutionalized white supremacy baked into our society.
*late 70s childhood flashes before eyes*
Don’t listen to him, he’s a Republican
“If you look at Thursday night, the entire night of the debate, not a single Democrat talked about jobs, not a single Democrat talked about the economy, about the fact that we’ve got the lowest African American unemployment ever recorded, the lowest Hispanic unemployment ever recorded,” Cruz said.
“Instead what the Democrats told the American people is they want to raise your taxes, they want to triple the price you pay for a gallon of gas at the pump, they want open borders, they want to take away your health insurance and they want to take away your guns,” the Texas senator continued.
Cruz asserted the Democratic candidates’ policy proposals are “designed to resonate in the faculty lounges at an Ivy League college” and challenged Stephanopoulos to find one working American who supports their agenda.
“I think Donald Trump has broken the Democratic party,” Cruz said. “They are defined now just by hating him. They ought to be the party of jobs. They used to be a party focused on jobs, they’re not anymore.”
Stay crazy, people.
These two kids just ended racism.
Wait, isn’t the feel good video and giving him clothes just more bullying of this kid?
It’s kind of racist to make an enormous deal about two black kids doing something decent isn’t it? Would there be news stories if two white kids gave a less well to do black kid some help?
Not with our biased media.
That’s a nice story.
The soft bigotry of low expectations…
Hello again from San Dimas! the Wife has a court date and we need to sell something that broke, Socal is hot and humid, Blech….
Hi, yufus.
Tomorrow is going to be an odd day, and then an article about it I wrote a while ago,
Howdy Tonio!
Hope everything goes well tomorrow.
She has a certain, desperately poor in the third world and therefore magically within the reach of an American tourist, thing going on.
Is she trying to take a shit in the sink??
Damn it, Akira. Now I have to start over. I’m not German, you know.
this one
They’re all going.
Oh Shit, wife and I spoke of it yesterday
That sucks. I didn’t like The Cars in high school, but a few years later, they were one of my favorite in the pop rock genre.
And my fave of their songs
Just yesterday I pulled out an old I-Pod to listen to some tunes on a long drive. Hadn’t listened to it in years. There were a long string of “The Cars” tunes on it which I had almost forgotten about.
Oh. Wow. I loved the Cars back when. He couldn’t have been too old. *clinks link* oh, it was in the link, 75. That’s older than I would’ve guessed, by a lot. Still not terribly old.
No cause of death cited, and he divorced just last year.
Yeah that was surprising to me, how long they were together. Well done.
So I’m wondering if he got a diagnosis, and set her free?
It does seem a bit odd. Who separates after 28 years? What is the point? By then you have melded into one person emotionally, experientially, and financially. Want to go do your own thing… go ahead. Why upend your life?
My parents split up after 34 years. It happens. People grow apart.
Don’t know that this has anything to do with Ocasek, but one possible reason after so many years – substance abuse/addiction?
My guess is they were separating the estate for legal reasons – probably knew he only had limited time left.
Could be. He was found by his ex-wife.
She found the body. So they obviously hadn’t completely parted ways. I’m still waiting for someone to give me her number so I can comfort her…
That means he would have been 34 when that first fantastic Cars album came out. Who would have thought? That was awfully old for a new rock star back then.
No wonder he always had the sunglasses, he was probably hiding crow’s feet.
It’s only a matter of time before 80’s hair bands star dying of old age ailments too.
Or consider still, it’s unlikely for most of surviving classic rock bands to be around another twenty years. No more Stones, what’s left of the Beetles, Clapton, etc.
Nikki Sixx already died twice.
Mick Jagger is pickled, and will outlast us all.
When I was a young’n, my mom was friends with the mom of the kid from Courtship of Eddie’s Father. She came by one day around 1977 and was raving about this new band “The Cars” we listened thought she was crazy and forgot about them. Shoulda bought stock.
Btw, I saw Clapton last year and he was…tired. He played every note technically perfectly, but he had no real power behind him at all. The opening act, Gary Clarke Jr. kicked his ass.
I saw Clapton twenty years ago and it was less than impressive. I saw Bowie on his last tour.. I wish it hadn’t been his last or I’d seen him more. Simply one of the best live acts I’ve seen.
I actually met (briefly) Paul McCartney about a year ago. He hits the gym every day – mostly yoga/stretching, light strength work, and a good walk. Careful with his diet. Seems like he doesn’t do any drugs and not a heavy drinker. He might not have the energy to be touring a lot but I believe he will be around for a while.
What a square.
You might think that’s just what I needed, but it isn’t.
At least we still have Lou Diamond Phillips.
Ratfish sees all.
Shit I’m eating here
Interesting spin on Trump’s ego.
You’re officially 24 minutes late.
At least I showed up.
More like a couple hours. Was in last thread.
It’s news to me. I’m sorry he’s gone. Looking on the bright side… I guess Paulina Porizkova may be back on the market.
Back the hell off! She is MINE
I called her first!
Liar! look at the “I think that objects that exert less gravitational effect on you than your couch control your destiny” thread. I called her first! I called her 30 plus years ago when she made her Her Alibi.
Some of us don’t text and drive, not on I 40 at least,
I don’t mind Tres coming here and wasting all my time.
Well he don’t waste Beer
Something, something, spiders in her hair.
Did drugs fall out of his ass when he died?
Thank God Lou Reed is still with us.
No kidding, given that he has leprosy, and all.
Wait a minute. How did leprosy work its way into this meme?
Some stupid article that basically said leprosy was coming back to LA. The article actually admitted that there had been no cases, but hey, never let the complete absence of a story get in the way of a story. And we like memes.
The future old people are going to suck.
It’s the Geico caveman!
Did you all hear Ric Ocasek died?
I heard he shot himself in the nuts and drugs fell out of his ass.
No, that was Holden Caulfield in Treasure Island.
I thought it was Lou Reed.
magictragic.I thought Law and Order: SVU was his best work.
Evening rant. Skip this if you don’t like ranting.
I have spent the last four weekends repairing my sprinkler system. We had an old fence removed and a new one installed. When the sprinklers ran the next day there was water pooling in my neighbor’s yard. I dug up about thirty feet of PVC line. Found the first two places the sprinkler guys cracked the line. Repair done, test the line, water starts spraying from a newly discovered break. Fixed it, tested it, and found a fourth place they cracked the line. Repaired that today and discovered an assortment of places the drip system was leaking. Ran new line as needed, plugged assorted holes, and capped an open line (I think the palm tree trimmers are responsible for that one.) Went back to test the PVC line and there is still a leak. I’m done. Sprinkler repair people can fix the damn thing.
Wife comes home with youngest kid. She’s in a foul mood for no apparent reason. Asks what I did. I tell her about weekend four working on the sprinklers. Her reply, “it smells like shit outside.” I have no idea why and don’t smell a thing. Kiddo tells me she doesn’t smell anything. Thanks for the thanks wifey. Jeez.
Went to pay estimated taxes online. I am required to pay electronically. The Franchise Tax Board site stalled out on me. I had to go back a few steps in the process to get the damn thing to work. I really appreciate being coerced into using a not ready for prime time system.
I think it is beer time. Youngest helped me pick out a new one at Total Wine so we’ll see how that goes.
/Rant over
Chasing leaks sucks, bummer for ya, the farther you go the more angry you get with the installers, gr4rrrr
Did you shit in the sprinkler system or something?
Never have a tree you can’t trim or take down yourself.
Never take down a tree yourself.
But I have a chainsaw and a step ladder. I’m suppose to just not use them?
I fight with you sometimes. I don’t want you bleeding out lying on top of your severed leg. Ladder +chainsaw +1000s of lbs of wood that goes where it wants, not where amateur lumberman plans = dead long before the ambulance arrives.
Hey now!
I wish we’d all just branch out from these lame puns.
::Acknowledging Jarflax::
I was going to jump in with a good pun but decided to just leaf it there.
As I’ve gotten older I’ve downgraded my “max allowable tree size, which is now Redbud, Dogwood, Crab Apple and big shrubs like crepe myrtle.
Things would be different if I lived out in the country, but I wouldn’t have anything that could reasonably fall and take out my house. Been through too many hurricanes and cut up too many 40-foot plus pine trees by myself after they came down.
When I was about 22 I had to take down a big, dead dutch elm in my mom’s back yard. I had managed to take off all the major and minor branches – leaving what was basically a 30 foot tall wishbone. I had to drop that between the house and a back wall.
I carefully sawed through most of the base of the trunk then pulled it over with a rope on one end of the trunk. It fell exactly where I needed it to fall.
Looking back on it over the years I was about as stupid as I was lucky. I should never had tried what I did as the risks were too freaking high.
When I was about 22 I had to take down a big, dead dutch elm in my mom’s back yard. I had managed to take off all the major and minor branches – leaving what was basically a 30 foot tall wishbone. I had to drop that between the house and a back wall.
I carefully sawed through most of the base of the trunk then pulled it over with a rope on one end of the trunk. It fell exactly where I needed it to fall.
Looking back on it over the years I was about as stupid as I was lucky. I should never had tried what I did as the risks were too freaking high.
Clearly the squirrels lived.
*Opera applause
The only sprinkler system I’ve known is me connecting a garden hose to the outside faucet and waving it around.
Do you make the shuss shuss shuss noise as you arc the spray?
I feel your pain. I spent two weeks following a sprinkler control wire, so that I could replace a solenoid.
Did you ever catch the midnight jackhammer? (not a euphemism)
That may not be a euph, but it sure is a fine question.
Never forget: in 2005 Rosie O’Donnell starred in the tv movie “Riding the Bus with My Sister.”
Did she play the bus?
Riding Rosie Odonnel?
You first……
[goes to happy place and looks at “Random Russian Beefcake”]
Russian Beefcake is riding Rosie! Tonio, you want some you have to get on that big ol’ bus.
Russian beefcake.
Yeah, he is posing on the upper deck of the Rosie bus
The short bus
Why is Iran determined to start WWIII?
Why are the Democrats? Some people just want to watch the world burn
Because there Religion is retarded and they talk like fags?
Don’t you mean the Spanish?
Oooohh….I don’t think anyone expected that, CP.
I suspect it’s more calculated than our Cheshire friend thinks. You don’t start something unless you believe you will prosper in the end.
Yeah, they and the Saudis have had their own “Cold War” complete with proxy wars for a long time.
But to switch over to open strikes on oil and tankers is a definite escalation.
Saudis are ethnically Arab and are Wahhabist Sunnis. Iranians are ethnically closer to India/Pakistan and practice (largely) Shiite Islam.
There’s no love lost there.
Iranians would tell you they are Persians and would not agree that they are related to the Punjabis
+1 crusty rice
Brains and… an enigmatic smile.
Like the Mona Lisa, only I know what I was thinking that brought the smile.
Unless you’re referring to the Ayatollah, in which case I have no comment.
“the Ayatollah”
Eeeeewww. No. They execute people like me in places like that.
Only if you do it consensually with adults. Forcing little boys is just a game.
Lord H is in Michigan. I mean it’s Michigan, but I don’t think it’s that bad. Just give him the guzzoline.
::looks up and around::
Did Nat King just start playing?
From what I understand the govt there is run by some kind of end of the world cultists who want to spark the second coming of the magical goat or cow or some such iteration of the 12th Imam. Fucking superstitious doomsday monkeys. We have ’em around our neck of the woods too but they don’t control the levers of power. Right now I would say Iran is the most dangerous entity in history. We have seen this kind of boneheadedness and crazy before but none of them had nukes.
Crazy conspiracy theory… Bolton gets fired and immediately afterwards a bunch of goatherds manage a successful drone attack on a facility with US air defense tech…
So you’re saying that Bolton owns a prayer rug?
Tinfoil for everyone!
Spiked Kombucha the New Hard Seltzer?
Say what you will about today’s youth, but if there is one thing we (yes we) do, it’s add alcohol to a healthy beverage.
Mark my words: the first presidential candidate to consume Flying Embers will win the 2020 election.
Burnin’ Embers > Flying Ember imho
Kvass coming soon to a hipster bar near you
Adding Flavor to Alcohol?1?!! what about the Children?
what’s next flavored Smoke?
I say no Flavor for all the BAD THINGS!
That’s right let them drink Everclear!
Andrew Cuomo agrees. Flavor bad!
As usual, we should follow the example of the British and remove flavor from food.
Probably better to have them removing flavor from what they call “food” than to have them attempting to add something they would call “flavor”.
“Excuse me waiter, my chicken tastes like licorice and sheep’s blood.”
Paul Newman at the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington
Cool Hand Luke.
Whitest white guy of his generation…I have been assured that means he was an extra racisty racist. Funny how the women swooning over him are all white leftists.
It’s just a couple of photos.
Whitest white guy of his generation
What does that even mean? Where does Bob Newhart land on that ranking?
or Jack Lemmon, that seems like a pretty white dude right there.
Harland Sanders. White skin, hair, clothes and he made his fortune selling stereotypically black food as a white dude
Edgar Winter
^Thread winner.
Or Gene Wilder?
Or Ernest Borgnine?
Or Tony Randall?
Or Glen Campbell?
Or Pat Boone?
Sammy Davis?
Jewish, close
Newman was a big supporter of Willy T. Ribbs, which would make him a funny sort of racist.
See, this is why I don’t want to know what celebrities think.
’Cuz that is one fine specimen of man.
Finer specimen – Newman or Redford?
Newman by far because he had the looks and the chops, while Redford was never a good actor.
Specimen of lefty?
Shhhhhhh. If I don’t KNOW they are lefties, then I can drool without feeling oogey.
Nobody said I had to pick.
Oh, yeah! I forgot – “Why not both?”
Or more. There’s also gingers. [Fondly contemplates chapter just read – 22 or 23?]
He’s a strawberry blond.
Close enough! We’ll happily claim him.
One of the greatest rhetorical questions ever asked.
Watching Joanne Woodward in a swimsuit in Signpost to Murder. Yum yum.
The duality of HM?
I want to buy that for him!
You can buy this for Crusty
I’ll take two.
Hey, Black-ass!
Sorry about the plumbing woes. Seems lots of people had a rather crappy time today. No wonder I slept like a rock…
OT: What’s the best kind of beer for a beginner to start brewing?
I’ve wanted to get into homebrewing for years. I did a little bit of winemaking when I was 19 or 20, so I’m familiar with the basic concepts like sanitizing all your instruments, monitoring specific gravity, etc. But I never learned much about the process of turning hops and grain into beer.
So if you were teaching a beginner how to brew, what’s the first one you’d do? I’m just looking for something with a relatively short list of ingredients and a process that is harder to screw up. Any ideas?
I’ve heard Ales are easier than Lagers. Seems like a lot of people start with Porter’s or stouts.
I’ve heard tea is the easiest brew
I’d skip the beer and go right to the hard seltzers.
Get a kit, what ever style you like, if you’re using the malt extracts it’s more or less like making chicken stock with a few extra steps and a long wait. All-grain get more complicated but other than the sanitation thing it’s just following a recipe.
Lights the Neph signal.
Start here: John Palmer — How to Brew.
Well, I fucked that link up.
Today I finished The Know-It-All, which is about a guy who read the whole Encyclopedia Britannica. I was pleased that already new most of the tidbits he mentioned- probably because I’ve read a lot of an encyclopedia entries over the years. I’ve always liked busting out random facts. Some people don’t like that and I never understood why.
Some stuff I learned:
Buffalo may come from beau fleuve, which means beautiful river in French.
Eiron: A stock character in Greek comedy, who pretends to be less intelligent than he really is, and whose modesty of speech contrasts with the boasting of the stock braggart or alazon. Our word irony derives from the pretence adopted by the eiron.
The Bugs Bunny of Ancient Greece.
Bouvard et Pécuchet details the adventures of two Parisian copy-clerks, François Denys Bartholomée Bouvard and Juste Romain Cyrille Pécuchet, of the same age and nearly identical temperament. They meet one hot summer day in 1838 by the canal Saint-Martin and form an instant, symbiotic friendship. When Bouvard inherits a sizable fortune, the two decide to move to the countryside. They find a 94-acre (380,000 m2) property near the town of Chavignolles in Normandy, between Caen and Falaise, and 100 miles (160 km) west of Rouen. Their search for intellectual stimulation leads them, over the course of years, to flounder through almost every branch of knowledge.[1][2]
Flaubert uses their quest to expose the hidden weaknesses of the sciences and arts, as nearly every project Bouvard and Pécuchet set their minds on comes to grief.
It’s like a Victorian version of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.
Also the guy who invented the thermometer, Fahrenheit, chose 90 as human body temperature, 30 as the freezing point of water, and 0 as the temperature of an equal (mass?) mixture of salt and ice. Because it was the first thermometer, the numbers were a little off.
And for Sugarfree, male bandicoots have a double-barrelled penis and the females have a double vagina. This makes them the animal with the lowest requirement of participants for an orgy.
I propose the Sugarfree number – the lowest number of participants of the same species required for an orgy.
I read another book a while ago called 1,000 Books to Read Before You Die. It was disappointing to see how many famous novels dealt with love triangles and/or adultery. I don’t always read fiction, but when I do, I prefer stories with sea monsters.
Hayflick limit, heat death, proton decay… buh-dee-dee-deh-deep, that’s all folks!
Pour yourself a drink and pet a dog.
Probably an urban legend.
Yes, I have taken a class on the history of Buffalo.
The Google machine says: mid 16th century: probably from Portuguese bufalo, from late Latin bufalus, from earlier bubalus, from Greek boubalos ‘antelope, wild ox’.
Ah buffoon- that’s a portmanteau of balloon and buffaloon, or perhaps from the Latin buffamatus, ‘he who carries the pickle’.
I’ve looked up the etymology of many words. I had a plan of doing it for the Dolch List, but never finished. I did finish a dictionary of Proto-Indo-European roots.
If you need a guy to talk to the Engineers from Prometheus, I’m your guy. If HM is unavailable, that is.
I’ve been camping out on etymonline for weeks.
Buffoon + Ruffalo
MCU Hulk?
I have also had a life-long interest in off-the-wall trivia.
About as bizarre as the bandicoot is the hyena. Hyenas are highly social and a matriarchically run species. The females had a penis which is used primarily for mounting other females to establish dominance. This female-penis is actually the vulva through which they give birth.
Derpy, you are truly a treasure.
Eiron … thank you for that. Without knowing it’s history or name I’ve been using that recently to great effect. Point out the single most crucial flaw in their argument in a high-minded manner. Don’t dwell on how obvious their idiocy is, and don’t delve into their possible motivations. It has been working for me in some of the worst chatrooms on the interwebs.
Also, bandicoot physiology — cool. And I was known to my riding club as “Crash Bandicoot” for several months last year after a spectacular series of wipeouts including one where I blacked out and woke up to find a teammate who was very concerned whether I could feel my toes.
“Derpy, you are truly a treasure.”
Hooray! Zoidberg is useful!
Careful with those horses- Genghis Khan was undefeated in battle, but died when he was bucked off his horse.
More fun for Sugarfree- the abalone has 5 assholes. Imagine that getting tag-teamed by 2 bandicoots.
Mountain biker, not equestrian. But, still.
She was running a textbookDCAP BTLS assessment on me. I knew exactly what she was doing and was scared shitless that I had crashed badly enough that she thought that was necessary.
“The Ontario government lost $42M selling cannabis in the last year”
WTF, Canada?
Gosh, who could have seen that coming?
The DC lottery managed to lose money.
It seems that govts have a hell of a time turning a profit.
If Government ran like a business, we wouldn’t have a government
Reminds me of a funny video about why the mafia is better than the govt. My favorite reason was: if you pay the mafia for protection, you get protection.
Only Government could fuck that up,
LMAO Canada!
Blame Canada!
K. Goodnight, kids. Hope your Mondays are all bearable.
I have vague memories of some guy who was arrested in DC for spying. Apparently, he used his ill-gotten gains to buy a strip club. So, the feds tried to keep the strip club running to get a better price when it was sold off. They managed to lose money.
Didn’t they lose money running the Mustang Ranch after they seized it some years ago? There are people who couldn’t get laid in a whore house, but only the government could lose money running one.
Big deal. That’s like $5 million US.
I mean… I believe that they did it on purpose. I can’t believe they’re pretending they didn’t.
An “article” adapted from a book? So now they’re just an admitted copypasta outfit?
They left a bullshit article up, uncorrected, for 18 hours. Kamala Harris et all have been fundraising on it all day.
Just like when AOC raped my best friend, he denies it, doesn’t remember and doesn’t exist, but I say it’s completely true. #BelieveAllVictimsSupposedFriendsWhoHavePoliticalAgendas
So you are saying Joe Biden smelled your hair?
Joe kinda comes across as someone without a sense of smell. At least, he does to me.
“one element” what element would that be? Oh wait the element of “everything in the preceding article is crap and none of the people supposedly involved recall it happening”.
and somewhere close to half of the population believes Kavanaugh is a rapist even though every single accusation is completely unsupported and in fact every ‘corroborating’ witness denies any of the events ever occurred.
They know the truth.
The Fifth Element?
You assume half the population knows who Kavanaugh is?
That’s funny
Fair point. Half the voting public
Easier target, see,
OrangeManBad for examples, also union members and Nazis,
Is that real? LOL, if so.
This whole scenario is getting old,
Economy? They got nothing?
Defense? WaraWarWar
Guns?They sound nuttier than a fruitcake.
As a Glibertarian, I don’t care, both parties hate me,
11pm, on a Sunday….
If a certain planet crashed would you wake up with lube on your anus?
If the sun doesn’t shine will bleaching cause ass burns?
The Do-It-Yourself Anal Bleaching Kit: Now, with NO Solar Burning!
OK, I take back the You’re no fun anymore rip.
If you melt in Sun, do you freeze in a breeze?
I need glasses,
Eye? Beer? Shot?
C: The Smartest Man in the room.
Also, any luck with the monitor issue? Is it finally resolved, or, still waiting for part(s)?
Still waiting on the new part. Why I Haven’t been as active lately, reading on this screen gives me a headache. I mean, I could just look at the other screen, but it’s on the wrong side of the desk, and the cable lengths won’t let me swap.
Ugh…Sorry about all this mishegoss. Hope it is resolved soon enough. Protect yourself from further headaches with more Red Dog.
No prob, I’m just glad I know what the issues are, not knowing things is my worst fear.
Yep–fear is the mind-killer.
Some say I’m a hero, most just call me sad,
You know that dog that doesn’t have a job?
He just gets into troubl?
That’s me, bored as fuck…
Yuesf, you mentioned up-thread about your wife’s court date–Have you talked about that before? Because I have no recollection of that being a “thing” for you. Care to refresh my memory?
A registration ticket that will get pricey if we don’t address it,
Ah, the regulatory State in action! Which is a far shittier thing than their inaction.
Sorry to hear that.
8t gets worse, see tomorrow
Oh, shit…
Now I find myself
In YouTube land,
Forgetting I don’t understand,
Listening to things,
I dont understand,
Wasting time in YouTube Land,
Hmmmm! New handle? Alter ego? Evil twin?
Yes ,
My own worst enemy,
Put the bottle down and go to bed, Yusef.
Hell, no! I’m up and about, and he’s good company.
You can stay, too. Although, it might get weird. And, not in a fun way.
Or, maybe in a fun way; not sure yet.
Oh I dare ya
Weird, and not in any good way that I can see.
Regardless of personal views, I am struggling with finding an reason for this that isn’t creepy/evil/insane.
I saw that, fuckin Carthaginian
Well at least I showed up,
The bottle
I was totally expecting a link to the Tequila bottle scene from Poltergeist 2.
Anyone else remember when there was a Weird Science TV show? It was back when USA had Duckman.
I recall that Vanessa Angel was in something on TV. And, it appears that this was on while she was working on Kingpin.
Damn, five seasons?? Never saw it, but, to be unaware…. Man, I hate getting old
/Hey–Lee Tergesen!
This reminds me–as much as I want to, I don’t know that I can successfully add an ‘obscure TV show breakdown’ to my weekend post. I mean, I could mention one (I have one…thread? in mind), but, I don’t think I would/could do it justice like you have.
Not saying you need to add to your Glibs workload. But….
I remember the name, but not much beyond that. Was that before or during when La Femme Nikita was on?
No, Weird Science was on when I was a young innocent child. La Femme Nikita, well that lead to some, unexpected developments…
La femme Nikita, u was in a band at the time….
I was
“Unexpected”, to you? Not, like, say, the Spanish Inquisition?
More likes socks I wager
This guy gets it, on the second attempt.
I just didn’t want to go…there.
/What is it with socks around here?
I personally never used socks, but somehow that is the meme for such affairs.
Looked it up. Overlapped by a year or two.
I remember Peta Wilson.
I remember it. I remember Vanessa Angel wearing too much clothing and getting too little screen time.
This makes perfect sense, all things considered.
Not that I agree with it. However, you can enjoy her, snow-bound, in Spies Like Us.
Q, I need your help with Sir Digby. He doesn’t get it.
Of course, I get it! She couldn’t get naked on basic cable, though.
Check her out in SLU
Good Sir:
I haven’t shaved in so long, I look like Jeffery Epstien,
/ Not a good look
The H in HVAC is for hygiene… just say’n…
Please keep your promise.
Damien Jr appears to have dead eyes in those pictures. What an obnoxious little shit.
“I will not countenance ugly. Ugly is the boner-killer”
I mean….I guess there’s someone who will consider it a challenge, but….
It’s amazing she’s a 16 yo. I would’ve guessed about 11.
Heh…Hopefully she will actually mature, thought-wise. Or, thot-wise. Either way.
Not looking good
Appears to be a marking dye in the water.
Not looking good indeed. I’ve been aware of this, but not following it closely. Any thoughts on George Will’s take?
Wastes too many words. Is he writing a novel or a news article?
I call it a “feature” and thus cut him some slack re: verbosity. (I, of all people, have no right to cast stones on that count.) I’m just pleasantly surprised I didn’t have to look up any of his vocabulary. Re: the content – I fear he’s too optimistic when he compares Hong Kong to eighteenth century American colonists. China’s a hell of a lot closer to Hong Kong than Britain was to the American colonies – and China’s a hell of a lot bigger. Something something bugs on windshields.
You left out a few more comparative factors that don’t work in HK’s favor. It’s a lot smaller than the 13 colonies, with less space to run/hide, and China’s a lot meaner/more ruthless than the UK ever got even at its worst.
True dat. Gonna be ugly.