I didn’t want to talk about it, but it’s part of the journey: my 2016 Kia is destroyed, not my fault, I was in NM when it happened, but. What was supposed to be a turnaround trip turned out to be the wife in the hospital and the son with the keys, and wouldn’t give them back. Next I hear the car was destroyed, as I predicted, and insurance is fucking us, as I predicted.

San Dimas!

Why did we stop here? Sleep and gather some things from storage; keyboards! Bass guitar! 

Bullhead City AZ 

Vacation, all I ever w, oh nevermind, it’s still hot as… Arizona, so I built a hillbilly smoking area, it works well enough I go into the AC afterwards and get cold.



I saw this at Smith’s, no one noticed?


I noticed Smith’s had build your own 6 pack, but I already tried everything they had, so normal beer for now, except,

a real nice oat ale.

What the Hell am I doing?

It appears that my job title may change again. East coast work, which could keep us on the road for another six months, we are getting tired. If we save enough cash, then we finish in AZ, by the river and I work local. 

More change?

We have no idea what we are doing now, my job is in jeopardy, which also means I may have no vehicle to drive, well and truly fucked. I made sure to bring my gauges, just in case some HVAC comes my way, til then, spooky time….