Better mechanics than anyone on the Tigers staff
The Astros managed a sweep of bottom-feeders Kansas City to get back on track and tie the Yankees again for best record in baseball, with the Dodgers a mere game behind, as we head into the final couple of weeks of the season. This is gonna be fun. So are the Wild Card races, to be honest. I’d not want to face Cleveland right now. Or the A’s. Hell, or Milwaukee. Enjoy the next 14 days!
You know who is not enjoying things right now? Arsenal or Everton fans. Meanwhile Liverpool stay perfect to start the season with maximum points as Man City lost to Norwich in a surp…wait, they lost to Norwich?!?! LOL, good times. UCL group games start this week as well, which is pretty sweet.

Bye-bye playoff chances
And in football, Tennessee actually won a game, Ohio State pounded Indiana, Maryland shit the bed, as did USC, and Kentucky, and Florida State. While in the NFL, a couple of future HOF quarterbacks went down for what looks like an extended period, as their teams both lost. The Patriots keep rolling, the Bengals are a joke, the Rams found a way to win, the Vikings didn’t and the Kansas City Chefs look incredible. I know I’m missing a few things, but I can’t just cater to the sensible people on here who are sports fans, so I gotta keep it brief lest the uncultured sports-haters blow a gasket.

The Nick Gillespie of magicians
Railroad tycoon Charles Crocker was born on this day. So were: former British Prime Minister Bonar Law, department store magnate James Cash Penney, bluesman BB King, actor Peter Falk, hall of fame cager Elgin Baylor, actor and amateur boxer Mickey Rourke, magician David Copperfield, baseball players Tim Raines and Orel Hershiser, and actress Amy Poehler. Meh.
Alrighty then, let’s get this week started with…the links!
Well, I’m sure the NYT is really upset that they’ve now walked back their hit piece on Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Or, and stay with me here, they don’t give a shit because all they cared about was stirring shit and creating a narrative.
Purdue Pharma has filed bankruptcy as vultures circle in an effort to steal the personal wealth of its owners. Because, you know, they put these drugs on the market without getting FDA approval, forced patients to take them without a doctor’s prescription, and continued to drug people with them by not disclosing any potential side effects found during the approval process. LOL, just kidding. They complied with every regulation put in place and doctors were all given literature describing everything known from trials. Well I hope they manage to keep their fairly-earned wealth and these grifter AGs end up with jack shit.

Artist’s depiction of Corn Pop, post-Biden intervention
Poor Corn Pop. Glad to know Joe Biden was there with his chain to teach you the error of your ways. And I’m glad that the Sharks and the Jets were all finally able to set their differences aside.
Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him. I mean, why not just say “I don’t want to go”, you stupid asshole? Also, it will not pay off for him.
Nearly 50,000 auto workers go on strike in biggest labor walkout in quite some time. Hear that, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and others? That’s the sound of a gigantic fucking cash register opening up. So please, please, please stick your hand in and take the money!
If you find the results of this policy surprising in the least, then you must not have been paying attention. But its ok, their intentions were honorable. I guess. No wait, they weren’t. Their intentions were to get rid of homeless people so they wouldn’t have to look at them.
And oil prices spiked and stocks are expected to have a bumpy ride after a drone attack on the largest refinery in the world in Saudi Arabia. Please don’t drag us into this, Trump. I’m begging you. I know you tweeted some stupid shit last night, but please, please, please don’t stick America’s dick in this meat grinder.
I wouldn’t be doing him or music in general justice if I didn’t mention that Ric Ocasek, frontman for The Cars, died yesterday at the age of 75. Dude was a hell of a musician. So enjoy a song of theirs. And enjoy a second one. Aw hell, let’s do three (with extra funky keyboards).
Now go enjoy the start of the week.
Corn Pop would be a stronger candidate than Biden ???
One problem.
He ded
Doesn’t change what I said, tho
Lol cause that is definitive proof of who corn pop is. Cornpop lives.
It’s the only source I’ve got.
We’ll always have CornPop.
And his homies SugarPop, IcePop, and SodaPop.
and his Parents Pop Pop and Pop Mom (she’s Asian)
So he’s much more valuable as a voter then, since you can only be a candidate once per race.
“He did”
So his chances just got better.
Not did, ded. Fuckin’ spell check.
I support Shredded Wheat.
Frosted MiniWheats for VP.
Any relation to Buckwheat?
No love for Booker’s imaginary friend T-bone?
No way there was ever a gang-banger named Corn Pop.
Who built a refinery in such a politically unstable region? I’m guessing we did, using saudi financing.
The British, I believe, if my history is accurate.
“Well, I’m sure the NYT is really upset that they’ve now walked back their hit piece on Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Or, and stay with me here, they don’t give a shit because all they cared about was stirring shit and creating a narrative”
But now the media get to talk about it again. Because it’s a story. And they can call for impeach again
I keep wondering how to make retractions more visible than the original articles. I keep drawing a blank.
Print the termination letter for everyone involved on the front page.
Fines. Hefty fines.
“Kavanuagh, who has had assault allegations reported on…”
Two of the stories I saw referred to the original Kerfuffle thusly: “Now, in addition to Kavanaugh’s attempted rape as a teen, a new witness reports another…”
I dunno about you, but I don’t think that even squinting and using a lot of imagination you could honestly call Balsey-Ford’s story “attempted rape”.
I can’t. But most Democrats do. Which also struck me as odd. During the show trial, even if her entire account was 100% accurate, it would be very easy to see how a young man would have thought it was a failed attempt to get to second base.
It would be easier to just shoot the guy or something
Not that I am advocating political violence.
With a white cross?
Pie is one of them You’re-a-peeings. Tell him he got a red card and then he’ll understand.
I think you are on to something!
In Minecraft
>>The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident.
Well close enough – right?
They started a dialog!
We should #believeher, right?
Someone wrote a piece of fiction they peddled as woke SJW shit, and attributed it to a witness that has pointed out the whole story is bullshit? And the people prettinding this is a real story have not been tarred & feathered before being run out of town? Oh, what a world we live in…
Has anyone yet asked the NYT editor if he’s stopped fucking sheep?
When he was a big deal the running joke was Orel Hershiser and his little brother, Anal. Yeah, we thought that was was pretty darn funny.
Orel had nothing on Oral
Yeah but how was his slider?
His restaurant was over priced and overrated.
I wasn’t a HUGE cars fan, but but I always liked this one
Paging Lou Reed?
>>The Nick Gillespie of magicians
“Watch this Libertarianism disappear inside of my cocktail…”
We mock but didn’t he also marry a super-model? Ric Ocasek, Billy Joel etc. He who laughs while boning the hot chick laughs loudest.
I’m pretty sure he was with Verinique de Rugy last I checked.
Gilespie has never even gotten within sniffing range of Claudia Schiffer.
Mandy Marcotte gave him a handy in the coat room at one of those exclusive parties about ten years ago and he’s been smitten ever since.
grosss The jacket must have been screaming the whole time.
You can tell that this isn’t true… he was never publicly accused of rape.
Kansas City Chefs be cooking.
The typo in Purdue Pharma story has been fixed. But I was not going to mention it anyway
The Chefs thing isn’t a typo.
I did not necessarily ay it was… just commented on it
Something was just done there. Observe it I did.
Mahomes is going to shatter every passing record there is. I can’t remember a more talented QB in a more perfect situation.
Even “Most Interceptions in a season”?
Probably not that one. That one might be unbreakable. There is only one Farve.
I wonder if Corn Pop knows Cory Booker’s imaginary buddy T-Bone?
Ben Carson has one as well if I’m not mistaken.
I thought they hung out at Herman Cain’s food storage pyramid?
I must be out of touch, I thought Corn Pop was my favorite cereal as a kid.
Spoiled! All we got was Puffed Wheat, Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes. Sugary cereal was banned in our house.
We got those too – and added sugar to ’em. Cheerios were best with a few
teaspoonstablespoons from the sugar bowl.And gee I wonder why I had so many cavities when I was young.
But do these transport programs actually help people find stable housing? For many of those offered a bus ticket, they do not.
In San Francisco, city officials checking on people in the month after busing them out of town found that while many had found a place to live, others were unreachable, missing, in jail or had already returned to homelessness. Within a year, the city found that one out of every eight bus ticket recipients had returned and sought services in San Francisco once again.
Imagine my surprise.
I’m pretty sure our city just built 70 units at a cost of 700,000 dollars a piece for the homeless. That’s a pretty good incentive to do some urban camping right there. Everyone knows that building is going to become a cesspit the minute it opens.
The problem with the homeless is simply that they don’t have homes, not that many of them value alcohol or crack over shelter, hygiene, food, etc.
Up here the city just bought some primo real estate in order to build a complex with 100 units, onsite clinic and all the bells and whistles. Why the city tax-payers should be funding this is a mystery because it falls under Provincial and Federal purview. “Build it and they will come”. Too many goddamn zombies already wandering the streets and having the jail just outside of town doesn’t help either.
Let me guess, the prior owner of the land, the construction company, and the management company who will run it all have connections to people who run the city.
Why yes, yes they do. We’re not a large city but there really is a “Five Families” vibe that is prevalent here. Some of the same people have been pulling the strings for about a hundred years since the place was incorporated.
Welcome to Quebec Inc.
Exhibit A – The Bombardier family. Inept, corrupted, grifters extraordinaries.
Granted they’re not in construction but they’ve been granted ‘yeh but Made in Quebec ergo save jobs at all costs!’ status.
It’s all a racket.
I can’t believe nobody tried building public housing before!
Cabrini Green something something something
Cabrini Green was fine compared to the Robert Taylor Homes….brrr.
I read “The Mimosa Tree” when I was about 7 or 8. Dismal.
Here’s a link.
For 700 grand you could buy my home and property three times over and have money left over to build a workshop in the back yard.
Let me see…. roughtly eight and a half times the purchase price of my house.
Then again, my house is cheap.
*purchase price as per the last recorded transaction, not what you’d need to fork over for me to move.
I need to be compensated for the hassle.
Compensated? Nah, we are just going to buy up all your neighbor’s houses and turn them into high density housing for the homeless. You’ll move.
I notice that Central and South America isn’t on their map. I guess nobody from those places causes problems in San Fran.
Please don’t drag us into this, Trump.
Aren’t we kinda already in it?
Arms dealer to the Saudis. Directly…not so much.
I’m talking about dropping bombs on Iran or wherever.
Yikes. I assumed an attack would be against the Houthis in Yemen.
It’s only fair that we reduce the Iranian’s oil refinement capabilities by 500,000,000 bbl/day to match.
You wanna bomb Japan? (Iran has no refinement facilities- not on an industrial scale)
It’s weird this shit popped off right after Bolton split
Dead man switch.
“I keep having this nagging sense that I left something running in the office…”
Given all of the fabulous high-tech military hardware we sell to the Saudis, they should be able to take of this entirely on their own.
That reminds me, I should get back to reading “The Arab Way of War”, which is a dictionary thick book trying to figure out why arab armies consistantly lose seemingly un-losable wars/battles even when they have numeric, firepower, and technological superiority over their opponants. It happens a lot to armies from the region.
It’s their weak-ass God. We have the best God! Fabulous!
Because they use 1960s Soviet doctrine
It happens even to US-trained and equipped forces. If it were Soviet doctrines, it would be less uniform. And the pattern started before the Soviets began investing in the area. The book chose to open with 1948, but that was because it’s already pretty long.
Gilmore (PBUH) posted a long article called “Why Arabs lose wars” it something. I don’t remember it all, but for one thing they’re so loyal to whatever subtribe they belong to and hate members of other subtribes, they refuse to work together as units. The officers believe themselves to be superior to the enlisted such that they refuse to listen to anything they say even if it’s information of the utmost importance. Etc, etc. IOW they’re backwards idiots.
Tribalism is a stupid way of doing things. But hey, all cultures are equal and I am sure I am going to hell (or a reeducation camp, which is about the same thing) for breaking that SJW credo.
I will add a very, very uncomfortable piece of information in there, as well: The longstanding practice of first cousin marriage in Islam has horrific consequences, including race-wide lowering of IQ, terrible birth defect rates, etc., but not least among them is the effect it has on things like night-vision, spatial awareness, and a host of things that make trying to teach Saudi/Iranian/Muslim pilots in general (as just one example) nearly impossible. Talk to ANYONE in the military who has had to train Muslim majority armed forces even the most basic of military skills. People can tell themselves whatever they want to make themselves feel better, but that is the sad reality. Islamic dominant countries lose wars for a slew of reasons, but the cousin-marriage thing has ruined those gene pools, in my opinion. It’s still going on and you can’t find a single Prog anywhere willing to discuss it… but trust me, they fucking love science and saying what I said is racist!!1!1!!
I remember when the thing was going on in DC with the Beltway Sniper, and some news show was interviewing a special forces guy who trained shooters, and the host asked him if the snipe was a radical Arab from the middle east. The guy laughed and said he doubted it because he tried training them in the middle east and they were “pretty incompetent”.
How do you figure?
So I was on a team building event in Bulgaria and somehow, I am not sure how, I managed to fuck up my shoulder again. The thing is the pain appeared hours after I did anything that could have caused it and then got progressively worse over several more hours. I hope is just a strain and not some massive worsening of my impingement and hopefully will not take month to heal.
Check for poison pellet wounds.
The pellet with the poison’s in the vessel with the pestle. The chalice from the palace holds the brew that is true.
Red Skelton stole that entire bit in A Southern Yankee.
Ask the “team” to chip in and get you a first rate surgeon?
The main possible causes could be the fact that there was an empty pool there and I swam a bunch of laps, something I haven’t done in like 5 years, or the sea was somewhat rough (like an old man returning soup at a deli you could say) and I did something I used to do as a kid, got on top of a wave and swam with it, and was right on top of it when it broke. The wave was bigger than I estimated and i tumbled and spun around in the water, which may have caused a strain. But I did not feel anything at all, no discomfort or anything. for hours after the wave incident.
If you are older than 35 I might have found your problem.
I am actually 35…
There ya go…
You can look forward to…
Nah, you’ll learn soon enough, no need to rain on your parade.
did something I used to do as a kid, got on top of a wave and swam with it, and was right on top of it when it broke.
You mean “bodysurfing”?
His foreign ways are strange to us… well that and the vampirism.
I dunno… maybe?
Charlie don’t body surf..
I’m surprised you didn’t break every bone in your hands against the concrete.
Also, those Bulgarian wimmen got some pipes
They piped so hard they broke the link.
Maybe stop patting yourself on the back so hard? Especially at at team building event.
Also this reminded me I do not understand people who go to all inclusive vacations in Bulgaria. The Golden Sands resort near Varna has some reasonable looking hotels by the sea, but most of them are huge, ugly, and meant to cater to all inclusive tourism. They were massively developed right after commiendom fell, by some understanding between Germany and Bulgaria, with mostly German investments to cater to German tourists. Originally there were better, but not most are just shit. The food is awful and the all inclusive booze, while limitless, is of the poorest quality. I could not drink anything. Me an some people in my department went to a supermarket and bought some wine (of the more expensive bottles around 30 lev) on our own dime and ignored the all inclusive fair, although other people in my company seemed sufficiently devoid of taste that they drank the hotel stuff.
The resort is full of these huge hotels build close to one another, the streets are narrow and basically a bazaar of cheap kitsch and knockoff clothes. There were the cheesiest looking bars and restaurants, but mostly empty as I assume most tourists were drinking the shit at all inclusive hotels, not that the cocktail bars looked any better. I’d rather stay home than go to such a vacation. I had a colleague who went 6 years in a row at the same hotel we stayed. It was shit. I can’t imagine going 6 years in a row to the same resort, the same hotel, ant it being so crap. Also they had pathetic attempts at entertainment, like dart competitions and bingo, for the german pensioners I assume. Bleah. Even if I had not fucked up my shoulder, it was awful.
^^^ Vlad Tepes confirmed! Won’t mix with the common folk and would rather hang out in his castle.
At least it was better then American food and drink, right? 🙂
Honestly it sounds like most tourist traps everywhere I’ve been. Cheap shirts that are the same between all of the stores, some kitschy souvenirs. Only thing that I’ve gone to for almost that many years in a row is Viva Las Vegas, next year will be the fifth I’ve gone. But at least that has different bands and shows between the years.
The American resort I went to this summer was fantastic and the food & drink was delicious.
Smoked manhattans…mmmm…
How does that even work?
smoking gun?
With one of these.
At least it was better then American food and drink, right? – I would not go that far…
I know there are plenty places like this, but why go there 6 years in a row?
I do not like the all inclusive thing. I would not want every meal at the hotel, every evening spent at the hotel bar, but people keep telling me it is good for when you have small children… But I understand the food/booze is better in Turkey than in Bulgaria…. Although somewhat pricier.
I’m right there with you. I want to meander, and head out to find new places (even in Vegas). Same reason I’m not a fan of guided tours, and cruises sound like a punishment to me.
Yeah, that sounds worse and more boring than being at home. I’d rather wander and wind up finding ugly views and bad food on my own whim if I’m traveling. At least then I’m seeing something new.
I assumed Bulgarian tourism was like Dominican tourism, all about the whores.
No, that is Costa Rica where they peddle to the sport fucking industry.
“and then my mother, who was disguised as the East German judge…”
You went to Myrtle Beach?
The Kavanaugh thing pissed a lot of people off. I hope they do it again right before the 2020 election.
The Kavanaugh and Covington things were the most annoying and infuriating stories since I’ve been politically aware. I don’t know why they want to re-litigate this, all it makes me want to do is vote Trump.
Pandering to their base. They don’t know anyone that would vote R.
Interestingly, I haven’t voted R in maybe 30 years. Straight libertarian ticket since then. And I was completely dismissive of Trump as even being a real candidate. I never would consider voting for Trump, not even for a Reality TV Show hosting gig.
And yet….
This crop of Democrats and their media machine is so far beyond the pale, there’s almost no way I’m tossing away a chance to vote against them. And now I live in Florida, where my vote actually might make a difference. So yeah, a guaranteed L vote is gonna go to Trump unless something big changes.
And that’s on you DNC. And on your propaganda machine. You guys are that far away from anything I could trust with the power of the federal government…. that I’d even consider Trump as a reasonable alternative. Let that ruminate for a moment.
Straight libertarian ticket since then.
#metoo, but for 20 years. Might vote for the Sunkist king, just to give me voice of disapproval to the eviler dems.
It ain’t gonna be easy. But even the best case scenario for the other nutjobs is horrific. And they have the propaganda machine in place to do something with that insane ideology.
I don’t have you libertarian voting creds, cyto, but I feel the same way: I will very likely vote for that fucking clown this time – and I hate those assholes on Team Blue for driving me to it, but they have more than earned it. What they have done – revealed themselves to be now – is such that I will vote *against* Team Blue every chance I get.
Savannah Guthrie with that smug look on her face badgering the Covington kid about “do you wish you had done anything differently” and asking him to apologize, knowing full well that the kid did nothing wrong and was confronted by a racist pot-stirring activist with a completely fabricated backstory and version of events – that will stick with me a long time.
Nice crossover – she was at a 2:00 am meeting at Schumer’s apartment the night before the Ford letter leaked to the media.
I really don’t understand why most people are OK with this propaganda machine stuff.
Most people don’t believe the media is crafting a narrative. Hello I still get astounded when I watch the clips of all the newscasters using the exact same verbiage, handed down from Dem handlers.
I first caught on to this during the Clinton campaign back in 91. CSPAN was new to me, and I started to enjoy watching the press briefings live. They used to show the RNC and DNC operatives live in the Rotunda after the State of the Union. That was the first one I remember.
I watched the DNC spokesman use specific phrases – “extreme views”, etc.
The next day the big 3 anchors used the exact words and phrases as if they were their own thoughts. I flipped around and all 3 said the same thing.
If I hadn’t seen it the night before on CSPAN I wouldn’t have noticed. But it was such a strange turn of phrase… so I checked the other channels and sure enough….
Then I watched as Stephanopolis fed them the line on Clinton and the draft. Over and over… “He never got a draft notice”… Sam Donaldson would tell me he never got a draft notice. Then when someone produced the draft notice: “We always new about the draft notice. But he never got a second draft notice.” Sam Donaldson tells me “Republicans are making accusations about this draft notice, but we have always known about this. He never got a second draft notice”.
On and on, once every week or two the story would completely change. And I’d watch Stephanopolis tell the media how to handle it on CSPAN, and then watch his words come out of their mouths that night on the news.
And compared to the machine today, those guys were pikers.
They are shameless and they don’t even bother to show us Emmy’s perfect little boobies.
Or you know, thy discover that RGB has less that 3 months to live and they need to lay the groundwork to remove a Conservative judge as soon as possible after the election
Various nonprofits in the Seattle area have already provided some bus tickets. The Seattle-area United Way funded about 116 trips outside the region last year, said Lauren McGowan, senior director for Ending Homelessness and Poverty at United Way of King County.
But McGowan said the idea of committing more money to such programs might be counterproductive when there were so many other urgent needs. She said most people the nonprofit works with are from the Seattle area, where their personal and professional networks are centered, and she worries that spending money on bus tickets to advance a narrative of “reunification” may be an excuse to simply encourage homeless people to go away.
“How does giving that person a bus ticket help ME? I have bills to pay, you know.”
I thought encouraging the homeless to go away would be a win/win situation. Oh, right… Statist piece of shit! Let’s make the fire turn black.
Joe biden’s story reminds me of the joke: a man approaches the pearly gates. St Peter is there with the book of Life, and looks through. “Industry you were neither good nor bad. If you tell me one good thing you did I’ll let you in”
“Are you kidding? There was this one time I saw an old lady getting harassed by this biker gang. They had chains and kept hitting her car. So I walked over and smacked the leader right in the face. ”
“What?! When did this happen?” St Peter exclaimed.
“Oh about ten minutes ago”
The Long Now, Pt. 2 – Make, Protect, Teach
Is US politics in 2019 like Romania in the 1930? Tough question
I don’t know much about Romanian politics of the 1930s. Is it a pre-requisite to understand the article? What about Part 1?
I don’t think it is… I mean I don’t remember part 1. Probably did not read it.
>>Ric Ocasek, frontman for The Cars
RIP, Ric. I had no idea that you were that old! Brief read shows the Cars broke big when he was in his mid-30s.
Hence the big shades in every video.
And now for my latest trick I’m gonna turn this progressive into a moderate libertarian!
/Bullwinkle voice.
So I can shake their hand vigorously.
Swiss is fond of gifferally enhancing things.
Boy, they are really trying to pimp Yang as if he were some libertarian savior. They even called him the “Anti-Elizabeth Warren”.
Just uttering the words “trust individuals” doesn’t really make you libertarian.
You know, I’m really starting to think that it would be a good idea to bring back dueling. It’s become too easy to behave like an utter s**t and have no consequences visited on you. If the writers and editors of the Times knew that one possible consequence of calling someone a rapist is that they’d face down the muzzle of a gun held by a man willing to risk his own life for satisfaction, they might be a little more scrupulous about what they decide to print.
The challenged party chooses the weapon under the traditional rules.
I’ve been thinking of including a scene in one of my stories where the challenged party choses bare hands (mostly trying to intimidate the clannger to back down, and because he was not that good with rapiers)
Flails or axes might be a good choice as well, especially if the protagonist is a bigger guy.
He doesn’t actually want to kill the challenger. At this point he’s left a trail of bodies behind him that might be in the triple digits somewhere, and the challenger is just a courtier who’s never seen a real battle.
Ah, got it.
For brawn over finesse, hammers and maces can work as well.
Tree branches would have more flair.
John Cleese made it funny.
Pool noodles at fifty paces!
Yeah, back when dueling was a thing, hitting someone with a handgun at 50 paces was no easy feat. Even a trained marksman couldn’t be guaranteed of a hit.
Modern weapons are very accurate. A skilled shooter would definitely have a good chance of scoring a kill. We used to plink cans at 30+ yards with my friend’s .22 revolver. With support you could hit a can at 50 yards with that thing, given a couple of tries.
And we were just a couple of rednecks fooling around with a Bucket O’ Bullets from Wal-Mart.
I wasn’t mad usc lost, I was mad they didn’t try to win with a minute left.
You let it go to overtime, you’re playing to lose.
I saw that game. It was pretty crazy. Good win for BYU.
The other game I saw was UCLA geez that was a massacre.
The refs gave BYU a giant gift with that horrible offensive interference call. That 30 yard swing put the game into OT.
Autocrats do not need a majority to destroy democracy. A divided opposition helps them.
a candidate whose campaign is based on slander and fear
It really is all about projection with these lunatics.
As long as we’re comparing Trump to autocrats can we get some original ones? Maybe Hoh Chi Mihn, or Simon Bolivar, or Barack Obama.
FDR, he was more successful than Hitler or Mussolini
A whole website dedicated to skewing history and rewriting it with a leftist slant. Wonderful…
I don’t know how all the multitude of lefty sites continue to get clicks. Gotta ramp up the dire predictions I guess.
Portland says “Hi!”
depicted themselves as the last defense against radical socialism
That must have been quite the trick considering they were radical socialists.
President Trump has violated many of the norms and laws on which our democracy depends.
Your list is, well, wanting.
No black or brown shirts march in our streets.
Except for the leftist Profa thugs.
“President Trump has violated many of the norms and laws on which our democracy depends.
Your list is, well, wanting.”
Are you kidding? He overthrew democracy by using the electoral college to usurp power. He forced out Merrick Garland and turned the SCOTUS political. He refused to listen to generals, and he politicised NOAA.
People who defend the constitution know that we need to abolish the Electoral College, Stack the Supreme Court, Abolish the 2nd Amendment, overhaul the 1st Amendment, Confiscate Wealth, Control Wages, Nationalize Healthcare and force healthcare workers to work at state-mandated rates, nationalize education at all levels, outlaw personal ownership of transportation, outlaw single family housing, outlaw segregation by income or wealth in housing….
Did I miss anything?
Look, people might disagree on some details of implementation, but all right thinking individuals agree on the principles above.
Dictate what you can eat or drink, and with what utensils.
How did I forget that….
I drank out of a stupid paper straw just last night!
I propose we ban bans, except for bans on bans.
Wait, then they could ban bans on bans.
*runs in circles*
But is it possible the Eagles can’t stay healthy? And the way they lose games….too much.
The Cars are….
/dons sunglasses
Out of gas.
A joke like that is the opposite of just what I needed.
I wrote it for my best friend’s girlfriend.
The pun threads are Magic
Now I’m all mixed up.
It’s all I can do…
to not drop the gloves.
Can we just all agree that the Pac-12 is the most overhyped and annoying conference in football?
Not as long as the SEC exists.
SEC does deliver good teams every now and than I can’t remember the last PAC-12 team that was legitimately really good and backed up their hype.
Maybe, but the SEC gets hailed as the land of milk and honey. If were talking about outsized hype, i just dont see it with the PAC-12. They definatly get treated as a tier below Other confrences.
It’s not treated as a tier below like the Big-12 is. Think there are a ton of pundits that put it at the same level as the Big-10 and SEC.
But your argument is acceptable.
Do we really have power conferences anymore? Isn’t College football just 4 months of exhibitions before Ohio State, Clemson, Alabama and a Cinderella team chosen from (Georgia, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, and maybe someone from the Pac-10 (yeah I know but the only teams with a shot were in the 10) play three real games?
They don’t have a dominate team this year, and they schedule tough non-conference games. Oregon was on a run a few years ago where nobody wanted to play them. USC had a great run in the coach Pete days. They’d still be tough if they weren’t forced to start a third-string freshman at QB.
That run ended when Ohio State flat-out humiliated them in Jerry World.
I know. I was there.
Elizabeth Warren✔
Last year the Kavanaugh nomination was rammed through the Senate without a thorough examination of the allegations against him. Confirmation is not exoneration, and these newest revelations are disturbing. Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.
Lie. And denies due process.
“Confirmation is not exoneration”
Forgets the whole “FBI found nothing to investigate” and innocent until proven guilty.
The new standard on the left is “lack of total exoneration” = “guilty”
Unless of course we’re talking about people like Hillary Clinton and other crooked Democrats.
Then one can be totally exonerated after having a list of evidenced crimes that were committed.
The rules apply ONLY to their enemies. This identity politics driven shit is not a giant shitshow of inconsistencies and stupidity by accident, but by design. They want the rules to only apply to the people they want to take down, and the rules to always be mutating to help them do so while making sure nobody else can call them on their shit.
was this covered?
Man Who Looks Like ‘Breaking Bad’s’ Walter White Wanted By Police on Meth Charges
Well, he is older and bald and has a goatee so why not?
Looks like Walter started sampling his own product and stumbled into a terrible tattoo parlor.
Uffda. No mention of the roaring success of the Minnesoda Honey Harvest?
You don’t even have to call it a roaring success (but it was), all I want is some acknowledgement that I am not some sort of Judas goat that Fourscore used to lure other Glibs into his country abattoir. (Although I do like the idea of a horror movie where a group of teenagers is lured into the Minnesoda woods where there are pursued by a crazed Norwegian who makes them eat lutefisk. Working title: Uffda!)
It wasn’t all peaches and cream. We had to come out with chains before MikeS and his hired NoDak muscle calmed down. In full disclosure, they were all fired up for their previous night in Minnesoda honky tonks where they saw all sorts of girls who were not wearing bib overalls and clodhopper boots, so they can’t really be blamed.
By the way, a serious thanks to Fourscore for hosting us. He was his usual gracious self. Even my kids (who were dragged to the Honey Harvest) think he is quite the deal.
Did Mr. Fourscore wander the property in the buff as advertised? Inquiring minds and all…
That’s half the fun! Just wait until he shows them what’s hiding in the shed.
Well Fourscore is always willing to give you the shirt off his back, so he was figuratively half naked as he begged us all to come use his cabin or one of his deer stands.
Literally, he kept his clothes on. I’m guessing mostly because he was worried about being the victim of some NoDak love if he provoked Mike too much.
Unfortunately, I had things this weekend that couldn’t be avoided.
Is anyone going to write up the event?
The first rule of Honey Harvest is that you don’t assign tasks to anyone. Or talk about waking up the next day in Fourscores garden covered in honey and shame.
It was absolutely fantastic. Who knew honey didn’t come from small plastic bears!
I’ll second the Pontiff of the Prairie and thank Fourscore for his hospitality and including us in what is an incredible gathering of fine people. We got to meet some of Fourscore’s family and friends, including two of his delightful granddaughters and their SOs. Great kids. Also, his wife is a lovely, gracious woman who could absolutely do better.
The turnout was pretty impressive, too. In addition to Fourscore, the horde included Leap, MikeS, Nick (who didn’t seem very pistoff at all…), NoDakMat, Jimbo, myself and, as a special bonus, the Bearded Hobbit and his lovely wife. Including Fourscore’s lurker pal (aka the Brains of The Operation), that makes 9 Glibs all in one place.
We were a little worried about a drone strike.
All in all, a wonderful day. Leap and his kids rode with me and I gotta tell you, the ogre is a fantastic dad!
Who knew honey didn’t come from small plastic bears!
That is the best part of the Honey Harvest, hazing the newbs. We’re waiting to see how long Tundra will continue thinking that honey comes from inflatable sheep. (I won’t risk the site’s family friendly status by going into Tundra got the honey out)
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Thanks again for the ride. It was a great day.
” Nick (who didn’t seem very pistoff at all…)”
I can switch it on and off. Fourscore requested that we keep it “family friendly” so I switched it off.
Had discussion turned toward taxation or circumcision or pizza…
It was nice to meet you guys.
Bearded Hobbit was only one who matched the picture I had in my head.
Also one of the bees took its frustration (at our bee vomit theft) out on Leap’s daughter. He had anti-itch cream in his backpack. When the gnats and mosquitoes got too bad, he had bug spray in the backpack. Had a bear shown up, I’m sure Leap had a solution for that in the backpack as well.
I know a pretty good knife technique for when bears attack,
“Hamstring Nick, run faster than hamstrung Nick”
It was a lot of fun. Thanks to Fourscore for allowing us on his property! It was great to be able to meet some more Glibs in person.
And thanks to Jimbo for keeping it together for a few hours and not acting like a complete moron.
If it weren’t a 14 hour drive (or more I am not sure exactly how far North it is) I would make the trip, maybe next year I’ll plan a vacation around it. I was already planning to give the N Dak Badlands a look, and centering on Glacier not Yellowstone. Although taking the North route means not avoiding Chicago. Damn you Illinois why must your traffic jam infested toll road loving, anti gun State be between me and cool stuff!
I took a wide circle around Chicago that only took five hours from Milwaukee to Indianapolis. Probably a wash since it had no traffic, but I had no tolls, and didn’t have to deal with chicagoland. Google says it is a hundred and twenty miles but only one hour longer than a direct run between the two cities.
I do the same usually. I drive west to Iowa and then go north, but you have to watch Google Maps closely or it ‘recalculates’ and you look up in dismay to a Chicago xxx miles sign. It is a shame really, because I loved the museums and Lake Shore attractions as a younger person. I just can’t take spending an hour or more sitting in that mess these days, and I usually average 8 or more hours driving a day on the trips so I am pretty car tolerant.
I avoided that by picking the towns to be waypoints and setting the gps for the next one in the series as I reached them.
I’m pretty tolerent of time spent driving – on highways.
If I’m stuck in traffic or by excessive traffic lights on a long-distance run, I get annoyed and impatient.
Once you get to the Dakotas driving gets delightful. I can drive 12 hours a day in the Dakotas, and any of the mountain States. Hell that is largely what my vacation consists of, drive around and look at stuff.
So far Fargo is as far as I go into the dakotas.
That may change in future years, but the plan for next year is another southerly tour. If I can make meteor crater and the grand canyon, I’ll be happy.
The Metro team, Tundra/Pope and Leap were great on putting the Midwest squad on full alert and making the glib portion a super event. No one but me knew Bearded Hobbit was the Mystery Guest and since I didn’t know the NoDats or PONick or Hobbit I at first thought PONick was the Mystery Guest so I asked him and he thought I was just another old crazy that wanders around talking to himself. When Hobbit did show a little later I took him to the oddballs standing around outside, Hobbit was wearing his avatar, Tundra knew right away who the Mystery Guest was.
Hobbit has the coolest hat I’ve ever seen, Hope the PTB will lean on him for a couple pictures
It was great to meet the local glibs, a good time. Sort of final count was minimum 55 guests plus a few kids, who are always welcome. We had a good harvest, in spite of the early bear problems.
Thanks to all that made the annual HH (always the 3rd Sunday in September) a memorable one. Maybe some of the team took some pictures and can Photoshop out the faces. Now that everyone has left I can get some clean up done, Thanks, everyone
Oh, yeah, MikeS must have left early, pre Jimbo
please, please, please don’t stick America’s dick in this meat grinder
Hopefully Rand Paul or Tucker Carlson get to him before any warmongers do.
Ok, that was totally a mistake in posting. Weird.
no one saw it:
we left for the new thread 104 minutes ago
the Kansas City Chefs look incredible
Indeed. You should try the fillet.
The Patriots keep rolling
We’re on our way to another Brady/Belichick invitational.
Scary thing is, with that schedule, 16-0 is not impossible.
The chiefs exist. But Bellicheck is the kryptonian vegetable to andy reids success.
*waves tiny Ravens flag*
Tiny Ravens? Do you mean Crows?
That’s murder!
Just unkindness
*narrows gaze*
The crows up here aren’t any smaller than some ravens I’ve seen.
That’s just from all the trash on the streets for them to eat.
The local Ravens are at least twice the sice of the local crows.
Donno where you saw tiny Ravens.
I haven’t seen any ravens up here, but the crows are the size of the Tower Ravens.
I’m assuming that it’s the typical colder weather = animals minimizing their surface area:volume ratio.
Well, when you see a black bird of corvid shape the size of a fucking seagull, that’s an upstate new york raven.
I mean, the tails and voice are that of crows, not ravens. But yeah, that’s the size of them. I initially thought they were ravens until I looked closer.
Hey I have Lamar Jackson starting for me in Fantasy I’m pulling for you guys. You guys look pretty good.
*waves giant Ravens banner*
Jackson is looking like the real deal.
How good do the Ravens have to be to win the division this year? 6-10 might be enough.
Sure, but as a team I think they might still be behind NE and KC. No Jimmy Smith apparently means the entire secondary forgets how to cover.
I guess to be fair, no Tavon Young either.
Next week against Mahomes will tell the tale of the secondary. What adjustments will the coaching staff make?
Hopefully trading for Minkah Fitzpatrick.
If their defense continues like they have been…
All teams should get to play the Dolphins twice in a season
I wonder if the Dolphins fans will have an 0-16 parade, like the Browns?
Favorite sign from that one…”They Tried”
They play the Bengals. I wouldn’t count on Miami going Ofer
I read somewhere that Tom Brady is an overrated system QB. This is basically the only thing I know of American football, and it may not even be true.
It’s true. He’s not even the best qb his contemporaries. You still have to give him goat status because the numbers and super bowls are just insane. But I would take prime Peyton over prime Brady every time.
Brady is the best game manager.
Hyper-efficient when it matters most.
He’s made the Super Bowl more than 50% of the seasons in which he remained the starter. He’s missed the playoffs once under that same criteria.
Jesus, I get the success is annoying and fuck him, but to boil it down to system qb is ridiculous.
The “it’s true” is a stretch but I felt like I couched it enough with the “you still have to give him goat time status”. I meant more or less I’d take some of his contemporaries over him with the first pick in a you get this guy in his prime for one game hypothetical. Peyton for sure and probs Rodgers.
Rodgers would probably be my most overrated, and from a lot of stories about him, he actually seems like an asshole too.
But I would take prime Peyton over prime Brady every time.
Brady was 11-6 against Manning.
I’ll never forget that time he sacked Manning 3x in one game.
Yes, I know. Football is a team sport. Of course one of Brady’s strengths is quick decision making and getting the ball out quickly, which was also one of Manning’s biggest weaknesses.
Over rated is a bit strong. His numbers are still up there with the greats. Maybe ‘raw talent’ he may not be Montana, Marino, Rodgers or even Manning but the full package? He’s the GOAT in my view.
But like Idle Hands said, what he’s pulled in this era is mental.
Amazing what a great O-line will do to help a QB’s numbers and longevity.
Oh I remembered I know another thing. There was this QB who recently unexpectedly retired and some blame injuries partially to blame by having a bad team. Hmm I may know more than I think.
Blame? It was the injuries. Andrew Luck couldn’t stay healthy. He mentally broke down dealing with them.
Talk about not living up to your – erm – name.
Well what I understood at the time is that some of his team mates should have protected him better and maybe he would have been less injured.
True. See Cam Newton. That goes for any QB really. In fact, Super Bowls are won with a strong OL.
But the Colts got much better under Reich. Too little too late I guess.
“European quarterbacks taste better.”
Ha! Good one.
we also would have accepted “European quarterbacks have 50% less sugar.”
Greatest I’ve ever seen was Johnny Unitas. Not only a superb quarterback, but had an air around him that no-one else has since then. He’d throw a perfectly placed bomb to Raymond Berry for a touchdown, stand quietly until the referee’s arms went up signaling the score, then calmly trot off the field and sit down on the bench.
Big + He had a haircut that you could set your watch to!
It kills me but they should probably rename the Lombardi if Bellicheck wins two more. Because Bellicheck is the greatest coach of all time and it’s not particularly close.
Without a doubt. Lombardi has the mystique and aura factor going for him.
And the hat.
He’s also part of an overall organizational and game system that is running at an optimum level. Reminds me of Brodeur and Niedermayer and the Devils of the 90s. They had a system where they could insert a player and the results wouldn’t suffer. The Penguins too had that.
But not at the level the Pats are doing it. Nothing like it in sports. I think.
The thing that impresses me about Bellicheck is that he is so good at mining the talent pool for smart players. He has a gift for finding the players who are a B physically but an A+ mentally. His players actually understand the game, so they can adapt to the situation without needing a coach to tell them what to do.
One of the things that annoys me about the NFL now, is how many physical freaks are playing that have no idea how the game works or why they should do the things that the coach tells them to do. If they run into some strange formation they are completely flummoxed.
That is also how he keeps winning and winning. Other teams look at his players and say, “well yeah, that guys is good but our current guy runs the 40 .02 seconds faster so we won’t poach New England’s guys”
Married to the ‘Five Tool’ philosophy while ignoring other key attributes?
The Troy Williamson Syndrome.
“He’s faster than Randy Moss! He’ll make you completely forget about Randy leaving the Vikes!!!”
Except he a) couldn’t catch and b) had no nose for the ball. But he was super fast.
Also hard to put numbers on the intangibles. For example, Kirk Cousins. Impressive stats until you realize that they either came against bad teams or in the 4th quarter against good teams when they were playing prevent because Cousins’ teams were were so far behind.
Holy shi-ite. We spent $86M on this choke artist?
I was going to mention him. Talk about not rising to the occasion yesterday. They had a chance.
The NFL sucks. It’s shit.
The New York Jets last won a playoff game 8 years ago.
The Miami Dolphins last won a playoff game 18 years ago.
The Buffalo Bills last won a playoff game 23 years ago.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) just previewed the first major piece of legislation she’d try to pass through Congress if elected president: a vast anti-corruption package to crack down on the entrenched culture of lobbying in Washington, DC.
Warren’s plan, released Monday morning, is an update of a bill she released back in August 2018, well before she announced her campaign for president. And she’s been clear it would be the first major legislative priority of a Warren administration. Warren believes the flow of money in politics has stalled progress on a number of other issues, including gun violence, climate change, and the rising cost of health care. Stamping money out of politics goes to the root of these issues, she says.
“The rich and the powerful have been calling the shots in Washington forever and ever and ever it feels like,” Warren told Vox’s Ezra Klein in June. “They’re not going to just say, ‘Oh, well, okay. Now you need a wealth tax. Now you want to make these other investments.’ … I think going straight up the middle on the corruption plan is the first one. Knock them back, and while they’re all scrambling, then start passing the rest of it.”
The main planks of Warren’s updated anti-corruption plan are similar to the bill she released last year, but there are several major updates, including banning forced arbitration clauses and class action waivers for all employment, consumer protection, antitrust, and civil rights cases. On Monday, Warren will deliver a speech detailing her plan near the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City, where laborers, including immigrant women, organized for better working conditions after a deadly 1911 fire.
“On issue after issue, widely popular policies are stymied because giant corporations and billionaires who don’t want to pay taxes or follow any rules use their money and influence to stand in the way of big, structural change,” Warren writes in her plan. “We’ve got to call that out for what it is: corruption, plain and simple.”
Warren started early presenting herself as a candidate free of moneyed influence; she hasn’t participated in high-dollar, closed-door fundraising, choosing to fundraise largely from grassroots donations.
Obviously, she still has to get through a competitive Democratic presidential primary. But if Warren makes it to the general election, she’ll have a clear contrast between herself and President Donald Trump, a scandal-ridden incumbent who embodies much of the corruption she’s railing against.
She’ll crack down on people who want to corrupt democracy by not agreeing with her.
And, purely by coincidence, a lot of trial lawyers will get rich(er).
“including banning forced arbitration clauses and class action waivers for all employment, consumer protection, antitrust, and civil rights cases.”
She’s in the pocket of big law.
President leftist Puritan schoolmarm fake indian. I can’t wait.
I think going straight up the middle on the corruption plan is the first one. Knock them back, and while they’re all scrambling, then start passing the rest of it.
Does it occur to any of these idiots that this is exactly the sort of authoritarianism they’re accusing Donald Trump of? The only difference is that he isn’t guilty of it.
a candidate free of moneyed influence
Except for the millions she will raise from wealthy donors and the in kind contribution of favorable media coverage she will get when she is the nominee.
Like a billionaire who can self-finance his presidential run?
She raised millions and millions from the wealthy donor during her last Senate campaign and then transferred the left over loot to her presidential campaign. Of course now she sneers at the idea of taking money from those guys.
“Warren will deliver a speech detailing her plan near the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City, where laborers, including immigrant women, organized for better working conditions after a deadly 1911 fire.”
Look, there are already laws against locking employees into a firetrap.
The glass fragments would be a bigger problem than the amount of mercury founds in a thermometer.
Considering they used to use Calomel and metallic mercury as a laxative you’re probably right.
Green, a former local union president, said he agrees with the strike over wages, plant closures and other issues.
What other issues? And at the rate you are going you are begging for plant closures.
The UAW is a core Democratic constituency. They are just doing their part to end Global Warming by shuttering GM.
The prolific legacy of Noam Chomsky
What is it with the fetishization of the French Revolution? By all accounts it was a terrible time that shouldn’t be repeated.
Citizen Robespierre? Madame Guilloutine awaits.
Burke abhorred it. Paine loved it.
Paine loved it
His love for it didn’t give them any qualms about arresting him for treason.
The French Revolution perfectly encapsulates the world the left wants to bring into existence. The fundamental presumption of the French Revolution was that the world could be recreated in their vision of Enlightenment principles, in every facet. If you look at all leftist ideology, it’s fundamentally a variant on the same theme.
These “enlightened” movements of the people are all about some asshats using the basest of emotions in the masses – envy, jealousy, avarice, sloth, and lust – to get them to bloodily overthrow the current power pyramid’s top men and place themselves at the top. If you start from there all these “revolutions” and practically every policy peddled by the left is easily explained and makes sense.
Noam Chomsky. Christe, what a cunte!
related: The Chomskybot:
That’s like wanting your cake and eating it too.
Well, if you start with two cakes…
Uffda. Cake is a trigger word to fans of the French Revolution. Just ask poor old Marie Antoinette how grouchy it makes them.
They don’t like cake?
Unleash the tards!
Any particular tards?
I’m OK with any of them with the exception of the people who are always overreacting and screaming on twitter. You know. The Reeeeee-tards.
The elbows and knees cake-dervishes.
And they ALL want cake.. So don’t make eye contact.
libertarian socialist
Not a thing.
That term falls in the same category as unicorn, Santa Clause, and good progressives: it is bullshit that is made up.
Chomsky on linguistics: great.
Chomsky on everything else: ehhhh …
Hey Nephilium or Swiss,
How is Clank! with 2 players? My kids are finally at the age that my wife and I actually have time to play board games again.
like all board games, depends on how drunk you are?
This reminds me, my daughter has been into playing Guess Who lately.
She constantly asks if my character is a boy or a girl. How do I get her to stop assuming gender?
Some agents will be by shortly to help with your “education”
Med and Psych teams sure to follow.
Semi-related, I tried Azul after reading the reviews and it’s confusing as fuck. YMMV because as an autistic libertarian I am naturally resistant to externally imposed rules.
I chose the other game based on Iberian peninsula art, Sagrada. The wife and I really enjoy that one. Easy rules and plays in about 30-40 minutes. Never played Azul, so can’t comment on it
I’m assuming it’s the scoring that’s confusing you and not the drafting portion, right?
Scoring goes by adjacent tiles horizontally and then vertically. So if you place a single tile next to nothing (your first tile placed will always follow this rule), 2 points (1 horizontally, 1 vertically), if you complete a column, and it’s in a row next to two other tiles, that’s 8 points (3 horizontally, 5 vertically). Placement goes from the top row you can place down the rows. It’s one of those things that’s really easy to explain in person, much tougher to write out in a rule book.
Azul is wonderous!
Not bad. Keep in mind that there’s going to be less randomness in injuries, and a different starting position for the dragon. But it’s a press your luck game to begin with.
Kingdomino/Queendomino both work well at two players, and play in a short time.
Azul works well for 2-4 players
Castles of Burgundy and Carcassone both play well with two players, but it can be like a knife fight.
Cool. Thanks for the insight.
We have Carcassone Hunters and Gatherers and enjoy it. My FIL nearly flipped over the table playing CHG, but I think that was more related to him just having a bad day and being grumpy. I’ve avoided Kingdomino as I felt that it seemed to similar to Carcassone, but I haven’t actually played Kingdomino to compare.
Kingdomino is well worth it for the $20 price point. It’s also something you can pretty easily teach young kids (you’ll probably have to help them with the scoring until they get multiplication). It’s overproduced for what it is (big chunky tiles, and 8 meeples, when four cubes would have done the trick), and plays in 15 minutes (including set up).
I have never got into Carcassone. It just lacks…something.
Castles of Burgundy is great though.
Carcassone doesn’t get brutal until you learn the tile distribution (or are playing in the app and can see what tiles are left), and play it two player. That’s when you start posturing to take over the other players cities and fields, and leave them with as many of their meeples stranded on the board in areas that can’t be completed.
Like Innovation…Play it with 4 players and it is often chaos. Fun, but you don’t feel like you can control the action.
2 players is brutal cut-throat action and lots of fun.
Exactly. As a bonus, Board Game Arena has Innovation as a free to play online game, Boite a Jeux on the other hand, offers Castles of Burgundy, which plays much faster with a computer to do the tear down and setup between rounds.
Better with 3 or 4.
I highly recommend Love Letters for 2 player parent/young kid game. Very little to memorize, and it does a very good job of teaching the kid how to think strategically. Forbidden island is a more complex game, but as co-op you can help them along within the rule set and it exposes them to a more open-ended way of thinking about games.
President Trump has violated many of the norms and laws on which our democracy depends. He circumvents Congress by declaring the “crisis” at the border a national emergency.
But the various Democrats’ proposals to circumvent Congress by executive decree are just democracy in action.
+1 Pen and phone //YesWeCan
Ballot Harvesting.
EPL is crazy this year. Everton would have been 3rd with a win yesterday, tied on pts with Man City.
Instead they are 11th? 12th? Something like that.
Considering how they have played, being mid-table is probably better than they deserve.
Man City? Is that were Jesse lives?
I thought he lived in Man United.
Best joke I have made in a while, IMO.
keep your day job! ::slinks off::
Meh, not that crazy. “Top 6” are still taking up spots 1-7.
Also, sorry robc, but Everton would have been 3rd with a win yesterday …
Have pity for me. I am a Stoke City fan. 0-1-7. On to League One FFS.
‘Guinness and no sex’ the secret to old age, according to 95-year-old twins
The answer is “genes.” Most of us can eat raw sausage to our heart’s desire and we’ll never see anything close to 95.
“Just a link of sausage and spread it on your bread. Lovely,” they said.
So they DO have sex?
Looking for some contrary positions (not that that should be hard to find around here), based on the last month and a conversation this weekend.
My daughter (3) started Montessori school recently (and will be transferring to one in SC in October). In just the one month so far, I can see it being great for her.
My general position:
Montessori is awesome for 3-6, nearly everyone should have their kid in it. There are some excpeptions.
6-9 is probably a really good idea.
9-12 maybe.
As they get older, depending on the kid, there is some point they should switch to a more “traditional” schooling model.
I went people to tell me I am wrong in both directions, both in the early years and later ones, and why. Or why from experience they agree with me. I also have some other interesting points to make about it along the way, but wanted some feedback first.
I’m unfamiliar with Montessori. How is it different from the standard model?
I think the best metaphor is it is a libertarian version of schooling, but not anarchist. The anarchy version would be the unschooling movement, which has some similarities but some differences.
I am sure that helps none at all.
From wikipedia, a more serious answer:
Mixed-age classrooms: classrooms for children ages 2½ or 3 to 6 years old are by far the most common, but 0–3, 3–6, 6–9, 9–12, 12–15, and 15–18-year-old classrooms exist as well.
Student choice of activity from within a prescribed range of options
Uninterrupted blocks of work time, ideally three hours
A constructivist or “discovery” model, where students learn concepts from working with materials rather than by direct instruction
Specialized educational materials developed by Montessori and her collaborators often made out of natural, aesthetic materials such as wood rather than plastic
A thoughtfully prepared environment where materials are organized by subject area, within reach of the child, and are appropriate in size
Freedom within limits
A trained Montessori teacher who follows the child and is highly experienced in observing the individual child’s characteristics, tendencies, innate talents, and abilities
I’m already having the chaos heebie-jeebies. Just from memories of the sort of children I went to school with. Tell me they will remove the disruptive kids.
I have observed about 15 minutes so far…organized chaos is a good word for it, especially for preschool age. I think they would argue that within their system, there are no disruptive kids…or something. They have rules and they expect them to be followed. I guess if a kid violates them repeatedly they would kick him out. Especially the private Montessori schools.
The one we are in in Evansville will kick out a kid for 3 tardies in a month. And that is entirely on the parents.
In SC last week, we were visiting schools, and at the one we ended up choosing, we walked into a class to observe, my daughter walked over, grabbed a mat, rolled it out, grabbed a work toy* off a shelf, went to work on her mat, just like she belonged.
And she practically melted down when we left. She was ready for her day at school.
*I dont know the Montessori term yet
To be fair, I went to school with literal gang members, along with violent maladjusted delinquents who attacked other students, etc.
I get disrupted in thinking by too much noise, especially conversations. Anything that sends additional input into the language center will make it hard to think, even when it’s a logic problem or math.
Literal gang members at age 3-6? Impressive, actually.
To be fair, I went to school with literal gang members, along with violent maladjusted delinquents who attacked other students, etc.”
Joe Biden?
3 and 4 I wasn’t in school.
I had the same classmates for the rest of my tenure, so I have difficulty separating the fact that they became gang members from the time before.
Watch out for the 38th Street Binkies. They’ll straight up pacifier a bitch.
No, Leon. I avoided getting into pitched battles with them. Though it wouldn’t have been difficult to acquire firearms, drugs, and other contraband from these same students.
Come to think of it. In school, it would have been easier to get a gun than a book. Sure it would have been illegal, and the weapon would probably have a couple of bodies on it…
Montessori’s flaw is that the kids tend to put most of their effort into the things they have already mastered and skimp on the things they struggle with. I think you need very good teachers to overcome that flaw, and from what I see with my niece most of the teachers are committed progs. On the bright side this can be fixed by teaching the kid the things the school fails at at home.
I had a bad experience with Montessori and one of my kids. He was lost and needed direction, which they weren’t going to give. That’s not necessarily the fault of Montessori, but they presume it’s a one size fits all approach regardless of the child.
Other than that, the school management were pretentious Ivy League assholes that obviously looked down on the parents because they knew better than the rubes.
In our area we have some degree of school choice. These were the exact things we considered in placing our children.
One program was Montessori and strictly project based – so everything was group projects.
Well, our boy absolutely would skate as much as possible in that environment. So that was a hard no. One of our best friend’s daughter lives to do projects. So she’s doing great in that program.
This whole school choice thing puts a lot of pressure on parents to make the right choices, but it sure beats the hell out of just taking whatever they offer up in a one-size-fits-all system.
I think that is the flaw with all education “systems”. Which is why I prefer there to be many systems and you can get your kid into the model that works for them.
At least at this point, Montessori is working for my daughter. I like that her school-to-be has elementary also, if we want to continue her on, but that decision will be made 2+ years from now.
I was having dinner with some friends who have an 8 year old in Montessori, and the Dad, at least, was ready to move him out of it at age 9. He was a big fan of the pre-school years, but less so in the 6-9 range.
And we were laughing about being Montessori parents, with my being a libertarian and him a staunch GOPer. I have met some of the other parents at my kid’s current school, and they are as stereotypical Montessori parents as they can be. Also, none of their kids have normal names.
Suede and Mauve are not names.
Stripper names?
They had one kid in pre-school that was punching the others and knocking them down. It was an obvious behavioral problem as one of the kids got a black eye. The school lied about it to the parents of the kid with the black eye as they saw it as part of the “development process” and maturing.
I knew that the kid was overtired and struggled with language because his parents spoke both German and English at home and his father would get home late and would keep the kid up late to play out of some feeling of guilt. So it wasn’t really the kid’s fault he was miserable and cranky but the school refused to deal with it and covered up incidents.
That was when I yanked my kid out. He wasn’t doing well there anyway.
You laugh, but I actually did that with my wife as she proposed names for our daughters.
Wife: What about Jade?
Me: Jade! Jade to the main stage!
One day they can thank me.
Heh – a friend of mine was dating a girl named “Angel”
who wore crop tops with size D breasts. She was a knockout but the male attention she got was uh enormous.
Back in the mid 70’s we had a progressive teacher that tried an “open-learning” experiment with our Fifth Grade class. Lots of plush furniture and “Rap Sessions”. Everyone was encouraged to learn at their own pace. The smart kids flew through the texts and got bored and the dull ones didn’t learn a damn thing. He lasted until January and then they brought in a harridan to kick our collective ass so that we’d be able to pass the tests to advance to the next grade. She gave readings from “The Gulag Archipelago” and such just to wipe the socialism from our minds. If I could remember the details a little better and had even a modicum of writing talent it would make for a pretty snappy article.
She wiped the socialism from your minds by getting you back into the Prussian school model? Yeah….
I never said it took root but the idea was there, all the same. It was a confusing time for a ten year-old.
One of my more hated high school teachers turned out to be a big influence on me.
She was the one who wore slip dresses without a bra and was reputed to bang the football players for grades. Dunno if that part was real, but she was rather petty to go with her hotness, and played favorites with the popular kids. So I didn’t care for her too much.
But she introduced me to Fahrenheit 451, The Fountainhead, Anthem….
Turns out she was a pretty subversive libertarian. I just didn’t know it at the time. I later read Atlas Shrugged because I enjoyed Anthem so much.
She was teaching you to disrespect authority by being bad at it.
If she liked Rand, she probably was banging the foozball platyers.
I was in Montessori at 4 and hated it. I don’t think it was run correctly and ended up being a total shitshow. And I’m someone who does their absolute best in an asynchronous learning environment.
A family friend has her 6 and 4 year old in a Montessori school. From listening to her, it sounds like another shitshow. The school hired a traditional teacher for one of her kids who tried to revert to the Prussian model and ended up creating chaos. Confessed to my friend that he had no idea what he was doing. The administration was unresponsive to her complaints, despite the very expensive private school tuition. The school ended up being bought out and the teacher was immediately fired.
That school also sounded like my own personal circle of hell. All of the parents are ‘crunchy’ wokesters. This liberal wokeness is embedded in the school and how students are interacted with. Things like gender identities at age 3 and no peanut butter allowed because someone might have an allergy (not does, might).
So my contrary advice is the Montessori model can be fantastic. But not every school is equal or actually follows it as represented. Go in with your eyes open and carefully evaluate the school on its own merit. If it follows the model correctly without baggage, then sounds like a great call. Be prepared to the pull the plug though if it’s not.
I’ll bite.
I’ve thought about it with my daughter, but cost and location are deal-breakers. In principle though, I think the main thing is that the world my kids will operate in is more like a traditional school than a Montessori school, and one of the important things you learn in school is how to navigate a bureaucratic environment in which you have little structural power and which isn’t necessarily structured for your benefit. Personally, I also found the transition from a small private school to a large public school really different when I did it in 7th grade, and I’d like to spare my kids that wagonload of bullshit.
The influence of schooling style, as long as you get to “good school” levels of quality, have just about 0 influence on long term outcomes (college placement, career path, income, longevity, and family formation aka getting married before kids). it does have a big influence on how *happy* your little shitlord or shitlady is in school.
The only influence on any long term outcome is “good school” vs “shitty school”. An invovled parent will have no trouble figuring out if a school is “good” or “bad” but there’s no easy metric. The only thing I would suggest (and its not backed up in the literature but so obvious I don’t know what to say) is you should ask around and make sure the high-academic-achieving students go to good state or Ivy League schools. I went to a school where anyone going to a Big10 school (this was in PA, so they were local) was literally cause for a celebration in town. This was *not* a good school.
So find a “good school” that she likes and send her there.
Why would you want them in an indoctrination factory like an Ivy?
Who said I did? I’m only observing that that’s what other people want to do, and a good school supports them in that pursuit if they the academic raw-material to do so.
My son and daughter both went. I was cool with it up until 6th grade for my son. My daughter was self-disciplined and could have handled the freedom through HS graduation. As my son got older he needed more structure. Moved him out after 6th grade to a traditional school and had him repeat 6th grade there. That move worked for him and his study habits improved.
They did really love their Montessori school. Every teacher they had was competent.
more mansplainin:
Cuomo Fights with Anti-AOC Ad Star, Downplays Socialism in Cambodian Slaughter
Do people like ‘Fredo see the absurdity and arrogance of telling someone who has first hand experience with something they’re wrong?
It’s astonishing to staggering levels.
Cuomo would tell someone being tortured in a gulag it’s all an illusion and has nothing to do with communism.
The Derb looms large.
or Fredosplainin’
From Hell’s Heart I Stab at Thee
Cuomo’s an ass and an idiot who looks like he’s aged 10 years in the last six months. What the hell’s going on over there at CNN?
The stupid is burning them up?
What a Fredo.
-strikethrough- “Fredosplaining”
What an asshole.
Look, you can’t talk about him that way! He’s speaking truth to power!
Who is she to flaut her privilege like this? What does she know about Cambodian Genocide anyway?
They always try to argue that socialism had nothing to do with the bad things that always happen in socialist countries. It’s like arguing that cigarette smoking is actually wonderful for you, but cigarette smokers are always plagued by emphysema and lung cancer by some strange coincidence.
Why do so many people prone to Lung cancer take up smoking?
Wet sidewalks cause rain. it is known.
Heng is stupid.
A) She goes on CNN to waste time with Cuomo.
B) Stumbles around in her answers.
A is more egregious.
It’s not magical thinking when we do it
As technology makes workers more productive, unions argue, why not give them three-day weekends? Not 40 hours compressed into four days. Labor unions are proposing a 32-hour workweek, with employees earning no less than they did before.
It may seem radical, a change that businesses would resist. But Richard Trumka, head of the AFL-CIO, assures me it’s not.
“We are very serious about this,” Trumka told me. “If we’re going to free up jobs for more people, then we have to go there.”
Trumka said some unions are already bargaining for shorter workweeks in the construction industry and health care sector but that it needs to happen nationwide. Labor unions and workers did pressure Congress to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act during World War II, which limited full-time work to 40 hours a week, plus overtime pay. Nothing is impossible.
According to researchers, shortening the workweek would have two benefits: It would redistribute work hours to the underemployed and it would actually make workers more productive. Maybe it’s not such a wild idea after all.
Sounds legit.
>>It would redistribute work hours to the underemployed
right. Underemployed robots.
The fucking woke idiots have not wizened up to the fact that these employers they just see as sheep to be fleeced now have the option to not let them force the employer to pay people far more than that labor they do is worth, and can now opt to use machines to replace them.
what about a 4 day weekend?
Think of how many people would be employed if we had a 1 day work week! Or better yet, a 7 day weekend!
I currently work 2 days a week for the fucking government. Can I give up one of those days?
40 years ago, we assumed that was our trajectory. As people became more efficient due to technology, working less and making more seemed like the future. Instead, we work the same and the gains are consumed by vastly expanded governments.
personal consumption has expanded as well.
Exactly. You could live like 40 years ago on a 32 hour work week, no problem.
But… but… I like my cell phone, internet connection, personal computer, and video games.
You earn those on Friday.
The thing is the employed and underemployed do not always have the same skills. Europe has a shortage of good doctors/nurses. There are not bunches of unemployed/underemployed qualified doctors/nurses out there.
Are you implying that a career earning a government determined salary in socialized medicine doesn’t attract the best and brightest?
Doctor jobs are sufficiently attractive still although university places are not keeping pace. The existing ones are full. Not nevessarily the best but
Bar steel is fungible people are not.
Well, who wouldn’t want the same money for less work? Who cares how this affects the employers.
There really are people in the world who write off such concerns as just carrying water for the rich.
This couldn’t possibly be an attempt to distract from the ongoing UAW corruption probe. Certainly not.
Just recently in our town we had a strike at a plant that manufactures ball bearings and other parts. It didn’t go well. The plant is now closing.
Pish tosh. Ball bearing are obsolete. Everything runs on apps now.
Reminds me: Been binging HALT AND CATCH FIRE on Netflix. I like the show, but throwing around “killer apps” in 1985 is ridiculous. We called them programs.
I thought “HALT AND CATCH FIRE” was a documentary on Tesla.
Not essential to the war effort?
I’m guessing poor margins due to outdated equipment and expensive union contract. With additonal demands it would have just run at a loss, and it was easier to shut down than try to modernize.
additional demands to include “no modernization”.
Most likely the case. They had other locations so they just move everything to other sites, and a few hundred people got fired.
Paleontologists Are Trying to Understand Why the Fossil Record Is Mostly Males
One theory is that reckless young bison and mammoths got into more trouble.
Male privilege.
The fossil record was just made up by cis-hetero shitlords
LIES! “Males” and “females” didn’t exist until The Partiarchy invented agriculture as a way to oppress womyn.
I thought agriculture was invented as a way to impress</strong? women.
That seems to be the message from the FarmersOnly.com commercials.
Denser bones?
Life was tough in the Jurassic. Practically everything out there was trying to kill everything else. If you chose to identify as male, you gained 20% body mass, 30% muscle density and grew fucking horns. So it was best to identify as male most of the time, until the herd needed to increase.
More females were victims of predators, and eaten/digested?
A four-day workweek is just one idea the AFL-CIO is proposing to make the future of work better for workers. The federation’s report also recommends paid vacation and sick days for all workers, not just salaried employees.
Another key priority is to involve workers and labor unions in tech research, which is often funded by taxpayers. For example, Trumka said the head of a nurse’s union met with robotics students at Carnegie Mellon University, where they are developing a robotic arm to help feed hospital patients. The nurses were able to give input on what kind of movements are needed to make sure it works properly.
The federation also plans to launch a technology institute, in which unions will partner with universities like Carnegie Mellon so workers can shape how technology is developed.
“We don’t view tech as good or evil,” he said. “It’s about how it’s ultimately deployed.” The point is to make sure that technology is used to improve work, not replace workers.
In the meantime, three-day weekends would be nice.
Having the labor union designing labor saving technology sounds like a fabulous idea.
20% pay cut? Go fuck yourself and your three day weekend.
Since when do hourly employees not get vacation and sick leave?
I’ve had several hourly jobs were I got neither vacation nor sick leave. It was a simple case of “You don’t work, you don’t get paid”.
In fact, that was the only remuneration scheme which made intuitive sense.
I still don’t understand PTO.
It’s time that you are paid to not work.
That does not make sense. If you’re not producing anything, there’s no reason you should be getting paid for it.
The cost is built into whatever they agree to pay you for your work. And that cost that affects your bottom line includes your benefits. People could make a lot more money if they got the money and then had to go buy these things on their own dime. Of course, proposing people write a check to pay for these things themselves, or more interestingly, to pay the IRS/SS Admin every time they get a paycheck, would lead to a revolution, which is why these things are done the way they are done today.
It’s simply extra compensation for the time you do work. Just a way of making the compensation package seem larger to attract the workers.
I’ll pay you a. $25/hr for every hour you work vs. b. $23.93/hr. with 2 weeks paid vacation vs. c. $50,000 a year with two weeks vacation. For some reason people think b sounds better (c generally comes with traps)
Like “free shipping” options. Higher price at the front end but “free shipping”! Because everybody assumes they’re going to get gouged on shipping (usually true).
Can verify. Comparing lawn mower parts between a place that sold them at hardware store prices + shipping showed that they were in fact more expensive than amazon.com (which is free shipping + several hundred percent markup).
I’ve never worked anywhere where hourly employees didn’t get PTO.
Lucky you.
If a salary person is just calculating what he gets hourly, that is not an hourly job. If you would get overtime pay for over 40 hours, you’re hourly.
What about when you don’t get overtime, but have to charge PTO if you don’t reach minimum hours?
If a salary person is just calculating what he gets hourly, that is not an hourly job.
I’m talking actual hourly that gets actual PTO. I’m genuinely surprised to hear that it isn’t almost universal at larger employers.
Now that I think about it, my first job (driving tractors at a very large ranch), was hourly with no PTO. But I was summer labor, so I didn’t think about it.
I’ve never worked an hourly job that got PTO, but I have never worked a salary job where I DIDN’T get PTO.
Oh, back that up. My HUSBAND does get PTO and he’s hourly.
I didn’t get PTO until my thirties. Most non-professional jobs of the sort that were the only kind I could get before I decided to embark on an actual career don’t give PTO.
“No, the arm needs to be able to automatically silence the Nurse Call light on our desk. That is a requirement. If you can teach it to feed a patient too, I guess that is cool, but it sure isn’t required”
How big is the venn diagram slice for “can’t feed self”/”too conscious for feeding tube”?
“We don’t view tech as good or evil,” he said.
Literally every job held by a member of that union depends on technology. This idea that last year’s tech is the natural baseline and we need to be cautious of the next innovation because tech is risky is idiotic.
When people say “productivity increases”, they mean productivity / hour right? Surely, overall productivity doesn’t really increase.
I thought productivity = production / hour
It may be in economic terms or data collection. I’m not sure how it’s the stat is generally reported.
That may be why this is inherently misleading.
Because when I read the term in ordinary vernacular I assume it means “how much people produce”.
These articles give the impression that those working less hours actually produce more, which I’m skeptical of.
Because when I read the term in ordinary vernacular I assume it means “how much people produce”.
“productivity” is a rate, “production” is a quantity, was my understanding.
those working less hours actually produce more, which I’m skeptical of.
And it’s absolutely deserving of skepticism and analysis of the claim, but not unrealistic. I’ve often found a better organization for or approach to my tasks that results in the same job getting completed in less time.
Mammary Monday was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh.*
*not really, but there will be repercussions for such libel
Q at 10 Years Old
Sorry to link and run, but…
Redbubble.com is doing a 30% off sale for the entire site. If you want to support CPRM with ‘Hat and Hair’ merch, use code thirty at check-out. They have plenty of other good
shitdesigns on all kinds of products, so look around. The sale is going on for the next three days.That is all.
Sorry to link and run, but…
Don’t think you did, brah.
Trans children to get sex education with gender they identify with
Will the trans coach get off as light as the customer coach when she sleeps with her volleyball players? Untill then we haven’t reached true equality.
I’m sure people will still bitch and moan constantly about a trans coach/teacher who dilates their pupils.
What you did there…
Fucking normies are ruining it for everybody else.
Hey dude, when a boy bleeds from down there it is serious and you need to go to the ER.
Like when a girl has an erection that lasts for 4 hours or more?
Sounds like… pretentious hooey
Country music comes from the heart of rural America. But it is both a cruel and stupid mistake to dismiss it as hillbilly music. It is a cross-pollination of different traditions that has evolved over more than a century. It’s the sound of Saturday night and Sunday morning, a music of love and loss. And like jazz, the subject of an earlier series from Burns, country music is an authentic American art form.
The series is arguably the best documentary series Burns has made since his initial epics on the Civil War and baseball. Burns weaves a coherent story from disparate parts, using iconic characters like Hank Williams, the self-destructive “Hillbilly Shakespeare,” and Johnny Cash, the “Man in Black” who managed to be both a traditionalist and counter-culture icon, as narrative
As with any distillation of a major theme in American life, there will be debates and quibbles as well as questions of inclusion. With hundreds of interviews, the story stops at the turn of the century and brushes over some of my personal favorites like Lyle Lovett. But then part of the purpose of a documentary like this is to establish the tributaries of tradition that get expanded and combined when a new crop of American originals like Jason Isbell, Kacey Musgraves or Sturgill Simpson come along.
There will be other inevitable complaints from the self-appointed culture police. A new version of looking down at country music as being the music of poor white folks is to dismiss it as a soundtrack to white privilege. Among other things, this willfully ignores the painful and relatable role of class in American life, choosing to focus primarily on the wound of race, which has been a core theme of Burns’ work.
Ken Burns wants me to know how to understand country music? I’ll pass.
What does any of it have to do with modern country music?
Back in the day I thought The Cars were feel good bubblegum crap that didn’t hold a candle to Iron Maiden. How wrong I was, The Cars were the shit Ocasek was the man. RIP.
And misthread. Oh well, RIP anyway.
>>has evolved over more than a century
into – for the most part – bro country.
Good morning Sloop and the rest of you lovable hooligans (even you, Pie!)
RIP Rick. I have been listening to the Cars for more than 40 years and their music just never gets old. Monster talent, excessive positivity and the soundtrack to a good part of my youth.
Make it a great day, y’all.
And Ric gave hope to every geek on the planet by marrying Paulina.
Yes, Back when when supermodels were actually really pretty.
Her, Cindy, Christie, Elle, Iman…
Aye, Claudia.
Yep. I had that first album on cassette and played the hell out of it one summer (’78?). Every track on it was great.
I believe Drive was playing the first time I scored with a lady.
with a lady
So what was playing when you scored the first time with a guy? You, know. Navy Style?
In the Navy – duh!
Way to assume Drake’s pitcher/catcher status.
There’s a reason the marine corps was under the department of the navy.
You said under, huh huh huh…
If you haven’t heard it, their 2011 album Move Like This is really good.
It is. It was also a surprise, because Ric said no way in hell they would ever get back together. Not having Orr did detract, though, I thought. He had a great voice.
Back in my college days, a friend claimed I looked like Ric Ocasek.
I don’t think his looks is how he landed a supermodel, so I don’t think it was much of a complement.
And that’s the thing: for all the interesting differences and dramatic details of various musical traditions in America, we’re all part of the broader song. Understanding requires empathy. And by reaching out beyond our respective divides we not only bridge differences, we create something new and vibrant, mirroring the creative leaps that characterize American music.
That’s the American alchemy that Ken Burns brings alive in this latest chapter of his American epic. He is one of our greatest historians, illuminating the past and present while guiding us to a shared future.
Burns’ special talent is turning history into a series of facile Hallmark Moments. He is our 21st century Toynbee.
I like Ken Burns’s stuff because it’s like a Disney, Cream of Wheat version of history. Still, “The Civil War” was his best work, and that was largely because he leaned so heavily on Shelby Foote.
Careful, I’m still in book 2. No spoilers.
The Union wins.
This criticism of Ken Burn’s Jazz:
Jackson Lee: ‘Should Be an Investigation’ into FBI’s Kavanaugh Vetting
House Judiciary Committee member Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) on Sunday’s “Kasie DC” on MSNBC commented on the growing calls to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after a new report claimed he pulled his pants down and thrust his penis at a female student during a college party.
Jackson Lee called for an investigation into the allegations to determine how extensive the FBI vetted Kavanaugh.
“I certainly believe there should be an investigation to determine … the level of the work of the FBI, how extensive was their review of those who provided information, did they receive the information, or were they limited on their investigation,” Jackson Lee stated. “So, that’s going to have to be determined. And there should be a process or is a process set up when there is a call for impeachment, and obviously, it has to be worked through the committee and then ultimately to the House of Representatives.”
While we are at it we should investigate how finding evidence of many thousands of counts of felonies did not result in prosecution of Her Shrillness.
There should be an investigation into how Jackson Lee’s brain manages to keep her upright and continent.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Depends, really.
Don’t leak the findings.
“after a new report claimed he pulled his pants down and thrust his penis at a female student during a college party.”
This is what i’m talking about above. The point that this story was retracted and the foundation for it destroyed means nothing. The NYT was just playing their piece to start the narrative. Now All the other news stations can report on the reporting of the “incident” and the politicians can react to it. I mean it’s the same damn playbook from the Russian hoax. And you’ll have people saying this is bullshit being called Rape Apologists, just like those of us who said the Russian hoax was a farce were called Russian apologists. Andi n 6 months when it dies down no one has to say they messed up or say sorry to those who were right.
I remember distinctly a conversation with a friend right when the russian allegations were picking up and i said the whole thing was made up by the DNC and HRC. He disagreed, saying “well John Oliver pointed out all the connections Trump has, and why doesn’t he just explain those shady connections?”. Still haven’t gotten a “You were right there Leon”.
John Oliver pointed out all the connections
John Oliver is a partisan hack and ostensible comedian not to be taken seriously.
I’m not mad about news organizations acting like partisan propaganda outlets and quite possibly acting on direct orders from the Democrat Party. I’ve come to expect that and I’ve accepted it as a fact of life.
What I AM mad about is that no matter how many times this partisan fakery by the media is exposed, a lot of people will continue to write it off as a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory.
If Fox News fucks up, it’s almost like the Left puts it into a giant anthology and busts it out every time the subject of media bias comes up. Every incident of lying or truth-stretching just deepens their belief. But they never do that with CNN, NYT, etc. If you get them to acknowledge incidents of leftist media bias at all, they’ll just dismiss it as making a big deal over an innocent mistake.
It’s like they read about the Gel-Mann Amnesia Effect, and said we can take advantage of this!
+1 Bush-Gate (or whatever that Dan Rather kerfuffle was called). I thought – back then! – that would be the stake through the mass media heart. Oh silly me.
At least as far as TV in concerned, mass media has one foot in the grave. What has replaced it is probably not an improvement, but it appears that even “social media” is seeing erosion.
There seems to be a certain desperation to attract millennials with repetition rather than with quality, and it isn’t working. People may be switching to Netflix, Hulu, etc. but outside of shitty documentaries there isn’t any news on those.
after a new report
Isn’t this an old accusation re-hashed?
How about a Senator saying, “Yo Sheila. How about shuttin’ the fuck up since the House has nothing to do with the Senate confirmation process.”
Beto O’Rourke✔
When candidates say, “At least Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are pretending to be interested,” shit, that is not enough. Neither is poll-testing your message. Gun violence is a life or death issue—and we have to represent the bold ideas of people all over the country.
Boldly violating individual rights and the Constitution.
Ahem. At one point slavery was a popular idea too…
Represent my bold idea! Repeal the NFA, the 1968 Gun Control Act, FOPA (the few good parts are unnecessary if we repeal everything else), and the Brady law. Replace them with a law that says:
The 2nd Amendment is explicit, accordingly any regulation which in any interpretation shall act to prevent any citizen of the United States from owning, designing, making, or selling any firearm, or ammunition is void ab initio.
That is my compromise position, after they screech over the new militia act.
I want a minigun – and why not?
On my to-do list after I win the lottery is to get my Class 4 license, get one of those, and mount it in an FJ Cruiser. With remote controls, so I don’;t have to get my rich ass out the seat to fire it.
Like this, only with more awesome.
Self defense is a life or death issue—and we have to represent the bold ideas of people all over the country.
Shut up, Beto.
HATE CRIME PROBE Schoolboy charged over Nazi salute video outside Giffnock synagogue
This remark is extremely offensive to me. When is the East Renfewshire Council going to jail?
when it is offensive
Offense is taken, not given.
It’s past time for Captain Midnight
D’oh Moonlight Captain Moonlight
Thank God for the Bill of Rights. Not that they are a strong bulwark, but surely without them we would be where England is now.
We (tour group) were standing at the stadium podium in Nuremburg, twenty years ago, when one of the group (not me) gave the Hitler salute. The tour guide quietly told him he better not do it again if he didn’t want to spend some time in prison. Today, he’d probably be shot.
I sincerely hope this boy’s life is ruined forever.
Same people that live in cities with bussing homeless programs scream bloody murder about deporting illegal aliens. The difference escapes me (beyond citizens and not authorized to be in the US) but then again i’m sure this makes sense for reasons…
You have to have a diverse group of bums to prove you’re not racist?
“We’re only getting rid of the dirty street people, not noble cheap laborers for our lawns.”
Oh, just the usual social signalling. It doesn’t make a damn bit of sense, but here we are.
Our fearmongering and propaganda are working
“Americans are finally beginning waking up to the existential threat that the climate emergency poses to our society,” said Margaret Klein Salamon, a clinical psychologist and founder of the Climate Mobilization Project. “This is huge progress for our movement – and it’s young people that have been primarily responsible for that.”
Age is another key variable. While 70% of 18- to 29-year-olds think climate change is a serious problem or crisis, just 58% over 65 concur. Younger people are far more likely to consider it a personal responsibility to address the climate crisis and to believe that a transition to 100% renewable energy is viable.
Young people have been galvanized by climate science being taught in schools as well as a spreading global activist movement spearheaded by Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who started a wave of school walkouts to demand action. Thunberg recently arrived in the US on a solar-powered yacht, ahead of a major United Nations climate summit in New York on 23 September.
This generational divide even cuts across party affiliation, with two-thirds of Republican voters aged under 45 considering it their duty to address the climate crisis, according to the CBS poll. Just 38% of Republicans aged over 45 feel the same.
“Younger Republicans are much more convinced climate change is a crisis and are supportive of action than older Republicans – which has big implications for the future of the party,” said Leiserowitz.
“By saying we should merely slow and not reverse global warming, we are passively accepting the deaths of billions of people,” said Margaret Klein Salamon, of the Climate Mobilization Project.
“The only thing that can protect us is an all-out, all-hands-on-deck mobilization, like we did during the second world war. Avoiding the collapse of civilization and restoring a safe climate should be every government’s top priority – at the national, state and local levels.”
Get ’em young, and terrorize them with hobgoblins of every sort. Panicky sheep want to be herded to safety. They want to be saved from the wolf. The wolves are everywhere.
Too bad for them that young people eventually get old and often not-stupid.
Youth is wasted on the young…
I think I said this a couple of days ago, but I believed all this crap when I was a kid (global warming was invented in the 70s). We were still hit over the heads with it back then. It took growing up and seeing the world and realizing that it’s only getting better before I got properly cynical about these sorts of scares.
I think the intensity of the indoctrination is really cranked up now, though.
Avoiding the collapse of civilization
So, not the Green New Deal, then.
“like we did during the second world war. ”
Then she’s receptive to using WWII technology (e.g. nuclear) to address the climate “crisis?”
From a different article:
“Margaret Klein Salamon, who trained as a clinical psychologist before founding a climate-advocacy organization…”
“a clinical psychologist ”
Oh look, I found the problem.
“The Civil War” was his best work, and that was largely because he leaned so heavily on Shelby Foote.
For me, watching Burns’ Civil War thing was like six(ty) hours of listening to people read bumper stickers.
Me too.
::slow camera pan over old painting::
Voice over: “Oh my darling the battle was calamitous. Never have I seen such bloodshed. My heart yearns to be with you.” – Private Dick
insufficient loquation.
true ‘dat but I’m still buzzing with caffeine so my attention span has dropped.
::chases a leaf down the road::
I could feel the sort of flowery letter home you were going for, and that your heart just wasn’t in it.
It is, um, a tad deliberative at times, true. I typically put it on while I’m doing something else.
Burns does a fine job, but you must respect the audience and the resources.
Glibs are readers and historians of a sort, so Burns is always going to be heavy-handed for this crowd. I polished the cannons at Shiloh to a high gloss sliding over them often in my childhood: that history was in my back yard. I’ve know since I was tiny the big story and have added to it as maturity and perspective allowed.
But Burns wasn’t directing for me. My ten year old was astonished by the series; like many Americans six times his age, he didn’t know the casualties or even what state Antietam was in.
For me I see the production challenge and just think: I”m glad that was someone else’s job.
I do factually take issue this far with the presentation: the plot that the Union undertook to end slavery is inexplicable, a happy bit of indifference to the facts where they are and needed facts that are missing. Such happens when your money comes from certain places, you’re surrounded with certain kinds of friends, and you know you’ll lose your audience because no one likes to hear balls and strikes called when their man is at the plate. I wish Burns were up to handling that because it would have been much more honest . . . and interesting . . . to start by having Waterston recite AL16’s first inaugural . . . and only after setting that milestone backing up the road to colonialism and the entire how did we get here story.
The more history I read on the war, particularly Foote’s work, the more often I find something new about Burns’ documentary to disappoint me. The slavery angle, for one, but just lots of details that change the way you interpret the war and its aftermath, and the character of the people in it. As you say, though, it’s a fine lightweight introduction that is a lot more enjoyable if you don’t look at it too hard.
Civil War letters reveal freaky, lonely housewife.
“Our dearest neighbor Azaelea Lee Witherspoon has known about my condition for some time now, and has sought to remedy it with the dewy softness of her own tongue…”
Ooooooohhhh yeeeeeaaaaah…
The sound design for a documentary was revolutionary at the time. I will give him that for sure.
Can Physicists Rewrite the Origin Story of the Universe?
Some cosmologists are challenging the established narrative of how the universe began. The problem, they say, is no one’s listening.
Sounds like climate change
Welp, good to know it can be safely disregarded.
the established narrative of how the universe began
That narrative that wasn’t even accepted, much less established, till the 70s-80s?
Only 30 years to “establishment” for a 14 billion year old narrative. Shut it down, Science Is Complete.
Explosion in Maine
Multiple people have been injured in an explosion at the Leap facility in Farmington, according to a spokeswoman with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office in Maine.
Officials were checking out a complaint of a propane smell at the facility when the explosion happened, the spokeswoman said.
The first call about the smell came into police at 8:06 a.m. ET.
The spokeswoman did not want to be identified by name.
Well, seems like we’re gonna have to go to war with Spain now.
Maine exploded? Time to invade Cuba.
Just a bit late.
If the Spanish want to come and fight on Cuba, they’re welcome, but that’s where the battlefield is.
You know that whole “remember the Maine” bit? Yeah… we forgot a long, long time ago.
Well, except for the bumper sticker. Same goes for Alamo – now a car rental company.
Hell, we are already erasing the cold war and those people are all still alive.
Wasn’t the Cold War that time the underhanded capitalist nations undermined the more righteous socialist ones and caused them to fail? We really should get going on setting that right.
No comment
But- I learned about John Sedgewick.
“Don’t worry, boys. They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”
Two OTs:
I have 7 days of vacation left this year but EF has zero. She might take some unpaid time off so we can take our usual autumn time off in down South, but maybe not. I’ve been thinking of doing a solo vacation but the idea of being by myself in an unknown place feels me with uh not quite dread, but indecision. I wouldn’t know what to do without conferring with my SO so I feel like I would end up in Charleston, watching cable TV. EF books a lot of the more fun things – harbor tours, ghost walks, etc.
And I’ve been getting back to coin collecting, concentrating on the “large cents” from the early 19th century. Of amusement are some of the descriptions of the era:
In the past ten years I’ve had two things that were close to a solo vacation: a conference I attended in Alexandria–like 45 minutes from my house, but still–and tagging along with my wife to Nashville for one of her conferences. In the latter case, she was busy all day so I was cut loose to walk around and do my own thing, and in the former case I was under no real obligation to do a damn thing at the conference because it was, frankly, stupid. In both cases, I mostly spent the day walking around, looking at neat buildings, going into interesting stores, and ducking in to likely bars and pubs to drink a few beers and chat with the bartenders. To me, that’s pretty much heaven. I do best when I’m kind of dropped in the middle of a place and left to my own devices, especially if I don’t have a schedule or have to worry about other people.
I agree. I tagged along when Mrs. Tundra had a week-long conference in SF. Even though I had been there many times before (and since), it was really cool to spend my days just wandering the city and exploring.
Just go for it.
You step in any shit? Or get a call from the popo a few weeks after you left, because by then they found the bum that tried to rob you at knife point ywith a broken jaw and arm in the hospital, and they wanted you to pay for the cost to the city?
20 years ago it was just seedy.
When traveling I like to find the “local” hangouts (breweries are usually a good start here), and then get tipped off about the other local hangouts where they either don’t want the standard tourists, or it’s an under the radar place so the tourists wouldn’t know about it. There’s been a couple times that I’ve had to argue with people that I’m not a local, I consider that a definite win.
Y’all trying to get me found in a gutter.
In a bowling alley.
Go travel somewhere to take a 3 or 4 day self defense or marksmanship class with some highly-regarded trainer/school. Wear all the tactical pajamas and shoot all the guns.
hmm that an idea or maybe one of those beginner race driving classes.
There you go.
An old coworker used to go to week long School of Rock camp where they’d spend Monday-Friday jamming, forming bands, and getting instruction. Then Friday they’d go to a local bar and have a show.
There are a bunch of wilderness survival and search-and-rescue schools. I bet there are EMT schools like that too.
Lots of places called “craft homes” or “art collectives” where you can go learn blacksmithing, leather-working, wood-working, etc. If I ever take a real vacation from work (unlikely) I’m going to go here.
Fortunately, I’ve got the kind of wife that would be happy to see me go do it and would encourage me to do so, instead of try to guilt trip me about it.
Craft home? Art collective? I’m not learning blacksmithing from hippies. I’m looking at These guys.
Hrmm… they may also be hippies.
Gofundme for dust collectors clue you in?
One of the rules that the ancients taught about tools was that no one but their owner should touch them.
Because they were incredibly valuable and easily stolen. I would guess.
That is mysticism, but is it hippy mysticism, or Conan style secret of steel mysticism?
The line before it was talking about Taoist symbols.
Ok, hippy confirmed
need a ruling, Machine Spirit in my computer, Hippy or Tech Priest?
That depends on which rituals you’re performing, Heretek
Does Machine Spirit sound like Maryanne Williamson? Or like James Earl Jones?
I touch a battery to a quartz oscillator ten times.
But you’re forgetting to recite the Ave Machina! BURN HERETEK!
Cabin in the woods. Bring books, beer and fishing rod. 3 days of that is perfect.
Fishing – or pretend to fish?
Bobber fishing with a twelve pack on ice. If you can do some small game hunting, do that in the morning.
EF has zero
Shame. Should have negotiated for a slug of PTO credited on hire. Mrs. Dean is looking at a job, and that’s one of the things she will need to be convinced to take it.
We regularly tag a day or two onto my out of town conferences – Nashville, San Diego, Charleston in the last year. The company covers my travel and part of the lodging, so why not?
She has to work 90 days before getting any PTO. And yeah she should have negotiated that but the giddiness of a “real” lawyerin’ job offer overcame her.
Numismatics: Some years ago I bought a gorgeous Large Cent from a mail order dealer with whom I had a good relationship. It came in a sealed vinyl slip that I didn’t open. Much later I took the coin to another dealer to have it slabbed. The dealer opened the slip and said, “There something not right.” The coin was counterfeit! There was a seam on the edge where the two halves had been soldered together. You couldn’t see the edge through the slip.
Well some of those large cents had “Q worthy” chests. But the most Q of US coinage was the first version of the Standing Liberty quarter.
Damn. Great, perverted minds think alike.
I suggest we go back to lady liberty designs and do away with the idolization of dead politicians.
And I suggest Q be the one to approve the final designs.
Huzzah IF! Huzzah!
Good boy BB, good boy.
The things you have to do to keep your nads…
He is one of our greatest historians, illuminating the past and present while guiding us to a shared future.
Ken Burns is not a historian. By any stretch of the imagination. He’s a mediocre documentary filmmaker. The fact that ostensibly educated people refer to him as a historian speaks badly of the state of our intellectual climate.
Isn’t this special.
I have no speakers at work so I am just assuming (for my own black hearted pleasure) that he was screaming about the jerks running a train on his bike path.
You can’t hear what he says through the glass, but I believe it is in French anyway.
Then he is likely surrendering.
Legit LOL
Hi, Glibs. Just dropping in to let you know I’m still here. Still alive. Still…*cough*…*wheeze*…kicking. Hope you are all well too.
What they aim to do is further cultivate bias in the minds of a large segment of their readership. My ultra-progressive Boomer in-laws do not follow updates to news stories on Twitter, nor will their copy of the print edition reflect the added correction (ahem…”editor’s note”). The NYT got exactly what they wanted, and it cost them no skin. Everything is working perfectly.
How do Michael? Didn’t follow that story because it was so dumb from the start.
A lot of people still believe Blasey-Ford’s fabricated story, so this penis thrusting hoax is little league compared to that.
You still look like a monkey.
And you smell like one, too!
“She and some classmates had been drinking heavily when, she says,…”
She says. She. Said. They made the claim that the woman told them, yet later we get – “the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident.”
Looks like a slam dunk to me. They told a bald faced lie calculated to smear his character. They published it for the general public and now everyone in the country knows about it and many of them are moronic enough to believe it. Kavanaugh and Ramirez should sue those cunts and their employer into homelessness.
I don’t know enough about the Oxy case to have an opinion on it.
Corn Pop. Could this story get more ridiculous? Also, what was the. point of telling it? Rhetorical….please, if you know, don’t tell me. In this case ignorance is bliss. Every one of the Dem candidates are so cringeworthy words fail me.
“Nearly 50,000 auto workers go on strike…” – They are union workers so how can. you tell?
“Their intentions were to get rid of homeless people so they wouldn’t have to look at them.”
I remember people complaining that it would come to this when Seattle and other leftist cities were offering food, shelter, sidewalk pooping and free needles to the homeless. Of course the pinkos screamed that the critics were heartless monsters and that they would never be overwhelmed by bums. Also, my guess is the main motivation is that property values are being affected…thus the market and tax revenues. It is always going to be about the money.
“…oil prices spiked…”
Well, we are the world’s biggest producer of energy. We should be able to make a few bucks off of this. It is a good thing we drilled our way out of energy dependency.
Any comment from Obama?
I was never a fan of The Cars but I never heard a bad word about Ocasek and heard plenty of good ones. I am sorry to see the guy go. My condolences to his family and friends.
She and some classmates had been drinking heavily
Testimony about events 30 years ago by college students who had been drinking heavily is my gold standard for credibility.
“drinking heavily” definitely never leads to embellishment of stories.
Anybody want to talk about the officiating in the Vikes game yesterday?
I’m not saying that the officials cost us the game, but the calls were insane. A TD taken away because of a very questionable offensive interference call on two players not involved in the play? And it was only noticed during the review of the score? WTF?
Also, I have never seen so many offensive pass interference calls in my life. And they were all (including the one on the Pack) not interference. It is like the officials had some bet going on who could call the most trivial pass interference penalties.
Again, not blaming the officials for the loss. Cousins and our kicker can take credit for that. But it is going to be a long strange year if you can reverse scoring plays because you saw something else during the review.
Watched a condensed version of the game. As you say, it doesn’t really matter when Cousins tosses a pick that late in the game in the red zone. Deserve to lose.
A number of ticky-tack calls in that game.
I thought the real surprise yesterday was the Cowboys offense actually looking competent. Mostly.
Sorry I missed the Chefs game. Mahomes is just a lot of fun to watch. Much like Favre in his day. Much unlike Brady, ever. And yes, I freely admit that Brady is the GOAT, and can’t imagine anyone ever surpassing his record, so All Time includes the future as well as the past.
; )
About the QB talk above – one thing I’ve heard about Brady is that he actually accepts a lower salary so the Pats can pay their offensive line better. Smart move, if true.
Peyton Manning did the same.
It has probably contributed to his longevity.
Unexpected. Inexplicable.
“Hate is on the rise again, and we’re at a defining moment again in American history,” said Biden, who served as vice president to the United States’ first black President Barack Obama. “Hate only hides. It doesn’t go away. If you give it oxygen it comes out from under the rocks.”
Biden tied the forces that motivated the 1963 church bombing that claimed the lives of four young girls to those driving the massacres in El Paso, Texas; Charleston, South Carolina; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Poway, California.
“The same poisonous ideology that lit the fuse at 16th Street pulled the trigger at Mother Emanuel, pastor you have such an incredible congregation….pulled the trigger at Mother Emanuel and unleashed the anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic massacre in Pittsburgh and Poway,” Biden said. “We saw a white supremacist gun down innocent Latino immigrants in an El Paso parking lot with a military-style weapon declaring it would stop quote the ‘Hispanic invasion of Texas.’ We have not relegated racism and white supremacy to the pages of history.”
Biden refrained from outright mentioning President Donald Trump or the 2020 presidential election, but laid out what he thinks is at stake in the nation.
“We’re in the battle for the soul of America. And here at historic 16th street Baptist church there’s no more powerful reminder of what’s at stake, no more poignant example of what is demanded of us in response,” he said “It’s a battle we fought again and again, it’s a battle that’s claimed countless lives.”
We’re in a battle for the soul of America, and we cannot rest until we vanquish those evil thugs in the Republikkkin Party. We must devote ourselves to the merciless destruction of our enemies.
Now go out there and conjure up a Nazi to punch.
Hate is on the rise again
Indeed. I have noticed a dramatic rise in hate from leftists.
Our old TV finally conked out yesterday. 13 years. *Bows deeply to the set*. Wife asks me if she can buy a new TV. “Sure get whatever you want.” Come home tonight and there’s a TV the size of an IMAX taking up the entire living room wall. Now, if I could watch porn on that damn thing, that would be fine. But instead it’s going to be blasting me with cooking shows and J Pop every morning. *Sigh*
I thought sunrise was early today, it was just the glow of straff’s TV coming over the horizon.
Come home tonight and there’s a TV the size of an IMAX taking up the entire living room wall.
Well, she’s a keeper.
Incredibly, Mrs. Dean has been saying we should get a new/bigger TV. The one we have completely fills the cabinet where it is enshrined (and was selected for that reason). So replacing it will mean getting new furniture, which will probably cost significantly more (as in multiples) of the TV itself. And probably a new AV receiver, as well.
So (role reversal alert), I am dragging my feet on getting a bigger TV. I feel like my man card is going to get revoked, or something.
Just take play the frugal curmudgeon card. “It’s been working perfectly fine, there’s no need to replace it”
Done and done. Bought me probably a year.
Oh, this started when we got an Apple TV box. The video quality off that thing is incredible, much superior to satellite or streaming via our 6 year olde smart TV. We’re looking at cord cutting for our TV feed.
Yeah, this monster doesn’t even come close to fitting on the TV stand. Two end tables are placed at the end of the stand just hold the damn thing up.
This is why you have walls.
Word to the wise, when you cave, make sure you get the furniture first, then purchase the TV.
My wife and I bought both simultaneously. TV was delivered three days later. The furniture took weeks to deliver, so the TV sat in the box. On Saturday, the furniture was delivered, we carefully unboxed the TV and discovered spiderweb cracks emanating from the bottom middle of the screen and only 15% of the screen displaying any image at all.
So we called Best Buy and got quite the runaround at first. Basically because we’d had the TV for three weeks, everyone was acting like we must have broken it. They even sent us to Samsung who wanted to charge us to have a technician come out to try to attempt repairs (you aren’t repairing that TV… it’s junked).
Fortunately my wife and I were able to get Best Buy to see reason, but it took four hours of phone calls and face to face negotiation. We could have avoided all that if we just sequenced our purchases correctly.
Mount that bitch (ha ha) and run the cable through the wall (not the cord, though — have a plug installed for that)
Just looks so nice and clean.
This is… not something most men would be complaining about.
J pop is porn isn’t it? I mean i know the chicks are all singing about some crap but I just assumed that was some odd fetish.
It’s a fetish for getting ear-raped.
That is why there is a mute button.
Getting ear raped is the mute button.
Japanese morning talk shows for the win!
Those things are amazingly annoying…
Love how he just keeps dragging the Toyota along.
18-wheeler shreds parked car in Queens while attempting turn
After that he successfully blocks up the entire intersection.
Why do 18 wheelers go through Queens?
Because there’s millions of mouths to feed and eager consumers trying to buy stuff.
Why don’t they just buy it at the bodega?
^Ignores that.
I think you are doing that wrong.
Don’t you have smaller trucks that would be better suited to the narrow streets? We don’t see the big boys in Tokyo.
If they don’t turn down the wrong road, they’re fine.
Remember, each time the trailer needs to be loaded/unloaded, that’s a spike in costs. Each additional driver is another increase in costs. So long as there are sufficient roads with the proper width, there is no good reason to unpack that container. Insurance is for incidents like this.
They’re not supposed to. Guy likely took a wrong turn.
The rules depend on the roads you’re using. NYC always has their own codes on everything.
If you’re on the big roads, there’s one set of rules, but, other than interstates, I doubt it allows a conventional tractor (as shown in the video) and 53′ trailer like you see in the rest of the country.
AFAIK, FLH is still in production at Cleveland NC specifically to address overall length.
Well, that was fun.
Is it just me or is the Matrix parked too close to the intersection anyways?
I think the truck actually dragged it from down the block before the video started.
I think I need one of those.