My lord, can somebody please tell these Browns fans to pump the brakes a little. Everybody beats the shit out of the Jets. And its time to push the panic button in Chicago, even though the Cubs won, with Rizzo going down for at least a week and the Brewers white-fucking-hot right now. Those Brewers won and the Nationals lost to tighten up the NL Wild Card race. Meanwhile, Cleveland won and both Oakland and Tampa Bay lost to pull back a little closer in the AL.

This should be fun.
Everybody has 11-12 games left and shit is tiiiiiiight. Meanwhile the division races are all but over and we’re just watching to see who ends up with the best record for home field purposes. The Astros and Yankees are now tied for the distinction with the Dodgers a game back. Grab your popcorn.
UCL Group Stage matches start today with Naples-Liverpool headlining with Dortmund-Barcelona. I’m excited to see how well these teams physically hold up now that their schedules are much heavier than other teams in their leagues.

I know how he feels.
General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben was born on this day. Dude was a badass. Oh, and so were SC Justice (and oft-times an idiot) Warren Burger, country legend and drunkard Hank Williams, Sr., actor Roddy McDowall, motorsports god Stirling Moss, the lovely Anne Bancroft, another dipshit SC justice David Souter, fortunate basketball coach Phil Jackson, underrated actor John Ritter, football player (and eventual legend) Pat Mahomes, and others. Its also the day Wil E. Coyote and Road Runner made their debut. Meep! Meep!
Alright, now on to…the links!
Oh look, CNN are openly cheering someone who abandoned the presumption of innocence for political grandstanding to launch a campaign. Not to mention completely ignoring her sordid past of what some might call “overzealous prosecutions”. Others might call it sociopathy. I’m one of the latter. This woman is as dangerous an opponent to the rule of law and the fundamentals of due process and the presumption of innocence this nation has seen since FDR rounded up all the Japanese-Americans and stole their shit.

Anti-Semitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar
When meddling in a foreign election is alright. Nice hypocrisy, shithead. Oh, and nice way to say a person’s “existence” is a bad thing. The last time a high-profile Dem politician said that about a head of state, he got murdered and the entire region went further int o the shitter.
Christ, what an asshole. That’s all I got on this one.
Cancel Culture claims another scalp. Oh, and apparently it is “punching down” when you make an Asian joke. Comedy is not quite dead, but it sure is on life support.

Artist’s depiction of a monster calculating how tall a roof is.
New York City government has gotten around to tackling the big problems. Jesus, why can’t these people just all go fuck completely off?
Holy shit, I may have found an even bigger group of government assholes than de Blasio, et al. Seriously, ICE? Seriously?
Lat’s see how the leftards will try to spin this one. Maybe they’ll find some sweet tea and a bag of skittles in their getaway car. Either way, I assure you there will be a push to make the criminals here into victims.
Go have a great day, dear friends.
Cancel Culture claims another scalp. Oh, and apparently it is “punching down” when you make an Asian joke. – well given average height I would say it is
I raffed
Your humor is coming up short.
Low blow, man!
I’m nuts over asian women
They like green tea bags?
This comment was seen and entered in your permanent record, young man.
We’re going down a slippery slope here, when a race is off-limits.
Yet the killjoys at Churchill Downs were upset when I took my car on a few laps of their track.
Try combining sexism with racism sometime. Was shooting the shit with a black dude and a white woman one time and said, “White women and black dudes are attracted to each other because they have similar IQs.” They both took offense to the remark. “Don’t look at me. You’re the ones who think you’re not.”
Well, since they were not bright enough to get the joke, I say they had reason to feel offended…
I don’t think you guys caught sloopy’s slant.
You better coolie-t off before Swiss wakes up.
We found the chink in Switzy’s armor.
That man could scowl like nobody’s business!
Except it won’t be off limits. Jokes targeted at white people will remain perfectly acceptable. A sign of enlightenment, even.
A shamefur dispray!
Raffed out roud
Ya’ll are banned from the Chinese buffet for a month. No cat for you.
Just go to the UK…
Been there…fortunately just before they completely abandoned sanity.
New York City government has gotten around to tackling the big problems. Jesus, why can’t these people just all go fuck completely off? – I mean as long as the statues represent young skinny women with medium sized tits and well rounded bottoms
And no clothes other than the occasional piece of lingerie?
>>Holy shit, I may have found an even bigger group of government assholes than de Blasio, et al. Seriously, ICE? Seriously?
Well they _are_ Raiders fans. Isn’t that punishment enough?
People have been convicted of gang enhancements because they were wearing raiders gear, no shit.
See, this I don’t have a problem with.
/mild sarcasm
What if a Juggalo was wearing Raider gear…? Death Penalty?
Was their fursuit black and silver, or were they wearing the Raiders jersey over it?
Holy shit, I may have found an even bigger group of government assholes than de Blasio, et al. Seriously, ICE? Seriously? – the tailgate thing is a weird American custom.
It’s usually better than the game!
Yes but is there shade? Are there enough toilets? Is the booze of quality? Do you not run the risk of breaking your decanter and wine glasses? What if someone wants to taste your 30 year old single malt? Should you share? That single malt was expensive.
Never share good scotch with anyone who doesn’t know how to drink it. Painful to watch a shot of 21 y/o Glenfiddich get downed like it’s Jack Daniels.
When Spud and I tailgate, assume Burgundy, Hermitage, Mosel Riesling, Condrieu… Oh, and when the playoffs start, truffles.
My God.
I know right? Vegan truffle eating, what is the point without pate?
What is the deal with European Stadiums needing a roof over the seating area? I guess too many vampires, but that doesn’t explain it in the rest of Europe.
Well, in England it is always raining.
Not always. I’ve been to England and saw sunshine.
I have been to plenty of football games in the rain. Yeah, a roof would be nice, but ponchos exist.
I dunno about them but I need a roof in order to prevent sunburn.
What is the deal with European Stadiums needing a roof over the seating area?
Did anybody else read that in Seinfeld’s voice?
No red solo cups in Romania, sad.
That’s because most of you Euros don’t have cars. And stadiums don’t have huge parking areas.
The tailgate is an awesome thing.
I don’t miss it at all. *Squats over Hibachi grilling squid in front of Sumo arena*
Ow! My Balls!
Don’t you mean Ow! My Barrs?
Well the traffic sure is fucking awful round these parts given so few cars
You need better roads
Like New York or Los Angeles?
No, they need fewer people.
Different problem, same symptoms.
So does Pennsylvania.
*sad trombone*
That’s because of the gypsy wagons not being made for rapid transit. But the Master permits their presence, so you must endure it.
The werewolves help keep the serfs from running away.
I’ve meet friends at tailgate parties and then gone home as they wasted the next 5 hours of their lives watching shitty football and standing in line for expensive beer and bad toilets.
Someone needs to take you to a SEC tailgate
We’ve already agreed Pie needs to visit the US.
He just doesn’t seem to think so.
Tailgating at a pro game pales in comparison to college football.
Man, I love the tailgate. Especially at away games. They’re a freaking blast.
As much as it pains me to admit it….tailgating at Lambeau Field might be better than any other. Even as a Bears fan, I was mighty impressed. And treated well.
This is best place at OSU to hang out before a game — they fence off the parking lot and it becomes a huge tailgate area.
If Kavanaugh were a rapist, this would be the time for him to go on a rape spree down Fifth avenue. After all this bullshit, I’d assume the video was a deep fake.
how hot are the women walking around Fifth avenue? Should be above average hot I would guess
Rape isn’t about sex. It’s about sammiches.
I though it was about the thrill of the chase and the added pleasure of fucking while pepper sprayed
The pepper spray is a courtesy. Provides an excuse for the tears.
Dunno, but they can’t give it away, that’s for sure.
Sorry, that was 7th
Here are some women running on Fifth avenue
Kept waiting to see Steve Smith bringing up the rear…
Kept waiting for a fucking bodega.
What’s the different between a bunch of Pygmies and a bunch of running women?
Looks like the JV boys track team
White Girl(tm) butt syndrome?
Those girls need sammitches.
Too fast. Need to corral them into some sort of Buffalo Jump.
Not a group of Pygmies.
It’s called a Persistance of Pygmies
/Reference no one will ever get.
>>Lat’s see how the leftards will try to spin this one.
It was just an early Halloween party – and they accidentally went to the wrong house. Yeah that’s it!
“That’s not how it’s supposed to go. I understand one shot to stop the people, the victims or whatever, but aggressively to shoot these little teens, that’s overkill.“
Right there in the article.
Even though it looks like the Little Angels shot first.
And the intended victim got all three aggressors? Impressive.
Dey did’n du nuffin’
I do like how the author of the article changed “they gone” to “they’re gone” from the women who heard the shots.
“That’s not how it’s supposed to go. I understand one shot to stop the people, the victims or whatever, but aggressively to shoot these little teens, that’s overkill. That’s too much to handle,” said an unidentified male, who was reportedly related to one of the teens who died.
Something something famous last words.
“They were about to turn their lives around.”
“He was a good boy who never hurt nobody and loved his mama.”
They are good boys now
Well dumbass, now you know how it can go. Are you going to rethink robbing some random dude now?
I notice that in all these cases, the families bitch about the person getting themselves killed, but never seem to have intervened before that point.
When that happened to my Nephew I was sad and pissed off but not really outraged. He wasn’t a great kid and this was the third or fourth time they’d ripped the guy off.
That’s all on him and the guys he was running with.
I remember you telling the story before.
It was bad news all around. I felt especially bad for his Mom but she raised him.
“I never could do nothing with him.”
If only they really did bitch about their idiot son or nephew getting himself killed. They mostly seems to bitch about the victim the idiot tried to mug or burgle.
I can understand family of a robber being upset, but your son was a shithead and did shithead things. Expecting everyone to put their safty on the line to make leeway for his shitheadedness is a bit of a pill to swallow
“Mutherfucker should just have let them rob his ass!”
Probably what their families did their entire lives anyway
Something about stupid games and stupid prizes…
For real though, if your nephew can’t manage to get through high school without engaging in armed robbery he wasn’t long for this world.
Lat’s see how the leftards will try to spin this one. Maybe they’ll find some sweet tea and a bag of skittles in their getaway car. Either way, I assure you there will be a push to make the criminals here into victims. – it was an innocent prank and cost those children their lives you monster.
Dr. Prisk claims Brown repeatedly farted in his face and laughed about it during a consultation where he showed up three hours late.
There was a line at Chipotle.
If he had done Chipotle he would have been pissing out of his ass. Wait, no. that’s Taco Bell.
Kamala Harris rode the Kavanaugh wave once. Can she do it again?
Isn’t she usually the one getting ridden?
Willie’s pretty old, I imagine she had to do most of the work.
Brown chicken, brown cow.
You win.
Is the “Kavanaugh Wave” the new “Boofing” except on a waterbed? I can’t keep up with you kids and your new-fangled parlance.
“Kavanaugh Wave” the new “Boofing”
I guess we need to ask Antonio Brown.
NFL Players don’t have decent health coverage and have to pay their own doctors after beating the shit out of their bodies?
Also, Sports Illustrated still exits? I bet it’s super woke and unreadable.
I somehow wound up with a subscription. I think it was a prank. God knows I don’t want the damn thing.
The only thing worth a damn in SI is the gallery of sports photography at the beginning — it’s 6 or so pages of some great shots.
He was getting a body composition analysis. I would really expect that to be handled by team docs, although he is such an asshole they may no longer be willing. Brown is doing his best to move the bar to the point that TO Ocho Cinco and Randy Moss seem like stable human beings.
Turns out his body was composed of farts?
Psst… Sloopy, the Indians didn’t play last night. As much as I would love to sneak another win into their record. And after last night’s game, I’m still worried about the Browns. Baker was still trying to force big plays, even when we were up. The defense looked better then last week (not a high bar to jump), but we still had some issues with penalties that shouldn’t have happened. And it didn’t hurt that the Jets were on their third string quarterback.
The next couple of games will determine how much optimism or pessimism I’m going to have for the rest of the Browns season.
Deputies say the teenagers, two of whom were brothers, were wearing masks, as they approached a Conyers, Georgia, residence and attempted to rob three people in the front yard.
Were these legal masks…or counterfeits?
“they approached a Conyers, Georgia, residence and attempted to rob three people in the front yard.”
They should have been killed for impersonating police officers anyway.
Another episode found Gillis referring to Judd Apatow and Chris Gethard as “white f—got comics,” calling them “f—ing gayer than ISIS.” As if it wasn’t bad enough that Gillis made these racist and homophobic comments, one of SNL‘s other new hires for Season 45 is Bowen Yang, an openly gay Asian-American. The other addition is Groundlings performer Chloe Fineman.
If you want to know who holds the power in society look at who you are not allowed to make fun of.
Babylon Bee is the leading voice in comedy now.
Add Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr.
I’ve always been just slightly more than lukewarm on Burr. (I think he’s done some great bits, but I never thought there was enough stuff in his sets), *HOWEVER* the wife and I watched his newest special last night and it rivaled Chappelle’s. It was pure genius and he pulled no punches – at all. His wife being black made for an epically good riff on Elvis and “cultural appropriation.” And he was spot on with cracking his audience when he knew they were backsliding on certain jokes. That was high, high art. Strongly recommend.
See Jojo Rabbit. It’s good.
Didn’t Eddie Murphyps://” title=”Eddie Murphy” target=”_blank” >Eddie Murphy just host SNL?
The term “homophobia” has always bothered me. People who insult people for being gay aren’t afraid of them. If somebody says, “Fuckin’ spiders and their eight legs, always creepin’ around,” you wouldn’t say, “Dude, why are you such an arachnophobe?”
Beyond that, the word means “irrational fear of things that are the same”. Which really doesn’t fit either.
What if you have a gay identical twin? Fits then
That would be a fun phobia, though. Not to have, mind you, but to observe in someone else via video. It would be the ultimate counterphobia to my symmetry issue.
That’s what people are really missing in Chappelle’s riff on “the alphabet people.” Notice who’s driving the car – that’s not an accident in that extended piece on the state of society. And I love that the “undeclared” is a “white guy in booty shirts.”
“I don’t know where I’m going, but I know I want to get in this car.” Exactly.
Chappelle’s stuff works on multiple levels and he nailed that entire shitshow power-grab with that whole bit.
I certainly accept your point
but these guys need to run their business in the best way that they know. They know their audience, and nobody has to watch if they don’t want to.
Just thought of this: does anyone still say “turn” the channel, and what does “flip” really mean?
Vegetarians cannot be victims of discrimination, a judge has ruled, as he dismissed the case of a hotel worker who claimed colleagues bullied him over his meat-free diet.
George Conisbee, 20, resigned from his position as a waiter at the Fritton Arms hotel near Lowestoft, Suffolk, after he was shouted at in front of customers for wearing an un-ironed shirt.
Mr Conisbee claimed he was given snacks by colleagues who later told him they contained meat, such as a croissant which had been basted in duck fat and pistachio sponge pudding which contained gelatine powder.
He argued that, as a vegetarian, he should have the same rights as employees who suffer discrimination over their religious beliefs or sexual orientation, which are characteristics protected by the 2010 Equality Act.
But his claim was thrown out at an employment tribunal in Norwich, Norfolk, after a judge decided that vegetarianism was a “lifestyle choice” and does not qualify for protection under the Act.
You know who else was a vegetarian…
Elsie the Cow?
I got a presentation from my EHS department today urging me to eat vegan to reduce my carbon footprint.
I don’t blame WebDom.
Sue them for discrimination against oblate omnivores.
I am trying to become less oblate.
That’s not reason not to sue now.
Peace Be Upon Her… You forgot the rest of the Incantation! You Fool! You Fool! *runs away in frenzied laughter*
She’s my (sorta) daughter, so I’m exempt.
Old Man found with server blade stuck in head. News at 11.
Blades? You’re stuck in the past.
Ok, Old Man found stretched on a rack server, happy now? Or should he be hung Pazzi style from a tower?
OMWC (homcidically) migrated to the cloud.
Uh, I’m thinking OMWC isn’t going upstairs, if you catch my drift.
But she sure liked the bone?
I agree with the tribunal (ugh, what a terrible word) but I do kind of feel bad for the guy. What a shitty thing to do to make fun of and harass someone because of what they eats. Who cares?
“They eats”
Just turned into Moe Howard there for a second.
Well, restaurants can be pretty rough places to work in general. And I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy brought it on himself somehow.
“From day one, Kamala has been a leader in the fight against Brett Kavanaugh’s illegitimate nomination to the Supreme Court and the Trump-McConnell right-wing takeover of our judicial system,” the emails said.
Elections have consequences. Don’t be such a sore loser.
Brett Kavanaugh’s illegitimate nomination to the Supreme Court
Ahh I remember, That time when he was nominated by subverting the constitution.
I believe that’s the endpoint of a chain of reasoning that begins with the premise that Trump is an illegitimate president because muh popular votez.
Ahh yes. The “Who knew anything about the Electoral College” gambit. I mean It’s a real nuance, arcane part of constitutional law. I don’t even think most law professors remembered the electoral college.
It begins with Merrick not being confirmed on sight. Apparently the Senate is duty-bound to bend the knee to his imperial majesty because reasons.
His Dem imperial majesty. The Repub one, not so much.
All that despite being under the microscope for the last twenty-five years.
It’s funny how English changes over time. When I was a young lad “illegitimate” meant “unsanctioned by law” not “a thing I don’t like”.
When I was young it meant your mom was a slut.
illegitimate in what way?
As far as I know trump can nominate whomever he pleases.
Tard Tuesday: Let Our Powers Combine For The
ProletariatPlanetBonus commentary
“I like what Naomi Klein thinks” is like saying you are convinced by the newest perpetual motion machine design.
They already are. Nice to see it spelled out, though.
This is subtly, but importantly incorrect. Those concerned about the environment are not pushing communism. The communists are pushing concern for the environment. The article is confusing tactics for motivations and vice versa.
Ultimately their plan is forceable grabbing power. In the end it will be at the end of a gun.
>>Only the Working Class Can Save the Planet
with Tractor PullzZZZ. I always love how commies and socialists have this romantic view of the working class.
It’s more like they hold multiple contradictory views of the working class. One is the noble proles upon whom the revolution rests, the other are those deplorable plebs who don’t know what’s good for them.
They’re like oxen: strong, great for getting work done and in that sense noble in a “salt of the earth” kind of way, but dumb as posts and certainly not capable of making decisions for themselves.
Tax cattle
In public, but in private they are ‘smelly Walmart people’. they have contempt for the people they want enslaved.
Their romanticism about a group of people who could really give a shit about them.
“Capitalism does not produce things to satisfy human needs”
Wow. That’s just retarded.
I wonder what their stance on gun control is.
Typed on her Iphone whilst sipping a latte on her way to the Farmer’s Market in an Uber.
My polyethylene rotomolded kayak and aluminum framed bike are richly satisfying to me.
“But you don’t neeeed those” /commie
*goes out to the back forty and starts stripping birch and bending willow*
But making them out of birch bark or sealskins would be cultural appropriation.
Proles don’t get boats or bikes. They must walk. /commie
So akin to medieval Ducking the witch! Solid.
You could do much better with wooden tires instead of rubber ones. Those Wright brothers should have just stayed in bicycle repair, I’m sure the world would be a much better place if that happened.
Even dumber, I think they’d argue that they’d be better and cheaper (free, even!) under socialism. Venezuelans find it tough to get hold of TP, but somehow microprocessors, insulin, and college textbooks will be plentiful.
Microprocessors will be useless without any goods to track and insulin will not be required. You have to have food to need insulin. Textbooks will be a booming but dangerous business. Hard to get them in print before the narrative is changed and your sanctioned text becomes wrecking.
However the out of date textbooks solve the TP shortage…
What’s the best way to wipe with glossy paper? Some sort of origami shovel, maybe.
By that point textbooks will be using newsprint.
No, free markets do. What’s the communist stance on those again?
Wife is watching some kind of English soap opera right now. I tis set in the early 19th century and seems to be one long screed about the glorious struggles of the communists. *Barf*
AOC tweets call to impeach Kavanaugh, deletes tweet, then again tweets call to impeach him
Oh Sandy, I imagine illy and Sheedy were there with her…
Nope. Busy. Sheedy was trying yet again to get a rise out of Illy and failing miserably.
Y’all been readin’ too much SugarFree.
Imma blame the website like Purdue Pharmacy and gets me some good teeth this time!
Hey. whatever happened to FOS? I always thought his commentary was insightful.
FOS, talk about a mask slipping… No offence to a certain mask-wearing individual that’s standing right here.
Just walk away, Festus. Just walk away.
I was only making a … understood.
If by “insightful” you meant “he went full on ‘its them ni**ers fault!'”…
Yeah him I do not miss.
I’d forgotten entirely until you guys brought it up.
I hope you all know I’m being facetious.
We will use whatever interpretation allows us to crack the most jokes.
City commissioner: Replace male statues in Central Park with women
I can’t be bothered to read the article but I wonder what their metric will be. Usually people have statues because they are historically significant figures. And why don’t they just add historically significant female statues rather than replace the male ones?
On this note though, something similar is being done here. Richmond is going to be changing the names of a few schools. One of them is currently named for *gasp* George Mason. Apparently one of the most significant of the founders is too offensive and clearly did no good for the world in helping to create the US. And since all the students are graduating with flying colors changing the school names to suit modern sensibilities is the only and most important thing on the table for the city government with regard to education. Wait, scratch that. Reverse it. Just wait until these historically/contextually illiterate morons find out about Sir Thomas Dale. He was kind of the Darth Vader of the Virginia Company and there is a hs named after him.
They’re eliminating all their proof that “bad” people existed. They won’t have any evidence to back up their assertions.
Up here we have two bronze statues. One is a beloved social worker that helped a lot of people in her lifetime, the other is Terry Fox, the one-legged runner that set Canadian hearts aflame with his attempt to run coast-to-coast to raise money for cancer research. Guess which one got beheaded.
Jebediah Springfield?
Let’s just say it was the white guy that died for his cause and is a national hero and not the non-descript bureaucrat that helped a few families around town.
The Terry Fox Story, now playing on HBO today. And Tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. And next Tuesday. And Wednesday …
And RPS is the same dysfunctional school system that is always said to be underfunded; yet they have money for things like this. And oh how they yelp when you suggest completely neutral naming such as PS 43 or neighborhood names; this reveals their true motives to be not making traumatic names like Mason go away, but engaging in smug triumphalism. The first school they renamed was predictably named “Barack Obama Elementary School,” as the result of a student referendum. And there is already long-existing precedent for place named schools such as Huguenot (road and area), Westover Hills, etc.
“Barack Obama Elementary School,”
This was kind of irritating. The man is still alive and it isn’t exactly like he donated money to build or renovate the school.
result of a student referendum
Yea, sure. The teachers didn’t influence that at all.
I mean wait till they find out he was part of a Child Pedo Ring…
City commissioner: Replace male statues in Central Park with women
My biggest concern is will these women that are replacing statues be working in shifts? Will they be supplied with bathrooms and protection from the elements? Who is gonna feed them?
I my opinion, if I were going to replace statues, I’d replace them with something inanimate.
My vote is for giant stone heads, preferably flying ones.
Festus is racist against Olmecs!
Nope. The Olmecs are alright but those Zapotecs were a bunch of cuntes.
“Yonge Cunte” would be a good rap name.
*pictures hair on fire, laughs in the ruins*
Inanimate objects don’t shake their money makers when you approach them with singles.
Women in central park after nightfall will eventually end up inanimate, despite all the “New York is safe now” stuff
Study: ‘Forced’ 1st Sex Encounter Not Uncommon for Women
how is verbally pressured defined?
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, come on.” -Verbal pressure.
“Bitch, stop being such a cock tease already! My balls are getting blue.”
The new study is an analysis of responses from 13,310 adult women who participated in nationally representative U.S. government health surveys from 2011-2017, before the emergence of the “Me, Too” movement. – How many were asked to participate, what % responded would be a useful information not present in the article. While I do not doubt women being pressured into sex, I am somewhat wary of extrapolating nationally from such a survey. Real number could be higher, lower whatever.
Look raising Methodological and statistical issues with this study is Rape Apologia. PieInTheSky thinks Rapists are OK.
My issue is that, irrespective of the topic, articles do not mention this which tells me most readers have absolutely no understanding of these things
A man asking a woman for sex is now the exact same thing as rape.
Welcome to clown world. Honk Honk!
So I guess every night I got home from working a double too tired to keep my eyes open and nevertheless performed after being nagged and cajoled was rape? Or does it work that way?
How about the time that woman bought me Tequila shots until she led me staggering to her friend’s car and drove us to her place. I was never asked once what I wanted to do. Consent was never discussed nor given. That was rape too, right?
What? Men can’t be raped, you racist! /s
Yes it was rape. You’re the guilty party, please report to the re-education camps for your “sensitivity training”.
“Sensitivity training” to be taught by SUE SMITH.
Meh, I’ve made worse decisions on acid.
If somebody is verbally pressured into having sex, it’s just as much rape
No it is not. “Baby please, I really need you so bad” does not equal “bitch shut up and spread em or I’ll beat you bloody.” and assholes claiming it does trivialize rape and will cause more of it. If persuasion is just as criminal as force you will get more force, because it costs the same and is more effective.
Tard Tuesday: Sad Songs Say So Much
The only people I know who are depressed are that way because close family members of theirs died. If it were a malaise of the “wider public” you’d think a resident of a blue region might see signs of it.
I think the thing Trump has done to the mental health in this nation is show that you shouldn’t go see a shrink, because apparently the entire profession is full of hacks who have little qualm about acting extremely unprofessionally
I have heard speculation that a lot of shrinks go into the field to find out what’s wrong with them.
Never never never ever date a girl who’s studying to be a child psychologist.
Daddy issues?
I love the idea that only those having mental issues over Trump being president are “normal” while Trump’s supporters are not “normal people”.
What ridiculous fucking hacks these people are.
Spoiled brats complaining about how angry they are cause they are not allowed to take someone else’s ball away from the people playing, and all because they lost even after they cheated and rigged the game. They get nothing but scorn from me…
Sweet. I think anyone who’s seeing a therapist over Trump-related depression should shit or get off the pot. Seriously. End it now. You’re a flaming loon and the world’s better off without you.
There should be a red flag law depriving these snowflakes of the right to vote. Their mental health problems have serious life & death repercussions for the rest of us that are not morons.
becomes depressed, disoriented and exhausted
Maybe you are too emotionally involved in politics.
Tard Tuesday: We’re Not Delusional, You’re Delusional
The NYT removed the new witness’ name from the story and may have removed the statement about her friends saying she doesn’t remember the incident with it, according to the reporters who wrote the piece. The name was at the beginning of the sentence.
They didn’t apologize for lying, the apologized for being crude. See they weren’t lying.
“…the new witness has not been interviewed.” That statement is very telling.
Why bother interviewing anyone when you already have a canned agenda? isn’t it simpler to just say whatever the fuck you want and attribute it to them? Actually interviewing someone and then having to lie about what they said is so much work and less satisfying, after all.
The point is there was no investigation.
I recall a congressional inquiry including a deposition by a professional.
LA Times Says We Must Get Rid Of All Fossil Fuels, And Prepare For Sacrifice
Lets give up the LA Times instead.
They must mean human sacrifice.
If you don’t feed children to Tlaloc, the rains won’t come.
You first.
Their printed nonsense just magically ends up on dead trees.
Just like electricity comes out of the wall, and food comes from the grocery store.
They should start printing on hemp instead of smoking it and then writing op-eds.
Harry Shearer’s long used nickname LA Dog Trainer.
I’d like to see someone in a major city try it. No fuel, no plastics, no misbegotten energy…
Oh wait, LA does have 60,000 homeless that recycle plastic syringes.
I suppose they could burn human feces for fuel but eventually they’ll have to burn the humans. More likely they’ll stop worrying and embrace slavery after rebranding it.
Props at least for saying there will be “sacrifice”.
You think that was not accidental?
It won’t be the staff of the LAT that makes any “sacrifice”…
Prepare for YOU to sacrifice.
Yeah, I think he’s been prepared a little too much…
Mackenzie King did the same up thing with the Japanese….and Italians and Germans….and even Ukrainians.
From the Smithsonian:
“….In addition to forcibly evacuating 120,000 Americans of Japanese background from their homes on the West Coast to barbed-wire-encircled camps, EO 9066 called for the compulsory relocation of more than 10,000 Italian-Americans and restricted the movements of more than 600,000 Italian-Americans nationwide. Now, the order has resurfaced in the public conversation about immigration….”
“….EO 9066 not only allowed the government to arrest and imprison “enemy aliens” without charges or trial—it meant their homes and businesses could be summarily seized. On the West Coast, California’s attorney general Earl Warren (later the Chief Justice of the United States) was relentless in registering enemy aliens for detention.
Even Joe DiMaggio’s parents in Sausalito weren’t spared. Though their son, the Yankees slugger, was the toast of New York, General John DeWitt, a leading officer in the Western Defense Command, pressed to arrest Joe’s father, Giuseppe, who had lived in the U.S. for 40 years but never applied for citizenship papers. DeWitt wanted to make a point: “No exceptions.”
I kinda get the government’s position. They were uncertain if and how many aliens were actively helping the fascists. Mussolini WAS sending money here and setting up Youth Fascist groups and organizations. But it was discovered they were mostly just social clubs, Once the initial fear settled, it was clear the government over-reacted.
“…But though most Italian-Americans recovered from the order, the rule itself remained. Executive Order 9066 was never successfully challenged during the war. It stayed on the books for more than three decades until 1976, when President Gerald Ford rescinded the order. Its effect on Italian-Americans remained largely unknown until 2000, when Congress passed a bill that directed the attorney general to conduct a full review of the treatment of Italian-Americans during the war. That report was issued two months after 9/11.
I investigated this and wrote an article that got published about this part. The #1 reason why we don’t know? People refused to talk about it. They were simply stunned Italy would go to war with America and/or Canada. They just wanted to pretend it didn’t happen. I got to speak to one guy who was interned here and that was part of it.
It’s also worth mentioning Prime Minister Mulroney apologized to the Italian-Canadian community for the interment of Italians in 1993.
Which I couldn’t care less about.
Ah… Good old “Seance Mac!” Have we ever had a good Prime Minister? Our great war-time leader had mommy issues and some as yet undisclosed fetish. Mackenzie King was such a lush that when he brought the country into a state of confederation he probably handed his drinking buddy a bottle of brandy and said “Watch this!” I didn’t mind Harper, he was your accountant.
Laurier? I would say Pearson but he introduced the Maple Leaf so he’s out for me. I woulda gone for a wombat or something. A leaf. Can we get anymore Canadian?
Dief the Chief was a character though!
How about Turner? He wasn’t in office long enough to do anything.
Lmao at politicians saying “people like choices in healthcare plan.”
The choices are always like “do you want to pay more for going out of network, or have higher copays for appointments?”
Those aren’t choices, just strategies to try to pay less. Everyone would choose “free”.
An assertion not evidenced by Canadians coming to the US for healthcare.
Well, they faced the choice of “Free but nonexistant” versus “paid but treated”
Dead versus paid treatment…
Death panels.
He’s really making philosophers look fucking bad.
Seriously, we’re not all this innumerate.
Male sex dolls are being introduced to adult market – but may be too heavy to handle
Obesity Crisis!
Heifers hardest hit!
Ok, so the male sex dolls are adolescents?
So, just to get things straight, is having ever pulled down your pants at a fraternity party now grounds for never being appointed to the Supreme Court?
‘Cause if so, I’m going to have to take my hat out of the ring.
So I’m still in the running then?
Mooning is a tool of the patriarchy.
::remembers a few incidents::
whoops – I’m out of the running too.
Kinda tough to run with your pants around your ankles.
I knew being ashamed of my small penis would eventually be advantageous!!!
Surpreme Court here I come!!!
Just your hat?
All the opportunists are gonna pile on Antonio Brown are they now?
Didn’t another woman step up and claim sexual assault against him?
You could say people are trying to tackle him. No idea what his position is or whether he is tackled
He draws attention to himself and so….as with all supremely rich and talented people….their past sometimes catches up or people want to cash in.
He’s a football WR and a little out of his mind.
“I certainly hope that the people of Israel make a different decision. And my hope is that they recognize that his existence, his policies, his rhetoric really is contradictory to the peace that we are all hoping that that region receives and receives soon,” Omar told host Margaret Brennan.”
This twat is some piece of work.
Go fuck yourself Ilhan.
A “We shall overcome” thumbsucker from the Atlantic
Liberals in America have a density problem. Across the country, Democrats dominate in cities, racking up excessive margins in urban cores while narrowly losing in suburban districts and sparser states. Because of their uneven distribution of votes, the party consistently loses federal elections despite winning the popular vote.
The most famous case was in 2016, when Hillary Clinton lost the election despite her 2.4-million-vote margin. Clinton carried Manhattan and Brooklyn by approximately 1 million ballots—more than Donald Trump’s margins of victory in the states of Florida, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania combined.
Democrats can blame the Electoral College for these losses—as they should. But according to the Stanford political scientist Jonathan Rodden’s new book, Why Cities Lose, it’s not just the districting. It’s the density. All over the world, liberal, college-educated voters pack into cities, where they dilute their own voting power through excessive concentration. “Underrepresentation of the urban left in national legislatures and governments has been a basic feature of all industrialized countries that use winner-take-all elections,” he writes.
So just imagine what would happen to the American political picture if more Democrats moved out of their excessively liberal enclaves to redistribute themselves more evenly across the vast expanse Red America?
Those fine young people are just like missionaries, come to dwell among the savages, and bring them into the light of true understanding and compassion.
Yes, yes, just imagine. Let’s imagine something else. Let’s imagine, difficult as it may be, that some portion of those people leaving the dense urban strongholds of progressivism are doing so out of an explicit recognition that they suck. Maybe they won’t be quite so eager to turn the world into a shithole as some people might think. Once you routinely go to work in the morning without having to navigate an obstacle course of bums and their unhygenic leavings, you might get to like it. You might even begin to make a reasoned distinction between stated intent and actual effect.
*Having said that, three times in the past week, I have encountered recent immigrants to Montana who were wondering why it’s so “backward”. A veritable icy blast of “They-oughtta-ism”. One was a woman from New Hampshire who was talking about planting maple trees in her yard for some authentic fall color. I was having a hard time keeping my derision in check.
Don’t keep your derision in check.
Every time they say this stuff, remind them of why they fled the shitholes in the first place and tell them they don’t want to bring the same to where they are now.
Because of their uneven distribution of votes, the party consistently loses federal elections despite winning the popular vote.
Funny how bad one sentence could be.
First, they seem to think that its about land area. It’s about being a state. Only 100 ec’s are allocated based on being a state. The rest are allocated by population. So more populous states still get more of a say than less populous states. The idea “Wyoming Voters” have more power is absurd, because their votes still only control 3 ec votes vs the votes of the people of New York or California.
Second, There is only one federal office that this applies to. All other federal offices are elected on a state or district basis. So blaming the electoral college is non-sequiter for explaining losses of federal offices.
Finally, if this were the case, then the federal Gove should be more Republican than the Individual state Governments, which doesn’t show up.
Funny how those cities are always broke after a few decades of Democratic rule.
It’s a plan!
Let’s give it a snappy sounding name like Up to the Mountains and Down to the Countryside Movement!
Sounds like a verbatum translation of a chinese saying.
Funny about that
“One was a woman from New Hampshire who was talking about planting maple trees in her yard for some authentic fall color.”
Fine by me. As long as she wasn’t demanding that the state plant millions of them.
The most famous was Haytes v. Tilden. But you leftist twits are far too ignorant to know about that.
her 2.4-million-vote margin
A margin of a couple percent accounted for in CA alone. And them aint the rules. Cry me a river.
Fuck off. You’re not wanted here.
“That’s not how it’s supposed to go. I understand one shot to stop the people, the victims or whatever, but aggressively to shoot these little teens, that’s overkill. That’s too much to handle,” said an unidentified male, who was reportedly related to one of the teens who died.
I fail to see the relevance. If you present yourself as a threat and attempt to rob/harm me, especially on my property, you have forfeited your right to live. That said, I believe in a measured response, which is to say neutralizing a threat does not necessarily mean killing someone. In fact I would very much prefer not to have to do so.
That some people think you should treat fucking asshole criminals with kid gloves is a major problem. I bet you if you were to dis them they would have no problem busting a fucking cap in your ass.
They pull a weapon, there is no “moderate” response. Proportional means fatal when somebody threatens you with death.
AOC blames US immigration crisis on climate change
So Honduras used to be a nice cool temperate country?
The people are fleeing because now that the Obamas own a beach front property in Martha’s Vineyard, their country is going under water (Barack is holding the seas back to protect his property), you foolz!
I have yet to see a clear statistical increase in extreme weather.
And whatever you think of climate change, it is not yet in any way catastrophic.
IT WILL BE IN 10 YEARS!1!1!!1!!!!
well immigration 10 years from now may be linked to that. It is not linked now.
Re Gillis. In yesterday’s afternoon links I posted a link to an SNL twitter thread. The comments made clear who their viewership is made up of which explains why SNL sucks. It’s a marvel they even get viewers anymore. It takes a lot for me to abandon ship and the day those two numbskulls sang a creepy tribute song to Obama was the day I bailed. Of course, Lorne Michaels had to since Obama gave him a Medal of Freedom.
I have to fantasise about porn to climax with my boyfriend
I am left with a feeling of disgust and lingering guilt, but I don’t know what else to do
go on…
She forgot to mention that the fantasies she has are about people gang raping her and then spraying it on her….
“EXCLUSIVE: FBI agents raid the luxury lakeside home of MyPayrollHR boss Michael Mann after his firm collapsed and left thousands of people across the country without their paychecks”
I thought Miami Vice was OK, but this is getting out of hand.
Thief was his best movie.
Wasn’t that the one based on Ayn Rand’s The Stand? Where drugs fall out of Valentine Michael Smith’s ass after Rhett Butler shoots him in the nuts?
I thought it was the one based on Marcus Aurelius’s “Meditations” where the heroine dies smiling after xe’s family gather around her to describe Hillary Clinton’s inauguration parade.
The infamous payroll fudging to show the ‘hockey stick”, as well. Guy really gets around
Nice to see the FBI reacts faster to some stolen paychecks than to a Child Rapist.
How does “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement” relate to:
“Oakland Raiders fans attending the first game of the season deserve genuine products and the proceeds of counterfeit merchandise ends up in the hands of transnational criminal organizations engaged in varying types of illegal activities,” King said.”
Today they’re selling counterfeit jerseys, tomorrow they’re trafficking underage hookers across national borders. That’s just how these things work.
Maybe they can stop the move of an iconic team to Vegas.
From the means streets of Oak town to the sleazy glamour of Vegas!
Mind you, the name does fit. Casinos are kina like raiders….of wallets.
“The moment Christie Brinkley, 65, trips and breaks her arm while rehearsing for Dancing With The Stars… forcing her out of the competition”
Tonya Harding is on the new season of DWTS?
Climate crisis justified removal of Macron portrait, judge rules
Two climate crisis protesters who removed Emmanuel Macron’s portrait from an official building were justified in doing so because of the severity of the environmental emergency, a judge has said.
The judge in Lyon acquitted the pair of theft in a ruling hailed as historic by campaigners.
In February, a group of 20 activists entered the town hall in a district of the French city. Two of them, Fanny Delahalle, 33, and Pierre Goinciv, 32, removed a portrait of the president, copies of which hang in all official buildings in France. They were pictured holding the gold-framed portrait outside the entrance of the building.
Prosecutors demanded they be fined €500 (£445). The public prosecutor, Rozenn Huon, told the court: “It’s clearly theft and it has done nothing to help climate change.”
The judge conceded “an object of a very strong symbolic value” had been stolen but said the climate crisis was more serious.
“Climate change is a constant that seriously affects the future of humanity by provoking natural catastrophes that poorer countries don’t have the means to protect themselves against,” he said.
While having a portrait of whatever scumbag is in power is in itself stupid, judges making decisions based on climate change is right down insane. I don’t understand how people do not see this shit as a problem
It absolutely is insane.
They seem to be doubling down on their shrillness.
Tarred and feathered is the appropriate response to that judge.
Sacrebleu, what a pussy.
This has to be a joke.
This has serious consequences.
Here in MA, protesters did serious damage to a natural gas facility, and the local DA refused to prosecute due to a necessity defense – i.e. climate change is so dangerous that people in the energy industry don’t deserve the protection of the law.
And the mouth-drooling imbecilles that call themselves the smart-set here in MA cheered.
That’s fucking terrifying. This needs to stop.
That way lies vigilantism. And that ain’t no good.
This woman frightens me…
“Despite our being the strongest and wealthiest country in the history of the world, our democracy is paralyzed. And why? Because giant corporations have bought off our government,” Warren said, accusing the fossil fuel industry, gun industry, and health care industry of buying off the government, concluding that Americans are losing their lives as a result.
She said:
Americans are killed by floods and fires in a rapidly waning planet. Why? Because huge fossil fuel corporations have bought off our government. Americans are killed with unthinkable speed and efficiency in our streets and our stores and our schools. Why? Because the gun industry has bought off our government. Americans are dying because they can’t afford to fill prescriptions or pay for treatment. Why? Because health insurance companies and drug companies have bought off our government.
Your premises are all wrong. Also, is it just me or does Liz of the Fauxhicans come off as even less genuine that Her Shrillness?
With Biden literally falling apart she’s going to be the nominee. If she wins the presidency, holy fucking shit are we in trouble. Frankly I’d rather have Hillary, less crazy and, surprisingly enough, less shrill.
Sure looks that way, but I’ll have to check with Corn Pop first.
Not a very good thug name is it?
He should’ve gone with Rice Crispy or Cheerio.
Fruit Loop was taken
Sugar Smack!
Hmm Interesting. “Because X has bought of our government”… wonder if this works with jews. /Ilhan Omar.
Lizzie, if I have a choice between doing without fossil fuels and doing without government, I will do without government.
Dude If I have a choice between keeping both or getting rid of both I might take getting rid of.
Correction: Because politicians have sold off our government.
They sure like to deny that they have agency on this issue.
Rough day at work: Raging blaze sparks a massive explosion of 100 cylinders of bull semen at a cattle breeding farm – forcing a big clean up
About 100 cylinders of bull semen – worth up to $1,000 each – have exploded after a fire ravaged a cattle breeding farm overnight.
At least 30 firefighters rushed to Yarram Herd Services at Rodgers Street in Yarram, south east of Victoria just after 3am on Tuesday.
The blaze took emergency crews two-and-a-half hours to contain.
the firefighters came to late? I dunno I got nothing
Earworm cured by Queen’s Somebody to Love
You should try pouring vodka in your ear. It helps.
sure, get the worm drunk. It’ll start slurring the words.
Not Jefferson Airplane’s?
The 10 year old daughter came into my office tonight. 9:30pm. Her bedtime. Papa, come with me. She takes my hand and shows me to my bed, lays me down and puts a hot towel over my eyes. “Relax and listen.” She cranks her Beauty and the Beast music box. “Sit still for five minutes and listen to the music.” Now, I’ve been on acid trips with Russian gangsters, but this trip freaked me the fuck out.
The 10 year old daughter came into my office tonight. 9:30pm. Her bedtime. Papa, come with me. She takes my hand and shows me to my bed, lays me down and…
The way the story went from there was disappointing.
Meh. You like a good edging.
At least you didn’t say “Happy ending”….
The same お絞り (hot towel) from dinner time?
I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve had to restrain myself from thinking napkin and not putting the thing on my lap.
Revealed: catastrophic effects of working as a Facebook moderator
Exclusive: Job has left some ‘addicted’ to extreme material and pushed others to far right
red pilled?
Truman escaping the bubble.
They really really really want to define their political opposition as a mental illness.
I was thinking about this yesterday. It’s easy to see how people get on board with the divisiveness, because it’s so convenient to dismiss those who disagree with you. But at the same time, it’s hard to see how someone who is supposedly clear thinking can. Saying things like “Russian Trolls” to anyone who criticizes you is ridiculous.
Pfffft, whatever you say comrade.
That whole article basically admits that the whole woke thing is unpersuasive. No wonder they hate free speech.
Well, how many people arrive at woke independently? It strikes me that, without a mechanism enforcing compliance, woke falls apart pretty quickly.
Oh, so liberal or progressive is the same thing as normal? Tell me more, unbiased Facebook moderator!
I think I’ve discovered what this is really about.
With all these QBs going down and getting signed or traded for, the carousel must make Kaepernick cry waiting for a call.
Dude….you made your bed and this is you lying in it.
“You wanted to kneel? Fine, kneel. These guys wanna get paid.”
All I know is that if I was Phillip Rivers I’d be looking over my shoulder all week this week. Rapistberger goes down for the year and Eli gets benched
Don’t forget Brees out for six weeks as well.
The Reds are eliminated, but are 4.5 up over Pittsburgh, so look safe from relegation this year.
Now do the Bengals. Do we get relegated to the Big 10 or the MVC?
CFA. Get used to three downs.
Ninety minutes into the links and not a single mention of Constitution Day. I haz a sad…
Laughs in Kamala Harris.
I thought Laugh In was Richard Nixon.
It is “Citizenship Day” per my calendar…
Mine says both. I have never heard of either. Too local?
It’s just an old piece of paper written by white slaves, so who gives a fuck?
But, just in case you do.
Also the start of Operation Market-Garden in 1944.
Montgomery go with “lightning speed” *SNORT*.
More than half of teens say they’re ‘afraid’ and ‘angry’ about climate change — and 1 in 4 of them are doing something about it
How many of them have been forced into public indoctrination prisons?
Ask again when they’re paying bills and taxes. Turns out doing something isn’t the same thing as doing something.
This. It’s incredibly easy to say that somebody else has to make sacrifices for something you think may be valuable. Tell them to do without their iPhone for a couple of months in support of their cause. Let’s see how much they’re willing to put on the line.
What percentage of those angry teens are angry that climate change hysteria sucks all of the oxygen out of the room for other issues I wonder? Unless they clarified those items somehow this survey doesn’t mean a damn thing.
So angry they plugged their smartphones into a wall the electrify magically comes out of, and posted angry messages on social media (on servers also magically powered)?
Their CO2 emissions are offset by the blood and tears they spill on social media. They’re heroes, god damn you.
Things I did when I was a teenager:
1. Pierce my ear with a safety pin.
2. Lots of drugs.
3. Wear eyeliner and dye my hair blue.
4. Get drunk at random people’s houses.
5. Shoplift.
6. Not study.
7. Stay up all night eating Doritos and playing D&D.
8. Play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for two days straight.
9. Get in running gang fights involving bricks and skateboards.
10. Try to make the most concentrated coffee possible and drink it to get high.
Get in running gang fights involving bricks and skateboards
No Corn Pop?
No, although I did know a guy who went by Kurgan. No idea what his real name was. He was known for three things, mainly: having eaten an entire turkey by himself, being able to lift compact cars, and being a scary dude in a fight. Oh, and having a really cool leather jacket with the Danzig skull on the back.
Did he have a scar across his neck and a tendency to swordfight scotsmen?
Strangely, all things considered, it never came up.
Sounds like a dude from my neighborhood – I’ll just call him “dude” here since his nickname was in Spanish and doesn’t sounds so cool in English.
So my buddy had a Pinto which had spun a bearing so I was helping him get the engine stripped down to take it out so he could replace the bearings. I’d showed up early so we could strip everything off the engine block – alternator, manifolds, head, bell housing – we got it down to an empty engine bay with just the block with the crankshaft and pistons. “Dude” showed up to pull the engine.
I was expecting him to bring a an engine hoist or something. Nah, my buddy pushes a shopping cart over beside the Pinto and “Dude” just bends over, grabs the engine by the loosened mounts, and picks it up – scoots over and places it upside down in the shopping cart.
I think I just developed a hernia reading that.
Young Warty Hugeman?
Gah! I had an old Chevy 305 on an engine stand. I was trying to move the damn thing across some cracked concrete floor, and the whole thing just tipped over with my arms wrapped around the block. Needless to say I just let it go on its own merry way.
If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes…
Barrio Auto Maintenance 101
You ought to write an article about your youth and your motivations.
Everyone could spend the evening in a race to the bottom of who did the dumbest stuff (I will at least medal).
I road surfed on top of my ’76 Ford Pinto while my best friend (who I just taught to drive a manual transmission) drove down a gravel “Minimum Maintenance” Road.
Later in life, while on a job site in remote China, I climbed to the top of a glass melting furnace using a rickety bamboo ladder. Then I crossed from that roof to another using an even more rickety bamboo bridge with no hand rails. Halfway across it dawned on me that taking a risk like this
a) halfway around the world
b) in a place that uses heated glass cups as medicine
might not be the brightest idea I’ve ever had.
Dear lord I am so sick of that “the world is literally on fire” horseshit. Hey dumbasses, the world has ALWAYS had wildfires. ALWAYS! Every single fucking year the Amazon has fires.
What a bunch of sheep.
“Being a teenager sucks.“
Well,it can. Funny that most of the support for this comes back to “(public) school sucks”.
Frankly, my teenage years weren’t bad at all, mostly.
Me neither. In some ways, my college years sucked way more.
There was good and bad with my teenage years – mostly the frustration of being in a boring little suburb without much to do except drive around… and get high… and drink. And chase girls. And blow things up. Damn where’s my time machine?! I wanna go back!
It sucks even more when the world is literally on fire.
It sucks even more when supposed journalists don’t even understand what “literally” means.
Paging Q to the titties isle!
I’m pretty sure there are a few layers of linguistic, cultural, and probably religious nuances getting lost in that broadcast.
‘Battlestar Galactica’ Reboot, ‘Saved by the Bell’ Revival Among Peacock’s Initial Originals Slate
I can’t believe all of you will be watching Battlestar. I am shaming you in advance.
But not shaming them for watching Saved by the Bell??
Crusty doesn’t want to be called a hypocrite.
Good lord, it’s all recycled garbage. Punky Brewster and Saved by the Bell? You gotta be shitting me.
The people running these companies are uncreative and risk-adverse. It explains a lot about their business decisions outside of those politically motivated.
You know how much high quality sci fi is sitting out there that has never been adapted to a video format?
We could give everyone their SMOD fix, hire some competent writers to adapt Lucifers Hammer into a 4 season series. Season one deals with the events leading up to impact and ends with the sci fi spectacle, Season 2 deals with the immediate aftermath and everyone trying to get to the valley, Season 3 is recovery, and finally season 4 is fighting off the cannibal horde.
Don’t like that story line, pick any of hundreds of other classic Sci Fi books and comics that have never been adapted. Don’t want Sci Fi, great grab a Dan Brown or Tom Clancy book and make a Spy/international relations thriller series and we havn’t even started talking about doing something actually original
I am not shitting you.
Just wait until they get around to reboots of
Small Wonder, and Out Of This World (please note the use of footage from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century in the intro).
Small Wonder has to be the worst scripted show to ever make it to television.
Bummer about Hulu losing 30 Rock to a service I’m not paying for. (I’m guessing that’ll happen.)
“Kenneth, it’s ‘We Peacock Comedy.’ You say the peacock.”
You’ll pay for it, liar.
I could stumble blindfolded through the sci-fi section of any decent library and find a better story to base a series on than Battlestar.
Does it need to be rebooted again? The last one is barely lukewarm.
And, yes.
I could go blindfolded to my boxes of sci-fi novels and do better.
Pick a random Niven novel.
You could get at least 3 seasons out of Legacy of Heorot.
***spoiler alert***
Season 1: Landing to initial attack (season ends with main character walking up the mountain).
Season 2: Two camps thru the cleansing of the Grendels.
Season 3: Oops.
+10 Super oxygenated blood
Husker Adama > Kirk, Picard, et al
No kidding. It disgusts me that there are so many excellent stories already written, and just about all Hollywood can do is reboots and comic books.
Not from that hack and not on another fucking streaming service.
Yesterday, Not Adahn and I had a back and forth about ravens and crows in New York.
Apparently, the observation that they are largers here is not limited to us. The crow subspecies “Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos” or “eastern crow” is largest subspecies of American crow, and the one native to the area. Likewise, the local subspecies of Raven is “Corvus Corax Principalis” or “Northern Raven” which is second in size only to the Tebetan subspecies.
So I’ve got my music collection on random and I’m groovin’ through my shift when it hit me with a song I haven’t heard in 30+ years. Instantly, I was swept away, back to the childhood roller skating rink, drinking pina colada whips and lusting after the one girl who skate backwards and always monopolized the center of the rink. Enjoy –
The deja vu of hearing a song for the first time in fifteen years is one of the things the on demand music services have largely killed. For whatever reason there are some powerful memories that can be brought forward from that.
This is why I LOVE my Plex media server software so much; I can stream all of my home stuff to my phone, laptop or tv anywhere there is a phone or wifi signal. I’m a bit obsessive with my media collecting and almost always build complete discographies of artists I like. I can put it on random play and it will run about 18 months without repeating a track.
I only listen to my own library. And yeah, it’s full of stuff I haven’t heard in decades too.
Somebody is crazy
I think we have to face the truth that no one seems to want to admit. This is no longer a case of excessive narcissism or grandiosity. We’re not simply dealing with an unusually large ego.
The president of the United States is seriously, frighteningly, dangerously unstable. And he’s getting worse by the day.
Such a person in the Oval Office can do serious damage.
What to do? We can vote him out of office in 14 months’ time. But he could end the world in seven and a half seconds.
There’s also the question of whether he’ll willingly leave.
Can you imagine the lengths he will go to win? Will he get Russia to do more dirty work? Instruct the justice department to arrest his opponent? Issue an executive order banning anyone not born in the US from voting? Start another war?
Former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld recently tweeted that Trump is “a clear and present danger” to the US, with the hashtag “#25thAmendment”. Former Illinois representative Joe Walsh says the amendment should be “looked at”.
I wouldn’t completely rule out the 25th amendment, but the only thing that’s going to get Pence and a majority of Trump’s lieutenants to pull the plug before Trump pulls it on them may be so horrific that the damage done to America and the world would be way beyond anything we’ve experienced to date.
Which is to say, be careful what you wish for.
Pray that we make it through the next 14 months. Then do everything in your power to remove this man from office.
Robert Reich is very concerned. I think perhaps his mind reading superpowers have had an adverse effect on him. Pray for him.
Well if Bill Weld’s on board I say let’s do it.
But he could end the world in seven and a half seconds.
Yeah. Except for the fact that he’s been marginally less inclined toward foreign adventurism than our last three or four presidents.
When i was a kid learning about the 25th amendment, My teacher said “This was put in place during the Cold War due to fears that the president could be incapacitated and the ongoing succession, as well as the experience with Woodrow Wilson, but someday it will probably be used to perform a coup”. I thought it was kinda cool, to think of it like that.
Now we have people openly arguing that that is the purpose of the 25th amendment.
Also Robert Reich is insane. Indeed we should pray for him.
The president of the United States is seriously, frighteningly, dangerously unstable. And he’s getting worse by the day.
But Biden hasn’t won yet.
“What is… ‘progjection,’ Alex?”
“Correct! Pick again.”
Alex is playing final jeopardy.
Millions of Americans’ Medical Images and Data Are Available on the Internet. Anyone Can Take a Peek.
You guys want to see a picture of my artificial knee? This site might lose it’s family friendly accreditation in the process because of my third leg…
That whole article basically admits that the whole woke thing is unpersuasive. No wonder they hate free speech.
Back when the Montana State faculty were engaged in their (ultimately successful) struggle to reject a Koch Foundation research grant, that was something which really stood out, to me. “OMG, if these kids ever get a whiff of Public Choice Theory, we’ll lose them forever! We cannot risk allowing the pernicious heresies of conservatism to infect our campus!”
It’s as if they know they have no effective counter argument, and so they must erect a wall to keep the badthink out.
It’s all public school is – the Left took it over and we’re reaping what a hundred years of Prog brainwashing can do to a country.
List: AFL-CIO’s 37 reasons to vote against Trump
Ummm…more OSHA!!!! MORE OSHA!!!!!!!!!!
AFL-CIO dislikes Trump?
One more point in favor of the Orange Man.
The administrators do. I think the rank and file rather like him, being the protectionist he is and all.
That’s funny. The biggest Trump fans I know are all union guys.
In local news… UAW protests are ongoing, and fscking idiotic. The plant had to negotiate with the city to do something about their “parking lot” which is basically abandoned at this point (but still has the sign that import cars must park in the back).
So the GM vehicles made in Mexico have to pull around to the back while the Hondas made in the US park in front? I mean, that’s how it works, right?
I agree with whoever observed that an awful lot of people are animists, regardless of their claimed religion or lack thereof.
There is also another common religious impulse against people having unsanctioned fun.
An SSC article derived from the latter:
I thought about something similar the other day. Some clear evidence that the state has taken the role of God to the left is that even stating that you are a-political, and don’t really want to talk about government is a sin. It’s akin to being an Atheist amongst religious zealots.
—Butters Scotch
Those case studies made my blood boil.
And he makes a great point that applies to so many things:
It’s amazing how many doctors and bureaucrats get offended when you ask questions and demonstrate knowledge. How dare you not be inferior?!!
This this this. I always tell people that media reporting on studies is worse than worthless, but I still get “progressives” telling me “actually, I read a study that showed that [non-Leftist viewpoint] has been discredited” and it turns out to be not a study but a fucking article on Salon, Slate, or Mother Jones.
Just as an aside – has it ever occurred to you that “” is exactly what it sounds like? A bunch of women and a sprinkling of effeminate men whining about stupid bullshit to fill the void in their lives of pure luxury?
Boy did you ever light my fire today.
My brother died of appendiceal cancer a couple weeks ago. This is a rare cancer that is hard to diagnose. It almost always spread to the intestines and gets called colorectal cancer because the people doing the coding are too lazy/overworked to actually read the full report and pick something right away instead of sending an email to the doctor and waiting a couple days for a reply.
Anyway, he was in agonizing pain for nearly 4 months. He was a pharmacist – he had access to all kinds of drugs and knew how to maniuplate inventory to get what he needed. But he refused to take anything unless a doctor prescribed it – he would occasionally take Tylenol or Advil but even two doses a day was unusual for him. And he didn’t drink. He was WELL versed in the hassles of the medical system and controlled substances, and he didn’t want the hassles unless a doctor was involved.
To shorten the story, after a couple months of doctors trying to figure out what the issue was, they did exploratory surgery to find the tumor at his appendix – surgeon said it was pressing against a nerve and other organs and that it was too dangerous to remove without causing further damage – the recommended course of action would be to reduce the tumor with chemotherapy and then removing the tumor and the appendix would be safer BUT there would likely have to be a second surgery to remove parts of the intestine where the cancer had spread if the chemo didn’t fully do the trick. Basically, Stage 4. Surgeon tried to be positive, and being a small town the doctor was aware of my brother’s profession as a pharmacist because they had spoken on the phone a couple times over the years in the course of their jobs.
Anyway, I’m visiting my brother in the hospital about 30 miles from his home) as he was recovering from the exploratory surgery – he needed to recover from this before any chemo could begin. He was still in agonizing pain and had difficulty sleeping – I spent a couple nights in the hospital with him and I could tell. He was on 25mg Fentanyl and low-dose Percocet. This would work about 30-45 minutes after taking, but the effect only lasted about 2 hours. But he couldn’t get 2 hours of sleep because of constant interruptions for blood draws and various other procedures. But I remember him specifically telling me, “Don’t tell any of the nurses or other docs that I’m a pharmacist – I want to see what they want to tell me first, and then I want to see how they react after I ask questions.”
Basically, he knew the medical system had been hijacked by government and patient care took a back seat to power struggles amongst the professions loaded with oversized egos: bureaucrats and doctors. Inflated egos coupled with paranoia. Fuckin’ guy never had a chance.
So we’re going through his effects after the funeral. He was an avid reader of military history, archeology, science fiction, and economics. Basically, the perfect Glib except that he wanted nothing to do with computers when he wasn’t at work. I’ve got a lot of books I have to to trough and find homes for, but here is one I kept for myself that I started reading:
(hopefully the link works)
It’s a bit of a shame because early on we were expecting that he’d be able to do physical therapy and get strong enough to the point where he could move in with me while doing chemotherapy as I have the most flexible work schedule and could be around him most hours of the day. Sadly pain management in this country is a government taboo now and thus he could never get enough sleep to even be able to handle physical therapy.
Maybe in a couple years when I have the time I can write a series of posts about this whole mess. But your link is great and I would encourage people that are interested, especially anyone who know somebody interest in becoming a doctor, to look for the book I linked. It’s a little academic-y, but it sure dispels a lot of the government propaganda people are subjected to without knowing it.
Sorry for your loss and hadn’t heard your news before.
series of posts – I would love to read it. Maybe start slow with no particular posting date and decide later when it’s ready.
Damn. Sorry for your loss and truly sounds likes an honorary Glib.
Also sorry for your loss.
Losing someone close to us is never easy. May his memory bring you strength and remind you how precious life is.
There is also another common religious impulse against people having unsanctioned fun.
Demonic possession?
Dayton, OH: a fund for the victims of the Oregon District mass shooting has reached about $3 million. The committee established to determine how the funds will be distributed came up with: 75% to go to the families of the dead victims (9, including the shooter’s sister, so I assume the shooter’s parents will get a payout) ; 20% for injured victims who were hospitalized for at least 48 hrs; and 5% for the remaining victims treated by a doctor or hospital. There were 27 to 40 reported injuries, depending on the source. Wikipedia says 27 and 15 of the 27 were discharged from the hospital the same day as the shooting.
And now some of the “lesser” victims are complaining that every victim should receive an equal share.
Frankly, I don’t understand the purpose of the fund. Other than paying funeral costs for the dead and paying the medical costs not covered by insurance for the injured, what’s the point of the additional money other than to help the contributors feel better about themselves?
Yeah, I was wondering why do the families of dead victims need $250,000 each? For what? Certainly not funeral expenses.
I read an article where a mother of a shooting victim from another state came in town to show support for the victims. She said she couldn’t go back to her job as a result of the shooting death of her child and that income needs to be replaced.
I can understand extreme grief for the death of a child, but why does a highly publicised “shooting” death get treated more lucratively than other deaths?
Also, some victims are raising a stink about the shooter’s parents getting $250k.
The Women’s March Finally Dumped Linda Sarsour – And Replaced Her With Someone Worse
Jooz r the debil!
Russia in RSA ??
Verified account
The USSR is often accused of invading Poland. Wrong! The Nazis attacked Poland on 1 September. It was not until 17 September, with Polish government fleeing & forces defeated, that the Red Army entered “Polish territories” – Belarus and Ukraine occupied by Warsaw since 1920
I’m sure in Russia this logic makes sense, but to those who don’t suffer from wet brain the logic is hard to follow
I can see their claim, though I disagree with it.
They assert that the land didn’t really belong to poland, so invading it wasn’t invading poland.
Maybe that land would have still been Russian if they hadn’t bowed out of World War I.
They liberated Eastern Europe for 45 years. Whycome not grateful?
good and hard.
‘You are not our pimp’: Tulsi Gabbard accuses Trump of placing US troops under command of ‘Islamist dictator’
I’m in love.
You’d have to be pretty good at the pimp game to have a smoke show like Tulsi working for you…..wait what was she talking about?
Tulsi working out.
There is absolutely no point to these work out videos (she has a few that she’s posted) other than to say “Man, isn’t she hot? Vote Tulsi!”.
Maybe she can talk foreign policy while sunbathing. People might finally listen
I’m holding out for strip voting.
Quit being a pervert. Her vigorous workout videos make her standout from her competitors – she is the most physically fit candidate by far. She is an inspiration.
My vote is for sale but it will take more than these lame videos to buy it, if you know what I mean…
Good morning Sloop and all the rest of you beautiful people!
Man, there is no better way to start the day than with a little Madness!
It makes up for the aggravating lynx. It’s quite literally the best time to be alive and people are spending their days being miserable. Sad, really.
Happy Constitution Day! Make it a great one!
I applaud your positivity – it’s an inspiration. I also want to throw tomatoes at you.
Make it Romas, would you? Winter is coming and I want to gorge while they are fresh.
Oh my goodness.
What the Dems are doing to Kavanaugh is beyond anything in recent memory. Talk about banana republic monkeys, Jesus. It is beyond words and I would say beyond civil behavior, creeping over into criminal. Who would have ever thought what they did to Justice Thomas was them pulling their punches a bit?
Omar….and the left claims Trump is the Manchurian candidate…based on nothing whatsoever, yet their own party itself is dead set on turning the country into a pile of ashes.
Comedy…we are starting to see some pushback. At some point there will be bloody noses. I have never seen the country so divided politically or socially.
NYC really does hate its own citizens. Ban hotdogs? buildings? statues? Seems city govt is pining for the days of the old USSR and trying to turn their city into the cold, grey, hopeless spiritual wasteland and a monument to hell.
People are leaving at around 300 per day? and how many moving in? How long before we have Detroit on the Hudson?
What the hell does ICE have to do with intellectual property? That is a bit out of their wheelhouse, isn’t it?
“That’s not how it’s supposed to go. I understand one shot to stop the people, the victims or whatever, but aggressively to shoot these little teens, that’s overkill. That’s too much to handle,” said an unidentified male, who was reportedly related to one of the teens who died.”
That is exactly how it is supposed to go. Dummy. Arbitrarily put other people’s lives in danger they are liable to put yours in danger. Little teens….lemme guess…they were good boys who just made a little mistake.
“What the Dems are doing to Kavanaugh is beyond anything in recent memory.”
I heard an interesting theory about why this is happening, and why now. So, the issue at hand is that the dems are realizing that odds are very high Trump could end up with another SCOTUS pick before the 2020 election, and that if he wins that election, this is an all but given thing. Right now they feel OK, because even though on paper it looks like the SCOTUS is split 5-4 for the conservatives, they own Roberts’ ass and can “persuade” him whenever they feel the need to side with their cause (or else). They own Roberts because he wants to remain popular (at the fucking cocktail parties) and because he is a god damned pussy and will cave in whenever they publish some hit piece on him (even if the thing is all bullshit).
If Trump puts a 6th judge on the court, then their Roberts card evaporates. Queue the new operation to put Kavanaugh in the same situation so they now have 2 wild cards to use if the balance goes to 6-3. To achieve this the demcorats and their agents are willing to do anything and everything to bring Kavanaugh to heel.
My take is that this operation will backfire, and do so badly for these cunts, as it not only makes people like me now determined to vote Trump while holding my nose, but will also make a lot of people push hard on the people trying to produce the bullshit intended to bring Kavanaugh to heel.
Kav’s treatment is going to have the opposite intended effect and that’s why they urgently *MUST* get him out..
“Kav is not an impartial judge b/c we’ve been defaming him and destroying his life”
“Using the term “boofing” in 1982 has the same meaning as what urban dictionary says its meaning is now. And geeze, why did Kavanaugh freak out after we accused him of being a gang rapist? What is he hiding?”
– “journalist”
The three youths got what was coming to them I’m afraid. Once you put on a mask and jack a guy at gunpoint all bets are off.
People are leaving at around 300 per day? and how many moving in?
I’m surprised more aren’t leaving. That’s only 10,000/year, not much in the scheme of things.
How many moving in? Probably nearly that many, if not more. Mostly immigrants. Urban areas are still immigration magnets, is my understanding.
I thought the 300 was the net loss.
It was a defeat, but they bought Athens time to mobilize and it led inexorably to Platea.
Everyone ignores the Thespians at Thermopylae, even though they brought more than the Spartans.
My high school drama teacher was widely rumored to be a Thespian.
Good. We’re full up.
Rule of Threes: Cokie Roberts?
Tom Brokaw must be freaking out right now.
“My one regret is that I didn’t give more lap dances to dubya dubya two vets”
something something Lou Reed
Still haven’t found Hale Boggs’ body either!
“Biden Wants Special Status To Allow Venezuelans To Come To America”
If Trump were smart, he would have done the same thing a while ago. Take a guess how refugees from former socialist countries vote? Which is why I doubt this will gain currency among other Democratic nominees
“Take a guess how refugees from former socialist countries vote?”
Yep, which is why Jerry Brown tried like hell to keep Vietnamese boat people out of California in the ’70s.
People often forget that when Obama ended the embargo against Cuba, he simultaneously ended asylum for Cubans who land in the US.
If Trump were smart, he would have done the same thing a while ago.
Maybe. Doing so makes it harder to enforce his policy on “You ain’t a refugee to us if you travelled across another country to get here”.
O/T random musing: Just heard Keb Mo’s “Life is Beautiful” on the Comfort from Above (satellite radio,) and it occurred to me that he’s kinda like a new Taj Mahal (singer, not building.) Gotta explore further.
I assume what you wrote is English, but I can’t decipher the code.
Srsly? Folks below got it OK.
More traditional than Taj Mahal.
I’ve only seen him Keb Mo once.
I have a very specific memory of cranking Keb Mo while driving my boss’s Diamante (back when Mitsubishi still made cool cars) at a high rate of speed.
They did an album together a couple yeas ago.
Pardon my boston accent
His America the Beautiful is wonderful.
Athletic subscribers:
Down Goes Brown: Looking back on the Western Conference offseason with the Bizarro-meter
Wild win!
McIndoe is one of my favorite writers. He did the Eastern conference yesterday.
Damn, it’s good to have hockey back!
Zucc! You guys got him now?
Yup. Too long of a contract but I think he’ll fit in.
You’ll love him. Such a fun player.
Norm Macdonald
@Shanemgillis Hey, Shane, I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how you must feel. The work it takes to get that show and to have it snatched away by some guy who does “Spoken Bird” poetry. Unacceptable. Please DM me, pal, when you have a moment. I’m so sorry.
It would appear that only comedians who started out in the 90’s or before still have a sense of humor.
Naw, I think there are plenty of young comedians who get it.
Like Andrew Schulz
From the comments:
Dan “Dan Schultz” Schultz ??
Replying to @normmacdonald @Shanemgillis
How hard is it to just not punch down though (and then also not go out of your way to publicly support the dude who punched down)
Under Cover Tanker
His getting fired proves he was in fact punching up
“punching down” is another horseshit concept I am so sick of. Comedians can, and should, make fun of everyone. You fucks aren’t special.
And, furthermore, it’s not even true. No one cares if you make fun of trailer park white trash yokels, who are about as far down the totem pole as anyone.
Punching down is a meaningless, “woke” internet phrase that really is meaningless, and anyone who uses it should be canceled.
There is plenty of great comedy out there, and if you actually gave a shit you would find it and support it.
I subscribe to Gas Digital. Don’t comedy shame me!
You openly support Proud Boy-loving Nazis?
No. I support Christian conservative podcasts like Dave Smith and androgynous dwarfs like Michael Malice
I subscribe to both Gas Digital and Compound Media, so I am like the most Nazi supporter ever.
See Compound Media is a step too far. I just wait for Night Shade to be posted the next day. But, I got to get my bible verses live from Dave Smith and Robby the Fire (aka “King of the ‘Cuacs”)
You’re worse than Que Tucker
I had to look that up.
Spoken bird poetry
Honest question, is that supposed to be funny?
I honestly don’t know. Upper class white liberal urbanites are impossible to parody anymore
What the hell was that shit?
Punching down on people who identify as birds.
What an asshole.
“You need to unionize bro. Then go on strike”
Even YouTube commenters occasionally get in some good zingers.
The fuck? That HAS to be done in jest.
Someone dropped that fucker on his head once too often…
The bird is the word?
TItty Tuesday has the dirt on Kavanaugh.
Can’t wait for Thot Thursday
Nazi news
There is a rally planned in support of a group of North Carolina cheerleaders placed on probation by local education officials after they posed in uniform with a Trump 2020 banner, contravening a policy on political campaign materials.
The cheerleaders at North Stanly High School were pictured with the Trump flag at their football team’s game on August 30 where the evening’s theme was “Red, White and Blue.”
They posed with the flag’s owners Carson Palmer and Matthew Mangham, both juniors at the same school, in an incident that landed them all in front of the principal a few days later.
Following a probe by the Stanly County Board of Education, the students were found to have breached the rules banning the distribution of political campaign materials on school grounds, WCNC reported.
Moreover, because the cheerleaders were in uniform representing the school, it could have been perceived as the institution endorsing a political campaign, which is also prohibited under the rules.
North Carolina High School Athletic Association Commissioner Que Tucker told The Stanly News & Press that one of their organization’s rules is “every contest should be conducted in a wholesome, athletic environment.”
“We take that to mean that it’s in an environment where good sportsmanship is shown, where people feel safe…that respect for all people participating is being shown,” Tucker told the newspaper about the decision to place the girls on probation.
Prima facie evidence of racism. Those girls should be kicked out of school.
“Que Tucker”
I hate this guy based on his name alone.
Normal human being: That’s an interesting name. How do you pronounce it?
Que: Like “cue”
Normal human being: Then why is it not spelled like that?
Que: *single tear rolls down eyes* *he turns his back* Shut up
Is he from Barcelona?
breached the rules banning the distribution of political campaign materials on school grounds,
Posing with a flag is not distributing materials.
respect for all people participating is being shown
Well, except those filthy Trump supporters.
I’d love to witness some of the parent-principal meetings this week.
Meanwhile public schools are naming themselves after The One.
Goddamnit, I was hoping we’d be spared the deluge of Obama-renaming at least until that egomaniac was in the dirt.
Oh well, at least we can take some small comfort that a public school named after Obama exemplifies his legacy perfectly – government trying to run something and failing miserably.
Sheila Jackson: “I’m a moron and I can prove it.”
“I don’t know what else it takes but I don’t believe we can stop at the door of the United States House. I believe there will have to be an emergence of members of the House flooding the United States Senate for Senator McConnell to understand that these initiatives today, my gun storage bill, my bill that I’ve introduced dealing with the caliber weapon, I’ve held an AR-15 in my hand, I wish I had it. It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving and the bullet that is utilized, a .50-caliber, these kinds of bullets need to be licensed and do not need to be on the street,” she said recently on Capitol Hill.
In July, Jackson Lee introduced several gun control bills in the House, which would ban the possession of firearms over .50 caliber and restrict individuals “from storing a firearm in a residence” where someone “under 18 is likely to get access to the firearm without their permission.” The legislation would “exempt those individuals who keep their firearms or ammunition secured, unloaded, and separately in a safe certified by the Attorney General and locked with a certified lock, or if it’s stored at a gun range or storage facility that is certified by the Attorney General.”
“We’re at a domestic crisis and it’s toxic and it’s combined with hatred and besides the toxicity of hate, we have guns, and we cannot wait any longer,” she said. “We’re good people in Texas but we’re frightened and so what I’m hearing from people is they are frightened, that they believe they cannot live in this kind of status and definition of what Texas is.”
It’s stupid but she ‘s obviously talking about a Barrett 50 cal type rifle and misspoke.
Because there have been so many crimes committed by people using a Barrett lite-fifty.
A Barrett weighs around 30 pounds. IOW, the weight of approximately one medium to large sized moving box.
Looks like a new one costs about $10k before you mount a scope then zero it with some $3 a round ammo.
I wonder what gun she held? A buddy used to have a Beowulf AR. or she could be confused. She does have a walk in freezer level IQ.
To be charitable, she might not know the difference between an AR-15 and a Ma Deuce… which would actually weight as much as ten moving boxes… but I doubt she would be strong enough to hod one… or ten moving boxes for that matter…
Never mind.
Honestly, I wonder if she is mentally competent. As in, if she came in to the ED and blathered like that, would we require someone else to give informed consent for her?
Because that’s some flat out delusional shit, right there.
AOC, Omar, Lee, Johnson, Tlaib. Meet your finalists on Congress’ Got Tardation 2019.
“what I’m hearing from people is they are frightened”
Yes, fear is always the best possible motivator for creating policy that affects hundreds of millions of people; especially when that policy nullifies Constitutionally protected rights.
What does it say about our other legislators that this obvious mental incompetent still voted against the Iraq War?
Stopped clock right twice a day and all that.
Blind squirrel can suck my nuts, I think the saying goes.
She didn’t so much vote against war as against Booosh
Linked story from that page:
Rep. Jackson Lee: Taliban ‘Thriving’ on Bolton’s Firing
Anti Bush sounds about right.
ban the possession of firearms over .50 caliber
So muskets? I thought those were supposed to be the only guns we were allowed to possess because that’s what we had in 1790?
Muskets, and big game rifles. Trying to recall if there are even any wildcat rounds that are bigger than .50.
Most shotguns bigger than .410 would also qualify since they can use slugs.
Good point.
Absolutely. Forgotten Weapons has you covered
And that’s not even counting the 2-bore rifles that fire a 3500 grain slug.
Oh, there are quite a few up to 75 caliber. BTW, are shotguns included in this ban?
Also, this is based on, as usual, a fundamentally mistaken premise: That caliber is all that important.
A Brown Bess is a Military Style firearm. Plebs don’t need those.
Firearms over .50 cal, unless they have a sporting exception from the ATF, are already classified as Destructive Devices and require NFA paperwork.
Supposedly the .950 JDJ has a “sporting purpose exemption” from the BATF.
So, you’re hunting Panzer IIs?
Brown Bess is a .75 cal. 1795 Springfield and 1687 Charleville are .69 cal. So yea, she knows nothing and/or they are coming after ALL firearms because something something militia.
Ima go with “and”.
1767 Char…
restrict individuals “from storing a firearm in a residence” where someone “under 18 is likely to get access to the firearm without their permission.”
easily solved. Give your kids permission.
Pish. As applied, “likely to get access” will include, “breaking in and stealing”. So, all guns must be stored at home “unloaded, and separately in a safe certified by the Attorney General and locked with a certified lock”.
And, gee, how many (if any) safes will be certified by the AG, and what will those cost?
In a safe with a biometric lock, behind a moat stocked with pirhanas and an electrified fence patrolled by rabid cheetahs.
With a time lock that only opens on the 29th of February when the full moon is directly overhead in a hailstorm.
You’ll probably have to have two safes, one for the guns and a separate one for the ammo.
Not Adahn, I’m going to ahve to fine you $30,000 per animal per day for your illegal pirhanas and cheetahs. Plus charge you with animal abuse for letting the cheetahs catch rabies. And that electric fence is a violation of the Green Enclosures Act and that moat violates the WOTUS rules.
Lets see that comes to….
Thirteen billion dollars per day and sixteen centuries in prison.
So, let me get this straight. “Shall not be infringed” means it’s ok to restrict someone from storing their lawfully owned firearm in their own residence?
Fuck off, slaver
If only the 2A protected the right to “keep” arms. Stupid Founders.
There’s no end to the trouble that Trump is causing.
The Arizona Supreme Court granted businesses a right to discriminate against same-sex couples on Monday. By a 4–3 vote, the court carved an exemption into Phoenix’s human rights ordinance to let businesses refuse to sell custom wedding invitations to gay customers. The decision is rooted in the Arizona Constitution and is thus effectively insulated from review by the U.S. Supreme Court. It also contains no clear principle limiting its reach to same-sex couples or to custom invitations—potentially giving Arizona wedding vendors a broad right to discriminate in the name of free speech.
Good on Arizona.
Free association should not be the dead letter that it has become.
Free association, still dead.
This was a freedom of speech case.
Exactly my point.
The correct answer is “The business doens’t have to do business with you. End of.”
Gotcha. Read too fast.
Shocking, that a constitutionally protected right overrides a statute. Where will the madness end?
Also, love the way Slate calls the business owners “anti-gay”. Its possible, but I doubt it. You can be opposed to gay marriage, and not be anti-gay, you know.
“You can be opposed to gay marriage, and not be anti-gay, you know.”
Nope. Everything is binary. Much like if you don’t praise prostitution then you obviously want them locked in a cage. Get out of here with your crazy talk about “freedom” and “live and let live”.
“Everything is binary.”
Nuh uh. The gender police would like a few words with you.
You can even have a neutral or even favorable view of gays while simultaneously believing that private businesses shouldn’t be forced to cater to them… But I guess anything more than an immediate visceral emotional response is too complex for “progressives”.
the court carved an exemption into Phoenix’s human rights ordinance to let businesses refuse to sell custom wedding invitations to gay customers.
But cake baking?
Bake the Gay Jewish Nazi Cake, CPA
Fine, but it will be a Duncan Hines mix. I cannot vouch for his wokeness.
But cake baking?
As near as I can tell, you can still force people to bake that cake as long as it isn’t decorated with words. Fuckin’ weak-ass decision, IMO.
granted businesses a right to discriminate
Or acknowledged self-ownership and free-association.
I’m going to take a wild guess that this wording is not accurate.
Upthread someone mentions FOS, a commenter who is gone. Who was FOS?
The dude with the fat naked guy avatar that isn’t CJ.
Wasn’t he banned for racial epithets? Or was that someone else?
Either way, you know you messed up when people who crack jokes about a Sasquatch intent on raping people say “whoa, dude, that’s too far”
Here? I don’t remember anyone here using racial epithet in earnest. The only time it comes up people are being…well…glib.
Yeah, I am not a big fan of banning anyone but that might be a bit over the line even for me.
Did I just make the argument I am always bitching about other people making? Dammit.
Neo-Segregation continues apace.
And how is it these shitstains are not being sued?
b/c only the proggie types are interested and they all subscribe to the latest fad theory of racism that white people can’t be discriminated against.
So… not science.
Clearly, if they’re going to bar people based on irrelevent factors.
I just wish the students were wise enough to go “No thanks, we don’t need this” and simply not show up.
Is that where all of the Phrenology classes are held?
new thread !
Don’t announce things like that.
Last comment
Unless the thread gets locked, there is no last comment.
Last comment
Or is it?
The fact that I have the last comment
So you admit to having a love of necroposting?
Good to know.
Last comment
you thought you would have the last comment, but it was me,
diothe guy who got busy at 11AM and just got to reading the comments!