This week Krugman declared DEMOCRACY IS DEAD!!!, which explains why it suddenly got dark out.
Did it die in darkness? Well, that will depend if you paid enough to keep the lights on.
Democracies used to collapse suddenly, with tanks rolling noisily toward the presidential palace. In the 21st century, however, the process is usually subtler.
Authoritarianism is on the march across much of the world, but its advance tends to be relatively quiet and gradual, so that it’s hard to point to a single moment and say, this is the day democracy ended. You just wake up one morning and realize that it’s gone.
In their 2018 book “How Democracies Die,” political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt documented how this process has played out in many countries, from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, to Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey, to Viktor Orban’s Hungary. Bit by bit the guardrails of democracy were torn down, as institutions meant to serve the public became tools of the ruling party, then were weaponized to punish and intimidate that party’s opponents. On paper these countries are still democracies; in practice they have become one-party regimes.
And the events of the past week have demonstrated how this can happen right here in America.
Does this book by chance mention anything about the bloody English? You know that island with terrible looking women that voted on something in the past couple years the government has gone to great lengths to ignore? I’m going to go out on a limb before I look this up– you probably said it was going to be terrible for them to vote leave….
….I was right!
At first Sharpiegate, Donald Trump’s inability to admit that he misstated a weather projection by claiming that Alabama was at risk from Hurricane Dorian, was kind of funny, even though it was also scary — it’s not reassuring when the president of the United States can’t face reality. But it stopped being any kind of joke on Friday, when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a statement falsely backing up Trump’s claim that it had warned about an Alabama threat.
Why is this frightening? Because it shows that even the leadership of NOAA, which should be the most technical and apolitical of agencies, is now so subservient to Trump that it’s willing not just to overrule its own experts but to lie, simply to avoid a bit of presidential embarrassment.
Think about it: If even weather forecasters are expected to be apologists for Dear Leader, the corruption of our institutions is truly complete.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Who. The. Fuck. Cares. Have hurricanes ever hit Alabama? Yeah. Have hurricanes changed course with no advance warning? Yeah. Is Alabama located somewhere near where they were expecting the hurricane to hit? Yeah, sure.
None if that matters because it blasted all over the Bahamas, changed course, and will now plow through Nova Scotia.
If it did hit Alabama, and no warning was given at all, you;re enough of a scroungy little fuck to blame the Oranje man for not seeing it coming. It must be nice to be a dishonest asshat like Krugman that has no bearing on anything resembling reality, because he can find any way to pretend he’s smarter than everyone else. I even picked up a Trump sharpie from his campaign website, look what I can do with it!
Which brings me to a much more important case, the Justice Department’s decision to investigate automakers for the crime of trying to act responsibly.
The story so far: As part of its jihad against environmental regulation, the Trump administration has declared its intention to roll back Obama-era rules mandating a gradual rise in fuel efficiency.
You might think that the auto industry would welcome this invitation to keep on polluting. In fact, however, automakers have already based their business plans on the assumption that fuel efficiency standards will indeed rise.
Well shit. Maybe it has something to do with the increasing fuel efficiency regulations that have been in place since the 70’s? This whole saving gas thing just popped up out of nowhere like the last time you had an akward boner while watching Bob Ross?
They don’t like seeing their plans upended — in part, one suspects, because they understand that the reality of climate change will eventually force the reinstatement of those rules. So they have actually opposed Trump’s deregulation, which they warn would lead to “an extended period of litigation and instability.”
And several companies have gone beyond protesting. In a remarkable rebuke to the administration, they have reached an agreement with the state of California to comply with standards nearly as restrictive as the Obama rules even if the federal government is no longer requiring them.
Now, according to The Wall Street Journal, the Justice Department is considering bringing an antitrust action against those companies, as if agreeing on environmental standards were a crime comparable to, say, price-fixing.
They are agreeing to something as an industry that affects the overall cost of ownership of a product exclusive to that industry, that sells products to literally everybody in the country. I will wait for you to explain why this is not somehow subject to antitrust laws….
This would be disturbing even if it came from an administration that had previously showed some interest in actual antitrust policy. Coming from people who heretofore haven’t indicated any concerns about monopoly power, it’s clearly an attempt at weaponizing antitrust actions, turning them into a tool of intimidation.
And it’s also clear evidence that the Justice Department has been thoroughly corrupted. In less than three years it has been transformed from an agency that tries to enforce the law to an organization dedicated to punishing Trump’s opponents.
You clearly paid no attention to that whole FISA thing in the news, because only team-red friendly outlets are reporting it.
Who’s next? In at least two cases, Trump appears to have tried to use his power to punish Amazon, whose founder, Jeff Bezos, owns The Washington Post, which the president considers (like this newspaper) to be an enemy. First he pushed for an increase in the post office’s package shipping rates, which would hurt Amazon’s delivery costs; then the Pentagon suddenly announced that it was re-examining the process for awarding a huge cloud-computing project that Amazon was widely expected to win.
In each case it’s hard to prove that these were efforts to weaponize government functions against domestic critics. But who are we kidding? Of course they were.
The point is that this is how the slide to autocracy happens. Modern de facto dictatorships don’t usually murder their opponents (although Trump has been fulsome in his praise for regimes that do, in fact, rely on brute force). What they do, instead, is use their control over the machinery of government to make life difficult for anyone considered disloyal, until effective opposition withers away.
And it’s happening here as we speak. If you aren’t worried about the future of American democracy, you aren’t paying attention.
I am worried…I am worried Shit-weasels like you will eventually be in charge. The difference between you and me, is I don’t like the government meddl8g in the market regardless of the asshole in charge. Tell me, did you give a flying fuck about Obama’s antitrust actions in telecom, private health insurance, oil/gas…even a merger between Staples and Office Depot. Seriously, did team Obama think thy were going to corner the printer paper market and jack up prices of reams of printer paper? Who the fuck else will sell me pens!?!? How much of a shit-weasel do you have to be to argue against one president’s obscene meddling in the market and are perfectly okay with it when your prefered asshole wants to screw with the market?

Don’t forget to cup the balls, schmuck.
Hillary said something similar. Well, she would know.
Does anyone see Krugnuts as anything other than a partisan hack? Can anyone with a modicum of ntellectual honesty come to any other conclusion?
Whoa there Bob. I don’t think partisan hacks deserve that much of an insult. They are bad but…..geez.
He’s like a slightly more articulate Don Lemon
Democracy collapses into tyranny? Who knew?
I can tell you who. Anyone that has read even a moderate amount of history. This is why the founders specifically avoided creating a democracy. It is also why the left so desperately wants democracy.
This is why my seemingly petty complaint of ‘We aren’t a democracy, dumbass’ isn’t so petty, any more than my protestation ‘You cant have my guns, asshole’.
It is fascinating and frightening at the same time to watch the left come out of the closet to bluster and threaten for full on totalitarianism.
The pervasive “our democracy” talk has been a deliberate ploy to shift the overton window IMO. They’ve been employing it at least since I was a kid in the 80’s. Ask any random pedestrian what kind of system we live under and indelibly “democracy” will be the response. What government schools were careful to leave out was that democracy always = oligarchy wherever, whenever it’s been attempted.
Sometimes with a stop by citizen’s committees of terror along the way.
I vote that we stop referring to ourselves as a democracy, who’s with me?
Can you demonstrate your credentials? What is your victimhood score?
Victimhood is down in the negatives. I do have a black son, does that help?
Is he a real black, or does he act all white and stuff?
It got Deblasio a mayoralty.
Democracy collapsing into tyranny was a major point in Plato’s Republic.
Democracies always collapse in an avalanche of corruption and stupidity. If history was taught properly, that would be the lesson they learned from Athens onward. Our Founders were properly educated – that’s why they established a Republic, not a Democracy.
That’s one piss poor crossword puzzle.
*golf clap*
Yes, but you have to admire the artwork.
How much of a shit-weasel do you have to be to argue against one president’s obscene meddling in the market and are perfectly okay with it when your prefered asshole wants to screw with the market?
The same who conveniently forgets which president actually surveilled journalists and which just bitched about them on Twitter.
+1 Trillion dollar coin and toss in 1 fake alien invasion.
I only read Winston’s Mom’s comments. I literally cannot bring myself to read Krugman’s drivel.
I can’t promise I wouldn’t write absolute pablum for what Krugman makes, so I can hardly blame him for cashing the checks… but it must sting a little to have a career as a respected economist go up in smoke just to please nitwit leftists week after week. I hope, anyway.
Agree. If I could make more money telling people what they want to hear, I’d change careers in an instant. The market wants what the market wants.
Orban: won his election opposing the mandates of the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels in the face of Soros’ organizations foreign interference.
Putin: Is popular, and wins elections, but also kills critics and opponents rewards cronies lavishly, and then jails them if they deviate from his party line.
Erdogan: Is an Islamist dictator who routinely jails critics and shutters media outlets
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong.
The Russian lament also struck me as odd. They’ve been subject to and glorifying strongmen for a thousand years. When was this mystical time when Russia was a strong democracy, Yeltsin? Not buying it.
Doesn’t matter. The only point was to put “Putin” and “Trump” in the same article and let reader draw xer own conclusions.
The whole Trump and Putin are mirror images/superuberallies is easily the most retarded talking point of this age that future generations will hopefully dismiss as the rehashed red scare that it is. When you look at actual policy positions taken by the Trump administration I’d say it leans slightly antagonistic.
What’s the Novgorod Republic, chopped liver?
Too bad it was over by the time America was discovered.
Hmm. I might want to buy that pen for the lolz
I do have a tiger repealing rock I’d part with…for a price.
Repelling even
I would like to purchase your rock.
You’ll have to wait in line behind Dee Snider.
Boo. Boo I say. Boo.
::hangs head in shame::
MyWinston’s mom says I’m cool‘As part of its jihad against environmental regulation, the Trump administration has declared its intention to roll back Obama-era rules mandating a gradual rise in fuel efficiency.’
As Winston’s Mom noted, Krugnuts has no problem with executive overreach in and of itself, he just gets pissy when the wrong people do it. I’m sure fapping to authoritative China is an effective way to release the frustration for the poor fella.
The blatant hypocrisy of the left is shown clearly in their attacks on Trump for ‘autocratic’ behavior like undoing Obama’s executive orders, via executive order. While simultaneously ignoring China’s actual authoritarian actions. It’s even more blatant because China is acting autocratically by ignoring any and all environmental harms caused by their military and industrial build up, supposedly the great threat we must surrender our liberty to combat.
No, Trump’s a massive authoritarian. He’s gonna ban: cars (CARS?!?!) airplanes, guns, plastic straws, cows, steak, burgers, bacon (BACON!?!?) old buildings and a myriad of other things. Worse, he’s gonna ban them without the help of congress. Yup, all by executive fiat. That monster!
“You can pry my bacon from my cold, dead, greasy hands!”
If it is in your hands you aren’t eating fast enough
island with terrible looking women
Page 3 girls have a sad.
Hey, did ya have fun in PA?
I got a cold and the drive back was hell on my leg.
I did get to see my friend’s restaurant and visit a few cousins. I brought back some beer.
I managed to have fun, but the end of the trip was kinda shitty. It’s probably better we didn’t meet up because Sunday night is when my cold started.
Hopefully next time will be better and we can have an actual well-planned out meet-up.
Hmm…that’s a mixed bag. Sorry to hear it didn’t too go well.
Next time we’ll get something sorted out.
Thanks. Yes, hopefully we can get something set-up.
Hey, sorry for not replying to your email, I was out of town for a wedding and far enough in the boonies that cell service didn’t exist and I didn’t see it until Tuesday. Sorry about the cold, hope to catch you next time.
Yeah, I don’t know, I think the English show strong in the 6 – 8 range. Problem is they’re dealing with a lot of 4s and there really aren’t any 9s or 10s, so it skews busted. It’s not like, say, eastern Europe, where they’re all like 9s and 10s until they hit about 60 and then they turn into witches that live in a hut in the forest.
+1 Baba Yaga
Again with the “guardrails”. Lefties do love them some guardrails.
Apologies for the OT. I am coming back home from class an catching up on the news,
Who knew?
I have some ambivalence on these kind of things. I’ve heard people use the termed “gyped” or “Jerry rigged” and they learn them growing up and never thought of the racial connotations. I’m not sure if “jewed” is used in a hateful way or not. That being said, I don’t use these terms, because they aren’t necessary and I may offend someone.
I grew up saying Mickey Mouse engineering instead of Jerry rigged. Has no one else heard that?
I’ve heard it.
#metoo but I have heard and read the latter much more often
I have never heard of “Jerry rigged”. I am well familiar with “jury rigged” which is a phrase from nautical English that made it into standard English. In a ship it refers to a ship with improvised repair rigging that means on land improvised repairs to something.
Even growing up in rural AZ it was a common phrase in my 1960s youth.
I worked in an antique store/auction house with the Jewish owners, in Texas. Anyway an older lady, 70ish, came in and looked around, finally asked something like, “Can I Jew you down on this?” The owner, almost the same age, bristled. “Are you asking to bargain with me, is that the question?” “Yeah, I’d like to Jew you down.” Now the owner was really pissed, “No, we don’t bargain, our prices are fair and set”. She wouldn’t give up, made a similar remark. Finally the owner said something like, “I’m Jewish, I’m the owner and you can leave if you’re not a serious shopper”.
Then he looked at me and said something like “What an asshole”. He knew that country people used the vernacular and he was giving her a chance to correct herself but she was totally unaware.
In truth, he did bargain as the need arose, make it up in volume.
So a woman I used to work for, whom I loved, was very proud of her German heritage and occasionally she’d be snide about Jews.
I was on the Atkins diet at the time and we were talking about cooking with suet and tallow and then I said something about schmaltz. She rolled her eyes and said, “That’s too Jewish for me.”
Well, okay, then.
I use it all of the time usually as ‘godamned Mickey Mouse piece of shit’ just before tossing it in the trash/down the hill/against a wall.
Gyped I am unconcerned about, because I have no mental association with Gypsies from the word and I think claiming etymology makes a word racist is such an idiotic idea that only a college kid would accept it. Jerry rigged is a corruption of jury rigged and annoys me because while the corruption may be based in a stereotype it isn’t the freaking phrase,which is a nautical expression for improvised rigging used to get a ship back to port after damage. Jewed is pretty directly tied to some historical attacks on Jews, where people who had entered dealings with Jews used racial calumnies to attack their creditor to avoid paying their debt. That said, intent matters and words, particularly when not used maliciously, do not injure.
I’m not finding any evidence that “jerry-rigged” is based on any stereotype. Do you have a link?
It is actually n*****-rigged.
Didn’t hear jerry- or jury-rigged until late adolescence.
Well, Mojo, I guess I should refresh moar.
I’ve never heard of that.
I still suspect jerry/jury-rigged predates that and is perfectly innocent but I’m not going to go searching for evidence right now……
The fact that some asshole decided to change it doesn’t invalidate the original term IMHO.
No, but associations will be made whether they’re factually correct or not, and then people take offense and then they get #canceled and whatnot.
I don’t have that connection in my head, and I am quite certain I’ve read the term in numerous books – novels and such. How is one supposed to avoid that third rail if they don’t even know about it?
How is one supposed to avoid that third rail if they don’t even know about it?
You’re not. Totalitarians need a way to discredit everyone, guilty people at risk of being outcasts are easier to control.
Check your privilege.
The snowflake SJW brigade has never cared whether you know about it or not. You might be lying, but in case you aren’t and you never really knew, they’ll “educate” you in the most screeching, nasty, hellacious way possible, and then call it a sign of white privilege that you do NOT know what it is.
Or, what Jarflax said.
More elegantly and concisely than I did.
How is one supposed to avoid that third rail if they don’t even know about it?-
That’s why I wouldn’t assume someone was racist automatically if they used gypped, jewed or welshed.
LOL I’m not. Believe me, I got an earful of n****r this and n****r that from my stepfather’s side of the family – you’d think this neologism would have come up but it didn’t.
Maybe it’s because I’m not mechanically-inclined so it never came up within earshot. ??♂️
Apparently while they were in the woodpile they were rigging together stuff to sell and get rich, so they could have a proper Saturday night. Did I miss any?
Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that YOU were lying.
I meant, to the SJW crown and snowflakes looking for a way to be offended, they will not believe that you have never heard it.
Ha I figured
That’s what it was when I was a kid. Also called afro-engineering.
And I also often heard HNIC, except N didn’t stand for Nerd.
I grew up hearing another kind of rigged, which I won’t write here.
It doesn’t help anybody to say “jerry rigged” is racial when nobody has any frame of reference for why it’s racial and would never be able to guess in a gazillion years.
Fine. I submit welshed in place of Jerry rigged.
Yep, heard that growing up, too.
Y’all are missing my point. *pouts I’m not saying Jerry-rigged is racist. I’m saying it’s incorrect and a corruption of jury-rigged.
Jarflax, I understand your point, It reinforces my own, which is some racially charged terms enter the vernacular and if someone uses them it is not proof that they are racist.
Jarflax, you are correct. My bestie (standard “I have a black friend” disclaimer) DID take offense at my saying “jury rigged.” She thought the original was “n*****-rigged” and that I was playing it down.
I told her it was originally JURY-rigged (although at the time I did not realize it was a nautical term and cited juries and gerrymandering, so my bad).
Anyway, it took her a while to accept that.
Lol, I meant the *pouts to make my post sound jocular. I just think this one is funny, like the looser loser tenant tenet thing.
It’s people looking for reasons to be offended and then lashing out to punish anyone who makes them feel stupid by pointing out that niggard is NOT etymologically related to anything about black people, or that jury rigged is neither racist nor even a term of opprobrium. A jury rig is people in desperate straits improvising a way to survive with limited materials.
Ffwcia oma, welshing is when you back out of a commitment, usually a bet. We don’t build anything, shoddy or not. That’s the Scottish.
I think it’s been/being replaced by “kludged” nowadays. It’s an easier term (to me) and is more aurally descriptive, meaning, the word “kludge” is as ugly sounding/looking as whatever you kludged together.
Well, you made me look it up:
The adjectival use of “jury”, in the sense of makeshift or temporary, has been said to date from at least 1616 when according to the 1933 edition of the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language it appeared in John Smith’s A Description of New England. It appeared in Smith’s more extensive The General History of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles published in 1624. The phrase “jury rigged” has been in use since at least 1788.
Two theories about the origin of this usage of “jury rig” are:
– A corruption of jury mast—i.e. a mast for the day, a temporary mast, being a spare used when the mast has been carried away. (From French jour, “a day”.
– From the Latin adjutare (“to aid”) via Old French ajurie (“help or relief”).
Similar phrases
The compound word “jerry-built”, a similar but distinct term referring to things “built unsubstantially of bad materials”, has a separate origin from “jury-rigged.” The exact etymology is unknown, but it is likely linked to earlier pejorative uses of the word “jerry”, attested as early as 1721, and may have been influenced by “jury-rigged.”
Afro engineering (short for African engineering) or nigger rigging are racist, pejorative terms for shoddy, second-rate workmanship, with whatever materials happen to be available, or to describe a fix that is temporary, done quickly, technically improperly, or without attention to or care for detail. “Nigger-rigging” originated in the 1950s; the term was euphemized as “afro engineering” in the 1970s. The terms have been used in the auto mechanic industry to describe quick makeshift repairs.
First time I heard n-rigging was in the Army.
A squaddie was putting away something in his team leader’s buttpack or ruck and his team leader, who happened to be black, asked him if he had it secured. He replied, without thinking, “yes, sgt, I n- rigged it”. And as the words left his lips, he realized what he just said and was already getting into the front leaning rest before his team leader told him to get down and start pushing.
That story makes me smile, because I can see the poor guys face and he’s realized what he has said.
I’m not a linguist, but I’m pretty sure gypped was used because gypsies were not seen as a reputable people. I’ve heard people use the termed jewed down as in negotiated a better deal, like “shrewd as an Arab trader”. However, to use any racially descriptive terms as a politician is bush league.
Yeah, that one is pretty easy to guess the etymology of.
What about kyped?
I’ve never heard that.
It means “a minor theft”
Is it bad that I call it “Jewish Overdrive” when I put my car in neutral and let it roll down a big hill?
Also grew up hearing Nig**r Rich to describe somebody who can’t spend all their money fast enough.
I’ve heard the term “hood rich” but I never understood what it meant.
Yeah, I’ve heard n rich before. There’s also a term I used to hear a lot–“boat n*gg*rs”–to describe sort of itinerant sailors, especially people who live on sailboats but aren’t wealthy or scruffy people who kind of listen to a lot of Jimmy Buffet and hire out as crew on yachts.
Down in Marina Del Rey, there’s a sizable contingent of basically homeless RV dwellers. They park in the same areas and run in the same circles. My brother was one for a long time. One guy somehow devised a pump and dump stock scheme and made a mint. My brother kept at him about letting him in on one. Finally the guy gave him a stock to buy and my bro bought as much as he could afford. That was the last one the guy did. He got busted by the sec and my brother lost every penny. Bad timing, I guess.
“I detect a Ubangi in the fuel supply”.
…Larson E. Whipsnade
I don’t know. Are you driving standard or automatic?
I’ve heard arson being called Jewish Lightning. And around Philly, a businessman known as a Quaker is a guy who can buy goods wholesale from a Jew and sell retail to a Scotsman, and still make a nice profit.
Ackshually, what NOAA said was Trump was using an outdated forecast, i.e. the one that showed a path over Alabama.
Nice try, Krugabe.
Not being willing to lie to embarrass Trump is veritable treason.
IIRC even CNN mentioned that Alabama was potentially in the path of the storm, but hey don’t let that get in the way of the narrative.
Akshually, the CNN map showed Alabama labeled incorrectly as Mississippi .
I had a dozen box of Sharpies delivered yesterday.
Alright, FUCK antitrust laws. They do not and have never helped anyone, ever. They go against natural law, in that they prohibit freedom of association. They chase boogey men around and deprive consumers of the choices a free market would provide. As long as no one criminally harms their competition, the government has no interest in intervention. Yeah, fuck antitrust laws.
I agree. Unless it’s a government monopoly I don’t see a problem with the market determining that a single company exclusively provides a good/service.
Rothbard wrote about the captains of industry who were the first to be prosecuted by the first anti trust laws around the the turn of the 20th century.
The government went after the oil barons and the railroad tycoons of the day.
The state successfully broke them up.
The problem is that these so called monopolists were the very same people who were charging the lowest prices for their particular services.
During the time that standard oil had a free market monopoly on oil is the U.S., all Standard oil did was drop their their prices and increase their demand.
The state came in and mandated competition, which lead to higher prices.
When ALCOA got broken up the court admitted that their monopoly status was based on ALCOA being so much better than the competition. The court said,however, that ALCOA didn’t *have* to be so competent so they had to be punished. The ruling reads like something out of Atlas Shrugged.
All antitrust prosecutions sound like atlas shrugged.
The butternut squash risotto was delicious. Definitely a keeper. I may make it again and take pictures for a post.
That sounds like something my wife would love. Risotto and butternut squash are two of her favorite things to eat. Please do post.
A work friend and I decided to try two different methods of making it tonight. We’ll compare notes tomorrow.
How fun!
We talk a lot about cooking projects. We’re both foodies so find restaurants at conferences. It’s nice to have a work friend. We are also able to bounce ideas off each other for work projects.
I’ll take some leftovers for lunch tomorrow and turn the rest into arancini this weekend and have it with a martini.
Thank you once again Winston’s Mom for the hard-hitting takes.
This is how democracy will die.
Single me would fuck winston’s mom. No doubt.
That said, hey glibs. I started my new job this week. It’s interesting. For the first time in a decade or so, I’m doing something that I have no idea how to do.
It will work out. I will learn and adapt. As of right now though, Holy balls, I gotta learn a bunch of new shit.
You da man, Lach. Congrats. You wouldn’t be there if you couldn’t handle it. Won’t take long.
Congratulations. It’s good to dust the cobwebs out of the old noodle.
I feel like that is what I’m doing. Damn, telling folk what to do is way different than doing it yourself.
No. Shit.
Glad to hear you are working – and apparently want to be. As long as the people who matter will give you some margin to get up to speed it sounds pretty good.
I’m in a good group of people. Many of whom I have worked spent many years working side by side with. That helps.
Good luck and awesome, dude. Hope the new gig works out well and cheers to you and the family!
Building high energy death traps for tycoons and supervillains?
Nah, pretty pedantic. Just melting shit and making it shaped different while altering the molecular structure of it.
There is something supremely capitalist about the steel business. Massive buildings full of massive machines, temperatures found on the surface of the sun, and skilled people moving things around under control that are seconds and inches from breaking free and wiping out everyone nearby.
Get a load of Ayn Rand up here!
After you build the steel plant you pick your woman and rape her into love with you right?
That’s, like, every 70s and 80s bodice ripper ever.
Grats. I’m considering that path because I’m getting arthritic and my hands/neck hurt more and more when I work. Might have to shoot for paper shuffler instead. In my realm, it doesn’t pay a lot more until you get some years in (and move around to a few different positions.)
Single me would fuck winston’s mom. No doubt.
Oh, look at you Mr. Cock-tease….congratulations on the new job, now you won’t have to work for me.
Speaking of darkness, electric coop put a new yard light on the pole today. Old light was cycling off in the night so it’s gone. New one is LED and looks like cheap 80’s futuristic movie set fixture. Waiting for nightfall to see how awful the light is.
I installed a coupe of those at Shaw once…they can be annoying.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, our woke Prime Minister.
Kurt Wagner, the Nightcrawler!
That’s what I was thinking!
Kurt was Catholic though!
Ok then, carry on.
Is it OK to be offended on behalf of the fictional character?
No, not Trudeau…
If not I’d have no reason to be offended, and that just won’t do in current year!
I know what you mean. “That guy didn’t actually fix their cable!”
He did the hands too?? That’s pretty… diligent.
Hah. Funny — the wife mentioned the location of his hands, and I couldn’t see it — because I was looking for white hands.
Those are some avant’-garde lyrics, right there.
I imagine he filled a tub with dye and soaked himself.
Pre cosmetic surgery Tawny Kitaen was hot. Watching Witchboard tonight.
Well, thanks for making me go look that up. Before and after.
Wow she ended up looking like a bad drag queen.
Poor Pete Burns. RIP.
Gah, yeah that was… something else.
They’re all over the place out here. Ducklips and butt implants. It’s retarded as all hell. Many of them looked great before it too.
Eeeek!! Why??
Looks like one of those clickbate sites: “You won’t believe what she looks like now.”
Hope she got her money back.
Fun story-
Monday morning at my plant-
A one ton truck with a triaxle trailor pulls up to the guardshack at my plant. He asks for entry, and it is granted. He drives back to the alley staging area at the ground level next to the slag pit.
He exits the truck, and finds the furnace utility worker. He directs the worker to load 12 pallets of nickel onto his trailor. The worker, having no idea who this man is, loads the nickel.
Long story short, this unknown crook drives off the plant site with 175,000 dollars worth of nickel.
We have him on video from the moment he entered the plant until he left.
That said, this fucker looks like he is going to get away with it.
How do you think TPTB get the coin to run this site?
Chaturbate, actually.
*strolls in with clip board*
YEAH…I’m going to have to shut this website down…unless I can wet my beak.
HM’s statement confirmed.
It’s amazing the amount of stolen metal that gets bought by metal scrappers with somehow no flags raised.
Inside job, or at least inside help?
My best guess is that it’s a contractor who has worked at my plant at some time in the past who is in cahoots with an unscrupulous scrap yard. Probably somewhere out of state.
That’s my best guess.
You are who you tell people you are. Just add a few props and act like the guy you want them to think you are.
If you carry a clipboard and wear a pocket protector, or carry a briefcase and wear a suit, you can go anywhere and do anything and people will just assume you are supposed to be there, and will avoid confronting you.
Social Engineering 101
Absolutely. After 9/11, railroad enthusiasts were getting stopped all the time around tracks and stations. The advice was to put your drivers license or some other photo doc in a lanyard around your neck and at a distance everyone assumed you had authority to be there.
That’s what happened. Before he talked to the production guy who loaded it, he talked to a mechanic who has been there for 25 years. He asked the mechanic to load it, and the mechanic put him in contact with the production guy whose responsibility it would be to load nickel.
He must have had an air of authority, as I know very well the mechanic he initially talked to and he is not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination.
doG that was great.
+1 talcum x
I want to suppose somebody got the license plate number?
Paper tags. Probably fraudulent. Referred to the police who are diligently investing this property crime.
Wait, part of that is true.
I forget my self. This is a property crime that has no reward for the police if it is solved. It’s not like the police can issue a ticket to the perpetrator and collect some money for their department if they catch the crooks.
They dont give a fuck, unless they can catch that guy with a set of bad tags in his truck. Then they are all in.
That’s a lot of stolen thoughts.
It’s a penny for your thoughts, unless the Japanese are charging more…
Huh. I been getting ripped off.
Wait, are pretending Krugman doesn’t whack off in the shower thinking about exactly this scenario but with Democrats in charge?
You guys have these things in the states? Saw one today that must’ve two dozen kids crammed in it.
This is what Trump wants for America!
Work shall set you free
Man surgeons are getting younger and younger.
Oh, that is adorable!
Most streets don’t have sidewalks, so they do have to do that to keep the kids safe on trips to the park.
A nursery school six-pack
Oh Lord, no one use that phrase in front of OMWC.
Needs some Ozzy cranked on the stereo.
Reminds me of the six-pack strollers that rolled back and forth around my office building lobby, which was a sort of arcade with shops leading to the day-care center.
When I was a kid I always wanted to hide in a laundry cart like they do in the movies, only in asia has this been realized.
Shopping for orphans?
Week one in middle child’s venture with the guitar…
Playing and singing White Stripes We are Gonna Be Friends [finger picking and chords]…by ear is figuring out the theme song to phieas and Ferb…and work hard on playing Mr. Sandman.
Proud dad here
Don’t try the drum portion, I hear it’s kinda advanced.
Phinneas and Ferb is great. My kid and I watch it together.
Spoiler Alert. Summer ends.
No kidding – it’s chilly tonight.
He is all over the map…I think trying to find his style. He is now practicing some blues.
Eight years of Trump and his only scandal was using a sharpie.
Are you reporting from the future?
We found Titor?
New LED yard light is on. As expected it’s shit. Color balance is white instead of the comforting yellow orange of HPS. Insanely bright but focused downward instead of softly illuminating the driveway and yard because light pollution is evil. Assholes who designed that crap don’t have a clue. It’s like paper straws or those those stupid HID headlights.
Get one of the LEDs that you can change the color temp on.
It’s not mine except that I pay for it. It’s the electric utility’s light on their pole.
It might have to meet with an unfortunate accident.
This is the POS
Here’s what you do….at the bottom of the pole there will be a small cover secured by a screw.
Unscrew it.
Then disconnect the neutral (white or gray). This will do two things:
– The light will no longer work.
– Since the neutral is a return to ground you increase the probability the fixture will catch fire.
It’s spliced at the top, so no go.
It’s a replacement for a failing HPS light. I guess this is their new improved offering. I hate backwards “progress”.
And poles around here are the creosote kind.
They eat ’til they explode?
Damnit…how good are you at climbing a tree without branches?
Gaffes before gaffs.
Then open the bottom cover and cut the neutral. When they send a crew over to repair it, it will throw them off for a couple hours.
HPS isn’t very efficient even when compares to other high intensity discharge, so it doesn’t surprise me they went LED. The fun part will be when they convert the entire circuit and figure out new electronic fixtures are really good at exposing the weaknesses in the rest of the hardware. We converted the entire taxiway to LED while I was in the Air Force and found every short, ground, and open within 25 feet of a burned up taxiway light—which cost $350 each.
Spliced at the top where the lines are. It’s all aerial distribution.
I got it. If you have an air rifle…or just don’t give a damn and want to use a real one…shoot out the photocell on the top of the fixture. They’re pretty fragile and it won’t be as obvious as shooting out the diffuser.
Speaking of neutrals and fire probability, a tree snapped the neutral between me and and my next door neighbor during a snow storm last winter. Their crew cut the tree off but left the neutral lying on the ground cut for about two weeks due to higher priority repairs.
Well…people tend to think the neutral has no current on it, but it does.
Filthy neutrals!
Wait, it’s winter there? You never said you were a filthy Patagonian!
It was winter last winter…
Hmmm….that checks out.
I’ll allow it.
Whenever I see those cones of probability for hurricane/typhoon paths, I always think of Chris.
I thought it would be this Chris Farley clip.
RIP. *Pours out 40 of Point*
Speaking of WI beer, was the EX campaign during your time still here or after?
Don’t remember that. Those wooden disc “round-to-it’s” were all the rage.
The biggest, hugest economy in galactic history needs a rate cut. Lol.
Dollar needs strengthening. There’s a couple things I want to order on and 107JPY is awfully low.
Some late night music for you.
One more and lunchtime is over.
Student films have gotten very lazy.
If he’s gonna keep his hands up by his face, at least he could be smoking an e-cig.
Today RedLetterMedia put out their ReView of Gremlins 2. I was waiting till later in the evening to watch it…and it’s gone. I’m guessing it’ll be back up in the next couple days, but damn what a tease! They shouldn’t wear a dress that sort if…
Those “female” gremlins are just….yeeesh.
Hot, I know, right.
C, just be sure not to get them wet after midnight, a’ight?
I’m not sure a cloaca works like that.
If you find out, let me know, OK?
What hell happened to this guy?
Bonus: Fruit sushi mauls him.
Jeez, he does go on (and on), doesn’t he?
It’s the only way to dig a deeper hole.
“‘Cause there’s limits to our liberties!/
At least, I hope and pray that there are/
‘Cause those
LiberalConservative freaks go to faaaaaar!”
/My, how the worm has turned!
The new standard for responsible journalism.
Chafed is trying to pack the
CourtComments!Robby states its a right granted under the Constitution. His argument would have been stronger as recognized and protected instead of granted.
The government and Constitution grant me nothing but instead enumerate certain rights (and others as per 9th/10th amendments) that needed to be explictly spelled out so that the government wouldnt encroach without significant and well defined means to remove them.
The kid’s heart is in the right place.
I wholly was of same mind of Madison pre BoR and his logic of why we didnt need to include them, but glad they were because those rights would have been lost 200+ years ago if they were not.
-1 English constitution
The Constitution doesn’t grant shit. It merely affirms rights that exist a priori any human interference. Any attempt to abridge those rights can only be construed as a usurpation.
Super great SNP dropping in tomorrow! Thanks, BakedPenguin!
Zenu’s coming!
RDA should bring along Random Stroking Biden, and even more incoherent character.
Thanks SP!
Oops. You’d think I’d figure out how to reply, even after this many…uhh… beverages.
Fun stuff, thanks for a very good comic. You should think about expanding your reach, it’s very good. I much enjoyed.
Eh f*ck. Thanks, GL, thanks KS, Imma go pass out now.
Too much scotch…
Don’t have the energy nor the mental acuity to search for titty pics.
Submitted a new brain toilet; please ignore any typos. I’m a pretty good drunk writer though.
This is….shocking, actually.
My feeble attempt at helping you out. Something about the gal…古賀紗理那/?hl=ja
So apparently there’s this pretty robust anti-adoption movement online driven by Marxist-SJW concerns.
1) The child is a “commodity” to be snatched away by “infertiles” who only view the child as another form of capitalist profit.
2) Separating even an infant from its genetic family denies it its history and causes irreversible trauma no matter what.
3) Even in “ethnosyntonic” (wtf?) adoptions, the (typically) rich white adoptive parents strip the child of its culture in favor of evil, shitlord culture.
4) Adoption presents an alternative to abortion and, therefore, must be destroyed.
To add insult to injury, “infertiles” are mercilessly demonized as evolutionary failures with nothing to offer and whose motives must always be questioned.
That all reads like a “turn-about is fair play” sort of thing.
Dafuq??? I guess adoption gets in the way of having the surrendered children remain the property of the state until emancipation.
Disclosure: Mr. GT was one of nine adopted children of all different colors. Cool family, and my late MIL was someone I deeply respected and whose good opinion I valued, even if we wouldn’t have agreed on many social/political issues.
This is some very good music that I found a couple years back and still love.
It’s that time, kids. Quick update. Back asap. Don’t go into withdrawal!
See? That didn’t hurt a bit!
Thank you for doing what you do SP. You have created such a great space. I love hanging out here, the articles and posters give me more than a little hope.
Hope? For what?
More sweet links, insightful commentary’, awesome recommendations, interesting stories, and questionable musical choices.
Oh? I come for the pics of the gay dog.
I come for all the mythical women on the site.
Those are fun as well.
Literally btw jobs right now. 8 hours at one done, 3 hours to kill, then 3 more hours tonight at another place. This late night thread hits the spot.
This is a bizarre story. The trade war between South Korea and Japan is pretty hot now. But:
However, the number of South Korean visitors to Japan has plummeted, particularly in sightseeing areas of the Kyushu region, since the start of the latest bickering between the two governments. Japanese tourist numbers, meanwhile, have increased in South Korea.
By gosh; you’ll take our Yen, and like it!!
They DGAF about that stuff. They just wanna eat kimchi and bi bin bap.
I told you–I don’t like ethnic food!
Seriously; I have no idea what that is. Maybe kimchi…
Bibimbap is perhaps the best food in the world. I’d eat out Kim Jong Un’s asshole just for the leftovers.
OK. I’ll just take your word for it….
Easy version. (No dictator dick tasting involved). I’d skip the honey.
Not that I want to out myself, but, you’re good people, so…
Just think of me as, “That guy that wants to give UCS a run for his money”, when it comes to food. You probably won’t be far off, even.
*Shrugs* All right. Growing up on the shit food we ate has left me able to eat almost anything.
Oh, I don’t doubt it’s “good”. I just have an ‘unrefined palate’. That, and I’m a pain in the ass, per Carlin.
Of course, I know how to make instant friends, should I ever host get the chance to host you
and Kim Jong Un.Got a brother outside Dallas. May visit him next year.
Not to doxx a man, but, can you say where, in relation to D?
Like an hour outside the city. Forget the name. He’s quite loaded and it’s a really nice area. I plan on being the broke prodigal brother.
Growing up where really good Mexican food was always an option has left me jaded and less inclined to accept bad cuisine – but Straff is correct on the Bi Bin Bap.
Everything–in most any direction–that has anything rural to it has nice ($$$) homes. I’m gonna presume East or North, So, maybe Rockwall, or, getting up towards McKinney or Denton areas.
Everything that was suburban 30+ years ago is becoming more….problematic, if you will.
WhiteDollar flight is happening.Dude, you nailed. Rockwell.
Yeah, Rockwall–The smallest county, with one of the largest tax bases in the state. Used to go to church there in the ’80’s and late 90’s. My dinner-and-coffee friend used to work for the county as a jailer about 15 years ago.
Heath is the little town in the county that has all the really big $$$. Kinda like a best-kept secret.
Tj and I may have to fly out there and force feed you some BBB.
About the only place in Tejas east of the Pecos I’ve spent any time has always ended up being Austin. I grew up in El Paso – but that’s not really Texas. El Paso is just a chunk of Mexico that ended up on the wrong side of a river.
If we’re going to be making proper Bi Bin Bap I’ll bring the stone bowls. Gotta have a smoking hot stone bowl to cook it in.
Visions of being force-fed anything.
The Texans that would come up to Denver for the national rodeo were a riot. Decked out in full cowboy duds, they’d stop and ask me, “Sir, could ya tell me where’s the best strip bar in town?” I only knew the ones for strippers with open sores.
Stone bowls. Char the rice brown and you scrape it off. Yummy.
Oh no! No force would be applied. We could present it as an option – you could try a little between beers. I’m sure you would be happy to finish the dish yourself.
Yeeeah…….I wouldn’t put money on that. From what I can tell, I’m really not that far off from UCS levels of scornable pickiness. For all I know, I’m past him.
Plus, I can barely do beers any more, for health reasons (Corona Premium, anyone?). But, I got my iced tea maker, so I’m doin’ OK.
IIRC your a little too big force me to force feed you anything.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. But, for my personal safety and sanity, YOU DAMN’D SKIPPY.
Being a 6’5″ jailer, there always seemed to be guys who acted as if they thougt I was a challenge, but no one ever tried anything with me; only on officers.
Where’s our resident E. European?
Paging Pin in the Sky–please pick up the red courtesy keyboard.
Cyto…. Not a Trump supporter…
My pronouns are He/Him.
So, here’s the thing I keep going back to. Take yourself back to before the 2016 election. Remember when Trump said he was being wiretapped? Remember how hard the left ridiculed him?
That was impossible! He was absolutely nuts. Everyone, Krugman included, knew that spying on a presidential candidate was beyond anything that the government would do.
So I want to talk to that guy. The version of you from 2016, before the election. Before partisan motivated reasoning led you to rationalize your way to your current beliefs.
And I would like for you to explain to your old self that no, Trump isnt delusional. In fact, the Obama administration used a fake opposition research file from the Clinton campaign, obtained from Russia, to get a secret warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.
And explain to your former self that not only are they wiretapping the Trump campaign, they are sending spies from the US and other nations to infiltrate that campaign. Top Obama political appointees in the White House are getting these secret reports and unmasking the American citizens in the wiretaps. They are leaking this stuff to the media in hope that this will underine the Trump campaign.
I defy anyone to seriously claim that their 2016 self would say that any of that was legal. In fact, I defy anyone to seriously entertain the idea that they would not have said that this is much worse than Watergate.
I find the fact that people are able to twist themselves in knots like this, to delude themselves to the point that this is not only acceptable, but is virtuous and even proof that Trump is unfit for office…. That is terrifying. People are able to believe literally anything they want.
Humans have an unlimited ability to compromise anything (ethics, reality, etc.) to get what they want.
Ask Amash supporters. The must know how to square it.
Amash I get. He didn’t run on a support Trump platform. Trump is hardly a vonservative. Or even someone a principled libertarian could get behind.
The fact that Trump is better than his contemporaries isn’t laudatory of Trump…. Itbis condemnatory of the rest of the pack.
Amash blew it from a pragmatic point of view, not an ideological one.
Bullshit. He’s been on the Impeach Trump bandwagon, which is purely ideological.
And impeach Trump not for some random reason but because he didn’t surrender to the coup attempt, that is “obstruction.” No, Amash is the worst. He’s worse than an enemy, he is a traitor.
“as institutions meant to serve the public became tools of the ruling party”
You mean like how the media and the deep state serve the Democrat Party?
“you;re enough of a scroungy little fuck to blame the Oranje man for not seeing it coming”
Going with the Dutch spelling of orange, I see?