Man, being without minions for the week has been both brutal and productive. Brutal because I have to answer every email and help request that comes in for our team. Productive in that there’s no one around to ask me questions. Need a 3 hour block to make some fixes and enhancements? Oh look, I has one. How strange. My admin-in-training gets back from vacation next week, and I’m supposed to have a new baby coder start… well, it was gonna be this Tuesday, but they’re still calling references as stuff. So hopefully next Monday. So I’ll be teaching class, not writing code for a couple of weeks. Hopefully, by November, we’ll start getting some productive work out of them.

Florida Man, you can’t pawn your county issued weapon! Also, domestic battery? You know you’re not a real cop, right?

Florida Man, consent is important!

I’m sure the Hat & Hair were behind this.

Space Force active by 2020? Well “active” — gotta figure out important shit like ranks and insignias, and then they can start working on missions and goals.


Meh, I’m in the mood for some present century pop-rock.