First to 100!
As the weather begins to break here in Houston, I thank God that we have a retractable roof on MMP. That allowed the Astros to become the first team to win 100 games this year, as they pulled a game ahead of the Yankees for best overall record. Those Yankees and Dodgers both lost yesterday, and the latter is two games back in the chase for best record and home-field through the playoffs. The A’s stayed hot and won, as did the Rays and Indians, who are a mere 1/2 game back in the AL’s wild card race. On the Senior Circuit, the Nationals, Cubs and Brewers all fell, so that WC race is at a standstill, while the Cards winning stretched their lead in the last remaining divisional race that’s worth keeping an eye on. And in the NFL, the Jags take on the Titans this evening. Yay.

“Hello, Victoria Silvstedt, Playmate Of The Year”
Antoninus Pius was born on this day. As were: automaking legend Ferry Porsche, author William Golding, baseball star Duke Snider, the ever-melodramatic James Lipton, the equally-melodramatic Adam West, actor Jeremy Irons, model Twiggy, auto racer Juan Manuel Fangio, one-handed pitcher Jim Abbott, person on tv Jimmy Fallon, and Playmate Of The Year Victoria Silvstedt.
Alright then. Let’s just get on with…the links!
The Taliban killed a bunch of innocent people yesterday. But they apologized, because they were trying to blow up a bunch of other innocent people, not these ones. Fucking animals.

If you use fossil fuels, you should do this to yourself.
NBC decides its time for us to have a confession. Yes, its about the stupid environmental bullshit. And yes, the replies are freaking hilarious. Enjoy.
Sorry, striking autoworkers (who average double the pay of nurses and triple that of the average American). But you’re not the only one who can decide to stop providing something. Yeah, stop bitching. Its called a negotiation and the NLRB is no longer there to rubber-stamp whatever you do and rake the other side over the coals.

What the shit is th-…oh yeah.
Whoever said Trump wanted to neuter the EPA forgot that human shit and piles of dirty needles are environmental dangers. The response from the city should be interesting.
Is Kevin Spacey secretly a Clinton? We’ll have to wait and see if any of his other accusers suddenly drop dead or fall completely off the face of the earth.
If you don’t think political dynasties are still a thing, remember the there’s still a few people in this family that have dreams. This one might last because he’s not a raging alcoholic or (known) drug addict. But there’s still time for him to live up to his family legacy.
Not so much new wave. More of a throwback song. Either way, it’s beautiful and if you disagree, you’re wrong.
That’s it for me. Have a great day, friends!
The Taliban killed a bunch of innocent people yesterday. But they apologized, because they were trying to blow up a bunch of other innocent people, not these ones. Fucking animals. – If Trump did not cancel the meeting this would not have happened. He has blood on his hands.
“But 9/11, or any day near it, is too important a day to negotiate with these people on.”
-people who want endless war
Is Kevin Spacey secretly a Clinton? We’ll have to wait and see if any of his other accusers suddenly drop dead or fall completely off the face of the earth. – or he is literally toxic
NBC decides its time for us to have a confession. Yes, its about the stupid environmental bullshit. And yes, the replies are freaking hilarious. Enjoy. – I only use organic erotic masseuses myself. No tattoos or fake stuff. Silicon is not good for the earth.
I only use organic erotic masseuses myself
Organic? You only drain vegans or something?
When Pie uses a blood boy, he really uses a blood boy
Vegans? Bleah. Meat can be perfectly organic
I am an organic vegetarian too. The cows, pigs, sheep, goats, and chicken I eat all eat organic plants.
So no animal that was permitted the use of a salt lick?
Molasses blocks are more effective.
So you are a second order vegetarian.
The Ogre philosopher Gnerdel believed the purpose of life was to live as high on the food chain as possible. She refused to eat vegetarians, preferring to live entirely on creatures that preyed on sentient beings. — Gray Ogre flavor text, from Magic, the Gathering.
Silicon is not good for the earth.
Just say no to breast implants.
Silicon is a primary constituent component of beaches.
Sand without silicon is just sad.
I’m still waiting for Silicon based life forms to evolve.
I thought the Tawney Kitaen discussion was last night?
Missed it. Busy getting wasted.
Crystal Heart may have been a bad movie, but I will always remember it fondly.
The Horta would like a word.
“Sometimes, my partner and I use too much vaseline.”
So to continue on the thread from last night – are we allowed to say “Jerry Can” for fuel containers or not?
It’s not commonly used by folks around me anymore, but my grandparents used it. It’s directly derived from WW2 when allies found multiple uses for the containers they captured from the Germans.
You like Jerry Cans dontcha
It’s a perfectly cromulent phrase.
Been using that term for fifty years, not gonna stop now.
I would say yes, because Krauts, being the crackery-ass crackers they are, don’t deserve any consideration. Only wypipo can be racist. It’s not racist to use nicknames for whitey.
Are you talking to me, Willis?
Germans are white now? What next, the Irish and the Italians?
Not the Italians. Brits, Irish, Germans, Scandis, Dutch. South of there are all barbarians.
The Irish?!? Those Gaelic bog-worshipers? Surely not?
*clobbers i0b0t*
*Gives Uncivil a whiskey.
We’re all mutts.
“See that? His nose is cold.”
“The Wogs begin at Calais”
What about the Cornish?
Give them a hole in the ground to dig and they’ll leave you alone.
I used to think there was no racist term for Scandinavians until I watched Deadwood. So the term is squareheads. Which is accurate. I have a large, squared off forehead.
In the car biz Asians are generically referred to as fish heads and are the toughest customers to deal with, they will often go, come back, go, until they wear the sales guy down, rather than getting worn down by the sales person.
I always thought it was one word…jerrycan
I’ve never had to write it. Wiki says both spellings are used, but uses yours as the primary.
“Jerry rigged” beats the alternative.
“Jack-rigged” seems fine by me.
Hey-hey-hey, there is a limit, you know. I don’t say Sloopy-rigged, do I? I play by the rules.
Is the sloop in question under a jury rig?
I think I ketch what you are doing.
I’ll deck the next one of you that makes a pun.
At least you won’t keel us.
I was under the impression that jerry cans were invented to fit on U.S. jeeps?
The germans invented them.
They were copied, just like the Mauser.
Could someone be more explicit as to how “jerry-rigged” is racist, since you can’t be racist against Hun krautlanders?
This creepy kid said we’re all gonna die in ten years if you don’t read…the links!
I can’t be bothered to do that.
“If you don’t buy this magazine, we’ll shoot this dog.” Best National Lampoon cover, ever.
That was back when they were funny.
I loved the issue with fake Princess Di interview. “I like horses. I like people who like horses.” forty years later and I still recall that often.
My favorite may have been Baba Rum Raisin. Best advice/lifestyle column ever.
Also, the cartoon whose caption was “Oh, he likes you!”
Fucking animals.
*Gasps* How dare you call these
refugeeseconomic migrantsfreedom fighters animals. You are the animal, sir.They only exist because of climate change
Only white people are fully realized human beings whose motives transcend everyday concerns.
Leave me out of this.
I assume this was already discussed but was Trudeau blackface not a bit dark for an Arab? Was it appreciated he also did his hands?
I liked what he was doing with those hands, truth to tell. What a fucking transparent, privileged creep he is. He’ll probably win a minority Government regardless of this latest shennanigan.
If the Twink in the North was trying to look like Dad, he definitely went too dark.
NPR assures me that it wasn’t blackface, it was just brownface. which isn’t as bad, and we’ve already established that having the right politics excuses blackface, so I don’t see why this rates any hubub whatsoever.
I’m sure the CBC is already excusing this and holding it over the memory-hole as we speak. I can barely stand to listen to them anymore because it really has gotten that bad. Every second story is “Climate” or “Indigenous” or “Gender”. You Americans think CNN is bad? Hold my latte!
I have nudes of Greta, if anyone wants to see them.
Is that your cutely indirect way of saying, “Yes, I’m unzipped and waiting”?
She has the chest of a 12-year-old.
You say that as if it were a negative.
Isn’t 12 a bit old for the van?
that is awful. doxx this man!!!!!!!
Meh. I have met him in real life… he is mostly harmless. Mostly.
I used be in that line of work so no, I do not wish to see any more naked disabled people for the rest of my life thank you very much.
Not into stump humps?
Put the kettle on, Alex. I have stories!
*leaps out of window*
I deserved that reply…
I’m not down with that.
I was wondering how he’d manage to address the SF problem without dumping a crapton of money at it. Also wondered how he’d manage to offer at least the appearance of effective action while still pissing off the right people. Brilliant.
I have to agree that is well done.
the SF problem
I assumed that he would fix the problem by having the Secret Service go visit Sugar Free and warn him about what would happen to him if he didn’t stop transcribing the stuff he saw on his Oval Office spy cam and posting it here.
I thought he’d cut a deal with German porn producers to film some of the scat action.
I’m pretty sure that if you kill SF he becomes more powerful than you can imagine
Damn I have a cold starting… and I have to go to the dentist this morning. ::shakes fist at Crom::
Sorry. Mine is just about cleared up.
Mine is mild, though. And I went to the oral surgeon yesterday and got my last upper tooth removed. Kind of sad/happy they’re all gone now.
Allergies are killing me. Finally have some nice cool weather and I can’t open the windows without sneezing my head off.
One small cavity – had it filled without numbing. Pain – meh – at least it only took 10 minutes.
Even those who care deeply about the planet’s future can slip up now and then. Tell us: Where do you fall short in preventing climate change? Do you blast the A/C? Throw out half your lunch? Grill a steak every week? Share your anonymous confession with NBC News.
Repent! And thou shall be saved!
But no, I do a couple/few steaks a week and I mostly do them in the skillet. I often do chicken/pork/fish on the grill though. And I will probably smoke something this weekend…on a gas grill, which entails using the gas for heat while separately burning pellets in a pellet tube for smoke. Bite me. Also, I let my car idle all day on Earth day because I have to compensate for the green marxians that are intent on depriving vegetation of its much needed carbon dioxide.
eh there is enough co2 for plant-life
Or is there?
Given there was ample plant life in 1800 when C02 was 280 I would say yes, there is. That does not mean some plants would not benefit from higher numbers, but overall there is plenty. I see no reason to needlessly pump CO2 in the atmosphere if it can be avoided.
It wouldn’t be needless. His premise is that we likely saved the planet by pumping co2 into the atmosphere, as it was experiencing a dramatic decline over time. Another point is that co2 levels are still historically, and possibly dangerously low at this point.
If we don’t do something about all this pesky limestone, all plant life will be extinct in just a few million years. Well before the sun gets a chance to incinerate everything.
Not so much new wave. More of a throwback song. Either way, it’s beautiful and if you disagree, you’re wrong.
It’s a good song.
It is catchy and doesn’t really sound like 1982 vintage. A lot of late 90’s/early 2000’s bands were aping that style. It would fit well with almost any non-serious movie soundtrack.
It is amazing to me the MSM hoopla around this kid who caught a ride on a sailboat. There are hundreds of other kids (maybe low thousands?) who live with their families on sailboats for years at a time sailing hither and yon. No word on them.
Let me go find a news station van and start the tires on fire.
Her agents/parents are running a very effective PR machine to position her for a Nobel, one just as deserved as Obama’s.
I figure the Nobel is a done deal at this point.
*sniffs* Spare chromasome privilege…
fuck. chromosome. I go to the box now.
Feel shame.
The whole situation summed up in a meme
I like it.
I think she is very brave.
I look forward to her starring in a Children of the Corn reboot.
“Get David. NO! Get Greta.“
And she would have left a smaller carbon footprint if she had just flown. And she gave a “statement” that amounted to one big appeal to authority fallacy.
And some asshole said that the sailboat was “carbon dioxide – free”. Lol…Sure, bruh. It didn’t take energy to produce and is not composed of various plastics, carbon fiber and precious minerals for electronics and solar panels. Fuck off.
Now if they’d hand crafted a wooden ship and put up linen sails, I’d have said they were true believers.
Coracle and paddle or GTFO.
Driftwood and seaweed. We don’t need to be polluting the oceans with terrestrial materials.
Driftwood is a terrestrial material plluting the oceans.
You’d have to use a hollowed-out whale carcass.
Live coral coracle
Was whaleskin not a thing? Whale bone and balleen got used, and sealskin was (is?) used, but I don’t remember hearing about whale leather. You’d think it would be the elephant hide of the sea.
Whaleskin was not the processing needed to render the whale oil ruined the hide.
From the wisdom of Quora
What is cheaper in the UK vs. the US?
Food in the shops is a lot cheaper in the UK – fresher and far more likely to be organic too. There’s no sugar in the bread… Incredibly high EU food standards apply here (and will persist after Brexit) so many additives and colourings which have been linked to health issues are banned.
I can’t stress how cheap and how much better quality the food is, thank goodness so many people touched upon this!
Groceries are much cheaper and also better quality. You can get the same quality in the USA but you’ll pay a lot more for it. Food quality standards are also higher and there’s much less processed foodstuffs with excess salt and/or sugar.
I’ve been to the UK. The prices are numerically the same – only in pounds instead of dollars, making it all cost about 150% as much.
Yes, when I think of “fine food,” the UK is the first country that comes to mind. You won’t find better bangers and mash or spotted dick anywhere else.
The one traditional food that I can vouch for is the storied Sunday roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Grandma’s house every Sunday, dead of winter or heat of summer. Mind you, they had a meal for each day of the week. I always liked Thursday pork chop night. Full English breakfast every morning and pancakes on the weekend. I miss those lovely people.
there is also a chip butty
The chip butty is quite delicious. I would posit, however, that New Orleans’ own French-Fry Po’ Boy cand give it a run for its money. French fries, smothered in debris gravy and melted cheese served on toasted Leidenheimer French bread… Oh baby!
Bacon buttys are better.
However, the best BLT I’ve ever had was in a little shop in Egham.
There are tasty cheeses in the UK, many of them native, and back bacon was a nice surprise. Canadians do it wrong.
“spotted dick”
You know they have a cream for that now, right?
Well, the foods probably cheaper in the UK because they leave out those expensive spices and seasoning.
Beer is cheaper, they do have that going for them.
Last time I was in the UK, the food was not cheaper. Not by a long shot.
Lets see who is more likely to have less expensive food – The world’s largest producer and exporter of agricultural products, or an island nation which is a net importer of food due to lacking sufficient arable land to feed its population?
Just scare stories coming from the EU. “Food prices are going to skyrocket if Brexit happens!!!” Yeah, keep pretending that’s going to happen at the same time that China puts tariffs on food imported from the US.
But we have knives to chop food here. We win
The land of the spork.
It very well may be cheaper. But I would be shocked if they have near the selection we do. Plus their teeth are all fucked up and their skin is all pasty. So fuck em even if their food is a bit cheaper.
It’s not cheaper. If you look at the rest of the dolt’s answer you’ll see he also thinks the NHS is cheaper than US healthcare because it’s “Free” at the point of consumption.
Everything’s really cheap here – after I pay most of my salary in taxes and fill my tank with $10 a gallon gas.
For as second I thought you were talking about NJ.
Although NJ is now doing its best to raise fuel taxes to levels similar to other states.
My sorta Republican State Senator can fuck off if he thinks I’m voting for him after he voted for ever-increasing gas taxes. And the roads still suck.
lie down and think of the guns or something
That’s illegal in New Jersey.
Ok, lie down and think of Christie washing himself with a rag on a stick.
The small consolation is that fuel taxes are regressive.
(Says the guy driving a Tesla that was exempt from NJ sales tax. Hows that for ridiculous!)
Move to California, at least you’ll get scenery and weather.
So Pie, serious question about your homeland. Outside of the cities, do you have people who set up what could be described as honor farmer’s markets? There’s quite a few places near me, where the people grow vegetables in their back yards, and produce way too much. So they set out packages of vegetables with prices on it and a container for people to put in cash.
“Honor farmer”?
Oh, you mean the ones where no one is manning the stall.
Honor farm means something totally different here. Think cool hand luke.
Not very often… There is something like that, depending on the area, how off the beaten track things are etc. But in general people leave stuff outside the gate they want to sell and you usually shout and someone comes out. It is rare to just leave money, although occasionally happens.
I know there are islands all over the Caribbean like this, especially in the BVI. But for drinking. You dock or moor your boat, go up to The shack and there’s a price sheet posted. Turn on the generator. Drink your fill. Leave your money.
Not sure if any are left now, but they were really common 20 or so years ago. And they’re also great places to pull in if you’re hauling a shitload of Cuban cigars, among other goods, back from Tortola to PR and you see a coast guard cutter (whose captain doesn’t give a fuck where he is) illegally patrolling British waters.
Ooooh! That’s smells like an article, Sloop!
::goes to look up statute of limitations::
Saba Rock used to be like that IIRC. Now it’s a mini-hotel
Hey I posted this yesterday! What am I, yesterday’s tomatoes?
More like peaches.
Either way, rotten to the core.
Not like Herb?
No, Herb.
Air Force veteran Anna Paulina Luna, 30, announced this week that she is running for U.S. Congress in Florida’s 13th Congressional District against Democrat Rep. Charlie Crist.
Luna, who is Hispanic, made the announcement in a video that she posted on Twitter to her 112,000 followers, writing: “My name is Anna Paulina Luna and I’m running for Congress. I will no longer standby as the socialist agenda infects the youth of our nation. I need your help fundraising as I am going up against fundraiser for the DCCC.”
My name is Luna…
I live on the second floor…
heh. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Glib-meme!
Now there’s a candidate I could really get behind!
Or on top of?
It’s about time we had a Mooney in office.
Damn it there goes my hard and fast rule against being willing to kiss politicians’ asses.
Yes that was great, some other good quotes in there as well, hope she’s the real deal.
one-handed pitcher Jim Abbott,
Pitching with 1 hand isn’t that impressive. Fielding, on the other hand…uh, hmmm, bad metaphor, lets try again…His fielding, meanwhile, was impressive.
I saw him play in Millington, TN when he was on the USA team. It was ’86 or ’87? Anyhow, the team they were playing against (I can’t remember who) bunted the first three batters and were all thrown out by Abbott. After that they went back to playing like he was any other pitcher.
The other player I remember as being sort of good was their tall skinny first baseman Mark McGuire.
Things Pie is curious about: So If a hockey team would fight a baseball team who would win? I don’t know roster sizes, but use the smaller number if different.
Version one: bare hands
Version two weapons of the trade: baseballs/bats sticks/pucks
Hockey players. This isn’t even an actual debate. Hockey players are also more intelligent and more polite than baseball players. Baseball players are dolts.
How does politeness win in a fight??
It doesn’t.
“Pardon me, I believe one of your shoelaces is untied, sir”
::BOOM:: punch in the face.
Politeness is the ultimate rope-a-dope tactic.
Sloopy ain’t lyin’. https://youtu.be/bR6T-QjgGcE
“The Double-Douche.”
::shakes head, gets off chopper::
Although, I have to confess my favorite line from that fine film (and there are quite a few); the line that keeps me coming back for repeated viewings was uttered by Tinker (one of the baddie’s henchmen). When asked if he was a witness to the baddie receiving his just desserts, all he can muster is a sheepish – “Polar bear fell on me.“
Roadhouse is possibly the best worst movie ever made
If you have not yet seen it, may I offer Blood In, Blood Out
worst sucker punch I ever saw started with the puncher walking forward mouthing conciliatory things and offering his right hand to shake. When the punchee took the hand the puncher pulled him in as he threw a looping left. Knocked him from the sidewalk about half way across the first lane, and he was out for at least 10 minutes.
go to 0:40
Baseball fights are generally slap fights unless Nolan Ryan is involved. He could probably hang with hockey players, but that is about it.
Aussie rules football. They’ll stick a finger up your butt.
Well other sports don’t count
Naturally the Glib in Japan thinks kancho!
If somebody “kanchoed!” my piles I’d probably half kill them before the red left my eyes.
Hockey players versus (American) Football players would be a better debate.
I assume (American) Football would win easily, as would basketball, difference in size and strength. I though baseball and hockey are more similar, although hockey are probably in somewhat better shape. But baseball should throw a powerful punch.
Basketball is at the bottom of the list. Basketball fights are worse than baseball fights. They should have a reach advantage, but don’t know how to use it.
I might put golfers above basketball players in a fight.
NBA players are tall, fast and have a lot of muscle mass compared to baseball/hockey. They probably lift 3 times the weights.
Dude, google Kevin Durant’s bench press.
Huh? The old gym I worked out at was the practice court for the T-Woofs (and visiting teams). There are very few NBA players that you couldn’t convince me that I could take after a few barley pops. Kevin Garnett is super tall, but he has almost no muscle mass at all.
They are tall, fast and coordinated, but they are not strong. That is why Shaq was such a force in the NBA. He actually was a strong giant. He simply pushed all the other 7ft-ers around without needing to extend his arms.
You can’t actually be fast without being strong.
F = Ma
KE = 0.5mV^2
The enormous, strong but slow guy is a myth.
If you have a lot of mass, you don’t need as much accelleration to exert as much force, so your own argument defeats itself.
The enormous, strong but slow guy is a myth.
I’d agree that the idea of fast but weak is a myth, but strong and slow is not. Watch George Foreman’s comeback for an example.
You’ve got that backwards. If you’re big and fast/quick/agile (like NBA players) you are by necessity capable of generating tremendous force, energy, power, and momentum. All of which are bad to be on the receiving end of.
You’ve got that backwards. If you’re big and fast/quick/agile (like NBA players) you are by necessity capable of generating tremendous force, energy, power, and momentum. All of which are bad to be on the receiving end of.
I think you are the one with it backwards. Your example is proof of my position . Large + fast =strong Strong +large does not = fast and you said:
The enormous, strong but slow guy is a myth.
I think you meant fast but weak.
I think what I’m saying is that the typical NBA player doesn’t have the mass (M) to be scary.
KD is listed at 6′ 9″ and 240lb
Wilt was 7′ 1″ and 275lb
Garnett was 6′ 11″ and 240lb
That isn’t a lot of mass for guys that tall.
I was responding to UnCiv’s response re: smaller guys needing less force to accelerate with backwardsness being that the NBA guys are have already demonstrating the required acceleration, therefore implying they have to be strong, Jarflax.
As to what things are mythical… it might be technically possible to be strong and slow (particularly at the extremes like Andre the Giant) but I’ve never actually encountered a time where my opponent was bigger or stronger than me but I was able to outmaneuver them somehow.
An elephant ain’t designed for speed, but it can outrun a mouse. Though not a cheetah, but that is designed for speed.
And to Pope Jimbo: Mass is scalar. It doesn’t matter much how the mass is distributed (angular momentum and moments of inertia aside) the energy is the same for any given speed. Now those moments of inertia will absolutely result in greater strain to the big guys, so NBA players might not have very long MMA careers.
“The old gym I worked out at was the practice court for the T-Woofs”
18 years ago I would go to that gym during my lunch hour every day. I didn’t work out, I just sat in the whirlpool and sauna and steam-room. Nice break in the workday. Lot of gay dudes there though.
Some exceptions – like Willis Reed beating up the entire Lakers squad (before Wilt Chamberlain was there).
Even today, Hakeem Olajuwon and Shaq could crush anyone in the PGA.
Thia almost happened. Word it that Ali’s managed nixed after seeing Wilt in person.
That would have been awesome. Given how good of a volleyball player Wilt became after he retired, I don’t doubt he was a good enough athlete to learn to box pretty well.
As long as Wilt didn’t get mixed up with some Austrian musclehead over some underage white woman, I think he could take just about anyone.
Whenever they go on about who was the greatest NBA player of all time, I think that by default, it has to be wilt the Stilt. The guy score 100 points in a single game.
Of course he is. Not even a question, just a way to pass the time.
His rookie year he broke the NBA scoring and rebounding records. The only man to ever break either of those records – was Wilt Chamberlain. If they kept track of blocks back then, it would be the same.
Baseball and Basketball players rarely have for real fights because an injured hand will end their season.
Would you say you’re Pie-curious?
Pie curious https://youtu.be/r8L3_I4SW2I
Nicely done:)
Also pie curious.
This time of year, hockey players fight guys on their own teams.
It wouldn’t even be close.
A map of Europe
I don’t get it.
me neither. But it is something weird I though I’d share
I dont either, but Czechoslovenia made me laugh.
LOL @ Georgia
I didnt catch that, that is a good one.
Sort of unrelated, I have thought there should be a Georgia to Georgia boat race. Poti to Savannah (or vice versa).
Me neither.
I liked North and South Aldi.
Stop marginalizing East Aldi!
Homelessness in the state has shot up over the past two years, with Los Angeles registering a 12 percent increase and San Francisco’s homeless population increasing by 17 percent, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Welcome to Trump’s America. He had their houses torn down to make room for luxury hotels and golf courses.
The rich people in California would have helped the homeless but the SALT cap took so much of the rich people’s money that they had nothing left with which to help the homeless people.
No. Californ8a is sprinkling money over the heads of the bums. They don’t seem to realize it attracts them.
You’re totally correct, but to leftists they aren’t doing enough and it simply has to be Trump’s fault.
Mostly they are spreading it to the bum-industrial complex, but some crumbs do make it to the bums themselves.
Tangential, but the cognitive dissonance between wealthy Democrats demanding everybody’s taxes go up while simultaneously fighting tooth and nail to avoid the higher taxes from the SALT deduction getting capped has to be enough to power a large city.
U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan
lol pine nuts. More like bomb making nuts! gtfo.
Fuck yeah!
Murica. Yeah.
Looks like the Taliban need to get on the ball if they want to match our body count.
Hearts and minds.
“when a drone targeted them,”
WTF!? It’s not SKYNET. United States Military personnel targeted and blew a bunch of people up in their own country who were hanging out around a bonfire after a hard days work. Whether or not that last part is true, I don’t know. But we really should stop bombing countries and the people in them.
Great. Now pesto prices are going to rise.
Why overeating is an ecological nightmare
Fat shame for the enviroment
Damn it I was planning to start getting back in shape and now I have to hate fat the left.
Is Kevin Spacey secretly a Clinton?
He’s Kaiser Soze.
Frank Underwood.
I see the confessions over at NBC are just the dumpster fire that I expected. Thank God for sane people.
Trump says gun negotiations going ‘very slowly’
Never give an inch! Well, give a few inches, but not all the inches!
Trump’s a conventional thinker who thinks something needs to be done so we’re going to see something. My money’s on universal background checks and some kind of federal red flag law (or encouraging state red flag laws). The Republicans seem intent on stabbing themselves in the dick on this one.
I agree but you have to admit it’s hilarious to see conventional as an adjective for Trump.
Only because politics has become utterly insane. Ten or more years ago, he could have run as a centrist Democrat. If he had and won, then all of the palace intrigue and “he’s so crazy” stories would be buried instead of trumpeted.
Just the tip! I promise!
Thank god for Beto largely torpedoing orange Cheetos plans on this.
is there a quid pro quo? do we get Constitutional Carry or buy suppressors without NFA?
Repeal the NFA, implement national constitutional carry and ban state/local restrictions on firearms.
If we’re really, really lucky they won’t give cops any new special privileges.
Wife is being a cunt tonight and for some reason I thought being an asshole back was a good idea.
So you’re locked out of the house and posting on your phone?
7-11 has Wi Fi.
I wouldn’t know. 7-11 doesn’t run 7-11 branded stores in my area (they have a different name and I don’t think they offer internet access)
You’re making me more angry.
I need to know the tone before I answer that.
It’s the sound made by the * on your phone.
Wow. I’m not angry anymore. UCS, you’re like a horse whisperer.
For real? I had no idea. Open WiFi is a PITA in Japan.
Jesus Straff, I thought all the Asian brides were supposed to be all docile and subservient and shit. Has popular culture mislead me once again? j/k I hope you guys work it out amicably.
“So you’re just going to your room and play on the computer?!”
Women think that is some giant insult. “Uh, yeah.”
They’ll patch it right up in a day or two. Then Straff will be surprised all over again in 28 days.
I had a whole business plan for running a web site that would help guys avoid that situation.
Guys would sign up for free and upload data on when their gals were starting their period. Once we had enough data, we’d be able to predict the next time and send an alert to the guy. Once alerted, the guy would be able to realize that their woman wasn’t actually picking a fight for any real reason and could rope-a-dope them.
I’d make money by getting a kickback from sales made by all the ads I showed to them for chocolate, flowers and greeting cards.
Great. More Red Flag laws.
What’s the buy-in? I don’t have that problem anymore but I know plenty of guys just ripe for the picking in a MLM sense!
I tabled the whole idea when my wife went through the change.
I had an old business partner try to entice me out of retirement with this story about how there really are period tracker apps now. He said I should do it for my boys if not for me.
Fuck those kids. Why should they be able to avoid those stupid fights if I didn’t? Builds character is what I say (now).
Let’s hear how you’d word the warning you’d send to guys about the be sacked by the Crimson Tide.
I like it. Can I still throw the plate of spaghetti at the wall. I like that part of domestic violence.
I don’t know how many times I’ve been blindsided. Everything’s going great, then boom. I get all surprised and upset, then realize our last real fight was just about a month earlier.
My eye opening moment was when I was brushing my teeth before going to bed. “What the fuck happened tonight? I came home in a good mood and right away we are fighting. I don’t get it.”
Then I look over and see the tampon wrapper in the trash can and the light bulb went off.
“Sweet! I don’t have to go anal tonight!”? *Bow in apology, but gotta make the joke*
Oh my God, the best part about my wife being pregnant is she doesn’t lose her mind according to the phase of the moon, like a fucking werewolf. It got to a point where she’d be shitty and pissy over nothing at all, then a few minutes (or hours, depending) later say something like, “I’m sorry, I’ve got cramps and I’m in a terrible mood”, and I’d be like, “Yeah, I know, it’s been about a month since the last outbreak. That’s why I’ve been doing so much yard work lately.”
Yeah, maybe Chinese gals? Extensive field research on my part has definitely documented that Korean wives definitely have an opinion on most matters and are not in the habit of changing it just because their husband has a different opinion. My data set might be small (1), but the duration of the study, I think, makes up for that.
Anecdata, Snopes rates this as “The God’s Honest Truth”.
Good to see that you still have some fire left in you Straff.
I always think that marriage is like WWI. In the beginning there were frequent clashes and lots of lightning maneuvers to grab territory. Then things bogged down. There were still a few major offenses to try to break through enemy lines. The insane casualties suffered going against reinforced defenses soon convinced everyone that such efforts were futile.
Now my guys are all battle hardened vets who just hunker down in their trenches and wait for the bombardment to end. They have no illusions anymore that they are heroes or are fighting for any grand vision. They are just trying to get out alive. And if a sector does heat up and get tense, they are no way, no how going to go charging up over the top.
^ Nice one!
All’s fair.
That was an extremely accurate analogy.
Since Spawn 1 is gone, I live with 2 women.
*thousand yard stare*
Saudis couldn’t stop oil attack, even with top US defenses
Time to buy Chinese.
US Model – Really big, really expensive drone that provide pork to multiple congressional districts
Terrorist Model – 1,000 $75 Fangxi drones bought on alibaba with bombs duct taped to them
Do the drones scream ‘Aloha Snackbar’ before crashing and exploding?
Hire a dude with a a shotgun?
Ugh the Nats are trying their fucking hardest to choke and miss even the Wild Card game. But I still think based on schedule it’s going to be Nats vs Brewers in the WC, with the Cardinals and their devil magic winning the Central. I won’t comment on the AL because I think I’ve watched a total of 10 games this year of that garbage division and their dumb dh rules.
Can anyone explain to me how this meth injecting, overdose masturbating dem donor is only on the hook for 5 years max and not getting charged with murder? Could it be any more clear from Epstein to this guy the key to short terms for heinous acts is to donate to democratic politicians.
I’m not sure they have enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a california jury that the guy is guilty of the two murders, and he’s liable to plea down the one with a living witness.
you don’t need murder one but manslaughter and criminal negligence you would think are easily attainable. He has an established a pattern of behavior.
He’s clearly innocent. Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich tried to slander him.
Make Campus Great Again!
President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign launched a “Make Campus Great Again” program for the fall, and College Democrats aren’t happy about it.
The program kicked off at the University of Akron on Monday, with more than 50 students from that school and Cleveland State University, Walsh University, and Kent State University gathered at an event to show support for Trump and get trained on registering voters for the 2020 election. The program is managed by Trump Victory, a joint entity between the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, working with the Ohio Federation of College Republicans. The two groups teamed up to launch a Trump Victory Leadership Initiative throughout Ohio colleges and universities to train and recruit campus activists for the president’s re-election efforts.
The campaign was not expecting such a large turnout, so additional attendees ended up standing. As student activists gathered, the College Democrats of Ohio released a statement saying the president “is not welcome on our campuses.”
“From siding with for-profit colleges to attacking Title IX protections the Trump Administration is working consistently to attack the interests of college students,” said College Democrats of Ohio President Eva Holtkamp in the statement. “Students know that Trump is bad for our future, which is why youth voter turnout across the country jumped in 2018.”…
RNC spokesperson Mandi Merritt responded to the Democrats’ statement, saying it demonstrated the lack of freedom of thought on college campuses.
“The Democrats’ statement proves our point that freedom of thought is being suppressed on campuses across America. The ‘Make Campus Great Again’ program is giving students the support and resources they need to stand up and speak up when Leftists threaten to shut down free think. Trump Victory is proud to support students who value President Trump’s winning agenda and encourage a climate where differences in opinion are encouraged, not suppressed,” Merritt said.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel added that conservatives on college campuses have been subjected to bullying for their political views.
“Freedom of thought is being suppressed in college classrooms across America. Conservative students, in particular, are being bullied by liberal professors and peers to either submit to the socialist, Leftist ideology or sit quietly,” McDaniel said. “The RNC and our joint ‘Trump Victory’ operation launched ‘Make Campus Great Again’ to give students the support and resources they need to stand up and speak up. When it comes to issues college students care about, like securing a job after graduation, the choice is clear: a booming economy under President Trump or a government takeover of every aspect of their lives under Democrat leadership.”
Between this type of shit and his campaigning in New Mexico it honest to god feels like he has easily the most tech savy and intelligent people running his campaign that I can remember a republican ever having.
And the tech companies are waging a war against him as a result.
My daughter’s school sent out a note saying if parents want to allow their kids to go to Greta’s Pipi Longstocking Climate Change Hoedown they would be excused.
Wife: Honey, did you know about this?
Daughter: No.
Wife: Did you plan on going?
Daughter: No.
Wife: Good. Because daddy wouldn’t let you go.
In my family, shit gets done. No child of mine is going to contribute to being a pawn in a political game (and climate change is change of politics in the West by other means – ie usurp capitalism). What the ‘adults in the room’ are doing only fuels their anxiety. As far as I’m concerned, it’s psychological child abuse and if you’re a parent that goes along with this you contribute to the smog of stupidity and are no better.
it is a shitty strategy using a child for you crap, and when your crap is criticized you scream at people attacking a child. I was trying to be accepting of political opinions but the left is royally pissing me off lately
Again. People are clueless here. To the average person forming opinions from afar and not delving into Greta’s background, it’s ‘what’s the big deal? She’s passionate!”.
However, once you do a simple investigation to understand the person behind the protest a little, you see the ‘big deal’.
You don’t take advantage of a child on the autism spectrum filled with anxiety (in this case climate change) letting her go on some Joan of Arc crusade because in the end it’s highly likely nothing will come of it and what will become of her then? This child needs to be taken care of not exploited.
If ever there was a perfect illustration of Progressivism’s obsession with “caring” for abstracts like “society” or “the environment” while not giving two shits about actual people or actual places, this is it. I doubt a single one of the people cheering her on did a smidgeon of investigation to learn a little bit about her because all they care about is the optics of a virtuous Nordic teenager crusading against corporations in the name of Gaia. And if they did, they’d probably handwave her autism away.
Brother, they are just getting started.
Except for the people attacking the Covington Boys, which was not only acceptable, but virtuous.
You are such a sexist shitlord Rufus! Your answer would be so different if you had a son.
Rufus: You thinking of going to that stupid climate protest shit?
Jr: Sure am Dad! I’m getting a boner right now thinking of all the ideologically addled girls that I am going to hump and dump there
Rufus: *high fives Jr*
Well DUH!
And you know damn well this is going to get hijacked by every lefty front group in town. I would expect Planned Parenthood to be there in numbers by the end of the day.
Today in “Guardian article mad libs”
We need a Butlerian Jihad
Won’t we die if “decarbonize”?
We’ll just upload our consciousnesses into silicon.
*runs wirehead.exe*
I will believe these people are sincere when they start admitting that carbon isn’t the problem. Whatever forces may be driving climate change, atmospheric carbon is not one of them.
Man’s penis rots after he injected VASELINE to try and make it bigger
Enjoy your breakfast!
Slick idea
Urology Case Reports
My favorite periodical
President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign launched a “Make Campus Great Again” program for the fall, and College Democrats aren’t happy about it.
I hope those guys set up shop in Berkeley.
I’ll be sure to add a comment on the NBC site.
Well, it’s been lovely talking with all of you, but I have to get ready to go to work.
You’re no longer unemployed?
Stalking and loitering is like being employed.
How I got my ratest job.
Got a job down in the Syrah mines?
I actually did work quite a few vendanges in the Rhone, but the fucking Eastern Europeans took all those jobs.
But I’m now suddenly overemployed.
Congrats man. Hope this job treats you well.
Thanks- I already have someone else trying to lure me away. Bizarre.
Tis always thus. Just like you always get more women flirting with you once you get engaged.
Great news! I hope you don’t have to move again.
Why the liberal West is a Christian creation
Christianity is dismissed as a fairy tale but its assumptions underpin the modern secular world.
Secular liberals dismiss Christianity as a fairy tale, but their values and their view of history remain essentially Christian. The Christian story tells of the son of God being put to death on a cross. In the Roman world, this was the fate of criminals and those who challenged imperial power. Christianity brought with it a moral revolution. The powerless came to be seen as God’s children, and therefore deserving of respect as much as the highest in society. History was a drama of sin and redemption in which God – acting through his son – was on the side of the weak.
But was Jesus a commie?
But was Jesus a commie?
I covered that over 2 years ago:
The Fine Art of Taking a Whizz in Afghanistan
Gatorade is the only bottle wide enough to handle our big American dicks! Thank you, Gatorade.
Mason jars for me.
Pffftt…. amateurs
You need one of these
Wife is being a cunt tonight and for some reason I thought being an asshole back was a good idea.
I believe that’s what’s referred to as Mutually Assured Destruction.
I’m gonna win this one for all the men on the planet. People will have to tear down my future statues.
Keep us posted.
*grabs popcorn*
Ah yes, the irresistible urge to flip up the protective cover and press the flashing red button that says “Fuck it” in a domestic argument. I know it well.
my climate confession: I need recycle more. Last week I only burned a dozen car batteries to obtain the lead from them. I recycle the lead into cast bullets.
What are the chances they will publish that?
Dear lord, the smell of burning car battery…
I’m staying out of the bayou for sure.
Every time you burn a car battery an ecowarrior dies.
Like I said, I need to recycle more.
Why don’t you go find out?
Well, it’s been lovely talking with all of you, but I have to get ready to go to work.
That crossing guard gig at the middle school came through? Congrats. Good hunting.
Fish in a barrel. Fish in a barrel. It’s almost unfair how easy it is.
Trudeau embroiled in yet another scandal. This time, he painted his face brown once upon a time.
As much as I loathe this dick douche, he has nothing to apologize for here.
Retard nation strikes again.
So if he gets pushed out who will likely replace him?
I think they’re nearing another general election. So there are a lot of question marks.
Would he use that to bury his opponents? Yes. So, yes he has something to apologize for. Only thing is that he won’t apologize for the thing he should apologize for.
Dude, it’s Canada.
I wanna marry him so that I can legally beat him.
I’m conflicted about stuff like this, because while Trudy richly deserves to be hoist by his own petard here the more this kind of thing happens the more normal it becomes.
Fuck Trudeau with whatever dildo you can get your hands on. It’s an unprincipled position, but sometimes you gotta be flexible.
Yeh but fuck hm. It’s people like him that contributed to this toxic atmosphere. So let him burn.
He has done far worse. Like his bull shit Anti-Islamophobia and Gender pronouns laws. Among other things including his lavish living on or dime and the SNC-Lavalin mess. Not to mention ‘gender neutralizing’ our anthem which I would absolutely want a party to reverse.
He’s a faux-SJW clown.
Who would have thought that one of Castro’s greatest blows against the west would be a bona-fide by-blow? 8)
I really want to believe those pics juxtaposing their faces are real.
They completely convinced me. The resemblance is uncanny.
He doesn’t look unlike Trudeau Sr. It would take a DNA test for me to be convinced one way or the other.
But, yeah, Trudeau the Lesser and Castro at his age look like brothers.
It’s people like him that contributed to this toxic atmosphere. So let him burn.
That’s where I am. You get held to the standards you espouse. If you consistently say these kind of antics in the Long-Ago shouldn’t be weaponized, then you get a pass. If you start frothing at the mouth and demanding people be unpersoned for it, well, to the boats you go.
Wife is confused about blackface. Me too but I think I understand it in the abstract.
Blackface is insulting because darker skin is inherently inferior? If you go blackface you are mocking inferior people?
I don’t see it that way. People put on makeup and disguises to play parts all of the time. So what? None of it reflects on the character of the people they are portraying.
Definitely a case of dogs hearing dog whistles.
The seed at the heart of the blackface hysteria is that there was a genre of entertainment back in the late 19th, early 20th century where white performers would perform comedy-skits where they would portray backward and moronic black people behaving in comically stupid manners. In essence they were mocking black people. And they would paint their faces black.
So black-face was a genre of comedy that consisted of white people mocking black people for the amusement of white people.
Of course, as forms of racist oppression go, it’s pretty immaterial. Nobody is physically harmed. It’s a form of comedy with very, very limited appeal that ages pretty badly with very rare exceptions.
The good stuff, like the Mikado, can still entertain, the bad stuff sinks into the mire of history and is forgotten.
The current furor is really about oppressing white people and making them scared of mocking or teasing people of other races.
Except, the twist is Al Jolson did it as a form of protest satirizing it if I remember correctly.
Whatever. It happened a long time ago. Move on. Let sleeping dogs lie.
This is true. It’s just something you don’t do because of the historical context. They keep pushing the double standard, though, and it might make a comeback.
I grew up in Texas, not the most racially enlightened place in the world at the time (I graduated high school in 1980).
I went to a conservative university in Richmond, VA. With a very active fraternity scene. In fact, mine was one of the more, umm, rambunctious.
I never saw, or heard about, a single instance of blackface. As far as I know, it never even crossed anybody’s mind. And we had some pretty, errr, celebratory Halloween parties.
The fact that people were doing it in the 90s and even 00s is very strange to me. You can’t tell me it wasn’t done to shock and be transgressive.
Should people be punished for it now? Not unless they advocate punishing others for it. But in no way should they get away with the “oh, I had no idea it might be offensive” bullshit.
But in no way should they get away with the “oh, I had no idea it might be offensive” bullshit
I don’t know. I think there should be more tolerance. See also: Roseanne Barr’s comments about Valerie Jarrett. We assume a base level of cultural knowledge but frankly that’s not uniform or consistent. It is entirely conceivable that someone could get to high school or college level and never have heard of blackface or minstrelsy before. Or that someone could reasonably think Jarrett wasn’t black or not associate her with blackness.
I think there should be more tolerance.
I do, too, including for “offensive” behavior. But they are lying if they say they say they didn’t think it would be offensive. And you don’t get more tolerance than you give.
Fired aide says senator asked him to dress as leprechaun
Don’t even know what “human rights” are anymore.
Less sinister than human lefts.
hahahaha….reminds me of Frank McRae’s security guard in the original Vacation – “He violated my human decency, Mr. Wally!”
…something ….something… Lucky Charms!
FB steps on a rake.
Facebook, in court filings defending itself from a lawsuit filed by activist and congressional candidate Laura Loomer, has cited its first amendment rights as a “publisher,” contradicting public claims by the company that its social media service is a platform.
The distinction between publisher and platform is central to the legal protections enjoyed by big tech companies, and is frequently cited by Republican lawmakers in their criticism of Silicon Valley’s political bias.
Under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, tech platforms have immunity from lawsuits arising out of their decisions to host (or not to to host) user-generated content. Unlike publishers, which are liable if their writers defame someone, a tech platform is not held liable for content created by its users.
Yet Facebook appears to be jettisoning this categorization in its court filings, saying it has a First Amendment right as a publisher not to carry Loomer’s content.
So to avoid one lawsuit, they open themselves up to others.
Say, did their Lawyers go to Oberlin by chance?
obviously it’s different when they do it because their publisher/platform status is fluid.
and guys, please get with the program. publisher/platform status is NOT BINARY. Facebook identifies as a publisher but has platform protections.
I’d say good. But, I think we all know that this open admission will be totally and utterly ignored the very moment someone tries to bring the issue up against them. Unless the judge makes Zuckerberg and the Facebook board acknowledge as much in writing, I think this defense should be thrown the hell out.
Ultimately, it’s irrelevant. Section 230 already has a huge carve out for platforms to remove content they find objectionable. The distinction between “publisher” and “platform” does not exist in law (as yet). The only questions of real importance would be if Facebook itself misrepresented Loomer or was authoring content of its own about her.
Third sentence is overbroad. The distinction does not exist as it relates to this matter.
The distinction between “publisher” and “platform” does not exist in law (as yet).
Indirectly, it does. Generally speaking, anyone who passes along defamatory material is exposed to liability; people or organizations who do this as a business are called “publishers”, although I don’t know that the term actually shows up in statute. “Platforms” are given immunity from defamation for what they pass along, as long as they stick to the rules for platforms.
Now, Facebook claiming a 1A right as a publisher to deplatform somebody is not, IMO, the smartest move. That is saying that what goes up on Facebook is in some part their expressive activity. If so, then it calls into question whether they are staying within the rules for platforms. The 1A rights come with responsibilities, including the responsibility to not defame people. Now, platforms, like anyone else, have 1A rights but are immunized from some of those responsibilities.
It would have been smarter for them to simply claim that they are acting within the platform rules and are immune for that reason. Doing otherwise raises the question of why they need to claim protections beyond the CDA. Lawyers love to argue in the alternative, and theoretically arguing inconsistent alternatives doesn’t undercut either one. In reality, though, putting forth two mutually exclusive arguments means that you are at risk of having to pick one, because at some point the underlying facts for the two positions start getting mutually exclusive, too.
To make it worse for FB, this is a politically charged issue. Hostile legislators don’t give a crap about the ability to argue contradictory positions in court, or the niceties of platforms also having 1A rights. They just handed their enemies a stick to beat them with.
A little refinement: Now, platforms, like anyone else, have 1A rights but are immunized from some of those responsibilities because they can say that when they are deplatforming someone within the rules they are not engaging in expressive activity. Once they say they are engaging in expressive activity, it gets really hard to say they are still acting as a platform.
But nowhere does the law say they can’t do both. They can only be liable for defamation if they defame. Removal is not defamation. Now, they issued a statement explaining why they removed her and she claims that statement is defamatory. The “publisher” vs. “provider” distinction is not at play here and if this case is settled or decided in Loomer’s, I don’t believe there will be any attempt to “replatform” her. Facebook (potentially) opened up liability by making concrete statements about Loomer herself, not by running afoul of any protection they enjoy as a “platform”.
The real damage is not in this case, but if they open themselves up to being classed as a publisher, anything on their site that is found to be defamatory they become liable for.
You can bet there’s something there that meets the standard with all the users generating content.
That is not how Section 230 works. They cannot be held liable for users’ content, period. They can only be held liable for their own self-published content. You cannot strip that protection from an “interactive computer service” without amending or reinterpreting the law.
Only so long as they continue to be and behave as such. Their curation has gone beyond the bounds where they have protection from liability. This is the publisher/platform delimeter we’ve been talking about.
Their service is interactive and it happens on computers. It continues to be and behave as such.
There is no boundary line that they cross by having opinions. They can remove any content they find objectionable. They can keep any content that isn’t illegal. Those are the boundaries. Section 230 is not the Fairness Doctrine for interactive computer services.
They are also, separately, the publisher of material they author. But that does not make them the publisher of material other people authored.
Greetings, from the Tree of Woe
MIT President L. Rafael Reif has vowed to “repair a system and a culture that failed the people” of the university, after reports revealed the school’s involvement with Jeffrey Epstein.
Reif said Wednesday the culture that allowed the school to make those mistakes has prevailed at MIT for far too long.
“I am humbled that it took this cascade of misjudgments for me to truly see this persistent dynamic and appreciate its full impact,” he said during an MIT faculty meeting. “We need to stop looking away from bad behavior and start taking the time to see what it costs us a community. This moment of crisis much be the moment of reckoning — and a turn towards real accountability.”
“Since I played a role in this problem, I feel a deep responsibility to help repair a system and a culture that failed the people of MIT,” Reif said.
“We need to identify and root out the cultural factors that contributed to these troubling errors and outcomes, so we can prevent damage like this in the future. We need to examine honestly what is wrong and work together to correct it,” he added.
I am confident they will, after a prolonged struggle, announce a bunch of pointless and counterproductive revisions to their “culture”.
Needz moar culturally sensitive bridge trusses.
Just once I want to see one of these people or institutions who are being harassed about taking donations from an unsavory source quote Vespasian – “Pecunia non olet.”
(More) struggle sessions for everyone!
Read the comments at NBC.
How out of touch with reality and self-absorbed are people who think this was a good idea? People will never publicly confess to anything.
In high school, our Priest asked us (it was an all boys religion class) to write down on an index card our confession. The idea was he’d read it and give advice or whatever….to help the children.
The very first question was ‘I’m a man but have a burning desire to wear women’s underwear’. No sooner he had read it my friend Eric whispers in my ear ‘I asked for a friend’.
And it degenerated from there. After reading a few of them, the Priest (who was not above cursing) told us we’re all a bunch of assholes and left the Chapel leaving us stranded. So what did we do? HUMAN PYRAMID! Just as Adrian (who was the smallest among us) was about to top it, the Principle walked in and asked, ‘what’s going on here?”. The pyramid collapsed, mayhem ensured, Homer screams filled the Chapel as we escaped. I ended up in the Priest’s private bathroom….with Eric in his usual dead-pan calm demeanour as I was nervous…..who was eating a carrot….in the dark…..all I heard was the crunching of a carrot. Then…..for some strange reason the Principle opened the door. He gave one of those ‘wtf?’ looks that rendered someone voiceless with his mouth slightly open. We just stood there. He regained his sense and just meekly said, ‘Go to the Chapel’. Crunch, crunch.
This was my high school. And NBC is gonna ask people like me to confess?
Yeah. Right. /Austin Powers.
The “confessions” are funny and this little project will be memory holed before the day is done.
Eating a carrot in the priest’s private bathroom. That’s some euphemism.
I keep seeing these viral posts of people’s high medical bills. One variation I keep seeing is people being billed for babies they lose shortly after birth claiming their insurance won’t cover it Correct me if I’m wrong the mothers insurance is required to cover the child for first 30 days of life.
Here is an example.
How did they charge the lady upfront for a miscarriage?
IIRC, and it’s been about four years, but yeah, for the first 30 days the child is covered under the mother. When people post stuff like that, assuming they’re being honest, it’s likely because they’re in an emotionally difficult situation and feel tremendously indignant that the insurance bureaucracy was insensitive to that. So they deliberately make the situation worse or fail to try to correct it in order to sort of bask in the anger and score some attention dollars.
Thing is, hospitals want to get paid. Insurance companies don’t want to pay money, but they really don’t want to be sued, nor do they want to lose business. This could’ve been a coding error, in which case a quick call to the hospital’s billing department should clear it up. Failing that, he could’ve called the insurance company and sorted it out.
When we had our first kid, I was surprised by the presence of people in the delivery process whose work was billed separately and not covered by insurance.
In our case everyone involved was either on the hospital’s invoice or the OB’s. My wife’s OB/GYN works through the hospital, though, so pretty much from soup to nuts everything went through cooperating offices. The hospital billed separately, but we’d already given them our insurance information and made sure everything would be covered.
My first assumption is most of these are bullshit Bernie propagandists.
When my kids were born, I still had an HMO. I walked out of the hospital without ever getting a bill. Then Obama “fixed” healthcare for everyone.
Many of those look like obvious bullshit to me. I know what the “chargemaster” pricing looks like (that’s the very high prices that are charged to people with no insurance; nobody really pays those). And some of those are too high even for chargemaster pricing in any market I’ve worked in.
And those fake prices only exist because of severe market distortions introduced or reinforced by governments.
They are an artifact of the days when hospitals were regulated like utilities and had to get their charges approved annually by the state.
That is all BS. My wife and I had our first kid with no insurance. We joined a program that the U of TN ran that gave us a ton of care for some insanely cheap price. It included all the pre-birth stuff and the delivery for under a grand. The catch was that all the care was done by trainees (under the supervision of a real nurse/doc).
When it came time to have my daughter, my wife screwed up and wouldn’t go with the natural program. So she needed a C-section. I can’t remember the real numbers, but the bill we got was for a lot of money. I pointed out to them that we were dirt poor and had no money, so they cut the rate by over 90% and set up a payment plan.
Other anecdotal evidence: A buddy of mine is single and a contractor. He has no insurance and regularly pays cash to docs for various things. He claims that he pays about 3% of published prices. And he can avoid the countless unnecessary tests. So far he hasn’t had a catastrophic injury and (according to him) he is way ahead of where he would be if he had been paying for insurance all these years.
I was unemployed when my son was born. We had much the same experience as you – delivery was on a payment plan at a large discount and our first pediatrician was an intern from FSU who we saw for free.
People who want an industry nationalized whining that said highly regulated industry doesn’t run like a well oiled capitalist enterprise is hilarious. Yes, you lost your baby. That is very sad and likely very traumatic for you. But from the hospital’s perspective, they did their job. This is what “healthcare” is. It’s not a product. It’s not even really a service. It’s just a set of practices and procedures that everybody is entitled to. Success is approaching irrelevance. If you nationalize it, the bill goes to the government instead of directly to you. Nowhere along the way will the process improve, it will just be funded differently (if at all).
Vespasian – “Pecunia non olet.”
So- “Ten bucks is ten bucks” in Latin?
Look at Brooks trying to undercut the competition!
Its $20, same as downtown
First thing I heard on the morning news:
NYC’s stop smoking hotline hasn’t caught up with the times and added “e-cigarettes” yet, and this is a thing that we have be seriously concerned about!
Well, you know teens are having issues quitting vaping:
Vapers seek relief from nicotine addiction by turning to cigarettes.
Please note, not a Babylon Bee headline.
Pure FUD. Disgusting, but no less than I would expect from left-coast Times.
Got 1s, 5s, 10s, 20s.
Got them 50s, got them 100s.
Baby I got plenty.
Freelance photographer Tom Brenner snapped the picture of Trump’s pocket as the wind briefly blew up the tail of his suit jacket.
The photo of the president quickly went viral online after Brenner shared it on Twitter and Instagram.
On the Air Force One flight back to Washington, DC, from California, reporters on the plane asked him about his cash-carrying habit.
“I don’t carry a wallet because I haven’t had to use a credit card in a long time,” Trump replied, holding up a wad of cash out of his pocket for reporters to see.
He said that he carried cash so that he could still give out tips as he traveled.
“I like to carry a little something. I like to give tips to the hotel. I’m telling you, maybe a president’s not supposed to do it, but I like to leave a tip for the hotel, etcetera, etcetera,” Trump explained.
Trump asked Brenner for a copy of the photo.
“Boy, that’s a good picture,” he said.
How is this news? It’s not even on the standard of the diet coke button or two scoops.
Because it is going to make it that much harder for the Ruling Class to outlaw cash. How can they really run things if there is a way for the plebes to anonymously buy things they want? How can they be shamed if you don’t know who bought what?
He carries cash to give to the cleaning crew and the bellhop? What a monster.
Given that I’ve heard from people who work for tips that politicians are notoriously cheap on tips, this speaks well of him.
They’re cheap bastards. Trump is an old-school heavy tipper. He knows that it gets good service for repeat customers and is a motivator.
I bet he leaves tips in Japan too, that asshole.
“He’s flaunting his wealth! White privilege!!1!”
/CNN et al.
Cash is racist — it’s all pictures of wypipo
He said that he carried cash so that he could still give out tips as he traveled.
Ding ding ding. And the man tips in $20s. They are bitching about this?
Trudeau was in blackface thrice. and this in the days before smart phones and ubiquitous cameras. me thinks he’s going to come out later today or tomorrow with a massive taxpayer-funded giveaway to the four black people in Canada.
here are the two latest pics:
Well, for our Canadian Glibs, I’ll wish this winds up in the joked-about eventuality of J. Peterson as PM.
I don’t see blackface as that big of a deal, especially in the nonUSA where it has a lot less baggage associated with it. That being said, if this was one of Trudeau’s political opponents Trudeau himself would be excoriating him over it so screw him.
Why does it always seem to be the progs that wear blackface?
I always considered it to be in poor taste.
I’ve come to the conclusion that a nonnegligable subset of progs are the racists they accuse everyone else of being. It explains so much about their behaviour.
I grew up in a time and place (American South, the 80s) where it wouldn’t have been condemned and yet I never felt compelled to do so nor do I recall any of my friends doing it. It was always seen as being mildly disrespectful.
You should have – you could have been governor of virginia.
I never did blackface because I was afraid it wouldn’t wash off.
They were wild in their youth, and they overcorrected to being moral scolds in their adulthood. It’s a tale as old as time.
exactly. but likely the only mileage we’ll get from this is calling his supporters hypocrites.
Either way there is a difference between “blackface” and wearing a costume.
I was raised in the “inner city” on a steady diet of “prejudice bad!” in school – there is basically no point in my life when I didn’t know it was “problematic”.
This guy is younger than I am and Canada-culture is close enough to US-culture that I doubt very much he didn’t know that too.
Or more specifically, North-US-culture.
I don’t know, I worked with a chick from New Hampshire at a local bar about fifteen years ago who didn’t know that calling a black man “boy” was pretty much an instant fight.
Of course we knew/know.
Good morning Sloopy and the rest of you scoundrels and rapscallions!
I think I’ve got it figured out: you build a structure of negativity with the news lynx, then blow it all to hell with a terrific musical selection! Bravo.
I listened to Candy-O this morning, so I’ll submit this tasty slice of New Wave!
Make it a great day, people!
“Make it a great day, people!”
I wondered what it would take to make you pistoff.
See, I thought his nickname was one of those opposite deals. Like when a big guy is named “Tiny”.
Given how pleasant he was at the Honey Harvest.
What about us curmudgeons?
Mornin’ hockey dude!
Allow me to parade my paranoid delusions before the masses
In February, Georgetown Law professor Josh Geltzer began to ponder aloud what would happen if President Donald Trump refused to leave office were he to be defeated in 2020. It sounded far-fetched, but Geltzer isn’t a conspiracy theorist. Actually, he served as senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council and, prior to that, as deputy legal adviser to the NSC and counsel to the assistant attorney general for national security. When he wrote his essay suggesting that perhaps it was time to start preparing for if Trump, who has repeatedly shown a willingness to overstep his constitutional authority, simply refused to leave the Oval Office, he was met with silence. When Michael Cohen warned in his March testimony before Congress, “given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 there will never be a peaceful transition of power,” he too was met with awkward silence. But the anxieties gradually began to grow. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fretted about this possibility in a May interview in the New York Times. When Politico probed the question this summer, it noted: “Constitutional experts and top Republican lawmakers dismiss the fears as nonsense, noting there are too many forces working against a sitting president simply clinging to power—including history, law and political pressure.” But commentators now seem less confident in those forces.
On Thursday, Edward Luce at the Financial Times noted how often Trump jokes about having a third term, observing that, because of Trump’s belief that he could face prosecution after he leaves office, “no other US president has faced the prospect of being re-elected or going to jail.” He added that for Trump, losing the 2020 election is an existential threat, and he has openly invited foreign interference, while Mitch McConnell refuses to even consider legislation to secure the vote. And even if Trump is truly joking when he tweets that he deserves to be credited two extra years in his existing term, years he believes were lost to the Mueller probe, or riffs on staying on the job long after he’d been term-limited out, the tweets send a dangerous message to his loyalists.
Yes, yes, of course. Trump will never willingly concede defeat. He will have to be evicted from the Oval Office by Seal Team Six, and transferred directly to Florence, Colorado, where he will be given permanent accomodations befitting a
retireddeposed President.As for that business during the 2016 campaign about whether he would “accept” a Clinton victory, my personal reaction is that he was smart enough not to simply say, “That is quite possibly the stupidest question ever asked, and you are an imbecile for asking it.” I could never exercise that much self-restraint.
All that tells me is that the NSC needs better hiring and promotion standards.
So, the people who have been trying to delegitimize our election for the last three years are worried that the president won’t see the election as legitimate.
Yeah, how’s this for a conspiracy theory: what if there was an election and the people who didn’t vote for the guy who won spent the entire duration of his first term trying to get him out of office, including a soft coup by government bureaucrats?
what would happen if President Donald Trump refused to leave office were he to be defeated in 2020
If not re-elected, he stops being president at a time and date regardless. But has he ever indicated that he would in a manner that was not in jest? No? Then shut the fuck up.
who has repeatedly shown a willingness to overstep his constitutional authority
Funny, he has been stopped by the courts even when remaining within his constitutional authority.
Are these people so stupid as to assume that simply being in the White House magically confers authority?
Let’s say that Trump did lose and somehow decided to stay in the white house – and somehow managed to get the Secret Service or some other well-armed group to dig their heels in with him. It would be only too easy to simply ignore him – swear in the new CinC and let them run the country from Camp David or wherever. Who GAF if the next president is or isn’t physically in the white house? After a while Trump would be nothing but a side show of narcissism.
*Trump loses election*
Trump: I’m not going to leave office
President for life?
How delusional do you have to be to believe that a president who has spent most of his presidency feuding with the Pentagon and the intelligence community would somehow command the authority of the military to keep himself in power?
The people who still can’t accept defeat in 2016 are going to come wailing to me that Trump won’t accept defeat in 2020? Fuck off, Chicken Little.
They wanted Hilldawg to be president for life. All progjection, all the time.
Trump should just respond “I won’t do what Hillary and Abrams and nearly the entirety of the Democrat party did in 2017.”
While this looks mostly like a cynical ploy to embarrass Democrats in major cities, it’s also true that homelessness is a large and growing problem. Trump, the former builder, has been clear in the past about what’s needed to solve that problem: more affordable housing. Moreover, he argued that the federal government had an important role to play in expanding the housing stock through economic incentives. Yet now, with the power of the federal government in his hands, Trump is pushing an idea that would do little to solve homelessness.
The government can expand housing stock in two ways. First, it can build public housing, though American public opinion has largely turned against such developments. Second, it can incentivize private developers to build affordable housing. Here’s how one expert described the need:
You can’t, Tom, build low-cost housing at a profit and I wish you could. You can build it efficiently and economically as long as you have assistance and help from the government. And I wish we could get that help from the government because it’s desperately needed. When you look at the homeless, when you look at all the problems on the streets, a lot of that is directly related to a lack of housing.
That expert was Donald Trump, appearing on Crossfire in 1987. Trump spoke in some depth on the topic, and his argument is fascinating.
“If you look at the homeless situation all over the country, it’s because of the fact that there is no housing,” Trump said, agreeing with the expert consensus. “The federal government used to have programs, a lot of programs; they don’t have any programs right now.”
The Council of Economic Advisers report on homelessness released Monday does not mention the Federal Housing Administration, nor does it mention subsidies to builders. In fact, it concludes that overregulation of housing, rather than a lack of federal involvement, accounts for scarcity. Trump signed an executive order aimed at cutting regulations in June, but housing advocates told my Citylab colleague Sarah Holder that they feared it would actually deepen the problem.
In any case, the CEA’s focus on cutting red tape pushes the issue back to the private sector. Back in 1987, Trump bristled at the idea that businessmen like him should deal with homelessness.
Not mentioned in article: Why builders can’t make money building “affordable housing”.
Trump has always wanted to shift his costs off onto somebody else, like taxpayers? Man, that’s an explosive revelation. Mindblowing.
Also not mentioned – why is it that people who flock to expensive cities for the freebies (who make up a large majority of the homeless, not people “priced out” like they claim) suddenly have a “right” to live there “affordably”? You know where it’s possible to build affordable housing and with less regulations? The places a lot of these people left.
I see this phenomenon in my town every day. Already-down-and-out folks move to Coolsville with no plan, assuming everything will work out.
Not explained in the article: why “affordable” housing has to be new construction.
It doesn’t matter if builders can’t make money building affordable housing. Let them build shitloads of what is profitable and the existing housing stock becomes more affordable.
Because people aren’t going to free up older units by moving into new builds, obvs.
This too. Jane Jacobs pointed this out almost 60 years ago in her most famous book that these types all claim to adore but manage to conveniently ignore all the lessons from which.
Having been through my fair share of run-down cities and towns, I think part of the problem is that much of the old housing stock is not livable. I own a 50 year old house and I wouldn’t turn up my nose at a 100 year old house (as long as it had wiring up to code), but that assumes consistent maintenance. If the previous owners/occupants let the house go to shit (whether by neglect or abandonment) after a couple decades nobody in their right mind would live there, and the government would condemn it upon inspection.
After posting this comment, the adage “Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance and Americans think 100 years is a long time” comes to mind.
100 miles? That’s what, an hour and a half? Not terribly far.
You’ve clearly never driven a Panther tank in hedgerow country.
Look, just because that hand-crafted German schiesse breaks down ever five hundred yards doesn’t mean anything.
People, well, responsible adults, will maintain their house if they (a) can afford to and (b) the house is worth it. I’ve rewired and replaced the windows in two houses and done other pretty significant repairs. I’ve lived in several neighborhoods that were all pre-WWII housing, and every house was kept up. Age, by itself, means very little.
That said, neighborhoods can go into death spirals, where the whole neighborhood is declining so that the houses aren’t worth repairing, or the residents don’t have good enough jobs to afford it. If the housing stock isn’t livable, that’s why.
And it should be torn down and replaced with something appropriate for that time and place. Meaning, cheaply built housing. Good luck with that in the current regulatory environment.
Good luck with that in the current regulatory environment.
I think one should not rule out the lawsuit element as a causal factor. If you build housing on the cheap, it will tend to have greater risks of fire, collapse, environmental harm, health issues due to poor materials and construction, etc. Nobody wants to attach their name to that when way more money can be lost to judgments and settlements than kept as profit.
Maintenance: I see no mention of codes requiring licensed professionals to perform even the simplest task at astronomical rates, minimum one hour charge. I can replace a socket for $2.50 but in a parish that requires licensed electricians to do it it is over $120. Fuck that.
Guilds locking down all of the labor is no small part of it.
American public opinion has largely turned against such developments.
With such rousing success stories as Cabrini-Green and Pruitt-Igoe, it’s a damn mystery why people feel this way.
“How heavy metal got woke”
“Respected metal magazines like Metal Hammer, Kerrang, Blabbermouth, Ultimate Guitar and Decibel have started talking about issues like the representation of women in the metal world and how to counter so-called systemic racism.
Dissent from woke orthodoxy is dismissed as ‘problematic’ by metal’s gatekeepers. In article after article, woke metal writers talk of ‘uplifting female voices’. Meanwhile, traditional fans who are not very bothered about the gender of their favourite performers are dismissed as ‘representing misogyny and sexism’ and told they are ‘invalidating others’ lived experience’.
Several years ago, a major sexism scandal rocked the metal community. Revolver magazine produced an annual issue devoted to the ‘Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock and Metal’. But in 2011, it started causing widespread outrage. Articles in Metal Hammer and Kerrang denounced the issue as sexist – as did a metal writer in the Atlantic. Of course, all of the women who got involved did so willingly, and used the issue to promote their bands. Initially, Revolver’s editor refused to cave to the mob, but the longer the saga dragged on the more his and the magazine’s reputation was tarnished. Eventually the regular feature was discontinued.”
“Two prominent incidents involving Islam illustrate metalheads’ sensitivity to this religion. A few years ago, black metal performer Myrkur said in an interview that ‘Islam and Christianity are two religions which I find are problematic in terms of female empowerment’ – something that she said was very important to her and that she fought for every day of her life. As the interview progressed, she said she felt that an orthodox strain of Islam was ‘invading Europe’. This particular comment understandably drew criticism for comparing migrants to ‘invaders’.
Following the backlash, Myrkur addressed the controversy in an interview with Metal Sucks rejected her explantation and denounced her as ‘xenophobic’. Other busybodies took to their blogs to claim she was perpetrating a dangerous ignorance that ‘underpinned Islamophobia’.”
From “Black Sabbath” to “Muhammad Did Nothing Wrong!”
The pussification of metal. Utterly pathetic.
On that note, listen to the words in Black Sabbath’s “Lord of this World” from the “Master of Reality” album and you’ll think you’re listening to a Christian rock album. Yes, It also blew my mind in high school.
I couldn’t finish reading, laughing too hard at the presumption of influence by magazines.
Somebody is reading them. Otherwise they wouldn’t still be published. “Revolver” has been around for a while
Funfact, it’s a common trick for magazines to subscribe to each other in blocks to inflate circulation values and thus charge advertizers more.
Their actual human readership wouldn’t support their continued existance for most publications.
I used to work at Borders when that was still a thing, and at Barnes and Noble before that. We’d throw out reams of magazines that nobody bought. I’d swear they were a loss-leader because nobody actually bought one, but that didn’t stop the store from subscribing to them in bulk.
The markup is 10x because they expect to return 75% of it.
Free magazines.
I think I got 12+ years of Maxim for free. A couple of years of Stuff for free. I just lost interest in the free subscriptions.
I still get e-mails from Mercury magazines for free shit. I’m just not interested in magazines anymore.
Way back when in college, to my eternal shame, I subscribed to Rolling Stone on some discounted promo thing. I paid like ten bucks for six months to start it, never paid them another dime, and got it for at least two years.
This shit has been going on for a while now, and it’s both pathetic and depressing. SJW fuckers ruin everything they stick their noses into.
Yeah, I know it’s a very tired cliche to blame millennials…..but this is their fucking doing. It’s goddamned metal – it’s supposed to be offensive and transgressive.
It got hijacked. Same as every other “community”. Film at 11.
“Respected metal magazines”
Maybe like thirty years ago. And Metal Sucks is just a newer version of those old-ass 7-11 magazines still on about Metallica and Tool and crap.
I remember the days when metal chicks had big ol’ hair and dressed like hookers.
like this: linky
To this day I’ve never understood why you would want to give yourself a cowlick on the front of your scalp.
They look almost as feminine as the guys in Poison.
Or Lita in her prime
I had a metal girl – big blonde hair like Lita – after me in HS but I was too dense at the time to realize it. /punches past self “Get with it, man!”
My dream girl at the time was metal era Kelly Bundy
Woke metal will result in dead metal. Stay edgy, you fucks, or you’re done.
Demonstrate precisely how Christianity is anywhere remotely the same as Islam on women empowerment.
That statement pissed me off.
Because complementarianism is totally the same as being expected to beat your four wives as neither has the husband subservient and cuckolded by his empowered feminist ‘partner’.
Scandinavian black metal has a long-running anti-Christian theme. A lot of those bands, especially in the early 90s, were big on neo-paganism and blamed Christianity for displacing traditional Scandinavian culture, which is why you had the church burnings and so forth. I assume it’s part of that. Also, it doesn’t surprise me that they’d see what’s going on in Scandinavia vis a vis Islam and feel a particular way about it.
Metal writer in The Atlantic?! Also, someone allowed himself to be shamed by the metal writer in The Atlantic?
Pressed on her agenda, Ginsburg said the busy schedule helps her stay motivated.
“This is my fourth cancer bout, and I found each time that when I am active I am much better than when I am just lying about feeling sorry for myself,” Ginsburg said. “The necessity to get up and go is stimulating. And somehow, all these appearances I’ve had since the end of August, whatever my temporary disability is, it stops, and I’m OK for the event.”
sounds like she’s running purely on stage adrenaline. she may be hard as nails but when your body’s riddled with cancer..
The clinical term for what is in her future is “decompensation”. Its interesting – your body fights against whatever is wrong with it, but it basically gets exhausted and just gives up. People who have chronic diseases often show little to no deterioration for awhile, and then a short period of moderate deterioration followed up by total collapse.
‘Catfishing’ sex offender is failed for a year
Excellent typo in the link.
Letters to the Editor: Why hate on alternative energy?
Because it takes more energy to make them than they generate, the production and operation creates a lot of toxic waste, the machinery isn’t recyclable, and they kill craptons of wildlife.
Those complaints do not apply to hydro plants with fish ladders.
I have no inherent hatred of alt energy but I do hate them trying to impose its use. Get the costs down through innovation as driven by market demand and I’ll be fine with it.
I mean, I don’t hate alternative energy. I hate that some people feel like there’s some moral benefit to it that gives them a right to look down on other people, and I hate that they seem compelled to force other people to use it even if it isn’t optimal or desirable, but I have no problem whatsoever with the thing in itself.
You mean, you’re not the boogeyman letters-to-the-editor types carry around in their heads? I am shocked.
I do fantasize about shooting the guy who lets his dog run off the leash down my street in the ass with a pellet gun, so there’s that.
They are not environmentally friendly, are unreliable and would not exist without taxpayer subsidies. What do I win?
I got no problem with alternative energy. Most of it is only really suitable for niche applications at this point, though. Trying to expand it beyond those niches with mandates and subsidies not only distorts the market, it drives up electricity costs across the board, for this reason:
Electricity rates are essentially set as a return on capital invested by the utility. The larger the capital base for a given population, the higher their rates. “Alternative” energy doesn’t replace the fossil fuel base, it supplements it. So you pay for both the old baseline generation AND the new alternative infrastructure. Even getting to 30% alternative energy will double or triple electricity rates. Just ask Germany.
“I’m also confused about how hydroelectric dams are rarely if ever mentioned.”
*Pssst* Enviros don’t like hydroelectric dams.
In my experience Prius drivers are some of the most frustrating on the road. I routinely curse every Prius I see.
baseball star Duke Snider
Another baseball Hall-of-Famer, Joe Morgan, also has a birthday today.
Selfies banned at Dutch museum’s Nazi design expo
Hugo Boss hit hardest.
AOC hits New York Times’ ‘condescension’ toward her, suggests paper is trying to ‘gaslight’ the left
So she confessed to not being educable. As if we couldn’t figure that out already.
She thought she could take over the party and got shot down by her superiors. Life’s a bitch, hon.
“OK, Your fifteen minutes are up! The exit’s over there – watch your step”
Well, she knows she might end up tending bar again, and doesn’t want the competition.
Is it me, or is the sun beginning to set on Mlle. Ocasio-Cortez?
I doubt she is going away any time soon.
The exhibition’s opening prompted protest from left-wing and anti-fascist groups who said they feared it could serve as a Nazi shrine.
Looking at a photo of a building architected by Albert Speer turned me into a Nazi!
But I got be’er!
Listen, Dummy
Sen. Joe Manchin has a message for Democratic presidential contender Beto O’Rourke: Stay away from my guns.
Manchin, who is among the few pro-gun Democrats in the Senate, said he disagreed with O’Rourke’s declaration that if he is elected president, he’ll force Americans to turn over assault-style weapons.
“I can tell you one thing, Beto O’Rourke’s not taking my guns away from me,” Manchin said Wednesday when asked about the plan. “You tell Beto that, OK?
Oh, I can tell you that even in his most fantastic dreams about being elected president and enacting all the gun bans he can imagine that Beto will not be taking my guns away from me either. That pussy will be directing some secretary or bureau chief to have his people send out the goons who would be coming to take my guns. Beto won’t be taking anybody’s guns – not personally at least.
Too late, fucko. We older folks already knew the truth, but the escapee from the kids’ table just educated a bunch of youngsters. Thanks, Beto!
“Beto is one human being,”
Yeah, but the rest of the clown-car of candidates up on the stage with him just cheered him on. Not one of them said a single syllable against his message there and then. That tells me everything I need to know about your party.
I knew they’d try to cover for Robert Francis O’Rourke’s statement. The “Nobody Wants to Take Your Guns Away” slogan is very valuable to them (and in fact I’m fighting the urge to text that O’Rourke soundbite to every single “progressive” relative of mine and demand an apology for mocking me all those years for thinking that confiscation is the end goal).
The problem is that there have always been statements about confiscation from prominent Democrats. What O’Rourke said is nothing new at all.
But threatening to use armed agents of the state, backed up by the threat of lethal force, isn’t a threat at all.
So rude. I’m disappointed in you.
Does the $4000 go to the Grizzly bear?
Apparently, the money goes to the “Environmental Damages Fund,” whatever that is.
Calling this guy an idiot is an insult to idiots everywhere. Even stoned out of my freakin’ gourd, I know better than to taunt, do threat displays toward or charge a grizzly (or any other bear, for that matter, though the few accidental run-ins I’ve had with brown bears had me running scared in one direction and the bear running scared in the other, so there’s that…).
Now there’s a Kodiak moment.
Kodiak moment
Peyto lake is in Alberta, isn’t it?
There’s a perfect opportunity to deepen the gene pool and the fucking bear doesn’t take it. SAD!
It was. Grizzlies are just a subspecies of brown bear.
A big, terrifying, usually fairly hungry subspecies of brown bear. That normally looks at humans like we’re Happy Meals with legs.
“I don’t know … I was trying to go golfing.”
There’s golfing at Peyto Lake?
I guess when you are drunk enough, there is.
I do appreciate the strategy of blurting out a whole string of confusing non-sequiturs in hopes that the officer will throw up his hands and go away.
I got no problem with alternative energy. Most of it is only really suitable for niche applications at this point, though. Trying to expand it beyond those niches with mandates and subsidies not only distorts the market, it drives up electricity costs across the board, for this reason:
If it came down to choice between paying the electric company $100k or so to run power to me, or hanging solar panels, you can bet my place would be festooned with solar panels. And a diesel generator, out back.
We had a parcel outside of Santa Fe. It would have cost probably $40K to extend the power lines. Santa Fe has excellent insolation. Our plan was to go off the grid with solar (we would have also needed to drill a water well). I was actually really liking the off-the-grid thing. But it was a niche, no question.
We were off grid for 3 hours last week (or the grid was off-grid).
I’ve considered systems that would reduce my use of the grid during normal times and carry me through outages. It’s really not worth the money to go alternative. So I have a generator that runs off natural gas.