I’d very much like to see a repeat of this
The Rugby World Cup is here! The Rugby World Cup is here! Too bad its in Japan and I’ll have to record the games and watch them later. But I’m still happy. And I’ll be really happy if the Springboks take the silverware home. The Jags-Titans game was so bad, not even Tom Brady could stomach it. Nice job ruining the game with penalties, NFL. Meh, college is more fun to watch anyway. The Jags won, by the way.
The Yankees won their division for the first time since 2012. But they will have to temper their excitement, as their best pitcher has been suspended pending an investigation into domestic violence. Reports say he slapped his girlfriend in the face during an argument after an event, and in front of an employee of the commissioner’s office. Yikes. Also, the Cubs fell and the Brewers won to move ahead of them in the WC standings. The Indians won to draw even with Tampa Bay in the AL WC chase. And across the pond, Liverpool-Chelski headline the weekend in the EPL. YNWA.

“A shit-apple doesn’t fall far from the shit-tree, Julian”
-Jim Lahey, Trailer Park Supervisor
Hockey god Guy Lafleur was born on this day. He shares it with horrible writer Upton Sinclair, basketball coaching legend Red Auerbach, the lovely Sophia Loren, writer that needs to finish his damn work George RR Martin, actor Gary Cole, assclown/grifter Lisa Bloom, and sports owner John Henry.
OK, grab your umbrella. Its time for…the links!
I’m all for as many people reducing their tax burden as possible. And I am a fan of organizations getting tax-exempt status. But this story is testing my ability to remain consistent on the issue.

Schiff for brains
More information about the so-called “whistleblower” complaint is coming out. And from what I can gather, it does sound like Trump may have told the Ukrainian President-elect that if they want better relations with the US, they need to reinstate the investigation into the Biden son who bilked billions from the Ukrainian and US governments. And frankly, I have no problem with this either. “Hey, clean up your corruption that the son of a politically-connected family was balls-deep in or we won’t have a lot of confidence in you guys” makes sense to me.
While Zuckerberg was meeting with pols in Washington, one of his employees decided to meet his maker while at work. Yikes.

Women being topless in public is now legal throughout the Tenth Circuit. The ruling applies to Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Not sure about the talent in those states, so I’ll reserve judgement until the practical consequences of the ruling can be felt.
I’ve seen Striptease, I know you’re supposed to leave your kid in the back room when you’re working. Come on, lady. Step up your game.

See, Trump? They’re all over the streets, not in the ocean, you big dummy! (Also photographed: human shit)
San Francisco’s mayor has called Trump’s claim that “used drug needles are pouring into the ocean” ridiculous. And she’s absolutely right. The needles pour into the bay and all the human shit pours into the ocean. There’s a big difference.
I’m not even gonna do a link from Houston today. It’s too depressing here with this rain (seriously). Hope the people downtown and in the more seriously-impacted areas are all fine.
Anyway, this song will at least make me smile for a few minutes. Hope it does the same for you.
Go enjoy your Friday and weekend, friends.
I see what you did there.
You can look but you can’t touch – unless it’s union property.
Step right up and don’t be shy…
All women? Or would it only apply to adults? What about young teens or kids? Did they think about this, or is it part of the plan?
What about women with penises?
According to the link (you do read them, right?), it applies to girls 10 and up.
Why is a 10th Circuit decision operative only in a specific region while the 9th Circuit’s appy everywhere?
Because the 9th expects to be overturned, so they go for broke and hope to push things in their desired direction when the final results sort out.
>>Sophia Loren
Wait a minute, she’s not topless.
hey now this is family friendly site. I could have gone for this: NSFW – duh!
Amazing tits, absolutely no sag. Firm as hell
She’d give 1980 Jamie-Lee a run for the money. Them’s some spectacular yams!
I’m not 100% convinced those are real. However, Rachel Jessee’s are, and they’re spectacular, so props to Sloppy.
Ducking autocorrect.
Apparently I have single-handedly destroyed our family friendly status and am now the worst. Worse than Nikki.
You know, all last night I was trying to define the phenotype of women that I’m attracted to, and it turns out it’s basically chicks that look even remotely like Sophia Loren.
howabout Caroline Munro
Push-up but still very nice!
I mean, I wouldn’t say no, but I’m looking for more Mediterranean in the face ideally.
I’ve been enthralled by Rita Moreno since I was a wee nipper watching The Electric Company.
Heck, she looked presentable in “OZ” but I kinda had a crush on her since “West Side Story” which I watched at a hrmmm formative age.
Also, I really want the hat and pants Morgan Freeman is wearing in the video.
Well, sure!
If you liked that, check him out with her in Easy Reader
I think she is way better in that skit than the one you linked above.
Much better and great memories.
Thanks, Holiness!
YES! The vest and the wee, tasseled, not quite a sporan man-pouch are fantastic. Thanks.
Dude, Rita Moreno is running around with no bra and you are looking at Morgan Freeman’s purse and vest?
I hate to be the one who breaks it to you, but …..
If Sesame Street did Easy Reader, we would have muppets on choppers and Grover in a gold helmet.
For me, it doesn’t get any better than this:
Helpful Link for the RWC: https://www.rugbyworldcup.com/matches
Oh yeah, guess I could have included that when I was talking about it.
::slaps self in forehead””
Don’t beat you’reself up. That’s what we’re here for.
*laughs at own error*
TedS’ is going to talk to you later, about a couple things
The funniest part is I’m not normally prone to the your/you’re/yore/yor errors.
But you’ll screw up an ewer
I looked at the schedule and noted the US has a slim chance to win one match – vs Tonga. Otherwise….not so much.
I couldn’t believe the early match-ups. NZ vs SA?! France v Argies? Ireland v Scotland?!!
All the fun is up front.
Got a dark horse? I’m keeping an eye on Fiji.
Fun fact – the population of Fiji is just short of 900k people. Something like 80% of the males are registered Rugby players.
France. Not a real dark horse, but still.
Latest odds here:
Ireland and Wales at better odds than Australia is laughable.
Home town stupid money.
Japan appears to be shaking off the early challenge from Roooshia.
I thought it was business in the front, party in the back?
That is the Mullet World Cup (US and Canada always win).
I question whether Van Der Walt is a Japanese name.
>>Women being topless in public is now legal throughout the Tenth Circuit.
something hacky something sack
Yeah, and when the frolicsome antics of topless college girls start to attract crowds of gawking males there will be shrill cries of outrage and demands for protections and safe spaces. Act two is when one of you pervs declares himself female on the spot and strips down to join them.
Act 2? More like the prequel.
You know those chicks aren’t going topless — they don’t have to in order to get attention. It’s fucking hippie grandmas.
But, topless sunbathing by hotties is a thing. And in that circuit, sunscreen needs to be applied more often. So win.
I like to imagine NotAdhan’s horoscopre version of the links.
100th of Glibs: suicide,titties,needles, bad organge men, sports and new wave
Oh, and typos.
A man jumped off of the fourth floor of a building at Facebook’s campus, the police said.
*narrows gaze*
“He jumped from the fourth floor!”
“That’s five stories.”
“Counting the mezzanine”
-underrated movie
Time for California to put some reasonable common sense height restrictions on these assault type buildings.
Nobody needs four floors.
Jennifer Jason-Leigh is fantastic.
I suspect that the topless women ruling will be sort of like the swinger phenomenon (apologies to certain glibs): the kinds of women you want to see topless are not the women who will, in fact, be topless. Expect a lot of breastfeeding granola types and old hippies.
Well, Sloopy found a pic I didn’t mind seeing.
Yeah it’s not going to be slim (or thicc) college co-eds running around; it will be that freaky grandma or that overweight butterball you’ll see out in public.
Land whales need love too!
My brother lives and works near FSU. I can report that the young ladies are barely wearing clothes already.
You just have to frame it correctly as smashing the patriarchy, or freaking the norms. Anecdotal evidence: Punk music festivals.
I’d say more smother than smash.
“breastfeeding granola types and old hippies”
Everybody needs a niche, a pigeon-hole, if you will…
SIV, is that you?
John Tyson’s motto was, “When better chickens are hatched, we will fuck them.”
I say 50/50 like anywhere else. You take the good with the bad.
See Haircuts
I really don’t want to see some 14-year-old’s titties.
Ass man are you?
First ones I ever saw, 14 year old girl, me 13, her swim suit top fell down, I risked one eye and was mesmerized . Haven’t stopped looking yet but no interest in the 14s any more.
>>Anyway, this song will at least make me smile for a few minutes.
Thanks to my older brother I grew up listening to a lot of Talking Heads. They also pop up on First Wave radio a lot. I mean a lot.
Over the years I’ve realized that David Byrne’s voice just annoys me after awhile, much like the male singer from the B-52s.
This is not my beautiful voice.
The B-52s’ Fred Schneider is on a VERY short list of talent for whom I would never work again; he was such a raging asshole and he wasted > $100 worth of fancy cheeses because of his stupid contract rider.
Oh, you have stories. Share those stories here.
It was a week long shoot for NBC; doing their interstitials with different groups of talent coming in throughout the week. I took the job mainly because it meant 2 days working with the SNL cast. We were in a 5 story studio in Midtown Manhattan and the B-52s’ rider mandated matching charcuterie platters for each floor’s workspaces. Firstly, Schneider hollered at me for putting out meats with the cheese (he’s vegetarian and apparently doesn’t know what the word charcuterie means) Then, after getting rid of the meats and replacing the cheeses (they had been on then plates as the meat don’tcha know and were therefore contaminated with meatly essence), he never touched them. They just dried out, got all sweaty, and had to be thrown away. I hate food waste.
Christe, what a cunte!
I saw a climate demonstration of schoolchildren today in Prague. Save Climate, Destroy Capitalism, Ignore the Deniers. Right in the Old Town. Apparently, school is optional now on Fridays.
“Bring Back the Warsaw Pact!”
Not coincidentally, everyone was too young to experience socialism.
“Ask grandma and grandpa about ‘socialism’ kids!”
“Sorry, can’t. They’re in some unmarked grave somewhere,”
“As members of the Inner Party, it was fantastic. Shame those starving Proles didn’t appreciate it.”
The CBC was positively gushing about this last night. Like full-on female Baboon in estrous presentation. It’s fucking disgusting what they’ve become.
“Like full-on female Baboon in estrous presentation…”
You talk purty.
I’m hairy as a baboon. You might fancy me.
As predicted, this is just another front group for the whole grab-bag of leftist causes.
Talking Heads is never a bad choice and more toplessness is not wrong in theory but the ones that want to be naked are usually the ones that you’d rather see bundled up in a burka. I drive past an “aerial fitness” (glorified pole dancing) place every night on the way to work and the eye candy can be be quite outstanding. I always drive the speed limit as I cruise past…
“Aerial fitness” is a fantastic euphemism.
Who is the woman with the Lahey caption?
RIP Lahey. I know Randy misses you a lot.
That’s Gloria Alred’s grifter daughter.
Ah. Those two opportunists.
That’s shit-apple Lisa Bloom, who fell off of shit-tree Gloria Allred.
Erstwhile defender of Harvey Weinstein that was ready to smear at least one of his accusers so she’d drop her suit. It’s “Take your daughter to work day” all grown up!
The sort of women progressive feminists love!
*Lights candle at Bella Abzug shrine, says three “Hail Hillaries”*
Where’s that article about the women shouting through their vaginas about hating Trump?
Here ya go! https://youtu.be/vp-Hmq_54Mw
Islam is RIGHT about women
The 4channers have done it again. The last few days they’ve been discussing putting up the signs, and some mad lad went and did it.
The media in this local story is pushing the “confusing” narrative, because the NPC programming can’t figure out wtf is going on. Hilarious to me that the woman in full islamic garb is the one advocating for free speech. The other women are offended, but can’t say why…they just are. Cognitive dissonance is real
The Oz sounding woman – I tore the first one down and took the second one to the police department… Ma’am, this ain’t the UK…yet.
Tearing it down implies there’s something wrong with it, which is Islamophobic
WTF happened to Australia? I always thought of Australians as the most similar in mentality to Americans. I thought they were freewheeling pioneers who hated their redcoat overlords who love to joke and drink beer. Why is it that they seem to be enthusiastically embracing the most Orwellian SJW positions?
freewheeling pioneers
Nope, nothing free about their pioneering. Our ancestors mostly chose to come here; their’s were transported involuntarily.
“Freewheeling” after a generation or two I supposed…..to be honest I’m not real well versed in their colonial history.
Plus, when they had a vote to no longer recognize the British monarchy, they choose to still be subservient.
To be fair, the Aussie republicans are the insufferable chattering class types.
Our ancestors mostly chose to come here; their’s were transported involuntarily.
Also, our predecessors fought a war for a clean break, while theirs just politely drifted away bit by bit until they were independent. It doesn’t shock me that the Aussies are more like Canadians than Americans.
That really is hilarious. The poster is “offensive”. But can’t they say why, exactly, it’s “offensive”?
Note they all wear “problematic eye-wear” which has evidently turned their brains to mush.
Oh my god, this just made my day! You can see their brains short circuiting!
In the words of Stewart from Letterkenny: “Wondrous!”
Brilliant trolling.
*80’s slow clap for whoever put that sign up*
A+ 100%. Whoever came up with that is an absolute genius.
The next sign should be “White Men are right about women”
It needs to have a pic of Ihan Omar on it.
So, basically: “Saying that women should be oppressed is reprehensible, and Islam totally doesn’t do that.”
Watching people tie themselves in knots based on their various orthodoxies is fun.
Also… “Police are still investigating.”
No they’re not.
Is this free speech or hate speech?
Fuck. Off.
in the no shit department:
Sex crime suspect says underage girl’s family attacked him
A Monroe sheriff’s arrest report
Somehow I doubt this. Monroe’s coppers are a PD. The sheriff and his deputies are a parish level agency. But I can guess why this “mistake” was made by the bubbleheads. Ouachita Parish doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue on the TelePrompTer.
Speaking of TPB:
icky v. Peter Forsberg
I swear to God I wrote Ricky! Same thing ate the ‘R’!
/looks around suspiciously.
And I still managed to misspell ‘Some’!
/pulls own ear.
The Muppet beclowns himself, yet again! Don’t feel bad, I brain-farted the other morning about actors with ridiculous names and got Sideshow Bob raked over the coals.
/Sideshow Bob shudder.
It did feel like this https://youtu.be/2WZLJpMOxS4 My buddy at work asked me one Monday morning to go back to the pub after our shift to drink some more 32oz draft with him. Same reaction. Big laughs but it was 1995.
I have no problem with this either.
Oh, you haven’t heard? Fredo Cuomo totally PWND Guilliani on this last night. Or so I am told.
Host Chris Cuomo asked, “Did you ask the Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden?”
Giuliani responded, “No, actually, I didn’t. I asked the Ukraine to investigate the allegations that there was interference in the election of 2016 by the Ukrainians for the benefit of Hillary Clinton.”
Cuomo followed up, “You never asked anything about Hunter Biden? You never asked anything about Joe Biden –?”
Giuliani cut in, “The only thing I asked about Joe Biden is to get to the bottom of how it was that Lutsenko, who was appointed, dismissed the case against AntAC.”
Cuomo then interjected, “So you did ask Ukraine to look into Joe Biden?”
Giuliani responded, “Of course I did.”
Cuomo then stated, “You just said you didn’t.”
Giuliani countered, “No, I didn’t ask them to look into Joe Biden. I asked them to look into the allegations that related to my client, which, tangentially, involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme, not unlike what he did in China.”
total PWNAGE! wait wut?
It’s dumb Guinea lawyer-speak. Doesn’t translate well into American.
Smart Guinea’s hire (((lawyers)))? Giuliani was always an idiot and was never conservative. He somehow managed to come out of 9/11 as some sort of ‘hero’ and then survived cancer (which is also somehow heroic). He is the poster child for modern heroics so he pisses me off.
Heroism is doing something you see as necessary despite extreme risk to yourself. Being sick is not heroic. Saying things everyone agrees with is not heroic. Very few acts by a politician are heroic.
“Heroism is doing something you see necessary despite extreme risk to yourself”. This. A thousand times over this.
Another installment of Kamala ‘Giggles’ Harris cringe moments:
That ‘really small dude’ IS the Wizard of Oz.
Also. Like she gives two shits about farmers. ‘I’m not a protectionist Democrat’. Maybe but you’re a ruthless and shameless prosecutor of the vulnerable.
The worst of that loathsome lot.
Pedophile Associates of America Ltd, which was granted full IRS tax-exempt status in 2018. The organization’s address was listed to a quaint home in Bumpass, Virginia
Another tax-exempt organization, B4U-Act, was co-founded by convicted sex-offender and NAMBLA activist Michael Melsheimer. Melsheimer committed suicide in 2010, leaving it in the hands of registered Maryland counsellor Russell A. Dick
Something strange is going on here.
Poor Bumpass. They really need to ask Beaverdam and Cuckoo to incorporate with them and form a new town.
Frog Level
Toad Suck Ferry
Beaver Ruin Road
Wankers Junction
Wankers Junction
What’s your function?
He’s got no compunctions…
It’s in Oregon, he could make it easily.
Maybe they actually meant Peter File?
“Russell A. Dick”
The guy never stood a chance in life.
Rustle a dick? Dick rustler?
And I thought Peter File was a terrible name.
I used to work with a guy with the last name Gayman.
Junior high must have been fucking hell.
registered Maryland counsellor Russell A. Dick, aka Rusty Dick
Maybe we are really living in a computer simulation.
Hitler’s wife Eva Braun’s WW2 knickers sell for £3,700
Auctioneer: Sold to the muppet in the striped sweater!
Rufus (Inappropriately runs up to podium and grabs undies. takes underwear. Smells and takes big whiff): I love the smell of Nazi pussy juice in the morning.
Stunned silence.
If you found a Hitler mustache hair in those you could clone him
It’s been done.
Would funny to do House of Hitlers (a la House of Cosbys) were an evil Nazi scientist tries to clone Hitler and keeps getting defective ones.
It would be even funnier if a clean shaven Rufus started huffing the panties and when he put them down to gush about how good Nazi pussy juice smelled … then there would be a Hitler mustache on his lip.
/thumbs up.
[golf clap for the muppet]
That bracelet – OMG, you can’t parody this shit.
Needs an umlaut or an e.
Women being topless in public is now legal throughout the Tenth Circuit.
I fully support this decision.
I thought there was no support at all in the wake of this ruling.
I suspect the actual participants will change your mind.
Ever been to a nude beach? It’s not like you think it’s going to be.
+ a whole lotta fat Germans.
I prefer pleasantly plump!
FKK is disappointing in my experience anyway
I haven’t, but still, there has to be a mix.
Like a normal beach has the college girls on summer break. It also has Barb from West Virginia.
The games are becoming unwatchable for real. All these ‘borderline’ calls are killing whatever ebb and flow a great game can provide.
All these ‘holding’ calls are making me thirsty. Nothing more annoying than seeing a play and holding back a reaction because you’re looking for that little yellow flag pop up in the scoreline signalling an infraction after every single play.
I’ll be trying to catch some rugby games over the next few weeks. I used to play and still enjoy the flow of the games much more than American Football.
*Not any of that 7’s shit or other bastardizations of the game.
McCabe’s defense as stupid as you would think.
The absence of an underlying crime is relevant to obstruction, because otherwise legal acts can constitute obstruction if they are performed to cover up a crime. How is this relevant to unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information and lying to federal agents (which should not be a crime)?
“BREAKING NEWS: Bill de Blasio QUITS long-shot presidential bid after never escaping bottom tier of Democrats and Trump twists the knife: ‘NYC is devastated, he’s coming home!'”
He should just go whole hog and quit the mayoral job he wasn’t doing anyway.
Reporter: What’s for you Mayor?
Bill: I’m working on banning real estate.
Reporter: Real estate? Why?
Bill: Because the practice exploits poorpippo…….Orange Man Bad.
Deblasio goes back to Gracey Manor only to discover that his wife has retreated to the bedroom and locked the door. He heaves a heavy sigh and retreats to his den, where his son is waiting with his slippers and favourite beverage, Postum. He settles into his recliner and idly watches as his boy slides against his ankles in a desperate plea for attention. Stroking the young man’s luxurious Afro he intones, “We’ll get them next time, Boy. Next time”
Don’t you dare shit on Postum.
My maternal grandparents drank Postum. While I hate the taste, the smell is very comforting and brings up great memories.
Americans: “Wait, he was running for president?”
Americans: “Who?”
You can pry my steering wheel from my cold dead hands. Andrew Yang said the United States may have to eliminate private car ownership to combat climate change.
If they’re talking about it, they totes totally do.
Fucking Dems are drawing for the inside straight almost every hand.
Feel TheBern!
Moderator Chris Hayes asked, “Would you favor expanding the asylum categories, which are enumerated, right, to include a category for people that are specifically climate — pushed out by climate?”
Sanders responded, “I think that is absolutely something that we have to look at, and I think I would be positively disposed to that. But it has to exist all over the world. … I mean, it’s not just people in Latin America who would gravitate to the United States. It is people all over the world. And it means that we have to deal with the crises in these countries right now so that people can possibly stay there, and we have to welcome people all over the world.”
He used to acknowledge that welfare and open borders don’t mix.
Would you support free healthcare for illegal invaders?
So, is the premise here that they will migrate to the US because the US won’t be affected by climate change? Or are they acknowledging that America’s wealth and technology (thanks capitalism!) will ameliorate any potential bad effects?
I vote for just talking out their asses.
OOh.. Me, me, me! I’m oppressed by the climate of NYC; may haz some moneys to move back to Florida?
No, because Florida will soon be under water. Just like NYC. So you need to move to Montana, unless you can afford the magical shores of Martha’s Vineyard where the oceans don’t rise, thanks to the holy presence of Chocolate Jesus.
Only if you are talking East of Billings. Western Montana is for the rich white liberals from California build their ranchettes. Ohio valley or plains states for the unwoke.
Everything I know about Montana I learned from Yellowstone.
It’s somewhat accurate in feel if not substance in a really overblown melodramatic way. Except the ranchers just get fucked with no recourse in real life.
Screw you Bob! The Ohio valley does not want any more New Yorkers!
/(Upstate) NY’er living in the greater Ohio Valley region
Glad you managed to escape.
And I’m escaping again in a few months!
/Does the “I’m leaving WV” dance
It’s been well established that his presence can cause the waters to recede.
So climate change in central america doesn’t affect north america?
Nope. Just like flying 100’s of personal Jet’s to a private yacht summit party thingy has no effect on North America.
Well, in fairness Cy it doesn’t really have any effect.
Nope. Just look at a map, Silly. It will be decades before the water gets all the way up from central America to where Florida is!
/Prog think
Is this why we’re buying Greenland?
Breed was quick to respond. “To be clear, San Francisco has a combined sewer system, one of the best and most effective in the country, that ensures that all debris that flow into storm drains are filtered out at the city’s wastewater treatment plants,” she said. “No debris flow out into the bay or the ocean.”
“Sure, we give away 400,000 free needles each month and they’re used and discarded in public places, but rest assured we recapture a high percentage of them as they eventually wash away.”
Oh and watch your step! Probably shouldn’t wear flip flops
Yet, somehow, every plastic straw finds it way straight to the trachea of a sea turtle.
I like the way you think.
So much for anyone letting their kids play outside.
I hope their system is in better condition than the one in NOLA. https://www.nola.com/news/article_cd083df2-c4f9-11e9-b568-1f2edde417e1.html
Now do plastic straws.
I see all the cats are chasing Trump’s laser pointer again.
Gulgag Barbie: I know zero about the relationship between the federal government and the States and I can prove it.
“The commonwealth shall be admitted to the Union on an equal footing with the other states,” the bill states.
Ocasio-Cortez lamented the “disenfranchisement” of D.C. residents and connected the statehood issue to the “history of slavery.”
Ocasio-Cortez said during the hearing, according to USA Today:
Where the disenfranchisement of Puerto Ricans was rooted in the colonialist and imperialistic history that we’ve had in policies of the United States, the issue of D.C. statehood is rooted in a different evil in our history, which is the history of slavery in the United States,
It is a profound injustice and a thick irony of our history that the people who fled here to the District of Columbia to free slavery because of the enlightenment of this community are now disenfranchised.
She reiterated her remarks in a tweet posted Thursday afternoon.
“DC was the 1st territory in the United States to free the enslaved. It’s where Black Americans fled the tyranny of slavery & towards greater freedom, to DC,” she wrote, claiming that “2nd class citizenship reigns” in the nation’s capital.
“It’s time to recognize DC statehood,” she declared:
Alex, darling, the District of Columbia cannot be a State in and of itself because it is the seat of the common government among the several States.
Redraw the distinct lines to maximize government buildings and minimize residences and then give the rest of the district back to MD. Maryland gets an additional rep, DC gets representation, and the district could become residence free, or nearly so.
Arlington went back to VA, MD can suck it up and accept their part back too.
Eh, VA can have DC too.
We don’t want it.
Go one step further – Lateran Treaty for DC. Fedgov bldgs and such belong to Fedgov and not the states, and the only residents of the district would be the living in the White House.
The reason DC exists is because when the capital was in Philadelphia the governor refused to call the militia to defend Congress from a mob. When the new constitution is created, they thought having a small town under the control of Congress would be a good idea.
If DC becomes a state (which is already constitutionally questionable) Congress would no longer be the top Governing Authority in the district.
Now do Brasilia, Canberra, and New Delhi.
Fuck ’em. If they feel disenfranchised living in DC then they can move.
AOC, blow it o ut of your ass. Rather than rig the game because you cant win head to head, why don’t you try adopting positions that appeal to people? No? Fuck you too, moron.
“Appeal to the proles? They don’t know what’s best for them!” /Commie
*Not any of that 7’s shit or other bastardizations of the game.
Fie on you!
Speed rugby is awesome.
LIES! Union or GTFO!
You misspelled League.
I can watch people play touch football in any park in America.
Better than a puntfest.
If you don’t like tackling, rucking, mauling, line-outs and scrummage…time to find a new game!
The greatest thing in rugby is watching a team try to drive in and get to about…36th phase.
An A-Men from the Congregation!!
I don’t hate Rugby League, but c’mon, it’s how we practiced, FFS, to avoid getting injured before our… ahem, actual Rugby game. You know, the one where there’s tackling?
I may have to see if there’s some way to purchase Rugby World Cup games. I did that 4 years ago and my daughter got hooked on it watching the All Blacks. And for all you CrossFit haters, the All Blacks are openly CF devotees. The Franks brothers (and their old man) own multiple CF gyms in NZ and got the whole team into it before the last World Cup run.
Switzy is Pro-Union? Say it ain’t so.
Well the Swiss union does date back to 1291
Sevens is just a way to practice to get more cardio. It sucks balls to watch.
Entered race: January 16, 2019. Quit: August 28, 2019
BILL DE BLASIO, New York City mayor
Entered race: May 16, 2019. Quit: September 20, 2020
MIKE GRAVEL, Former Alaska governor
Entered race: April 2,2019. Quit: August 2, 2019
JOHN HICKENLOOPER, Former Colorado governor
Entered race: March 4, 2019. Quit: August 15, 2019
JAY INSLEE, Washington state governor
Entered race: March 1, 2019. Quit: August 21, 2019
SETH MOULTON, Massachusetts congressman
Entered race: April 22,2019. Quit: August 23, 2019
RICHARD OJEDA, West Virginia ex-state senator and paratrooper veteran
Entered race: November 12, 2018. Quit: January 25, 2019
ERIC SWALWELL, California congressman
Entered race: April 8, 2019. Quit July 8, 2019
And nary a tear was shed or a garment rent…
Ojeda was in the race? He’s no over my district but a local Pol none the less. He’s a special flavor of statist; a pro-war, pro-welfare jingoist who pivoted from supporting Trump to claiming Bernie as his spirit animal.
Apparently, he quit in January.
Come on Beta! Join this team! I know you can do it.
You’ve already served a great purpose by basically driving a stake through the heart of the current gun-ban drive – and I really appreciate it. Time for a break.
Come on Beta! Join this team! I know you can do it.
You’ve already served a great purpose by basically driving a stake through the heart of the current gun-ban drive – and I really appreciate it. Time for a break.
Looks like the squirrels agree too!
I was going to make a “Squirrels 2020” joke but couldn’t figure out a way to to concisely indicate that I was talking about server squirrels and not the current Democratic field.
When will the memorial wall be coming to your town?
Check http://www.2020remembers.com
Ohio man isn’t quite as scary as Florida man, but is more entertaining.
So somehow straws make it to the ocean, but needles don’t? Makes sense.
But straws float and needles don’t. Duh.
The metal tip snags on the beaches.
Explain the puffer fish then.
Fugu do not contain significant masses of refined metal to snag on beaches.
My first week of new gig is officially complete. So much less stress, even though this is the end of the semester and the most batshit crazy time of the year. And in two weeks I get two weeks off.
Where to go? Lady will be going to her sister’s wedding in S. Africa. I’m kinda tempted to go back to Singapore for the shit of it all but I know that’s a stupid idea. It’s expensive and I know it all too well. It’d just be bad nostalgia. I refuse to go to China. I’ve been to Japan 4 times, all of SE Asia, Korea, duh. I don’t know where I can go that’s someplace new that won’t break the bank.
If anyone has any niche ideas/places/locales in this area that blew you away I’d love to hear. New things are good things.
I will turn off my perceived Asshole Hat now. I’m incredibly poor and have next to zero actual skills. The only thing to my name is my lifestyle. When you people talk about eating and cooking (which I love to do) I can’t help but think you all are snobs, what with your money and *taste.* I ate a grilled scorpion yesterday for about 30 cents. It was worth every penny.
I will restate this because I find it so interesting: Commodious Spittoon and I are secretly twins separated at birth. Every time I read one of his posts it hits so close to home. I hope it does for him too, although for completely opposite reasons. Shine on.
I am sure HM could give you some Thailand tips.
HE never replies to me!
He harbors anger….or fear….Yes fear!….of my powers….
I vote for Cambodia or Laos.
Thailand tips.
*does that eye thing *
I can’t provide you advice on where to go in the Asian continent. I haven’t gotten that far west.
Apparently the Bering Land Bridge sank or something. Darn global warming.
Schlichter telling cops that enforcing unconstitutional gun seizure orders will eventually have legal repercussions. it’s a nice gesture but that threat rings hollow given police unions and GOP deference to LEOs.
I thought he was being rather sycophantic, copsucky, and optimistic. 80% of cops would refuse or resist taking our guns? A cop doing so would risk any legal consequences, much less his pension?
Will local cops risk losing those things if they refuse to enforce a federal law?
I see a lot of sanctuary cities and states coming if this insanity becomes federal law. And if they pack the courts to make it constitutional, there will be a lot of blood in the streets with a lot of cops either refusing to enforce it or resigning and moving to sanctuary locales.
I think law enforcement at large is so reliant on fedbucks that most Unions and State Governments would whip dissenters into shape fairly quickly. You’d still have pockets of resistance in rural areas but the cities would be a lost cause.
Those guys also know their own mortality.
we didn’t fill all of our prisons because cops took principled stands for liberty. They will be exempt and they will selectively exclude their friends and family, but they will happily squash the rest of us like bugs.
Chick-fil-A is ideologically opposed to my existence
This past weekend I saw something that made me unexpectedly queasy; a young woman slurping soda out of a fast food cup.
It upset me because it was a Chick-fil-A cup.
Chick-fil-A is an anti-LGBTQ2 organization, not just because the founder publicly opposed same-sex marriage (he believed in a “biblical definition of marriage,” which doesn’t exist), but because company profits are donated to charities that oppress and marginalize queer people, especially queer youth.
Young queer people are unusually vulnerable to depression and suicidal thoughts. They often struggle to find support in their own communities, and even in their own families.
They’re not miserable because they’re queer. They’re miserable because the stigmatization of queerness by family, church, and society has left them lonely and ostracized. They’re miserable because people will not accept and love them, and because the people they should be able to turn to are often the most likely to harass, harm, and abuse them.
Um…ok. *backs away slowly*
And wtf is that? Do they ever stop making shit up? Whatever. It’s Chick-fil-a Friday for me so I’m looking forward to my lunch break.
So, hey buddy, maybe you’re miserable because you have an irrational fear and reaction to a fast food cup that does not actually affect you in any way? And this is the way you go through life?
Just spitballing here.
Huh, really short memories there.
There is no redemption for shitlords, only submission and subsequent liquidation.
So don’t eat there?
You’re being awfully smug and shortsighted. This person saw a Chik-fil-A cup! As long as Chik-fil-A exists, Chik-fil-A cups will be roaming the wild, well within sight of vulnerable populations!
It even had a straw!!
Funny how many things I see on an average day that I find disagreeable. Yet somehow I manage my way though it without having an emotional or mental breakdown.
Q2 or Qsquared?
The folks at Chick-fil-A took a different lesson. Buy a meal from them, and they’ll use your money to increase the suffering of queer kids.
I suffered more reading this.
It is definitely not Qsquared. When has Q ever given a shit about anything that wasn’t globe shaped and paired?
Or is he doing some crazy bonsai kitten experiment where he created a training bra with cubic cups and strapped into one of OMWC’s castoffs? Hoping that in 6 years after raising this girl in Seattle he will have created Grunge Barb Square Tits?
So weed is legal in Minnesoda?
Lutefisk buzz, you can tell by the odor.
That’s a lye!
C’mon Swiss! Give UCS a narrowed gaze. That comment totes deserves one.
*pats UCS on the back and whispers encouragement in his ear*
Really? On what do you base that allegation?
Blame Canada.
Relevant: https://mobile.twitter.com/chiproytx/status/1174809391549296640
So his view was in line with that of 2008 Obama?
I know it’s “whataboutism”, but it just makes ME fucking queasy to see people who enthusiastically voted for Chocolate Jesus (and who would still say that he’s the greatest president in history) now insisting on a moral standard that would make him the worst moral reprobate.
It’s Chick-fil-a Friday for me
I had one for breakfast and then one for lunch. Mmmm, sweet, delicious oppression.
What the fuck is a 2?
Delusions of grandeur
After several months of campaigning, I have reached the point where I feel I have contributed all I can to this Democratic primary. Today, I’m ending my campaign for the presidency.
That’s why fighting for working people and ensuring that New York City remains the vanguard of progressivism will continue to be my missions.
I’m going to redouble my efforts to improve the quality of life of everyday New Yorkers, proving that policies like guaranteed paid personal time off can work on a grand scale. I’m going to continue implementing universal health care and a Green New Deal in the nation’s largest city. And I promise I’ll fight for New Yorkers and workers everywhere to ensure there’s an actual plan to protect their livelihoods from being automated out of existence.
I’ll also help ensure our party continues to be remade in the image of the activism I’ve seen all across this nation. Democrats must return to our roots as a party focused on bold solutions that speak to the concerns of working people.
While you’re at it, turn your hat sideways, and tell everybody you’re Napoleon.
I will go back to my plantation and continue to lead the sla… ple.. idio.. *cough* citizens of my great city to my bright new future!
Just consider: the Dems want the city that overwhelmingly voted for DeBlasio to be able to select the president of the United States.
California and Gavin Newsom.
I’m going to continue implementing universal health care and a Green New Deal in the nation’s largest city.
That sound you hear is all sensible New Yorkers groaning and smacking their foreheads.
Which is why it is so quiet.
When’s the next train to Clarksville?
Last one already ran.
Like banning cars, guns, and meat?
Also small businesses, middle-class housing, and affordable transportation for hire.
and wipipo.
“That’s why fighting for working people and ensuring that New York City remains the vanguard of progressivism …”
Why are all of the rats leaving my ship!?
I think I’ll title my memoir “Delusions of Adequacy”
CA ruling: Catholic Hospital Can Be Sued for Refusing Transgender Hysterectomy
It’s pretty clear that “freedom of association” only applies to companies who do the bidding of China and have woke thought.
With what’s on the horizon you’d think you’d see a groundswell of Doctors becoming libertarians. That hasn’t been my experience though, most Doc’s I talk to skew left which makes no sense to me.
Unnecessary surgery is still a goldmine I guess.
Flyover country has a lot of old people, Medicare supports a lot of small towns
Well, when you spend 8+ years in college, I can see how most would eventually buy into the brainwashing
Leftists are masters of doublethink.
Hell, most “progressives” I know are in favor of the whole local, organic, farm-to-table food production thing (and so am I since it tends to produce delicious food) but then they look at you like you’re insane if you tell them that too much regulation kills small food producers. They’ll just cock their head sideways and say, “But we need those regulations or else the corporations would sell us tainted food!”
A company that sells tainted food even accidentally suffers massive financial harm from people avoiding their products. Government regs or not, a food manufactuerer doesn’t want the reputation as “The Listeria Company” or “Home of the Norovirus”
Yet Chipolte and Jack-in-the-Box persist
Did they clean up their act after the outbreaks?
Have they even managed to recover financially from the hit they took?
How did the outbreaks happen with all these regulations running around scrubbing out the microbes?
I wasn’t challenging your point, mostly just expressing my surprise they weathered the storm
Have they even managed to recover financially from the hit they took?
I am not going to dig into their financial statements, but CMG (Chipotle) is at a all-time high in stock price.
Technically, the all-time high was on 9/9/19, but they are still near that point.
Or maybe late August, the graph is spiky.
So the answer is yes. But I have to wonder what their prospectus would have looked like had they managed to prevent the outbreaks in the first place.
There stock was about $750 in 2015, fell to $300 in Nov 2017, and is back to over $830 today.
That is a great 2 year return and a mediocre 4 year return.
Playa hardest hit.
My lefty buddy told me he was happy that the government would get to regulate Marijuana, now that it’s legal. He’s a pothead. I told him that he’s been buying illegal unregulated pot for decades and the only time it’s been tainted was in the seventies when the government sprayed it with Paraquat. It’s got batter and cheaper all the way up until the government started taxing it at 40 percent. Chuey did a great job in the black market until uncle Sam fucked with it.
That’s a testament to their marketing teams. And/or they make a product that people want so badly they’ll ignore the bad press. You’ll never catch me in a Chipotle, but that’s because I think their burritos suck. Baja Fresh is my go-to.
Maine passed a “Right to local food” bill a few years back which pretty much pushed the FDA and USDA out of ‘farm-to-table’ arrangements. Much like the “Islam is right about Women” post above, I’m sure it befuddled some progs.
Most doc’s are complete ignoramuses when it comes to money. Especially other people’s money.
Seems legit. If I’m going to have my sex organs surgically removed from my body, my top to criteria are 1) find a clinician morally opposed to the procedure and 2) find a clinician with exactly 0 experience doing this kind of operation on a person like me.
I guess I shouldn’t be too harsh. Its not like this poor, uneducated, no-option having person has any alternatives in noted technologic-and-economic-backwater of California.
If you start out wanting to be mutilated, maybe the increased likelihood of complications is a plus?
Has anyone else been seeing “we’re going to get hit by a civilization-killing asteroid!!!1” news stories several times a week for a while now?
I think I figured out why. Yesterday I saw an ad for Northrup Grumman which promotes themselves as protecting us from asteroids. Yup, keep the government money flowing or you’ll all die.
I thought they were just teases to get my hopes up.
I watched ‘the core’ last night. It was every bit as horrifically awesome as I remember it. It had all of the tokens and bad CGI a person can chuckle at!
On a humorous note, we’re on good asteroid strike away from an ice age. At least it would make Hollywood/Media/Famous people sing a new song and dance.
And somehow it would still be Trump’s fault.
Oops….bad threading
Not really. That fits anywhere.
Was “The Core” that movie where their drill train of six segments ejected six segments and had one left over?
YES! My teenage daughter thought it was gloriously stupid! We had a good time watching it to say the least.
Too bad a good version of the story was published over 40 years ago (and would make a decent movie/TV series).
I’d watch that hungover on a lazy winter’s day! Kinda like Sharknado but with more wish-fulfillment.
The apocalypse has to take place under the Trump Administration somehow, and none of the other stuff seems to be working.
As long as you are hassling the deep state intelligence agencies, why not also hassle them about their feet dragging on the whole Russian collusion hoax?
Yeah. Tick-tick-tick…
Sounds like they are trying to prevent the Biden family Ukrainian swindle from being investigated.
If they thought Biden was going to get the nom, they’d have a sham of an investigation now to clear Gropey joe of all wrongdoing. Dragging it out means they think they can dispose of it after the primary where it will be irrelevant.
The gift that keeps on giving.
“Well I know Germany had said at one point ‘we’re just going no nuclear,’ but then when they said no nuclear there was a problem because they had a hard time keeping up with the other standards they agreed to,” Williamson said. “What is wrong with it? If something goes wrong with nuclear energy, I don’t think people have really stopped to take in the horror.”
“See we need an integrated politics, we need to go beyond hard data, we need to go beyond just thinking about the facts,” Williamson continued. “I want you to think about this with your heart.”
Feels > Reals.
My heart says massive amounts of cheap, safe, clean electricity are good for society.
What part of “Clean, Safe, Too Cheap To Meter!” is so difficult for these people?
Also, I miss Smilin’ Joe Fission.
Ditto, anyone have his email and can contact him?
Submitted without comment
Ilhan Omar’s Husband No Longer Works for Minneapolis Councilwoman. Sources Say Omar Asked for Him to Be Fired.
I know she’s dumb, but do you really want your soon to be ex-spouse to have zero income as you are heading to divorce court?
Which husband?
The one who isn’t her brother, I think.
The non blood related one.
She’s the dirtiest Frank Zappa album come to life. Maybe Crumb-like, even.
He’s a man and he’s headed into divorce court. She’s got little to fear.
She doesn’t want the kids. They would only cramp her new high flying beautiful people lifestyle in the DC Beltway. All she wants is to keep him quiet about the fact that she is not the devout Muslim woman she pretends to be.
The local Somalis aren’t going to be too happy to hear that the reason she wears the head scarf isn’t because the Koran told her to do so, but to keep her boyfriend’s cum from getting into her hair.
Legit lunchroom schoolboy snicker.
It’s not about the benjamins, Drake… it’s about the control.
He’s the primary caregiver of their children, and it would be very hard for him to get a job that allows him to be home for the kids. She wants to keep him financially dependent on her so that she can extort him into keeping his mouth shut.
But, yes, she is stupid…. She has spent her entire life here being lauded and praised and having her path greased by racist progressives desperate to redeem themselves from their sins. And her easy life has made her sloppy and foolish.
At this point she has I think four perjuries under her belt. And I would be shocked if she hasn’t been engaging in influence peddling… and her husband knows about it.
And I predict that her lover’s divorce is going supply the threads which when tugged are going to cause her whole world to unravel.
She is a prominent Democrat politician, she will face no real consequences.
Is that a real poncho? I mean is that a Mexican poncho or a Sears poncho? Hmmm, No fooling…
Supposed to be in reply to the Rebel.
I donno, look for the house where they live. It’s the Poncho Villa.
“And she could throw a mean Tarot..”
Reading the article my best bet is plastic BBs or airsoft pellets. Essentially the PRC is trying to make a point.
They’re pie weights. Simple pie weights, that’s the story I’m stickin’ to.
So you use them to do Romanian deadlifts?
Is that when one throws a freshly exsanguinated peasant to the hounds?
Well, if the point is they want to discourage Fed Ex from flying into China, they’re off to a great start.
I am picturing his kid playing with his airsoft gun as Daddy packs for his trip. I am also picturing said kid learning that his playing got Daddy thrown in Chicom jail.
Anyway, this song will at least make me smile for a few minutes. Hope it does the same for you.
Holy crap. This was in my head yesterday because on TV I heard a character say “Things fall apart.” I absent-mindedly responded “It’s scientific.” to the TV.
Disclaimer: This might be whataboutism, and i’m trying to refrain.
The Whole Biden/Ukraine thing is weird to me that the media is taking off on it. Maybe i’m baiased, but the story itself raises a lot of questions. Like why did Biden ask for the prosectuion to be called off? What was going on with his Son? Doesn’t this make it harder for Biden? Or is the hope that the media coverage will stop the investigation, and help Biden? Or do they not care about Biden and are using it as a point to attack Trump.
Only the last one is really consistent with what the Media should be doing.
And now for the possible whataboutism/rant against hypocrisy. Why is it Ok for Biden (who has publicly stated this) to use the weight of the US government to stop an investigation that has little US interest, but then the worst thing in the world for Trump to do the opposite? The mismatched reactions to me says this is all political and that you can choose to believe what you want, but that there is little real crime here (SLD and all).
My take is that the media will only really start digging into this if the DNC has given them their marching orders to tank his campaign. Once the fully realize that he’s a nutty, senile liability they’ll use it to make sure he’s not the nominee and push Warren.
They did the reverse with Trump; they made sure he was the only R nominee to get any meaningful coverage because they thought he was the best one for Herself to run against.
Their goal is to discredit any prosecution or exposure of the corruption of the Biden family as being politically manufactured.
It’s an old trick.
“Whatboutism” is a shitty word people made up to defend themselves when someone points out their hypocrisy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning someone’s motivations when they are being hypocritical. You can point out that someone is a biased hypocrite and also accept that the thing they’re claiming to be upset about is a genuine issue.
I agree in part. I think whataboutism is a vaild to call out if it’s being used to excuse a person for defending something. For example If you say “Hey Trump can use an EO to enact this thing” and someone says “hey presidents shouldn’t have that power”, If the response is “What about Obama’s overreach” then you are admitting that the other team is wrong and only defending yourself by hoping to put them in a rhetorical position they don’t want to get themselves out of. If the point is to say “Hey Trump shouldn’t do that, but that’s where we are because [Predecessor]” that isn’t whataboutism. Also if you are making the point to “Say You are a hypocrite and i don’t care what you think because you are only a fair-weather friend of freedom” that is a position I’m amiable towards.
I think “whataboutism” might be a legitimate claim if the counterpoint has nothing to do with the original point. The example I’d give is that if someone were to criticize the administration for family separation, if someone else were to respond with arguments about Obama’s drone strikes, it’s probably a fair to claim “whataboutism”. That’s the sense that the term was originally coined, when the Soviets responded to Western criticism of their human rights record with discussions about poverty or race relations in America.
Otherwise, “whataboutism” is a claim almost always focused on context dropping and removing any consistency of principle from arguments.
My impression is that they think it’s a two-fer. They think they can score points against Trump as lawless and abusing his office while brushing the Bidens’ behavior under the rug.
Believe it was you who asked about Dave vs Nick Soho debate. Watched it today on YT. Don’t know what to say besides Nick is an unprincipled, cringy dirtbag.
As I commented elsewhere, the impression I walked away from that discussion is that Sarwark is a moral coward. He basically said he’d tolerate warmongering, but not racism (although scare quotes seem entirely appropriate for his estimation of racism) because the former is…popular. This suggests that if racism were more popular, he’d welcome the Klan with open arms.
Heck, he even said libertarians should support Hitler, if he were the nominee.
You’re talking about Nick’s appearance on PofTP after the debate, right? Both the Soho forum debate and that appearance were horrible in slightly different ways.
Ah! My apologies.
I did. I still haven’t listened to the PoTP podcast with nick, because i know Dave was particularly Hostile in it and i’m not super interested in it. I do understand why, but it’s not super interesting to me. I might give the SoHo debate a listen though.
All in
Beto O’Rourke lit into Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on gun control on Thursday, accusing him of doing “absolutely nothing” on the issue.
“Ask Chuck Schumer what he’s been able to get done,” the Democratic presidential candidate told reporters after a town hall here, responding to Schumer’s recent dismissal of O’Rourke’s call for a mandatory buyback of assault weapons. “We still don’t have background checks. Didn’t have them when he was in the majority, either. So the game that he’s played, the politics that he’s pursued have given us absolutely nothing and have produced a situation where we lose nearly 40,000 of our fellow Americans every year.”
But O’Rourke, speaking at a town hall near the theater where a gunman killed 12 people in 2012, suggested he is open to expanding his proposal even more to include additional classes of guns.
After a Second Amendment advocate carrying a Glock pistol on her hip challenged him on the mandatory buyback, Evan Todd, a survivor of the Columbine High School massacre, asked O’Rourke why he didn’t expand his buyback proposal to include all semiautomatic weapons.
“Don’t you think it’s time we get rid of all semi-auto firearms?” Todd asked.
O’Rourke said he was open to listening, inviting Todd to talk with him “about the kinds of weapons that are going to be important to be regulated.”
Ban them all.
Also- “a Second Amendment advocate carrying a Glock pistol on her hip”? Isn’t Beto a gun free zone? I’m surprised he didn’t have her arrested.
… Because that number was apparently zero before??
40,000, of which only about 1/3 are actual murders. And of those murders only about 100 are from mass shootings. And of those mass shootings over 2/3 were committed with handguns, not scary black rifles.
And that’s not even getting into the whole gang violence angle.
It’s just bullshit all the way down
accusing him of doing “absolutely nothing”
Wait…. That’s a bad thing?
Instead of pushing national reciprocity and fully legalizing suppressors – yes.
So… pistols at dawn?
He might have been contemplating the commission of an act
A university student in the U.K. has been jailed after successfully creating handguns using a 3D printer, in the country’s first prosecution of its kind.
Tendai Muswere, 26, was jailed for three years on Thursday following a court case in central London. The media student, described by his lawyer as a “loner,” claimed that he built the weapons to serve as props in a sci-fi film he was making, the BBC reported.
Police discovered the firearms during a drugs raid at Muswere’s home in October 2017. Officers also found cannabis during the search.
The student did not have a firearms licence, but told police that the guns were for use in a university film project. He was also found in possession of ammunition, which Muswere claimed he found in a park.
Police searched Muswere’s home on two separate occasions, the court heard. During the second raid, the student threw an incomplete and melted 3D printed cylinder for a Reprringer pepper-box firearm out of his kitchen window as officers arrived at his home.
Officers discovered two 3D printers in Muswere’s home. The machines were in the process of printing a revolver barrel and several other components for use in 3D printed Washbear and Reprringer firearms.
Analysts said the weapons were not functional, but that Muswere only needed steel tubing to allow him to fire the weapons. Claire Holder, of the Crown Prosecution Service, said that while the recovered weapons could not fire, “he was using 3D designs found on the internet which were specifically for the making of live firearms.”
They weren’t functional, but they looked scary. And he didn’t even have the Queen’s permission.
+1 he had a weird foreign-sounding name!
First they came for the real guns and I said nothing, then they came for the toy guns……
Molon Labe!
*fires off salvo of nerfdarts*
*Cops, knowing full well they are nerf darts, never-the-less fear for their lives and shoot UCS 63 times*
Good thing they were aiming at me, else I might have gotten hit.
Last match, there was a PMC and a Federal Marshal in my group. The Marshall was pretty garbage (worse than me even!) but the contractor won the entire event, and he had never competed before (at least, that’s what he said).
but that Muswere only needed steel tubing to allow him to fire the weapons
This is pure totalitarian genius! Under this standard literally everyone who’s house contains a rubber band and a nail can be jailed! +1 ‘incomplete Zip gun”
Hopalong Cassady has passed away. Shit. He’s the only Heisman-winner from Ohio State whose autographed photo I don’t have.
How do you authenticate “autographed” photos of OSU alums? I mean how hard is it to fake an “X”?
First off the ink cannot be blue.
PSA/DNA does a very good job at this.
Good morning Sloopy and the rest of you mugs!
You can’t make it up. This SF/LA is amusing. By the way, when did LAX start letting homeless people sleep in the departure concourse?
I was never a TH fan, but Jerry Harrison was in this band. So that’s pretty cool. David Robinson from ML went on to this band. Which is really cool.
Make it a great day you foxy, foxy people!
You Flirt, you… *Bugs in drag giggle*
You Flirt, you! *Bugs in drag giggle*
*Anime wide eyed gaze
Thumbs up for Modern Lovers.
285 comments in, and no one has said anything about the Area 51 “raid” happening today.
Was that today?
Oh yeah, a couple people have already been arrested. I was going to link an article, but I can’t find one that isn’t from CNN or Vox, etc.
We’re more concerned with all of those children skipping school to virtue signal and, you know, not having to go to school on a Friday…
well, the world is gonna end from climate change in like 11.5 years, so why even go to school at all?
To learn how serious this climate thing is and the only answer is to put the boot to modernity.
I’m sure students attending the March for Life will be granted the same latitude.
You racist!
These doofuses don’t even realize Area 52 is where everything is really kept. Area 51 is just a smokescreen. Jeez …
I will be demonstrating my concern for the climate later today by burning off some 100LL. Got a head start and burned about 12 gal last night.
Whatcha flying?
Mooney 201
Make it a great day you foxy, foxy people!
“Sly” foxy, or “sexy” foxy?
^best answer! Richard Dawson just trickled in his trousers a little.
Round these parts there are beer bars with many beers but no food and pubs with food but few beers. A new one opened that has both. 32 mostly local craft on tap plus a bunch of bottles. Seems ballanced something for everyone even you beer snobs. Dunno if pic is visible, they got no website yet
Then again the pork is kinda dry. Maybe nailing a perfed med rare beefnis too much to ask, but it is not that hard to make pork not dry
Looks great! I’d be diving into those Belgians on the left side.
Aw! I was hoping for a Sharpshooteresque image of Belgian girls…
For you.
Great googily-moogilly! Now I want waffles.
It’s obviously not in San Francisco, I’m pretty sure you need to have your website reviewed before you can be issued a business license.
What an interesting language mix. And those prices are not terribly different, if I remember my conversion correctly.
It is weird. I dont know why they did not just go full english
4 to 5 dollar for 330 to 400 ml
4 to 7 i was thinking of the tap list
Have you had anything on that list?
Oh yes.
A lot of those Belgians are available her, so I’ve had the Maredsous, Westmalle and Duvel. I’ve also had the Primator. I liked them all. The Westmalle is currently my favorite Trappist.
But due to Import restrictions, they had to add half a cup of sugar per pint when they came into the US, so they won’t taste the same as what Pie’s looking at.
I’ve been to Maredsous! Their cheese is awesome.
(I also have a clay mug with my name on it from there. Still sitting on my knickknack shelf.)
Beer flight
Althou 35 lei for 4x150ml is pricy
What’s that round, black thing to the left of your wallet?
2 is described as west coast ipa and it is good. 31 is a new england ipa (called trandava which means idleness)and it is ok. 32 is hazy pale ale (called bl8nd detective) and it is weird. 16 is a red ipa called from dusk till dawn
The Saison Dupont is a good one.
Just watched Bohemian Rhapsody. I thought it lacked any depth and was way too black and white. Then I look over at my wife at the end and she’s bawling her eyes out. Maybe I have no heart.
Your wife had the proper reaction. That movie was fantastic.
It’s a matter of taste. Toy Story 3 got me, but the wife was “booooring”.
I cried in “Babe”. So there’s that.
All that bacon going to waste because the damn pig identified as a dog. I know, it was tragic.
Wifey loved it and I also discovered that she had no clue that Freddie was a fag. Mind you, as I’ve mentioned before, she thought The Ramones “Blitzkrieg Bop” was actually “Let’s Drink Pop”.
she thought The Ramones “Blitzkrieg Bop” was actually “Let’s Drink Pop”
So you’re saying the divorce is pending.
Nah. At least she listened to it.
She was as straight-edged as the day is long until the day she met me.
Hey, that’s in the lyrics to Sour Girl.
These straight-edge cover bands are off the chain!
Fag means cigarette in England
Cigarette means “faggot” in Romanian.
They smoke bundled sticks?
+1 kiss this guy
+1 Van Halen “Panama”. For a week or so I thought it was “Turn and Run”…
I recently learned that “Panama” actually was about a car and not a chick.
And the car revving sounds in the song are courtesy of Eddie’s 1972 Lamborghini Miura S
lacked any depth and was way too black and white
I felt the same about White Chicks.
Oscar-bait that played fast and loose with real-life events. Hard pass.
It wasn’t bad. I just don’t see how anyone could play Freddy and capture what he was like. The actor had all the right moves, but it didn’t feel right.
I get it. Someday someone will make a movie about Prince and it will be exactly the same challenge.
I watched bits and pieces but he didn’t capture the essence. Must be tough to play “gay-face”.
That being said, the actor was outstanding in “The Pacific”.
That is one of the best series/movies, whatever you want to call it, about war. Ever.
Based off of Bob Leckie’s “Helmet for my Pillow” and (of course) the inimitable Eugene B. Sledge’s “With the Old Breed.”
And yes, Rami Malek was awesome as Sledge’s erstwhile friend and fellow traveler “Snafu.”
(Like when he’s throwing rocks into the blasted open skull of the Japanese soldier).
ugh – a nice hour long nap helps the ol’ spirits. Anyways my linkage will go on!
AOC fighting to block massive ‘Walmart of Liquor’ from her Queens district
If my DerpBook feed is any indication, locals are hopping-ass made about this. NYC has some truly stupid rules about liquor stores and the prices here certainly reflect that.
I’ll believe that “hopping mad” part when they stop voting 95% Dem every fucking time.
Sigh… I know, I go to the box and feel shame.
Franzia, then?
Yeah, no shit.
This is all about fucking over the consumers to please a well-connected cartel that’s organized against them.
God I hate that bitch.
PS. even worse, all those rules are at the state level.
Ugh, that is even worse. No chain stores allowed? Oh, ok, how about spun-off LLCs owned by family members. Incentives matter.
IIRC, that is why there is a Total Wine on LI somewhere – because they spun it off and renamed it.
Same with the Stew Leonard’s; Yonkers, Farmingdale, and the other LI location are all independent entities owned by different members of the Leonard family.
She doesn’t believe in economy of scale? Specialization? Consumer demands? It’s insane that people think she’s fighting for the little guy.
She’s a mildly attractive moron that says the wrong thing nearly every time she opens her big, fat maw. What’s more New Yawk than that? j/k New York Glibs.
Always evergreen
Total Wine is the greatest place on Earth. This woman is a tyrant.
Indeed. I’m tired of schlepping out to LawnGuy Land to go the Stew Leonard’s.
Total Wine is the greatest place on Earth.
What the fuck is this guy going on about?
We got a Total Wine a few years ago. I’m stunned at how good it is. The only bitch I have about the store is that the cashiers seem to be hired based on how slow they can go. But price, selection and the employees who work in non-register positions are all great.
And they had to fight all the same self-interested bullshit when they tried to open here. I stopped going to a local store (Haskell’s) because they tried their very best to spike Total Wines entering the market by twisting the arms of local city councils. Fuck those guys now.
I remember when the local mom and pops were protesting the repeal of a law that prohibited being open seven days a week. (They lost.)
They are not on your side.
Yeah, we finally got Sunday sales passed here a few years ago. The biggest opponents of the laws were the liquor store owners. They openly said that being “forced” to be open 7 days a week would drive up their expenses. They wanted to force their customers to buy when it was convenient for the store owners instead.
Fucking ass wipes.
Look you have two choices as a business owner. 1. You can compete with every johnny come lately that wants to offer better prices, quality, or service, which drives down profits and forces you to be polite to those asshole customers. or 2. You can support common sense regulations that outlaw low prices, define quality at a reasonable level and forbid you from doing whatever annoying crap the customers want.
The choice is clear.
Dude, we had no liquor sales on Sunday until 1986. You either had to go to a restaurant or travel fifteen miles out to the radar base and get someone to sign you in as a guest. We had a lot of fun out there. You still can’t buy booze after 11 PM and our impaired laws are draconian. So you get your Sunday beer but there is a trade-off.
Franklin/Nicollet for the win!
She wants to ensure there are still bartending jobs that pay in case this current gig doesn’t pan out long term.
Gotta love how her ideology lines up so neatly with Al Capone.
Imma gonna picture her in the SF universe from now on, whether I like it or not.
I got money says she doesn’t know there’s a difference between his world and hers – other than the level of the clientele she has access to.
Economics in Brief: Zero-Carbon Cities Could Be Worth $24 Trillion, Report Says
::waves magic wand:: ta-da!
This is worse that those perpetuum mobile energy out of nothing schemes. The multiplier on these things must be a million
such as?
Unicorn farts.
Lowballing it. I say 6 Quadrillion!
If renewable energies were cheaper, they would already be happening.
if a city saves on its power bills by switching to a cheaper form of renewable energy
I am not aware of any “renewables” that are cheaper than fossil fuel and nuclear.
This statement alone confirms that the entire “study” is bullshit.
We’re rednecks. We’re rednecks, and we’re keeping the niggers down
When Americans talk about guns, what’s arguably most interesting isn’t what we say about the devices themselves. It’s what we betray about whose voices — and lives — matter when it comes to our country’s virulent gun culture.
Indeed, the heartbreaking permanence of the school shooting reality is undeniable when watching Sandy Hook Promise’s wrenching new back-to-school PSA, which forces viewers to come to grips with present-day America for school children.
These days, despite a bit of a resurgence in black gun ownership, the face of the gun-rights advocate has changed — rural white conservatives are now among the most vocal proponents.
Take, for instance, Missouri, where, in the past two decades, “an increasingly conservative and pro-gun legislature and citizenry had relaxed limitations governing practically every aspect of buying, owning, and carrying firearms in the state,” writes Jonathan M. Metzl, a professor of sociology and psychiatry at Vanderbilt University, in his new book, “Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America’s Heartland.”
Compare this to the rhetoric of the ’90s, when, in signing what became the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (which contained the aforementioned Federal Assault Weapons Ban), former President Bill Clinton said, “Gangs and drugs have taken over our streets and undermined our schools.”
It’s the difference between vanquishing the specter of black criminality — seen in gangs and the weapons associated with them — and protecting the property of white conservatives.
Or put another way, the hypocrisy around gun ownership in America is a broadcast of something indisputably fundamental: the country’s struggle to bolster a racial hierarchy.
I’m not sure what this guy’s point is, other than “whitey bad”. I guess he’s trying to claim nobody cares about black people who have been shot and killed. He should probably talk to his bosses at CNN about that.
“rural white conservatives are now among the most vocal proponents.”
Akshually we always have been some of it’s most vocal proponents and also have you heard of Colion Noir or Majtoure?
Stay in your bubble and the fuck off my lawn, slaver.
A) Bet he’s never been here, or if he has, never stepped outside our nicest hotels and neighborhoods and society parties, and
B) Wouldn’t talk to a redneck if it introduced itself (not assuming gender), and
C) Doesn’t give a shit about Flyover or its inhabitants, if he ever thought about it at all.
Wha? Do you mean to say Jonathan Metzl, PhD, of Vanderbilt University, is unfamiliar with middle America? Preposterous!
Interestingly, his BA & MD were earned at Missouri. Which doesn’t surprise me. A lot of folks from the heartland who are on the left, end up moving away and going further left. I know a few people like this, and the ones who end up in academia usually go to fairly leftist schools (even more left than the standard university) then writing books about everything that is wrong about the places from where they came.
Oh, yes, there’s that.
I think we all do that when we go to college. Go there, be homesick, talk about it all the time. People say, “If you hate it so much here, go back home.” Go home, be culture shocked, talk about the away place all the time. People say, “If you think it’s so awful here, go back.”
I had a friend move to Hawaii right about the time I got married. It was a very stressful time for me and she moved a week before my wedding. I was a bridesmaid in hers. I was all “Yay you!” because, though I was mad at her for scheduling that a week before my wedding, I wasn’t going to rain on her parade and I knew it wasn’t rational for me to be angry since her husband was starting a job.
Anyhoo, she wrote mass emails every week detailing how awesome it was in Hawaii and how awful Kansas City was and how glad she was to be away from it. Like, I had never heard any of her complaints before, so WTF? There’s not a lot you can say to that, I was newly married, I was also pregnant, I was also working 40 hours a week, and I was also taking online classes to work at home once the baby came. I had no room for her nonsense.
So she wrote me an email detailing how hurt she was that I had not written back, and then had the nerve to complain that her letters from other people were also dwindling.
I basically wrote back that it wasn’t pleasant to hear how awful it was here, which meant she hated the weather more than she wanted to be with people she called “friends” (eh, not true, but try to manipulate me, will you?) I detailed how I was stressed, and she didn’t ask me how my wedding went and didn’t ask me how work was going. Never mind that I was pregnant and taking night classes. It wasn’t my fault she was bored and my plate was full. AND her emails sounded like she was rubbing the perfect Hawaii weather in our faces. If all her other friends were stopping writing too, maybe she should get a clue that other people had lives to live and didn’t want to write to somebody who constantly trashed their home.
That was the beginning of the end of that friendship, although it took years for it to die in a flaming argument over…politics.
But Vandy isn’t exactly non-heartland. You can find middle America within Davidson County.
Agree. My point was more that he’s intellectually abandoned his roots. I’ve closed his bio page but his MA was from Stanford, PhD Michigan. And, he’s an MD (actually a psychiatrist I think) with a joint appointment at Vanderbilt Medical School.
Anecdotally, I think working at a university in the heartland can sharpen the division. The people I knew at Kansas really despised most rural Kansans.
Can confirm. Mme. Naptown is from Huxley, TX. She moved to Maryland when she was 12 after her parents divorced to live with her mom. Loves her dad to death and loves to go visit, but she absolutely loathes east Texas and everyone that lives there. Horrible racist gun-loving misogynist rednecks, every one of them. Not her dad, of course, or her dad’s friends, or everyone she actually talks to when she’s there, but everybody else. Usually about two weeks after we’re back in Maryland.
My ex-wife always talked about her red-neck racist relatives in east Texas. She was fairly level-headed, and I believe her. But that was just one family, it doesn’t say anything about the region as a whole.
Such people are usually overcompensating. They want to make it very clear to their gentry friends that they’re not one of THOSE types from Dogpatch – they grew up there but they hate it so very very very much!
No, Mojeaux, “itself” was a perfectly cromulent term that someone like him would use to describe an ordinary, middle American schmoe.
Somehow “Stop shitting on the second amendment” is racist.
“Gangs and drugs have taken over our streets and undermined our schools.” Is only racist if a non-lefty says it? Regardless of the clear evidence that the statement and a majority of the laws that were implemented in it’s spirit were clearly racist.
Some law professor (IIRC) wrote an absolutely amazing scholarly piece on how every. single. piece of gun control legislation was designed to keep guns out of black folks hands. Hell, no one ever talks about the reasoning in Dred Scott v. Sanford. I mean, how could a Supreme Court justice (all of them, actually, 8-0) say black people are property?
Well here’s how, kids. Here is the actual reasoning, memory-holed by your Progressive friends because the definitely don’t want you to hear this.
There it is, folks. Darkies can’t be citizens because, among other things, it would give them a right to carry guns. This gets memory-holed for a LOT of reasons, but no doubt because it shows that as of the approach of the Civil War the Supreme Court thought it beyond question that “citizens” had a right to take guns with them wherever they went!
Nice connection there.
Upon looking for the source of this passage, I found that the Dred Scott decision was 7-2, not 8-0.
Thanks, Whiz, my bad. I was going from memory, and I knew it wasn’t some close 5-4 split with concurrences, but clearly one way. For some reason I had it in my head that it was one of those weird ones where someone didn’t take part. In any event, it was quite the eye-opener when I finally read it. You talk about it in law school, but it’s funny that they never talk about it in detail beyond, “Very bad double-plus ungood wrongthink decision.” It was only later that I dug in and started to connect the dots that I realized why they don’t want that one covered in too much detail. The surface explanation is because of how bad it is for the Court’s reputation, but really it’s because it contains some very, very uncomfortable things in there about how we’re a Republic, how Congress has NO POWERS except those which are enumerated, and on and on. It really contains a lot of fundamentally sound legal principles, but goes completely off the rails to arrive at the decision that blacks can’t possibly be citizens. By the way, there is also a lengthy discussion about immigration and naturalization, as well, that would be quite informative of the current debate, as well.
Funny that is in the politics section and not opinion.
I challenge the author of this dumpster fire to look at the racial history of gun control legislation beyond the last twenty years.
+1 Saturday night special!
Hell, you can just apply their “disparate impact” logic and declare today’s gun laws to be incredibly racist. Checking ID, background checks, and special taxes that are only designed to drive the price up beyond the reach of poor people. When these things are required for anything else, the “progressives” scream that it’s racist, but they love it when it comes to guns.
It’s almost like the five or six decades of anti-gun propaganda in Dem-controlled areas had an effect or something.
, despite a bit of a resurgence in black gun ownership,
Let’s just throw it out there, ignore all of history and move on with my “Whitey Bad” story.
All whiteys between NYC, DC, SF, and LA are rednecks.
White people care about this means it is De Facto racist.
You can thank ‘sex brain’ for those out-of-character decisions you make when turned on
Shut your filthy cunte whore mouth.
Could this not have been easily confirmed by simply visiting a local video store’s
Preview Boothsglory holes with a bottle of poppers.Veteran of the “cods and cuntes game” in the mud behind the Legion Hall nods ruefully.
Oh yeah, she was “John-worthy” too… Not one of my shiniest moments.
Sometimes the little head is stronger than the big head.
Global warming causes redder necks.
One study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior had participants watch pornographic videos and others a Disney movie clip. “Both men and women in the porn video group, who were sexually aroused, were statistically more likely to say they would engage in risky sex behavior—like having unprotected sex with a new partner—and were more likely to make other poor decisions…than the unaroused control group,” says Dr. McDevitt.
Seriously, though, who didn’t feel a little tingle, watching those hippo ballerinas in Fantasia?
hippo ballerinas
Luckily John wasn’t in the control group watching that. He would have totally skewed the study.
*Smashing the button repeatedly like Donald ordering a Diet Coke*
Princess Jasmine’s come hither eyes are irresistible.
During the late 10th century BC, the emerging Edomite Kingdom of the southern Levant experienced a “leap” in technological advancement, according to a study released by Erez Ben-Yosef of Tel Aviv University, Israel and colleagues.
“This so-called ‘Iron Revolution’ is nothing but a fad. Watch, we’ll be back to good old bronze soon enough.”
“I still say we should be returning to the flint standard.”
Sharp sticks now! Sharp sticks forevah!
She doesn’t believe in economy of scale? Specialization? Consumer demands? It’s insane that people think she’s fighting for the little guy.
She’s battling against efficiency, on behalf of Mom and Pop.
Consumers? It’s their job to keep those bodegas afloat.
Fun fact: bodega is a romanian word for a dive bar. How it got in America i dont know
You goddamn Gypsies will steal anything not nailed down, wouldn’t you?
It comes from the Greek word for “storehouse”.
Video won’t play on my computer but it looks like fun!
has a very Spies Like Us appeal
Thank you to those who suggested cutting up my broken TV and just sending it out with the trash. I truly wanted to drag it down to the 100th Precinct and toss it in their dumpster but, cameras everywhere. However, this has given me a perfectly cromunlent excuse to buy a reciprocating saw. I haven’t purchased a power tool in 20 years; what brands/models should I be looking for?
I bought a “cheap” Ryobi set a while back and it’s always worked well for me.
Milwaukee is a safe bet. Go nuts and get a whole 18V combo kit!
Otherwise, get a corded Sawzall and have some fun!
I only use corded tools. Yes, the extension cord is a drag.
However, I have cut 50-year-old yew stumps out of the ground with it, so yew know.
^look who’s a power queen
Milwaukee Sawzall is the standard
Mine’s a Milwaukee, the original “Sawzall.”
Thank you all very much. The corded Milwaukee will likely be the one but is the cordless 20v DeWalt any good? I ask only because I already have several of those batteries for my drill.
It will be fine. If you already have the batteries, go for it!
DeWalt would be good, assuming the batteries are compatible. At Lowe’s you can buy the tool only and save a little.
I wouldn’t want the hassle of two different batteries. And there’s nothing wrong with DeWalt. Go for it. And as CPA said, find it somewhere “bare tool” and save some $$
Well, depends on if you are going corded vs. cordless and how many other tools you might be buying. Cordless means really buying into an entire ecosystem.
Milwaukee is nice, but not sure if you really need something like it as a homeowner and not as a contractor.
I would say if cordless, Ryobi 18V (Home Depot house brand) or Kobalt 24V (Lowes).
Corded could be anything really, but I find Skil to hit the nice value spot.
I know a lot of people swear by Milwaukee, but……when I worked in equipment rental, we were frequently replacing broken-down Milwaukee saws and hammer drills. Almost never had a Bosch break down. Just my personal experience.
not paywalled from the WSJ: Peggy Noonan on progressive’s sick sad addiction to political theatre – this chapter is all about Kavanaugh
inside the mind of madness would be an accurate subheader.
really? not for me. how odd. okay, here are some excerpts..
Here are the reasons, in no certain order, that the accusations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh will never stop and his foes on the progressive left never let up.
Because progressives have to prove they were right to advance the sexual-assault accusations of Christine Blasey Ford. They lost that battle; Justice Kavanaugh sits on the court. They won’t stop the assault until they can prove they were right to launch it.
Because people become fixated on their targets. Because #MeToo continues as a potent cultural force. Because as the court assumes an ever more powerful role in American life, confirmation hearings and their aftermath will become more brutal and never-ending.
Because the authority and legitimacy of future rulings that are not pleasing to progressives (most prominently, perhaps, on Roe v. Wade) can be undermined through footnotes that say “the 5-4 decision was joined by a justice credibly accused of sexual assault.”
Because the steady drum of allegations diminishes not only Justice Kavanaugh’s stature but that of the court itself, which will be helpful when Democrats attempt to pack it.
Yeah, I think it’s pretty clearly all about Roe v Wade.
Speaking of #metoo, TOS had a depressing article by Emily Yoffe about a minor figure caught up in the movement: https://reason.com/2019/08/23/im-radioactive/
1. he “whined” (her word) and she said fucked him to shut up his whining
2. drunken hookup
he’s fluent in mandarin? he should get his depressed ass out of his parent’s house and back to China then. change his name too since he’s crippled by the anxiety of knowing people will google his name after they meet him.
Emily got red-pilled back during the UVA scandal. She left Slate not long afterwards.
1. Never apologize. A apology is an admission of wrongdoing.
2. Always fight back. Aggressively promote your side of the story. Sue for slander, libel, tortuous interference of employment, anything your shark lawyers can think of.
People are complicated. Jill Abramson, who covered the 1991 Clarence Thomas hearings as a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, told a story years later. Anita Hill had just testified. During a break, Ms. Abramson went for lunch in the Supreme Court cafeteria. As she stood waiting to pay for her food she chatted with another reporter about how Ms. Hill’s testimony had been lethal for Judge Thomas. The cashier, a middle-aged black woman, overheard, gave Ms. Abramson a baleful look, and said: “They’ll do anything to bring down a black man.” It was clear she supported him. In Ms. Abramson’s view it was an early sign of broader public opinion.
Yowtch! Prescient.
I think this is a brilliant idea.
In reference to the baritone-sax-playing-and-dancing busker in Union Square subway station.
That’s great idea! I watched that video and wanted to toss a few quarters in the hat.
“Many of those needles came from the city itself. The health department hands out an estimated 400,000 clean syringes a month under programs designed to reduce the risk of HIV and other infections for drug users who might otherwise share contaminated needles.”
Within literally two minutes after I put out my recycling bin on Sunday afternoon I have an elderly Chinese woman going through it to remove cans. Over the next few hours at least three more latecomers will be by to do a deep dig through it and make sure not a single can or bottle is left. Even though California redemption charges me 5 cents on each of those, their payout is a fraction of that. The fuckers who claim to manage this city can’t even put a fucking deposit on all the rigs they hand out. I like how the number is now close to 5 million hypo rigs per year. Just last year I was hearing north of a million. It’s really become a bad joke here since the progressives took total control of the city government. There previously at least used to be a somewhat “moderate” contingent of Dems that would somewhat temper the progressive idiocy. That is pretty much gone now with predictable results. The Tenderloin has always been bad, but it is currently worse than I’ve ever seen it. I spent two hours there just yesterday. It has spread out though all over the city to the outer neighborhoods including mine.
At one of the sites that I work at they put up an eight foot high rolling fence topped with razor wire just to keep the vagrants out. No matter that the cube vans can’t maneuver the opening and everything has to be off-loaded and reloaded into vans and pick-ups just to make deliveries, we have to make the school marms fell safe and keep the bums out of the garbage bins. It’s all government money so who gives a flying fuck?